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Basic Design Report (Draft Pöyry, 07-Aug-2011)

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Ref. No.
August 2011
Rev. 00

Hydroelectric Powerplant Cerro del Águila, Peru

Initial Design Report

Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 1 (1)

Copyright © Consorcio Pöyry–SEA

All rights are reserved. This document or any part thereof may not be copied or
reproduced without permission in writing from Consorcio Pöyry–SEA.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 1 (104)



1.1  Project Background and History 5 

1.2  Reference Project Description and Summary 5 
1.3  Reference Project Main Data 7 
1.4  Performed Site Visits 9 


2.1  Topography 10 

2.2  Hydrology 10 
2.3  River Dynamic Conditions 11 
2.3.1  General River Dynamic Conditions 11 
2.3.2  Specific Conditions 13 
2.4  Geology 14 
2.5  Geodynamics 16 
2.6  Seismicity 17 
2.6.1  General 17 
2.7  Power Production Concept 19 


3.1  Intake Concept Alternatives 20 

3.2  Selected Concept 20 
3.3  Scheme Layout and Dam Site 22 


4.1  General Access Concept 24 

4.2  Access Road to the Dam Site 25 
4.3  Access Road Suylluc-Quintao 26 
4.4  Access Road to the Powerhouse from the Left Bank (via Salcabamba) 27 
4.5  Permanent Access Road to the Powerhouse from the Right Bank (via Quintao) 28 


5.1  Basic Data 29 

5.2  Sediment Management 30 
5.2.1  Importance of Sediment Management for the Cerro del Águila HEP 30 
5.2.2  Theoretical approach of sediment transport 31  Basic Mechanisms 31  Bed-load 31  Sandy Suspended Sediments 33  Pelitic sediments 35 
5.2.3  Experience from the Tablachaca Dam 35  Introduction 35  Summary of data and features 37  Flushing process 39  Problems 39 
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
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5.2.4  Sedimentation Process 42 
5.2.5  River Dynamic Processes 43 
5.2.6  Impoundment Operation 44 
5.2.7  Flushing Process 46  Introduction 46  Flushing process of bed-load and suspended sediment accretion 47  Flushing process of the density lake 48  Compliance with the Restitución HEPP tailrace outlet 48  River geodynamics 49 
5.3  Concept of the Reference Project versus. the Proposed Scheme 49 
5.4  Hydraulic Modelling 52 
5.4.1  General Considerations 52 
5.4.2  Models 52 

6  DAM 54 

6.1  Location of Dam 54 

6.2  Gravity Dam Design 54 
6.2.1  General 54 
6.2.2  Main Dam Body 55 
6.2.3  Cementitious content of mass concrete 56 
6.2.4  Uplift 57 
6.2.5  Foundation Excavation and Treatment 57 
6.2.6  Grouting and drainage curtain 57 
6.2.7  Instrumentation 58 
6.2.8  Stability Analysis of Dam 59  Software 59  General Analysis Assumptions 59  Factors of Safety 60  Load Cases 62  Geometry and analysis parameters 64  Analysis Results 66  Three-dimensional effects of abutments 67 
6.2.9  Concrete target strength 68 
6.3  River Diversion 70 
6.3.1  General 70 
6.3.2  Multiple Stage Diversion Concept 70  Concept Description 70  Design of Diversion Tunnel 73  Design of cofferdams 74 
6.4  Design of Dam Appurtenant Structures 76 
6.4.1  General 76 
6.4.2  Freeboard of the Dam 76 
6.4.3  Tailwater Level of the Dam 76 
6.4.4  Gated Spillway 77 
6.4.5  Bottom Outlets 79  Design Criteria 79  Design Characteristics 80  Operation Cases 81 
6.4.6  Satisfaction of n-1 Criterion 82 
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6.4.7  Hydromechanical Equipment 82  Flaps 82  Bottom Outlet Downstream Stoplogs 82 


7.1  General Concept of Underground Works 83 

7.1.1  Introduction 83 
7.1.2  Construction Concept 83 
7.1.3  Rock Classification System 83 
7.1.4  Grouting Works 83 
7.2  Power Intake 83 
7.3  Headrace Tunnel 83 
7.3.1  General 83 
7.3.2  Construction Adit 83 
7.3.3  Rock Trap 84 
7.3.4  Dewatering Gallery 84 
7.4  Surge Shaft 84 
7.5  Pressure Shaft 84 
7.6  Steel Lined Penstock 84 
7.7  Draft Tubes 84 
7.8  Tailrace Tunnel 84 
7.9  Tailrace Outlet Structure 85 
7.9.1  Design Principle 85 
7.9.2  Tailwater Level at Tailrace Outlet Structure 85 
7.9.3  Hydraulic Modelling 85 
7.10  Hydraulic Calculations 86 
7.10.1  Head Losses Calculations 86  Linear Head Losses 86  Singular Head Losses 86  Total Head Loss 86 
7.10.2  Hydraulic Transients 87  Introduction 87  Emergency closure 89  Opening Procedure 91 


8.1  General Arrangement of Powerhouse Complex 93 

8.2  Access Adits to Powerhouse and Pressure Shaft 94 
8.3  Construction Concept 94 
8.4  Rock Support 94 
8.5  General Layout of Powerhouse 95 
8.6  Electrical – Mechanical Equipment 97 
8.6.1  Turbine Layout and Design 97  Type of Turbine 97  Turbine Speed 97  Turbine Dimensions 97 
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9.1  General Concept 99 

9.2  Turbines and Governors 99 
9.3  Inlet Valves 99 
9.4  Generators 99 
9.5  Medium Voltage Equipment 99 
9.6  Auxiliary System Equipment 99 
9.6.1  Cooling Water System 99 
9.6.2  Drainage and Dewatering System 100 
9.6.3  Services Water Treatment System 101 
9.6.4  Waste Oil and Disposal System 101 
9.6.5  Compressed Air Systems 101 
9.6.6  Fire Protection and Fire Fighting System 101  Fire protection 101  Fire fighting system 102 
9.6.7  HVAC System 102 
9.6.8  Lighting System 102 
9.6.9  Earthing System 103 
9.7  Main Transformers 103 
9.8  Switchgear Equipment 103 
9.9  Transmission System 103 



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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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1.1 Project Background and History

Downstream from the SAM/Restitución Hydroelecric Development, i.e. the Santiago
Antuñez de Mayolo and Restitución power plants 1, Cerro del Águila, also denominated
Mantaro 3 (M3), represents the third step of the Mantaro river major cascade develop-
With its 20 km long low pressure tunnel, the SAM HEPP has developed the first large
and flat curve of the Mantaro river. Originally, another project was planned to develop
its second curve practically down to its confluence with the Apurimac river (EL 420).
This project would have not only involved an even longer low pressure tunnel, but also
a 250 m high dam downstream of the Colcabamba river2 confluence in order to develop
the discharge provided by the additional catchment area as well as the 250 m head
remaining between the SAM HEPP tailwater level and the Mantaro river.
However, due to the very large landslide (6 Mm3, 10 km2) in the Mayunmarca area
(1974) (see section 0), as well as that of Mayoc (from the surge wave), the concept of
implementing a high dam was progressively abandoned, being then partially substituted
by the two following steps:
(1) the Restitución Project developing the 250 m rest head between the SAM HEPP
tailrace and the Mantaro river, as well as
(2) the Guitarra Project, developing at short distance downstream the denominated
Guitarra curve
After being studied and discussed during about 25 years, this Guitarra Project (1983)
has been redefined and renamed as the Cerro del Águila Project.
This project was first elaborated at basic design level for marketing the concession.
After acquiring it, Kallpa Generación S.A., entrusted the Consultant JByA with the
elaboration of the Project at prefeasibility level in view of an invitation to tender the
Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract. In parallel to this currently
ongoing tender, Kallpa Generation entrusted the engineering company Fichtner Perú
with the revision and the further elaboration of the Tender Design. The JByA Project,
here designated as Reference Project, is presented in the following section.

1.2 Reference Project Description and Summary

The dam site considered to be confined between EL 1489 and EL 1510 and governed by
the following parameters:
 annual sediment volume management
 regulation volume
 stable geology

Primera Etapa commissioned in1973, Segunda Etapa commissioned in 1977 and Tercera Etapa in 1983
A small tributary of the Mantaro river collecting provisionally the SAM HEPP tailrace flow.
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 sand-trap space
 boundary conditions:
- Restitución (upstream)
- distance to the curve utilized by the project
three site alternative appeared to be possible:
 downstream alternative EL 1489 with a small dam length (170 m)
- large excavation for the sand-trap
- 800 m canal between the dam and the sand-trap in poor morphological
- large diameter of the diversion tunnel
 Intermediate alternative EL 1494 with a small dam length (150 m)
- underground sand-trap 18 x 150 m
- large diameter of the diversion tunnel
 Upstream alternative EL1510 with a large dam length (230 m)
- possible sand-trap in a river terrace
- diversion in the river terrace
- more head
The dam heights are prefixed: 40 ÷ 45 m for a regulation capacity of 10 Mm3. But that
of the upstream alternative is not governed by the regulation volume requirement, but
by the limitation imposed by the Restitución tailrace outlet level (erroneously taken at
EL 15553), hence setting the dam crest at EL 1550 and the Normal Retention Water
Level fixed at EL 1545.
A bypass tunnel allows saving 17 m of head between the dam retention level and the
forebay level.
The Reference Project involves the three following important features:
(1) The sand-trap does not operate during the low water period because it is
assumed that, on the one hand, the sediment transport is small and, on the other,
that the impoundment acts as sand-trap. Via a special intake system, the low
pressure tunnel is directly supplied from the dam impoundment, the level of
which can fluctuate between EL 1541 and EL 1533 according to the daily
modulation of the power production and the actual river discharge Qa. It is not
clear up to which river discharge Qlw the sand-trap may not be operated, but it
could be assumed that it is greater than the power plant design discharge Qd, so
that during a certain period of the year, the impoundment can be kept at normal
retention water level while the spillway gates are partially open.
(2) Whenever the river discharge Qa is greater than Qlw, i.e. when moreover storage
is implicitly not necessary, the excess discharge is utilized to maximize the

EL 1555.00 according to the old coordinate system that in force since the construction of the Restitución
hydropower plant in the 1980ies. The correct elevation, according to the geodetic reference system used for the
Cerro del Aguila topographical surveys (WGS84), is EL 1578.20, for the invert level of the Restitución tailrace
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conveyance of sediments out of the impoundment. This is achieved by a low

setting of the sand-trap operation water level (EL 1525) and by lowering the
retention water level as much as possible, so that the sand-trap is just supplied in
accordance with the installed discharge. This drawdown level is not clearly
indicated, but according to the design, it may be around EL 1527, i.e. 14 m and
23 m above the roof (EL 1513) and the invert (EL 1504) of the bottom outlet
sluice, respectively. With this low setting of the sand-trap , the regulation water
level in the forebay is at EL 1524, so that the power plant operates with a head
cutback of 17 m whenever the sand-trap is operated. As it is not clear for which
river discharge the sand-trap should start to operate, it is assumed that this
corresponds to approximately 1/4 of the year. Referring to the gross head of
245.5 m (EL 1541.0 - EL 1295.5), this loss of earning corresponds to 6.9 % of
the production, i.e. ≈ 2% of the yearly energy production or 6.3 days of

1.3 Reference Project Main Data

The Reference Project main data can be summarized as follows:

Basic Topography Data

- Maps (national): 1:100’000; 1:25’000
- Topographical surveys: 1:2’000, CLE 1 m
- Photogrammetrical maps (photos 1:40’000, year 1962): 1:10’000, CLE 10 m
- Coordinate system: PSAD 56 Projection UTM - Zona 18
- Elevation range: EL 15554 (Restitución tailrace outlet) ÷ EL 1295 (river thalweg at
Cerro del Águila tailrace outlet)

Basic Hydrology Data

- Catchment area: 28’096 km2
- Gauging station Pongor: EL 1600, u/s of the Restitución tailrace outlet; 27’700 km2
- Intake: 9 km downstream from Pongor station; EL 1505
- Drainage at intake: 9.04 l/s/km2 ≈ 257 m3/s
- Project flood (at the dam site): Q1000 = 6’125 m3/s
- Assumed sediment transport: 4.5 ÷ 6 Mm3/yr

Cf. footnote 3 (on previous page)
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Basic Design of Reservoir and Dam

- River slope in the dam area: 0.7 %
- Dam height: 41 m (EL 1550 - EL 1509)
- Dam crest length: 230 m
- Dam crest level: EL 1545
- Exceptional retention water level: EL 1543 (10 x overflow spillway gates open for a
discharge of 6’125 m3/s (1000 years return period))
- Normal retention water level: EL 1541
- Minimum drawdown water level: EL 1533
- Total impoundment volume: 9.6 Mm3
- Regulation volume. 3 Mm3
- Available volume for sediments: 6.6 Mm3
- Number of daily peak hours: 5-7
- River compensation discharge during the low water period: 0.1 Qmin
- Bottom outlet: 3 x radial gates b x h = 9 x 8 m
- Bottom outlet sill level : EL 1504
- Spillway: 10 x radial gates b x h = 9 x 8 m
- Spillway crest sill level: EL 1533
- Flood intake bed-load flushing sluices: 4 x gates b x h = 2 x 2 m
- Flood intake bed-load flushing sluices sill level: EL 1513
- River diversion: canal b x l = 20 x 460 m; slope 2 % and more (EL 1506 ÷ EL

Basic Design of the Water Conveyance System

- Installed discharge: 200 m3/s
- Low water intake: 1 x gate b x h = 6 x 6 m
- Low water intake sill level: EL 1525 m
- Flood intake: 4 x gates b x h = 2.9 x 2.9 m
- Flood intake sill level: EL 1520
- Sand-trap: 4 x canals b x h x l = 18 x 10 x 135 m; EL 1525
- Sand-trap particle diameter: 0.3 mm
- Sand-trap supply gates: b x h = 2.9 x 2.9 EL 1520
- Sand-trap flushing canal outlet level: EL 1510.5
- Forebay: EL 1524 ÷ EL 1520; 6000 m2
- Forebay side spillway sill length: 100 m
- Low pressure tunnel: drill & blast; shotcrete lining
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- Low pressure tunnel: HSØ 9.5 m; L = 8’262 m; Js = 0.4 %

- Low pressure tunnel flow velocity: 4 m/s
- High pressure shaft: formed concrete lining 0.30 m; L = 182 m; Ø 7.10 m
- High pressure tunnel: steel lining; L = 80 m; Ø 6.03 m
- Surge shaft: h = 180 m; Ø 15 m
- Emergency closure time: 8 s
- Tailrace tunnel: L = 947 m; Js = 0.13 % (EL 1287.74 ÷ EL 1286.5); UØ 9.8 m; free
surface flow (h = 7.62 m; u = 3.0 m/s)
- Tailrace tunnel portal invert (/low water level 1285 + flood depth): EL 1288

Basic Design of the Power Generation Complex

- Powerhouse: cavern b x h x l = 20 x 31 x 88 m
- Units: 3 x vertical Francis 67 m3/s; 134 MW; axis EL 1287; tailwater EL 1295.5
- Gross head: 245.5 m

1.4 Performed Site Visits

The Consultant’s design team, comprising specialist staff assigned by Pöyry and SEA
has visited the project area multiple times, as demonstrated by below Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: Performed site visits by specialist staff assigned by Pöyry and SEA
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2.1 Topography
Information provided by SEA Consult.

