World Myth or History?

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The text discusses potential evidence that Phoenicians may have established colonies and traded as far as Southeast Asia, specifically the Philippines, over 3000 years ago based on artifacts found there matching Phoenician styles.

Fused glass faces found in the Philippines that closely resemble Phoenician styles from 1000-400 BC, including some with Phoenician-style beads fused into them. The diversity of faces also implies the Phoenicians brought glassmaking technology and traded with various local cultures.

The text suggests a fairly large and sophisticated Phoenician coastal civilization may have existed in the Butuan bay area of the Philippines, which would have had access to trade with numerous ancient Asian communities based on the abundance and quality of artifacts found.

World Myth or History?

By J.G. Cheock

World myth deciphered and organized into a coherent story of our past.

It is almost impossible to read world mythology without noticing common threads and
patterns that seem to paint a bigger picture. A story told by our ancient ancestors for future
generations to remember and learn. What if the eyewitnesses to past events were taken
seriously? What if we listen to their stories with unbiased ears, free of assumptions? What if
their stories were backed by scientific discoveries - particularly in archaeology and geology?
What if the myths can explain the mysteries?
World Myth or History?
By J.G.Cheock

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 Understanding Where We are Now 1

Chapter 2 Voices from the Past 12

Chapter 3 The First Age 27

Age One: Earthscape..............................................30
Age One: People......................................................34
Age One: Achievements.........................................39
Age One: Notable Events.......................................51

Chapter 4 The Deluge 65

Chapter 5 The Second Age 85

Age Two: Earthscape.............................................86
Age Two: People.....................................................95
Age Two: Achievements........................................103
Age Two: Notable Events......................................117

Chapter 6 Our Second Age Roots 121

Roots of Languages................................................121
Roots of Nations & Kingdoms..............................127
Roots of Religions...................................................139
Roots of Wars...........................................................149

Chapter 7 The Scorching Wind 166

Chapter 8 The Third Age 192

Age Three: Earthscape............................................193
Age Three: People....................................................201
Age Three: Achievements.......................................212
Age Three: Notable Events.....................................220
Chapter 9 The Fiery Storm 244

Chapter 10 The Fourth Age 297

Age Four: Earthscape.............................................298
Age Four: People.....................................................302
Age Four: Achievements........................................316
Age Four: Notable Events......................................326

Chapter 4 The Rising of the Waters 347

Chapter 5 The Fifth Age 381

Age Five: Earthscape.............................................382
Age Five: People.....................................................386
Age Five: Achievements........................................408
Age Five: Notable Events......................................414

Chapter 4 The Blood 443

Chapter 5 The Golden Age Restored 490

Golden Age: Earthscape........................................492
Golden Age: People................................................498
Golden Age: Achievements...................................502
Golden Age: Notable Events.................................516

Note from Author 530

Chapter One
Understanding Where We Are Now

You step into a room and find yourself in the middle of an active crime scene. The official in charge
guides you around to share what they have discovered so far. Shattered glass lie haphazardly on the
breakfast nook floor which apparently came from the jagged gaping hole on the locked sliding glass
door. Behind the kitchen counter is a pool of blood with more broken glass lying on top of it, this time
from what looks like a cylindrical drinking vessel filled with colorless fluid. The blood is smeared on
the floor and on the lower parts of the kitchen cabinetry with a trail of blood leading to the front
door.There are also traces of red in the corner of the marble counter. A knife, with a bloodied handle
rests in a crimson pool.

“I’ve seen many crime scenes just like this,” says an official, “The assailant must have seen the victim
through the glass, broke through with the knife and attacked with such violence that the victim
knocked his head on the counter. Open and shut case.”

But you notice that the knife matched a set of knives that is missing one in a rack on the kitchen

“Then he must have grabbed it as he rushed in.” the official stated.

You ask why the hilt is bloody and not the blade. And he starts to get annoyed and asks if you are
qualified to be here in the first place.

You try to change topic and ask if they had found the victim’s body.

“Judging by the trail of blood, the body was carried to another location by the perpetrator.”

Why would the attacker carry away the victim through the front door? And what was his purpose for
the attack? Was there anything stolen? Why did the perpetrator choose such a conspicuous and
noisy entrance?
The more answers you are given, the more questions there seem to be. The mystery keeps getting
bigger, instead of reaching a resolution.

World Myth or History? 1

“What do you know about this kind of thing?” He barks out. “Leave it to the experts, we’ve studied
and mastered this. Just accept what we say, because we know better.”


The planet we inhabit is like a gigantic active crime scene, very much like the allegorical crime scene
described. We may have been born here, but we haven’t been around long enough to know earth’s
complete story. At most we may investigate and discover clues as to what has been. We make
scientific observations of the way things are at present and we form assumptions. Whether wrong or
right, these assumptions influence the way we read the planetary clues.

Based on our assumptions, we form theories. By definition, a theory is merely a supposition, a

conjecture, a speculation. It is an assumption based on assumptions. In other words, it’s a guess. It
may be an educated guess, but it is a guess nonetheless. A scientific theory is a way of looking at
nature based on assumptions, so that we may explain the natural laws and predict future natural
phenomena. Sometimes conflicting theories are presented, and over time, many scientific theories
have either been modified or discarded.

Normally, theories with the least numbers of assumptions, as well as theories that makes the most
successful predictions are preferred. Unfortunately, some theories are so entrenched in the scientific
community that ancient historical records are brushed away as myths and legends, while geological
data, archaeological and scientific facts are labeled as ‘mysteries’ when they contradict with these
theories. When an assumption is wrong, there will always be some sort of conflict with facts. Facts
would be the things that we would be certain of or the things we have proven as real. Ideally, facts
should always trump over an assumption, but in actuality, such is not always the case.

When modern investigators start with a premise that an acknowledgment of a Creator cannot ever be
accepted as part of science, then they have started with an assumption. They have assumed that
there is no supreme being. And whether wrong or right, this first assumption will heavily influence
every other assumption that follows. When wrong assumptions are built upon wrong assumptions
then the divergence from reality grows ever greater the further up you go.

A simplified example would be: There is no Creator, therefore everything that is, happened by
accident. For so much accidents to look so orderly it must have taken a very long time, therefore, the
world must be very very old. If the world is very very old, then any evidence that seems to point to the
contrary is a ‘mystery’.

World Myth or History? 2

This is why the ‘mysteries’ are piling up. This is why we have to keep making the earth older and
older. A few decades ago, we began with speculations of millions of years to the current estimate of
over 4.5 billion years, and it still isn’t enough to cover the mathematical probabilities of the
complexities of the world and the diverse abundance of interconnected life to occur by a series of
accidents. Keep in mind that even with all the raw materials available and our scientific and theoretic
intelligence working on it, life has never been produced in a laboratory (even at its most basic form).

With our deeper scientific understanding of the elegant sophistication of the microscopic universe, the
complex genetic coding of every life form (even those thought to be simple), and the missing links
which continue to be missing, current theories of human origins have become less and less credible.
This has reached a point where some members of the scientific community even espouse fantastic
ideas of ancient aliens ‘seeding’ and designing life on earth. Maybe they don’t realize that although
this idea does feed our need for science fiction, it does not answer any questions --it merely delays it.
Who then made these very intelligent and well designed aliens?

Mankind has become so full of knowledge and yet so many questions remain unanswered. What
made so many ancient civilizations in every continent suddenly disappear? Why are there ruins of
cities that are over a hundred feet under water? How do ice ages happen? How did megalithic
societies build cyclopean structures that are nearly impossible for us to build today? Why have
ancient technologies and knowledge been lost time and again? How old is the earth really?


The crime scene official seems very confident of his assumptions, but somehow the clues don’t fit the
story. You begin to wish for someone to step forward who may have seen the event or any part of it
that had transpired.

That’s when another officer informed the person in charge that the old lady across the street had
heard a loud crashing noise. She saw a man carrying the elderly occupant of the crime scene out the
front door, call out loudly to a woman who was driving the car, then they all left in a hurry. When
asked if she recognized them, she had affirmed confidently that it was the couple who lived next door.

“Excellent! Now we have a face and a name for the culprits,” upon making this exclamation, the
official orders an APB on the husband and wife team, making special note to warn the arresting
officers to approach with care for they may be armed and violent.

World Myth or History? 3

As you wonder why an attacker would exit the front door in full view of the neighbours, involve his
wife, and make so much noise as he left, the official received a call that the suspects had been
apprehended in the hospital where they had brought their elderly neighbour.

“Hah! Couldn’t he think of a better story?” the official scoffed, “Of course the wife is backing him up,
she’s in as much trouble as he is.” Putting the phone down, he turns to you and tells you that the
suspect had come up with a crazy story about seeing the old man faint and hit his head on the
kitchen counter. He had broken the locked glass door to help him while his wife had prepared the car
to bring the victim to the hospital.

“That does kind of make sense…” you say tentatively.

“Yeah, well what about the knife attack?!” he snaps.

You look back at the kitchen counter and notice some tomatoes on a cutting board and wonder, after
all, there was no blood on the blade… You wonder if the old man could shed more light on the story,
but learn that he had died soon after arriving at the hospital.

“Why would he bring his victim to the hospital?”

“Guilt?” the official shrugged, “Who knows what goes on in their twisted minds? The way I see it is he
attacked in a moment of passion, perhaps over some neighborhood squabble. Then realizing what
he’d done, picks the old man up and brings him to the hospital. Maybe he didn’t mean it to go so far,
but it did and now he’s going down for manslaughter.”

As you leave the house, you see an old lady wringing her hands nervously as she craned her neck to
see into the crime scene. “This is terrible, simply terrible,” she mumbled, “And they were such a nice
couple, who would have thought…”

You think, perhaps more people could be interviewed, like the old man’s doctor to find out if he had a
history of losing consciousness or more neighbours who could testify of the couple’s character.

World Myth or History? 4

The significance of eyewitness accounts cannot be overly emphasized. Whereas we who were not
there may only speculate based on clues of what was left behind, they can actually tell us of the
events that occurred. Regarding a story as long and drawn out as that of planet earth, each witness
provides a clearer picture of a piece of the puzzle. There are also some witnesses, who have
painstakingly preserved previous puzzle pieces in their correct place while adding their own. When
there are only one or two, experts could quickly rule them out. But when we are faced by many
independent consistent accounts, then it increases the weight of the testimony and makes it more
difficult to ignore.

Assumptions can color our judgment. Such were the assumptions that the experts had when they
initially declared the stone age cave paintings 1 first discovered in Altamira Spain by Sautuola in 1879,
a hoax. The ridicule and accusations of forgery against Sautuola, that followed him to the grave, were
based on their assumption that cavemen 2 did not have the intellect to create such magnificent artistic
expressions. This was further based on the assumptions on the origin of human beings from an
apelike ancestor. But as more and more caves with numerous cave paintings were uncovered all over
the world, they had to accept that the cave paintings were genuine.3

When the ‘testimonies’ of the past come out in the force of numbers, from different continents, telling
similar stories, it becomes harder for the experts of the world to discredit or ignore. This is especially
true when these stories match the geological and archaeological clues.

When we speak of eyewitness testimonies of the past, we will be referring to ancient historical
documents, writings or graphic art on tablets of clay and stone, records religiously preserved by
faithful believers as passed on by their predecessors, and oral traditions handed down through the

Obviously, the closer the record is to the actual events, the more accurate the testimony. As a story is
passed on through the generations it often takes on a mythical form. The key players and events of
the story may become larger than life, dramaticized and laden with symbolism. Some of these literary
adjustments may have been purposefully done in order for their descendants to easily remember and
pass it on in an interesting and entertaining manner.

Many ancient oral and written stories have been labelled by experts as myths and legends.
Archaeology has proven that many of these ancient traditions have been wrongfully judged. The Shu
King, Shih King and Hsiao King4 were once considered legendary histories of China as they
described an advanced civilization capable of great public works from almost five thousand to three

World Myth or History? 5

thousand years ago. Since 1959, Archaeological excavation 5 has uncovered high city walls, grand
ritual buildings, palaces, tombs and thousands of artifacts that gives substance to the ‘legendary’ Xia,
Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

On another continent, Homer’s poem, the Iliad which spoke of a romantic war over a beautiful
princess in the mythical city of Troy was viewed as fiction. Amateur archaeologist Heinrich
Schliemann 6 believing that these legends were more than whimsy found the actual city of Troy in

The bible has also suffered under the experts who have prematurely denounced it as books of myths
and legends. Archaeology has time and again proven that the many characters, locations and events
mentioned in scripture were actually real. The Hittites (Hittite Empire) with over 50 biblical references
was touted as proof of error until as recently as 1975 when cuneiform records from the ancient
Kingdom of Ebla 7 confirmed them as historical fact. Interestingly, archaeologists have been finding
traces of this lost empire since the late 1800s, including a find of thousands of Hittite cuneiform
tablets in one of its capitals by Hugo Winckler 8 (1906-07).

Scholars have learned to be careful not to dismiss what has been considered myths and legends too
easily. There is a growing movement of those who are paying more attention to what the ancients
found so important that they wanted to pass it on, never to be forgotten. A lone story may be
discounted, but when it is repeated by many voices all over the planet, it would be foolishness and
pride not to listen to what they are saying.


You visit the neighbourhood of the crime scene again months after the couple had been tried and
found guilty of murder. You notice right away that things have changed. A few houses had installed
bars on their windows and steel safety doors, others had put in additional locks.

A home had a chainlink fence that you are sure was not there before.

You smile to greet a walking man who stares suspiciously at you.

You wonder how different things would be if the couple had been declared heroes instead of villains.

World Myth or History? 6


The things we assume forms our thoughts, our ideas and our actions. When we build upon mistaken
assumptions, humanity reaps the consequences. Ideas fashion the world we live in. When children
grow up believing they are nothing but animals, should we be surprised when they act that way?

Many decisions are made based on assumptions. Nations go to war on what they assume is reliable
intel, and investments are made and lost based on calculated speculations. Mistakes are made. But
do we learn from them?

Do we need to make our own mistakes? Has humanity in fact been making the same mistakes over
and over again? Have the ancients been calling out from the past to warn the future?

Has our planet undergone global destructions that has wiped out civilizations time and again?

Consider the statement made by North American Chief Seattle Duwamish, (1786-1866) that, “There
is no death. Only a change of worlds.”9

Or consider the writings of Plato (428 BC - 348 BC)

“ mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you in ancient tradition, nor
any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why. There have been, and will be again,
many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by
the agencies of fire and water…”10

Plato actually gives us a convincing reason to suspect that mankind seems to have started over
several times, no ancient sciences, so much ‘new’ discoveries. If mankind has been around for tens
of thousands of years, is it reasonable to believe that the first circumnavigation of the globe was done
by Magellan in 1520s? Or did mankind only learn to fly in 1903? Did we only get so smart in the last
few centuries or have we simply forgotten?

King Solomon (965 -925 BC), considered by many bible scholars as the wisest of men, wrote,
Is there anything of which one might say, “See this, it is new”?
Already it has existed for ages
Which were before us.
There is no remembrance of earlier things;
And also of the later things which will occur,

World Myth or History? 7

There will be for them no remembrance
Among those who will come later still.11

Could there have been ages of long ago that had made ‘new’ discoveries that we are just dreaming
up today? Solomon (c.970-931 BC) appears confident that before his reign, ages had already been
forgotten and after his rule, future ages will be forgotten. What kind of planetary events could cause
such global amnesia?

Examples of lost ancient sciences and knowledge are literally written in stone. Megalithic structures
using stones weighing hundreds to over a thousand tons were sometimes quarried from hundreds of
miles away, transported and lifted up to hundreds of feet high and positioned with razor sharp
precision. This is evident in cyclopean megaliths 12 found in the obelisks and statues of ancient Egypt,
the Trilithon of Baalbek Lebanon, Le Grand Menhir Brise of France, the Korean Ganghwa Dolmens,
El Enladrillado of Chile and many other structures found all over the world. Even with all our modern
technology and power movers, modern man would be pushed to the limit to even to try to duplicate
any one of these.

The Ica stones brought to world attention by Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea, a physician and amateur
archaeologist, reveal ancient medical knowledge by the Inca civilization as well as accurate
depictions of animals, including dinosaurs.
“The stone portraits show very sophisticated surgery skills and medical knowledge, in some cases as
advanced, and even more advanced, than today. There are scenes of Caesarean sections, blood
transfusions, the use of acupuncture needles as an anesthetic (which only gained use in the West
since the late 1970s), delicate operations on the lungs and kidneys, and removal of cancerous
tumors. There are likewise detailed images of open heart and open brain surgery, as well as 20
stones showing a step-by-step heart transplant procedure.” 13

These stones are currently rejected by the academe as hoaxes 14, probably more for its implications
on their assumptions rather than on the basis of facts. I have a feeling that this may proceed down
the same path as the vehement objections against the cave paintings discovered by Sautuola. Not
only do we have written record of the Ica stones from as early as the 1500s, there are also thousands
of these grey andesite stones with carved images found in different places by different people,
including respected archaeological teams. The allegations of forgery began when the farmer who had
sold several stones to Cabrera had told authorities that he had made them using a dental drill and
cow dung with comic book references in order to avoid imprisonment for selling archaeological

World Myth or History? 8

From ancient Babylon (1800-1650 BC) four clay tablets:16 the Yale tablet YBC 7289, Plimpton 322,
the Susa tablet, and the Tell Dhibayi tablet obtained from various archaeological excavations show
the people of that time had a good understanding of the Pythagorean theorem and were familiar with
its usage over a thousand years before the Greek mathematician Pythagoras ‘discovered’ it.

According to my Atlas of World History, modern humans have been around since 100,000 BC, yet we
are just barely scratching the surface at the clues from the last few thousand years. Much of what we
learn as history is laden with conjecture and creative interpretation based on assumptions.

When we are taught that ancient man started of as hunter gatherers, and around 90,000 years later
began to farm and cultivate crops, we wonder how much of this is based on assumption and how
much on facts? Particularly, since the book of Genesis tells us that man’s first job was the cultivation
of the land (Genesis 2:15). Genesis also notes that humankind was initially created as vegetarians
and were not meant to eat meat until after the flood. (Genesis 1:29 & Genesis 9:3)

The hunter gatherer beginnings of man is based on the assumption that primeval ape like man would
not be able to handle the complexities of farming in rhythm with seasons with the appropriate
domesticated grains. This assumption has Dr. D’amo (Eat Right for Your Blood Type) stating that
Type O was the first blood type because this is the most compatible blood type for a high meat diet 17.

But is this scientifically accurate?

“Interestingly enough, the A blood type appears to be the oldest and original human type, not O. This
information has been available from microbiological research and analysis of DNA since 1990. The
first blood type diet book, “Eat Right 4 Your Type”, published in 1996, did not make use of current
research, but instead used earlier works to establish its anthropological premise that O’s should be
on a meat-based diet as they were the original hunter-gatherers…”
Yamamoto F, Clausen H, White T, Marken J, Hakomori S, Molecular genetic basis of the histo-blood
group ABO system, Nature 1990 May 17, 345(6272):229-33
Naruya Saitou and Fumi-ichiro Yamamoto, Evolution of Primate ABO Blood Group Genes, Molecular
Biology and Evolution, 14(4):399-411,1997
--From the Owen Foundation Website 18

The A blood type, which scientific analysis identifies as the first blood type is actually the best for a
vegetarian diet. This does not prove the bible’s claims but it does seem to support it. Understanding
our real history is the beginning of understanding who we are. We find our place in the great story of

World Myth or History? 9

planet earth and discover our purpose. Where we go from there will be our decision, but hopefully a
decision based on truth.

The goal of this book is not to rewrite history. On the contrary, this book aims to present history before
it was rewritten. I am simply organizing the voices of the past into a concerted song. If our ancestors,
spanning many continents, civilizations, and millenia found the stories worth telling, then it just may
be something worth hearing.

World Myth or History? 10


1. “Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain.” UNESCO World Heritage Centre. 2015. UNESCO.
3/4/2015 <>
2. Fradin, Dennis. Maria De Sautuola: Discoverer of the Bulls in the Cave (Remarkable Children Series, #2). Silver
Burdett Pr, 1997
3. Curtis, Gregory. The Cave Painters: Probing the Mysteries of the World’s First Artists. New York: Knopf Doubleday
Publishing Group, 2007
4. Legge, James, trans. The Shû King, Shih King and Hsiâo King: Sacred Books of the East, vol.3. 1879 Scanned at, August-September 2000, revised July 2005
5. Sha Dao, trans. “The Archaeology of the Three Dynasties.” China Through a Lens. 2004. 2/5/2015
6. “Heinrich Schliemann.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 2/5/2015 <>
7. Waine-Ann Mclaughlin. “How Archaeology Proves the Bible.” Prevail Magazine. 2014. Church of God International,
Inc.. 2/4/2015. <>
8. Unger, Merril F. The New Unger's Bible Dictionary. USA: The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago,2005
9. Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009
10. Jowett, Benjamin, trans. “The Dialogues of Plato: Timaeus.” The Great Books Encyclopedia Britannica. 1952
11. New American Standard Bible. Ecclesiastes 1:10-11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
12.“The Top 50 Megaliths (The Largest Cut Stones of All Time).” Ancient Wisdom. 2013. 2/5/15. <http://www.ancient->
13.“7.The Incredible Stones of Dr. Cabrera.” Out-of-Place Artifacts. 2013. 3/4/2015.
14.Dr. Dennis Swift. “Are the Ica Stones Fake?” Cryptozoology Research Team. 2015. The Dinosaur Institute.
3/4/2015. <>
15.“Ica Stones.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 2/5/2015. <>
16.JJ O’Connor & EF Robertson. “Pythagoras’s Theorem in Babylonian Mathematics.” History Topics: Babylonian
Mathematics. 2011. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews Scotland. 3/5/2015.
17. Peter D’Adamo. “Blood Groups and the History of Peoples.” Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. Penguin Putnam
Inc. 2002
18.“Blood Type Diet FAQ.” Owen Foundation Website. Owen Foundation. December 2009.

World Myth or History? 11

Chapter Two
Voices from the Past

Sorting through hundreds of flood mythologies sourced from various continents and historical epochs,
I began to see an emerging pattern of not one, but several catastrophes that have ravaged the
peoples of the earth with at least two worldwide events related to a rising of the waters.

The concept of two major worldwide flood events may come as a shock to Christians who have often
heard the teaching that God would never send a flood again. But if God’s promise were that simple,
then it would have been broken multiple times each year, every time we receive reports of floods that
devastate cities and nations.

To understand the promise, let us read what the Hebrew scripture says,
I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood,
neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth.”1

There were two distinctive characteristics that made ‘Noah’s flood’ unique. First unique element is
that every living thing on the land at the time of the flood died. And the second is that the destruction
of this deluge was global, with the waters of the flood covering all land masses. The biblical promise
given was that the inundation in which only those within the ark survived, and which totally
reconfigured and flooded the surface of the earth, would never be repeated. Therefore, when legends
tell of survivors who were able to escape through other means, or mention higher elevations that
remained above the flood, we realize that they are speaking of a different flood event. And due to the
fact that this second type of flood event also recurs in worldwide mythologies and is credited to
destroying existing civilizations, it appears to have surpassed a local or isolated flooding such as is
normally observed today.

Plato writes of multiple recurring destructions of mankind interspersed with long intervals of time, and
according to him, the most severe destructions had been caused by fire and water. Such was the
Deluge survived by Deucalion and Pyrrha, and the flood and volcanic activity that buried Atlantean
and early Athenian civilization under its waters. Plato even went so far as to note that, “those who live
upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction by fire, while those who
dwell by rivers or on the seashore by water.”2

World Myth or History? 12

The Miao people of China have a song they chant that echoes the claims of Plato regarding
catastrophes caused by fire and water.
“Heavenly King made heaven and earth…
Who came to the bad disposition,
To send fire and burn the hills?
Who came to the bad disposition,
To send water and destroy the earth?
I who sing don’t know
Zie did. Zie was of bad disposition
Zie sent fire and burned the hill;
Thunder did. Thunder was of bad disposition,
Thunder sent water and destroyed the earth
Why don’t you know?”3
The Miao who have no written language, preserve their history through an oral tradition in songs that
include the creation and a catastrophic flood whose only survivors was a couple in a large bottle
gourd who later repopulated earth.

On the continent of Australasia, the New Zealand Maori have stories of two great floods. 4 A primeval
one that totally overturned earth mother and a partial one where survivors were able to escape
destruction by fleeing to the mountain top.

Australian Aborigine have several recorded flood myths very much like the Genesis flood. We also
find an Aborigine legend 5 that seems to speak of a great drought, followed by a catastrophic flood. It
tells of how frog had gulped down all the water of the world causing a drought. The animals tried to
make the greedy frog laugh in order to release the precious water. After much effort, eel finally
succeeded but they were unprepared for the flood of water that poured out of frog’s mouth that
overflowed rivers and covered the earth so that the tips of mountains looked like islands in the sea.
Pelican, using a canoe, rescued the survivors.
Using clues in the legend of mountains peaks that remained above the waters and the rescue of
other survivors, we infer that this story is not about the flood of Noah recorded in the bible. Instead,
this flood is said to have occurred right after a period of heat or drought. We also learn that somehow
the waters of the planet seem to have been collected or stored somewhere, only to be dramatically

The North American Cherokee tribe has preserved a myth 6 that seems to record a succession of
destructive ages in sequence. The legend tells of how mother Sun, jealous of how people smiled at

World Myth or History? 13

brother moon, sent burning fever down to the people. A decision was reached to kill the sun for fear
that no one would be left alive.
Someone was turned magically into a snake that would wait by the door at the home of the daughter
of Sun. Unfortunately, while waiting for the Sun to come visit her daughter, the snake was startled and
accidentally bit the daughter, killing her instead. Upon discovering the death of her daughter, the
grieving sun covered herself behind the clouds, effectively ending the heat but causing the world to
become cold and dark. For fear that all life would freeze to death, the people decided to somehow
bring the daughter back from the land of the dancing spirits.
Learning of their plan, the Sun promised to end the freezing and the extreme heat if they were
successful. After an exciting turn of events that ended in failure, the men returned empty handed but
were too scared to tell the Sun. But after many days, the Sun knew that her daughter was truly gone
and began to cry. The Sun’s tears caused a great flood in the world.
The frantic people began to dance, reminding the Sun of her daughter and comforting her. This is why
they dance whenever the rain falls.
Wading through the mythological embellishments we find four time periods of the Sun divided by
three climatic emergencies described in sequence. The first would be a time of extreme burning heat
that caused sickness and death, followed by a period of freezing cold, the third would be a great
flood, the fourth would be the current temperate age.

The Hopi people 7 have a similar story of multiple destructions. It tells of how the corruption and
warring nature of people cause the displeasure of Sotuknang (the Creator) making him destroy and
recreate the world three times in order to bring people back to the right ways. First by fire, second by
cold, then a third time by a flood in which the true believers were guided to a land northeast, before
their original islands sank under the sea.

It is good to note at this point that North American mythology is rife with legends of the great flood
from which the earth had to be repopulated by the survivors on the lone canoe. Noah’s flood is
logically not included, in the stories of the Cherokee and Hopi nations because these are the oral
history of people groups established after they had spread out and multiplied on the earth. Since the
Noachian type deluge is not included in both myths but are contained in their general compilation of
lore, we could probably safely place it at the very start, right before the deadly heat.

When we place the great deluge at the start, we have a record from North America of five
consecutive ages divided by four global catastrophes in the same order.
In Mesoamerica, we find a similar story carved into 25 tons of basalt in the Aztec Calendar Sun
Stone.8 Although the stone was made in 1469, it borrows from Mayan mythology going back over a

World Myth or History? 14

thousand years. The stone tells the story of five successive ages brought about by four major
catastrophic events. These five ages are called the five Suns, presided over by the central sun god
Tonatiuh. In the first age, the Creator sets out to destroy the giant inhabitants and the earth itself by
sending jaguars from heaven. The second age is destroyed by violent scorching wind and the third
age by fire and ash, and the fourth age with a flood. This leaves us in the fifth current age we live in.

The Hebrew prophet Amos (c. 750 BC) records a strikingly similar succession of catastrophic events,
and attributes them to God calling His people back to Him. This is the oldest record I have found of
the four catastrophes and for a very good reason. When Amos began his prophetic declarations, two
of the catastrophes had not yet occurred. All other records of the four ends of the ages were taken
from the collective memories of those who had gone before them. Amos was speaking on behalf of a
being who claims to know the end from the beginning. (Isaiah 46:10)

Amos is the first prophetic book included in the Old Testament. A test of a true prophet is the
fulfillment of prophecy. Amos started his book by predicting the fiery destruction of Israel’s
neighbouring cities, and the same fiery destruction that would fall on God’s sinful people (Amos 1-2).
Then in Chapter four Amos spoke of this fiery judgment in past tense. I doubt if a metaphysical fire or
a symbolic fire would have convinced the leaders of their epoch to include the writings of a shepherd
from Tekoa as sacred scripture within a few years after his predictions.
According to Amos, God was reminding His stubborn people of past catastrophes and warning them
of future ones...
”6 “But I gave you also cleanness of teeth in all your cities
And lack of bread in all your places,
Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the LORD.
7 “Furthermore, I withheld the rain from you
While there were still three months until harvest.
Then I would send rain on one city
And on another city I would not send rain;
One part would be rained on,
While the part not rained on would dry up.
8 “So two or three cities would stagger to another city to drink water,
But would not be satisfied;
Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the LORD.
9 “I smote you with scorching wind and mildew;
And the caterpillar was devouring
Your many gardens and vineyards, fig trees and olive trees;

World Myth or History? 15

Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the LORD.
10 “I sent a plague among you after the manner of Egypt;
I slew your young men by the sword along with your captured horses,
And I made the stench of your camp rise up in your nostrils;
Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the LORD.
11 “I overthrew you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah,
And you were like a firebrand snatched from a blaze;
Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the LORD.
12 “Therefore thus I will do to you, O Israel;
Because I will do this to you,
Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.9
--Amos 4:6-12 (NASB)
Since this is God talking to Israel, the deluge of Noah is not included in the catastrophes He claims to
have used to get them to return to Him, simply because Israel did not exist as a nation at that time.
Taking the Genesis flood as the first catastrophic end to an age, we find a detailed description of the
end of the second age. Amos 4:6-8 describes a severe famine and drought that affected all the cities
and places. Verses 9 and 10 speaks of a scorching wind and resulting diseases in mankind. The third
catastrophic end of an age is in verses ten and eleven where he talks of a fiery destruction such as
befell Sodom and Gomorrah, but where their nation was spared in the past.
The kingdom had already split into Israel and Judah when Amos wrote this, yet the nations
understood the significance of these destructions that they and their ancestors had experienced in
their early recorded history. And if they still refused to listen, they were told to prepare for a future
catastrophe, a fourth, which was a flood of water.
6 The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens
And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth,
He who calls for the waters of the sea
And pours them out on the face of the earth,
The LORD is His name.10
--Amos 9:6 (NASB)

The waters of the sea poured over the face of the earth aptly describes the rising of the sea waters,
usually confined to oceanic crust, over the continental crust. The fourth catastrophic end of the age
that began the fifth age is once again said to be a flood.

Amos is not alone among the bible prophets in reminding the nations of the multiple destructions that
had befallen them throughout the ages that they directly credited to God. The book of Nahum (c. 661

World Myth or History? 16

- 612 BC) written approximately 100 years later, warns again of the coming flood, but first he reminds
the peoples that God is more than able to do as He said since He had done it before.

Amos wrote,
3 The LORD is slow to anger and great in power,
And the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.
In whirlwind and storm is His way,
And clouds are the dust beneath His feet.
4 He rebukes the sea and makes it dry;
He dries up all the rivers.
Bashan and Carmel wither;
The blossoms of Lebanon wither.
5 Mountains quake because of Him
And the hills dissolve;
Indeed the earth is upheaved by His presence,
The world and all the inhabitants in it.
6 Who can stand before His indignation?
Who can endure the burning of His anger?
His wrath is poured out like fire
And the rocks are broken up by Him.
7 The LORD is good,
A stronghold in the day of trouble,
And He knows those who take refuge in Him.
8 But with an overflowing flood
He will make a complete end of its site,
And will pursue His enemies into darkness.11
-Nahum 1:3-8 (NASB)

Nahum starts the list of catastrophes immediately in chapter one with very little preamble. Perhaps at
this time, a century later, the promised catastrophe is right at the door and the urgency to get the
people to listen is much greater. In verse 3 and 4 Nahum describes the first desolation caused by the
whirlwind and dust storms that came with the drought that dried up both the salt and fresh water
sources of the world. The next desolation is described in verses 5 and 6, mountains quaking and hills
dissolving as fire from God poured out over the earth. And in verse 8 Nahum writes of the great flood
that was to end the fourth age.

World Myth or History? 17

When we chart the claims of the ancient peoples of the earth, who diligently preserved the record of
their histories on various continents through oral tradition, carving in stone or writings on parchment,
we find an emerging pattern. The clues can be found not only in the similarities but also in the

The differences actually make the record more credible. Instead of something merely copied or
parroted from an older myth, the differences testify of the unique experiences of each people group. It
is also logical that global catastrophes would produce different manifestations in the different regions
of the world.

People groups that lived in the latitudes closer to the North and South poles, such as the North
American tribes and those in Australasia record a time of freezing cold that ended the third age. The
myth from Australia even gives the impression that their ancestors knew and observed the ‘frog’ that
had drank the waters of the earth and also saw and even heard its violent release.

The civilizations that resided closer to the equator report a destructive fiery calamity that brought an
end to the third age. Since we find oral and written records of this desolation of fire and ash from the
Americas all the way to the Middle East, we may infer that this destruction was global in scope.

World Myth or History? 18

REFERENCES: (Charting the End of the Ages)
1. Cherokee Myths
Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009.
“Native Languages of the Americas: Tsalagi/Cherokee Legends, Myths, and Stories.” 1/15/2015. Native Languages of the Americas Website. 2/18/2015.
Stonee. “The Deluge (Cherokee).” Stonee’s Lore, Legends, and Teachings, 12/24/01. Native Languages of America,
2. Hopi Myths
Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009.
A. Koltypin, L. Fitzpatrick, trans. “Hopi - Descendants of Spider-Women. Four Worlds in Mythology of Hopi.” Earth Before the Flood: Disappeared Continents
and Civilizations. 1/3/2015. Dr. Alexander Koltypin <>
“Flood Mythology.” Rabbit Hole 2.0. 5/30/2013. The Rabbit Hole.
3. Australian Aborigine
Reed, A.W., ‘The Great Flood’, in Aboriginal Fables And Legendary Tales, Reed Books, Sydney, Australia
Coates, H., The Flood, Creation 4(3):9-12, 1981.

World Myth or History? 19

Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009.
“A Legend of the Great Flood.” Internet Sacred Texts Archive. 8/8/2003. Sacred Texts. 2/15/2015 <>
4. New Zealand Maori
Best, Elsdon. Maori Religion and Mythology Part 2. New Zealand: P.D. Hasselberg, Wellington. 2005
Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009.
“Flood Mythology.” Rabbit Hole 2.0. 5/30/2013. The Rabbit Hole.
5. Aztec
Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009
6. Prophet Amos, Amos 4:6-8, Amos 9:6 (NASB), Genesis 6-9
7. Prophet Nahum, Nahum 1:3-8 (NASB), Genesis 6-9

Calamities are something the nations of the earth have learned to take in stride. Hardly a week goes
by that we do not hear of some tragic natural disaster that struck somewhere in the world. But life
goes on. The disasters occur with varying degrees of severity and loss. In 1931 China had a flood 12
with estimated fatalities of over 3 million. Japan suffered an earthquake 13 with a resulting Tsunami in
1498 that killed around 30,000 people. These two top the lists of the worst flood and the worst
earthquake in our recorded history. Do you remember them? Have the peoples of the earth written
myths and legends to commemorate these tragic events? How much greater must the age ending
destructions have been to enable them to permeate the world’s consciousness?

Plato wrote of how mankind has gone through these “ lesser ones brought on by innumerable other
causes.” But he notes that “the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water.”14
These ‘great destructions’ that had the power to end civilizations and wipe out much of the
advancements in science and knowledge, were deemed sufficiently important by our predecessors to
record across the globe.

The large role attributed by ancient mythology to the celestial bodies, particularly the sun, moon and
the planets, recur in the destruction of the ages. Direct reference to the Sun’s responsibility is shown
in both North American and Mesoamerican lore. Allegorical references are contained in Greek
Mythology with most of the planets named after the gods of old. Australian Aborigines speak of the
time of the Dreaming when earth experienced catastrophic changes, and point to celestial bodies as
the characters in their stories. The Visuddhi-Magga, a sacred Buddhist manuscript, claims that the
Word Cycles that come to an end by wind, fire or water are connected to activities in the three
heavenly boundaries.15

Mythology is not reticent about the changes that happen on our planet. The Maori entitle their story of
the primeval deluge, the hurihanga a Mataaho (overturning of Earth Mother), where the planet is
forced to look down instead of her upward gaze.16 Scripture tells us that during the flood of Noah, the
floodgates of the sky / the windows of heaven were opened (Genesis 7:11).

World Myth or History? 20

The prophet Isaiah gives us a graphic depiction of what that means to planet earth.
“...For the windows above are opened, and the foundations of the earth shake.
The earth is broken asunder,
The earth is split through,
The earth is shaken violently.
The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard
And it totters like a shack…”17

If the earth had indeed flipped over, then the sun would appear to rise in the opposite side. There is
actually a Hebrew name for a world with a sun that rises from the west - Tevel.18 The Indians of
Mesoamerica called the west rising sun -Teotl Lexco.19 The Chinese, who have meticulous
astronomical records from as far back as the third millennium BC, say that the movement of stars
from east to west is a new order of things.20

“At certain periods the universe has its present circular motion, and at other periods it revolves in the
reverse direction...of all the changes which take place in the heavens this reversal is the greatest and
most complete.”21 --Plato

Geologists have found evidence of polar shifts on earth and have tried to mathematically compute
how such a shift could occur. “Some of the greatest geologists of the time, including J.C.Maxwell and
Sir George Darwin (son of the famous Charles Darwin), considered this possibility, and decided that
the stabilizing effect of the equatorial bulge was so great that no conceivable force originating within
the Earth could make it shift on its axis, except for the collision with another planet.”22

It is mathematically impossible for any force within the earth to cause it to dramatically shift on its
axis. Scientists have mathematically calculated that a powerful celestial outside force is needed to
initiate such an event. The authors of worldwide age ending catastrophic lore had most likely not
done the complex mathematical calculations to discover the factors necessary for their story to
happen. Thus, it is interesting to find interplanetary forces or the involvement of other heavenly
bodies in the end of the age destructions proliferating the myth and legends of the world.

The devolution of man is also a consistent part of worldwide mythology. When each age comes to an
end, the next age that arises is described as a step down from the previous one. The theme of the
original golden age of man is common in world lore and legend. Hesiod (c.700 BC), a contemporary
of Homer, specified five ages 23 of man in the Works and Days. According to Hesiod, our civilization
is in the fifth age, before which four other ages had existed and been destroyed by Zeus. Hesiod

World Myth or History? 21

described the first age as man’s golden age, followed by the silver age, the bronze age, the age of
heroes, succeeded by an iron age. The metals he used to portray the succession of ages seem to
imply a lowering quality and worth.

King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the chain of world empires, from the Book of Daniel, used the same
metals to describe a downward progression from the golden head, silver arms and breast, bronze
belly and thighs, iron legs, and feet of iron mixed with clay. (Daniel 2:31-33)

“The Hindis believe that the earth has had four progressively worse ages. The first was Kriti Yuga,
the First and Perfect Age, lost to man due to his actions.” 24 Each Yuga (Age) is depicted by color,
with white as the purest and best of the ages.

The Aztec Calendar Sun Stone 25 relates a similar devolution of mankind. The myth informs us that
the survivors of the first destruction were humans, those that lived after the end of the second age
were monkeys, those that escaped the end of the third age became birds, and those who came out
from the fourth age became fish. It is difficult not to see the irony of this myth when contrasted with
the assumptions in the theory proposing our origins from fish to bird to monkey to man.

Survivors of these worldwide calamities almost unanimously claim that they were not catastrophic
accidents, but purposeful acts of some sort of divine being. Whether we call him Sotuknang (the
Creator) of the Hopi or Tonatiuh (Sun God) of the Aztecs or Jehovah of the Hebrews, the author of
these world changing events does not try to hide. Instead, in many myths, the divine being sends a
warning beforehand and then gives instructions for the faithful few in order that they may be spared
from what is to come.

In a Bible Psalm that speak of earth changing catastrophes, mountains slipping under the sea and
the earth quaking and melting, there is a call for the observers to watch and remember to whom we
must ascribe these acts.
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD,
Who has wrought desolations in the earth.
9 He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth;
He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
He burns the chariots with fire.
10 “Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”26

World Myth or History? 22

Responsibility for the desolations (plural) of the earth is claimed by God, and the reason is given in
this ancient song. It says that it is in order to stop the wars that reach to the end of the earth.
Specifically mentioning the breaking of the weapons of warfare and the vehicles that enable them to
harm their fellow man.

But why would the Hebrew God involve the nations of the earth?
Because He claims to be not only the God of the children of Israel, but the God over every nation - an
all encompassing God who deals with the individual nations of the world.
“Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is You who possesses all the nations.”27
If there was a Creator God, would it not logically follow that this being would not be the exclusive
property of a single people group? Should it not be more rational to think of the divine being as One
that is the rightful ruler of all humanity?

The self-destructive nature of man is evident in our desire to find out how every scientific and
technological discovery we make can be used in more and more advanced weapons of warfare.
Nations always seem to be trying to build up a fearsome arsenal that could kill more and kill faster.
Einstein, one of the greatest minds of our time, saw humanity’s inclination towards self-annihilation
and made his own prediction.
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with
sticks and stones.” --Albert Einstein

The nature of humanity has not changed much through the ages. In the Dialogues of Plato, he
described the goddess worshipped by an ancient Hellenic race, ancestors of which even the Greeks
of his age had no memory of. The supreme goddess whom they worshipped,
“...was a lover both of war and wisdom, selected and first of all settled that spot which was most
likely to produce men likest herself.”28

It was this lost Greek civilization that stood up against the Atlantean Empire as supposedly recorded
in the ancient histories preserved in the libraries of Egypt.
“For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole
of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end.”29
Plato described a world war in which the powerful continent of Atlantis had attacked and subjugated
many nations and islands in various continents.
“But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of
misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner
disappeared in the depths of the sea.”30

World Myth or History? 23

The destruction was so traumatic that even the Greeks of Plato’s time had no remembrance of their
mighty predecessors who had been a world power prior to this great catastrophe.

The Hopi creator god, Sotuknang, also made it clear that the destructions of the ages came because
the people had left the right ways and would not stop their wars.

North American Navajo maintain that, “The first people came up through three worlds and settled in
the fourth world. They had been driven from each successive world because they had quarreled with
one another and committed adultery.”31

The Aztecs likewise maintained that the destruction of the ages had come about due to the sinfulness
of the people and the resulting displeasure of their gods.

The Sacred Buddhist book Visuddhi-Magga in a discussion regarding World Cycles, asks and
answers this question.
“Why does the world perish in this particular ways?
It is on account of the special wickedness that may be at bottom. For it is in accordance with the
wickedness preponderating that the world perishes.”32

A sacred manuscript, the Hindu Bhagavata Purana, write of four types of annihilation (pralaya) that is
carried out by the powers of drought, wind, fire, and water by the will of the Creator of the universe. 33

Were the destruction of the ages acts of judgment and mercy towards mankind? Judgment on the
powerful empires armed with weapons of superior technology for conquering and enslaving the
nations of the world, and mercy to those who may begin again with the scales reset so that they may
start life in peace on level ground?

These verses from the Sibylline Chronicles seems to imply so. The Sibyl was a prophetess who
claimed to be one of the wives of Noah’s sons. Her oracles were held in high regard in antiquity.
“But yet the whole world of unnumbered men
Enraged shall kill each other, and in tumult
Shall God send famines, plagues, and thunderbolts
On men who without justice, judge of rights.

World Myth or History? 24

And lack of men shall be in all the world,
So that if anyone beheld a trace
Of man on earth, he would be wonder-struck.
And then shall the great God who dwells in heaven
Saviour of pious men in all things prove.

And then shall there be peace and wisdom deep,

And the fruit bearing land shall yield again
Abundant fruits, divided not in parts
Nor yet enslaved. And every harbor then,
And every haven, shall be free to men…”34

Could it have been the way to preserve life on earth by breaking mankind’s ability to destroy
ourselves and the world we live in?
I am not making excuses for God, nor does He need one. Sometimes in our modern society we forget
what God means. He is not a wish granting genie or a butler waiting on us to make sure our every
whim is met. God is the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Creator of the Universe. And
although He is good and loving, it does not make Him any less fearsome.

There is a harmony in the voices in the past that cannot easily be brushed aside as mere coincidence
or borrowing from each other. These myths are carefully, even religiously preserved, from many
different continents and historical epochs. Scholars may brand them as myths and legends, but many
of the peoples who have kept these records considered these testimonies of those who had lived
through the events as their true history.

World Myth or History? 25

1. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 9:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
2. Jowett, Benjamin, trans. “The Dialogues of Plato: Timaeus.” The Great Books Encyclopedia Britannica. 1952
3. E. T. C. Werner, Myths and Legends of China. London: George G. Harrap and Company, 1922, pp. 406-408.
4. Best, Elsdon. Maori Religion and Mythology Part 2. New Zealand: P.D. Hasselberg, Wellington. 2005
5. “A Legend of the Great Flood.” Internet Sacred Texts Archive. 8/8/2003. Sacred Texts. 2/15/2015
6. Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009
7. “Flood Mythology.” Rabbit Hole 2.0. 5/30/2013. The Rabbit Hole.
8. Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009
9. New American Standard Bible. Amos 4:6-12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
10. New American Standard Bible. Amos 9:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
11. New American Standard Bible. Nahum 1:3-8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
12.“List of Deadliest Floods.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 3/5/2015.
13.Amanda Balkhi. “25 Worst Earthquakes in History.” List25. 2013. 3/5/2015 <
14. Jowett, Benjamin, trans. “The Dialogues of Plato: Timaeus.” The Great Books Encyclopedia Britannica. 1952
15. “69. World Cycles [The Fourth High Power].” Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii).
16. Best, Elsdon. Maori Religion and Mythology Part 2. New Zealand: P.D. Hasselberg, Wellington. 2005
17. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 24:18-20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
18. Steinschneider. Hebråische Bibliographie, vol. XVIII, p61
19. Seler. “Einiges uber die naturlichen Grundlagen Mexicanischer Mythen.” Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Vol. III 1907
20. Bellamy. Moons, Myths and Man. p69
21. H.N. Fowler, trans. Plato: The Statesman or Politicus. 1925. p49-53
22. “Changing Poles.” 2015. Viewzone Magazine. 3/8/2015.
23.Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days (1914) 2008. 3/5/2015
24. Michael Wood. “Myths and Archetypes.” In Search of Myths and Heroes. 2015. PBS. 11/22/15.
25. Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009
26. New American Standard Bible. Psalms 46:8-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
27. New American Standard Bible. Psalm 82:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
28. Jowett, Benjamin, trans. “The Dialogues of Plato: Timaeus.” The Great Books Encyclopedia Britannica. 1952
29. Jowett, Benjamin, trans. “The Dialogues of Plato: Timaeus.” The Great Books Encyclopedia Britannica. 1952
30. Jowett, Benjamin, trans. “The Dialogues of Plato: Timaeus.” The Great Books Encyclopedia Britannica. 1952
31. Richard Erdoes, Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths and Legends. NY: Pantheon Books. 1984. p 39
32. “69. World Cycles [The Fourth High Power].” Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii).
33. “Pralaya: The Four Types of Annihilation.” Canto 12, Chapter 4. S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM “The Story of the
Fortunate One.” 2012
34.Milton S. Terry, trans. The Sibylline Oracles. Book 2. 20-35.NY: Eaton & Mains. Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings. 1899

World Myth or History? 26

Chapter Three

The First Age

Beginnings are the most difficult things to theorize about, since it is a one time event. The origin of
mankind and the world we live in cannot be observed or reproduced. Evolution hypothesizes millions
and billions of years that no one has the longevity to attest to, while Creation claims that it is no
longer ongoing. Unaided by testimonies from the past, it is in the origins of mankind that we can go
severely off track as far as imagination may lead.

Few are unfamiliar with the words from Genesis chapter One.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and void, and
darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the
waters.” -Genesis 1:1-2 (NASB)
Then after calling light into existence, and the separation of the waters in the heavens and on the
earth, the Creator gathered the waters of the earth and let dry land appear.

Not many know that this scripture is echoed by many of the earliest recorded creation myths. The
creation myth according to Thoth which is considered even older than the unification of ancient Egypt,
tells of a time before Existence when,
“there was nothing but a deep, formless, and water-filled void…”1
in which Atum (the Lord of Completeness),
“ a supreme act of power, created a surface over the Deep and, within it, a mound of land.”1
Ancient Sumer, Babylon and Assyria show a similar cosmology.
“The cosmos itself, Mesopotamians believed, floated upon Apsu, the watery abyss, which existed
before creation.” 2

The Yakima tribes of North America tell a myth of the Great Chief who lives in the sky.
“...he was tired of living in the sky, all alone. Even the world below held no life, as it was covered with
water. So the Great Chief came to the water below and began to make big fists of mud. He threw the
mud across the waters, creating huge piles of land.” 3

These creation myths seem to imply that the beginnings of the universe is rooted in the primeval sea
from which the landmasses of the earth arose. No cosmological origin theory for our solar system has
satisfactorily answered every problem yet. They all seem to start from the largest celestial body - the

World Myth or History? 27

sun. It would be interesting to see a theory that starts from the most unique celestial body in the
universe, the only one with liquid water.
Mayan creation mythology written in hieroglyphic speak of the same beginning.
“There was nothing standing; only the calm water, the placid sea, alone and tranquil...then came the
word. Together the gods Gucumatz and Hurakan uttered the word “earth,” and the world came into
being, rising up from the sea.” 4

In a Tagalog creation myth from the Philippines, we find a bird flying over the primeval waters before
the creation of the world. It would be logical to infer that this bird is not a natural animal but a
representation of some sort of spirit being flying over the primordial waters. The bird splashed the
waters and the Sky and caused land to appear.
“When the world first began there was no land, but only the sea and the sky, and between them was
a kite (a bird something like a hawk).” 5

The book of Genesis tells of how God spoke things into being, beginning with light, followed by
heaven and earth, vegetation, celestial bodies, and all living creatures. Many other scriptures confirm
the speaking of things into being, the idea that all visible things originated from the invisible word of
God. The Creator said it...and it came into being.

The concept that all the universe and its contents sprang forth from the mouth of the divine is not an
isolated idea in the ancient world. Similarly, the Mayan Popol Vuh (Book of Counsel) describes the
gods speaking the word to create the earth and its inhabitants.

The same primeval watery origin and creation from God’s mouth can be found in Africa.
“The Bushongo people of the Congo region called the creator Bumba. He was the sole inhabitant of
a watery universe until he vomited up the sun, which dried the water. Then he vomited up the first
animals and people.”6

The Shabaka Stone from ancient Libya retells the Thoth creation myth including a description of the
god Ptah who, “....conceived ideas in his heart, considered them with his reason, and then spoke the
words from his mouth. As the words dropped from his tongue, they turned into physical entities.” 7

These are some of the oldest creation myths recorded all over the globe, many have been found in
sacred documents of these ancient civilizations from various nations and continents. Similarities are
difficult to dismiss as random coincidence or copying from one another. Instead it seems reasonable
to consider that if all mankind did share a common ancestor, and that if the original “Adam” was not

World Myth or History? 28

an ape but had the ability to transmit a record to his progeny, then he would send them off with the
most significant information they would need for life, starting with an understanding of their origins.

In stark contrast, I have found no ancient creation myth or origin story that would imply a sudden
transitional consciousness or a realization of evolutionary change while still surrounded by a
multitude of those who were not as lucky. No legends that speak of a gradual transition leading to
accidental advancement seems to exist in any culture regarding humans or animals. Fish, birds,
mammals and man appear in mythology fully formed and distinct from one another.

Mankind’s earliest ancestors from around the globe are unified in claiming that the physical universe
we live in had a definite beginning brought about by an almighty Creator God. China in remote
antiquity worshipped Shangdi (Supreme King, God) who was seen as the creator of all things that
exists in heaven and earth. 8

If we are to believe the testimony of the ancients, then we are living in a very young world
methodically designed and created by a being we call God.

Yet hasn’t science proven the great antiquity of the earth and the universe?
In order to get a relative age of the earth, let’s use the Carbon-14 scientific dating method with its
rapid decay and half life of 5,730 years. After about 10 half-lives “(57,300 years), there should be
essentially no C-14 left.”9
It would be reasonable to imagine that items supposedly millions of years in age should be totally
depleted of any measurable C-14 content. It is therefore a scientific ‘mystery’ when:

Marble made from heated and pressurized limestone (CaCO3) assumed to be millions to billions of
years are found to still have C-14 present.9

Coal estimated at millions of years, when isotopic analyses is conducted, lists C-14 as a constituent.9

Diamonds, supposedly formed at the very beginning of the planet’s formation billions of years ago still
contains C-14.10

Fossils found in layers theorized to be up to hundreds of millions of years old still have C-14.11

Resolving these mysteries and apparent incongruities would be simple if we would allow facts to carry

World Myth or History? 29

more weight than established assumptions. However, as we allow the scientific evidence to remain
mysteries, then the mysteries pile up.

Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656) taking the bible as a literal historical document computed the
creation of the earth at 4004 BC.12
The historian Julius Africanus (c.160-240) estimated the beginning at 5501 BC.13

Even cultures that rely on their own chronologies apart from biblical records have set dates for the
creation event. Anglo-Saxons record 5,200 years from the date of creation to Christ, while the ancient
British historians calculate 5,228 and the Irish set it at 4,000 BC.14 The Mayan civilization set the day
the earth was made at August 14, 3114 BC.15

The ancients seemed confident in a definite date for creation. Rather than some amorphous
generality, we find the oldest civilizations believing that the origins of our planet began at a calculable
specific point in time. Estimated ages vary by around a thousand years, but it is evident that even
after we add the two thousand plus years after Christ, we still come short of ten thousand years which
is a very young age when seen through an old earth viewpoint.

Age One: Earthscape

“In the beginning there was nothing (Nun). A mound of earth rose from Nun and upon it Atum created
himself.” 16 Egyptian mythology tells us that from Nun, the primeval waters of nothingness, a single
landmass emerged.
A North American Cherokee creation myth, starts off by telling the listener that, “Long, long ago, a
great island floated in a giant ocean.”17

In Genesis we read how God gathered the waters of the seas into one place allowing dry land
(singular) to appear. “Then God said, “Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place,
and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.”18

These ancient accounts seem to imply a single large landmass surrounded by one huge body of
water. Geologists have come to the conclusion that in the earliest beginnings we would find an earth
unlike the world we know today. “A strange giant continent and a single planetary ocean would
replace the familiar continents and oceans of today’s world.”19

World Myth or History? 30

This giant continent, scientists call Rodinia,19 had various distinct and unique ecosystems that were
unable to fully recover after its catastrophic end. “These included a floating-forest ecosystem
consisting of lycopods of various sizes that contained large, hollow cavities in their trunks and
branches and hollow root-like rhizomes, with associated similar plants.”20

From the fossil record, we find that these floating forests that encircled Rodinia were home to a
unique set of animals consisting mostly of amphibians that are no longer extant sans their natural
“Spatially and geographically separated and isolated from this floating-forest ecosystem was
stromatolite reefs adjacent to hydrothermal springs in the shallow waters at the edges of the
continental shelves making up a hydrothermal-stromatolite reef ecosystem.”20

This hydrothermal-stromatolite reef ecosystem may have protected the giant continent from the open
ocean by forming a barrier around Rodinia and creating another ecosystem between itself and the
floating forests. The shallow temperate lagoon between the two mentioned ecosystems was home to
its own unique community including the extinct Ediacaran and Tommotian faunas.19 The deeper
sections of the planetary ocean could have been home to swarms of living creatures and the great
sea monsters mentioned in Genesis 1:20-21.

It would be expected that on the land, as in the ocean, diverse unique ecosystems would also exist.
The Tree of Life, located at the center of the paradisical garden from which the primordial waters flow,
is a familiar theme in worldwide mythology.

“In Babylonian mythology, the Tree of Life was a magical tree that grew in the center of paradise. The
Apsu, or primordial waters, flowed from its roots.”21

“In Judeo-Christian mythology, the Tree of heaven sits at the center of creation, and is the source of
the primordial rivers that water the earth-” 22 The Genesis record tells of at least two trees of divine
significance that were planted in the garden of Eden: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
and the Tree of Life.

In Chinese myth, The Divine Trees found in the earthly paradise on the summit of the Universal
Mountain of Hsi Tien (a.k.a. Shan Tian), are at the source of a great river. One of these Divine Trees
was the colossal Peach Tree of Immortality. 23

World Myth or History? 31

The West African Yoruba tell of how the god Obatala grew a palm tree as the first plant on the newly
formed land.24

Hebrew scriptures tells us that towards the East of the giant supercontinent, God planted a garden
full of beautiful flowering and fruit bearing trees (Genesis 2:8-9). From the center of this garden called
Eden flowed the headwaters, the beginning of a river, that split into four rivers as it passed the area of
the garden.
“Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four
rivers. The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.
The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the onyx stone are there. The name of the second
river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Tigris; it flows
east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.”25

The mountain paradise Shambhala from Tibetan Buddhist scriptures is also known as the Land of
White Waters, which may refer to the powerful flowing river head that gushes from this location. 26
Stories of the forbidden land of Shambhala (a.k.a. Shangri-La, Olmolungring, Dejong) are well known
in Central Asia, and is one of its most ancient myths. Old Russians call this hidden paradise
Belovodye, and the Kirghiz people call it Janaidar.27

Since waters flow downstream, we would expect the river source to be at a higher elevation with a
gradual declination as it splits and travels even further down. Myth affirms this by repeatedly relating
that the forbidden paradise is on a mountain. It is in the mid to higher cool elevations, with abundant
suitable food where humans and mammals probably lived.
“Eden is now believed to be more closely related to an Aramaic root word meaning "fruitful, well-

Gradually losing speed as it wound around the land gathering sand and sediment, the waters fan out
at its mouth, delivering the necessary nutrients to the warmer lowlands, as well as the floating forests
and its inhabitants.

Some scientists suspect that this warm lowland ecosystem was a habitat suitable for reptiles and
other creatures that would thrive in such an environment. Vegetation in the hot lowlands consisted
mostly of gymnosperms like varieties of ginkgo, conifers and cycads that have neither fruit nor
flowers. It is this lower elevation zone that may have been submerged first during the Deluge. “This
would explain why, as far as we currently know, we do not find human and dinosaur fossil remains
together in the geologic record, yet we find dinosaurs and gymnosperms only fossilized together, and

World Myth or History? 32

angiosperms only fossilized with mammals higher in the record separate from the dinosaurs and

The forbidden nature of this earthly paradise to which access is denied to sinful man is repeatedly
expressed in world mythology. Traditions by the Slavs and Persians, regarding the Tree of Life in the
middle of the garden, relate that, “This tree, which looked like an ordinary tree, was guarded by an
invisible dragon that the Persians called Simarghu and the Slavs called Simorg.”30

An invisible fire breathing dragon resembles the Cherubim (an invisible spirit being) with the flaming
sword assigned to guard the path to the hidden paradise where the Tree of Life grows, according to
Genesis 3:24. This fire wielding guard may have been the inspiration for the name Land of the Living
Fire, given to the Central Asian paradise also known as Shangri-La.

