Curry Lesson Plan Template: Objectives

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Curry Lesson Plan Template

Content Area: Math
Grade Level: 5th grade
Lesson Length: 15 minutes

Contextual Information and Rationale

Provide background information about the content lesson, including why it is important for students to learn, why it is relevant for their lives, and how this lesson fits
into a broader sequence of learning.

Students have been working on whole number multi-digit one-step and multi-step word problems. Today we are starting decimal computation. The lesson will focus
on adding and subtracting decimals. The lesson will be taught to a small group of 5-6 students with the primary goal of providing individualized instruction and
repeated practice problems.

Manipulating decimal numbers is an essential skill for students to be competent citizens. Adding and subtracting decimal numbers is a key skill for handling money.
Students will use this skill throughout their lives both academically (in math, science, health fields, and more) and recreationally (handling money). This lesson fits
into a broader sequence of learning for our class by laying the foundation for further computational skills students will learn this year. Following mastery of adding
and subtracting decimals, instruction will move towards standard 5.5.b which states create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition,
subtraction, and multiplication of decimals.
Lesson Objectives
State and/or National Standards: Learning Targets (Written as KUDs):
5.5 The student will Students will know:
a) estimate and determine the product and quotient of two numbers involving  The first step in an addition or subtraction problem with decimals is to
decimals line the numbers up using the decimal point.
b) create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving  The last step in an addition or subtraction problem with decimals is to
addition, subtraction, and multiplication of decimals, and create and solve single- bring the decimal down in the final answer.
step practical problems involving division of decimals. Students will understand:
 Mathematical computation is an important life skill.
Students will be able to:
 Add and subtract numbers with decimals accurately.

Assessment Descriptions: Criteria: Describe how students will demonstrate Use of Assessment: Describe the feedback you will
Describe how you will assess students. mastery. provide, potential plans for adjusting instruction, etc.

Formative Assessment 1: Hold Up Problem Formative Assessment 1: Hold Up Problem Formative Assessment 1: Hold Up Problem
Completed independently with whiteboards on the Mastery is demonstrated if: If mastery is demonstrated…
tables. Students will complete a pair of guided practice - Students are able to line up the numbers - Instruction will proceed as planned below
problems (addition and subtraction) stopping at correctly using the decimals. If mastery is not demonstrated…
certain points to allow me to check their progress. - Students are able to place the decimal in the - Prompt students to return to their lesson
correct place in the final answer. notes before completing the assessment
Standards assessed: Know again.
- Students should try again using their notes to
complete the assessment successfully.
- Monitor students’ progress and provide
support during the lesson activities as

Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket
Completed independently after completing the lesson Mastery is demonstrated if… If mastery is demonstrated…
activities. Students will complete a pair of problems - Students are able to compute the correct - Instruction will continue as planned and the
(addition and subtraction) independently before answer to each problem with work shown. sequence of learning will progress.
released for independent tasks. Assessing if students - Students are able to line up the numbers of If mastery is not demonstrated…
are able to apply skills without support ensures they the problem correctly and place the decimal - I will proceed by implementing a mini lesson
are independent problem solvers. in the correct place in the answer. with explicit instruction and review with any
students that do not demonstrate mastery. In
Standards assessed: Do the mini lesson, I will review the procedures
for adding and subtracting numbers with

Use the columns below to detail what the teacher and students will be doing throughout the lesson, as well as the materials, resources, and technology that will be
used. You are encouraged to divide your plan into sections based on the instructional model you are using.
Teacher: Student: Materials, Resources, and Technology:
*Italics denotes scripting
Introduction and Goal Orientation Introduction and Goal Orientation Introduction and Goal Orientation
Today we are going to start decimal computation 1 minute
with adding and subtracting decimal numbers.
- Students sitting at assigned tables.
Goals for today: Participating in discussion and actively
- Learn the steps to an addition and listening.
subtraction problem involving decimals.
- Practice these types of problems.

Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences

We’ve been working on word problems with 1 minute
whole numbers. Next, we are going to add word - Students sitting at assigned tables.
problems with decimal numbers. So before we do Participating in discussion and actively
that- we must learn the computation skills for listening.
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
decimal numbers.

These skills are important because money is

written in decimal form! We will all use money
and experience real life word problems using
numbers with decimals throughout our lives.

Tasks and Activities Tasks and Activities Tasks and Activities

Anticipated misbehavior during transition:
**This lesson will begin after a 30-minute whole  Increased off task conversations. - Math Notebooks with lesson pages glued
group lesson with approximately 12 students in  Disorganization of or unprepared in.
which the skill is introduced and modeled. materials. - Pencil
Filming may begin right before the transition to - Dry Erase Marker
be included in the observation. Plan Responses to possible misbehavior:
 Proximity to chattier students. Subtle
*See Appendix A for the problems we will be cues (finger over mouth) to redirect
working through throughout the lesson. students.
 Explicitly state needed materials before
Formative Assessment 1: Hold Up Problem transition.
 #1 & #2  State positive behaviors observed during
 Have a student read the problem. transition.
 Students set-up the problem by writing it
vertically on their tables. STOP. Assess if
they lined up the decimals. Formative Assessment 1: Hold Up Problem
 Allow students to continue if correct. - Students working quietly to complete
Students compute the problem using the problems on their tables.
standard algorithm.
 Check digits of final answer. Students Anticipated misbehavior during formative
place decimal in final answer. Assess if assessment:
decimal is placed in the correct place.  Off task conversations.
 Provide feedback and support to  Students working ahead of directions.
students that demonstrate confusion or a  Working with a peer.
lack of mastery. Plan Responses to possible misbehavior:
 Proximity to chattier students. Subtle
Guided Practice: cues (finger over mouth) to redirect
 #3 & #4 students.
 Based on formative assessment 1 results,  Explicitly state expectation to stop and
either walk through procedure of solving wait at the end of each step of the
#3 as an interactive model or allow problem. “Listen to my prompts.”
students to complete #3 and #4  Explicitly state “I want you to do this
independently with support as needed. independently so I can see you’re
 Prompts: thinking and understanding.”
o How should I line up the  State positive behaviors observed during
numbers? Would it help to add assessment. “____is working
zeros to either number? independently.” “Good job staying
o Where should I put the decimal? focused _____.”

Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket Guided Practice

 Students complete #5 independently - Students are working independently or
with no prompting. I will assess their whispering as they work through #3 and
understanding as they complete the #4 of the guided practice page.
 If mastery is shown, students will be Anticipated misbehavior during guided practice:
released to begin their independent tasks  Off task conversations.
for the day.  Students not moving through problems
at reasonable pace.
Plan Responses to possible misbehavior:
 Proximity to chattier students. Subtle
cues (finger over mouth) to redirect
 State positive behaviors observed during
practice. “Good job staying focused
_____.” “Way to line the numbers up
correctly!” “Good job placing the decimal
in the right place in your final answer.”

Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket

- Students working quietly to complete
problem on their tables.
Closure Closure Closure
1 minute
Wrap-Up: Today we learned how to add and
subtract decimal numbers. This skill will help us as - Students actively listening
we move into decimal word problems. It is also a
valuable skill for life when we are dealing with
Appendix A:

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