Lecture 6: Open-Loop Dynamics of A DC Motor: ELEC-E8405 Electric Drives (5 ECTS)

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Lecture 6: Open-Loop Dynamics of a DC Motor

ELEC-E8405 Electric Drives (5 ECTS)

Marko Hinkkanen
Autumn 2017

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Learning Outcomes

After this lecture and exercises you will be able to:

I Draw relevant block diagrams of the DC motor
I Derive transfer functions based on the block diagram
I Interpret the most essential properties of second-order systems
I Explain the concept of time-scale separation

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I Open-loop (plant) model of the DC motor

I Combination of the electrical and mechanical models
I Plant model is the starting point in the control design
I Brief recap on control theory tools in the context of the DC motor
I Block diagram, transfer function, 2nd-order system, state-variable form
I Basic knowledge of these tools is needed in the field of electric drives
(and in many other fields as well)
I Transient response in open loop (speed and current)
I Time-scale separation (electrical and mechanical subsystems)

Note: Controllers will not be considered today

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Example: Connection of a DC Voltage Source to the Terminals

ia Ra La

Udc ua ea = kf ωM

I Assume that a DC voltage source is connected to the motor terminals

I How will the speed ωM and the current ia behave?
I How to model and analyse transient response in more general cases?

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Dynamic Model of the DC Motor

Model Equations
Block Diagrams
Transfer Functions and Their Properties
Nice-to-Know: State-Variable Form

Simulation Examples

Time-Scale Separation

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DC Motor Model

I Voltage equation

La = ua − Ra ia − ea
ia Ra La
where ea = kf ωM is the back emf
I Motion equation ea
J = TM − TL
where TM = kf ia is the electromagnetic torque
I For simplicity, the flux factor kf is assumed to be
constant in the following

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Electrical and Mechanical Dynamics Are Coupled

Physical model

TM = kf ia Block diagram
ia Ra La ua ia

ua ea = kf ωM ⇒ TL
DC motor


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Electrical Dynamics in the Time Domain

dia Integrator
I Differential equation
La = ua − ea − Ra ia ua 1 1 ia
La s
I ua and ea are the inputs ea
I ia is the output Ra
I Integration of both sides gives
1 I In the time domain, s = d/dt refers to
ia = (ua − ea − Ra ia ) dt
La the differential operator

In some textbooks, the symbol p = d/dt is used for the differential operator in the time domain.
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Electrical Dynamics in the Laplace Domain

I Laplace transform: d/dt → s ua 1 1 ia

I Current can be solved La s

1 ea
ia (s) = [ua (s) − ea (s)] Ra
sLa + Ra
I Transfer function (admittance)

1 1/Ra
Ya (s) = = ua 1 ia
sLa + Ra 1 + τa s
sLa + Ra
where τa = La /Ra ea

In the Laplace domain, s = σ + jω is a complex variable. However, the differential operator and the Laplace variable can be used interchangeably
in many cases.
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Useful Block Diagram Algebra

y(s) G1 (s)G2 (s) r y
= G1 (s) G2 (s)
r (s) 1 + G1 (s)G2 (s)H(s)
y(s) G2 (s)
d(s) 1 + G1 (s)G2 (s)H(s) H(s)

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Block Diagram of the DC Motor

La = −Ra ia − kf ωM + ua

J M = kf ia − TL
ua 1 1 ia TM 1 1 ωM
La s J s


I Flux factor kf couples the electrical and mechanical dynamics

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Block Diagram of the DC Motor
ua 1 ia TM 1 ωM
sLa + Ra sJ


I Armature current depends on the armature voltage and the load torque

ia (s) = Giu (s)ua (s) + GiT (s)TL (s)

I Speed depends on the armature voltage and the load torque

ωM (s) = Gωu (s)ua (s) + GωT (s)TL (s)

I Could you derive the transfer functions based on the block diagram?
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Transfer Function From ua (s) to ωM (s)

I Transfer function from the voltage ua (s) to the speed ωM (s)

JLa K ω02
Gωu (s) = =
Ra k2 s2 + 2ζω0 s + ω02
s2 + s+ f
La JLa
I Last form is a typical generic form of 2nd-order systems
I Undamped angular frequency, damping ratio, and DC gain
kf Ra J 1
ω0 = √ ζ= K =
JLa 2kf La kf

You don’t need to remember these more complex transfer functions, but practise deriving them based on the block diagram instead. However, you
should remember the generic form used above.
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2nd-Order System in the Time Domain: Step Response