After man had left the garden, they settled in the areas towards the east of it. This was most likely still
in the cool mid to higher geographical elevations with inlands hills and rich valleys through which the
flowing rivers wind, suitable for keeping flocks and cultivating the land.

The Genesis record tells us that after the fall of mankind, they were sent east of Eden. In
consequence, displaced humanity would remember that this earthly paradise would be located
somewhere to their west. The Chinese Hsi Tien earthly paradise is home to Xi Wangmu.
“The name of the goddess is usually translated as Queen Mother of the West.” It may also mean the
ancestral great mother from the West, since the title does not really imply sovereignty or rule. Myth
holds that Hsi Tien paradise is located in the mountains of the far west.31

A Buddhist sect associated with Amida (Buddha of Boundless Light) promises faithful devotees rest in
a Western Paradise, the Pure Land.32

Stories of a forbidden earthly paradise lost to man during the first age is one of the most ancient
foundational myths of many lands that “is the source of their own religion, whether it be Hinduism,
shamanism, Buddhism, Taoism, or other.”33 The idea that this paradise was an actual place with a
physical earthly location is held by many peoples, with the Bon Buddhists preserving a geographical
map passed down through generations.33

World Myth or History? 33

Age One: People

In the literary piece Works and Days, Hesiod the Greek poet (c.700 BC) described mankind in the first
golden age. “And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief:
miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting
beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and
they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint.
They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the
blessed gods.” 34

Hesiod tells us that the people of the first age of man did not age in the same way mankind currently
does, nor did they suffer from illness. When they did die, they did so as peacefully as they lived.
No record of physical disease or sickness is found in the pre-flood Genesis account. Genesis records
the people of this period consistently reaching ages that are impossible for humanity today. Adam, the
first man, reached the age of 930 years and was still actively having children well after he was 130
years old (Genesis 5:3-5). His son son, Seth, lived 912 years and had a son who in turn lived 905
years. Considering that America is not even 300 years old, these individuals have lived longer than
many of our current nations have existed.

But as Hesiod recorded, although they did have amazingly long lifespans, they still succumbed to
death. Hebrew scriptures inform us that first age man lost their chance at immortality after failing to
heed the divine warning to not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Hebrew
scriptures record that, “...but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in
the day that you eat from it you will surely die.”35

A traditional myth from the Gilbert Islands in Micronesia tell of two trees that grew in a garden at the
very start of the world. While Na Kaa (the being who guards the garden) was away, man and woman
chose one tree to gather from. “Upon his return, Na Kaa told them that they had chosen the Tree of
Death, not the Tree of Life, and from that time all people would be mortal.”36

The Hindu Mahabharata epic describes the people of the golden first age (the Krita Yuga) similarly to
that of Hesiod, but with richer detail. “'O child, that yuga (Age) is called Krita (first, perfect, white)
when the one eternal religion was extant. And in that best of yugas, every one had religious
perfection, and, therefore, there was no need of religious acts (religious traditions). And then virtue
knew no deterioration; nor did people decrease. It is for this that this age is called Krita (perfect).
the Krita age, there were neither gods, nor demons, nor Gandharvas, nor Yakshas, nor Rakshasas,

World Myth or History? 34

nor Nagas. And there was no buying and selling. And the Sama, the Rich, and the Yajus did not exist.
And there was no manual labour. And then the necessaries of life were obtained only by being
thought of. And the only merit was in renouncing the world. And during that yuga, there was neither
disease, nor decay of the senses. And there was neither malice, nor pride, nor hypocrisy, nor discord,
nor ill-will, nor cunning, nor fear, nor misery, nor envy, nor covetousness. And for this, that prime
refuge of Yogis, even the Supreme Brahma, was attainable to all.”37

According to the Vedic text, the first age was united in one faith. Brahma (the divine) was accessible
to all. Hesiod tells us that this generation was loved and blessed by the gods. This finds parallels in
the Genesis account where we find God walking and talking with man and woman in the garden. And
even after they had left Eden, God continued to speak and be accessible to their children (Genesis
4). The first age was a time when humanity did not need religion, because it seems that in this early
age, spirit beings like God and His angels may have coexisted with mankind and appeared in tangible

Hanuman, who described the Hindu Yugas (Ages) in the Mahabharata, spoke in agreement with
Hesiod’s description of the first golden age of man. Hesiod talks of a life without sorrow, grief, and
evils. Hanuman lists the evils that were not existent to plague the citizens of the first age. There were
no demonic beings or occult forces to torment humanity. Both Hesiod and Hanuman are united that
there was no difficult labor, race for wealth and power, disease, and none of the level of moral
degeneration prevalent in the succeeding ages. First age humanity lived extremely long healthy lives
in great abundance and merriment.

Chinese describe this hidden earthly paradise as a “...mysterious place outside of time, without pain
or death, where all pleasures and arts flourished: joyous music, dancing, poetry, and divine feasts.”38

A snapshot of the leisurely way of life and partying of the peoples of the golden age, described by
myths, was given by Jesus in the New Testament when he said,
“...they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until
the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.”39

Government of this first age was Patriarchal in nature. Genesis 5 gives us a list of ten Patriarchs
beginning with Adam, his descendants and their ages when their successor was born along with their
age at death. In the Genesis record we find a significant overlap, with Adam probably alive during the
rule of 7th or 8th Patriarch. We use the world ‘rule’ loosely when it comes to the Patriarchs because
their role appeared to be more of an elder or wise advisor to the people who wanted to inquire of

World Myth or History? 35

them. Although the Patriarchs were of the lineage of Adam through Seth, they don’t seem to have
been chosen according to birth order, but an internal reverential relationship to the creator God.

The Patriarch Enoch 40 writes of a time when he instructs his son, the Patriarch Methuselah regarding
a vision of the coming Deluge, as he inquires of his grandfather the Patriarch Mahalalel.

In the Fragment from the Book of Noah, we find the Patriarch Lamech inquiring of his father the
Patriarch Methuselah, who in turn inquires of his father the Patriarch Enoch regarding some strange
events at the birth of Noah.41 These instances give us insight into the inner workings and
interconnection of the Patriarchal system.

Hebrew scripture informs us that man’s scope of rulership was over the earth and its creatures and
not over our fellow man. “Then God said, “ Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our
likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle
and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.””42
In the two instances of murder in the first age (Genesis 4), judgment came directly from God and
mankind was not allowed to take any action against the perpetrators.

Animals were the subjects of man’s dominion over the earth. However, animals of the first age seem
to have been markedly different from the present day variety. The boundaries between humans and
animals may not have been so distinct.

An Okanogan North American creation myth recounts that, “The ancients were people, yet also
animals. In form some looked like human while some walked on all fours like animals. Some could fly
like birds; others could swim like fishes. All had the gift of speech, as well as greater powers and
cunning than either animals or people. But deer were never among the ancients; they were always
animals, even as they are today.”43

Citizens of the first age civilization may have comprised more than just human beings. The
community may have included various kinds of living creatures. This myth implies that some first age
animals may have even surpassed modern man in intelligence. This included the creatures of the
land, the sea and the air over which mankind ruled. It also tells us that similar to the Genesis account,
animals had the capacity to communicate through a common language with human beings.

In the garden of Eden, Eve is not surprised that a snake should talk to her. Adam names the animals,
and they learned to keep their names. Animals obediently reported to Noah and entered the Ark in an

World Myth or History? 36

orderly fashion, walking in a line, two by two, male and female. Then on the day they exited the
vessel after the Deluge had subsided, animals went out by family, and stood by to witness the
sacrificial offering performed by Noah, and received instructions and blessing from God.

World myth is rife with animals that performed feats in the world’s early days, that would be ridiculous
to consider today. “The Bambara people of Mali believe that a sacred antelope taught people to farm
long ago. Zuni and Navajo myths show animals behaving heroically on behalf of people. In Chinese
legends, monkeys perform brave deeds, while in Mayan myth, they possess artistic talent, particularly
in writing and sculpture.”44

Xi Wang Mu, who lives in the paradise Hsi Tien (Tian Shan, Heaven Mountain), gets her food from
three azure birds that brings it to her. Other servants include a three footed crow, the nine tailed fox, a
dancing frog, and the hare who pounds magical elixirs with mortar and pestle.45
However, the Okanogan myth informs us that there were also animals, like the deer, that are similar
to the animals of today. This would explain how first age Abel could have been a keeper of flocks, and
Jabal was a keeper of livestock (Genesis 4:2-20).

The Hebrew book of Genesis is not the only ancient record of first age government before the flood of
Noah. The Sumerian King List inscribed on stone and clay tablets recovered by archaeologists from
as early as the first Babylonian Dynasty gives us a list of 8 kings chosen by heaven to rule before the
flood swept over the land. Strangely the record gives an average reign of over 30,000 years per king
for a total of 240,000+ years. Supposing that the scribe who had copied this data from an earlier
document had mistakenly used the Sumerian sexagesymal numeric system, Walton 46 analyzed the
information in the two ancient manuscripts (Genesis and the Sumerian King List) and came to the
conclusion that,
“If Adam and Noah are dropped from the biblical list, the number of people in the two lists is then the
same—eight. Walton has also noticed that the total of the durations of the kingdoms and the total of
the ages of the patriarchs are numerically related and are equivalent if the number base of the
Sumerian list is changed from sexagesimal to decimal.”47
The numerical coherence between the Sumerian antediluvian King List and the Genesis account
lends credence to the historicity and antiquity of the Hebrew scriptural record.

The book of Genesis informs us that the citizens of the first age shared a common language, “Now
the whole earth used the same language and the same words.”48 World mythology of the ancient
world carries this same concept. An excerpt from the Sibylline Oracles says, “...and there shall be
One language, as of old from the first race God in their breasts implanted…”49

World Myth or History? 37

The Tikuna of the Upper Amazon believe that all mankind “...were once a single tribe, living together
and speaking the same language.”50 This was a common mythical belief among many tribal peoples.

Mythology informs us that one spoken and written language was used during the first age. Writing
suddenly appears in every civilization of the second age dispersed after the flood, which leads us to
the implications that writing the language was a familiar process from the beginning. The Hebrew
scriptures tell us that Genesis was a compilation of different books including a book from the
generations of Adam, the first man. “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when
God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.”51
Scriptures claim that Adam lived three times longer than the American nation has been in existence.
Is it not reasonable to think that over such a long time, he may have learned how to read and write?

This suggests that not only may the first man have been able to leave an oral tradition among his
progeny, but also a detailed written account. Having a written original for ancient scribes to copy from
would explain the mystery of the numerical coherence of the Genesis list of Prediluvian Patriarchs
and several copies found of the Sumerian Prediluvian King Lists.

The people of this golden age, as well as all the animals, were originally created to be vegetarians. “
29 Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the
earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the
earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have
given every green plant for food”; and it was so.”52

Scientific study has discovered that type A was humanity’s earliest extant blood type.53 Interestingly, it
is also the blood type most suitable for a vegetarian type diet.
“Low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and high intestinal disaccharide digestive enzyme
levels permit the more efficient digestion of carbohydrates. According to Dr. D'Adamo, these are also
the very factors, along with low levels of intestinal alkaline phosphatase, that make it difficult for Type
As to digest and metabolize animal protein and fat.” 54

First age man probably kept herds for use in sacrifices, wool, and other purposes. The bible also tells
us that there were at least three types of communities: those that chose to live in cities, those that
lived in tents and kept livestock, and those that cultivated the land (Gen. 3:23, Gen. 4:2 &v.17-20).

World Myth or History? 38

Age One: Achievements

Both the cultivation of grains and the care of domesticated livestock seems to have its origin from the
First Age of mankind. Genesis records that from the very beginning, God had appointed man to
cultivate the ground. “Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to
cultivate it and keep it.”55 This assigned role was to continue even after they had been sent out of the
garden, “...therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from
which he was taken.”56

Xi Wangmu, who lived in China’s forbidden earthly paradise, was also known by the name Tian
Wangmu: Queen Mother of the Fields. [Lullo, 271] This alternate title reflects her control of the
harvests, a tradition attested elsewhere. [Cahill, 13]57

Both the Greek Hesiod and the Vedic Hanuman agree that life for man was a lot easier in the first
age. Manual labor and hard physical work was unnecessary, for the fertile land freely gave of its
regular produce without fail. Although it was easier, it doesn’t mean that the plants grew without a
person’s care. Logically, the field needed to be prepared for planting, the seeds needed to be placed
in the ground, and the harvest does not leap off the stalks and bundle themselves into sheaves.

The book of Genesis records that the first two sons of Adam and Eve had chosen to focus on
particular occupations “...And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.”58

Newly created man was expected to navigate the complex waters of land cultivation and animal
domestication, at least by the second generation. Theoretically, for land cultivation this would include
developing and domesticating the original seeds, knowing the correct seasons to prepare the land,
sow and harvest. And knowing what to do with the grain once you have it. This seems like a lot to
expect from a newborn to discover, unless, as scripture indicates, the knowledge was handed to
“Does the farmer plow continually to plant seed?
Does he continually turn and harrow the ground?
Does he not level its surface
And sow dill and scatter cummin
And plant wheat in rows,
Barley in its place and rye within its area?
For his God instructs and teaches him properly.”59

World Myth or History? 39

Greek and Roman mythology attribute the knowledge of cultivation and harvest to the gods,
particularly the goddess Demeter. “Also known as the Roman goddess Ceres, Demeter was the
goddess of the harvest and was credited with teaching humans how to grow, preserve, and prepare

Native American lore attributes their know how for cultivation, as well as the original seeds of
grain/corn, to the gods or to First Woman as preserved in this ancient Cherokee myth. “Selu was the
First Woman and goddess of the corn. (Her name literally means "maize" or "corn" in the Cherokee
language.) Selu was killed by her twin sons, who feared her power; but with her dying instructions
she taught them to plant and farm corn, so that her spirit was resurrected with each harvest.”61

Egyptian gods Isis and Osiris are credited to have provided the seeds for cultivation, the timing for
planting and harvest, and the processes in converting the grain and produce into usable products.
Seeing the need of mankind for sustenance, Isis “...gathered the ears of barley and wheat which she
found growing wild, and these she gave unto the king. Then Osiris taught men to break up the land
which had been under flood) to sow the seed, and, in due season, to reap the harvest...By the wise
ruler was the vine trained upon poles, and he cultivated fruit trees and caused the fruit to be

The claim to divine origins of the cultivars are evident even in mythologically embellished stories.
“According to the Japanese classic Kojiki ("Record of ancient matters'), compiled in 712 AD, Susanoo
slew the food goddess Ohogetsu-hime. Silkworms came from her head, rice seeds from both eyes,
millet from both ears, red beans from her nose, wheat from her genitals, and soybeans from her
buttocks.” 63

Ancestors of the Miao in China record a time in their history when they had no seed to sow in their
fields, so they sent a bird to fly to heaven’s rice granary. The bird returned from the heaven god with
the seeds for rice and tare. From the Indonesian Minahassa region comes a myth of a man who went
to heaven and came back with grains of rice hidden inside a leg wound.63

Ifugao people from the Philippines who have cultivated rice for thousands of years insist that their
ancient grains came from God. “Legend has it that the god from Skyworld gave the first sacred rice to
the Ifugaos. One of their traditional rice varieties is called ipugo, "rice of the god", a variety that still
flourishes in the harsh climatic conditions of the mountain range.”64

World Myth or History? 40

How would man have known in our early developmental stage what particular grains to domesticate
or whether they would even be edible or useful? How would we know the correct processes for
proper cultivation and preparation of each unique variety of grain or herb? Would we have the time to
experiment and wait for harvest when food is a daily need? These are just a few of the many
problems anthropologists have to deal with, should they give up on the ‘Hunter Gatherer’
assumptions in the origins of man.

Scriptures tells us that it is God who gave the instruction for cultivation. But even more than teaching
us the proper methods of cultivation, the bible says that it was also God who provided the seed.
Genesis chapter 2 tells us that,
“Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord
God had not sent rain upon the earth and there was no man to cultivate the ground.”65
In Genesis chapter one we learn that God created the vegetation of the earth on the third day, but in
this next chapter we are told that no shrub or plant of the field was on the planet. The apparent
contradiction is cleared up by the verse itself. These plants which had not yet sprouted, were plants
and shrubs that needed to be cultivated by man. It is logical that these seeds were not allowed to
sprout earlier, because without man to care for them, they would have just died out. Domesticated
grains and herbs, like domesticated animals have difficulty surviving without the attention of humans.
Later, when God brought Adam into the garden to cultivate the land, we expect that he then provided
the rain and all the necessary tools, instructions, and seed to fulfill his command. Could the Creator
have handed the seeds personally to Adam and Eve, along with the instructions on cultivation and

“...consider that we are growing the same primary grain crops that were developed by the ancients.
That is a strange fact and it begs close scrutiny. There are hundreds of other possible wild plants that
could be domesticated. Why have we not developed new grains from the other wild species of the
past three thousand years? How could they pick the best crops with the extreme meager knowledge
that they would have possessed had they just emerged from the Stone Age?...It is almost as if they
were given a set of instructions by someone who had already developed these things.”66

Modern man is actually rediscovering the ancient grains that our predecessors cultivated. Scientists
are now calling the older purer pedigreed ancient grains the ‘Super Food’ of today.

“Ancient grains often are a richer source of nutrients than conventional grains. Quinoa, for instance,
is dubbed the supergrain because researchers have found that it can contain up to 50 percent more
protein than common grains, as well as higher levels of fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and B-vitamins.

World Myth or History? 41

If I had to choose one food to survive...quinoa would be the best," says Duane Johnson, Ph.D., a
new crops agronomist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colo. Amaranth, a companion to
quinoa once revered by the Aztecs, has a nutritional profile so impressive that it was named one of
the world's 'most promising foods by the National Academy of Sciences. It is high in protein, calcium,
iron and fiber, as well as lysine and methionine, amino acids often in short supply in grains.
Spelt, mentioned in the Old Testament and believed to have been first cultivated in Europe some
9,000 years ago, also tops wheat in protein (though not by as much as quinoa or amaranth), amino
acids, minerals and vitamins B-1 and B-2. It is rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber...In addition to
being nutritious, ancient grains also bring dietary relief to people who suffer from allergies to wheat
and other common grains.”67

There is a big difference between wild plants and domesticated varieties that are ready for cultivation.
Similarly, there is a big difference between wild animals and the tame domesticated breeds. The book
of Job, one of the oldest books in the bible, records God describing how some animals are created
wild and others are domesticated. And He goes on to essentially ask this rhetorical question, would
man be able to make the wild ox serve him and work in the field?

5 “Who sent out the wild donkey free?

And who loosed the bonds of the swift donkey,
6 To whom I gave the wilderness for a home
And the salt land for his dwelling place?
7 “He scorns the tumult of the city,
The shoutings of the driver he does not hear.
8 “He explores the mountains for his pasture
And searches after every green thing.
9 “Will the wild ox consent to serve you,
Or will he spend the night at your manger?
10 “Can you bind the wild ox in a furrow with ropes,
Or will he harrow the valleys after you?
11 “Will you trust him because his strength is great
And leave your labor to him?
12 “Will you have faith in him that he will return your grain
And gather it from your threshing floor?68

To say that early man domesticated wild animals is more easily said than done. How did they do it?
Why are we not doing it? How did they know which ones to choose? Surely if primal man was much

World Myth or History? 42

more primitive than ourselves, we should be able to improve on their work. Instead, as the ancient
grains are being rediscovered as the superfoods of today, might we also find that ancient pure bred
animals were much healthier and stronger than their modern counterparts?

In Africa, there is a Maasai myth about Enkai (the Creator) who instructed the people to keep their
enclosures open one night. Those who obeyed “...discovered in the morning that Enkai had given
them cows, sheep, and goats. These people became the Masai.”69 The Masai people believe that
they have been divinely entrusted with the safekeeping of earth’s cattle.

Genesis makes a distinct differentiation between the wild beasts and the tame animals from the day
of creation. “Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and
creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so.”70

Consider that as we still use the same primary grains that the ancients used, we also still breed the
same domesticated animals that have been bred since the beginning. It is still the same pigs, cows,
goats, ducks and chickens that we see in the farms of the world. How did primitive man do everything
so perfectly that humanity over thousands of years has not really added much to it?

Utnapishtim (Noah) from the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh claimed to have brought the seed for
cultivation and the domesticated animals with him on the ark to preserve them during the Deluge.
“All I possess’d of the seed of all living [I laded aboard] her.
Into the ship I embark’d all my kindred and family (with me),
Cattle (and) beasts of the field (and) all handicraftsmen embarking.”71

Manu (Noah) from India’s mythology claimed to have brought along his family animals along with nine
types of seeds.72

The book of Genesis informs us that Noah brought along seven pairs of the clean animals (animals
later allowed to be eaten) and only a single pair of every unclean animal. Noah was also instructed to
collect and bring food for all the living creatures, which would be various kinds of seeds, plants, and
grains, since they were all vegetarians at this point. (Genesis 6:21-7:3)

Our ancestors inform us that the seeds and knowledge of cultivation, as well as the domesticated
animals are a gift from the divine. There is no claim from any civilization or people group that credits
these ancient accomplishments to themselves. In fact, anyone who developed these things would

World Myth or History? 43

have had to have done them before the dispersion of mankind over the world, making it very close to
the first man and woman, because the kind of domestic animals and the basic knowledge of
cultivation have similarities in every continent.

Bread & Wine Making

Bread & Wine Making was a knowledge that appeared fully developed in almost every ancient
civilization archaeology has uncovered. “But the developmental phases are simply not there.
Sumerian cuneiform tablets describe fairly complex systems of irrigation and farming, bakeries, and
the making of beer. The bible tells us that the ancient Jews raised grapes and made wine, and both
leavened and unleavened bread. We take these things for granted but the assumptions underlying
them are never questioned. Where did they learn to hybridize the bread of wheat and turn it into flour
and bake the flour into bread in such a short time span? Ditto for viticulture. These are not simple or
obvious products.”73

It may come as a surprise for many that scripture claims man has been eating bread since Adam, the
first man. God, speaking to Adam after the rebellion in the garden, says- “By the sweat of your face
you will eat bread…”74

The Greek goddess Demeter and the Roman goddess Ceres was said to have taught man how to
preserve and process the grain for use. Osiris, the Egyptian god, not only taught men how to plant
grain. “He instructed them also how to grind corn and knead flour and meal so that they might have
food in plenty.”75

Instructions on the methods to properly process grains and other herbs and produce is attributed by
the Hebrew scriptures to the divine.
“For dill is not threshed with a threshing sledge,
Nor is the cartwheel driven over cummin;
But dill is beaten out with a rod, and cummin with a club.
Grain for bread is crushed,
Indeed, he does not continue to thresh it forever.
Because the wheel of his cart and his horses eventually damage it,
He does not thresh it longer.
This also comes from the LORD of hosts,
Who has made His counsel wonderful and His wisdom great.”76

World Myth or History? 44

Archaeologists have found evidence of flour production in ancient paleolithic ‘hunter gatherer’ sites in
Italy and Russia. “Among the artefacts found there was a stone grinder with traces of starch grains
and use wear patterns showing the method of grinding to be back and forth”.77 Discoveries like these
suggest that even the most ancient humans were familiar with the cultivation and methods of
processing grains into flour from our earliest beginnings.

Winemaking and fermentation in the production of alcoholic beverages also seemed to be a

technology known to the first age since some of the first things Genesis records Noah doing after
leaving the ark was farming, planting a vineyard, making wine and getting drunk (Genesis 9:20-21).

The Yorubas of West Africa have a similar story of when the world was covered with water and
Obatala was sent out to create and populate the earth.(Presuming that the water was caused by the
Deluge, than it would probably be more appropriate to say recreate and repopulate.) Obatala took
with him a calabash of earth and a chicken from heaven, but on the way, he got drunk on too much
wine. His assistant Oduduwa decided to complete his master’s task, which made Obatala very angry
when he woke up. God then assigned him a new task, which was to populate the entire earth with
people.78 This was the same commission given to Noah, “...“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the
earth.”79 Bringing along an edible gourd (opo squash, long melon) from the calabash tree and a
chicken may represent spreading the seeds of both cultivation and livestock with clear indication of
their divine origins.

Ancient civilizations attributed winemaking to the gods. The Greeks gave the credit to the god
Dionysus, the Romans called him Bacchus, and the Norse believed that heaven would be a place of
unending alcoholic beverages. “People would offer wine to their gods (sometimes known as a
libation) and the gods themselves often liked to drink, in some stories it is they that taught man the
secrets of fermentation.”80
It is significant to note that the knowledge of bread and wine making technologies exist fundamentally
unchanged in every continent and nation of the world today.

As the achievements of agriculture and the production of bread and wine are food for the body, music
is the necessary food for the human soul and spirit. No one gains a deeper insight into the divine
nature of music than the musician who has mastered the art.
“To a musician there is only one alternative to believing that music is of divine origin, and that is to
believe that nothing is.”81

World Myth or History? 45

The Greek poet Hesiod, the Vedic Hanuman, the Chinese, and even Jesus of Nazareth spoke of the
penchant of the golden age people towards merrymaking and feasting, and who can have a good
party without music?

In Mesoamerican mythology, the gods Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl stole singers, musicians, and
musical instruments from the Sun god, so that the creatures of the earth may fill the world with music.
“Soon people learned to sing and play, and so did the trees and birds, the whales and wolves, the
running streams, the crickets and frogs, and every other creature.
From dawn to dusk the melodies spread until music covered the earth.”82 The Florentine Codex
names two Aztec drums that came from the Sun god’s home - the huehuetl and the teponaztli.


The book of Genesis tells us that, Jubal was recognized as “the father of all those who play the lyre
and pipe.”83 Being the ‘father’ of this instruments implied that he may have been their inventor. A lyre
is a stringed instrument similar to a harp that was used commonly in ancient times. The image of the
lyre appears in Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian sculptures and paintings from antiquity. The lyre
was an instrument often used in worship in the Old Testament.

A pipe is a wind instrument like a flute. Images of the pipe is shown in ancient Mesoamerica, Middle
Eastern, Greek and Chinese art. The oldest pipe discovered was made of bear bone from a cave in
Slovenia,84 reeds were also often used to make pipes. The lyre and the pipe as well as many other
instruments that have descended from them are still used by modern man.

Hindus regard music as closely related to worship. The sacred Veena (stringed instrument) was a gift
to mankind from Saraswati, consort of Brahma. Nareda, the principal Hindu god of music is often
represented playing the Veena. Egyptian god Thot is credited with the invention of the lyre, and the
god Osiris for the invention of the flute. The Greeks claim that it was the god Hermes who invented

World Myth or History? 46

the lyre, and the god Apollo who invented the cithar and the flute. But for the invention of the wind
instruments, the god Apollo must share the credit with the gods Orpheus, Linus, and Pan. 85

Hebrews recognized a profound connection between God and music. Song and instruments were not
only an intrinsic part of worship, but was also part of celebration, ceremony, and warfare. It was of
such national significance that the king oversaw the appointments of those who would be trusted with
the sacred duties of music. “All these were under the direction of their father to sing in the house of
the Lord, with cymbals, harps and lyres, for the service of the house of God. Asaph, Jeduthun and
Heman were under the direction of the king.”86 King David actively led the nation in music. “David and
all Israel were celebrating before God with all their might, even with songs and with lyres, harps,
tambourines, cymbals and with trumpets.”87 David wrote around 73 of the 150 songs in the book of
Psalms. King Solomon his son and Moses the emancipator of Israel from Egypt, also wrote several
songs in the collection of Israel’s sacred hymnal.

In ancient China, The Shu King books record the appointment of Ministers to supervise the important
affairs of the nation. Listed among the Minister of Works, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of
Instruction, and Minister of Crime, is the important government position of the Director of Music. “...I
appoint you to be Director of Music, and to teach our sons, so that the straightforward shall yet be
mild; the gentle, dignified: the strong not tyrannical: and the impetuous, not arrogant. Poetry is the
expression of earnest thought; singing is the prolonged utterance of that expression; the notes
accompany that utterance, and they are harmonized themselves by the standard tubes. (In this way)
the eight different kinds of musical instruments can be adjusted so that one shall not take from or
interfere with another; and spirits and men are brought into harmony.’”88

Ancient civilizations seemed to have a deep respect and understanding for the special power of
music over the soul and spirit of humankind. Even today, nations proudly sing their own national
anthems that reinforce national identity.

In the book of Revelation, John’s vision of heaven included a multitude “standing on the sea of glass,
holding harps of God.”89 In the Egyptian temple of Dekkah there is an ancient illustration of the creator
god Ptah playing a harp.90 The Vedic sacred Veena, instrument of the Hindu gods, included an
ancient harp-like instrument also called a yazh. Sculpture and paintings in Hindu temples show early
Vinas were played vertically, similar to the harp.91

The book of Numbers 10:1-2 tell of how God instructs the people to make trumpets of hammered
silver, and in the book of Revelation we hear the sound of seven heavenly trumpets. Did heaven copy

World Myth or History? 47

earth or did earth find inspiration in the heavenlies? The ancients speak through the stories left

There are myths from the start of the earliest second age civilizations that attribute the creation of
these instruments to the gods. This suggests that music and the foundational musical instruments
were invented before the start of our oldest recorded civilizations.

Mining & Metalsmithing

Mining & Metalsmithing, according to mythology, has been in practice since the first age of man. In
the Genesis description of the land and the rivers that flow around them, we find comments regarding
the quality of gold in the land of Havilah, along with bdellium (Possibly a crystal or precious stone)
and onyx stones (Genesis 2:11-12), which implies that they were familiar with mining.

Shambhala, the earthly paradise known to Central Asia, was told to have a temple of Kalachakra and
Vishvamata made from “five valuable materials: gold, silver, turquoise, coral, and pearl.”92 China’s Hsi
Tien myth gives Xi Wangmu yet another name, “Xi Wangmu is called Jin Mu Yüan Jün: Metal Mother,
Primordial Ruler. [Cahill, 68].”93 She lives on the Jade Mountain and has her image engraved on
multiple bronze objects. Knowledge of mining and metalsmithing is evident in the lore regarding this
forbidden land.

Metalsmithing in the first age was attributed by Hebrew scriptures to Tubal-Cain, who was related to
both first age murderers, being the son of Lamech and a descendant of Cain. Tubal-Cain knew how
to work with both bronze and iron and used the metals to forge tools (Genesis 4:22). Interestingly,
although his half brothers were said to be the ‘fathers’ of the nomadic life (Jabal) and the lyre and
pipe (Jubal), Tubal-Cain was simply described as a “forger of all implements of bronze and iron.”94
This description suggests that he was not the originator of metalsmithing, but simply a practitioner -
perhaps the first human to actually learn and take up the trade. But who could have taught him the
technologies of mining and metalsmithing?

Greek myth tell us the knowledge for metalsmithing originated from the god Hephaestus who was the
blacksmith to the gods. Hephaestus supposedly made the weapons and accoutrements of the gods
with great skill. Famous as the god of metalworking and the god of the men who worked that craft,
Hephaestus used the volcano as his forge.95 Roman myth calls Hephaestus, the god Vulcan, son of
Jupiter and Juno, who one day opposed his father on behalf of his mother. Because of this, Vulcan
was thrown out heaven to earth, a fall that was so great that it lasted a whole day and night before he

World Myth or History? 48

hit the ground. Such an impact would have killed a mortal, but Vulcan was a god. Myth says that the
fall injured a leg that caused him to be deformed.96 Vulcan ended up living deep underground, using
the fiery heat of the volcano for his craft.

The Philippines, well known for numerous active volcanoes located on their various islands, call these
fiery mountains ‘Bulkan’ (The Filipino traditional alphabet did not have the letter V). However, few
people know that pre-Hispanic ancient Philippines was also famous for their amazing work with
metals mined from the earth. A receipt for a payment of debt from the 9th century inscribed on a
copper plate was found in Laguna, another pre-Hispanic record incised on a piece of silver is called
the Butuan paleograph. Ancient Filipinos enhanced their dental work with gold pegs and layers of
gold drilled into their teeth. They used fine gold coinage (piloncitos) with weights from .09 to 2.65
grams. The gold Agusan image is a five and a half inch statuette made of four pounds of 21 carat
gold that showcases the pre-Hispanic Filipinos’ metalsmithing skills. 97

Aside from the Philippines, the myth of the fire working Vulcan may be found imbedded in languages
from all over the world. Listed is the English word Volcano, translated into various languages: Vulkaan
(Afrikaans), Vullkan (Albanian), Vulkan (Azerbaijani), Vulkan (Croatian), Vulkan (Danish), Vulkaan
(Dutch), Vulkano (Esperanto), Vulkaan (Estonian), Volcan (French), Volcán (Galician), Vulkan
(German), Vólkan (Haitian Creole), Vulkán (Hungarian), Bolcán (Irish), Vulcano (Italian), Volcano
(Latin), Vulkans (Latvian), Vulkanas (Lithuanian), Volkano (Malagasy), Vulkan (Maltese), Vulkan
(Norwegian), Wulkan (Polish), Vulcão (Portuguese), Vulcan (Romanian), Vulkan (Slovenian), Volcán
(Spanish), Volkano (Swahili), Vulkan (Swedish), Volkan (Turkish), Vulkan (Uzbek).98

The metalsmith god Vulcan seems to have been ingrained into world languages, long before the
dispersion of the peoples to the nations of the earth.

The book of Enoch claims that the knowledge of both mining and metalsmithing came from a fallen
angel who lived among mankind in the latter part of the golden age. The book of Genesis calls these
angels the ‘sons of God’ (Genesis 6:2). Similarities between the fallen god Vulcan and the fallen ‘sons
of God’ are difficult to ignore.

Azazel, who according to Enoch, was a leader of the fallen angels, “taught men to make swords, and
knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals <of the earth> and the art
of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the
eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness,
and they committed fornication. And they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways.”99

World Myth or History? 49

As punishment for what he had done, Azazel was thrown into a deep pit in the bowels of the earth.
There in the darkness, covered by rough and jagged rocks he was to remain until the day of
The implements produced from the metals that were listed by Enoch are clearly for the purpose of
conflict, aggression, and possibly war. In an age of peace with men and women unaccustomed to
fighting, such weapons would have caused great havoc and bloodshed. Even the other seemingly
harmless things Azazel taught were dangerous. By teaching mankind vanity, greed, and setting value
to one chunk of stone over another, this fallen creature has caused untold conflicts and atrocities
throughout the ages. Thus, according to Enoch, not only did Azazel instruct humanity on the
armaments for warfare, but also gave them reasons to fight.

The Celtic tribes called the metalsmith god, Gofannon, child of Sun god Belenos and his wife Anu. He
was revered by the Irish as Goibhniu. “Weapons made by Gofannon himself were guaranteed to
always fly true and inflict a fatal wound on their target. He was thus often called upon to forge such
items for the gods.”100

Tvastar (a.k.a. Vishvakarma) was the name the Hindu give for the smith god of the devas (divine
beings). It is to the god Tvastar that they pray to for success and wealth, as their hordes bear down
on their opponents in war, in order to take the riches others possessed.
“To these our heroes may they grant renown: may pious men march boldly on to wealth.
Leading great hosts with fierce attacks of these, they burn their foes as the Sun burns the earth.
What time our wives draw near to us, may he, left-handed Tvastar give us hero sons.
May Tvastar find our hymn acceptable, and may Aramati, seeking wealth, be ours.
...may bountiful Tvastar give us store of riches.”101
It is the metalsmith, maker of weapons of warfare, who gives them a literal edge over those whose
defenses were not equal to their offense.

The Yoruba of Western Africa consider the metalsmith god, Ogun, among the most important in their
pantheon. “The god of war, of the hunt, and of ironworking, Ogun serves as the patron deity of
blacksmiths, warriors, and all who use metal in their occupations. He also presides over deals and
contracts; in fact, in Yoruba courts, devotees of the faith swear to tell the truth by kissing a machete
sacred to Ogun.”102

In the book of Enoch, God made a statement regarding the things that mankind had learned from the
angel Azazel. “And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by
Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.”103

World Myth or History? 50

The book of Genesis tells us that it is this corruption that makes God end the first age with the great
deluge. “11 Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 God
looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.
13 Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with
violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.”104

If the myths of the great deluge point to a global historical event described by the ancients, then we
should find the remnants of the first age technological achievements in the rocks of the earth, that
some scientists theorize were laid down in successive layers during the flood of Noah. How would
scientists explain the appearance of crafted metal objects in solid rock estimated at millions of years
old? Should we be surprised that these out of place artifacts are simply labeled ‘mysteries’?
“An iron nail was found in rock in a Peruvian mine by Spanish conquistadores (in 1572). An iron nail
was discovered in a Cretaceous block of stone from the Mesozoic era (mid-1800s). A gold thread
was found in stone in England (in 1844). An iron nail was found in quartz in California (in 1851). A
silver vessel was extracted from solid rock in Massachusetts (in 1851). An intricately carved and
inlaid metal bowl was found in a piece of stone (in 1852).” 105

Evidence should also be found in the coal buried under the earth that some scientists have dated to
millions of years of slow deposition, while others suspect a catastrophic sudden burial of first age
vegetation under the heat and pressure of the flood.
“A small steel cube was found in a block of coal in Austria in 1885. A few years later, in 1891, a
woman in Illinois reportedly discovered a gold chain in a chunk of coal. An iron pot was found in coal
in Oklahoma in 1912. A woman found a child's spoon in coal in 1937. In 1944 a bell was
discovered ... inside a lump of coal that was mined in West Virginia. What are such objects doing
inside coal dated as hundreds of millions of years old?”105

These are just a few accounts that made it to the news. The mysteries continue to grow in number,
unless we take a second look at the stories told by those who claim to have witnessed these events,
as passed on and recorded through the generations.

Age One: Notable Events

Aside from the creation of heaven and earth, there are two noteworthy events in the first age of such
great significance that their records have survived in the collective mythologies of the world. The first
would be the events leading to the fall of mankind and the ensuing results. The second event would

World Myth or History? 51

be the descent of the sons of gods or Watchers (as Enoch called them) and the effects of their
disobedience to the peoples of the earth.

The Fall of Man

The Adapa Epic 106 from ancient Sumer tells of an antediluvian wiseman who angered the gods and
was brought before the great high god, Anu, to be tested. Adapa was offered the bread and water of
life, which he refused, following the deceptive advice of Enki. As a result of his decision, aging,
disease, and death entered the human realm.

The Tablet of Adapa carries a story that is heavily embellished for storytelling but retains significant
similarities to the biblical record. They both broke laws that made them have to stand before the most
high God, they both failed to partake of life when it was available to them, they were both tested
through something to be eaten, they both followed bad advice, and the decision led to the decay and
destruction of mankind.

W.H. Shea claims that Adam and Adapa are actually the same name with a slight phonetic shift
between the Hebrew and Akkadian languages. “The M in Hebrew Adam has shifted to the final P in
Akkadian, and the Akkadian retains or employs a final vowel which the Hebrew did not. ...they carry
the same name when a minor phonetic shift is recognized. Thus, both the biblical Hebrews and the
ancient Mesopotamians had a knowledge of this representative from the first generation of mankind:
he had the same name, and his deeds resulted in similar consequences.”107

Hesiod, on the other hand reveal the Greek viewpoint that it was the woman’s fault. More than that,
the gods’ fault for creating the woman in the first place. This reflects the blame game in the garden
when Adam was questioned regarding his disobedience and he says, “The woman whom You gave
to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.”108

The Greek myth tells of how the gods wanted to punish man by making woman, then offering her as a
gift to man, knowing all the misery that she would soon bring.
“... make haste and mix earth with water and to put in it the voice and strength of human kind, and
fashion a sweet, lovely maiden-shape, like to the immortal goddesses in face; and Athene to teach
her needlework and the weaving of the varied web; and golden Aphrodite to shed grace upon her
head and cruel longing and cares that weary the limbs. And he charged Hermes the guide, the Slayer
of Argus, to put in her a shameless mind and a deceitful nature.”109

World Myth or History? 52

The woman in the myth was called Pandora, who opened the forbidden jar and released disease,
aging, death and all the evils mankind faces now, including having to work for a living, like the
consequences Adam suffered (Genesis 3:17-19).

However, Pandora’s myth as told by Hesiod, literally includes hope.

“But the woman took off the great lid of the jar (3) with her hands and scattered all these and her
thought caused sorrow and mischief to men. Only Hope remained there in an unbreakable home
within under the rim of the great jar, and did not fly out at the door.”110

In like manner, God gives hope to mankind as He promises in the book of Genesis, a future redeemer
to be born of the woman who would crush the serpent’s head, somehow saving mankind from all that
their decision had unleashed upon themselves.
“And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.””111

The book of Genesis tells us that in the garden of Eden, there were many trees including the tree of
life, and God had allowed Adam to eat from all except for one --the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil. Adam was warned that if he ate from that one tree, he would die. Then God created Eve, the first
woman, and brought her to Adam to be his wife. The crafty serpent came to the woman and tempted
her to eat the fruit, telling her that God’s warning wasn’t true. She believed the serpent’s lies and ate
the forbidden fruit, giving some to her husband who was with her. Shame and sin entered the world
and along with it came death (Genesis 2:15 - Genesis 3).

Aside from receiving the death sentence, both the woman and the man received unique
consequences for their disobedience. The woman was told, “...In pain you will bring forth children; Yet
your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”112

Ancient Chinese calligraphic writing, developed soon after the catastrophe that ended the first age,
contains the beliefs and histories within itself. “The original pictograph for a woman depicted her in a
bowing position.”113 Later, it transitioned to a kneeling position, but the modern version has the woman
in graceful curtsey. In all stages, woman seems to be acknowledging the authority set over her. On
the other hand, Chinese pictographic writing also reflects the hope imbedded in Genesis and in the
Greek story of Pandora. The Chinese character for ‘good’ is the same word they use to greet one

World Myth or History? 53

another daily. In China, the customary greeting ‘Ni Hao?’ would literally be translated as “(Are) you
good?” and the response would be using the same word, “good!”. This traditional word used from
ancient times until today is a combination of the word for ‘woman’ and the ‘boy child’, that brings to
mind the promised seed of the woman who would bruise the serpent’s head. It seems almost like a
daily reminder of the hope that would make everything good.

The story of the temptation of Eve is also captured in the Chinese word “to covet/ to desire” that is
literally the combination of two trees and a woman. The two trees identified in the book of Genesis
would be the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2:16 and Genesis
Man’s consequence was to work the field, the source of his sustenance. “And you will eat the plants
of the field; By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground…”114
Interestingly, the Chinese word for man is a combination of the words for grain field and strength, with
the symbol for strength carrying the weight of the field over it. It is a literal image of man’s strength
used to ensure the productivity of the field.

The ancient Chinese word for field, has also been interpreted as an “Enclosure with four rivers”. This
brings to mind the garden of Eden in which Adam was taken by God in order to cultivate it and keep
it (Genesis 2:15). The book of Genesis informs us that the four rivers that branched out from Eden
was called Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates (Genesis 2:10-14).

World Myth or History? 54

Writers of the New Testament considered Adam as a literal historical figure and the events in Genesis
as literal events. Paul made this clear when he wrote, “Therefore, just as through one man sin
entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned

They saw Adam as a true flesh and blood individual, the same as the Lord Jesus Christ whom they
had touched and seen and walked with.
“For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the
obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.”116

It is evident from the extant mythologies of an earthly paradise forbidden to fallen man, that
something had gone terribly wrong in the first golden age. Shambhala (a.k.a Shangri-La) of Central
Asia bears a striking resemblance to Eden. “According to legend, it is a land where only the pure of
heart can live, a place where love and wisdom reigns and where people are immune to suffering,
want or old age.”117 Apparently through man’s own doing we had lost access to the Pure Land, and
have allowed the entrance of pain, sickness and death into our world.

Hindus call this forbidden paradise Aryavartha (‘The Land of the Worthy Ones),117 carrying the
implication that humanity was no longer good enough to enter in and partake of the treasures found
in that land. Most notable prize of all, is the immortality that myth tells us is as simple as plucking a
fruit from a tree and taking a bite. Just as China’s Hsi Tian has its Peach Tree of immortality, the
Hebrew scriptures speak of the Tree of Life in the garden of Eden that would allow those who would
eat from it to live forever. Many nations have some kind of lore that relates to a sacred tree linked to
life on earth, suggesting a common memory from our distant past.

Eternal life has been a fascination ever since the end of paradise. The Tree of Life had been available
in the garden to partake of at anytime, but like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, it only
became of interest once it was forbidden.
“16 The LORD God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; 17
but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from
it you will surely die.””118
It was not a threat meant to scare nor tyrannize the newly formed man, but seemed more of a
warning from a concerned parent. Something akin to “Don’t touch the fire or you will be burned.”

World Myth or History? 55

Myth informs us that gullible human beings fell for the lies of a trickster that cast doubt on the
Creator’s one command. The fall of man is perpetrated by the serpent in the garden, Enki in the
Adapa Epic, and often by Coyote in Native American lore who introduced death to man. In African
mythology, the trickster is often represented by Ananse, the spider trickster, or by Aflakete (Legba)
whose name literally means ‘I have tricked you’.

The most ancient Maori god, well known in Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and whom they
brought to New Zealand was Maui. “The distribution of these traditions suggest a pre-Polynesian
origin, meaning that they have been told for 3,500 years or more.”119 Maui was known as the
deceiver. He was a trickster linked to mankind’s acquisition of knowledge and the origin of human
mortality. “Maori oral traditions say that the human offspring of the gods increased and multiplied, and
did not know of death, until the generation of Maui.”119

The Deceiver may have been able to find a weak spot in the woman (i.e. Eve - Hebrew Scriptures,
Pandora - Greek Hesiod), yet it is Adam who was ultimately held responsible for the fall.
“Nevertheless death reigned from Adam…”120 Since man was responsible, then man had to pay the
price. And the price was death.

A Tahitian myth about Ti’i (first man) and Hina (first woman) tells of how, “Ti’i hated humans and
cursed creation. He instituted death, but Hina promised to overcome death for humans.”121 This
promise of restoration and eternal life is echoed in the Pandora myth that left nothing in the jar except
hope. It may also be seen in the ancient Chinese calligraphy for the word ‘good’ - a woman and her
son. This hope resounds in the promised seed of the woman, a divine promise recorded in the book
of Genesis, that would crush the serpent’s head.

Thus, holding on to a promise given by the Creator, woman is given a second chance. As Eve was
first deceived by a lie to allow death to enter in, another woman would believe truth and become the
vessel for eternal life to be made available to mankind.

The Fall of Angels

The second major event in the first age was the descent of the sons of God (a.k.a. angels or
watchers) in bodily form enabling them to walk the earth. However, what good intent they had for
being on earth, was overshadowed by their unlawful desire to have intimate relations with humans.
When “...the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for
themselves, whomever they chose.”122

World Myth or History? 56

The book of Enoch tells us of the result of the union. “Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and
eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to
yourselves wives, and done like the children of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons.”123

Apparently the sons of God did not take on human flesh, but another type of body, since the results of
interbreeding with mankind caused a type of unnatural progeny. The apostle Peter gives us some
insight, as he explains that there are different kinds of flesh and bodies. “38 But God gives it a body
just as He wished, and to each of the seeds a body of its own. 39 All flesh is not the same flesh, but
there is one flesh of men, and another flesh of beasts, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish.
40 There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is one, and the
glory of the earthly is another.”124

Hebrew scriptural record briefly tells us that the sons of God came to earth when men had multiplied
on the land and took human women as wives. This unlawful union produced the Nephilim. “The
Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the
daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men
of renown.”125 considered by many to be the giant demi-gods. Some think the term Nephilim may also
be descriptive of their violent nature from the “root ‘to fall,” i.e. on other people.”126

Greek and Roman myth is not reticent about the gods’ propensity towards having intimate fleshly
relations with mortals, producing ancient famous mighty men. Some of the children of Zeus included
the heroes: Perseus by the mortal Danaé, Dionysus by the woman Semele, and Hercules by
Alcmena. The other gods in the pantheon followed after their leader. Pan became the father or the
famed Hermes with a shepherdess, and Vulcan is “...the reputed father of Servius Tullius, sixth king
of Rome, by a slave Ocrisia, whom he was wont to visit in the guise of a bright flame, which played
harmlessly about her.” 127 “Heroes created by generation of a god with a mortal include Ion by Apollo
and Creusa, Romulus by Mars and Aemila, Asclepius by Apollo and Coronis, and Helen by Zeus and

The Mahabharata Epic tells of the hero Pandu, born to Queen Kunti, fathered by the god Surya.129
Vedic texts hold the the warrior god Krishna was the eighth child of Devaki. Unlike her seven other
children sired by her husband Vasudeva, Krishna was supposedly brought about by the Hindu god

In Egypt, the lineal descent from the god Re, who had intimate relations with a priest’s wife, has been
claimed by the Egyptian Pharaohs since the first king of the V Dynasty. "The newborn child was

World Myth or History? 57

regarded as a god incarnate, and later with appropriate ceremonies he was presented to Re or
Amen-Re, in his temple, where the god accepted it and acknowledged it to be his child." 131

Chinese myth hold that Aboji (Yi) Emperor Taizu of Liao’s mother was impregnated by the sun falling
into her bosom in a dream. Some Taoist accounts tell of how Laozi’s mother became with child after
watching a shooting star.

Maori traditions maintain that the first Tu’i Tonga (king of Tonga) was born from the union of the sky
god ‘Eitumatupu’a and the human female ‘Ilaheva (Va’epopua). Their son ‘Aho’eitu was then
recognized as having divine right over sky and earth.132

The Aztec hero Huitzilopochtli 133 was born when his mother was supernaturally impregnated by
either a bunch of feathers or a ball of light that came into her while she was sweeping.

Genghis Khan was a direct descendant of Bodonchar, who was born to a Mongolian woman who
claimed that she had been impregnated by a radiant yellow person.134

The sons of God getting mortal women pregnant seems to be carried in the ancient recollection of the
peoples of the world. The Book of Enoch recounted the event, clearly showing that it was no whim or
sudden moment of passion that had driven the angels but a group decision to rebellion. Enoch
described how they desired the daughters of men and wanted to have children with them. Swearing
to one another to confirm that they were all in it together, they came down during the time of the 6th
Patriarch, Jared, the father of the Patriarch Enoch. “Then sware they all together and bound
themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended {in the
days} of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon…”135

The angels then taught their wives knowledge that they were not supposed to have. These women
bore them voracious giants who after exhausting the food supply, started to eat people. “And when
men could no longer sustain them, The giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they
began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and
drink the blood.”136

The Fragment of the Book of Noah gives us a summary of the series of events. “ the generation
of my father Jared some of the angels of heaven transgressed the word of the Lord. And behold they
commit sin and transgress the law, and have united themselves with women and commit sin with
them, and have married some of them, and have begotten children by them. And they shall produce

World Myth or History? 58

on earth giants not according to the spirit, but according to the flesh, and there shall be a great
punishment on the earth...Yea, there shall come a great destruction over the whole earth, and there
shall be a deluge and a great destruction for one year.”137

An Akkadian flood myth, the Atrahasis Epic tells of how the godly Atrahasis was told to build a boat,
saving his family and his animals from the flood sent by Ellil (Creator and Most High God) because he
could get no rest or sleep due to the constant noise mankind was making.
“And the country was as noisy as a bellowing bull. The god grew restless at their racket,
Ellil had to listen to their noise.”138

The Epic of Gilgamesh from Mesopotamia records this same strange reason for the destruction of the
first age.
“In those days the world teemed, the people multiplied, the world bellowed like a wild bull, and the
great god was aroused by the clamour. Enlil heard the clamour and he said to the gods in council,
"The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reason of the babel." So the
gods agreed to exterminate mankind.”139

The idea of God destroying the earth and every living thing on it because mankind was too noisy, may
seem shallow and senseless at first, until we understand what the noise was that was giving heaven
no rest. Text from the Book of Enoch gives us some insight.
“ And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven...And now behold the souls of
those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of heaven, and their lamentations
have ascended: and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are wrought on earth.”140

The Book of Genesis records God’s pain at the constant plea of even one person’s violent death as
he spoke to Cain, the very first murderer in history. “He said, “What have you done? The voice of
your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground.”141

In answer to the clamor that reached up to heaven’s gates, and seeing the violence that filled the
earth which threatened to end all flesh, the Creator decided to wipe out the earth and all that lived on
it. Thus, giving the righteous Noah and his family a clean slate to begin again
“Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence
because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.”142
God then proceeded to give Noah specific instructions on how to build the ark and the animals and
supplies he needed to bring, in order to ensure mankind’s survival.

World Myth or History? 59

Enoch echoes the sentiment that this great destructive catastrophe was coming as a rescue mission
to save mankind from extinction. Regarding the deluge that would destroy the earth and all that was
on it, God said that it needed to be done in order to
“… heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they
may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that
the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons.”143

The golden age that Hesiod wrote of seemed to have reached a rocky time in first age history, when
the angels descended and caused much blood to be spilled on the earth. Their great time of peace
and plenty was replaced by war and scarcity.

The Akkadian Atrahasis Epic 144 implies that God had tried to get their attention back to the right ways
and stop the bloodshed, through other means before having to finally resort to the extreme action of
the deluge. The epic tells of how the noise that man made had first caused Ellil to send a plague, then
a famine, followed by a drought, yet the noise went on reaching up to heaven. This would be
consistent with the Hebrew Jehovah God, who time and again used different calamities to call his
people back to Him as we had read from the prophets Amos and Nahum.145 And although mankind
may not have been listening, it seemed that God was.

There is an ancient North American myth preserved by the Papago describing the first age of
mankind when they had been taught “...all they needed to know: how to make baskets and pottery,
how to plant corn with a digging stick, how to make a fire to cook the food. It was a happy time. The
sun was much nearer the earth then, so that it was always pleasantly warm. There was no winter and
no freezing cold. Men and animals lived as brothers, speaking a common language all could
understand, so that a bug or a bird could talk to a human.
But then came the great flood...”.146

World Myth or History? 60

1. Mills, Alice, ed. Old World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009, p.88
2. Mills, Alice, ed. Old World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009, p.122
3. Mills, Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009, p.66-67
4. Mills, Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009, p.114
5. Mabel Cook Cole, Philippine Folk Tales. Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1916, pp. 187
6. “Creation Stories: Stories of the Great Beginnings. “ Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. Advameg, Inc. 3/10/2015.
7. Mills, Alice, ed. Old World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009, p.89
8. Legge, James. The Notions of the Chinese Concerning Gods and Spirits. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Register
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14. Bill Cooper. After the Flood . UK: New Wine Press. 1995. p. 122–129.
15. Mills, Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009
16.J. Hill. “God’s of ancient Egypt: Atum.” Ancient Egypt Online. 2010. 3/10/2015
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Donna Rosenberg. Lincolnwood, Illinois: NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group 1999: 509-514.
25. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 2:10-14. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
26.April Holloway. “Mysteries of the Kingdom of Shambhala.” Ancient Origins. 2015. <http://www.ancient->
27. Victoria LePage. Shambhala: The Fascinating Truth Behind the Myth of Shangri-La. Quest Books. 2014. p 7 - 9
28.Cohen, Chaim. "Eden". The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion. In Berlin, Adele; Grossman, Maxine.:Oxford
University Press. 2011. pp 228-229
29. Steven Boyd, Andrew Snelling, eds. Grappling with the Chronology of the Genesis Flood. AR: Master Books, 2014.
30. “Trees in Mythology.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. <
31.Max Dashu. “Xi Wangmu, the Shamanic Great Goddess of China.” Suppressed 2011.
32. David Adams Leeming. The World of Myth. Oxford University Press. 1992. p 69
33. Victoria LePage. Shambhala: The Fascinating Truth Behind the Myth of Shangri-La. Quest Books. 2014. p 7
34. Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days(11.109-120). 1914
35. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 2:17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
36.“Trees in Mythology.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. <

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37.The Mahabharata, Book 3. Vana Parva: Section CXLVIII. p 306. Sacred 2005. <http://www.sacred->
38.Max Dashu. “Xi Wangmu, the Shamanic Great Goddess of China.” Suppressed 2011.
39. New American Standard Bible. Luke 17:27. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
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138.Lambert & Millard. Atrahasis. Oxford: Clarendon Lambert. 1969
139.N.K. Sanders, trans. Epic of Gilgamesh. Baltimore: Penguin. 1960. p 108-113
140.RH Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet. (ViII.I.-IX.I). CA: Weiser Books, 2003. p 6-7
141.New American Standard Bible. Genesis 4:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
142.New American Standard Bible. Genesis 6:13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
143.RH Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet. (X.I). CA: Weiser Books, 2003. p 7-8
144.Lambert & Millard. Atrahasis. Oxford: Clarendon Lambert. 1969
145.Amos 4:6-11 and Nahum 1:2-7
146.Richard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz, eds. American Indian Myths and Legends. United States: Pantheon Books. 1984.
p 487

World Myth or History? 64

Chapter Four
The Deluge

According to the Aztec Sun Stone,

“The First Sun was known as the Sun of Earth, whose creator and ruler was Tezcatlipoca. This age
was inhabited by mighty giants. However, Tezcatlipoca’s brother, Quetzalcoatl, was displeased with
the giants, and he sent jaguars down to annihilate all of the giants and the earth itself.”1

Ometéotl 2 was the father of both Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl in Aztec mythology. The brothers
Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl both possessed a duality in their personalities -- darkness and light,
benevolence then cruelty towards mankind. Recorded in the Aztec Sun Stone 3 are stories of five
ages and four global destructions brought about by the gods. It also contains information about
interplanetary conjunctions of our world with the sun, moon and the planets Venus and Mars.4

In many ancient Mayan records of the gods, we find a very thorough attention towards the
interlocking orbital cycles of the earth with the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, with a particular
emphasis on the movements of Venus. The extreme fascination with Venus, exhibited by the Mayans,
seemed to be more like a fear of a malevolent being capable of great destruction, and who needed to
be appeased through ritual murder and sacrifices.

This fascination in the movement of the heavens is apparent in the Mayan Dresden Codex.
“It contains calendrical data, written in the Mayan dating system, concerning astronomical data and
the sky mechanics, and tables of multiple integers that are to be used for calculations of planetary
movement ephemerids and tropical years, next to the hieroglyphic texts and numerous depicturings
of the Mayan gods and ritual scenes.”5
What is the connection between these ancient myths and the movement of celestial bodies? Why are
the gods portrayed together with the planetary motions? Could the ancients have captured stories of
past celestial events by personifying the planets as gods?

