Vascular Ultrasound Protocol Guide PDF
Vascular Ultrasound Protocol Guide PDF
Vascular Ultrasound Protocol Guide PDF
Expanding your
Clinical Experience
Class Diameter Peak Diameter End Flow
Reduction Systole Reduction Diastole Characterization
B 1 - 15% <4 kHz 1 - 15% * Minimal spectral broadening during the deceleration phase of
<125 cm/sec systole. Plaque visualized in long and short axis views.
C 16 - 49% <4 kHz 16 - 49% * Increased spectral broadening during systole until the entire
<125 cm/sec systolic window is filled. Plaque visualized in long and short
axis views.
E Total N/A Total N/A No flow signal in an adequately visualized ICA (especially distal)
Occlusion Occlusion with characteristic low or reversed diastolic component in the
CCA. A characteristic “thump” may be noted at the stump, or
origin of the occlusion.
Edwards JM, Moneta GH, Papanicolaou G, et al. Prospective validation
of a new duplex ultrasound criteria for 70 -99% internal carotid
stenosis. JEMU, 16(1): 3-7, 1995.
Moneta GH, Edwards JM, Chitwood RW, et al. Correlation of North
America Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET)
angiographic definition of 70 -99% internal carotid artery stenosis with
duplex scanning. J Vasc Surg, 17:152-159, 1995.
Moneta GH, Edwards JM, Papanicolaou G, et al. Screening for
asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis: duplex criteria for
discriminating 60 -99% stenosis. J Vasc Surg, 21(6): 989-994, 1995.
North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy
Trial Collaborators: Beneficial effect of carotid endarterectomy in
symptomatic patients with high grade carotid stenosis. N Engl J Med,
325: 445 - 453, 1991.
Roederer GO, Langlois Y, Jager K, et al. A simple parameter for
accurate detection of severe carotid disease. Bruit 8: 174 -178, 1984.
Classification of Lower Extremity Arterial Disease
Anterior Tibial • Use the smallest sample volume (SV) possible. At the
Peroneal point of an occlusion or stenosis, you may want to
Posterior Tibial increase the SV. Place the SV in the center of the vessel
or flow stream.
50 - 99% Occlusion
Loss of reverse component beyond stenosis waveform is Monophasic, preocclusive “thump” is heard proximal to
monophasic and has a reduced systolic velocity. the occlusion; velocities are diminished and waveforms are
monophasic beyond the occlusion.
• Use low color wall filter and limit the use of persistence
so you are seeing true flow dynamics.
Kohler TR, Strandness DE. Jr, Jager KA, et al: Recent
Advances in Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques in Vascular Disease,
18:182-189, 1990.
Classification of Renal Artery Stenosis
Color Duplex Scanning for Evaluation of Renal • Using a lateral decubitus approach, measure the pole-
Arteries and Renal Parenchymal Flow to-pole length of the kidney and record the Doppler
• The patient should fast for at least six hours prior velocity signals from the medulla and cortex of the
to evaluation. organ. As discrete parenchymal vessels are not always
seen, the sample volume size may be increased. The
• The examination may be performed with the patient in signals with the highest amplitude and velocity are used
either the supine or lateral decubitus position for optimal to calculate the end-diastolic to peak systolic ratio
interrogation of the renal arteries and kidneys. to determine parenchymal renovascular resistance.
An end-diastolic to peak systolic ratio <0.2 indicates
• With the patient in the supine position, the Doppler intrinsic renal parenchymal disease. The calculation is
velocity signal is recorded from the center stream of the performed on at least four waveforms.
