Wake Turbulence
Wake Turbulence
Wake Turbulence
Wake Turbulence
What is Wake Turbulence? ........ 3
All pilots need to be aware of wake turbulence.
Effects of Wake Turbulence........ 4 Depending on the type of aircraft, the phase of flight,
and the weather conditions, the potential effect of
Intensity and Persistence........... 5 an aircraft’s wake turbulence on other aircraft can
vary. Encountering wake turbulence can be especially
Helicopters................................ 6
hazardous during the landing and takeoff phases
Weight Categories..................... 8 of flight, where the aircraft’s close proximity to the
ground makes a recovery from the turbulence-induced
Separation................................ 8 problems more difficult.
Occurrence Reporting..............10
Recovery Techniques................14
Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this booklet is accurate and up-to-date at the time
of publishing, but many changes can occur over time, especially in regard to airspace and legislation.
Readers are reminded to obtain appropriate up-to-date information.
What is Wake Turbulence?
All aircraft produce wake turbulence1, The same pressure differential also causes
more correctly called wingtip vortices air to move inwards over the wing. Small
or wake vortices. Wake vortices are trailing edge vortices, formed by outward
formed any time an aerofoil is producing and inward moving streams of air meeting
lift. Lift is generated by the creation of a at the trailing edge, move outwards to the
pressure differential over the wing surfaces. wingtip and join the large wingtip vortex.
The lowest pressure occurs over the upper Swirling air masses trail downstream of
surface of the wing, and the highest pressure the wingtips. Viewed from behind, the left
is formed under the wing. Air will always vortex rotates clockwise and the right vortex
want to move towards the area of lower rotates counter-clockwise (see Figure 1).
pressure. This causes it to move outwards
under the wing towards the wingtip and
curl up and over the upper surface of the 1 The definition of wake turbulence also includes
wing. This starts the wake vortex. jet blast, propeller wash and rotor wash.
Figure 1
Viewed from behind the generating aircraft, the left vortex rotates clockwise and the right vortex
rotates counter-clockwise.
Typically, a vortex develops a circular
motion around a core region. The core
Effects of Wake
size can vary in size from only a few Turbulence
centimetres in diameter to a metre or
more, depending on the type of aircraft. The greatest hazard from wake turbulence
From larger aircraft, the speed of the air is induced roll and yaw. This is especially
inside this core can be up to 100 metres per dangerous during takeoff and landing
second. The core is surrounded by an outer when there is little altitude for recovery.
region of the vortex, as large as 30 metres Aircraft with short wingspans are most
in diameter, with air moving at speeds that affected by wake turbulence.
decrease as the distance from the core The effect of wake turbulence on an aircraft
increases (see Figure 2). Wake vortices depends on many factors, including the
can persist for three minutes, or longer, weight and the wingspan of the following
in certain conditions. aircraft and relative positions of the
following aircraft and wake vortices. In its
mildest form, you may only experience a
Figure 2 slight rocking of the wings, similar to flying
through mechanical turbulence. In its most
severe form, a complete loss of control of the
aircraft may occur. The potential to recover
Vortices spread laterally from
the rear of the aircraft
to occur with loss of control. In other
instances, if the aircraft is flown between
the vortices, high roll rates can coincide
with very high sink rates in excess of
1000 feet per minute. Depending on the
altitude, the outcome could be tragic.
Flight tests conducted by pilots attempting
to fly into the vortex at a slightly skewed
angle resulted in a combination of pitching
and rolling, which typically deflects the
aircraft away from the wake. Research
shows the greatest potential for a wake A CX 747-200 on approach to Kai Tak airport,
Hong Kong.
turbulence incident occurs when a light
aircraft is turning from base to final
behind a heavy aircraft flying a straight-in
approach. The light aircraft crosses the
wake vortices at right angles, resulting
in short-lived pitching motions that can
result in structural damage to the aircraft
from a sudden increase in load factors.
and Persistence Taken from the chequerboard at a time when
there was a fire in Kowloon City, thus making
The initial intensity of the wake vortices the vortices very visible.
is determined by the weight, speed,
configuration, wingspan and angle
of attack of the aircraft. The most
important variables in determining the
intensity of the vortex beyond a distance
of 10 to 15 wingspans from the aircraft
are atmospheric stability, wind strength
and direction, ground effect, and
mechanical turbulence.
The strongest vortices are produced by
heavy aircraft flying slowly in a clean
configuration at high angles of attack. Photographs: Cathay Pacific ‘Crews News’.