Australian Aboriginal ‘Dreaming’ contains records of how their land was formed by their ‘Ancestors’.
They also tell of how these ‘Ancestors’ travelled to distant lands in these early times of creation or
how they returned to their place in the sky. Aboriginal peoples point to the mountains, rivers and
lakes, and other geographical features as proof that the dreaming actually happened. Aborigines can
still point out the planets and constellations that played the parts of the ‘Ancestors’ in dreaming

World Myth or History? 65

events. Scholars have determined that when the ‘Ancestors’ were said to be ‘long’, it may have
described comets, and shooting stars were called ‘orphans’

The idea that the gods of ancient myths represented celestial bodies, and the myths could then have
preserved historical records, was reinforced by Plato as he quoted an Egyptian priest who told the
myth of Phaéton son of Helios and declared that, “Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies
a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of
things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals…”6

If the gods of the myths represent celestial bodies, and the people of antiquity recorded them for
posterity, then they must have embedded information into the stories for future generations to identify
the key players.

Mythology gives us clues to the identity of Quetzalcoatl, in the story of Tezcatlipoca’s greatest trick.
“After introducing Quetzalcoatl to drunkenness and other vices, he used his mirror to show
Quetzalcoatl how weak and degraded he had become. Quetzalcoatl fled the world in shame, leaving
it to Tezcatlipoca. He did, however, promise to return at the end of a 52-year cycle.”7

The 52 year cycle 8 was represented in the Aztec Sun Stone in a large outer circle with 52 images. At
the completion of the 52 year cycle, an elaborate nationwide ritual is performed along with human
sacrifice. This 52 year cycle attributed to Quetzalcoatl’s returns and departures have been correlated
to astronomical observations and the mathematical calculations on 52 year conjunctions of Earth and
Venus.9 Could the planet Venus have been the god Quetzalcoatl to whom the ancient Aztecs credited
the destruction of the first age?

Quetzalcoatl 10 literally means the “feathered-serpent” and is presented in Mesoamerican art as a

serpent with a crown of feathers. This unusual depiction of a creature not found in nature would seem
to describe the appearance of this heavenly body as it appeared during ancient times. A celestial
body with an observable orbit, feathery or hairy head, and a long serpentine tail is a very good
description of a comet.

Comet 11 actually comes from the word “hairy” in Greek, because of its distinctive coma. The coma is
a cloud that could spread up to hundreds of thousands of miles around the nucleus of the comet as it
approaches the Sun. This coma may seem almost like a glowing crown of feathers around the central
mass of the comet.

World Myth or History? 66

Comets also have tails visible from earth. “Comet tails appear as the comet approaches the Sun and
can grow to be millions of miles long. The particles in the solar wind push the small dust particles in
the coma into a long curved path. This tail is known as the dust tail. Another tail, the ion tail, is
made of electrically charged molecules of gas.”11

Since Venus is a planet and not a comet, then it can’t possibly represent Quetzalcoatl --this is
assuming that Venus has always been a planet. This is based on the assumption that the way things
are, are the way it has always been, and will always be. But this is not the testimony of our
predecessors, nor is it what recent scientific discoveries seem to say.

Immanuel Velikovsky 12 published his book Worlds in Collision (1950), concluding that the planet
Venus was a comet that brought about destructions on planet earth in ancient times. In his book he
made several predictions based on the premise that if his conclusion was correct then: 1. Venus must
be very hot (scientists at that time estimated Venus’ mean ground temperature at a cool 17 degrees),
2. Venus would have a dusty hydrocarbon gaseous planetary atmosphere, and 3. Venus would have
a retrograde rotation, opposite that of every other planet in our solar system. Every single one of his
predictions have become scientific fact in the past decades.

In 2003 the scientific community was surprised to discover that the planet Venus has a tail. Markus
Fraenz of Max Planck for Solar System Research wrote regarding Venus’ newly discovered tail, "It
may possibly have extended for millions of kilometres, like an enormous tail... our results suggest that
Venus' ionosphere resembled the teardrop-shaped ionosphere found around comets, rather than the
more symmetrical, spherical shape which usually exists."13

If planet Venus could have been Quetzalcoatl, then what did Tezcatlipoca and their father Ometeotl
represent? Since Ometeotl is their father, then we would suppose that these two gods had somehow
come from him.

The Babylonian Talmud records that,

“When the Holy One...wanted to bring a flood upon the world, He took two stars from Khima and
brought a flood upon the world.”14

Rabbinic literature refers to Khima as Mazal Kima,15 which literally means planet Khima in Hebrew.
But what planet could have fathered another planet?
According to Greek mythology, Pallas Athene (Venus) was born from Zeus’ (Jupiter’s) head and at
her birth, “...shouting with a far ringing cry, and all Heaven and Mother Earth shuddered before her.”16

World Myth or History? 67

Persian lore tells us that Venus is a “magnificent and glorious star which Ahura Mazda (Jupiter) has
established as master and overseer of all the stars.”17

Jupiter is a gas giant planet that can fit 1,321.3 planet earths inside it.18 All the planets in our solar
system multiplied twice could fit loosely inside Jupiter. The only thing in our solar system bigger than
the planet Jupiter is the Sun. But more than just its size, recent scientific discoveries have opened up
interesting possibilities about Jupiter’s past.
“A jet of matter has been detected spewing from a brown dwarf for the first time, mimicking a process
seen in young stars. The observation suggests brown dwarfs form like stars - and even hints that jets
might once have gushed from planets such as Jupiter and Saturn.”19

Traces of past planetary behaviour may be found in the physical clues left behind. Similar celestial
bodies have been observed spitting out matter into space. Some scientists have found evidence that
may seem to lead us to think that the giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn have done likewise in
the past.
“"If we see the mechanism in brown dwarfs, ordinary stars and massive black holes, there's no
reason it couldn't continue downwards to the planetary stage," Ray told New Scientist. He says the
presence of moons around giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn suggest they were surrounded by
dusty discs, and those discs could have fuelled jets in their youth.”19

Saturn (Cronus)20 in Greek mythology was the god who ate his own children soon after they were
born. Could this have been an ancient observation of Saturn spewing matter out from jets that quickly
fell back into the one who spawned them due to the pull of gravity? The planet Saturn has 62 known
satellites 21 from tiny moonlets to the huge Titan, bigger than planet Mercury.

Planet Jupiter has more moons than any other planet with 67 known satellites 21 ranging from small
irregularly shaped asteroids to Ganymede - a moon even bigger than Titan. If Jupiter spewed out
planet sized matter, jettisoned at a speed that would enable it to break away from the planetary
gravitational pull, then such an object would theoretically be drawn by the sun’s larger field of gravity
and slingshot into an orbit. Could this have been what the ancients observed at the birth of Athene
(Venus) from Jupiter’s head?

The word Khima, from which the two stars were taken as recorded in the Babylonian Talmud, is
mentioned in the bible three times in the original Hebrew. Every time it is written, it is in relation to the
Deluge and destructions wrought on earth. Twice it appears in the Book of Job in Job 9:9 and Job
38:31 and once in the Book of Amos 5:8. The difficulty translators had with the word Khima is

World Myth or History? 68

reflected by how it has been translated as different constellations by different bible translators. In
some translations, Khima is translated as three different constellations each time it’s mentioned, even
in the same bible.22

The planet Khima is mentioned in conjunction with two other celestial bodies -Kesil and Aish, both of
which have also suffered the same translation problems. Young’s Literal Translation of the bible
refrains from changing the names, so in Job we read after a description of mountains being
overturned and the earth shaken out of place, changes in the heavens and the waters of the sea
being trampled, God is the One attributed to “...Making Osh (Aish), Kesil, and Kimah, And the inner
chambers of the south.”23

Job is considered by bible scholars to have been a contemporary of Abraham. The Book of Job
written in the 2nd millennium BC is one of the oldest books in the bible. The recollection of the Deluge
would have still been fresh in this historical period. In Job 38, we read of God’s awesome power over
the heavens and the earth, how He uses the shaking of planet earth, the seas, and destructive hail to
cause the desolation of the wicked. Again, He speaks of the three celestial bodies.

“Dost thou bind sweet influences of Kimah? Or the attractions of Kesil dost thou open?

Dost thou bring out Mazzaroth in its season? And Aysh for her sons dost thou comfort?”24

This same verse has often been translated as “Can you bind the chains of the beautiful (Khima)? Or
loose the cords / draw the reigns of (Kesil)?”

Based on mythology Mazal Khima appears to be the planet Jupiter, but what are the chains that bind
this beautiful planet?
“Jupiter has three thin rings. The rings were discovered in 1979 by NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft.
Jupiter's rings are made up mostly of tiny dust particles.”25

And what planet draws the reins as if it was a chariot led by horses? Both Homer and Virgil knew of
the two moons of Mars, Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), and wrote of them in mythical terms as
the steeds that drew Mars’ chariot.26 Ares (Mars) is also one of Zeus’ (Jupiter’s) children in the Greek
pantheon of gods.

Kesil in Hebrew literally means “Fool” and this again links it to the planet Mars in myth. Homer, in the
Iliad wrote of a battle fought between Pallas Athene (Venus) and Ares (Mars) where she calls Mars a

World Myth or History? 69

fool for daring to fight someone of greater strength than himself.
“...Therewith she smote furious Ares on the neck, and loosed his limbs. Over seven roods he
stretched in his fall, and befouled his hair with dust, and about him his armour clanged. But Pallas
Athene broke into a laugh, and vaunting over him she spake winged words: [410] “Fool, not even yet
hast thou learned how much mightier than thou I avow me to be, that thou matchest thy strength with
The planet Venus is much bigger than Mars in size and girth being 81.5% of the Earth’s mass while
Mars is only 10.7%.28 If the two planets ever got into a ‘fight’, it would seem like the odds would be in
favor of Venus, and Mars would seem very foolish indeed.

And how about Aish? In the Greek Septuagint, Job 38:32 is translated as, “Canst thou bring forth
Mazzaroth in his season and guide the Evening Star by his long hair?”29 The word Mazzaroth
appears only once in the entire bible and only in this verse. Immanuel Velikovsky, after much study,
felt that the ancient documents were identifying Venus in its cometary phase.29

Young’s Literal Translation of the same verse talks about Aish’s sorrow over her sons. What greater
sadness for a mother is there than the loss of her children?
It is not unusual for comets to travel in groups 30 of sometimes over a thousand in the same orbit. This
may be due to the tendency of a larger body to fragment into smaller pieces. Viewed from the earth, a
large comet with multiple fragments following after it in its tail may appear like a very fertile mother
followed by her children. Should such a comet travel extremely close to planet earth, the smaller
fragments may get caught in earth’s gravity and impact the planet as meteors. Such an event may
seem like the children falling to their death to be buried in the earth. Today Venus is a childless
mother with not even a single moon 31 to keep her company. To the Australian aborigines these
shooting stars were called 'orphans'. To the Aztecs, the flashing dark fragments of matter falling from
the skies may have appeared like jaguars from heaven sent down by an angry Quetzalcoatl (Venus).

If Khima = the planet Jupiter, the Greek god Zeus, and the Aztec Ometeotl
and Kesil = the planet Mars, the Greek god Ares, and the Aztec Tezcatlipoca
then Aish = Venus, the Greek god Pallas Athene, and the Aztec Quetzalcoatl

Mesoamerican mythology attributes the destruction of this age to Quetzalcoatl (Venus). The Greeks
tell us that when Venus was born from Jupiter she caused both heaven and earth to shake. It seems
that in her early volatile cometary phase, Venus may have come dangerously close to the earth.

World Myth or History? 70

The Book of Noah records that when God was to send the judgment of the Deluge, He parted two
monsters. “And I besought the other angel that he should show me the might of those monsters, how
they were parted on one day and cast, the one into the abysses of the sea, and the other unto the dry
land of the wilderness.”32

Each monster was meant for a specific purpose. One was meant to bore a hole (abyss) through the
oceanic crust and the other was meant to break through the giant first age supercontinent.
This does not mean that there were only two fragments, but that there were two of exceptional size
that would accomplish the purposes for which they were sent forth.

From where were these two big monsters parted? Could they have been large fragments that had
broken off from Aish (Venus)? The Book of Noah graphically describes the power of these heavenly
monsters after something in the skies breaks apart and flies off to strike the planet creating a massive
impact crater that desolates the earth.
“I saw in a vision how the heaven collapsed and was borne off and fell to the earth. And when it fell to
the earth I saw how the earth was swallowed up in a great abyss, and mountains were suspended on
mountains, and hills sank down on hills, and high trees were rent from their stems, and hurled down
and sank in the abyss. And thereupon a word fell into my mouth, and I lifted up (my voice) to cry
aloud, and said: ‘The earth is destroyed.’”33

In the ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim is instructed by the gods to build a
vessel to save his family and all living things from the Deluge. The story says that on the day the flood
came there was a dark cloud and a thundering sound as the Lord of the storm rode within,
“Then the gods of the abyss rose up; Nergal pulled out the dams of the nether waters, Ninurta the
war-Lord threw down the dykes, and the seven judges of hell, the Annunaki, raised their torches,
lighting the land with their livid flame. A stupor of despair went up to heaven when the god of the
storm turned daylight to darkness, when he smashed the land like a cup.” 34
The gods of the abyss, Nergal who brought waters up from deep within the earth’s crust and Ninurta
who threw down the land mass that had prevented the waters from passing into the giant
supercontinent, sound like the two monsters described in the Book of Noah. The Annunaki that lit up
the land with fire could be referring to numerous flaming smaller meteors that pummeled the earth
along with them.

The Epic of Gilgamesh then attributes a strange quote to the goddess Ishtar, who is the
Mesopotamian representation of planet Venus.
“Then Ishtar the sweet-voiced Queen of Heaven cried out like a woman in travail (childbirth): "Alas

World Myth or History? 71

the days of old are turned to dust because I commanded evil; why did I command this evil in the
council of all the gods?”34
Ishtar (Venus) cries out like a woman in labor, that she had been the cause of the evil that had
destroyed Hesiod’s golden first age. Strangely, she herself did not know why. Could she be referring
to the massive pieces that had broken off from the main cometary body (her children) who had struck
the earth with terrible consequences?

The ancient Chinese Book of All Knowledge records that the destruction was a result of man’s
rebellion against God. Chinese ancient records are united with worldwide mythology in noting
planetary and celestial changes that occurred during the deluge. “The Earth was shaken to its
foundations. The sky sank lower towards the north. The sun, moon, and stars changed their motions.
The Earth fell to pieces and the waters in its bosom rushed upwards with violence and overflowed the
The Chinese Book of All Knowledge similar to the other myths from antiquity, confirms the shattering
of the giant supercontinent into many pieces. The Epic of Gilgamesh describes it well when it notes
that ‘he smashed the land like a cup’.36 Both myths on opposite sides of the world are united in
informing us that the waters of the Deluge came from deep within earth’s bosom, or as the
Mesopotamians put it, ‘the dams of the nether waters that rose from the abyss’.

If monster sized meteors had crashed deep into the earth, there should be some sort of physical
evidence. “In 2006, NASA gravity and subsurface radar maps revealed a 500-kilometer wide crater
that lies hidden more than a mile beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, created by a 50-kilometer
wide object.”37 Named the Wilkes Land Impact, this meteor strike is linked with a mass extinction
event, the “Great Dying,” were almost all life on earth perished. There is also geological evidence that
it was instrumental in breaking up a supercontinent and causing the tectonic rift that pushed Australia
to its current location.38

The Wilkes Land Impact may be the monster that crashed into the land. “It seems that a major part of
the energy produced by the Wilkes Land Impact went into breaking up the Earth’s crust. Prior to the
impact, it is believed that all of Earth’s continents converges in a super continent, that is, a single
great land mass...surrounded by a single great ocean. A number of scientists suspect that it was the
Wilke’s Land Impact that initiated the breakup of this super continent. They hypothesize that the
impact created a rift and began to drive the continents apart.”39

The discovery of the Wilkes Land Impact was sparked by astronomical observations that when a
large impact occurs on the moon that penetrates the crust into the mantle, the mantle in turn pushes

World Myth or History? 72

material into the core. The shockwave of the impact travels through the core to the opposite side
(antipodal) of the moon. A bulge with vast quantities of magma from the mantle is then produced
antipodal to the impact site. Scientists Ralph Von Frese and Laramie Potts 40 who made these finding
regarding the physics of the planetary interiors, began to search our home planet for possible tell tale
signs of massive core affecting points of impact. The Wilkes Land Impact was discovered antipodal to
the Siberian Traps.41

A second large point of impact may have been somewhere in the ocean opposite to the Hawaiian
islands. “It seems that the Earth has already experienced penetrating impact events that caused the
heating and upwelling of massive amounts of magma from its interior. Many scientists believe the
volcanoes of the Hawaiian Island chain came from a “hot spot” that was created by an impact similar
to the way the big impact that penetrated deep inside the Moon created a hot spot with magma
flowing to the surface on the opposite side of the Moon.”42

So why aren’t we constantly bombarded by these deadly celestial impacts? “What has kept earth
“safe”...other than blind luck is the massive gravitational field of Jupiter, our cosmic guardian, with its
stable circular orbit far from the sun, which assures a low number of impacts resulting in mass
extinctions by sweeping up and scatters away most of the dangerous Earth-orbit-crossing comets
and asteroids.”43

There are those however, who watch Jupiter with cautious eyes, because of its apparent dual role of
protector and persecutor. “For asteroids and short period comets, Jupiter’s gravitational agitation
shoves more our direction, but for the ones that would potentially hurt us the most, the long period
comets, Jupiter does provide some relief.”44

Ancient observers must have warily watched the planetary motions of Jupiter, Lord of the heavens,
who would sometimes benevolently be protective of planet Earth - even taking hits meant for us. This
was graphically portrayed in 1994 when its gravity pulled in the pieces of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
and prevented a major catastrophe on earth.45
However, Jupiter may once in awhile maliciously direct a dangerous celestial traveler our way,
sometimes with deadly results. It would almost seem like a capricious god orchestrating events on
our planet on a whim.

It is no wonder that Chinese astronomers in the time of Yu the Great (2205 BC) were instructed in
Heaven’s Great Plan to make a careful watch over the planet Jupiter as the first of the five dividers of

World Myth or History? 73

The Book of Genesis gives us a specific date on when the deluge began, along with what caused it.
“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month,
on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were
The Genesis account is in unison with the other ancient records about the waters being released from
deep within the earth. It also tells us that this release of waters were somehow connected to the
opening of the floodgates of the sky.

The prophet Isaiah lends us insight into what happens when the floodgates of the sky are opened,
“...For the windows above are opened, and the foundations of the earth shake. The earth is broken
asunder, The earth is split through, The earth is shaken violently.”48
When things begin to fall from the heavens, it can get pretty shaky here on earth. The Book of Job
identifies the heavenly instruments used as Khima, Kesil and Aish (Job 9:9).

A distinguishing feature about the Deluge from among all the other destructions of the ages is the
total and irreversible reconfiguration of planet earth. The New Zealand Maori myth Kauwae-runga
tells of how Mataaho with instructions from Io, uses the forces of the ocean, wind, and rain to force
Papa (Earth) to face downward. Afterwards Mataaho and Whakaruaumoko (spirit behind earthquakes
& volcanoes) had the job of rearranging the Earth mother so that she may lie in a proper position.49

Using a numerically modelled catastrophic plate tectonics model for the Deluge, a team of
researchers and scientists have concluded that,”Today we find shallow marine creatures buried and
fossilized in sedimentary rock layers deposited rapidly by water right across continents and even in
high mountains, so in the past the ocean waters must have flooded the continents...The catastrophic
rifting of the pre-Flood ocean floor and supercontinent occurred when the “fountains of the great
deep” were broken up. Upwelling magma produced supersonic steam jets that entrained ocean
water, carrying it up into the atmosphere from where it fell as intense global rain … The new warm
ocean floor produced along the rift zones was less dense and rose, pushing up the sea level to flood
the sprinting continental plates, which were moving at meters per second due to the concurrent
runaway subduction of old cold ocean floor. Melting at depth in subduction zones fed stupendous
volcanic eruptions above at the surface.”50

This model for the catastrophic chronology of geological events explains the 40 days and nights of
global rain (Genesis 7:11-12) mentioned in the Genesis flood account that we have not since
observed in recorded history. The superheated water and magma from deep in the earth produced

World Myth or History? 74

humidity that saturated the earth’s atmosphere, which released the water back down as rain.
Because of the intense volcanic activity and continuous release of very hot water, the rain clouds
were being constantly built up even as they emptied themselves.

A myth from Scandinavia vividly portrays the magnitude of the Deluge when it recounts, “...
the chaos of the world when the mighty wolf Fenrir (possibly the planet Venus) shook himself and
“made the whole world tremble. The aged ash tree Yggdrasil [envisaged as the axis of the earth] was
shaken from its roots to its topmost branches. Mountains crumbled or split from top to bottom ... ”.
Men “were driven from their hearths and the human race was swept from the surface of the earth.
The earth itself was beginning to lose its shape. Already the stars were coming adrift from the sky
and falling into the gaping void. ... Flames spurted from fissures in the rocks; everywhere there was
the hissing of steam. All living things, all plant life, were blotted out. ... And now all the rivers, all the
seas rose and overflowed. From every side waves lashed against waves. They swelled and boiled
and slowly covered all things. The earth sank beneath the sea ...”. Then slowly “the earth emerged
from the waves. Mountains rose anew ... . Men also reappeared. ... Enclosed in the wood itself of the
ash tree Yggdrasil ... the ancestors of a future race of men had escaped death.”51

Myth and lore from antiquity describe a global catastrophic destruction that changed the face of the
earth, and was instrumental in the death and rapid burial of flora and fauna on the planet as massive
waves of sediment laden water swept over the shattered land masses. Stationary, non mobile sea
creatures would probably have been the most vulnerable in the initial onslaught and end up being
buried first. The slower sedentary animals of the lowlands would have been the next casualties. The
more intelligent and mobile mammals able to scurry, swim, and cling to objects would probably end
up buried on the highest layers of sediment or not at all, quickly bloating and rotting in the open air.

This cleanly defined separation of the sedimentary layers would be the general rule but not always
the case in this chaotic catastrophe, thus we find cases of creatures crossing over multiple layers or
on a lower layer than the evolutionary timeline allows. Cases of polystrate fossils are difficult to
explain in the evolutionary slow steady uniform millions of years model, but are natural if we accept
the witness of the ancients.
A flood record from the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh describes what happened to the creatures of
the first age who were rapidly buried by sediments under the unique conditions of the Deluge causing
them to be fossilized, while others floated in the sea.
“Ishtar (Venus) cried like a woman in travail, Wailed the Queen of the gods with her beautiful voice:
“Those creatures are turned to clay...For the destruction of my people I commanded
spawn of flies they fill the sea.””52

World Myth or History? 75

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim (Noah) recounts how he looked around after the flood and
made a grisly discovery. “I looked around all day long - quiet had set in and all the human beings had
turned to clay!”53
Creatures turning to clay is an apt description of the fossilization process, that transforms things that
were once alive, into mineralized or carbonized copies of themselves.

It would appear however, from the records of the past that the Deluge did not happen without
warning. The Book of Enoch records two visions 54 he had of the coming catastrophe before he had
his son Methuselah. When we add the generations after this time, there was at least 969 years before
the day that Noah and his family entered the ark and God shut the door behind them.

The Atrahasis Epic 55 story of disease, drought and famine may have played out in this 969 year
period, when God was calling humanity to turn back from the paths of violence and bloodshed. The
epic relates that, “...600 years, less than 600, passed, And the country was as noisy as a bellowing
bull. The god grew restless at their racket, Elil had to listen to their noise. He addressed the great
gods, The noise of mankind has become too much, I am losing sleep over their racket. Give the order
that suruppu-disease shall break out,”56

It is interesting to note that Noah from the Book of Genesis was 600 years old when he entered the
ark on that fateful day. Perhaps before he turned 600, he had interceded for the people of the first age
as God tried to get them to turn away from their violence and evil by using other less severe
calamities. As discussed in the previous chapter, ancient texts identify the noise disturbing the
heavens as the cries of the victims of violence killed on the earth.
The main character named Atrahasis in this epic, A.K.A. Ziusudra and Utnapishtim and Xisuthrus and
Manu, etc. is most familiarly known to the public as Noah. For the sake of clarity, that will be the
default name by which we shall call him. The problematic period of the first age had been ongoing for
hundreds of years before Noah’s birth. He must have grown up surrounded by violence, injustice and

The Book of Noah tells us that he was an unusual child at birth, and received a prophetic word from
his great grandfather Enoch who spoke of the terrible situation the earth was in and the judgment of
the coming deluge. “Yea, there shall come a great destruction over the whole earth, and there shall
be a deluge and a great destruction for one year. And this son who has been born unto you shall be
left on the earth, and his three children shall be saved with him: when all mankind that are on the
earth shall die [he and his sons shall be saved].”57

World Myth or History? 76

The Patriarchs were forewarned by God of the coming destruction and we assume, so was Noah,
particularly because of the key role he was to play. When the Patriarch Methuselah told his son, the
Patriarch Lamech of the prophecy regarding his newborn son, they “...called the name of that son
Noah; for he will comfort the earth after all the destruction.”58

Enoch records that even the archangels in heaven had grown restless with the noise of the earth
rising up incessantly. “And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven...And then
Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed
upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: ‘The
earth, made without inhabitant, cries the voice of their crying up to the gates of heaven. And now to
you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, “Bring our cause before the
Most High”.’59

The heavenly host was so disturbed by the noise of the earth that they brought it before the most high
God, who then sent them to earth to speak to Noah regarding the destruction of the earth and all that
was on it, in the coming Deluge. They were to give him instructions on how to survive the cataclysm
that his seed may live, multiply and fill the earth.

The Book of Genesis chapter six contains the instructions given to Noah on how to build the ark.
“Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make the ark with rooms, and shall cover it inside
and out with pitch. This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its
breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. You shall make a window for the ark, and finish it to a
cubit from the top; and set the door of the ark in the side of it; you shall make it with lower, second,
and third decks.”60
The historicity of the Genesis record is reinforced by its confidence in giving measurements for the
dimensions of the wooden vessel that kept them safe during the Deluge. The ark was not streamlined
for speed but for extreme stability and buoyancy to keep the seed of every kind of air breathing
creature alive. Scientists have studied, analyzed and tested the ark’s given proportions and have
found it exceeds modern ships in its stability.61 Using Archimedes’ Principle, the maximum weight
capacity of the ark would have been 47 million lbs or about 24 thousand tons, which is much more
than the capacity needed for every kind of air breathing animal and its pair, food supplies, and ample
room to move about for the year long ordeal.62

It came as no great surprise to Noah when he got the directions to prepare for the ark, because God’s
decision had not come without prior warning. There were physical changes in the natural order of

World Myth or History? 77

things recorded in the Book of Enoch that seem to verify the drought and famine the first age
experienced nearing the day of the Deluge.
“And in the days of the sinners the years shall be shortened, And their seed shall be tardy on their
lands and fields. And all things on the earth shall alter, and shall not appear in their time: And the rain
shall be kept back, and the heaven shall withhold (it).
And in those times the fruits of the earth shall be backward, And shall not grow in their time.”63
Then Enoch goes on to describe changes in the celestial motions and roles. This is possibly the time
when Saturn and Jupiter begin actively jetting out matter as the ‘chiefs of the stars’ and begin to
diverge from their normal planetary motions and roles, causing all sorts of disastrous changes on
planet earth.
“And the moon shall alter her order, And not appear at her time.
[And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey in the evening on the extremity of the
great chariot in the west] … And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order (prescribed); And
these shall alter their orbits and tasks, and not appear at the seasons prescribed to them.”63

And yet Enoch writes that the citizens of the first age refused to stop their lifestyle of violence and
wickedness. Instead of turning to God because of the terrestrial and celestial signs, they added to
their evil by worshipping the heavenly bodies as gods.63

The North American Choctaw Tribe has a flood myth 64 from long ago when corrupt men disregarded
the warnings of a prophet. God directed this prophet to build a raft of sassafras logs to save him from
the coming flood. It is his children that have repopulated the world.
It took faith for Noah to believe in things not yet seen, a great catastrophic end to an age that seemed
to its citizens to be indestructible. Yet the story tells us that Noah built that ark and collected the
resources needed and obeyed God, and in so doing, became the vessel through which humanity was
able to survive the Deluge.
“By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the
salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became an heir of righteousness
which is according to faith.”65

The occupants of the ark were Noah and his wife, his sons - Shem, Ham and Japheth along with their
wives. Genesis records a sum total of eight human survivors. Chinese writing, dating back to the third
millennium BC, is pictographic in nature and contains ancient traditions within itself. The flood story
must have been one of the predominant themes as the Chinese calligraphy was being developed and
thus it is interesting to note that the Chinese word for a big ship, literally translates to eight people in a

World Myth or History? 78

Animal population on the ark was as follows: “You shall take with you of every clean animal by
sevens, a male and his female; and of the animals that are not clean two, a male and his female; also
of the birds of the sky, by sevens, male and female, to keep offspring alive on the face of all the

The Eridu Genesis from Sumer records, “...Aboard ship take thou the seed of all living things. That
ship thou shalt build; Her dimensions shall be to measure.”67 It is possible that the seed of all living
things would encompass both seeds for cultivation as well as animal life.

Genesis tells us that when the fountains of the deep burst open, along with the floodgates of heaven,
global rain poured day and night for forty days. “Then the flood came upon the earth for forty days,
and the water increased and lifted up the ark, so that it rose above the earth. The water prevailed and
increased greatly upon the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. The water prevailed
more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were
covered. The water prevailed fifteen cubits higher, and the mountains were covered...The water
prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days.”68

Every creature that lived on land died in the flood, except for the ones in the ark.
Then, the Book of Genesis tells of how, “...God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the water
subsided. Also the fountains of the deep and the floodgates of the sky were closed, and the rain from
the sky was restrained.”69
The wind that God used to abate the flood is also captured in The Epic of Gilgamesh. “Six days and
seven nights Blew the wind, the deluge the flood overpowered...The sea calmed, the destruction
abated, the flood ceased.”70

A strong wind blowing on the waters that had encroached onto the continental crust could have
directed the waters back into the oceanic crust where they belonged. The waters from deep within the
earth’s crust stopped its violent superheated outburst as heaven’s floodgates were closed. Without
the steady flow of heated water and hot magma to feed the cycle of rain, it soon ceased.

World Myth or History? 79

Mesoamerican myth tells us that after the destruction of the first age, “Tezcatlipoca (Mars) returned to
the sky...the world was recreated by Quetzalcoatl (Venus), in one of his many aspects --the wind god
Ehecatl.”71 Mars seems to have taken a back seat as it returned to a distant orbit as Venus became
the instrument used to cause powerful winds and movements/changes on the earth caused by
gravitational pull, cometary fragment impacts, etc. in order to abate the flood.

But where did the waters go? The Book of Psalms give us an idea as the psalmist writes about the
Deluge. “You covered it (earth) with the deep as with a garment; The waters were standing above the
mountains. At your rebuke they fled, At the sound of your thunder they hurried away. The mountains
rose; the valleys sank down to the place which You established for them. You set a boundary that
they may not pass over, So that they will not return to cover the earth.”72
This verse implies that the mountains of the succeeding ages are much higher and the oceans much
deeper than that of the first age. The land rose up and the oceanic crust sank lower to contain all the
waters released by the Deluge.

Doesn’t geological evidence tell us that mountain formation took hundreds of millions of years,
definitely not just one? If rock formation had millions of years to form, then they would have had
plenty of time to harden and become brittle. Then even if the mountains rose slowly, the rocks would
reach a breaking point, fracture and crack. Instead, what we see in the geological strata are rocks
that have bent at extreme angles while they were still in a malleable stage. We see this rock bending
in the Grand Canyon as well as mountains around the world. “There are many, many other places
where rocks have deformed while in a soft, unconsolidated condition. The Rocky Mountains are full of
such occurrences. The Appalachian Mountains are as well. One such occurrence might be passed of
as an anomaly, but the world is full of examples of soft sediment deformation…”73
The sudden mountain formation would be a natural product of the catastrophic crashing, bending and
ripping apart of the sprinting continental plates along with possible gravitational effects from Khima,
Kesil, and Aish. However, currently we can list them under geological mysteries that have to
somehow be explained away.

But is there really enough water to cover the whole earth?

“96.5% of all the Earth’s water is contained within the oceans as salt water, while the remaining 3.5%
is freshwater lakes and frozen water locked up in glaciers and the polar ice caps. Of that fresh water,
almost all of it takes the form of ice: 69% of it, to be exact. If you could melt all that ice, and the
Earth’s surface was perfectly smooth, the sea levels would rise to an altitude of 2.7 km.”74

World Myth or History? 80

The waters steadily receded for 150 days and soon the ark got caught on the top of the highest
mountain. It was almost three months before other mountain tops became visible. Through the ark
window, Noah sent out a raven then a dove that returned to him because they did not find a place to
rest. When he released the dove seven days later, it returned in the evening with a fresh olive leaf.
And when the dove flew off seven days later, it no longer returned.

Noah’s unusual use of birds as his initial scouts to spy out the territory for him, becomes an important
unifying element of the various recollections of this story. The Epic of Gilgamesh calls the mountain
on which the ark rested Mount Nimus and tells of how a dove was released on the seventh day, then
a swallow but both returned. When the raven was sent out, it did not come back.75

Berosus, the historian from ancient Babylon, tells us that Xisuthrus (Noah) released several birds.
“They found neither food nor a place to rest, and they returned to the ship. After a few days, he again
set free some other birds, and they too came back to the ship, but they returned with claws covered
with mud. Then later for a third time he set free some other birds, but they did not return to the ship.”76

Genesis records that God spoke to Noah and called all the occupants of the ark to come out, and so
they stepped out of the vessel a full year after the ordeal had begun. While all was gathered together
before the Lord standing in the newly devastated earth, Noah built an altar and sacrificed one of
every clean animal and clean bird. God blessed Noah and his family and established a covenant with
them and all the creatures of the earth. “I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never
again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth.”77

And the sign of the covenant promise was the rainbow.

An aboriginal tribe from Western Australia have an ancient myth when Ngadja (God), grieved by
mankind tormenting creatures decided to flood the earth, but warned Gajara (Noah) to build a double
raft to save his family and animals, and load it with enough food for all of them. The flood waters rose
and the rain fell and drowned all those on earth. After the flood subsided, Gajara sent out a cuckoo
and other birds until they no longer returned. When they went out of the raft Gajara killed a kangaroo
and his wife put it in the oven and Ngadja was pleased with the sweet aroma. Then, “Ngadja, the
Supreme Being, put the rainbow in the sky to keep the rain-clouds back. The rainbow protects us so
that the rainfall does not rise too high. Our people understand the significance of it. When we see the
rainbow we say, ‘There will not be any abnormally heavy rain.’.”78

World Myth or History? 81

Science can explain how a rainbow forms in the sky, but the ancient witnesses tell us why. It is a
reminder of God’s promise to never again annihilate all land creatures by a flood, and that He would
never again cover the entire earth with water.

The ancient historian Josephus, considered the account of the Deluge a true historical event. After
the flooding of the earth and its subsequent recession, he notes that,
“the ark rested on top of a certain mountain in Armenia; which, when Noah understood, he opened
it...when the water was decreased to a greater degree, he sent out a raven, as desirous to
learn...whether he might go out of the ark with safety; but the raven, finding all the land still
overflowed, returned to Noah again. And after seven days he sent out a dove...which came back to
him covered with mud, and bringing an olive after he had staid seven more days, he sent
the living creatures out of the ark; and both he and his family went out, when he also sacrificed to
God, and feasted with his companions...the Armenians call this place, (Greek) The Place of Descent;
for the ark being saved in that place, its remains are shown there by the inhabitants to this day.”79

Josephus was not alone as a historian to claim the historicity of Noah and the ark. Berosus the
Chaldean historian wrote of the flood and Noah and mentions that, “It is said that there is still some
part of this ship in Armenia, at the mountain of the Cordyaeans; and that some people carry off
pieces of the bitumen, which they take away, and use chiefly as amulets for the averting of
The knowledge about the location of the ark would be no secret to the second age population. It is to
be expected that it would be scavenged for anything that would be of use. Historians tell us that even
in the past, people wanted to take souvenirs. If every visitor took a chunk of the ark away, it is to be
expected that after thousands of years, very little if anything should be left of this remarkable vessel.

Nicolaus of Damascus also wrote in his ninety sixth book, “There’s a great mountain in Armenia, over
Minyas, called Baris, upon which it is reported that many who fled at the time of the Deluge were ark came on shore upon the top of it; and the remains of the timber were a great while
preserved.”80 Josephus tells us that many historians such as the Egyptian Hieronymus wrote of the
Deluge in the Phoenician Antiquities, Mnaseas, and many more. Yet today, we label this event a
myth, ignoring all the records of the past, and end up with a mountain of mysteries drowned by an
ocean of assumptions.

World Myth or History? 82

1. Mills, Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009, p 122
2. Nicoletta Maestri. “Tezcatlipoca -- Profile of the Aztec God of Night.” About Education. 2015. 3/22/15.
3. R.W. O’Connell. “The Aztec Calendar Stone.” ASTR 1210. 2015. University of Virginia. 3/22/15.
4. Clive Ross. “The Aztec ‘Sun Stone’.” Clive Ross’ Research. 2013. 12/7/15.
5. Bohumir Bohm, Vladimir Bohm. “The Dresden Codex -- The Book of Mayan Astronomy.” Hermetic Systems. 2009.
3/22/15. <>
6. Jowett, Benjamin, trans. “The Dialogues of Plato: Timaeus.” The Great Books Encyclopedia Britannica. 1952. p
7. “Tezcatlipoca.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. Advameg, Inc. 3/22/15. <
8. R.W. O’Connell. “The Aztec Calendar Stone.” ASTR 1210. 2015. University of Virginia. 3/22/15.
9. Keith M. Hunter. “The Mayan Calendar: 260 Days and the Venus Orbit.” Ancient World Mysteries. 2015.
10.“Quetzalcoatl.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. Advameg, Inc. 3/22/15. <
11.Kristen Erickson. “Quest for a Comet.” NASA’s Space Place. 2015. 3/22/15.
12. Immanuel Velikovsky. World’s in Collision. New York: Pocket Books,1977. p 6-9
13.“Venus Express -- The Tail of Venus and the Weak Solar Wind.” European Space Agency. 2014.
14. Maurice Simon, trans. Tractate Brakhot (Seder Zerafim) chapter IX, Fol. 59a. London. 1948
15. Jacob Levy. Woerterbuch ueber die Talmudim und Midrashim 2nd ed.:entry “Khima.” Berlin, Vienna. 1924
16. L.R. Farnell, trans. Pindar: The Seventh Olympian Ode. London. 1930. p 35
17. Yasht 8:44
18. Jerry Coffey. “How Many Earths Can Fit in Jupiter?” Universe Today. 2010. NASA. 3/24/15.
19.Maggie Mckee. “Violent Jet Detected Spewing from Brown Dwarf.”Nature (vol 435, p 652). New Scientist. 2005.
20. Robert Segal, ed. 30-Second Mythology. UK: Ivy Press. 2013. p 32
21.Elizabeth Howell. “How Many Moons Does Saturn Have?” Universe Today. 2014. NASA. 3/25/15.
22.Immanuel Velikovsky. Khima. 3/24/15. <>
23.Young’s Literal Translation (YLT). Job 9:9. Bible Gateway. 3/25/15. <
24. Young’s Literal Translation (YLT). Job 38:31-32. Bible Gateway. 3/25/15. <
25.Heather Smith. “What is Jupiter?” NASA Education. 2011. NASA. 3/25/15.
26.Immanuel Velikovsky. Khima. 3/24/15. <>
27. Homer, Iliad, Book XXI, line 405-410
28. Dr Mark Garlick. Atlas of the Universe. Sydney: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers. 2007. p 18-26
29. Immanuel Velikovsky. World’s in Collision. New York: Pocket Books,1977. p 206
30.Jonathan Shanklin, pub.. “Sun Approaching Comets.” SOHO. 2006. SOHO comet pages. 3/25/15.
31. Dr Mark Garlick. Atlas of the Universe. Sydney: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers. 2007. p 18
32. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet. CA: Weiser Books. 2003. p 51
33. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet. CA: Weiser Books. 2003. p 89
34. N.K. Sanders, trans. Epic of Gilgamesh. Baltimore: Penguin. 1960. p 108-113
35. Berlitz, C., The Lost Ship of Noah, W.H. Allen. London, UK. 1987. p 126
36. N.K. Sanders, trans. Epic of Gilgamesh. Baltimore: Penguin. 1960. p 108-113
37.Casey Kazan, Rebecca Sato, post. “Antarctica: Site of the Biggest Impact Crater on Earth Revealed.” The Daily

World Myth or History? 83

Galaxy. 2010. 3/26/15. <
38. Pam Frost Gorder. “Big Bang in Antarctica--Killer Crater Found Under Ice.” Research News. 2011. Ohio State
University. 3/26/15. <>
39. Jeffrey Goodman, PhD. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books, L.L.C. 2011. p 271
40. Pam Frost Gorder. “Big Bang in Antarctica--Killer Crater Found Under Ice.” Research News. 2011. Ohio State
University. 3/26/15. <>
41. Ralph Von Frese, Laramie Potts. “GRACE gravity Evidence for an Impact Basin in Wilkes Land, Antarctica.”
Volume 10, Issue 2.G3 Journal. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 25 Feb 2009
42. Jeffrey Goodman, PhD. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books, L.L.C. 2011.
43.Casey Kazan, Rebecca Sato, post. “Antarctica: Site of the Biggest Impact Crater on Earth Revealed.” The Daily
Galaxy. 2010. 3/26/15. <
44.Jon Voisey. “Jupiter --Our Silent Guardian?” Universe Today. 2009. 3.26/15.
45.Keith Cooper. “Villain in Disguise: Jupiter’s Role in Impacts on Earth.” 2012. Astrobiology Magazine.
3/26/15. <>
46. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King. 04. The Great Plan.1879
47. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 7:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
48. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 24:18-19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
49. Best, Elsdon. Maori Religion and Mythology Part 2. New Zealand: P.D. Hasselberg, Wellington. 2005
50. Steven Boyd, Andrew Snelling, eds. Grappling with the Chronology of the Genesis Flood. AR: Master Books, 2014.
51. The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. London, UK: Chancellor Press. 1996. pp. 275-277
52. George A. Barton. Archaeology and the Bible, 7th Edition revised. Philadelphia: American Sunday School. 1937. pp
53. The Great Flood: The Epic of Gilgamesh. Tablet XI. 133. Ancient
54. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet.LXXXIII-XC. CA: Weiser Books. 2003. p 89-94
55. Lambert & Millard. Atrahasis. Oxford: Clarendon Lambert. 1969
56. Stephanie Dalley. Myths from Mesopotamia: Gilgamesh, The Flood, and Others. NY: Oxford University Press. 2009
57. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet: Fragment of the Book of Noah. CVI-CVII. CA: Weiser Books.
2003. p 133
58. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet: Fragment of the Book of Noah. CVI-CVII. CA: Weiser Books.
2003. p 134
59. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet. VIII.I.-IX.I. CA: Weiser Books. 2003. p 6
60. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 6:14-16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
61. Collins, D.H. 1977. “Was Noah's Ark stable?” Creation Research Society Quarterly 14:83-7.
62.“Buoyancy and Stability of Noah’s Ark.” Creation Concepts.<>
63. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet. LXXX. 2-8. CA: Weiser Books. 2003. pp 83-84
64. Morrison, W.” Ancient Choctaw Legend of the Great Flood.” <>,
65. New American Standard Bible. Hebrews 11:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
66. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 7:2-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
67. Thorkild Jacobsen, trans. “The Harps that Once…:Sumerian Poetry in Translation.” Connecticut: Yale University
Press. 1987
68. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 7:17-24. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
69. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 8:1-2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
70. George Barton. Archaeology and the Bible, 7th Edition. Philadelphia: American Sunday School. 1937. pp 327-331
71. Mills, Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing, 2009, p 123
72. New American Standard Bible.Psalm 104:6-9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
73. John Morris. The Young Earth. AR: Master Books. 2009. pp 113-114
74.Matt Williams. “What Percent of Earth is Water?” Universe Today. 2014. NASA. 3/31/15.
75. The Great Flood: The Epic of Gilgamesh. Tablet XI. 133. Ancient
76. Verbrugghe and Wickersham, trans. Berossus’ Babylonian History. Fragment 4. Syncellus, Chronological excerpts
77. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 9:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
78. Coates, H. The Flood. Creation 4(3):9-12. 1981
79. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 3. 5.
80. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 3. 6.

World Myth or History? 84

Chapter Five
The Second Age
(around 2300 BC - 1900 BC)

We can only imagine how difficult it was for the survivors of the Deluge to step out of the ark onto the
water sodden planet that they could no longer recognize. Bare mountains towered high, first age
vegetation had been uprooted and buried in sediment thousands of feet deep, mangled remains of
the death and destruction that they had been rescued from lay silently as far as their eyes could see.
The world that they had come from had been irreversibly shattered.

Utnapishtim (Noah) from the Epic of Gilgamesh, recounts that, “I opened the window, the light fell on
my cheek; I was overcome, I sat down, I wept; Over my cheek streamed the tears. I looked in all
directions --a fearful sea!”1
Eight people, their leader Noah included, were now faced with the overwhelming task of not only
rebuilding civilization but also repairing and repopulating the planet with the seed of all living things
that they had carried with them in the ark.

Is it credible to consider that all the people on the planet today could have come from three couples
from just a few thousand years ago? Not counting Noah, since he didn’t have any other kids,
“...starting with 6 people and doubling the population every 150 years more than accounts for the
current human population (a growth rate of less than 0.5% per year!)”.2
The story of the flood and succeeding dispersion of the nations is written indelibly in our genes.
Modern genetics has traced a population bottleneck in the recent past (around the time of the flood)
and trace a single dispersal of people after that.3

Evolutionists have found less genetic diversity in the human race than expected.”The general lack of
diversity among people is the reason the Out of Africa model has humanity going through a
disastrous, near-extinction bottleneck with only about 10,000 (and perhaps as few as 1,000) people
The lack of diversity is no mystery if we stop disregarding the witness of the people who had actually
been there. Worldwide myth coherently tells us that the human race began with two people, first man
and first woman (Adam and Eve) under ten thousand years ago, which explains why we have “not
accumulated a lot of mutations, despite the high mutation rate”.5 And that there was a catastrophic
end to the first age that led to a literal genetic bottleneck wherein the world had to be repopulated by
a single family line.

World Myth or History? 85

Aside from the command to “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth...”6
Noah and his family had their hands full: the new configuration of the land masses and the seas
needed to be mapped and divided, stars needed to be charted and the seasons determined for
planting, fields needed to be prepared for cultivation, drainage needed to be dredged to relieve the
waterlogged land, the list went on and on.

Fortunately, the people of this second age had unique advantages in the earth’s climate, which will be
discussed in detail later, and in their knowledge of the past technological achievements of the first
age which they brought with them. The patriarch Noah had been in the unique position to bring along
with him the past records and advancements accomplished in that age. He also had quite a bit of
time to prepare and put together all the things needed to restart civilization. Noah may not have been
able to imagine the extent of the devastation, but he was a 600 year old man, and we have no idea
what that means in terms of accumulated knowledge and wisdom. A third major advantage received
by the second age was that the flood survivors were around for most of that age to guide and instruct
them because of their extremely long lifetimes.

Unfortunately, there were some in the group who may have had mixed feelings, if not outright
antagonism against God and His decision to end the first age. Imagine the world as you know it
ending, and never again could you avail of a Big Mac or a double shot espresso with whipped cream
or surf the web. This anger and resentment would be magnified in future generations and a desire to
bring back the glory of the golden age is seen in many aspects of some ancient civilizations.

Age Two: Earthscape

The landscape of the second age was very different from the first age turn-key planet that was ready
to go. The survivors of the deluge received more of a fixer upper kind of deal that needed a lot of
technical know how and skill to make the earth of this age habitable and productive. The
achievements of the second age founders are many times beyond what we could comprehend as
possible, thus the records of this age, although submitted to us as historical documents have been
relegated to the realm of mythology.

Sumer, referred to by scholars as the cradle of civilization,7 has yielded ancient tablets regarding
Ninurta who was worshipped as a god. Ninurta is also known as Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-12), Nisroch
(2 Kings 19:37), and Namrud (Arabic).8 Nimrod is credited by the Genesis record to have established
the Mesopotamian cities of Babel, Erech, Akkad, and Calneh.

World Myth or History? 86

The Book of Genesis tells us that Nimrod is Noah’s great grandson and thus places this events within
one to two hundred years after the Deluge. In the Sumerian tablets titled Lugal-e (O King!), we are
told of mighty battles Ninurta (Nimrod) had to fight in order to establish agriculture and geological
knowledge in his Mesopotamian cities.

In the Lugal-e Tablets, the land is described to be in a watery muddy mess that needed a lot of work.
Then we are told that Ninurta began a great public works program of ditch digging, dredging, and
redirecting the flow of streams and rivers. Ninurta built dams, canals, organized the lakes and
directed the waters of the Tigris to empty in the sea. According to the tablets, all these works were an
application of Ninurta’s great wisdom and cleverness. The technologies for these achievements
probably owed much to first age advancements.

According to the Lugal-e Tablets,

“334-346 At that time, the good water coming forth from the earth did not pour down over the fields.
The cold water (?) was piled up everywhere, and the day when it began to ...... it brought destruction
in the Mountains,... The Tigris did not bring up its flood in its fullness. Its mouth did not finish in the
sea, it did not carry fresh water…”9
(Interestingly, today, salinity levels are becoming a problem in the Tigris once more. 10 Could this
issue have been resolved in the past?)
“No one yet cleaned the little canals, the mud was not dredged up. Ditch-making did not yet exist…
347-359 The Lord applied his great wisdom to it. Ninurta (1 ms. has instead: Ninjirsu), the son of
Enlil, set about it in a grand way. He made a pile of stones in the Mountains. Like a floating cloud he
stretched out his arms over it. With a great wall he barred the front of the Land. He installed a sluice
(?) on the horizon. The Hero acted cleverly, he dammed in the cities together. He blocked (?) the
powerful waters by means of stones. Now the waters will never again go down from the Mountains
into the earth. That which was dispersed he gathered together. Where in the Mountains scattered
lakes had formed, he joined them all together and led them down to the Tigris. He poured carp-floods
of water over the fields.”9

The second largest river in Western Asia, the Tigris river basin 10 of 1,800 km in length runs through
Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. With a river basin area of 221,000 square kilometers the Tigris is fed by
numerous tributaries from the Zagros Mountains in Iran, Iraq and Turkey. It provides irrigation for
approximately 4.6 million ha in its basin. To consider that this massive river could have had manmade
origins from the directing of its tributaries all the way to it’s finding its way to the sea would be an
unbelievable engineering and manpower achievement.

World Myth or History? 87

But isn’t this the same Tigris river that flowed from the garden of Eden? Because of the shattering
and resurfacing of the earth, this is highly unlikely. It is more reasonable to consider that the second
age peoples would name their new cities, bodies of water, and other landmarks from things that they
remembered from their past homeland, as is commonly done even today (i.e. York, New York).

This record may have easily been set aside as exaggeration or myth had it been alone in making
such astounding claims. After all, this is the age when the prevailing scientific assumptions tell us,
that mankind was just barely beginning to get it together. How could our ancestors have
accomplished the mind boggling earthmoving public works that would seem overwhelming even in
this modern age?

But then over a thousand kilometers away at the same relative time period, Menes (Mizraim),
grandson of Noah was working a similar wonder with the waters of the Nile river to establish the
mighty Egyptian civilization.

“Menes, or Menas, as already stated, is allowed by universal consent to have been the first
sovereign of the country; and was the reputed founder of Thebes as well as Memphis.
Having diverted the course* of the Nile, which formerly washed the foot of the sandy mountains of the
Libyan chain, he obliged it to run in the centre of the valley, nearly at an equal distance between the
two parallel ridges of mountains which border it on the east and west; and built the city of Memphis
on the bed of the ancient channel. This change was effected by constructing a dyke about a hundred
stadia above the site of the projected city, whose lofty mounds and strong embankments turned the
water to the eastward, and effectually confined the river to its new bed. The dyke was carefully kept
in repair by succeeding kings; and even as late as the Persian invasion, a guard was always
maintained there, to overlook the necessary repairs, and to watch over the state of its embankments.
For, adds Herodotus, if the river was to break through the dyke, the whole of Memphis runs the risk of
being overwhelmed with water, especially at the period of the inundation. Subsequently, however,
when the increased deposit of the alluvial soil had heightened the circumjacent plains, these
precautions became unnecessary; and though we may still trace the spot where the diversion of the
Nile was made, owing to the great bend it takes, about fourteen miles* above the site of ancient
Memphis, the lofty mounds once raised there are no longer visible.”11

Menes (Mizraim) was also credited to having excavated a lake and building canals but the claims of
historians of the past that he had somehow managed to control and redirect the Nile has probably
been relegated to myth because of the sheer magnitude of such an endeavour. The Nile at 6,695
kilometers is the longest river in the world with an average discharge of 3.1 million litres per second.

World Myth or History? 88

Scholars agree that ancient Egypt could not have existed as it did without the river Nile. It was an
essential source of fresh water, food, livelihood, fertile soil, and transportation.12

Could the current Nile actually have been a product of the ingenuity of man harnessing nature at the
very start of this civilization? If this alone can be proven, we seriously need to rewrite our history
books and revisit the foundation of the assumptions on which our past is based.

The Nile in antiquity had an even greater flow rate and river plan form and would have been a greater
challenge to redirect and manage than today. “In the case of the Nile, a higher flow rate in antiquity
ensured that the Delta head was further south and that there were more numerous distributaries.
Historical sources such as Herodotus and Strabo support the view that there were many more
distributaries in antiquity.”13

Is there any geological physical evidence that the Nile had been diverted from an ancient river bed to
run its present course? Yes there is, and it has caused much speculation as to how it could have
happened so suddenly as to enable the founders of ancient Egypt to have built the oldest pyramids in
Giza. Of course the unnaturally rapid change of direction from west to east is attributed to natural
migration since any other alternative does not fit into the current world view.

An article on Egyptian archaeology by geologists Katy Lutley and Judith Bunbury, speculates on
geological evidence of the river’s movement from the Nile’s ancient course.
“Our map suggests that an active Nile had an impact on the development of the site of the pyramids
at Giza. We propose that a branch of the Nile was located to the far west of the valley prior to the
building of these pyramids. By the time of the completion of the causeway to the Khufu pyramid
(mapped by Mark Lehner), it must already have moved away from this extreme western location. It is
interesting to speculate whether the blocks quarried for the Khufu pyramid created the embayment in
the river-bank that was later used as a harbour as shown by the Giza project. That the river rapidly
moved away from this location was a product of its natural migration, but did waste from the pyramid
builders’ quarry enhance deposition and force the river eastwards? Once the process of migration
away from the site began, it seems to have continued. At what point there ceased to be more than
one branch of the Nile at this latitude (one of the others passing by Heliopolis) has yet to be

Historians from antiquity tell us that the Nile was diverted from its far western course to its current
eastern direction then made to or ‘obliged’ to travel in a single stream through the center of the valley
at nearly equal distance parallel to the bordering mountain ridges on the east and west sides. The

World Myth or History? 89

dyke made by Menes had to be maintained for many generations all the way to the Persian invasion
and was recorded by other historians. If past historians are to be recognized then perhaps there
would be fewer mysteries. Perhaps if our scientists were not limited by assumptions, they would not
be forced to make incredible theories, like thinking that a massive river on which the Egyptian
civilization relied on for its existence, could be accidentally diverted by throwing in construction waste.

The book of Ezekiel, writing about Egypt’s pride, implies that the Nile is a manmade public work as it
repeats twice the Egyptian boast that “My Nile is mine, and I myself have made it”(Ezekiel 29:3 and
Ezekiel 29:9).

At around the same time in ancient China, a similar situation faces the early settlers. The Shu King
claims to be a record of China’s earliest age. The first Chinese leader mentioned was Yao who was
succeeded by Shun (c. 2357 BC). The major problem the early nation builders had to face was the
watery mess caused by the Deluge that ravaged the land from the lowest valleys to the highest

In the Book of Thang, first book of the Shu King, we find Yao talking about the problem.
...destructive in their overflow are the waters of the inundation. In their vast extent they embrace the
hills and overtop the great heights, threatening the heavens with their floods, so that the lower people
groan and murmur ‘Is there a capable man to whom I can assign the correction (of this calamity)?’14
The devastation described was from more than a simple annual flooding because the situation
seemed both nationwide and went on for many many decades. An ordinary local flood would naturally
resolve itself over a few months and would not be the number one problem on the agenda of a ruler
of a nation as large as China.

It wasn’t until Yu (c.2205 BC) was appointed, that this national issue was resolved. The public works
of Yu the Great in this second age has been called mythical because of its scope and claims that do
not fit into current assumptions of mankind’s past.

Below, we find Yu making a report of what he had done.

“Yu replied,’The inundating waters seemed to assail the heavens, and in their vast extent embraced
the hills and overtopped the great mounds, so that the people were bewildered and overwhelmed. I
mounted my four conveyances, and all along the hills hewed down the trees, at the same time, along
with Yi, showing the multitudes how to get flesh to eat. I (also) opened passages for the streams
(throughout the) nine (provinces), and conducted them to the four seas. I deepened (moreover) the
channels and canals, and conducted them to the streams, sowing (grain), at the same time, along

World Myth or History? 90

with Ki, and showing the multitudes how to procure the food of toil, (in addition to) the flesh meat. I
urged them (further) to exchange what they had for what they had not, and to dispose their
accumulated stores. (In this way) all the people got grain to eat, and the myriad regions began to
come under good rule.’”15

Chinese myth holds “that Yu was a nineteenth-generation descendant of Nü Wa 女媧, a creator of the
universe.”16 His father Gun, had tried to resolve the problems caused by the inundation of the waters
unsuccessfully for decades. But Yu’s efforts proved more efficient with the help of his ‘four
conveyances’ and what appears to be first age technology that has since been lost.
“Yu was brought the work of his father to a good end by building dykes and dams and digging out
canals. He was supported by a dragon called Ying Long 應龍 or Huang Long 黄龍. The book Shizi 尸子
says that when he controlled the Yellow River, the River God He Bo 河伯 (He Jing 河精) emerged out
of the floods and handed over the River Chart (Hetu 河圖) to Yu, a kind of map of mountains and
creeks that helped him channeling the waters. According to the book Shiyiji 拾遺記, he met the august
deity Fu Xi 伏羲 in a cave near the Longmen Gate 龍門 who gave him the Jade Tablets (Yujian 玉簡)
that was a kind of trigonometric chart and also helped him to level the rivers. At the Wushan Gorge 巫
山 of the Yangtse River, Lady Yunhua 雲華夫人 handed over to him a similarly helpful book, the
Shuibaoshu 水寳書, and ordered her servants Geng Chen 庚辰 and Kuang Zhang 狂章 to support Yu in
his work. This story is told in the book Yongcheng jixian lu 鏞城集仙錄. Yu was supported by a yellow
dragon (huanglong 黃龍) and a black turtle (xuangui 玄龜). Commentators interpret the former as a
kind of dredge, the latter as a dam... His tomb and a temple are still preserved and are located near
Shaoxing 紹興, Zhejiang.”16

The Yellow River,17 one of the world’s largest river basins, stretches 5,400 kilometers through nine
Chinese provinces and is still used today for agriculture irrigation. The Yangtze River 18 is even more
formidable, being the longest river in China at 6,300 kilometers and passing through nineteen
provinces. Both rivers are considered key river basins of the world.

