Platinum Gazette 14 December 2018

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Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality’s mayor, Cllr

Maudu Johannes Phokane, tendered his resignation to
the council speaker on Wednesday.
Cllr Phokane took the step after the ANC Provin-

Tubatse cial Excecutive Committee in Limpopo recalled seven

mayors of municipalities implicated in the VBS Mutal
Bank illegal investment scandal. His resignation is

effective with immediate effect and he puts it on record

Mayor in his letter of resignation that his resignation should not

be seen as an admission of guilt or involvement in the
investment scandal.
As such, the provincial forensic report on the scan-

resigns dal do not directly implicate Cllr Phokane, although the

R230 million was lost under his watch. He remains an
ordinary councillor.

Luke 2: 8 - 14

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields

nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the
glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were
terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be
afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great
joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah,
the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find
a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host
appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor

Fetakgomo Tubatse Tel 0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) email:

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel 14 Desember 2018 Fax 0865549031

Festive Season VBS Forensic investiga-

Best Wishes!
tions results -
Cllr Keamotseng Fetakgomo Tubatse Local
Stanley Ramaila - Municipality
Executive Mayor, The overall findings were that;
Sekhukhune · All Municipal Officials and political office bearers interviewed, admitted knowledge
of the Municipal Finance Management Act, the Municipal Management Act, the Municipal
District Structures Act and the Municipal Systems Act.

Municipality · All the municipalities had cash Management and Investment Policies as required by
sections 13 of the Municipal Finance Management Act,
As we bid farewell to the year 2018, we the people of Sekhukhune do so with a sense of pride
· The policies did not, in various respects, comply with the Municipal Investment regu-
and joy. Indeed 2018 has been a special year, the Year of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, the
lations. In particular there was material non-compliance with Regulations 4 which sets out
Year of Mama Nontsikelelo Albertina Sisulu, and mostly the Year of Renewal, Unity and Jobs.
the core elements required in an investment policy. Despite the non-compliance the policies
We are very proud for having been part of history when Mr. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa,
were tabled and approved by various councils.
was inaugurated President of the Republic of South Africa in February 2018. It was then that
our beloved country gigantically enter in the New Dawn, this putting concrete expression to
· The investment of all individual municipalities were made in contravention of Section
the message of renewal, unity and jobs. 7(3)(b) of the Municipal Finance Management Act. In particular by having bank accounts,
In doing so, I am proud to have led a battalion of elected officials, Traditional Leaders and and investment accounts with an institution which is not registered as a bank in terms of the
ordinary citizens into a brand new campaign dubbed: Thuma Mina, which simply translate Banks Act 94 of 1990.
as ‘send me – roma nna ditšhabeng’.
As we responded to the clarion call by President Ramaphosa of Thuma Mina campaign, I · The investments of all the individual municipalities with VBS Mutual Bank were made
am very elated to report that we have touched lives of the people in villages like Ga-Komane, in contravention of Regulation 6 of the Municipal Investment regulations in particular by
Maseven, Thaba Mpshe, Ga-Phaahla, Phokwane, Glen Cowie, Moretsele, were water, VIP investing with an institution which is not registered as a bank in terms of the Banks Act 94 of
toilets projects were handed over to our people. And I commit that we will still continue the 1990.
Thuma Mina campaign and touch more lives.
During this festive season, I am quite aware that our people in the district municipality · The investments with the VBS Mutual Bank were made in contravention of the specific
are still faced with harsh economic realities of poverty, unemployment and inequality. These Cash management and Investment Policies applicable in the individual municipalities.
economic conditions are worsened by the increasing prices of food, fuel, electricity and the
general living conditions. · That the various Municipal Managers and Acting Municipal managers committed finan-
However, I take this opportunity to beseech everyone to extend a helping hand and give cial misconduct in terms of section 171(1) of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
unto the less fortunate so that we do not dampen the spirit of festive. On our part as the
district municipality, we will continue engaging our residents throughout this period in an Fetakgomo/Tubatse Municipality.
endeavour to provide much needed basis services of water and sanitation. We have indeed
achieved more, however, much still need to be done and together working with our com- · It is recommended that disciplinary actions be considered against the Municipal man-
munities, we shall overcome. In the meantime, I encourage both residents of Sekhukhune agers in terms of Section 17 (1) of Municipal Finance Management Act, that they,
and visitors to take some time out during this festive season to visit our website on www. to find places where you can explore the diverse cultural, leisure (nn) Contravened a provision of the Act,
and many more lifestyle activities that make us a place for many reasons and the Kingdom
Destination of Limpopo. (oo) Failed to comply with a duty imposed by a provision of this Act, and
May you all have a safe and pleasant festive season Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year. Peace be Unto You! Kgotsong! (pp) Made or permitted, or instructed another official of the municipality to make, an
irregular expenditure.

