Cellular Jail Brochure

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Volume 8 Issue 10 October 2018

…because of your
partnership in the gospel
from the first day until now…
being confident of this,
that he who began a good
work in you will carry it on
to completion until the day
of Christ Jesus.

VASAVE, Partners in the gospel - Kandhesh Region

Friends Focus October 2018 1
I t is dangerous to be a prophet and
speak what the Lord says to the nation
just as it is. More dangerous it is, to pen
down what the prophet says and publish
it. Jeremiah 45 portrays the perils of a
scribe, Baruch, who remained true to
himself and wrote what the prophet
told him to write. Chapter 36 unfolds the events that leading to his plight. King
Jehoiakim ordered for the arrests of both Jeremiah and Baruch and torn the scroll
containing the unpleasant message of God specifically addressed to him and burnt
it. While Baruch’s brother was in a high position in the palace, Baruch was ready to
jeopardize his career advancement, stood with the prophet Jeremiah and suffered
humiliation. He heeded to Jeremiah saying “Should you then seek great things for
yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the
LORD, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life.” (Jer45:5) The world
today needs such bold writers, who would stand for the truth and write prophetic
messages boldly to the nations by denouncing the lure of money, fame and
popularity. Such social activists and whistle blowers are very much needed today.
They are rare breed of professionals always at risk. By incarcerating such people
or by killing them no nation in the past has emerged great and lived as a glorious
nation. When hate speeches, arrogance and totalitarian mind set have become the
hall mark of the people of a nation will the peoples of the nation live happily together
and enjoy peace? Let our freedom to express ourselves live long. In the vitiated
atmosphere we are called to remove provocative words of hatred, bitterness and
intolerance from our expressions. May our Lord the Prince of peace, Jesus Christ
grant us the spirit of tolerance and help us build bridges across various communities
divided by ‘narrow domestic walls’ At the same time, we need to remind ourselves
the principle as taught by Jesus who said, “But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’
‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” (Math.5:37). The media
barons living today should encourage such bold writers. Long before Arun Shouri
wrote “Once we had missionaries in the field of journalism but today we have only
mercenaries”. How true it is today where truth and facts are compromised in the
world of social media and millions are misled away from Truth. ‘Baruchs’ are the
need of the hour that would risk their lives and write or speak the message from the
Lord to the nation just as it is.
N. Prabahar, (Communications - FMPB)
2 Friends Focus October 2018
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent
we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
- George Washington
Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will
get ready for battle? (I Corinthians 14:8)
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must
begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
- Benjamin Franklin
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be
afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. (Acts 18: 9)

Publisher & Editor

is the official organ of Friends S. Sutharsan Thomas Jeyaraj
Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB).
FMPB is an indigenous Missionary
Movement presenting the Gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ to unreached
people groups in India. A monthly blossom of FMPB
FMPB serves as an arm of the Church SUBSCRIPTION INDIA FOREIGN
to plant Churches across the country. Annual Rs.100 Rs.600

FMPB does saturation evangelism Life Rs.1500 Rs.5,000

among various people groups. H.Q: 29, High School Road, Ambattur,
Chennai - 600 053
FMPB invites Churches, institutions, Tel: +91-44-2657 0404 Fax: 2657 3353
families and individuals to pray and Cell: 9444394342
support its work. E-mail: info@fmpb.org
Web site: www.fmpb.co.in
For remarks, recommendations Layout and Preparation:
and requests Communication Dept., fmpb

Friends Focus October 2018 3

Dear Elders, Brothers,
Sisters and Children,
Greetings in our Lord’s
It gives me great
pleasure to introduce
and welcome our new
team of Office Bearers
unanimously chosen
at the Extra-Ordinary
General Body Meeting
held on the 18th of August for the term 2018-2021.
Mr C Reginald – President
He worked and retired as a Senior HRD Manager in Steel authority of India’s
Steel plant at Salem. His long association with FMPB and contribution is
well known to all of us. He is a seasoned prayer group leader with a deep
passion for missionaries and mission. After retirement he resides at Ambattur,
Chennai with his family.
Mr S James Dharmabalan – Vice- President
He worked and retired as a PRO with Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Tirunelveli.
He served as district leader and Executive Committee member in FMPB for a
long period. He was also the Director, Bethel Agricultural Fellowship.
Mr JNS Mani Samuel – Treasurer
He worked and retired as Senior Manager from Indian Bank. His expertise in
law and finance helped him serve as an efficient Treasurer. His background
as prayer group leader for many years has helped him gain a passion for
missionaries and mission. His extended term as Treasurer will be a blessing
to the organization.
I urge you to kindly uphold them in your prayers as they lead this movement
seeking God’s guidance and wisdom.
4 Friends Focus October 2018
We also wish to place on record our deep appreciation to the outgoing office
bearers, Mr. John Samuel and Dr Edward Raja. Their contribution to FMPB
had been remarkable. Though they have demitted office their involvement
as one of our prayer group leaders in Delhi and Bangalore will continue for
many years to come.
Visit to the North East:
It was a useful moment for me to
reconnect with the leaders of various
missions across India during 29th,
30th, 31st of August and September
1st and 2nd during the Conference
held at Dimapur, Nagaland under
the auspices of the India Missions
During my visit to the North East I was also able to sign a few MoUs with
Nagaland Missions Movement, Mission India Bible College and Academy for
Theology and Mission at Dimapur. Our mobilization staff Rev Hutoi Achumi
facilitated these meetings. I signed
the MoU with the Administrator of
Mission India Bible College Mr.
Toikhu S Zhimat in Dimapur on 30th
August -2018, with the founder Rev.
Dr. Hevukhu Achumi, of the Academy
for Theology and Mission Bible College
at Dimapur on 30th August – 2018
and with Rev. Andrew Semp Director,
Nagaland Missions Movement at
Dimapur on 31st Aug -2018. We would like to see India reached with the
Gospel through such partnerships and wish the resultant synergy transform
and bless the Nation in our grneration.
With prayers and regards

S. Sutharsan Thomas Jeyaraj

Friends Focus October 2018 5
he Supreme Court of India for those that are contrary to nature;
T decriminalizes sections of Indian
Penal Code 377 (enacted 158 years
and the men likewise gave up natural
relations with women and were
ago). In effect, homosexuals and consumed with passion for one
lesbians could live as per their feelings another, men committing shameless
and desire with legal protection. This is acts with men and receiving in
celebrated as great liberal move by few themselves the due penalty for their
intellectuals, while opposed by others. error.” (Romans 1:26-27)
Unfortunately, media has chosen to Moral and Immoral
highlight only one side version of the
whole issue. Natural and Unnatural The Bible clearly states God created
Even what is natural has a set of rules first human couple as male and female
and regulations. Natural relationship - Adam and Eve; not male-male (Adam
between a man and woman must and Steve) or female-female (Madam
be within the context of marriage and Eve). This is the first institution
covenant. When that happens outside created, designed and instituted by
the sacred covenant relationship it is God Himself. Only God has authority
sin - adultery, fornication, rape…etc. and right to define this institution.
Hence, unnatural relationship becomes ”Therefore a man shall leave his father
contrary to the rule of natural law and and his mother and hold fast to his
moral law. The Supreme Court has wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
said that homosexual relationship is (Genesis 2:24) Marriage is not simply
unnatural, hence, accepts the biblical a commitment between two people as
worldview. Paul clearly states: “For promoted in ‘Live-in relationships’. It is
this reason God gave them up to not a contract between two persons or
dishonourable passions. For their families for certain social, economic or
women exchanged natural relations political advantage. It is a ‘covenant’
and considered ‘sacrament’ adding
6 Friends Focus October 2018
spiritual dimension to this honourable homosexual relationships become
relationship. Covenant relationship immoral.
originally means irrevocable, any
Legal and Illegal
violator of the covenant would be
punished by death sentence. This What is right naturally and morally
covenant is the mystery of being one right becomes legal and is guaranteed
flesh - husband and wife. God instituted by Law. (God’s Law and constitution
of nations) However, there is always
and established marriage for at
possibility of violating God’s Law.
least three purposes: Companionship,
Homosexual relationship is not right
Pleasure and Procreation. First, Adam from biblical worldview, it could be
was lonely even in Eden considered as upheld by laws of nations. Because
paradise. Hence, God created Eve to of ‘hardness of heart’ of Children of
be ‘helpmate’ or companion. (Genesis Israel, Moses permitted ‘divorce’ which
2:18) It embraces physical, emotional, was not intended by God. (Matthew
mental, and spiritual integration of 19:8) Because of ‘hardness of heart’
becoming one flesh. Second, Bible of people today, many nations are
teaches that marriage is enjoyment. passing laws making what is immoral
“Rejoice in the wife’ is the exhortation and unnatural as legal. That does not
and commandment. (Proverbs 5:18) mean God approves this.
This is supreme, joyful, intimate
In the Post-modern society, an
relationship a man or woman could individual think and feels s/he is the
have in the context of marriage in centre of the world. All things should
this word. Third, is to raise Godly be revolving around these individuals.
generation. Being fruitful and multiply God did not create human-centred
is a spiritual and natural order of universe or individual-centred universe,
marriage. (Genesis 1:28) Junking but God-centred universe. Then God
any of the three is degrading and has authority over all humans and
demeaning this noble institution. The all nations. What should be done?
Supreme Court has opined that the Individuals who demand their feelings
third aspect of procreation is not the and desires are supreme ought to
important in marriage. However, bible be shown mercy and taught what is
teaches procreation is essence and right. Individuals need not be rejected,
result of a healthy marriage. Hence, rather their actions should be. Patiently,
when marriage without procreation is people should help them to understand
not a moral institution but becomes the truth. Ultimately, they should know
immoral. (There are couples who ‘The Truth’ and Lord Jesus Christ to
choose not to have children, which set them really Free.
voluntary and a choice.) Therefore, - Rev. Dr. J.N. Manokaran
Friends Focus October 2018 7
Our missionaries undertake
cross-cultural ministries pro-
claiming Good News to
unreached place. During their
venture, they face manifold
crisis. One such crisis is about
the studies and future of their children. Missionaries ministering
in far off places do not have facilities to give proper education to
their wards. Hence, the children are forced to stay in hostel and
attached to schools. During summer vacation, such children
spend their time with their parents.
Let us praise God for to sacrificial life of the missionaries
and their children. The children of missionaries are leading
witnessing lives in the educational institutions, fields and in the
society they live. Let us continuously uphold them in our daily
FMPB some scholarship to the children who study in unlisted
schools and the entire expenses are born for the children
studying in listed schools. Students studying in colleges receive
Rs. 50000/- per year. This enables the missionaries to carry out
their missionary responsibility with zeal and enthusiasm.
We request you to uphold the missionary children and their
needs to be met with in your daily prayers.
8 Friends Focus October 2018
Our Students studying in recognized schools
Santhosh Vidyalaya, Dohnavur - 237
Bethesda Higher Sec. School, Nagaland - 13
Grace Academy, Dehradun, Uttarakhand - 12
Navajeevan Public School, Vishakapatnam, Andhra - 7
Sunapeda Public School, Koraput, Odisha - 2
Students studying in Colleges
Arts and Colleges, Engineering,
Diploma, Medicine, Courses related to theology - 134
Unrecognized Schools
Students staying with parents in the fields - 55
Children less than five years - 144
- For the children of missionaries who study in colleges and
schools to grow in Christ as well to excel academically.
- For good physical health, wisdom and knowledge for our
missionary kids.
- For the missionary children to lead witnessing lives thereby
glorifying God and to ably support their parents in their
mission work.
- For the retreats scheduled for missionary kids to be of great
- For the educational and medical needs of missionary children
to be realized.
An amount of approximately Rs. 2 crores is needed to meet
the medical and educational expenses of children. If you are
interested, you are welcome to contribute your donations under
the file “Educational Fund for Missionary Children”. We thank
you for your generous donations towards the educational needs
of missionary kids. May god bless you in all your endeavours.
Friends Focus October 2018 9

