0.12siph + 0.16siss + 0.15sian + 0.16sicod + 0.19sibod + 0.22sido Wqi
0.12siph + 0.16siss + 0.15sian + 0.16sicod + 0.19sibod + 0.22sido Wqi
0.12siph + 0.16siss + 0.15sian + 0.16sicod + 0.19sibod + 0.22sido Wqi
Water quality index (WQI) provides a grade that is very significant in indicating
the overall water quality at a certain location and time based on various water quality
parameters. The index aims to turn complex water quality data into clear and useful
information that is understandable by the public. Water quality in rivers has been
monitored by Department of Environment (DOE) since 1978, primarily to established
baselines, to detect water quality changes and to identify pollution sources. In
Malaysia, the classification of rivers by the Department of Environment (DOE) is
based on a water quality index (WQI).[Department of Environment (DOE). (2010).]
Water quality data were used to determine the water quality status whether in clean,
slightly polluted or polluted category and to classify the rivers in Class I (WQI >
92.7), Class II (WQI = 76.5 – 92.7), Class III (51.9 – 76.5), Class IV (31.0 – 51.9) or
Class V (WQI < 31.0) based on Water Quality Index (WQI) and Interim National
Water Quality Standards for Malaysia (INWQS) every year. WQI is computed based
on 6 main parameters including dissolved oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N),
total suspended solids (TSS) and pH. The DOE-WQI is also the river water quality
index that is used by the DOE in classifying Malaysian rivers. The calculation of WQI
is shown below.
To assess the water quality of river in UTHM, our group proposed to carry out all
these six parameters that included dissolved oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N),
total suspended solids (TSS) and pH. The selected location will be the sediment pond
near to the Pusat Kesihatan Universiti UTHM. It is usually used to capture eroded or
disturbed soil that is washed off during rain storms, and protect the water qualityof a
nearby stream, river, lake, or bay. The sediment-laden soil settles in the pond before
the runoff is discharged. Thus, this water quality assessment is going to be conducted
to check the suitability of water to be used as alternative water resource for plant
watering in order to achieve water saving in UTHM.
2. To define the suitability of the water from sediment pond PKU to be the source of
plant watering in UTHM.
3.1 Sampling Procedure
a) Each group will get to the different target sampling area. Our target sampling
area located at the sediment pond PKU.
1. After sampling, took out the water samples from the bucket and filled it into
sampling bottles for turbidity test.
2. Filled another sampling bottle with distilled water.
1. BOD bottles
2. Beaker
3. DO meter
4. BOD incubator
4.Measuring cylinder
5. Dilution water
1. Prepared and labeled separately 4 unit of 300 mL BOD bottle. One bottle for
blank and another three bottles filled with 10ml, 15ml, and 25ml sample
2. For each bottle, partially filled with dilution water and added volume of sample
size based on your calculation (except the blank bottle). Then, completely filled
the bottles with dilution water.
DR6000 Spectrometer
COD Vial
Colorimetric Procedure
1. Started program 431 COD ULR, 430 COD LR or 435 COD HR.
2. Cleaned the blank sample cell.
3. Inserted the blank into the cell holder.
4. Pushed ZERO. The display showed 0 or 0.0 mg/L COD.
5. Cleaned the prepared sample cell.
Figure Clean prepared sample
DR6000 Spectrometer
Graduated cylinder (25 mL)
Pipette (1.0mL)
10. Put the stopper on the mixing cylinders. Inverted the mixing cylinders
several times to mix.
Figure The mixing cylinder was inverted to mix the sample and
11. Pour 10 mL from the blank cylinder into a sample cell.
12. When the timer expires, cleaned the blank sample cell.
13. Inserted the blank into the cell holder.
Figure The blank sample was first to put into the DR6000.
Figure The 10 mL of mixed sample was filled into the second sample cell.
Evaporating dishes
Analytical balance
Graduated cylinder
1. Placed a filter paper in the desiccator for a few minutes to let the moisture to be
absorbed by the silica gel.
3. Place the filter disc onto the base and clamped it on the funnel.
Figure Put filter paper onto filter disc
Table 1: Best Fit Equations for the Estimation of Various Sub Index Values
[Nithyanandam,R.;and W.H.Tsu.;Huynh.N.(2015)]
Table 2: Sub Index calculation based on the equation and ranges in Table 1.
