Cellular Jail Brochure
Cellular Jail Brochure
Cellular Jail Brochure
…because of your
partnership in the gospel
from the first day until now…
being confident of this,
that he who began a good
work in you will carry it on
to completion until the day
of Christ Jesus.
among various people groups. H.Q: 29, High School Road, Ambattur,
Chennai - 600 053
FMPB invites Churches, institutions, Tel: +91-44-2657 0404 Fax: 2657 3353
families and individuals to pray and Cell: 9444394342
support its work. E-mail: info@fmpb.org
Web site: www.fmpb.co.in
For remarks, recommendations Layout and Preparation:
and requests Communication Dept., fmpb
Pray: For the healing of Premchand, Pray: For open door to proclaim
Pyarlal, Mohansingh and Raju who Good News at the villages of
suffer from body pain, restlessness Ajitwal, Sudesakh, Roykhot, Khotli,
and fear; for open door to Gospel Dharamkhot, Bhobora, Thalvandi,
among new contacts. Sudsakh and Dodykh; for the
children of believers who study
Rohru: Thsangse Sangtam & in different schools to excel in
Zuchano Yanthan their studies; for land to build a
Praise: 50 children attended church at Thalwandi village; for
children’s meetings held at two Raju, Roopa and Awtharsingh
places. Believers who have to be liberated from alcohol and
been attending Adult Literacy narcotics.
Friends Focus October 2018 17
was miraculously protected in her
Pray: For Manjitsingh to find a
suitable spouse; for Harpal Singh
to have peace in his family; for
Tuesday Ajay to land a permanent job.
Happy Birthday Zone - North West:
Mr. Virendra Kumar Albin & Vijayarani
Mrs. Sunita Virendra Kumar Praise: A call was given to
Mr. Davidson Rajasingh
Mr. Desai Dilipbhai believers of Sunam church to
Amritsar: Local Evangelist attend two-day house visit ministry
Praise: The tumour in the stomach and many believers show keen
of Sinder Kaur disappeared interest. New missionaries were
through prayers. The difference appointed in North West Zone.
of opinion that prevailed between God protected missionaries who
the families of Harpalsingh and work in Himachal Pradesh from
Satnam were amicably settled landslides and torrential rain.
through prayers and counseling. Pray: For the 403 new believers
Manjit Kaur recovered from back harvested in April – July period to
pain. be firm in faith and deep rooted in
Pray: For committed evangelist Christ; for more persons to come
to work in this field, for Vikash into the fold of Christ through the
to give up all his evil habits; for plan of ‘Mission Punjab 2022’; for
Jasasingh to be delivered from the strategy to counter opposition; for
grip of evil spirit; for the believers believers – youths to find suitable
to grow in their spiritual life; for spouses.
Aman Kaur and Jagjit, Lakhwir
Singh and Raman Kaur to be Opponents plan to be nullified
blessed with babies. Worship is being held on Tuesdays
Batala: Valvi Netaji Dadu & at Karikunthi village, Chiria field,
Meshram Kalpana Madhya Pradesh. On seeing the
Praise: 200 persons attended the growth of the worship, some
mela held at Diwaniwal village. leaders and opponents have
Sukmarsingh and little boy Abinam planned to attack the evangelist.
recovered from renal infection and Pray that the evil designs of the
lungs infection respectively. Vikki opponents are sheltered.
18 Friends Focus October 2018
One an half years old child Ashish
fell down from first floor, but still
OCTOBER survived due to God’s grace.
