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Map 52 Byzantium

Compiled by C. Foss, 1997

Map 52 Byzantium
Map 53 Bosphorus

Map 52 encompasses two very different regions, Thrace and Bithynia, together with the northern coast of
Mysia. Thrace, now European Turkey, is open, rolling country with few prominent features. In classical times, its
population was mainly tribal, and it never had any great density of settlement. It has also attracted relatively little
research and remains largely unknown, not least because considerable areas have been military zones. The coast of
the Propontis, however, was the home of Greek colonies whose names are already attested in the Athenian tribute
lists of the fifth century B.C. It also became the site of the greatest city of the East, Constantinople, which dwarfed all
the others in Late Antiquity (see below).
Bithynia is entirely different. Its coastal regions, with the lakes behind them, are part of the Mediterranean
zone. Throughout antiquity, the rich vegetation here supported dense settlement and continuous occupation. Behind,
there is broken country with mountains that culminate in the Mysian Olympus; the eastern part is watered by the
mighty R. Sangarius. Interior Bithynia was settled only in the Hellenistic period; it flourished in Roman times, when
Nicomedia amd Nicaea were rival metropolitan centers. The regions of these two cities have been illuminated by the
explorations and publications of Dörner and Şahin, and a broad district around Cyzicus by Hasluck. Much of the rest
awaits systematic survey.
Map 53 focuses on the area of transition between the extremities of these two regions, centered on the long
narrow channel of the Thracian Bosphorus. This passage of 17 miles, varying from one-third to two miles in width,
separates Europe and Asia, and connects the Black Sea with the Propontis. Since archaic times, its primary role has
been one of transit–between two continents as well as between two bodies of water.
The Bosphorus is lined with wooded hills, some of which drop precipitously into the channel. Its shoreline is
highly indented, with frequent bays, harbors, and the mouths of several small rivers which rise not far away.
Because of its strategic location, the agricultural wealth of its hinterland, and the easy availability of fish, the area has
always supported a large number of settlements, which increased constantly in the period covered here, in particular
after the transformation of Byzantium into Constantinople in the fourth century A.D.
The topography of the Bosphorus is extraordinarily well known, thanks to one of the most remarkable and
detailed of ancient geographic texts. The Anaplous tou Bosporou, written by Dionysius of Byzantium in the second
century A.D., records a great number of ports and landmarks along the entire coastline. Except on the Golden Horn,
many of these can be located. Unfortunately, the text has a large lacuna, which can be at least approximately filled
by the Latin translation (or paraphrase) of Peter Gyllius, made in the sixteenth century. The Latin text only was
published by Carl Müller in GGM II with introduction and full commentary. The best critical edition of the Greek
and Latin text, however, is now that of Güngerich (1927). The topography is most conveniently analyzed by
E. Oberhümmer in RE Bosporos 1 and RE Keras. Most of his identifications are adopted on the map.
Attention should be drawn to one passage of Dionysius which is more than usually confusing. After describing
the entire right bank of the Golden Horn, he reaches Semystra at the junction of the two rivers Kydaros and
Barbyses. He then continues (Güngerich, p. 13): “A tergo Semystrae, paulo supra fluminum ostia initium
circumflexus in alterum latus sinus Ceratini efficit promontorium Drepanum inflexum ... loca nuncupata Mandrae et
Drys; ille quidem a loco quieto et tecto, mari enim tranquillo alluitur ... post promontorium est longus sinus Auleon
appellatus.” Commentators, misled by the Latin translation, have taken this passage to refer to places on the
R. Barbyses (“a tergo” from Semystra). The Greek text, however, which merely states that they are κατόπιν, “after”
Semystra, shows that the left bank of the Horn is being described, from the junction of the rivers, around the large

bend of Sütlüce, where the stream changes direction, and then continuing south-east. On this reading, the text suits
the topography better, as well as accommodating the “mari tranquillo,” which could hardly refer to the course of the
river. Otherwise, Dionysius seems to be wandering up-river, but then returns suddenly to a point on the Horn far
below Semystra. Drepanon Pr. may therefore be identified with Sütlüce, Boukolos Collis is its highest point, and
Auleon Sinus is the small gulf at Hasköy. The intervening places remain unidentifiable.
For Constantinople and its environs (including the Bosphorus), the most significant modern studies are Janin
(1964) and Eyice (1976); the latter devotes greater attention to physical remains. The most recent, and often novel,
views are those of Mango (1985).

