Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technology and Codes Student Manual Personnel Qualification and Certification
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technology and Codes Student Manual Personnel Qualification and Certification
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technology and Codes Student Manual Personnel Qualification and Certification
Student Manual
Volume 1
Chapter 2.0
Learning Objectives
2.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND qualifications and meets some minimum standard
CERTIFICATION of education, training, and experience.
qualification for individuals engaged in NDE. and product technology to establish techniques and
to assist in establishing acceptance criteria when
Level I - An NDE Level I individual has met none are otherwise available. The NDE Level III
the minimum requirements (i.e., formal training should have a general familiarity with other
and experience) for Level I certification. A Level appropriate NDE methods, as demonstrated by the
I individual should be qualified to properly ASNT Level III basic examination or other means.
perform specific calibrations, specific NDE, and The NDE Level III, in the methods in which
specific evaluations for acceptance or rejection certified, should be capable of training and
determinations according to written instructions examining NDE Level I and II personnel for
and to record the results. The Level I should certification in those methods.
receive guidance from a certified Level II or III
individual. It should be noted that the “trainee” is de-
scribed as “an individual who is in the process of
Level II - An NDE Level II individual should being trained, qualified, and certified.
be qualified to set up and calibrate equipment and
to interpret and evaluate results with respect to Level I, II and III personnel must be recertified
applicable codes, standards, and specifications. periodically depending on the code edition and
The NDE Level II should be thoroughly familiar specification. SNT-TC-1A 2001 or earlier
with the scope and limitations of the methods for requires Level I and II technicians to recertify
which he/she is qualified and should exercise every three years and level III technicians to
assigned responsibility for on-the-job training and recertify every five years. The 2006 edition
guidance of trainees and NDE Level I personnel. allows for all to recertify at five year intervals.
The NDE Level II should be able to organize and
report the results of NDE. SNT-TC-1A has served as the foundation for a
number of other certification schemes. CP-189,
Level III - An NDE Level III individual should NAS-410, MIL-STD-410, and others use the same
be capable of developing, qualifying, and descriptors for levels of certifications.
approving procedures, establishing and approving
techniques; interpreting codes, standards, specifi- Benefits of SNT-TC-1A
cations, and procedures; and designating the
particular NDE methods, techniques, and proce- SNT-TC-1A offers industry a number of
dures to be used. The NDE Level III should be benefits. The significant benefits include:
responsible for the NDE operations for which
qualified and assigned and should be capable of • It requires employers to analyze their
interpreting and evaluating results in terms of position on certification and the
existing codes, standards, and specifications. The documentation of their program.
NDE Level III should have sufficient practical • Through the Written Practice, the
background in applicable materials, fabrication, employer has an implied responsibility
The result is that most companies have differ- - General knowledge of the examination
ent Written Practices for the certification of their method,
NDE personnel. This can cause difficulties for - Specific knowledge of the method as applied
organizations that purchase NDE services and to the specific products,
requires careful evaluation by the purchaser. - Practical application of the examination
The Written Practice is key in determining the method (e.g., hands-on demonstration),
level of competency of the personnel performing - Vision test to verify that the candidate meets
NDE. Unfortunately, many companies that re- the physical requirements of the job, this
quire the services of an NDE provider do not includes an annual near vision test and color
adequately review the Written Practice and per- vision tests every five years.
sonnel documentation to determine if the com-
pany’s needs will be met.
A review of the definitions of each certified certify their own NDE Level III personnel.
level indicates that the Level III individual is ASNT does not certify the individual under the
responsible for the administration of the NDE SNT-TC-1A system.
program within a company. Therefore, the
strength of the company’s NDE program is A complete review of the certification docu-
greatly dependent on the competency of the mentation for each individual to provide NDE
Level III. services is essential.
2.3.2 ASNT Standard for Qualification and The descriptions and responsibilities of the
Certification of NDE Personnel Trainee, Level I, Level II, and Level III are
(ANSI/ASNT CP-189) similar to those contained in SNT-TC-1A.
NDE training must be provided by a
Since SNT-TC-1A is a “recommended qualified instructor. One requirement for the
practice” or a set of guidelines, the variability in instructor includes a current ASNT Level III
company’s written practices has been a major certificate in the method being instructed. If the
problem. ANSI/ASNT CP-189 is a national instructor does not have an ASNT Level III
consensus standard that addresses the uniformity certificate, then a four year degree in
missing in employer based certification engineering, science, or technology, and an
programs. adequate knowledge of the method being taught
is acceptable. If the instructor has a two year
CP-189 is based on SNT-TC-1A, however degree in engineering, science, or technology
CP-189 stipulates the minimum requirements of and five or more years of experience as a Level II
a certification Program. It establishes minimum or equivalent is required. An individual with a
requirements for education, training, experience, high school diploma must have at least ten years
and examinations that must be met to be NDE experience as a Level II or equivalent in the
considered for certification. method being taught.
the employer does not have an on-staff ASNT Section XI waives this prerequisite, thereby
Level III certificate holder. permitting Level III qualification to be
Section V of the 2007 Edition with 2008 through the employer examination process or
Addenda of the ASME Code requires that NDE by ASNT examination. Also, the employer
personnel be qualified in accordance with either has the option of using an outside agency to
the 2006 Edition of SNT-TC-1A, or the 2006 administer the examinations.