o the glory of God

T for the upliftment
of Malto Children
Education we could
conduct Carnival 2018
on 8th September@
QMB Church, Visakhapatnam. we are so grateful to all the churches and
individuals who exteneded their helping hands in sending a good amount
to Malto Children.
From Mr. John Samuel, Honorary Secretary, Visakhapatnam.
10 Friends Focus October 2018
Some of you are sending your contributions through
Net Transfer. We are very grateful for your support.
We give below the A/c details for your ready reference.

A/c Name: Friends Missionary Prayer Band

ICICI - A/c No. 602701216912 - IFS Code ICIC0006027 - Branch: Anna Nagar
SBI - A/c No. 10402752621 - IFS Code SBIN0000987 - Branch: Ambattur
Indian Bank - A/c No. 406157474 - IFS Code IDIB000A095 - Branch: Venkatapuram

Kindly contact us at: finance@fmpb.org


The Payment Gateway of State Bank of India through internet is enabled for the
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You are requested to inform the purpose for which the money you deposit through
To enter the gateway, please type ‘FMPB SB COLLECT Online subscription’ and
provide other details to make your transaction complete. This will help us to know your
identity immediately and respond quickly to send receipts and acknowledgements.

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Religious Institutions Name: Friends Missionary Prayer Band
Select Payment Category: Donations and subscriptions
Friends Focus October 2018 11
W hen William Carey
prepared to go to India,
“Brainerd’s Life,” the diary of
David Brainerd was “almost
a second Bible.” Later when
Carey, Ward, and Marshman
signed the historic agreement
that laid down the principles
of their missionary work at
Serampore, they agreed to
“often look at Brainerd in the
woods of America, pouring out
his very soul before God for
the perishing heathen without
whose salvation nothing could
make him happy.”
John Wesley prepared an
abridged version of “Brainerd’s
Life” and recommended it with
the words: “Let every preacher
read carefully over The Life
of David Brainerd. Let us be
followers of him, as he was of
Christ, in absolute self-devotion,
in total deadness to the world, David Brainerd
and in fervent love to God and
man.” In 1769 John Newton, Brainerd’s missionary career
who wrote the song ‘amazing spanned less than five years,
grace’ wrote: “Next to the Word but in truth David Brainerd's
of God, I like those books best life sacrifice reached out and
which give an account of the touched the whole world,
lives and experiences of His challenging more people into
people… No book of this kind Christian service than perhaps
any other man that ever lived.
has been more welcome to me
The mere mention of the name,
than the life of Mr. Brainerd of
Brainerd, automatically triggers
New England.”
the mind to think of dedication
12 Friends Focus October 2018
in a way that perhaps has never were not above two I could see
been equaled. His dairy made with dry eyes’. Right across the
a significant contribution to age ranges ‘the most stubborn
the new era of missions which heart was now obliged to bow’.
contributed to the going forth A little later Brainerd thought of
of many British and American Zechariah 12. He wrote ‘there
Christians to different parts of was indeed a great mourning
the world. among them … everyone was
David Brainerd was born on crying and praying for himself
April 20, 1718 and died on … “Have mercy upon me” …
October 9, 1747, in Jonathan was the common cry’. Many
Edwards’s home. On 12 July were convicted of sin and
1739, he recorded having an converted.
experience of 'unspeakable He would travel 15,000 miles
glory' that prompted in him a among the Indians on horseback.
'hearty desire to exalt [God], to His Journal which he kept
set him on the throne and to during this time are still used
"seek first his Kingdom"' On 1 of God today to inspire and
April 1743, after a brief period of convict the Christian world for
serving a church on Long Island, consecrating their lives. He was
Brainerd began working as a
only 29 when he died. He once
missionary to Native Americans,
said: “My heaven is to please
which he would continue until
God, and glorify him, and give
late 1746 when worsening illness
all to him, and to be wholly
prevented him from working.
devoted to his glory … if I had
After a year’s hard work, in a thousand souls and they were
August 8 the power of God worth anything I would give
came down as he preached to them all to God.” His gravestone
them. Brainerd’s Journal records simply reads, "A faithful and
amazing things. The trickle of laborious missionary to the
conversions suddenly became Stockbridge, Delaware and
a flood. In the afternoon of Susquehanna tribes of Indians."
8 August Brainerd preached May his life inspire all of us to
on the Great Banquet and the dedicate ourselves in such holy
excuses of the invited guests, fervour to the Lord.
from Luke 14:16-23. As he
- David Benny
preached, he noted that ‘there
Friends Focus October 2018 13
With a sense of gratitude to God Almighty, we thank you for your sincere
prayers for the Malto Mission Conference – 2018 which was conducted
from 11 - 13 July 2018 in order to impart the people with ‘Passion for God
and Compassion for Nation’
248 people assembled at Chota Gagri to meditate on the theme ‘Harvest
is Plentiful, Workers are few’.
The conference started with Praise & Worship on 11th July 2018 evening
and the participants were encouraged with the thought ‘You are precious
in the Sight of the Lord Jesus’ (I Pet. 1:9). Special prayer was offered for
the release of 16 Santhal believers who are behind the bars in Dumka
for sharing the Gospel since 9 July 2018. During the conference, the
participants were challenged with the Testimony of Mr. Markus Malto and
Mrs. Sara Malto (FMPB Missionaries – Gujarat) to lead the participants
to have the Personal Encounter with God. The promotional department
from Kolkota and the
Missionaries ministering
among the Maltos and
Santhals made an impact
by sharing on the topics
‘Essence of Prayer and
14 Friends Focus October 2018
its Effectiveness in the mission field’, Biblical
character study on ‘Nehemiah’, ‘Snares for the
servants of God’ (I Jn. 2:16), ‘Challenges in
the Mission Field’. Film show on Jim Elliot and
clippings on the perils of being Christians in our
country motivated the delegates for prayer. New
songs describing the districts of Jharkhand and
its People were also taught.
The action hour led by the missionaries
motivated the participants to form small groups
such as village Headmen & Committee members, Local Evangelists
(Swarthics), Church Elders, Mashi Sevaks (Development Staff), Women
group and Men group motivated to offer.
- special prayers for FMPB ministries (weekly / monthly / periodically)
- renewal the subscription 29 persons
- to contribute monthly to FMPB ministries - 183 person
- contribution yearly to FMPB ministries - 10 persons
- to form 58 - prayer cells.
The commitment session on the final day focused on the life of Paul (the
great missionary) exhorted by the visionary moved the hearts and minds
of the participants to have a transformed life to transform the society The
Holy Communion followed. The participants departed back to the battle
field with a sense of gratitude to God Almighty to move forward and march
onward with the Heart Beat (Harvest is Plentiful) of the Master by singing
‘Malbevath Jarkhande Gosanin Aganther, Malbevath Bharathe Esuki men-
anthe’ (which means
‘Let Jharkhand know
the Lord Almighty and
Bharat Christ Jesus
through the Maltos’).
– Johnpaul Harris

Friends Focus October 2018 15

To the glory of God with the
support of local sponsors
and churches we could
dedicate 11 missionaries
on 3rd September, 2018 at
Emmanuel Church, Kakinada.
On 11th August, in West
Godavari District at
Narsapur in GDM Church
with the support of local
churches Lutheran,
GDM and Indiependant
church to the glory of God
we coulde dedicate 11

We would like to inform that the General Body meeting of

FMPB, held at YMCA, Vepery, Chennai on 18th August 2018
made a decision to increase the Sponsorship amount of a
Missionary from Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 4000/- from the month of
September 2018. This is due to the increase of salary for the
missionaries from last year. We therefore appeal to you with
love to enhance your monthly contribution to Rs. 4000/- in order
to help us to serve you and the missionaries better. We thank
you for your co-operation in this regard.
- Treasurer
16 Friends Focus October 2018
Programme have started to read
Bible. Evangelist Vicki and his son
OCTOBER were protected from a two-wheeler
Pray: For Meena to recover her
eye sight and for the healing of
Fulmani who is suffering from
Happy Birthday
paralysis after marriage; for the
Mrs. Susila Subramani
Mr. Yuvanesh T launching of worship centre to
enable believers of Hanol and
Himachal Pradesh Pakkan attend in their own villages.
Thanedar: Vumbiaklal & Punjab
Jamkhongam Haokip
Praise: Through Ethno Music, Y. Justin & Saral Janci Rani
training on music was imparted to Praise: Five persons came into
the youths of this field first time. New Life. Gospel was proclaimed
Believers conducted women’s at 10 places through film-shows.
meeting on their own expense. Jasbeer Kaur who could not walk
Sharmila family has joined for the past 10 years walks now
Thanedar prayer fellowship and without any help from others
Babitha family joined Kingkhal through prayers. A new worship
prayer fellowship. After 11 months group was formed at Jalalabad
of prayer, an evangelist family has village. After seven years of
joined Kingkhal sub-centre. marriage, Roji is into motherhood.