Considerable wake vortices can also helicopters are hovering near the runway
be generated by manoeuvring aircraft, or flying in the circuit traffic pattern.
for example, during aerobatics. Helicopter wake turbulence takes
Aircraft with smaller wingspans generate different forms, depending on how
more intense wake vortices than aircraft a helicopter is flown:
with equivalent weights and longer • During a stationary hover or a slow hover
wingspans. The Boeing 757, for example, taxi, a helicopter generates considerable
has a relatively short wing and large power downwash – high velocity outwash
plant for the weight of the aircraft. The wake vortices that extend to a distance three
turbulence that is produced by the 757 is times the diameter of the rotor (Figure 3).
equivalent to that of a much heaver aircraft. The outwash vortices circulate outward,
Wake vortices near the ground are upward, around and away from the main
most persistent in light wind conditions rotor (or main rotors) in all directions.
(3 to 10 knots) in stable atmospheric It is recommended that pilots should not
conditions. Light crosswinds may cause the operate small aircraft within three rotor
vortices to drift. A 3 to 5 knot crosswind diameters of a helicopter in a stationary
will tend to keep the upwind vortex in the hover or a slow-hover taxi. If you are
runway area and may cause the downwind taxiing an aeroplane past a helicopter
vortex to drift toward another runway. in the hover, then do so on the upwind
Atmospheric turbulence generally causes side if possible. Helicopter pilots should
them to break up more rapidly. be mindful of hover operations around
aircraft with open doors and windows.
• During forward flight, a helicopter
Helicopters generates a pair of spiralling wake
vortices from the rotor blades (Figure
Depending on the size of the helicopter, 4). Wake turbulence also occurs in
significant wake turbulence can be the rotating air beneath the helicopter.
generated. Helicopter wakes may be of In this situation, the wake vortices are
significantly greater strength than those from similar to those of larger fixed-wing
fixed-wing aircraft of similar weight. The aircraft. It is therefore recommended
strongest wake turbulence can occur when that small aircraft should exercise
the helicopter is operating at lower speeds (20 caution when in the vicinity of a
to 50 knots). Some mid-size or executive-class helicopter in forward flight.
helicopters produce wake turbulence
Flight tests conducted by the FAA found
as strong as that of heavier helicopters.
that wake vortices were generated
The majority of accidents that involve differently, depending on whether the
helicopters and small aircraft occur when helicopter was climbing or descending.
small aircraft are taking off or landing while The vortex cores were observed to be
closer together during ascents and further The area affected by the wake turbulence
apart during descents. The wake vortices of a helicopter is larger than the area
also did not sink in a predictable manner, affected by the wake turbulence of an
and in some cases remained at a similar aeroplane of comparable size and weight,
altitude to where they were generated. especially at speeds below 70 knots.
Simplified flow pattern around a helicopter during a stationary hover close to the ground.
Figure 4
Heavy (H)
Weight Categories
All aircraft types of 136,000 kg MCTOW
For the purpose of assessing wake turbulence or more – some examples of these are:
separation, aircraft are divided into the Airbus A340, Boeing B747, B767, B777,
following categories by their Maximum and the McDonnell Douglas MD–11.
Certificated Takeoff Weight (MCTOW):
Light (L)
Aircraft types of less than 7000 kg MCTOW
– some of the heavier examples of these
are: Metro 3, Cessna 402 and 421, Islander,
Nomad, and Piper Navajo.
Table 2 – Arriving Aircraft
Following Aircraft Minimum Time
Heavy 2 Minutes
Heavy Medium 2 Minutes
Light 3 Minutes
Table 1 shows the wake turbulence Table 3 shows the non-radar separation
separation applied to all aircraft in all standards for departing aircraft using the
phases of flight, while under radar control. same runway (or parallel runway separated
These distances apply when one aircraft is by less than 760 meters) or if the projected
operating directly behind (within 1/2 NM flight paths are expected to cross at the
laterally) another, or is crossing behind, same altitude or less than 1000 feet below.
at the same level and up to 1000 feet
below. In this same situation when the Table 3 – Departing Aircraft
separation will be less than 2 minutes,
radar controllers should issue a caution of Minimum Spacing
possible wake turbulence. at Time Aircraft are
Table 1 – Cruise
Leading Following
Aircraft Aircraft Departing
Leading Aircraft Following Minimum from
from same
Aircraft or Crossing Behind Separation Distance intermediate
Heavy 4 NM position
Heavy Medium 5 NM
Light 6 NM
Heavy Medium 2 Minutes 3 Minutes
Pilot Options defines a wake turbulence encounter
during approach to land or on climb
If you consider wake turbulence separation
standards are inadequate in controlled after takeoff as an aircraft incident,
airspace, you can request increased and as such it should be reported.
