Longswamp United Church of Christ: BOLD Are Spoken or Sung by The Whole Congregation.)
Longswamp United Church of Christ: BOLD Are Spoken or Sung by The Whole Congregation.)
Longswamp United Church of Christ: BOLD Are Spoken or Sung by The Whole Congregation.)
200 Clay Road, Mertztown, PA 19539 Pastor: Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador said “This is not the time, dear
Phone 610-682-6230 brothers and sisters, to say: It is God’s will that people are hungry. Many things
E-Mail: longswampucc@windstream.net Web: www.longswampucc.org happen that are not God’s will.” Let us make our confession to God.
Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley, Pastor Ann Mabry Miller, Organist PRAYER OF CONFESSION
Heavenly Father we confess that sometimes we pray for something and expect
you to do all the rest. We pray for an end to domestic hunger, and we wait for
October 17th, 2010 Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
you. O God, to fix the problem.
10:15AM WORSHIP We confess that this is laziness. This is conformity - accepting that agricultural
(Please turn off cell phones. The symbol + indicates that those who are able should stand. Words in subsidies will always benefit big corporations. This is passivity – believing that
BOLD are spoken or sung by the whole congregation.) somehow children deserve to be poor.
MUSICAL PRELUDE Help us to contribute something of ourselves to improve world hunger. Give us
the courage to step out in faith. Help us be confident that you are far more
WELCOME & PRAYER CONCERNS worried about the problems of the hungry than you are about the problems of
(Please write your concern on a slip of paper and hand to an usher so it can be included in the Pastoral the rich. May our prayer be sincere. May our steps be holy. Amen.
Pastor: Lord, have mercy upon us People: Lord, Have mercy upon us.
ORGAN CHIMES Pastor: Christ, have mercy upon us. People: Christ, Have mercy upon us.
Pastor: Lord, have mercy upon us People: Lord, Have mercy upon us.
+OPENING HYMN ……………………………………………………………………#21
Pastor: Hear the Good News, when we hand our weaknesses over to God and
+CALL TO WORSHIP Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, U.K confess that we need God’s help, then we get a new beginning. Things can be
Pastor: We dare to imagine a world where hunger has no chance to show its face. different. New life and new possibilities can emerge.
People: We dare to dream of a world where war and terror are afraid to leave Pastor: We are God’s forgiven people so let us praise God.
their mark. People: We will continuously praise God’s holy name.
Pastor: We long to believe in a world where hope is unchained and lives unfettered.
People: We dare to share in the creation of a world where God’s people break +RESPONSE OF PRAISE ………………………………………………………...#805
free from sickness and poverty, fear and death. Glory be the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the
Unison: Your kingdom come, O God. Your will be done. Amen. beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen, Amen.
(Please be seated)
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Genesis 28:10-22 and 29:1 (Pew Bible page 43) THE LORD’S PRAYER Unison: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Jacob dreams of seeing angels ascending and descending to heaven. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into
NEW TESTAMENT READING temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
Luke 9:1-6 (Pew Bible page 1608) glory for ever, Amen.
Jesus sends the twelve disciples out to preach the Kingdom of God.
We are climbing Jacob’s ladder (X3) INVITATION FOR THE OFFERING
Soldiers of the cross
MEDITATION: “How Did We Get into This?”
+OFFERTORY RESPONSE - …………………………………………………….#26 v1
DEDICATION OF CROP WALKERS Praise my soul the King of heaven, to his feet your tribute bring; Ransomed
Pastor: We are the first generation since the dawn of time that can eradicate human healed , restored , forgiven, ever more his praises sing. Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise
poverty. We are those who are called and equipped to make a difference. the everlasting King!
Walkers: We are called to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
People: Jesus says, Blessed are those who are poor, for theirs is the kingdom of +OFFERTORY PRAYER OF DEDICATION
God. Unison: Lord, we do not take the good things we have for granted. We have
enough food. We have clean water. We have safe homes. In gratitude we bring
Pastor: We are called to achieve universal primary education and banish ignorance. our gifts. Accept them gifts we pray, Amen
Walkers: We are called to reduce child mortality and help women to have healthy
babies. +COMMISSIONING & BENEDICTION (Servant of God Dorothy Day, Catholic Social Activist)
People: Jesus says, Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Pastor: People may say, what is the sense of your small effort. But they cannot see
that we must lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time. That is how the Kingdom
Pastor: We are called to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases that rob of God works. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, depart in peace.
people of their potential and of their very life
Walkers: We are called to build a green and sustainable planet, free from pollution and +THREEFOLD AMEN …………………………………………………………#820 Danish
People: Jesus says, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called
+PARTING HYMN ……………………………………………………………See Insert
children of God. Today you, the walkers, are the peacemakers. You are making
“O God, You Send Us Out to Walk”
peace between people who have too much and people who don’t have enough.