Pray: For the healing of Premchand, Pray: For open door to proclaim
Pyarlal, Mohansingh and Raju who Good News at the villages of
suffer from body pain, restlessness Ajitwal, Sudesakh, Roykhot, Khotli,
and fear; for open door to Gospel Dharamkhot, Bhobora, Thalvandi,
among new contacts. Sudsakh and Dodykh; for the
children of believers who study
Rohru: Thsangse Sangtam & in different schools to excel in
Zuchano Yanthan their studies; for land to build a
Praise: 50 children attended church at Thalwandi village; for
children’s meetings held at two Raju, Roopa and Awtharsingh
places. Believers who have to be liberated from alcohol and
been attending Adult Literacy narcotics.
Friends Focus October 2018 17
was miraculously protected in her
Pray: For Manjitsingh to find a
suitable spouse; for Harpal Singh
to have peace in his family; for
Tuesday Ajay to land a permanent job.
Happy Birthday Zone - North West:
Mr. Virendra Kumar Albin & Vijayarani
Mrs. Sunita Virendra Kumar Praise: A call was given to
Mr. Davidson Rajasingh
Mr. Desai Dilipbhai believers of Sunam church to
Amritsar: Local Evangelist attend two-day house visit ministry
Praise: The tumour in the stomach and many believers show keen
of Sinder Kaur disappeared interest. New missionaries were
through prayers. The difference appointed in North West Zone.
of opinion that prevailed between God protected missionaries who
the families of Harpalsingh and work in Himachal Pradesh from
Satnam were amicably settled landslides and torrential rain.
through prayers and counseling. Pray: For the 403 new believers
Manjit Kaur recovered from back harvested in April – July period to
pain. be firm in faith and deep rooted in
Pray: For committed evangelist Christ; for more persons to come
to work in this field, for Vikash into the fold of Christ through the
to give up all his evil habits; for plan of ‘Mission Punjab 2022’; for
Jasasingh to be delivered from the strategy to counter opposition; for
grip of evil spirit; for the believers believers – youths to find suitable
to grow in their spiritual life; for spouses.
Aman Kaur and Jagjit, Lakhwir
Singh and Raman Kaur to be Opponents plan to be nullified
blessed with babies. Worship is being held on Tuesdays
Batala: Valvi Netaji Dadu & at Karikunthi village, Chiria field,
Meshram Kalpana Madhya Pradesh. On seeing the
Praise: 200 persons attended the growth of the worship, some
mela held at Diwaniwal village. leaders and opponents have
Sukmarsingh and little boy Abinam planned to attack the evangelist.
recovered from renal infection and Pray that the evil designs of the
lungs infection respectively. Vikki opponents are sheltered.
18 Friends Focus October 2018
One an half years old child Ashish
fell down from first floor, but still
OCTOBER survived due to God’s grace.
Pray: For the healing of Satnam
ay yer
D Singh suffering from epileptic fits
Wednesd Pra
t ing for the past five years; for the
consolation of 22 years young
Happy Birthday
lady and her four years old baby
Mr. Robinson Hasdak
whose husband 28 years old
Uttarakhand Sukwinder Singh expired due to
Kichha: Thangvansang & tuberculosis and God to take care
Ching Khan Mawi of the future of his wife and baby;
Praise: Kumathi and Sagunthala for Ranjithsingh and family who
came into the fold of Jesus Christ. have lost peace in their life due to
Children’s camp, Seekers’ camp abject poverty and for their basic
and satsang meeting were held needs to be met with.
successfully. Rajkumar was
relieved from the clutches of
demon. Jeevan Nagar:
Bibhaba Pani & Bithika Pani
Pray: For Ramsuru, husband
of believer Kumathi to give up
Praise: Gaghan family in Damdama
village has come into the fold of
alcohol; for Ravi and Laldevi to
recover from mental illness; for Jesus Christ. Three new families
Vinod and Sunitha who have are attending prayer meeting.
received Bible and read the same Novajat from Rania field has
to overcome all domestic issues become a volunteer to help the
and lead a peaceful life. ministry. 11 persons accepted
Jesus Christ as their Lord and
Dineshpur: Ramasamy Saviour. CCTV camera was
Jerome & Anthoni Rajam installed in the church at Dabawali
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed village.
to 50 persons in two villages.
Through prayers, Thrupti recovered
Pray: For Khora to recover from
polio, Khagha from tuberculosis and
from bad dreams and demon.
Sarada from mental depression;
Pooja who got separated from
for church construction at the
her husband 11 months ago due
villages of Ganga, Lambhi and
to domestic misunderstands now
lives with her husband peacefully.
Friends Focus October 2018 19
at the villages of Seesam,
Seesamthani and Nangvara.
OCTOBER Ramsingh recovered from liver
Pray: For Hera Devi to be blessed
with a baby; for the salvation
of Sarwan family who always
Happy Birthday
quarrels with the family members;
Mrs. Uttamasri Israel
for Nandu haunted by evil spirit
Rajasthan for 14 years to be liberated from
Tapukara: Johnson Tamil its clutches; for the repentance
Selvan & Rajammal of stone throwers at Ramesh
Praise: Four persons accepted Kumar’s house at nights.
the lordship of Jesus Christ. 50
persons attended the satsang Demon driven;
meeting held at Mundana village repented magician
for the first time. Widow Benso Sandanmai from Bhangara village
Kaur conducted satsang meeting Khalwa field, Madhya Pradesh was
at her house and offered food haunted by an evil spirit for four
to the participants. Gospel was years. Her husband is a magician
proclaimed to young women who is often visited by many.
working in companies and they Meanwhile, Sandanmai could not
received New Testaments who eat any food and she was on the
continue to read the same. verge of death. Relatives were
Pray: For the healing of Saroj Kaur invited, There daughter believer
from paralysis, Asha from stomach Radha who had been relieved from
ulcer and Ajay from allergy; for the grip of evil spirit requested her
Ranjan who wants to join the father to lay their faith on Jesus
ministry to get God’s guidance; for Christ. He accepted the request of
believers’ wards namely Neelam, his daughter and quit magic works.
Seema, Sikkander and Somi to Missionaries visited the house and
find suitable life partners. prayed for Sandanmai. Within half
Pavatta: an hour of prayers, Sandanmai was
Jaybeer Singh & Devi Rani
liberated from the demon, set up
Praise: A person accepted Jesus and started eating food. A prayer
Christ. Gospel was proclaimed meeting is organized in their house.
20 Friends Focus October 2018
about the cause for pain; surgery
was performed to set right to
OCTOBER pain. Balwir miraculously escaped
during electrocution.

