Freedom in Christ PDF
Freedom in Christ PDF
Freedom in Christ PDF
All humans are born under condemnation because of our inherited sin nature.
This "sin nature" is present in us because of Adam. Also we know that no one
lives in this world without sinning. "For all have sinned and come short of the
glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
B. But notice how God deals with this condemnation -- He gives us a way
of escape.
There is "no condemnation" to those who are "in" Christ Jesus. Understand, it
doesn't say we make "no mistakes," we have "no sins," or "no failures." It
means we are not under the penalty of God's judgment.
The judgment, which this world order anticipates as occurring at the end of the
age, has for the person in Christ already occurred. That judgment has been
resolved in the forgiveness of sins; so, there is no condemnation. (Gause, 96)
"Justification" means that we have been declared innocent. "Not guilty -- let
them go free." What would these words mean to you if you were sitting on
death row waiting execution? Because of Christ, those words have been
spoken on your behalf. If you are in Christ you are FREE! Why condemn
yourself when God doesn't?
A. The law of the Spirit of life has canceled out the law of sin and death.
The "law" spoken of here is not merely referring to the Mosaic Law but also to
a standard. The law represents the "standard of God." Because of our human
weakness, it was impossible for us to live up to God's standard. The law could
not save; it could only condemn.
But we are no longer subject to the old law of sin and death but to a new law --
the "law of the Spirit of life." This is a law of power! It is power to live a
Christian life.
B. Jesus did what the law could not do.
What could the law not do? It could not save us. How did He accomplish our
salvation? He came in the "likeness" of sinful flesh. Why did He have to do
it? Because of our sins. What means or method did He use? He bore our sins
on the cross.
The "law of double jeopardy" tells us that a man cannot be tried twice for the
same crime. Because Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and because we are in
Christ, we cannot be tried twice or condemned.
The righteous demands of God are only met by those "who walk NOT
according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
As Paul testified in Gal. 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no
longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the
flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for
So what we have learned from our text is that if we are in Christ there is no
condemnation, no bondage, and the power of sin and death has been broken. Forget
the idea that somehow you are to never fail, falter, or make a mistake. Stop trying to
live by a set of rules or by other people's expectations. Stop letting the enemy beat
you over the head with the past. If you need to repent, repent and go on in God.