The historical records that are handed down to us from the past, were handed down through the
generations as historical records and not fairy tales. The clay tablets from Sumer were not handed to
people thousands of years later, but to the population who were actually there to witness these
achievements. They in turn handed over their records to the next generations. The same goes with
the Egyptian and Chinese records. Ancient records appear to be unified in the claim that these major
river basins of the world which were key to the survival of ancient civilizations are to some degree a
product of planning, engineering, and human labor that modern society has yet to recognize or attain.

World Myth or History? 91

The second age earthscape was a wet world on water soaked land. In the North American Continent,
areas of Nevada, Utah, California and Oregon comprise the Great Basin.19 The Death Valley basin
has an elevation of 86 meters below sea level, surrounded by mountains that reach 3,000 meters in
height. These high mountains prevent rain clouds from coming into the basin areas, resulting in an
average annual rainfall of barely 2.3 inches for Death Valley. The Great Basin has naturally become a
semi arid desert reaching extremely hot temperatures.

There is no natural uniform ordinary climate event that could fill the Great Basin with water and yet
there is a lot of geological evidence that this was the case in the second age. “There is abundant
evidence that the Great Basin was once well watered and verdant. Shorelines from lakes are etched
high up on the sides of mountains or hills. Some of the shorelines are sharp and barely eroded
indicating the lake must have existed for only a short time...the Great Basin had 120 lakes… The
Great Salt Lake was about six times its current size and 800 feet (240 m) deeper (Smith and Street-
Perrott, 1983). The Lake, Lake Bonneville as it is called, was about the size of Lake Michigan. The
shorelines of ancient Lake Bonneville show very prominently along the surrounding hills. In northwest
Nevada, Lake Lahontan lay in a series of interconnected valleys east of the Sierra Nevada
Mountains. It was the size of Lake Erie. Pyramid Lake, Walker Lake, and several other saline lakes
are all that is left of once mighty Lake Lahontan. Noticeable shorelines along the sides of Death
Valley indicate this very hot basin once possessed a lake about 600 feet (180 m) deep, called Lake
Manly (Hooke, 1999). A series of lakes in southeast California flowed into Death Valley…”20

This mystery of a wet desert in the relatively recent past is not an isolated case. Scientists have
discovered that large areas of North, Central and East Africa that are dry desert lands today,
experienced a much wetter fertile stage within man’s historical past. The testimony of man regarding
this age is evident in the rock art found abundantly in the Sahara.
“The Sahara is a veritable art gallery of prehistoric paintings...The evidence is enough to show that
the Sahara was one of the well-populated areas of the prehistoric world...Yet there is his work, in the
most inaccessible corners of the desert, literally thousands of figures of tropical and aquatic animals,
enormous herds of cattle, hunters armed with bows and boomerangs, and even ‘domestic’ scenes of
women and children in the circular huts in which they lived.”20

It is this plentiful artistic record of man, thriving in the fertile savanna like land with abundant fresh
water for all, that pegs this pluvial (wet desert) period to our recent past (not millions of years).
“[In] the highlands of the central Sahara Desert beyond the Libyan Desert,... in the great massifs of
the Tibesti and the Hoggar, the mountaintops, today bare rock, were covered at this period with
forests of oak and walnut, lime, alder and elm. The lower slopes, together with those of the

World Myth or History? 92

supporting bastions — the Tassili and the Acacus to the north, Ennedi and Air to the south — carried
olive, juniper and Aleppo pine. In the valleys, perennially flowing rivers teemed with fish and were
bordered by seed-bearing grasslands.”21

Physical evidence of a much wetter planet are etched into the deserts of the world.
“Satellites with radar that can penetrate the shallow sand (McCauley et al., 1982) have observed an
old drainage network in the eastern Sahara. This network consisted of large freshwater lakes and
several channels the size of the Nile River Valley. Today the eastern Sahara Desert receives rain only
once every 30 to 50 years! Large drainage networks have also been sighted in other areas of the
Sahara (Chorowicz and Fabre, 1997) and the Middle East.”22

The Book of Genesis tells us that when Abraham (around 2000 BC) asked Lot which part of the Land
he would choose to live in, “Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the valley of the Jordan, that it was well
watered everywhere --this was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah-- like the garden of
the Lord, like the land of Egypt as you go to Zoar.”23
The Jordan and Egypt are beautiful lands, but they are definitely no longer well watered everywhere
and can no longer be described as like the Garden of Eden. Instead we find vast tracts of dry desert
sand covering a great part of the land.

2nd Age earthscape was very different from our own. Because of the residual heat of the planet’s
oceans and seas after the upheaval of the Deluge caused by underwater magma flows and super hot
water from under earth’s crust, ice caps were not able to form on the polar regions. Thus, the Arctic
and Antarctic regions were probably ice free and had a moderate climate warmed by the ocean

Scientists are just recently discovering from ice core studies that Antarctica was ice free in the past
with a subtropical climate complete with subtropical flora and fauna, which appears to have suddenly
transformed into the cold land we know now. “Dr Tina Van De Flierdt, who was an inorganic
geochemist on the IODP expedition, carried out the initial chemical analysis on the core samples.
She says: “This is a pivotal moment in Antarctica’s history as it moves away from being a warm sub-
tropical world to a frigid cold world. The final step of this transition happened quite abruptly and had a
major impact on the ecosystem.””24

Do we have evidence that ocean temperatures were warmer in the past? The Deluge myths that
indicate the warming of the ocean caused by the oceanic rifts releasing hot subterranean waters and
volcanic activity are supported by long term oceanic studies that reveal the oceans of the world are

World Myth or History? 93

actually cooling down.
“*NSIDC/NASA AMSR-E also shows that the overall trend of ocean temperatures since 2002 is one
of cooling in spite of a recent short lived El Nino warming event link
The oceans have been cooling which is contrary to climate model predictions link See how Argo is
measuring ocean temperatures throughout the globe link Argo research (with its 3,300 ocean buoys)
has found ocean temperatures are cooler. link link”25

In the previous chapter, we learned how the heating of the oceans fed the cycle that produced the 40
days and nights of unprecedented rain. After the mechanism of the ‘fountains of the deep’ and the
‘floodgates of the sky’ were closed the overwhelming downpour ended, but the oceans were still quite
warm. “The importance of warm surface water temperatures is that the warmer the water the greater
the evaporation...For example, if all other variables remain constant, water evaporates three times
faster at an ocean temperature of 86° F (30°C) than at 50°F (10°C), and seven times faster than at
32°F (0°C). So a universally warm ocean would generate a high amount of evaporation.”26

The warm ocean air would be tempered by the overall cooling provided by the large amounts of
volcanic ash and dust in the stratosphere that served to shield the earth from the sun’s rays. This
again would be a result of the earth settling into its new configuration after the transformation of the
continental and oceanic plates brought about by the Deluge. Frequent and even massive volcanic
activity was to be expected and there is geologic and scientific evidence of such activity in this age.

Warm ocean breezes ensured mild to moderate winters, while the volcanic ash would reflect the sun’s
heat and produce cool summers. The unique effects produced in the earth’s climate after the Deluge
set the world to enter into what is commonly referred to as the Ice Age. “In the mid and high latitudes
the warm ocean would cause copious evaporation and produce massive amounts of snow. The two
ingredients required for an Ice Age, cool temperatures and tons of snow, were dramatically fulfilled
immediately after the Genesis flood. This unique climate would persist for hundreds of years after the
flood as the intensity of the two mechanisms slowly decreased.”26

The increased precipitation caused by the warm oceans and moderate global climate made both
human and animal populations grow and thrive even in areas that are considered inhospitable for life
today. This would be particularly true in what are currently the earth’s desert and polar regions. This
generally mild climate of the Pleistocene (Ice Age) is shown by the presence of what scientists call
disharmonious associations, where plants and animals that are normally only found in either hot
tropical regions or cold northern regions are found to have lived in the same place. The heat loving
hippos coexisting with the cold loving reindeer is an example of this disharmonious associations.

World Myth or History? 94

“Late Pleistocene terrestrial mammal faunas are characterized by the stratigraphic association of
extant species that do not currently live together … . Nonanalog Pleistocene fossil mammal faunas
are recorded worldwide, … . Although nonanalog associations are most commonly cited in the
mammal literature, they are also reported for fossil birds … reptiles and amphibians, pollen, plant
macrofossils, insects, and molluscs.”27

The global biological community consisted of ecological systems that mixed flora and fauna that were
not climate compatible. Seasons of mild winters and cool summers in a moderate climate would
explain such strange mixtures in which non climate compatible species would be able to adjust to a
comfortable middle.

The scientific community initially resisted the idea of an Ice Age until the weight of geological
evidence proved too great. But once accepted, the theory of multiple recurring Ice Ages was created
that would fit in with an assumption of millions of years. Unfortunately no satisfactory theory has been
presented on how such a climatic change would occur in even one Ice Age without the unique
influences associated with the Deluge.

Age Two: People

Hesiod (700 BC) writes that the survivors of the second age were not of the same calibre as that of
the first age in both body and spirit.
“then they who dwell on Olympus made a second generation which was of silver and less noble by
far. It was like the golden race neither in body nor in spirit. A child was brought up at his good
mother's side an hundred years, an utter simpleton, playing childishly in his own home. But when
they were full grown and were come to the full measure of their prime, they lived only a little time in
sorrow because of their foolishness, for they could not keep from sinning and from wronging one
another, nor would they serve the immortals, nor sacrifice on the holy altars of the blessed ones as it
is right for men to do wherever they dwell.”28

The devolution of man was seen by the Greeks to have encompassed both the physical and spiritual.
Second Age man was seen to have been inferior to the first age in their bodies. In what ways? And if
so, has this physical devolution continued down to the present?
Anthropologists and other scientists who have studied the physical structure of our ancient ancestors
and physical evidences that they have left behind, have determined that our predecessors were
faster and stronger than us. “In his book Manthropology: The Science of Inadequate Modern Man,

World Myth or History? 95

Peter McAllister says that a Neanderthal woman would beat Arnold Schwarzenegger in an arm
wrestle. In a javelin contest, the aboriginal would claim the gold medal. The world record is 98.4m,
but they could throw a spear a staggering 110m. He said: ‘As a class, we are in fact the sorriest
cohort of masculine Homo Sapiens to ever walk the planet.”’29

Neanderthal man also had a larger skull with a larger brain than modern man and, “Neanderthals had
significantly larger bodies than humans, with wider shoulders, thicker bones and a more robust build
They may also have had a better immune system and repair mechanism, because no Neanderthal
skeletal remains have been found to have had bone cancer - benign or malignant.31 In the
International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (1988), “It was agreed that the
frequency (of cancer) was low in antiquity as far as they can tell for the present.”32

Strangely, Hesiod described a hundred year old person as a ‘child’. This seems to imply that although
God declared in the Book of Genesis that mankind’s life span was to be shortened to 120 years, it
was nevertheless to be a gradual transition. “Then the Lord said,”My Spirit shall not strive with man
forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.””33

This gradual transition to a shortened lifespan is reflected in the ages of the post flood generations.
On the graphic chart of the ages of flood survivors and generations born after the flood based on the
Book of Genesis, we find a significant overall decrease in age with each generation and a significant
overlap of lifetimes, with Noah still alive when Abraham (tenth generation from Noah) was born.

Evidence has been found that shows a slower aging or maturing in Neanderthal children that may
explain Hesiod’s hundred year old child. Jack Cuozzo wrote after years of analyzing the neanderthal
skulls that, “...It appears from my studies that the Neanderthal kids were depositing bone in places
that our kids are losing theirs at the same ages. The cephalometric comparisons are startling: their
faces were retrognathic to their crania as compared to modern standards at the same ages. They
grew and changed much slower.”34

The skull and jaws of a Neanderthal child dubbed Gibraltar II has contradictions in his teeth, jaws,
and head. Dorothy Garrod found the child had remarkable jaw muscle development, well-worn teeth,
and a big head --traits which belong to an older child. Yet she also found an infantile forehead,
infantile ear bones, bulbous upper jaw, and a small young-looking lower jaw --which should belong to
a very young child.35 “So, we have a grand total of three olds and four slows which add up to a
young-looking person who is old and slow developing.”36

World Myth or History? 96

Archaeologists, anthropologists and other scientists have also realized that Neanderthal man was not
some kind of pre-human being in the evolutionary ladder, but they actually lived and intermarried with
modern man.
Emerging evidence points to the idea that Neanderthals were smarter than previously thought, … —
in another major 2010 discovery,a team of researchers compared human and Neanderthal genomes
and found evidence that our ancestors in Eurasia may have interbred with Neanderthals, preserving
a few of their genes amidst our present-day DNA.37

Experience, experiments and genetics have shown us that animals of different species cannot
interbreed. In fact animals that are quite close like horses and donkeys when crossbred can only
produce the sterile mule.38 If Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals were having children, as proven by
DNA, then our genetic information may have been more alike than previously suspected.

Do we have any myths that imply that mankind lived and intermarried with Neanderthals? To answer
this question, we first have to understand who the folks we have termed ‘Neanderthals’ were. They
were people who aged and matured slower than modern man and yet possessed better physiques
and larger brains. Does this description ring a bell?

And what about the very different facial features found in adult Neanderthals compared to modern
man? There is an interesting study made that appeared in the American Journal of Orthodontics that
after the normal growth period for modern man is finished (18 to 25 years), growth still continues in
the face and head.39 Studies made from the 1800s to the present in various countries have noted
craniofacial changes that continued all the way through adult life.40
“...the heads became longer over the years and wider too. However, the shape of the skull changed,
as it gained more in length than in width”.40

It was discovered as far back as 1924 that the skull instead of thinning with age actually thickens in
certain areas as the years go by.41 Extensive studies has also been made through the decades that
reveal that changes occur in the facial structure that continues as we age. All these specific changes
can be correlated with the differences found in the ‘Neanderthal’ remains and may be attributed to the
natural steady changes in the cranium with possibly much longer lives than is normally attained today.

World Myth or History? 97

Ancient Chinese texts tell of Yu the Great’s activities at an age of 360 years. “A story in an apocryphal
text called Dunjia kaishan tu 遁甲開山圖 quoted in the book Yishi 繹史 says that at the age of 360 years
Yu flew to Mt. Jiuyi 九嶷 and only came back when inundations threatened the empire during the reign
of Emperor Yao.”42

The Book of Genesis records similar cases of longevity among the second age population. A life of
hundreds of years for Nimrod (Ninurta) would explain how he was able to build so much cities in his
lifetime for not only is he attributed to have established the great Mesopotamian civilizations but also
the main cities of Assyria. It would also explain why people would venerate him as some kind of god.

Noah, for example, who had such a long life that he outlived many generations that came after him
would have seemed like an immortal. In the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, we read the story of
Gilgamesh who sought out Utnapishtim (Noah) to discover the secret of eternal life.
“[1] Gilgames spoke to Ut-napistim, the Faraway: “I have been looking at you, but your appearance is
not strange - you are like me! You yourself are not different - you are like me! My mind was resolved
to fight with you, but instead my arm lies useless over you. Tell me, how is it that you stand in the
Assembly of the Gods, and have found life?””43
Gilgamesh is surprised to find that Utnapishtim is a man just like him and he exclaims this shocking
revelation twice. Gilgamesh is represented in the epic as a mighty warrior skilled in combat, who had

World Myth or History? 98

planned to prove his might through a fight with this survivor of the Deluge. But he seemed to have
been no match to this first age man, so much so that this destroyer of monsters found his arm
‘useless’ before Utnapishtim. Could the physical devolution of man been so drastically apparent even
in this early stage? When asked about his long life, Utnapishtim (Noah) attributes this to Enlil (god)
and not to anything he had done.

Cuneiform Scholar Samuel Noah Kramer wrote about clay tablets that contained information on
ancient Sumerian educational systems. In the essays one to four from these Sumerian tablets we
learn about ‘Big Brothers” (for lack of a better translation) who were accorded respect along with their
teachers. Particular reference is given to their big foreheads that came with great wisdom and
knowledge. An excerpt from essay four tell us that, “He (the big brother) vaunted not his knowledge,
his words are restrained -- had he vaunted his knowledge, eyes would pop.” Another clue to the
identity of these big brothers is given in essay three, when they are called those of the first
generations.44 One of the facial changes that continue through adulthood and ends only at death is
the jutting out of the forehead. This notable change of the cranium could appear very distinctive in
someone many hundreds of years old.

Neanderthal remains have been found intentionally buried in caves from Europe to the Middle East.
Their gravesites show signs of rituals and traditional practices along with ancient artifacts. The
Genesis record tells us that Abraham, his wife Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah, were all
buried in the cave of Machpelah located in Hebron. Cave burial seemed to be a tradition among the
second age peoples.

The sorrowful or difficult lives of the population of the second age, described in Hesiod’s Works and
Days, would be a natural consequence of the immense amount of public works needed in order for
the community to survive. The Atrahasis Epic seems to have been a case of rewriting history in order
to control the masses into believing that the very purpose for which they were created was to do the
public works needed to dig out the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It describes this job as the work of the
gods, which when it became too difficult for them, was given to man who was supposedly created for
these tasks. “When the gods instead of man did the work, bore the loads, the gods’ load was too
great, the work too hard, the trouble too much...The gods had to dig out canals, had to clear
channels, the lifelines of the land. The gods dug out the Tigris river and then dug out the
Euphrates...They groaned and blamed each other, grumbled over the masses of excavated soil.”45

Nation building began in the second age, along with the concept of a divided world according to
differences in ancestry, culture, language, and beliefs. Genesis chapter ten gives us a Table of the

World Myth or History? 99

Nations and the lands in which they had settled. Mythology gives us clues that the lands in which the
early populations had settled in was not accidental. We are told in Genesis 10:25 that it was during
the time of Peleg, son of Eber, that the earth was ‘divided’.
Josephus the historian of antiquity wrote that Heber, after whom the Jews are called Hebrews
“...begat Joetan and Phaleg: he was called Phaleg, because he was born at the dispersion of the
nations to their several countries; for Phaleg among the Hebrews signifies division.”46

The Sibylline Chronicles gives us details on this equitable division of the land masses and implies that
division was done through a distribution of lots or an assignment of land areas.
“... And then the generation tenth appeared Of mortal men, from the time when the flood Came upon
earlier men. And Cronos reigned, And Titan and Iapetus; and men called them Best offspring of Gaia
and of Uranus (Mr & Mrs Noah),Giving to them names both of earth and heaven, Since they were
very first of mortal men. So there were three divisions of the earth According to the allotment of each
man, And each one having his own portion reigned.”47
The Sybils clearly identified Noah and his three sons and their three brides in Book One, but in Book
Three they give them names that are recognizable as the mythical Grecian gods and beings of
antiquity. This could imply their relatively godlike qualities compared to the normal men of succeeding

The ancient map of the division of the world between Noah’s three sons, represents the oldest printed
map of the occident and comes from a book written in 623 AD. The image below comes from the
University of Texas at Arlington website in their collection on the foundations of Western European
Cartography. This type of T and O maps of the known world are shown with East oriented in the top
and the West placed in the bottom.

Life was difficult in the second age for all living creatures. Aside from the public works needed to
reclaim the land from the ravages of the Deluge, the command to once again multiply and fill the
earth is given to them by God (Genesis 9:1). If Noah had indeed mapped and divided the earth

World Myth or History? 100

amongst his sons at this time, then the peoples had the tedious job of travelling vast distances to
reach their assigned areas. Archaeological and anthropological evidence of this migrations are found
crossing over vast continents. Why did they migrate en masse? And why did they stop where they
did? Could it be that they had a specific destination and were not wandering around randomly?

These people may have possessed the maps of the fastest land or water routes to reach their
destinations, prepared for them by the second age cartographers, who probably scouted the lands in
advance. The moderate global second age climate would have been a great benefit at this time. Also,
because of a large volume of water trapped in the Ice Age glaciers after hundreds of years of
accumulation, land bridges were easy to travel on as they were comfortably warmed by the mild
ocean breezes.

The ancient scouts who mapped out the lands of this second age may have left their marks in the
petroglyphs that appear to be an early form of cartography written on the rocks of the world that have
been dated to the last Ice Age.48 “Petroglyphs have been found in all parts of the globe except
Antarctica with highest concentrations in parts of Africa, Scandinavia, Siberia, southwestern North
America, and Australia.”49

These earliest form of written communication on the rocks of the world have been analyzed by
scholars who have discovered indications of mathematical calculations and a form of communication
that included information regarding the lands, significant points, etc.
“There are many theories to explain their purpose, depending on their location, age, and the type of
image. Some petroglyphs are thought to be astronomical markers, maps, and other forms of symbolic
communication, including a form of "pre-writing."”49

One thing that is difficult to explain away is the similar style of this prehistoric ‘pre-writing’ that
appears all over the world. “Some researchers have noticed the resemblance of different styles of
petroglyphs across different continents; while it is expected that all people would be inspired by their
surroundings, it is harder to explain the common styles. This could be mere coincidence, an
indication that certain groups of people migrated widely from some initial common area, or indication
of a common origin.”50

While travelling to their designated lands, which could have taken many years, they would not have
had the time to plant and harvest, thus we find that most of them survived by hunting and gathering.
But anthropologists have discovered that these same hunter gatherers had no problem with reverting
to an agricultural society once they had settled in, as shown by the sudden appearance of fully

World Myth or History? 101

developed agriculture at the very start of every ancient civilization. Each travelling group must have
carried along with them the seeds for cultivation and domesticated animals.

Fortunately, for the second age travellers, mankind was no longer vegetarians, but were now allowed
to eat any living thing. After leaving the ark, Noah and his family were told that, “Every moving thing
that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.”51

It is in this second age that animals learned to fear man (Genesis 9:2). The abundance of prehistoric
art on rocks and caves depicting scenes from the hunt, may have been used for instruction, planning
or even just artistic expression of something new that they were experiencing at this age.

An overwhelming mystery that confounds old earth based history is how through tens of thousands of
years, our current historical model has modern man just hanging around struggling to survive and
doing pretty much nothing, then suddenly around the third millennium BC fully formed civilizations
started popping up around the globe.

In ancient Egypt for example, the hunter gatherers were supposedly just idly going about their
business of survival when suddenly, “their sleepy lives were transformed by the sudden introduction
of monumental temple building,geometry, surveying, organized labour, standardized units of weight
and measurement, a written language, astronomy, massive irrigation and canal works, a codified
religion, metallurgy, stratified government, foreign relations, shipbuilding, institutionalized education,
agriculture, a variety of complex musical instruments, tool manufacture, medicine, sculpture, painting,
linen weaving, a dye and cosmetics industry --everything famously associated with the high
civilization of ancient Egypt.”52
This same explosion of civilization, culture, government and religion happened at virtually the same
time period in the Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Africa, China, Asia… evidence is literally all over the
This anthropological mystery would be a natural result of the second age establishment of nations in
their allotted locations a few hundred years after the Deluge. The civilization builders would have
common cultural patterns and shared technologies at this time that would have assisted them in
getting started. This may be seen in the similarities of the public works that appeared in this age.
Some common traits among most of the second age civilizations are that they were megalithic
builders (used enormous stones in construction), they were fascinated with astronomy and
astronomical information, they all showed evidence of advanced mathematical knowledge, and they
all had government that was deeply connected with their religious beliefs.

World Myth or History? 102

Age Two: Achievements

Mapping the New World

Mapping out the earth’s new configuration was of primary importance for the second age people in
order to decide on an equitable division of the continental land masses between the three brothers,
Shem, Ham and Japheth (Genesis 10). They were faced with a totally new and unfamiliar planet with
new ecosystems, freshly deposited sedimentary land surfaces, massive bodies of land locked water,
towering mountains, and deep oceans. They needed to find safe passageways for the early travellers
and for future trade and communications among the nations.

The preliminary charting of the earth may have been in the form of the petroglyphs described above.
However, evidence of the extensive mapping of the world in past ages that have been lost in the
succeeding eras are found in the portolanos. The portolanos are books containing directions for sea
travel, maps and charts of the seas and harbors that used ancient sources for their content.
Portolanos that were used from the 13th to the 16th century, contained details of the coastlines of
various continents and geographic information which may include inland bodies of water. The
explorers of our current age used these portolanos to navigate the supposedly ‘uncharted’ seas and
continents. It is strange reasoning to accredit the discovery of distant lands to travellers who had
maps that had already charted the seven seas.

A famous example of these portolano maps based on more ancient cartographic sources is the Piri
Reis map put together by an Ottoman admiral and cartographer.
“Inscription 6 on the map reads: "In this age, no one has seen a map like this. The hand of this poor
man [Piri Reis] has drawn it and completed it from about twenty charts and mappaemundi. These are
charts drawn in the days of Iskender dhu-l Karnian [Alexander the Great], which the inhabited quarter
of the world. The Arabs name these charts Jaferya."” 53

If these portolanos were indeed based on ancient maps from the time of Alexander the Great (356 -
323 BC), then they definitely point to a prehistoric period before our own explorers discovered the
world. These ancient documents are a witness that the world was explored, mapped and charted
before our own historical age. On his map, Piri Reis wrote notes listing the ancient sources from
which he had taken the information for his final work.
“From eight Jaferyas of that kind and one Arabic map of Hind [India], and from four newly drawn
Portuguese maps which show the countries of Sind [now in modern day Pakistan], Hind and Çin
[China] geometrically drawn, and also from a map drawn by Qulūnbū [Columbus] in the western

World Myth or History? 103

region, I have extracted it. By reducing all these maps to one scale this final form was arrived at, so
that this map of these lands is regarded by seamen as accurate and as reliable as the accuracy and
reliability of the Seven Seas on the aforesaid maps."”54
One of the reasons that some dispute the accuracy of the map is that it indicates large lakes and
drainage networks where there are none today. Could Piri Reis have unknowingly used maps that
referred back to the second age geography?

What has brought attention to this particular portolano, for there are many others of its kind, is the
hotly debated mapping of what seems to be an ice free coast of Antarctica. The map also appears to
show bays and islands in Queen Maud Land which have been under an ice cap since the beginning
our our recorded history. One of the main points debunkers have against the identification of
Antarctica is the notes on the map itself telling readers that this land had a warm climate. “There's
also a marginal note opposite South America that says "It is related by the Portuguese infidel that in
this spot night and day are at their shortest of two hours, at their longest of twenty two hours. But the
day is very warm and in the night there is much dew."”54

The details regarding the shortness of the days seems to imply a latitude in the far south, but current
Antarctica is a cold icy land. The ancient reference maps and charts must have been made when
Antarctica was at a time when its coastline and land was experiencing a warm subtropical climate.
Evidence for such a period in Antarctica’s past is scientifically proven but pushed back to the far
distant past by modern scientific assumptions.

On the other side of the world, literally polar opposite, in the Arctic, ancient historians and explorers
have written of the land of Hyperborea. A fruitful land of eternal springtime where they harvest
abundantly twice a year and the citizens of the land lived extreme long ages free of disease in a
delightful climate. Pliny the Elder (100 BC), ancient historian, informs us that, “Here are believed to
be the hinges on which the firmament turns and the extreme revolutions of the stars, with six months’
daylight and a single day of the sun in retirement...for these people the sun rises once in the year, at
midsummer, and sets once at midwinter.”55 Historians wrote of Hyperborea as the land beyond the
north wind 56 at the northernmost axis of the earth. Pliny’s astronomical description places this land at
an extreme northern latitude - the Arctic region.

The implications of multiple historians writing in detail of this sort about Hyperborea, currently
considered a mythical land, are tremendous. It means at the very least that the ancient Greeks had
travelled to the north polar region over 2,000 years ago. It can also serve as proof that sudden
catastrophic climatic changes do happen in our world.

World Myth or History? 104

What happened to Hyperborea? Several historians from antiquity speak sadly of the Hyperborean
snow, “Even so does Jupiter lash the green fields with Hyperborean snow; beasts of all kinds perish
on the plains, and birds are overtaken and fall dead, and the harvest is blasted with untimely frost;
then is there thundering on the heights, and fury in the rivers.””57
The land of eternal springtime full verdant forests and fertile fields seemed to have met a sudden icy
climatic catastrophe that mirrors what scientists have discovered to have happened to its
southernmost counterpart. The south pole had a period when it had a subtropical climate and
apparently so did the north pole. Is it not likely, that the climate that caused the subtropical poles to
freeze over would have been at a planetary scale at the same time period?

And it seems like myth point to Jupiter as the responsible party for Hyperborea’s destruction. This
leads us to another second age achievement - the mapping of the heavens.

Mapping the Heavens

Charting the skies was almost an obsession for the second age civilizations. Stars were mapped,
planetary observations on orbits, satellites, and conjunctions were calculated, comets were
meticulously studied and charted, the movements of the sun and moon were watched constantly.
Complicated mathematical computations were applied to the celestial mechanics of the heavens.

Prehistoric star charts found in caves include a chart of Orion on a mammoth tusk,
“The claim is made by Dr Michael Rappenglueck, formerly of the University of Munich, who is already
renowned for his pioneering work locating star charts painted on the walls of prehistoric caves.”57

Examples of these second age mapping of the heavens can be found in the cave art suspected to
have been painted during the Ice Age. “The painted walls of the Lascaux caves were discovered in
1940. The sky map was identified year later in a region of the Lascaux caves known as the Shaft of
the Dead Man. Painted on to the wall of the shaft is a bull, a strange bird-man and a mysterious bird
on a stick.
Since it was in the time we call pre-history — before people started recording history — no one
knows if a cave could have been used as a kind of planetarium where stars were charted.
European researcher Michael Rappenglueck, however, suggests that it is a map of three particular
stars — Vega, Deneb, Altair — that astronomers today refer to the Summer Triangle. Those stars are
among the brightest objects in the sky during the middle of a northern summer. Rappenglueck sees
the eyes of the bull, bird-man and bird as representing Vega, Deneb and Altair.”58

World Myth or History? 105

Ancient representations of lunar calendars, phases of the moon, and other constellations have also
been discovered intertwined with artistic painting of animals and abstract art. One wonders at how
much ancient star maps are simply overlooked as unusual prehistoric art. In the wall of the frieze of
hands in the Cueva di El Castillo of Spain, the Northern Crown constellation has been recognized.59

A lunar map whose information has only been partially understood has been found etched in stone in
a Neolithic burial site in Ireland. “What may be the oldest map of the Moon ever made is inside a
5,000-year-old Neolithic burial mound at Knowth in County Meath, Ireland.”60

These early star charts may represent the time when populations travelled through the continents to a
set destination, probably guided by the stars, even as modern mountaineers and seafarers do today.
These caves may have represented a point of meetings, rest, calculation of days and seasons for

Josephus recounts that as they dispersed by language group, the people “went out by colonies
everywhere; and each colony took possession of that land which they light upon, and unto which God
led them; so that the whole continent was filled with them, both inland and the maritime countries.
There were some also who passed over the sea in ships, and inhabited the islands: and some of
those nations do still retain the denominations which were given them by their first founders…”61 Each
people group with their own language and heritage travelled to their places ‘led by God’ which could
also represent the heavenly guidance through the stars. They seemed to know where they were
going since the greater majority travelled by land while some went by sea. And in this way, the whole
earth, every continent, was populated.

A more comprehensive mapping of the stars at the earliest stage of second age rebuilding of
civilization, once they had arrived at their destination, is evident all around the world.
“The Chinese, Chaldean, and Egyptian records go back to more than 2,000 years BC. Indeed, the
Zodiacs in the Temples of Denderah and Esneh, in Egypt, are doubtless copies of Zodiacs still more
ancient, which, from internal evidence, must be placed near 4,000 BC, when the summer solstice
was in Leo.”62 It is interesting to note that this is also around the time attributed to the creation of the
earth based on the world mythology in the Chapter on the First Age.
Josephus attributed the study of astronomy to the line of Seth, son of Adam, and tells us that, “God
afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue, and the good use they made of it in
astronomical and geometrical discoveries, which would not have afforded the time of foretelling [the
period of the stars] unless they had lived six hundred years; for the great year is completed in that

World Myth or History? 106

interval.”63 Josephus brings up as his witnesses on these matters, the historians of antiquity,
specifically Manetho and Hieronymus the Egyptian historians, Berosus the Chaldean, Hesiod and
many others. Ancient Persian and Arabian traditions affirm Josephus’ claims that astronomy
originated from the first age of man.64

If astronomy, along with an advanced form of mathematics had originated from the first age, then the
mystery of Babylonians knowing and using the Pythagorean Theorem as discussed earlier, is no
mystery at all.

In the 5th tablet of the Enuma Elish from ancient Babylon, we read about the lunar motions, the orbit
of the sun, and the position of the stars and roles of the planets, and how...
“He (Marduk) made the stations for the great gods;
The stars, their images, as the stars of the Zodiac, he fixed.
He ordained the year and into sections he divided it;
For the twelve months he fixed three stars.
After he had ... the days of the year ... images,
He founded the station of Nibir [the planet Jupiter] to determine their bounds;
That none might err or go astray,
He set the station of Bel and Ea along with him.
He opened great gates on both sides,
He made strong the bolt on the left and on the right.
In the midst thereof he fixed the zenith…”65

In ancient times the planets were called the wandering stars. In the Enuma Elish, the planet Jupiter
was the one who kept them in line or kept them along their course. Ancient Babylonians made careful
watch over Nibir (Jupiter) - Could this have been a result of the role it had played in the destruction of
the first age?
Ancient Egyptians called Jupiter, Amon (Amen, Amun, or Ammon), the king of the gods.66
In India Shiva (Jupiter) was described as “the great ruler” and considered the mightiest of all the
gods.67 “In many different cultures, the planet we know as Jupiter was named after the king of the
local gods and often after the sky god of that region. The Romans called this god Jupiter; the Greeks
called him Zeus, god of lightning and the sky; and the Germanic tribes called him Donar…” 68

Jupiter seems to have left a strong impression on the nations of the world. Mythology regarding
Jupiter goes all the way back to the start of second age civilization. If Jupiter was indeed the main
instrument used in the catastrophic Deluge, then it would be natural that stories about this planet

World Myth or History? 107

would travel along with the peoples of the world as they settled into their lands. Otherwise, this
worldwide universal recognition of Jupiter as the king of the gods would be yet another mystery.

Jupiter is also an important planet that the founders of the Chinese civilization commanded a careful
watch on. “...of the five dividers of time 1. --The first is the year (or the planet Jupiter); the second, the
moon; the third, the sun; the fourth, the stars and planets, and the zodiacal spaces; and the fifth, the
calendaric calculations.”69

One of the primary recorded works of Yao, one of the first national leaders of China in the second
age, was the appointment of men who would be responsible for astronomical observations.
“He commanded the Hsis and Hos, in reverent accordance with (their observation of) the wide
heavens, to calculate and delineate (the movements and appearances of) the sun, the moon, the
stars, and the zodiacal spaces, and so to deliver respectfully the seasons to be observed by the
The four brothers were appointed a location in the four cardinal points of the land, and entrusted the
solemn duty of making their heavenly observations. The gravity of their work was shown when they
were beheaded for failing to predict an eclipse.

The ancient world took the celestial planisphere seriously. They watched the heavens obsessively
with a fear that seemed to be born of trauma. A uniform knowledge of astronomy and mathematical
calculations is revealed by civilizations that our current historical model cannot allow to have had prior
contact. Yet from the very beginning of Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indus Valley, Persian, Arabian, and
Chinese civilizations, all possessed an understanding of the zodiac constellations, lunar movements,
similar names for stars and star clusters, implying a common origin.

Great Public Works

Monumental public works that are possibly unequaled by modern man are a hallmark of second age
civilizations. We may only imagine the full extent of their technological, scientific advancements, and
engineering that were borrowed directly from the first age and innovated on by the second age
The first peoples were megalithic builders, which means they used stones, huge stones. Many of the
stones are so huge, reaching up to an estimated thousands of tons, that modern man can barely lift
them. How our predecessors managed to quarry them, cut them to the specific shape and size
needed, transport them sometimes hundreds of kilometers, and position them with pinpoint precision
is an absolute mystery, when we only allow them to use the most primitive of tools. But more than the
mystery of how, is why would they exert so much effort?

World Myth or History? 108

Understanding that the trauma of the Deluge was as fresh as the muddy water soaked planet they
were struggling to survive on, a semblance of permanence would have been much appreciated. The
strength and stability of great blocks of solid rock which they used must have given them a sense of
security. Perhaps they wanted to leave a mark in a world they knew could suddenly wash away any
trace of their civilization.

As the colonies settled into their lands and multiplied, there was a need for them to pull together for
public works that would assist in easing the stress of the increasing population.

Waterworks -
Developing an efficient source for fresh water distribution and agricultural irrigation was a priority to
the second age founders (as discussed in Age Two:Earthscape). If age two mythology is to be
believed, then many of the major river basins on which we even now rely on, are a result of their
hydrologic engineering and public works.

Previously discussed in this chapter is the intriguing possibility that many of the major river basins on
our planet, on which civilizations have depended on for survival, may have been man made.
Historians of antiquity claimed that Mizraim, founder of Egypt had been responsible for the
configuration of the Nile River. Ancient Chinese manuscripts and traditions hold that Yu the Great was
responsible for the development and the engineering behind the Yellow and the Yangtze Rivers. And
according to Sumerian records, Ninurta is supposedly to be thanked for his work in the creation of the
Tigris River.

India has a rich and ancient lore regarding the origin of their rivers. The Ganges river which is
considered the most sacred river in India has a myth about King Bhagirath who went on a quest to
save his ancestors. “King Bhagirath prayed to Lord Shiva who, after some time, agreed to hold
Ganga in his hair. Accordingly, Ganga descended from heavens on Lord Shiva’s head and was soon
trapped in his thick locks. In the process, the river water got further purified. One the request of King
Bhagirath, Lord Shiva opened one of the locks and the river reached the Earth. It is said that Ganga
followed the chariot of Bhagirath to the place where the ashes of his ancestors were lying and
released them from the curse. Alert reader will notice that this legend is a simple description of the
hydrologic cycle. Perhaps King Bhagirath was an ancient civil engineer or a hydrologist!
Since Bhagirath brought Ganga to Earth, one headwater stream of Ganga is known as Bhagirathi.
Further, the Hindi term Bhagirath prayas describes valiant efforts or difficult achievements of a

World Myth or History? 109

The Ganges river basin is 2,525 kilometers (1,569 miles) long and passing through India and
Bangladesh. Millions of people rely on this river as a source of fresh water and livelihood. It is the
third largest river in the world in discharge. Could we owe this river to the public works accomplished
during the second age?

Getting the communities started in agriculture and productive labor was another important priority
dependent on the steady provision of water. The Books of Hsia record the works of Yu the Great,
went past being the one who oversaw the work on the river basins of China. Yu cleared forests and
prepared the land for cultivation, determined soil quality and the appropriate cultivar for each
province, developed mulberry groves for silkworm fabric production, and other trades. He determined
what each area was capable of and taught them to trade to get what they needed with what they

This multitasking brilliant founder of Chinese civilization was not unique in the second age. Ninurta
(Nimrod) who was accredited for the public works that developed the mighty Tigris river was also
lauded for developing the agriculture of Mesopotamian civilizations. And just like Yu the Great,
Ninurta (Nimrod) taught the people how to trade their goods.

“Now, today, throughout the whole world, kings of the Land far and wide rejoice at Lord Ninurta. He
provided water for the speckled barley in the cultivated fields, he {raised up} {(2 mss. have instead:)
piled up} the harvest of fruits in garden and orchard. He heaped up the grain piles like mounds. The
lord caused trading colonies to go up from the Land of Sumer. He contented the desires of the gods.
They duly praised Ninurta's father.”73
The records from Babylon and China seem to indicate, not a recovery from a local flood, but a global
reboot of civilization. Learning farming, establishing a commercial system, studying the lands in which
they had settled, and basically just learning how to survive as a community after the great Deluge.

Yu says in the Yi and Ki: “I mounted my four conveyances,’ --carriages on the land, boats on the
water, sledges in icy places, and shoes with spikes in them in ascending the hills, -- ‘and all along the
hills hewed down the woods, at the same time along with Yi, showing the people how to, get flesh to
eat,’ --that is, by capturing fish and birds and beasts...sowing grain, and showing people how to
procure the food of toil in addition to flesh meat. I urged them to exchange what they had for what
they had not, and to dispose of their accumulated stores. In this way all the people got grain to eat,
and the myriad regions began to come under good rule.”74

World Myth or History? 110

There are legends in Mesoamerica of a great founder of civilization who rose up after the Deluge.
“The teacher of the world. After the Great Flood, which covered even the highest mountains and
destroyed all life, Virococha molded new people out of clay at Tia Huanaco. On each figure of clay he
painted the many features, clothes and hairstyles of the many nations, and gave to them their
languages, their songs and the seeds they were to plant. Bringing them to life, Viracocha ordered
them to travel underground and emerge at different places on the earth. Then Viracocha made the
sun and the moon and the stars, and assigned them to their places in the sky. Raising up smaller
Viracocha, the God ordered them to go about the world and call forth the people, and see to it that
they multiplied and followed the commandments they had been given. Some of the little viracocha
went south, some went southeast, while the God's two sons traveled northeast and northwest.
Viracocha himself traveled straight north.”75

Imbedded in the Viracocha myth is the story of the dispersal of the nations of the earth, the
knowledge of astronomy given to the civilizations, and the raising up of leaders of civilization.

Power Generation -
Along with water, a source of power, what we call utilities, are basic necessities for the citizens of a
community. The massive public works needed a consistent power source with a large production
capacity. Since we are no longer familiar with second age technological advances, we may not
immediately recognize the function of these large public works done during the second age. Along
with the water works, power generation would have consisted the next biggest building projects. Do
we have evidence of large ancient megalithic structures all over the world, the purpose of which we
do not fully understand, that were built during the second age?
In Egypt during the second age, the Nile river was diverted, according to myth, so that the ancient city
of Memphis could be built. A few centuries later King Khufu (Cheops) built the greatest of the
pyramids in this location. This pyramid has been labeled a tomb even though there has never been a
mummy found in it nor hieroglyphs to mark it as such.
“The three great pyramids of Giza...dominate the landscape. They were erected by the kings of
Dynasty 4 and are a wonder to scholars and visitors alike. Archaeologists are still not sure how these
mountains of stones were built...The largest of the three great pyramids...measures 751 feet (229 m)
from one corner to another and was originally 479 feet (146 m) in height...about 2,300,000 blocks of
stone in his pyramid and these stones weigh up to 30 tons each...the skill and engineering ability that
enabled the ancient Egyptians to cut these huge blocks of stone from the quarries and erect them on
the plateau in such symmetrical from. Archaeologists are still not sure how this engineering feat was
accomplished in the lifetime of one man. Why did the Egyptians build these massive monuments of

World Myth or History? 111

The great pyramids of Egypt are familiar to almost everyone, but few know of the hundreds of
pyramids found all over the globe.
“...the main land of pyramids is Latin America or Mesoamerica! ... in fact there are more than several
hundreds of flat-topped pyramid with terraces and stairs. There are 18 famous Mayan archaeological
sites in Yucatan and each of them has pyramids in number of 3 to 20… But the main pyramids
location is Guatemala!...only El Mirador ancient Mayan city has more than 30 pyramids of different
size where is the biggest and the tallest is La Danta pyramid in 172 meters height that is taller the
Great pyramid in Egypt for 26 meters! While the second largest pyramid of El Mirador the pyramid El
Tigre in 145 meters height (like the Great Pyramid, Giza). La Danta pyramid is the largest pyramid in
the Western hemisphere and one of the greatest in the world...Together with the Mexico, Belize,
Honduras and El Salvador we have around 1000 pyramids there...found in Peru, not so far from
Lima. The pyramid complex was named "El Paraíso" (The Paradise). The main pyramid and
surrounding buildings were dated back to around 2200 BC. That makes El Paraiso in the same
period of time like the Monks mound in US...
In last decade the interest attached to the Asian region. And the main interested country for pyramid
research is China. There are more than 200 pyramids in different forms and size in central China, in
Xi’an and Luoyang constructed from the local clay and soil materials. The quality of construction
materials are so great that even after 2000 years the pyramids have ideal form of truncated pyramids
with straight edges and four sides with perfect geographical orientation. In the Chinese and North
Korea border there is another kind of pyramids constructed from the stone blocks of different forms
but not so huge like pyramids in Xi’an area...Close to 20 pyramids in Cambodia and Indonesia... In
2010 in Java island a group of local enthusiasts discovered a pyramid in the jungle near Cicapar
Sand Village, Garut, West Java. It was called Gurut pyramid by local researchers who determined
that the pyramid has an artificial origin in age of 8000 years old.” 77
Ancient pyramids have been found all over the world, even under water off the coasts of Portugal 78
and Japan. 79

The pyramids of the world are a silent witness that the pyramid did not belong to the religious beliefs
of a single civilization. They were built with amazing precision and engineering to the cardinal points
of the earth with materials that have lasted for millennia. Pyramids represent massive amounts of
man hours, planning, engineering, and organization. They truly are public works megalithic buildings
whose purpose we have not fully understood. Future ages that may have lost the technology behind
them, could have tried to mimic their predecessors and used these later pyramids as tombs.

World Myth or History? 112

Scientists have actually started taking a second look at the pyramids and gained new insights. A
particular team of scientists who specialized in non-lethal acoustical weapons had this to say, “his
team had analyzed the Great Pyramid using the most advanced tools available and concluded that its
builders used sophisticated geometries that we have only recently begun to understand --”way
beyond Euclidean” or any of the other familiar, ancient systems...analysis indicated that the only way
to understand the configuration of the chambers in the Great Pyramid the sophisticated
manipulation of sound. For the weapons designer, that meant the Great Pyramid was, in all
probability, a weapon -- an extremely powerful one at that.”80 This scientific team was not alone in
suspecting that the pyramids were more than tombs. Christopher Dunn, Senior Manager at a Midwest
Aerospace company has written a book titled, “The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt”
in which he produces an overwhelming body of evidence that explains a lot of ‘mysteries’ and
presents the possibility of the Giza pyramid as a machine that taps into the earth’s acoustic energy for
power production.

Astronomical Observatories -
many of the ziggurat type of pyramid structures listed above may have been used as observatories
for the study of the heavenly planisphere. The Sumerian Ziggurat of Nanna 81 (2200 BC) is one of its
most prominent structures. The ziggurat was used as an ancient astronomical observatory to study
the phases of the moon, lunar cycles, planets, solar activities, and the development of the calendar.
The Egyptian pyramids may also have had astronomical functions. It has been discovered that, “The
Egyptians constructed the pyramids for tracking Sirius, the Dog Star, in the sky. When Sirius became
visible above the horizon, then it was known that the Nile was going to flood, an important time to
plant crops.”82
Likewise, the Chinese may have used some of the hundreds of ancient pyramids as observatories.
The records of the Book of Thang tell us that their leader Yao “commanded the Hsis and Hos, in
reverent accordance with (their observation of ) the wide heavens, to calculate and delineate (the
movements and appearances of) the sun, the moon, the stars, and the zodiacal spaces, and so to
deliver respectfully the seasons to be observed by the people.”83
To the ancient Chinese, seasons did not only include the very important planting and harvest time,
but they also saw the heavenly occurrences as announcing earthly events. The arrival of comets, an
eclipse or particular planetary conjunctions, for example, may mean the arrival of a new leader or era.
But the Chinese were not alone in these beliefs, The prophet Jeremiah tells us that the nations of the
world were terrified by the signs of the heavens (Jeremiah 10:2). The ancients saw the celestial
movements as portents of things to come as shown by the wise men who followed a star to find the
promised king (Luke 2). Herod took this heavenly sign so seriously that he ordered the massacre of
every infant 2 years and under in all Bethlehem and its vicinity.

World Myth or History? 113

Yao assigned each of the four brothers Hsis and Hos to the cardinal points and gave each one a
specific land from which to observe the movements of specific heavenly bodies. Along with the
assignment, it would be expected that each brother would also have been given the facilities, the
manpower, and the tools to fulfill their duties.

From these ancient texts we also realize that Yao is well versed in the science of astronomy and in its
effects on the seasons. And from the beginning of their civilization, before the astronomers were
assigned to study the heavenly motions, they already knew and understood the calendar. This
suggests that the calendar was not a Babylonian invention, but something that had been discovered
prior to the dispersal of the nations.
“…Ah! you, Hsis and Hos, a round year consists of three hundred, sixty, and six days. Do you by
means of the intercalary month, fix the four seasons, and complete (the period of) the year.
(Thereafter), the various officers being regulated, in accordance with this, all the works (of the year)
will be fully performed.”83

Legends of China’s ancient ancestor Nüwa explain how after the flood she “...restored order between
heaven and earth after a horrible catastrophe had caused heaven to tilt to the north so that it no
longer covered all of the earth. This may refer to the first observation of the oblique elliptic and the
angle of the pole star. Nüwa found it necessary to reestablish the four cardinal points, which she did,
thereby creating the prerequisites for further observations. In the oldest pictures of her she carries
a compass, the instrument related to heavenly observations.”84

In the European continent, Stonehenge may have served as an astronomical observatory. “Early in
the 20th century, the English astronomer Sir Norman Lockyer demonstrated that the northeast axis
aligned with the sunrise at the summer solstice, leading other scholars to speculate that the builders
were sun worshipers. In 1963 an American astronomer, Gerald Hawkins, purported that Stonehenge
was a complicated computer for predicting lunar and solar eclipses. These speculations, however,
have been severely criticized by most Stonehenge archaeologists. "Most of what has been written
about Stonehenge is nonsense or speculation," said R.J.C. Atkinson, archaeologist from University
College, Cardiff. "No one will ever have a clue what its significance was."” 85
Truly, when old assumptions weigh heavier than any new observation or studies, then Atkinson rightly
predicts that Stonehenge would remain a mystery forever.

More megalithic public works evident around the globe includes temples, city walls and palaces,
streets, ports, sewage systems, tombs, and public meeting places and monuments.

World Myth or History? 114

The Establishment of Government-Religion
The establishment of divinely appointed rulers was also a distinction of the second age civilization
founders. Government and Religion in the second age was inexorably linked together. Ancient myth
from this age tells us that the leaders were either divinely appointed by God or were recognized as
gods or godlike.

“The Ancient Egyptians considered Pharaoh to be their main intermediary to the gods; perhaps more
of a high priest than a god. He was, however, closely associated with the god Horus and may have,
at times, been considered a god in human form.”86

In ancient Mesopotamia and also in Assyria we find Nimrod (a.k.a. Ninurta, Nimrud, etc.) venerated
as a god, who claimed to have surpassed the awesomeness of the Creator, and appropriated deeds
ascribed to God as his own (ex. the creation of the rainbow). “O King, storm of majestic splendour,
peerless Ninurta, possessing superior strength; who pillages the mountains all alone; deluge,
indefatigable serpent hurling yourself at the rebel land, Hero striding formidably into battle...Ninurta,
King, son in whose strength his father rejoices...Ninurta who makes the good tiara, the
rainbow...grandly begotten by him who wears the princely beard...Ninurta, King, whom Enlil (god) has
exalted above himself…”87

In ancient China, we find the rulers primarily seeking the God of Heaven and His ways in order to rule
the people by heavenly mandate. It is Heaven that commands reward or punishment, Heaven’s will
that must be fulfilled, and Heaven’s desires that the leader must obey. “‘Heaven loves the people,
and the sovereign should reverently carry out (this mind of) Heaven.”88

It is difficult to tell about the rulers of the Indus Valley Civilization, because as of the present, their
writing has still remained undeciphered. But judging by the seals that show images in yogic positions
similar to the Hindu Shiva surrounded by various animals, we assume the beginnings of religious
worship. “It is speculated that the rulers might have been wealthy merchants, or powerful landlords or
spiritual leaders. Whoever these rulers were it has been determined that they showed their power
and status through the use of seals and fine jewelry.”89

In the Middle Eastern records of Abraham and his contemporary Job, who were both citizens of the
second age civilizations, we find that they are not only respected leaders of men but outstanding
leaders of faith as well. The Book of Genesis clearly records that Abraham’s actions and travels were

World Myth or History? 115

unquestionably directed by God - from his journeying to the promised land, to his willingness to
sacrifice his son Isaac. Job, on the other hand, even has God saying, “Have you considered my
servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and
turning away from evil.”90

Abraham is known as the father of faith, but few are aware that he was a very wealthy man in his age
who led hundreds of fighting men and was not unfamiliar with dealing with national leaders. Second
Age peoples considered Abraham to be a ‘mighty prince’ among them.91 Job was likewise a man of
great honor and authority in the second age.

Josephus claimed that the ancient historian of Babylon, Berosus, wrote of Abraham, “In the 10th
generation after the Flood, there was among the Chaldeans a man righteous and great, and skillful in
the celestial science.”92 Hecatseus, another historian of antiquity was actually supposed to have
written an entire book on Abraham, while Nicolaus of Damascus says, “Abraham reigned at
Damascus, being a foreigner, who came with an army out of the land above Babylon...when his
posterity became a multitude...we relate their history in another work. Now the name Abram is even
still famous in the country of Damascus; and there is shown a village named from him, The Habitation
of Abraham.”92

The Book of Genesis records that in this age man was given a mandate from God to exact retribution
for crimes such as murder. “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the
image of God He made man.”93
In this we see the beginnings of the establishment of man’s government and the rule of law to
officiate and judge over the dealings of mankind. Archaeology has unearthed extensive libraries of
laws and rules established from the start of this age. A unified government in the Indus Valley
civilizations is shown by advanced architectural planning, public sewers, engineering, with even the
bricks they used made to a standard size.94

Second age civilizations were also involved in international trade and relations. Government saw itself
as a keeper of their historical, legal and astronomical records. Interestingly, this practice is
perpetuated until today in many nations.

Government established in this age is inextricably connected to religion, and as such laws are based
mostly on what people of that civilization felt was right in the eyes of God or the gods. They had a
sense that justice was to come from the divine or the one who was divinely appointed, and it would
be God or the gods who would justify the innocent or condemn the guilty.

World Myth or History? 116

Moses, the great lawgiver, explained what he was doing with the people of Israel. “When they have a
dispute, it comes to me, and I judge between a man and his neighbor and make known the statutes
of God and His laws.”95

However, Job the righteous servant of God understood man’s legal situation. He understood that all
mankind had fallen short of God’s righteous laws and thus lived with fearful expectation of future
judgment. Job expressed the need for a legal mediator between God and man - the one he called
‘Redeemer’ (Job 19:25), who could come between fallen man and holy God.

Regarding the vast chasm between God and man, Job said, “For He is not a man as I am that I may
answer Him, That we may go to court together. There is no umpire between us, Who may lay his
hand upon us both. “Let Him remove His rod from me, And let not dread of Him terrify me.” Then I
would speak and not fear Him; But I am not like that in myself.”96

The anticipated One who would come to rescue mankind from the judgement of death was not only
seen as a religious leader, but like the leaders of this second age, he would also be a king destined to
rule and reign forever and ever. Thus, in this second age despite all the things they had overcome
and achieved, even the exceptionally good man knew that all their own work was not enough, and in
the end human beings would have to answer to God. And so they waited in expectation for the hope,
the promised seed of woman who would act as mediator and friend of humanity, and who would
make all things good.

Age Two: Notable Events

Due to the immense impact notable events of the second age had on succeeding ages, this section is
separated into its own chapter, in order to enter in depth into the roots of many things that both
plague and bless modern man. Understanding why we do what we do or believe as we believe is a
powerful tool for both decision making and problem solving.

In the next chapter we will learn what mythology tells us about the roots of languages, the roots of
nations, the roots of war, and the roots of religions. It is noteworthy events that occurred in the
second age that set the foundations for the world today.