Friday Pray: For the healing of Simran

from epileptic fits; for Ajmersingh,
Happy Birthday Jaswinder, Manga, Aman, Rani
Mr. Atomi Achumi and Prakesh to be deep rooted
in faith; for youths such as Ranjit,
Sri Ganga Nagar: Pappu, Yuwanush and Karan to be
V. Kumar & steadfast in faith on Christ and to
Patriciya Tamil Selvi attend church worship regularly.
Praise: Six persons declared their Uttar Pradesh
faith on Jesus Christ. Satsang Pukhrayan:
meetings at 13 places, night Mongwaiphom & Nisha
meetings at 12 places and follow- Praise: Two meetings for believers
up ministry at 16 places were and a meeting for youths were
conducted. Training on Bible conducted without any crisis.
was conducted at four villages. Believer Sandeep landed a job
Believers Vikash landed a job. in Police Department. Swathi who
Pray: For Sunil and his friend who could not speak due to mental
have started their faith on Christ stress was brought to satsang
to land government jobs soon; for meeting and after prayer, there
the consolation of Paramjit whose was perceptible improvement.
daughter died during delivery. Pray: For land to build a church at
Hanumangarh: Kuhra village; for the construction
Selvam Thavamani & Hepzi of compound walls at the churches
Praise: Two persons experienced in Parpura, Baraur and Pipri;
the joy of salvation. Mrs. for youths such as Pushpendra,
Kamalesh experienced severe Neeraj, Sujit, Jittander, Amith,
pain after undergoing operation Ringu, Jittu to find good jobs;
to remove bile stone; believers for the healing of Rubi from liver
visited the hospital and enquired problem and Pushpendra from
epileptic fits.
Friends Focus October 2018 21
classes with enthusiasm. Gospel
OCTOBER was proclaimed at three places
through film shows and 140
persons heard about Jesus Christ.
Saturday The Guru who resided near
Santhalpur sub-centre would invite
others offering healing thereby
pulling people towards him has
shifted his place to some other
Ebenezer G. Sam & Jebarani
Praise: Five persons became new
believers. The cow of Serman Pray: For Pithani, Priyanka and
was sick and after prayers it Rama to be freed from the grip
started yielding milk. Amidst heavy of demon; for electricity supply,
downpour, 25 youths attended hand pump and compound wall
youth meeting and prayed for the to the church to be realized at
nation. Rampiyari was on death the earliest.
bed, through prayer she became Bakhshi Ka Talab:
normal and now does house hold Matthew & Shyamala
Praise: More than expected
Pray: For Balwir who could not number of children attended
raise his hand due to nervous VBS classes held at Geminipur
weakness to recover from the village and 35 children committed
same; for the repentance of Dileep themselves to Christ and have
of Para village who burns Christian decided to read the Bible regularly.
books and prevents his mother Six persons from two families have
from attending church worship; for accepted the lordship of Jesus
the repentance of Kanowa Prasad Christ. A new family of contact has
who has filed a case against his been identified at Seyura village.
father and brother over property
affairs and peace to prevail in Pray: For the commencement of
the family. children’s classes at Geminipur
village; for the healing of Ram
Sikandra: Chandran from kidney stones
Prema, Suresh H. Patil, without surgery; for the construction
Santha Kumar of a church at Kottuwa village by
Praise: Children attend Sunday overcoming all obstacles.
22 Friends Focus October 2018
saved from an accident. A live
cable wire fell on the three months
OCTOBER old granddaughter of Ramkumar
and God miraculously protected
Sunday Pray: For the people attending
prayer groups at the villages of
Happy Birthday Sangipurwa, Kuwarpur, Pinora
Mr. Vijay Prasanna Isaac Gandhi Nagar and Harchandpur
Mrs. Sorojoni Narzary to accept Jesus Christ; for Ram
Ghatampur: J. Srinivasan & Rathan to give up alcohol; for
Sheeba G. Chandra land to build church in Haseran
Praise: Te a m m i n i s t r y w a s field; For Rajput people group
undertaken at five villages in who live in large number in many
Mayawan area. Gospel was villages in Haseran field to be
relieved from alcoholism; for the
proclaimed at the villages of
Rajputs and Pandits who prevent
Jahanabad, Silly and Ghatampur
the preaching of Gospel in their
through Jeep Ministry. Kiendra villages to repent.
villagers prayed in two places
and as a result a worship group Bilhaur: Clement Backia Raja
has been started in that village. & Lourthu Mary
12 persons openly declared their Praise: Three persons came into
redeemed life. 25 youths attended
faith on Jesus Christ. Jesus film
youth meeting. Many people
was screened at six villages. attended healing ministry held
Pray: For the construction of in Bilhaur field, got healed from
church at Devipur worship centre; various diseases and committed
for Jagadeesh of Patera village themselves to proclaim Good
who has lost his house due to News.
rain to get help from government Pray: For the families of Ramchaun,
to build a new house; for follow-up Kanniyalal and Sunil who are
ministry in villages where Gospel receptive to Gospel to accept
had been proclaimed anew; for Jesus Christ; for the healing of
the repentance of Ram Babu who five years old child suffering from
always quarrels with his wife and vision and speech impairment
mother. and peace to prevail between the
parents who live apart; for the
Haseran: Rajan & Jeba Malar healing of evangelist Mohanlal
Praise: Ramprasad family was from back pain.
Friends Focus October 2018 23
to Good News newly to come
into the fold of Jesus Christ;
OCTOBER for the healing of congenitally
speech impaired Soni Devi and
her parents to accept Jesus Christ;
Monday for the success of all the meetings
scheduled this month.
Happy Birthday Bundhelkhand Region:
Mr. Pearson Prince J P
N. Rajadurai & Prema
Backianagar: Praise: Through incessant long
Aunkumar K. & Nancy prayers Neelam got married.
Praise: Believers’ meetings were Elders’ training at two places,
conducted at the worship centres three days fasting prayer and night
of Diriyapur, Oraiya and Babunth meetings at two places were held.
and many persons attended the Four volunteers have joined this
same. Two persons came into region to undertake ministry.
New Life.
Pray: For the commencement of
Pray: For the church construction construction of Home for girls in
that was stopped at Diriyapur to
Jhansi; for 10 evangelists to be
resume again; for land to build
identified and to give them training
church at Oraiya; for the formation
of worship group at Kottipur to work in new sub-centres; for the
village; for open door towards construction of a church at Papra.
evangelism in 12 villages where Madhya Pradesh
Gospel was proclaimed through
the distribution of Gospel tracts.
Vasava Bhangsingh & Yemen
Jhinjhak: Praise: 12 persons accepted Jesus
Samarendra Singh & Sushmita Christ as their Lord and Saviour
Praise: Five persons accepted in Kalamba and Kovrikkeda
Jesus Christ. Gospel was preached villages. Lala was protected from
to about 828 persons in three a venormous snake. Gospel was
villages. Meeting of evangelists proclaimed at four villages.
was conducted. 50 persons from
Derapur village are eager to Pray: For Jama who has lost eye-
accept Jesus Christ. sight for two years to be restored
the sight again; for the healing
Pray: For new believers to be firm of Kalusingh from asthma and
in faith and those who listened Shivmiya from paralysis.
24 Friends Focus October 2018
Khargone & Khandwa
OCTOBER D. Wilson & Rashmita Parida
Praise: Umadhiya Falsinghbhai
family was protected from robbers.
Tuesday Seven persons became new
believers of Jesus Christ. Jianrashi
recovered from respiratory problem.
Nakku recovered from the tumour
in stomach which had affected him
Gulam Kisku, Thomas Soren
for 15 years. Gospel was preached
Praise: 18 persons became at 14 villages.
the followers of Jesus Christ.
Pray: For Kali and Suresh addicted
Many persons attend the prayer
to alcohol to be relieved from
meetings launched at the villages
alcohol; for Mamtha to be freed
of Siwanpani and Sasthapalia.
from evil spirit; for Kali to get
Jamuna Didi who had been healing from tumour in the neck.
haunted by demon and under
mental stress was brought for Khalwa: Binit Prasad Bardhan
prayers and God liberated her & Amojitha
from all her ailments. Praise: New worship groups were
formed at the villages of Pangara,
Pray; For open door to Good Jamnath, Dhabia and Kumarkheda.
News at the villages of Pandri, 18 persons accepted Jesus
Khardi, Dhabihandi, Ranga and Christ. Training was imparted
Panchporbhi and the villagers to to volunteers at Kalwa village.
accept Jesus Christ; for the healing Ranjanthibhai was freed from
of Durgi Didi who could neither the grip of demon. Worship that
speak nor eat due to swelling of was halted at Daghatkhol and
the throat; for the prayer meetings Jhunapani village has resumed
stopped at Kawathi and Kalikurtha again.
villages to resume again and Pray: For the healing of Rathlal
the opponents to repent; for the suffering mental depression for
backslid believers due to fear of four years and Rihenthibhai to
the society and village chief to get healing from paralysis; for
come back into faith. Puraibhai to be delivered from
evil spirit.
Friends Focus October 2018 25
was launched at Chikkeda village.
OCTOBER Believer Vinod was protected
in a severe accident. This field
y experienced good rain and water
ay yer
Wednesd gP
scarcity disappeared.
Happy Birthday Pray: For the families of Pesalbhai
Mrs. Chitra Ponnusamy and Sambal Lal to be steadfast
Mr. Hari Babu Gundra in their faith on Jesus Christ;
Mr. Santu Marandi
for Lalkhoda villagers to give up
Chiriya & Pal: robbery; for Pasbarathi people
Egalaivan James & Beril group to accept Jesus Christ; for
Praise: Two persons from Pal field the hindrances against worship
and four persons from Chiriya group in Panpada village to
came into the fold of Jesus Christ. disappear; for evangelists to come
Nathanbhai addicted to alcohol forward to work among Bhil and
for 10 years quit alcohol through Pasbarathi people.