ζ =0
I 2nd-order system 2

y(s) ζ = 0.2
G(s) = 1.5
K ω02 ζ = 0.7
= 1
s2 + 2ζω0 s + ω02
ζ =1
I Response y(t) to the 0.5 ζ =2
step input u(t) is shown
I No overshoot if ζ ≥ 1 0
0 π 2π 3π 4π
ω0 t (rad)
Step responses can be easily plotted using numerical simulation tools. If needed, an analytical solution could be obtained using the inverse
Laplace transformation.
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2nd-Order System in the Frequency Domain
I 2nd-order system

K ω02
G(s) = |G(jω)|
s2 + 2ζω0 s + ω02
K ζ =0
I Consider a sinusoidal input 2.5 ζ = 0.2
u(t) = U sin(ωt)
I For ζ > 0, the output in ζ = 0.7
steady state is 1
ζ =1
0.5 ζ =2
y(t) = AU sin(ωt + φ)
where 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 ω/ω0

A = |G(jω)| φ = G(jω)
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Transfer Function From ua (s) to ia (s)

I Transfer function from the voltage ua (s) to the current ia (s)

Giu (s) =
Ra k2
s2 + s+ f
La JLa
I Characteristic polynomial remains the same
(holds also for other transfer functions of the system)
I Zero at s = 0 in this transfer function
I If J → ∞ (i.e. ωM is constant)

Giu (s) = = Ya (s)
sLa + Ra

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State-Variable Form
I State-variable model consists of coupled 1st-order differential equations
I Derivatives dx/dt depend on the states x and the system input u

= Ax + Bu
y = Cx

I States x depend on the history, but not on the present values of the inputs
I Output y depends only on the states (in physical systems)
I State variables are typically associated with the energy storage
I Current i of an inductor (or its flux linkage ψ = Li)
I Voltage u of a capacitor (or its charge q = Cu)
I Speed v of a mass (or its momentum p = mv )
I Choice of state variables is not unique (as shown in the parenthesis above)

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State-Variable Form of the DC Motor
  " Ra #   
− La − Lkaf 1
d ia ia La u + 0
= kf + a 1 TL
dt ωM J 0 ωM 0 − J
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
x A Bu BT
ia = 1 0 x ωM = 0 1 x
| {z } | {z }
Ci Cω

I Transfer function from ua (s) to ωM (s) as an example

Gωu (s) = C ω (sI − A)−1 B u

I Transfer functions of the system are unique, i.e. the state-variable form leads
to the previous transfer functions
I Poles of the transfer function are eigenvalues of the system matrix A

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Dynamic Model of the DC Motor

Simulation Examples

Time-Scale Separation

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Time-Domain Simulation Examples

Rated values of a small PM DC motor

Electrical parameters
I Armature voltage UN = 110 V
I Ra = 0.5 Ω,
I Armature current IN = 10 A
I La = 1 mH
I Rotation speed nN = 1200 r/min
I kf = 0.836 Vs
I Angular speed Two inertia values
I Case 1: J = 0.05 kgm2
ωN = 2πnN
(ζ = 2.11, ω0 = 118 rad/s)
1200 r/min
= 2π · I Case 2: J = 0.005 kgm2
60 s/min (ζ = 0.67, ω0 = 374 rad/s)
= 125.7 rad/s

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Voltage-Step Response

ia (A)

I Armature is connected to the 150

rated voltage 100
I Load torque is zero 50
I Current rises quickly and then 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 t (s)
decreases as the back-emf
ea = kf ωM increases ωM (rad/s)
150 J = 0.005 kgm2
I Very large current peak is
undesirable 100
J = 0.05 kgm2
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 t (s)
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Load-Torque-Step Response

ia (A)
I Armature voltage is constant
I Initially no-load condition 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 t (s)
I Rated load torque is applied at ωM (rad/s)
t = 0.01 s
J = 0.05 kgm2
J = 0.005 kgm2

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 t (s)

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Dynamic Model of the DC Motor

Simulation Examples

Time-Scale Separation

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Time-Scale Separation
I When considering the slow mechanical dynamics, the quickly converging
electrical dynamics may be approximated with the DC gain
ua 1 ia TM 1 ωM
Ra sJ


I When considering the fast electrical dynamics, the slowly varying rotor speed
may be assumed to be constant
ua 1 ia
sLa + Ra
ea = constant

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Reduced-Order Model for Slow Mechanical Dynamics
ia (A) First-order approximate model
Full-order model
I Response to the rated 100
voltage step
I Electrical dynamics are
approximated with the 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 t (s)
steady-state gain
ωM (rad/s)
I Response of the
reduced-order model is
close to the full-order model 100
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 t (s)

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Reduced-Order Model for Fast Electrical Dynamics
ia (A) First-order approximate model
I Response to the rated Full-order model
voltage step 150

I Speed is assumed to be 100

constant 50
I Fast electrical transient is 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 t (s)
well modelled using the
first-order model Ya (s) ωM (rad/s)
I Notice a different scale of 100
the time axes compared to
the previous case
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 t (s)

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