INST233 Sec1
INST233 Sec1
INST233 Sec1
Protective Relay system: Question 91, completed objectives due by the end of day 3, section 3
Miniature AC power grid documentation: Question 92, generator schematic diagrams
Miniature AC power grid documentation: Question 93, substation schematic diagrams
Day 3 of next section – Complete mastery of these objectives due by the last day of the quarter
Specific objectives for the “mastery” exam:
• Electricity Review: Calculate phasor voltages and currents in an AC reactive circuit given a schematic
• Match ANSI device number designations (40, 50, 51, 52, 79, 81, 86, 87) with descriptions of protective
relay functions
• Sketch proper wire connections to create a three-phase transformer bank from three independent power
• Calculate proper wire size for current transformer (CT) field wiring given burden ratings, CT
classification, and other relevant system parameters
• Calculate phasor magnitudes and angles in three-phase electrical circuits, given schematic or pictorial
diagrams of the components
• Determine the possibility of suggested faults in a simple protective relay circuit given a wiring diagram,
meter measurements, and/or reported symptoms
Day 2
Theory session topic: Power grids, switchgear and relays
Questions 21 through 40; answer questions 21-28 in preparation for discussion (remainder for practice)
Day 3
Theory session topic: Phasors and AC circuit analysis
Questions 41 through 60; answer questions 41-47 in preparation for discussion (remainder for practice)
Day 4
Theory session topic: Polyphase circuits and AC calculations
Questions 61 through 80; answer questions 61-70 in preparation for discussion (remainder for practice)
Feedback questions (81 through 90) are optional and may be submitted for review at the end of the day
How To . . .
Access the worksheets and textbook: go to the Socratic Instrumentation website located at to find worksheets for every 2nd-year course section
organized by quarter, as well as both the latest “stable” and “development” versions of the Lessons In
Industrial Instrumentation textbook. Download and save these documents to your computer.
Maximize your learning: complete all homework before class starts, ready to be assessed as described
in the “Inverted Session Formats” pages. Use every minute of class and lab time productively. Follow all
the tips outlined in “Question 0” as well as your instructor’s advice. Do not take constructive criticism
personally. Make every reasonable effort to solve problems on your own before seeking help.
Identify upcoming assignments and deadlines: read the first page of each course worksheet.
Relate course days to calendar dates: reference the calendar spreadsheet file (calendar.xlsx), found
on the BTC campus Y: network drive. A printed copy is posted in the Instrumentation classroom.
Locate industry documents assigned for reading: use the Instrumentation Reference provided by
your instructor (on CD-ROM and on the BTC campus Y: network drive). There you will find a file named
00 index OPEN THIS FILE.html readable with any internet browser. Click on the “Quick-Start Links” to
access assigned reading documents, organized per course, in the order they are assigned.
Study for the exams: Mastery exams assess specific skills critically important to your success, listed near
the top of the front page of each course worksheet for your review. Familiarize yourself with this list and pay
close attention when those topics appear in homework and practice problems. Proportional exams feature
problems you haven’t seen before that are solvable using general principles learned throughout the current and
previous courses, for which the only adequate preparation is independent problem-solving practice every day.
Answer the “feedback questions” (practice exams) in each course section to hone your problem-solving skills,
as these are similar in scope and complexity to proportional exams. Answer these feedback independently
(i.e. no help from classmates) in order to most accurately assess your readiness.
Calculate course grades: download the “Course Grading Spreadsheet” (grades template.xlsx) from
the Socratic Instrumentation website, or from the BTC campus Y: network drive. Enter your quiz scores,
test scores, lab scores, and attendance data into this Excel spreadsheet and it will calculate your course
grade. You may compare your calculated grades against your instructors’ records at any time.
Identify courses to register for: read the “Sequence” page found in each worksheet.
Receive extra instructor help: ask during lab time, or during class time, or by appointment. Tony may
be reached by email at or by telephone at 360-752-8477.
Identify job openings: regularly monitor job-search websites. Set up informational interviews at
workplaces you are interested in. Participate in jobshadows and internships. Apply to jobs long before
graduation, as some employers take months to respond! Check your BTC email account daily for alerts.
Impress employers: sign the FERPA release form granting your instructors permission to share academic
records, then make sure your performance is worth sharing. Document your project and problem-solving
experiences for reference during interviews. Honor all your commitments.
Begin your career: participate in jobshadows and internships while in school to gain experience and
references. Take the first Instrumentation job that pays the bills, and give that employer at least two years
of good work to pay them back for the investment they have made in you. Employers look at delayed
employment, as well as short employment spans, very negatively. Failure to pass a drug test is an immediate
disqualifier, as is falsifying any information. Criminal records may also be a problem.
file howto
General Values, Expectations, and Standards
Success in this career requires professional integrity, resourcefulness, persistence, close attention to detail,
and intellectual curiosity. If you are ever in doubt as to the values you should embody, just ask yourself
what kind of a person you would prefer to hire for your own enterprise. Those same values will be upheld
within this program.
Learning is the purpose of any educational program, and a worthy priority in life. Every circumstance, every
incident, every day here will be treated as a learning opportunity, every mistake as a “teachable moment”.
Every form of positive growth, not just academic ability, will be regarded as real learning.
Responsibility means ensuring the desired outcome, not just trying to achieve the outcome. To be a
responsible person means you own the outcome of your decisions and actions.
Integrity means being honest and forthright in all your words and actions, doing your very best every time
and never taking credit for the achievement of another.
Safety means doing every job correctly and ensuring others are not endangered. Lab safety standards include
wearing closed-toed shoes and safety glasses in the lab room during lab hours, wearing ear protection around
loud sounds, using ladders to reach high places, using proper lock-out/tag-out procedures, no energized
electrical work above 30 volts without an instructor present in the lab room, and no power tool use without
an instructor present in the lab room.
Diligence in study means exercising self-discipline and persistence, realizing that hard work is a necessary
condition for success. This means, among other things, investing the necessary time and effort in studying,
reading instructions, paying attention to details, utilizing the skills and tools you already possess, and
avoiding shortcuts. Diligence in work means the job is not done until it is done correctly: all objectives
achieved, all problems solved, all documentation complete, and no errors remaining.
Self-management means allocating your resources (time, equipment, labor) wisely, and not just focusing
on the closest deadline.
Communication means clearly conveying your thoughts and paying attention to what others convey, across
all forms of communication (e.g. oral, written, nonverbal).
Teamwork means working constructively with your classmates to complete the job at hand. Remember
that here the first job is learning, and so teamwork means working to maximize everyone’s learning (not just
your own). The goal of learning is more important than the completion of any project or assignment.
Initiative means recognizing needs and taking action to meet those needs without encouragement or
direction from others.
Representation means your actions reflect this program and not just yourself. Doors of opportunity for
all BTC graduates may be opened or closed by your own conduct. Unprofessional behavior during tours,
jobshadows, internships, and/or jobs reflects poorly on the program and will negatively bias employers.
Trustworthiness is the result of consistently exercising these values: people will recognize you as someone
they can rely on to get the job done, and therefore someone they would want to employ.
Respect means acknowledging the intrinsic value, capabilities, and responsibilities of those around you.
Respect is gained by consistent demonstration of valued behaviors, and it is lost through betrayal of trust.
General Values, Expectations, and Standards (continued)
Punctuality and Attendance: late arrivals are penalized at a rate of 1% grade deduction per incident.
Absence is penalized at a rate of 1% per hour (rounded to the nearest hour) except when employment-related,
school-related, weather-related, or required by law (e.g. court summons). Absences may be made up by
directing the instructor to apply “sick hours” (12 hours of sick time available per quarter). Classmates may
donate their unused sick hours. Sick hours may not be applied to unannounced absences, so be sure to alert
your instructor and teammates as soon as you know you will be absent or late. Absence on an exam day
will result in a zero score for that exam, unless due to a documented emergency.
Mastery: any assignment or objective labeled as “mastery” must be completed with 100% competence
(with multiple opportunities to re-try). Failure to complete by the deadline date caps your grade at a C−.
Failure to complete by the end of the next school day results in a failing (F) grade for that course.
Time Management: Use all available time wisely and productively. Work on other useful tasks (e.g.
homework, feedback questions, job searching) while waiting for other activities or assessments to begin.
Trips to the cafeteria for food or coffee, smoke breaks, etc. must not interfere with team participation.
Orderliness: Keep your work area clean and orderly, discarding trash, returning tools at the end of every
lab session, and participating in all scheduled lab clean-up sessions. Project wiring, especially in shared areas
such as junction boxes, must not be left in disarray at the end of a lab shift. Label any failed equipment
with a detailed description of its symptoms.
Independent Study: the “inverted” instructional model used in this program requires independent reading
and problem-solving, where every student must demonstrate their learning at the start of the class session.
Question 0 of every worksheet lists practical study tips. The “Inverted Session Formats” pages found in
every worksheet outline the format and grading standards for inverted class sessions.
Independent Problem-Solving: make an honest effort to solve every problem before seeking help. When
working in the lab, help will not be given to you unless and until you run your own diagnostic tests.
Teamwork: inform your teammates if you need to leave the work area for any reason. Any student regularly
compromising team performance through absence, tardiness, disrespect, or other disruptive behavior(s) will
be removed from the team and required to complete all labwork individually. The same is true for students
found inappropriately relying on teammates.
Communication: check your email account daily for important messages from your instructor. Ask the
instructor to clarify any assignment or exam question you find confusing, and express your work clearly and
Academic Progress: your instructor will record your academic achievement, as well as comments on any
negative behavior, and will share all these records with employers provided you have signed the FERPA
release form. You are welcome to see these records at any time, and are encouraged to track your own
academic progress using the grade spreadsheet template.
Office Hours: your instructor’s office hours are by appointment, except in cases of emergency. Email is the
preferred method for setting up an appointment with your instructor to discuss something in private.
Grounds for Failure: a failing (F) grade will be earned in any course if any mastery objectives are past
deadline by more than one school day, or for any of the following behaviors: false testimony (lying), cheating
on any assignment or assessment, plagiarism (presenting another’s work as your own), willful violation of
a safety policy, theft, harassment, sabotage, destruction of property, or intoxication. These behaviors are
grounds for immediate termination in this career, and as such will not be tolerated here.
file expectations
Program Outcomes for Instrumentation and Control Technology (BTC)
#1 Communication
Communicate and express concepts and ideas across a variety of media (verbal, written, graphical) using
industry-standard terms.
#2 Time management
Arrives on time and prepared to work; Budgets time and meets deadlines when performing tasks and
#3 Safety
Complies with national, state, local, and college safety regulations when designing and performing work
on systems.
#6 System optimization
Improve technical system functions by collecting data and evaluating performance; Implement strategies
to optimize the function of these systems.
#7 Calibration
Assess instrument accuracy and correct inaccuracies using appropriate calibration procedures and test
equipment; Select and apply correct mathematical techniques to these calibration tasks.
#8 Documentation
Interpret and create technical documents (e.g. electronic schematics, loop diagrams, functional
diagrams, P&IDs, graphs, narratives) according to industry standards.
#9 Independent learning
Select and research information sources to learn new principles, technologies, and techniques.
INST 233 Course Outcomes
Each and every outcome in this course is assessed at a mastery level (i.e. 100% competence)
• Calculate phasor magnitudes and angles in three-phase electrical circuits, given schematic or pictorial
diagrams of the components. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome #4]
• Calculate phasor voltages and currents in an AC reactive circuit given a schematic diagram. [Ref:
Program Learning Outcome #4]
• Calculate proper wire size for current transformer (CT) field wiring given burden ratings, CT
classification, and other relevant system parameters. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome #5]
• Sketch proper wire connections to create a three-phase transformer bank from three independent power
transformers. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome #5]
• Determine the possibility of suggested faults in a simple protective relay circuit given a wiring diagram,
meter measurements, and/or reported symptoms. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome #4]
• Correlate ANSI device number designations with descriptions of protective relay functions. [Ref:
Program Learning Outcome #4]
• Demonstrate proper use of equipment to commission CT circuits. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome
• Demonstrate proper safety protocols for working with live CT circuits. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome
• Communicate effectively with teammates to plan work, arrange for absences, and share responsibilities
in completing all labwork. [Ref: Program Learning Outcomes #1 and #2]
• Test an electromechanical instantaneous overcurrent (50) relay. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome #7]
• Test an electromechanical time-overcurrent (51) relay. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome #7]
• Determine phase rotation in a three-phase power system. [Ref: Program Learning Outcome #7]
• Program an electronic protective relay as per specified system protection and instrument transformer
parameters, testing this relay’s operation to verify the correctness of those settings. [Ref: Program
Learning Outcome #5]
• Interpret the event report generated by an electronic protective relay following a trip event. [Ref:
Program Learning Outcome #4]
Sequence of second-year Instrumentation courses
ENGT 134 -- 5 cr
CAD 1: Basics
INST 205 -- 1 cr
All courses
Job Prep I
Offered 1st week of
No Fall, Winter, and
Yes INST 206 -- 1 cr
Spring quarters
Job Prep II
The particular sequence of courses you take during the second year depends on when you complete all
first-year courses and enter the second year. Since students enter the second year of Instrumentation at four
different times (beginnings of Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters), the particular course sequence
for any student will likely be different from the course sequence of classmates.
Some second-year courses are only offered in particular quarters with those quarters not having to be
in sequence, while others are offered three out of the four quarters and must be taken in sequence. The
following layout shows four typical course sequences for second-year Instrumentation students, depending on
when they first enter the second year of the program:
July Summer quarter Sept. Fall quarter Jan. Winter quarter April Spring quarter
INST 233 -- 4 cr INST 200 -- 1 wk INST 200 -- 1 wk INST 200 -- 1 wk
Protective Relays (elective) Intro. to Instrumentation Intro. to Instrumentation Intro. to Instrumentation
file sequence
General tool and supply list
• Combination (box- and open-end) wrench set, 1/4” to 3/4” – the most important wrench sizes are 7/16”,
1/2”, 9/16”, and 5/8”; get these immediately!
• Adjustable wrench, 6” handle (sometimes called “Crescent” wrench)
• Hex wrench (“Allen” wrench) set, fractional – 1/16” to 3/8”
• Optional: Hex wrench (“Allen” wrench) set, metric – 1.5 mm to 10 mm
• Optional: Miniature combination wrench set, 3/32” to 1/4” (sometimes called an “ignition wrench” set)
Note: always maximize surface engagement on a fastener’s head to reduce stress on that fastener. (e.g.
Using box-end wrenches instead of adjustable wrenches; using the proper size and type of screwdriver; never
using any tool that mars the fastener such as pliers or vise-grips unless absolutely necessary.)
• Needle-nose pliers
• Diagonal wire cutters (sometimes called “dikes”)
• Slotted, 1/8” and 1/4” shaft
• Phillips, #1 and #2
• Jeweler’s screwdriver set
• Optional: Magnetic multi-bit screwdriver (e.g. Klein Tools model 70035)
• Multimeter, Fluke model 87-IV or better
• Assortment of alligator-clip style jumper wires
• Soldering iron (10 to 40 watt) and rosin-core solder
• Resistor, potentiometer, diode assortments (from first-year lab kits)
• Package of insulated compression-style fork terminals (14 to 18 AWG wire size, #10 stud size)
• Wire strippers/terminal crimpers for 10 AWG to 18 AWG wire and insulated terminals
• Optional: ratcheting terminal crimp tool (e.g. Paladin 1305, Ferrules Direct FDT10011, or equivalent)
• Safety glasses or goggles (available at BTC bookstore)
• Earplugs (available at BTC bookstore)
• Simple scientific calculator (non-programmable, non-graphing, no conversions), TI-30Xa or TI-30XIIS
recommended. Required for some exams!