prayers and is firm in his faith on
Jesus Christ. A new worship group Amarwada:
was formed at Sinthuwadi village. Rajendra Babu &
Gospel was preached at the Maya Devi
villages of Udkheda, Khusemadi, Praise: Pattiram who had opposed
Murabdabalya, Thadipalya and our believers in Pinki village gave
Khusdiya. up his opposition. Jampathi who
Pray: For new worship groups had experienced burning sensation
to be formed in villages where in the eye recovered from the pain
Gospel had been proclaimed; for through prayers.
Essimabhai married for five years Pray: For Dharmaben’s husband
to be blessed with a baby; for the who suffers from insomnia after an
consolation of the family that had
accident to be guarded and guided
lost Mohan in an accident and for
by God and for the safety of his
the future of his six children.
two children; for Mahendra Varma
Kurha: to recover from blood vomit and
Mahendran & Pushpam for the recovery of Shantha from
Praise: Women’s prayer group nervous disorder.
26 Friends Focus October 2018
fungi and leaves became yellow
and the plants were about to
OCTOBER wilt through prayers the leaves
became green once again.
Pray: For the success of meetings
families and youths scheduled
in October; for the formation of
Happy Birthday
worship groups at the villages
Mrs. Mary Pushpam Daniel
Mr. Gajen Champramary of Tharnadhi, Dheenpoidi,
Lackpavada, Sonumanghi,
Dhar: Kholkheda and Andher; for open
Karunakar Garda & door to Gospel at the villages of
Gitanjali Behera Manmoidia, Packdi, Kittikadan
Praise: Two days training was and Pamatelpalliya; for the newly
held for women leaders. Believers launched worship group at Nawdha
actively get involved in evangelical to function smoothly.
work. Bawanthi recovered from
Udai Nagar:
leg pain.
Daniel Marvel Raj & Jebaseeli
Pray: For the women’s and youth’s Praise: Tittan of Panjapura began
prayer groups to function without to believe Jesus Christ and God
any hitch; for Ganeshbhai who has blessed his business. Sunitha
newly attends prayer meeting recovered from jaundice and the
to give up alcohol business, to family is receptive to Jesus Christ.
stop dunking alcohol and accept Surendran was discharged by the
Jesus Christ; for the launching of court from false cases. Anil from
prayer meetings at Pandavo and Dokrakheda village is helping the
Daulipaudi villages. ministry.
Nepanagar: Pray: For the repentance of
Vinu & Subila backslid Shamlal who has become
Praise: 45 years old Munnubhai an addict to alcohol and sells
who had ailments all over the body alcohol in places where we
attended worship for two weaks conduct meetings; for the salvation
and recovered, he shared his of Cheru family that opposes
testimony during a fasting prayer our ministry; for the family of
and thus glorified God. The cotton Reddisham to desist from evil
field of Narsingh was affected by habits and accept Jesus Christ.
Friends Focus October 2018 27
Pray: For the homosexual
relationship that prevail among
OCTOBER Ohja people to disappear and
the people to give up sinful life;
for Rani family to experience and
Friday enjoy peace in their family; for the
consolation of the family in which
Happy Birthday Binnyamma expired.
Mr. Sonpu Singson G Meghalaya
Betul: Jebadurai & Deepa Garobada (Tura):
Praise: Participants of meeting Veikho & Kughali Yeptho
at Tharakoh village are being Praise: Two persons became new
strengthened in faith. Little girl believers. 200 persons viewed
Nikitha suffered from epileptic Jesus film screened at five places.
fits, her mother attended worship Night meetings at four places and
and prayed for her daughter and training programme for church
God healed the little girl. God elders were conducted peacefully.
gave enough rain to enable the Pray: For Pushpanjali Hajang,
believers to undertake agricultural Kushmu Hajang, Popetro Hajang,
work. Roopchand and Jittul to accept
Jesus Christ; for Gospel to
Pray: For the forming of worship be proclaimed at the villages
group at Maramjiri village; for of Thaikhuri, Thangoon and
Madhan to give up sinful life and Hajangpara.
accept Jesus Christ; for the sick
people to get healing from God. The Great Physician
Ghoradongari: S. Ravi 16 year old Abinam, son of believer
Praise: Indhlal from Lokhardana Salim of Diwaniwa village, Batala
field, Punjab, was affected by lungs
village who had suffered from
infection and was admitted into
problems related to gases for your
an hospital. Physicians could not
years attended prayer meeting
decide about the survival of the
and recovered from his problem. boy. On coming to know about the
Gospel was proclaimed at Kamtpur frightening situation, all the believers
and Lokhardana villages. The knelt and undertook fasting prayer.
families of Vaisheli and Vanith God answered the prayers. The boy
accepted Jesus Christ and are very soon recovered from the lung
attending worship. infection.
28 Friends Focus October 2018
Sabansigown. Ramesh Boleng
& Boni Boleng couple joined the
OCTOBER ministry as volunteers.
Pray: For the new contacts in
the three areas under this field to
Saturday accept Jesus Christ.
Happy Birthday Narayanpur: Sunil Prasad
Mrs. Manoharmma Sumantha Singh & Joy Bella Evangeline
Mrs. Anush Peter Jebaraj Praise: A persons came into New
Mrs. Deborah Vijaya Rani Edward
Life. Special fasting prayer was
Asom held.
Majuli: Rabindra Murmu & Pray: For the healing of
Selina Marandi Paramanand Lakasu from
Praise: Church was built with paralysis; for Thulsi and Praveen
bamboo as the raw material Miso who are eager to declare
for Shirampuria worship centre. their faith to do so without any fear;
Gospel was propagated at two for open door to evangelism at
villages through distributing gospel Dickroyi and Demera villages; for
tracts. church construction at Kasaripather
Pray: For the families of
J i p p o k a n t h o , Ve e r a t D o l e y, Saved from high voltage cable
Honoklal, Puniram, Lokhinat Milli There was heavy rain accompanied
and Sashi Milli who are receptive to by wind in the village Karaya under
evangelism to accept Jesus Christ; Mottaponda field, Gujarat where
for the healing of Dher Doley from Rasila Ben resides. She stepped
paralysis and Radhamuni from
out of her house to attend church
epileptic fits; for the missionary
worship. A high voltage live wire
Selena to obtain linguistic skill of
the local language at the earliest.
snapped on which Rasila Ben
stepped on and moved ahead. She
Gogamukh: looked back and found out to the
Praveen Dhas & Margreat horror of her life that grass land was
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed burning. Then only did she realize
at the new villages of that how God had miraculously
Pattimodok, Dinkri, Abungdolu, protected her from high voltage
Bhogam, Pattirgown, Koraimari, power cable.
Poikuntinikoria, Salmari and
Friends Focus October 2018 29
stopped; for an assistant well-
versed in Malpaharia language to
OCTOBER start the study materials and other
related equipments and a technical
advisor needed.
Vinodkumar & Sanam Joyce
Region - North East: Praise: Sonaram Lahuri was bed
Aronsingh Narzary & Rina ridden for two years due to back
Praise: 24 new believers have pain and Kusnu Deenu too was
come into the fold of Christ in bed-ridden many days; when the
this region. Night meetings at 30 believes gathered and prayed
places, women’s meetings at three for these two, God granted them
places, church elders’ meetings at perfect health; The funeral of
three places, film-show ministry the two dead believers was held
at seven places and children’s without any opposition.
meetings at seven places were
Pray: For land documents work
to be completed for the worship
Pray: For 500 persons who had centres at Pukhribi and Serakrai
viewed Jesus film to realize the where there is insufficient place
love of Jesus Christ; for the follow- to worship; for the believers of
up ministry planned in 24 villages; Paikattu to be steadfast in faith;
for the protection of ministry from for the healing of Parameshwar
opponents. from asthma and Harish Lahuri
from paralysis.
Malpaharia Literacy Ears and mouth opened
Ministry: Jacob 10 year old Raju Pattan people
Gnanapandithan & Shanthi group of Porwal village, Pal field,
Praise: God helped us to complete Madhya Pradesh had been hearing
the ministry in Eastern Zone and and speech impaired. He was
has posted us among Malpaharia brought to the worship centre. All
people to start the ministry. believers and missionaries prayed
for the recovery of this little boy.
Pray: For the learning materials His month and ears were opened.
and equipments in Malpaharia Through this miracle, open door
language to be started which was has been established among Pattan
started 10 years back and was (Muslim) towards evangelism.
30 Friends Focus October 2018
sickness made the family of
evangelist Yahoob Malto very
OCTOBER unhappy; counseling and prayers
encouraged the evangelist to
undertake the ministry. Youths
Monday attended youth meetings held at
two places even though they were
Happy Birthday busy with agricultural work. A new
Mr. Baagi Sateesh group of 12 local evangelists has
Chotagaghri - been formed to undertake ministry
Discipleship Ministry: among Malto students.
Sudhaharan & Florence Pray: For the recording of new
Praise: God enabled us to hold songs through choir; for the
training classes in grammar in preparation and success of
Santhali language. Amidst heavy evangelical camp and Malto Youth
rain, power supply was not Mela scheduled in October; for
disturbed in Chottagagiri LTI. God Joseph, missing from home for
blessed this area with copious rain 18 years to return house.
to enable the believers undertake
agricultural work.
Ephraim Malli & Prosonsita
Pray: For the participants Praise: Nine persons became
who learnt Santal grammar to followers of Jesus Christ. Gospel
remember and apply the same in was proclaimed at six new villages.
their activities; for the release of 16 Film show ministry and night
persons in prison for the sake of meetings were conducted at four
evangelism; for the repentance of places. A new prayer group was
