FireRated Ventilation Duct Presentation

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Rev 3-30-15
In multi-story tenant spaces, the exhaust from clothes
dryers must be vented directly to the outside of the

One method of venting appliances is individually-

if location and building design allow.
Often the appliances are placed in
the interior by the architect. This
typically requires common venting via
a vertical shaft. In most cases, this
shaft must have a fire-rating because
of it being in a multi-story building.

The code requires fire dampers anytime you

penetrate a fire-rated shaft, with exception to clothes
dryers for lint catching reasons.
2012 IMC: 504.1 Installation.
Clothes dryers shall be exhausted in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
Dryer exhaust systems shall be independent of all
other systems and shall convey the moisture and
any products of combustion to the outside of the

504.2 Exhaust penetrations.

Fire dampers, combination fire/smoke
dampers and any similar devices that will
obstruct the exhaust flow, shall be prohibited in
clothes dryer exhaust ducts.

504.3 Cleanout.
Each vertical riser shall be provided
with a means for cleanout.
In addition, bathroom vents and residential kitchen hoods in
multi-story structures may be vented in similar fashion.
Another traditional option is to create a shaft by
means of a fire-rated flexible duct wrap or spray-on
coating for the galvanized air duct. In support of the
fire-rated duct, an expensive fire/smoke damper must
be included in the tributary duct (except for clothes
One way to eliminate the need for a fire
damper is the use of subducts.
Subducts have been used for many
years and are permitted in the building
code (ref 2006 IBC 716.5.3)

If the main exhaust shaft needs to be

fire-rated, attach the connector via a 22”
high subduct internal riser as shown. In
Canada, 500mm minimum internal ‘riser’
permitted (ref 2010 NBC 3.1, 3.6, 9.10)

Main exhaust shaft and subduct riser

must be made of appropriate materials
to meet local codes.
For multistory exhaust systems where the subduct is
used to maintain a fire rating, a Fan must be used and
it must be in operation at all times to comply with code

• 716.5.3 Penetrations of shaft enclosures. Shaft enclosures that are permitted to be penetrated by ducts and air
transfer openings shall be protected with approved fire and smoke dampers installed in accordance with their listing.
• Exceptions:
• 1. Fire dampers are not required at penetrations
• of shafts where:
• 1.1 Steel exhaust subducts extend at least 22 inches (559 mm) vertically in exhaust shafts provided
• there is a continuous airflow upward to the outside.

• 2. In Group B and R occupancies, equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 smoke dampers are not required at penetrations of shafts where:

• 2.1. Kitchen, clothes dryer, bathroom and toilet room exhaust are installed with steel exhaust subducts,
having a wall thickness of 0.019(0.48 mm); and
• 2.2 That extend at least 22 inches vertically; and
• 2.3 An exhaust fan is installed at the upper terminus of the shaft, that is powered continuously in
accordance with Section 909.11, so as to maintain a continuous upward airflow to the outside.
A modulating fan
company’s example
about common venting
dryer exhaust at 1000-
1500 fpm in the main
duct. Diversity means
the max tenant demand
vs. the max system
capacity (i.e. likelihood of all
appliances running at the
same time).
But, There’s A Better Way…..
Factory-Built Fire-Rated Duct

1. UL/ULC classified 2 hour

ventilation duct
2. All inclusive round main
ducting, subduct(s), and 2
hour integral shaft
3. Taking 3 trades down to one
and only one inspection.
4. 5”-36” ID gives ample range
of air volume sizes
5. Lifetime warranty
6. Industrial round aesthetics
7. Consistent factory fabrication
Similar robust construction to traditional
boiler & industrial chimney pressure
stack, the IPS-Z3 product is fabricated
and installed much the same, saving
valuable time and money compared to
the installation of a separate traditional
HVAC duct and shaft.
• Inner wall – seam welded, 20 ga
aluminized or stainless steel tubes
with ½” wide flanged ends
• Outer wall – spot welded overlap,
24 ga Alz or stainless options.
• High temp 3” blanket insulation
• This chimney design will better
maintain its integrity against
potential clothes dryer lint fires as
compared to regular HVAC duct.
If a fire rating is not required, then a single wall duct
and subduct can be specified and easily installed into
the existing shaft.

Model G
Single wall duct
The Z3 system is designed and built with integral
subducts through the shaft wall.
• Single or multi-tap subduct available and different
subduct internal shape profiles
Wide variety of system components
• Tees, Wyes, Elbows, Access Doors, Supports, Sq-Rnd
Transitions, Inline Drains, etc
In-line Access Door

• No Tool
• Less space to install
• Less airflow resistance
No-Tool Access Door Mounted To Tee
Pipe Connection







1/4" DEEP IN



HORIZ/SLOPED INSTALLS Caulking is optional if
SPACER under negative pressure
Acceptance Of Factory-Built Ventilation Ducts

• 2 hr F&T integrated enclosure (TPF fire stop, insulation and outer

wall) creates the alternative to an otherwise shaft requirement.
• Selkirk Model IPS-Z3 fire-rated duct has now been granted an
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Classification as a 2 hr, Fire
Resistive Ventilation Duct, establishing it as one of the industry’s
first, modular, fire resistive ventilation duct system.
• Complies with the IMC’s common vented multi-story clothes dryer
section relevant to duct construction and design.
• The UL Classification is established in accordance with ISO- 6944,
“Fire Resistance Tests - Ventilation Ducts” (an international
standard) qualifying the Z3 system as an acceptable alternate to a
code prescribed ventilation duct system with separate fire-rated
chase or a ventilation duct with a fire protective wrap or spray-on
coating (alt methods which are also certified to ISO-6944).
 HNLJ.V-21 classified via ISO 6944 / ASTM E814
Other relevant integrity UL tests of Z3:
Internal Fire Test – 2000°F (30 min) after 500°F continuous

After the test and no

structural damage
External (Engulfment) Fire Test – 2 Hour
Fire Hose Stream Test applied to fire stop afterward
Fire exposed duct:
Assembly Inside - exposed to external fire for 2 hours
External Fire in large furnace getting to 1850°F
Engulfment Test - must maintain structural integrity

View into furnace during

engulfment test

Unexposed side of fire engulfment

test assembly (fire stop):
- must meet temperature requirements
on this side
- duct under negative pressure during
fire engulfment
This drawing displays
the complete factory-
built fire-rated subduct
system installed. One
multi-story system was
for clothes dryers and
the other for a
residential hood/range.
Jobsite photo of our
factory-built fire-rated
subduct system being
installed at a university
dormitory for a clothes
dryer room
Looking down main duct at internal subduct sections
Other Engineered Uses Of Fire-Rated Duct

Fire-rated boiler flue, generator

exhaust, and other misc venting &
• Z3 has clearances to
combustibles equal to traditional
pressure stack models
• Its construction is the same
• Engineering logic exists, despite
no availability of a formal UL test
• Blending the integral hourly
fire-rating of Z3 and the
clearances to combustibles
of traditional pipe models for There’s even logic for a 0”
boiler & generator flue clearance fire-rated boiler flue,
• Fire-rating tests do not when you consider typical boiler
encompass any internal flue temps and Z3’s original grease
duct UL testing
flue temperatures
Thank You For Your Time
And We Hope You Consider Factory-Built
Ventilation Duct

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