• Portable personal computer capable of wired Ethernet connectivity, Wi-Fi connectivity, displaying PDF
documents, creating text documents, creating and viewing spreadsheets, running PLC programming
software (MS Windows only), and executing command-line utilities such as ping.
• Masking tape (for making temporary labels)
• Permanent marker pen
• Teflon pipe tape
• Utility knife
• Tape measure, 12 feet minimum
• Flashlight
file tools
Methods of instruction
This course develops self-instructional and diagnostic skills by placing students in situations where they
are required to research and think independently. In all portions of the curriculum, the goal is to avoid a
passive learning environment, favoring instead active engagement of the learner through reading, reflection,
problem-solving, and experimental activities. The curriculum may be roughly divided into two portions:
theory and practical. All “theory” sessions follow the inverted format and contain virtually no lecture.
Small sessions
Students meet with instructors in small groups for short time periods. Groups of 4 students meeting for
30 minutes works very well, but groups as large as 8 students apiece may be used if time is limited. Each of
these sessions begins with a 5 to 10 minute graded inspection of homework with individual questioning, to
keep students accountable for doing the homework. The remainder of the session is a dialogue focusing on
the topics of the day, the instructor challenging each student on the subject matter in Socratic fashion, and
also answering students’ questions. A second grade measures each student’s comprehension of the subject
matter by the end of the session.
This format also works via teleconferencing, for students unable to attend a face-to-face session on
Large sessions
Students meet with instructors in a standard classroom (normal class size and period length). Each
of these sessions begins with a 10 minute graded quiz (closed-book) on the homework topic(s), to keep
students accountable for doing the homework. Students may leave the session as soon as they “check off”
with the instructor in a Socratic dialogue as described above (instructor challenging each student to assess
their comprehension, answering questions, and grading the responses). Students sign up for check-off on the
whiteboard when they are ready, typically in groups of no more than 4. Alternatively, the bulk of the class
session may be spent answering student questions in small groups, followed by another graded quiz at the
This format works for students unable to attend a “face-to-face” session, and who must correspond with
the instructor via email or other asynchronous medium. Each student submits a thorough presentation of
their completed homework, which the instructor grades for completeness and accuracy. The instructor then
replies back to the student with challenge questions, and also answers questions the student may have. As
with the previous formats, the student receives another grade assessing their comprehension of the subject
matter by the close of the correspondence dialogue.
Methods of instruction (continued)
In all formats, students are held accountable for completion of their homework, “completion” being
defined as successfully interpreting the given information from source material (e.g. accurate outlines of
reading or video assignments) and constructive effort to solve given problems. It must be understood in an
inverted learning environment that students will have legitimate questions following a homework assignment,
and that it is therefore unreasonable to expect mastery of the assigned subject matter. What is reasonable to
expect from each and every student is a basic outline of the source material (reading or video assignments)
complete with major terms defined and major concepts identified, plus a good-faith effort to solve every
problem. Question 0 (contained in every worksheet) lists multiple strategies for effective study and problem-
• No credit = Any homework question unattempted (i.e. no effort shown on one or more questions);
incomprehensible writing; failure to follow clear instruction(s)
• Half credit = Misconception(s) on any major topic explained in the assigned reading; answers shown
with no supporting work; verbatim copying of text rather than written in student’s own words; outline
missing important topic(s); unable to explain the outline or solution methods represented in written
• Full credit = Every homework question answered, with any points of confusion clearly articulated; all
important concepts from reading assignments accurately expressed in the outline and clearly articulated
when called upon by the instructor to explain
The minimum expectation at the start of every student-instructor session is that all students have made
a good-faith effort to complete 100% of their assigned homework. This does not necessarily mean all answers
will be correct, or that all concepts are fully understood, because one of the purposes of the meeting between
students and instructor is to correct remaining misconceptions and answer students’ questions. However,
experience has shown that without accountability for the homework, a substantial number of students will
not put forth their best effort and that this compromises the whole learning process. Full credit is reserved
for good-faith effort, where each student thoughtfully applies the study and problem-solving recommendations
given to them (see Question 0).
• No credit = Failure to comprehend one or more key concepts; failure to apply logical reasoning to the
solution of problem(s); no contribution to the dialogue
• Half credit = Some misconceptions persist by the close of the session; problem-solving is inconsistent;
limited contribution to the dialogue
• Full credit = Socratic queries answered thoughtfully; effective reasoning applied to problems; ideas
communicated clearly and accurately; responds intelligently to questions and statements made by others
in the session; adds new ideas and perspectives
The minimum expectation is that each and every student engages with the instructor and with fellow
students during the Socratic session: posing intelligent questions of their own, explaining their reasoning
when challenged, and otherwise positively contributing to the discussion. Passive observation and listening
is not an option here – every student must be an active participant, contributing something original to every
dialogue. If a student is confused about any concept or solution, it is their responsibility to ask questions and
seek resolution.
Methods of instruction (continued)
If a student happens to be absent for a scheduled class session and is therefore unable to be assessed
on that day’s study, they may schedule a time with the instructor to demonstrate their comprehension at
some later date (before the end of the quarter when grades must be submitted). These same standards of
performance apply equally make-up assessments: either inspection of homework or a closed-book quiz for
the pre-assessment, and either a Socratic dialogue with the instructor or another closed-book quiz for the
Lab sessions
In the lab portion of each course, students work in teams to install, configure, document, calibrate, and
troubleshoot working instrument loop systems. Each lab exercise focuses on a different type of instrument,
with a limited time period typically for completion. An ordinary lab session might look like this:
(1) Start of practical (lab) session: announcements and planning
(a) The instructor makes general announcements to all students
(b) The instructor works with team to plan that day’s goals, making sure each team member has a
clear idea of what they should accomplish
(2) Teams work on lab unit completion according to recommended schedule:
(First day) Select and bench-test instrument(s), complete prototype sketch of project
(One day) Connect instrument(s) into a complete loop
(One day) Each team member drafts their own loop documentation, inspection done as a team (with
(One or two days) Each team member calibrates/configures the instrument(s)
(Remaining days, up to last) Each team member troubleshoots the instrument loop
(3) End of practical (lab) session: debriefing where each team reports on their work to the whole class
file instructional
Distance delivery methods
Sometimes the demands of life prevent students from attending college 6 hours per day. In such cases,
there exist alternatives to the normal 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM class/lab schedule, allowing students to complete
coursework in non-traditional ways, at a “distance” from the college campus proper.
For such “distance” students, the same worksheets, lab activities, exams, and academic standards still
apply. Instead of working in small groups and in teams to complete theory and lab sections, though, students
participating in an alternative fashion must do all the work themselves. Participation via teleconferencing,
video- or audio-recorded small-group sessions, and such is encouraged and supported.
There is no recording of hours attended or tardiness for students participating in this manner. The pace
of the course is likewise determined by the “distance” student. Experience has shown that it is a benefit for
“distance” students to maintain the same pace as their on-campus classmates whenever possible.
In lieu of small-group activities and class discussions, comprehension of the theory portion of each course
will be ensured by completing and submitting detailed answers for all worksheet questions, not just passing
daily quizzes as is the standard for conventional students. The instructor will discuss any incomplete and/or
incorrect worksheet answers with the student, and ask that those questions be re-answered by the student
to correct any misunderstandings before moving on.
Labwork is perhaps the most difficult portion of the curriculum for a “distance” student to complete,
since the equipment used in Instrumentation is typically too large and expensive to leave the school lab
facility. “Distance” students must find a way to complete the required lab activities, either by arranging
time in the school lab facility and/or completing activities on equivalent equipment outside of school (e.g.
at their place of employment, if applicable). Labwork completed outside of school must be validated by a
supervisor and/or documented via photograph or videorecording.
Conventional students may opt to switch to “distance” mode at any time. This has proven to be a
benefit to students whose lives are disrupted by catastrophic events. Likewise, “distance” students may
switch back to conventional mode if and when their schedules permit. Although the existence of alternative
modes of student participation is a great benefit for students with challenging schedules, it requires a greater
investment of time and a greater level of self-discipline than the traditional mode where the student attends
school for 6 hours every day. No student should consider the “distance” mode of learning a way to have
more free time to themselves, because they will actually spend more time engaged in the coursework than
if they attend school on a regular schedule. It exists merely for the sake of those who cannot attend during
regular school hours, as an alternative to course withdrawal.
file distance
Creative Commons License
This worksheet is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public
License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a
letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA. The terms
and conditions of this license allow for free copying, distribution, and/or modification of all licensed works
by the general public.
Note: the text on this page is not a license. It is simply a handy reference for understanding the Legal
Code (the full license) - it is a human-readable expression of some of its key terms. Think of it as the
user-friendly interface to the Legal Code beneath. This simple explanation itself has no legal value, and its
contents do not appear in the actual license.
file license
Metric prefixes and conversion constants
• Metric prefixes
• Yotta = 1024 Symbol: Y
• Zeta = 1021 Symbol: Z
• Exa = 1018 Symbol: E
• Peta = 1015 Symbol: P
• Tera = 1012 Symbol: T
• Giga = 109 Symbol: G
• Mega = 106 Symbol: M
• Kilo = 103 Symbol: k
• Hecto = 102 Symbol: h
• Deca = 101 Symbol: da
• Deci = 10−1 Symbol: d
• Centi = 10−2 Symbol: c
• Milli = 10−3 Symbol: m
• Micro = 10−6 Symbol: µ
• Nano = 10−9 Symbol: n
• Pico = 10−12 Symbol: p
• Femto = 10−15 Symbol: f
• Atto = 10−18 Symbol: a
• Zepto = 10−21 Symbol: z
• Yocto = 10−24 Symbol: y
Conversion equivalencies for volume
1 gallon (gal) = 231.0 cubic inches (in3 ) = 4 quarts (qt) = 8 pints (pt) = 128 fluid ounces (fl. oz.)
= 3.7854 liters (l)
Conversion equivalencies for common pressure units (either all gauge or all absolute)
1 pound per square inch (PSI) = 2.03602 inches of mercury (in. Hg) = 27.6799 inches of water (in.
W.C.) = 6.894757 kilo-pascals (kPa) = 0.06894757 bar
1 bar = 100 kilo-pascals (kPa) = 14.504 pounds per square inch (PSI)
Physical constants
Speed of light in a vacuum (c) = 2.9979 × 108 meters per second (m/s) = 186,281 miles per second
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (σ) = 5.67 × 10−8 Watts per square meter-Kelvin4 (W/m2 ·K4 )
Properties of Water
Freezing point at sea level = 32o F = 0o C
Boiling point at sea level = 212o F = 100o C
Density of water at 4o C = 1000 kg/m3 = 1 g/cm3 = 1 kg/liter = 62.428 lb/ft3 = 1.94 slugs/ft3
Absolute viscosity of water at 20o C = 1.0019 centipoise (cp) = 0.0010019 Pascal-seconds (Pa·s)
Surface tension of water (in contact with air) at 18o C = 73.05 dynes/cm
Absolute viscosity of dry air at 20o C and 760 torr = 0.018 centipoise (cp) = 1.8 × 10−5 Pascal-
seconds (Pa·s)
Question 0
Above all, cultivate persistence, as this is necessary to master anything non-trivial. The keys to
persistence are (1) having the desire to achieve that mastery, and (2) realizing challenges are normal and
not an indication of something gone wrong. A common error is to equate easy with effective: students often
believe learning should be easy if everything is done right. The truth is that mastery never comes easy!
file question0
General challenges following a tutorial reading assignment
• Summarize as much of the text as you can in one paragraph of your own words. A helpful strategy is
to explain ideas as you would for an intelligent child: as simple as you can without compromising too
much accuracy.
• Where did the text make the most sense to you? What was it about the text’s presentation that made
it clear?
• Was the text confusing at any point(s)? If so, what was it about the text’s presentation that made it
difficult to understand?
• Do you see any way(s) in which the text could be improved? Articulate your ideas for improvement,
and explain why those improvements are indeed better.
• Did you encounter any new concepts in the text? If so, explain each in your own words.
• Did the text apply any familiar concepts (including fundamental laws or principles) in new ways? What
exactly was different about this application?
• Was the text surprising to you in any way? If so, how so?
• What background knowledge should a reader possess prior to reading this text?
• Devise a proof of concept experiment to empirically demonstrate an important principle, physical law,
or technical innovation represented in the text.
• Devise your own thought experiment to virtually demonstrate the same.
• Did the text reveal any misconceptions you might have harbored? If so, describe the misconception(s)
and the reason(s) why you now know them to be incorrect.
• Devise an experiment to clearly disprove one of these misconceptions, to show by counter-example how
the misconception in question cannot be true.
• Did the text model any useful problem-solving strategies for the benefit of the reader? If so, describe
one of those strategies in terms general enough to apply to some other problem.
• Devise a question of your own to challenge a reader’s comprehension of the text.
• Identify where it might be easy for someone to misunderstand the text.
• Describe your own reading process. Did you skim the text first and then read it in detail from start to
finish? Do you take notes are you go along, or read large sections of the text before making any notes on
it? Did you identify any key words, phrases, or ideas that helped make sense of the text overall? Were
there sections of the text you needed to read multiple times? How do you divide your time between
examining illustrations and the reading the text accompanying those illustrations?
• Describe in detail your own strategy for solving this problem. How did you identify and organized the
given information? Did you sketch any diagrams to help frame the problem?
• Identify where any fundamental laws or principles apply to the solution of this problem.
• What would you say was the most challenging part of this problem, and why was it so?
• Was any important information missing from the problem which you had to research or recall?
• Was there any extraneous information presented within this problem? If so, what was it and why did
it not matter?
• Show the work you did in solving this problem, even if the solution is incomplete or incorrect.
• Examine someone else’s solution to identify where they applied fundamental laws or principles.
• Simplify the problem from its given form and show how to solve this simpler version of it. Examples
include eliminating certain variables or conditions, altering values to simpler (usually whole) numbers,
applying a limiting case (i.e. altering a variable to some extreme or ultimate value).
• Is there more than one way to solve this problem? Which method seems best to you?
• For quantitative problems, identify the real-world meaning of all intermediate calculations: their units
of measurement, where they fit into the scenario at hand.
• For quantitative problems, try approaching it qualitatively instead, thinking in terms of “increase” and
“decrease” rather than definite values.
• For qualitative problems, try approaching it quantitatively instead, proposing simple numerical values
for the variables.
• Were there any assumptions you made while solving this problem? Would your solution change if one
of those assumptions were altered?
• Identify where it would be easy for someone to go astray in attempting to solve this problem.
• Formulate your own problem based on what you learned solving this one.
Question 1
Electrical circuits are ubiquitous in industrial instrumentation, and so it is imperative that you master
their analysis. Here we will practice the application of some fundamental laws of electric circuits, in order
to strengthen these analytical abilities.
For each example circuit, solve for all voltage values, all current values, all voltage polarities and current
directions (where applicable). Also, identify the function of each component as either a source or a load.
Assume all components are ideal. In each step of your analysis, identify which of the following principles
• Conservation of Energy
• Conservation of Electric Charge
• Properties of a series network
• Properties of a parallel network
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
• Ohm’s Law
• Capacitance and Inductance
Survey all the examples shown below, and present your analysis for at least one of them.