2.2 Hydrology
This chapter summarizes the main items related to the Hydrology of the Cerro del
Águila Hydropower Project. Further information on the Hydrology is provided in [1].
The catchment area of the Cerro del Águila Reservoir is 28’096 km2.
According to [2] the mean annual discharge is approximately 261.4 m3/s, which is
equivalent to 8360 MCM total annual flow.
The following chart shows the generated monthly inflow at the Cerro del Águila dam

Figure 2-1: Historical inflow series

The following table represents the flood peaks for a specific recurrence period for the
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Table 2-1: Flood peaks for Cerro del Águila Hydropower Project

Recurrence Period (years) Peak Discharge (m3/s)

10 2’906
20 3’403
50 4’048
100 4’530
200 5’011
400 5’491
1’000 6’125
10’000 7’718
PMF 12’000

2.3 River Dynamic Conditions

2.3.1 General River Dynamic Conditions

Rivers in the Cordillera are strongly affected by the following three geodynamic
 Landslide of the valley flanks
 Debris/mud flows (huaycos)
 Sediment transport
The fortuitous aspect and the potential magnitude of the two first river dynamic
phenomena certainly represent the most unfavourable features of the Cordillera for
hydroelectric development. Landslides can suddenly and fully block the river flow
causing violent flooding waves during the sliding process, as well as huge discharges
upon the erosion of the damming material (desembalse). Having a density much higher
than that of water, the buoyancy of mud flows makes it possible the removal and
transportation of huge blocks (from a few meters to even 15 m) as well as of constructed
structures such as bridges, waterways, etc.
Whenever the magnitude of these phenomena is moderate, they can be processed by the
normal river dynamic process, as this can be observed in the Figure 2-2 below.
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Figure 2-2: Rio Mantaro just downstream of the Restitucion tailrace tunnel out with the
eroded terrace formed by Huayco (2008) of the Quebrada Yanacocha (photo Novemeber

In contrast, major geodynamic phenomena, such as the Mayunmarca landslide in the

Mantaro valley (1974) or the Aobamba huayco (1997) that caused the submergence of
the Machupicchu Power cavern, remain possible events that should be seriously taken
into consideration whenever a hydroelectric development is planned in the Cordillera.
As far as the river sediment transport is concerned, three types have to be distinguished:
 Bed-load
 Suspensions
 Density (pelitic) suspensions
The bed-load sediment transport is characterized by the feature that the particles move
along the river-bed surface, which they always keep in relation to, even if they may
leave it during the time of a short jump. In this way, bed-load is associated to the
buoyancy, drag and friction forces and can be mathematically and physically modelled
providing a reliable and coherent (at least qualitative) representation of the reality as
this could be verified on several prototypes.
Fully differently, sediment transport of the suspended type is related among others to
the balance between the uplifting flow turbulences on the one hand and the settlement
forces on the other. Unfortunately, it cannot be properly modelled, responding rather to
statistic laws.
Unlike both aforementioned sediment transport forms, that of pelitic particles involves a
density change of the fluid (density flow) and is associated to interactive rheologic
forces developing a time dependent cohesion. Eliminating progressively water, this type
of sediment transport can appear as a mere opaque coloration of the water or as a visco-
plastic mud flow. Once settled, these sediments can make up a kind of gel of variable
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cohesion, posing the basic problem of their state reversibility. As far as hydraulic
structures are concerned, in the best case, giving time or man intervention this gel would
be hydrodynamically removable. In the worse case, the cohesion is such that the settled
particles would be only mechanically removable. Filling in this way definitively the
dam impoundments, they become responsible of their “ageing”.
As a conclusion, it should be emphasized that, in spite of exceptional sites, the Andean
rivers are certainly worldwide among the most problematic as far as the sediment
transport is concerned. Even with the best concept and measures, sediments will have to
be taken into consideration in the whole power plant design.

2.3.2 Specific Conditions

The specific conditions of the Mantaro valley downstream of the Restitución tailrace
tunnel outlet can be summarized as follows5:
 Relative uniform rocky valley morphology with steep-sidedness of the river,
shallow and singular alluvial deposits, rarely forming terraces, frequent coluvial
deposits along the valley slopes.
 Limited valley width facilitating the flushing of settled sediment during the
floods, provided that spillway bays in case of weirs, or bottom outlet sluices in
case of dams, are properly designed and laid out
 High probability of moderate landslide and mud-flows (such as the huaycos of
the Quebrada Yanacocha, section 2.3.1)
 Longitudinal slope around 0.008, and flows just super-critical
 No environmental constraints because the valley is practically virgin due to its
inaccessibility and because the Mantro water is contaminated by the mines at La
 Difficult accessibility
In spite of being located upstream of the Cerro del Águila impoundment and despite of
its recent but past collapse, the large colluvial cone in the site of Huajoto6 downstream
of the Tablachaca Dam should be paid particular attention.

As much as it could be observed from Llocce as well as from an altitude flying over (see Dr. Wynfrith Riemer
Memorandum dated November 2010).
In 1974, a landslide originated from this colluvial cone has impounded the Mantaro valley in the Mayunmarca
area (South-American Continental / Nazca plates). Breaching subsequently the river damming as preventive
measure caused the release of the river impoundment in form of a flood larger than the assumed PMF.
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2.4 Geology
This Subsection should be provided by SEA Consult.
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Figure 2-3: Cover and bed rock distribution map of the Cerro del Águila project area.
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2.5 Geodynamics
This Subsection should be provided by SEA Consult.

Figure 2-4: Landslide in the valley of the Durasnuyoc river

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2.6 Seismicity

2.6.1 General
This Subsection should be checked and possibly amended by SEA Consult.

According to the Geodynamic study of the Mantaro River Basin (Bulletin No. 5 - Series
C - INGEMMET-1980), the basin is divided into six structural sectors:
- Sector Junín- Huancayo lake
- Sector Huancayo – Mariscal Cáceres
- Sector Mariscal Cáceres – Tablachaca
- Sector Tablachaca – Esmeralda
- Sector Esmeralda – Huarpa River
- Sector Huarpa – Ene River
The area of the Cerro del Águila Project, is situated on the river sector Huarpa - Ene
River. In this sector the main characteristic is the contact of the Precambrian rocks with
intrusive rocks and outcrops of Paleozoic means, which were deposited in a large
syncline which constitutes that ridge.
It was considered that seismic activity in the basin is relatively low to medium,
according to the occurrence of earthquakes recorded from 1911 to 1974. Within this
period only a quake of grade 6 was recorded. The largest grouping of epicentres is
located northwest of the City of Huancayo, with magnitudes ranging from 5.1 to 6.1 mb
and depths between 0 and 33 km.
In the sector Huarpa - Ene River, in the registered period of time, only two epicentres
have been detected, one at the end of the second corner of the Mantaro River and the
other in the middle sector between the second curve and the Mantaro River outfall in the
Apurimac River. Both earthquakes were from 5.4 to 6.0 mb magnitude. In general the
project area can be considered as an area with seismic accelerations in the order of
magnitude of 0.24 to 0.26 g, for a return period of 50 years, according to the map of
spectral ordinates by Manuel Monroy and Ana Bolaños, 2004 (see Figure 2-5).
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Cerro del Águila

Project Site

Figure 2-5: Distribution map of seismic accelerations in Peru

According to [2] the relevant seismic parameters will be determined during a related
seismic study, the results of which will need to be approved by the Employer. These
results will include the definition of a design basis earthquake (DBE) and the maximum
credible earthquake (MCE).
In the meantime the following peak ground accelerations (in horizontal direction) are
tentatively used for the Cerro del Águila project area:
 Standard (return period 50 years): 0.25 g
 Rare (DBE, return period 650 years): 0.30 g
 Very rare (MCE): 0.38 g
The maximum peak ground accelerations in vertical direction are taken as 2/3 of the
corresponding values in horizontal direction.
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2.7 Power Production Concept

Throughout the dry season (“estiaje”, from May to December), the plant will operate
with full capacity during peaking hours. During off-peak hours and when the inflow is
sufficient, the plant will run with a reduced capacity so that the reservoir is full at the
onset of the next daily peaking period.
During periods with inflow higher than the plant flow capacity, the reservoir level will
be kept at the maximum operating level and the plant run continuously at full capacity.
Every couple of years, the sediments trapped in the reservoir delta area will be flushed,
the power intake at Cerro del Águila will be closed and sediments trapped in the
reservoir flushed out by opening the flushing gates. During such operations and during
extreme floods, the plant will be shut down and the spillway and flushing/bottom outlet
gates will be opened.
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3.1 Intake Concept Alternatives

Developing rivers for generating hydropower can only be achieved according to two
basic concepts:
(1) Impoundment by means of dams
(2) Diversion by means of manmade waterways, i.e. free surface flow canals and
pressure flow conduits, open-air or underground
Typically, the first concept is selected whenever relatively large discharges and low
heads are developed, and the second otherwise. However, in less contrasted cases or due
to specific morphologic conditions, a hybrid concept combining both concepts also
often provided the best solution.
With the first concept, the dam structure involves large spillways and costly bottom
outlets normally dictated by large flood discharges, while it is particularly relevant with
low sediment transport, e.g. when the catchment area is flat with a well developed
vegetal cover.
On the other hand, the second involves only weirs and low pressure gates, but also a
sand-trap and an off-river regulation pond for the daily modulation of the power
production according to the peaks of the demand. Allowing an easy rehabilitation of the
natural flow conditions during floods, this second concept is particularly relevant in
case of high sediment transport. Being moreover significantly less invasive for the
environment, whenever technically and economically feasible, this second concept is
often a priori preferred by the authorities and the general public.

3.2 Selected Concept

Aiming at utilizing in the best way the curve formed by the Mantaro river in the so-
called “La Guitarra” area, unequivocally suggests the “diversion” concept. But the high
discharge (210.5 m3/s) impose extremely large structures for:
 the sand-trap and
 the regulating pond (3 Mio m3),
while the morphology of the relevant river reach is rather inadequate to accommodate
these structures, imposing either a costly but still possible underground sand-trap, or an
inappropriate location and layout of the intake scheme, but simply ruling out an off-
river regulating pond. Thus, a hybrid concept becomes implicit, arising nevertheless the
option whether the intake dam height or the diversion tunnel should be minimized.
Minimizing the intake dam height to just meet the regulation requirements does
represent a further compromise solution as an underground sand-trap remain necessary,
while it is also well known that the best sand-trap design can practically not eliminate
particles smaller than 0.3 mm7. On the other hand, minimizing the dam would definitely

Even if the theory claims 0.2 or even 0.1 mm
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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help the structural design of the bottom outlet gates, but it would also reduce the volume
available for the sediment accretion while, far from doing without impoundment
flushing, it would even impose to it time and calendar constraints.
Therefore, aiming at the simplest and the safest concept, and going unequivocally to the
option of addressing all river dynamic issues by means of one unique method, the
second alternative has been selected, namely minimizing the diversion tunnel length and
preferring the higher dam.
In this Alternative, the large impoundment (see Figure 3-1) safely achieves the full
settlement of all sediments, their elimination being ensured by periodical flushing
procedures such that there is no given up dead volume, there is only a part of the storage
provisionally allocated to sediments. In other words, this alternative does without sand-
trap because the riverbed and the impoundment themselves act as a sand-trap , even
with floods, the dam bottom outlet holding the part of flushing gates.

Area [m2]
2'500'000 2'000'000 1'500'000 1'000'000 500'000 0



Elevation [m a.s.l.]







0 16'000'000 32'000'000 48'000'000 64'000'000 80'000'000
Water Volume [m3]

Figure 3-1: Volume-elevation and area-elevation curves of Cerro del Águila reservoir

However, the flushing processes will require:

 a rapid and safe water level drawdown excluding the landslide risk as well as
 the “free” conveyance of the floods.
Both conditions as above entails the provision of reliable bottom outlet (see also section
5.2.1) that will fulfil three functions:
 “Drowned weir” for sediment flushing under “free” conditions
 Low level spillway for conveying the floods
 Standard dam bottom outlet for drawing down the retention level
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In the proposed concept, the bottom outlet normally substitute the spillway, thus
complying with the concept of “low level spillway”. However, to accommodate the
PMF the dam is fitted with an overflow spillway controlled by radial gates.
The loss of benefit related to the discontinuation of the power production during the few
days sediment flushing is quite limited as the latter would occur during the period of
power abundance in a widely interconnected network comprising a lot of other large
power plants.
Thanks to its large impoundment, the proposed concept also provides in the best way
for the regulation volume, the related retention water level drawdown being confined to
less than 4.0 m (for a regulation volume of 5.3 Mio. m3, corresponding to seven hours
fully peak load operation), which would set the drawdown water level to approximately
EL 1552.0.

3.3 Scheme Layout and Dam Site

In order to stick to the course of the Reference Project, the contemplated concept
inclining to favour a higher dam and a minimized low pressure tunnel length, the
proposed scheme merely shifted the dam site towards downstream to just achieve the
full sediment settlement in the impoundment without needing the contribution of a sand
trap (see Section … below). In this way, the dam is located at short distance upstream of
the left curve of the Mantaro river, i.e. at approximately 11.7 km downstream of the
tailrace tunnel outlet of the Restitución HEPP. The power intake is incorporated in the
dam scheme, as shown in Figure 3-2 below.

Figure 3-2: Layout and scheme section of the selected concept for the Cerro del Águila
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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Favorable aspects supporting the proposed alternative dam site (see Figure 3-3) include
the following:
 flow conditions for the release of floods and sediments (during flushing opera-
 morphological and geological conditions (narrow valley with steep rock faces)
 relatively good accessibility (close to site installation area)
This tentatively selected option needs to be confirmed and the selection criteria to be
documented by a dam site selection study during the next stage of the project, involving
further investigations and studies exceeding the scope of the present stage.

Figure 3-3: Proposed alternative dam site (view from upstream to downstream)
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4.1 General Access Concept

This Subsection should be provided by SEA Consult.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 25 (104)

4.2 Access Road to the Dam Site

This Subsection should be provided by SEA Consult.

Figure 4-1: Access road to the dam site (printed in red). The brown frame indicated the
viewed area shown in the photo of the following figure (Figure 4-2).

Figure 4-2: New access road to the dam site, crossing the valley of Durasnuyoc river.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 26 (104)

4.3 Access Road Suylluc-Quintao

This Subsection should be provided by SEA Consult.

Figure 4-3: New access road Suylluc-Quintao, which is also connecting the powerhouse
complex with the dam site.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 27 (104)

4.4 Access Road to the Powerhouse from the Left Bank (via Salcabamba)
This Subsection should be provided by SEA Consult.

Figure 4-4: Access road to the powerhouse, from the left bank via Salcabamba (existing
portion labeled as “troche existente” printed in violet), continued in red as new portion
down to the river and to the powerhouse complex across the river Mntaro. The brown
frame indicated the viewed area shown in a larger scale in Figure 4-5.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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4.5 Permanent Access Road to the Powerhouse from the Right Bank (via Quintao)
This Subsection should be provided by SEA Consult.

Figure 4-5: New access road to the powerhouse, from the right bank via Quintao.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 29 (104)


5.1 Basic Data

The Cerro del Águila dam forms a reservoir with the active storage volume of up to
16 Mm³. This corresponds to a highest regulating level of 1556 m asl and lowest
regulating level of approximately 1542 m asl. About 22.0 Mm³ is the dead storage.
The actually required active storage volume, for daily peaking operation with the full
plant capacity of 210.5 m³/s during up to seven hours, only amounts 5.3 Mm³. The
related minimum inflow of Mantaro river into the Cerro del Águila reservoir, which is
required for fully filling up the reservoir during off-peak hours, corresponds to approxi-
mately 87 m³/s.
The volume-elevation and area-elevation curves of the Cerro del Águila reservoir and
the relevant flood diagram of the Mantaro river are given in Figures 5-1 and 5-2 below.

Area [m2]
2'500'000 2'000'000 1'500'000 1'000'000 500'000 0



Elevation [m a.s.l.]







0 16'000'000 32'000'000 48'000'000 64'000'000 80'000'000
Water Volume [m3]

Figure 5-1: Volume-elevation and area-elevation curves of the Cerro del Águila reservoir
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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Figure 5-2: Flood diagram of Mantaro river for Cerro del Águila HEP

5.2 Sediment Management

5.2.1 Importance of Sediment Management for the Cerro del Águila HEP
Unfortunately, the “clean” water of SAM/Restitución will be mixed with those of the
Mantaro river.
The sediment management consists in ensuring that, during the life of the project, the
power system can be supplied with clear water according to its installed discharge. In
practical terms this means that the sediments will be separated and restituted to river, or
alternatively merely left in it. Be that as it may, the overall sediment transport of the
Mantaro is such that periodic sediment flushing of the intake and reservoir
impoundments are unavoidable to ensure the aforementioned functionality.
A sediment mismanagement would arises in two ways:
 abrasion
 clogging
affecting the power plant components e.g. as follows:
 wear of large and costly equipment such as turbine runners, lining, valves and
spiral cases requiring replacement
 abrasion of the turbine runners that loose efficiency causing eventually the unit
shutdown and involving sophisticated repairs
 jammed valves and gates requiring delicate interventions with guard gates or
stoplogs in the best case, but also large-scale and prohibitive works
 deficiencies of small but essential devices, sometimes hardly accessible or
repairable: taps, valves, instruments losing in reliability and jeopardizing the
safety of the installations.
In this way, not only the physical integrity but also, as a corollary, the efficiency and the
productivity of the whole power plant depends on a proper sediment management.
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For the Owner, a shutdown of a power plant of the size of Cerro del Águila (~500 MW)
or even a simple operation failure will reflect in large loss of earnings8, while for the
network, it may result in serious negative impacts on the economic and social life,
taking even possibly the dimension of a national disaster9.
Therefore, the additional capital costs of efficient flushing devices, as well as the loss of
earnings resulting from the routine power plant shutdown during a few days for
sediment flushing should be considered as the price to be paid to utilize the highly
profitable hydropower resource. At planning stage, the pertinent choice of the concepts
and the quality of the designs are essential. No savings should be considered if it is at
the cost of poorer quality, entailing programmed repairs and production discontinuation.