Pray: For the healing of Satnam
ay yer
D Singh suffering from epileptic fits
Wednesd Pra
t ing for the past five years; for the
consolation of 22 years young
Happy Birthday
lady and her four years old baby
Mr. Robinson Hasdak
whose husband 28 years old
Uttarakhand Sukwinder Singh expired due to
Kichha: Thangvansang & tuberculosis and God to take care
Ching Khan Mawi of the future of his wife and baby;
Praise: Kumathi and Sagunthala for Ranjithsingh and family who
came into the fold of Jesus Christ. have lost peace in their life due to
Children’s camp, Seekers’ camp abject poverty and for their basic
and satsang meeting were held needs to be met with.
successfully. Rajkumar was
relieved from the clutches of
demon. Jeevan Nagar:
Bibhaba Pani & Bithika Pani
Pray: For Ramsuru, husband
of believer Kumathi to give up
Praise: Gaghan family in Damdama
village has come into the fold of
alcohol; for Ravi and Laldevi to
recover from mental illness; for Jesus Christ. Three new families
Vinod and Sunitha who have are attending prayer meeting.
received Bible and read the same Novajat from Rania field has
to overcome all domestic issues become a volunteer to help the
and lead a peaceful life. ministry. 11 persons accepted
Jesus Christ as their Lord and
Dineshpur: Ramasamy Saviour. CCTV camera was
Jerome & Anthoni Rajam installed in the church at Dabawali
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed village.
to 50 persons in two villages.
Through prayers, Thrupti recovered
Pray: For Khora to recover from
polio, Khagha from tuberculosis and
from bad dreams and demon.
Sarada from mental depression;
Pooja who got separated from
for church construction at the
her husband 11 months ago due
villages of Ganga, Lambhi and
to domestic misunderstands now
lives with her husband peacefully.
Friends Focus October 2018 19
at the villages of Seesam,
Seesamthani and Nangvara.
OCTOBER Ramsingh recovered from liver
Pray: For Hera Devi to be blessed
with a baby; for the salvation
of Sarwan family who always
Happy Birthday
quarrels with the family members;
Mrs. Uttamasri Israel
for Nandu haunted by evil spirit
Rajasthan for 14 years to be liberated from
Tapukara: Johnson Tamil its clutches; for the repentance
Selvan & Rajammal of stone throwers at Ramesh
Praise: Four persons accepted Kumar’s house at nights.
the lordship of Jesus Christ. 50
persons attended the satsang Demon driven;
meeting held at Mundana village repented magician
for the first time. Widow Benso Sandanmai from Bhangara village
Kaur conducted satsang meeting Khalwa field, Madhya Pradesh was
at her house and offered food haunted by an evil spirit for four
to the participants. Gospel was years. Her husband is a magician
proclaimed to young women who is often visited by many.
working in companies and they Meanwhile, Sandanmai could not
received New Testaments who eat any food and she was on the
continue to read the same. verge of death. Relatives were
Pray: For the healing of Saroj Kaur invited, There daughter believer
from paralysis, Asha from stomach Radha who had been relieved from
ulcer and Ajay from allergy; for the grip of evil spirit requested her
Ranjan who wants to join the father to lay their faith on Jesus
ministry to get God’s guidance; for Christ. He accepted the request of
believers’ wards namely Neelam, his daughter and quit magic works.
Seema, Sikkander and Somi to Missionaries visited the house and
find suitable life partners. prayed for Sandanmai. Within half
Pavatta: an hour of prayers, Sandanmai was
Jaybeer Singh & Devi Rani
liberated from the demon, set up
Praise: A person accepted Jesus and started eating food. A prayer
Christ. Gospel was proclaimed meeting is organized in their house.
20 Friends Focus October 2018
about the cause for pain; surgery
was performed to set right to
OCTOBER pain. Balwir miraculously escaped
during electrocution.
On completing school studies, he completed
industrial studies. Through Blessing Youth Mission,
he got burden for the nation and attended prayer
meetings. Though he had committed himself to
Christ during childhood, he ran after the worldly blessings. While working
in Chennai, he received call towards ministry through one of his friends.
He worked as a volunteer with Gospel Rath of FMPB and decided to
join full time ministry. At this junction he received an opportunity to join
Government service. At this time of struggle, God called him to ministry
through Romans 15:21 and joined FMPB as full time missionary on
02.11.1998. He was sent to Kachuwa in U.P. for missionary training in
June 1999. On completing the training, he was with the training centre
for a short period. From September 2000, he worked with the finance
department of the Headquarters for two years.