abdominal aorta at the juxtarenal position using a long- End-diastolic Velocity = Parenchymal
axis view and maintaining a 60 -degree angle of insonation. Peak Systolic Velocity Resistance
The peak systolic velocity is retained for calculation of the
renal-aortic ratio. • Doppler velocity signals may also be recorded from the
renal hilum and acceleration time and index calculated to
• Using a transverse view, the left renal vein is located as complement the determination of significant renal artery
it passes anterior to the aorta and continues postero- stenosis. An acceleration time >100 milliseconds and an
laterally to the left kidney. The right renal artery follows acceleration index <3.78 kHz/sec indicates significant
the course of the right renal vein moving posterior to renal artery stenosis. The acceleration time period is
the IVC to enter the kidney. Color Doppler imaging may between the onset of acceleration and the initial systolic
facilitate localization of the renal vessels. peak. The acceleration index is calculated using the
following formula:
• Using the smallest sample volume possible, ask the Systolic Upslope = Acceleration Index
patient to suspend breathing for short periods to Carrier Frequency
collect satisfactory velocity signals. If vessel occlusion
or tight stenosis is suspected, try increasing the sample Systolic Upslope = Systolic Frequency/Sec
volume size and color flow sensitivity to help locate the
flow channel. • In the presence of renal artery occlusion, no Doppler
signal will be obtained from any segment of the renal
• The Doppler velocity signal is first collected from artery. If the kidney is vascularized through collateral
the origin of the renal artery as it arises from the channels, low amplitude, low velocity signals may be
postero-lateral wall of the aorta. It is then swept demonstrated throughout the renal parenchyma, using
slowly throughout the course of the proximal, mid color Doppler imaging or pulsed Doppler. The pole-to-
and distal renal artery with continuous documentation pole length of the kidney may measure less than 8 cm.
of velocity signals.
• Accessory and multiple renal arteries may not be
• Angle correction over a narrow range of angles may be identified with duplex technology. The presence of
used to accurately determine renal artery velocity. Multiple higher amplitude signals in one pole of the organ
planes of view and patient positions may be required to than in the other, and collection of signals of varying
visualize the renal arteries. The classification of disease is velocities in the same scan plane may suggest multiple
frequently based on the recorded Doppler signal. or accessory vessels. Color Doppler imaging may
facilitate positive identification.
• If flow-reducing stenosis (>60% diameter reduction) is
present, a high velocity signal is demonstrated by pulsed
and color Doppler and post-stenotic turbulence can be
demonstrated. Renal artery stenosis will most likely
be found at the origin of the vessel or in the proximal
segment; however, disease may be located in any segment
of the artery.
Figure 1: Cross-sectional image of aorta (Ao), left renal vein Figure 2: Cross-sectional image as in Figure 1. Velocity spectra
(LRV), inferior vena cava (IVC) and renal arteries (RA). Normal from left renal artery demonstrating flow-reducing stenosis
velocity spectra from renal artery and renal parenchyma. with normal parenchymal signal. Right renal artery is occluded.
Note: dampened velocity signal in right kidney consistent with
collateral flow.
60 - 99% >3.5 >180 cm/sec Neumyer MM, Wengrovitz M, Ward T, Thiele BL: The Differentiation
of Renal Artery Stenosis from Renal Parenchymal Disease by Duplex
Diameter Reduction Ultrasonography. Journal of Vascular Technology, 205 -216, 1989.
Hansen KJ, Tribble RW, Reavis SW, Canzanello VJ, Craven TE, Plonk,
GW Jr, Dean RH: Renal Duplex Sonography: Evaluation of Clinical
Occluded — — Utility. Journal of Vascular Surgery, Volume 12, Number 3: 227-236,
Neumyer MM, Whitman ED, Atnip RG, Thiele BL: Renal Artery
Bypass Grafts: Postoperative Evaluation with Duplex Ultrasonography.
Journal of Vascular Technology, 14 (1): 25 -29, 1990.
Martin RL, Nanra RS, Wlodarczyk J, DeSilva A, Bray AE: Renal Hilar
Doppler Analysis in the Detection of Renal Artery Stenosis. Journal of
Vascular Technology, 15(4): 173-180, 1991.
Infrainguinal Vein Bypass Graft Assessment
% Stenosis PSV EDV VR Spectral Broadening • Graft location and placement – peri-anastomotic sites
Scanning Protocol
• Routine scanning includes ankle brachial indices (ABls) Proximal to increased
with color duplex scan of the entire length of the graft PSV (stenosis)
and related inflow and outflow vessels.
Technical Considerations
• Normal variations in flow patterns may occur
at anastomotic sites, valve cusp areas, naturally
occurring diameter changes and in the early
post-operative period (hyperemia). The magnitude
and configuration of the waveform is affected by the
recording site, length of time post op and the outflow
resistance. It is important to identify and decipher the
difference between normal variations and pathology.