Pastor: Jesus says, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. May the MUSICAL POSTLUDE:
walkers be blessed this day. May they see God in the faces of those who walk with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
them, and in the faces of the hungry who wait to be fed. Amen Welcome to all to join us in worship as this community of God’s People today. We
welcome any visitors worshiping with us this day. We also request that any visitors
HYMN ……………………………………………………………………….……#561 present also sign our Guest Register in the Narthex. If anyone is interested in joining
“Just a Closer Walk with Thee” our church family, please contact the pastor.
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Today, we will be participating in the Crop Walk at Fleetwood High School. If you are Altar Guild Members for the month of October are Shirley Solt & Beverly Thomas.
interested in donating and/or sponsoring a walker, please see Judy Koller. If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers and/or Bulletins, please sign up on the charts
in the Narthex.
Today’s Altar Flowers and Worship Bulletins are presented to the Glory of God and are
in memory of Russell R. Solt by Shirley Solt and Daughters. The next service of Holy Communion is November 28th, the First Sunday of Advent. If
you wish to receive Holy Communion before this date, or if you have a family member who
Attendance – October 10, 2010 - 61 is unable to come to worship to receive Holy Communion, please speak to the pastor.
Receipts: General - $1505.43 Maintenance - $324.00 OCPP - $79.00
Heating Oil - $5.00 Missions - $25.00 Total Giving by Members - $1938.43 Upper Room Daily Devotional guides are available in the Narthex, incl. large print, for
For parents with children up to and including age five a nursery is available in our
Christian Education Building. Local Food Pantry: Trinity Lutheran Church in Topton continues to maintain a “Food
Bank” to which and from which donations and referrals would be directed. Those shelves
If you are Hearing impaired please see a Greeter for an individual wireless receiver. are now bare and we appeal to all for help with either monetary or an out-pouring of food
items as listed below. These donations may be brought to the church on Sundays or
Participants in today’s service: during regular office hours.
Greeters: Shirley Solt Acolyte: Weylin Eck Special items needed:
Head Usher: Kim Jenkins Reader: Matthew Masenheimer Canned meats such as tuna, chicken, spam
Nursery Hosts: Cindy Leamer Toothpaste, soap, shampoo
Fellowship Hosts: Jean Althouse, Cindy Conrad, JoAnn Jones, Sue McElrea Other canned & packaged items such as potatoes, baby foods/formula, pasta
Scheduled for next week – October 24th at 10:15am: products, specifically macaroni and cheese/noodles, cereals
Greeters: Cindy Conrad & Sue McElrea Acolyte: Annie Bleiler Baking items such as flour, sugar, cake/pancake mixes, canned fruits
Head Usher: Tim Masenheimer Reader: Cheryl Bleiler Contact the church if you have any questions.
Nursery Hosts: Cindy Leamer
Fellowship Hosts: Still Available This Week at the Church:
Today: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am -
Members and Friends Prayer List: [As of Bulletin preparation time] Worship; 1:00pm - CROP WALK, 5:30pm - Bell Choir
Hospitalized: Regina Lambert [LVH – CC] Monday: 6:30pm – Brownies; 6:30pm – Boy Scouts [cabin]; 6:30pm – Elders/Consistory
Active Members of Military: PFC Matthew Shade [USA], PFC Michael Xiques [USA] Thursday: 7:30pm – Loft Choir
Special: Beulah Harmony, Marlene Hamm, Ernest Conrad, Jared Toth, Alayna Biltcliff, Next Sunday: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am -
& Olivia Radcliffe [9yr. old daughter of Drew & Sloane Radcliffe who has cancer] Worship; 5:30pm - Bell Choir
Sympathy: Family & Friends of Jamie Amato
Shut-ins: Ida Gehringer, Ruth Hertzog, Ernest Conrad & Corinne Reppert [Lutheran Remember to check the calendar outside the church office for any schedule changes - but
Home, Topton], Ruth Romig [Lewisburg] & Webster Heffner [at home]. please do not change that calendar without the knowledge of the church staff.
Please give the Pastor a note on special prayer needs, and remember to notify the church Please note: Anyone hosting fellowship or other after church activities, is asked to
of any members hospitalized. Use our church codes for any hospital admissions - please make sure that the church or Christian Ed building is locked, windows are
Allentown Hospitals - 451; Reading – 80 closed, and lights turned off before leaving. Thank you.
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On Sunday, November 7th we will once again observe All Saints Day, honoring the O God, You Send Us Out to Walk (hymn)
memory of those who have died during the past year. We will also dedicate some gifts
which have been given to the church as memorials. Those being honored in memory this
year are:
Name: Date of Death:
Arabelle E. “Topsie” Oberdoerster November 22, 2009
Robert R. Piatt, Jr. January 6, 2010
Frances “Mickey” Sicher January 20, 2010
Earl H. Weller March 8, 2010
Thomas P. Hilt April 5, 2010
Marjorie “Betty” Mabry April 15, 2010
Max J. Bleiler April 19, 2010
Jocelyn F. Fenstermacher April 25, 2010
Anna E. George June 20, 2010
Carlson R. Kutz July 8, 2010
We ask family members still connected with the church to notify relatives and friends.
Anyone who wishes to bring in a votive candle in memory of a loved one may do so on
November 7th.