1. BOD
BOD3 =
i f i f
Volume sample
P Dilution factor , Total Volume = 300mL
Total volume
Bi , B f Initial and final DO conc. of the seeded diluted water (blank)
DOi , DO f Initial and final DO conc. of the diluted sample
Dilution factor, - 10 15 25
0.0333 0.0500 0.0833
p 300 300 300
Water quality index (WQI) is some of the way that we can use to determine the
overall water quality. To obtained the WQI, there are some data needed to be obtained
each with their own experiments. There are 6 main parameters including dissolved
oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), total suspended solids (TSS) and pH. In term
of the outcome of the WQI there are no right or wrong outcomes as the data
represented will be presented within the range of 1 to 5. 1 being very good and can be
used as drinking water supply and 5 being highly polluted and not suitable for any
The water body that are being tested during this experiment is located between
Pusat Kesihatan Universiti UTHM and Library Tunku Tun Aminah Library. Beside
the lake, there is a road dividing the library and the lake which provide a surface
runoff that will fall into the lake when it rains. The lake is made as a mean of water
retention pond to control the discharge of water when it rains. According to the
surrounding of the environment of the pond, it is expected that the quality of the pond
is not too polluted and is not too clean to be used as drinking water.
The experiment of all the parameters are being tested at Fakulti Kejuruteraan
Awam dan Alam Sekitar (FKASS) environmental lab. However, there might be some
error during the experiment at some point of the experiment which may affect some of
the outcome from the WQI. Below are some of the probable situation in which the
error might happened during the experiment.
1. Water Sampling
a. The water is being collected at the side of the lake instead of at the
middle of the lake. The water at the side of the lake might be affected
by other factors such as rocks and the water runoff from outside
sources. The most suitable place for water collection is at the middle of
the lake as there will be fewer outside factors which may affect the
chemical properties of the water.
2. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
a. During the sampling process, ensure there are no air bubble inside the
bottle to provide an accurate reading of BOD.
b. Ensure that the temperature reading of the incubator are within 30
c. Rinse the bottle using distilled water to remove unwanted outside
d. After 3 days within the incubator, ensure the temperature of each bottle
are the same with room temperature before reading the DO.
3. Dissolve oxygen (DO)
a. Ensure the testing of DO of sample are being done as quickly as
possible upon entering the lab to obtained the most accurate DO level.
b. Rinse the tip of the DO reader using distilled water before reading the
water sample to reduce errors upon reading the results
4. Suspended solid (SS)
a. Before recording the filter paper ensure that the evaporating dish are
clean from other small material like dust to ensure the reading of
sample are precise.
b. Before placing the filter paper inside the drying oven, place the filter
paper inside the desiccator for a few minutes to let the moisture to be
absorbed by the silica gel.
5. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
a. Ensure the reading of the pipet are properly taken, most preferably with
the aid of two persons.
b. Mix the deionized water with the water sample gently by inverting the
bottle one side at a time.
c. Ensure the vials are being cleaned and wiped before being put inside
the reactor.
d. Ensure the vials are being cool to room temperature after being put
inside the reactor before being read for the COD level.
6. Ammoniacal-Nitrogen
a. Ensure all the mixture of Mineral stabilizer, Nessler reagent and the
dispersing agent are according to the proper quantity.
b. Mix the mixture by inverting the bottle gently a couple of times.
c. For safety purposes throw away the mixture inside a special plastic case
after being read.
From the calculation, the result shows that the WQI index is 63.33 which falls
between 51.9-76.5 which is the classification for Class III. Class III are considered
moderate water body which is not too polluted nor too clean. Full treatment of water
is needed for the use of drinking water. The result of WQI index is acceptable as it is
expected for an open water body near a surface water runoff to be at class III.
Therefore, the water at sediment pond PKU is suitable to used to be used as
alternative water resource for plant watering in order to achieve water saving in
To conclude, the objective of this experiment which is to find out the water
quality index (WQI) and to find out the suitability of the water from sediment pond of
PKU to be source of plant watering in UTHM has been achieved.
Water quality index (WQI) provides a grade that is very significant in indicating
the overall water quality at a certain location and time based on various water quality
parameters. The parameter includes pH value, ammonia nitrogen test, BOD, COD and
total suspended solids (TSS) test. Each test have been carefully perform to minimize
the amount of random error as low as possible.
The pH values have been obtained by testing the water sample on site. The
ammonia nitrogen value, BOD, COD and TSS have been obtained by testing the
water samples inside the laboratory by following the stated procedure.
The obtained DO, BOD. COD, Ammonia nitrogen, suspended solid and pH are
126.7%, 19.85 mg/L, 28.00 mg/L, 1.39 mg/L, 100.00 mg/L and 8.34 respectively.
These values were then substituted into WQI formula. The obtained WQI formula is
63.33 which falls between 51.9-76.5 which is the classification for Class III.
Class III are considered moderate water body which is not too polluted nor too
clean. Full treatment of water is needed for the use of drinking water. The result of
WQI index is acceptable as it is expected for an open water body near a surface water
runoff to be at class III. Therefore, the water at sediment pond PKU is suitable to use
to be used as alternative water resource for plant watering in order to achieve water
saving in UTHM.