4Ω 6V
5A 3A 2Ω
Circuit example #2:
10 Ω
20 V
2Ω 3A
?? V −
4Ω 6Ω
5 mA 5 mA
300 Ω 300 Ω
220 µF 220 µF
Si Si
1 kΩ 1 kΩ
Circuit example #4:
?? Ω 3Ω
• Alter one or more of the given values in a circuit, then re-analyze that circuit. Do any of the components
switch from source to load or vice-versa?
• Consider a case where one of the components shown in the schematic diagram happen to fail, either
open or shorted, then identify how this failure will affect your re-analysis of the circuit.
file i02832
Question 2
Calculate the load current and load voltage in this transformer circuit:
Iload = Vload =
file i03243
Question 3
Suppose a voltmeter registers 0 volts between test points E and F in this step-down transformer circuit,
as well as 238 volts between test points B and D:
A F1 B
50 mA E F2 G
250 mA
240 VAC 13000 turns 4000 turns 150 Ω
Identify the likelihood of each specified fault for this circuit. Consider each fault one at a time (i.e. no
coincidental faults), determining whether or not each fault could independently account for all measurements
and symptoms in this circuit.
Finally, identify the next diagnostic test or measurement you would make on this system. Explain how
the result(s) of this next test or measurement help further identify the location and/or nature of the fault.
file i02719
Question 4
Read and outline the Simplified Tutorial of the Phasor Mathematics learning module of the Modular
Electronics Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed on the ModEL
Project home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02836
Question 5
Read and outline the Simplified Tutorial of the Resistance, Reactance, and Impedance learning module
of the Modular Electronics Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed
on the ModEL Project home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02837
Question 6
Complex number arithmetic makes possible the analysis of AC circuits using (almost) the exact same
Laws that were learned for DC circuit analysis. The only bad part about this is that doing complex-number
arithmetic by hand can be very tedious. Some calculators, though, are able to add, subtract, multiply,
divide, and invert complex quantities as easy as they do scalar quantities, making this method of AC circuit
analysis relatively easy.
This question is really a series of practice problems in complex number arithmetic, the purpose being
to give you lots of practice using the complex number facilities of your calculator (or to give you a lot of
practice doing trigonometry calculations, if your calculator does not have the ability to manipulate complex
(256 15o ) + (106 74o ) = (10006 43o ) + (12006 − 20o ) = (5226 71o ) − (856 30o ) =
(3 + j5) × (2 − j1) = (10 − j8) × (4 − j3) = (12−j2) =
1 1 1
(156 60o )
= (7506 −38o )
= (10+j3) =
1 1 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1 =
156 45o 926 −25o 12006 73o 5746 21o 23k6 −67o 10k6 −81o
1 1 1
+ 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1 =
1106 −34o 806 19o 706 10 89k6 −5o 15k6 33o 9.35k6 45 5126 34o 1k6 −25o 9426 −20 2.2k6 44o
Full answers are given in the Answers section later in this document, as well as a discussion of how to
perform these calculations easily using a Texas Instruments TI-84 calculator.
• Your calculator’s manual will be an excellent reference for learning how to enter and interpret complex
numbers. Show where in the manual you were able to find instructions on entering complex numbers,
displaying them in different forms (e.g. polar vs. rectangular), and performing basic arithmetic
operations on complex numbers.
file i00846
Question 7
Complete the following table of values for this circuit, expressing each quantity in both rectangular and
polar forms:
3.3 kΩ
525 V ∠ 0o
60 Hz 2.7 H
–– R L Total
V (polar) 525 V 6 0o
V (rect.) 525 + j0 V
I (polar)
I (rect.)
Z (polar)
Z (rect.)
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the inductor fails open.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the inductor fails shorted.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the resistor fails open.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the resistor fails shorted.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the resistor gets replaced by a capacitor
with the same impedance magnitude.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the inductor gets replaced by a capacitor
with the same impedance magnitude.
file i03048
Question 8
Complete the following table of values for this circuit, expressing each quantity in both rectangular and
polar forms:
600 V ∠ 0o
60 Hz 0.5 H 10.6 µF
–– L C Total
V (polar) 600 V 6 0o
V (rect.) 600 + j0 V
I (polar)
I (rect.)
Z (polar)
Z (rect.)
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the inductor fails open.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the inductor fails shorted.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the capacitor fails open.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the capacitor fails shorted.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the capacitor gets replaced by a resistor
with the same impedance magnitude.
• Predict the effects on all voltages and currents in this circuit if the inductor gets replaced by a resistor
with the same impedance magnitude.
file i03044
Question 9
Calculate all voltages and currents in this series-parallel DC circuit, annotating all voltages with +
and − symbols and all currents with arrows pointing in the direction of conventional flow. Also, determine
whether each component is functioning as an electrical source or an electrical load:
8V +
In each step of your analysis, identify which of the following principles applies:
• Conservation of Energy
• Conservation of Electric Charge
• Properties of a series network
• Properties of a parallel network
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
• Ohm’s Law
file i02851
Question 10
Calculate all voltages and currents in this series-parallel DC circuit, annotating all voltages with +
and − symbols and all currents with arrows pointing in the direction of conventional flow. Also, determine
whether each component is functioning as an electrical source or an electrical load:
8V + 3A
In each step of your analysis, identify which of the following principles applies:
• Conservation of Energy
• Conservation of Electric Charge
• Properties of a series network
• Properties of a parallel network
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
• Ohm’s Law
file i02868
Question 11
Calculate all voltages and currents in this series-parallel DC circuit, annotating all voltages with +
and − symbols and all currents with arrows pointing in the direction of conventional flow. Also, determine
whether each component is functioning as an electrical source or an electrical load:
30 V 200 Ω
100 Ω 5 mA
12 mA
In each step of your analysis, identify which of the following principles applies:
• Conservation of Energy
• Conservation of Electric Charge
• Properties of a series network
• Properties of a parallel network
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
• Ohm’s Law
file i02867
Question 12
Determine what will happen to all voltage drops in this circuit if the resistance of resistor R4 happens
to decrease:
R2 R1
DC +
voltage −
• Explain how the problem-solving strategy of limiting cases applies to this particular problem.
file i02911
Question 13
Examine these two variable-resistance (rheostat) networks, each one with a large-range potentiometer
and a small-range potentiometer:
100k 5k
For each network, determine which pot is the coarse adjustment and which pot is the fine adjustment
for total network resistance, and explain your reasoning.
• A good problem-solving technique is to perform a “thought experiment” on the given system. Here,
determine the effect on total network resistance while each potentiometer (one at a time) is adjusted
through its entire range while the other potentiometer is left in its mid-position.
file i03144
Question 14
Calculate the total impedance offered by these two inductors to a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of
60 Hz:
750 mH
350 mH
Ztotal @ 60 Hz = ???
Question 15
Calculate the total impedances (complete with phase angles) for each of the following inductor-resistor
0.5 H 200 mH
0.2 H
100 Hz 0.5 H 470 Ω 290 Hz 1H 1.5 kΩ
file i01060
Question 16
Calculate the total impedances (complete with phase angles) for each of the following capacitor-resistor
3.3 µF 0.1 µF
0.22 µF
file i01072
Question 17
Which component, the resistor or the capacitor, will drop more voltage in this circuit?
725 Hz
Also, calculate the total impedance (Ztotal ) of this circuit, expressing it in both rectangular and polar
file i01039
Question 18
Due to the effects of a changing electric field on the dielectric of a capacitor, some energy is dissipated
in capacitors subjected to AC. Generally, this is not very much, but it is there. This dissipative behavior is
typically modeled as a series-connected resistance:
Calculate the magnitude and phase shift of the current through this capacitor, taking into consideration
its equivalent series resistance (ESR):
5Ω Vin
10 VAC
270 Hz
0.22 µF
Compare this against the magnitude and phase shift of the current for an ideal 0.22 µF capacitor.
file i01050
Question 19
Is this circuit’s overall behavior capacitive or inductive? In other words, from the perspective of the AC
voltage source, does it “appear” as though a capacitor is being powered, or an inductor?
15 V
0.1 µF 1.8 kHz
85 mH
Now, suppose we take these same components and re-connect them in parallel rather than series. Does
this change the circuit’s overall “appearance” to the source? Does the source now “see” an equivalent
capacitor or an equivalent inductor? Explain your answer.
15 V
85 mH 0.1 µF 1.8 kHz
• Which component “dominates” the behavior of a series LC circuit, the one with the least reactance or
the one with the greatest reactance?
• Which component “dominates” the behavior of a parallel LC circuit, the one with the least reactance
or the one with the greatest reactance?
file i01076
Question 20
Question 21
Read and outline the Simplified Tutorial of the Electrical Power Grids learning module of the Modular
Electronics Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed on the ModEL
Project home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02833
Question 22
Read and outline the Simplified Tutorial of the Circuit Breakers and Disconnects learning module of
the Modular Electronics Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed
on the ModEL Project home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02834
Question 23
Read and outline the Simplified Tutorial of the Principles of Protective Relaying learning module of the
Modular Electronics Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed on
the ModEL Project home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02835
Question 24
Read selected portions of the sales brochure for the Siemens model 3AP1 DTC high-voltage circuit
breaker and answer the following questions:
This particular model of circuit breaker is a “dead tank” design. Explain what this phrase means.
This particular model of circuit breaker not only has current-interrupting contacts, but also disconnect
and “earthing” switch contacts as well. Identify where each of these contacts is located in the assembly and
explain their functions.
file i03036
Question 25
Read selected portions of the sales brochure for the Siemens model 3AP1/2 live-tank high-voltage circuit
breakers and answer the following questions:
Explain what the phrase “live tank” means with regard to a circuit breaker, referencing illustrations or
photographs in the document to aid in your explanation.
Identify at least two different styles of high-voltage circuit breakers described in this document, showing
where power goes in and out of the breaker units.
Explain how the spring mechanism works to store mechanical energy to trip and close the circuit breaker
contacts. Note that the diagram shows different colored arrows to designate the “opening” and “closing”
Compare the following current ratings of a 550 kV model 3AP2 circuit breaker, and explain why each
one is different:
• Rated normal current =
• Rated peak withstand current =
• Rated short-circuit breaking current =
• Rated short-circuit making current =
file i03038
Question 26
Examine this schematic diagram sampled from Victor H. Todd’s 1922 book Protective Relays showing
a very simple protection circuit comprised of a two-pole power circuit breaker with an externally energized
“trip coil”, a current transformer, a DC storage battery, and a “plunger-style” protective relay:
First, identify the purpose of this protective system. What abnormal condition is it designed to sense,
and how does it protect the system against damage from this abnormal condition?
Suppose this relay has been calibrated to “pick up” at a current transformer output of 3.2 amps AC. If
the current transformer’s ratio is 800:5, how many amps of line current does this represent?
Finally, identify how the “pickup” value (i.e. the trip threshold) for this protective relay might be
adjusted by a technician.
• Which ANSI number code best corresponds to this particular protective relay function? How can you
• Suppose the storage battery became discharged so that it measured only about 90 volts rather than 120
volts. How would this affect the operation of this protective system, if at all?
• Suppose the current transformer failed with an internally shorted winding, so that its effective turns
ratio became closer to being 1:1 than it is now. How would this affect the operation of this protective
system, if at all?
• Two important concepts are used in the electric power industry to express the reliability of the system:
dependability and security. Dependability is the likelihood that a protective device or system will shut
off power as designed in the event of an fault. Security is the likelihood that a protective device will
allow power to remain on when there is no fault (i.e. the likelihood it will not needlessly trip). Identify
a specific fault in this protective system that could compromise its dependability, and another specific
fault that could compromise its security.
file i02862
Question 27
Examine this single-line diagram of a power system and answer the following questions:
13.8 kV 13.8 kV 13.8 kV
J Substation K
115 kV Bus A Bus B 115 kV
2 6
13.8 kV 13.8 kV
5 10
Bus C
Load J Load K Load L
Suppose Load F fails in such a way that it draws far more current than it should. Identify which circuit
breaker(s) must trip in order to interrupt the fault current while maintaining power to as many other loads
as possible.
Suppose circuit breaker #5 fails to trip when commanded. Identify which other circuit breaker(s) must
trip in order to de-energize breaker #5 while maintaining power to as many loads as possible.
Suppose one of the high-voltage insulators on Bus C fails, causing a high amount of current to flow into
that bus. Identify which circuit breakers must trip in order to de-energize that bus while maintaining power
to as many loads as possible.
file i02864
Question 28
Calculate all voltages and currents in this series-parallel DC circuit, annotating all voltages with +
and − symbols and all currents with arrows pointing in the direction of conventional flow. Also, determine
whether each component is functioning as an electrical source or an electrical load:
10 V − 4A
1Ω 7A
In each step of your analysis, identify which of the following principles applies:
• Conservation of Energy
• Conservation of Electric Charge
• Properties of a series network
• Properties of a parallel network
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
• Ohm’s Law
file i02869
Question 29
A programmable logic controller (PLC) may be used to command a high-voltage circuit breaker to trip
in the event of dangerous process conditions, such as the system shown here:
breaker supply 1
120 VAC OUT0 IN1
power OUT1 IN2
52a OUT5 IN7
179 oF
4 feet
Key switch
33 PSI
DC trip
3-phase load
Assume this process system is operating as it should (i.e. no abnormal conditions). Based on the status
LED indicators you see on the input card of the PLC, determine whether each of the process switches is
designed to trip on a low condition or a high condition. Then, determine what you would have to do to the
circuit to simulate a shutdown condition for each of the process switches (i.e. make the PLC “think” it sees
an abnormal condition, so that it will act to trip the breaker):
• Temperature switch: trips on low temperature or high temperature? How to simulate trip condition?
• Level switch: trips on low liquid level or high liquid level? How to simulate trip condition?
• Pressure switch: trips on low fluid pressure or high fluid pressure? How to simulate trip condition?
• Explain why the LED status indicators are so helpful for system troubleshooting in a PLC-controlled
• Identify the purpose of the key switch in this circuit.
• Suppose you were asked to install a manual pushbutton “Emergency Trip” switch to trip the circuit
breaker. Where would you connect such a switch in this circuit?
file i02113
Question 30
Examine the single-line electrical diagram example contained in “Informative Annex D – Incident Energy
and Arc Flash Boundary Calculation Methods” of the NFPA 70E document “Standard for Electrical Safety
in the Workplace” and answer the following questions:
Identify how each of the following devices are represented in this diagram:
• Transformers
• Disconnects
• Circuit breakers
• Fuses
Several “tie breakers” are shown in this diagram, connecting bus segments together to form a larger bus.
Identify where these tie breakers are in the diagram, and explain their purpose in the power distribution
Each transformer shown in this diagram bears a percentage rating. What, exactly, does this percentage
rating refer to?
Suppose the 5 MVA transformer feeding bus 2B suffers a catastrophic internal short-circuit. Identify the
points at which power will be automatically disconnected from this failed transformer, either by fuses or by
circuit breakers tripped by protective relays. Is it possible to restore power to bus 2B while this transformer
is still out of service? If so, explain how this could be accomplished.
Suppose the 2.5 MVA transformer feeding bus 7A suffers a catastrophic internal short-circuit. Identify
the points at which power will be automatically disconnected from this failed transformer, either by fuses
or by circuit breakers tripped by protective relays. Is it possible to restore power to bus 7A while this
transformer is still out of service? If so, explain how this could be accomplished.
