Cara Melakukan Pengukuran Cross Section

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Long Sections and Cross Sections

Planning Act 2008

Infrastructure Planning
The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and
Procedure) Regulations 2009

Regulation Number: 6(2)(a)

Author: A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement
Team, Cornwall Council
PI Reference TR010014

Document Date Version Note

07 August 2013 0 First Issue
Cornwall Council A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement
Transportation Services Application for Development Consent Order
Document Reference: TRXCP311_PA_2.05

Issue & Revision Record

Revision Date Author Purpose of Issue / Nature of

0 07/08/13 MC First Issue

This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied
upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability
and prior written authority of Cornwall Council being obtained. Cornwall Council accepts no responsibility
or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for
which it was commissioned. Any person using or relying on the document for such other purposes agrees,
and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm his agreement to indemnify Cornwall Council for all
loss or damage resulting therefrom. Cornwall Council accepts no responsibility or liability for this
document to any party other than the person by whom it was commissioned.

Long Sections and Cross Sections 2

Cornwall Council A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement
Transportation Services Application for Development Consent Order
Document Reference: TRXCP311_PA_2.05

1 Introduction

1.1 This document is submitted in relation to the application for a proposed

development by Cornwall Council to the Planning Inspectorate, under the
Planning Act 2008

1.1 The application is for the Cornwall Council (A30 Temple to Higher Carblake
Improvement) Order, to grant powers to make improvements to a 4.5km
(2.8 mile) section of the A30 trunk road, which is currently single
carriageway, by upgrading it to a dual carriageway; widening and
realigning the existing carriageway to provide additional lanes, central
reservation and verges; and the construction of three new grade
separated junctions to replace the existing at grade crossings with three
new overpass bridge structures and associated side roads (the “Scheme”).
The Scheme length is 5.15km in total.

1.2 Regulation 6(2)(a) and guidance issued by the Department for

Communities and Local Government, requires; ‘If the application is for
highway related development or for the construction or alteration of a
railway, it must be accompanied by section drawings to suitable horizontal
and vertical scales, which show by reference to Ordnance Survey or Chart

(a) the levels of the proposed works, including in particular and where

(i) ground levels;

(ii) the height of every proposed bridge, viaduct, aqueduct,
embankment and elevated guide way;
(iii) the depth of every proposed cutting and tunnel;
(iv) the levels of the bed of any tidal waters or inland
waterway in which it is proposed that any works should
be situated;
(v) the height of every structure or device (including a
cable, but not catenary and related equipment) intended
to be erected above, on or below the surface of, or on or
beneath the bed of tidal waters or an inland waterway;
(vi) drainage outfall details for highways;…’

1.5 This document comprises part of the application.

Long Sections and Cross Sections 3

Cornwall Council A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement
Transportation Services Application for Development Consent Order
Document Reference: TRXCP311_PA_2.05

2 Schedule of Plans Included in This Document

Drawing Number Drawing Title Rev. Sheet

TRXCP311_PA_2.05_00 Key Plan 0 1 of 1
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_01 Engineering Drawings 0 1 of 5
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_02 Engineering Drawings 0 2 of 5
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_03 Engineering Drawings 0 3 of 5
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_04 Engineering Drawings 0 4 of 5
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_05 Engineering Drawings 0 5 of 5
A30 Mainline Long
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_06 0 1 of 2
A30 Mainline Long
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_07 0 2 of 2
Cardinham Downs
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_08 0 1 of 1
Junction Long Sections
Preeze Cross Junction
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_09 0 1 of 2
Long Sections
Preeze Cross Junction
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_10 0 2 of 2
Long Sections
Temple Tor Junction Long
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_11 0 1 of 1
A30 Mainline Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_12 0 1 of 7
Sections (MAST)
A30 Mainline Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_13 0 2 of 7
Sections (MAST)
A30 Mainline Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_14 0 3 of 7
Sections (MAST)
A30 Mainline Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_14 0 4 of 7
Sections (MAST)
A30 Mainline Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_16 0 5 of 7
Sections (MAST)
A30 Mainline Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_17 0 6 of 7
Sections (MAST)
A30 Mainline Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_18 0 7 of 7
Sections (MAST)
Blisland Link Cross
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_19 0 1 of 1
Sections (MC2A)
Cardinham Link Road
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_20 0 1 of 2
Cross Sections (MC0A)
Cardinham Link Road
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_21 0 2 of 2
Cross Sections (MC0A)
Preeze Cross Eastbound
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_22 Link Cross Sections 0 1 of 1
Preeze Cross Link Road
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_23 0 1 of 2
Cross Sections (MC1B)

Long Sections and Cross Sections 4

Cornwall Council A30 Temple to Higher Carblake Improvement
Transportation Services Application for Development Consent Order
Document Reference: TRXCP311_PA_2.05

Drawing Number (contd) Drawing Title Rev. Sheet

Preeze Cross Link Road
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_24 0 2 of 2
Cross Sections (MC1B)
Preeze Cross Junction –
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_25 Millpool Link Cross 0 1 of2
Sections (MC0B)
Preeze Cross Junction –
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_26 Millpool Link Cross 0 2 of 2
Sections (MC0B)
Temple Tor Eastbound
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_27 Compact Loop Cross 0 1 of 1
Sections (MC2I)
Temple Tor over bridge
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_28 0 1 of 2
Cross Sections
Temple Tor over bridge
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_29 0 2 of 2
Cross Sections
Temple Tor Westbound
TRXCP311_PA_2.05_30 Compact Loop Cross 0 1 of 1
Sections (MC3I)

Long Sections and Cross Sections 5

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