Flyer SmartWirelessTHUM TG 109542EN RevAB

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Reach more tanks at less cost

Rosemount wireless tank gauging gives you access to tank gauging data that was previously out
of reach, either technically or economically. Greatly reducing field wiring leads to huge savings in
infrastructure, design and labor required for installation and commissioning.

Better utilization of tank capacity

Tank gauging data from remotely located tanks, previously collected manually or not at all, can
now be integrated into the system. This will result in more efficient tank capacity utilization, more
accurate inventory and better loss control.

Cut costs and save time with a wireless installation

Costs associated with wiring, additional hardware, and labor easily drive up the budget for any tank
farm expansion project, large or small. However, Emerson’s Smart Wireless solutions enable cost-
effective implementation of new measurement points. In addition, compared to other systems,
the time between project start-up and an up-and-running Smart Wireless tank gauging system is
drastically reduced.

TankRadar Rex with the Smart Wireless THUM Adapter powers the PlantWeb
digital plant architecture by delivering more advanced field intelligence for better
decision-making to help you achieve unparalleled efficiency and productivity.

Key benefits
•Complete automatic tank gauging using WirelessHART
•Large cabling cost savings
•Reach tank areas with poor infrastructure
•Redundant communication in already wired systems
•Enables advanced diagnostics in emulation applications


The Smart Wireless THUM Adapter Is the wireless mesh network
Wireless Tank Gauging
provides the wireless interface between secure and reliable enough for
the TankRadar Rex or TankRadar Pro radar critical tank gauging data?
gauge and the TankMaster inventory soft- TankRadar Rex with
THUM™ Adapter Yes. All data is protected by encryption,
ware or host/DCS system. authentication, verification and
The self-organizing mesh network auto- anti-jamming.
matically finds the best way around any
fixed or temporary obstacle. All wireless What type of tank gauging data
devices communicate with TankMaster Permanent can the THUM adapter provide?
or a host/DCS system through the Smart The wireless transmission supports im-
Wireless Gateway. portant measurement data handled by
Each wireless node in a tank gauging the gauge, such as level, temperature,
system consists of either a Rosemount water level and pressure.
TankRadar Rex or TankRadar Pro gauge,
connected to mains power and supplied How do I handle configuration
with a THUM adapter. of the radar gauges in a wireless
These nodes can easily join an existing
Emerson Smart Wireless network or form
Smart Wireless
Gateway TankMaster The THUM adapter can route any
their own network. HART® command to the radar gauge

which allows full configuration of the

Emerson’s Smart Wireless technologies TankRadar Rex or TankRadar Pro when
put valuable information within reach – Field Communication Unit using AMS.
easily and cost effectively.
To wired system Host


The Smart Wireless THUM Adapter can transmit up to four variables and ad-
ditional HART® status information at a user configurable update rate. Access
to this new information enables you to fully optimize your tank operations and
improve inventory control.
Selectable PV, SV, TV and QV HART variable Status Information
Level Relay Status
Level Rate Approved Level
Average Temperature Approved Temperature
Water Level Signal Strength
Tank Pressure (liquid/vapor) Device Status


The THUM adapter can route any data to the radar gauge which allows full Rex advanced configuration window in AMS.
configuration and diagnostics using the AMS or the 375 Field Communicator:
• Antenna selection, reference heights, and temperature measurements
• LPG configuration, relay setup, and advanced echo tuning
• Detailed device status information, hardware and software options

The THUM adapter is supplied with a mounting kit when delivered together
with TankRadar Rex and TankRadar Pro. The mounting kit allows the THUM
adapter to be installed away from the radar gauge at the best possible tank
roof position.
Mechanical installation: Vertical or horizontal, 1 to 2-in. pipe.
THUM adapter burst rate: User selectable. 8 seconds to 60 minutes.
Loop resistance: 220 Ω for Pro and 680 Ω for Rex.
(Included in mounting kit.)

Rosemount TankRadar Rex

TankRadar Rex is designed to deliver reliable tank inventory data with custody transfer accuracy, for all tank farm and refinery applica-
tions. Instrument level accuracy is ± 0.5 mm (0.020 in.) It features built-in multiple temperature inputs, analog input/output and relay
outputs for complete inventory and custody transfer functions. Furthermore, TankRadar Rex is third-party assessed and considered to
be SIL 2 suitable. It is also TÜV-tested for overfill protection.

Rosemount TankRadar Pro

TankRadar Pro is a powerful, multi-purpose radar level gauge for all types of bulk storage applications. It has an instrument level accuracy
of up to ± 3 mm (0.12 in.) and temperature inputs, making it ideal for inventory control. In addition, it is TÜV-tested for overfill protection.

Emerson Process Management ©2009 Emerson Process Management. All rights reserved.
Rosemount Tank Gauging
The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. Rosemount, THUM, PlantWeb, and
Box 13045
AMS are marks of one of the Emerson Process Management family of companies. All other marks are property
S-402 51 Göteborg
of their respective owners.
The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while effort has been made
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Fax: +46 31 25 30 22 the products or service described wherein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and
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Copyright © Rosemount Tank Radar AB. Rev AB. October 2009. 109542EN

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