· It is recommended that disciplinary action be considered against the Municipal Man-

agers in terms of Section 173(1)(a)(iii) of the MFMA Act, in as far as the accounting officers
of a municipality is guilty of an offence if that accounting officer deliberately or in a grossly
negligent way fails to take all reasonable steps to prevent irregular expenditure.
· It is recommended that disciplinary action be considered against the CFO in terms of
business the MFMA
:LVKLQJ\RX advertising
It also recommended that the steps providing for civil recovery in terms of Section
32(1)©,(d) and Section 32(2) of the MFMA be considered against the Municipal Managers
and the CFOs
D0HUU\ is like
winking at * The amount involved is R230million and outstanding amount R230million

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what you’re
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Taps run dry for days SDM responds

Mr Willy Mosoma, Spokesperson for
SDM said:
“We are very much aware of the plight of
In the upmarket neighbourhood of Aloe I am again asking for a formal notice on a The question is: What is the way forward?
residents of Aloe Ridge and for that we
Ridge West it is expected that the residents letterhead from Lepelle that tells us the state What is the medium and long term plans and
unreservedly apologize for any inconven-
be up to date on their rates, taxes and utility of affairs - similar to what Eskom is doing”. - how are we going to address these prob-
ience caused. In the spirit of Ubuntu/Botho/
bills, but when you open a tap in one of the Mrs Havenga lems/excuses, we cannot continue to operate
Kindness, we have arranged that a team
houses it may take days before you will get a this way.
of engineers from the district municipality
drop of water. “This is a letter of complaint for the numerous As much as we hate to receive the ESKOM
and Lepelle Northern Water, our service
Regular water supply interruptions was part water issues in town. load shedding roster, it actually means that
provider, undertake a visit to Aloe Ridge
of life in this part of town. The situation deteri- Well, in Swallows Crest we don’t have water they are helping us to plan to overcome the
in particular and all residential areas of
orated much over the last few weeks, with every morning from 6am till at least 8pm at inevitable. In light of our water problem, we
Burgersfort town to ascertain the actual
supply interruptions of five days or more not night, we are sometimes lucky to get water a never know when it is going to hit for how
cause of the water supply shortage, engage
being uncommon. bit earlier than 8pm. long and to what extent. If it is foreseen and
with affected residents and speedily come
This week residents living in the Swallows Today is 5 days we have not a single drop pre-planed, the town should be notified of
up with a solution to correct the wrong that
Crest Security Complex hired water tank- of water, the excuse Lepelle is making is water restrictions and with better planning the
is happening there. The mission is planned
ers to deliver water to Jojo tanks they had that there is no water in the river, which is influence can be managed and maybe Swal-
for Thursday the 13th and Friday the 14th
installed to try and cope with the long periods the same excuse that we get the whole year lows Crest will not be without water totally for
November 2018. In light of the drought
without water supply. round!!! Thats the only 1 excuse they have. extended periods.
situation that is crippling the entire nation,
Platinum Gazette received letters, phone Right now there are parts in town that have Is there a forum that can outline some of
we do not wish to inconvenience our paying
calls and sms messages from residents water full time at full force, even on the high these issues and maybe explain the way
customers with water which is a basic
complaining about the situation and the way hills, yes high hills, but the excuse they have forward, even if we do not like it, we can plan
service. We are dealing with this matter as
Lepelle Northern Water is dealing with the for Swallows is that its too high for the water and adopt until the plans are executed?”
a high priority because our water supply, be
situation. to reach, and their excuse is there’s no water. Willie du Preez
it minimal, should not impact negatively on
The current drought is affecting the amount We suggested that they close valves of the
our customers. Once more, we apologize
of water that can be pumped to supply town places that are receiving water and make
for the inconvenience caused and we hope
on a daily basis and has been putting Lepelle arrangements for us, or give turns for people
our residents will support us as we resolve
Northern Water under pressure. Adding to to get water.. but they do not know where the
this matter.”
the frustration is water leaks that are left valves are situated??? That is what I was
unattended for weeks. In Lepati Street in told.. Extremely ridiculous! We pay our rates
Aloe Ridge West a leak has been draining and taxes and water bills on time then we still
the system for weeks. To the extend that have to deal with this. Residents living in
some of the surrounding puddles that formed I hope you can help the community out with Swallow’s Crest in
already have tadpoles in them. Residents this issue. Aloe Ridge West,
claim they’ve reported it, but Lepelle Northern - Concerned Swallow’s Crest Resident Burgersfort this week
Water has not attended to it yet. resorted to installing
Platinum Gazette forwarded some of the “To whom it may concern Jojo tanks and having
letters received to the Sekhukhune District Herewith find an outline of the Swallows water delivered to
Municipality (SDM) and Lepelle Northern Crest water problem. their homes. They
Water for comment. SDM is the authority We understand that we have a national water had been without
responsible for water supply in the area. problem and that the Limpopo region is expe- water for five con-
riencing drought conditions. secutive days and no
“We must speak about the water situation With this said, I am reminded that in 2017 we indication of when the
with urgency as well as the way it is being had no water in Swallows Crest for more than situation would be
handled by Lepelle Water. It goes further two weeks, in 2018 we already experienced resolved or improve.
than just saying there is no water available. no water, twice, for longer than four days. For
Where we live in Swallow’s Crest we’ve not at least the last four or five years we contin-
had water supply for the last five days. Today ually experience low water pressure and no
we paid someone to come and fill a 5 000lt water conditions during working hours, influ-
JoJo tank. People water their gardens in Aloe encing normal daily tasks like dishwashing,
Ridge East and deplete the water before it laundry washing and household cleaning.
can even reach us. What about notices about Some of the lame and continual feedback
water restrictions??? I would like a front page received from water affairs is: River levels
article about this. Water is almost sold out low, Boreholes dry, the town is consuming
everywhere. My question is why is there no too much water, the dam levels are below
communication about the situation? What 75% (Which means that if the dam level is
happens if an emergency occur and a house below 75% Swallows Crest has no water, we
burns down? What will they do then to pro- are too high to be fed from that dam).
vide everyone with water at the same time? Talking to some of the workers on the field:
People want answers about the provision of They reckon that we are also receiving water
this life sustaining resource and their con- from alternative sources, that there is multiple
stitutional right to it. I don’t know anymore, contractors working on the lines that do not
but an investigation to the real facts must always understand the influence they have
be done to determine the state of affairs. on the system when isolating.