Edition of ANSI/ASNT CP-189, or ASNT
ACCP. It further states that qualifications in 2.3.3 Qualification of Personnel for Visual
accordance with an earlier edition of Examination
SNT-TC-1A, CP-189 or ACCP be considered
valid until the individual is recertified. The Section XI also requires compliance to
recertification must be in compliance with SNT Appendix VI for the training, qualification, and
-TC-1A (2006), CP-189 (2006) or ACCP. certification of visual examination personnel.
This mandatory appendix requires the
Section XI of the 2007 Edition of the ASME preparation of a written practice in accordance
Code requires each employer to prepare a written with ANSI/ASNT CP-189 with the following
practice (or certification procedure) in specific and/or additional requirements:
accordance with CP-189 1995. It also requires
that personnel performing NDE be qualified and 1. Experience as specifically defined for the
certified using that written practice, which is in VT-1, VT-2, and VT-3 categories (reference
accordance with CP-189. It permits existing Appendix VI-4110 of Section XI).
certifications based on earlier editions of CP-189
to remain valid until recertification, which must 2. Specific subjects must be included in the VT
then be in accordance with the 1995 Edition of training program (reference Appendix VI
CP-189. Supplement 1 of Section XI).
Section XI amends two provisions in CP-189 3. Examinations for Level I, II, and III
as follows: personnel must be approved, administered,
and graded by a Level III.
1. Levels I and II are required to be recertified
every five (5) years in lieu of the three (3) 4. A passing grade of 80% is required for each
years specified in CP-189. The Level III examination rather than the minimum of 70%
recertification is at five (5) years intervals as permitted by CP-189.
required in CP-189.
5. If an examination is failed, the candidate
2. CP-189 requires the possession of a Level III must receive additional training as
certificate issued by ASNT, as a prerequisite determined by the Level III. The
to employer Level III recertification. examination questions to be used for the
NDE from a college or university. Table 2-2 2.5 ASNT Central Certification Program
compares the experience stipulated in the three (ACCP)
ACCP builds upon the existing ASNT Level
2.4.1 Terms of Certifications III certification program. In addition to passing
All ISO 9712 certifications are valid for a the ASNT administered written tests; the Level
period of five years. The certifications are III candidate also must pass a hands-on Level II
terminated if: demonstration of proficiency and a written
• The individual moves on to a different procedure preparation examination.
industrial sector (e.g. shipbuilding to
petrochemical); The ACCP provides a transportable
• Unethical behavior is found certification and ultimately will provide central
• A physical disability occurs certification for Level I, Level II, and Level III
• A physical disability that prevents the NDE personnel.
certified individual from performing
work activities Examination centers will be approved and
• The individual fails to meet the visual located to support the program geographically.
acuity requirements.
• The individual experiences a significant The certifications will be industry specific
interruption in examination performance. and recertification will be required when
working in a different industry sector.
2.4.2 Renewal
Certification can be renewed for a second 2.6 AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors
five year term when there is evidence of: (CWI)
• Satisfactory vision test every twelve
The American Welding Society has a central
months and;
certification program for the certification of
• Continued satisfactory work activity
welding inspectors. The program is the QC-1,
without significant interruption.
Standard for AWS Certification of Welding
2.4.3 Recertification
Recertification is required on the tenth
The program requires the candidate to
anniversary. Recertification is accomplished by
provide documented evidence of visual welding
the satisfactory completion of a simplified
inspection or related work experience, and it
written test (Level III) or a practical test (Level
requires the successful completion of a three part
I and II.)
Level I 40 40 40
Level II 40 40 40
Penetrant Examination
Level I 4 4 16
Level II 8 8 24
Level I 12 12 16
Level II 8 8 24
Radiographic Examination
Level I 40 40 40
Level II 40 40 80
Ultrasonic Examination
Level I 40 40 40
Level II 40 40 80
1. Recommended for high school graduate.
2. Training for Level III personnel not specified in SNT-TC-IA.
3. CP-189 training for Level III personnel is considered satisfied by the possession of an
ASNT Level III certificate.
4. ISO 9712 does not specify training hours for a Level III.