Mok, Sigil of Corruption, Axe of Blind Fury, Juggernaut: Chaos Lord: 170

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Chaos Lord : 170

MoK, Sigil of Corruption, Axe of Blind Fury, Juggernaut

Lord of crazy hittyness. An astonishing number of attacks at a frightening strength and just
as awkward to kill to boot. He sits in one of the biker units, see below, and helps form one
heck of a hammer.

8 bezerkers : 212
(MoK) power sword, rhino

8 chaos marines : 170

MoK, flamer, rhino

8 chaos marines : 159

meltagun, rhino
Core of the army made up of two basic marine units and a zerker squad. The marine units
can lay down covering fire and consolidate onto objectives left in the advancing wake or join
in the fight as necessary, the unit with the mark of khorne is particularly suited to joining the
fight. The rhinos are there in order to be able to keep up with the aggressive advance of the
bikers, adding a mass of units that will advance into the enemy faces!

16 cultists : 93
14x autoguns, 1x stubber
By checking points and swapping the forgefiend for a more characterful maulerfiend I've
generated enough points to add in a unit of cultists. Still maintaining a strong Khorne theme
by numbers, this units main aim is to hang back and sit in cover. It is suitable for them to be
held in reserve and come on later if they need to hold an objective deep in my own zone... but
alternatively they can help add a small amount of ranged fire support to the advancing units.
Indeed, they can even use teh mobile cover of the Rhinos to advance with the rest of the
force... not very survivable, but if the enemy wants to waste shots targetting these guys then it
simply means my tougher fighting units are getting by unmolested!

7 chaos bikers : 221 (Lord goes here)

MoK, Icon of Wrath, Power Axe, 2 meltaguns

8 chaos bikers : 221

MoK, Power Axe, 2 meltaguns
The primary teeth of the army formed of 16 bikers. They should hit really fast and really hard
helped along the way by their low AP weapons and of course the Lord. Moving 12" a turn
and backed up by the speedy rhinos and of course the maulerfiend these will present a big,
but hard to deal with threat.

Helldrake : 170
The helldrake should fit quite well as a way of dealing with MEQ, but also has important
potential against enemy flyers. Not going with a hades gun here... ultimately my aim for AA
now is simply to have as many of my units in combat (and thus safe from enemy flyers)! The
Helldrake is good as it is for taking care of some flyers, and the obliterators below can also
have their chance if necessary.

2 obliterators : 140
Long ranged fire support which can also be dropped in by deep strike depending on the
situation. The use of plasma weapons here also provide some much needed AP2 firepower.
Deep striking them could be good to cause havoc and create even greater pressure on enemy
target priority!

Maulerfiend : 125
Swapped this instead of the previous Forgefiend. Forget AA, I realised this thing can move
12"... this gives me a placement of maximum 8 units rushing 12" at the enemy each turn!
(including the lord). This should give the enemy too much to think about and cause some real
headaches on target priority! Additionally, the maulerfiend gives the army some more in the
way of anti terminator capability

8 Havocs : 169
4 flamers, rhino
A true support unit, this havoc unit is geared towards acting as protection for marines by
providing a literal roadblock... 4 flamers overwatching should be a scary prospect...
following which the unit will get the support of a stronger combat breaker. They should work
well alongside the bezerkers... and secondarily the marines but also forming a blockade to
protect bikers once the fighting gets scrappy. I was debating swapping this unit for a second
maulerfiend, but the sore truth of 6th edition is that combat units can really only work if they
are given the correct fire support. This is why my troops still run with bolters and why these
guys are so important.


Notable points:

+48 marines!!! 8 of which are bezerkers

+15 khornate bikers. Tough as nails and hard hitting
+1 Khornate Lord which appears to be a really killer build!
+cultists to fill gaps and provide additional scoring
+4 rhinos providing speed and mobile cover
+6 vehicles total, providing something towards target saturation
+Flexible fire support units (both in terms of potential targets, and implementation)
+In your face approach... This army has 8 (!!) units that can move 12" each turn (and want to
eat your face) Of the remaining 3 units one is a flyer, and one can deep strike. In short, this
army will get on top of you
+fast attack AND heavy support units to take advantage of the various mission types

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