5.2.2 Theoretical approach of sediment transport Basic Mechanisms

Setting up a large power plant on a river highly affected by sediment transport,
designing its hydraulic structures and incorporating a sediment management concept in
its operation planning impose an adequate understanding of the river dynamic
behaviour. The basic elements of its theoretical assessment is summarized in this
section according to its two basic mechanisms10: Bed-load and suspensions. Bed-load
General expression of the tractive force τ0 on a channel surface element:
τ0 = γw · h · Je
- γw : specific weight of water
- h : water depth
- Je : energy grade line slope
with the Strickler head loss formula
u = q/h = Ks · Je1/2 · h2/3
- u : flow velocity
- q : specific water discharge

Keeping in mind that a specific feature of the hydroelectric power generation is that its large investment cost is
amply repaid by the savings achieved by its insignificant operation cost, a failure should be always evaluated in
terms of loss of earnings rather than in terms of repair cost, as the latter is in mostly insignificant compared to the
In case of private ownership, the consumer may be one single industrial complex, as the Karahnjukar HEPP in
Iceland (project engineering by Pöyry, e.a.) that supplies smelters of one single aluminium complex. The
consequence of a production failure would be different indeed, but certainly not less acute.
The third mode, i.e. density flow is not addressed in the present report, or at least in its present Version A, as the
physical phenomenon is complex while its understanding is not essential for defining the appropriate devices and
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- Ks : Strickler roughness coefficient

which is
Je = (q/Ks)2 · 1/h10/3
h = (q/Ks)3/5 · 1/Je3/10
the tractive force becomes
τ0 = γw · (q/Ks)2 · 1/h7/3 = γw · (q/Ks)3/5 · Je7/10
knowing furthermore that
Ks = 26/d1/6
the tractive force becomes
τ0 = γw · 1/262 · q2 · d1/3 · h-7/3
which is
τ0 = 1/262 · γw · (q/h)2 · (d/h)1/3
τ0 = C · u2 · (d/h)1/3
- C = 1/262 · γw
C being thus a constant.
According to Meyer-Peter, the critical tractive force τcr able to overcome the friction can
be expressed as:
τcr = 0.047 (γs - γw) · d = 0.047 (2.7 - 1.0) d = 0.08 d
by dimensional analysis, the specific bed-load rate gb in [t/m’]:
gb = l · (τ0 - τcr)3/2
where by experience l = 25
so that
gb = 25 (γw · h · Je - 0.08 d)3/2
the river bed-load Gb(Q) is a function of the river geometry considered in the general
sense of the word, i.e. covering: slope - width - granulometry of the river bottom.
Thus, the river is governed by two equations:
- the Strickler equation: Q/f = Ks · Je1/2 · Rh2/3
- an equation expressing the bed-load: f (Gb, Rh, Je, d) = 0
so that, assuming a constant alluvium supply from the catchment area, the two unknown
Rh and Je are uniquely determined by the two equations. Consequently, over a long
period of time, the river is stable, the volume of sediments transported as bed-load being
equal to that of the alluvium supplied.
In spite of some inaccuracies due to secondary phenomena such as the cross-currents or
the cobbling of the river bed by large elements, it has appeared that, as far as the bed-
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load is concerned, this unique relation between the flow parameters and the river
“geometry” is correct not only theoretically but also practically. This river behaviour
has been confirmed by physical and numerical modelling as well as by observations
made on prototypes.
The corollary of this theory is that, in case of any artificial perturbation, the river will
trend to restore its equilibrium. In case of a dam, the river bed accretion will be such
that, after a certain time, the river bed would have raised (with the same slope) by the
dam height. Similarly, in case of the diversion of water, the accretion developing
towards upstream will raise in this part the river bed in such a way that the slope
downstream will increase to be able to transport the sediment rate with less discharge.
In reality, whenever a river is impounded by a dam, a “delta” will develop towards
downstream from the root of the impoundment (in case of supercritical flow), being
combined with a linear accretion towards upstream, both trending to restoring the
natural slope.
Operating then bottom outlets in such a way that the natural flow conditions can be
restored at the dam height, the strong slope prevailing at the delta front will cause a
rapid regressive erosion propagating towards upstream, so that the river theoretically
recovers its original level. Impoundment flushing utilizes this process. Sandy Suspended Sediments

The physical cause of sediment transport is the turbulent nature of the river flows.
At the invert, the turbulent velocity u* corresponds to the friction and can be expressed
in function of τ0 and the specific mass of water r as:
u* = (τ0 / rw)1/2
τ0 = γw · h · Je
Je = l · U2/2g · 1/(4Rh)
so that
u* = U · (l/8)1/2
Referring to Strickler
U = Ks · Je1/2 · Rh2/3
that is also
Je = U2 · Ks-2 · Rh-4/3
so that
l = U2 · Ks-2 · Rh-4/3 · 2g · 4Rh · U-2 = 8g · K-2 · Rh-1/3
Ks = 26/d1/6
it comes
l = 8g/262 · (d/h)1/3
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The suspended sediment movements upwards su and downwards sd can be expressed

respectively as:
su = - Dc dC/dy
sd = C · w
- C : mean sediment concentration at a certain height y above the invert
- Dc : particle diffusion coefficient
- w : dropping velocity of the particle in still water
According to Schmidt-Rouse, the steady concentration is given by making su = sd
C · w + Dc · dC/dy = 0
The particle diffusion coefficient can be assessed as the momentum diffusion coefficient
that cause the flow head loss:
Dc = k · u* · y (1 - y/y0)
- k : Karman constant = 0.4
- y0 : flow water depth
by integration:
C = C · (y0/y - 1)z
z = w / (k · u*)
C : constant
The specific suspended sediment rate gs in [t/m’] can be expressed as:

Unlike the bed-load theory, in spite of being largely accepted and utilized, the practical
applicability of this theory to assess the sediment transport of the suspension type
appears definitely questionable. Experiments and measurements have shown large
discrepancies indeed, while, clearly, the mathematical model itself omits important
aspects of the physical phenomenon.
Besides, no measurements are systematically carried out for providing the rates of
suspended sediments as this is done for the water discharge. The measurement itself is
much more intricate, while no information of a practical value can be obtained without
disposing of a very large number of measurements carried out during a very long period
of observation.
It may only be stated that the sediment transport in the suspended form is:
 most significant during the floods
 inaccurate by 300% if it is based on direct measurements
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 in the order of magnitude of 5 ÷ 10 times that in the bed-load form (statistic

 mostly much less than that corresponding to saturation, which is probably
governed by a diminution of the turbulence velocity u* below that of w,
- large concentrations representing a dangerous increase of γw while
- small concentrations represent a very significant amount of material if the
discharge is integrated over the long time of operation of a structure.
In conclusion, as far as the sediment transport in the suspended form is concerned, the
best analysis will be experimental referring to the data provided by a plant set up in
similar conditions. Pelitic sediments

The transport of pelitic sediments in the order of magnitude of the micron (clay and
silts) occurs as simple coloration of the water flow or as density flow or mud flow.
Entering impoundments, these density or mud flows creep along the thalweg down to
the lowest part and accumulate as density lake (or “density pond”). Due to their
rheology, i.e. their complex molecular structure and the interaction of their external
electronic layers, these sediments are able to develop cohesion forces. In still
conditions, the particles begin to stick together, then getting gradually closer and
eliminating water, the density of the fluid water/clay increases so as to form a visco-
plastic mass. The process continuing, the mass becomes solid so that its removal
requires mechanical action.
This type of sediment transport cannot be mathematically modelled. Only physical
modelling based on the Reynolds similitude law can be carried out to simulate the flow
of these dangerous sediments.

5.2.3 Experience from the Tablachaca Dam Introduction
Beside the best possible theoretical river dynamics assessment, the experience gathered
from other schemes implemented in similar conditions, whenever available, represents
the best support for a new development. This is particularly the case as far as the
sediment transport in suspended form is concerned (section 2.3).
Fortunately, with the Tablachaca Dam and appurtenant structures (see section 1.2.1),
such a reference exists in the best possible constellation as this scheme has been
constructed on the same river, in similar conditions and with similar magnitudes, for the
intake of the Santiago Antuñez de Mayolo (SAM) / Restitución Development, providing
35 years of data and experience.
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Figure 5-3: Tablachaca Dam with its large appurtenant sand-trap on the left bank supply-
ing the power intake of the SAM / Restitución hydropower cascade development (photo

Beyond the river dynamic data provision, planning a new dam at short distance
downstream can reasonably not do without a comprehensive recompilation and analysis
of all available data of this Tablachaca scheme11, including a review of all concepts,
deficiencies and problems. This long lasting and time consuming scrutiny process has
been initiated already for a few months, but should be intensified at the beginning of the
next stage of the studies.
Therefore, at the present stage, the following sections cannot pretend achieving more
than a cursory and provisional review of this experience.

Having been involved with the numerical model of the Tablachaca dam as assistant at the hydraulic
laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (VAW) that was in charge in 1970 of the physical
model tests, the author of the present memorandum initiated bringing this research to completion by
contacting the operation personnel of the SAM HEPP and recompiling the VAW archive. This approach
should allow drawing not only calibration data on the sediment transport, but also lessons for the design
of the Cerro del Aguila Project.
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Figure 5-4: Tablachaca Dam with sand-trap on the left bank supplying the power intake of
the SAM / Restitución hydropower plants Summary of data and features

The scheme data can be summarized as follows:

Basic Hydrology Data

- Catchment area: 18’775 km2
- Source: Lago Junin (EL 4100, Volume 556 Mm3, Net Volume 441.17 Mm3) with
regulation dam Upamayo EL 4080; 2’860 km2 , +15 al. (202 Mm3)
- Seasonal regulation dam for the Malpaso HEPP
- Low water minimum discharge > 60 m3/s
- Gauging station: La Mejorada EL 2790
- Q1 = 1’056 m3/s
- Q100 = 3’500 m3/s
- Suspended sediment transport: 2-3 g/l
- Bed-load: 4-6 g/l
- Total sediment transport rate: 0.5 g/l/s (80% quarz)

Basic Design of Reservoir and Dam

- Dam type: arch gravity
- Dam height: 80 m
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- Tablachaca Dam crest level: EL 2697

- Normal Retention Water Level: EL 2695
- Tablachaca Dam river bottom level: EL 2650
- Tablachaca impoundment net volume: 3.15 Mm3 at EL 2695; 2.90 Mm3 between
EL 2695 and EL 2682
- Flushing frequency: 1 year

Basic Design of Sandtrap

- Crest level of the guide wall along the sand-trap: EL 2682
- River level for the operation of the sandtrap: EL 2682
- Crest level of the sand-trap canal walls: EL 2678
- Sand-trap operation level: EL 2676
- During the floods the flow velocity can reach 3-4 m/s, which is impeding the proper
functioning of the sandtrap.

Basic Design of the Water Conveyance System

- Installed discharge: 96 m3/s
- Intake inlet invert level: EL 2660
- Intake inlet roof level: EL 2670
- Low pressure tunnel length: approx. 20 km
- Low pressure tunnel diameter: 4.80 m
- Surge tank diameter: …
- Restitución tailrace tunnel portal invert: EL 1555, according to the old coordinate
system, which in force during the construction of the Restitución hydropower plant
in the 1980ies. All other elevations of the SAM/Restitución are consistently given
in the same old coordinate system. It should be noted that the updated elevation,
according to the geodetic reference system used for the Cerro del Águila topo-
graphical surveys (WGS84), is EL 1578.20, for the invert level of the Restitución
tailrace outlet.

Basic Design of the Power Generation Complex

- Gross head (SAM only): approx. 800 m
- Installed capacity: 798 MW (SAM) / 216 MW (Restitución)
- Installed units: 8 x vertical Pelton (SAM) / 3 x vertical Pelton (Restitución)

Upon the recommendation of Pöyry Energy (formerly Elektrowatt Ingenieur Unter-

nehmung) being in charge of the construction supervision, a sand-trap not originally
contemplated, has been incorporated in the project at a later stage. Physical modeling of
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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the sediment transport have been carried out at the hydraulic laboratory of the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology (VAWE) between 1969 and 1971.
Due to its predominant contribution to the supply of the national network at that time, a
discontinuation of the SAM Powerplant generation was not permitted. The sand-trap
located inside the impoundment of the Tablachaca Dam at short distance of the dam
itself should have allowed to continue the power production during the operations of
sediment flushing.
The SAM powerhouse has been constructed in 2 stages Etapa I and Etapa II, so that,
during a relatively long period, the powerplant was operated at partial load only. Flushing process

During a submerged flushing process, the Tablachaca dam is operated as follows:
• River flow: Qr > 400 m3/s; Qpi = 60 m3/s with the following discharge distribution:
- Bottom outlet (7.00 x 11.00 m) with invert level at EL 2627): 0 m3/s (out of
- Mid-level outlet 1 (4.00 x 7.00 m) with invert level at EL 2’656.00: 270 m3/s
- Mid-level outlet 2 (4.00 x 7.00 m) EL 2’665.00: 130 m3/s
- Mid-level outlet 3 (4.00 x 7.00 m) EL 2’656.00: 100 m3/s
- Mid-level outlet 4 (3.50 x 4.00 m) EL 2’653: m3/s
- Power Intake: 55 m /s (debris problem)
• All 5 outlets are steel lined
• Flushing cone in front of the mid-level outlets, i.e. bottom at EL 2650
• River bed level immediately upstream of the flushing cone: EL 2682 ÷ EL 2685
(water depth 8 ÷ 9 m)
• River bed level at 300 m distance upstream of the flushing cone: EL 2693 (water
depth ≈ 2 m)
• Sediment flushing assume a water level drawdown to EL 2676.00
• Drawdown velocity: 0.20 m/h
• Drawdown time theoretical: 4 days
• Drawdown time actual: 8 days due to erosion of the buttress as well as debris
• Refilling time: 10 days
• Full flushing period: between 15 and 20 days
• Sandtrap: Design: 4 naves Bieri, operates only during the flushing processes
(4-6 g/l), fully operational
• The Sandtrap is designed to operate under the free surface flow mode only
• During the flushing process, only 3 naves are operated so that maintenance is
carried out in the fourth Problems
Since the beginning of its operation, the SAM Powerplant incurred some difficulties
essentially due to river dynamics. These difficulties can be summarized as follows:
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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(1) Bottom Outlet

Shortly after commissioning the SAM Powerplant, the Tablachaca Dam bottom
outlet was out of operation12. Since then, no attempts have been made to
rehabilitate this crucial device. Submerged flushing procedures are carried out
using the mid-level outlets, involving a partial lowering of the water level and the
clearing of a typical erosion cone in the vicinity of the sluice.
Apparently, model tests have recently been conducted in view of a comprehensive
rehabilitation/revision campaign programmed for the coming months (i.e. rainy
season), but a possible reinstatement of the bottom outlet being not contemplated,
the bottom outlet has not even been reproduced in the model.
(2) Turbine abrasion
During the short yearly flushing procedure, the sand-trap is operated but
obviously inefficient due to the river accretion that has reached a level that is 3 to
4 m higher than the crest level of the sand-trap lateral guide wall.
During this period the turbines incur a very serious wear by abrasion requiring to
temporarily install old runners of less values and efficiencies, and repair them
afterwards, keeping them in stand-by until the next flushing period.
Apparently, this wear is significantly greater than that developing during the
whole remaining part of the year (the water level being normal), even during
(3) Landslide “Derrumbe 5”
Different incipient landslides located in the Tablachaca Dam impoundment at
relatively short distance from the dam have been matter of great concern due to
the risk of clogging the power intake arrangement. In spite of costly stabilization
works performed during the years 1990, the water level drawdowns entailed by
the flushing procedures are carried out extremely carefully and slowly with a
continuous scrutiny of any slope material movement, particularly at the Derrumbe
5, which is located on the right bank just in front of the power intake. Obviously,
prolonging drastically the overall flushing procedure period, this constraint
imposed jeopardizes the powerplant operating and indirectly also the frequency of
the flushing procedures.
(4) Clogging of the low pressure tunnel
After completing the second stage (Etapa II) of the SAM Powerplant, i.e. adding
the two last units, whenever it was attempted to operate the units at nominal
discharge, negative pressures and even air sucking up have been observed just
upstream of the butterfly valve that protects the penstocks, thus revealing a much
too low level of the hydraulic grade line and therefore an excessive head loss in
the low pressure tunnel.
As a simultaneous shutdown of both the SAM and the Restitución powerplants

An explanation could be as follows:
During the construction period, the bed-load delta had already significantly progressed towards the dam,
but was not flushed during the construction for design and operative reasons.
Then, the impoundment was kept at high water level during the next flood, so that the front of the delta
suddenly and unexpectedly reached the bottom outlet, clogging it and ruling out its opening for ever.
Which is possibly due to the lack of bathymetric survey as well as the essential part played by the SAM
plant at that time and the impossibility of discontinuing the production during the time of a flushing
procedure. But this aspect still remain to be clarified.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 41 (104)

was out of question due to their essentiality in the Peruvian networks, a direct
inspection was never possible while different attempts with automatic cameras
have proved to be inefficient due to e.g. the turbidity of the flow around it. That is
the way this enigmatic loss of capacity of the low pressure tunnel remained a such
an headache that the idea of driving a second tunnel has even appeared to be a
possible solution. Fortunately and relatively recently, the problem was solved by
itself, the low pressure tunnel capacity having suddenly increased to a discharge
close to the total installed discharge. However, direct measurement of the
hydraulic grade line still suggest linear head losses (Ks = 62.5 ÷ 66.7 m /s) that
are far in excess of what should be in a tunnel lined with formed concrete (Ks =
75 ÷ 80 m /s).
The explanation which can be put forwards is that during the long period of
operation at partial discharge, the low pressure tunnel has operated as a sand-trap
without flushing, its invert being progressively clogged until some kind of
“regime” or stable profile has been reached (see §2.3.2 and 2.3.3). What remains
matter of concern is that, in contrast to typical sediment transport behaviors where
accretion and retrogression are fully reversible, the time dependency of the
retrogression suggests cohesion and therefore sediments of the “pelitic” type.
However, the suddenness of the capacity recovery is hardly consistent with a
progressive and linear erosion process as this should have occurred in a pressure
tunnel. Two explanations are possible: a singular head loss cause that would have
slowly evolved until being suddenly released, or, even stranger and requiring to be
hydraulically proved, a regressive erosion process as this occurs with free surface
The dam impoundment itself acting as an oversized sand-trap normally fails to
retain these particles because, in contrast to sandy suspended sediments that
would just settle on the river bed, pelitic sediments concentrate along the river
thalweg as a density flow creeping towards the dam where they form a “density
pond” (see section above). As the bottom outlet cannot periodically drain
this pond, it is likely that, its surface reaching the lower part of the intake, the
density flow ended up entering the low pressure tunnel. Conclusion
In spite of the problems briefly described in the above section, it should not be
overlooked that, even if abrasion involves intensive repair of its hidromechanical
equipment, the SAM Powerplant operates now for more that 35 years without incurring
any major loss of production, the only large risk being the landslide in the vicinity of the
dam requiring a slow water level drawdown during the flushing processes. Therefore, as
far as Cerro del Aguila is concerned, even if, from a rough assessment of the
morphology, this risk can very likely be discarded, it will have to be systematically and
carefully scrutinized during the next phase of the studies.
From the operating point of view, the main problem results from the improper
operability of the sand-trap during floods and sediment flushing, which actually results
from the inoperability of the bottom outlet. What should be learnt from that is merely
the importance of the proper design of the bottom outlet to ensure efficient flushing
Actually, the enigma of the capacity reduction of the low pressure tunnel should be
eventually and safely clarified, because it poses the specific problem of the pelitic
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particles, while inconveniences of similar origin have to be ruled out at the Cerro del
Aguila Project.
Therefore, it is clear that a careful analysis of all operational aspects of the Tablachaca/
SAM development is essential for a proper design of the Cerro del Aguila Project.

