Calibration of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection System
Calibration of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection System
Calibration of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection System
1. Horizontal linearity
1.2 ASTM :
1.2.1 Use appropriate block and receive non-interfering back echoes.
1.2.2 Set reflections at 50% of full scale (FS) for its position measurement.
1.2.3 Set position of 3rd and 9th signals at 20% and 80% of scale divisions.
1.2.4 Read and record scale position of each other multiple.
2. Vertical Linearity
From the study it is observed that characteristics of ultrasonic flaw detector or
pulse echo test instrument influence the test results. Performance of the system
on various electronic characteristic of instrument, transducer characteristics,
cables and material under test, more or less BS and ASTM standards states the
procedures for measuring characteristics of transmitter pulse of the UFD. Procedure
receiving signal characteristics is given in all the three Standards. They gives
about the linearity of time base and amplifier gain of the system. Transducer
characteristic can be Measured using IS or BS both. IS requires further additions in
procedures for measuring transmitter characteristics and modifications in receiver
characteristics to make them simpler and informative. NPL has the facilities for
performance evaluation of the system using the required calibrated instruments,
to National Standard. Number of calibration reports have been prepared at NPL.
are prepared using most of the standard procedures on the request of user.