Boguslaw Szmygin: Candidate For The Post of Vice President Candidat Au Poste de Vice Président

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Boguslaw Szmygin
Poland- Pologne

Prof. dr. hab. eng. Lublin University of Technology; head of the Built Heritage Department; dean of Civil
Engineering and Architecture Faculty TU Lublin (2005-12; 2016+).

He specializes in protection and conservation of architectural monuments - theory of conservation,

revitalization of historical towns, protection of historical ruins, protection and conservation of architectural
monuments, World Heritage issues.

President ICOMOS Poland (2008+); general secretary of ISC of Theory and Philosophy of
Conservation(2009+); chair of World Heritage Committee in Poland (2010+2014); member of Scientific
Committee Architecture and Urbanism Polish Academy of Science (2011+).


Bogusław Szmygin – a candidate for the Vice-President for Europe

1 Mission of the ICOMOS

Three fundamental assumptions directed ICOMOS establishment:

• ICOMOS activities concern heritage and its preservation
• ICOMOS members are the specialists in heritage conservation
• ICOMOS aim is to organize the international cooperation

These three assumptions have shaped the mission of ICOMOS:

• to organize the cooperation and exchange of experience between conservators from various
countries and regions,
• to represent the issues of heritage protection on the international level
• to organize international awareness, cooperation and aid for endangered heritage all over the world

The mission of ICOMOS is still valid, however, since 1965 when ICOMOS was founded in
Poland, all heritage protection circumstances have been undergoing substantial changes.
Therefore, the actions of ICOMOS have to respect new circumstances - ICOMOS mission
should adjust to the changing circumstances.

19th General Assembly / 19e Assemblée générale, Delhi, 2017

Boguslaw Szmygin
2 Priorities for next three years

3 priorities for the coming years should be pointed out:

2.1 The main task is to organize real cooperation between the National Committees and within the
Scientific Committees (mainly on regional scale).
It is a difficult task because currently National and Scientific Committees work independently –
they do not interact. In practice, the activities of ICOMOS should be based on regional
cooperation of National and Scientific Committees appointing some international groups to
accomplish particular aims and programmes.
The National and Scientific Committees can develop the international cooperation through:
publications, workshops for specialists (e.g. summer schools), doctrinal documents and
scientific programmes.
2.2 An important action of ICOMOS is the cooperation with UNESCO World Heritage Committee. In
the recent years decisions concerning WH were increasingly political, which weakened their
professionalism. The task of ICOMOS – as the official advisory body – is to draw a particular
attention to this fact.
2.3 An urgent task is the creation of a corpus of Doctrinal Texts concerning heritage protection and
preservation. Due to the lack of a universal conservation theory, doctrinal documents on
particular groups of heritage gain a great importance. ICOMOS should control the condition of
these documents, determine the needs and develop a set of Doctrinal Texts with a proper

3 How to archive the priorities

In 2018 it is particularly important for Europe to use the opportunities presented by European Year of
Cultural Heritage declared by Council of Europe. ICOMOS should be an active participant of these
actions, organizing conferences on European scale and creating timetable of various actions
organized by National Committees.
Under current circumstances only international programmes (above all financed by EU) can lay the
financial foundation for an international cooperation, both for individual members of ICOMOS and
ICOMOS Committees. The programmes require defining three conditions of effective work: aim of
actions, deadlines and financial needs.
National Committees can benefit from European programmes and such opportunity should be taken
(Polish National ICOMOS Committee participated in four international projects founded by EU)
The task of the authorities of ICOMOS is to acquire and disseminate the information on possibilities to
organize and finance actions dedicated to heritage protection and organization of such.

4 Personal interest in contributing to specific activities of ICOMOS.

Considering the many years of my professional, organizational and scientific experience, I declare
commitment in (among others) the following activities:

4.1 Organization of regional conferences of subjects important for the Euro Group, especially in the
frames of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. My experience in this field results from
organization of dozens of national and international conferences – among others celebrations of
50th anniversary of ICOMOS in 2015
4.2 Organization of works connected with development, verification and publishing of Doctrinal
Texts on protection and conservation of heritage. My experience in this domain results from
developing guidelines for creation of Doctrinal Texts, contributing in the development of several
documents, preparing publications on conservation theory and work for International Scientific
Committee Theory of Conservation.
4.3 Active participation in works connected to UNESCO World Heritage. My experience in this field
results from many years of work in the Polish Committee for World Heritage, participation in
many sessions of WH Committee, preparation of many monographs on WH, preparation of
documentation and opinions for WH objects.
4.4 Organization of International Journal dedicated to problems of modern protection and
conservation of heritage. My experience in this domain results from many years of publishing, I
initiated and scientifically edited over 30 publications.

19th General Assembly / 19e Assemblée générale, Delhi, 2017

Boguslaw Szmygin

Professional positions
Professor at Lublin University of Technology (2001+); head of the Department of Built Heritage Conservation
at Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty (2005+); vice-rector TU Lublin (2012-16); dean of Civil
Engineering and Architecture Faculty TU Lublin (2005-12; 2016+).

President ICOMOS Poland (2008+); general secretary of International Scientific Committee of Theory and
Philosophy of Conservation (2009+); chairman of World Heritage Committee in Poland (2010+2014);
ICOMOS Executive Committee member (2002-2011); member of Scientific Committee Architecture and
Urbanism Polish Academy of Science (2011+).

1982-master’s degree (TU Lublin); 1984- Postgraduate Studies of Monument Conservation (TU Warsaw);
1986- Postgraduate Studies of Buildings Reconstruction (TU Warsaw); 1987- Postgraduate Pedagogical
Studies (University of MSC Lublin); 1991- doctor`s degree (TU Cracow; “Semiotics of Historical
Architecture”); 2001- habilitate; (TU Cracow: “Theory of Conservation in Poland in the XX Century”); 2002-
professor at TU Lublin.

Areas of professional interests

B.Szmygin specializes in protection and conservation of architectural monuments - theory of conservation,
revitalization of historical towns, protection of historical ruins, protection and conservation of architectural
monuments, World Heritage issues.

Professional activities
Author of over 100 scientific publications (e.g monographs Development of conservation doctrine in Poland
in XX century; UNESCO World Heritage System – characteristic, methodology, management; Standards in
displaying outdoor advertisements and signs on historical building; Conservation officer’s handbook);
organizer of several scientific conferences, scientific and educational programmes; author of over 50
screenplays for educational films.
Coordinator of scientific projects (national and international) granted in competitions – 10 projects; scientific
editor of monographs on protection and conservation of monuments – 28; author of conference papers –
over 70. All the monographs published under B.Szmygin scientific editorial are available in full text PDF in
the Digital Library of the TU Lublin (registered around 130 thousand visits to these files).

19th General Assembly / 19e Assemblée générale, Delhi, 2017

Boguslaw Szmygin

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