• Reported statistics
- Overall accuracy - 90%
- Sensitivity - >95%
- Specificity - 87%
Gail Sandager, RN, RVT
Venous Imaging Techniques
SFA G Saph C
of thrombus- A A A
free veins A
No echogenic material Vein collapses completely in Normal Doppler signals. Color fills the vein
visualized within the vein. response to probe pressure. in response to distal
of non- A A A A
Echogenic material fills part Compression of the Doppler may be normal Color flows around
of the lumen of the vein. vein is limited by the or abnormal. the thrombus.
contained thrombus.
of obstructive A A
Vein is dilated and filled with Vein is totally non- Doppler signals are absent. Color is absent in vein.
echogenic material (if acute). compressible.
Steven R Talbot, RVT
Criteria for Intraoperative Color Duplex Diagnosis
All patients having carotid endarterectomy (primary
closure or vein patch angioplasty). Duplex evaluation is
performed immediately after closure of the arteriotomy
and restoration of flow.
• Fill surgical wound with sterile saline.
Interpretation Classifications of Flow Disturbance
See Classifications of Flow Disturbance chart.
Normal • Peak systolic velocity <125 cm/sec
Algorithm for Revision/Angiography
• Spectral broadening in late systole only
See Algorithm chart.
Scanning Tips and Pitfalls Moderate • Peak systolic velocity 125 - 140 cm/sec
• Procedure requires that the surgeon and the vascular • Mild spectral broadening
technologist both be skilled in the technique and
interpretation of carotid duplex ultrasonography. Severe • Localized increase in peak systolic flow above
140 cm/sec
• Since the color Doppler patterns may obscure small
defects, the vessel wall is observed in grayscale with the • Uniform spectral broadening
color off. • Simultaneous forward and reverse flow seen on
spectral waveform
• The color Doppler image serves as a guide to areas
of possible turbulent flow; however, it is not reliable for
determination of degree of stenosis. Suspicious areas
must be assessed by Doppler, since classification of flow Algorithm
disturbance and decisions regarding revision must be
Flow Ultrasound Recommended
based on peak systolic velocity and
Disturbance Image Action
spectral broadening.
None/Mild B-Mode Normal
No Further
B-Mode Normal
B-Mode Abnormal
B-Mode Normal
B-Mode Abnormal
Ruth Cato, RN, RVT
Lane RJ, Appleberg M, Real-Time Intraoperative Angio-sonography
After Carotid Endarterectomy, Surgery, 92:5-9, 1982.
Plecha FR, Paries WJ, Intraoperative Angiography in the
Immediate Assessment of Arterial Reconstruction, Arch Surgery,
105:902-907, 1972.
Zierler RE, Bandyk DF, Thiele BL, Intraoperative Assessment of
Carotid Endarterectomy, Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1:73- 83, 1984.
Cato RF, Bandyk DF, Karp KL, Edwards JW, Block JL, Seabrook, GR,
Schmitt D, Towne JB,Duplex Scanning After Carotid Reconstruction:
A Comparison of Intraoperative and Postoperative Results, Journal of
Vascular Technology, 15(2):61- 65, 1991.
Bandyk DF, Govostis DM, Intraoperative Color Flow Imaging of
‘Difficult’ Arterial Reconstructions, Video Journal of Color Flow
Imaging, Volume 1, Number 113-20, 1991.
Normal Techniques and Criteria for Transcranial Doppler
TCI uses a 2.0 - 2.25 MHz sector transducer. The
transtemporal, transorbital, submandibular and foramen
magnum windows are used to identify the basal cerebral
arteries. The B -mode image yields a two dimensional
depiction of the bone landmarks at the base of the skull
and of the cerebral parenchyma and vascular structures.
The vessels are identified by knowledge of the anatomy in
relationship to these landmarks and are directly visualized
by color Doppler. TCI has expanded applications, improved
vessel identification and shortened the learning curve for
intracranial vascular ultrasound. Non-imaging (TCD) uses
a 2.0 MHz pulsed wave Doppler transducer and vessels
are identified by the depth of the sample volume, direction
of flow, distance over which each artery is traced, the
orientation of the transducer and the spatial relationship
of each vessel under investigation to a specific reference
point. TCD augments the TCI exam with a higher
percentage of vessel identification and for monitoring
studies when the transducer is attached to the head and
specific arteries are examined over time.