All place names are in Turkey


BAIBu Bulgarski Archeologicheski Institut, Bulletin

IK 26 E. Schwertheim, Die Inschriften von Kyzikos, II, Bonn, 1983
IK 29 T. Corsten, Die Inschriften von Kios, Bonn, 1985
IK 32 T. Corsten, Die Inschriften von Apameia (Bithynien) und Pylai, Bonn, 1987
INik S. Şahin (ed.), Katalog der antiken Inschriften des Museums von Iznik (Nikaia), 4 vols., Bonn,
TIB Paphlagonien K. Belke, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 9, Paphlagonien und Honorias, DenkWien 249, 1996
TIB Phrygien K. Belke and N. Mersich, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 7, Phrygien und Pisidien, DenkWien 211,


Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

C2 ‘Ad Statuas’ L near İnceğiz ItMiller 540

A4 Adrasteia C above Adrasteia plain RE 2
B4 Adrasteia M. R Delikli Bayir Hasluck 1909, 48
C4 Aigaionos Monu. H Kuzgun Bayir? RE Aigaion
B4 Aisepos fl. Gönen Çay RE Aisepos 1; NPauly
A2 Agrianes/ C/ Ergene RE 2
Erginos fl. R
F4 Agrilion RL Gökçesu? INik II.1, 20
E3 Akritas Pr. See Map 53
E2 Amykos See Map 53
E2 Ancyreum Pr. See Map 53
E3 [Antigoneia] Ins. See Map 53
Apamea = Brylleion
Aphnitis L. = Daskylitis L.
Apollonia Ins. = Thynias
D4 Apollonia ad Rhyndacum HRL Apolyont Robert 1980, 89-100; NPauly 6
Apolloniatis L. =
Miletopolitis L.
A3 Aproi/ RL/ Germeyan HierSyn 634.2; RE
Col. Claudia Aprensis/ R/
Nova Theodosiopolis L
F3 *Arbeila R W Nicomedia, near Tuzla Dörner 1941, 83-85 (no. 81)
B4 Arctonnesos Ins. RL Kapu Dağ RE ῎Αρκτων νήσος
Arkadioupolis =
E3 Arganthoneion M. HR Samanli Daği RE ’Αργανθώνειον ὄρος
B4 Artace CHR Erdek RE Artake 1
C4 Artaiouteichos C lower Rhyndakos ATL 1, 470

Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

B4 Artake Ins. R Tavşan Adası RE 1

F2 Artanes RL Şile RE 1
F2 Artanes fl. HR RE 1
H4 Artemis L near Kilciler INik II.1.16
Artynia L. = Miletopolitis
F4 Askania AHR region around Nicaea RE 3
E4 Askania L. RL? İznik Gölü RE ’Ασκανία λίµνη
Askanios fl. = Kios fl.
F3 Astacenus/ İzmit Körfezi RE Astakos 2
Olbianus Sinus
F3 Astakos CHR? Baş İskele Şahin 1974, 66-70; NPauly1
C2 Astike HRL region SE from Bizye RE Astai
B1 Asticus M. R?L Istranca Daği ItMiller 600
D2 Athyras HRL Büyükçekmece RE 1
C2 Athyras fl. Karasu RE 1
F4 Aureliane R 1 hour E Nicaea Dörner 1941, 43