village chief Rameshwar Murmu, formed at Thaliseli worship centre.
Sonot Murmu, Martha Murmu and
Babul Murmu who work against Pray: For the repentance of Anjun,
Christianity; for the success of the Suji Meithi, Shankar, Kishan, Phoni
training programme for evangelists Meithi, Lalu from Raginathpur and
in this month. Lakshman from Rasikpur who
oppose evangelical work; for the
Malto - Youth Ministry: repentance of Mansami Madi who
Godwin Kirubagaran & opposes his brother Mausami Madi
Praba Kamali for being ready to declare his faith
Praise: Mounting expenses and on Jesus Christ.
Friends Focus October 2018 31
is under progress without any
OCTOBER obstruction. Youths gather in their
pastorates to pray and worship
God regularly each month.
Tuesday Pray: For the poojaries Roobilal
Tudu, Suniram Kisku, Jitten Soren
Happy Birthday and Khadu Soren to experience
Mrs. Vijaya Rani Reuban Ravi
Mr. Chuchao S
the joy of salvation through
repentance; for the opposition
Khorpada, Amalakatchi & against ministry at the villages of
Padudha CDC: Relan, Khondora and Kholkat to
Albert Prabhakaran & disappear; for the church elders
Murugammal @ Esther and believers of each and every
Praise: Group Ministry was church to be steadfast in faith.
undertaken in 22 villages. Ramgarh:
Amidst rain, the dedication of Senthil Kumar Timothy &
Thaniyamara village church was
held with jubilation. Class room
Praise: Mahender Baski who
and residence for teachers for
became mentally disturbed over
Padudha Child Care Centre have
the death of his son became
been under construction. Jesus
normal through prayers. Sheep of
film was screened at nine villages.
believer Asna missing for 40 days
Pray: For the group ministry came back safely. Believers were
and film ministry stopped due protected from monsoon-related
to opposition to resume and for diseases and snakes.
open door towards ministry; for
Pray: For church elder Sunil to
the consecration of churches at
recover from leg pain; for the
the villages of Nodi, Thadepahadi
evangelists transferred to other
and Kuttipada to be conducted at
places to undertake mission work
the earliest; for the repentance of
with responsibility and seriousness;
people who oppose the ministry.
for the healing of Surendar Pesra
Saharjuri: Henry K. & Beulah from mental disturbances and his
Praise: Kattur Murmu recovered father who has been in prison over
from tuberculosis. Church murder charges to become a new
construction in five worship centres leaf and accept Jesus Christ.
32 Friends Focus October 2018
Deepratna & Mithlesh
OCTOBER Praise: 21 persons accepted the
lordship of Jesus Christ. Training
y for elders and on scripture was
ay yer
Wednesd gP
ra held at the regional level. One
Fas day fasting prayer was conducted
for children of child care centre.
Hansdiha: A camp was conducted for the
Jeya Prakash & Swathi prayer groups’ leaders of the
Praise: Karmen Hansda, suffering villages of Rakhso and Bahatpur.
from cerebral malaria prayed, Justin recovered from mental
accepted Jesus Christ, got healed derangement.
and shared his testimony with
others. Night meetings were Pray: For the healing of evangelist
held at 10 places, Gospel was Babulal Tudu whose body on
proclaimed at five new villages. one side has been paralyzed;
for believer Immanuel to find a
Pray: For the healing of suitable spouse.
Samith Kisku, Mahash Murmu
and Lakshman Marandi from West Bengal
tuberculosis; for the missionary Jiaganj:
family to learn Santhali language John M. & Selina Joyce
at the earliest. Praise: Night meetings were
Beldiha: held at the villages of Madhu,
Harikrishnapur and Dhanpur.
Sundar Durai & Melbin Rejini
Baktho Malto from Medhu village
Praise: Five persons became
has promised to conduct meeting
new believers. Believers were
in his village. Follow-up ministry
protected from venomous insects
was undertaken at 10 villages.
and reptiles during rainy season.
All night prayer meetings were Pray: For Gospel to reach 75
held at 10 places. villages in Marshidabad district and
82 villages in Nadia district; for the
Pray: For new souls to be harvested
repentance of Malto people who
during this month’s ministry; for
compromise with non-believers in
believers to be deep rooted in faith
doing wicked things and a great
and to lead witnessing life among
revival to be formed among these
their relatives and the society.
Friends Focus October 2018 33
Lord and Saviour. Gospel was
proclaimed in 54 new villages.
OCTOBER Worship groups were formed at
five places. Training on Odiya
language was imparted to
Thursday evangelists in Dhalbumgarh LTI.
New missionaries were given
Happy Birthday linguistic training in Ho and
Mrs. Sumita Das Mohendiar Santhali language.
Mr. Sridhar Mopideni
Miss. Prem Latha Pray: For new believers to lead
Mr. Daniel Senapati witnessing lives to others; for
believers to stay firm in the midst
Odisha of opposition and persecution; for
Dhenkanal: missionaries to acquire linguistic
Ganesh & Sumathi, knowledge in local language;
Bethuru for the speedy completion and
Praise: Gospel was preached consecration of churches at the
at seven villages. 18 persons village of Lohashila, Kondthbil and
became new believers. Gospel Duwarshali.
tracts were distributed to 200
persons. A new prayer group was Pallahara:
launched in Belabasanthomandal Basudev Malto &
area. Night meetings at 13 places Basanti Malto,
and one day fasting prayer were Chandru Dasar & Shakuntala
held. For the first time, Manikora Praise: A persons from Dolopali
Sambia family from Allehapatna village became a new believer.
village has accepted Jesus Christ. Ministry that was halted in
Khonasiga for two years resumed
Pray: For Abimanu Sahu to recover again. Dibakhar Nayak from Juang
from alcohol and mental illness; for people group has joined the
Sabara Pradhan, under mental ministry.
depression for one month to get
Pray: For the healing of Moly
Nayak who could not walk for
Region - Utkal: Guna two years due to oedema in leg;
Chandra Paik & Krutanjali for the repentance of people who
Praise: Last month, 77 persons oppose the ministry at the villages
accepted Jesus Christ as their of Doropali, Khajariya, Fulapari
and Saria.
34 Friends Focus October 2018
While working on the railway
tract, Samra Munda became
OCTOBER unconscious and was lying on the
rail, he intuitively prayed and God
protected him miraculously.
Pray: For the repentance of
villagers who threaten believers
Happy Birthday
of Pangarguni village; for the
Mrs. Havilah Paramananth S
repentance of the husband who
Jashipur: Sukinlal & Jayarani under the influence of alcohol
Praise: 13 persons accepted came to the worship centre and
Jesus Christ last month. People beat Meena, his wife in the worship
from nine villages in Simlipada centre and the husband to quit
area are coming towards Jesus alcohol and accept Jesus Christ;
Christ. Madan Soren’s wife is into for the repentance of non-believers
sixth month of pregnancy after 17 who have planned to beat believer
years of married life. Pattu Munda over land issue.
Pray: For the repentance of Angul: Pratyush Nayak &
Khoda Marandi, Rahut Marandi, Marithai Leona
Khurka Soren, Mathi Soren and Praise: Three persons became
Sukku Soren of Belpadi village new believers of Jesus Christ.
who oppose the ministry; for Three persons from Manikapur
good harvest of souls among Ho village show eagerness to accept
people; for the speedy completion Jesus Christ. Mangalu recovered
of church construction at Khondbil from ulcer in the leg. Sunday
village; for land to build church classes have been started at three
at Donkhapahani village; for places. The domestic disturbances
electricity supply to Sakdi Child in the family of Raju was amicably
Care Home. settled.
Keonjhar: Samuel J & Havilah Pray: For the healing of Brindawa
Paramananth, Santu Marandi, whose kidneys have become
Suresh Malto dysfunctional; for Durjo to get
Praise: 32 persons accepted the healing from mental illness; for
lordship of Jesus Christ. Khalu the people groups of Hadi, Ho
Munda and Khona Munda were and Bana to come into the fold
delivered from the grip of demon. of Jesus Christ in droves.
Friends Focus October 2018 35
area where God responded to
our prayers. Believers affected by
chikungunya recovered from the
disease. Jattinbhai’s paralyzed
parts of body shows visible sensory
Happy Birthday Pray: For the domestic problem of
Miss. Martha Soren Mousamy’s family to be sorted out;
for the healing of Pradeep from
Gujarat jaundice; for the persons hesitant
Jhalod: to attend worship to be bold
Paul Raj R. & Koilpushpam enough to attend church worship;
Praise: Believers’ children Sonal, for the families of Gulabbhai and
Sittal and Vijay who could not Pisampar who face disturbances
clear std XII examination re wrote from their family members because
and got through. Believer of of faith on Jesus Christ.
Wakewa, Mumbi, Lakhanpur, Ahwa:
Khodia, Mowala and Madhwa are Bidush Kumar Nayak &
steadfast in faith. Pritibala Pradhan
Pray: For Sardarbhai and Praise: Open air ministry was
Bhadarabhai to attend church held successfully. The bull of
worship; for the protection of Rameshbhai that had disappeared
believers of and their property in came back. 24 persons at
Jhalod area which is frequented Pippalwada village have accepted
by robbers; for good harvest in the lordship of Jesus Christ. Five
the fields of believers. families from Vadiyawan village are
the new contacts given by God.
Bhav Nagar:
Karado Biswo Ranjan & Pray: For the new believers who
Prabina Rani attend church to be firm in their
Praise: Two persons became new faith on Christ; for open door
believers of Jesus Christ. Persons towards ministry at Bordhda village;
who moved to other congregation for the healing of Madhubhai who
returned to our churches. Ministry suffers from boils all over the body;
has been started at Khumbarwada for Sureshbhai who has lost his
eyesight to recover the vision.
36 Friends Focus October 2018
Pray: For the speedy completion of
church at Fulumram and Dheliamba
OCTOBER villages; for the healing of home
children from scabies during rainy
season; for committed evangelist
Sunday to undertake mission work.