Examination Sites
• Transtemporal Window
- Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA)
- Anterior Cerebral Artery (ACA)
- Anterior Communicating Artery (ACOA)
- Terminal Internal Carotid Artery (TICA)
- Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA)
- Posterior Communicating Artery (PCOA)
• Transorbital Window
- Cavernous Carotid Artery (Siphon)
- Ophthalmic Artery (OA)
• Retromandibular Window
- Retromandibular Internal Carotid Artery (R-ICA)
Communicating Artery
Cerebral Artery Anterior
Cerebral Artery
Orbital A2
Terminal Internal
Carotid Artery
M1 Communicating
P1 Artery
Cerebral Artery
Basilar Artery
Carotid Artery
Submandibular Foramen
Window Magnum
Normal values (time-averaged peak velocities TAPV and standard deviation SD):
TICA 39 +/ - 8 65 mm Towards/Away
PCA 38 +/ - 11 65 - 75 mm Towards
Siphon 44 +/ - 13 60 - 80 mm Towards/Away
OA 22 +/ - 4 40 - 60 mm Towards
R–ICA 36 +/ - 8 50 - 60 mm Away
Vertebral 36 +/ - 10 60 - 85 mm Away
Normal Techniques and Criteria for Transcranial Doppler (continued)
• Detection of intracranial stenosis/thrombosis
• Identification of collateral vessels and steal effects
secondary to stenoses proximal to the Circle of Willis
• Detection of vasospasm secondary to subarachnoid
• Evaluation of cerebral circulatory arrest
• Detection of microembolic signals
• Screening of children with sickle cell anemia to establish
stroke risk
• Assessment of arteriovenous malformations and fistulas
Interpretation Criteria
Both TCD and TCI rely on the Doppler spectral
waveforms for interpretation of normal and abnormal
exams. The diagnostic features of the signals include
(1) alterations in velocity; (2) deviations from laminar The outline of the waveform is automatically traced and
flow; (3) changes in pulsatility (Gosling’s) index for adults; TAP is quantified.
(4) changes in the direction of flow and (5) Lindegaard
Velocity Measurements
TCD/TCI uses time averaged peak velocities (TAP), 100 A1
an average of the highest velocities over time, not peak
systolic or other values. This value is automatically
calculated in optimal signals but must be manually
measured by a visually guided reading technique when
the signals are sub optimal. The accuracy/advantages of A2
angle correction are still being evaluated. (cm/sec) 50
Spectral Doppler criteria for the diagnosis of vasospasm
Colleen Douville, BA, RVT, Harborview and University of Washington Medical Centers, Department of
Neurological Surgery, Cerebrovascular Laboratory, Seattle, Washington
Becker G, Lindner A, Bogdahn U. Imaging of the vertebrobasilar system by transcranial color-coded real-
time sonography. J Ultrasound Med 1994;12:395 - 401.
Fujioka KA, Douville CM. Anatomy and freehand examination techniques. In: Newell DW, Aaslid R, eds.
Transcranial Doppler. New York, NY: Raven Press;1992:9-31.
Heggerick PA, Hedges TR. Color Doppler Imaging of the eye and orbit. Vasc US Today 1996;1(6):61-72.
Lysakowski C, Walder B, Costanza MC, Tramer MR. Transcranial Doppler versus angiography in patients
with vasospasm due to a ruptured cerebral aneurysm – a systematic review. Stroke 2001;32:2292-2298.
Martin PJ, Evans DH, Naylor AR. Transcranial color-coded sonography of the basal cerebral circulation
– reference data from 115 volunteers. Stroke 1994;25:390 -396.
Nichols FT, Jones AM, Adams RJ. Stroke prevention in sickle cell disease (STOP) study guidelines for
transcranial Doppler testing. J Neuroimaging 2001;11:354 -362.
Seiler RW, Newell DW. Subarachnoid hemorrhage and vasospasm. In: Newell DW, Aaslid R, eds.
Transcranial Doppler. New York, NY: Raven Press;1992:101-107.
Sloan MA, Burch CM, Wozniak MA. Transcranial Doppler detection of vertebrobasilar vasospasm following
subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke 1994;25:2187-2197.
Tong DC, Albers GW. Normal values. In: Babikian VL, Wechsler LR, eds. Transcranial Doppler
Ultrasonography. Boston, Massachusetts: Butterworth – Heinemann;1999:33- 46.
