Cara Melakukan Pengukuran Cross Section
Cara Melakukan Pengukuran Cross Section
Cara Melakukan Pengukuran Cross Section
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1 Introduction
1.1 The application is for the Cornwall Council (A30 Temple to Higher Carblake
Improvement) Order, to grant powers to make improvements to a 4.5km
(2.8 mile) section of the A30 trunk road, which is currently single
carriageway, by upgrading it to a dual carriageway; widening and
realigning the existing carriageway to provide additional lanes, central
reservation and verges; and the construction of three new grade
separated junctions to replace the existing at grade crossings with three
new overpass bridge structures and associated side roads (the “Scheme”).
The Scheme length is 5.15km in total.
(a) the levels of the proposed works, including in particular and where