Sis. Jahalin Jemi is the eldest daughter (22.11.1978) of Mr. Rajaiyan and
(late) Mrs. Sulochani of Madipakkam, Chennai. She completed short
term training. On 14.05.2001, Jeyasekar and Jahalin were married. After
marriage the couple worked for one year with the finance department.
He was posted in Khanvel and learnt the local language. The family
ministered in Dahanu field upto 2007. Due to their daughter’s sickness,
the family returned to Headquarters where they worked with the finance
department for one year. Later, they undertook promotional ministry in
the districts of Coimbatore and Trichy upto April 2016. From May 2016 till
now, he works as South – Chennai
Regional Secretary of Mobilization
based in Tambaram.
God has blessed the missionary
couple with two children. Elder
son Jim J. Carlson (22.09.2002)
is studying at std. XI. Younger
daughter Jessi J. Miraculine
(29.05.2006) is studying in a
special school, due to physical
impairment. Let us uphold the Mr. Jayasekar &
missionary family in our daily
prayers. Mrs. Jehalin Jemi family
48 Friends Focus October 2018
Mr. Vijayakumar is the third son of Mr. Samuel
& Mrs. Ratnamma of Andhra Pradesh, born on
05.03.1978. He attended Sunday classed held
During school days, he was attracted by the ideals
of E.V. Ramasamy Periyar. He heard about the
testimony of conversion of magician Thoddanna and
he obeyed Christ. In 1998, he attended missionary
meeting conducted by Blessing Youth Mission, held at Chitteri hills and
committed himself to ministry. He worked as a catechist for one year
at Thirumalapuram, Ukkrankottai pastorate in Tirunelveli Diocese.
Through his teachers he heard about FMPB and joined the same as full
time missionary in 2000. He completed one year missionary training
in Kachuwa U.P. and ministered in the fields Jhalod, Dahod (Gujarat),
Jalaun and Jeep Team (U.P.). In 2003, he visited home on vacation, due
to domestic issues, he resigned from FMPB and rejoined in 2006.
Sis. Patricia Tamil Selvi is the eldest daughter of Mr. Amalraju & Mrs.
Jesintha on 06.02.1978 in Dindigul district born into the family of Raman
Catholic Christian parents, she was nurtured in Christian faith and spirit.
From 1985 onwards, she used to pray for FMPB along with her parents. In
June 1993, she attended youth meting conducted by FMPB in Dindigul and
received call towards ministry she had completed courses in typewriting,
computer and sewing and was working in a private firm in Erode. She
joined FMPB in 2001, completed one year training in Jhansi (U.P.) and
worked there for three years. Later, she worked with Pathalgaon Girls’
Home and Dhildeka Daniel Day Care Centre.
The wedding of Mr. Kumar and Sis. Patricia was solemnized
on 28.12.2006. The missionary
couple ministered in the fields of
Pehowa, Kulasega (Haryana),
Sikar and Sangirya (RajasthanZ).
At present, the family is in the field
of Sriganganagar in Rajasthan.
God has blessed the couple with
two daughters. The elder daughter
Jeba Marcia (21.10.2007) studies
at std. VI and younger daughter
Jeba Gracia (25.10.2009) studies
at std. IV in Santhosha Vidyalaya, Mr. V. Kumar &
Dohnavur. Let us uphold the Mrs. Patricia Tamil Selvi
missionary family in our day-to-day
50 Friends Focus October 2018
I got up early one morning
And rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish
That I didn’t have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me,
And heavier came each task;
“Why doesn’t god help me?” I wondered.
He answered, “You didn’t ask.”
I wanted to see joy and beauty
But the day toiled on gray and bleak
I wondered why god didn’t show me
He said, ‘but you didn’t seek.’
I tried to come into god’s presence;
I used all my keys in the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided,
“My child, you didn’t knock,’
I woke up early this morning,
And paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish
That I had to take time to pray.
- Author unknown
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52 Friends Focus October 2018