Wozniak MA, Sloan MA, Rothman MI. Detection of vasospasm by transcranial Doppler sonography: the
challenges of the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries. J Neuroimaging 1996;6:87-93.
Techniques and Criteria for the Diagnosis of Vasculogenic Impotence
Ductus Deferens
Pudendal Vein Bladder Ureter
Bulbar Artery
Urethral Artery
Corpus Cavernosum
Cavernous Artery
Dorsal Artery
Circumflex Veins
Dorsal Vein
Internal Corpus Arteries
Pudendal Artery Cavernosa
Drainage from the corpora cavernosa is provided by the The hemodynamic changes that occur in a normal
emissary or circumflex veins that empty into the deep dorsal physiologic erection result from a relaxation of the smooth
vein. The proximal portions of the corpora cavernosa are muscle of the cavernous arterioles and sinusoids resulting in
drained by deep penile veins that join with urethral veins dilation and an increase in blood flow. The distension of the
draining the corpus spongiosum and eventually draining sinusoids creates a mechanical compression of the draining
into the internal pudendal vein. The superficial dorsal vein venules restricting venous outflow.
drains the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Renal artery duplex scanning is used for the the patient. Some of these challenges include the
detection of renal artery stenosis and to follow ability to visualize the stent and to determine if
patients post treatment. Treatment alternatives the present diagnostic criteria applies to patients
include surgical revascularization (bypass or with stents.
endarterectomy) and angioplasty with or without
stent placement. Renal artery stenting is a Goals and objectives of scanning a renal artery
relatively new procedure and may create new stent include: the definition of the location
challenges for the technologist when scanning with special attention to the proximal and distal
ends as the distal segment is related to increased incidence Classification of Renal Artery Stenosis
of restenosis, and to determine stent patency. Potential There are two widely accepted sets of criteria for classification
complications post stent placement include: incomplete of renal artery stenosis. One set is based upon the renal aortic
deployment, renal artery dissection, and distal embolization ratio while the second utilizes absolute velocity criteria and
to the kidney and thrombosis. The post procedure renal post-stenotic turbulence. Each set of criteria has advantages
artery should be evaluated for these complications. and disadvantages, therefore it is important to determine
which criteria yields the best results for the user, and employ
those criteria.
• Confirm all PSV calculations from two different views. Occluded No detectable 0
This helps to minimize errors from poor Doppler angles Doppler signal
or improper cursor alignment.
Dean RH, Hansen KJ, Bowman Gray Criteria
• The renal artery stent and its effect on the PSV have not
yet been determined and should be considered when
Classification Renal Aortic Peak Systolic
interpreting the exam findings.
Ratio (RAR) Velocity (PSV)
• The most common cause of a false negative exam,
when the artery is well visualized, is missing the jet of 0 - 60% Diameter <200 cm/sec No PST
the stenosis. If the maximum PSV is not detected, the Reduction
degree of disease will be underestimated.
60 - 99% Diameter >200 cm/sec PST present
• The most common cause of a false positive angle is
overestimation of PSV due to Doppler angle errors.
Occluded No detectable None
Doppler signal
Gail Sandager, RN, RVT
RRA Michael R Jaff, DO
LRA The Heart and Vascular Institute, Morristown, NJ
Stent placement within left renal artery Hansen KJ, Tribble RW, Reavis SW, Canzanello VJ, Cravente, Plonk GW Jr, Dean RH: Renal duplex
sonography: evaluation of clinical utility, Journal of Vascular Surgery, Vol. 12, Number 3: 227-236, 1990
Dean RH. Renovascular hypertension. In Moore WE, ed. Vascular Surgery: A Comprehensive Review, 2nd
edition. Orlando: Grune & Stratton, 1986, pp 561-592
Kohler TR, Zierler RF, Martin RI, et al: Noninvasive diagnosis of renal artery stenosis by ultrasonic duplex
scanning. J. Vasc Surg 1986:4:450 - 456
Olin JW, Piedmonte MR, Young JR, et al: The utility of duplex ultrasound scanning of the renal arteries for
diagnosing significant renal artery stenosis. Ann Intern Med 122:833- 838
Blum U, Krumme B, Flugel P, et al: Treatment of ostial renal artery stenoses with vascular endoprostheses
after unsuccessful balloon angioplasty. N Engl J Med 336:459- 465, 1997
Transcranial Doppler in the Evaluation of Pediatric Patients with
Sickle Cell Anemia: The STOP Protocol
Introduction Protocol
Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder that alters • After measuring the BTD and explaining the procedure
the genetic coding of hemoglobin, resulting in deformation to the patient, position the child comfortably on their
of the red blood cells and disruption of oxygen delivery back, and place a rolled towel under the neck for support
to the body’s organs. The shape of the red blood cells and stability; it is advised that the TCD sonographer sit
changes from the normal doughnut shape to a sickle at the head of the bed to assure access to the patient and
shape, causing the red blood cells (RBCs) to become rigid, instrumentation.