separation. This may be achieved by Details must be provided within 14 days
vectoring, a change of flight path, or a by the operator or organisation involved.
change in the requested altitude to be
above the suspected wake turbulence. ICAO Review
Conversely, if pilots indicate that they The International Civil Aviation Organization
will take responsibility for their own wake (ICAO) is undertaking an overall review of
turbulence separation, then they may wake turbulence provisions, including its
request exemption from these separations. current wake turbulence categorisation
This option should be treated with caution. scheme. In order to provide a sound basis
In New Zealand, there are no wake for any amendments, ICAO are collecting
turbulence separation standards between and analysing information on the wake
two medium-weight category aircraft, or vortex encounters of all aircraft types on
between two light-weight aircraft. In these a worldwide basis.
situations it is entirely up to the pilot to Pilots who experience wake vortex
ensure adequate wake turbulence separation. encounters, aircraft operators who are
At uncontrolled aerodromes it can be easy informed of encounters, and Airways
to forget about wake turbulence. There New Zealand personnel, are encouraged
are, however, a number of uncontrolled to report these occurrences to the CAA.
aerodromes around New Zealand where The information will then be passed
relatively heavy-weight aircraft mix with on to ICAO.
light-weight aircraft.
How to Report
There are a number of ways wake turbulence
Occurrence Reporting encounters can be reported: by radio to
If you do encounter wake turbulence, the appropriate air traffic services (ATS)
the CAA would like you to report it. unit, to the operator, or by yourself.
The overall objective in recording this If reporting yourself, use the ICAO forms
detailed information is to use it to on the CAA web site, see “Forms” – there
improve the level of flight safety. is one for pilots, and one for air navigation
service providers. Completed forms can be
Part 12 emailed to: ca005@caa.govt.nz, faxed to:
Advisory Circular, AC12–1 Mandatory 0–4–560 9469, or posted to: Civil Aviation
Occurrence Notification and Information, Authority, P O Box 31-441, Lower Hutt 5040.
If the wake turbulence occurrence includes 5BLJOHPGGBGUFSBMBSHFSBJSDSBGU
other aspects that you need to report to the
CAA, use the usual form, CA005, and tick
the “other” box in the “type of occurrence”
section and write “wake turbulence”.
You are encouraged to report any wake
turbulence encounter to your employer or 3PUBUJPO 3PUBUJPO
organisation first – they can report to the
CAA on your behalf.
Climb Head On
If approaching a heavier aircraft that
$MJNC is less than 1000 feet above you, alter
8JOE course to the upwind side to avoid the
wake turbulence.
Most wake turbulence accidents occur in
visual meteorological conditions. Think
GU twice before accepting a visual approach
close behind a large aircraft, as you then
become responsible for maintaining your
own wake turbulence separation. When
flying a visual approach, do not assume the
After takeoff; if you cannot out-climb the
aircraft you are following is on the same or
preceding aircraft’s flight path, turn off
lower flight path. If practicable stay away
the extended centreline as soon as possible.
from the localizer centreline, the larger
If you cannot deviate significantly from
aircraft are likely to be following it, offset
the preceding aircraft’s flight path, track
your flight path slightly to the upwind side.
slightly upwind and parallel its course.
Crossing "QQSPBDI
Stay either on or above the preceding
aircraft’s flight path. If that is not possible,
use one of the methods above; either stay VFR pilots of slower light aircraft need
slightly upwind and parallel its course to be especially wary of wake turbulence
or with terrain permitting, stay at least when landing at busy aerodromes with
1000 feet below and well behind. heavier aircraft on the approach.
Crosswinds ROLL – If possible roll in the direction that
will reduce the loading on the wings (this
QBSBMMFMSVOXBZ will depend on the direction of the roll of
the vortex) or roll to the nearest horizon.
If there isn’t a nearest horizon, or if you
have rolling momentum, continue to roll
(unloaded) in that direction to the horizon.
If there is induced yaw, prompt rudder
inputs will also be required.
Photograph: Steve Morris
P O Box 31-441
Lower Hutt 5040
Tel: 0–4–560 9400
Fax: 0–4–569 2024
Email: info@caa.govt.nz