World Myth or History? 117

1. George Barton. Archaeology and the Bible, 7th Edition. Philadelphia: American Sunday School. 1937. pp 327-331
2. Dr. Robert Carter. “Adam, Eve, and Noah vs Modern Genetics.” 2010. Creation Ministries
International. 4/1/15. <>
3. Nelson, J.W. “ Genetics and Biblical demographic events.” Journal of Creation [formerly TJ] 17(1):21–23, 2003; Return
4. Harpending, H.C., et al. The Genetic Structure of Ancient Populations. Current Anthropology 34:483, 1993.
5. Dr. Robert Carter. “Adam, Eve, and Noah vs Modern Genetics.” 2010. Creation Ministries
International. 4/1/15. <>
6. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 9:1. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
7. “The Cradle of Civilization.” HistoryWiz. 2008. HistoryWiz Books. 4/5/15.
8. “Ninurta, God of Victory.” Nimrud:Materialities of Assyrian Knowledge Production. 2015.
9. J.A. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson, G. Zolyomi. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “The
Exploits of Ninurta or Ninurta Lugal-E.” 334-359. Oxford. 1998
10. “Chapter 03:Tigris River Basin.” Inventory of Shared Water Resources in Western Asia. 2015. UN-ESCWA. 4/6/15.
11. Sir John Gardner Wilkinson. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Vol. I. 1837. pp 89-90
12. Mandy Barrow. “The River Nile.” Ancient Egypt. 2013. Woodlands Resources. 4/7/15. <http://resources.woodlands->
13. Katy Lutley, Judith Bunbury. “The Nile on the Move.” Egyptian Archaeology. 2009. University of Cambridge. 4/7/15.
14. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King and Hsiao King. “ The Book of Thang.” Oxford: 1879
15. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King and Hsiao King. “04. The Yi and Ki.” Oxford: 1879
16.Ulrich Theobald. “Persons in Chinese Mythology - Yu the Great.” China Knowledge. 2012.
17.Gassert, F., T. Luo, T. Shiao, and M. Luck. 2013. “Yellow River Basin Study.” Working Paper. Washington, DC:
World Resources Institute. <>
18.Gassert, F., T. Luo, T. Shiao, and M. Luck. 2013. “Yangtze River Basin Study.” Working Paper. Washington, DC:
World Resources Institute. <>
19.“The Great Basin.” Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. 2014. 4/8/15.
20. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books. 2006. pp 32-33
21.Oliver, Roland. The African Experience: From Olduvai Gorge to the 21st Century (Series: History of Civilization).
London: Phoenix Press. 1999. revised edition. p 39.
22. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books. 2006. p 33
23. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 13:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
24. Colin Smith. “Antarctica’s Transition to an Ice World Millions of Years Ago Revealed in Study.” Imperial College
London. 2013. <
25.Geoff Pohanka. “Ocean Temperatures are not Warming.” Is There Global Cooling? 2015.
26. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books. 2006. p 60
27. Stafford, Jr., T.W., Semken, Jr, H.A., Graham, R.W., Klippel, W.F., Markova, A., Smirnov, N.G. and Southon, J., First
accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates documenting contemporaneity of nonanalog species in late Pleistocene
mammal communities, Geology 27:903, 1999
28. Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days(11.121-139). 1914
29.Paul Kevan. “Ancient Man’ Faster than Usain Bolt and Stronger than Schwarzenegger.” METRO News. 2009.
30.Joseph Stromberg. “Science Shows Why You are Smarter than a Neanderthal.” 2013.
31. Jack Cuozzo. Buried Alive: The Startling Untold Story About Neanderthal Man. AR: Master Books. 2008. p 265
32. DJ Ortner and AC Aufderheide, eds. Human Paleopathology. “Human Soft Tissue Tumors in Paleopathology.” by E
Gertzen and MJ Allison. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. 1991. p 257-260
33. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 6:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 118

34. Jack Cuozzo. Buried Alive: The Startling Untold Story About Neanderthal Man. AR: Master Books. 2008. p 72-73
35. Garrod et al., “Excavation of a Mousterian Rock-Shelter at Devil’s Tower, Gibraltar.” (ch.16, note 16).
36. Jack Cuozzo. Buried Alive: The Startling Untold Story About Neanderthal Man. AR: Master Books. 2008. p 74
37.Joseph Stromberg. “Science Shows Why You are Smarter than a Neanderthal.” 2013.
38.Monica Rodriguez. “Chimeras, Mosaics, and Other Fun Stuff.” The Tech Museum of Innovation. 2015. Stanford at
the Tech Understanding Genetics. 4/9/15. <>
39. S.E. Bishara, J.E. Treder, and J.R. Jacobsen. “Facial and Dental Changes in Adulthood.” American Journal of
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 106 (2). August 1994. p 175-186
40. Jack Cuozzo. Buried Alive: The Startling Untold Story About Neanderthal Man. AR: Master Books. 2008. p 151
41. T.W. Todd. The Anatomical Record. “Thickness of the Male White Cranium.” Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Co.
1924. p 245-256
42.Ulrich Theobald. “Persons in Chinese Mythology - Yu the Great.” China Knowledge. 2012.
43. The Great Flood: The Epic of Gilgamesh. Tablet XI. 1. Ancient
44. S.N. Kramer. The Sumerians. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 1963. p 237-247
45. Stephanie Dalley. Myths from Mesopotamia: Gilgamesh, The Flood, and Others. NY: Oxford University Press. 2009
46. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 6.4. 93-94 AD
47. Milton S. Terry. The Sibylline Chronicles. Book 3. 130-135. New York: Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings.
48.Catherine Delano Smith. History of Cartography. Volume 1. “4. Cartography in the Prehistoric Period in the Old
World: Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.” 2011.
49. “Petroglyphs.” New World 2015. <>
50.Stan Beckensall. Northumberlands Prehistoric Rock Carvings: Mystery Explained. (Pendulum Press 1983 ISBN
51. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 9:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
52. Frank Joseph. Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited. 2008. p 90
53. Gregory McIntosh. The Piri reis Map of 1513. Athens and London: University of Georgia Press. 2000. p 15
54.Steven Dutch. “Some Real Mysteries About the Map.” The Piri Reis Map. 2010.
55. Rackham, trans. Pliny the Elder: Natural History. 4.88 ff. Roman Encyclopedia C1st BC
56. Pausanias. Description of Greece. 5.7. 6-9
57. Statius. Thebaid 5. 390 ff (Latin Epic C1st AD)
58.Dr David Whitehouse. “‘Oldest Star Chart’ Found.” BBC News World Edition. 2003.
59.“The Planet Earth:Ice Age Map of the Night Sky Painted in French Cave.” Space Today Online. 2006.
60.“The Planet Earth:Moon Stone Lunar Map in Ireland.” Space Today Online. 2006.
61. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 5.1. 93-94 AD
62. Ethelbert W. Bullinger, D.D. The Witness of the Stars. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications.1893. p 9
63. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 3.9. 93-94 AD
64. Ethelbert W. Bullinger, D.D. The Witness of the Stars.Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications.1893.p 10
65. L.W. King, trans.The Seven Tablets of Creation. “Enuma Elish - Tablet 5.” London. 1902
66. Herodotus II. 41; Diodorus Siculus I. 13. 2; Plutarch, De Iside et Osiride, IX
67. Lippincott’s Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology, ed. by J. Thomas, 4th edition (xxxx), p.
68. Marilyn Morgan. “Jupiter: Mythology and Man’s Early Musing.” Solar System Exploration. 2015. NASA. 4/12/15
69. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King. 04. The Great Plan.3.iv.1879
70. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King. 01. The Book of Thang.2.1879
71. “Ganga River.” Rivers in Mythology. National Institute of Hydrology, India. 2014. 4/17/15.
72. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King. 01. The Book of Hsia.1879
73.ETCSL, trans. Ninurta’s Exploits: a sir-sud (?) to Ninurta. 360-367. The ETCSL Project, Faculty of Oriental Studies:
University of Oxford. 2006. <>
74. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King. 01. “The Credibility of the Records in the Shu. 4.”

World Myth or History? 119

75."Glossary, Inca Gods". First People of America and Canada - Turtle Island. 2014.
76. Jonathan Ashton & David Down. Unwrapping the Pharaohs. AR: Master Books. 2007. p 14-16
77.“How Many Pyramids are in the World?” World Pyramids.4/20/15. <
78.“Reports of Underwater Pyramid of the Coast of Terceira Island.” Underwater Pyramids off the Coast of Azores
Islands. 2013. info@azores - 4/20/15. <>
79.“Underwater Japanese Pyramids ‘Manmade’ Scientists Say.” Yonaguni. 2015. The Morien Institute.4/20/15.
80. Douglas Kenyon, ed. Forbidden History. “The Giza Power Plant, Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Christopher Dunn.”
Vermont: Bear and Company. 2005. p 221
81.“Mesopotamia.” Observatory Tour. 2003. San Francisco University. 4/21/15.
82.Schneider & Arny. “Observatories.”Telescopes and Observatories. University of Oregon. 4/22/15.
83. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King. 01. “The Book of Thang. 2.” 1879
84. Bryce Haymond. “Nüwa and Fuxi in Chinese Mythology: Compass & Square.” Temple Study. 2015.
85. “Stonehenge.” Excerpt from Encyclopedia Britannica without permission. University of Oregon. 4/22/15.
86.“Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.” Ancient Egypt. Ducksters. 2014. Technology solutions Inc. 4/22/15.
87. Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E., and Zolyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “The
Exploits of Ninurta.” 1-16. Oxford:1998.
88. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King.“The Books of Kau. Section 2.” 1879
89.Tarini Carr. “The Harappan Civilization.” Archaeology Online. 2014. <
90. New American Standard Bible.Job 1:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
91. Genesis 23:6
92. Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book I. Chapter 7. Sacred Texts. 4/25/15. <
93. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 9:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
94.Tarini Carr. “The Harappan Civilization.” Archaeology Online. 2014. <
95. New American Standard Bible. Exodus 18:16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
96. New American Standard Bible. Job 9:32-35. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 120


Our Second Age Roots

Notable Events

The Second Age was the first and most extreme of civilization restarts. In computer terms, it would
have been more than just a hard reboot. It was like wiping out the hard drive and starting again from
scratch with hardware and software already bearing the marks of damage and wear and tear.

Although the earth may have had other world changing catastrophes after this second age, none of
them produced a restart as fresh as this one. Thus, we find that many of the decisions made by the
people of the second age, which led to several notable events of this time period, still affect us today.

Root of Languages

"Before the flood, there was but one centre; for all the people lived together in one country, and spoke
one language."1 such is the story told by the North American Kaska Tribe.
The concept that there was only one language during the most ancient of times is echoed in myths
from every continent on earth from the East African Bantus to the Ticunas of the Brazilian Amazon to
the ancient Greek civilizations.2

Ancient Mesopotamian records in the poem Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta, tell us that mankind
spoke one language in the past until a sudden event changed that situation.
“In those days . . . the whole universe, the people in unison, . . .
Enki, the Lord of abundance, . . .
Changed the speech in their mouths, and [brought?] contention into it,
Into the speech of man that [until then] had been one.”3

The ancient Greeks also held to this account of man’s past single tongue as well as the sudden
explosion of diverse languages."Men for many centuries before lived without town or laws, speaking
one tongue under the rule of Jove [Zeus]. But after Mercurius [Hermes] had explained [or created] the
languages of men (whence he is called ermeneutes, ‘interpreter’, for Mercurius in Greek is called
Ermes; he too, divided the nations), then discord arose among mortals, which was not pleasing to
Jove [Zeus]."4

World Myth or History? 121

Many of the world mythologies on the origin of languages happened right after a destruction of an
age most often described as a deluge. The Aztecs of Mesoamerica tell of a Deluge whose sole
survivors escape destruction by floating on a piece of bark. “They found themselves on land and
begot many children who were at first born unable to speak, but subsequently, upon the arrival of a
dove were endowed with language, although each one was given a different speech such that they
could not understand one another.”5

Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal believe that languages were given by
Puluga (God) after the Deluge, and that, “... his offspring became so numerous that their home could
no longer accommodate them. At Pūluga's bidding they were furnished with all necessary weapons,
implements, and fire, and then scattered in pairs all over the country. When this exodus occurred
Puluga- provided each party with a distinct dialect.”6

Aside from the Deluge, another unique recollection of world myth regarding the origins of diverse
languages is the tower that ultimately brought down divine wrath. A people group in the Polynesian
isles have a myth about building a tower that made God angry, who then, "in anger chased the
builders away, broke down the building, and changed their language, so that they spoke diverse
The Mikir tribe of Northeastern India tell the story of the descendants of Ram who built a tower to
conquer heaven, “Higher and higher rose the building, till at last the gods and demons feared lest
these giants should become the masters of heaven, as they already were of earth. So they
confounded their speech, and scattered them to the four corners of the world. Hence arose all the
various tongues of mankind.” 8
The Karens of Burma tell the tale of Pan-dan-man, in whose time “the people determined to build a
pagoda that should reach up to heaven...When the pagoda was half way up to heaven, God came
down and confounded the language of the people, so that they could not understand each other.
Then the people scattered, and Than-mau-rai, the father of the Gaikho tribe, came west, with eight
chiefs, and settled in the valley of the Sitang.”9

The Sibylline Chronicles tell a very similar tale of a tower built after a great Deluge,
“(And they all spoke one language, and resolved to mount aloft into the starry heaven; But on the air
the Immortal straightway put a mighty force; and then winds from above cast down the great tower
and stirred mortals up to wrangling with each other; therefore men gave to that city the name of
Babylon);-- Now when the tower fell and the tongues of men turned to all sorts of sounds, straightway
all earth was filled with men and kingdoms were divided.”10

World Myth or History? 122

The Book of Genesis tells us that after the Deluge, “... the whole earth used the same language and
the same words. 2 It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar
and settled there. 3 They said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.”
And they used brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar. 4 They said, “Come, let us build for
ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name,
otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” 5 The LORD came down to
see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 The LORD said, “Behold, they are one
people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing
which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their
language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the LORD scattered them
abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. 9 Therefore its
name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from
there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.”11

The Genesis record contains all the distinctive details - the Deluge, the original single tongue, the
building of the tower, the coming down of God to inspect it and His subsequent displeasure, the
divine act of creating diverse languages, the inability of the builders to complete their work, and the
dispersion of man over the face of the earth.

The ancient historian Josephus tells us that after the Deluge, the people were afraid to leave the
mountain heights, and it was Shem, Japheth, and Ham (the three sons of Noah) who led the way to
the plain in the land of Shinar, east of the mountains on which the ark had landed. But instead of
sending out colonies as God had instructed them to, they decided to stick together. And as they
multiplied and increased in numbers and in bounty, they began to believe that they prospered
because of their own strength and not because of the favor of God. Josephus claimed that it was
Nimrod who had caused the people to construct the tower, making them believe that only the
cowardly would obey God and leave. “When God saw that they acted so madly, he did not resolve to
destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but he
caused a tumult among them, by producing in them divers languages, and causing that, through the
multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another. The place where
they built the tower is now called Babylon...for the Hebrew means by the word Babel, confusion.”12

Both the Genesis record and Josephus confidently present an actual historical location for the Tower
of Babel events. They name the land of Shinar, later called Babylon, which was a familiar location to
the people of their age.

World Myth or History? 123

Archaeologists have found an inscription made by King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon (605 -562 BC)
on an ancient tower that he had reconstructed during his reign. “The tower, the eternal house, which I
founded and built. I have completed its magnificence with silver, gold, other metals, stone, enameled
bricks, fir and pine. The first which is the house of the earth’s base, the most ancient monument of
Babylon; I built and finished it. I have highly exalted its head with bricks covered with copper. We say
for the other, that is, this edifice, the house of the seven lights of the earth the most ancient
monument of Borsippa. A former king built it, (they reckon 42 ages) but he did not complete its head.
Since a remote time, people had abandoned it, without order expressing their words…”13 The ruins of
this tower in the land of ancient Babylon, made of sun-dried bricks, is called the Babil mound.

It is apparent, that although modern society may scoff at the tale of the Tower of Babel, the peoples of
antiquity saw it as an actual historical event. An event that not only caused the diversification of
languages but also facilitated the spread of colonies over the earth. The Karens of Burma were even
able to identify the main leader Than-mau-rai as the father of the Gaikho tribe during this dispersion
event. It was in the second age that fathers of kingdoms and nations were jump started by the forced
migration brought on by the supernaturally created language barriers and their resulting reverence of
the God who had caused it to happen.

But why did they leave? Why would different languages cause confusion? Why would they not be
able to understand one another? Couldn’t they have just tried to learn each other’s speech?

Learning several languages is not an impossible task, especially in an age when lives were longer
and people seemed capable of so much. Even Solomon who lived in a later age was believed to have
spoken many languages. “In both Jewish and Islamic traditions, Solomon is the great wise king and
ruler of a mighty empire. He could speak all the languages, including those of the animals and birds,
many of which submitted to his judgment.”14

The Maidu Indians of California tell of Kuksu, who was warned by the Creator of the coming babel of
tongues, “Thus prepared, Kuksu summoned all the people together, for he could speak all the
languages. He taught them the name of different animals and so forth in their various dialects,
showed them how to cook and hunt, gave them their laws, and appointed the times for their dances
and festivals. Then he called each tribe by name, and sent them off in different directions, telling
them where they were to dwell.”15

Kuksu, who could speak the different languages, taught the tribes how to survive, established a legal
system and divided the land amongst them, seems to have been the North American counterpart of

World Myth or History? 124

the Mesopotamian Nimrod or Yu the Great of China. And the fact that this mythological character
actually appears in the lore of other American tribal groups with different linguistic families seems to
lend credence to the tale. “Kuksu is a personage of some mythological prominence and great
ceremonial importance. It is very unusual in California to find a mythological or ceremonial name
maintaining itself beyond the limits of a single linguistic family. The present reference shows that the
name and conception of Kuksu evidently extended beyond the southern Sacramento valley and
adjacent coast region to the region south, either in the Sierra Nevada or on the coast.”16

In fact, the Mesopotamian and Assyrian cities attributed to Nimrod speak various languages or
dialects, just like the different Chinese regions. It is highly probable that the early founders of
civilization were capable of speaking several, if not all of them.

If they were capable of learning various languages, then why did they choose to leave? Why did the
people gather according to language groups and obediently disperse to their portion of land? Why
could they no longer understand one another?

To understand why, we need to understand that a language is not just vocalizations that people
groups invented and use for communication. It goes much deeper than that. Languages are hard
wired into a human system, according to world mythology, by God Himself. It is true that one can
learn several languages, but only one language speaks to the individual’s inmost being.

There is difficulty in complete mutual understanding with another person who speaks a foreign
language because we do not hear things the same. Consider the way different linguistic families
interpret the sound a frog makes.

Japanese - Kerokero
Turkish - Vrak
American - Ribbit
Italian - Cra Cra
German - Kwaak
Polish - Kum Kum
Filipino - Kokak
Korean - Gae-Gool
Chinese - Guo Guo
Thai - Op Op
Hungarian - Brekeke

World Myth or History? 125

Not only are people not able to hear the same thing, people are also unable to express or say the
same thing. The Book of Judges tells of a time of enmity between the men of Ephraim and Gilead. “ 5
The Gileadites captured the fords of the Jordan opposite Ephraim. And it happened when any of the
fugitives of Ephraim said, “Let me cross over,” the men of Gilead would say to him, “Are you an
Ephraimite?” If he said, “No,” 6 then they would say to him, “Say now, ‘Shibboleth.’” But he said,
“Sibboleth,” for he could not pronounce it correctly. Then they seized him and slew him at the fords of
the Jordan. Thus there fell at that time 42,000 of Ephraim.”17

42,000 men literally could not say the word even if their lives depended on it. This was not an isolated
event. This peculiarity of languages has been used to expose foreigners who were trying to blend in,
many times in history, particularly in times of war. In George Stimpson's A Book about a Thousand
Things, the author notes that, “in the war, Japanese spies would often approach checkpoints posing
as American or Filipino military personnel. A shibboleth such as "lollapalooza" would be used by the
sentry, who, if the first two syllables come back as rorra, would "open fire without waiting to hear the

A mother tongue forms connections and values and mental pathways within a person. Language is
the medium that carries the heart, soul and mind of a nation. It is a unifying force, a rallying point. The
unique identity and character of a people group is intrinsically linked to its language. The individual
language is the receptacle of the values and culture of a people. Language itself tells us what is
important to a community, for example in english there are multiple words that can be used for law --
precepts, commands, ordinances, rules, statutes, regulations, decrees, edicts, etc. In the Filipino
language, there are multiple words for rice -palay, bigas, kanin, sinangag, sinaing, kakanin, malagkit,
pinipig, etc.

Values and respect of elders is built into some languages, while the importance of war and victory is
ingrained into others. Immigrants know how quickly their children leave the ‘old ways’ and traditions of
their people when they no longer speak the language of their motherland. Colonizers knew the
importance of re-educating the colonies in their language, while at the same time destroying all the
ancient histories and records written in the native indigenous tongue.

There can be no one world government without one world language. The differences in values,
beliefs, and decision making would be too diverse. There would be issues of utmost importance to
some that would be meaningless to others. Humanity would each one hear different things and say
different things, even when using the same words.

World Myth or History? 126

Those who would want to rule the world know that in order to do so, they have to reverse what God
has done. Conquerors of mighty empires have tried, through many ages, to establish a one world
language. In our recorded history, we know that the Hellenists have tried to push for the Greek
language, while the Roman Empire was split between Latin and Greek. “People, like goods, moved
fluidly around the Hellenistic kingdoms. Almost everyone in the former Alexandrian empire spoke and
read the same language: koine, or “the common tongue,” a kind of colloquial Greek. Koine was a
unifying cultural force: No matter where a person came from, he could communicate with anyone in
this cosmopolitan Hellenistic world.”19

There is an ongoing movement to revert to the ‘good old days’ when mankind spoke one language,
and it is working slowly but surely.
“The application of the Language Endangerment Scale to all known languages has revealed that a
total of 3,176 can be considered to be endangered. This is about 46% of all living languages,...
language death progresses at the rate of about one language in three months... The looming loss of
almost half of the world’s languages is sufficient proof for the “ongoing crisis of language loss," as
Campbell phrased it. The new findings also show that the rate at which languages die out has highly
accelerated in the last half century...Today 457 or 9.2% of the living languages have fewer than 10
speakers and are very likely to die out soon,... 639 of the languages known to have existed are
already extinct – 10% of all languages.”20

The languages of the world are steadily decreasing in number with an average loss of four languages
a year. Loss of languages is expected to increase in speed as it has done historically.
Since languages have a tendency to disappear rather than be spontaneously created, are we then to
infer that there was a point in time when all these languages suddenly appeared in abundance, and
has since began to lessen in number? Should we not then take a second look at the stories found on
every continent regarding the events that led to the diversity of tongues?

Root of Nations and Kingdoms

The Sibylline Chronicles tell us that,

“...when the generation tenth appeared of mortal men, from the time when the flood came upon
earlier men. And Cronos reigned and Titan and Iapetus; and men called them best offspring of Gaia
and of Uranus, Giving to them names both of earth and heaven, since they were very first of mortal
men. So there were three divisions of the earth according to the allotment of each man, and each one

World Myth or History? 127

having his own portion reigned and fought not; for a father’s oaths were there and equal were their

Myth tells us that the earth was divided equitably among Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah
who at this second age were tasked with repopulating the world. These three sons of Noah were
renamed Cronos, Titan, and Iapetus in the Sibylline Chronicles - names that were later attributed to
the gods or godlike beings. The honor given them is normal, considering that they are first age
survivors who became the forefathers of the nations. Due to their long lifespans of many hundred
years, they may have witnessed the birth and growth of civilizations, appearing almost immortal as
they outlived many of their descendants. Noah’s sons would have been knowledgeable in first age
technologies and records, that they would have passed on to the early founders of civilizations.

Noah and his wife are renamed Uranus and Gaia. Greek mythology portrays Uranus as the king of
the heavens and father of the gods, while Gaia is earth mother goddess. From this couple originated
every human being on earth, it is understandable then that they may have been highly venerated
when they were alive on earth. The title king of the heavens (Emperor of Heaven) may refer to Noah’s
skill in astronomical knowledge, as well as his relationship with the God of the Heavens. Mrs Noah
would in fact be the literal mother of us all due to the genetic bottleneck resulting from the Deluge.

Scandinavian myth tell of Bur, who had three sons: Odin, Vili, and Ve. These three were a new race,
not Giants but gods. They banded together and murdered Ymir.22 Ymir was a frost giant whose blood
became a great sea that drowned most of the other giants. The sons then created a race that lived on
the body of Ymir which had been transformed into the lands of the earth.

Mesoamerican myth speak of Viracocha, depicted as a long robed bearded man with a staff, who had
sent a flood to destroy a race of wicked giants.23 He is assisted by his sons in introducing civilization
to the peoples of the world, teaching things like agriculture, the arts, languages, and astronomy.

Ancient Hindu lore from India, tell the story of Manu (a.k.a. Satyavrata), a first age man who was
warned of the coming great deluge that would soon destroy the world. Manu followed the divine
instructions to build a boat and was saved along with his three sons who had been born before the
flood: Sharma, C’harma, and Jyapeti. “Satyavrata, whose miraculous preservation from a general
deluge is told at length in the Matsya, had three sons, the eldest of whom was named Jyapeti, or
Lord of the Earth. The others were C’harma and Sharma, which last are, in the vulgar dialects,
usually pronounced C’ham and Sham…”24 It was from them that the world was repopulated. Thus,
Manu is seen as the one from whom the human race originated.

World Myth or History? 128

Josephus, the historian of antiquity, tells us that Noah sent out colonies to specific lands divided
under the domains of his three sons. Hebrew scriptures also hold the records of the names of his
descendants that became the fathers of nations.

*ILLUSTRATION FROM; Bodie Hodge. “Josephus and Genesis Chapter Ten.” Answers in Depth. 2009. vol.4. Answers in
Genesis. 4/28/15. <>

When the Table of Nations compiled by the ancient historian Josephus is compared to that of the
book of Genesis chapter ten, the historicity of the scriptures and the events described therein are
reinforced by extra biblical sources.

It is apparent in their writings that historians of antiquity took these records seriously as the actual
origins of the nations. With a point of view several thousand years closer than our own, would it not
be at least pertinent to check out their claims?

World Myth or History? 129

*ILLUSTRATION FROM; Bodie Hodge. “Josephus and Genesis Chapter Ten.” Answers in Depth. 2009. vol.4. Answers in
Genesis. 4/28/15. <>

Regarding the ‘Toldoth Beni Noah’ (Genesis 10), M. Francois Lenormant wrote, “...This document
furnishes an inestimably valuable basis for the researches of ethnography, that is, the science which
investigates the relationships of nations with each other, and their origin. The attentive study of
historical tradition, the comparison of languages, and the examination of physiological characteristics
of different nations, lead to results in complete accordance with the inspired volume.”25

Professor George Rawlinson saw the Hebrew scriptural record in Genesis 10 as “the most authentic
record that we possess for the affiliation of nations...alike in accordance with the earliest classical
traditions, and with the latest results of modern comparative philology.”25

It seems that the dispersion of the people at this time happened peacefully, and as the myths recount,
the colonies were provided with the things that they would need for both travelling to their assigned
land areas and for establishing their community once they arrived.

World Myth or History? 130

Leaders or heads of family groups were assigned with ‘chiefs’ under them. There is an implied social
organization even before they set out on their journeys. Each community, whether travelling by land
or sea, were probably guided by both petroglyphs 26 - a type of early writing on rocks that would have
been universally readable to all language groups, and the stars - astronomical knowledge that every
civilization has shown to have possessed from their earliest histories.

There does not seem to be any mythology about complaining of unfair distribution of land or
resources or fighting at this stage. The Sibylline Chronicles tell us that each received an allotment
which may imply a fair distribution of lots in the general areas that were apportioned to each family.
The Sibyl also tells us that the sons had promised their father, Noah, that they would not fight one
another. And in order to keep their solemn oath, they needed to go their separate ways to enjoy the
bountiful lands in their own wide open spaces.

Insight into the land distribution by lot for family groups may be gleaned from the book of Joshua
chapters 13 to 21 where the division of land for the tribes of Israel were given clear boundaries. The
book of Joshua (14:1-2, NASB) informs us that, “...Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun,
and the heads of the households of the tribes of the sons of Israel apportioned to them for an
inheritance, by the lot of their inheritance, as the Lord commanded through Moses…”
In chapter 18 of the book of Joshua, we learn how some chosen men from each tribe were sent out to
scout the land and divide the areas into equal portions with well defined boundaries. Then Joshua
‘cast lots before the Lord’ to determine which tribe gets each portion.

Plato recounts in the Critias regarding the time when the earth was peacefully divided,
“Once upon a time the gods were taking over by lot the whole earth according to its regions, --not
according to the results of strife: for it would not be reasonable to suppose that the gods were
ignorant of their own several rights, nor yet that they attempted to obtain for themselves by means of
strife a possession to which others, as they knew, had a better claim.” 27
The second age was a time when men became fathers of nations. God had commanded them to go
forth and multiply and fill the land, and now as they went out in colonies, they knew that this was
going to be a reality. Nations at this time were called by the names of their ancestors. Lands were
named as well as bodies of water, like rivers and seas. Thus, it was not an unusual thing to Abraham
when God promised him that, “you will be the father of a multitude of nations.”28 This promise is
fulfilled as Abraham's grandson Jacob became the father of the nation of Israel, his brother Esau was
the father of the Edomites, Ishmael became the father of the Ishmaelites, who along with Abraham’s
other sons were the ancestors of the Arabic nations.29 The grandchildren of Lot, Abraham’s nephew,
became the Ammonite and Moabite nations (Genesis 19:30-38).

World Myth or History? 131

Vietnam, home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, had formed states by the third millennium
BC, that cooperated to construct hydrological systems to prevent flooding from the Red River. “The
Red River valley formed a natural geographic and economic unit, bounded to the north and west by
mountains and jungles, to the east by the sea and to the south by the Red River Delta.”30 The
Vietnamese trace their origins to the god Lac Long Quan who married the fairy/goddess Au Co.
“Eventually, Au Co longed to live in the mountains and Lac Long Quan craved the sea, so the two
separated. Fifty children went with each parent—those in the mountains grew rice, and those on the
coast lived by fishing.”31

The Chinese trace their ancestral roots back to Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor, who came to China
under the direction of the Jade emperor (a.k.a. emperor of heaven and earth), after a great flood.
Seen as China’s founding father, Huangdi 黃帝 may also be written 皇帝 which means ‘august
ancestor’. Both Huangdi (symbolized by the dragon) and his wife (symbolized by the phoenix) were
said to have come from ‘heaven’. His land was called the land within the four seas, clearly delineating
its borders.
The Yellow Emperor is seen as an actual historical figure, who Sima Qian records as having 25 sons
that began the clans that comprised the Middle Kingdom 中國. “The Yellow Emperor also belongs to
the cultural heroes by the many inventions he made, like bronze tripods, boats and carts, and even
the compass cart (zhinanche 指南車). His wife Lei Zu is the inventor of silk spinning, his minister Cang
Jie 倉頡 invented the script, Xi He 羲和 (two persons, Xi and He?), Chang Yi 常儀, Sou Qu 臾區
astonomy and astrology, Ling Lun 伶倫 (also written 泠綸) the musical pitchpipes, Da Rao 大擾 the
sexagenary cycle of the calendar, and Li Shou 隸首 mathematics. The Yellow Emperor ruled for one
hundred years. His tomb mound Huangling 黄陵 is to be found in Huangling 黄陵, Shaanxi.”32

Throughout the Philippine Cordillera region, “Lumauig was frequently encountered, often as a son
Kabunian who descended to earth.” (Jill Galle de Villa, Maria Farr, Gladys Jones. E Masferre: People of the
Philippine Cordillera, Photographs 1934-1956. Philippines: Devcon IP Inc.. 1988. p120). It is Lumauig from sky
world /heaven that thought the mountain tribes how to plant rice, rituals and customs pleasing to the
gods, and brought many beneficial gifts. The American historian W.H. Scott suggested that Lumauig
may have been a real person mythologized through time.

Armenian legends hold that Hayk, great grandson of Noah, founded Armenia when he departed from
Babylon after the Tower of Babel incident. This brought down the ire of Nimrod, other stories call the
protagonist Bel, who led an army to get the freedom loving Hayk in line. Hayk led a successful

World Myth or History? 132

rebellion against the Babylonian tyrant and built a settlement in the Armenian highlands. Armenia may
have been named after his son Armenak. 33

Dangun, son of the woman Ung-Yo and her husband Hwang Ung (a direct descendant of Hwanin, the
Emperor of Heaven) is seen as the founder of the first Korean kingdom, Gojoseon, which dates to
around 2300 B.C.34 This is around the same time as the dispersion of the nations, after the
appearance of various languages.

Gikuyu is seen as the ancient ancestor of the peoples of Africa that live around the foothills of Mount
Kenya. Gikuyu had been given the lands by Mogai who was also credited with the construction of
Kere Nyaga (Mount Kenya). Traditions hold that Mogai rested on that mountain when he came
around after travelling the world. When Gikuyu had nine daughters but no sons, Mogai provided
young men for them after the sacrifice of a ram. (Dr. Alice Mills, ed. Old World Mythology. Australia: Global Book
Publishing. 2009. p 110)

The ancient roots of the nations of the world today may be traced back to the the second age fathers
as recorded by historians of antiquity. Egypt is still called by the name of its forefather founder
-Mizraim (grandson of Noah, Genesis 10:6) in several languages including: Hebrew: ‫מצרר יים‬
‫ צ‬/ ‫מצרר יים‬
‫ צ‬,
Modern Mitzráyim Tiberian Miṣrāyim / Miṣráyim ; cf. Arabic ‫مصر‬, Miṣr.35

Unfortunately for those who insist on billions of years of time with 100,000 years of human existence,
this is as far as the record goes. And in all practicality, the record of a nation may go no further than a
single man --the founding forefather.

The nations of this age, although spread out over the globe, seemed to have maintained a form of
communication and relationships. Evidence of trade and commerce from as far as the Indus Valley
Civilizations (2500-1500 BC) with Sumer have been proven by numerous Indus seals uncovered by
archaeologists in Mesopotamia --around 600 miles away. 36

Foreign relations were maintained, and seemed to include the assistance for the establishment of
civilizations. Just as in the mythology surrounding Yu the Great’s achievements in developing the
rivers of China with the assistance of the River God He Bo (who gave him river charts), the deity Fu
Xi (who gave jade tablets with trigonometric charts), and Lady Yunhua (who gave a helpful
hydrological book) along with two of her people (presumably engineers or specialists) to support Yu
the Great with his work.37 Could the persons mentioned have been sent from other lands to share the
technologies needed for this massive hydrological project?

World Myth or History? 133

In ancient Sumerian text regarding the nation of Dilmun, we find the goddess Ninsikilla (literally, the
pure queen) who had been put in charge of the land of Dilmun (possibly present day Bahrain) asking
for help with their water problems. Enki then responds by sending Utu to assist in resolving their
water issues.
“Utu stationed in heaven, brought her (Ninsikilla) sweet water from the earth, from the sources of the
earth, Brought up the water into her large reservoirs (?), Made her city drink from them the water of
abundance, Made Dilmun drink from them the water of abundance, Her wells of bitter water became
wells of sweet water, Her furrowed fields and acres yielded her grain, Her city became the “dock-
yard” -house of the (inhabited) land, Dilmun became the “dock-yard” -house of the (inhabited) land.”38
The similarities between the description of Utu’s accomplishments with the works of Yu the Great,
Mizraim, and Nimrod (Ninurta) are difficult to miss, developing the water from the source to the
people and for agriculture, in order to make the land habitable for the new colonies. Utu who had
been ‘stationed’ in heaven, may have been sent from the homebase from where Noah and other first
age peoples may have established some form of accessible central authority.

However, not everybody agreed with heaven’s game plan of spreading out over the earth, even after
the dramatic Tower of Babel event. The Genesis 10 account repeatedly describes how the peoples
were ‘separated into their lands, according to their language, according to their families, into their
nations.’ The exception was Nimrod, grandson of Ham son of Noah, who was apparently not satisfied
with going abroad to start just a nation. Instead, the book of Genesis records him as the very first to
start his own kingdom. “The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh,
in the land of Shinar.”39

It seems that not only did he rebelliously stay in the land of Shinar where the Babel event occurred,
but he was also able to convince several linguistic groups to remain under his rule. Possibly due to
the differences in languages, Nimrod had to build several separate cities and not one huge powerful
one. The book of Genesis tells us that, “From that land he went forth into Assyria, and built Nineveh
and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city.”40

Because of the diversity of languages and possibly differences in appellations given to Nimrod, it is to
be expected that ancient historical records would present him with much variations. Although there
are extra biblical sources like the Koran, that also calls him Nimrod and records much of his impious
acts and adventures, as well as giving clues that he had lived well over 400 years.41 The Mas’udi
(“Muruj al-Dhahab,” ii, 96) mentions Nimrod as the first Babylonian king, who during a reign of sixty
years, dug many canals in ‘Irak.42

World Myth or History? 134

“The author of the "Ta'rikh Muntaḥab" (quoted by D'Herbelot in his "Bibliothèque Orientale") identifies
Nimrod with Daḥḥak (the Persian Zoḥak), the first Persian king after the Flood.”43
Nimrod is considered by Arab traditions to be the supreme example of a tyrant --al jabbar. “...he built
the Tower of Babel and also a bridge over the Euphrates, and reigned five hundred years over the
Nabatæans, his kinsmen.”43
The long life span attributed to Nimrod would be consistent with the second age records. This would
also explain the mythical stories of encounters between Nimrod and Abraham, who was born
hundreds of years after the Babel event.

Nimrod may also have gone by the name Marduk, “... the name of Marduk, who also is represented
as a hunter, are read phonetically "Amar Ud"; and ideographically they may be read "Namr Ud"—in
Hebrew "Nimrod."” 43

In the Enuma Elish, Babylonian creation story, Marduk is credited with many things including
abundance in harvest due to his building of channels, watercourses, dikes and ditches. Marduk is
glorified by the gods as ruler over all and appoints him as the official law giver of the world.
"The binding of all my decrees shall he control,
"All my commands shall he make known! "
By the name of "Fifty" did the great gods
Proclaim his fifty names, they made his path pre-eminent."44
It also seems that Marduk was a man called by many names --at least fifty according to this myth.

Nimrod was known in Erech, a city that he had built, under another name. “Enmerkar was a
renowned priest-king of the city of Uruk (= ‘Erech’ in Genesis 10:10), Enmerkar being the Sumerian
name of the ‘mighty man’ whom the Hebrews knew as Nimrod.”45

Nimrod has also been correlated to King Amraphel of Shinar and King Hammurabi of Babylon. Many
scholars claim that the names of these two are phonetically similar, if not identical. “The connection
between the two names becomes clearer when we consider that the familiar English spellings of the
names as we know them are really approximations of Ammi-rabi or Ammurapi or Hammum-rabi,
some of which are close to Amraphel. Moreover, Amraphel's kingdom, Shinar, has long been
identified with the Sumerian/Babylonian Empire where Hammurabi held sway.”46
“Still another midrash holds that Nimrod is also called Amraphel because his words caused
"darkness", a notarikon-type play on the words amarah ("statement") and afelah ("darkness").”47
Nimrod is called in Genesis a ‘mighty hunter’ and tradition sees it also to represent hunting or
trapping men with his words.

World Myth or History? 135

Hammurabi, the mighty Babylonian king, was made famous by his introduction to civilization of his
civil code. And although he established that the laws had been divinely handed to him, Hammurabi
made it clear that he himself was the wise author of the laws. In the preamble to the Code,
Hammurabi says that the gods had, “...assigned to Marduk, the over-ruling son of Ea, God of
righteousness, dominion over earthly man, and made him great among the Igigi, they called Babylon
by his illustrious name, made it great on earth, and founded an everlasting kingdom in it, whose
foundations are laid so solidly as those of heaven and earth; then Anu and Bel called by name me,
Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land,
to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak; so that I
should rule over the black-headed people like Shamash, and enlighten the land, to further the well-
being of mankind.”48 He had started off by claiming divine mandate to rule over man, then takes the
role of enforcer of righteousness, protector of the weak, and bringer of enlightenment upon himself --
all roles of God.

Interestingly, in the preamble to the civil laws, both Marduk and Hammurabi are proclaimed as the
ruler over all. This conflict in the text would be resolved easily if the two names were both actually
referring to a single person. Marduk was made the lawmaker by the gods in the 7th tablet of the
Enuma Elish. Likewise, Hammurabi declares himself appointed by the gods in this ancient text.

Hammurabi then goes on and on listing his numerous achievements in bringing wealth and harvest,
rescuing the oppressed, providing water, military exploits, doing all sorts of amazing deeds for the
good of the people --sounding very much like a standard political speech. Also, similar to the
accomplishments of Ninurta (Nimrod) in the Lugal-e. The name Hammurabi may have been derived
from ‘Ham the Great” --Nimrod being the grandson of Ham.49

Regarding the laws set forth by Hammurabi, it is significant to note that,

“This code taught man that God alone was no longer the source of the law. Rather, the law was to
come from man, using the human faculties endowed within him.”50 The idea of a civil law and justice
system sounds good, but it was a departure from the dependence on what God says to be right or
wrong, to man’s judgment of what is fair or unjust. The root of this kind of thinking can be traced back
to the first age event in the Garden of Eden, when humanity wanted to be ‘like God, knowing good
and evil’.51 And as a result, deciding for themselves what is to be good or bad, right or wrong, and
just or unjust.

The apostle Paul explained concisely how dangerous this kind of thinking is. Regarding the divinely
instituted Mosaic law, he said, “The law code had a perfectly legitimate function. Without its clear

World Myth or History? 136

guidelines for right and wrong, moral behavior would be mostly guesswork. Apart from the succinct,
surgical command, “You shall not covet,” I could have dressed covetousness up to look like a virtue
and ruined my life with it.”52 Without an unchangeable guideline for mankind, an anchor that cannot
be moved by the winds of opinion and current culture, then man can easily make wrong things seem
like the right thing to do.

“Targum Yerushalmi states that the mighty hunter Nimrod entrapped men with his words. What
would he say? He would say, "Distance yourselves from the laws of Shem and attach yourselves to
the laws of Nimrod.”53 (This would be referring to Shem, son of Noah who had chosen to continue
obeying and trusting in the God of his forefathers.) This quotation reinforces the link of Hammurabi /
Marduk / Nimrod as the ancient civil code law maker.

The God of the Hebrew scriptures made it clear that Abraham and his descendants had received His
blessing, “because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and
My laws.”54 Making it clear, that the laws maintained by Abraham and his children were not man made
but came directly from the divine unchangeable Creator.

Josephus tells us that, “Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of
God...He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy,
but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually
changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but
to bring them into a constant dependence on his power.”55

Nimrod had discovered that one way of controlling people was to incorporate his will and beliefs into
the laws of the land to be implemented by his armed forces. He determined what was wrong or right,
just or unjust and imposed the judgments he deemed due. He effectively unhooked his government
from the anchor of God’s solid unchanging word to that of fallible man’s idea of right and wrong. This
is the root of many laws passed today that allow for actions that may be legal, but not right, according
to God’s word.

The prophet Isaiah spoke of the divine anger against the legalization of injustice and wrongdoing for
the sake of selfish gain.
“Doom to you who legislate evil,
who make laws that make victims—
Laws that make misery for the poor,
that rob my destitute people of dignity,

World Myth or History? 137

Exploiting defenseless widows,
taking advantage of homeless children.
What will you have to say on Judgment Day,
when Doomsday arrives out of the blue?
Who will you get to help you?
What good will your money do you?”56

The complexity of the legal jargon, as well as the many expert interpreters (lawyers) who are needed
to determine their exact meaning, and its inability to bring out the best in mankind is expressed well in
this quotation from the book of Romans written by Paul around 2,000 years ago, regarding the
promised blessing that would come through the lineage of Abraham.
“That famous promise God gave Abraham—that he and his children would possess the earth—was
not given because of something Abraham did or would do. It was based on God’s decision to put
everything together for him, which Abraham then entered when he believed. If those who get what
God gives them only get it by doing everything they are told to do and filling out all the right forms
properly signed, that eliminates personal trust completely and turns the promise into an ironclad
contract! That’s not a holy promise; that’s a business deal. A contract drawn up by a hard-nosed
lawyer and with plenty of fine print only makes sure that you will never be able to collect. But if there
is no contract in the first place, simply a promise—and God’s promise at that—you can’t break it.”57

Nimrod wanted the opposite of what God had commanded. He did not want people spread over the
earth living freely under the rule of Heaven. Nimrod wanted a kingdom, a unified empire that ruled all
mankind, a mighty undefeatable man made super power that could perhaps even face off against
God Himself. And with this kind of mindset, peace on earth could not last much longer.

While the righteous Noah lived, peace was maintained as the colonies settled into their lands and
grew into nations. The Genesis records tell us that Noah lived another 350 years after the Deluge.
This would mean that he would have still been around during Abraham’s youth. Noah would have
been around to witness the rise of several ancient civilizations, and may have had the time to visit
them. His sons, who could have lived hundreds of years after their father, would have been around to
assist in the development of the nations within their continents.

Ancient texts and maps hold the record of a world divided into three continents: Asia, Africa, and
Europe. Shem presided over Asia, Ham was ruler of Africa (a.k.a. Libya), and the land given to
Japheth was the continent of Europe. The scope of these continents in antiquity, far exceeded what
falls under their current domain.

World Myth or History? 138

The Vedic Manu from India, who along with his three sons were preserved from the Deluge that
destroyed the earth and all that lived on it, divided the world amongst his sons. Manu was
“particularly fond of Jyapeti, to whom he gave all the regions to the north of Himalaya, in the snowy
mountains, which extend from sea to sea, and of which Caucasus is a part. To Sharma he allotted
the countries to the south of those mountains…”58 Tradition maintains that his third son, C’harma,
received the lands west of the Red Sea and south of the Mediterranean.

St. Isidore of Seville, 600 - 636 A.D. Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX. 12/22/15. <>

Root of Religions

Plato records that after the dispersion of the colonies, in the time before wars started, civilization
founders directed the people by directing their beliefs.
“So by just allotments they received each one his own, and they settled their countries; and when
they had just settled them, they reared us up, even as herdsmen rear their flocks, to be their cattle
and nurslings; only it was not our bodies that they constrained by bodily force, like shepherds guiding
their flocks with stroke of staff, but they directed from the stern where the living creature is easiest to
turn about, laying hold on the soul by persuasion, as by a rudder, according to their own disposition;
and thus they drove and steered all the mortal kind...”59

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As the colonies established themselves and multiplied in the lands appointed to them, rulers
understood that the way to govern a people was not by sheer force, but by winning over their hearts
and minds. They discovered that when the devotion of the people had been won, then it was not
difficult to get them to do the tasks that you would have them do. This was accomplished by the early
founders through belief systems, which we now call religions.

Myth and lore tell us that many of the early founders of civilization saw the establishment of the right
faith and beliefs to be of utmost importance, like the Mesoamerican Viracocha who travelled from
land to land to ensure that the peoples were obeying the commands of God.
Some of the second age colonies kept the faith of Noah and the laws of Creator God, the unseen all
powerful, omniscient, omnipresent Lord of Heaven and Earth, who had created man, in His great
love, to rule over the earth.

The peoples of China started their civilization with a deep reverence for the invisible God and knew
that leadership over the people was a responsibility given by Heaven. Use and manufacture of idols
in China only began with the influx of buddhism over a thousand years later. They also realized that in
order to rule the people, the sovereign must first have won their heart and soul.
“The people are not constant to those whom they cherish; --they cherish only him who is
benevolent...A place of difficulty is the Heaven-(conferred) seat. When there are (those) virtues, good
government is realized; when they are not, disorder comes...good government will surely lead to
prosperity; to pursue the courses of disorder will surely lead to ruin...The former king was always
zealous in the reverent cultivation of his virtue, so that he was the fellow of God.”60
The ancient Chinese saw all virtues, principles and laws as coming from Heaven. And rulers,
appointed by God to carry out Heaven’s will. “Heaven loves the people, and the sovereign should
reverently carry out (this mind of) Heaven.”61

Abraham, the father of many nations, is also known as the father of faith. Josephus, the historian of
antiquity tells us about what made Abraham’s beliefs stick out.
“...he determined to renew and to change the opinion all men happened then to have concerning
God; for he was the first that ventured to publish this notion, That there was but one God, the Creator
of the universe; and that, as to other [gods], if they contributed any thing to the happiness of men,
that each of them afforded it only according to his appointment, and not by their own power. This his
opinion was derived from the irregular phenomena that were visible both at land and sea, as well as
those that happen to the sun, and moon, and all the heavenly bodies, thus: - "If [said he] these
bodies had power of their own, they would certainly take care of their own regular motions; but since
they do not preserve such regularity, they make it plain, that in so far as they co-operate to our

World Myth or History? 140

advantage, they do it not of their own abilities, but as they are subservient to Him that commands
them, to whom alone we ought justly to offer our honor and thanksgiving."62
Abraham established that there was only one true God, the supreme ruler and maker of everything.
This kind of thinking was not the norm in the second age mindset that had been heavily influenced by
errors and purposeful propaganda. Abraham saw their noteworthy ancestors who had achieved so
much, not as gods but mere men who owed God thanksgiving for their accomplishments. He also
pointed out that all awe inspiring things and natural forces, celestial or terrestrial, were also not gods
but creations, that owe their existence and actions to the invisible Creator, who expresses Himself
through the world He made.

Ancient historian Diodorus Siculus enlightens us as to the dual meanings of those that are mistakenly
called gods in antiquity. “‘As regards the gods, then, men of ancient times have handed down to later
generations two different conceptions: Certain of the gods, they say, are eternal and imperishable,
such as the sun and the moon and the other stars of the heavens, and the winds as well and
whatever else possesses a nature similar to theirs; for of each of these the genesis and duration are
from everlasting to everlasting. But the other gods, we are told, were terrestrial beings who attained
to immortal honor and fame because of their benefactions to mankind...Regarding these terrestrial
gods many and varying accounts have been handed down by the writers of history and
Diodorus clarifies to his audience that the second age civilizations spoke of the celestial bodies and
other forces of nature as gods. Planets that had significant roles in the destruction of the ages are
particularly emphasized as mythological deities. Diodorus notes that the second age peoples also
referred to the notable founders of early civilization, who had achieved amazing feats, as gods. The
idea of the early civilization founders as divinity is especially apparent when referring to Noah, his
immediate family, and others rulers who had very long second age life spans. This redefining of the
title ‘god/s’ in ancient literature and historical records is a great aid in understanding ancient myth.
Thus, it is not surprising when the Sibylline Chronicles rename Noah and his wife as the gods Uranus
and Gaia, while his three sons become Cronos, Titan and Iapetus.64 Likewise, many of the founding
fathers of the nations may have also been considered gods.

The book of Enoch reveals that the root of worshipping the celestial bodies as gods started after the
destruction of the Deluge brought about by the commotion in the heavens.
“And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order (prescribed); And these shall alter their orbits
and tasks, And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them. And the whole order of the stars shall
be concealed from the sinners, And the thoughts of those on earth shall err concerning them, [And
they shall be altered from all their ways], Yea, they shall err and take them to be gods.”65

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There is a distinct difference between the ancient Hebrew and Chinese records, for example,
referring to celestial bodies causing disturbances here on earth, versus the general mythology from
various continents that attribute it to the quirks and actions of the planetary ‘gods’. Apparently the
terror and desolation inflicted by these planets may have caused some to worship the creation
instead of the Creator who guides their courses. This is evident in the destructions of the ages
relayed in the Aztec Calendar Stone that tells us that some were caused by the disagreement of the
gods Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca 66 that have been linked with the planets Venus and Mars. The
two gods had fought. The battle ended with Tezcatlipoca sending Quetzalcoatl, who had caused the
destruction of the first age to go away, returning only every 52 years.

Greek mythology relates how the goddess pallas Athene (Venus) was born, and battled with the god
Ares (Mars) with thunderbolts, shaking both heaven and earth. The ancient manuscript of the Indian
Rig Veda tells of “the birth of Venus as Aditi, and the subsequent close encounters of Venus with the
Earth, originally as Agni (fire), as Mitra-Varuna, and the lesser deities.”67
There is some difficulty in interpretation caused by the Rishis’ (sage/poet/record keepers of Vedic
traditions) tendency to call the same thing by several names. As Venus is called Aditi, Agni and
Varuna -- Mars was Indra, Hari, Yama, Rudra and Vishnu. The Rig Veda records that, “Between the
two great gods, Indra and Varuna, there is cooperation at first, but cooperation soon turns to rivalry,
and rivalry to discomfiture of the Asura king. In R.V. 7.82-85 the two gods work together, but their
functions are contrasted...In another hymn (R.V.4-42), however, the rivalry between the (two) comes
to the surface: Varuna addresses Indra and asserts his absolute sovereignty:
"I Varuna, am king,' he says, `To me was the dignity of asura first assigned...I Varuna, am
Indra [too]. I, knowing the two wide, deep firmly established areas of space in all their grandeur,
[knowing] all creatures as their fashioner, I have set in motion both the worlds and maintain them. I
made the dripping waters swell forth; in the seat of the law did I establish the heavens. By virtue of
the law is the son of Aditi (Varuna) possessed of the law, and threefold has he extended the Earth."”67

This mythical battle of words actually identifies Varuna (Venus/Quetzalcoatl) as the one used to make
the waters of the Deluge swell forth and setting in motion havoc in both the heavens and the earth. In
a sense, because of her role in the destruction of the first age, Venus was seen as the ‘creator’ of the
new age.

Venus has been worshipped in ancient Egypt under many names, including Horus. The birth of Horus
by Isis has been traced to the very beginning of Egyptian civilization.
“In ancient Egyptian "Neb Heru" /NEBHERU/ House of Horus/Venus was known to have had

World Myth or History? 142

different places in the solar system in the past before stabilizing.
All of this occurred after the death of Horus’ father Osiris fragmented into pieces . In all ancient
Egyptian texts referring to ancient times we speak of the eye "associated with the word planet".
Hathor was the wanderer planet who created the panic and major damage to humans at certain
times. It is said that these disasters started agreement with the God Ra, due to the impiety of men.
And then it was very hard to stop the wandering devastating Venus. However, it is thanks to this
"movement of" Venus that Horus: NEbHeru / VENUS took the opportunity to attack his opponents,
the forces of evil in the universe . Horus / NEBHERU / Venus was then considered a new bright sun
which seemed to go back and forth to Earth throughout times.”68

The Babylonian myths of the battles of Tiamat and Marduk from the Enuma Elish seem to be another
ancient retelling of the mythical battles fought by Venus and Mars. Tiamat is called ‘the mother of us
all’ which is similar to Varuna’s (Venus) claim that it was she who had fashioned the world and its
creatures. Marduk was described as fiery, “When he moved his lips a fire broke out...And his eyes in
like number saw in every direction…”The son, the sun, the sunlight of the gods!”” Marduk played with
the four winds, making dust storms and causing trouble with Tiamat from his youth. 69 The ancient
Chinese name for Mars is literally translated as the ‘fire star’. It was not uncommon for deified
humans during this age to be identified with specific celestial bodies. Thus, Marduk which could have
been a name used for Nimrod, may also be used for the fiery warrior planet Mars.

Tiamat on a rampage had brought her brood, her children, to cause destruction and those sent
against her were powerless to stop her on her ‘course’. Children may be a possible reference to
cometary fragments that have broken off from the main celestial body.
“Tiamat our mother has grown angry with us, “She has convened an assembly, furious with rage. “All
the gods rallied around her…”Angry, scheming, never lying down night and day, “Making warfare,
rumbling, raging...Added countless invincible weapons, gave birth to monster serpents, “Pointed of
fang, with merciless incisors (?), “She filled their bodies with venom for blood. “Fierce dragons she
clad with glories, “Causing them to bear auras like gods.”69
This seems like a graphic poetic description of fiery serpent Venus in her cometary phase followed by
her many serpentine children (cometary fragments), all posing grave potential danger as they
travelled in an orbital path close to earth.

The impact of this dangerous assembly and the venom that they carry is understood when we learn
more about the dangers of celestial bodies crashing onto earth,
“Impact specialist Peter Schultz of Brown University believes that a low grazing impact would
produce hurricane force winds and lethal clouds of carbon monoxide, while ionization of the

World Myth or History? 143

atmosphere [would] engulf the region with noxious NO and NO2 gases.”70
Vedic Hymns call these terrifying brood of meteorites Maruts.
“May your march be brilliant, O Maruts...Shining like snakes. May that straightforward shaft of yours,
O Maruts, bounteous givers, be far from us, and far the stone which you hurl!”71

When the god Marduk prepared to battle the goddess Tiamat, he prepared his weapons which
included arrows, a mace, battle net of winds and, “Thunderbolts he set before his face, with raging
fire he covered his body.”72

“... in the language of myth and symbol, ancient accounts are filled with images of electricity in a
terrifying form - as the lightning bolt wielded by gods and heroes. The "thunderbolts of the gods"
defy every effort to understand them as references to familiar lightning. They spiral and whirl and
entwine. They blossom as a flower, or stand as a great pillar supporting the sky. When referred to
natural phenomena on earth the images could not be more preposterous. Yet the divine thunderbolt
of world mythology and symbolism finds its parallels in electrical discharge structures seen in
plasma laboratory experiments. One outstanding example the way Greek sculptors carved the
thunderbolt in the hand of the god Zeus. Called the "lotus form," it looks like an elongated football
with spiral threads. Tibetans molded the gods’ thunderbolt into the form of a short double trident or
scepter, which lamas hold during prayer. These forms resemble the shapes taken by electric
discharge in a near-vacuum.”73

The epic celestial battles of the planetary gods are recorded in world mythology from the earliest
historical period. The powerful destructive forces that they must have manifested in mankind’s early
history was seared into the world’s collective memory. And when they were not wreaking chaos, the
planetary gods seemed to beam down on earth as benevolent overlords. It is easy to imagine how
people may grow to fear and revere them as gods.

The Book of Deuteronomy repeatedly warn the reader not to make the mistake of worshipping and
serving celestial bodies that were actually made by God for man. “And beware not to lift up your eyes
to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away
and worship them and serve them, those which the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples
under the whole heaven.”74

In this early age, after they had seen God move in such power and warn them not to worship other
gods. Why did they? The answer may be found in the mythologies themselves. Tradition tells us that
Nimrod was a master of words, and by his words he entrapped many.

World Myth or History? 144

In The Exploits of Ninurta (Ninurta Lugal-e) we find Ninurta (Nimrod) feasting with the gods when he
is called upon to fight the mighty Asag, who was a being made of stone, that led a revolt of stones
that were crushing his cities (Asag sounds very much like Venus in her cometary phase). Asag was
beginning to erode his kingdom but when Ninurta tries to attack this foe, he is pelted by fiery rocks
from heaven, causing earthquakes and he is forced to retreat. “The Asag leapt up at the head of the
battle. For a club it uprooted the sky, took it in its hand...Like a wall collapsing, the Asag fell on
Ninurta...Like an accursed storm it a gigantic snake, it roared at the Land. It dried up the
waters of the Mountains, dragged away the tamarisks, tore the flesh of the earth and covered her
with painful wounds. It set fire to the reed-beds. bathed the sky in blood, turned it inside out; it
dispersed the people there. At that moment, on that day, the fields became black potash, across the
whole extent of the horizon, reddish ike purple dye --truly it was so!”75

It is hard to miss the similarities between Asag and Tiamat. They are both serpentlike gods who are
connected to heaven and earth who bore destructive fearful offspring that terrified the peoples of the
world. Stones from the Asag raid and crush the cities --these stones are also called his warriors,
soldiers, and children.

Like Marduk, the hero Ninurta challenges this enemy, that even terrifies the gods, who offer him
absolute sovereignty in both myths should he be able to defeat it. Ninurta also uses the same
weapons like the mighty mace and the great battle net of winds to overcome the mighty Asag. By the
end of both epics, the company of the gods pay homage to the hero and give him the right to rule
over the earth. Note that Marduk and Ninurta were both names used by Nimrod.

Thus, Nimrod used the epic planetary battle seared into the psyche of all second age humanity as a
launching pad for his own divinity. In the exploits of Ninurta he weaves in the destructive planetary
powers of Mars with a campaign for his worship. “The Lord...clouds of dust in his battle he smote the
Mountains with a cudgel...made the storm-wind rise to heaven, scattering the people...Its venom
alone destroyed the townspeople. The destructive mace set fire to the mountains, the murderous
weapons smashed skulls with its painful teeth...The lane was struck into the ground and the
crevasses filled with blood. In the rebel lands dogs licked it up like milk. The enemy rose up, crying to
wife and child, “You did not lift your arms in prayer to Lord Ninurta”.”75

Both the Enuma Elish and the Lugal-e give us an insight into the fate of the cometary Venus. As
Tiamat is split in half by Marduk and becomes part of earth and heaven, the Asag becomes just a
stone of earth like her children, while the myth implies that another part of her is locked up into a

World Myth or History? 145

more orderly orbit by the gravitational pull of the planetary gods.
“Its face is deformed, its location is continually changing; day by day, the Asag adds territories to its
domain.” “But you will force it into the shackles of the gods. You, Antelope of Heaven, must trample
the Mountains beneath your hooves, Ninurta…””76

In the same way, Marduk controls Tiamat’s heavenly orbit, “Neberu is his star which he made visible
in the skies...He shall maintain the motions of the stars of heaven, “He shall herd all the gods
(planets) like sheep. “He shall keep Tiamat subdued…”She shall always be far off, she shall be
distant forever.” Because he created the firmament…”77

The comparison of Ninurta (Mars) as an Antelope while Asag (Venus) is like a Mountain, reminds us
of the immense size difference between tiny fiery Mars and the much larger Venus. This may have
appealed to Nimrod and his audience as relating to him facing off with the God of the Deluge.

Josephus records that not only did Nimrod want people to turn men from their faith in God by making
them dependent on his power, but “He also said that he would be revenged on God, if he should
have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be
able to reach! And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers!”78
Nimrod’s deep seated anger regarding the flood is revealed in the most ancient flood myths found in
the cities and areas, that the Genesis record tells us were built by him. These myths were not meant
to be bed time stories but actual historical records of their past, shown by the antediluvian and post
flood king lists that are often connected with them. The control of history is a very powerful tool.
Consider George Orwell’s (1984) observation that, “He who controls the past controls the future. He
who controls the present controls the past.”