clump together, and block normal flow pathways. Patients
with sickle cell anemia are more susceptible to ischemic • Document proper instrumentation settings; suggested
episodes, including stroke or thrombotic pain crisis as to use a 4 -6 mm sample volume size, spectral display set
well as infection, kidney infection and other symptoms. to at least 250 cm/sec (PSV), focal depth and grayscale
Ischemic stroke occurs in about 11% of patients with display should be adjusted to approximately 8 cm to
sickle cell anemia; the most vulnerable children are those assure visualization of patient’s midline.
between the ages of 2 and 16. The Stroke Prevention
Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia (STOP) demonstrated that • Place the transducer over the right temporal “window”
transcranial Doppler could reliably identify those at (see illustration on next page); optimize the best MCA
highest risk for stroke because the sites of intracranial spectral display, with the depth of the sample volume
stenosis, primarily the intracranial internal carotid artery set at 50 mm. After locating the strongest MCA signal,
(ICA) bifurcation and proximal middle cerebral artery decrease the depth to 38 mm and record the first MCA
(MCA), are assessable by TCD. As demonstrated in the signal at a depth of 36 - 38 mm. (This waveform is
STOP study, children with time averaged mean of the labeled “M-1” according to the STOP protocol, first or
maximum (TAMM) flow velocities > 200cm/sec have a shallowest MCA recording.) Flow direction in the MCA
significantly increased risk of stroke. The time averaged will be “forward” or toward skull (transducer).
peak (TAP) maximum flow velocity, calculated by the
ultrasound system, tracks the envelope of the waveform • Trace the entire course of the MCA by increasing the
and calculates velocities that are equal to the TAMM data, depth of the sample volume, optimizing the signal and
if the calculations are derived from optimized waveforms. recording the spectral waveform at 2 mm increments.
Flow in the MCA usually produces the strongest and
Background highest velocity signal. (see waveform illustration on
The protocol for TCD and TCDI in children with sickle next page).
cell anemia is very specific, and is based on the results of
the Stroke Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia (STOP). • Track the course of the MCA to the bifurcation(BIF),
The STOP protocol was designed to insure correct where the intracranial ICA terminates and forms
arterial segment identification based on depth of sampling, the MCA and ACA; this landmark is identified by a
direction of flow, and the spatial relationship between bi-directional signal; optimize and record. The BIF is a
arterial segments. Although TCDI has the advantage reference point for all other measurements
of visualizing intracranial structures, these parameters (see illustration on next page).
are still used in vessel identification. Prior to initiating
the study, the child’s bi-temporal diameter (BTD) is • Trace the ACA (flow away from transducer, toward
measured using calipers, so that the midline (BTD/2) midline) 4 mm deeper than the BIF, optimize and record.
and expected depths of intracranial structures can be
calculated. The STOP data found that the ICA bifurcation • After identifying the ACA, decrease the depth of the
was usually about 10 mm from the midline. During or after sample volume to BIF, angle the transducer inferiorly, as
measuring the BTD, the procedure should be explained if you were focusing the beam toward the floor of the
to the patient, emphasizing the need to remain awake but skull, and increase the sample volume by 4 mm to assure
cooperative throughout the exam. If the patient becomes insonation of the dICA; optimize signal, record. The
sleepy, the CO2 levels rise, artifactually elevating the mean ICA signal is frequently turbulent and harsh, due to flow
flow velocities; this could result in a false positive result. dynamics and angle of insonation.
• After identifying the dICA, return sample volume to the Comments
BIF, and angle posteriorly/inferiorly to locate the PCA Children with sickle cell anemia are often anemic,
(forward flow in P1 segment). The PCA can be traced resulting in higher mean flow velocities than usually
from depths of 50 - 58 in most pediatric patients encountered in children with normal hematocrits.