• Should tie breakers and tie switches typically be left in their open or closed states? Explain your
• Calculate the maximum bolted-fault current for a three-phase transformer rated at 480 volt output and
1.5 MVA, with 6% impedance.
• Note the tie breaker arrangement between busses 1A and 1B: there is a direct tie breaker in parallel
with an inductor having its own pair of breakers. When initially connecting these two busses together,
the protocol is to close the direct tie breaker last, relying on the other two breakers and the associated
inductor to make the first connection between the busses. Explain why this is so.
file i03034
Question 31
Question 32
Question 33
Question 34
Question 35
Question 36
Question 37
Question 38
Question 39
Question 40
Question 41
Explain what AC reactance is, and how it differs from resistance despite being measured in the same
units (ohms). Then, calculate reactance values for the following components:
• 45 millihenry inductor at 400 Hz = Ω
• 12 microfarad capacitor at 50 Hz = Ω
After you have done this, express each components impedance (Z) in phasor (complex number) form.
• One way to think of electrical resistance and electrical impedance in analogous terms is to liken then
to mechanical friction and mechanical inertia, respectively. Explain this association in terms of energy
• Explain why the impedance of a real component differs from the impedance of an ideal component,
especially inductors.
• Will a series-connected inductor serve as a low-pass filter or a high-pass filter? Explain your answer.
• Explain how to build a low-pass filter circuit using a capacitor and a resistor.
file i03066
Question 42
Calculate the individual currents through the inductor and through the resistor, the total current, and
the total circuit impedance:
2.5 V RMS
3 kHz
file i01054
Question 43
Read and outline the Simplified Tutorial of the Phasors and AC Circuit Measurements learning module
of the Modular Electronics Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed
on the ModEL Project home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02838
Question 44
Read and outline the Simplified Tutorial of the Phasor Diagrams learning module of the Modular
Electronics Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed on the ModEL
Project home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02839
Question 45
Calculate the amount of voltage between points A and B (VAB ) given the generator values shown:
State your answer both in symbolic form (e.g. ??? volts 6 ?? degrees) as well as in a phasor diagram
showing the given generator voltages along with VAB .
• A very effective problem-solving strategy when you are unsure of where to begin is to simplify the
problem at hand and solve that simplified version of the problem. For example, calculate VAB if the two
generators’ voltages were absolutely identical, in both magnitude and phase.
• A very effective problem-solving strategy when you are unsure of where to begin is to simplify the problem
at hand and solve that simplified version of the problem. For example, calculate VAB if generator B
were turned off (i.e. outputting zero volts).
• A very effective problem-solving strategy when you are unsure of where to begin is to simplify the problem
at hand and solve that simplified version of the problem. For example, calculate VAB if generator A
were turned off (i.e. outputting zero volts).
• Would it be safe to connect points A and B together with the generator voltages as shown? Explain
why or why not.
• Is the calculated voltage for VAB equivalent to the voltage for VBA ? Why or why not?
file i03040
Question 46
Calculate the amount of voltage between point A and ground (VA ) given the component values shown:
110 VAC
60 Hz
H1 H3 H2 H4
20:1 step-down
X1 X2
A 7.5 H
2.2 kΩ
1 µF
State your answer both in symbolic form (e.g. ??? volts 6 ?? degrees) as well as in a phasor diagram
showing the source voltage (its phase angle assumed to be zero degrees) and VA .
file i03049
Question 47
Calculate all voltages and currents in this series-parallel AC circuit, representing each of these quantities
in phasor (complex-number) form, assuming both sources have a frequency of 60 Hz:
25 V ∠ -50o
6.8 Ω 35 mH
16 V ∠ 10o
Annotate all voltage polarities and current directions in the schematic diagram. Hint: approach this
task as if the circuit were DC rather than AC.
Also, sketch a phasor diagram showing all voltages summing to zero around the circuit (Kirchhoff’s
Voltage Law) and a phasor diagram showing all currents summing to zero at a node (Kirchhoff’s Current
file i03367
Question 48
Compute all voltages and currents in this circuit, assuming sources operating at a frequency of 60 Hz:
4.5 A ∠ 0o
2.3 A ∠ 15o
110 mH 75 Ω 660 µF
Also, sketch a phasor diagram showing all voltages summing to zero around the circuit (Kirchhoff’s
Voltage Law) and a phasor diagram showing all currents summing to zero at a node (Kirchhoff’s Current
file i04302
Question 49
Calculate all voltages and currents in this circuit, as well as the total impedance:
34 V RMS
3 kHz
file i01033
Question 50
Solve for all voltages and currents in this series LR circuit, and also calculate the phase angle of the
total impedance:
10.3 H
5 kΩ
24 V RMS
50 Hz
file i01051
Question 51
Solve for all voltages and currents in this series RC circuit:
0.01 µF
15 V RMS
1 kHz
4.7 kΩ
file i01052
Question 52
Solve for all voltages and currents in this series RC circuit, and also calculate the phase angle of the
total impedance:
48 V peak
30 Hz
file i01053
Question 53
Determine the total current and all voltage drops in this circuit, stating your answers the way a
multimeter would register them:
• C1 = 125 pF
• C2 = 71 pF
• R1 = 6.8 kΩ
• R2 = 1.2 kΩ
• Vsupply = 20 V RMS
• fsupply = 950 kHz
Also, calculate the phase angle (θ) between voltage and current in this circuit, and explain where and
how you would connect an oscilloscope to measure that phase shift.
file i01070
Question 54
A student is asked to calculate the phase shift for the following circuit’s output voltage, relative to the
phase of the source voltage:
He recognizes this as a series circuit, and therefore realizes that a right triangle would be appropriate
for representing component impedances and component voltage drops (because both impedance and voltage
are quantities that add in series, and the triangle represents phasor addition):
R , VR
l ,V XC , VC
The problem now is, which angle does the student solve for in order to find the phase shift of Vout ? The
triangle contains two angles besides the 90o angle, θ and Φ. Which one represents the output phase shift,
and more importantly, why?
file i01061
Question 55
Determine the input frequency necessary to give the output voltage a phase shift of 40o :
0.01 µF
Vin Vout
f = ???
2.9 kΩ
file i01063
Question 56
Question 57
Question 58
Question 59
Question 60
Question 61
Read and outline the Full Tutorial of the Polyphase AC learning module of the Modular Electronics
Learning Project. This document is freely available online as a PDF file, indexed on the ModEL Project
home page at the following URL:
The purpose of your outline is to foster close reading of the text, to facilitate quick referencing of
specific points within the text, to record questions of your own, and to practice clear writing. Your outline
must meet the following standards for full credit: every major idea contained in the text represented in your
outline, entirely in your own words (i.e. no copying of text), written in a legible and comprehensible manner,
of sufficient quality that others would find it informative. Incomplete, illegible, cryptic, and/or plagiarized
outlines will not receive full credit. A suggestion is one sentence of your own per paragraph of source text.
A well-written outline contains the following:
• Questions of your own and requests for clarification after reading the text
• Page numbers from the source text for quick reference during discussion
• Images copied from the text (or sketched by you) to illustrate concepts
• References to previously learned concepts
• Descriptions of problem-solving strategies applied by the author
file i02834
Question 62
Calculate all voltages, currents, and total power in this balanced Delta-Y system:
Source Load
2400 V
• Vline =
• Iline =
• Vphase(source) =
• Iphase(source) =
• Vphase(load) =
• Iphase(load) =
• Ptotal =
• Identify which fundamental principles of electric circuits apply to each step of your analysis of this
circuit. In other words, be prepared to explain the reason(s) “why” for every step of your analysis,
rather than merely describing those steps.
• Identify two currents in this circuit that are guaranteed to be equal in value, even if the source and load
happened to be imbalanced.
• Identify two currents in this circuit that are unequal in value, and explain why one of them is larger
than the other.
• Identify two voltages in this circuit that are guaranteed to be equal in value, even if the source and load
happened to be imbalanced.
• Identify two voltages in this circuit that are unequal in value, and explain why one of them is larger
than the other.
• Suppose the center of the wye-connected load were connected to earth ground. Determine the amount
of voltage between each vertex of the delta-connected source and earth ground.
• Suppose one of the vertices of the delta-connected source were connected to earth ground. Determine
the amount of voltage between each terminal of the wye-connected load and earth ground.
• Suppose one of the vertices of the delta-connected source were connected to earth ground. Determine
the amount of voltage between the center point of the wye-connected load and earth ground.
file i02270
Question 63
Calculate all voltages, currents, and total power in this balanced three-phase system where a Wye-
connected source provides electrical power to a 30 horsepower Delta-connected motor. Assume the motor
operates at full load (100% power) with perfect power factor and perfect efficiency:
Source Motor
• Vline =
• Iline =
• Vphase(source) =
• Iphase(source) =
• Vphase(load) =
• Iphase(load) =
• Ptotal =
• Identify which fundamental principles of electric circuits apply to each step of your analysis of this
circuit. In other words, be prepared to explain the reason(s) “why” for every step of your analysis,
rather than merely describing those steps.
• Identify two currents in this circuit that are guaranteed to be equal in value, even if the source and load
happened to be imbalanced.
• Identify two currents in this circuit that are unequal in value, and explain why one of them is larger
than the other.
• Identify two voltages in this circuit that are guaranteed to be equal in value, even if the source and load
happened to be imbalanced.
• Identify two voltages in this circuit that are unequal in value, and explain why one of them is larger
than the other.
• How might the results differ if the motor were not 100% efficient?
• How might the results differ if the power factor were less than 1?
file i02440
Question 64
Calculate all voltages, currents, and total power in this balanced three-phase system where a Delta-
connected source provides electrical power to a 250 horsepower Y-connected motor. Assume the motor
operates at full load (100% power) with perfect power factor and perfect efficiency:
Source Motor
• Vline =
• Iline =
• Vphase(source) =
• Iphase(source) =
• Vphase(load) =
• Iphase(load) =
• Ptotal =
• Identify which fundamental principles of electric circuits apply to each step of your analysis of this
circuit. In other words, be prepared to explain the reason(s) “why” for every step of your analysis,
rather than merely describing those steps.
• Identify two currents in this circuit that are guaranteed to be equal in value, even if the source and load
happened to be imbalanced.
• Identify two currents in this circuit that are unequal in value, and explain why one of them is larger
than the other.
• Identify two voltages in this circuit that are guaranteed to be equal in value, even if the source and load
happened to be imbalanced.
• Identify two voltages in this circuit that are unequal in value, and explain why one of them is larger
than the other.
• How might the results differ if the motor output the same amount of mechanical power, but at a lesser
efficiency level (i.e. < 100%)?
• How might the results differ if the power factor were less than 1?
file i02448
Question 65
Read selected portions of the Delco-Remy “DELCOTRON GENERATORS (10-SI, 15-SI, AND 27-
SI SERIES, 100 TYPE)” Service Bulletin (document 1G-266, December 1978) and answer the following
Are these generator units three-phase or single-phase, internally? If three-phase, are their stator
windings connected in a wye or a delta configuration?
Identify an image showing the rotor assembly of this machine, especially one showing the individual
North and South magnetic poles on the rotor’s face.
The rotor in this machine contains an electromagnet coil, which the manual refers to as the field coil
because energizing this coil creates a magnetic field on the rotor. Identify an image showing a cross-section
of this coil within the rotor, and also identify how an electric current is conducted to this rotating coil from
a stationary source.
Identify an image showing the stator assembly of this machine, especially one showing the individual
winding poles on the stator’s inner circumference.
Figure 5 on page 2 of this manual shows an internal schematic diagram of the generator and its built-in
voltage regulator circuitry. Examine this schematic, and then answer the following questions:
• How is AC power generated at the stator converted into DC power to charge the vehicle’s battery?
• What purpose is served by the diode trio?
• Which transistor directly controls current through the rotor’s field coil?
• Why does the indicator lamp de-energize once the generator comes up to speed and begins to output
file i00453
Question 66
The following photographs show a 5000 horsepower AC generator constructed for a hydroelectric power
plant located at Niagara Falls in 1895. These came from an article in Cassier’s Magazine, Volume 8,
entitled “Electric Power Generation at Niagara” (written by Lewis, Buckley, and Stillwell) on the design and
construction of what was then an engineering marvel:
From these images, identify the generator’s rotor, stator, and slip ring assemblies.
How is the output voltage of this generator unit controlled? How is the output frequency controlled?
file i01982
Question 67
Sketch phasor diagrams for both phase voltage and phase current in this balanced 3-phase power system:
35 Ω
35 Ω 35 Ω
Now suppose the load is removed from this system and a low-resistance fault appears between phases
B and C. Sketch phasor diagrams for both phase voltage and phase current, assuming the source generator
is “stiff” (i.e. its voltage does not sag appreciably even under heavy loads):
file i00833
Question 68
An oscillograph is a time-domain recording of voltages or currents, typically archived after a fault event
in an electrical power system. Two examples of oscillographs are shown here, each one representing line
currents in a three-phase power line connected to a power station generator:
First, identify the phase rotation of this power system based on the color-coding of the oscillograph
traces. Is it ABC or is it CBA? How are you able to determine this fact?
Identify which of these two oscillographs represents a sustained overload condition that finally trips a
time-delayed protective relay.
Identify which of these two oscillographs represents a sudden short-circuit fault between two of the three
lines in this power system, that trips an “instantaneous” protective relay. Also, identify which two lines (A,
B, C) were shorted together in this fault.
file i02019
Question 69
Modern electric power instrumentation is able to display three-phase circuit quantities as phasor
diagrams. The following examples show screenshots from a protective relay as it senses line currents
from a three-phase generator, the first screenshot representing normal operation and the second screenshot
representing a fault:
First, identify the phase rotation of this power system based on the color-coding of the phasors. Is it
ABC or is it CBA? How are you able to determine this fact?
Next, identify the nature of the fault in this power system, being as specific as you can.
file i02020
Question 70
Predict the amount of AC voltage between the following test points and earth ground in this delta-
connected AC generator given the specified switch states. Assume that this generator is designed to have a
(balanced) phase voltage of 120 volts AC:
Lastly, explain what would happen if both pushbutton switches were pressed simultaneously.
file i03534
Question 71
In this Y-Y system, the source outputs balanced voltages (i.e. all line voltages are 480 VAC, shifted
120o from each other) but the load is imbalanced:
480 V
Source Load
480 V 480 V
1.8 kΩ
Identify points within this circuit absolutely guaranteed to share the same current, despite the
imbalanced load.
Identify pairs of points within this circuit absolutely guaranteed to share the same voltage, despite the
imbalanced load.
Now suppose the centers of the wye source and wye load were connected together to form a 4-wire
three-phase circuit. Determine the amount of voltage between each terminal of the wye-connected source
and earth ground.
file i04726
Question 72
Source Motor
Identify points within this circuit absolutely guaranteed to share the same current, whether or not the
source or load happen to be balanced.
Identify point-pairs within this circuit absolutely guaranteed to share the same voltage between them,
whether or not the source or load happen to be balanced.