Your views on Eskom’s load shedding

Over the last few weeks South Africans were
back in the dark as the country’s power utility,
Eskom, implemented various stages of load
This week Eskom reported that they
are still busy with maintenance of units that
should be providing power to the nation.
They cautioned South Africans to switch off
all non-essential appliances and to assist
them in reducing the demand for electricity.
“We’ve made a commitment to the nation
to keep the lights on, especially this festive
season. And that process has already start-
ed. So, these first three days are an indicator
that when we do as much maintenance as
we can, clearly things will begin to stabilise.
But, I must caution that we still have a huge
mountain to conquer,” says Eskom spokes-
person Khulu Phasiwe on Wednesday this
Eskom is a state-owned entity. Last week
Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan
and Eskom board assured the public that
they were working on fixing the interruptions
Mr Strike Maroga said: “Load shedding Ms MP Mohloba, Ms Maureen Thobejane, Ms Itumeleng Mkhondo and Ms Andile Ngwenya
of power that was being experienced.
changes everything. It makes life a living said: “Yes, this load shedding has disturbed us a lot. We don’t have things like generators. It
People fearing a “dark Christmas” without
hell. They don’t notify us and the economy is really difficult for us. We depend on electricity so much. Nobody wants a dark Christmas,
electricity were reassured as Gordan said:
is losing money. We hope they will keep the hopefully the issues will be resolved before then”.
“Between 15 December and 15 January,
electricity on for December. They can start
there is a lower demand in any case because
with it in January again if they need to”.
of the shutdown of industry, and no load
shedding should be expected during that
He also said that it is often difficult to
predict interruptions as breakdowns of gener-
ation units can happen unexpectedly.
Eskom is suffering from a massive debt
burden but according to Gordhan claims that
Eskom might be privatised by government is
“mischievous”. He added that “We are begin-
ning to feel the effects of state capture”.
Platinum Gazette asked readers how they
cope with the loadshedding, what the impact
on their lives has been and what they expect
over the Christmas season.
(Eskom is publishing load shedding
schedules on their website at if you would Mr Vhahangwele Ntshiombo and Ms Khumbelo Netsianda said:
like to see when your area might be affect- “Where we stay in Ga-Mashamothane there is no electricity, so it is
ed). not affecting us”.

Mr Mark Phaswane said: “I live where we normally don’t have any

electricity. So we are used to burning candles. Load shedding is not a
problem for us”. With him is Mr Emmanuel Hlatshwayo.

Right: Mr Jacob
Makua and Mr
Gabriel Mokoena
said: “It makes life
too difficult. Our
meat gets rotten if
there is no electric-
ity and there is not
always money to re-
place what went off.
We are not coping”.

Mr Sam Mashilo said: “Our country’s main

problem is water and with no electricity, Left: Ms Maria
there is also no pumping of water. It is a big Nkoana and Mr Ali
problem”. Hussain said: “Load
shedding is killing
our business. We
are not reaching our
Mr Malope Mahlaela said: “As an attorney targets. At home
I find it very difficult to cope with the load meat gets rotten. It
shedding. We have to comply with court is also very hot. The
orders and because of load shedding it is load shedding is
very difficult. It think Gordhan will resolve it also damaging our
though. The Guptas and VBS was bad for appliances”.
our country”.

Left: Mr Victor Themba said: “It is bad. Last

week I had to buy a generator and it was
lots of money. I had no choice, otherwise my
fridges will go off”.

and how you cope when it happens

Right: Mr Sekotoma Tau
said: “I’m from Ga-Rhanto’s
Ntswaneng Village. It is a new
village and we don’t have elec-
tricity. Dwarsrivier Mine want-
ed to assist us, but the prob-
lem is the fighting between
the Kghoshi’s. One of them is
blocking the development for
electricity supply. Load shed-
ding don’t affect us as we don’t
have electricity supply under
normal circumstances”. With
him are Tata, Ralph, Thusego
and Happiness.

Right: Ms Thabiso
Lekolwane and Ms Seboye
Mr Mamthandi Makofane said: “Honestly, our Matlou said: “It is costing
products in the fridge get rotten during load our business money. We
shedding because it is so hot here in Burg- are not even making our
ersfort. We appeal to government to make a Mr Lenet Mogoale said: “It is really incon- daily target. We pay rent,
plan because electricity is our life. It should veniencing me. Especially when we need to but we have to close the
be a priority as we no longer live in the dark prepare food we feel it very badly. I pray that shop when there is load
ages”. by Christmas everything will be sorted out by shedding. It’s been like this
Eskom”. since last year. We don’t
have hope that it will be
resolved soon”.

