Flyer SmartWirelessTHUM TG 109542EN RevAB
Flyer SmartWirelessTHUM TG 109542EN RevAB
Flyer SmartWirelessTHUM TG 109542EN RevAB
TankRadar Rex with the Smart Wireless THUM Adapter powers the PlantWeb
digital plant architecture by delivering more advanced field intelligence for better
decision-making to help you achieve unparalleled efficiency and productivity.
Key benefits
•Complete automatic tank gauging using WirelessHART
•Large cabling cost savings
•Reach tank areas with poor infrastructure
•Redundant communication in already wired systems
•Enables advanced diagnostics in emulation applications
The THUM adapter is supplied with a mounting kit when delivered together
with TankRadar Rex and TankRadar Pro. The mounting kit allows the THUM
adapter to be installed away from the radar gauge at the best possible tank
roof position.
Mechanical installation: Vertical or horizontal, 1 to 2-in. pipe.
THUM adapter burst rate: User selectable. 8 seconds to 60 minutes.
Loop resistance: 220 Ω for Pro and 680 Ω for Rex.
(Included in mounting kit.)
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Rosemount Tank Gauging
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Copyright © Rosemount Tank Radar AB. Rev AB. October 2009. 109542EN