Full Sentence Outline

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Comm 1010 Informative Outline Sample

Specific Goal: My audience will learn how social media effects their mental health.
Application: The audience may have a better understanding of why social media can be a hazard
to our mental health, how dangerous it can be, symptoms to look for, and ways to cope.
Ethos: Primary Ethos: My mental health, along with many friends and family have been effected
by use of social media..

Secondary Ethos: I will cite 4 references out loud in my speech.

Pathos: I will tell stories of how social media has played a part in my personal depression and
mental health along with family members.
Logos: I will use medical data and research that has been done on effects of mental health due to
social media along with statistics.
Audience Assessment: My audience will likely know and have heard of the negative
consequences due to use of social media.
Adaptation to Audience: I will use medical terminology and describe symptoms so that they can
easily understand the information I am presenting to them.

Pattern of Organization: Chronological in the Introduction, Topical in the Body.

I. Hook: Social media negatively effects, and too much screen time is the underlying link to
our state’s epidemic in teen depression and anxiety, eating disorder, self harming and
suicide ideation, and suicide itself.
A : The UK surveyed 1,500 young adults, ages 14 to 24, to determine the effects of
social media use on issues such as anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and body image
B. Researchers found a sudden increase in teens' symptoms of depression,
suicide risk factors and suicide rates in 2012 — around the time when smartphones
became popular.

II. Thesis: Know the effects of social media and symptoms of negative mental health

III. Preview: I’ll share what I have learned from examining and experiencing this topic first hand
A. First, I’ll explain the effects of social media has on our mental heath
B. Second, I’ll state statistics and define mental health
C. Third, I’ll describe the symptoms to look for.

Transition: Now that I’ve given you startling statistics, lets take a look at why social media effects
our mental health.


I. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how
we think, feel, and at. It also helps determine how we handle strews, relate to others, and
make choices.
(Mental Health Apex, 2017).
II. Share my personal story

Transition: Being aware of symptoms of mental health issues can help you and your loved ones,
so lets now talk about warning signs to look for.

II. .
A. Eating or sleeping too much or too little
B. Pulling away from people and usual activities
C. Having low or no energy
D. Feeling numb or like nothing matters
E. Feeling helpless or hopeless
F. Feeling confused, forgetful, angry, upset or scared
G. Experiencing mood swings
H. Thinking of harming yourself or others
I. Inability to perform dialing tasks.

Transition: There are ways we can help prevent the use of social media to effect our mental

III. It is time we rethink the technology we hand over to our children, and that starts with having
critical conversations with ourselves as parents as to the positive or negative effect social
media has on our own lives.
IV. Setting restrictions and taking time away from social media can save lives

V. We need to stop thinking of smart phone and social media as harmless.
VI. If you can recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health

Marcus, L. (2012), “Finding a Happy Medium: Explaining the Negative Effects of Electronic
Communication” Retrieved November 16, 2018, from:

Medical Dictionary; Mental Health. (2017) Retrieved, November 16, 2018, from:

Los Angles Times (2011), ‘Too much Facebook time may be unhealthy for kids’,
retrieved November 12, 2018 from: <http://articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/06/news/la-heb-

Strasburger, V, Jordan, A & Donnerstein, E 2009, ‘ Health effects of media on Children and
adolescents’, Journal of Pediatrics, retrieved November 16, 2018,
Webster, R 2010, ‘ Cyber Bullying Statics’ viewed 16th September
2013, http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/cyber-bullying-statistics.html

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