Left: Mr Kholofelo
Twala said: “I don’t
have a problem with
load shedding. I am
always at work when it
is happening”.

Mr Jacob Phokane said: “The effect of load

shedding depends on the time of the day. I
just plan according to their schedule. Hope-
fully the ANC will resolve these issues. We
are going towards elections now and they will
want to satisfy the public”.

Mr Muzvarwi Zvidzai said: “We are struggling. Mr Marcus Sello Mamogale said: “Eskom
You’ve got to cook in time before the elec- should have planned to avoid this. We cannot
tricity goes off. We are afraid of the tsotsi’s in rely on generators. Businesses are negative-
the dark and sometimes there is no water be- ly affected. This load shedding is not accept-
cause the pumps don’t work and then people able. It is an inconvenience. The politicians
cannot bath. It is so hot here”. are failing us”.

Left: Ms Ntabiseng
Maile, Ms Salome
Nkune, Mr Karabo
Dleni, Mr Tonny
Mapalakane, Mr
Michael Dennis and
Mr Thabang Mnisi
said: “It is disturbing
our business. Our
customers get angry
when there is load
shedding and lose
interest in shopping.
We struggle at home
because we cannot
cook and don’t have
money to buy take-
aways and we have
small kids to feed”.
6 Advertorial 14 DECEMBER 2018

Christmas message from

outgoing General Manager
It is unbelievable how fast the life. Our thoughts are still with his thank all of you for your part in
years went by, seems like yes- family through this trying time. the success of this great com-
terday when I started at ECM in With the New Year in sight, we pany. We have a host of values
2010. This year is also just about are excited that the mines will and rules, the one that I cherish
end with the festive season round even improve on this year’s per- is that of “Caring”. People are
the corner. formance. A new business unit our most valuable asset and if we
We had quite a vibrant year with looking after Lwala and Jagdlust really drive this thought of caring,
development taking place at Lwa- was created and we have a new all other values will automatically
la and New Chrome Section. The General Manager to take the fall in place.
other operational mines were per- lead at ECM. I want to welcome I wish you a Merry Christmas,
forming well and for the first time Mosala to the team, I hope it will may it be a joyous festive season.
in ECM’s history we will get close be a fruitful stay. Thank you for your dedication
to the 2, 5 million tons saleable Glancing back at the past nine throughout these years, you are
mark. Unfortunately we dropped years, I am proud of what ECM so special to me!
the ball on safety a bit with a achieved. This could only be done
fatal whereby Mr Mahore lost his with a super team, I need to Emile Britz

A message for Christmas from the

incoming General Manager
As I start my exciting Journey in Sa- I believe that 2019 will also be
mancor Eastern Chrome Mines with you, our best year in terms of our number
valuable assets of our company. one goal - Zero Harm and Production
I want to say that I am looking for- because we are going to make use of
ward to working with you as we deal with every opportunity before us as we focus
our daily challenges and bring solutions on our Core Business.
together, continue to make this place a As most will be travelling during this
better place for us, our children and our December 2018 and January 2019, please
children’s children. let us remember to respect ourselves and
2018 was a challenging year for Sa- other road users by complying to road
mancor with regards to safety, and I wish rules.
to send my deepest condolences to our I would like to wish all ECM colleagues,
fallen Heroes’ families and friends. friends and family members a Merry
I would like to plea with everyone to Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
take a moment to ponder and think of the May God bless us all, God bless Africa.
2018 learnings, find and implement no
repeat solutions. Mosala Letebele Learners assisted with
scientific calculators
Samancor ECM Long Service Awards Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines
(ECM) focusses on caring for its sur-
rounding communities through various
recognises employees’ loyalty LED and CSI initiatives. They continue
to identify opportunities where they
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) recognised service Mr Emile Britz, General Manager of Samancor ECM also can assist with the social and educa-
excellence and loyalty during their annual Long Service expressed his appreciation for the years these employees tional upliftment of communities.
Awards. gave to the company. A request from Mashupje Senior
Mr Pieter Brits, HR Manager for Samancor ECM praised He also touched on the future of Samancor ECM, encour- Secondary school based in the Roka
and thanked the group for their combined years of service aging these long serving employees to train the younger Phasha Community, to assist through
of more than 800 years. ones and provide guidance through the experience they’ve sponsoring 350 learners with scientific
gained in their years at ECM. He assured them that the calculators was received. The team
company is here for the long run and that hopefully many from ECM was glad to assist and hand-
more long service achievements will be celebrated in fu- ed over the calculators to the school
ture. A special touch to the event was the fact that some on 17 October 2018.
of the employees brought along their spouses to share the
moment. Each long service recipient received a certificate
and a gift.
The following employees had 15 years service: T. Mo-
hlala, MA Mohore, MS Nkomo, MA Rachoshi, MS Shongwe,
PJ Mathebula, NE Sekopa, BE Magagula, MS Moraba, HF
Tshehla, RM Conradie. 30 Years service: LL Makofane, JM
Maroga, TS Mashilo, C Rieger, MI Malatji, AS Makola. 35
Years service: PT Maroga, SMS Mabelane, NJ Moima, ENN
Ndimande, PB Monareng. 40 Years service: J Choma, J Ma-
baso, M Mabelane, PK Masehlela, FM Matemane, L Mshwana
and A Nkosi.
(Sadly Mr Mahore passed away after a fatal injury. He had
15 years service. This ECM stalwart will be missed)
14 DESEMBER 2018 Advertorial 7

Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines brought

career possibilities to learners
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines infrastructure and development in terms of bursaries and appren-
(ECM) participated in the Eastern they contribute towards creating ticeships. The learners received
Limb HRD Career Expo for Grade better equipped leaders and pos- information explaining the oppor-
11 learners in August this year. sible employees for the future. tunities available and the require-
This annual expo shifted the Samancor ECM’s exhibition ments needed to apply.
focus to Grade 11 learners this included the full spectrum within Learners made the best of their
year, to assist them with not only the company, including Human time at the event, collecting in-
possible career opportunities, but Resources, Finance, SHEQ, Min- formation and asking questions.
also bursaries, apprenticeships ing, Ventilation, Rock Engineer- Each received a boerewors roll
and learnership opportunities ing, Engineering, Diesel Mechanic and a goodie bag as well.
they can apply for. and other artisan careers, Met- During the opening of the
Approximately 6 000 learners allurgy and many more. Each event the Fetakgomo Tubatse
visited the Career Expo. Trans- station was manned by employ- Local Municipality (FTLM) Mayor,
port was provided to make it ees working in the specific fields Cllr. Maudu Johannes Phokane
easy for them to attend. on display. They were able to not emphasised the need for strong
Samancor ECM has shown only provide learners with back- ties between government and
their commitment towards the ground on what their careers are the public sector. He added that
improvement of education and about, but also answer any ques- events such as the Career Expo
development within the area tions about subjects needed for are testimony to the mines’
through current and previous SLP further studies towards obtaining commitment towards improving
projects. Millions of rands have a qualification. education and creating opportu-
been invested in improving and Learners were kept engaged nities in the area. He had a mes-
creating new infrastructure at with inter-active games and sage to parents and learners to
schools in the area. The Com- demonstrations related to the also take responsibility and make
pany sees education as a way in career areas on show. use of the opportunities and not
which everyone can improve their Samancor ECM is also commit- contribute towards instability in
own future. By investing in school ted towards providing assistance the area.

Grade 1 pupils start the year

equipped thanks to Samancor ECM
Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) sincere gratitude to all the sponsors that
takes pride in the relationship that has support our initiatives in this regard during
been established with various institutions the year.
and especially schools that fall within its
footprint. This relationship is built on trust
and a strong bond to improve the circum-
stances to which children are exposed.
The vision of ECM is to collectively make a
This year was no exception. Various initia-
tives were launched during 2017 and with
the support from the project’s sponsors
(Samancor Chrome, Macdonalds Trans-
port, Ngululu Transport, Atlas Copco, Tyre
Corporation, Remax, Zizwe, Nomakanjani,
Sylvania, Thorburn, Cranbrook and AQS)
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines
more than 300 ‘back-to-school’ parcels
were distributed to Grade 1 pupils attend-
values the youth of the area
ing schools in the area during January Youth Day was celebrated in style gakantse Primary School were
2018. The ‘back-to-school’ parcel included at Mangabane Village thanks to a transported to the Samancor
a school bag, lunchbox and juice bottle. sponsorship by Samancor Eastern ECM sports ground at Mangab-
Some of these schools include Mangabane Chrome Mines (ECM). ane. Kohin’s Youth Workers and
Primary, Makgakantshe Primary, Boer- The event was held on Friday 15 the Steelpoort AGS interns and
boomkraal and Laerskool Steelpoort. June and learners from Manga- pastors were ready to help them
Samancor ECM would like to express their bane Primary School and Mak- learn something and enjoy the
day with fun and games. The
learners re-
ceived a snack
upon arrival
and a message
focused on Ed-
ucation - a door
to a brighter
future. Then it
was fun on the
jumping castles
and other ac-
tivities with the
youth workers.
8 Advertorial 14 DECEMBER 2018

Charity Golf Day for Samancor

Eastern Chrome projects a
roaring success
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) hosted their annual Charity
Golf Day on 24 February 2018.
The event took place at the Lydenburg Golf Club and players had the
opportunity to mingle with retired rugby and cricket players forming
part of the day.
These sport star guests were Danie Gerber, Chester Williams, Divan
Serfontein, Jannie de Beer and Fanie de Villiers.
The money raised with this day goes into some
of ECM’s community projects like the distribution
of school supplies to schools in the mine’s feeder
Samancor Eastern Chrome An auction at the end of the day saw players bid
for signed items from the sport stars.
Mines invest in The day’s winners were Kobus Rademeyer and
communication tools for Manie Muller. (photo top right). The second place
was taken by Bertus Swart and Clintin Janse van
local Traditional Authorities Rensburg. Third place went to Jehane Claase and
Chester Williams.
Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines is Next year’s Charity Golf Day is already being
committed in supporting the communi- planned and promises to be an even bigger event
ties and traditional authorities within its than 2018.
ECM once again assisted with the do-
nation in the form of Laptops, Printers,
Cartridges and Modems to the com-
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines gives
munities of Ba Binanoko Ga-Mampuru,
Roka Phasha Phokwane and Bakoni
early childhood development a boost
Phuti Traditional Authorities. This will Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines to cater and look after the needs of 67
be registered as the assets of the men- (ECM) takes Early Childhood Devel- children who were enrolled for 2018.
tioned Traditional Authorities to assist opment programmes very seriously Samancor ECM representatives delivered
the community structure in running the and will continue to invests in initi- toys and clothes to the crèche.
affairs of the offices. Mapodile Develop- atives for the benefit of the children The Principal, Mrs. Damaries Maluleka,
ment Forum (Proclaimed) also received and also to the upliftment of commu- expressed her gratitude towards Saman-
the same type of donations. nities within the footprint of Saman- cor ECM.
cor. Samancor ECM believes that
these type of initiatives create the
foundation towards the intellectual
development of the child.
Samancor ECM earlier this year
received a request from Moopetsi
crèche, which is situated within the
area of Riba Cross for donations that
will assist in the development and
growth of the children that is attend-
ing the crèche. The crèche needs

