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Design and Optimization of Exhaust Muffler in Automobiles: M.Rajasekhar Reddy, DR K.Madhava Reddy

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M.Rajasekhar Reddy, Dr K.

Madhava Reddy / International Journal Of Engineering Research

and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.395-398
Design And Optimization Of Exhaust Muffler In Automobiles
*M.Rajasekhar Reddy, ** Dr K.Madhava Reddy
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, A.P., India,)
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, G Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, A.P., India,)

The present work aims at improve the
Frequency of NSD (Nash Shell Damper) muffler
by controlling the noise level of a diesel engine
by developing an exhaust muffler for the same,
since exhaust noise is the single largest
contributor to the overall noise from the engine.
four-cylinder diesel engine car was considered
for test purposes. In this study Muffler
dimensions are measured through the
Benchmarking, to create CAD models. The CAD
models are created in CATIA V5 R19, later these Fig 1: Exhaust_manifold or EKE
CAD models of muffler are exported to HYPER
MESH for pre-processing work. Free Free
analysis is carried out on this muffler by FEA
Method using NASTRAN Software.

Keywords – Automobile Exhaust system,

Exhaust Muffler, free free analysis, Catia V5,

The main Components in engine exhaust
system are as follows
1. Exhaust manifolds or EKE
2. Catalytic converters
3. Muffler
4. Resonator
5. Pipes and tubing Fig 2: Threeway Catalytic converter

1. Exhaust manifolds or EKE

After completion of fuel combusion procecs in
engine,high pressure gases are realesed.These gases
are enters into the Exhaust manifold through pipes.

2. Catalytic converter
It is a device used for convert harmfull gases
like carbon monoxide(CO) ,nitrogen oxides(NO)
into Harmless gases like CO2 and N2 etc., In
present days "three-way" (oxidation-reduction)
catalytic converters are widely used on diesel
engines to reduce hydrocarbon and carbon
monoxide emissions. Fig 2 and fig 3 shows details
of three way catalytic converter. Fig 3: Chemical process in Catalytic converter

3. Mufflers:
The muffler is defined as a device for reducing the
amount of noise emitted by a machine. To reduce
the exhaust noise, the engine exhaust is connected
via exhaust pipe to silencer called muffler.

395 | P a g e
M.Rajasekhar Reddy, Dr K.Madhava Reddy / International Journal Of Engineering Research
and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.395-398
The various types of mufflers used in automobiles
1. Baffle type
2. Resonance type
3. Wave cancellation type
4. Combined resonance and absorber type
5. Absorber type mufflers.

Fig 7: Inlet pipe

Fig 4: Exhaust Muffler of TATA INDICA CAR

Purpose of Muffler
 An automotive requires a muffler to reduce the
amount of noise emitted by a vehicle.
 Mufflers use neat technology to cancel out the Fig 8: Inner pipe
 Mufflers are installed along the exhaust pipe as a
part of the exhaust system of an I.C. engine to
reduce its exhaust noise.
 The muffler reduces exhaust noise by dampening
the pulsations in the exhaust gases and allowing
them to expand slowly.
 It was usually made of sheet steel, coated with
aluminum to reduce corrosion. Some are made of
stainless steel.
Fig 9: Halter pin

Fig 10: Flange

Fig 5: Baffel

Fig 6: Mantel

396 | P a g e
M.Rajasekhar Reddy, Dr K.Madhava Reddy / International Journal Of Engineering Research
and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.395-398

Fig 11: Assembly component

III. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSYS: 1. Building the model.

The finite element method has become a 2. Obtaining the solution.
powerful tool for the numerical solution of a wide 3. Reviewing the results.
range of engineering problems. It has developed
simultaneously with the increase in use of the high Table I Material Properties
speed electronic digital computers and with the Properties
growing emphasis on numerical methods for Name: Alloy Steel
engineering analysis. Yield strength: 6.20422e+008 N/m^2
 Matrix algebra Tensile strength: 7.23826e+008 N/m^2
 Solid mechanics Elastic modulus: 2.1e+011 N/m^2
 Variation methods Poisson's ratio: 0.3
 Computer skills Mass density: 7700 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 7.9e+010 N/m^2
STEPS In FEM As Follows: Thermal expansion 1.3e-005 /Kelvin
Step i: Descritization of structure coefficient:
Step iii: Derivation of element stiffness matrices
The existing muffler having the Frequency
and load vectors:
Stepiv: Assemble of element stifness matrices to of 281Hz. The new muffler was found to be
superior to the existing one in terms of both
obtain Gobal stiffnes matrix &equilibrium
acoustic performance and engine performance.
With the new muffler, thickness of baffles modified
Step v: Solution of system equation to find nodal
2mm into 3mm the maximum Frequency obtained
values of displacement and degree of freedom.
was 381 Hz. The present work has thus
Step vi: Computation of element strains and stress.
 Pre-processor experimentally shown that results from Finite
Element Analysis can be modified and applied to
 Solver
an alternative design.
 Post-processor
Procedure For Nastran Analysis:
A static, analysis can be either linear or non
linear. In our present work we are going to consider
linear static analysis. The procedure for static
analysis consists of these main steps:

397 | P a g e
M.Rajasekhar Reddy, Dr K.Madhava Reddy / International Journal Of Engineering Research
and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com
Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.395-398
Table II
Units and Mesh Information V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
Pressure/Stress N/m^2
The purpose of this experiment was to
Frequency HZ conduct design and free free analysis of muffler
system in order to determine the resonant
Angular velocity rad / sec
frequencies of the system and suggest changes in
Mesh type Solid Mesh the system design. For this analysis, Nastran
software was used, In order to determine the
Analysis type Free free analysis
resonance frequencies, were then compiled to
Total Nod 16947 determine which peaks were the most significant
for the system. From the data, side baffles were
Total Elements 19442
selected as weak parts of the muffler. In order to
Maximum Aspect Ratio 10.777 minimize the effects of these resonance
frequencies, the suggested design improvement is
Analysis type : Free free analysis to add thickness and also add damping to the
Software : Nastran system.
Further work has to be done to include the
effects of a mean flow in the experimental set up
and, additionally, the inclusion of higher order
modes in the transfer matrices, which should
increase the frequency range in which the predicted
values would be reliable.

Journal Papers:
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Fig 12: Analysis View of Exhaust Muffler Silencers for Internal Combustion Engine,
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[3] Munjal, M. L., Rao K.N. and
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Fig 13: Analysis View of Exhaust Muffler Sound and Vibration, Vol. 114, No. 2, pp.
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Frequency (Hz)
(mm) Transfer Matrix and Matrix Condensation
1 255 Methods with Finite Elements to Duct
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