Now suppose one of the windings inside the motor fails open. Answer both of the above questions for
this new (faulted) scenario:
Source Motor
failed open
file i04458
Question 73
Calculate the amount of current passing through each of the phase windings of this 100 horsepower
electric motor while operating at full load, assuming a line voltage of 460 volts, 100% motor efficiency, and
a power factor of 1:
100 HP
Iphase =
file i01297
Question 74
Predict the amount of AC voltage between the following test points and earth ground in this wye-
connected AC generator given the specified switch states. Assume that this generator is designed to have a
(balanced) phase voltage of 120 volts AC:
Lastly, explain what would happen if both pushbutton switches were pressed simultaneously.
file i03799
Question 75
Calculate the following circuit values, assuming a balanced three-phase system:
325 Ω
• Vphase (source) =
• Iphase (source) =
• Vphase (load) =
• Iphase (load) =
• Vline =
• Iline =
• Ptotal =
file i01193
Question 76
Calculate the following circuit values, assuming a balanced three-phase system:
75 Ω
Ptotal = 14 kW
• Vphase (source) =
• Iphase (source) =
• Vphase (load) =
• Iphase (load) =
• Vline =
• Iline =
file i01623
Question 77
Suppose you need to design a three-phase electric heater to dissipate 15 kW of heat when powered by
480 VAC. Your options are to build a delta-connected heater array or a wye-connected heater array:
Rdelta Rdelta
Calculate the proper resistance value for each array, to achieve the desired heat output:
Rdelta = Ω
Rwye = Ω
file i01040
Question 78
A three-phase electric motor operating at a line voltage of 4160 volts AC (RMS) draws 27.5 amps of
current (RMS) through each of its lines. Calculate the amount of electrical power consumed by this motor.
Assuming the motor is 92% efficient and operating at a power factor of 1, calculate its mechanical output
power in the unit of horsepower.
file i01206
Question 79
Examine the primary and secondary connections on this three-phase transformer bank, and then
determine the line voltage to the customer, assuming 12.5 kV line voltage on the distribution power lines.
The schematic diagram shown in the grey box is typical for each of the three transformers:
r li
Low-voltage lines
to customer
Power pole
file i01041
Question 80
Calculate the operating current through each of the load resistances shown in this circuit (assuming
each three-phase load is balanced):
Vline = 13.8 kV B
1240 Ω
950 Ω
Question 81
Calculate the output voltage of this phase-shifting circuit, expressing it in polar form (magnitude and
phase angle relative to the source voltage):
Vin 0.033 µF
5.4 VAC Vout
1.2 kHz
2.2 kΩ
file i01062
Question 82
This liquid level sensor circuit uses a plastic-coated metal rod as one “plate” of a capacitor, and the
metal vessel as the other “plate” of the capacitor:
Probe A
AC voltage source
Metal vessel sheath
Sketch an equivalent circuit showing the level sensing probe as an ideal circuit element, and then
determine the following if the liquid level in the vessel happens to increase:
• Probe capacitance: (increase, decrease, or remain the same)
• AC voltage between point A and ground: (increase, decrease, or remain the same)
file i02918
Question 83
Solve for all voltages and currents in this series LR circuit:
175 mH
15 V RMS
1 kHz
710 Ω
Also, calculate the phase shift between VR and Vsupply , as well as the phase shift between VL and Vsupply .
file i01034
Question 84
Determine the phase angle (θ) of the current in this circuit, with respect to the supply voltage:
1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M
file i01071
Question 85
Calculate all voltages, currents, and total power in this balanced Y-Y system:
Source Load
580 Ω
• Eline =
• Iline =
• Ephase(source) =
• Iphase(source) =
• Ephase(load) =
• Iphase(load) =
• Ptotal =
file i02421
Question 86
Suppose a three-phase 480 VAC electric motor is used to turn a pump:
Motor Pump
480 VAC
A current transformer (CT) with a ratio of 100:5 is used to measure line current. A potential transformer
(PT) with a ratio of 10:1 is used to measure line voltage. Based on this measurement (assuming the motor
presents a balanced load), calculate the following:
• The electrical power delivered to the motor (in horsepower)
• Assuming 93% efficiency, the mechanical power output by the motor (in horsepower)
• Assuming 93% efficiency, the heat dissipation of the motor (in kilowatts)
file i02130
Question 87
Calculate the following parameters in this three-phase (balanced) AC power system:
400 Ω
2402 VAC
• Vline (generator) =
• Iline (generator) =
• Vline (load) =
• Iline (load) =
• Ptotal =
file i03597
Question 88
A high-voltage circuit breaker is manually operated from a remote location using a pair of pushbutton
switches, connected to “trip” and “close” solenoid coils within the breaker:
Trip Close
4 TC1 1 23
5 TC2 2
6 CC 3
This particular circuit breaker is gas-quenched by sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6 ), which is normally
pressurized inside the circuit breaker to approximately 45 PSI for optimum electrical performance.
A low-pressure lockout switch is being installed on the circuit breaker to detect if the SF6 gas pressure
ever drops below 35 PSI. The purpose of this switch is to disable the breaker from either closing or tripping
if the gas pressure is abnormally low.
Your task is to modify the circuit shown above to include this pressure switch. The single-pole, double-
throw pressure switch is shown in the upper-right corner of the diagram, not yet connected to the 125 VDC
trip/close circuit.
file i02111
Question 89
An AC electric motor under load can be considered as a parallel combination of resistance and
AC motor
277 VAC Leq Req
60 Hz
Calculate the equivalent inductance (Leq ) if the measured source current is 27.5 amps and the motor’s
equivalent resistance (Req ) is 11.2 Ω.
file i01059
Question 90
Calculate the amount of current output to the ammeter by the current transformer (CT) under normal
load conditions, assuming a balanced three-phase source and a balanced three-phase load:
Vphase = 7.2 kV
65 Ω
65 Ω
65 Ω
Iammeter = A
Now, re-calculate the ammeter’s current supposing a tree branch falls across lines A and C, causing a
low-resistance fault:
Vphase = 7.2 kV
65 Ω
Rfault = 10 Ω
65 Ω
65 Ω
Iammeter = A
Hint: you will need to consider phase angles for the fault current calculation! Feel free to assume an
ABC phase rotation, where VA = 7200 V 6 0o and VB = 7200 V 6 − 120o and VC = 7200 V 6 120o .
file i02881
Question 91
Lab Exercise – introduction
Your team’s task is to perform commissioning tests on one or more circuit breakers as well as commission
and test a protective relay for one protection zone within the lab’s miniature three-phase power grid. Your
instructor will assign the circuit breaker and protection zone for your team.
The following table of objectives show what you and your team must complete within the scheduled
time for this lab exercise. Note how some of these objectives are individual, while others are for the team as
a whole:
Objective completion table:
The only “proportional” scoring in this activity are the lab questions, which are answered by each student
individually. A listing of potential lab questions are shown at the end of this worksheet question. The lab
questions are intended to guide your labwork as much as they are intended to measure your comprehension,
and as such the instructor may ask these questions of your team day by day, rather than all at once (on a
single day).
It is essential that your team plans ahead what to accomplish each day. A short (10
minute) team meeting at the beginning of each lab session is a good way to do this, reviewing
what’s already been done, what’s left to do, and what assessments you should be ready for.
There is a lot of work involved with building, documenting, and troubleshooting these working
instrument systems!
As you and your team work on this system, you will invariably encounter problems. You should always
attempt to solve these problems as a team before requesting instructor assistance. If you still require
instructor assistance, write your team’s color on the lab whiteboard with a brief description of what you
need help on. The instructor will meet with each team in order they appear on the whiteboard to address
these problems.
Lab Exercise – objectives and expectations
Each objective is assessed at the mastery level, which means it is not complete until it meets all
expectations. Re-tries are allowed, but failed attempts will be recorded and factored into your score for
this lab exercise.
Team meeting
Lab Exercise – objectives and expectations (continued)
Lab percentage score
Successful completion of the lab exercise requires demonstrated mastery of all objectives. A percentage
value is based on the number of attempts required to achieve mastery on these objectives: the number of
objectives divided by the number of total attempts equals the percentage. Thus, a perfect lab percentage
score is possible only by completing all objectives on the first attempt. Marks given for team objectives factor
into each individual’s score. If one or more members of a team repeatedly compromise team performance,
they may be removed from the team and required to complete remaining lab exercises alone.
Deductions from this percentage value will be levied for instances of unsafe or unprofessional conduct
(see below), the final result being the lab percentage score.
When you require the instructor’s assistance to answer a question or to check off an objective, write
your name (or your team’s name) on the lab room whiteboard. Questions take priority over checkoffs,
so please distinguish questions from other requests (e.g. writing a question-mark symbol “?” after your
name makes this clear). There will be times when you must wait for extended periods while the
instructor is busy elsewhere – instant service is an impossibility. Adequate time does exist to complete the
lab exercise if you follow all instructions, communicate well, and work productively. Use all “down time”
wisely: filling it with tasks not requiring the instructor’s assistance such as other lab objectives, homework,
feedback questions, and job searches.
Remember that the lab facility is available to you at all hours of the school day. Students may perform
non-hazardous work (e.g. circuit work at less than 30 volts, documentation, low air pressures, general
construction not requiring power tools) at any time during the school day without the instructor’s presence
so long as that work does not disturb the learning environment for other students.
DO NOT TAKE SHORTCUTS when completing tasks! Learning requires focused attention and
time on task, which means that most ‘shortcuts” actually circumvent the learning process. Read the lab
exercise instructions, follow all instructions documented in equipment manuals, and follow all advice given
to you by your instructor. Make a good-faith effort to solve all problems on your own before seeking the help
of others. Always remember that this lab exercise is just a means to an end: no one needs you to build this
project; it is an activity designed to develop marketable knowledge, skills, and self-discipline. In the end it
is your professional development that matters most, not the finished project!
Lab Exercise – team meeting
An important first step in completing this lab exercise is to meet with your instructor as a team
to locate the circuit breaker to be commissioned, as well as discuss safety concerns, team performance, and
specific roles for team members. If you would like to emphasize exposure to certain equipment (e.g. use
a particular type of control system, certain power tools), techniques (e.g. fabrication), or tasks to improve
your skill set, this is the time to make requests of your team so that your learning during this project will
be maximized.
Lab Exercise – manually synchronize a generator with the grid
The lab’s miniature AC power grid is equipped with multiple generating stations, each of which must be
synchronized with the grid before closing its circuit breaker and placing it “on line”. Manual synchronization
entails bringing the generator up to speed and monitoring some form of differential voltage monitor indicating
the phase relationship between the generator’s output voltage and the power grid’s voltage. The circuit
breaker should only be closed when the generator’s speed is slightly greater than the power line’s frequency
and the phase shift is at a minimum.
The simplest form of differential voltage monitor is a set of “sync lamps” connected across the poles of
the open circuit breaker (or connected to PTs which have primary windings connected across the poles of
the breaker). The lamps will glow brightest when the generator and grid are 180o out of phase, and glow
dimmest (or go out completely) when the two are in-phase.
A more sophisticated differential voltage monitor suitable for manual synchronization is the
synchroscope, a special panel meter with a needle that can rotate without ever hitting a stop. Zero phase
shift is indicated by the needle pointing straight up, while 180o phase shift is indicated by the needle pointing
straight down.
If the generator and power grid are at different frequencies, the sync lamps will oscillate in brightness
at a frequency equal to the difference in generator and line frequencies. A synchroscope’s needle will rotate
at a speed equal to this difference frequency.
If the generator and power grid are at different voltage levels, the sync lamps will never fully go out, but
will merely become brighter and dimmer at the difference frequency. A synchroscope has no way of showing
differences in voltage level.
Once your generator is successfully synchronized with the grid and its circuit breaker closed, it becomes
electrically “locked” in phase with the rest of the grid. Attempting to speed it up or slow it down while
on-line merely places more or less load on the generator – it cannot actually speed up or slow down without
pulling the entire grid (and all the generators on it) to that new speed. Likewise, attempting to change the
output voltage by exciting the field winding more or less only changes the amount of reactive power the
generator produces – it cannot actually raise or lower grid voltage without pulling the entire grid (and all
the generators on it) to that new voltage level.
If something dramatic happens to pull your generator out of sync with the grid while its circuit breaker
is closed, very large currents will begin to flow in and out of your generator as it falls in and out of phase
with the grid. The generator will also experience very high mechanical torque at its shaft. The phenomenon
of falling out of phase with the grid is called “slipping a pole” and it can be catastrophic for large generators,
both electrically and mechanically. The protective relay(s) at each generating station should be set to trip
the generator off-line if this ever happens.
The act of manually synchronizing an AC generator to the grid helps one visualize the phase relationships
between a multiple rotating machines. Even if the section of the power grid your team has been assigned to
protect does not contain a generator, there is merit in learning how to synchronize AC generators.
Breaker contacts
Sync lamps
Breaker contacts
Lab Exercise – alternator disassembly, testing, and reassembly
Each team will be given a Delco-Remy brand automotive alternator, which they must disassemble, test,
and reassemble. Disassembly must be done as far as possible using standard hand tools (e.g. wrenches,
screwdrivers, pliers, etc.). These alternator units, while smaller in size than alternators used in full-scale
power generating stations, neverless operate on the same principles and are constructed similarly to their
full-scale cousins.
Delco-Remy alternators are three-phase machines, with stator windings either connected in a Wye or
Delta configuration to produce low-voltage AC (approximately 15 VAC) power. A bank of rectifying diodes
converts this AC into DC suitable for charging the vehicle’s battery and operating DC vehicle accessories
(e.g. radio, windshield wiper motor, etc). Please note that the stator windings will have to be disconnected
from the rectifying diodes prior to any resistance tests! The field winding is located on the rotor, powered
by an external DC source (12 VDC maximum) through slip rings and carbon brushes.
A Delco-Remy service bulletin document has been included in your Instrumentation Reference,
describing this machine’s construction, operation, and testing in some detail.
Common mistakes:
• Failing to disconnect the stator winding leads from the rectifier assemblies prior to performing resistance
• Failing to insert a “keeper” pin into the brush holders during reassembly.
Lab Exercise – phase rotation (sequence) testing
Once live three-phase power is available in the lab power grid, you will be required to verify its phase
rotation by connecting a suitable test instrument to it, either directly to the power lines (where applicable)
or through potential transformers pre-connected to the grid. If your station happens to be a generator, you
will need to verify its phase rotation before attempting to place it on-line (i.e. close the breaker to connect
it to the grid).
Suitable test equipment exists in the lab for you to measure phase rotation. A multi-channel oscilloscope
is one form of suitable test equipment, but others exist as well. Be sure to consult the manual before using
this equipment on the power system, as system voltages and currents are capable of damaging equipment if
incorrectly connected. A sample schematic shown here illustrates how you may build a three-phase voltage
divider resistor network to create a three-phase voltage divider for safely testing phase rotation in cases
where the line voltage could damage the test instrument’s inputs. This Wye-connected resistor network also
provides a “ground” reference if the power system lacks one:
1 kΩ X-Y
1 kΩ A B Alt Chop Add
Triggering Level
To line "B"
1 kΩ Volts/Div B Alt Holdoff
0.5 0.2 0.1
50 m Line
2 20 m Ext.
5 10 m
Ext. input
10 5m
Invert Intensity Focus Beam find Norm AC
270 kΩ 20 2m Auto DC
DC Gnd AC Off Single LF Rej
Cal 1 V Gnd Trace rot. Reset Slope
HF Rej
To line "C"
You may construct your own phase rotation tester by building this simple circuit and using a voltmeter
to compare the voltage dropped by the two resistors:
All three-phase power conductors in our lab’s power system are color-coded Black (L1 or A), Red (L2
or B), and Blue (L3 or C), following common industrial practice in the United States.
Lab Exercise – commissioning tests
Commissioning a circuit breaker and associated instrumentation involves the following tests, shown here
in table format to facilitate documentation of your measurements. You should print this table and write
all your test results in it, then leave this in the enclosure with the protective relay as a permanent record.