The Eridu Genesis from Nippur in ancient Sumer (Shinar), Atrahasis Epic from fragments found in
Babylon and Assyria, Epic of Gilgamesh by the King of Uruk (Erech), and the Babylonian historian
Berosus --are all united in telling us that although it was Enlil (Creator God) who sent the flood, it was
Enki who saved mankind.79 The claim that it was Enki who rescued humanity from a vindictive and
angry god shows up in cities traditionally founded by Nimrod. This strange twist in the myth is in direct
contrast to biblical records and most worldwide flood myths that recount that it is both God who sent
the flood and delivered Noah, his family, and the animals. So who is Enki?
It is the role Enki plays in the Adapa Epic --earlier correlated to the event of Adam’s fall in the garden
of Eden, that reveals the character he corresponds to in the Genesis story. The Tablet of Adapa says
of Enki, “He (Enki) made broad understanding perfect in him (Adapa), To disclose the design of the
land. To him he gave wisdom, but did not give eternal life.”80

World Myth or History? 146

According to the Adapa Epic, it was Enki who had caused Adapa (Adam) to become wise in
understanding and who also through his deceptive advice caused Adapa to lose out on eternal
life.The Genesis record tells us that it is the snake who tempted Adam with fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, and in so doing brought death upon mankind. The book of Genesis
recounts that Eve was tempted to eat the fruit when, “...the tree was desirable to make one wise, she
took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.”81 Enki is revealed
as the serpent in the garden of Eden, otherwise known as Satan, the adversary of God, who had
fooled man into giving up eternal life.

Many books of ancient scripture make it clear that there is both a natural and supernatural realm at
work on planet earth. In the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet addresses two personalities as the King of
Tyre. First is the man who proclaimed himself a god, “Thus says the Lord God, “Because your heart
is lifted up and you have said, ‘I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods...yet you are a man and not God.”82

Second, Ezekiel speaks to the spiritual being behind the ruler’s self-deception, “‘Thus says the Lord
God, “You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the
garden of God..”.83 Since the one being addressed had been present in the Garden of Eden, we are
led to assume that the one being spoken to at this point is not human.

In the same manner, Nimrod may have been fooled into illusions of divinity by the adversary of God
who had instigated the entrance of death on the earth. Nimrod may have been totally unaware that
the Enki on whom he trusted, wanted nothing more than to use him in an agenda to steal, kill and

If it is Enki (Satan) that Nimrod saw as the salvation of mankind then it explains his anger against the
Creator and the mythology he built as the foundation of his kingdom. It also explains the spirit behind
the traditions, that hold that Nimrod had ordered a massacre of infants in order to stop the prophecy
of a coming king, when we remember the first age promise of God, that a son would be born that
would crush the serpent’s head (Genesis 3:15). “When Abraham was born he was hidden in a cave
because the king of the time, Nimrod, was warned that a child born in that year would dethrone him.
Nimrod decreed the killing of all newborn male children”.84

The second age citizens were deeply influenced by the fresh events that had let to the destruction of
the first age and the recreation of their world. Faith in God was the main factor in getting them to
obey. Nimrod redirected the belief, meant for God alone, to himself -- using a carefully crafted
rewritten history for his own purposes.

World Myth or History? 147

His ‘histories’ have a recurring sub-theme of man’s creation by the gods for the sole purpose of doing
the work of the gods, thus making life for the gods easier. The Eridu Genesis from ancient Sumer tells
us that, “after the universe was created out of the chaos of the sea, the gods evolved and they in turn
created mankind to farm, herd and worship them.”85

The Atrahasis Epic starts with a violent uprising in heaven when the gods rebel against their chief
deity for making them do the heavy labor of digging ditches. “Every single one of us declared war!
We have put a stop to the digging. The load is excessive, it is killing us! Our work is too hard, the
trouble too much! So every single one of us gods Has agreed to complain to Elil.”86 The myth goes on
to tell us that the solution was “...create a mortal man so that he may bear the yoke...So that he may
bear the yoke, the work of Elil, Let man bear the load of the gods!”86

This reason for mankind’s creation also appears in the Enuma Elish, “He imposed the burden of the
gods and exempted the gods. After Ea the wise had made mankind, They imposed the burden of the
gods on them! That deed is beyond comprehension, By the artifices of Marduk did Nudimmud
create!”87 Marduk (Nimrod) is credited as a god that was part of the creative process in making
humanity as well as the sovereign god who has the authority to make the rules. Amazing how a little
twisted history can make a world of difference.

After Ninurta defeated the Asag in the Lugal-e, he claimed it his right to recruit from every household
to do the ‘works of the gods’ “...since the gods of the Land were subject to servitude, and had to carry
the hoe and basket --this was their corvee work --people called on a household for the recruitment of

Another idea Nimrod propagated through his revised histories is that the survivors of the flood were
granted eternal life or made to be ‘like god’. This theme consistently shows up in the Eridu Genesis,
Atrahasis Epic, Epic of Gilgamesh, and even with Berosus (Ancient Babylonian historian). Here we
find the root of why the early rulers were seen as gods.
And as supreme deity, Marduk (a.k.a.Nimrod, Ninurta, Amraphel, Hammurabi, etc) supposedly ruled
both heaven and earth by sovereign right surrendered to him by the gods. “He shall do the same on
earth as what he brought to pass in heaven. “He shall appoint the black-headed folk to serve him.
“Let the subjects be mindful that their gods should be invoked...Let the black-headed folk be divided
as to gods, “But by whatever name we call him, let him be our god.”89

Thus, in the second age civilization, we discover the roots of why exceptional people through history
may have been worshipped as gods, as well as things that may seem ‘eternal’, such as celestial

World Myth or History? 148

bodies and natural processes. Even in this early stage of man, we realize the ability of what we
believe, whether truth or fiction, to control our actions and decisions. As Plato put it, the early leaders
used the soul as a rudder to control and steer mankind.

In this age the people could have probably made trips to view the ark that had been used in the
Deluge, climbed up the unfinished tower of Babel, and seen the devastation of the violently fashioned
new land. They needed to know their history, but history is rewritten by the powerful, who make
revisions in order to see their desired future.

The North American tales of Montezuma (no relation to the Aztec emperor) relate that after the
destruction of the tower he had made people build to reach the sky, and the confusion of languages,
“...Montezuma shook his fists toward the sky and called: “Great Mystery Power, I defy you. I shall
fight you. I shall tell the people not to pray or make sacrifices of corn and fruit to the Creator. I,
Montezuma, am taking your place!””90

True religion, according to the epistle of James, is to care for the weak and defenseless,and “to keep
oneself unstained by the world” (James 1:27, NASB). Using manipulation of words and revision of
history, the God who created mankind in love, and mandated leaders to serve His people in love, is
transmuted to self-proclaimed god-kings tyrannically demanding the service of people. This is the
root of man-made religions.

Root of Wars

The Sibylline Chronicles tell us that although the three brothers, Shem, Ham and Japheth, had sworn
to their father to maintain peaceful relations, this promise quickly went downhill as soon as the
patriarch Noah died.
“And each one having his own portion reigned and fought not; for a father’s oaths were there and
equal were their portions. But the time complete of old age on the father came, and he died; and the
sons infringing oaths stirred up against each other bitter strife, which one should have the royal rank
and rule over all the mortals; and against each other Cronus and Titan fought.”91

Cronus and Titan seem to have have referred to the descendants of Ham and Shem, two of Noah’s
sons. With the patriarch Noah gone, ambitions of building kingdoms and empires which would rule
over all the nations began to sprout cruel tendrils over the earth. The often repeated desire to ‘rule the
world’ is not a new idea, but one that has roots from the very beginning of civilization.

World Myth or History? 149

Shem and Ham were polar opposites. Ancient legends hold that Shem was Melchizedek (Priest of the
Most High) and that he established a school to study the righteous laws of God.
“Although Shem is unanimously declared by the Rabbis to have been the youngest son of Noah
(comp. Japheth in Rabbinical Literature), yet he is always named first, being the most important of
the three brothers...he was the ancestor of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; he was priest and prophet;
and he was one of the eight righteous who are mentioned twice in Gen. xi. 10 and who were allotted
a portion both in this world and in the world to come (Sanh. 69b; Tan., Yelammedenu, Noaḥ; Midr. ha-
Gadol on Gen. ix. 18, xi. 10, ed. Schechter, cols. 142, 186). Shem is styled "the' great one" ("Shem
rabba"; Sanh. 108b).”92

Ham, the second son of Noah, was called the youngest (least) by his father in the book of Genesis
9:24. This could be a derogatory reference to Ham’s character and way of thinking, since it is not
based on birth order. Traditions hold that Ham may have had been involved in some form of sexual
perversion or wickedness that brought about his father’s curse on Ham’s son Canaan.

Manu, chief of the deluge survivors from Hindu lore, “cursed C’harma; because when the old
Monarch was accidentally inebriated with a strong liquor made of fermented rice, C’harma laughed:
and it was in consequence of his father’s imprecation that he became a slave to the slaves of his

Hebrew scriptures tell us that Shem, Ham and Japheth are Noah’s sons, but it makes it clear that
Canaan is not one of his children. “Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem and
Ham and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan.”94 Then the story is told of how Noah got
drunk with wine and lay uncovered in his tent, and how his son Ham saw his father’s nakedness and
boasted of it to his brothers who covered their father with a garment, taking care not to see their
father’s nakedness. Once again, we are told that Ham is the father of Canaan. “Ham, the father of
Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside.”95
What did it mean during those ancient times, when they said to ‘uncover’ or see their father’s
nakedness? Why was it such a big deal? The book of Leviticus provides a possible explanation of its
meaning, and warns us against this serious sexual perversion. “You shall not uncover the nakedness
of your father, that is, the nakedness of your mother. She is your mother; you are not to uncover her
nakedness. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s wife; it is your father’s
Upon discovering what his son (Ham) had done, Noah cursed the child Canaan to become a servant
of his brothers Shem and Japheth.
So he said,

World Myth or History? 150

“Cursed be Canaan;
A servant of servants
He shall be to his brothers.”
26 He also said,
“Blessed be the LORD,
The God of Shem;
And let Canaan be his servant.
27 “May God enlarge Japheth,
And let him dwell in the tents of Shem;
And let Canaan be his servant.”97
Under the generation of the descendants of Noah listed in Genesis 10, Canaan is clearly listed as
one of the four sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. How could Canaan also be the brother
of Shem and Japheth? One possibility would be, if Canaan were the son of Ham with his mother.

Ancient mythology is replete with stories of the primeval goddess who became both mother and wife
to a god of some significance...she was known to the Greeks as Ma, a name which may have been
as old as that of the Sumerian Mama (the creatrix), or Mamitum (goddess of destiny); in Armenia she
was Anaitis; in Cilicia she was Ate (’Atheh of Tarsus); while in Phrygia she was best known as
Cybele, mother of Attis, who links with Ishtar as mother and wife of Tammuz, Aphrodite as mother
and wife of Adonis, and Isis as mother and wife of Osiris. The Great Mother was in Phoenicia called
Astarte; she was a form of Ishtar, and identical with the Biblical Ashtoreth.98

The Greek god Uranus (a.k.a. Saturn or Ouranos) was the god who ruled the sky or the heavens
from the end of the first to the start of the second age. Uranus was married to Gaia, earth mother
goddess, and their children were the Titans. According to myth, Heaven (Uranus) had many more
children, some of which he found displeasing, such as the giant cyclops and monsters with a hundred
hands and fifty heads. Some stories say that Uranus feared their strength to usurp his rule and so he
trapped them inside the bowels of the earth (Gaia). This may refer to the first age giants that had
plagued mankind and were destroyed in the flood, literally burying them in the earth under thousands
of feet of sediment. But this events brought Gaia much internal turmoil and she conspired with her
son, Cronus, to depose her husband from his position of power. Cronus hid inside her cranny and
waited for his father to approach his wife with amorous intent. When Uranus came to embrace Gaia,
Cronus cut of his sex organ and cast it into the sea. The drops of blood falling to the earth caused the
conception of new giants, and the sea foam around the discarded genitalia formed Aphrodite.
“After Uranus (the sky) had been emasculated, the sky separated from Gaia (the earth) and Cronus
became king of the gods.”99

World Myth or History? 151

Aphrodite, the goddess of love and desire born from the aforementioned events, is also known as a
mother goddess who takes the position as both mother and wife to Adonis.The goddess of lust
springs forth from the emasculation of Uranus. Like in the Hebrew scriptures that call Ham the
youngest (the least), Greek myth tells us that Cronus was the youngest son of Uranus. The Oedipal
aspects of the story are hard to miss.

Cronus was then overthrown by his son Zeus who became king of god and men in the war of the
Gigantomachy. Uranus had foretold that, as Cronus had emasculated his father, he in turn would be
defeated by his son. Because of this, Cronus swallowed his children as soon as they were born.
Assisted by Gaia, Rhea (Cronus’ wife) was able to save Zeus, who fulfilled his grandfather’s curse. 100

Traditions and lore regarding Noah hold that he travelled around the world and ended up living on the
heights of a northern mountain, similar to the myth of the Mesoamerican Viracocha. The location of
Noah appear to have been common knowledge to the peoples of the ancient world. After the Deluge,
the Hindu Manu (Satyavrata) along with some of his first descendants, “are represented in the
Puranas as living in the mountains to the north of India, toward the sources of the Ganges, and
downwards as far as Serinagara and Hari-dwar. But the rulers of mankind lived on the summit of
Meru, towards the north; where they appear to have established the seat of justice, as the Puranas
make frequent mention of the oppressed repairing thither for redress.”101

The Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh tells of Utnapishtim (Noah), whom Gilgamesh had sought and
found in a distant land where rivers flowed. Utnapishtim explained that they had been made to be
“Like to us gods; in the distance afar at the mouth of the rivers Uta-Napishtim shall dwell'. (So) they
took me and (there) in the distance. Caused me to dwell at the mouth of the rivers.”102

It seemed that during the second age, there might have been some sort of central authority. Noah
may have been seen as the representative of the God of Heaven, and may have explained and
imparted Heaven’s will and laws to the newly established nations of the earth. From the northern
mountain from which rivers flowed, Noah along with some of the first generations may have
established a form of government where the general population could turn to for guidance, justice and
other forms of assistance.

After defeating Uranus (sky/heaven), Greek myth tells us that Cronus took over the throne in Mount
Heaven (a.k.a. Mount Othrys), until his son Zeus usurped the throne and moved the seat of power to
Mount Olympus. The Sumerian Marduk, in the Enuma Elish, moved the center of operations from
Apsu to Esagila in Babylon.103

World Myth or History? 152

The overthrow of Uranus by Cronus (the Titanomachy), and the succeeding defeat of Cronus at the
hands of Zeus (the Gigantomachy) are two wars of kingdom succession that find echoes in the
mythology of many ancient nations.

In the Hittite myth the Kingship in Heaven,104 Anu defeats Alalus, who is sent down to the dark bowels
of the earth, and Anu reigns as king of heaven. Kumarbi, who used to serve Anu, fought against him,
biting and swallowing Anu’s manhood. The laughing Kumarbi is cursed by Anu (as Cronus is cursed
by Uranus), that what he had ingested would impregnate Kumarbi with a child that would cause his
downfall. Kumarbi then tries to eat the child when it is born, but is deceived (like Cronus) when he is
fed something else. The storm god Teshub grows up and overthrows his father as the next king of

The Hittite Song of Ullikummi tells of how Kumarbi lusted after the Mother goddess (wife of Anu) who
bore him a child. “The [...] women brought him into the world; the Good-women and the Moth[er
goddesses lifted the child and] placed [him upon Kumarbi's] knees. [Kumar]bi began to fondle his son
[and] let him dance up and down.”105 Kumarbi’s sexual encounter with the Mother Goddess may
have been the actual cause for the emasculation of his father, represented figuratively by the biting off
of Anu’s genitals. In Greek myth it is represented by the cutting off of Uranus sex organ by his son

The Baal Cycles from ancient Canaanite mythology tell of El (a.k.a. Father Shunem) who lived at the
source of two rivers, married to Asherah the Mother of the gods. Yam, son of El, “came to rule the
Gods with an iron fist. He caused Them to labor and toil under His reign. They cried unto Their
mother, Asherah, Lady of the Sea. They convinced Her to confront Yam, to intercede in Their
behalf… Finally, Kindly Asherah, who loves Her children, offered Herself to the God of the Sea. She
offered Her own body to the Lord of Rivers.
Yam-Nahar agreed to this, and Asherah returned to the Source of the Two Rivers. She went home to
the court of El.”106

Once again, we find mythology describing the seat of power in this second age at the source of two
rivers, similar to Vedic and Sumerian claims. The Canaanite myth also contains the incestual mother-
son relationship, and the violent overthrow of Yam by Baal. King Baal then seems to have transferred
his center of operations to another location. “Baal was now King of the Gods. Lord of the Mountain of
Saphon.”106 Echoing the Greek myth of Zeus who moved the center of his rule to the summit of
Mount of Olympus from its previous location -Mount Heaven.

World Myth or History? 153

The Greek primordial succession of heavenly kingship from Uranus-Cronos-Zeus is paralleled in the
Hittite Anu-Kumarbi-Teshub and in the Canaanite El-Yam-Baal. The Hittite and Canaanite myth
emphasis on the perverted mother-son relationship, becomes clearer with the knowledge that these
people groups were descendants of Canaan, son of Ham (Genesis 10:15-19). Heth, founding father
of the Hittites, was the son of Canaan.

The mythological succession of kingship from Mesopotamia would be Apsu-Anshar/An-Marduk. Apsu

was the primeval father, while his wife Tiamat was the mother of all. Tiamat (a.k.a. Tasmeth, Queen of
Heaven, Nisaba, Ishtar, etc.) was seen by the Sumerians as the bestower of Kingship as well as
being the Mother goddess. “You honour god and king, goddess (and) queen. You appoint to kingship.
Without you, people would not come to have sexual intercourse with one another, living beings would
not be created.”107 Mrs. Noah who would be recognized as the ancestral mother of all humanity in the
second age, was also seen by the nations that were descended from Ham, as the one who appointed
the kings of the age.

Traditions hold that Nimrod, grandson of Ham, founded several Mesopotamian civilizations. The
Mesopotamian concept that it is the Mother goddess who appoints the kingship is reinforced in the
Enuma Elish when Tiamat makes her son/husband, Qingu, the king of the gods. From among her
“She raised up Qingu from among them, it was he she made greatest! Leadership of the army,
command of the assembly...Supreme command in warfare...I make you the greatest in the assembly
of the gods, “Kingship of all the gods I put in your power. “You are the greatest, my husband…” 108

In the Enuma Elish, Qingu becomes the dragon like monster that Marduk defeats in order to become
the ruler of gods and men. Greek myth calls this dragon Typhon that Zeus defeated in the
Gigantomachy. The Hittite Teshub destroys the dragon Illuyankas, while the Canaanite Baal fought
the serpent Yam. Norse mythology has Thor defeating the giant Hymir as he battled the Midgard

There are also distinct similarities in the Norse ancient succession of the gods Bur-Odin-Thor and
Noah-Ham-Nimrod from the book of Genesis. Bur and Odin, like Noah and Ham were flood survivors
of a previous age which ended the life of the giants. Both Odin and Ham were of questionable
character, particularly in the area of sexuality.
Scandinavian myth describes Odin as one who literally gave his eye for more knowledge. While the
other gods had been content from tasting the fruit from the tree of knowledge, “Odin put himself
through some incredibly rigorous ordeals. The Well of Wisdom lies under the second root of

World Myth or History? 154

Yggdrasil, which allows the Dew of Knowledge to seep into it. So Odin stabbed himself with his own
spear and hung himself on the tree for nine days and nights.”110 The story of the forbidden fruit from
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was well known since antiquity. Odin’s behaviour would
be blatant and open rebellion against the Creator’s express laws. Odin (Ham) flagrantly boasted and
sought after the forbidden.

A similar record of the primeval succession of second age kingship after the flood has been
maintained with recognizable parallels by ancient civilizations in various continents.
Greek = Uranus - Cronus - Zeus
Hittite = Anu - Kumarbi - Teshub
Canaanite = El - Yam - Baal
Mesopotamian = Apsu - Anshar/An - Marduk
Norse = Bur - Odin - Thor
Hebrew = Noah - Ham - Nimrod

While the righteous Noah lived, it seemed that he may have governed from the summit of Mount
Heaven, guiding the nations of the earth in the ways of the Creator God. The mythological war that
Noah fought in which enemies ended up being buried in the bowels of the earth, may have been in
reference to the Deluge that destroyed the giants and all other creatures of the first age.
The Patriarch Noah may have been called by many names by the various nations of this second age:
Father of the gods, Lord of the Universe/Cosmos, Emperor of Heaven. Hebrew scriptures indicate
that Noah could have lived to oversee the new world for more than 300 years. Nations would have
flourished and grown, without worry of war or oppression. The civilizations seem to have had a
friendly network of people working together to meet the needs of the various lands. Vedic texts tell us
that those who suffered injustice would go to him for help. Gilgamesh travelled to meet him to have
his questions answered.

Even while the patriarch lived, Ham may have made a power play, hoping to double his rights in the
division of the land through his son Canaan. Myth also seems to imply that the descendants of Ham
could have seen his relationship with the Mother goddess as strengthening his bid for the kingship. In
a Mesopotamian hymn to the Mother goddess, who had become the bride of Ellil, she is credited with
somehow doubling his yield.
“Bride of Ellil, adviser, king of the pantheon of heaven and earth, who decrees fates, Fertile luxuriant
mother… You are the one who doubled the yield for Ellil… You appoint to kingship.”111
The idea that kingship may somehow be conferred or strengthened by the emasculation of the
reigning king though carnal relationship with his woman, is graphically shown in antiquity when

World Myth or History? 155

Absalom tried to overthrow his father King David. To strengthen his bid for power, Absalom made it
public that he had slept with his father’s concubines.112

Unfortunately for those who held this strange idea, the Hebrew scriptures make it clear that such
sexually perverse practices actually cause the doers to defile themselves, causing them to be
rejected by the very land they want to rule.113 Such was the case for Ham (Cronos, Kumarbi, Yam),
and Absalom who soon ended up dead. When the Patriarch Noah died, the conflict between the god
fearing Shem and the power hungry Ham could no longer be restrained.

Traditions, myth, and ancient T and O maps, tell us that the division of the land apportioned to Ham
was bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the North and the Red Sea to the East. Therefore, it
appears that the descendants of Canaan, who occupied the lands beyond the Red Sea, were
encroaching on the lands allotted to Shem. When Moses was called to bring Israel out of Egypt in
order to take the land of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Perizzite and the
Hivite and the Jebusite, to a land flowing with milk and honey.”’114, it may have been a call to reclaim
the land that had been allotted to them. Every people group mentioned were descendants of Canaan,
who would be displaced by Israelites from the lineage of Shem.

Ham, upon his father’s demise, was no longer content with the continent of Africa, and may have
gathered his forces to rule the world. Plato wrote of the histories kept in Egypt’s ancient libraries, that
had been lost to other civilizations because of the extreme destruction of the ages. “For these
histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe
and Asia…”115 Since there were only three continents in that period, it is highly probable that the
mighty power that arose, came from the Land of Ham, the ancient continent of Africa (a.k.a. Libya).
This bid for world domination was stopped when a catastrophe of epic proportions hit the world,
obliterating many of the advanced civilizations of the second age.

Nimrod (Zeus, Teshub, Baal, Marduk, Thor), the grandson of Ham, made no secret about his desire
to rule a kingdom. In order to achieve the succession of kingship, and to prove his worthiness for the
position, battled what appeared to be an undefeatable giant dragon like enemy, feared by all--both
gods and men. Myths imply that the Mother goddess may have been initially opposed to Nimrod’s bid
for kingship. The Greek Myth tells of how Gaia led an army against Zeus, while Mesopotamians
record how the Asag fought against Ninurta, and how Tiamat led an army of her children against
Marduk. But once her forces were vanquished, the Mother goddess apparently changed her mind.

World Myth or History? 156

These earthly battles by the gods, may have also found representation in celestial machinations that
were used to reinforce the authority of the gods. Writers of antiquity like Diodorus clarified that the
mythical gods of old referred both to mighty men who had accomplished great feats, and celestial
bodies, as well as natural phenomena.

The Exploits of Ninurta ends with a declaration of praise for the Mother goddess, after Ninurta’s
victory, who is acknowledged as the one who conferred the kingship. The text indicates that she is
represented by both a physical lady and a celestial body.
“Her who possesses the principal tablet with the obligations of en and lugal (king, hero), endowed by
Enki...To the lady, the celestial star, made magnificently beautiful by the prince in the abzu...who has
the gift of governing…”116 This ancient myth reveals that the perceived authority of the Mother
goddess to appoint kings, was given through the auspices of Enki, who had earlier been linked with
Satan, the enemy of the Creator God.

Human kingship was never the plan of the Creator for mankind. Mankind was made to “rule over the
fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”117 Although humanity had been appointed to rule over
creation and to fill and subdue the earth, it is not part of our unction to rule over our fellow man, made
in the image and likeness of the Creator.

Kingship belongs to God. The establishment of a kingdom by someone who would be king is a
rejection of the divine rule. When the young nation of Israel demanded that the prophet Samuel
appoint a king, so that they may be like all the other nations. The Lord responded to Samuel’s prayer
saying, ...“Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not
rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them.”118

Noah was not an earthly king, because in no way did he pursue an enlargement of his kingdom.
Instead, he obeyed the command of the Creator to disperse the nations over the earth, establishing
them in the knowledge and statutes of God. Like a loving father, the patriarch guided his descendants
without tyranny or force. What Noah received from his Lord, he made known to the people. Thus, the
second age citizens saw him as the mouthpiece of heaven, and accorded Noah the same honor they
would have given God Himself.

Ham wanted the same power and reverence, but he did not want to be a conduit of the Almighty. He
wanted a kingdom ruled by man over man. The first war of nations recorded in the second age
appears in the book of Genesis chapter 14, involving Nimrod grandson of Ham. The patriarch Noah

World Myth or History? 157

had probably died a few decades before this event. From the first verse, we discover how Nimrod’s
inclination towards kingdom building was quite contagious.

And it came about in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king
of Elam, and Tidal king of Goiim, 2 that they made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king
of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (that is,
Zoar). 3 All these came as allies to the valley of Siddim (that is, the Salt Sea).119
King Chedorlaomer had conquered several nations which he had forced to pay tribute for 12 years.
These vassal lands decided to break free by pooling their armies together against their oppressor,
probably no longer buying the story that the reason they existed was to serve the gods (represented
by the king). After years of paying tribute to Chedorlaomer king of Elam, who conquered the lands as
far west as Canaan, five local rulers revolted on the 13th year. And on the 14th year, Chedorlaomer
joined forces with three other kings in order to quell the rebellion.

The first of the kings listed in Genesis 14 is Amraphel king of Shinar, another of the names used by
Nimrod. “After the builders of the tower were dispersed Nimrod remained in Shinar, where he
reestablished his kingdom. According to the "Sefer ha-Yashar" (l.c.), he at this time acquired the
name "Amraphel" in allusion to the fall of his princes ( ) during the dispersion.”120 And as
discussed in the Roots of Nations, the prevailing view among Assyriologists and Old Testament
scholars is that King Amraphel of Shinar and King Hammurabi of Babylon was one and the same. 121

Strangely, Nimrod/King Amraphel -- the Great Hammurabi, the original kingdom builder and law giver
seemed to be in a subordinate role to King Chedorlaomer in this war of nations. This demotion of the
heroic Ninurta and godlike Marduk is explained by records when,
“...Nimrod came to wage war with Chedorlaomer, King of Elam, who had been one of Nimrod's
generals, and who after the dispersion of the builders of the tower went to Elam and formed there an
independent kingdom. Nimrod at the head of an army set out with the intention of punishing his
rebellious general, but the latter routed him. Nimrod then became a vassal of Chedorlaomer, who
involved him in the war with the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah, with whom he was defeated by
Abraham ("Sefer ha-Yashar," l.c.; comp. Gen. xiv. 1-17).”122

Nimrod must have learned at his defeat under one of his ex-generals, how fleeting the illusion of
power can be, and how powerless he was to keep it for long. Apparently the reports of his divinity
claimed in his publicity campaign may have been exaggerated. Jewish traditions holds that Nimrod
was later ambushed and killed by Esau,123 who like him had a reputation as a hunter, at which time
he may have finally realized that he was not god.

World Myth or History? 158

Genesis 14 informs us that the battle of the kings in the extension and enforcement of their self
proclaimed kingdoms, did not go well for the five kings who had rebelled and fought against the four
kings in the Valley of Siddim. The peoples of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were either killed or
taken captive along with all their food and possessions by the invading Elamite forces.

Upon hearing that his relative Lot was among the captives, Abraham took 318 of his trained men and
pursued them until Dan. After splitting his forces into groups, Abraham attacked the Elamite army at
night time and defeated Chedorlaomer and his allies.

The returning Abraham was met by the grateful King of Sodom who offered to give Abraham all the
loot, and by Melchizedek king of Salem who blessed him. “Blessed be Abram of God Most High,
Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies
into your hand.”124 Melchizedek is the very first priest mentioned in the scriptures, and he apparently
held both the position of High Priest of God as well as being the king of Salem (later called

Abraham seemed to hold this priest king in high regard, since he not only received the blessings but
also gave a tenth of his possessions. “The name "Malki-Tzedek" literally means "my king" (i.e., ‫ למ כלכי י‬,
from ‫ ךמלך ך‬, "king") is "tzedek" (i.e., ‫צךדךק‬, "just, righteous")... Jewish tradition identifies Malki-Tzedek as
Shem ( ‫) םשם‬, the firstborn son of Noach, who settled in Salem ( ‫ )שםֵללםם‬some time after the great
Flood.”125 If so, his very name reminds, that it is the Lord of the Righteousness, the Creator of
heaven and earth, who is the true king.

The Patriarch Noah may have passed on the holy traditions of God to his son Shem, who would have
lived long enough to have met Abraham’s son Isaac and even his grandson Jacob. Tradition
maintains that he tried to teach the peoples to live in God’s ways. “He wanted to establish the
kingdom of God based on justice (tzedek) and peace (shalom).”125 It is thus, easily understood why
he would be against the injustice of war, and the bloodshed caused by the strife of earthly kingdom
building. Abraham refused the offer to take any part of the plunder for himself. His refusal held special
meaning since Abraham did not seem to find anything wrong with receiving wealth from the Egyptian
Pharaoh (Genesis 12:10-16) prior to this event or from Abimelech king of Gerar after this event
(Genesis 20:1-14). This war of the nations was a root that would cause much pain and misery, and he
did not want anyone to be able to say that he had profited from it.
Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have sworn to the LORD God Most High, possessor of heaven
and earth, that I will not take a thread or a sandal thong or anything that is yours, for fear you would
say, ‘I have made Abram rich.’”126

World Myth or History? 159

Unfortunately, many leaders do not have the same faith and integrity as Abraham, and have indeed
learned how to become wealthy from the wretchedness of war. Kings and their kingdoms have
virtually lived like gods on the back of nations and peoples they had brutally enslaved and oppressed.
The roots of earthly kingdom building have grown trees of mighty conquering empires that would
have destroyed all peace and justice on the earth had God not stepped in and intervened.

“It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the
profitable way of carrying it on.”127 --The Art of War by Sun Tzu (6thC. BC)

The North American Papago myth tells of how mankind rebelled against the Great Mystery Power in
the second age and the resulting changes on the earth, “...good changed to evil. Men began to hunt
and kill animals. Disregarding the eternal laws by which humans had lived, they began to fight among
themselves. The Great Mystery Power tried to warn Montezuma and the people by pushing the sun
farther away from the earth and placing it where it is now. Winter, snow, ice and hail appeared, but no
one heeded this warning.”128

And so we reach the beginning of the end of the second age.

World Myth or History? 160

1. Teit, J. A. "Kaska Tales" in Journal of American Folklore, No. 30. 1917
2. “Mythical Origins of Language.” Wikipedia. 2014. Wikimedia. 4/24/15.
3. “Middle East.” Tongue Twisting Tales. 2008. Answers in Genesis. 4/25/15.
4. Grant, trans. Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 143. Roman mythographer. C2nd A.D.
5. Turner, P. and Russell-Coulter, C. (2001) Dictionary of Ancient Deities (Oxford: OUP)
6. Man, E. H. (1883) "On the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. (Part II.)" in The Journal of
the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 12, pp. 117–175
7. Mc Clintock, Strong. Mc Clintock and Strong cyclopaedia By John McClintock, James Strong.1894. pp.
8. “India.” Tongue Twisting Tales. 2008. Answers in Genesis. 4/25/15.
9. Rev. J. H. Titcomb, “Personal Recollections of British Burma and Its Church Mission Work in 1878– 79,”
Project Canterbury (London, 1880).
10.Milton S. Terry. The Sibylline Chronicles. Book 3. 120-125. New York: Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati: Curts
& Jennings. 1899.
11. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 11:1-9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
12.Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 4.1-3. 93-94 AD
13.Williamson, R. W. Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia. vol. I. Cambridge: 1933 p. 94
14.Dr Alice Mills. Old World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing. 2009. p 136-137
15.“The Tower of Babel - Fact or Myth?” Tower of Babel. Churches of Christ. 2/2/15. <http://churches-of->
16.Indian Myths of South Central California. University of California, Department of Anthropology. (1901-
1906). 2001. Sacred Texts. 4/27/15. <>
17.New American Standard Bible. Judges 12:5-6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
18.Stimpson, George W. A Book about a Thousand Things. Harper & Brothers. 1946. p. 51.
19.“Hellenistic Greece.” 2015. A+E Networks Digital. 4/27/15.
20.Karin Wiecha, post. “New Estimates on the Rate of Global Language Loss.” The Rosetta Project. 2013.
Stanford University Libraries. 4/27/15. <
21.Milton S. Terry. The Sibylline Chronicles. Book 3. 130-140. New York: Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati: Curts
& Jennings. 1899.
22.“Scandinavian Myths of Creation: Odin.” 12/16/15.
23.Mark Cartwright. “Viracocha.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. 12/16/15.
24.Lu Paradise. “Manu the Indian Noah & His Flood Story Agrees with 600 other Deluge accounts.” 2012.
The Paradise Post. 12/22/15. <
25.Alonzo Trevier Jones. The Empires of the Bible. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing
Association. 1904. p 22
26.(Refer to previous chapter, Chapter 5. The Second Age. “Mapping the New World and Mapping the
27.Bury, trans. Plato. Critias 108e-109c & 113c-121c. C4th BC
28.New American Standard Bible. Genesis 17:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
29.“Who are the Many Nations Abraham was Called by God , ‘the father’ of?” Christianity. 2015. Stack
Exchange. 4/29/15. <
30.“History of Vietnam.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 12/17/15.

World Myth or History? 161

31.Alan Boyle. “10 Unusual Founders of Civilization from World Mythology.” 1/31/2014. ListVerse. 2015.
32.Bryce Haymond. “Nüwa and Fuxi in Chinese Mythology: Compass & Square.” Temple Study. 12/17/15.
33.Robert Bedrosian, trans. The Primary History of Armenia or History of the Ancestors. Long Branch, NJ.
2004. <
34.Alan Boyle. “10 Unusual Founders of Civilization from World Mythology.” 1/31/2014. ListVerse. 2015.
35.“Mizraim.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 12/18/15. <>
36.Samuel Noah Kramer.” The Indus Civilization and Dilmun, the Sumerian Paradise Land.” University of
Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology. 2009.
37.Ulrich Theobald. “Persons in Chinese Mythology - Yu the Great.” China Knowledge. 2012.
38.Samuel Noah Kramer.” The Indus Civilization and Dilmun, the Sumerian Paradise Land.” University of
Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology. 2009.
39.New American Standard Bible. Genesis 10:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
40.New American Standard Bible. Genesis 10:11-12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
41.“Nimrod --Nimrod and Abraham.” Jewish 2015.
42.“Nimrod --in Arabic Literature.” Jewish 2015.
43.“Nimrod --Critical View.” Jewish 2015.
44.Leonard William King, trans. The Seven Tablets of Creation. 7th Tablet. 121-124. [1902]. Sacred 4/29/15. <>
45.“The Incantation of Nudimmud.” Earth History: A New Approach. 2010. 4/29/15.
46.David S. Farkas. “In Search of the Biblical Hammurabi.” p.160. 2011.
47.Genesis Rabbah 42:4
48.L.W. King, trans.” Hammurabi’s Code of Laws.” Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Readings from the
Ancient Near East. 2003. <>
49.David S. Farkas. “In Search of the Biblical Hammurabi.” p.161. 2011.
50.David S. Farkas. “In Search of the Biblical Hammurabi.” p.162. 2011.
51.New American Standard Bible. Genesis 3:5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
52.Eugene H. Peterson, trans. The Message Remix. Romans 7:7. CO: Alive Communications, Inc. 2006
53.David S. Farkas. “In Search of the Biblical Hammurabi.” p.163. 2011.
54.New American Standard Bible. Genesis 26:5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
55.Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 4. 2. 93-94 AD
56.Eugene H. Peterson, trans. The Message Remix. Isaiah 10:1-4. CO: Alive Communications, Inc. 2006
57.Eugene H. Peterson, trans. The Message Remix. Romans 4:13-15. CO: Alive Communications, Inc.
58.Lu Paradise. “Manu the Indian Noah & His Flood Story Agrees with 600 other Deluge accounts.” 2012.
The Paradise Post. 12/22/15. <
59.Bury, trans. Plato. Critias 108e-109c & 113c-121c. C4th BC
60.James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King.“The Thai Kia. Section 3. 1.” 1879

World Myth or History? 162

61.James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King.“05. The Books of Kau.” 1879
62.Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 7. 1. 93-94 AD
63.Diodorus Siculus. Library of History 6. 1. 1-11 (from Eusebeius, Praeparatio evangelica, 2. 2. 59B - 61
A) C1st BC
64.Milton S. Terry. The Sibylline Chronicles. Book 3. 130. New York: Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati: Curts &
Jennings. 1899
65.R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet. LXXX. 2--8. CA: Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC. 2003. p
66.Dr. Alice Mills, chief consultant. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing. 2003. pp
67.John Ackerman. Firmament: Recent Catastrophic History of the Earth. Dance of the Planets 1, Angiras.
2015. Infinity Publishing. 5/5/15. <>
68.“Hathor and Nebheru.” Gigal Research:Archaeological and Historical Researches. 2015. 5/7/15.
69.Benjamin R. Foster. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. Vol. 1:Archaic, Classical,
Mature. 2nd Edition. Maryland: CDL Press. 1996. p 356-357
70.Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God: New Scientific Evidence for God. Tucson: Archaeological
Research Books, L.L.C. 2011. p 187
71.F. Max Muller, trans. Vedic Hymns. Hymn 172. 1891
72.Benjamin R. Foster. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. Vol. 1:Archaic, Classical,
Mature. 2nd Edition. Maryland: CDL Press. 1996. p 366-372
73.“Plasma Phenomena in Ancient Times.” Part 1: The Cosmic Thunderbolt in Myth and Science. Chapter
1. Convergence. 5/9/15. <>
74.New American Standard Bible.Deuteronomy 4:19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
75.J.A. Cunningham, G, Robson, E., and Zolyomi, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.
The Exploits of Ninurta. 168-186. Oxford. 1998
76.J.A. Cunningham, G, Robson, E., and Zolyomi, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.
The Exploits of Ninurta. 251-264. Oxford. 1998
77.Benjamin R. Foster. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. Vol. 1:Archaic, Classical,
Mature. 2nd Edition. Maryland: CDL Press. 1996. p 398
78.Josephus. Antiquities of the Jews - Book 1. Chapter 4. 2. 93-94 AD
79.“The Great Flood: Eridu Genesis.” 2007. 4/20/15. <
80.Stephanie Daley, trans. “The Tablet of Adapa.” Adapa: The First Man. Bibliotecapleyades. 2006.
EarthHistory. 5/7/15. <>
81.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 3:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
82.New American Standard Bible.Ezekiel 28:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
83.New American Standard Bible.Ezekiel 28:12-13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
84.Dr. Alice Mills, chief consultant. Old World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing. 2003. pp 136
85.“The Creation of the Gods.” The Eridu Genesis. 2000. Piney. 5/10/15.
86.Stephanie Daley, trans. Myths from Mesopotamia: Gilgamesh, The Flood, and Others. Atrahasis - Tablet
87.Benjamin R. Foster. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. Vol. 1:Archaic, Classical,
Mature. 2nd Edition. Maryland: CDL Press. 1996. p 384
88.J.A. Cunningham, G, Robson, E., and Zolyomi, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.
The Exploits of Ninurta. 334-346. Oxford. 1998
89.Benjamin R. Foster. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. Vol. 1:Archaic, Classical,
Mature. 2nd Edition. Maryland: CDL Press. 1996. p 387
90.Richard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz, eds. American Indian Myths and Legends. United States: Pantheon
Books. 1984. P 489
91.Milton S. Terry. The Sibylline Chronicles. Book 3. 135-145. New York: Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati: Curts
& Jennings. 1899.
92.Emil G. Hirsch, Ira Maurice Price, Wilhelm Bacher, M. Seligsohn. “Shem.” Jewish

World Myth or History? 163

12/22/15. <>
93.Lu Paradise. “Manu the Indian Noah & His Flood Story Agrees with 600 other Deluge accounts.” 2012.
The Paradise Post. 12/22/15. <
94.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 9:18. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
95.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 9:22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
96.New American Standard Bible.Leviticus 18:7-8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
97.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 9:25-27. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
98.Donald A. MacKenzie. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria [1915]. p 267. 2015.
99.Ron Leadbetter. “Uranus.” Encyclopedia Mythica. 12/23/15.
100.Aldrich, trans. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 1. 4 - 5 .Greek mythographer C2nd A.D. “Kronos.” 12/23/15. <>
101.Lu Paradise. “Manu the Indian Noah & His Flood Story Agrees with 600 other Deluge accounts.” 2012.
The Paradise Post. 12/22/15. <
102.R. Campbell Thompson, trans. [1928]. The Epic of Gilgamish. p 53-54. 12/23/15.
103.Benjamin R. Foster. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. Vol. 1:Archaic, Classical,
Mature. 2nd Edition. Maryland: CDL Press. 1996. p 384-385
104.“Kingship in Heaven.” Hittite Myths: Emory Classics: Class Resources. 2015. Sacred
105.“Song of Ullikummi.” Hittite Myths: Emory Classics: Class Resources. 2015. Sacred
106.“Baal Epic: Baal Cycle Text.” The Baal Cycle. 2012. 1/23/2016.
107.Greta Van Buylaere. “CAMS/GKAB: CAMS Geography of Knowledge Corpus. CTN 4,168. oi34-35.”
AHRC-funded GKAB Project. 2010. 1/24/16. <,_168>
108.Benjamin R. Foster. Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature. vol. I: Archaic, Classical,
Mature. Tablet 1 (145-160). Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press. 2nd ed. 1996. p358-359
109.William R. Short. “Þór and Hymir.” Hurstwic Norse Mythology. 2016. Hurstwic. 1/27/16.
110.“Odin: Norse Ruler God.” Norse Mythology. 2014. GodChecker. 12/23/15.
111.Greta Van Buylaere. “CAMS/GKAB: CAMS Geography of Knowledge Corpus. CTN 4,168. oi20-34.”
AHRC-funded GKAB Project. 2010. 1/24/16. <,_168>
112.2 Samuel 16:20-22
113.Leviticus 18:24-30
114.New American Standard Bible. Exodus 3:17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
115.Benjamin Jowett. “The Dialogues of Plato.” The Great Books: The University of Chicago.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1952. p 445-446
116.Black, J.A., Cunningham, G. Robson, E., and Zolyomi, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian
Literature. “Ninurta: Lugal-e.” 698-723. Oxford. 1998.
117.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 1:26. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
118.New American Standard Bible.1 Samuel 8:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
119.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 14:1-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
120.“Nimrod --Made King.” Jewish 2015.
121.“Amraphel --Biblical Data.” Jewish 2015.

World Myth or History? 164

122.“Nimrod --Nimrod’s Dream.” Jewish 2015.
123.“Esau Kills Nimrod.” Jacob and Esau - Jewish History. 2015. 5/12/15.
124.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 14:22-23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
125.John J. Parsons. “Who was Melchizedek?” Parashat Lekha --Exploring the Identity of Melchizedek. 5/12/15.
126.New American Standard Bible.Genesis 14:19-20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
127.John Watson, LLC. Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. 2015. 5/13/15.
128.Richard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz, eds. American Indian Myths and Legends. United States: Pantheon
Books. 1984. p 489

World Myth or History? 165

Chapter Seven

The Scorching Wind

The Aztec Calendar Stone tells us of how the second age ended,
“Many years passed, and the gods felt that the people were too sinful yet again. Tezcatlipoca came
to Earth, sending a violent wind. And those who survived were changed into monkeys.”1

The Aztec Tezcatlipoca, in the previous chapters was shown to be connected to the ancient celestial
movements of the planet Mars, that had been part of the mechanism that caused the Deluge. It
seems that Mars may have taken a backseat to the planet Venus in the destruction of the first age,
but had a dominant role in the destruction of the second age.

Wind does not sound like a very frightening cataclysm until we comprehend the destructive capability
of the wind the ancients referred to. Buddhist texts call these destructions of the ages, ‘world cycles’
and describe what happens when the world is destroyed by wind, “... there arises a wind to destroy
the world-cycle. And first it raises a fine dust, and then coarse dust, and then fine sand, and then
coarse sand, and then grit, stones, etc., up to boulders as large as the peak of a pagoda, and mighty
trees on the hill-tops. These mount from the earth to the zenith, and do not fall again, but are there
blown to powder and annihilated. And then by degrees the wind arises from underneath the earth,
and turns the ground upside down, and throws it into the sky, and areas of one hundred leagues in
extent, two hundred, three hundred, five hundred leagues in extent, crack, and are thrown upwards
by the force of the wind, and are blown to powder in the sky and annihilated. And the wind throws up
also into the sky the mountains which encircle the earth, and Mount Sineru. These meet together,
and are ground to powder and destroyed.”2

The Visuddhi-Magga (Buddhist texts) tell us that before the cycle destroying wind comes, there arises
a cycle destroying great cloud that causes havoc in the earth’s climate for many years.
“...there arises in the beginning a cycle-destroying great cloud, and a great rain falls throughout one
hundred thousand times ten million worlds. The people are delighted and overjoyed, and bring forth
seed of all kinds and sow; but when the crops have grown just large enough for cow-fodder, the
clouds keep up a braying noise, but do not allow a drop to fall; all rain is utterly cut off.” 3

The ancient Buddhist text, that relates the world cycles to heavenly activities, gives a description of
an unusual great cloud that precedes the destructive wind. Not only do these great clouds contain no
water, but they are also described as making ‘a braying noise’. Can celestial bodies make noises?

World Myth or History? 166

Scientists were surprised to discover that it is possible. “Scientists have picked up on the mysterious
"song" of a comet speeding through deep space. European Space Agency officials have used their
Rosetta spacecraft to listen to a sound emitted by Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The comet
song capture by Rosetta is produced by "oscillations in the magnetic field in the comet's
environment," ESA officials said in a statement.”4 The frequency heard was quite low and needed to
be amplified 10,000 times in order to be audible, but the possibility a planetary sized object giving off
a ‘braying noise’ as described by the people of ancient times no longer seems so far fetched.

Sacred Hindu texts from the S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM calls the cyclic destruction of the ages ‘yugas’
that are attributed to the Creator of the Universe. Like the Buddhist texts they also speak of the great
clouds, that unlike the normal variety, refuse to release a single drop of rain. “(7) For a hundred years
the clouds, o King will not shower rain upon the earth. The people confounded by the time will, with
the famine that follows, in the distress of their hunger [even] consume each other and gradually find
themselves destroyed. (8) The sun with its terrible rays not giving the slightest [precipitation] in return,
will drink up all the juice of the earth, the ocean and the living bodies.”5

The next verse sheds some light on the cause of these dark clouds as Lord Sankarshana who flings
out destructive fire on the world. In the context of world mythology, Lord Sankarshana, the eighth
avatar of Vishnu, is thought to be the planet Mars (Tezcatlipoca) in its more erratic orbit and smoky
fiery phase. The fire of destruction may be describing the electrical discharges (thunderbolts of the
gods) or satellites of the planet caught by the earth’s gravitational pull.
“ (9) Then from the mouth of Lord Sankarshana will issue the fire of destruction that raised by the
force of the wind will burn the empty regions of the planet.”5

S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM translates literally to ‘Divine Eternal Tales of the Supreme Lord’. The
supreme god of the text being Vishnu (Mars) 6 in his many incarnations until he reaches completion
as Krishna. The text tells the story of the Supreme Lord alternately creating and preserving the
universe, and then annihilating it.7

In the Dialogues of Plato on the cyclical destructions of the ages, an elderly Egyptian priest tells the
Greeks that, “There is a story which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Phaeton, the
son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father’s chariot, because he was not able to drive them
in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a
thunderbolt. Now this has a form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in
the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recur after
long intervals…”8

World Myth or History? 167

Plato reveals that the characters/gods in the myth represents celestial bodies that have repeatedly
caused destruction on the earth with long gaps of time in between. Since these are heavenly bodies
that move around when viewed from the earth, this would refer to the planets (ancients called them
wandering stars), the sun and the moon. A declination would indicate a change in their positions from
their ordinary orbital motion. If planetary sized celestial bodies came dangerously close to the earth,
their gravitational pull and electromagnetic forces would wreak havoc on the earth. Chunks of
celestial matter would burn upon entry into our atmosphere and the impacts or explosions could
prove catastrophic.

Knowing who the characters represent is an important part in comprehending the story. Who is
Phaeton? He was a rider in a chariot with steeds who had a set course determined by Helios. Helios
would be the sun in which this chariot would orbit.

And what planet draws the reins as if it was a chariot led by horses? Both Homer and Virgil knew of
the two moons of Mars, Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), and wrote of them in mythical terms as
the steeds that drew Mars’ chariot.9

A vedic god linked with the planet Mars10, Indra is also visually presented as driving a chariot with
steeds. “Legends about Indra describe him as riding either in a golden chariot pulled by two horses or
mounted on a white elephant named Airavata.”11 As the planet Mars came close to earth, there may
have been times when the planet appeared on earth to have two tusks as it careened across the
heavens. This would explain why Mars is also often called the bull of heaven or the tusked white

In other versions of the same myth we learn that, “As Phaeton careened through the sky, the chariot
came too close to the earth and burned the lands of Africa. Zeus, afraid that the entire earth would be
destroyed, struck Phaeton with a thunderbolt, and his body fell into the river Eridanos.”12

The second age was composed of only three main land divisions, as revealed by the ancient T and O
type maps. The lands above the Mediterranean Sea were assigned to Japheth and called Europa, the
lands below and to the West were allotted to Ham and were called Africa, the term Asia referred to
the lands of Shem towards the East of the Red Sea. Thus, when we read text from antiquity that the
lands of Africa were destroyed, it may refer to a much greater land mass than we consider today. The
fact that it was Africa that was the hardest hit does not mean that this close planetary encounter did
not affect any other area. The myths and legends of the world show that it did. But it was the lands of
Ham that was the hardest hit by this disaster.

World Myth or History? 168

Ancient Greek historian Diodorus tells us that Lake Triton in Libya (Africa), a large body of freshwater
mentioned by many other classical writers, “disappeared from sight in the course of an earthquake,
when those parts of it which lay toward the ocean were torn asunder.”13
Since the lake is estimated to be half the size of Rhode Island, it would take a phenomenal disaster to
destroy the mountainous barrier that separated this lake from the Atlantic.

In the 6th Century B.C. and even in Herodotus' time, the world was thought of as 3 continents, Europe, Asia, and

Libya/Africa. Public Domain. Courtesy of Marco Prins and Jona Lendering. From: N.S. Gill, Ancient/Classical History
Expert. “Ancient Asia.” About Education. 2015. <>

Mythology speaks of a great disaster in the end of the second age that wreaks havoc in the lands of
Africa. Ovid wrote of the many cities and sources of freshwater that are destroyed by this
catastrophe. “Mighty cities burn with all their ramparts; realms and nations turn to ashes; mountains
with their forests blaze. Athos is burning, Oete is on fire, and Tmolus and proud Taurus Cilix and the
crest of Ide, dry whose springs were once so famed, and virgin Helicon and Haemus, still unknown,
unhonoured. Aetne burns immense in twofold conflagration; Eryx flames and Othrys and Parnasos’
double peaks; Cynthus and Dindyma and Mycale and Rhodope, losing at last her snows, and Mimas

World Myth or History? 169

and Cithaeron’s holy hill. Caucasus burns; the frosts of Scythia fail in her need; Pindus and Ossa
blaze and, lordlier than both, Olympus flames and the airy Alpes and cloud-capped Appeninus. Then
Phaethon saw the world on every side ablaze--heat more that he could bear. He breathed vapours
that burned like furnace-blasts, and felt the chariot glow white-hot beneath his feet. Cinders and
sparks past bearing shoot and swirl and scorching smoke surrounds him; in the murk, the midnight
murk, he knows not where he is or goes; the horses whirl him where they will. The Aethiopes then
turned black, so men believe, as heat summoned their blood too near the skin. Then was Libya’s
dusty desert [the Sahara] formed, all water scorched away. Then the sad Nymphae bewailed their
pools and springs; Boeotia mourned her Dirce lost, Argos Amymone, Ephyre Pirene; nor were
Flumina (Rivers) safe though fortune’s favour made them broad and deep and their banks far apart;
in middle stream from old Peneus rose the drifting steam, from Erymanthus Phegaicus too and swift
Ismenos, and Caicus Teuthranius and the Tanais; Maeander playing on his winding way; tawny
Lycormas, Xanthus doomed to burn at Troy a second time; Melas Mygdonius, that sable stream; the
pride of Eurotas Taenarius. Eurphrates Babylonius burned, Phasis, Hister [Danube] and Ganges
were on fire, Orontes burned and racing Thermodon; Alpheus boiled, fire scorched Spercheus’
banks. The gold that Tagus carried in his sands ran molten in the flames, and all the swans that used
to charm the Maeonian banks with song huddled in mid Cayster sweltering. The Nilus in terror to the
world’s end fled and his head, still hidden; this seven mouths gaped dusty, seven vales without a
stream. The same disaster dried the Ismarian rivers, Hebrus and Strymon, dried the lordly flow of the
Hesperian waters, Rhodanus [Rhode] and Rhenus [Rhine] and Padus [Po], and Thybris [Tiber],
promised empire of the world.”14

As Plato continued on the theme of world desolations, he writes of histories that have been forgotten
because of the catastrophic destruction of the ages, that, “...tell of a mighty power which unprovoked
made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia…”15 Considering that there were only three
major land divisions: Africa, Europe and Asia, and we are told that this great empire was planning to
take over Europe and Asia, then by default we conclude that it is a kingdom from the lands
designated as Africa. It seems that a powerful African empire had plans of ruling the world.

Plato gives us a specific geographic location for the center of this military power set to conquer the
free nations of the earth. “This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the
Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called
the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya (Africa) and Asia put together (Note that the
ancient Greek concept of the lands that composed Africa and Asia were limited to the ‘known world’
--check out the map above), [25] and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to
the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea (Mediterranean Sea) which is in

World Myth or History? 170

the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and
the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent.”15

The lands that were already under the dominion of this mighty empire were also described. Plato also
named this world power, a name that is familiar until present times “ this island of Atlantis there
was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over
parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya (Africa)
within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Italy).”15
The Atlantean empire had already conquered most of Africa and part of Europe and was getting
ready to launch a massive campaign against the rest of the world.

The Atlantean empire was not always the evil conquering empire out to to subjugate the nations. “For
many generations, so long as the inherited nature of the God remained strong in them, they were
submissive to the laws and kindly disposed to their divine kindred. For the intents of their hearts were
true and in all ways noble, and they showed gentleness joined with wisdom in dealing with the
changes and chances of life and in their dealings one with another. Consequently they thought scorn
of everything save virtue and lightly esteemed their rich possessions, bearing with ease the burden,
as it were, of the vast volume of their gold and other goods; and thus their wealth did not make them
drunk with pride so that they lost control of themselves and went to ruin; rather, in their soberness of
mind they clearly saw that all these good things are increased by general amity combined with virtue,
whereas the eager pursuit and worship of these goods not only causes the goods themselves to
diminish but makes virtue also to perish with them. As a result, then, of such reasoning and of the
continuance of their divine nature all their wealth had grown to such a greatness as we previously
described. But when the portion of divinity within them was now becoming faint and weak through
being oft times blended with a large measure of mortality, whereas the human temper was becoming
dominant, then at length they lost their comeliness, through being unable to bear the burden of their
possessions, and became ugly to look upon, in the eyes of him who has the gift of sight; for they had
lost the fairest of their goods from the most precious of their parts; but in the eyes of those who have
no gift of perceiving what is the truly happy life, it was then above all that they appeared to be
superlatively fair and blessed, filled as they were with lawless ambition and power. And Zeus, the
God of gods, who reigns by Law, inasmuch as he has the gift of perceiving such things, marked how
this righteous race was in evil plight, and desired to inflict punishment upon them, to the end that
when chastised they might strike a truer note.”16

It was considered an act of the gods when at the peak of the Atlantean’s greed for wealth and power
in its bloody military campaign across the globe that, “This vast power, gathered into one,

World Myth or History? 171

endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country (Egypt) and yours and the whole of the region within
the straits; and then, Solon, your country (forgotten ancestors of ancient Greece) shone forth, in the
excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and
military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled
to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed
over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously
liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent
earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body
sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For
which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud
in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island."17

Plato wrote that the Atlantic Ocean was impassable during his time due to the sunken Atlantic land
mass, if it had not been so his critics would have quickly pointed it out. It is possible that our current
navigable Atlantic is a result of catastrophic events to be discussed in the end of the fourth age.

The fact that the ancient Greek’s predecessors had won this battle was not very reassuring since
Plato tells us that they worshipped a goddess who loved war. Thus, the nations of the earth saw it as
the gods stepping in with the chariot of Phaeton (Mars fiery close encounter with the earth)
specifically aimed at the world empires threatening all mankind. The devastation caused to the
African lands is difficult to comprehend. It erased mighty empires, impregnable kingdoms and
powerful civilizations in a single day and night. Their desolation was so complete that some scholars
doubt they even existed.

Not only did the large Atlantic landmass sink under the waters of the ocean, but along with it was the
many other surrounding islands, including portions of the Greek cities. The Egyptian priest related
that only a remnant of unlettered Grecian citizens had survived this devastation.