5.2.4 Sedimentation Process

Bed-load sediments will accumulate at the upstream of the impoundment forming a
delta. Suspensions will settle more downstream according to their diameter. Density
flow will form a submerged lake at the dam toe.
Although the risk of structure and device clogging may exist during flushing processes
(see section XXX), this risk as a consequence of sediment settlement and
accumulation13 should normally be ruled out due to the bottom outlet concept and the
large volume and the long length of the impoundment. The question of sediment
settlement is conversely posed in terms of settlement performance, i.e. what sediment
diameter may not settle in the impoundment reaching the power intake and being
entrained into the power hydraulic system.
Applying the theory of sediment settlement, the efficiency of the impoundment to
prevent particles to enter the power intake can be checked as follows:
 River thalweg level at the dam section: EL 1485 (conservatively taking the new
river bed level into account)
 River thalweg level at 1000 m upstream: EL 1493 (EL 1485 + 0.008 x 1000 m)
 Impoundment depth: h = 72 m (EL 1556 - EL 1484)
 Area: 100 x 67 + 2 x (1/2 x 67 x 67) = 11’200 m2
 Maximum yearly flood peak discharge: 1’800 m3/s
 Maximum yearly flood peak velocity at 1’000 m u/s of the dam: U = 0.16 m/s
 Rh = 11’200 / [100 + (2 x 95)] = 39 m
 Velocity of the turbulence: u* = U / Ks · (g / Rh1/3)1/2 ≈ 0.05 U = 0.008 m/s
 Settlement velocity for d = 0.2 mm: w = 0.02 m/s
 Settlement condition: u* < w / 2.5 = 0.02 / 2.5 = 0.008 m/s
 Intake invert level below the normal retention level EL 1560: z < 35 m
 Maximum settlement distance: L = U x z / (w - u*) = 0.16 x 35 / (0.02 - 0.008) =
467 m.
This shows that referring to the 1000 m assumed for the calculations, there is still 500 m
safety distance for the smaller particles (< 0.2 mm) to settle before they could be able to
enter in the system in case of a flood peak discharge not greater than 1’800 m3/s. It may
be anticipated that, with river discharges less than 1’000 m3/s, the power water will be
clear of any suspended particle. It is possible that a density flow could form in the lower
part of the impoundment and creep along the thalweg before being released by the
bottom outlet. Hence, the impoundment performs better than any sand-trap.

As it occurred in Tablachaca.
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Downstream of the dam, local sediment terraces may temporarily develop, particularly
along the convex bank of the river curves. These terraces should not have any incidence
on the power plant operation. If relevant, appropriate measures will be taken to prevent
them to form too close from the dam.
In spite of the river “regime” alteration due to the deduction of discharge between the
power intake and the tailrace tunnel outlet, a significant riverbed accretion downstream
of the dam (due to an adaptation of the river slope along this reach of the river) should
not develop due to salient part played by floods.

5.2.5 River Dynamic Processes

The yearly sediment transport of the Mantaro river amounts approximately 3 - 4 Mio.
m3, which should sooner or later be conveyed downstream of the dam. Thus, in contrast
to most of the dams that solely raise a problem of impoundment management, the Cerro
del Águila Dam additionally raises a problem of sediment management that is closely
linked to the river discharge.
The sediment management involves the two river dynamic processes:
 Accretion
 Retrogression
The accretion corresponds to the sediment settling in the impoundment that result from
the reduction of the tractive force and the turbulence. It occurs differently according to
the three types of sediments:
 Bed-load
 Suspensions
 Density flows (pelitic sediments)
The retrogression corresponds to the remobilization of the settled sediments due to the
resumption of the tractive force and the turbulence according to the actual hydraulic
As far as the bed-load in the dam impoundment is concerned, the accretion process
entails the formation of a delta at the root of the impoundment, while the retrogression
process induced by a retention level drawdown results in a translation of this delta in the
lower impoundment location as this can be summarized in Figure-5.
Allowing the utilization of the large impoundment volume for the temporary storage of
sediments while ruling out any interference with the outlet of the Restitución tailrace
tunnel, this process can play a major part in the sediment management operations. It
could for instance release the Cerro del Águila impoundment flushing process from the
concomitance constraint, which the flushing process of Tablachaca would normally
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Figure 5-5: Schematic movement of the sediment caused by reservoir level oscillation

5.2.6 Impoundment Operation

The actual river discharge determines the following four impoundment operation
(1) River discharges comprised between 0 and the power plant installed
discharge (200 m3/s)
Apart from the ecological flow (varying discharge between 5.8 m3/s and 21.4
m3/s during the dry season), the entire river discharge flows through the turbines,
except during the during the flood season when the excess water will be spilled.
During the dry season from May to December, the impoundment level fluctuates
hourly (maximum 4 m), in order to allow operating the units at maximum
capacity during the daily peak hours (up to 7 hours). With these low river
discharges, the natural sediment transport is practically limited to the suspended
load. Even with the impoundment fluctuations, the whole sediment load settle in
the impoundment.
The ecological flow is partly released through an additional Francis turbine unit
(approx. 3 MW) to be installed in the Cerro del Águila dam, and partly via a
special device, which can be a simple roller gate14.

Implementing energy dissipating valves as hollow jet or Howell-Bunger valves (in accordance with the common
practice) is considered unnecessary, as the free atmospheric jet opening is able to achieve a sufficient energy
diffusion and amortization, while these valves are costly and sensitive to debris and sediments.
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(2) River discharges comprised between 200 m3/s and 1’200 m3/s (mean annual
maximum discharge)
The powerplant operates continuously at full capacity, so that there is no need
for daily impoundment fluctuations, the impoundment level remaining at
Normal Storage Water Level (NSWL).
The excess water should preferably be spilled via the overflow spillway
(capacity approximately 6’000 m3/s). In case the suspended load settlement layer
would have reached the dam, spilling via the bottom outlet gates could present
the advantage of achieving an erosion cone in accordance with the “submerged”
flushing process, but it would entails flow velocities that could cause cavitation
in the bottom outlet sluices.
The larger river discharges of this operation mode convey a relatively important
volume of sediments, the bed-load settling in form of a delta starting at the
“root” of the impoundment15 and the suspended load settling downstream of this
delta at a distance depending on the discharge and the diameter of the particles.
Even with the annual maximum discharge, the accretion formed by the finest
sediments should normally not reach the dam.
The power plant production is basically not affected by this mode of
impoundment operation, unless the retention level would be partially lowered (2
- 5 m) during a short period (a few hours to maximum one day), to achieve the
displacement of the delta towards downstream, thus restoring room for further
sediment settlement at the root of the impoundment16 (see Figure). In this case,
the retention level lowering will have to be consistent with the actual river
discharge to ensure that the impoundment still keeps its full settlement
(3) River discharge comprised between 1200 m3/s (mean annual maximum
discharge) and 2400 m3/s (5-years return period peak discharge)
Whenever the river discharge exceeds substantially the annual maximum, the
power plant would have to be shutdown as the impoundment is theoretically not
sufficient to ensure the full settlement of the smallest particles (0.2÷0.3 mm).
The dam impoundment water level can be either:
a. kept at the Normal Retention Water Level, utilizing the large
impoundment volume and the clearance left below the Restitución tailrace
outlet as temporary sediment storage to restrict as much as possible the
flushing process frequency (beyond the conventional annual periodicity).
b. slightly lowered (2-5 m), in order to move the delta more downstream and
restore room for the bed-load sedimentation as in mode [4] (assuming that

The “root” of the impoundment is defined as the river section where takes place the hydraulic jump of the
supercritical river flow entering the impoundment (dam backwater).
As it would be the case if the Restitución Tailrace Outlet would be about to be submerged, which is normally ruled
out taking into account the 12 m clearance between its invert and the NRWL.
This consistency between the impoundment level and the river discharge actually represents a basic criterion of the
impoundment management as it reflects on the desanding capacity of the impoundment, i.e. the abrasiveness of the
power water. This is particularly relevant if the power station would be operated with low impoundment levels as
during flushing emptying and filling processes in case of a low setting of the power intake.
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the storage room will then be sufficient for the sediment settlement until
next flood).
c. fully lowered according to a genuine flushing procedure, thus achieving
both the conveyance of the large flood sediment load downstream of the
dam and the river bed flushing.
Behind these options underlies an essential feature of the sediment management
concept, which depends on the efficiency of the settlement and flushing
- With high efficiencies, i.e. if it could be confirmed that even the finest
sediments settle at distance from the dam, and that high rate of volume
recovery can be rapidly achieved, the flushing process may be made less
frequent, e.g. every 5 years if assuming that the cumulated 13 Mio. m3
sediment transport of 4 years can be stored in the 37 Mio. m3
impoundment volume.
- With low efficiencies, a frequency of one flushing process every 2 years
might have to be preferred in order to minimize the lost impoundment
volume. Clearly, many other factors may influence the concept, e.g.: the
time dependent cohesion development of the settled sediments, which is
ruled by the content of pelitic sediments; the duration of the reservoir
To assess this efficiency during the initial phase of the power plant operation, a
flushing process should be carried out after one year of impoundment only.
(4) River discharge in excess of 2400 m3/s (5-years return period)
The impoundment should be systematically lowered as much as possible by
fully opening the bottom outlet gates as in Mode [3c].
Following a flood or a density flow occurrence, the density lake formed in front
of the dam should be flushed away before the settled pelitic particles get some

5.2.7 Flushing Process Introduction
First and foremost, it should be mentioned that, to avoid a rapid fill of the whole
impoundment, clearing off periodically the accumulated sediments from the
impoundment is inescapable, while flushing is also the only realistic way to do it as all
other ways such as e.g. sediments retention, dredging, are totally inefficient in the actual
conditions. Fortunately, as explained in section 0, the river morphology lend itself well
to this process, and a large experience is available. This conjunction is one of the most
crucial features governing the Project concept.
A rather exceptional feature of the Mantaro river in the project area is that it flows in a
kind of bedrock channel, while the volume of slope colluvial material potentially
involved by landslides is relatively limited compared to the annual sediment transport.
This constellation is favourable for a free surface flow sediment flushing process, which
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can be efficient and fast as, in the long term, there should be practically not much
constraints for the impoundment emptying and filling rates. Flushing process of bed-load and suspended sediment accretion

Impoundment flushing consist in utilizing the transport capacity of the flow to mobilize
the settled sediments and to convey them downstream of the dam via the bottom outlet.
The flushing process for the Cerro del Águila Reservoir consists in the following
 Lowering the impoundment water level by means of a modulated operation of
the bottom outlet gates according to the actual water level. During this phase
occur the release of the density lake and may be also a kind of
“submerged”flushing of the fine sands accumulated behind the dam. Due to the
large dimensions of the gates, this operation can be as short as half a day.
 Reinstating during a few (2 to 3) days the river in its natural profile by keeping
fully opened the gates.
 Closing safely and fully the gates again until restoring the normal retention water
 Reopening partially the gates so as to release the discharge in excess of the
power plant installed discharge, a submerged flushing occurring then implicitly.
Assuming a drawdown discharge of 500 m3/s and an impoundment volume of
37 Mio. m3, the impoundment emptying could theoretically be achieved in approxi-
mately 20 hours (while this drawdown duration could even be significantly reduced in
case the impoundment volume would be largely utilized for sediment storage).
Practically, a one day (24 h) drawdown duration should be roughly considered18. This
drawdown phase requires particular attention to control the sediment front proceeding to
the bottom outlet and mobilizing huge quantities of sediments.
After resuming its natural flow with a minimum of 1000 m3/s, the retrogression process
is rapid and should not exceed 48 hours for an accretion period of one year.
Assuming a river discharge of 1000 m3/s, the filling process would roughly last 10
Thus, a complete flushing procedure would not last more than 4 days for an annual
flushing process19. A quinquennial flushing taking advantage of a 2500 m3/s discharge,
would require approximately 7 days, but would occur when the units are anyway shut
Basically, flushing should occur once a year during the floods and in the best way
during the flood peak20. However, the exact timing will have to be coordinated with the
operators of the Tablachaca Dam.
In this way, the flushing duration will be relatively short because the simple resumption
of bed-load transport during floods will practically immediately involve the

However, for the first flushing process, a relatively slow drawdown rate (1 m/h) should be observed by modulating
the discharge in function of the water level. Then, for the following flushing processes, this rate should be
progressively increased with increments of 25 cm/h.
Duration that has been taken into account in the energy production assessment.
Determining whether an instantaneous discharge corresponds to the hydrograph peak requires experience and
extended climatic considerations.
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mobilization of sediments over a few meter depth, while the yearly accretion should not
be much higher. The quantity of settled sands (transported in the suspended form) is
actually in much larger than that of bed-load material, but the flow transport capacity
for suspended load being very high, their flushing is “free of charge” and therefore
occurring very quickly.
Referring to the similar case of Gebidem Dam on the Massa river in the Swiss Alps (see
[4]), the flushing efficiency assessed by model tests would be 60 m3 of water for 1 m3
of sediment21. For the yearly 4 Mio. m3 of sediments, as expected for the Cerro del
Águila Project, 240 Mio. m3 of water would be necessary. Flushed by a flood of
1000 m3/s, the flushing duration would be 67 hours or 2.8 days. Although prototype
measurements have shown an efficiency twice higher, the reliability of prototype
measurements being always questionable, a conservative duration of 3 days should be
accounted for.
Flushing processes will have to pay particular attention to the following risks:
 The density lake forming at the toe of the dam will have to be eliminated
according to a frequency such that the pelitic particles do not reach any
 The “submerged” flushing occurring during the water level drawdown at the
beginning of a flushing procedure, entails a risk of clogging of the sluice due to
the huge transit of sediments. Therefore, a controlled drawdown procedure is
essential. The operation rules and design measures ruling out this risk could be
optimally studied on a hydraulic model.
The flushing should not create any problem downstream because, if the theory of the
stable canal is applicable, it should balance the river bed retrogression that has
developed during the period of impounded river. Flushing process of the density lake

The density lake can be easily flushed away by merely opening the bottom outlet during
a short time. Compliance with the Restitución HEPP tailrace outlet

The invert of the Restitución tailrace tunnel outlet (see Figure 5-6) was set (by
Electrowatt/Pöyry in 1985) at EL 1555.00 according to the old coordinate system that
was in force in the years 1970/1980, which would be EL 1568.20 according to the
PSAT56 and WGS84 new geodetic reference system used for the Cerro del Águila
topographical surveys.
During the low water period, the Mantaro river flow seems to be just supercritical, while
it would be clearly supercritical during floods, so that there would be basically no
The Massa river suffering huge sediment transport 0.5 Mm3, (0.13 Mm3 as bed load and 0.37 Mm3 as suspended
sediments), it could be ascertained that flushing an impoundment is a reality and not only a theoretical vision.
Measurements on the prototype have proved to be well in accordance with the model tests, while the efficiency of
the flushing processes is even higher than in the model thanks to the operation personnel that has refined the
methods and the processes. Even if this case is ruled by specific downstream constraints that are not relevant for
the Cerro del Aguila Project, it might be considered with certain reservations as a kind of model for Cerro del
As it is likely that this lacking procedure at Tablachaca explains the main real problem that the SAM Project has
ever experienced
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backwater effect in addition to the Cerro del Águila impoundment level. Therefore,
keeping a clearance of 5 m between the invert of the Restitución tailrace tunnel outlet
and the Cerro del Águila retention level should be adequate to provide for the delta
formation at the root of the impoundment. Be that as it may, in emergency cases, the
delta level could be rapidly lowered by drawing down by a few meters during a short
period the Cerro del Águila retention level23.
Thus, a possible influence on the Restitución turbine pit level of the maximum yearly
bed-load delta formed during floods may be ruled out. This statement can be reliably
proved by means of bed-load numerical simulations.

