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Review: Midterm 2

Max Luttrell, Fall 2016
1. What is the value in $t0, $t2, and $t4 at the end
of the following sequence?

li $t0, 1
li $t2, 2
slt $t4, $t2, $t0
beq $t4, $zero, Lskip
sll $t2, $t2, 1
sll $t2, $t2, 1
2. What is the value in $s1 when the program gets
to label "done"?

li $s0, 3
li $s1, 0
beq $s0, $zero, done
subi $s0, $s0, 1
addi $s1, $s1, 5
j loop
3. Translate the function below to MIPS assembler. Fill in
the table of where your variables are on the right. Follow
the procedure calling convention. You may assume that
the InputDialogString and munge functions are defined

Make sure you intersperse the original code in your

MIPS code so it is easy to follow. where is
int doit(char *prompt, int i, int j, int k,
int *num) {
int temp; i
char buffer[20];
temp = InputDialogString(prompt,buffer,20); j
if (temp == 0) return(0);
temp = munge(i,j,k,temp,buffer); k
*num = temp; num
} temp
3. solution

b Ldoitrtn
# int doit
#temp = munge(i,j,k,temp,buffer);
# home all arg registers except $a0
move $a3, $v0
addiu $sp,$sp, -48
lw $a0,52($sp)
sw $ra, 44($sp)
lw $a1,56($sp)
sw $a1,52($sp)
lw $a2,60($sp)
sw $a2,56($sp)
add $t0,$sp,24
sw $a3,60($sp)
sw $t0,16($sp)
# temp at 20($sp)
jal munge
# buffer at 24($sp)
# *num = temp
# temp = IDS (prompt, buffer, 20);
lw $t0,64($sp)
li $a2,20
sw $v0,0($t0)
add $a1,$sp,24
# return 1
jal IDS
li $v0,1
# if (temp == 0 ) return(0);
bne $v0,$zero,Ldoitcont
lw $ra,44($sp)
li $v0,0
addiu $sp,$sp, 48
jr $ra
4. Write a MIPS function char *strdup2(char *str1, char *str2)

• allocates memory on the heap (using malloc) for a new string large
enough to hold a copy of str1 concatenated with str2

• copies the passed strings to the newly-allocated string

• returns a pointer to the new string

strdup2 can assume the parameters passed in are pointers to valid, null-
terminated C-strings. it does not need to check for NULL pointers.

Example: strdup2("I love", "CS270") would return a [null-terminated]

newly-allocated string: I loveCS270

strdup2() must use functions from util.s to do its work: strcpy, strlen
and malloc. Do not write your own loops for this function: you must call
these existing functions.

You must write your function in C-like code first, then translate it to assembler.
Part of your grade will be how well your assembly code follows your C code.
Fill in a table with your variables and their register or stack assignments.
4. solution - C code

# int nb;
# char *ptr;
# char *ptr2;
# ptr = NULL;
# nb = strlen(str1);
# nb += strlen(str2);
# ptr = malloc(nb+1);
# strcpy(ptr,str1);
# ptr2=ptr + strlen(ptr);
# strcpy(ptr2,str2);
# return(ptr);
4. solution - MIPS assembly
# ptr = malloc(nb+1);
addi $a0, $s0, 1
strdup2: jal malloc
addiu $sp, $sp, -28 move $s1, $v0
sw $ra, 24($sp)
sw $s0, 16($sp) # strcpy(ptr,str1);
sw $s1, 20($sp) move $a0, $s1
lw $a1, 28($sp)
# home args jal strcpy
sw $a0, 28($sp) # str1
sw $a1, 32($sp) # str2 # ptr2= ptr + strlen(ptr);
move $a0, $s1
# int nb; # $s0 jal strlen
# char *ptr; # $s1 add $t0, $v0, $s1
# char *ptr2; # $t0
# ptr = NULL; # strcpy(ptr2,str2);
li $s1, 0 move $a0, $t0
# nb = strlen(str1); lw $a1, 32($sp)
jal strlen jal strcpy
move $s0, $v0
# return(ptr);
# nb += strlen(str2); move $v0, $s1
lw $a0, 32($sp) lw $ra, 24($sp)
jal strlen lw $s0, 16($sp)
add $s0, $s0, $v0 lw $s1, 20($sp)
addiu $sp, $sp, 28
jr $ra
5. The code on the next page implements
void callxyz(int *A, int N, int scale);

which calls int xyz(int element, int scale) on each

element of the array A, which has N elements. Modify the
code (by inserting, changing or deleting lines) so that it
implements the similar function:
void callfunc(int *A, int N, int scale, int (*func)(int,int));

which calls a function (using the passed function pointer

func) on each element of the array A, passing the function
the same arguments as xyz(). i.e.:
callfunc(A,N,scale,xyz) would perform the same as

Hint: very little modification is required.

5. change to:
void callfunc(int *A, int N, int scale, int (*func)(int,int));
.globl callxyz
addiu $sp,$sp,-24
sw $ra,20($sp)
sw $s0,16($sp)
sw $a0,24($sp)
sw $a1,28($sp)
sw $a2,32($sp)
li $s0,0
bge $s0,$a1,callxyzendloop
sll $t0,$s0,2
add $t0,$t0,$a0
lw $a0,0($t0)
move $a1,$a2
jal xyz
lw $a0,24($sp)
lw $a1,28($sp)
lw $a2,32($sp)
sll $t0,$s0,2
add $t0,$t0,$a0
sw $v0,0($t0)
add $s0,$s0,1
b callxyzloop
lw $ra,20($sp)
lw $s0,16($sp)
addiu $sp,$sp,24
jr $ra

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