The Swiss School of archaeology in Greece in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Culture is
studying ancient underwater ruins just discovered 2015 in the Aegean Sea. It appears to be a large,
technologically advanced, well defended city that dates around a thousand years before the first great
Greek kingdom in our known history was supposed to have existed. “According to their findings,
several buildings can be seen amid the expansive ruins, which stretch over some 12 acres, or the
equivalent of around 10 football fields. The buildings appear to be oval or circular in shape, and built
in the same style as those known to have been constructed by other Bronze Age civilizations in
Greece. More surprisingly, the ruins contain at least three horseshoe-shaped foundations attached to

World Myth or History? 172

the wall line, which are believed to be the remnants of massive defensive towers of a type unknown
elsewhere in Greece. As lead researcher Julien Beck, a professor at the University of Geneva, told
Spero News: “The importance of our discovery is partly due to the large size….The chances of
finding such walls under water are extremely low. The full size of the facility is not yet known. We do
not know why it is surrounded by fortifications.”” 18

Could this be the archaeological evidence for the ancient war-loving Grecian ancestors who had
fought the oppressive conquerors of the second age? Thousands of years later, after the
disappearance of this advanced civilization discovered by archaeologists, the Greeks are a collection
of unimpressive small tribal poleis scattered in the Aegean with no writing system. What happened in

The holy scriptures written by the prophet Amos claims that it is God who smites with the scorching
wind (Amos 4:9) and the prophet Nahum expands on what that includes,
3 The LORD is slow to anger and great in power,
And the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.
In whirlwind and storm is His way,
And clouds are the dust beneath His feet.
4 He rebukes the sea and makes it dry;
He dries up all the rivers.
Bashan and Carmel wither;
The blossoms of Lebanon wither.
5 Mountains quake because of Him
And the hills dissolve;
Indeed the earth is upheaved by His presence,
The world and all the inhabitants in it.19

The cities that Nimrod built seem to also have been devastated by this celestial event. The end of the
powerful Sumerian and Akkadian civilizations along with many other Mesopotamian cities remain a
mystery as long as the historical tablets that they have left behind are brushed aside as myth.
Numerous clay tablets have been found, filled with lamentations regarding the destruction of these
lands attributed to an evil wind. Similar to the previously discussed ancient texts, the Mesopotamians
also observed a darkness in the sky and an animal like sound coming from the heavens.
“Enlil had created it...Enki had fashioned its limbs, that one turned pitch black, as at night, halfway
through the a great wild bull which bellows mightily, that one filled the world with its

World Myth or History? 173

The destruction brought about by this bull of heaven, described by those who lament, sound very
much like a large celestial body causing planetary destruction as it comes dangerously close. “A
devastating deluge...At its front war shall be a ...axe, at its rear...its scales shall be a harrow, its back
shall be flames. Its countenance shall be a malevolent storm that enshrouds heaven and earth. The
glint of its eyes shall be lightning that flashes far like the Anzud bird. Its mouth shall be grotesque --a
blaze that extends as far as the nether world. Its tongue shall be an inferno, raining embers that
sunders the both its hips shall be city destroying slingstones...It shall make the Tigris and
Euphrates quaver, it shall make the mountains rumble. At its reverberation the hills shall be uprooted,
the people shall be pitched about like sheaves, Sumer and Akkad shall shiver, they shall be flooded
like a harvest crop…”21
The Uruk Lament quoted above speaks of the storm in farming terms readily understandable to the
people of that time. The pickaxe used to break up the ground could represent the larger cometary
debris that make the typical round deep impact craters. The harrow is a toothed farm implement used
to create long parallel rows which would accurately describe the low angle grazing impact of celestial
debris. Several pieces breaking off from a bigger body hitting the earth at a low angle within 15
degrees of horizontal may create parallel rows that look like the furrows made by a harrow. 22

The evil winds demolished the mighty monuments of the city in Eridug, “O the destruction of the
city!...its song was plaintive...The storm dislodged its door...It stacked the people up in heaps...It
circled its...wall. It overturned its foundations...the foundations were filled with dust. It cast down its
ziggurat, the shrine which reaches up to heaven, into a heap of debris..”23

The ancient city of Nippur ascribed its destruction to the evil wind caused by its ‘Lord’ - someone or
some celestial body that they had been worshipping. “Its Lord, who has despoiled it like an evil wind,
has destroyed that city and its temples! He has ripped out their foundations, struck them with the
adze, killed wives and their children within it, he has turned that city into a deserted city...its
possessions have been carried off by the wind!”24

The Lamentations tablet from Sumer and Urin tell us that this evil wind was not isolated to their area,
but seems to have devastated many foreign lands as well.
“O bitter storm, retreat o storm, storm return to your home. O storm that destroys cities, retreat o
storm, storm return to your home. O storm that destroys houses, retreat o storm, storm return to your
home. Indeed the storm that blew on Sumer, blew also on the foreign lands. Indeed the storm that
blew on the land, blew on the foreign lands. It has blown on Tidnum, it has blown on foreign lands. It
has blown on Gutium, it has blown on the foreign lands. It has blown on Ancan, it has blown on
foreign lands. It levelled Ancan like a blowing evil wind…”25

World Myth or History? 174

This dark storm causing the evil wind seems to have a ‘home’ to which they are begging it to return.
The plea is repeated three times in this short passage. If the dark clouds that rain fire is the planet
Mars as implied by world myth, then the home to which it is being asked to return to is most likely its
regularly benign orbit.

Over 39 lines that start the Lamentations of Uruk bemoan the fact that the gods had abandoned its
people to the wind. The destruction of the lands are blamed on the evil storm -- the evil wind. “The
great storm howls above...The land-annihilating storm roars below. The evil wind like a rushing
torrent cannot be restrained...In front of the storm it made fire burn…”26

The writer speaks of dust piled high that the evil winds carried and overwhelmed the people, this was
a storm with no moisture. But unlike an ordinary dust storm, it caused civilization shattering
earthquakes. “The destructive storm makes the land tremble and quake, like the storm of the flood it
destroys the cities.”27

When archaeologist’s in the early 1900s excavated the cities of Sumer and Ur, they found that it was
buried under several meters of silt, composed of sand, gravel, clay and other matter normally
deposited by flowing water over a period of geological time.

The dark storm cloud that the people of antiquity describe, seem to resemble a dark cometary cloud.
“Like a truck occasionally spewing exhaust as it travels, a comet can shed a series of dense debris
clouds as it travels along its orbit, and begins to fragment and disintegrate after entering the inner
solar system. This cloud of debris can consist of massive chunks of ice, boulder, rocks, and dust. In
one work Ninurta is referred to as a “cloud of death,” a very appropriate term for a dense and dark
cloud of comet debris that can rain down massive hailstones and meteorites and bring deadly nuclear
bomb like destruction to an area.”28

Dead bodies are everywhere in the city streets of Ur. But they are described as melted by extreme
heat from the weapons that have been hurled by the gods to the earth. “The blood of the land like
bronze and lead...Its dead bodies, like fat put to the flame, of themselves melted away. Its men who
were brought to an end by the ax...mouths bit the dust...Its men who were struck down by the
spear...they lay stricken in their blood…”29

The sequence of events that the Mesopotamian Lamentations describe, “...are all modern
observational elements for establishing evidence of a large cosmic impact. Characterized first by a

World Myth or History? 175

brilliant flash of light and a thermal wave, then ground motion from a large earthquake resulting from
the impact, followed by a powerful air blast wave, and finally the raining down of dust and debris that
was thrown high up in the Earth’s atmosphere.”30

The devastated cities were raided for its masonry and supplies by survivors from other lands, while
the terrified remnant ran for their lives. The goddess of the city cries that those who rebuild are no
longer the same people. “Ur which no longer exists --I am not its queen; I whose house verily has
been made into ruins, whose city verily has been destroyed, I, the righteous lady, in whose city verily
strange cities have been built,”31
The lament of the goddess Nanna of Ur is confirmed by archaeology. The ancient Sumerian and
Akkadian Mesopotamian cities founded by Nimrod come to a sudden end and are replaced by the
Babylonian and Assyrian civilization. How this happened remains a mystery unless we are willing to
accept the unified eyewitness testimony they have left behind, etched on tablets of clay and stone.

The book of Genesis tells us that the patriarch Abraham, born around 2000 BC, originated from the
Mesopotamian city of Ur (Genesis 11:31), presumably before its catastrophic end. Many years later,
when Abraham was 99 years old he had an encounter with the Lord God (Genesis 18) who promised
him that he would have a son through his wife Sarah, then revealed what He was about to do. “ 17 The
LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 since Abraham will surely become a
great and mighty nation, and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed? 19 For I have chosen
him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD
by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken
about him.””32

World mythology on the destruction of the ages tells us that God forewarns the righteous few before
the coming of a world changing catastrophe. This scripture reveals that God does this so that the
nations of the earth may be blessed with times of righteousness and justice spearheaded by those
who keep the ways of the Lord. However, in order to give the righteous room to flourish, powerful
wicked nations had to come to an end.

20 And the LORD said, “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is
exceedingly grave. 21 I will go down now, and see if they have done entirely according to its outcry,
which has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”33

Once again the noise from the earth is rising up to heaven and as at the end of the first age, the God
of heaven and earth responds. The Lord checks personally to see if the outcry reaching his gates ring

World Myth or History? 176

true, and if so, then judgment would soon be forthcoming. But God promises Abraham that he would
spare the city should He find even just ten righteous men.
Unfortunately, all God found in the city was perversion and evil as they came in a mob to sexually
attack the visitors. Thus, a few years after Abraham and his men had saved the cities of the Valley
from Chedorlaomer king of Elam and his allies, these same cities are destroyed by the heavenly ‘sling
stones’, “ 24 Then the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of
heaven, 25 and He overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and
what grew on the ground...27 Now Abraham arose early in the morning and went to the place where
he had stood before the LORD; 28 and he looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all
the land of the valley, and he saw, and behold, the smoke of the land ascended like the smoke of a

This story implies that the destruction of this age was not a random accident. The prophet Nahum
tells us,
“The Lord is slow to anger and great in power,
And the Lord will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.
In whirlwind and storm is His way,
And clouds are the dust beneath His feet.”35
Both the wind and the dark storm are under His authority --the God who controls the universe. And
the Lord does not make His decisions lightly. He came down to check Sodom, with the implication
that He had also ensured the veracity of the cries rising up from every city in the world before He
rained down judgment from on high.

This desolation evidently went beyond just Sodom and Gomorrah since we are told that all the cities
of the valley were annihilated. In fact, the extent of the devastation led the daughters of Lot to believe
that their father was the last man on earth (Genesis 19:31).

According to Plato, the ancient Egyptian civilization received some protection from the destructions
because of its unique position and the waters that flowed northward. It was elevated enough to save
it from flooding and protected from direct impact by the surrounding terrain. “And from this calamity
the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour, delivers and preserves us...Whereas in this land, neither
then or at any other time, does the water come down from above on the fields, having always a
tendency to come up from below; for which reason the traditions preserved here are the most
The unique attributes of the location of ancient Egyptian civilization that protected it from the worst
impact of the catastrophes may have been the reason that it is to this nation that the biblical

World Myth or History? 177

patriarchs turned to in difficult times. But even though shielded, the catastrophe was still of such
magnitude that it devastated the mighty ancient Egyptian civilization.

Both archaeologists and ancient historians agree that right before the end of the second age, the
Egyptian civilization was at a very high point. “A unique feature of Dynasty 5 and 6 was the wealth
and status of some of the nobles of this era. They have left behind some costly and exquisite
mastabas on the walls of which are an extraordinary number of reliefs depicting everyday life in Egypt
at that time.”37 The prosperity, fertility and abundance that the people enjoyed featured prominently in
their arts. Then suddenly something happened that threw the Egyptian authorities into a state of
confusion and poverty. “Dynasties 7 to 11 suggest that Egypt was in a state of anarchy. Dozens of
kings followed each other in quick succession, and the national economy was in shambles. In fact,
one record of Manetho says, “The 7th Dynasty consisted of seventy kings of Memphis who reigned
for 70 days.”38

A papyrus containing the Admonitions of Ipuwer, most likely copied by a scribe from an ancient
source writing about the first intermediate period, relates the condition of the people at this time of
"The fruitful water of Nile is flooding,
The fields are not cultivated,
Robbers and tramps wander about and
Foreign people invade the country from everywhere.
Diseases rage and women are barren.
All social order has ceased,
Taxes are not paid and
Temples and palaces are being insulted.
Those who once were veiled by splendid garments, are now ragged.
Noble women wander around the country and lament:
"If only we would have something to eat."
Men throw themselves in the jaws of crocodiles -
So out of one's senses are people in their horror.
Laughter has ceased everywhere.
Mourning and lament are in its place.
Both old and young wish they are dead."39

At around the same time, the Indus Valley civilizations were at the peak of their riches and power
when everything started to fall apart. Their cities that showed evidence of organized city planning,

World Myth or History? 178

well engineered drains and hydrologic systems, and an advanced culture came to an abrupt end
around 1900 BC.40 This ancient civilization’s end was so catastrophic that their writing remains
undecipherable today. What happened to them remains a mystery.41
Archaeologists believe that evidence does not indicate wars as the cause, instead the cities
collapsed after natural disasters. Enemies might have moved in afterwards.42

If so, then this would seem to be the same situation that the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations
were in, as described by their mythology. Could it have been the same ‘evil wind’ the myths of the
world tell of, that disarmed all these mighty kingdoms from all over the world at this same time
period? Did this catastrophic destruction leave these mighty kingdoms powerless to defend
themselves from the scavenging survivors?

The myth of Phaeton also tells us who put a stop to this fiery destructive chariot. It was Zeus, the
planet Jupiter, who blasted Mars with a thunderbolt. Mars and Jupiter may have orbited close to each
other triggering an electromagnetic reaction. The blast from the much larger planet Jupiter could have
knocked Mars away from its dangerously close orbit to earth. In the process, a sizable piece of planet
Mars appears to have been blown off and fallen to the earth as ‘Phaeton’. Seen from the earth,
Jupiter would seem very much like a protective god defending the peoples of the planet.

“Jupiter Optimus Maximus was the great god of the Capitol who ruled benevolently over all affairs of
state and law, oaths and treaties, striking down enemies with his thunderbolt, while “governing for the
good of the governed,” an unusual concept in today’s world. The Greek form of Jupiter was Zeus,
ruler of gods and mortals.”43

Phaeton, according to the myths, fell into the Hyperborean river Eridanos. Ancient Greeks historians
wrote of Hyperborea 44 as a real land from where people originated from, and took part in events like
the Olympics and temple offerings. The description of what happened to Eridanos when Phaeton fell,
reveal either an amazing scientific knowledge of what happens when celestial fragments impact the
waters, or this story was based on true observations.
“....the stream of Eridanos; whence once smitten on the breast by the blazing bolt, Phaeton half
consumed fell from the chariot of Helios into the opening of that deep lake; and even now it belcheth
up heavy steam clouds from the smouldering wound. And no bird spreading its light wings can cross
that water; but in mid-course it plunges into the flame, fluttering.”45

The noxious fumes produced by cometary impact along with the heat producing clouds of steam
would kill birds flying over the area.

World Myth or History? 179

“A large impact produces incredibly high temperatures in the atmosphere that causes the sulfur
carried by comets to become highly corrosive sulfuric acid, and also some of the nitrogen in the burn and become nitrous acid...and nitric acid...breathing nitrogen oxides...causes lung
damage, lung edema, and death...The different nitrogen compounds produced in the atmosphere
would quickly be caught up in the water vapor of clouds…”46

Another writer describes the chemical composition of the swamp of Eridanos after the impact. “Or if
some black bitumen catches fire or yellow sulphur burns with little smoke, then surely, when the
ground no longer gives such food and nutriment for flames...’Tis said that Hyperboreans of Pallene
can cover all their bodies with light plumes by plunging nine times into Minerva’s [Athena’s] marsh
[i.e. a lake of bitumen]...”47

Bitumen is an oily hydrocarbon product that is used to make petroleum gas and diesel. In the 1970s,
“ was discovered that comets, asteroids, and meteors can contain organic compounds, including
tar like petroleum hydrocarbons,”48

Sulfur is often called brimstone (ex. the brimstone that rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah) in
ancient texts, “Comets, asteroids, and meteorites often contain relatively high amounts of sulfur,
which has a distinct “old eggy smell” when hot.”49 Apollonius Rhodius wrote that when the Argonauts
sailed on the Eridanos river they were nearly overwhelmed by the ‘nauseating stench from
Phaethon’s smouldering body, which the outflow to the river emitted all the time.’50

Myth also reveals that when, “...the Sun king Apollo’s son Phaeton asks to drive the Sun’s chariot
through the sky, but the boy cannot control the chariot because he is too young and inexperienced.
The result is that Earth becomes parched with drought in some places and frozen in others…”51
This would be an apt description of what was happening to planet earth in this time right after the
catastrophic events possibly brought about by a close encounter with the planet Mars.

How did the waterlogged second age moist wet climate come to an end? Where did all the water go?
At the start of the chapter on the second age, it was discussed how the oceans had been much
warmer due to the mechanisms that had brought about by the Deluge. The warm ocean breezes not
only warmed the adjacent land masses but also caused large amounts of water to evaporate,
producing massive amounts of rain and snow. In the mid to high latitudes, the snow would have built
up because of the moderate summers and cloud cover that reflected heat away. Unlike liquid water
that continuously goes in a cycle, the snow would have been trapped and packed into large glacial

World Myth or History? 180

The catastrophic fiery encounter with the chariot of Phaeton may have sped up the desertification of
Africa and caused rapid evaporation of the massive lakes produced during the Deluge that destroyed
the first age. These lakes and water systems would have had no natural way to replenish themselves
once more. The evaporated waters would have returned to earth as precipitation that would have
been slowly locked away in what Job called the ‘storehouses of the snow’ (Job 38:22). And they
would have been stored as glacial ice protected from melting in the sun’s heat by the ash and dusty
dark clouds in the atmosphere.

Evidence of large glaciers that covered much of mid to high latitude land locked areas of the earth
have been found by geologists from the Americas to all of Africa south of the equator. “We find these
same characteristics over large areas on the plains of North America and in the western mountain
valleys of the United States as well as parts of Europe, indicating these areas were once covered by

The formation of massive ice sheets in the past has also been discovered in the Australasian
continent. “The whole of the phenomena here briefly sketched point unmistakably to glacial action; in
fact, there seems to be hardly any part of Wales or Scotland where such action is more clearly
indicated...In one part of the area the bed rock is exposed, and this is covered with abundant
striations crossing the stratification lines, indicating either powerful glacier or iceberg action.
A list of localities where similar conglomerates have been found is given, showing that they occur to
the northward for about 250 miles along the foot of the hills bordering the Murray valley... If these
deposits are really all glacial and contemporaneous, they indicate an extent of glaciated country that
would imply either a very lofty mountain range or the occurrence of a real glacial epoch in the
southern hemisphere.”53
These glaciers may be what Australian aboriginal mythology called the greedy frog that drank all the
waters of the world. 54 If so, then this ice age event may be more recent than current theory would
allow. The geological observations seem to point to a fairly recent ice age, which would be a mystery
unless we accept the testimony of those who were there before us. Geologists cannot help but
wonder at the mystery of the geologically ‘fresh’ evidence of glaciation.
“If, on the other hand, they are supposed to be true erratics--that is, to have been deposited on the
present land-surface by ice agency--they must clearly be much less ancient than the conglomerate
itself, or they would hardly retain such fresh-looking striations, grooving, and polishing as some of
them exhibit. It is to be hoped that these most interesting deposits will be the subject of very careful
study by Australian geologists, since they seem calculated to throw much light on the geological
history of the old Australian continent.”55

World Myth or History? 181

In the northern hemisphere these vast land masses covered by glacial ice, hundreds of meter in
depth, may have been what the ancients called “Pterophoros, a desolate, snow-covered land cursed
by eternal winter.”56 The location of this mythical zone was placed to the south of Hyperborea,
between the freezing Rhipaion mountains and the lands of Skythia, Thrake, Istria, Celtica, Italy and

The dangerously close orbit of the fiery planet may have paradoxically increased the precipitation that
fed the glaciers, at the same time causing some deglaciation because of its intense heat. This partial
deglaciation event would have in turn caused massive amounts of rock flour dust and fueled powerful
wind storms. The North American Hopi called this the age destroyed by fire, 57 while the Cherokee
described it as a time when the angry sun burned so hot that men perished.58

As the ocean temperatures cooled, the moderate winters became more frigid and the atmosphere
became increasingly drier with less water vapor. The greater temperature difference between the
cooler polar regions and the hot dry equatorial areas would also fan extremely strong dry dusty winds
that ravaged the lands.

When worldwide mythology remembers a scorching dusty wind, it must have been an extraordinary
occurrence worthy of note. The dust may have been produced by the natural action of glacier
movements. “Ice sheets and glaciers grind up the rock to silt size. This silt is called rock flour...this
rock flour would have been blown all over the world by the strong dry storms during deglaciation.
There is even much dust in the Ice Age portion of the Greenland and Antarctica ice is a
very rich soil. A number of places in the world where the wind-blown silt is especially thick are super
agricultural areas. These areas include the Midwest of the United States, the Ukraine, and large
areas of China.”59

Ancient Buddhist sacred texts tells us that there are stages in the destruction and renovation of world
cycles. "There are four immensities, O priests, to a world-cycle. And what are the four? The
destruction, continuance of destruction, renovation, and continuance of renovation."60
The hot dry dusty winds,and the drought and famine that ensued seems to be what the Visuddhi
Magga would describe as the ‘continuance of destruction’.
The moderate and wet second age climate that had made a large portion of the world into an
abundant fertile paradise was winding to an end. The Patriarch Abraham experienced a famine that
caused him to find refuge in Egypt. “Now there was a famine in the land; so Abram went down to
Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.”61

World Myth or History? 182

Isaac, son of Abraham, encountered a similar famine many years after his father had died.
“Now there was a famine in the land, besides the previous famine that had occurred in the days of

Many years later, Jacob, son of Isaac encountered a famine so extreme that its extent was planetary.
Joseph, son of Jacob (Israel), through a divinely orchestrated series of events was placed in a
position to help the peoples of the world survive this catastrophe. “When the famine was spread over
all the face of the earth, then Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold to the Egyptians; and the
famine was severe in the land of Egypt. The people of the earth came to Egypt to buy grain from
Joseph, because the famine was severe in all the earth.”63

Joseph, great grandson of the patriarch Abraham, shared his predecessor’s faith. He did not
succumb to the worship of mighty men or celestial bodies as gods. Instead he believed in the Creator
of the universe, who is Lord of all. Joseph knew that humanity was not subject to the capricious
whims of the fickle planetary gods. Instead, he relied on the One unchanging God who directs the
paths of the planets. Joseph also learned from his forefathers that the Maker of heaven and earth
was neither distant nor impersonal, rather One that was intensely concerned with the affairs of men.

Knowledge about the famine before it occurred had been revealed to Pharaoh in a symbolic dream,
the interpretation of which God had revealed to Joseph as seven years of abundance followed by
seven years of severe famine. “ 25 Now Joseph said to Pharaoh, “Pharaoh’s dreams are one and the
same; God has told to Pharaoh what He is about to do. 26 The seven good cows are seven years; and
the seven good ears are seven years; the dreams are one and the same. 27 The seven lean and ugly
cows that came up after them are seven years, and the seven thin ears scorched by the east wind
will be seven years of famine.”64

Note that not only did the God given dream reveal the coming seven years of abundance followed by
seven years of famine, but it also foretold the cause of the famine --a scorching east wind that would
blow for many years. The scorching east wind that causes the famine is repeated three times in this
story (Genesis 41:6, 41:23, and 41:27).

The S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM tells us that after the dark fiery storm, something else was coming “(11)
Next a terrible wind will blow for more than a hundred years and bring annihilation covering the sky
gray with dust.”65

World Myth or History? 183

Perhaps even the famine first experienced by Abraham was caused by the beginnings of this dry
dusty winds. If so, then it may have began soon after the dark fiery storm, because Abraham had
originated from the Mesopotamian city of Ur prior to its destruction around 1900 BC. The S'RÎMAD
BHÂGAVATAM would then have accurately observed that this dusty wind storms had gone on for
over one hundred years, since it plagued the world all the way to the time of Abraham’s great
grandchild Joseph, when it struck continuously for seven years.

The Visuddhi Magga 66 tell us that after the cycle destroying great cloud appears there will be heavy
rainfall for some time and after that suddenly there is drought and famine. The S'RÎMAD
BHÂGAVATAM too speaks of a time of abundance right before the famine, similar to the Pharaoh’s

Because of the detailed Genesis accounts we are able to place the seven year famine at
approximately 1700 BC. This would place it during the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. “Pharaoh Sesostris
I is identified as the pharaoh who appointed Joseph over Egypt, with Joseph himself possibly being
identified as Mentuhotep, Sesostris vizier or prime minister.”67
The vizier Mentuhotep was given an extraordinary amount of power and authority by the pharaoh,
similar to that given to Joseph as recorded in the book of Genesis.
“ 39 So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has informed you of all this, there is no one so discerning
and wise as you are. 40 You shall be over my house, and according to your command all my people
shall do homage; only in the throne I will be greater than you.” 41 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I
have set you over all the land of Egypt.””68

Pharaoh’s command that all should pay homage to Joseph was highly unusual since most Egyptian
rulers were not often willing to share their honors. “Pharaoh Senuswret I (a.k.a. Sesostris I) of
dynasty 12 had a vizier called Mentuhotep who "appears as the alter ego of the king. When he
arrived, the great personages bowed down before him at the outer door of the royal palace" [Emille
Brugsch, Egypt Under the Pharaohs].”69
Writing on a tomb of Ameni,70 a provincial governor during the reign of Sesostris I in Beni Hassan,
records gathering food and storing it up for a coming famine. How would he have known to prepare
for a famine during a season of abundance? As a government official we would expect him to have
been obeying an order from the top. How would the pharaoh have known to prepare during years of
abundance for a famine that did not yet exist?

On the island of Sehel in the Nile river, young Greek scribes would practice their trade by copying
from older documents. “On a rock known as "Hungry Rock", a scribe has written: "I was in mourning

World Myth or History? 184

on my throne. Those of the palace were in great affliction, because Hapy [the Nile god] had failed to
come in time in a period of 7 years. Grain was scant, jernels were dried up, scarce was every kind of

But the strongest evidence of the historicity of the Genesis account of Joseph is that of the extensive
waterworks attributed to him that was finished during the reign of Amenemhat III who was pharaoh
after Sesostris I. Bahr Yussef (Arabic for the Waterway of Joseph) is described by the ancient
historian Diodorus Siculus,
“Moeris (Amenemhat III) ... dug a lake of remarkable usefulness, though at the cost of incredible toil.
Its circumference, they say is 3600 stades, its depth at most points fifty fathoms. Who, then, on
estimating the greatness of construction, would not reasonably ask how many tens of thousands of
men must have been employed, and how many years they took to finish their work? No one can
adequately commend the king's design, which brings such usefulness and advantage to all the
dwellers in Egypt.
Since the Nile kept to no definite bounds in its rising, and the fruitfulness of the country depended
upon the river's regularity, the king dug the lake to accommodate the superfluous water, so that the
river should neither, with its strong current, flood the land unseasonably and form swamps and fens,
nor, by rising less than was advantageous, damage the crops by lack of water. Between the river and
the lake he constructed a canal 80 stades in length and 300 feet in breadth. Through this canal, at
times he admitted the water of the river, at other times he excluded it, thus providing the farmers with
water at fitting times by opening the inlet and again closing it scientifically and at great expense. No
less than 50 talents had of necessity to be expended by anyone who wished to open or shut this
sluice. The lake has continued to serve the needs of the Egyptians down to our own days, and it has
its name from its constructor, being still called the Lake of Moeris.”72

Whitehouse, an American engineer tasked with finding ways to increase the arable lands of Egypt
surprised his employers and the world by his analysis that the best way to do so would be the revive
the ancient irrigation system developed and put in place over 3,500 years ago.
"By extensive surveying Whitehouse confirmed the fact that a vast network of canals flanking the Nile
had existed long before the Ptolemaic era; they had been far more extensive, and further, a HUGE
RESERVOIR had been created consisting of TWO LAKES which, if the canal system had not been
debased by the Greeks and other succeeding rulers, would have continued to guarantee water to a
vast area. The Greeks, ignorant of the hydrology of the system, in attempting to increase acreage by
reducing the extent of the lakes, had instead caused large areas of rich soil to return to dusty sand.
Once fertile fields had relapsed into an arid landscape of sand, dust, and rock"73

World Myth or History? 185

Rulers of Egypt who came after the end of the second age were ignorant of the hydrological
engineering of their predecessors, and ended up producing desert land from previously arable areas.
This brings to mind the observation made by the Aztecs that, those who survived after the destruction
of the second age, had deteriorated to monkeys.

It is estimated that this ancient waterway still waters up to a third of Egypt and may be found on
modern day maps bearing its ancient name Bahr Yousef (The Sea/Waterway of Joseph). It is
reasonable to think that if Joseph had truly been tasked with ensuring the survival of Egypt through a
catastrophic seven year famine, then not only would he store provisions for food, but also develop
waterways and reservoirs to ensure a supply of water which is essential to life.

But was this a local famine or, as scripture claims, a worldwide event?

At the opposite side of the globe, in ancient China at around the same historical period, Thang began
his rule, officially ending the Hsia dynasty.
“For seven years after his accession to the throne, B.C. 1766-1760, there was a great drought and
famine. It was suggested at last that some human being should be offered in sacrifice to Heaven, and
prayer made for rain. Thang said, ‘If man must be the victim, I will be he.’ He fasted; cut off his hair
and nails, and in a plain carriage, drawn by white horses, clad in rushes, in the guise of a sacrificial
victim, he proceeded to a forest of mulberry trees, and there prayed, asking to what error or crime of
his the calamity was owing. He had not done speaking when a copious rain fell.”74

The seven years of famine recorded by Thang was terrible enough to cause the national leader to
willingly sacrifice himself, if it would cause benefit to his people. China is a vast nation, and it appears
that the entirety of it had suffered through the seven years of famine caused by the severe drought.

Canaanite mythology of Baal’s battle against Mot (death), takes place as seven years of drought and
scarcity. It is only when Baal is restored on the throne that rain comes and vegetation grows once
more. It seems that this climatic catastrophe extended from Egypt, throughout the Middle East, all the
way around to China as found in the ancient histories of these lands.

Job may have felt both the destructive power of the dark fiery storm, “The fire of God fell from
heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them...”75 And the great wind that
killed his children. “18...“Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest
brother’s house, 19 and behold, a great wind came from across the wilderness and struck the four
corners of the house, and it fell on the young people and they died...”76

World Myth or History? 186

The book of Job also gives us an insight to the moral situation of the peoples of that time.
Neighboring nations of the Sabeans and Chaldeans raided and stole his flocks, and killed his
servants. The second age was not a safe place for the weak. Even Abraham, who had his own
private army, needed to pretend that his wife was his sister when he sought refuge in Egypt (Genesis
12:10-20) and Gerar (Genesis 20:1-3). And the events that happened in each land proved that his
fears were not unfounded. Isaac had to do likewise for the same reasons (Genesis 26: 6-11). It
seems that during the end of the second age the strong would take whatever they wanted, and kill
whomever would stand in the way. The second age had become a scary dangerous place for the
righteous person to live in.

The Lament for the ancient city of Nippur writes of Enlil’s purpose for the cataclysmic destruction of
the lands by the terrible wind. It tells of internal transformation amongst the survivors, as well as
giving the weak of the earth a season of peace.
“Father Enlil, the lord whose command cannot be altered, prince of all countries, has fixed among the
black-headed people, and commanded for their benefit, a time when no one is to speak hostile words
to another, when a son is to respect his father, a time to establish humility in the Land, for the inferior
to be as important as the mighty, a time when the younger brother, fearing his big brother, is to show
humility, a time when the elder child is to treat the younger child reasonably and to pay heed to his
words, a time to take neither weak nor strong away into captivity, but to serve with great acts of good,
a time to travel the disordered roadways, to extirpate evil growths, a time when anyone is to go where
they will, to hurl no insults at one’s fellow...a time no one is to speak hostile words to another, to
perform no sacrilege...a time to remove bitterness from the Land, to establish light therein, a time
when darkness is to be lifted in the Land, so that living things should rejoice.”77

The Papyrus Ipuwer describes the time after the catastrophic meltdown of second age Egyptian
society. Their world is turned upside down. The rich and the oppressor suddenly loses their upper
“Indeed, poor men have become owners of wealth, and he who could not make sandals for himself is
now a possessor of riches...Indeed, [hearts] are violent, pestilence is throughout the land, blood is
everywhere, death is not lacking, and the mummy-cloth speaks even before one comes near it.
Indeed, many dead are buried in the river; the stream is a sepulcher and the place of embalmment
has become a stream.
Indeed, noblemen are in distress, while the poor man is full of joy. Every town says: "Let us suppress
the powerful among us."
...Indeed, the land turns around as does a potter's wheel; the robber is a possessor of riches and [the
rich man is become] a plunderer.” 78

World Myth or History? 187

In this time of catastrophe, survivors from other lands rush in and scavenge anything useable from
the rubble of what is left behind. Foreigners come who neither know the language nor care for the
ancient customs of the civilizations that had preceded them. Libraries of clay tablets and cherished
monuments become scrap material for walls, wells and other mundane necessities. New cities with
new residents are established over the ruins of the old --buried under the silt and dust carried by the
fearsome winds.

Precious treasures are no longer the gold and gems, but food and water. Overlords are no longer as
important as those who pull their own weight. Those educated in the technologies of the times are not
as valuable as those who know how to farm the land. In this way, much of the scientific achievements
of the first and second age were lost to the succeeding generations.
“Indeed, the desert is throughout the land, the nomes are laid waste, and barbarians from abroad
have come to Egypt.
Indeed, men arrive [. . .] and indeed, there are no Egyptians anywhere.
Indeed, gold and lapis lazuli, silver and turquoise, carnelian and amethyst, Ibhet-stone and [. . .] are
strung on the necks of maidservants. Good things are throughout the land, (yet) housewives say: "Oh
that we had something to eat!"
Indeed, [. . .] noblewomen. Their bodies are in sad plight by reason of their rags, and their hearts sink
when greeting [one another]. Indeed, chests of ebony are broken up, and precious ssnDm-wood is
cleft asunder in beds [. . .].
Indeed, the builders [of pyramids have become] cultivators, and those who were in the sacred bark
are now yoked [to it].”79 -The Admonitions of Ipuwer III

Job claims that he, and all those with him, had witnessed the judgment of God upon the wicked, who
were destroyed by the the east wind. The east wind or sirocco is what the dusty scorching winds
coming from the deserts are called (a.k.a. destructive wind of the wilderness). Job also notes how the
wealth of the wicked ends up with those who had been spared from destruction.
12 “Behold, all of you have seen it;
Why then do you act foolishly?
13 “This is the portion of a wicked man from God,
And the inheritance which tyrants receive from the Almighty.
14 “Though his sons are many, they are destined for the sword;
And his descendants will not be satisfied with bread.
15 “His survivors will be buried because of the plague,
And their widows will not be able to weep.
16 “Though he piles up silver like dust

World Myth or History? 188

And prepares garments as plentiful as the clay,
17 He may prepare it, but the just will wear it
And the innocent will divide the silver.
18 “He has built his house like the spider’s web,
Or as a hut which the watchman has made.
19 “He lies down rich, but never again;
He opens his eyes, and it is no longer.
20 “Terrors overtake him like a flood;
A tempest steals him away in the night.
21 “The east wind carries him away, and he is gone,
For it whirls him away from his place.
22 “For it will hurl at him without sparing;
He will surely try to flee from its power.80

The indigenous people of Northern Europe, have an ancient myth of the great storm wind that caused
massive destruction on the earth.
“Jubmel set a storm wind blowing,
and the wild air-spirits raging…
Foaming, dashing, rising sky-high
came the sea-wall, crushing all things.
Jubmel with one strong upheaval,
made the earth-lands all turn over;
then the world again he righted.
Now the mountains and the highlands
could no more be seen by Beijke [sun].
Filled with groans of dying people,
was the fair earth, home of mankind.
No more Beijke shone in heaven.”81
This Lapland myth talks of the raging winds that caused massive landmasses ‘mountains and
highlands’ that disappeared under the sea after the worldwide catastrophe, like Plato’s Atlantis. Like
the other mythologies regarding this terrible wind, there is a great loss of human life, and the dark
storm ushers in a new dark age.

The second age superpowers and conquerors come to an end in a single day and night of
catastrophic destruction followed by a prolonged scorching wind, bringing drought and famine. Thus,
a new age dawns over the earth, allowing humanity to start again on level ground.

World Myth or History? 189

1. Dr. Alice Mills, chief consultant.New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing. 2003. pp 123
2. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p328
3. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p321-328
4. Miriam Kramer. “Listen to This: Comet’s Eerie ‘Song’ Captured by Rosetta Spacecraft.” 2014.
5. S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM. ‘The Story of the Fortunate One.” Canto 12, Chapter 4. 3rd Revised Version 2012.
6. John Ackerman. Firmament: Recent Catastrophic History of the Earth. Dance of the Planets 1, Angiras. 2015.
Infinity Publishing. 5/5/15. <>
7. “Bhagavata Purana.” Wikipedia. 2015. 5/15/15. <>
8. Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Dialogues of Plato. Timaeus. USA: Oxford University Press. 1952. pp 444-445
9. Immanuel Velikovsky. World’s in Collision. New York: Pocket Books,1977. p 206
10. John Ackerman. “Indra Was Mars.” Firmament: Recent Catastrophic History of the Earth. Infinity Publishing.
5/17/15. <>
11. “Indra.” Myths Encyclopedia. 5/15/15. <>
12. Robert A. Segal, ed. 30-Second Mythology. UK: Ivy Press. 2014. p 130
13. C.H. Oldfather, trans. Diodorus of Sicily iii. 55. 60-30 BC
14. Melville, trans. Ovid: Metamorphoses 1. 750 ff. Roman epic C1st B. to C1st AD
15. Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Dialogues of Plato. USA: Oxford University Press. 1952. pp 445-446
16. Bury, trans. Plato, Critias 108e - 109c & 113c - 121c
17. Bury, trans. Plato, Timaeus 24e-25d. Greek Philosopher C4th BC
18.Sarah Pruitt. “Massive Bronze-Age City Discovered Underwater in Greece.” History in the Headlines. August 31,
2015. History. <>
19. New American Standard Bible.Nahum 1:3-5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
20. J.A. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson, G. Zolyomi. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “Lament for
Unug (Uruk) Segment A. 9-14. Oxford University, UK. 1998
21. J.A. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson, G. Zolyomi. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “Lament for
Unug (Uruk) Segment E. 11-31. Oxford University, UK. 1998
22. Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D.The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books. 2011. p 463
23. J.A. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson, G. Zolyomi. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “Lament for
Eridug.” Segment A. 28-47. Oxford University, UK. 1998
24. J.A. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson, G. Zolyomi. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “Lament for
Nippur.” 2nd Kirugu. 95-102. Oxford University, UK. 1998
25. J.A. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson, G. Zolyomi. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “Lament for
Sumer and Urin.” 483-492. Oxford University, UK. 1998
26. Samuel N. Kramer. Lamentation Over the Destruction of Ur.181-185. Assyriological Studies No.12. Chicago
Illinois: The University of Chicago Press. 1940. p 37
27. Samuel N. Kramer. Lamentation Over the Destruction of Ur.198. Assyriological Studies No.12. Chicago Illinois:
The University of Chicago Press. 1940. p 39
28. A.K. Grayson. “The Myth of Zu,” in Ancient Near Eastern Texts…, pp 515-517
29. Samuel N. Kramer. Lamentation Over the Destruction of Ur. 215-220. Assyriological Studies No.12. Chicago
Illinois: The University of Chicago Press. 1940. p 41
30. Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books. 2011. p 76
31. Samuel N. Kramer. Lamentation Over the Destruction of Ur. 285. Assyriological Studies No.12. Chicago Illinois:
The University of Chicago Press. 1940. p 51
32. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 18:17-19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
33. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 18:20-21. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
34. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 19:24-29. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
35. New American Standard Bible.Nahum 1:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
36. Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Dialogues of Plato. Timaeus. USA: Oxford University Press. 1952. pp 445
37. John Ashton, David Down. Unwrapping the Pharaohs. AR: Master Books. 2007. p 126
38. John Ashton, David Down. Unwrapping the Pharaohs. AR: Master Books. 2007. p 130
39. Timo Niroma. “The First Intermediate Period.” The Third Millennium BC (3100-2100 BC). 2007.
40. “What Happened to the Indus Valley Cities?” Indus Valley: The End of the Indus. 2014. BBC. 5/22/15.
41. “Indus Valley Civilization: End of the Civilization.” History of India. 2007. Indiansaga Info. 5/21/12.

World Myth or History? 190

42. “Was There a War?” Indus Valley: The End of the Indus. 2014. BBC. 5/22/15.
43. Thomas Joseph Brown. “Tin-Jupiter’s Thunderbolt.” Borderlands. 2012.
44.“Land Hyperborea.” 5/16/15. <>
45. Seaton, trans. Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 4. 594 ff. Greek Epic. C3rd BC
46. Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books. 2011. p 52-53
47. Brookes More, trans. Ovid, Metamorphoses 10. 352 ff. Roman Epic. C1st BC to C1st AD
48. Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books. 2011. p 442
49. Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books. 2011. p 50
50. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica 4. 619 ff. trans. Rieu, Greek epic C3rd B.C.
51. Marilyn Morgan. “Jupiter: Mythology and Man’s Early Musings.” Solar System Exploration. 2015. NASA. 5/15/15.
52. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books. 2006. p 26
53. A.R. Wallace. An Ancient Glacial Epoch in Australia. "Notes on the Glacial Conglomerate, Wild Duck Creek." By E.
Dunn, F.G.S. (R. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, 1892.) p 55. 5/25/15.
54.“A Legend of the Great Flood.” Internet Sacred Texts Archive. 8/8/2003. Sacred Texts. 2/15/2015
55. A.R. Wallace. An Ancient Glacial Epoch in Australia. "Notes on the Glacial Conglomerate, Wild Duck Creek." By E.
Dunn, F.G.S. (R. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne, 1892.) p 55. 5/25/15.
56. “Land Hyperborea.” Hyperborea: Fabulous Land of the Far North. 2011. 5/25/15.
57. A. Koltypin, L. Fitzpatrick, trans. “Hopi - Descendants of Spider-Women. Four Worlds in Mythology of Hopi.” Earth
Before the Flood: Disappeared Continents and Civilizations. 1/3/2015. Dr. Alexander Koltypin
58. Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009.
59. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books. 2006. p 113
60. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p320
61. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 12:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
62. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 26:1. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
63. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 41:56-57. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
64. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 41:25-27. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
65. S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM. ‘The Story of the Fortunate One.” Canto 12, Chapter 4. 3rd Revised Version 2012.
66. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p320
67. John Ashton, David Down. Unwrapping the Pharaohs. AR: Master Books. 2007.
68. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 41:39-41. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
69.“Senuswret I and Mentuhotep.” Egypt--Truth that Matters. 2008. 5/25/15. <http://www.truth-that->
70. John Ashton, David Down. Unwrapping the Pharaohs. AR: Master Books. 2007. p 156-158
71. “Senuswret I and Mentuhotep.” Egypt: Truth that Matters. 2015. <>
72. W.G. Waddell, trans. Diodorus Siculus, The Historical Library, Books I, LI and LII
73. Samuel Kurinsky. The Eighth Day: The Hidden History of the Jewish Contribution to Civilization. p 88
74. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King.“03. The Announcement of Thang- Footnotes. 91:1.”
75. New American Standard Bible.Job 1:16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
76. New American Standard Bible.Job 1:18-19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
77. J.A. Black, G. Cunningham, E. Robson, G. Zolyomi. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “Lament for
Nippur.” 10th Kirugu. 284-296. Oxford University, UK. 1998
78.Andre Dollinger. “The Admonitions of Ipuwer. II” 2004. <>
79.Andre Dollinger. “The Admonitions of Ipuwer. III” 2004. <>
80. New American Standard Bible.Job 27:12-22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
81. Leonne de Cambrey. Lapland Legends. Yale University Press: 1926

World Myth or History? 191

Chapter Eight

The Third Age

(around 1900 BC - 650 BC)

The third age marks the rise of the barbarians that flooded the earth in search of habitable lands and
whatever goods they may steal or scavenge. The powerful second age civilizations lay in ruins, and
were left undefended. These foreigners, in the earlier stages, did not care for high technology,
sciences, mathematics, history, literature, or even the rudimentaries of reading and writing. Foremost
on their priority was survival.

This was aptly described by Plato on his discourse on the destruction of the ages.
“Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and other
requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the stream from heaven like a pestilence comes,
and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all
over again like children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times…”1

Historians used the term barbarians for these displaced peoples of the world. A term coined by the
Greeks for the foreign speaking invaders. But there was no single actual force or ‘barbarian’ world
power, just a motley group of tribes that have been roughly divided by the experts based on their
linguistic similarities. “On the great Eurasian landmass, two major groups of people were on the move
during this period. At the time, they were not identified as two groups -- simply as many different
tribes, each with its own name. Much later, scholars would sort them out by language characteristics,
which probably indicated racial relationships as well, calling one group Indo-European speakers and
the other Semitic speakers.”2

As discussed in the previous chapter, the second age peoples had divided the world into three areas
- Europe, Asia, and Africa. The lands of Europe traditionally belonged to the descendants of Japheth,
Asia to Shem (Semitic tribes), and Africa to Ham. The catastrophic destruction that ended the second
age, although felt globally, struck the worst on the lands of Ham. Thus, most of the displaced
survivors were from the European and Asiatic regions.

However, it is possible that some survivors from the lands colonized by Hamitic descendants were
able to rebuild their civilizations in Mesoamerica as the Olmec civilization, that suddenly appeared
fully developed in the third age.

World Myth or History? 192

Many third age cities were built over the ruins of the second age civilizations, buried under the heavy
layers of dust. Groups of peoples may have began in these locations to take advantage of the second
age developments of extensive waterways and fertile ‘rock flour’ dust produced by deglaciation and
spread out by the strong winds.

They may have also found it easier to use the finished stones and bricks from the rubble for their
basic needs (ie, houses, walls, wells, etc.). Even the finished stone facings of the great pyramids of
Egypt were reused for more mundane purposes.

Ancient clay libraries and meticulously kept records became ‘bricks’ for walls or other structures since
they meant nothing to the illiterate foreigners. Where were the protectors and keepers of these
national treasures? This remains a mystery to orthodox historians who refuse to accept the
documents of the ancients. Mystery upon mystery clouds this age, including the reason why the
barbarian hordes flooded the earth en masse and why less advanced cities are found by
archaeologists, built over the impressive well planned civilizations underneath. This is particularly
evident in the cities built over the Indus Valley Civilizations.

“Some cataclysmic event, in any case, appears to have struck Harappa, and the cities and town
were emptied of their inhabitants. At Mohenjadaro, the city was burnt and the inhabitants killed, and
people who were far less advanced than the inhabitants of the Indus Valley seem to have taken
possession of the towns. Thus it is possible to argue that the way was paved for the Aryans by the
victory of barbarism over an older and more advanced urban culture.”3

Age Three: Earthscape

The children of the third age had to learn to survive in a vastly different planet as that of the previous
age. The moist wet earth with copious precipitation and large bodies of inland fresh water, along with
its moderate climate was gone. Tribes of survivors were forced to move from their familiar lands in
order to find areas more suitable for habitation.

Plato wrote, “The fact is, that wherever the extremity of winter frost or summer sun does not prevent,
mankind exist, sometimes in greater, sometimes in lesser numbers.”4
The northern and southern tribes had to move away from the ever increasing ice sheets building up
over their lands. In the northern hemisphere these vast land masses covered by glacial ice, hundreds
of meter in depth, may have been what the ancients called “Pterophoros, a desolate, snow-covered

World Myth or History? 193

land cursed by eternal winter.”5 The location of this mythical zone was placed to the south of
Hyperborea, between the freezing Rhipaion mountains and the lands of Skythia, Thrake, Istria,
Celtica, Italy and Greece.5

The Aryan tribes (Indo-Europeans) who would migrate to upper India, Iran, Russia and the nations of
Europe such as Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Scandinavia, England, Scotland and Ireland; were
forced to move southward because their land, Airyane Vaejahi, was covered with thick sheets of ice.
The Vi-Daevo-Dat, sacred Aryan text, plainly explains the reason for their migration.
"O splendid Yima, towards the sacred Aryan land will rush evil as a severe fatal winter; evil will rush
as thick snow flakes falling in increased depth. From the three directions will wild and ferocious
animals attack, arriving from the most dreadful sites.”6 Animals coming from only three directions
implies that one direction is impassable, presumably the north expanse of glacial ice. "Before this
winter, any snow that fell would melt and convey the water away. Now the snow will not melt ... In this
place, O Yima the corporeal world will be DAMAGED. Before in this seedland the grass was so soft
the footprint of even a small animal could be observed. Now, there will be no footprints discernible at
all on the packed sheets of hard ice that will form.”6

The North American Hopi called this cold age Tokpela (the dark midnight),7 while the Cherokee
described it as a time when sun hid herself and the world began to freeze.8 In the Southern
hemisphere, the Australian Aborigines speak of a time when people from all over the earth went in
search of what had greedily drank the waters of the earth.9

Avestan scripture records an Aryan prayer, “that in my kingdom there be neither cold wind nor hot
wind (neither extreme winter or summer)...”10 Apparently as the Indo-European tribes travelled
southward to escape the extreme cold, they were confronted by territories destroyed by the extreme
heat ‘hot wind’ that would similarly be unsuitable for a settlement.

Geologic evidence of Ice Age glaciation are found in a large portion of North America, Europe,
Southern Australia, Asia and Africa south of the equator. Ironically, as some lands became too cold to
live in, others became much too hot and dry. Ovid described many of the ancient water reservoirs,
filled to the brim by the great watery deluge, that were dried up by the fiery catastrophe. Productive
fertile land became inhospitable desert.

Ancient Greek historian Diodorus tells us that Lake Triton in Libya (Africa), a large body of freshwater
mentioned by many other classical writers that, “disappeared from sight in the course of an
earthquake, when those parts of it which lay toward the ocean were torn asunder.”11

World Myth or History? 194

Ovid gives a graphic description of the massive changes that took place on the planet following the
disaster. “Earth everywhere splits deep and light strikes down into Tartara (the Underworld) and fills
with fear Rex Infernus (Hell’s monarch) [Haides] and his consort [Persephone]; the wide seas shrink
and where ocean lay a wilderness of dry sand spread; new peaks and ranges rise, long covered by
the deep, and multiply the scattered islands of the Cyclades. The fishes dive, the dolphins dare no
leap their curving course through the familiar air, and lifeless seals float supine on the waves; even
Nereus, fathoms down, in his dark caves, with Doris and her daughters, felt the fire. Thrice from the
waters Neptunus [Poseidon] raised his arm and frowning face; thrice fled the fiery air.
But Mother Tellus (Earth) [Gaia], encompassed by the seas, between the ocean and her shrinking
streams, that cowered for refuge in her lightless womb, lifted her smothered head and raised her
hand to shield her tortured face; then with a quake, a mighty tremor that convulsed the world, sinking
in shallow subsidence below her wonted place...12

Earth-shattering planetary movement, heat and earthquakes, shrinking seas produce swathes of
desert land, new mountains rise and others sink under the sea. Catastrophic planetary movement
warm the oceans once again. The fiery heat recorded by the ancient peoples, may explain how the
traces of massive ancient waterways and basins are found in what is now desert land in the continent
of Africa, southern portions of America, and the Middle East, with no possible natural way for them to
be replenished, or have been filled in the first place.

Poseidon (a.k.a. Neptune), the supreme ruler of the seas, is credited with the ability “to raise new
land from beneath the sea or cause existing land to sink below the waters.”13
Ovid tells us that three times he raised his hand to escape the fiery air. Logically, the way to escape
the air is to go under the water. Ovid goes on to tell us that Mother Tellus (the land masses that rise
above the water) sinks unders the ocean after a powerful world-shaking quake.

It was not only the climate change that limited humanity’s choices for habitation. Myths also seem to
imply that large land masses located in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans had vanished under
the waves of the sea. Plato had discussed the continent of Atlantis that had served as a pathway to
the vast continents of the Americas from the Straits of Gibraltar. World mythology also speaks of
another large land mass or groups of lands that may have existed in the Pacific Ocean.

The Maori of New Zealand tell of Hawaiki, the land from which their ancestors had originated. Hawaiki
was a land full of mystical power, a home of the heroes, major characters of tribal history and myth.
New born Maori children are greeted with a reminder of their noble heritage from the land of Hawaiki.
The fact that they never try to return to this well-loved homeland implies that such a trip is no longer

World Myth or History? 195

possible. “In some traditions Hawaiki is perceived to be a physical place from which the Māori
people first emerged before arriving in New Zealand. Others associate it with certain compass points,
particularly the east, or regard it as an actual island located somewhere in Polynesia.”14

There is a Samoan myth of a land that disappeared into the Pacific Ocean, “...In a battle between
Fire and Water... everything was overwhelmed by a 'boundless sea', and the god Tangaloa had the
task of re-creating the world.”15

A myth from the south Pacific island of Tahiti describes the destruction of the terrible winds that left a
couple as the sole survivors.
“Tahiti was destroyed by the sea. Even the trees and stones were carried away by the wind. But two
people were saved. The wife took up her young chicken, her young dog, and her kitten, and the
husband took up his young pig. The husband said they should escape to Mount Orofena, but the wife
said (correctly) that the flood would reach even there, and they should go to Mount Pita-hiti instead,
which they did. They watched ten nights till the sea ebbed. The land, though, remained without
produce, and the fish in the rock crevices were putrid. When the wind died away, stones and trees
began to fall from the heavens, where the winds had carried them. To escape this new danger, the
couple dug a hole, lined it with grass, and covered it over with stones and earth. They crept inside
and listened to the terrible crash of the falling stones. By and by, the falling stones stopped, but to be
safe they waited another night before coming out. The land they found was desolated…”16

The extent of the devastation of the land is better understood in another Tahitian myth that implies
that Tahiti was part of a larger landmass that vanished under the sea.
“The Supreme God was angry and dragged the earth through the sea. By a happy chance, the island
of Tahiti broke off and was preserved.”17

Traditions from India tell of a continent towards the east in the Pacific Ocean that sunk into the seas
due to a violent catastrophe, portions of surviving islands now comprise the country of Indonesia.
“...the lost continent of Rutas once located in the the Pacific Ocean east of India but was destroyed
by a volcanic cataclysm and left behind what would become the country of Indonesia. The survivors
of Rutas migrated to India and introduced Sanskrit to the language.”18 Brahmanic traditions hold that
these survivors were sun-worshippers of the god Rudra (Cosmic fire) and established an elite
Brahman caste in India.18

Archaeologists have discovered ancient black basalt ruins in “the Gunung Padang megalithic site,
about 60 kilometers southwest of Cianjur, West Java. The structure, which many believe was older

World Myth or History? 196

than the Egyptian pyramids, has been used as evidence that an advanced civilization had existed in
the country long before the rise of other ancient civilizations. Kompas/Andrean Kristianto.'”
Geologists are studying the possibility of a civilization that lies partially under the Pacific Ocean on the
continental Sunda shelf that lies under Indonesia and Malaysia.19

On the other side of the Americas, in the North Atlantic Ocean, Plato described the great continent of
Atlantis that in a single day and night cataclysm vanished under the sea. Plato wrote that the ancient
Egyptians ascribed the destruction to the work of the celestial bodies.

Across the Atlantic, the Makiritare people of Venezuela have a myth about the star people who fought
with one another, in the process, killing people, shooting arrows at each other and earth (lightning
bolts), dropping fruit (meteorites) that cause tsunamis, and setting the forests on fire. It was not until
they made peace and went to their places in the sky that the land had rest. The characters of this
celestial drama were Ahishama, who they claim became the planet Mars, and Kuamachi who became
the Evening Star 20
The planet Venus is known to astronomers as both the evening and the morning star. “Venus begins
the year as the “evening star,” and maintains that post through mid-August. It will disappear from view
for a few days at it passes between the Sun and Earth. It will return to view as the “morning star” by
late August.”21

Aztec myth trace their origins not to the Americas but to a lost land in the Atlantic Ocean, they call
Aztlan.22 The Aztecs received much of their lore from the Toltec and Mayan predecessors, which may
go back all the way to the Olmecs whose civilization began around 1600-1500 BC.
The sudden appearance of the Olmec civilization, when Mesoamerican sophistication, arts and
technologies had been very primitive for thousands of years, is a historical mystery. From rudimentary
tools, simple cane and thatch shelters, growing maize and other crops, and worshipping in simple
temples void of sculptural elaboration -- the fully developed Olmec civilization appeared, with no
transitional phase.
“..the Olmec introduced literacy, sculpture, monumental architecture, a complex religion, advanced
textile production, astronomy, calendrics, commerce, social stratification, systems of weights and
measures, divisions of labour, metallurgy, standardization of the crafts, government and every aspect
of a full blown civilization. It did not develop in pace slowly over centuries, but appeared all at once in
its entirety, as though suddenly imported from somewhere outside Mexico.”23

When the lost continent of Atlantis vanished under the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, some survivors
may have escaped on ships that travelled through the Gulf of Mexico. Landing on the shores of

World Myth or History? 197

Veracruz (approximately 1900 BC), they would have multiplied sufficiently in the succeeding centuries
to found the Olmec cities of Tres Zapotes, La Venta, San Lorenzo and Copalillo.24

The fine sculptural art that archaeologists have uncovered from Olmec civilization actually increases
the mystery of the roots of this civilization. “These unequivocally portray non-Amerindian faces,
including bearded men with Near Eastern features and Asians bearing strong resemblances to
modern Cambodians, together with West Africans depicted in colossal stone heads sculpted in black

On the South American shores of Peru, facing the Pacific Ocean, a similar mystery was developing
around 1800-1600 BC. From the the simple village life and traditional South American beliefs held for
thousands of years, arises the Chavin civilization of advanced art, sculpture, architecture,
complicated religion, and expert metallurgists distinctively different from that of the Olmec. Suddenly
new monumental religious complexes are built, large scale canal irrigation and agriculture is
introduced, geometrically balanced sculpture, and intricate gold and bronze works.

Chavin artwork left behind seems to imply the use of force to intimidate the natives into submission
with stone reliefs “depicting beheaded, mutilated and castrated victims of violent combat, as well as
heads taken as trophies in battle and scenes of ritual human sacrifice. Carved stone warriors
marched triumphantly across the temple walls…”26
Gold carried great significance to the Chavin as they linked this precious metal to the sun. 27

Interestingly, Vedic traditions hold that the people of the lost continent from the Pacific were sun
worshippers. Possibly, survivors from the Pacific lost continent may have fought their way into power
with their sophisticated metal weaponry, multiplying into a formidable force after several generations.