Figure 5-6: Restitución tailrace tunnel outlet River geodynamics

Provided they are moderate in volume and intensity, as this could be roughly
ascertained in accordance with the present scope of the studies, huaycos and landslides
should be merged in the normal sediment transport. Clearly, the following planning
stages will include a full scrutiny of the actual river geodynamics.

5.3 Concept of the Reference Project versus. the Proposed Scheme

The concept of the Reference Project as outlined in the Tender documents [2] is far
from being obvious indeed. It can be summarized as follows:
(1) Whenever the river discharge is lower than 200 m /s, there is no need for sand-
trap (as the sediments settle in the impoundment). The daily regulation storage is
provided by a fluctuation of the intake dam retention level from the normal level

Preferably with discharge less than 1200 m3/s in order to prevent particles greater than 0.2 mm to enter the system.
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(EL 1541) that is maximized in accordance with the tailrace outlet of the
Restitución powerplant. The whole river water flows through the turbines24.
3 3
(2) Whenever the river discharge is comprised between 200 m /s and 300 m /s, there
is still no need for sand-trap, but there is also no need for daily storage, so that the
intake dam retention level is kept at normal level. The actual excess discharge is
spilled via the spillway and regulated according to the normal water level setpoint.
(3) Whenever the river discharge is higher than 500 m /s, the impoundment is no
more able to ensure the settlement of the sediments, so that a sand-trap is needed.
But in order to utilize in the best way the excess discharge spillage to convey
sediments out of the impoundment, the intake dam retention water level is drawn
down to a lower level to which the sand-trap vertical setting is adapted. The actual
excess discharge is spilled via the bottom outlet and regulated according to this
lower setpoint.
(4) During the river floods, the bottom outlet is fully open and the operation of the
powerplant (including all intake structures, e.g. sand-trap) is discontinued in order
to flush the sediment out of the impoundment.
Generally, impoundments can handle the sediment transport according to two options
governing the retention level setting, which should be either sufficiently:
(a) high, so that the maximum sediments settle in the impoundment (aiming at
achieving that the highest possible discharges become clear of sediments at the
power intake)
(b) low, so that the minimum sediments settle in the impoundment being then
conveyed downstream of the dam (this option assuming provision of a sand trap).
Although item (3) of the Reference Project concept could have selected keeping the
normal retention level and setting the sand-trap accordingly25, by consenting its low
setting and giving up 17 m head during the whole period of sand-trap operation, it has
deliberately taken sides for the aforementioned second option in order to maximize the
sediment conveyance through the bottom outlet sluices.
In this way, the Reference Project is consistent with the free flushing option (see section
…), i.e. whenever the sand-trap is operated, the water level is drawn down as low as to
just ensure its supply with the design capacity, it being assumed that the actual river
discharge is greater than the installed discharge, so that there is no need for regulation
The governing intuitive aim could indeed be the four following effects:
 Ruling out the clogging of the intake structure by organizing the transit of the
sediments when they come in the largest rates
 Lowering the bed-load delta surface in order to discard the risk of submerging
the Restitución tailwater level
 Facilitating the impoundment flushing by reducing the sedimentation volume
 Reducing the retrogression downstream of the dam.

There is probably no compensaation discharge requirement, as the river is anyway “dead”.
As in Tablachaca.
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However, it should not be overlooked that solely during flushing procedures, the rate of
sediments conveyed via the bottom outlet is larger than that brought by the river, a large
part of the sediments settling temporarily in the impoundment, i.e.:
 During the low-water period when the suspended load will anyway settle in the
impoundment, assuming that whenever the impoundment operates at minimum
drawdown level it is still able to fully keep the smallest particles without needing
the contribution of a sand-trap
 During the sand-trap operation, i.e. when the sand-trap is supposed to eliminate
the fine sands, the bigger sediments settling in the impoundment
 During the special sand-trap operation when the impoundment water level is
drawn down to EL 1527 to still just supply the sand-trap with the powerplant
design discharge. Because it is likely that in spite of the remodeling of the delta
there is still more sediments entering the impoundment than outgoing via the
bottom outlet and the sand-trap flushing canal.
It should nevertheless be stressed that fearing a clogging of the sand-trap, the designer
has reasonably ruled out the idea of operating the sand-trap during any flushing
Apparently, the topographical requirements for the sand-trap accommodation have ruled
the selection of the intake dam site, while the impoundment level had to be conflictingly
set, on the one hand, as high as possible for the maximization of the head in accordance
with the constraint imposed by the Restitución tailrace outlet and, on the other, as low
as possible for the minimization of the sediment settlement in the impoundment. While
the criterion ruling quantitatively the vertical setting of the sand-trap is not clear, it
should be emphasized that shifting the dam towards upstream would have likely
allowed minimizing the loss of head while maximizing the sediment conveyance
consistently with Item [3] of the Reference Project concept.
Infringing also the same sand-trap accommodation criterion by shifting the dam towards
downstream, the Alternative Scheme is actually fully consistent with the Reference
Project. Item [3] of its concept remaining totally valid, the only difference is that the
discharge above which a sand trap is needed exceeds the yearly flood. The sand-trap
becoming unnecessary, the sand-trap accommodation criterion vanishes, thus implicitly
confirming the pertinence of the infringement.
Actually, although fully pertinent, the sand-trap accommodation criterion is not absolute
as an underground sand-trap could have been contemplated while it could have also
been submerged to be consistent with the water level fluctuations of an upstream
alternative where the need of sand-trap could have arisen with river discharges less than
200 m /s. It is nevertheless clear that by being able to purely and simply rule out the
need of a sand-trap, while being free to select the best dam site irrespective of any
constraint other than the best operation of the Project makes the Alternative Scheme
significantly more attractive.
The duration of the flushing procedure being governed by bed-load and not by
suspended load, and the accumulation of bed-load sediments being practically the same
in both the Reference and the Alternative Schemes, the option (1) governing the
Alternative Scheme is also fully justified.
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5.4 Hydraulic Modelling

5.4.1 General Considerations

Being a major issue, the sediment management will be granted the highest possible care,
taking advantage of the most relevant technologies and tools. If the actuality of the
anticipated river behaviour had to be verified26, in spite of a certain questionability of
their quantitative validity, the combined physical and numerical modelling of the
impoundment aggradation/flushing process will definitely provide the most reliable
quantitative assessment and in any case a qualitative contribution of an indisputable
 Physical modelling with clear water according to the Froude similarity law, as it
would accurately show the 3-dimensional hydraulics (capacity and flow pattern)
of the bottom outlet operating as a simple weir with open gates
 Physical modelling of both the settlement and the flushing processes, combined
with numerical modelling (both modes of simulation helping each other) as it
would allow, at low cost and in the short term, to carry out an unlimited number
of runs in accordance with any constellation of parameters
It should nevertheless not be overlooked that, unlike the bed-load, the suspended
sediment load cannot be accurately simulated. But this is not important, as the
settlement of suspended sediments will not pose any fundamental problem because it
will occur according to a smoother form than bed-load and should not really represent a
risk for the Restitución tailrace outlet. Besides, their degradation and transport during
the flushing procedures will develop extremely rapidly, the suspended sediment load
capacity of rivers being mostly not a critical issue.
At watching the operating model, and much better than on drawings, dam operators
dealing for a long time with floods and sediment flushing in similar conditions (for
instance those of the Tablachaca Dam) will be able to comment the design in a very
practical and constructive way, while the model will also facilitate the training of the
future staff to be appointed for the power plant operation.
Last but not least, the Contractor will also be able to appreciate physically certain
delicate operations such as the initial diversion of the flow into the diversion tunnels and
the progressive cut of the river, or their operation under flood occurrence with the
possible contribution of the bottom outlets partially constructed, or their final closure
with stop logs at the end of the construction.

5.4.2 Models
A general model at scale around 1:50 reproducing a river reach of approximately 3000
m should be adequate to assess both the river dynamic behaviour (sediment accretion -
retrogression processes in the managed impoundment) as well as the hydraulic
operation of the diversion tunnels, spillways, and most specifically of the bottom outlets
in their mobile barrage functionality, with respect to:

For instance, a basic question is the duration of the flushing process because it should not significantly affect the
power production of the plant.
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 their capacity to convey the annual flood as well as large floods of long return
 their efficiency at performing river bed flushing
 their optimum arrangement in the sluice with respect to a possible clogging due
to the settlement of suspended materials
 the correct vertical setting of the weir
 the design of the weir with respect to scouring development
 their operation in conjunction with the high- or mid-level spillway
 their early use to convey floods during construction with the study of possible
cofferdam submergence.
Depending on the results of the aforementioned model, a second model at scale around
1:20 reproducing one sluice only of the bottom outlet, could then be considered to
accurately assess capacity, dynamic pressures and possibly also cavitation.
Only laboratories having long experience in sediment simulations should be considered
for conducting the aforementioned model tests, for instance:
 Laboratory of the University of Piura in Perú
 Versuchanstalt für Wasserbau an der ETH Zürich
 Laboratory of Ezeiza Buenos-Ayres in Argentina
However, due to the geographical proximity advantage, the hydraulic laboratory of
Lima could possibly also be considered.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 54 (104)


6.1 Location of Dam

As initial layout, in order to stick to the course of the Reference Project, the dam is
located at short distance upstream of the left curve of the Mantaro river, i.e. at
approximately 11.7 km downstream of the tailrace tunnel outlet of the Restitución
However, for optimizing the project, the exact position of the dam axis will have to be
reconsidered during the next stage of the studies, involving the Owner’s agreement as
well as further investigations and studies exceeding the scope of the present stage.

Figure 6-1:

6.2 Gravity Dam Design

6.2.1 General
The design of the Cerro del Águila gravity dam considers the general principles used for
design of concrete gravity dams. All mass concrete dams, which are unreinforced, must
rely on the concrete strength in compression, shear and tension to resist applied loads, as
well as the internal stresses caused by non-uniform temperatures (gradients).
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 55 (104)

Due to the limited capacity of un-reinforced concrete to resist shear and tensile stresses
mass concrete structures are generally designed so that tensile stresses do not develop
under normal operating conditions during the life of the structure. However, under
certain unusual and extreme load conditions (including seismic loading), some tensile
stress is sometimes permitted.
Tensile stresses can also develop due to volume changes resulting from long and short
term temperature gradients.

6.2.2 Main Dam Body

The proposed gravity dam for the Cerro del Águila Project will be a straight structure of
conventional concrete. The dam crest will be at elevation 1560.10 m asl. Accordingly
the height above thalweg is about 76 m. Based on stability calculations and on data of
similar structures recently designed, the gravity dam will have the following cross-
 A vertical upstream face.
 A downstream slope (projected from the upstream edge of the dam crest) of
0.82:1.0 (H:V)

Figure 6-2:
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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The properties of the dam concrete will be defined for different dam zones depending
on the stress and permeability requirements, with mix details being determined by
calculations during the detailed design phase. For the following reasons, the
cementitious content of the concrete mix will be kept as low as possible, whilst still
meeting the design requirements:
 To limit the fresh concrete temperature and heat generation in placed concrete.
 To minimize the potential for cracking within the dam body.
 To save construction costs.
It can be assumed that concrete for the gravity dam can be produced economically using
fine and coarse aggregates as well as water available near the dam site. Cement (and
pozzolan) and additives for the dam concrete will have to be transported to the site.
To prevent uncontrolled cracking caused by temperature effects in the mass concrete,
transverse contraction joints will be formed perpendicular to the dam axis. They will be
generally spaced uniformly across the dam axis, at about 16 m centres for the four
central blocks containing the bottom outlets and the spillways and at about 18 m centres
for lateral blocks, based on experience. The joints will pass through the spillway piers
but not through the spillway bays, so that the gates can be operated even when joint
movement occurs. To ensure stability the provision of shear-keys on the joints faces will
be applied where necessary. Sealing of the joints by grouting should be also taken into
Potential water flow along the contraction joints will be prevented by the use of
waterstops at the upstream face. A drain hole will be provided downstream of the
waterstops to collect any seepage that does bypass the waterstops. This water will be led
to galleries in the dam and the flow will be measured and drained.
Two longitudinal galleries are included in the dam body, and are rectangular shaped
with an arched roof [size H x B = 2.5m (side) x 3.0 m (centre)]. The minimum hori-
zontal distance between the upstream dam face and a gallery will be 2.5 m, to defend
against seepage. The galleries will also provide access to the instrumentation installa-
tions. One gallery follows approximately the foundation joint. The second gallery pro-
vides access to the control room of the bottom outlet gates. They will be connected to
each other, within the dam body, by shafts provided with stairs. Additionally a material
shaft with an elevator is foreseen for transportation of equipment to the control room.

6.2.3 Cementitious content of mass concrete

The philosophy that should be followed for the mass concrete of the Cerro del Águila
gravity dam is to only include the amount of cementitious materials required to satisfy
the design requirements. At the current state of knowledge three different mixes of mass
concrete are proposed. To ensure water tightness a facing mix with a cement content of
about 250 kg/m3 should be used for the 2.5 m wide U/S portion of the dam. Beside the
facing mix for the lower part of the dam up to elevation 1514 m asl a concrete mix with
about 180 kg/m3 cement and about 40 kg/m3 pozzolan while for the section above 1514
m asl a concrete mix with about 160 kg/m3 cement and about 40 kg/m3 pozzolan should
be used. The exact cementitious content will be determined during the detailed design
phase based on the design requirements and any necessary ancillaries to ensure
watertightness, etc, will assessed in a second step.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 57 (104)

6.2.4 Uplift
Uplift pressure resulting from headwater and tailwater exists through cross sections
within the dam, at the interface between the dam and foundation, and within the
foundation below the base. For the stability analysis the uplift pressure will be
considered as acting over 100 percent of the base or the lift joint under consideration.
The calculated pressure distribution along the base or the lift joint takes into account the
effectiveness of drains and grout curtain. Therefore the uplift at the location of the
drains is be reduced to 66 % of the full uplift pressure at the upstream face. To attain the
reduction of uplift pressure assumed for stability calculation the drains must comply
with the following rules:
 Maximum spacing between drains 3.0 m.
 diameter not less than 76 mm in the foundation and within the dam.

6.2.5 Foundation Excavation and Treatment

The expected rock excavation depth is approximately 3 m (measured perpendicular to
the existing rock surface) to reach sound rock able to provide a good base for the dam.
This will give a foundation level of 1,476 m asl and a maximum dam height of about 84
m. The foundation should be slightly sloped upwards with about 3 deg from upstream to
downstream. At the right abutment, the alluvial material will have to be removed to an
assumed thickness of 15 m. The final footprint profile should not have abrupt or
protruding irregularities, to avoid unnecessary stresses in the concrete structure.
However, the final excavation profile for the footprint of the dam will be based on the
results of the geotechnical investigations. Consolidation grouting will be done over
footprint where necessary, to fill voids, fracture zones and cracks, and to improve water-
tightness, foundation strength, homogeneity, and to enhance elastic performance. The
depth of the grout holes will be based on an assessment of rock modulus and
permeability variation of the excavated surfaces.

6.2.6 Grouting and drainage curtain

The grout curtain in the foundation of the gravity dam is required to seal the rock in the
dam footprint. Seepage below the dam foundation would lead not only to a loss of
impounded water but also to detrimental buoyancy or uplift forces in the footprint,
which would affect the stability of the dam. For initial studies, a depth of the grout
curtain of two thirds of the reservoir head at the FSL of 1,550 m asl, measured
perpendicular to the rock surface is considered. However, depth and extend of the grout
curtain is determined on the basis of water pressure test data from investigation
boreholes. According to [2] the depth and lateral extent of the grout curtain will be
continued into rock with water acceptance not greater than 1 Lugeon, as determined y
the standard Lugeon test. If this criteria cannot be met, the depth of the grout curtain
will be based on numerical analysis of the groundwater flow.
The grouting for the grout curtain will be carried out from the gallery and will follow
the grout curtain axis. Taking into consideration the limited available geological
information, the grout mix will have to be adapted to the rock conditions found during
the execution for the grouting works.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 58 (104)

Figure 6-3: Drainage curtain of the dam

The drainage curtain in the rock will collect seepage discharge through the dam
foundation and thus avoid buoyancy or uplift forces in the dam footprint, which could
affect the stability of the dam. The drainage curtain should reach a depth of about 66 %
of the grouting curtain and will be formed of 76 mm diameter drainage holes at 3 m

6.2.7 Instrumentation
The gravity dam, the foundations and abutments will be equipped with instrumentation
to follow the behaviour of the dam during its construction, to compare the performance
of the dam under operating conditions with that predicted by the designer, and to
evaluate the overall condition and safety of the dam on a regular basis.
Adequate instrumentation will be provided to measure at appropriate locations within
the dam:
 stresses and strains
 displacements including dam/foundation interface
 temperature
 joint movements
 reservoir level.
In the abutments at appropriate positions the following will be measured:
 hydrostatic pressure
 drainage quantities
 displacements
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 59 (104)

6.2.8 Stability Analysis of Dam Software
The stability and stress analyses were performed using the software program CADAM
developed by Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada. CADAM is based on the
gravity method (rigid body equilibrium and beam theory), and performs stability
analyses for hydrostatic and seismic loads. Several options have been included to allow
users to explore the structural behaviour of gravity dams (e.g. geometry, uplift pressures
and drainage, and crack initiation and propagation criteria).
The cross section was analysed for stability against sliding and overturning, and for
allowable stresses.
All minimum acceptable factors of safety were satisfied for all load combinations
required. For determination of sliding stability the limit equilibrium method is used. General Analysis Assumptions

For the stability analysis of the Cerro del Águila concrete gravity dams the following
loads are taken into account:

Dam gravity loads

The unit weight of concrete is taken as 2,400 kg/m3.