Happy Birthday Dehgam: G. Kumaran &

Mrs. Sarah Jothi Anandhan Jelin Jeya Pratha
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed at
Thanakla: Horsoligham village anew. Thiraj
Yuvanesh & Jhansi Rani received a New Testament, reads
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed the same and has opened his
newly to 64 persons. Jesus house for Sunday classes and
film was screened in children’s tuition class. Manisha’s wedding
Home. 32 elders attended Elders’ was solemnized without any
Meeting. God protected us from obstruction from her family.
poisonous insects during rainy
season. Pray: For Theeraj to give up
his evil habits; for children who
Pray: For the healing of home attend tuition classes to accept
child Anil from jaundice and for Jesus Christ; for unity to prevail
home child Dilwar from vomiting among believers in Sekhlabhaghi
and stomach pain; for believers to village where believers are in three
actively get involved in ministry and groups under the leadership of
unity to prevail among believers. Aravind, Sanjay and Jaisubhai;
Region - Satpura: for Geetha who got hurt in her
Joseph Durairaj & Elizabeth head in a vehicular accident to
Praise: 70 persons attended find resources to meet her needs.
Seekers’ Camp held in Kadukach
village and they take part in Mouth Opened
evangelical work. 80 persons Little boy Himans from Kherwada
attended Seekers’ camp held at field, Rajasthan all of a sudden
Vetcha village. Sudha recovered became speech impaired. The
from sickle cell anaemia. Women’s evangelist was contacted over
meetings were conducted at the telephone was prayed for the
villages of Dandawadi, Dapkha recovery of the little boy. After three
and Thadukeshwar without any years, the little boy started speaking.
Friends Focus October 2018 37
from scorpions and snakes.
OCTOBER Believer Kavsheik landed
government job. The hindrances
against church construction
Monday at Nalimadhini village ceased.
Rameshbhai family residing in
Happy Birthday Watchippa village are receptive
Jebarani Azariah to missionaries. Gospel was
Marithai Leona Pratyush
proclaimed at Dunghari and Pariya
Naswadi: villages.
Asir Moses & Pray: For Sandeepbhai who has
Amirtha Golda lost his vision for two years to get
Praise: There were heavy rains back ey-sight; for the healing of
and water scarcity is a thing of Shankarbhai from jaundice and
the past and believers are happy Savithaben, Pavithraben from
over plenty of rain. Evangelists cancer; for open door to build
Jayanthibhai and Shankarbhai of churches at Naniwahiyal and Varoli
Dungra Bhil group attended five villages.
days seminar on Theology. Follow-
up ministry is being undertaken at
Vigneshwaran & Angelin
the villages of Pudiyambha, Kuppa
and Kenerpari. Praise: Whild working in the field,
snake crawled on the hand of
Pray: For the village of Daktha Sandeepbhai and God in all His
where typhoid and jaundice are mercies protected him. Home
spreading; for good crop of maize children suffering from scabies
in the fields of believers; for recovered. Anithaben suffering
open door towards evangelism in from leg pain for the past one year
the villages of Anthram, Daktha, recovered from it through prayer.
Kathambi and Sabhar.
Motaponda (Vapi): Pray: for the completion of
construction of remaining part of
Govindaraj @ Benjamin &
Ghergham Home; for committed
warders to look after the Home
Praise: Believers were protected children.
38 Friends Focus October 2018
Isaac & Seetha
Praise: Women’s meeting and
Tuesday believers’ training camp were held
successfully. For the first time,
Happy Birthday Gospel was proclaimed at Khotta
Mrs. Jeyanthi Grace Jebakumar village. Through T.V. Good News
was preached and Pondilava
village. God gave good amount
Dadra & Nagar of rainfall.
Haveli (U.T.) Pray: For night meetings to be
Khanvel: conducted at the villages of
Vinu & Sugimalar Pulunghan, Attanda and Khidigi
Praise: The families of Devsibhai, and many people to accept Jesus
Christ; for the problems, sickness
Pramubhai and Subashbhai came
and haunting by evil spirit to the
into the faith of Jesus Christ. believers to disappear and peace
Kamuben fell down from a tree to prevail.
and God saved her. Though the
villagers opposed consolation
Basavaraja K. & Sanmatha
meeting at the residence of
Praise: We visited the villages
Damjibhai, god enabled him to
of Damoth and Khonale and met
hold the meeting. the villagers. The obstacle against
Pray: For the healing of Gunabhai the ministry disappeared. Many
from cancer, Rekhaben from new persons are attending prayer
anaemia and Sunithaben,
Shantiben from mental illness; Pray: For the misunderstanding
for the father and his sons who prevailing among the believers of
oppose their son Rustanbhai Hanumangarh, Koshamshed and
Khare villages to be sorted out and
and family of Manthari village for
peace to permeate the believers;
coming towards Jesus Christ and for the repentance of those who
accept Jesus Christ. oppose the ministry and for the
safety of evangelists.
Friends Focus October 2018 39
Pray: For the healing of Hirabhai
and Devabhai from leprosy; for
OCTOBER believer Ikram to overcome debt
problem; for the commencement of
y church construction and Umardha
ay yer
Wednesd gP
ra and Ambhaduk villages.
Fas Dahanu:
Happy Birthday M. Shankar & Anandhi
Mrs. Beaula Jebakumari Barnabas Praise: Eight persons came into
Mrs. Chhita Mani Kisku
New Life. Open door for Gospel
Mukhwada: was established at Khotbhat
Nagarajan &Thilagavathi village. Amidst opposition, worship
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed is conducted at Jharli village.
to 240 persons in three villages. Believers were protected from rain
42 persons accepted the lordship
and floods. A new worship group
of Jesus Christ. Kalpana’s four
months old baby became very was formed at Ambesari area.
sick; though her mother-in-law Pray: For suitable place to form
advised her to take the baby to worship groups at the villages
the magician, Kalpana fasted and Kerthgav, Bale and Aghar; for
prayed and God healed the baby. believers of Khainat and Ambasri
Pray: For the consolation Nandugao villages to be steadfast in faith
whose two sons expired; for the ignoring rumours and evil designs;
healing of Pandu from leprosy; for the recovery of Ranjanaben
for the repentance of Mothiram from skin allergy.
of Raithle village who opposes
ministry; for the launching new Darkness to disappear
worship groups at the villages of We have a worship centre at Ranol
Khelkar, Thamodhi and Pottosi. village, Rohru field, Himachal Pradesh.
The villagers have put forth a demand
Boradi: Sanjeeb Kumar to the visitors to the village, even if
Andrap & Swarnalatha the visitors visit once a year, that the
Praise: 90 persons viewed Jesus visitors should pay some amount or
film screened at two places. One-
a goat to the village deity. Recently
day retreat was held at five places.
there was a death in this village and
The families of Yubaraj and Nikitha
Mamtha newly attend worship
not even a single visitor did visit the
service. Hiralal who became village for funeral. The bus driver to
unconscious in an accident the village was sent back. Pray that
became conscious due to prayer. the villagers from darkness to light.
40 Friends Focus October 2018
of Neemabhai where one after
the other in that family is haunted
OCTOBER by demon; for the repentance of
Dilipbhai who beats and tortures
his wife.
Jalgaon: Ezekiel Perumal,
Happy Birthday Godisela Praveen & Indiginala
Mrs. Shanthi Anantharaj
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed
Mrs. Prema Rajadurai at six villages. Night meetings
Gadchandur: Vasave Arvind and fasting prayer at two places
Kalusingh & Valvi Eju and children’s classes at three
Praise: Gospel was preached to places were conducted. God
105 persons in five new villages. miraculously protected believers
A worship group was launched and evangelists during rainy
at Shilatiguda village. House visit season.
ministry was undertaken at seven Pray: For the forming of
villages. prayer groups at the villages
Pray: For the persons who had of Falaskheda, Rodwad and
given their ears to Gospel to Watley; for believers of Kudukku
accept Jesus Christ; for the youths and Asankeda to be deep rooted
of Gadchandur to commit their lives in faith; for the repentance of
to Jesus Christ; for permission to religious fundamentalists who
build church and Korbandh to be threaten believers at Padri and
obtained. Kudukku villages; for open door
to preach Gospel in new villages;
Dab: Moorthi & Barathi for the villagers of Masampura to
Praise: Malthibhai was saved publicly confess their faith.
from poisonous snake bite. 20
non-Christian children attended Miscarriages did not deter
children’s meeting. Gospel was Believers Mamta resides at Calar
propagated at two new villages village in Dharni field. Within three
through film shows and distribution years of married life, she suffered
of Gospel tract. miscarriage twice and was greatly
Pray: For people to come towards worried. On the third time, she
Jesus Christ in droves; for the got conceived and gave birth to a
launching of worship group at beautiful girl baby.
Malyamma village; for the family Friends Focus October 2018 41
and gospel tract ministry. Dipeeka
recovered from epileptic fits.
OCTOBER Bhargavi prayed for the missing
goat and the goat returned home.
A choir was formed with children
at Malur church.
Pray: For Veena, netha, Keerthana
Karnataka and Bhargavi to get jobs based
Khanapur: on their qualifications; for the
Sunil Datakara & Meenakhi, repentance of Ravi, Rajappa and
Thanglal Zou, Venkatranappa who under the
Joseph Kirubagaran influence of alcohol torture their
Praise: After depositing her faith spouses; for Raju and Pushya to
on Christ, Rathna regained the lost be blessed with a baby though
happiness and peace. Believer married for eight years; for huband
Sannamma received government Ranjit who lives apart from wife
job as nurse. Ellappa who could Mala to be united.
not receive his salary for seven Shirahatti:
months received the same after Sunil Kumar & Sangeetha
praying. Though one side of Praise: Nine persons became
Nagarajan’s house collapsed, new believers. Due to alcoholism
God protected the family from any Rajam’s husband of separated
damage. and due to prayer he gave up
Pray: For the linguistic knowledge alcohol and has joined his wife.
of new missionaries; for the Engineering college student
consolation Ramesh family whose Mehana recovered from mental
two days old baby died due to stress. Veegamma’s crisis with her
heart and respiratory problem and vegetable business was settled
for the health of the mother who and she became a mother after
is in the hospital. five years of marriage.
Malur: Pray: For land to build a church
Francis Duraisamy & Jeyanthi at Kokiwada; for Suseela to get
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed at government job; for Thippanna to
six villages through team ministry overcome his debt crisis; for new
believes to be steadfast in faith.
42 Friends Focus October 2018
Pray: For the eight new believers
OCTOBER to be firm in their faith on Jesus
Christ; for the healing of Renukha
suffering from cancer for the past
Saturday two years; for the family of Mallappa
and Chandrika to accept Jesus
Happy Birthday
Christ; for perceptible improvement
Mr. John M
Mr. Kingsly L in the ministry being undertaken
at Pammanjoghi and Thaligothi
Vemahal - Kolar: villages; for Paramananda and
Sumantha & Manoharamma Ellakka who live separately to
Praise: Ministry of women and be united and peace to prevail
youth was held without any between them.
disturbance. Five persons are Srinivasapura:
ready to declare their faith on
Vijayakumar & Susheela,
Jesus Christ. Youths are very
Kisanta Limma & Pramila
enthusiastic to conduct church
service and undertake ministry. Praise: 10 persons accepted
Jesus Christ. Seekers’ camp
Pray: For land to build church in and believers’ camp were held
Vemagal; for Murali who disturbs successfully. Shankaramma whose
ministry to accept Jesus Christ. both kidneys are dysfunctional is
Nidagundi: telling others about Jesus Christ.
Manjya Naik & Ratna Gospel was proclaimed at 12
Praise: Eight persons accepted
the lordship of Jesus Christ. Pray: For the parents of Bharathi,
Ganapathy recovered from Swetha and Naveena to accept
chikungunya. Sharada survived in Jesus Christ; for Shreenath who
a vehicular accident. 50 persons has separated himself from his
in Banhar village knew about wife Swetha and his baby to return
Jesus Christ through Jesus film. home and get united with them; for
30 women and 35 youths attended the unity of Nukkanahalli worship
women’s meeting and youth centre and for a suitable place to
meeting respectively. conduct worship.