Investing in community health through

HIV Peer Educator Training
This year Samancor Eastern Chrome ple who were selected from com- and Ga-Maroga.
Mines (ECM) hosted an HIV Peer munities surrounding the mine and The group received training from Posi-
Educator Training Course. include areas such as Eerstegeluk, tively Alive’s Employee Wellness Consult-
The event was attended by 28 peo- Ga-Mampuru, Riba-Cross, Driekop ant and Specialist trainer, Alan Brand.
Over the course of the three days the
group expanded their knowledge of
HIV, learned how to help people in the
community living with HIV, they were
empowered to now offer counselling
and support and teach others about the
Brand has been living with HIV since
1997 and has been taking anti-retroviral
medication since 2004. This gives him
a perspective that makes the training
relevant and filled with impact.
The group will then embarked on a 20
week practical implementation pro-
gramme in their communities and had to
complete a test to receive certificates for
their attendance and training.
14 DESEMBER 2018 Advertorial 9

Zero Harm is the goal

Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) in the play explained very relatable situ-
kicked off their “Shine your light on ations employees have to deal with every
safety” campaign in November. day. It was also explained that safety
It is the time of the year that people and production could never be separated.
often call ‘silly’ season. Traditionally Production is needed for business surviv-
people cannot wait for the December al and job security, but safety is key in
Christmas holiday and this often leads achieving the production for everyone’s
to unnecessary accidents and incidents benefit. Employees enjoyed participat-
due to a lack of concentration and let- ing in the question and answer sessions
ting small safety issues pass. These can where great prizes were up for grabs.
have an impact on the total safety of They danced and were eager to lead and
employees at the mines. light the way with safety at their various
ECM encourages employees to work sites.
safely, use the ‘Red Stop Cards’ and use SHEQ Manager, Murendeni Ngobeli
the right to withdraw from encouraged them to take responsibili-
an unsafe environment. ty for their own safety so everyone can
They are also encouraged return home safely at the end of the day.
to be a ‘brother’s keep- Achieving zero harm every day.
er’ and take the lead to
address any safety related
issues as soon as they are
The campaign will
stretch until March 2019.
A special industrial the-
atre crew brought a safety
message that underlined
the need to ‘Shine your
light on safety’. Characters

Winterveld Festival
Samancor ECM engages with delivered fun for everyone!
employees through
The annual Winterveld Fes- competitions and live entertain-
tival took place at the end ment. It was complimented by
of August and saw hundreds flea market stalls and free kids

Site Indaba 2018 of people flock to Winterveld

Recreational Club in Steelpoort
to participate in the festivities.
entertainment. Visitors to the
festival danced and enjoyed the
entertainment until late night.
Samancor Eastern Chrome It is an opportunity for em- cerns that might be raised The event is organised Samancor Eastern Chrome
Mines held its annual Site ployees to hear about the state during the different sessions. and sponsored by Samancor Mines thanked suppliers and
Indaba in July this year. of the company, the state of the To make sure all employ- Eastern Chrome Mines and sponsors whose support added
This important event on industry and the plans and chal- ees had an opportunity to boasted a full programme of to the success of the event.
the mine’s calendar is one of lenges in the foreseeable future. attend, sessions were split
the ways in which the com- The leadership team attended into three to include all the
pany engages with employ- the event and was available to different mines.
ees on every level. answer any questions and con- The event also included an
industrial theatre
with a motiva-
tional theme.
Employees were
reminded that
the company’s
success directly
affects them and
their families.
When every-
one within the
company can
work together to
enhance safety
and productivity
it has a positive
impact every-
Samancor ECM
cares about its
employees and
is committed
towards open
between man-
agement and the
work force.
10 Platinum Gazette 14 DECEMBER 2018