G3 *Baradendromia R Güvemler TAM 4.1.100

D2 Barbyses fl. See Map 53
B4 Baris HR?L Gönen Hasluck 1909, 105-109
E4 Basilica Therma RL Çekirge RE Prusa, cols. 1082-83
F3 Basilinoupolis L Yalakdere? INik II.1, 4
D2 Bathynias fl. R Sazli Dere RE
B3 Bathys Limen H Vathy Robert, Hell. X, 129-31
E2 Bebrykes A?C? E Bosphorus RE 2
B2 ‘Beodizo’ L 9 miles NW Perinthus RE Beodizum
A2 Berg(o)ule/ RL/ Lüleburgaz RE Bergule; RE Arkadiupolis 1
Arkadioupolis L
D3 Besbikos Ins. HRL İmrali RE 1; Hasluck 1909, 53-54
B3 Bisanthe/ CHRL Tekirdağ RE; Robert, Hell. V, 54-55; NPauly
A3 ‘Bitenas’ L near İnecik RE Bedizum
E4 Bithynia CHRL NW Asia Minor RE; NPauly
B1 Bizye HRL Vize RE; NPauly
G3 Boane/ RL Sapanca Gölü RE Βοάνη λίµνη
Sunonensis L.
E2 Bosphorus See Map 53
F3 ‘Brunca’ L Hereke / Yarımca? ItMiller 656
D4 Brylleion/ C/ Mudanya RE Bryllion; RE Myrleia; IK 32, 1-46;
Myrleia/ HR/ NPauly Apameia 1
Apamea/ RL/
Col. Iulia Concordia R
A2 Burtudizon RL 18 miles W Bergule RE
D2 Byzantium See Map 53
F3 *Byzapena R Yağcılar? TAM 4.1.72

C2 Caenophrurium RL near Sinekli ItMiller 539, 589; RE Suppl. 6 Καινοφρούριον

Caesarea Germanice =
C2 ‘Callum’ L E Selymbria RE Kallon 1
B2 Campus Serenus L Druzipara / Çorlu ItMiller 539
E3 Chalcedon See Map 53
E3 Chalkitis/ See Map 53
Demonnesos Ins.
F3 Charax L Hereke RE 6
A2 [Charioupolis] Hayrabolu ItMiller 592
E4 *Charmidea R Çeltikçi IK 29.10-11
G2 Chelai HRL near Cebice RE 1
F2 *Chelaita R Şile? TAM 4.1.102
G4 ‘Chogeae’ L Medetli? INik 11-13
E2 Chrysopolis See Map 53
Claudia Aprensis = Aproi

Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

Col. Claudia Aprensis =

Col. Gemella Iulia
*Hadriana = Parium
Col. Iulia Concordia =
D2 Constantinopolis See Map 53
Kyaneai Inss. =
Symplegades Inss.
B4 Cyzicus ACHRL Belkiz Kale RE Kyzikos

F4 *Dabla R Ahmetler? INik II.3.116

E3 Dakibyza L Gebze RE
D4 Daphnous H on Miletopolitis L. EpAnat 21, 99-102
Daphnousia Ins. = Thynias
B4 Daskylitis/ CHR/ Manyas Gölü Hasluck 1909, 47; PECS Daskyleion
Aphnitis L. RL?
C4 Daskyleion ACHR Ergili NPauly 2
D4 Daskyleion CHR Eşkel Corsten 1988
C2 Daunion Teichos C near Eski Ereğli ATL I, 480
B3 Değirmenaltı A Sevın 1986
G3 Dekaton L 10 miles E Nicomedia Janin 1975, 80
C2 Delkon fl. H Istrancadere RE Delkos
D2 Delkos RL Derkoz RE; NPauly
D2 Delkos/ RL/ Derkoz Gölü RE; NPauly
Phileatine L. L
Demonnesos Ins. =
Chalkitis Ins.
G2 *Desa R near Kandıra TAM 4.1.243
A4 Didymateiche C Dimetoka Robert 1937, 195
B4 Dindymon M. HR highest point on Kapu RE Dindymon 1
F3 Diolkides L opposite Zeytin Burnu Janin 1975, 92
B4 Dolionis HRL Aisepos / Rhyndacus RE Doliones; NPauly Doliones
E3 Drakon fl. L Yalakdere RE 2
F3 Drepanon/ R/ Hersek RE Drepanon 4
Helenopolis L
B2 Dr(o)usipara RL near Karıştıran RE Drusipara
Drys = Rouphinianai

