MGRSD District Improvement Plan 2018-2020
MGRSD District Improvement Plan 2018-2020
MGRSD District Improvement Plan 2018-2020
OBJECTIVE: Using SEL Curriculum and Instruction, develop district wide practices and policies to support students in developing the tools to
navigate the Five Core Competencies of SEL. Self-management, Self-awareness, Social-awareness, Relationship skills and Responsible
a. Launch the Choose to Be Nice core values October 2018 and School psychologist, Classroom observations,
schoolwide at Lanesborough and Williamstown throughout the next two Assistant Principal, Implement monthly core
Elementary Schools years Principal, classroom values, hold school
teachers and support staff assemblies focused on the
work students are able to
demonstrate in the CTBN
b. Monitor and support the use of the Second School psychologist, Classroom observations,
Step/Steps to Respect programming in grades September 2018 and Assistant Principal, parent components, sent
PreK-6. Using the curriculum to implement the throughout the next two Principal, classroom home monthly, parent
five core competencies of SEL to create a years. teachers and support staff components posted on
welcoming, participatory, and caring climate for new Social Emotional
learning. Learning (SEL) webpage,
Google Form monitoring
c. Provide information for families regarding social Ongoing through 2020 Principal & Assistant Published material, SEL
teaching in the school – website, newsletter, Principal, School page created on school
presentations Psychologist, PTO, PAC website
d. Engage staff in cultural proficiency training. Ongoing through 2020 Building administrators sign-in sheets from
● ADL World of Difference (Faculty) meetings
● Elizabeth Freeman Center Implicit Bias
● Shirley Edgerton/Kim Boland
● Ty Allen Jackson (Families + Faculty)
● Williams College Community Matters
e. Engage families in cultural proficiency training Ongoing through 2019 Building administrators sign-in sheet from
● ADL World of DIfference (Families) presentation
● Ty Allen Jackson (Families + Faculty)
f. Continue High School Peer Team programming Ongoing through 2019 Peer Team teachers, Peer Team calendar and
with students in grades 7, 8 and 9 Grade Team Leaders portfolio reflections
GOAL 2: Curriculum, Instruction and Technology: Develop and vertically and horizontally align curriculum to the new and revised state standards
OBJECTIVE: Develop and align curriculum to meet the Massachusetts Standards while refining instruction and assessment to integrate digital
a. Review of progress with developing curriculum Ongoing 2018-2019 year Admin for schedule, K-5 Classroom observations
as well as sharing among vertical grade levels classroom teachers
to work on alignment.
b. Assist in coordination of meetings for science Winter & Spring 2019 Admin from the three Meeting schedules and
teachers in grades 6-8 across the region. schools notes
c. Share information with parents regarding Winter & Spring 2019 Principal, Curriculum Information in newsletter
standards and work being done by the school to Leaders and eblasts
align all curriculum to them.
d. Provide professional development for faculty Winter & Spring 2019 Technology faculty and Calendar of PD offerings,
and para staff (as available) on use of staff, faculty sign-in sheets
Chromebooks, Google Apps for Education and representatives,
other tools for instruction. administration
e. Develop and share grade level/content area Ongoing through 2020 Classroom teachers, Maps published on website
curriculum maps. curriculum
f. Inventory what is being taught for content Winter 2019 Principal, Curriculum Inventory lists
curriculum across grade levels Prek-12 Leaders
g. Establish faculty, parent, administration task By June 2019 Technology staff, Admin, Updated Regional
force to develop new school-based technology Representatives from Technology Plan by June
plan Faculty, Parent & 2020
OBJECTIVE: To complete all necessary items as outlined in the 2017 transition plan for DESE to be a comprehensive region Prek-12
a. Develop an organizational chart for the Region, Ongoing through 2020 Superintendent, School Structured positions with
with corresponding job descriptions Committee comprehensive job
b. Develop and install Regional technology Ongoing through 2020 Superintendent, Director of New Regional website,
infrastructure Technology, Business uniformed email accounts,
Manager, Technology merger of independent
Faculty and staff bldg software where necessary
based and possible, backup
servers to archive all
necessary documents
c. Review child study process in each bldg to Ongoing through 2020 Superintendent, Director of Developed procedures for
determine staffing needs with increased need Pupil Services, Principals, child study referrals,
for School Based Social Workers bldg based child study meetings with area
teams supports, developed
procedures to review data
to intervention plans,
referral form for internal
and external next steps
d. Review Business Office structure, realign to Ongoing through 2020 Superintendent, Principals, Developed chart of
meet the needs of the region. Explore full time Financial Assistants, responsibilities updated job
onsite business manager annually School Committee descriptions and identified
gaps and a plan to close
the gap
e. Comprehensive assessment of building and Ongoing through 2019 Superintendent, Business Develop maintenance
grounds for the region Manager, Bldg ground/bldg plans
renewal school committee
liaisons, Principals and
f. Develop procedures for recruiting/hiring, Ongoing through 2019 Superintendent, district Broader postings of
sustaining staff or exit procedures within the office manager, HR positions, new hire packets
region specialist, Principals and checklists, continued
mentor and induction
programs, develop exit
interviews and exit
checkouts, employee