‘n Tropiese afsluiting vir 2018

Die Christen Gemeente Kerk in Extention 10, Burgers- afgesluit.
16 Days of Activism
fort het verlede naweek die jaar met ‘n tropiese tema Hulle het terug gekyk op ‘n jaar vol uitdagings, vreugde en
Die gemeente gee graag dank
against Women and
aan die volgende: “Dankie aan
ons Hemelse Vader wat alles vir
ons moontlik maak. Dankie aan
Child Abuse
Pastoor Williams vir geduld en The commemoration of 16 Days of Activism for no violence
lankmoedigheid. Mag die Here against women and children saw the Sekhukhune District Munici-
hom seën in al sy weldade. Dankie pality become in many events to create awareness.
aan suster Geraldine vir die décor On 3 December an event was hosted at the Bosele School for the
en dankie aan die jeug vir hul Blind in Monsterlus and on 10 December a march saw the com-
behulpsaamheid. Aan die Vroue in munity of Sephaku fill the streets to go from the Sephaku Clinic to
Christus groep, baie dankie - met the SOS Children’s Village centre.
God aan ons sy, kon ons die beste A call was made to report abuse, be responsible and to empower
van die jaar maak. Dankie vir julle children to talk about any abuse they may suffer.
liefde en deursettingsvermoë. Various stakeholders participated in the events and the message
Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoed to unite against abuse was loud and clear.
vir almal in 2019”.
Die gemeente het ook geskenke
onder mekaar uitgeruil om hul
waardering vir mekaar te wys.
(Inligting en foto’s: Rosa Williams).

(Information & Photographs: Puleng Mmotla, Khomotso Ndlovu)

New look for the festive season

Some of the stalls along the R36 between Ohrigstad and

Strijdom Tunnel revamped for the festive season. After a new
coat of paint and some structural improvements they are ready
for the tourist rush with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Platinum Gazette Klein Advertensies • Smalls

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advertising to save Prime position in
money is like stopping Steelpoort town.
Gevestigde Pie &
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time.” Steelpoort.
Act (98 of 1978).
– Henry Ford 082 896 3894
Human Communications 144668
14 DESEMBER 2018 NUUS 11

Spend wisely Modikwa blasting

As the festive season gets into full swing, the
National Credit Regulator (NCR) is urging
about the New Year which is around the
corner. assistance learners
consumers to spend their hard earned money He said consumers should only use regis-
“We are advising consumers to be cautious
of their spending during this festive season
tered credit providers when seeking credit
because using unregistered lenders can end
up being their worst nightmare in the near
celebrate the end of the year
and only spend what they can afford. Con- future. Modikwa Blasting Assistance
sumers should not overdo it,” said acting “Unregistered lenders will take your identity learners had their year-end func-
manager for education and communication at documents, bank cards/PINs and SASSA tion at Badikila Road house on
the NCR, Jimmy Golele. cards and withdraw your money immediate- Friday last week.
Golele said 2018 has been a difficult year for ly after you get paid. They will literally pay The group really enjoyed the
consumers with increasing petrol price hikes, themselves first and leave you with change experience. During the different
the VAT increase as well as interest rate and to get by for an entire month,” he adds. trips they expanded their knowl-
electricity price increases. Golele says this will lead to a debt-trap and edge and learned many things.
The regulator, which was established under make such consumers dependent on these “We really thank Modikwa for
the National Credit Act, is responsible for the lenders for a very long time. the skills development that they
regulation of the South African credit industry. The danger of being charged unreasonable gave us. We wish every Modikwa
The regulator, which is an agency of the interest rates is that consumers will battle to employee a safe holiday and may
Department of Trade and Industry, said finish repaying the loan, meaning they will be God protect them until they come
during the silly season, people spend money stuck with that lender. back next year.
on unnecessarily on things they do not need “This means that you will be enslaved to the
as they have additional income in the form of micro-lender. According to the National Credit
bonuses. Act, each and every one who gives out credit
“Additional income can be used to settle debt and charges interest must register with the
(Information & photographs:
and also be saved in platforms that will grow National Credit Regulator”, says Golele.
KS Makgopa)
the money unlike spending it on things you The NCR urged consumers not to fall for
do not need and those that will finish your gimmicks such as “buy now, pay after three
money,” said Golele. months” and then incur additional credit dur-
The regulator said while spending during ing those three months.
the festive season, consumers should think “Do not be afraid to request for a pre-agree-
ment statement and quotation
when applying for any type of
credit, remember, it is your right
according to the National Credit
Act,” he said.
The regulator urged consumers
to use their bonus to reduce their
debt burden by paying off existing
In addition, the regulator urged
consumers who have lost their
job to inform their credit providers
about their situation.
“If you were paying for credit life
insurance, contact your credit
providers for assistance as the
aim of credit life insurance is to
pay the consumer’s debt either
in full or a portion in case the
consumer dies, gets retrenched
or disabled whilst still owing that
particular credit,” says Golele.
Remember the following tip to
spend wisely during the festive
season: Draw a budget for the
month and include all debt, rent,
electricity, water, insurance,
transport, gifts, entertainment,
etc. When going shopping, have
a shopping list to avoid buying
unnecessary items.