Note that a “quantitative” test is one where a numerical value must be recorded and assessed, whereas a
“qualitative” test is one that is simply pass/fail:
Note that some circuit breakers are equipped with multiple sets of current transformers, not just one
CT for each of the three phases. In such cases you must document the test results of each and every CT.
In order to accurately measure electrical resistance for certain commissioning tests (e.g. CT circuit total
resistance) where the expected value is quite low, you will need to compensate for the electrical resistance
of your meter’s test leads. Good-quality digital multimeters such as the Fluke 87 series provide a “Relative”
function whereby you can set the meter to measure resistance, connect the test leads together, and press
a button to make this the “zero” reference point for measurement. Be sure to do this for the appropriate
tests, re-checking the “zero” point before each new test.
Given the low-current nature of the lab’s miniature three-phase power grid, it is relatively easy to perform
primary injection testing of current transformers. This is where a relatively large amount of alternating
current is sent through the primary CT conductors, in order to test how accurately this current is registered
at the protective relay (i.e. realistically testing the CT ratio).
You may generate this injection current using a step-down transformer and a Variac for control, or you
may use the relay test set which contains both of these devices. Connect the AC source such that its current
flows through the regular power conductors and through the center of the CTs. Monitor current using a
suitable ammeter on the primary wiring and the current displayed by the digital relay in order to confirm
accurate measurement (within ± 5% of full-load current). Using the digital protective relay as an ammeter
during this test is recommended because this places the exact same amount of burden on the CT as it will
experience when the system is in operation. Connecting a second ammeter in series with the CT secondary
circuit places additional burden in that circuit which may very well affect the CT ratio!
Common mistakes:
• Incorrectly setting up or interpreting transformer polarity tests.
• Failing to compensate for ohmmeter test lead resistance when performing low-resistance tests.
Lab Exercise – electromechanical relay testing
Even though your protective relay scheme uses a digital relay, part of this lab project is testing a legacy
electromechanical relay such as the General Electric IAC series or Westinghouse CO series overcurrent
(50/51) relays.
Consult the manufacturer’s manuals on these relays for instructions on testing. You may wire your own
high-current AC source using step-down transformers and a Variac for control, or use a relay test set. Your
instructor will provide you with criteria for testing the relay. Assume the use of the same CTs (i.e. use those
same ratios) you are using in your digital relay protection scheme:
The instructor will verify your successful testing of both relay functions. The instantaneous (50) function
simply has one point to test, but the time (51) function requires multiple tests to verify against the given
trip-time curve.
Common mistakes:
• Maintaining high amounts of test current through the relay for too long, causing its operating coils to
heat up. This skews the calibration of the relay!
Lab Exercise – live CT secondary current measurement
A practical but also potentially hazardous job function for relay technicians is to take live current
measurements on CT secondary circuits. Practical reasons include data logging and verification of relay
measurement accuracy without removing the relay from service. The hazards are simple to understand:
current transformers are capable of generating very high voltages if ever their secondary windings are open-
circuited while the primary conductor is carrying current.
Special “test probes” are built to connect into “test jacks” on CT test switch assemblies for this purpose.
The test jack provides a means for a regular ammeter to be inserted into the CT secondary circuit without
ever breaking that circuit. Your Lessons In Industrial Instrumentation textbook describes test probes and
their safe usage.
Some legacy electromechanical protective relays such as the General Electric series used “paddle” plugs
to connect and disconnect the relays from outside devices such as CTs. These “paddles” could be removed
and replaced with special “test plugs” providing connection points for ammeters and other devices so that
these devices could connect in-line with the live relay.
In order to ensure your personal safety when using any of these devices to “stab into” a live CT circuit,
you must absolutely ensure you will not inadvertently open-circuit the secondary winding of a CT. This
means you must thoroughly test your plug/probe, leads, and ammeter before insertion into the test jacks.
A continuity test is all that is required, performed at the contacting terminals of the plug/probe to ensure
a complete circuit from one terminal through the ammeter and back out the other terminal.
One of the commissioning tests you must complete as part of this lab activity is the empirical
determination of CT ratio. If the CTs you are testing are equipped with test switches allowing insertion of
test jacks, you may use this live CT current measurement as part of that ratio check: comparing current
measured through the CT’s primary winding against CT secondary current measured at the test jack.
Your instructor will observe your preparation and testing of a live CT circuit. Do not attempt to do
this without instructor supervision!
Common mistakes:
• Not correctly understanding the physical structure of the test switch prior to inserting the test probe.
Inspect the test switch jack very closely until you understand exactly how CT current flows through it,
and how the probe interrupts this normal pathway!
Lab Exercise – digital relay settings
You will typically find a generic settings sheet for your digital relay in the manufacturer’s manual, or else
as a separate download from the relay manufacturer’s website. This settings sheet will have several cells or
blanks where you may hand-write the basic settings to be programmed into the protective relay. It is up to
you and your team to determine how to implement those general settings given the specific features provided
by your relay and the assigned protection zone within the power system. Your instructor will provide specific
settings or parameters as needed in order to make this objective unique to each student completing it.
Digital protective relays may often be configured via multiple means. For example, protective
relays manufactured by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) may be programmed through panel
pushbuttons, through ASCII serial data communication using a terminal emulator program such as
Hyperterminal on a personal computer, or through AcSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 software on a
personal computer providing a point-and-click user interface. It matters little how you set the relay
parameters so long as they are all set correctly.
For the Schweitzer relays most of the important parameters may be set by any of the above means.
Some of the parameters, however (particularly the “Logic” parameters) may only be set via serial link, and
are not accessible through the front pushbutton panel.
Lab Exercise – simulated system fault and relay event report
After your system’s protective relay has been properly configured, it is ready to be tested on a simulated
fault. The simulation of a fault may be done with a relay test set (injecting secondary CT current signals
into the relay inputs), with a high-current AC source (injecting primary CT current signals into the installed
CTs), by placing a heavy load on the system (a suitable test for a generating station is to have it trip on the
inrush current of an induction motor during start-up), or by placing an actual fault into the power system
itself. Your team will work together with your instructor to devise a suitable test for the protection scheme
of your relay. If the test itself harbors any danger – as is in the cases of the primary injection or actual fault
tests – your instructor must be present to supervise the execution of that test.
It is also a fair test to place a fault on the power system that should not cause your team’s protective
function to trip, but which will cause some other protective function to activate. This tests the selectivity
of your protective function to ensure it only trips for faults within its protection zone while ignoring faults
lying outside of its protection zone.
For each fault, the team must show the event report generated by the digital relay and interpret the
data contained in that report. This event report will show the onset of the fault, the point in time at which
the protective relay “picks up” the fault, the point in time at which the relay asserts a trip command to the
circuit breaker(s), and the time at which the fault becomes cleared by the open breaker(s). Event reports are
accessed by connecting a personal computer to the digital relay through a communications port. Protective
relays manufactured by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) show event reports via ASCII serial
data communication using a terminal emulator program such as Hyperterminal on a personal computer, or
through AcSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 software on a personal computer.
If your team’s protective relay provides oscillography and/or phasor diagram displays in addition to
text-based fault reports (as do SEL relays), you must show these as well. AcSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030
software is necessary to generate and display oscillographs and phasor diagram animations for SEL relays.
file i03020
Question 92
In the Instrumentation lab at Bellingham Technical College there exists a miniature three-phase AC
power grid consisting of multiple generators and multiple substations. This question serves as a reference
for a number of the schematic diagrams documenting each generating station in this system.
24 V / 240 V 1:1 CT
Blk Brn Blu Blk
Grn Red
Blk Wht
To protective relay
1:1 CT
Blk Brn Blu Blk
Grn Red
Blk Wht
To protective relay
Delco-Remy 21SI 1:1 CT
Blk Brn Blu
24 VDC alternator
Grn Red
Blk Wht
To protective relay
120 V / 30 V
Sync lamps
To 120 VAC
To power line
This is typical of each generator skid. At full speed (600 RPM, 60 Hz output frequency) each generator
only outputs about 8 Volts AC because this is a much slower speed than it was designed to run when spun
by a truck or boat engine. We run it this slow in order to achieve the standard grid frequency of 60 Hz.
Grn Ground to Generator Skid
Grn Ground to PLC
bottom-left corner
Enters enclosure at
Grn Ground to SEL-551 relay
Grn Ground to temperature relay
Neutral to Generator Skid
Neutral to PLC
Neutral to 24 VDC station supply
Blk Hot to PLC
Generator control panel
Blk Blk DC- fuse pair 1 (trip/close)
Blk DC- fuse pair 2 (PLC DI)
Red DC+ fuse pair 1 (trip/close)
(these wires run to 120 VAC "station power" terminals at bottom of generator rack)
120 VAC 120 VAC
"hot" "neutral"
120 VAC
Automation Direct
"close" relay contact
1 3
24 VDC 24 VDC
TC CC 52a 52b
(these two-conductor cables run to terminal blocks at bottom of generator rack)
Located on the generator skid, near the very top where the three-phase AC power exits. We are using
a standard Fuji 3-phase motor contactor as the circuit breaker element, and a pair of ice-cube style relays
wired to latch the contactor on and off, so that the contactor mimics the behavior of a spring-actuated power
circuit breaker (IEEE/ANSI number code 52).
Trip/close wiring
relay TB1
H 215 Fuse
Station power N 216
(fuse pair 1) Grn
Gnd Gnd
TB2 203 204 OUT1
Yel Yel
TC Yel
22 To PLC input CH4
Yel Yel
4 Trip 3 Yel
Yel 24
Yel ... 49 relay trip Yel
Blk (future) 8 7
CC Yel
Red Yel
Red 29
Red 30
Station power
(fuse pair 1)
PLC analog inputs/outputs
From PLC power supply 0 4
+24 VDC 0V 1 5
2 6
3 7
Blk Blk Blk
61 +24VDC I/O tagnames
Red Red
0.1 A
0.1 A
Blk IN-
62 Red IN1+
Blu IN1 =
64 Red IN2+
Blu IN2 =
66 Red IN3+
Blu IN3 =
68 IN4+ Blk
Automation Direct
Blu IN4 =
model GS1 VFD
Speed command
AI Red
70 OUT1+
Blu OUT1 =
Blk drive_speed
72 Red OUT2+
Blu OUT2 =
Located in the generator control panel. The one analog output sends a 4-20 mA speed control signal to
the VFD, which then drives a three-phase motor to spin the generator. This VFD-controlled motor mimics
a prime mover such as a hydro turbine or steam engine which would ordinarily be the mechanical driver for
a real power station generator. The motor couples to the generator by a V-belt and sheave system with a
speed reduction ratio of approximately 3:1, so the motor must spin 1800 RPM to make the generator spin
600 RPM to output 60 Hz.
PLC discrete inputs
IN 12-24
27 Station power VDC
(fuse pair 2) 0 4
CC 1 5
26 DC- DC+
2 6
... 49 relay trip 3 7
Yel (future)
... Manual trip Blk TB3
Yel C
... 50/51 relay 31
Blk Blk
I/O tagnames
Yel trip Red C
Yel Red
22 32
TC Blk Blu Blu 0 CH0 =
21 33 station_24VDC
DC- 34 Red
PLC discrete outputs
0 4
1 5
2 6
Automation Direct 3 7
model GS1 VFD
Blu Blu C
CM Blk 51 C I/O tagnames
Blu Blu 0 CH0 =
Wht 53 VFD_forward
4 CH4 =
1 CH1 =
5 CH5 =
2 CH2 =
6 CH6 =
3 CH3 =
7 CH7 =
Question 93
In the Instrumentation lab at Bellingham Technical College there exists a miniature three-phase AC
power grid consisting of multiple generators and multiple substations. This question serves as a reference
for a number of the schematic diagrams documenting each substation in this system.
(Daisy-chained to
protective relays)
Circuit breaker current transformer (CT) wiring
Circuit breaker current transformer (CT) wiring Revised July 19, 2015
T1 T2 T3 24 23
Grn Blk Pair 5 Blk
Brn Grn Brn Grn Brn Grn L
Wht Wht 22 21
Blu Red Blu Red Blu Red
Blk Pair 3 Blk 20 19
Aφ load Bφ load Cφ load Red
Wht Wht 18 17
Blk Pair 1 Blk 16 15
Wht Wht 14 13
Chassis ground
Circuit breaker trip/close wiring
I/O card n
Local Red
Blu Blu
1 CBn_local_scada
2 CBn_breaker_52b
Station power
24 VDC Red
Wht Wht Pair 1 Wht C2
24 VDC (+) 1
TB1 Yel
1 CBn_breaker_trip
Blk Blk Blk
24 VDC (-) 2
Red Blk
2 CBn_breaker_close
Fuse (daisy-chained) (per breaker)
Close coil n0 4
Blk Blk Blk
Blk Blk Pair 2
4 n1 NC
Wht Wht Wht Yel
3 n2
Wht 12 Close 13 Red
Org Org
52b contact n3
Blk Blk Pair 3 Blk Blk Org
6 n4 Trip
21 28
Wht Wht Wht Blu
5 n5
Trip coil
Blk Blk Pair 4 Blk Blk
8 n6
Wht Wht Wht Yel
7 n7
n8 86 relay trip
Vio Vio Red
Note: "n" refers to circuit breaker number and ten’s place of terminal number;
e.g. Circuit Breaker #1 = terminals 10-19
e.g. Circuit Breaker #5 = terminals 50-59
Circuit breaker internal wiring diagram
Aφ Bφ Cφ
Red Fuji contactor
auxiliary contact Green Blk
Wht Blk Wht Blk Wht Blk
71 72 Blu
Blk 21 22 23 24 25 26
Fuji contactor Automation Direct Fuji contactor Blu Red Blu Red Blu Red
Blk Brn CTnYA Grn Brn CTnYB Grn Brn CTnYC Grn
24 VDC
24 VDC 24 VDC
Blu Red Blu Red Blu Red
11 12 13 14 15 16
Wht Blk Wht Blk Wht Blk
3 CC 4 5 52b 6 7 TC 8
Wht Blk Wht Blk Wht Blk
Wht Wht Blk Wht Blk Wht Blk
Wht Wht
Wht Wht
Circuit breaker internal layout
(Upper -- line)
Aφ Bφ Cφ
21 23 25 Blu
21 23 25
22 24 26
A1 A2
2 4 5 1 4 6 L1 L2 L3
5 1 4 8
1 3 6 8 3 5 6 8 3 7
53 61 71 83
Fuji Contactor
Automation Direct Automation Direct
"Close" relay "Trip" relay
54 62 72 84
1 3 5 7
2 T1 T2 T3 2
2 4 7 6 Brn
7 8
12 14 16
11 13 15
11 13 15
12 14 16
(To terminals (To terminals
11 through 26) 1 through 8)
Aφ Bφ Cφ
(Lower -- load)
CT cable Control cable
Photograph of typical circuit breaker
Test setup for CT polarity
Wht Blk
Blu Red
Fuji contactor V A
power contact OFF
Blu Red
Wht Blk
Test setup for CT polarity
Wht Blk
Blu Red
Fuji contactor V A
power contact OFF
Blu Red
Wht Blk
Protective relay CT wiring
SEL-551 relay
4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 Blk
8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 Blk
12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 Blk
This scheme parallels all the CT secondary windings, to form a crude low-impedance version of
differential current (IEEE/ANSI number code 87) protection.