Hydrostatic loads induced by head and tail water levels

For the analysis design values of the head and tail water levels are applied as given in
the following Table 6-1.

Table 6-1: Water levels

U/S water
D/S water level
Normal Operation 1556.00 m asl 1483.00 m asl
PMF 1558.00 m asl 1504.00 m asl

The magnitude of the water pressures are determined according to the principles of
hydrostatics except for earthquake loading combinations. Here the hydrodynamic
pressure acting on the dam is modelled as added mass (added inertia forces) according
to the Westergaard formulation. The hydrodynamic pressure for silt is approximated
from Westergaard formulation for a liquid of higher mass density than water.

Silt pressure
The magnitude of silt pressure accumulated in the reservoir is estimated as equivalent to
a saturated unit of 1’700 kg/m3.
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Uplift pressure
Uplift pressures are considered as an external load (linearization of effective stresses).
The foundation drainage efficiency is assumed to be 66%.

Pseudo-static (seismic) coefficient

The pseudo-static acceleration is taken as 0.5 of the PGA. Only the horizontal
earthquake component is considered for stability analysis, while for stress analysis
horizontal and vertical acceleration is taken into account.

Crack modelling
Cracking is considered for all load combinations and is assumed to occur and propagate
when the stipulated tensile strength is exceeded (usual, unusual and post-earthquake
conditions). The dynamic tensile strength is assumed to be 1.5 times the static strength.
If cracking occurred in the static analysis, full uplift pressure is applied by the model in
the crack (although no cracking is considered acceptable in the dam design for these
conditions). The uplift pressure is assumed to remain unchanged in the event of
cracking during seismic event (where cracking is tolerated). For the post-seismic load
case, full uplift pressure is assumed in cracked section between the upstream face and
the drain line. Beyond the drain line full drain effectiveness is restored (FERC).

Tailwater load factor

The effective tailwater used to calculate the pressures and forces acting on the
downstream face of an overflow section are reduced to 60 % of the full water depth due
to fluctuations in the stilling basin (USACE, 1995), but full tailwater uplift maintained
to allow for the plunge pool draw down (suction) effect during spillway operation.
For non-overflow section the hydrostatic pressure on the downstream face due to
tailwater is determined using the full tailwater depth (USACE, 1995).

Passive rock resistance

No beneficial effects of passive rock resistance downstream are considered in the
analysis. Factors of Safety

Global Stability Analysis

The basic criterion for the safety assessment against sliding is the ration between the
driving forces and the resisting forces (available shear strength) along the considered
sliding surface. For final design the actual factor of safety for sliding stability is
determined using a two dimensional limit equilibrium analysis along the concrete rock
interface. According to [2] the following minimum values shall be observed to ensure
sliding stability.
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Table 6-2: Minimum factors of safety according to [2].

Loading condition Factor of safety

Usual loading ≥2.0
Unusual loading ≥1.5
Extreme loading ≥1.2
In absence of detailed geotechnical data for the present dam foundation, the initial
design for the dam is based on factors of safety for a no-cohesion assumption.

Table 6-3: Acceptance criteria for sliding stability for no-cohesion assumption according
to [5].

Loading condition Factor of safety

Usual loading ≥ 1.5
Unusual loading ≥1.3
Extreme flood ≥1.1
Extreme drains clogged ≥1.1
Extreme earthquake Note 27
Post earthquake ≥ 1.1

The design criteria for the location of the resultant forces at the base of the dam is given
in Table 6-4

Table 6-4: Location of resultant force at dam base

Location of resultant force

Usual loads Middle 1/3
Unusual loads Middle 1/2
Extreme loads Within base

Stress Analysis
The stress criteria for concrete stresses to be observed are summarized in Table 6-5.

The earthquake load case is used to establish post-earthquake condition of the dam.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 62 (104)

Table 6-5: Stress criteria for foundation bearing pressure and concrete stresses

Concrete stresses

Loading condition Compressive Tensile

Usual loads 0.3 fc’ 0.0
Unusual loads 0.5 fc’ 0.5 ft’
Extreme loads 0.9 fc’ 0.909 ft’
fc’ is 1-year unconfined compressive strength of concrete and ft’ is 1-year tensile strength of concrete

For final design checks on bearing capacity and local overstressing will be carried out
by means of 2-D or 3-D finite element method analysis for usual, unusual and extreme
loading. The ratio of applied stress to rock mass strength shall not be less than 2 for
usual loading, not less than 1.5 for unusual loading and 1.2 for extreme loading. Load Cases

Stability analyses of the Cerro del Águila concrete gravity dam have been carried out
considering usual, unusual, extreme as well as post earthquake load cases, taking into
account possible influences of the drainage system on the stability. The load cases
investigated are summarized in Table-6 below.
The software used for the stability and stress analysis (CADAM) allows to select the
load cases from the standard options, see Figure 6-4Figure.
The pseudo-static loads relevant for the seismic analysis are given in Figure 6-5.

Table 6-6: Load cases considered for sensitivity analysis to establish required strength

Loading Condition Self FSL Reduction PMF Uplift Silt PGA
weight due to Return period
drains 475 years
Normal operation with drains X X X X X
Drains clogged X X X X
Earthquake 0.28g X X X X X X
Post seismic - Earthquake 0.28g X X X X X
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Figure 6-4: Standard load cases

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Figure 6-5: Pseudo-static loads (seismic coefficient method) Geometry and analysis parameters

CADAM was used for the analysis of a 2-D slice (section) of the dam comprising
spillway and bottom outlets. The parameters of the analyzed overflow-section are listed
in Table 6-7.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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Table 6-7: Geometry and analysis parameter of analyzed overflow-section

Elevation foundation joint 1476.00

Sloping of foundation joint 2.3°
Elevation spillway sill 1541.90
Elevation top of gate 1556.30
Full supply level 1556.00
PMF 1558.00
Tailwater level normal operation 1483.00
Tailwater level PMF 1504.00
Silt level 1484.00
Volumetric mass of concrete 2400 kg/m3
Inclination of upstream face Vertical
Inclination of downstream face H/V = 0.82:1
Total base width 61.0 m
Peak ground acceleration (PGA) for 475 return 0.28g
Uplift criteria 4) FERC 1999
Notes: No detailed information on the tailwater level for normal operation. Conservative assumption!
No detailed information on the tailwater level for PMF. Conservative assumption!
The silt level is taken to the elevation of the sill of the bottom outlet. For static load cases silt
pressure is calculated using a submerged unit weight of 7 kN/m3 and the earth at rest
coefficient. Due to potential liquefaction for the post seismic load cases the horizontal pressure
due silt is calculated assuming a fluid with a unit weight of 7 kN/m3.
Uplift pressure is reduced according to FERC 1999. Assumptions: gallery el. 1478.3, x = 2.5 m
from the vertical U/S face, drain effectiveness 66%, drains extend up to el.1541 m asl.

Recesses such as bottom outlets and gates chambers, as well as superstructural parts
(piers, and guide walls) have been considered by added masses (negative mass for
recesses) for the stability analysis.
For the seismic load case horizontal and vertical acceleration of the concrete mass have
been considered. The reservoir interaction is considered by the Westergaard’s added
mass method, using the generalized Westergaard method. A seismic coefficient of 1/2
of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) has been applied for stability analysis. The ratio
between the vertical seismic coefficient and the horizontal seismic coefficient is
according to general practice 2/3. The peak accelerations have been used for a stress
analysis in the section.
Analysis of the load cases was performed using friction resistance only for both the
foundation rock and the concrete. Therefore, no cohesion has been considered for any
load case. The sensitivity analysis included a variation of the internal friction angle at
the concrete to concrete contact and at concrete to foundation contact. Additionally the
following parameters have been considered.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 66 (104)

Table 6-8: Additional strength parameters for concrete and foundation

Concrete Compressive strength 16.0 MPa

Tensile strength 1.2 MPa
Base joint Compressive strength 16.0 MPa
Tensile strength 0.0 MPa Analysis Results

Using CADAM, the central cross section was analyzed for stability against sliding.
Automatically, the analysis for overturning and for allowable stress is included.
Table the minimum required frictional resistance for the concrete – rock interface is
presented. In Table 6-10 the load combinations which have been investigated for Cerro
del Águila dam stability with the corresponding factors of safety for the minimum
required frictional resistance are summarized.

Table 6-9: Required residual parameters for the concrete - rock interface

Cohesion (c’) Friction angle

Required frictional 0.0 MPa 48°
resistance at base joint

Table 6-10: Factors of safety against sliding calculated for the concrete - rock interface

Loading condition Friction angle required F.S. actual F.S.

Normal operation with 48° 1.5 2.3
Normal operation, drains 48° 1.1 1.1
PMF 48° 1.1 1.8
Normal Operation + 48° 1.1 1.5
Earthquake PGA 0.28g
Post Seismic PGA 0.28g 48° 1.1 2.0

The results of the stability calculation confirm the suitability of the selected geometry
- Tension in the footprint does not occur for the usual load cases.
- The safety factors for sliding and overturning resistance in the footprint are
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 67 (104)

Table 6-11 shows the compressive strength values within the concrete structure for the
different load cases, which are of an acceptable order of magnitude. The concrete mix
will be adapted to these requirements.

Table 6-11: Required 1-year unconfined compressive strength of concrete

Target f’c obtained from

Required f’c
Load case CADAM
Usual 0.33 f’c 3.1 9.4
Unusual 0.667 f’c 3.1 4.6
Extreme 0.91 f’c 4.9 5.4
Note: f’c is 1-year unconfined compressive strength of concrete.

Due to the large openings in the dam caused by the bottom outlet and the gate chamber,
these values have to be considered as a rough estimate. Therefore in the next phase
concrete stresses have to be calculated using a 3-D FE analysis. Three-dimensional effects of abutments

The stability calculations already described consider a two dimensional section of the
dam, although it is obvious that this is a simplified approach for the Cerro del Águila
dam, given the very steep abutment slopes at the dam site, and that three dimensional
effects have to be allowed for. The gravity dam consists of single blocks on the steep
slopes of the abutments defined through vertical joints. These blocks on such steep
slopes may not be stable by themselves and may need support from adjacent blocks to
prevent them sliding down the slope. The forces in the transverse direction (down the
abutment slopes) will be transferred to the central part of the valley where they will be
resisted by corresponding forces from the opposite valley flank. For a single block on
the steep slope this means that the forces down the slope are transferred to the adjacent
block while the horizontal forces caused by the reservoir load will be resisted by the
shear strength in the block footprint. In practice, with the force down the slope a portion
of the vertical force (from the weight of the block itself) will also be transferred to the
adjacent block. The loss of vertical force transferred to the adjacent block could lead to
instability of the single block, provided that insufficient friction is mobilized in the
footprint of the block to resist the horizontal forces of the reservoir loading.
With the 2-D stability calculation, it could be confirmed that the dam (without
considering 3-D effects) is stable for usual and unusual load cases; this means that the
dam body has enough weight to resist these horizontal loads (hydrostatic pressure and
silt). The spillway cross-section, for the maximum dam height considered in the
calculations, is the most critical section from the stability point of view. This means that
the dam blocks on the valley slopes can also resist the horizontal reservoir loads,
considering the 2-D case slice (section) only, even with a slightly increased safety
factor. Therefore, it can be concluded that considering 3-D effects and assuming the
gravity dam as a single block, for which only horizontal movement down the valley is
possible (due to the existing topography), the dam as a whole can resist the horizontal
forces from the reservoir. Therefore, the stability of the entire dam is confirmed. The
conditions discussed above confirm that it will be essential to ensure the continuity of
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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the structure by providing special modifications such as shear-keys to increase safety

factors by allowing transfer of the required forces from the valley flanks down to the
central part of the dam. Additionally, excavation of the abutments takes into account,
that sections of the dam with a transversally flat foundation are provided, which can
interrupt the downhill flow of forces in resisting them directly.
In the detailed design phase three-dimensional effects within the gravity dam and the
connections of the blocks to each other will have to be investigated and analyzed in
more detail.

6.2.9 Concrete target strength

For concrete dams like the proposed Cerro del Águila concrete gravity dam there is no
need to specify the mass concrete in terms of the 28 day strength, which is the usual
practice for structural concrete (reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete) as the main
loads (water load, earthquake loads, etc.) are applied when the concrete is more than a
year old. In the case of earthquakes with a return period of say 100 years, it may be
acceptable to assume that the earthquake occurs when the dam is say 10 years old. By
specifying the strength of mass concrete at 90 days or 180 days the strength
development from 28 to 90 or 180 days can be taken into account. This strength
development can be substantial and depends on the concrete mix design and the
properties of the aggregates. By replacing 30 to 50% of the portland cement by fly ash
or other cementitious materials the strength at 90 or 180 days may be 1.5 times the 28
day strength (or even larger).
For quality assurance it is still possible to test the concrete strength at early age
provided the strength development of mass concrete has been determined previously for
90, 180 and 365 days. Once the strength development curve is known, then the 90 or
180 days strength can be related to the say 28 day strength etc. Still a few samples
would have to be tested at 90, 180 or 365 days.
As a conclusion, the strength of mass concrete for Cerro del Águila is specified in terms
of the 90 days strength.
For the purposes of the preliminary mix design, a target cylinder compressive strength
of 21 MPa at 90 days has been derived from the relationship between the estimated
required design strength and site strengths.
The derivation of the target design strength is as follows:
 Design compressive strength stipulated by the dam designers = 16 MPa.
 Compressive strength of cores taken from the dam assumed to be 15% less
(target core compressive strength = 16 MPa + 15% = 18.4 MPa).
 Target laboratory cylinder strength, assuming it is acceptable that 20% of
compressive strength results may be lower than the target, and an acceptable
Coefficient of Variation of 15% is considered, is calculated as follows:
Target Cylinder Strength = core strength + 0.82 [0.15 x core strength]
= 18.4 MPa + 0.82 [0.15 x 18.4 MPa]
= 21 MPa
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
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Where 0.82 is taken as the statistical value representing 20% low strength, and
0.15 is the Coefficient of Variation expresses as a decimal.
 The target cylinder strength, calculated using the procedure given in the EVN
Design Manual is as follows:
Characteristic Cylinder Laboratory Strength (CCLS)
= Design Strength x 1.125
= 16 MPa x 1.125 = 18 MPa
Target laboratory cylinder strength = CCLS + 0.854 [0.2 x CCLS]
= 18 MPa + 0.854 [0.2 x 18 MPa]
= 21 MPa
Where 0.854 is taken as the statistical value representing 20% low strength, and
0.2 is the percentage of acceptable low results expresses as a decimal (ACI 214).
 The Target Dynamic and Static Tensile Strength, and the relationship between
the compressive strength and the tensile strength will be established from the
results of the trials and the ongoing analysis of stresses in the dam.
 As with compressive strength, the tensile strength of cores is generally lower
than the strengths determined from cylinders in the range 80% to 95%.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 70 (104)

6.3 River Diversion

6.3.1 General
It is necessary to divert the Mantoro River during the construction of the Cerro del
Águila Hydropower Project. The river diversion has to ensure that discharges, including
flood up to a certain probability of occurrence, are able to pass safely without any
unacceptable damage to the construction work. Since the river diversion works will be
an important consideration in determining the total costs of the project and the related
construction period, similar to the river diversion concept described in [2], a multiple
stage diversion concept is proposed.

Figure 6-6: Layout of dam and river diversion scheme (final construction stage during
dry season)

6.3.2 Multiple Stage Diversion Concept Concept Description

For the proposed multiple stage diversion concept four different river diversion stages
are adopted in the construction of the project. The concept comprises that before the dry
season for which the start of construction of gravity dam is scheduled (nominated as
“first dry season of dam construction”), a diversion tunnel with a D-shape profile and an
internal cross section 96 m2 is built and the site installation required for placing concrete
at a high rate is completed. Additionally excavation of the abutments should be
advanced as much as possible.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 71 (104)

During the first dry season of dam construction, the following construction steps have to
be accomplished: construction of the small cofferdams in order to divert the river
through the diversion tunnel, excavation and cleaning of the dam foundation,
consolidation grouting for blocks 5 to 11, construction of blocks 7 to 10 up to el.
1482.80 m asl and construction of blocks 5, 6 and 11 as at least up to el 1500 m asl.
Figure 6-7 shows the arrangement of the cofferdam and the diversion tunnel and

Figure shows the construction stage to be accomplished within the “first dry season of
dam construction”. It is estimated that the excavation requiring a dry construction pit is
about 52,000 m3 before concreting can be started and the amount of concrete to be
placed is about 82,000 m3 for this construction phase.