E4 Echeleos fl. R Parmakdere RE

E4 Eikote R Demirtaş IK 39.23
G4 *Eirakla R Soğucakpinar INik II.2.1331
F3 Elaia L Zeytin Burnu? Janin 1975, 92
A4 Elaphonnesos? Ins. CR Ekinlik Adası RE 2
E4 Elekosmioi R Elegmi IK 32.75
B4 Enbeilos fl. R? Karadere Hasluck 1909, 43
B2 Ergina fl. L upper course of Vize Dere Dimitrov 1934, 136
Erginos fl. = Agrianes fl.
F3 Eribolon RL settlement at Segban Isk. Şahin 1985, 105
F3 Eribolon L road station at İhsaniye? Şahin 1985, 105
Eudoxiopolis =

Ganos = Serreion Teichos

Gemella Iulia *Hadriana =
F3 Geragathe L Kirazlı BE 1979.559
A4 Granicus fl. ACHR Biga Çayı RE Granikos 3

B4 Halone R Paşalimanı RE 1

Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

B4 Halone Ins. R Paşalimanı Adası RE 1

A4 Harpagion CHR between Priapus and ATL 1, 470
G3 Hebdomon See Map 53
Helenopolis = Drepanon
D4 Helge/ H?/ Tahtalı Hasluck 1909, 66; Corsten 1990, 26;
Caesarea Germanice RL C. Foss
F4 Helikore/ C/ İznik RE Nicaea 7; Şahin 1985.1-3
Nicaea C?HRL
Heraclea = Perinthus
E3 Heraion/ See Map 53
B2 Heraion (Teichos) CL/ Aytepe ATL 482; Sevın 1986
Herakleia = Neapolis
F3 Herakleion L Ereğli Foss 1987, 194-95
A4 Hermoton/ C Çınardere RE
Hiereia = Heraion
A3 Hieron M. CH Ganos Dağı RE ‛Ιερὸν ὄρος 2
E2 Hieron (Chalkedonion)/ See Map 53
Zeus Ourios, T.

Iulia Concordia =
Iustiniani Pons See Bridges

G3 Kabia R Geyve INik II.3, 121 (T53)

G3 *Kalasyrta R Solaklar Şahin 1974, 90
G2 Kalpas fl. CHR Ilaflı Dere RE 1
G2 Kalpe CHR Kirpe RE 2
A4 Karesene? CHR Robert 1937, 195-96
A4 Karesos? fl. HR Kocabaş Çay, tributary of Leaf 1923, 203
Aisepos fl.
G3 *Kassa R Sapanca Dörner 1941, 105-106 (no. 122)
D4 Kianos Sinus HR Gemlik Körfezi RE Κιανὸς κόλπος
Kios = Prusias ad Mare
E4 Kios/ HRL Gemlik Dere IK 29, Index
Askanios fl.
G4 *Kizoura R Umurbey Şahin 1984
E2 Kolone Pr. See Map 53
A1 Kontadesdos fl. C Kaynarca Dere Hdt. 4.90; RE Tearos
E3 Kosilaos See Map 53
F3 *Koubaita R Gündoğdu TAM 4.1.56
D2 Kydaros fl. See Map 53
F3 *Kypra R Omurlu TAM 4.1.267

G3 *Leptoia R Kayacık? TAM 4.1.329

E3 Leucatas Pr. RL Yelken Kaya Burnu RE Leukates 2
F3 ‘Liada’ L near Sarıağıl French 1981, 31
F3 [Libon] M. Naldöken Dağı Foss 1990, 168
F3 Libum L near Senaiye French 1981, 31
F3 Libyssa HRL W Karaburun RE
F3 Libyssos fl. HR Dil Dere RE
F3 Limnai L near Hersek Foss 1987, 192-93
A4 Linon HR between Parium / Priapus RE Λίνον

Makron Teichos = Murus

E3 Megale/ See Map 53
Prinkipos Ins.

Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

C4 Mekestos fl. HRL Simav Çayı RE Makestos; Robert 1937, 187-91

§ Macestus fl.
§ Megistos fl. HR
E2 Melaina Pr. HRL Kara Burun RE Melaina akra 2
B4 Melanos Pr. R Murat Bayir Hasluck 1909, 18
D2 Melantias L Yarimburgaz? RE
B4 Memnonos Kome R lower Aisepos Hasluck 1909, 108-109
‘Midum’ = Mygdum
C4 Miletopolis CHRL Melde RE 1
D4 Miletopolitis/ HR/ Ulubat Gölü Hasluck 1909, 47
Apolloniatis/ RL
Artynia L. R
C4 Miletouteichos? C Ulubad IK 26.95-99; C. Foss
B2 ‘Mocasura’? L Karaevli Sevın 1986
G2 *Morzapena R near Kandıra TAM 4.1.65
G4 *Mossynea R Urgancilar INik II.1.1206
Murus Anastasii/ See Wall
Makron Teichos
C4 Mygdonia HRL Rhyndakos / Apamea RE 4
F4 Mygdum/ L/ Taşköprü? INik II.3, 130-31 (T58)
‘Midum’ L
Myrleia = Brylleion
B4 Mysia A?C? region N Askania Ins. RE Bithynia, col. 511
E3 Mysia See Map 56

A2 ‘Narco’ L E Bergule RE
E3 ‘Nassete’ See Map 53
A3 Neapolis/ CHR Erikli ATL 1, 525
B2 Neon Teichos C Servili? ATL 1, 482
F3 *Nerola R Karakadılar TAM 4.1.87
Nicaea = Helikore
F3 Nicomedia HRL İzmit RE Nikomedeia
Nova Theodosiopolis =

C4 Odryses fl. HR Kara Dere Strabo 12.3.22

G4 *Oka R near Harmanlar RE
Olbianus Sinus =
Astacenus Sinus
E4 Olympus M. CHRL Ulu Dağ RE Olympos 16
H4 *Ontoraita R near Kükürt INik II.1.27
A3 Ophiussa Ins. R Türkeli Adası RE 1
F3 Optatianai, Mon. L E Nicomedia Janin 1975, 83
A3 Ornoi? C?L S İnecik HierSyn 632.6; C. Foss
§ (B)Ornos? Nepos, Alcibiades 7.4
F4 Otroia HR near Hayriye INik II.3, 134 (T60)
E3 Oxeia M. See Map 53

A3 Panion/ C?L/ Barbaros RE Πάνιον 2

Theodosiopolis L Jones 1971, 381 (n. 37)
§ Paniai C
E3 Panteichion See Map 53
F3 Parimouthos fl. Karasu INik II.3, 50-51
A4 Parium/ CHRL/ Kemer RE Suppl. 12 Parion
Col. Gemella Iulia R
B4 Peirossos M. HR near Zelea RE
F3 Pentephyle/ R/ Gügüşler? TAM 4.1.269
*Triknaita R
B3 Perinthus/ HR/ Ereğli RE Perinthos 1; Sayar 1998
Heraclea L
F3 Petrozetoi R near İshakçılar TAM 4.1.60

Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

Phileatine L. = Delkos L.
D2 Philia Pr. Kara Burun RE Phileas 1
D2 Philia HRL Kara Burun RE Phileas 1
§ Phileas
B4 Phrygia CHR S Propontis RE 1
F4 Phrygia Epiktetos HR SE Nicaea RE 1, cols. 801-802
G4 Pithekas? fl. Karasu INik II.1, 34-35
Pityodes Ins. = Megale
C4 Plakia CHR Kurşunlu? RE 2
F4 *Ploketta R Orta Pinarlar INik II.1, 21
B4 Poimanenon RL near Alexa Hasluck 1909, 122
E1 Pontus Euxinus See Map 1
D3 Poseideion/ HR Bozburun RE Poseidion 3
Triton Pr.
E3 Potamoi RL E Pendik Tomaschek 1891, 5
F3 Prainetos RL Karamürsel RE Preietos 1
§ Preietos
E3 *Pratomysia R Gacık Corsten 1991, 81-87
F3 *Prepa R Ekşioğlu TAM 4.1.231
A4 Priapus CHRL Karabiğa RE Suppl. 14 Priapos 3
G3 *Prindea R Hamidiye? TAM 4.1.23
Prinkipos Ins. = Megale
B3 Proconnesus ACHRL Marmara RE Suppl. 14 Prokonnesos
B3 Proconnesus Ins. ACHRL Marmara Adası RE Suppl. 14 Prokonnesos
F4 *Pronnaea R Ahmetler? INik II.2.1503, 1551
C3 Propontis CHRL Marmara Denizi KlPauly
E3 Prota Ins. See Map 53
G4 ‘Protunica’ L Sarihocalar INik II.1, 15-16
E4 Prusa RL Bursa RE Prusa ad Olympum
E4 Prusias ad Mare/ CHR/ Gemlik RE Kios 1
F3 *Psarela R Yağcılar? TAM 4.1.51
F2 Psillion HRL Ağva RE Suppl. 9 Psillion 2
F2 Psil(l)is fl. HRL Göksu RE Suppl. 9 Psilis
E3 Pylai L Yalova Foss 1997
E3 Pytheion/ R/ Yalova Kap. IK 32, 140-43
Pythia Therma L Robert 1979, 276
E4 Pythopolis C near M. Sölöz INik II.3, 137-40 (T63)

Rhaidestos = Bisanthe
E2 Rhebas See Map 53
E2 Rhebas fl. See Map 53
F4 Rhebas fl. HR Gökçesu INik II.3, 140-41 (T64)
D3 Rhegion L Kücükcekmece RE ‛Ρήγιον
A4 Rhesos fl. ACHRL Karaatli Çay RE ‛Ρῆσος 4
D3 Rhodussae Inss. See Map 53
G2 Rhoe RL Kefken RE ‛Ρόη
C4 Rhyndakos fl. RL Orhaneli / Koca Dere RE ‛Ρύνδακος 1; TIB Phrygien 368
E3 Rouphinianai/ See Map 53

C1 Salmydessos HR Midye RE Salmydessos 2

C1 Salmydessos CHR coast E Midye RE Salmydessos 1
G3 Sangarius fl. ACHRL Sakarya RE Sangarios
E3 Sangaros L Engüre RE
H4 Sarıcakaya R? INik 2.1.18
F4 Sarkotyle R near Inegöl IK 39.49
F3 S. Autonomos, Mon. L/ Tepeköy Foss 1987
§ Soreoi R
E3 S. Auxentiou/ See Map 53
Skopa M.

Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

F4 ‘Schinae’ L Karadin INik II.1, 10

C2 Scylla L near Podima ItMiller 515
C2 Sely(m)bria/ CHR/ Silivri RE Sely[m]bria
Eudoxiopolis L
A3 Serreion Teichos/ C/ Ganos RE Ganos; RE Serreion
Ganos CHRL ATL 1, 545-46
Silta? = Tzouroulon
F3 Sirkanos R Kayalı Dağ TAM 4.1.49
Skopa M. = S. Auxentiou
C4 Skylake CHR Yeni Köy? Hasluck 1909, 51
F3 *Soka R Kaşıkçı TAM 4.1.249
E4 Soloeis fl. RL Sölöz INik II.3, 139-40
G3 [Sophon] M. Sapanca Dağı Foss 1990, 168
E3 Strobilos HRL Çiftlik Foss 1997
Sunonensis L. = Boane L.
G4 *Syllanta R Keskin INik II.1.1127
E2 Symplegades/ See Map 53
Kyaneai Inss.