Protective relay trip wiring
SEL-551 relay
(Used as an 87
Station power current relay)
+24 VDC Red 201 202 203 204 205 206 Vio
D2 D2C
Wht Vio Vio Red From terminal 13 on
CB2 trip 29 CB2 control switch
E2 E2C
Wht Vio Vio Red From terminal 13 on
CB3 trip 39 CB3 control switch
C4 C4C
Wht Vio Vio Red From terminal 13 on
CB4 trip 49 CB4 control switch
D4 D4C
Wht Vio Vio Red From terminal 13 on
CB5 trip 59 CB5 control switch
This scheme parallels all the CT secondary windings, to form a crude low-impedance version of
differential current (IEEE/ANSI number code 87) protection.
Substation configuration option: single bus
Chuckanut Bay Baker
generating generating
station station
G Stevens Nooksack G
substation substation
Diablo Minor Everest
generating generating
station station
Sasquatch Bellingdale Valley
generating generating
station Black = existing (summer 2014 project) station
Red = summer 2015 substation addition
Grey = future addition to system
Substation configuration option: sectionalized bus
Chuckanut Bay Baker
generating generating
station station
Tie Tie
breaker breaker
G Stevens Nooksack G
substation substation
Diablo Minor Everest
generating generating
station station
Sasquatch Bellingdale Valley
generating generating
station station
Substation configuration option: ring bus
Chuckanut Bay Baker
generating generating
station station
Diablo Minor Everest
generating generating
station Stevens Nooksack station
substation substation
Sasquatch Bellingdale Valley
generating generating
station Black = existing (summer 2014 project) station
Red = summer 2015 substation addition
Grey = future addition to system
Substation configuration option: breaker-and-a-half
Chuckanut Bay Baker
generating generating
station station
G Nooksack G
Diablo Minor Everest
(single bus)
generating generating
station Stevens station
(1-1/2 breaker)
Sasquatch Bellingdale Valley
generating generating
station Black = existing (summer 2014 project) station
Red = summer 2015 substation addition
Grey = future addition to system
Substation breaker options illustrated
G G G (T) (T)
Each circuit breaker is equipped with banana-
style jacks at the top and bottom for easy
CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 re-configuration of power line and bus
conductors. This allows any substation’s
topology to be revised at will.
G G G (T)
Choosing between different breaker and bus topologies is a matter of moving jumper wires on the
three-phase line and load terminals on each breaker.
file i01983
Answer 1
Summary of principles:
• Conservation of Energy
→ Energy cannot be created or destroyed
• Conservation of Electric Charge
→ Electric charges cannot be created or destroyed
• Properties of a series network
→ Definition: only one path for electric current
→ Current the same through each component (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Voltages add to equal the total (Conservation of Energy)
→ Resistances add to equal to total
• Properties of a parallel network
→ Definition: each component connected across the same two sets of electrically common points
→ Voltage the same across each component (Conservation of Energy)
→ Currents add to equal the total (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Resistances diminish to equal to total
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
→ A test charge moved from one location to any series of other locations and back to the starting
location must arrive with the same amount of potential energy as it began (Conservation of Energy)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
→ Every charge entering a point must be balanced by a charge exiting that point (Conservation of
Electric Charge)
• Ohm’s Law
→ The voltage dropped across a resistance is equal to the product of its resistance and the amount of
current through it: V = IR
• Capacitance and Inductance
→ The ability to store energy in and retrieve energy from electric fields and magnetic fields, respectively
→ Current through capacitance is equal to the product of its capacitance and the rate-of-change of
voltage across it: I = C dV
→ Voltage across inductance is equal to the product of its inductance and the rate-of-change of current
through it: V = L dIdt
Answer 2
Answer 3
Answer 4
Answer 5
Answer 6
Addition and subtraction:
(5 + j6) + (2 − j1) = (10 − j8) + (4 − j3) = (−3 + j0) + (9 − j12) =
7 + j5 14 − j11 6 − j12
(256 15o ) + (106 74o ) = (10006 43o ) + (12006 − 20o ) = (5226 71o ) − (856 30o ) =
31.356 30.87o 1878.76 8.311o 461.236 77.94o
(3 + j5) × (2 − j1) = (10 − j8) × (4 − j3) = (12−j2)=
11 + j7 16 − j62 0.1892 + j0.3649
1 1 1
(156 60o )
= (7506 −38o )
= (10+j3)=
0.06676 − 60o 0.001336 38o 0.0917 − j0.0275
1 1 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1 =
156 45o 926 −25o 12006 73o 5746 21o 23k6 −67o 10k6 −81o
14.066 36.74o 425.76 37.23o 7.013k6 − 76.77o
1 1 1
+ 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1
+ 1 = 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1 =
1106 −34o 806 19o 706 10 89k6 −5o 15k6 33o 9.35k6 45 5126 34o 1k6 −25o 9426 −20 2.2k6 44o
o o o
29.896 2.513 5.531k6 37.86 256.46 9.181
Some Texas Instruments brand calculators such as the TI-84 offer an exponential key and imaginary (i)
key which allows you to enter numbers in complex exponential form (i.e. eiθ ). With the TI-84, for example,
the complex number 10 − j8 may be entered in either of the two following forms:
The result may be displayed in either rectangular or polar forms according to the complex-number
display mode the TI-84 calculator has been set to. In rectangular mode the displayed result for 10 − j8 will
be 10 - 8i, whereas in polar mode the displayed result will be 12.806 e−38.66i . Note how the TI-84 uses
exponential notation for polar display, where the angle (−38.66 degrees, in this example) is an imaginary
power of e.
If you wish to enter a complex number in polar form on a TI-84, you must unfortunately express the
angle in units of radians (even though the calculator is able to display the result in degrees). For example,
to enter the number 256 15o into a TI-84 calculator, you must type:
25 ei15π/180
The fraction π/180 is the conversion factor from degrees to radians, since there are 2π radians to a full
circle, or π radians to every 180 degrees. Thus, writing 15π/180 multiplies the desired angle (15 degrees)
by the conversion factor π/180 to yield a power in radians. The obligatory i simply makes this power an
imaginary quantity, which is mathematically necessary with exponential notation for describing a complex
number. It should be noted that the order of entry for the power matters little. i15π/180 works just as well
as 15iπ/180 or 15π/180i.
A time-saving step some students find useful is to save the imaginary quantity iπ/180 to a memory
location in the TI-84 such as Z. That way, they can recall that imaginary factor from memory instead of
typing the whole thing by hand every time they wish to enter a polar-form complex number. Supposing the
memory location Z contains iπ/180, entering the number 256 15o becomes as simple as:
25 e15Z or 25 eZ15
It should be understood that any memory location in your calculator is suitable for storing iπ/180, not
just Z. The TI-84 calculator even provides a Θ memory location (<Alpha>-<3>) that you may use and find
easy to remember because of its common association with angles. It should also be understood that this
imaginary quantity is not the same as i or j, which the calculator already provides a dedicated function for.
The imaginary quantity we’re storing in memory for the purpose of entering polar-notation angles contains
not only i but also the π/180 conversion factor necessary for translating your degree entry into radians.
Some calculators provide easier means of entering and displaying complex numbers in polar form. Both
the Texas Instruments TI-36X Pro and TI-89 offer an angle symbol (6 ) for this purpose, the TI-36X Pro
being a much less expensive and less complex calculator than the TI-89. Entering the number 25 6 15o into
one of these calculators is as easy as typing 25 6 15, and likewise the result will be displayed in this same
form when the calculator is set to “polar” complex mode.
Answer 7
Partial answer:
–– R L Total
V (polar) 501.68 V 6 −17.14o 525 V 6 0o
V (rect.) 45.61 + j147.87 V 525 + j0 V
I (polar)
I (rect.) 145.27 m − j44.81 mA
Z (polar) 1.018 kΩ 6 90o
Z (rect.) 3.3 k + j0 Ω 3.3 k + j1.018 kΩ
Answer 8
Partial answer:
–– L C Total
V (polar) 600 V 6 0o 600 V 6 0o 600 V 6 0o
V (rect.) 600 + j0 V 600 + j0 V 600 + j0 V
I (polar) 2.398 A 6 90o
I (rect.) 0 − j3.183 A 0 − j0.785 A
Z (polar) 188.5 Ω 6 90o 763.9 Ω 6 90o
Z (rect.) 0 − j250.2 Ω
Answer 9
• Conservation of Energy
→ Energy cannot be created or destroyed
• Conservation of Electric Charge
→ Electric charges cannot be created or destroyed
• Properties of a series network
→ Definition: only one path for electric current
→ Current the same through each component (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Voltages add to equal the total (Conservation of Energy)
→ Resistances add to equal to total
• Properties of a parallel network
→ Definition: each component connected across the same two sets of electrically common points
→ Voltage the same across each component (Conservation of Energy)
→ Currents add to equal the total (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Resistances diminish to equal to total
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
→ A test charge moved from one location to any series of other locations and back to the starting
location must arrive with the same amount of potential energy as it began (Conservation of Energy)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
→ Every charge entering a point must be balanced by a charge exiting that point (Conservation of
Electric Charge)
• Ohm’s Law
→ The voltage dropped across a resistance is equal to the product of its resistance and the amount of
current through it: V = IR
Sample analysis:
• Apply property of series networks (current same) to determine 3 A through the resistor; voltage drop
polarity based on the fact that resistors are always loads
• Apply Ohm’s Law to calculate 6 V drop across resistor
• Apply KVL to calculate 14 V across constant current component; polarity shows it is acting as a source
• Apply property of series networks (current same) to determine 3 A through the 8 V component; polarity
shows it is acting as a load
Answer 10
• Conservation of Energy
→ Energy cannot be created or destroyed
• Conservation of Electric Charge
→ Electric charges cannot be created or destroyed
• Properties of a series network
→ Definition: only one path for electric current
→ Current the same through each component (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Voltages add to equal the total (Conservation of Energy)
→ Resistances add to equal to total
• Properties of a parallel network
→ Definition: each component connected across the same two sets of electrically common points
→ Voltage the same across each component (Conservation of Energy)
→ Currents add to equal the total (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Resistances diminish to equal to total
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
→ A test charge moved from one location to any series of other locations and back to the starting
location must arrive with the same amount of potential energy as it began (Conservation of Energy)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
→ Every charge entering a point must be balanced by a charge exiting that point (Conservation of
Electric Charge)
• Ohm’s Law
→ The voltage dropped across a resistance is equal to the product of its resistance and the amount of
current through it: V = IR
Sample analysis:
• Apply property of parallel networks (voltage same) to determine 8 V drop across the resistor; current
direction based on the fact that resistors are always loads
• Apply Ohm’s Law to calculate 4 A current through resistor
• Apply KCL to calculate 1 A entering/exiting each node through the 8 V component; current direction
shows it is acting as a source
• Apply property of parallel networks (voltage same) to determine 8 V drop across the 3 A component;
polarity shows it is acting as a source
Answer 11
• Conservation of Energy
→ Energy cannot be created or destroyed
• Conservation of Electric Charge
→ Electric charges cannot be created or destroyed
• Properties of a series network
→ Definition: only one path for electric current
→ Current the same through each component (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Voltages add to equal the total (Conservation of Energy)
→ Resistances add to equal to total
• Properties of a parallel network
→ Definition: each component connected across the same two sets of electrically common points
→ Voltage the same across each component (Conservation of Energy)
→ Currents add to equal the total (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Resistances diminish to equal to total
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
→ A test charge moved from one location to any series of other locations and back to the starting
location must arrive with the same amount of potential energy as it began (Conservation of Energy)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
→ Every charge entering a point must be balanced by a charge exiting that point (Conservation of
Electric Charge)
• Ohm’s Law
→ The voltage dropped across a resistance is equal to the product of its resistance and the amount of
current through it: V = IR
Sample analysis:
• Apply KCL to calculate 17 mA entering bottom node through 100 Ω resistor
• Apply Ohm’s Law to calculate 1.7 V drop across 100 Ω resistor; polarity determined by the fact that a
resistor is always a load
• Apply property of series networks (current same) and Ohm’s Law to calculate 1 V drop across 200 Ω
resistor; polarity determined by the fact that a resistor is always a load
• Apply property of series networks (current same) to determine that the 30 V component is acting as a
• Apply KVL to calculate 2.7 V across 5 mA component; polarity shows it is acting as a source
• Apply KVL to calculate 28.3 V across 12 mA component; polarity shows it is acting as a load
Answer 12
• VR1 = increase
• VR2 = increase
• VR3 = decrease
• VR4 = decrease
Answer 13
Series network
100k = Coarse adjustment ; 5k = Fine adjustment
Parallel network
5k = Coarse adjustment ; 100k = Fine adjustment
General principles to keep in mind here are that series resistances add while parallel resistances diminish.
The total resistance of a series network is always greater than any of its constituent resistances, and so the
largest resistance in a series network tends to dominate. The total resistance of a parallel network is always
less than any of its constituent resistances, and so the least resistance in a parallel network tends to dominate.
Answer 14
First strategy:
Ltotal = 1.1 H
Xtotal = 414.7 Ω
Ztotal = 414.7 Ω 6 90o or Ztotal = 0 + j414.7 Ω
Second strategy:
XL1 = 282.7 Ω ZL1 = 282.7 Ω 6 90o
XL2 = 131.9 Ω ZL2 = 131.9 Ω 6 90o
Ztotal = 414.7 Ω 6 90o or Ztotal = 0 + j414.7 Ω
Answer 15
0.5 H 200 mH
0.2 H
100 Hz 0.5 H 470 Ω 290 Hz 1H 1.5 kΩ
Answer 16
3.3 µF 0.1 µF
Answer 17
The resistor will drop more voltage.
Answer 18
I = 3.732206 mA 6 89.89o for the real capacitor with ESR.
Answer 19
The first (series) circuit’s behavior is predominantly inductive, with 961.3 ohms of inductive reactance
overshadowing 884.2 ohms of capacitive reactance, for a total circuit impedance of 77.13 ohms 6 +90o (polar
form) or 0 + j77.13 ohms (rectangular form).
The second (parallel) circuit’s behavior is capacitive, with 1.131 millisiemens of capacitive susceptance
overshadowing 1.040 millisiemens of inductive susceptance, for a total circuit admittance of 90.74
microsiemens 6 +90o . This translates into a total circuit impedance of 11.02 kΩ 6 −90o , the negative
phase angle clearly indicating this to be a predominantly capacitive circuit.
Answer 20
Answer 21
Answer 22
Answer 23
Answer 24
Answer 25
Answer 26
Partial answer:
Answer 27
Partial answer:
Fault on circuit breaker #5: we will need to trip breakers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10. This will unfortunately
interrupt power to loads J, K, and L.