Figure 6-7: Cross section of cofferdams and diversion tunnel during first diversion stage

Figure 6-8: Stage of construction during the flood season following the completion of
cofferdams and foundation treatment and concreting (view from d/s)
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 72 (104)

During the subsequent flood season (“first flood season of dam construction”) the water
will be diverted through be rectangular flume formed by the dam blocks 5 to 11. During
“flood season 1” construction of the dam blocks on the left and right abutment should
be advanced as much as possible.
The following dry season (“second dry season of dam construction”) is considered to be
the critical phase of construction, since within about 7 months the steel lining for the
eight bottom outlets must be assembled and installed and the upstream section of the
central blocks (dam blocks 7 to 10) must be casted approximately up to elevation 1511
m asl to pass safely the 20-year flood (see Figure 6-9 and Figure 6-10Figure). If
possible the radial gates should be installed in some of the bottom outlets during this
construction stage.

Figure 6-9: Stage of construction to be completed within the second dry season of dam
construction (view from d/s)

Figure 6-10: Stage of construction to be completed within the second dry season of dam
construction (cross section)

During the following flood period the river will be safely diverted through steel-lined
but in some cases ungated bottom outlets. In the remaining construction period the dam
will be concreted up to the crest (see Figure 6-11). During dry season, installation of the
radial gates of the bottom outlets can continue under protection of the reconstructed
cofferdams. As soon as the crest is finished and the crane is installed, installation of the
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 73 (104)

remaining radial gates can be completed under protection of the stoplogs in case of
flood period.

Figure 6-11: Stage of construction during the second flood season of dam construction
(view from d/s)

Figure 6-12: Stage of construction during the second flood season of dam construction
(cross section) Design of Diversion Tunnel

The diversion tunnel with the proposed D-shape cross section should have an internal
cross section of 96 m2 in order to safely pass the water during the dry season and to
allow for a rapid drawdown after floods in the rainy season.
As the tunnel will be operating under both free flow and pressure flow conditions, the
slope of the tunnel has to be selected carefully.
The slope must be set in such a way that a hydraulic jump will not form inside the
tunnel for any possible discharge. This means that the flow has to be clearly subcritical
or supercritical for all expected discharges.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 74 (104)

The tunnel will have to be able to pass considerable amounts of bedload during the
diversion period. In order to reduce the danger of clogging, supercritical flow is

Cerro Del Aguila, Diversion, Concrete Lining, Free Flow 
A=96 m 2, s=0.76%, kstr= 74 (based on a D Shaped Profile)
12 2.40

10 2.00

Froude Number [‐]
Normal Depth [m]

8 1.60

6 1.20

4 0.80
Flow Depth
2 0.40
Froude Number
0 0.00
0 500 1000 1500

Discharge [m3 /s]

Figure 6-13: Froude number and discharge rating curve for the diversion tunnel for the
free flow condition

According to preliminary hydraulic calculations a slope of 0.76% will fulfil these

conditions. Figure 6-13 shows the rating curve for one tunnel and the corresponding
Froude number based on the preliminary hydraulic calculations. The minimum Froude
number is 1.3 and therefore a hydraulic jump within the tunnel can be considered
unlikely. Design of cofferdams

The U/S and D/S cofferdams consist of rockfill dams with an impervious geomembrane.
For the U/S cofferdam and the D/S cofferdams the proposed design is the “upstream
system” where the geomembrane is placed on the upstream face of the fill dam. The
required crest levels of the cofferdams including 1.5 m freeboard for the U/S cofferdams
and 1.0 m freeboard for the D/S cofferdams are given in Table 6-12. The height of the
U/S cofferdam guarantees full free flow capacity of the diversion tunnel while
maintaining a freeboard of 1.5 m. The slope of the U/S face and D/S face is 1.5H to
1.0V for both cofferdams. The width of the crest is about 6.0 m. Construction of the
concrete plinth to anchor the geomembrane on the heel of the dam requires the
construction of pre-cofferdams.

Table 6-12: Crest levels [m asl] for U/S and D/S cofferdams to ensure full free-flow capa-
city of the diversion tunnel
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 75 (104)

Cofferdam location Crest level

Upstream cofferdam 1495.00

Downstream cofferdam 1492.00

Due to the relatively steep slopes of the cofferdam only selected material should be used
for construction of the cofferdams. The materials to be used are shown in Table 6-13
and Figure 6-14. In case of random material to be used the design of the cofferdam has
to be adapted.

Table 6-13: Cofferdam zoning

Material Zone Max. grain size

Gravel (selected material) 2 0.30 m 50 mm

Gravel – Rockfill (selected material) 3b 0.90 m 800 mm

Figure 6-14: Grading curves for dam zones in U/S and D/S cofferdams
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 76 (104)

6.4 Design of Dam Appurtenant Structures

6.4.1 General
The Cerro del Águila gravity dam has to be provided with flood discharge facilities
capable of safely discharging a design flood of up to 12’000 m3 (peak outflow of the
PMF). The flood discharge facilities comprise gated crest spillways (four bays) and
eight bottom outlets.

6.4.2 Freeboard of the Dam

The evaluation of the dam freeboard is based on the following criteria:
Table 6-14: Design criteria for freeboard

Return period Gates Freeboard

1’000 n-1 gates open28 ≥ 2.0 m (incl. wave run-up)
10’000 all gates open ≥ 2.0 m (incl. wave run-up)
PMF all gates open no overtopping allowed

For a concrete dam it can be generally allowed that no freeboard is provided for floods
with very high recurrence periods of PMF.

6.4.3 Tailwater Level of the Dam

Studies on tailwater level at the dam site have been carried out to provide necessary
input parameters for the dam stability analysis. Due to the limited topographic
information available for the downstream area of the proposed Cerro del Águila dam
site only two cross sections were considered for the determination of the tailwater rating
curve of the dam site. For each river cross section the water levels for the flows given in
Table have been calculated. The corresponding tailwater level was then determined as
the higher water level of the both available cross sections. The results are summarised in
Table 6-15 and Figure 6-15.

Table 6-15: Estimated tailwater levels at dam site used for dam stability calculations

To satisfy the n-1 rule the following two scenarios are investigated: A all spillway gates and n-1 bottom outlets are
under operation; B n-1 spillway gates and all bottom outlet gates are under operation.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 77 (104)

Recurrence Period Tailwater

Q [m3/s] level [m asl]

10 2’906 1494.0
20 3’403 1495.0
50 4’048 1496.0
100 4’530 1496.5
200 5’011 1497.0
400 5’491 1498.0
1,000 6’125 1499.0
10,000 7’718 1500.0
PMF 12’000 1504.0

As soon as more cross sections and more accurate information about the channel’s
roughness are available these results will be updated. Additionally, it will be investi-
gated by means of a numerical model if there is a backwater effect from further
downstream of the dam.

Q [m3/s]

1'492 1'494 1'496 1'498 1'500 1'502 1'504 1'506

Estimated Tailwater Level [m a.s.l.]

Figure 6-15: Estimated tailwater level at dam site

6.4.4 Gated Spillway

The spillway is an overflow gate-controlled structure with an ogee crest at
elevation1541.90 m asl. The spillway consists of 4 bays with tainter gates. Each gate is
12.00 m in width and 14.40 m in height.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 78 (104)

For the preliminary hydraulic design of the spillway the theoretical discharge capacity is
determined with the following equation:
Q  C d  be  2  g  H 3 / 2
Cd: discharge coefficient after Vischer/Hager
be: effective width, be = b – 2·(n·Kp + Ka)·H [m]
b: width of each bay
n: number of piers [-]
H: total head [m]
Qd: design discharge [m3/s]
Hd: design head

For the preliminary design of the spillway of the Cerro del Águila Dam an ogee crest
profile is proposed.
During design flood a minimum freeboard of 0.5 m at the critical point will be
considered as a design criteria for the height of the chute walls. As second design
criteria the PMF (check flood) should not overtop the sidewalls.
The sidewalls are provided along the full length of the chute for the following reasons:
 to avoid shockwaves (which would lead to an increase of the necessary wall
 to avoid undesirable flow conditions at the flip bucket
 another advantage is that one bay can be closed for maintenance or other
The characteristics of the spillway are summarized in Table 6-16.

Table 6-16: Characteristics of spillway

Description Characteristics
Type and location Gated crest spillway with chute
Spillway crest elevation 1541.90 m asl
Number of bays 4 nos.
Gate Type Tainter gates (2 gates equipped with flaps)
Dam crest elevation 1560.10 m asl
Maximum discharge approx. 6’000 m3/s
PMF surcharge level 1558.00 m asl
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 79 (104)

6.4.5 Bottom Outlets Design Criteria

The bottom outlet arrangement is designed to match with the three functions listed in
section 0.
To meet the requirements of the first one, it is designed very similarly to a weir, i.e.
involving a relatively big number of large gates, with the difference that these gates
control sluices instead of bays and that they are submerged whenever they are not
operated as flushing device.
Similarly also to a weir:
 the inlet of the sluice is designed with a special arrangement and location of the
gate (see [4] Gebidem sluice design) to prevent its clogging by sediments (unlike
 to ensure the best water and sediment conveyance, any kind of trash-rack or
obstructing device is ruled out
In order to avoid any possible sill effect on the river bed (stable profile) jeopardizing the
boundary conditions of the Restitución tailrace tunnel outlet, the sluice inverts are set at
practically river bed level.
But the final design will still have to settle many sensitive conceptual options aiming at
facilitating the transit of the sediments during the flushing processes:
 stoplog type and sluice inlet arrangement
 gate dimensions and sluice number
 rate width/height of the gates
 sluice spacing and vertical setting
 design of the sluice invert achieving the transition with the river to minimize
 gate location in the sluice
 utilization of the compensation discharge duct to eliminate possible downstream
deposits forming during the flushing process
 diameter of the duct opening into the sluice entrance to prevent the clogging of
the sluice during the initial phase of the flushing process, when it operates as a
“submerged” flushing
 design of the gate rubber joints as they will operate close to their pressure
limitations (that is in the order of magnitude of 70 - 80 m)
As a general rule, beyond preventing that e.g. clogging is possible, the design will also
have to ensure that even an apparently harmless operation hindrance of a device could
not cause another problem, much more serious or even possibly irreversible, such as a
definitive clogging 29.

Such as the definitive closure of the Tablachaca Dam bottom outlet, a lamentable instance of what should in no
case occur at Cerro del Aguila.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 80 (104)

It is anticipated that for higher discharges the water jets leave the bottom outlet sluices
with velocities significantly higher than the mean river flow velocity. Since the river
flow Froude number downstream of the proposed Cerro del Águila dam site is clearly
greater than 1, there will be no occurrence of hydraulic jump and the water jets excess
energy will be progressively dissipated along the river bed downstream of the dam. Design Characteristics

The characteristics of the bottom outlet are given in Table 6-17 below.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 81 (104)

Table 6-17: Characteristics of bottom outlets

Description Characteristics
Location Integrated in gravity dam
Gate type Radial gates (or roller gates)
Number of outlets 8 nos.
Dimensions b x h = 4.5 m x 6.2 m
Maximum discharge30 approx. 6’000 m3/s Operation Cases

The hereinafter presented qualitative assessment assumes some rough assumptions on
the riverbed geometry31 as well as on the bottom outlet sluice hydraulics, neglecting for
instance the head loss of the latter, as they should actually be relatively small in the
prototype, while their accurate value is currently not known and also not really relevant
at this stage of the studies.
The following assessment considers 3 representative discharges:
(1) 1’800 m3/s: maximum river discharge for which the sluices should still operate
Bottom outlet sluice velocity: ≈ 8.0 m/s
Mean river flow velocity: ≈ 8.0 m/s
(2) 2’900 m3/s: peak discharge of the 10 years return period flood, with the bottom
outlet sluices operating under submerged conditions.
The bottom outlet sluices should be submerged by a water impoundment
reaching a depth of about 15 m at the upstream of the dam and extending over a
distance of about 700 m, its upstream boundary being marked by a hydraulic
Bottom outlet sluice velocity: ≈ 13.5 m/s
Mean velocity of the natural river flow (as prevailing downstream of the dam): ≈
9.5 m/s
(3) 4’500 m3/s: peak discharge of the 100 years return period flood with the bottom
outlet sluices operating under submerged conditions.
The bottom outlet sluices should be submerged by a water impoundment reaching
a depth of about 27 m at the upstream of the dam and extending over a distance
of about 1’550 m, its upstream boundary being marked by a hydraulic jump.
Bottom outlet sluice velocity: ≈ 20.2 m/s
Mean river flow velocity of the natural river flow (as prevailing downstream of
the dam): ≈ 11.0 m/s

Presuming that all bottom outlet gates are fully open
Riverbed width: 50 m; bank slope arctan: 1.0; 1.0. River bed longitudinal slope: 1.25 %
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 82 (104)

In cases (2) and (3), the water jets leave the bottom outlet sluices with velocities
significantly higher than the mean river flow velocity. The river flow Froude number
being clearly greater than 1, there is no occurrence of hydraulic jump, the water jets
excess energy being progressively dissipated along the river bed downstream of the
Although the bottom outlets are necessary for flood discharge the main purpose of the
bottom outlets is sediment flushing. A more detailed explanation of the operation mode
of the bottom outlets for sediment flushing is given in the section 0.
Due to the high tailwater levels, the operating rules for the spillway and bottom outlets
should be clearly stated based on the results of the hydraulic model tests. It might be
possible that opening of the bottom outlets while the spillway is in full operation should
be avoided.

6.4.6 Satisfaction of n-1 Criterion

While for discharging PMF the full capacity of the spillway and the bottom outlets is
required, the 10’000 year flood of 7’718 m3/s can be safely discharged with 3 of the 4
spillway bays and 5 of the 8 bottom outlets.

6.4.7 Hydromechanical Equipment Flaps
It is common practice to provide flaps at some places to facilitate the fine control of the
dam retention level as well as the release of floating debris.
In the actual case, there is no need for a fine control of the dam retention level as it is
not governing any discharge control or navigation conditions. Simple radial gates would
theoretically be pertinent to merely ensure the discharge control over the overflow
spillway, while the size of the radial gates would allow from time to time the full
opening of one of them to release the floating debris without affecting the energy
production and the river bed integrity.
It is nevertheless a fact that the Mantaro river conveys large quantities of floating
debris, which could accumulate along the dam crest. Therefore, two of the spillway
gates are equipped with flaps32. Bottom Outlet Downstream Stoplogs

During the low water period, only the compensation water flows downstream of the
dam, so that the bottom outlet sluice stay in the dry and access is possible from
This feature should suffice to ensure maintenance and repairs. However, so that
maintenance and repairs can also be possible during the high water period, downstream
stoplogs and a special access are provided.

Upon Owner’s requirement, all the radial gates could be equipped with flaps in the same way as the 2 already
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 83 (104)


7.1 General Concept of Underground Works

7.1.1 Introduction
Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.1.2 Construction Concept

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.1.3 Rock Classification System

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.1.4 Grouting Works

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.2 Power Intake

The vertical setting of the power intake can be optimized taking into account the
criterion of the minimum drawdown water level (EL 1548.5). Such a high setting would
leaves more than 50 m clearance with the river bed (EL 1490) for sediments of any form
including density lake and ruling definitively out a possible clogging of the power
intake by sediments. Without any inconvenient, this high setting could nevertheless be
mitigated by approximately 5 ÷ 10 m to allow a temporary operation with lower
retention water level, to achieve for instance a regression of the delta at the root of the
impoundment. It would moreover allow a shorter power station shutdown during

7.3 Headrace Tunnel

7.3.1 General
Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.3.2 Construction Adit

Text, Text, Text, Text...
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 84 (104)

7.3.3 Rock Trap

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.3.4 Dewatering Gallery

The downstream construction access tunnel will be sealed off by a concrete plug at the
end of construction and will then as serve as gallery for dewatering of the tunnel during
mayor maintenance and inspection.

7.4 Surge Shaft

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.5 Pressure Shaft

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.6 Steel Lined Penstock

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.7 Draft Tubes

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.8 Tailrace Tunnel

In order to maximize the power production, the tailrace outlet is shifted approximately
1.7 km downstream of the power station area, the tailrace tunnel taking advantage of a
curve of the river.
After collecting the three turbine draft tube discharge, the tailrace tunnel operates
according to the free surface flow mode. To avoid crossing of the Mantaro river the
alignment is parallel to the river on the right bank.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 85 (104)

The following criteria govern the free surface flow concept:

 As the power plant will be normally operated at full capacity, the loss of head
drawback of free surface flow vanishes.
 A pressure flow would have required the implementation of a downstream surge
shaft which would have been hardly operable due to the inappropriate river flow
configuration. Ruling out the downstream surge shaft would have caused water
hammer pressure fluctuations with an amplitude of approximately 50 m.
 In contrast with pressure flow, free surface flow tunnels are much less
demanding, being equivalent to an underground channel.

7.9 Tailrace Outlet Structure

7.9.1 Design Principle

Text, Text, Text, Text...