Therefore, the TAP in all intracranial vessels may
• Track PCA to the midline, where both PCAs normally exceed 100 - 140 cm/sec. Children with a
originate from the BA. Record the bi-directional focal increase in velocity should be carefully evaluated.
signal documenting the ipsilateral (flow toward) and If the lesion occurs in the distal ICA or proximal MCA,
contralateral (flow away) PCAs; this signal is identified the severity of disease is determined by the mean flow
as the top of the basilar (TOB) signal in the STOP velocity (TAP). The STOP classification, listed below,
protocol. applies to the intracranial ICA and MCA:
Communicating Artery
Anterior Cerebral
Middle Cerebral Artery
Window Terminal Internal
Carotid Artery
M1 P1 Communicating
P2 Posterior
Transtemporal Artery
Submandibular Magnum Anne Jones, RN, RVT, RDMS
Window Window
Robert J Adams, MD, Virgil C McKie, MD, Lewis Hsu, MD, PH.D, et al: Prevention of a First Stroke
by Transfusions in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia and Abnormal Results on Transcranial Doppler
Ultrasonography. The New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 12
Aortic Endovascular Stent Graft Assessment
The treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms Some are completely externally supported while
(AAA) with endovascular stent graft techniques others are only supported at the attachment or
has gained popularity since Parodi first introduced fixation sites. Some are modular in design while
it in 1991. These devices are placed transluminally others are single body construction. There are
through small femoral incisions and then deployed several forms of devices including bifurcated,
remotely. There are different types of endografts. tube and aorto-uni-iliac configurations.
stent graft
stent leak
supported IMA leak
stent graft
Inferior artery leak
stent leak
Scanning Protocol Technical considerations
The purpose of the duplex ultrasound evaluation is to • Patients should be fasting to minimize the amount
aid in the assessment of complications such as endoleak, of bowel gas. A bowel prep is usually not needed.
limb dysfunction, stenosis, enlarging aneurysmal size or
other anatomical or hemodynamic impairment that might • It is important to know the details of the procedure
adversely affect endograft function. prior to performing the duplex ultrasound. This will
assist in understanding structural details of what has
• Routine post-placement ultrasound includes high been placed, what normal anatomy may have been
resolution B -mode assessment of the entire endograft, altered and what complications may be associated with
attachment sites and entire residual aneurysm sac. the particular
device placed.
• Color and spectral Doppler are used routinely to
identify and confirm endoleaks, source of endoleak, • Careful assessment using B -mode, color and spectral
limb dysfunction, graft patency and outflow vessels. Doppler is necessary. Optimize B -mode and color
settings so as to be sensitive enough to identify small
• Image acquisition – transverse views, measuring endoleaks but without excessive artifact. Color artifact
maximum transverse diameter of the residual can be pulsatile and appear to be true endoleak and must
aneurysm size, document color and spectral evidence be confirmed using spectral Doppler. True leaks will have
of endoleak, incomplete deployment of the device. reproducible waveforms that usually differ from those
Longitudinal views to document location and patency of in the endograft. The endoleak should have a different
the endograft, color and spectral evidence of endoleak, characteristic waveform from that of the endograft.
limb dysfunction, incomplete deployment and
attachment sites. • Power Doppler may be helpful in identifying endoleak.
• Doppler parameters are obtained in the longitudinal • Look for potential sites of endoleak: attachment sites,
view to assess the flow through the entire endograft, branch endoleak (IMA & lumbar), transgraft and modular
native aorta and outflow iliac vessels as well as disconnect leaks.
assessment of the entire residual aneurysm sac. Using a
small sample volume, place the cursor center stream and • Look for limb dysfunction: twisting, telescoping,
parallel to the flow at less than 60 degrees. All suspected crimping, kinking or other deformity that could lead
endoleaks should be confirmed with spectral Doppler. It to limb stenosis or thrombosis. The same criteria for
may be helpful to characterize the spectral flow pattern. infrainguinal graft stenosis may be used to define stenosis
in the graft limbs.
Kathy Carter, BSN, RN, RVT.
Technical Director, Norfolk Surgical Group,
Norfolk, VA
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