Answer 28
• Conservation of Energy
→ Energy cannot be created or destroyed
• Conservation of Electric Charge
→ Electric charges cannot be created or destroyed
• Properties of a series network
→ Definition: only one path for electric current
→ Current the same through each component (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Voltages add to equal the total (Conservation of Energy)
→ Resistances add to equal to total
• Properties of a parallel network
→ Definition: each component connected across the same two sets of electrically common points
→ Voltage the same across each component (Conservation of Energy)
→ Currents add to equal the total (Conservation of Electric Charge)
→ Resistances diminish to equal to total
• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
→ A test charge moved from one location to any series of other locations and back to the starting
location must arrive with the same amount of potential energy as it began (Conservation of Energy)
• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
→ Every charge entering a point must be balanced by a charge exiting that point (Conservation of
Electric Charge)
• Ohm’s Law
→ The voltage dropped across a resistance is equal to the product of its resistance and the amount of
current through it: V = IR
Sample analysis:
• Apply KCL to right-hand node to calculate 3 A through 3 Ω resistor
• Apply Ohm’s Law to calculate 9 V drop across 3 Ω resistor; polarity determined by the fact that a
resistor is always a load
• Apply property of series networks (current same) to determine that the 2 Ω resistor shares the same
current as the 4 A component
• Apply Ohm’s Law to calculate 8 V drop across 2 Ω resistor; polarity determined by the fact that a
resistor is always a load
• Apply property of series networks (current same) to determine that both the 1 Ω resistor and the 5 V
component share the same current as the 7 A component
• Apply Ohm’s Law to calculate 7 V drop across 1 Ω resistor; polarity determined by the fact that a
resistor is always a load
• Apply KVL to calculate 11 V drop across the 4 A component; polarity shows it is acting as a load
• Apply KVL to calculate 21 V drop across the 7 A component; polarity shows it is acting as a source
Answer 29
The indicators for channels 3 and 6 are lit on the input card of this PLC. This tells us channels 3 and
6 are receiving power through their respective process switches, but channel 4 is not. Since we are told the
system is operating as it should (no abnormal conditions), we may assume the opposite state for each input
channel will initiate a trip. Thus:
• Temperature switch (channel 6) is currently closed, and opens with a high temperature.
• Level switch (channel 4) is currently open, and closes with a low level.
• Pressure switch (channel 3) is currently closed, and opens with a low pressure.
Since the temperature switch channel is de-energize to trip, you must open that circuit in order to force
the system to trip.
Since the level switch channel is energize to trip, you must jumper power to PLC input channel 4 in
order to force the system to trip.
Since the pressure switch channel is de-energize to trip, you must open that circuit in order to force the
system to trip.
Answer 30
This single-line diagram is found in Figure D.2.2 of the NFPA 70E standard (2015 edition).
• Transformers: parallel zig-zag or hooped lines
• Disconnects: knife-switch symbols
• Circuit breakers: square boxes
• Fuses: rectangles with a dark band at each end
“Tie breakers” connect the A and B segments of each bus together. They allow two busses to be powered
by a single transformer.
Each percentage value is an expression of transformer impedance, in terms of rated load. For example, if
a transformer has a full-load rating of 5 MVA (5 million volt-amps) and an impedance of 5.5%, it means its
own internal impedance is only 5.5% that of the load’s impedance drawing full power. Conversely, it means
if that transformer’s secondary is short-circuited by a “bolted” fault (essentially 0 ohms for the short-circuit
fault itself), the fault current will be 5.5% of the full-load current (i.e. the bolted-fault current will be 18.18
times the normal full-load current).
If the transformer feeding bus 2B fails, it should be disconnected from its 13.8 kV source by the next
breaker upstream (which also feeds the transformer powering bus 3B). If the protection scheme is differential
current (ANSI/IEEE type 87), then the secondary circuit breaker will be tripped by the protective relay as
well. Power may be restored to bus 2B by closing the tie breaker between busses 2A and 2B.
If the transformer feeding bus 7A fails, it should be disconnected from its 13.8 kV source by the fuse on
bus 1A/1. If the tie switch between bus 7A and bus 7B happens to be open at the time of the transformer
fault, this is all that will happen. However, if the tie switch was closed during the fault, it is likely that the
fuse on the secondary side of the other transformer (feeding bus 7B) will blow instead because it not only
carries all the fault current but also any load current on busses 7A and 7B.
Usually tie switches and breakers are left in their open states, and so the former scenario is more likely.
If this is the case, power may be restored to bus 7A by opening the disconnect switch on that transformer’s
secondary winding, shutting down all loads on bus 7A, closing the tie switch, and re-starting loads on bus
7A. This sequence of operations is necessary in order to avoid closing or opening the disconnect switches
while they carry substantial current.
A three-phase transformer rated at 480 volt output and 1.5 MVA, with 6% impedance, will have a
bolted-fault current capacity of 30,070 amps.
Answer 31
Answer 32
Answer 33
Answer 34
Answer 35
Answer 36
Answer 37
Answer 38
Answer 39
Answer 40
Answer 41
XL = 2πf L
XC =
2πf C
Answer 42
IL = 530.5 µA RMS 6 −90o
IR = 490.2 µA RMS 6 0o
Answer 43
Answer 44
Answer 45
Partial answer:
Answer 46
Partial answer:
VA = 8.588 V6 − 54.87o
Note how the voltage between point A and ground is actually larger than the transformer’s output
voltage of 5.5 volts!
Answer 47
Partial answer:
∠ 10 5.2
16 V 63
.22 o
.22 o
Answer 48
Here we will use SPICE circuit simulation software to provide the analysis:
4.5 A ∠ 0o
0 1
2.3 A ∠ 15o
Vamm Circuit re-drawn with SPICE node
numbers and ammeter shown:
(0 V)
110 mH 75 Ω 660 µF
0 4 3 2
I1 0 1 AC 4.5 0
I2 0 1 AC 2.3 15
VAMM 1 2
C1 2 3 660E-6
R1 3 4 75
L1 4 0 110E-3
.AC LIN 1 60 60
.PRINT AC V(1) VP(1)
.PRINT AC V(2,3) VP(2,3)
.PRINT AC V(3,4) VP(3,4)
.PRINT AC V(4) VP(4)
SPICE analysis:
Voltage phasor diagram Current phasor diagram
506.1 V ∠ 5.061o
27.12 V ∠ -84.94o
6.748 A ∠ 5.061o
279.8 V ∠ 95.06o 565.7 V ∠ 31.6 o
4.5 A ∠ 0o ∠ 15
2.3 A
Note: the voltage phasor diagram shows the vectors stacking up in a different order than the components
are wired in the series circuit, simply to provide a clearer phasor diagram. If the vectors had been stacked
in order as they are in the circuit (inductor, then resistor, then capacitor), the inductor and resistor voltage
vectors would have practically run on top of each other which would make it more difficult to see. Since
addition is a commutative operation, it really makes no difference what order it occurs in.
Answer 49
Ztotal = 6.944 kΩ
I = 4.896 mA RMS
VL = 23.07 V RMS
VR = 24.97 V RMS
Answer 50
VL = 13.04 volts RMS
θZ = 32.91o
Answer 51
VC = 14.39 volts RMS
I = 903.9 µA RMS
Answer 52
VC = 47.56 volts peak
θZ = −82.21o
Answer 53
• Itotal = 2.269 mA
• VC1 = 3.041 V
• VC2 = 5.354 V
• VR1 = 15.43 V
• VR2 = 2.723 V
• θ = −24.82o (voltage lagging current)
I suggest using a dual-trace oscilloscope to measure total voltage (across the supply terminals) and
voltage drop across resistor R2 . Theoretically, measuring the voltage dropped by either resistor would be
fine, but R2 works better for practical reasons (oscilloscope input lead grounding). Phase shift then could
be measured either in the time domain or by a Lissajous figure analysis.
Answer 54
The proper angle in this circuit is θ, and it will be a positive (leading) quantity.
The reason we must focus on θ in this problem is because this is the angle separating the resistor’s
voltage drop from the source’s voltage. Note how in the circuit Vout is measured across the resistor, not
across the capacitor.
Answer 55
f = 6.54 kHz
Answer 56
Answer 57
Answer 58
Answer 59
Answer 60
Answer 61
Answer 62
Partial answer:
Vline = 2400 V
Iphase(source) = 2.667 A
Iphase(load) = 4.619 A
Answer 63
Partial answer:
Iline = 26.93 A
Vphase(source) = 277 V
Vphase(load) = 479.8 V
Answer 64
Partial answer:
Iline = 25.88 A
Iphase(source) = 14.94 A
Vphase(load) = 2402 V
Answer 65
Answer 66
Answer 67
Partial answer:
Since we know resistors impart no phase shift between voltage and current, the phase angle of each
phase voltage remains preserved in the respective phase currents:
VA 120 V6 120o
IA = = = 3.43 A6 120o
RA 35 Ω6 0o
VB 120 V6 − 120o
IB = = = 3.43 A6 − 120o
RB 35 Ω6 0o
VC 120 V6 0o
IC = = = 3.43 A6 0o
RC 35 Ω6 0o
IA = 3.43 A ∠ +120o 35 Ω
VC = 120 V ∠ 0o IC = 3.43 A ∠ 0o
35 Ω 35 Ω
IB = 3.43 A ∠ -120
VB = 120 V ∠ -120o
Answer 68
Answer 69
Answer 70
With switch W pressed, test point B will be equipotential with (i.e. “electrically common” to) earth
ground. This ensures test point B will register 0 volts with respect to ground, because test point B is
grounded. Test point D will now register one-half of the nominal phase voltage (i.e. VD = 60 volts), while
test points A and C will register line voltage which is the same as phase voltage for a delta-connected network
(120 volts).
With switch Z pressed, test point A will now be grounded and register 0 volts. Test points B and C
will each register 120 volts to ground:
their respective phase (and line) voltages. Test point D will register
104 volts (120 volts × cos 30o = 1202 3 ).
Pressing both pushbuttons simultaneously is a bad idea, because it will directly short the left-hand
phase winding of the generator. This will cause excessive current to flow through that winding, most likely
damaging it.
Answer 71
Any points lying in series with each other absolutely must share the same current, for the simple reason
that the definition of series is having only one path for current to flow. Here is one example of multiple
points (shown in red) sharing the exact same current:
480 V
Source Load
480 V 480 V
1.8 kΩ
All these points experience the
exact same amount of current!
Any point-pairs in parallel with each other absolutely must share the same voltage between them, for
the simple reason that the definition of parallel is sharing a pair of equipotential point sets. Here is one
example of multiple point-pairs (shown in blue/red) sharing the exact same voltage:
480 V
Source 1. Load
480 V 480 V 1.
1.8 kΩ
If we add a fourth “neutral” wire to this threee-phase circuit, we force each of the load resistances to
see the same amount of voltage: 277 volts from phase to neutral. Each line current will then be equal to 277
volts divided by that phase resistance. Phase voltages at the load will now be balanced, but line currents
will still be imbalanced:
0.185 A
0.252 A
Source Load
"neutral" wire
1.8 kΩ
277 V
0.154 A
In case you are interested to know, the neutral wire’s current will be the phasor sum of these three line
currents as they add together at the center node of the wye load where the neutral wire connects:
Answer 72
The current carried by each line will be absolutely equal to the current carried by its respective phase
coil within the wye-connected source, for the simple reason that each line is in series with each phase element
of a wye network, and series components share the same current (there being only one path between those
components for current to flow). If either source or load are imbalanced, we would not expect any one
line’s current to equal any other line’s current, but each line’s current will be the same as the wye-coil it’s
connected to.
Similarly, we may conclude that voltage measured between any pair of parallel-connected points must
be equal. In this circuit, an example of that would be the voltage measured between any two lines and the
voltage of the phase coil between those same lines within the delta-connected motor.
When the upper phase coil within the motor fails open, it forces the remaining two phase coils to be in
series with the upper two lines (one line per coil). This means each of the functional coils within the motor
will share current equally with its respective line and respective phase coil within the wye-connected source.
Voltage will be unaffected, still equal between sets of parallel-connected point-pairs.
Incidentally, the motor’s new winding configuration is called open-delta, and it is a legitimate way to
configure certain three-phase loads!
Answer 73
Line current is easy to calculate, after converting 100 HP into 74600 watts:
P = 3Iline Vline
Iline = √
74600 W
Iline = √
3(460 V)
Iline = 93.63 A
However, we need to know the amount of phase current in each of the motor’s windings, and since
the motor is wound in a delta fashion we know that line current is not equal to phase current (i.e. each
line current “splits” into smaller phase currents at each of the nodes where lines join the delta network, in
accordance with Kirchhoff’s Current Law).
Being a balanced three-phase load, this “splitting” of current will follow the ratio of √13 :
Iphase = √
93.63 A
Iphase = √
Iphase = 54.06 A
An alternative approach to solving for phase current would be to realize that in a balanced
√ three-phase
load, each of the three phases handles exactly one-third of the total power. There is no 3 factor in dividing
power amongst the phase windings because energy is a scalar quantity and always adds directly, unlike
voltage or current which are phasor quantities and must relate trigonometrically.
Since the total power in this case is 74600 watts, each of the three phase windings within the motor
will convert one-third of that total electrical power (i.e. 24866.7 watts) into mechanical power. Since we can
tell phase elements in a delta-connected network will experience line voltage (because each phase element
is in parallel with a pair of power lines, and parallel-connected components always share the same voltage),
we may treat each of the phase windings as a single-phase load. Calculating current for a single-phase load
given power and voltage:
P = IV
24866.7 W
460 V
I = 54.06 A
Answer 74
With switch W pressed, test point B will be equipotential with (i.e. “electrically common” to) earth
ground. This ensures test point B will register 0 volts with respect to ground, because test point B is
grounded. Test point D will now register one phase voltage (120 volts), while test points A and C will
register line voltage (208 volts).
With switch Z pressed, test point D will now be grounded and register 0 volts. Test points A, B, and
C will each register 120 volts to ground: their respective phase voltages.
Pressing both pushbuttons simultaneously is a bad idea, because it will directly short the phase B winding
of the generator. This will cause excessive current to flow through that winding, most likely damaging it.
Answer 75
Answer 76
Answer 77
Perhaps the simplest approach to this problem is to calculate the power dissipation of each resistor inside
of each three-resistor array. Since power is a scalar quantity (i.e. it adds directly, not trigonometrically),
the 15 kW total heat output of each array means each resistor inside of each array must dissipate 5 kW of
In the delta-connected heater, each resistor sees full line voltage (480 VAC), therefore the resistance
may be calculated as such:
V2 4802
R= = = 46.08 Ω
P 5000
In the wye-connected heater, each resistor sees √13 of the full line voltage (480 VAC), which is 277.1
VAC. Therefore the resistance may be calculated as such:
V2 277.12
R= = = 15.36 Ω
P 5000
Answer 78
Pelec = 198.146 kVA = 265.61 HP
Pmech = 244.36 HP
Answer 79
The transformer primary windings are connected in a Wye configuration, which means each primary
winding receives the 7.2 kV phase voltage. The secondary windings are connected in a Delta configuration,
making the secondary line voltage equal to 240 volts.
Primary Secondary
7200 V
240 V
7200 V
240 V 240 V
7200 V
Answer 80
In the direct-connected load, each resistor sees √1 of the 13.8 kV line voltage (7967.4 volts), therefore,
each resistor current is equal to:
V 7967.4
I= = = 6.425 amps
R 1240
Since each resistor sees 7967.4 volts and carries 6.425 amps, the power for each resistor will be:
P = IV = (6.425)(7967.4) = 51.194 kW
The power for this load is simply the power of all resistors combined:
Ptotal = 153.58 kW
The three transformers have their primary windings connected in a Wye configuration, and their
secondary windings in a Delta configuration. Thus, each transformer primary sees 7967.4 volts, stepping it
down by a 16.67:1 ratio into 477.95 volts. The secondary windings, being Delta-connected, make this 477.95
volt value the line voltage for the load. The load is Delta-connected as well, and so each resistor in that load
sees 477.95 volts, giving a resistor current of:
V 477.95
I= = = 0.5031 amps
R 950
Since each resistor sees 477.95 volts and carries 0.5031 amp, the power for each resistor will be:
P = IV = (0.5031)(477.95) = 240.46 W
The power for this load is simply the power of all resistors combined:
Ptotal = 721.38 W
Answer 81
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 82
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 83
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 84
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 85
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 86
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 87
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 88
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 89
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 90
This is a graded question – no answers or hints given!
Answer 91
Answer 92
Answer 93