A1 ‘Tarpodizo’ RL near Kayova RE

G3 Tarsos RL? Tarsiye Foss 1990, 180-83
§ Tarsia
E4 Tataula R Gülbahçe IK 39.42, 43
G4 Tattaios RL Arıcaklar INik II.1.14-15
B1 Tearos fl. Poyralı Deresi RE
G2 *Tenba R Bazirgan TAM 4.1.68
G3 Terbos R Akçakaya INik II.2.1232
F3 *(Tes)Deramoska R Kalburcu TAM 4.1.19
F3 Tetrakomia L Keramet IK 29.7
G4 ‘Thateso’ L Dikenli Boğaz? INik II.1, 13
Theodosiopolis = Panion
A2 Thracia See Map 51
B4 Thrakia Kome HR Mamun Hasluck 1909, 179, 224
B1 Thynoi A?C? plain behind İğneada RE
F2 Thynoi CHR inland from Şile-Kefken RE
B1 Thynias HR İğneada-Midye RE 1
C1 Thynias R? İğneada RE 1
C1 Thynias Pr. HR İğneada Burnu RE 1
G2 Thynias/ CHRL/ Kefken Adası RE 2
Apollonia/ RL/
Daphnousia Ins. R?L
E2 Timaea See Map 53
B2 ‘Tipaso’ L NW Çorlu ItMiller 539
A3 Tiristasis/ C near Şarköy ATL 1, 558; RE
*Triknaita = Pentephyle
G3 Trikomia R Tekeli TAM 4.1.95
D3 Triton HR Armutlu? Robert 1979, 291
Triton Pr. = Poseideion Pr.
Tyrodiza = Tiristasis
B2 Tziorikellos fl. L Sulucak Deresi Dimitrov 1934, 135
B2 Tzouroulon/ L/ Çorlu RE
Silta? HR Strabo 7, frag. 55

A2 ‘Urisio’ L W Bergule RE Urisium

B1 ‘Utsurgae’ L near Çakli RE

B4 Zeleia ACHR Sarıköy Hasluck 1909, 101

Zeus Ourios, T. = Hieron


Grid Name / Location Period Reference

D2 “Aqua Hadriana”, W Byzantium See Map 53

D2 “Aqueduct of Theodosius”, NNW L Dirimtekin 1959; Restle 1976, 357-63; Çeçen 1996
F3 Nicomedia R Şahin 1974, 84-88


Grid Location Period Reference

G3 Iustiniani Pons L Whitby 1985

A4 W Didymateiche R Hasluck 1909, 125-27

B4 near Memnonis Vicus R Hasluck 1909, 127-30
F3 W *Nerola RL Dörner 1941, 33-35
F3 SE Nicomedia R C. Foss
F4 N Mygdum R C. Foss


Grid Location Period Material Reference

B3 on Proconnesus Ins. CHRL M RE Suppl. 14 Prokonnesos


Itinerary Period Reference

‘Tarpodizo’ → Bizye → Constaninopolis RL ItMiller 529, 539-40

Burtudizon → Bergule → Perinthus RL ItMiller 538-39
[Charioupolis] → Aproi R ItMiller 592
Aproi → Perinthus → Constantinopolis RL ItMiller 526-27
Parium → Cyzicus → Miletouteichos → Prusias RL Hasluck 1909, 124-31; Magie 1950, 901
Hermoton → Zeleia → Daskyleion C Foss 1977
Cyzicus → SE RL Magie 1950, 797
Cyzicus → Poimnenon RL Hasluck 1909, 138-42
Cyzicus → Baris → SW RL Hasluck 1909, 138-42
Prusias →Myrleia R Magie 1950, 1188
Prusias → Pylai L ItMiller 694
Myrleia → Prusias → Nicaea R Magie 1950, 1186
Prusa → E R Magie 1950, 1187
Helenopolis → Nicaea L C. Foss
Prainetos → Nicaea L ItMiller 687
Nicomedia → Nicaea → ‘Protunica’ RL French 1981, 23, 51-58
Nicomedia → Tarsos RL ItMiller 667
Nicomedia → Artanes RL Dörner 1941, 35
Chalcedon → Nicomedia RL ItMiller 656
Chalcedon → Rhebas → Chelai RL ItMiller 634-38


Grid Name / Location Period Reference

C2 Murus Anastasii/ L/ Schuchhardt 1901

Makron Teichos L

Unlocated Toponyms

Name Period Probable Location Reference

Phinopolis HRL RE

Tereia HR Trigleia? IK 32, 47 (n. 1)


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