Professional Standards Framework

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The UK

for teaching and
supporting learning
in higher education

This paper describes the new National Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and
Supporting Learning in Higher Education.

The idea of a framework for professional standards for teaching and supporting learning in
higher education was proposed in the White Paper The Future of Higher Education (2003). In
response to this the UUK, SCOP and the UK HE funding bodies invited the Higher Education
Academy to consult with the sector to develop such a framework.

Following extensive consultation with the sector a National Professional Standards

Framework has been developed for institutions to apply to their professional development
programmes and activities and thus demonstrate that professional standards for teaching and
supporting learning are being met.

At the heart of this framework is acknowledgement of the distinctive nature of teaching in

higher education, respect for the autonomy of higher education institutions, and recognition
of the sector’s understanding of quality enhancement for improving student learning. The
framework recognises that the scholarly nature of subject inquiry and knowledge creation,
and a scholarly approach to pedagogy, combine to represent a unique feature of support for
student learning in higher education institutions.

The standards framework aims to act as:

• an enabling mechanism to support the professional development of staff engaged in
supporting learning
• a means by which professional approaches to supporting student learning can be fostered
through creativity, innovation and continuous development
• a means of demonstrating to students and other stakeholders the professionalism that staff
bring to the support of the student learning experience
• a means to support consistency and quality of the student learning experience.


The framework is a descriptor based approach whereby HE institutions determine their

own criteria in the application of the standards framework. In order to demonstrate
application of the standards, six areas of activity, core knowledge and professional values (all
derived from the Higher Education Academy’s existing Accreditation Scheme) are applied to
learning outcomes and assessment activities within the institution’s professional development

Standard descriptor Examples of staff groups

1. Demonstrates an understanding Postgraduate teaching assistants, staff

of the student learning experience new to higher education teaching with
through engagement with at least 2 no prior qualification or experience,
of the 6 areas of activity, appropriate staff whose professional role includes
core knowledge and professional val- a small range of teaching and learning
ues; the ability to engage in practices support activity
related to those areas of activity; the
ability to incorporate research, schol-
arship and/or professional practice
into those activities

2. Demonstrates an understanding Staff who have a substantive role in

of the student learning experience learning and teaching to enhance the
through engagement with all areas student experience
of activity, core knowledge and
professional values; the ability
to engage in practices related to
all areas of activity; the ability to
incorporate research, scholarship
and/or professional practice into
those activities

3. Supports and promotes student Experienced staff who have an

learning in all areas of activity, established track record in promoting
core knowledge and professional and mentoring colleagues in learning
values through mentoring and and teaching to enhance the student
leading individuals and/or teams; learning experience
incorporates research, scholarship
and/or professional practice into
those activities

Areas of activity

1. Design and planning of learning activities and/or programmes of study

2. Teaching and/or supporting student learning
3. Assessment and giving feedback to learners
4. Developing effective environments and student support and guidance
5. Integration of scholarship, research and professional activities with teaching and
supporting learning
6. Evaluation of practice and continuing professional development

Core knowledge

Knowledge and understanding of:

1. The subject material
2. Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at the level of
the academic programme
3. How students learn, both generally and in the subject
4. The use of appropriate learning technologies
5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
6. The implications of quality assurance and enhancement for professional practice

Professional values

1. Respect for individual learners

2. Commitment to incorporating the process and outcomes of relevant research,
scholarship and/or professional practice
3. Commitment to development of learning communities
4. Commitment to encouraging participation in higher education, acknowledging
diversity and promoting equality of opportunity
5. Commitment to continuing professional development and evaluation of practice



Guidance and support is offered through the work of the Higher Education Academy for HE
institutions to be accredited for their application and use of the new standards framework.

Please see for further details.

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