7.9.2 Tailwater Level at Tailrace Outlet Structure

Clearly, at the height of the tailrace tunnel outlet, the flood has recovered its natural
flow conditions according to the prevailing valley profile33. These flow conditions are
summarized in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1: Estimated flow conditions at tailrace outlet structure

Flood discharge [m3/s] 1800 3000 4500

Return period [year] 4 10 100

Flow depth [m] 5.2 7.1 9.0

Flow velocity [m] 7.9 9.4 10.7

Specific energy [m] 8.4 11.6 14.8

7.9.3 Hydraulic Modelling

A hydraulic model at scale 1:50 should allow optimizing the tailrace outlet structure.

Riverbed width: 40 m; bank slope arctan: 0.5; 1.0. River bed longitudinal slope: 1.0 %
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 86 (104)

7.10 Hydraulic Calculations

7.10.1 Head Losses Calculations Linear Head Losses

Based on the Strickler head loss formula, the total head loss in the power hydraulic
system can be roughly assessed in function of the actual discharge as follows:
Strickler head loss formula: U = Q/A = Ks · Je1/2 · Rh2/3
with Je = DEl / L
Q : Actual discharge in the power system
U : Average flow velocity
A : Flow area
Ks : Roughness coefficient according to Strickler
Je : Energy grade line gradient
Rh : Hydraulic radius
DEl : Head loss
L : Water way length

DE = L / (F2 · Ks2 · Rh4/3) · Q2

DE = Cl · Q2
• Linear head loss coefficient in the low pressure tunnel:
Clpt = 4600 / (91.432 x 33.02 x 2.674/3 = 1.364 10-4
• Linear head loss coefficient in the pressure shaft:
Cps = 240 / (50.32 x 73.02 x 24/3) = 7.06 x 10-6 Singular Head Losses

DEs = S z U2/2g = 1/2g · (S zi / Ai2 ) . Q2
DEs = Cs · Q2
zi : Head loss coefficients
• Singular head loss coefficient in the power system
Cs = 5.71 10-5 Total Head Loss

DE = C · Q2
C = Clpt + Cps + Cs
• Total head loss coefficient in the power system
C = 1.364 10-4 + 7.06 x 10-6 + 5.71 10-5 = 2.00 10-4
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 87 (104)

7.10.2 Hydraulic Transients Introduction
Integral and essential part of any hydroelectric power plant planning, an analysis of the
hydraulic transients has been carried out as it allows:
 Assessing the development of waterhammer phenomena.
 Appreciating the pertinence of surge tanks implemented along the pressure
 Observing the behaviour and the functionality of the whole hydraulic system.
In practical terms, these transients determine the waterway structural design such as
penstocks and spiral cases.
Such an analysis is achieved in the best way by numerical simulations, while as a
preliminary assessment, only two cases have been investigated:
 A standard sequential opening process .
 An emergency and simultaneous full closure of all units as a consequence of e.g.
a transmission line collapse.
For this second case, due to the relatively short pressure shaft and long closure time, no
emergency partial closure have been considered anticipating that the linear full closure
is representative of the maximum waterhammer.
Many cases have been investigated to assess e.g.:
 the waterhammer at the turbine inlet
 the “negative” waterhammer at the turbine outlet
 the water level fluctuations in the surge shafts
They have allowed to determine:
 the vertical setting of the power station
 the diameter of the surge shafts
 the pertinence of a downstream surge shaft located along the tailrace tunnel
The following assumptions have been made:
 Roughness of the low pressure and tailrace tunnels according to a drill & blast
excavation with a concreted invert: e = 0.25 m; Ks = 33.0 m1/3/s
 Roughness of the high pressure shaft according to a concrete lining:
 e = 0.0007 m; Ks = 73.0 m1/3/s
 Free hydraulic junction of the surge shafts, i.e. no orifice
 Linear closure of the wicket gates in 18 s
 Simultaneous opening of the 3 units according to standard procedure
 0 % ÷ 30% in 10 s
 synchronization in 20 s
 30 % ÷ 100 % in 45 s
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 88 (104)

 Normal Retention Water Level EL 1550 for the emergency closure in order to
maximize the water hammer pressure at the turbine inlet
 Minimum Drawdown Water Level EL 1540 for the opening in order to
maximize the drawdown in the upstream surge shaft
Solely, the emergency closure and the simultaneous opening are documented in section
0 and section 0 respectively. For both of them, four plots are reproduced corresponding
 the turbine inlet
 the turbine outlet
 the upstream surge shaft inlet
 the downstream surge shaft inlet
each of them showing the fluctuations of hydraulic grade line and discharge.

Note: Hydraulic transients do not consider the new FSL of 1556 m a.s.l.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 89 (104) Emergency closure

The results of the hydraulic transient analysis for emergency closure are presented in
Figure 1 to Figure 4.

Figure 1: Emergency closure: Hydraulic grade line fluctuation and discharge

discontinuation at the turbine inlet

Figure 2: Emergency closure: Hydraulic grade line and discharge fluctuations at the
turbine outlet
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 90 (104)

Figure 3: Emergency closure: Hydraulic grade line and discharge fluctuations at the
upstream surge shaft entrance

Figure 4: Emergency closure: Hydraulic grade line envelope along the pressure shaft
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 91 (104) Opening Procedure

The results of the hydraulic transient analysis for the opening procedure are presented in
Figure 5 to Figure 8.

Figure 5: Standard opening: Hydraulic grade line fluctuation and discharge setting
up at the turbine inlet.

Figure 6: Standard opening: Hydraulic grade line fluctuation and discharge setting
up at the turbine outlet
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 92 (104)

Figure 7: Standard opening: Hydraulic grade line and discharge fluctuations at the
upstream surge shaft entrance

Figure 8: Standard opening: Hydraulic grade line envelope along the pressure shaft
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 93 (104)


8.1 General Arrangement of Powerhouse Complex

The powerhouse cavern is situated on the right bank of the Mantaro river. The location
of the underground power house complex can be described by the coordinates given in
Table 8-1. The underground power station will be entirely excavated in the
metamorphic and metasomatic rock.
The proposed design provides a spacing of 20.20 m between the machine cavern wall
and the transformer cavern wall. The transformer cavern has been located on the
downstream side of the machine cavern.

Table 8-1: Location of underground powerhouse complex

Point East Nord

P1 E 532 800 N 8 646 900
P2 E 532 800 N 8 647 100
P3 E 532 600 N 8 647 100
P3 E 532 600 N 8 646 900

The general arrangement of the powerhouse complex is shown in Figure 8-1:

Figure 8-1: General arrangement of the powerhouse complex

Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 94 (104)

8.2 Access Adits to Powerhouse and Pressure Shaft

Information provided by SEA Consult.

8.3 Construction Concept

Information provided by SEA Consult.

Figure 8-2:

8.4 Rock Support

Information provided by SEA Consult.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 95 (104)

8.5 General Layout of Powerhouse

The underground powerhouse comprises a machine hall with machine blocks, an
assembly bay and rooms for electro-mechanical auxiliaries. The latter are located at
different levels on the lower floors of the powerhouse.

Figure 8-3: Longitudinal section through the powerhouse with three vertical Francis units

Figure 8-4: Cross section through the powerhouse complex

Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 96 (104)

All slaps and important levels of the powerhouse are listed below (from bottom to top,
all levels in m asl).
 EL 1259.17 Draft tube floor
 EL 1267.43 Turbine and main inlet valve floor
 EL 1271.00 Main inlet valve and turbine axis
 EL 1276.30 Generator floor
 EL 1284.53 Machine hall and erection bay floor
The sub-structure of the powerhouse (up to the generator floor) is a mass concrete
structure. The overhead crane is supported by beams which will be anchored to the rock.
The major parts of the powerhouse are as follows:
 Concrete substructure on rock foundation.
 Reinforced concrete foundation of generator where distributes and draft tubes
will be installed.
 Turbines, generators, electrical and mechanical equipment.
 An overhead crane covers the erection bay, the unit blocks.
 Transformers
The assembly/erection bay is designed to allow indoor pre-assembly of the generator
rotor and stator during the installation and to facilitate later maintenance of this
equipment and of the generator transformers.
The location and dimension of floor openings will be designed for transfer of equipment
and will be provided in the machine hall floor, generator floor and turbine floor to
facilitate erection and maintenance.
The powerhouse has two main staircases located in two sides of the machine hall
starting from turbine floor up to machine floor. One of these will be designated an
emergency stairwell.
The three unit related penstocks from the power waterway enter the Powerhouse. Three
vertical Francis turbines each of them with an installed capacity of 170 MW are
generating the power of the Cerro del Águila Hydropower Project. The transformer
cavern is located 20.20 m downstream from the powerhouse cavern. The power
evacuation from the transformer cavern is provided via a cable tunnel which serves
simultaneously as an emergency escape to the switchyard.
The main dimensions of the powerhouse cavern are as follows:
 Unit spacing between the axis: 18.50 m
 Height approx. (foundation to roof top) 46.0 m
 Machine hall approx. (height/length/width) 18.0 m / 82.40 m / 18.30 m
The mechanical and electrical system consists of the following main items:
 Francis turbines
 Turbine inlet valves
 Bridge cranes
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 97 (104)

 Cooling system
 Compressed air system
 Synchronous generator
 Excitation system
 Isolated phase bus system
 Generator neutral grounding system
 Generator circuit breaker
 Auxiliary services transformer panels
 Single phase step-up transformer
 220 kV gas insulated substation
 220 kV isolated cables on phase
 Group metering and protection system
 220 kV power cables metering and protection system
 AC auxiliary services
 DC auxiliary services
 Systems and complementary equipment

8.6 Electrical – Mechanical Equipment

8.6.1 Turbine Layout and Design Type of Turbine

Each of the three Francis turbines is a vertical-shaft type machine with movable guide
vanes, fixed stay vanes, steel-plate spiral cases and elbow type draft tubes. The movable
guide vanes are for regulation of power output and for control of speed during starting,
synchronizing, and shutting down. Adjustment (of guide vane opening) is made to
obtain optimum efficiency under varying head conditions. The direction of rotation,
when viewed from top shall be clockwise. The turbines will be coupled directly to the
generator Turbine Speed

For the prevailing hydraulic conditions and the range of operation the proposed rated
speed is 327.3 rpm. Turbine Dimensions

The turbine dimensions used for the powerhouse layout were established on the basis of
statistical analysis of turbines built by various manufactures over the last few decades.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 98 (104)

Approximation equations have been developed which allow calculation of the main
dimensions as a function of specific speed and runner discharge diameter.
During the implementation phase those dimensions may deviate in the order of
magnitude of about ±10%, depending on the selected manufacturer.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 99 (104)


9.1 General Concept

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9.2 Turbines and Governors

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9.3 Inlet Valves

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9.4 Generators
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9.5 Medium Voltage Equipment

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9.6 Auxiliary System Equipment

9.6.1 Cooling Water System

Autonomous cooling systems for each of the three units, comprising two main pumps
and a standby pump, each with a capacity of 1000 m3/h, to supply the circuits will
guarantee highest reliability and availability of the generating units. For the prevailing
conditions twin-circuit cooling water system equipped with a plate type heat exchanger
for heat transfer between the primary and secondary circuits is considered the most
appropriate solution.
The two main pumps provide fresh water to the following:
 Main heat exchanger of each unit with continuous evacuation of the water to the
tailrace tunnel.
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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 100 (104)

 Heat exchanger for cooling ventilation system with continuous evacuation to the
tailrace tunnel.
 Cooling and lubricating the turbine shaft seal.
In addition horizontal pumps will be provided in each loop to supply to the following:
 Generator air coolers,
 Oil coolers of the turbine guide bearing, load bearing and generator lower guide
bearing, the generator upper guide bearing and oil-hydraulic group.
 Oil Coolers of the transformers.
This circuit will have a surge tank with treated water. The functional diagram of the
cooling system is presented in drawing TD-0420.

9.6.2 Drainage and Dewatering System

The dewatering system is designed for emptying the waster passages, the spiral case, the
turbine, the draft tube and the tailrace tunnel for inspection and maintenance.
The estimated volumes for dewatering are as given in Table 9-1 below.

Table 9-1: Estimated volumes for dewatering

Item Volume

Dewatering of unit block (between main ~ 1’300 m3 per

inlet valve and draft tube stoplogs) unit block

Dewatering of headrace tunnel ~ 560’000 m3

Dewatering of tailrace tunnel ~ 10’000 m3

The design considers the installation of four submersible pumps with a capacity of 160
m3/h and a pumping height of 40 m in the drainage pit for dewatering.

Drainage system
The drainage system is designed in order to drain the entire powerhouse area. All the
drainage (with exception of the transformer chambers ) is directed into a collection pit.
From the collection pit the drainage will flow through an oil separator to reduce oil
contamination to acceptable level (as per national regulations), prior to being discharged
to the tailrace tunnel.
The transformer chambers have specific holding tanks to collect water in the event of an
oil spill from the transformers of deluge water from the fire fighting system of the
Assumption for drainage rate:
 total leakage for 3 units 54 m3/h
 normal leakage from powerhouse structure 15 m3/h
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 101 (104)

The design considers the continuous use of one of the four submersible pumps foreseen
for dewatering for evacuation of drainage water.

9.6.3 Services Water Treatment System

The system supplies water for general uses of the plant, including the provision for staff
use, toilets, general cleaning outlets and others.
Drawing TD-0430 shows the functional diagram of water system for fire suppression
containing a storage tank of 360m3 at 1380 masl.
From this reservoir the service water will be conducted to the water treatment plant,
being transferred later to the plant in its various uses.
After evaluating the physical and chemical properties, excluding the presence of metals,
suspended solids, turbidity or organic matter soluble in amounts acceptable, the
appropriate treatment will be defined.
A system with broad benefits for its friendly use and easy implantation is the treatment
of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which requires a short water exposure to this UV
source in a process line.
With the mentioned conditions, the water supply shall pass a pre-filter of 5 micron
sediment. The minimum pressure required will not exceed the regular water supply
levels, which can be set at 3.0 bar.
The volume of a provision may be defined for a flow of 2.5 m3/h, or 60m3/day. This
level is taken for conditions of high demand, washing floors or multiple uses. For the
use of staff services, a volume of 100 l/day per person is considered, which actually
amounts a very low volume.

9.6.4 Waste Oil and Disposal System

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9.6.5 Compressed Air Systems

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9.6.6 Fire Protection and Fire Fighting System Fire protection

The function of this system is to give protection to the power plant, cavern and as
necessary tunnels, to ensure fire safety to operation personnel and to reduce the
commercial risk due to the consequences of a fire incident.
The power station will be zoned for identification purposes.
Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 102 (104) Fire fighting system

The fire fighting system comprises detection and fire alarm systems in all rooms and
units of the plant defined as zones.
Also, the fire suppression by water system for power transformers, through discharge of
water from sprinklers and a supply network for hydrants and hoses in defined areas of
the plant. This will be supplied by an elevated tank, at 1380m.
It is foreseen the inclusion of other supplies accessories, fire extinguishers, signaling
and computer system security to allow full equipment in all areas.
NFPA standards will provide the basis for configuring the system, its components and
the overall design. It will include requirements and local and regional standards.

9.6.7 HVAC System

The HVAC system will be designed to provide adequate air flow for ventilation and air
conditioning in every room of the powerhouse, substation and access adits. The purpose
is to provide a refined atmosphere with a temperature suitable for the staff and the
equipment operation according to its specifications.
It will consist of a centralized system for the powerhouse, substation and other areas.
The air flow is regulated by 4 air controlling units. The temperature level will be
regulated in these units and the air cooling requirement will be provided by 3 chiller
units, 2 in continuous operation and one in stand-by.
The system comprises an extensive network of pipelines, hatches and other regulation
accessories. Its operation may be affected by operating conditions of the fire detection
All rooms with staff will be able to achieve comfortable temperature levels set by the
Different environments will have a flow defined by the parameter of volume changes
per hour, established for each environment.
The battery room will have a permanent forced evacuation, as well as toilet facilities.
A main air supply line to the powerhouse and substation will be installed from the
outside through the construction tunnel and cables adit with a pre-filtering system.
The 4 air controlling units will admit an air duct for collecting covering all
environments, for injection into the ventilated air duct in every room of the plant,
reducing the temperature set by the control system.
Through the construction tunnel will be provided the evacuation by an extractor of
regulated air volume.
The flow conditions in ducts will be observed, limited to set speed levels, up to 10m/s in
main pipelines.

9.6.8 Lighting System

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August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 103 (104)

9.6.9 Earthing System

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9.7 Main Transformers

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9.8 Switchgear Equipment

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9.9 Transmission System

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Cerro del Águila – Initial Design Report
August 2011 (Rev. 00)
Page 104 (104)

[1] CH Cerro del Águila Estudio de Factibilidad, JByA, June 2010
[2] Bid Documents CH Cerro del Águila: Volume 9- Section 3 App. 3
“Hydrology”, Fichtner – Kallpa Generacion
[3] Bid Documents CH Cerro del Águila: Volume 3- Section 2 “Design
Requirements & Criteria – Civil Works – RF”, Fichtner – Kallpa
[4] Huber, H.; Wasserkraftnutzung in den Peruanischen Anden. Hydraulische
und geschiebetechnische Besonderheiten und ihre Berücksichtigung. 4.
Oktober 1974
[5] Canadian Dam Safety Guidelines, 2007, Canadian Dam Association

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