Friends Focus October 2018 43

from cardiac problem. A new
worship group has been launched.
Pray: For open door to conduct
night meeting in all the 25 villages
Sunday under this field; for Nagamma’s
family to be rooted in faith in
Christ; for Ratnamma’s husband
Andhra Pradesh and son to accept Jesus Christ;
Sulurpettai: for the healing of Sairam from
Stephen Jeyaseelan paralysis; for land to build a
Praise: Being the growth of the Church at Durukkalapatna village.
vegetative phase of the crop,
there was rain, Gangamma prayed
Vediyappan & Lakshmi
to God to halt the rain and God
answered her prayers. Subbamma Praise: Two persons entered into
and Venkaiah are receptive to the fold of Jesus Christ. Five new
Jesus Christ. Prayer meeting has persons attend church worship.
been launched on Saturdays at After attending women’s meeting,
the residence of Sarah. the ladies eagerly take part in
ministry. Reddyrani recovered from
Pray: For Venkatamma suffering excessive bleeding.
from insomnia to get good sleep;
for the repentance of Subbamma’s Pray: For the three persons who
husband and son who oppose are about to accept Jesus Christ to
Subbamma for being receptive be bold enough in declaring their
to evangelism; for the family of faith; for a worship centre to be
Subramani to accept Jesus Christ. formed at Kathirayacheruvu village;
for the construction of compound
Roddam: wall of Devalappalli church; for
S. Kenneth Kariyappa &
leucodermia patches on the hands
and legs of Aachiyamma to vanish;
Praise: Five persons came into for the success of Jeep Ministry
the fold of Jesus Christ. Film scheduled in this area and the
show ministry was undertaken at villages visited by the Jeep Team
six villages. Nagamma recovered to accept Jesus Christ.
44 Friends Focus October 2018
salvation of the families of Harish
and Gangadari, Shrinivasa, Shrija
OCTOBER and Shreyas.
Tamil Nadu
Monday Kelamangalam:
Balasubramanian &
Happy Birthday Paranjothi Lucina
Mrs. Hatneilhing Dalzakam Praise: God protected Jagdesh
Damalacheruvu: Prasanth without causing any damage to
Meesala & Rupa Kumari the eye sight. Rajesh recovered
Praise: Gospel was proclaimed at eye sight.
20 villages through film shows with Pray: For water scarcity at
the help of Jeep Team. Training Kelamangalam Home to cease;
was imparted to women on how for the debt problem of Timmakka’s
to form small prayer groups at family to end; for the solemnization
the villages of Joghiwaripalli, of the wedding of Babu and
Ramapuram, Kodukuchinda, Meena; for the youths of Kothapalli
Pattur, Damalacheruvu; 1000 to commit themselves to Christ;
songs were selected to print out for believer youths to find suitable
a song book for Chittoor region. spouses.
Pray: For the success of retreats Thiruvallur:
for youths, women and children; Paul Anandhan & Sarajothi
for revival in this area. Praise: Family of Datshnamoorthi
C. K. Palli: Debadatta Lima & is enthusiastic and receptive
Sonia Rani Jena to Jesus Christ. Team ministry
Praise: Jhansi accepted Jesus at Muthukondapuram was
Christ Harish recovered from successfully held.
typhoid and malaria. Sunday Pray: For the villagers where
worship has been started at follow-up ministry was undertaken
Niyamadala village where night to accept Jesus Christ; for the
meeting had earlier been started enhanced spiritual life of those who
and 10 persons attend Sunday attend weekly prayer meetings; for
worship. the economic needs and physical
Pray: For believer Aruna’s sisters weakness of poor people to
to accept Jesus Christ; for the improve.
Friends Focus October 2018 45
Pray: For the criteria laid down by
the central agency to be properly
OCTOBER followed; for the students to learn
the trades allotted to them.
Jehovah Jireh CDC Padari
& Donibichakkani:
Happy Birthday Gajen Champramary &
Miss. Esther G.
Roshila Mochahary
Elampillai: P r a i s e : Va c c i n a t i o n w a s
administered by Government
Joshua K. S. Arul Packiabai
Medical Centre to all 240 children
Praise: Bhagyam’s daughter of both Day Care Centres.
had sores all over her body, Competition on games and drawing
missionaries applied oil on the was conducted for students.
sores and prayed and God
healed. Amidst opposition from her Pray: For the speedy healing
husband, Ranjitham worships God. and Sanjay Malto whose leg was
fractured during foot ball match;
Pray: For Alagesan, Vennila,
for God’s interference with those
Uma and Charles to find suitable
people who had enquired about
spouses; for more people to attend
Day Care Centres.
Sunday worship that is being held
in the residence of Senthil. Your God is the greatest
Children Homes There was a hurricane at
& Schools Suratgarh area in Hanumangarh
field, Rajasthan. The hut of
Malto Community College: believer Mahender collapsed. The
Albert Samuel & Hepzibah, neighbours who had opposed the
Felix Kamaliol Edward & Christians concluded that all the
Porselvi, Malla Vidyasahar four members of the house were
Praise: Certificate of approval was buried alive. Instead, with minor
granted to the Community College scratches, the four members of
by the relevant central agency. the family survived. There was
Students show improvement in no damage to the property inside
English. Two days retreat was the hut. The neighbours were
held on ‘Awareness on Sin’. wonderstruck declaring that the God
People from the neighbours attend they worshipped was great. Let us
Sunday school and learn Bible pray that the government shall allot
verses. funds to the rebuilding of the house.
46 Friends Focus October 2018
trained on handicrafts.
Pray: For bank account to
OCTOBER be opened for Home and the
difficulties related to opening of
y bank account to be cleared; for
ay yer
Wednesd gP
ra land to problem of Chandana
Fas Home to be settled.
Happy Birthday
Mrs. Zuchano Yanthan Thsangse
Bible Translation
St. Thomas English School Vasavi Bible Translation:
& Pandeni Ashish Nivas Debora Vijaya Rani
Children Home: Victor Praise: Translated portions
of third chapter of Joel, first
Jeyaseelan & Princess Nagomi,
chapter of Judges, chapters 15
Tong Kho Lun Kipgen & Lal to 24 of Genesis were checked.
Nun Mawi, Shruthi, Jesintha, Dawood and Kushal received New
Evangeline Angel Margret Testaments.
Praise: God enabled us to Pray: For evangelist Manohar who
administer 47 children less than
has been very sick to recover;
five years old who have joined the
for the Vasava students in Bethel
Home newly. Santhosh Malto has
Home to excel in their academic
joined the course to study DMLT in
Emmanuel Medical Centre. Water and spiritual life.
scarcity at Home eased. After a Hindrances against
gap of one month, Davood Malto church construction to ease
and Samson Barnabas returned The front compound wall of Shivani
to Home. village church, Bundhelkhand field
Pray: For sponsors to the newly was demolished by the local officials.
joined children; for children who The Church construction was halted.
are not interested in studies to A case was filed against the evan-
gelist. In order to settle the issue
know the importance of education;
and demarcate the church land, the
for the recognition of school to be
missionaries approached advocate they
fulfilled as per God’s guidance. also contacted the surveyor and the
Santhal Pargana - CDC latter has promised to extend his help
in demarcated the church land. Pray
Peter Prabhakaran & Vimala that the issues related to church land
Praise: Hostel employees were are settled at the earliest and for the
given two days training on completion of church construction at
leadership. Training was imparted the earliest.
to evangelists of LTI. Children were
Friends Focus October 2018 47
Mr. Jayasekar is the ninth son of (late) Mr. Ponnu
and (late) Mrs. Dhamari of Kaliyakkavilai in
Kanniyakumari district. He was born on 22.05.1974.

On completing school studies, he completed
industrial studies. Through Blessing Youth Mission,
he got burden for the nation and attended prayer
meetings. Though he had committed himself to
Christ during childhood, he ran after the worldly blessings. While working
in Chennai, he received call towards ministry through one of his friends.
He worked as a volunteer with Gospel Rath of FMPB and decided to
join full time ministry. At this junction he received an opportunity to join
Government service. At this time of struggle, God called him to ministry
through Romans 15:21 and joined FMPB as full time missionary on
02.11.1998. He was sent to Kachuwa in U.P. for missionary training in
June 1999. On completing the training, he was with the training centre
for a short period. From September 2000, he worked with the finance
department of the Headquarters for two years.
Sis. Jahalin Jemi is the eldest daughter (22.11.1978) of Mr. Rajaiyan and
(late) Mrs. Sulochani of Madipakkam, Chennai. She completed short
term training. On 14.05.2001, Jeyasekar and Jahalin were married. After
marriage the couple worked for one year with the finance department.
He was posted in Khanvel and learnt the local language. The family
ministered in Dahanu field upto 2007. Due to their daughter’s sickness,
the family returned to Headquarters where they worked with the finance
department for one year. Later, they undertook promotional ministry in
the districts of Coimbatore and Trichy upto April 2016. From May 2016 till
now, he works as South – Chennai
Regional Secretary of Mobilization
based in Tambaram.
God has blessed the missionary
couple with two children. Elder
son Jim J. Carlson (22.09.2002)
is studying at std. XI. Younger
daughter Jessi J. Miraculine
(29.05.2006) is studying in a
special school, due to physical
impairment. Let us uphold the Mr. Jayasekar &
missionary family in our daily
prayers. Mrs. Jehalin Jemi family
48 Friends Focus October 2018
Mr. Vijayakumar is the third son of Mr. Samuel
& Mrs. Ratnamma of Andhra Pradesh, born on
05.03.1978. He attended Sunday classed held

306 at a C.S.I. Church in Bellary district. At the age

of eight, he committed himself to Christ. While
studying at std. IV, he had developed the burden
for proclaiming Good News to unreached people.
His parents had planned that he should become a medical doctor, but
he had a clear vision from God on ministry. He joined CLS movement
and was working in Shirahatti field. During his ministry, he completed
two years course leading to G.Th. Later, work as a pioneer missionary at
Soratur in Gajendragada. There he learnt Banjara language and guided
many persons towards Jesus Christ. He joined FMPB on 07.01.2000 and
completed one year missionary training in Kachuwa, U.P. On completion
of training, he ministered in Barhait field, Jharkhand.
Sis. Susheela was born on 16.06.1984 to non-Christian parents of Mr.
Arunachalam & Mary, in Ooty. Later, her parents accepted Jesus Christ
as their Lord and Saviour.
On 15.07.2002, Vijayakumar tied knot with Susheela. After marriage,
the couple ministered among Malto youth and in the fields of Rajbitta,
Borio and Pandeni as well as Donipitchakani Day Care Centre. Due
to sickness, he was transferred to Hubli region in 2006 and worked in
Shirahatti field. They were given responsibility of conducting retreat for
children, women and youth in Chittoor region. For six years from 2011, the
family ministered in Baireddypalli field. On 23.08.2007, Vijayakumar was
ordained by North East Bishop in Periyamalai. At present, they are doing
mission work in Srinivasapura
God has blessed the missionary
couple with two children. Elder
daughter Blessy Evangeline
(16.10.2006) is studying at std.
VII and younger son Mark Daniel
(12.04.2012) studies at std.
IV in Santhosha Vidhyalaya in
Dohnavur. Let us support the
missionary family through our daily Rev. Vijayakumar &
prayers. Mrs. Suseela family
Friends Focus October 2018 49
Mr. Kumar (23.01.1979) was born the eldest son of
Mr. Vedanayagam & Mrs. Jebamani hailing from the
village of Alagiyapandiapuram, Tirunelveli district.

During school days, he was attracted by the ideals
of E.V. Ramasamy Periyar. He heard about the
testimony of conversion of magician Thoddanna and
he obeyed Christ. In 1998, he attended missionary
meeting conducted by Blessing Youth Mission, held at Chitteri hills and
committed himself to ministry. He worked as a catechist for one year
at Thirumalapuram, Ukkrankottai pastorate in Tirunelveli Diocese.
Through his teachers he heard about FMPB and joined the same as full
time missionary in 2000. He completed one year missionary training
in Kachuwa U.P. and ministered in the fields Jhalod, Dahod (Gujarat),
Jalaun and Jeep Team (U.P.). In 2003, he visited home on vacation, due
to domestic issues, he resigned from FMPB and rejoined in 2006.
Sis. Patricia Tamil Selvi is the eldest daughter of Mr. Amalraju & Mrs.
Jesintha on 06.02.1978 in Dindigul district born into the family of Raman
Catholic Christian parents, she was nurtured in Christian faith and spirit.
From 1985 onwards, she used to pray for FMPB along with her parents. In
June 1993, she attended youth meting conducted by FMPB in Dindigul and
received call towards ministry she had completed courses in typewriting,
computer and sewing and was working in a private firm in Erode. She
joined FMPB in 2001, completed one year training in Jhansi (U.P.) and
worked there for three years. Later, she worked with Pathalgaon Girls’
Home and Dhildeka Daniel Day Care Centre.
The wedding of Mr. Kumar and Sis. Patricia was solemnized
on 28.12.2006. The missionary
couple ministered in the fields of
Pehowa, Kulasega (Haryana),
Sikar and Sangirya (RajasthanZ).
At present, the family is in the field
of Sriganganagar in Rajasthan.
God has blessed the couple with
two daughters. The elder daughter
Jeba Marcia (21.10.2007) studies
at std. VI and younger daughter
Jeba Gracia (25.10.2009) studies
at std. IV in Santhosha Vidyalaya, Mr. V. Kumar &
Dohnavur. Let us uphold the Mrs. Patricia Tamil Selvi
missionary family in our day-to-day
50 Friends Focus October 2018
I got up early one morning
And rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish
That I didn’t have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me,
And heavier came each task;
“Why doesn’t god help me?” I wondered.
He answered, “You didn’t ask.”
I wanted to see joy and beauty
But the day toiled on gray and bleak
I wondered why god didn’t show me
He said, ‘but you didn’t seek.’
I tried to come into god’s presence;
I used all my keys in the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided,
“My child, you didn’t knock,’
I woke up early this morning,
And paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish
That I had to take time to pray.
- Author unknown
Friends Focus October 2018 51
52 Friends Focus October 2018

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