Message from the Provincial Exco

The Limpopo Provincial Government held police vehicle will be visible at least every
its last Executive Council meeting for the 40 Kilometres. 10 high speed vehicles fitted
calendar year on 5 December 2018, to with Moving Violation Recorder (MVR)
discuss service delivery issues. During this will be deployed. All our weighbridges will
meeting it was confirmed that government be activated to focus on overload control
is ready for the festive season. and fitness of trucks and public transport
“It is a norm that during the festive sea- vehicles. Public transport operations will be
son, there is an increase in the movement conducted in every district. The Provincial
of people within the country due to various Department of Transport and Community
reasons. Our Police and Traffic Officials Safety has identified the following routes
will be visible throughout the province to as hotspot, N1 between Mookgophong
ensure that our society is always safe and and Modimolle, N11, R71, R521, R36, and
protected in all corners of the province R37”.
including Malls and Towns. The province “In conclusion, the festive season
has also experienced a high number of fa- mood is upon us, with all the excitement
talities on roads and we wish to have a ze- that comes with this time of the year, let us
ro-incident festive season. I am making an remember that our lives matters. Drive safe
appeal to all travellers who will be visiting on the road as you’ll be travelling to various
Limpopo for tourism, holidays and other destinations. Don’t drink and drive, take five
activities to obey the rules of the roads and minutes rest after every 200 kilometres or
exercise patient at all times,” said Limpopo two hours drive, be healthy, stay safe and
Premier Chupu Mathabatha. explore Limpopo a destination of choice.
“We continue to wish condolences Do not text and drive, Buckle-up as Road
to those who perished on our roads. Safety is everyone’s responsibility! Motor-
Visible policing and speed enforcement ists are urged not to bribe officers as both
will concentrate on crucial roads. From the briber and the bribee will face the full
Maubane to Beitbridge on the N1, a traffic might of the law”.
12 14 DECEMBER 2018

Platinum Gazette
Pulana Maroga Kom vier saam
soccer teams on Geloftedag by die
a roll Watervalsrivier
Pulana Maroga Soccer League teams played Dribblers: 2.
some league games at the various sports-
grounds in the area on 8 December 2018.
Two games were played at each of the partic-
ipating team grounds.
Driekop Happy Stars: 0 vs Bafaladi: 2.
Lenareng: 2 vs Lebalelo Hungry Vultures: 0.
Maruleng ground:
Driekop FC: 2 vs Golden Spears: 1.
Vanaf 14 - 17 Desember 2018 vier kultuur 07:00 Geskiedkundige fliek oor die gelofte.
The results were: Mangabane: 2 vs Tshakanya Mighty Rovers:
hoogty en word daar by die Watervalsrivier 09:00 Erediens, diens waargeneem deur
Mighty Blues ground: 0. Maruleng: 0 vs Stone Breakers: 6.
Feesterrein tussen Burgersfort en Lyden- Ds. Doyer. Voortrekkers voorsien koffie en
Mighty Bucks: 0 vs Barcelona: 0.
burg saamgetrek. tee na die diens.
Tearing Lions: 2 vs Mighty Blues:0.
Die kamp kommandant is hierdie jaar Ruan 10:30 Algemene jaarvergadering
Lenareng ground: (Information and photograph: Pulana Maro-
Potgieter en hy kan gekontak word by 082 13:00 Saam eet (elke gesin moet ‘n vleis-
Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr: 0 vs Morethe Young ga Soccer League).
339 4406 om te reël vir spasie om saam te gereg, ‘n slaai en ‘n poeding bring)
kom kamp. 18:00 Toespraak oor Angola oorlog
Daar word ‘n vol program vir die naweek 20:00 Flieke sonder brieke (bring komb-
beplan: erse en stoele).
Vrydag 14 Desember 2018: Maandag 17 Desember 2018:
16:00 Laer trek tot 18:00. 08:00 Ontbyt by die waterval (voorsien
18:00 Lekker saam braai (pap en sous asb. jou eie kos, drinkgoed en gasbraaier).
word voorsien). Bring eie eetgerei en slaai 13:00 Afbreek van die laer.
as u wil. Almal is welkom om die naweek saam te
18:00 Die Voortrekkers vermaak die kom geniet en ook saam te kom kamp. Dit
kinders tot laat beloof ‘n heerlike saam kuier geleentheid
20:00 Kampuur saam sing. te wees. 2018 is die jaar van pret, makie-
Saterdag 15 Desember 2018: tie, saam braai, boeresport, kultuur, plesier
08:00 Die Voortrekkers vermaak die en erfenis.
kinders vir die hele dag - lekker boeresport Die Gelofte: “Hier staan ons voor die
en speletjies. Heilige God van hemel en aarde om ‘n
17:00 Potjiekos pret. Kampeerders gelofte aan Hom te doen, dat, as Hy ons
maak potjie vir almal wat wil saam eet. sal beskerm en ons vyand in ons hand sal
Kampeerders moet uithaal en wys. Bring gee, ons die dag en datum elke jaar as ‘n
eie eetgerei saam. Potjiekos vir besoekers dankdag soos ‘n Sabbat sal deurbring, en
R100 per volwassene en R50 per kind. dat ons ‘n huis tot Sy eer sal oprig waar
19:00 Kannie Warrie Boereorkes vastrap dit Hom behaag, en dat ons ook aan ons
dans. ‘n Fooitjie word gevra vir die orkes kinders sal sê dat hulle met ons daarin
vir gaste. moet deel tot nagedagtenis, ook vir die
Sondag 16 Desember 2018: opkomende geslagte. Want die eer van Sy
04:00 Saluut skote onder leiding van Ruan naam sal verheerlik word deur die roem en
Potgieter. die eer van oorwinning aan Hom te gee”.

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