El Chupacabra (2nd)

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Name: Lesson Grade/Subject:

Sam Steel 2nd, Writing and Spanish

School Site: N/A Lesson Topic: Est. Days for

lesson/unit: 1
Subjects addressed* 1)Spanish 2) Writing Narratives 3)Speaking and
1) 2) 3)

Literacy Standards 1) CCSS.ELA- 2)CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.1.A 3)CCSS.ELA-

Addressed: LITERACY.RL.2.2 Follow agreed-upon rules for LITERACY.W.2.3
Recount stories, including discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in Write narratives in which
fables and folktales from respectful ways, listening to others they recount a well-
diverse cultures, and with care, speaking one at a time elaborated event or short
determine their central about the topics and texts under sequence of events,
message, lesson, or discussion). include details to describe
moral. actions, thoughts, and
feelings, use temporal
words to signal event
order, and provide a sense
of closure.
Other Standards 1) 2) 3)
If you used pre- 1) 2) 3)
existing lesson/unit
plans, add links here:
(so others can view)
If you taught or plan to 1) How book was read/ how 2) Make necessary
teach this lesson in a activity was run would depend accommodations for
real classroom – on behaviors on classroom. students based on
discuss it here. needs.

· List Lesson Goals:(Should relate to Standards addressed in this lesson and should be assessed)
1. Lesson Goal 1: After reading El Chupacabra, TSWBAT learn three words in spanish and
what they mean.
2. Lesson Goal 2: Working in small groups, TSWBAT write a paragraph with at least 5
complete sentences.

· List Materials and Technology Resources needed for the Lesson:

● 1 copy of the book “El Chupacabra” by Adam Rubin
● Pencils and pencils for the class


· Review previous (days) lesson/assess previous learning:

● N/A
· Describe -Setting the stage for learning:
● Students will come to the carpet for the read aloud. After the book they will return to their
desk clusters and work on their paragraphs.

· Warm-up Activity:
● Teacher will gather all students on carpet for read aloud.
● Before starting TW ask students if they have ever heard of the legend of el chupacabra. If
yes, TW take 2-3 responses. If no, TW briefly explain the legend.
● TW let the students know that the book is written in English and Spanish. The pictures
will help them to understand the text as well. 

B. Teaching THE LESSON
Lesson Activities:
● TW read El Chupacabra by Adam Rubin to the students.
● Check for understanding as we read the book, explain any confusion by story being told
in two languages
○ Chupacabra= goat sucker
● At the end of the story, do another quick check for understanding
○ Who is the Chupacabra?
○ What happened to the goats?
○ What did the chupacabra do at the end of the story?
● TW ask students what new works they learned in Spanish/ how did they know what those
words ment.
● TW collect student responses and make a chart on the board that translates the words.
● TW have students return to their desks.
● TW give directions to the students “Working in your desk groups, you will write an
alternative ending to the story. What would happen if the Chupacabra didn't help the
goats? What would have happened if the chupacabra became too full to help? What if he
tried to help but the goats did not get smaller? Try to use the words we have translated
together in your writing, just like the author of the book did.
● TW give students 30 mins to work as a group to come up with a different ending for the
story. TW rove and assist students.

● TW have the students share ending with the rest of the class. They will get to read it aloud if they
are comfortable.

Lesson Assessments: If not all students met lesson objectives – plans for remediation:
● Writing- The teacher will collect the writings from the students and add them to the students
portfolios. Teachers can also use the writing continuum or writing rubric to assess the student
writing and plan goals for each student based on the results.
● Speaking and Listening: Teacher will assess how students are listening to the read-aloud,
working with their peers, and reading their alternative endings aloud to the class.
● If students are not understanding the lesson the teacher can:
○ Write one alternative ending whole group and have the rest of the class follow along
○ Have the students complete a drawing to support the whole class alternative ending
○ Write more works in Spanish on the board for the students to use.
Lesson Extension/Homework:
● No homework will be assigned with this lesson.

Teacher Reflection:
● TTW walk around to check student progress while the students are working
● TTW reflect on how the reading went, as well a s group work and what students need additional
practice with in regards to their writing.

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