The Rig Veda, written around 1500 BC tells of “three continents that were”,28
presumably submerged under the ocean, since they no longer existed as landmasses. One continent,
Atlantis, is described as having been located in the Atlantic Ocean. Vedic traditions call the second
continent, Rutas, while the New Zealand Maori called it Hawaiki, that once lay in the Pacific Ocean.
The third lost continent, according to myth, was the land of Kumari Kandam in the Indian Ocean.
A Tamil myth from Southern India, speaks of the lost continent of Kumari Kandam that vanished
under the sea. “Half of the land mass Kumari Kandam, which was south of India, sank in a great
flood, destroying the first Tamil Sangam (literary academy). The people moved to the other half and
established the second Tamil Sangam there, but the rest of Kumari too sank beneath the sea. The
lone survivor was a Tamil prince named Thirumaaran, who managed to rescue some Tamil literary
classics and swim with them to present-day Tamil Nadu.”29

World Myth or History? 198

Traditions hold that Kumari Kandam may have been part of the larger Indus Valley civilizations that
established colonies on the lost continent during the second age dispersion.
“It has been claimed that the Pandiyan kings of Kumari Kandam were the rulers of the whole Indian
continent, and that Tamil civilisation is the oldest civilisation in the world. When Kumari Kandam was
submerged, its people spread across the world and founded various civilisations…”30
In 2002 the ruins of an ancient city have been discovered off India’s Gulf of Cambay.
“The recent discovery made in the Gulf of Cambay, India shocked many, and made some sit up and
watch with interest. It clearly established the existence of an ancient civilization that was submerged
in the sea...advanced marine technologies and the most modern scientific applications of various
disciplines were put to use. The traditional but conservative archaeologists found it hard to accept
that a major discovery...Initially when the sidescan sonar images of underwater structures were
shown, some called it a magic of computer software. When hundreds of artifacts were collected and
shown, they opined that the ancient river could have transported it! Again detailed scientific studies
were undertaken to prove that the artifacts are insitu. The criticism has driven us to adopt the most
modern technologies and scientific methodologies available in the world, which have completely
substantiated our findings, and the results have been published as research papers in reputed
international journals.”31
(This report was written by Badrinaryan Badrinaryan, chief geologist with the scientific team from the National Institute of
Ocean Technology (NIOT) responsible for the underwater surveys in the Gulf of Cambay.)

A Psalm from the bible written by the sons of Korah calls us to observe the works of God who brings
desolations in the earth, that wars may come to an end. And because God is both mighty and
“2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and foam,
Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah…
6 The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered;
He raised His voice, the earth melted.
7 The LORD of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah.
8 Come, behold the works of the LORD,
Who has wrought desolations in the earth.
9 He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth;
He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
He burns the chariots with fire.”32

World Myth or History? 199

The tottering or shaking of the world and its nations is described in myth as the result of Phaeton’s
wild chariot, which according to Plato and other writers of antiquity, represents the planetary
disturbance caused by a close encounter with a celestial body.
“Phaethon drove harder still, drawing his car aside to Notos (the South), to Boreas (the North), close
to Zephyros (the West), near to Euros (the East). There was tumult in the sky shaking the joints of the
immovable universe: the very axle (axis of the earth) bent which runs through the middle of the
revolving heavens [and holds the constellations in their place]. Libyan Atlas could hardly support the
self-rolling firmament of stars, as he rested on his knees with bowed back under this greater
burden . . . [and all the constellations and stars were thrown from their paths in complete disarray.]”33

The third age earth was a land of extremes. Mid to high northern, and mid to low southern latitudes
were covered in growing glacial ice sheets, while large portions of land that were previously ideal
areas for civilizations had become inhospitable hot dry desert.

In this age, the polar regions still remained ice free, as the ocean’s of the world were warmed once
more by the second earth changing catastrophe. Myth of Hyperborea recorded third age peoples
travelling to and from the Arctic land.The Argonauts supposedly sailed their ship in the Eridanos river,
the Greek Herakles of this age was a native Hyperborean, and it was noted that it took 12 days and
nights to sail from Greece to Hyperborea.34

Three major continental sized land masses may have vanished under the waves of the oceans, not
only severely depleting precious land space, but also making the Atlantic and Pacific impassable.
Plato tell us that because of this catastrophic sinking of the mountains of Atlantis, “the sea in those
parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was
caused by the subsidence of the island.”35 We would expect the same to be the case in the oceans of
the Pacific continent that had suffered the same fate. It may be assumed that during the period that
Plato wrote his books (400 BC), the Atlantic Ocean remained impassable, since none of his critics
had written to rebut this point. Ovid described the same shallow subsidence of the sunken land
masses. This situation of shallow impassable oceans may have changed during the catastrophic
destruction of the fourth age.

Third Age communities were still able to sail ships, particularly the merchant Phoenicians 36, but their
trips were mostly tracing routes around the shores of the continent or within the Mediterranean Sea.
Mythical records show travel north and south but virtually no crossing of the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans
happened during the third age. In a way, this insulated the continents and the growing nations from

World Myth or History? 200

multiple external barbarian groups. Instead, they mostly only had to face the neighbouring hordes that
were willing to kill or die to take whatever they wanted.

Many of the major waterworks, drainage systems, canals, reservoirs, and river systems built during
the second age were still of benefit to the third age peoples even though much of the hydrological
technology behind them had been lost.

Age Three: People

Hesiod describes the third age people, as the people of the bronze age -- a step down from the silver
age (2nd age).
“Zeus the Father made a third generation of mortal men, a brazen race, sprung from ash-trees (4);
and it was in no way equal to the silver age, but was terrible and strong. They loved the lamentable
works of Ares (Mars) and deeds of violence; they ate no bread, but were hard of heart like adamant,
fearful men. Great was their strength and unconquerable the arms which grew from their shoulders
on their strong limbs. Their armour was of bronze, and their houses of bronze, and of bronze were
their implements: there was no black iron.”37

After the destruction of the second age around 1900 BC to the end of the continuance of destruction
(approximately 1700 BC), marked the rise of the displaced barbarian hordes in search of a land that
they could call their own. On the ashes and rubble of the past, by 1700 BC to 1500 BC many of the
tribes had colonized their portion of the world, and multiplied to the point that they would be a
recognizable nation, united by a distinct culture, a set of beliefs, and language.

The Hittite tribes settled in Anatolia (Turkey) and established a warrior elite that ruled from a mountain
citadel in their capital Hattusa (around 1700 BC). While in Mesopotamia, prime property for its fertile
well-watered lands, the Sumerians were replaced by the Babylonians, and the cities of Akkadians by
the Assyrians. Both the Babylonians and Assyrians were also ruled by the warrior class, which was
necessary to hold back the masses of barbarians still looking for a land to conquer.
“..nowhere were the effects of moving populations more visible -- or more violent -- than in the
relatively small region that encompassed the Middle Eastern birthplace of civilization.”38
The bloody territorial battles fought in the Middle Eastern region went on throughout the length of the
third age. This is the area where the south going Indo-European tribes fleeing the cold northern ice
sheets, clashed not only with those who have already established their claims on the land, but also
with the Semitic peoples going north and east.

World Myth or History? 201

Many of the Sumerian lamentations recorded on clay tablets, tell us that the neighbouring Elamite
and Gutian tribes raided the defenseless civilizations right after their cataclysmic destruction brought
on by the evil storm (1900 BC). “I, a young man whom the storm has not
attractiveness not brought to an end...We have been struck down like beautiful boxwood trees...The
Gutians, the vandals are wiping us out...we have been driven out of Eridug...Enki, your city has been
cursed, it has been given to an enemy land…”39

The Lament continues on to name other tribes that were over running the desolated lands.
“...To the south, the Elamites stepped in, slaughtering...In the uplands, the vandals, the enemy...The
Tidnum daily strapped the mace to their loins. To the south, the Elamites, like an onrushing
wave...Urim, like a great charging wild bull, bowed its neck to the ground.”40

Tribes that had lived for hundreds of years in the outskirts, take advantage of the sudden weakness
of the previously powerful wealthy civilizations immediately after the cataclysm, way before the
onslaught of the famines brought on by the scorching east winds (Sirocco). Because of their early
start, the Hittites, the Assyrians, and the Babylonian civilizations had at least two hundred years to
entrench themselves and establish strongholds in the lands. And similar to many peoples who move
to different lands, they incorporated the gods and culture of the previous occupants into their own set
of beliefs.

The Semitic newcomer tribes, arriving around 1700-1500 BC, included the Chaldeans, Arameans,
Phoenicians and Hebrews who would carve out their own territories in this area with war and

Exodus 17 tells us that the nation of Israel was scarcely out of Egypt before they had to fight the
Amalekites at Rephidim. The book of Exodus gives the Israelites the specific land and peoples that
they needed to displace. “23 For My angel will go before you and bring you into the land of the
Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will
completely destroy them.”41

The book of Joshua chapter Twelve gives us a list of 31 kings and their corresponding lands, that
were conquered, by this successor of Moses, just in his lifetime. And yet the God of Israel tells him
that it still is not enough. “Now Joshua was old and advanced in years when the LORD said to him,
“You are old and advanced in years, and very much of the land remains to be possessed.”42

World Myth or History? 202

The peoples of the third age were familiar and skilled with war and bloodshed. It is difficult for us in
this age to understand the things that they had to do to survive. Suffice to say that they lived in a
different world from our current age and cannot be judged by our standards. Joseph, Vizier of Egypt
(around 1800-1700 BC), knew that the Israelites needed to remain in the relative oasis of the
Egyptian kingdom to avoid the perils and terrors that faced them on the outside. The world situation
caused them to stay for hundreds of years, allowing the Israelites to multiply and strengthen
themselves for the coming season of non-stop warfare, that they would have to face before they
would be ready to take the promised land.

“Sesostris III would have been the Pharaoh who oppressed the Israelite slaves, and Sobekneferu,
the daughter of Amenemhet III, was the princess who rescued Moses from the Nile. Neferhotep I was
the pharaoh who refused to let the Israelites go and who subsequently drowned in the Red Sea with
his army. The Amalekites were the mysterious Hyksos who invaded Egypt after the Egyptian army
had been destroyed.”43

Neferhotep I, whose mummy has never been found, may have been the last king before the
mysterious disappearance of Egypt’s Asiatic slaves (the Israelites). The ancient Egyptian historian
Manetho, tells of the Hyksos barbarians that overthrew the mighty Egyptian civilization civilization
‘without a battle’.
“Tutimaeus [0]. In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of God smote us; and unexpectedly,
from the regions of the East, invaders of obscure race marched in confidence of victory against our
land. By main force they easily overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities
ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of the gods, and treated all the natives with a cruel
hostility, massacring some and leading into slavery the wives and children of others. Finally, they
appointed as king one of their number whose name was Salitis. He had his seat at Memphis, levying
tribute from Upper and Lower Egypt, and leaving garrisons behind in the most advantageous
positions. Above all, he fortified the district to the east, foreseeing that the Assyrians, as they grew
stronger, would one day covet and attack his kingdom.”44

The Hyksos, the Amalekite armies, that the Israelites leaving Egypt had encountered in battle,
proceeded to defenseless Egypt whose armies had been drowned in the Red Sea by an act of God.
They easily took over the Egyptians and ruled over them as pharaohs, adopting the Egyptian culture
as their own.

The Minoan civilization in Greece was usurped by the Indo-European Mycenaean tribes who built the
Aegean civilization. Other Indo-European tribes also followed suit and built settlements around the

World Myth or History? 203

area. “To the north and west, Indo-European peoples -- Celts and Germans, Balts and Slavs among
them -- were to penetrate almost every habitable area of the European continent and to cross the
waters to Britain and other offshore lands.”45

The Iliad and the Odyssey were epics, written during the following age, that highlight the bloodlust
and reverence for war and warriors of this third age.

In the Italian Peninsula, the Etruscans were overrun by the Latin Tribes that would later build the
Roman civilization.

With the destruction of the Indus Valley civilizations, prime habitable well-watered lands were made
available for the taking. Over several hundred years, numerous Indo-Aryan warrior tribes travelled
east through the Hindu Kush mountains, around 1900 BC, to settle on the northern plains of India.
They either ruled over or pushed southward the Dravidians who were there before them.

The Mahabharata and Ramayana were epic poems kept by oral tradition during this age, detailing
wars and respected warriors. These poems are now being analyzed for historical details. Some
scholars believe that characters and events in these epics may actually have been part of India’s real

The first dynasty of Chinese history, the Hsia, seemed to have suffered calamities sent down from the
heavens. These ‘ bright terrors’ from heaven were seen as its disapproval for the cruel tyrant rulers
that the dynasty had degenerated to. Thang (1766-1760 BC), a tribal leader who felt that he was
under a divine mandate incited a rebellion that overthrew the weakened Hsia dynasty, and marked
the beginning of the Shang dynasty.
“The king of Hsia extinguished his virtue, and played the tyrant, extending his oppression over you,
the people of the myriad regions...The way of Heaven is to bless the good, and make the bad
miserable. It sent down calamities on (the House of) Hsia, to make manifest its guilt...I...charged with
the decree of Heaven and its bright terrors, did not dare to forgive (the criminal).”46
Chinese mythology tells us that some signs of heaven’s displeasure over the bloody Hsia rule
included changes in the paths of the sun and moon, confused seasons, and drought. People and
animals were in terror and suffering. Thus, under Heaven’s help and guidance Shang Tang easily
defeated the Xia ruler.

Barbarian tribes have been around the Chinese civilization since the start of the first dynasty.
Governing officials were given advice regarding the control of these neighboring tribes.

World Myth or History? 204

“The barbarous tribes trouble our great land...Perform your duties with intelligence and you will
secure a sincere (submission).”47 Through good government, the barbarians had been kept
productive and subservient. But nearing the end of the third age, the barbarous tribes were becoming
a serious problem. “...the invading barbarous tribes of the west have greatly (injured) our kingdom.”48
Barbarian tribes had looted the capital and killed the king. However, the tribes did not succeed in
taking over China, because feudal lords went to the aid of the royal House and drove away the

The simple culture and lives of the inhabitants of Mesoamerica were disrupted by the Olmec
civilization, which may have been built by the survivors from the Atlantic continent. And in the Andes
region of South America the sudden appearance of the Chavin civilization, which dominated the
natives by force, could have been founded by the descendants of the lost Pacific continent.

The citizens of the third age were very much in awe and fear of the planet Mars, most likely for its
dramatic and catastrophic role in the beginning of their civilizations. Unfortunately, they continued the
the second age mistake of worshipping the created celestial bodies as gods.
The book of Enoch predicted that this would be mankind’s reaction to the erratic celestial behavior.
“And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order (prescribed); And these shall alter their orbits
and tasks, And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them, [And they shall be altered from all their
ways]. Yea, they shall err and take them to be gods.”49
The planet Mars was seen by many in the third age as the one who had fashioned - made their world,
and it was worshipped by many names by different people groups. The celestial tool used to destroy
the powerful second age civilizations was seen as the warrior who had fought on their behalf. No
matter what name Mars was given, it remained unmistakably, the god of war as well as the storm
god. In the previous chapter it was discussed in detail, how the dark evil storm that caused the
desolation of the second age civilizations, appear repeatedly in world mythology.
Mars may have been given the honor of being the god of war because of the way it had demolished
wealthy powerful civilizations. In a way, it had fought the battle for the poor and oppressed who
merely needed to step in afterwards and enjoy the spoils of victory.

The Lamentation of Ur tells us that the formidable fortresses and city temples have been ‘devoured’
by ‘large axes’(celestial impact) from the ‘evil storm’, after which foreigners have come in the cities to
profit in what little way they may from the rubble.
“The destructive storm makes the land tremble and quake,
Like the storm of the flood it destroys the cities.
The land-annihilating storm set up (its) decrees in the city;

World Myth or History? 205

The all-destroying storm came doing evil...
The Lofty unapproachable mountain, the Ekissirgal-- Its righteous house by large axes is devoured;
The Sutians and the Elamites, the destroyers, made (of) it thirty shekels.
The righteous house they break up with the pickax; The people groan.
The city they make into ruins.The people groan.
...O Nanna, Ur has been destroyed, its people have been dispersed.”
… “The city is being destroyed by the storm.””50
Peoples of antiquity saw the havoc wrought on the planet and likened the destructions to weapons
used by the warrior god, Mars. Bodies of the dead lay scattered everywhere, burnt from the intense
heat of the celestial debris.
“dead bodies, like fat put to the flame, of themselves melted away. Its men brought to an end by the
ax did not cover themselves with the helmet...Its men who were struck down by the spear...Its men
who were brought to an end by the battle mace…
Who was stationed near the weapons by the weapons was killed; The people groan.
Who escaped them by the storm was prostrated. The people groan.”51
In addition to the regular weapons which were likened to earthlike counterparts (axe, spear, battle
mace, etc.), which probably described different types of impact by celestial debris, the gods
possessed the thunderbolts,52 powerful electrical or electromagnetic discharges capable of massive
amounts of destruction.

World Myth or History? 206

In the illustration of Storm/War Gods from around the world, Ninurta (figure A), a.k.a. Marduk and
Ishkur of ancient Sumer, is shown in his more benevolent role as Lord of agriculture and abundance.
“Irrigator of heaven and earth”,53 also called “great radiant bull, your name is heaven.”54 The celestial
nature in the titles of this planetary god is hard to miss.

Figure B shows this Sumerian deity in its more destructive warrior phase; The top of his head piece
shining with fiery brilliance (may imply a closer encounter to earth), his hands filled and poised with
destructive thunderbolts, and his sword hanging by his side.The fat bull suddenly scrawny brings to
mind the Pharaoh’s dream, interpreted by Joseph the son of Israel.55 The capricious planet god
brings scarcity, lack, and devastation to the world, and the abundance and the glory of the past is no
longer remembered.
It is this personality of the War/Storm god --planet Mars, called by multiple names all over the world,
that rises in prominence in the pantheon of the gods in the third age.

Indra (figure C), warrior god of ancient India, is represented with an animal with four tusks -the white
elephant Airavata.56 It is possible that in ancient times, when the planets moved erratically close to
each other, Mars may have taken the appearance of a horned/tusked animal to the earthly observers.
Representation of the four tusks/horns is also apparent in the Assyrian war/storm god Adad (figure F).
The Norse war and storm god Thor is believed to travel through the heavens in a chariot drawn by
two goats (total of four horns).57 The Hittite god Teshub (figure E) is often depicted “in a chariot drawn
by two sacred bulls, Sheri and Hurri.”58 Homer wrote of the steeds, of the Greek god Mars/Ares, that
pulled his golden chariot. "[Ares] ordered Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror) to harness his horses,
and himself got into his shining armour."59 The animals that draw the storm/war god’s chariot may
represent the moons of the planet Mars that could have been visible to observers when the planet’s
orbit brought it dangerously close to earth.

The Vedic sky-god, ‘the one who rides the clouds’, Indra (figure C) carries his primary weapon -- vajra
in his left hand. The Rig Veda written during the third age, gives a dominant portion and attention to
Indra and his mighty vajra.
“I WILL declare the manly deeds of Indra, the first that he achieved, the Thunder-wielder (vajra). He
slew the Dragon, then disclosed the waters, and cleft the channels of the mountain torrents. He slew
the Dragon lying on the mountain: his heavenly bolt of thunder Tvaṣṭar fashioned....Impetuous as a
bull, … grasped the thunder for his weapon, and smote to death this firstborn of the dragons… Indra
with his own great and deadly thunder smote into pieces Vṛtra, worst of Vṛtras...As trunks of trees,
what time the axe hath felled them, low on the earth so lies the prostrate Dragon...Footless and
handless still he challenged Indra, who smote him with his bolt between the shoulders...Then

World Myth or History? 207

humbled was the strength of Vṛtra's mother: Indra hath cast his deadly bolt against her...Indra is King
of all that moves and moves not, of creatures tame and horned, the Thunder-wielder (vajra).”60

This battle of the gods and the defeat of the dragon offspring mirrors the stories of Marduk vs Tiamat
who gave birth to monster serpents --the chief of whom was Qingu that he crushed (Enuma Elish).
Also, similar to the story of Ninurta vs the Asag who bore many serpentine soldiers destroyed by the
hero (Lugal-e).

In his right hand, Indra (figure C) carries a sharp pointed object, similar to the one held by Ninurta
(figure A). This may represent the heavenly battle axe (sword, spear, mace, etc.) of the warrior god
that destroys mountains and cities with its impact. The vajra or thunderbolt weapon is in both Indra’s
and Ninurta’s left hand.

Note that the war/storm gods of Syria (figure D), the Hittite god Teshub of Anatolia (figure E), the
Assyrian god Adad (figure F), the Aztec God Tezcatlipoca (figure G) are all similarly carrying a battle
axe in their right hand, while wielding the three pronged thunderbolt weapon on the left -- the same as
the Hindu god Indra (figure C) of India and Ninurta (figure A) of ancient Sumer. Ancient depictions of
the Norse God Thor (a.k.a. Andara, Oar, etc.) also show him with the battle axe in his right hand and
the thunderbolt weapon on the left. The Arab peoples called him Hadad and the Amorites named this
god Amurru. This striking similarities seen in the dominant god of third age civilizations, some of
which had no contact with each other, can hardly be brushed aside as mere coincidence. The
peoples of antiquity were apparently seeing something of a similar nature in this age which they were
mistaking for deity.

All the war/storm gods are represented with long flowing curly hair and beard, except for Indra, who is
given a set of long shiny jewelry and embellishments flowing down from his headpiece. This may
represent the long trailing clouds of dust and planetary fragments. Each headpiece in the various
illustrations of the gods has slight variations that may indicate the fine differences that the planet Mars
may have presented visually as seen from the different points of the earth.

Whenever the Hittites were losing a war, their king would break-off fighting to head to the palace
rooftops to talk to their chief god Teshub (figure E). “I have taken refuge with the storm god,” the
monarch would intone, “Save my life. Walk on my right hand. Team up with me as a bull to draw the
In war, the Egyptian pharaoh Tuthmosis III boasted that he rode in a “golden chariot, arrayed in [his]
panoply of war like Horus (Mars) mighty of arm.”62

World Myth or History? 208

King Agamemnon, in Homer’s Iliad, begins a grand assembly of warriors with this greeting, "My
friends," he said, "heroes, servants of Mars…”63

The Mahabharata war epic from India repeatedly calls on the god Indra (figure C) and tells us that,
“Indra is the chief of the gods. Indeed, he is endued with immeasurable might and energy and
prowess and glory.”64

The peoples of the third age survived by war and aptly worshipped a god of war. Ironically, Mars, the
planet celebrated as the war god was the instrument (according to world mythology) used by the God
of the universe, to end the wars of the second age.

The third age governments may have started off with a consensus or agreements made between
different families or tribal groups. Many tribes probably intermarried to form alliances and bonds that
strengthened the forces in times of conflict.

The biography of the Hittite King Mursilis II contains the following account of the widowed queen of
Egypt asking for an alliance by marriage between their nations.
“While my father (Suppiluliuma I) was in the country of Karkamis (near the modern border of Turkey
and Syria) he sent Lupakkish and Teshub-Zalmash to the country of Amqa. They left; they ravaged
the country of Amqa and brought back to my father prisoners and cattle large and small.
When the people of Misra (Egypt) learned of the destruction of Amqa, they were afraid, for to make
matters worse their master, Nibhururia, had just died and the widowed queen (literally
"Dakhamunzu") of Egypt sent an ambassador to my father and wrote to him in these terms: "My
husband is dead and I have no son. People say that you have many sons (or many grown up sons).
If you send me one of your sons he will become my husband for it is repugnant to me to take one of
my servants (or subjects) as a husband.”65
Unfortunately, by the time the Hittite king finally believed she was sincere, her kingdom had been
overthrown, and the Hittite prince he sent was killed by the new regime.

The Israelite King Solomon, who lived in this age, married 700 wives (1 Kings 11:1-3), many of which
were for political alliances with the surrounding peoples.
As time went on, some tribes grew in power and influence, but it seemed that the support of the tribal
leaders were necessary in making decisions. Important national decisions or decisions that affected
the people were a group matter, in which representatives from the various tribes became part of the
decision making process. The Hittite ruler who received the request from the Egyptian queen for one
of his sons, immediately called a council together in order to decide on the matter.65

World Myth or History? 209

The leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel gathered together on many instances to make decisions on
warfare, division of land, and over matters of justice and faith.

The Ramayana Epic tells us that when the aged ruler Dasa-ratha wanted to retire and appoint his
capable and well-loved son Rama to the throne, he first consulted the chiefs of his people to ask for
their opinions.
“Speak your thoughts and from this bosom lift a load of toil and care,
On the proud throne of my fathers let me place a peerless heir.
Speak your thought, my chiefs and people, if this purpose please you well,
Or if wiser, better counsel in your wisdom ye can tell,
Speak your thoughts without compulsion, though this plan for me be dear,
If some middle course were wiser, if some other way were clear!”66

The Mahabharata Epic also records in detail, councils that were held to make decisions regarding the
war. The space given to each leader in which to voice out their individual opinions show the value and
respect given to each group.

The Iliad of Homer, starts the first of its books with a gathering of the warrior raiders’ leaders over a
calamity that had befallen them. Apollo, the god of war, was attacking them because they had
kidnapped the daughter of one of his priests, when their hordes had sacked the city of Priam.
“For nine whole days he shot his arrows among the people, but in the tenth day Achilles called them
in assembly- moved thereto by Juno, who saw the Achaeans in their death-throes and had
compassion upon them. Then, when they were got together, he rose and spoke among them”.67
Homer then records in detail the conversation, arguments and the final decisions made.

Book 2 of the Iliad lists the numerous captains and fleets of ships that have allied from many lands on
a quest to conquer the city of Troy. Along the way, they loot, pillage, kill and kidnap whoever they wish
as part of their plunder and ‘heroic’ conquests. When the Trojans learned the bad news of what was
headed their way, they too held an assembly of chiefs.

“They were gathered in assembly, old and young, at Priam’s gates...I have been in many a battle, but
never yet saw such a host as is now advancing. They are crossing the plain to attack the city as thick
as leaves or as the sands of the sea...There are many allies dispersed about the city of Priam from
distant places and speaking divers tongues. Therefore, let each chief give orders to his own people,
setting them severally in array and leading them forth in battle.” 68

World Myth or History? 210

The Mahabharata tells the story of a war fought in India around 1500 BC that involved many different
tribes. “the Mahabharata, relates to a great war in which all the warlike races of Northern India took a
share, and may therefore be compared to the Iliad.”69 Similar to the Iliad, alliances are made by many
kingdoms (tribal groups) divided into two sides.

The weight of the opinions of tribal leaders becomes evident, when King Rehoboam of the united 12
tribes of Israel, successor of King Solomon, blatantly disregards their requests.
“16 When all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them,
the people answered the king, saying,
“What portion do we have in David?
We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse;
To your tents, O Israel!
Now look after your own house, David!”
So Israel departed to their tents.”70
The tribal leaders had enough clout to decide for their tribes to reject the appointed king and divide
the nation into two, leaving Judah by itself with some soldiers from the tribe of Benjamin.

This was an age of war. The third age was a time of alliances and mixing together of races and
languages in order to survive. Warriors felt it was their divine right to take the spoils from whomever
they defeated in battle. People were forced to gather together to protect themselves from their
enemies and to use the scarce resources on the limited habitable areas of the earth. Rulers had to
learn to hear from the people, and were themselves subject to the gods. Cultures were integrated and
the god that was predominantly worshipped highlighted the two most important things to those of the
third age: agricultural abundance and war.

The hard and trouble filled life of the third age took its toll on third age life spans. In a psalm written by
Moses, he informs us that,
As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their
pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away.71

Gone are the days of godlike men who lived hundreds of years. The third age was a turbulent time of
war, dangerous alliances, and constant fear in the struggle to survive. Surviving families became
tribal groups, tribes grew into nations, and nations into kingdoms.

World Myth or History? 211

Age Three: Achievements

‘Recycling’ would probably be the most appropriate word to describe the achievements of the third
age. In the same manner that they picked up bits and pieces of the rubble to rebuild the cities, and
rehashed the gods and culture of the lands they conquered and made it their own, third age peoples’
greatest achievements were things that had already been.

Much of the second age technology was lost. A Tibetan myth echoes the Aztec concept that the
survivors of the 2nd age cataclysm had become monkeys.
“Tibet was almost totally inundated, until the god Gya took compassion on the survivors, drew off the
waters through Bengal, and sent teachers to civilize the people, who until then had been little better
than monkeys. Those people repopulated the land.”72
3rd age peoples had to relearn the basics of civilized life. Most of the third age tribes were unfamiliar
with reading and writing and simply kept their histories through oral tradition and intensive repetition
and memorization. Other migrating tribal groups may have preserved more technology and sciences
than others, and helped in rebuilding civilizations in the lands that they settled into.

Recycling Ancient Technology

The Ramayana epic alludes to an age before their own that had ended, and that they only vaguely
remembered. The ancient epic allows us glimpses of the vestiges of 2nd age technology that may
have been religiously hidden away through many generations.
“Like the ancient monarch Manu, (the Patriarch Noah)
father of the human race,
Dasa-ratha ruled his people with a father's loving grace…
Thus was ruled the ancient city by her monarch true and bold,
As the earth was ruled by Manu in the misty days of old,”73

Rama, the hero of the Ramayana epic, goes to Videha in response to a challenge to ‘bend the bow’
of the ancients and win himself a royal bride. The ‘bow’ was a famed mighty weapon passed on
through generations that no one knew how to operate. The golden weapon was dragged in with much
effort on a large eight wheeled heavy iron car.
“Stalwart men of ample stature pulled the mighty iron car
In which rested all-inviolate Janak's dreaded bow of war,
And where midst assembled monarchs sat Videha's godlike king,
With a mighty toil and effort did the eight-wheeled chariot bring.

World Myth or History? 212

"This the weapon of Videha," proudly thus the peers begun,
"Be it shewn to royal Rama, Dasa-ratha's righteous son,"
"This the weapon of my fathers prized by kings from age to age,
Mighty chiefs and sturdy warriors could not bend it, noble sage
Gods before the bow of RUDRA have in righteous terror quailed,
Rakshas fierce and stout Asuras have in futile effort failed,
Mortal man will struggle vainly RUDRA'S wondrous bow to bend,
Vainly strive to string the weapon and the shining dart to send,”73

This was a prized weapon that had even made the ‘gods’ of olden days shake with fear. All who had
tried to make the weapon work, had failed, but Rama was a learned prince of a powerful kingdom,
possibly with more access to ancient technology than ordinary men.
“Rama lifted high the cover of the pond'rous iron car,
Gazed with conscious pride and prowess on the mighty bow of war.
"Let me," humbly spake the hero, "on this bow my fingers place,
Let me lift and bend the weapon, help me with your loving grace."
"Be it so," the rishi answered, "be it so," the monarch said,
Rama lifted high the weapon on his stalwart arms displayed,
Wond'ring gazed the kings assembled as the son of Raghu's race
Proudly raised the bow of RUDRA with a warrior's stately grace,
Proudly strung the bow Of RUDRA which the kings had tried in vain
Drew the cord with force resistless till the weapon snapped in twain!
Like the thunder's pealing accent rose the loud terrific clang,
And the firm earth shook and trembled and the hills in echoes rang,
And the chiefs and gathered monarchs fell and fainted in their fear,
And the men of many nations shook the dreadful sound to hear!
Pale and white the startled monarchs slowly from their terror woke,
And with royal grace and greetings Janak to the rishi spoke:
Now my ancient eyes have witnessed wond'rous deed by Rama done,
Deed surpassing thought or fancy wrought by Dasa-ratha's son,
And the proud and peerless princess, Sita glory of my house,
Sheds on me an added lustre as she weds a godlike spouse,”73

Rama knew how to ‘string’ the ancient weapon which when launched made a loud explosion heard in
distant lands and triggered an earthshaking reaction that caused the mighty warrior kings to

World Myth or History? 213

momentarily freeze with terror, and some to even faint. Then, coming back to their senses, they
proclaim Rama to be godlike. This may be a reference to the citizens of the previous age who were
considered superior. This situation is almost comical as they play around with technology they do not
understand. It also gives us an insight as to what kind of weapons of mass destruction the peoples of
the second age had been capable of.

Later in the epic, Rama was given weapons that the ancient Saint Agastya had hidden from the the
days of the gods of old (the second age): the bow of Vishnu, the dart of Brahma, Indra’s quiver filled
with arrows, and a golden saber.
“Impious foes of bright Immortals know these weapons dread and dire,
Mowing down the ranks of foemen, scathing like the forest fire!
Be these weapons thy companions,-Rama, thou shalt need them oft,
Meet and conquers till thy foemen like the Thunder-God aloft!"74
Ramayana Book 10 records how waves and waves of Raksha soldiers burst in flames when Rama
shoots Indra’s arrows. The Mahabharata also tells of the use of similar advanced weaponry.

Another remnant of second age technology was flight, instances of the use of airships in the
Ramayana include when: Ravan kidnaps Sita and flies off with her on his ship from the middle of the
jungle, Rama and Ravan fought their epic battle on celestial cars of war, and when Rama and Sita fly
back home happily noting the places that they had travelled as viewed from the skies. But even in this
epic we see the ancient tech as mere vestiges of a past they no longer fully understood. A select few
knew how to operate the technology, but fewer probably knew how to make more of the flying airships
or weapons of the gods.

In Greece, the Mycenaean royal house claimed to have descended from Pelops, who had similarly
fought on a winged war chariot, in honor of who they named their peninsula --Peloponnesus.75

The Sajama lines of Bolivia (900 BC),76 considered the largest geoglyphs in the world, covers an area
of 22,525 square kilometers. The geometric lines appear incredibly straight from the air even as it
crosses over rugged uneven terrain. These third age graphic artwork is best seen and appreciated
from the sky, implying that they may have had some kind of flight capability.

Ancient Chinese annals tell us that, “Emperor Cheng Tang (1766 BC) ordered Ki-Kung-Shi to design
a Flying Chariot. The primeval aviation constructor completed the assignment and tested the aircraft
in flight, reaching the province of Honan. Subsequently, the vessel was destroyed by imperial edict as
Cheng Tang was afraid that the secret of its mechanism might fall into the wrong hands.”77 The story

World Myth or History? 214

implies that they already possessed the ancient blueprints for the craft that was interpreted and
assembled by Ki-Kung-Shi.77

Ancient legends and records from China inform us that prior to the third age, second age rulers such
as “Emperor Shun [2258-2208 BC) who “not only constructed a flying apparatus but even made a
parachute.””78 were not unfamiliar with flying machines.

The historicity of the Ramayana epic is supported by the traditions that many great cities and
kingdoms which flourished in West India (400-500 BC) trace their roots to the descendants of Rama
and his brothers Lakshman, Shatrughna, and Bharat, main characters in the epic.79

Bronze Metallurgy
Hesiod describes the third age as an age of bronze. Not that the people of this age invented the
smelting of bronze. The book of Genesis tells us that Tubal-cain was a “forger of all implements of
bronze and iron…”80 since the first age of man. And even then, the book of Enoch informs us that the
working of metals was not a human discovery. “...Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives,
and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals <of the earth> and the art of
working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony…”81

A second age technology that survived worldwide during the third age was the metallurgical
knowledge in the production of bronze objects. This scientific knowledge was extensively used for the
production of offensive and defensive weapons of warfare.
The Assyrian warrior kings developed a new type of warfare, involving the peasant masses,
“... crushing attacks by a massed weight of infantry drawn from the peasantry, wielding bronze
weapons, and protected by bronze helmets, corselets and shields.”82

The war loving tribes that invaded Greece learned the art of combining copper and tin to make the
alloy bronze. “The essential metal in the life of the Mycenaeans...was bronze, which the Minoans had
taught them how to make. Mycenaean builders needed bronze tools -- axes, adzes, saws, chisels
and hammers -- just as farmers required bronze hoes, ploughshares and sickles. Weapons and
armors also required bronze -- for swords, daggers, spearheads, protective leg greaves, even whole
suits of body armour.”83

Aryan tribes migrating to the Indus valley region had the advantage that, “their bronze tools and
weapons were superior to those of the region’s natives.”84

World Myth or History? 215

In the Americas the Chavin were expert metallurgists 85 who worked their favorite metal, gold, with
bronze hammers. Their ability to produce sophisticated bronze weapons and armor may have given
them the advantage over the natives that they conquered.

The Israelite warrior king David who ruled the nation in the third age, claimed that it was God who
strengthened him so that he was able to bend a bow made from the signature metal of that age. “He
trains my hands for battle, So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.”86

The Shang dynasty (1600 BC - 1046 BC) who masterfully created amazing bronze works of art and
weaponry for the warrior class, placed their bronze smiths within the palace complexes, indicating
their important rank in society. The Shang’s violent leanings are revealed by their increasing tendency
towards human sacrifices. “The erection of one Shang building -- presumably a palace or a temple --
was consecrated by the ritual slaughter of 600 people.”87
The Shang dynasty was followed by the Western Zhou (1027 BC - 771 BC) where bronzeware
reached a technical and artistic peak. The Western Zhou was constantly warring with nomadic
northern tribes.

According to myth, there was a bronze automaton/android possessing a form of artificial intelligence
and capable of offensive and defensive maneuvers in Greece. Talos,88 crafted by the divine smith
Hephaistos patrolled the island of Crete three times a day, defending from invaders by throwing rocks
or attacking up close with a fiery embrace. When King Minos tried to discover the technology behind
the bronze creature, “... the Sardinians did not wish to hand over to Minos Talos, the crafted man, the
latter leapt into a fire, being made of bronze, and, clasping them to his breast, killed them with their
mouths open."89

Perhaps much of the 2nd age technology was kept secret or hidden, as in the case of Saint Agastya
who kept the weapons until a worthy Rama with a legitimate cause came around. The hiding of
technology in this age may also be seen in the destruction of the Chinese flying chariots along with
the technology behind it. The Sardinians who would rather perish than let the warrior kings in on the
technology, give us an insight into the reason why God had to put an end to the previous age.

But the third age use of bronze was brought to its most horrific levels in the ritual sacrifice of children.
Hebrew text calls the god who required child sacrifice, mlk, which has been translated as Moloch, but
there “is no difference between mlk "king" and mlk "moloch"”90 Therefore, this god can actually be
called ‘king’ or ‘the king’ similar to the god ‘baal’, which simply means ‘master lord’.

World Myth or History? 216

Baal, the chief of the Canaanite pantheon of gods, was a storm/war god linked to both agricultural
bounty and warfare. “Baal was thus the farm god who gave increase to the family and field, flocks
and herds. He was likewise identified with the storm god Hadad.”91 Baal is often depicted with the
three pronged thunderbolt weapon in his left hand and a battle axe in his right hand, long flowing
beard and hair, and strange shaped headpiece. Like the predominant gods of the nation’s of the
world, Baal appears to represent the deified planet Mars.

The book of Jeremiah, the Hebrew prophet, tells us that this third age had brought on the wrath of
God upon themselves because of the ritual infanticide in Topheth (a place of burning).
“30 For the sons of Judah have done that which is evil in My sight,” declares the LORD, “they have set
their detestable things in the house which is called by My name, to defile it. 31 They have built the high
places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters
in the fire, which I did not command, and it did not come into My mind.”92

Rabbinic literature tells us that this abominable god was crafted out of the trademark metal of the
third age. “Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts;
and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was
burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the
voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.”93

In Plato’s Republic, Cleitarchus speaks of this ancient brazen fiery sacrifice of children in the
Phoenician colony of Carthage. “There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands
extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the
body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body
slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the ‘grin’ is known as ‘sardonic laughter,’ since they die

Greek and Latin sources, among others, tell of the Phoenician practice of burning their children in the
fiery bronze embrace. “the lady Tanit ... . The hands of the statue extended over a brazier into which
the child fell once the flames had caused the limbs to contract and its mouth to open ... . The child
was alive and conscious when burned ... Philo specified that the sacrificed child was best-loved.”95

In 2014 a collaborative paper published by academic institutions around the world finally concluded
that, “After decades of scholarship denying that the Carthaginians sacrificed their children, new
research has found 'overwhelming' evidence that this ancient civilisation really did carry out the

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Scriptures attribute the origin of this terrible religious practice, that the Israelites adopted, to the
Canaanite ancestors of the Phoenicians, that lived in the neighbouring lands.
“37 They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons,
38 And shed innocent blood,
The blood of their sons and their daughters,
Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan;
And the land was polluted with the blood.”97

Baal, being the chief of the Canaanite gods, would naturally be called mlk or ‘king’. Ancient Canaanite
clay tablets call Baal the king of the pantheon of gods,
“...Our king is Mightiest Ba'al, our judge/sovereign/ruler and none over/above him/higher.”98

Vedic astrology calls the planet Mars, Mangala (the red planet), and is recognized as the god of war.
Painted in flame red colors (red like charcoal embers), the four armed war god is depicted as carrying
a trident (three pronged Thunderbolt weapon), a lotus, a spear and a mace while riding a ram (horned
animal). Mangala is associated with the metal brass/bronze.99

The practice of child sacrifice was apparently not unusual in the third age. Greek myths relate that
Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia, and King Priam his youngest Polyxena, both for fair
sailing winds.100 The children were most likely sacrificed to the storm/war god who controls the
clouds, wind and rain --Mars, who Agamemnon readily admitted as the god that they all served.

The Mesoamerican god, Tlaloc,101 who was said to have presided over the third sun of mankind also
required the sacrifice of children. “Tlaloc required human sacrifice. Priests sacrificed children to him
during the dry season. According to tradition, if the victims cried during the proceedings, their tears
were a sign of plentiful rain to come.”102

King Solomon of Israel not only condoned this god and its worship, but even built altars for them in
blatant disobedience of God’s commands to the contrary. “Then Solomon built a high place for
Chemosh the detestable idol of Moab, on the mountain which is east of Jerusalem, and for Molech
the detestable idol of the sons of Ammon.”103

The Moabite chief deity Chemosh (destroyer) was portrayed with the lightning bolt spear weapon in
his left hand and sword on his right hand, two horns on his headpiece, long flowing beard and hair.
Chemosh who is identified with the planet Mars, seems to have been the Ammonite national deity.104

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Therefore, King Solomon may have actually built a single altar for the god described as Chemosh
and Molech (mlk = king) for it is possible that they refer to one and the same war/storm god.

The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah both seemed to have allowed the practices of their
Canaanite neighbors to permeate their own religious practices, all the way to the ruling class.
“3 But he (Ahaz) walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and even made his son pass through the
fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD had driven out from before the sons
of Israel. 4 He sacrificed and burned incense on the high places and on the hills and under every
green tree.”105

The book of 2 Kings reveals that the nation of Israel was dispersed because of this terrible
compromise which God could not tolerate.
“7 Now this came about because the sons of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God...and they
had feared other gods 8 and walked in the customs of the nations whom the LORD had driven out
before the sons of Israel, and in the customs of the kings of Israel which they had introduced. 9 ... they
built for themselves high places in all their towns, from watchtower to fortified city. 10 They set for
themselves sacred pillars and Asherim on every high hill and under every green tree, 11 and there
they burned incense on all the high places as the nations did which the LORD had carried away to
exile before them; and they did evil things provoking the LORD... 16 They forsook all the
commandments of the LORD their God and made for themselves molten images, even two calves,
and made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal. 17 Then they made their
sons and their daughters pass through the fire, and practiced divination and enchantments, and sold
themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him. 18 So the LORD was very angry with
Israel and removed them from His sight; none was left except the tribe of Judah...23 until the LORD
removed Israel from His sight, as He spoke through all His servants the prophets. So Israel was
carried away into exile from their own land to Assyria until this day.”106

The war/storm god planet Mars was worshipped and feared by the nations of the third age. They
made Mars chief of the pantheon of gods and worshipped him in high places, such as the rooftop that
the Hittite kings would go to worship Teshub. Many nations, including the Canaanite Baal 107 was
worshipped in high places, where an altar for sacrifices was set up near a massaba (sacred stone
pillar) and an asherah pole (sacred wooden pole). Molten gods like the bulls or calves were made of
bronze. This worship is connected to the use of male and female prostitutes, animal and human
sacrifice, and other ritualistic and perverse behavior.
The stone pillar represented the male war/storm god Baal (the planet Mars), and the wooden pole
represented the female deity Asherah 108 (a.k.a. Astarte, Anat, the planet Venus) who specialized in

World Myth or History? 219

both sex and war. The pillars set up for these two gods in high open places directed the worshipper’s
gaze upward to their celestial gods.

Israel disappeared as a nation when they were carried away by the mighty Assyrian conquerors, but
Judah did not learn its lesson. The kings of Judah experienced moments of revival yet reached even
worse levels of wickedness under Manasseh.
“3-5 He (Manasseh) rebuilt the hilltop shrines that his father Hezekiah had destroyed. He built altars
for Baal and made a shameful Asherah idol, just as Ahab the king of Israel had done. Heathen altars
to the sun god, moon god, and the gods of the stars were placed even in the Temple of the Lord—in
the very city and building that the Lord had selected to honor his own name. 6 And he sacrificed one
of his sons as a burnt offering on a heathen altar.”109

Like the people of the second age, those of the third age fell into the same error of worshipping the
creation rather than the creator. 2 Kings 21 tells us that the nation of Judah would be dispersed too,
due to the sins of Manasseh King of Judah. This dispersion took place at the end of the third age.

Seeing the links between the worship of the planet god Mars by the nations of the third age world,
and their fascination with the use of bronze associated with this fiery red planet, the words of Hesiod
rings true, “...terrible and strong. They loved the lamentable works of Ares (Mars) and deeds of
violence...hard of heart like adamant, fearful men. Great was their strength and unconquerable the
arms which grew from their shoulders on their strong limbs. Their armour was of bronze, and their
houses of bronze, and of bronze were their implements.”110

Age Three: Notable Events

Captured in world mythology are three notable events of the third age that seem to involve intense
celestial activity that were observable to the peoples. Lore and legends contains unified identifiable
features that give clues to what the peoples of the third age experienced.

Release of the Waters

After the end of the second age brought about by the single day and night cataclysm (c1900 BC),
followed by the prolonged storm winds and drought that lasted for over a hundred years, the world
was in serious need of a sudden influx of fresh water in order to get the third age started. World lore
and myth tells us that it was the war/storm god that fought the battles, that released the waters of the
world at the very beginning of this age.

World Myth or History? 220

In Mesoamerica, Tlaloc was seen as the one who ruled over the third sun, and controlled the
distribution of water. Tlaloc held jugs that made the thundering sounds when he smashed them
together. “He carried four water jugs: one gave rain, but the others poured disease, frost, and drought
onto the world.”111
Tlaloc was seen as the one who either released the waters of the earth or held them back. His wife,
Chalchiuhtlicue, is often portrayed with an elaborate horned headdress and a long serpentine tail of
water with drowning people trapped within it.

The North American Thunderbird sky god, represents the forces of thunder, lightning and storms. The
flapping of his great wings made a thundering sound and the opening and closing of his eyes and
beak brought earth shattering lightning. The Thunderbird sky god Wakan Tanka was related to the
spirit that created and populated the third age. The Thunderbird was considered a grandson of the
destroyer of this age -- the planet Mars. This could indicate that it was several planetary revolutions
later before Mars manifested as the Thunderbird god. In the same way, giving the celestial bodies in
Mesoamerica new identities (Tlaloc -Mars, Chalchiuhtlicue-Venus), may also represent this change in
their appearance and role.

“A Lakota Sioux myth says that the great Thunderbird Wakan Tanka was the grandson of the sky
spirit that created the world and put people on it. But the water spirit Unktehi thought the people were
lice, and she and her followers tried to drown them. The people retreated to the highest hill they could
find and prayed for help. Wakan Tanka came to fight Unktehi and sent lightning crashing to earth.
The ground split open, and Unktehi and her followers drained into the cracks. As a result, humankind
was saved.”112
Unktehi was a horned water serpent that had followers or children that were of similar nature to
herself. She and her brood were perceived by the Sioux as the enemy who had unleashed a
devastating amount of water that could have killed all of mankind. It was the Thunderbird who battled
with the Unktehi, using his earth splitting thunderbolt weapon that defeated them.

The Cherokee called the great snake, the Uktena, and the Cree called them the Misi-Kinepikw.
Almost every North American tribe has a name for the great horned snake. These were the
dangerous spirits/gods of antiquity, connected with water, that were capable of taking on various
shapes, and were closely associated to thunders, lightnings, and disease.
“...the Uktena is a great snake... with horns on its head, and a bright blazing crest like a diamond on
its forehead, and scales glowing like sparks of fire...whoever is seen by the Uktena is so dazed by the
bright light that he runs toward the snake instead of trying to escape. As if this were not enough, the

World Myth or History? 221

breath of the Uktena is so pestilential, that no living creature can survive should they inhale the tiniest
bit of the foul air expelled by the Uktena.”113

The serpent’s blazing crest and horns may be a description of an active comet’s coma that develops
when the comet enters the solar system and is heated by our sun. The coma at times form an
elliptical cloud of gas and dust around the main body of the comet (horns) with the nucleus taking on
a bright fiery appearance (crest). The cometary tail may appear serpentine as it travels through the
sky. “An active comet’s tail is an extension of the material being jetted out of its mouth, which can act
somewhat like the rudder of a boat in how it affects the track and speed of a comet’s travel through
space”.114 Intense heat could cause some cometary debris and dust in the clouds to burn, causing an
appearance of fiery glowing scales.

The poisonous foul breath expelled by the Uktena could also be cometary in nature, “...a comet
passing through the atmosphere would produce deadly nitrous oxide, and since comets contain
hydrogen cyanide, they could also bring the deadly gas cyanogen (CN)2.”115 Followers or offspring of
similar nature, may be how the ancient peoples saw the celestial bodies that had broken off from the
main comet nucleus and appeared to follow after the much larger ‘mother’ comet.

But how could a cometary serpent unleash the waters of the earth? The sioux have preserved the
myth of the events that transpired.
“Unktehi was a great water monster, a snake with scales and legs, who filled the Missouri River from
end to end... She could place her body and puff it up in such a way that it made the Missouri
overflow. Thus she created a great flood that spread over the whole country, killing most of the
people. There were also smaller water monsters that did the same thing. The waves even threatened
the mountains. The Thunderbirds fought them for many years, during which the earth trembled and
the waters burst forth in mighty torrents, and the nights were like days because of the flashes of
lightning. Finally the Thunderbirds retreated to the sky and sent out all their bolts at the same instant.
The forests were set on fire, the waters boiled and then dried up. Until then the Unktehi had
represented the water power, but now that power was taken by the Thunderbirds.”116
The Missouri River 117 is the world’s fourth largest river system flowing east and south from Montana
2,341 miles. This river and its tributaries have been a major source of fresh water for many Native
American tribes throughout their history. Since the tribes reported that the Missouri River was ‘filled
from end to end’, it is most probable that the catastrophic surges of mighty torrents of water began at
its head.

In Montana, geologists have found evidence of a major event caused by Glacial Lake Missoula.

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“A few miles downstream from present-day Noxon, Montana, ice filled the river canyon and formed a
dam hundreds of feet thick. When this happened, the waters of the Clark Fork, Blackfoot, Bitterroot,
Flathead and other streams—already swollen with meltwater from the advancing glacier, which had
by now reached the Ovando and Kalispell areas—had no place to go and, therefore, slowly backed
up behind the ice dam to form Lake Missoula”.

Map of Glacial Lake Missoula118

“The center of the lake was approximately in the Flathead Valley area, but a network of long bays
also extended up the river valleys, as far as Drummond, Darby, and Clearwater Junction.”118
This gigantic glacial lake that reached depths of 2,000 feet show geological evidence of having
broken through the ice dam causing catastrophic flooding and reshaping of the terrain with an
estimated 500 cubic miles of water. But this was not the only glacial lake in Montana. There were
Glacial Lake Great Falls, Cut Bank, Lake Jordan, Lake Circle, Musselshell, and Glendive. The activity
of glacial lake damming the waters and its sudden release changed the course of the mighty Missouri
River and show that there was a time when it overflowed its banks, swelling to great heights as
described in the myth.
“Glacial ice entered northern Montana several times during the ice ages... ice blocked the Missouri’s
course northeast of Great Falls. Lakes formed in the rivers south of the ice. Lake levels rose until
their waters cut channels into adjacent drainages. Ultimately, the entire flow of the Missouri was
rushing eastward in a new valley, carving and deepening it as it went. Smaller streams later occupied
much of the Missouri’s former valley.”119

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If we are to believe the myths from Northern America, the catastrophic flooding caused by the
destruction of the ice dams that held the glacial lakes may have taken place over decades or
centuries and not the assumed millions of years. The mechanism behind the sudden and dramatic
collapse of hundreds of feet of ice wall, instead of a slow gradual melt, are explained by myth as the
work of the great horned snake spirit and her children. This appears to be a description of the planet
Venus in her active cometary phase, as discussed in earlier chapters.

The myth talks of powerful flashes of light that turned night into day that followed after an earthquake
triggering the release of torrents of water into the Missouri River, implying fiery cometary impact
blasts that shattered the ice dams.

Venus in its cometary phase may have travelled dangerously close to planet earth, celestial debris
from her tail could have gotten caught in earth’s gravity. Thus, when the planets Venus and Mars
appeared to ‘battle’ in the sky, it seemed like the war/storm god was defending his people.

The Rig Veda, a sacred text from India composed during the third age, contains a myth of the god
Indra battling Vritra, and thus releasing the much needed fresh water on the earth.
“Indra appears as a central figure in the Rig-Veda... In a famous myth, he faces a demon named
Vritra, sometimes described as a dragon or serpent. Vritra had taken all the waters of the earth and
placed them in a mountain where he remained on guard. In the devastating drought that followed, the
people suffered greatly from thirst and famine.
Indra decided to fight Vritra and rescue the waters from captivity...Then he stormed the mountain and
delivered a deadly wound to the demon with his thunderbolt. Vritra's death released the waters, which
flowed down from the mountain to revive the people and the countryside.”120
The myth in the Rig Veda captures part of the end of the second age drought, and tells of the release
of the waters from where they had been trapped in the mountains, possibly in ice dams like those

World Myth or History? 224

found in North America. Like the thunderbird who vanquished the horned serpent with his thunderbolt
weapon, Indra destroys Vritra (dragon/serpent) with his mighty vajra (thunderbolt weapon). Vritra was
the firstborn/largest of the serpent children of the mother dragon.
“Indra, who smote him with his (thunderbolt) bolt between the shoulders... thus Vṛtra lay with
scattered limbs dissevered.
8 There as he lies like a bank-bursting river, the waters taking courage flow above him.
The Dragon lies beneath the feet of torrents which Vṛtra with his greatness had encompassed.
9 Then humbled was the strength of Vṛtra's mother: Indra hath cast his deadly bolt against her.
The mother was above (in the skies), the son was under (the water)...
10 Rolled in the midst of never-ceasing currents flowing without a rest for ever onward.
The waters bear off Vṛtra's nameless body: the foe of Indra sank to during darkness.
11 Guarded by Ahi stood the thralls of Dāsas, the waters stayed like kine held by the robber.
But he, when he had smitten Vṛtra, opened the cave wherein the floods had been imprisoned.
12 ...thou hast let loose to flow the Seven Rivers.”121
The fragmented body of the cometary serpent Vrtra was buried in the depths of the torrents of water
that flow out of it’s ice dam prison, while his battle weary mother remains in the heavens above, after
appearing to have had a ‘thunderbolt’ fight (possibly an exchange of electromagnetic energy) with the
war/storm god.

The hot scorching dust laden winds that plagued the end of the second age were a likely climatic
consequence of deglaciation. The ice sheets that had built up during the Noahic Deluge had started
to melt with the changing climate. Waters from melting glaciers may have gotten trapped in both the
northern and southern hemispheres in massive ice dams that were broken over many years as a
consequence of repeated battles of the planetary gods. After the catastrophic torrential outflow,
glacial ice sheets built up during the third age, possibly to an even greater extent than before.

In Northern Europe the great horned serpent is called the Lindorm, “Scandinavian folklore talks about
the Lindorm, a word possibly created by combining two words for snake, and meaning ‘ensnaring
snake’. It may be a giant snake with or without two front legs, a dangerous “wheel snake” biting its tail
and rolling with an incredible speed...Lindorm folklore speaks of a very large snake with scales and
two front legs. While sometimes described as a sea snake, in other cases it is described as a giant
snake poking about in the ground, the appearance of which brings great destruction. The similarities
with Unktehi are obvious.”122

In Assyrian mythology these celestial battle is recorded as Ninurta vs Asag. Babylonians tell of the
battle of Marduk vs Tiamat, while Egyptians remember the battle of Horus vs Seth. The Hittites

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recorded it as the battle of Teshub vs Illuyankas, and Greek mythology preserved it as the battle of
Zeus vs Typhon, the Norse recorded it as the battles of Thor vs the Midgard Serpent, and the
Canaanites have preserved the story of Baal vs Yam.

On ancient Canaanite clay tablets (c.1500 BC), archaeologists have uncovered the stories of the Baal
Cycles.123 The myth seems to describe a cyclical occurrence of drought that coincides with the
disappearance or death of Baal (Hadad, planet Mars) and a resulting abundance and rain when the
Lord who ‘rides on the clouds’ appears once more.

Armed with two magical weapons of the gods, called Yagrush and Aymur, Baal (planet Mars) defeats
and kills Prince Yam (the serpent child). Based on Baal/Hadad sculpture, it seems likely that the two
weapons would be the heavenly sling stones/sword/spear (Yagrush) in his right hand and the
thunderbolt weapon (Aymur) in his left. Just like Indra, it is the thunderbolt weapon that finally delivers
the death blow to Yam and makes him fall in pieces to the earth. But strangely when Baal is built a
palace, he refuses to put a window for fear of Yam. The Baal cycles tell of the death and return of
Baal and Yam to fight over and over. This is similar in nature to the story of the repeated battles of the
Thunderbird against the horned serpents and the battle of Indra with the Vrtras.

Ugaritic myth also calls Yam, the Serpent Lotan, a seven headed dragon associated with flooding and
waters. Baal was seen as the bringer of rain and the destroyer of the celestial serpent, thus bringing
upon himself the wrath of Mavet (Mot).
“Mavet was infuriated, and sent his word back to Baal. He declared that, Because Baal had
destroyed the Serpent Lotan (Yam), He would exact revenge by devouring Baal.”123
When Baal seems to have perished and is gone, the people suffer drought and famine. This may
refer to the time periods when the orbit of the planet Mars takes it far away from the planet Earth. The
Canaanite gods try to get Ashtar the Terrible (Lord of Irrigation) to sit on the throne, but his head and
feet are too short. This seems to imply that irrigation or other man made forms of water storage and
distribution was not enough.

The destruction of the many headed serpent that is connected with the release of the waters of the
earth is graphically described in these verses from the book of Psalms.
“12 Yet God is my king from of old,
Who works deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth.
13 You divided the sea by Your strength;
You broke the heads of the sea monsters in the waters.
14 You crushed the heads of Leviathan;

World Myth or History? 226

You gave him as food for the creatures of the wilderness.
15 You broke open springs and torrents;
You dried up ever-flowing streams.”124

King David who lived in the third age, understood that the celestial bodies were merely tools of the
Almighty God. In song, he praised and described the works of God that unleashed the waters of the
earth. This is the fine line that Abraham his forefather had tried to explain to the peoples of the land
who had fallen into the mistake of worshipping the created objects used to fulfill the living invisible
God’s purposes, instead of honoring the One who directs their courses.

King David of Israel talked about the earthquakes, thunder and lightning, fiery heavenly debris, and
other celestial weapons used to open the channels of water.
“7 Then the earth shook and quaked;
And the foundations of the mountains were trembling
And were shaken, because He was angry.
8 Smoke went up out of His nostrils,
And fire from His mouth devoured;
Coals were kindled by it.
9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down
With thick darkness under His feet.
10 He rode upon a cherub and flew;
And He sped upon the wings of the wind.
11 He made darkness His hiding place, His canopy around Him,
Darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.
12 From the brightness before Him passed His thick clouds,
Hailstones and coals of fire.
13 The LORD also thundered in the heavens,
And the Most High uttered His voice,
Hailstones and coals of fire.
14 He sent out His arrows, and scattered them,
And lightning flashes in abundance, and routed them.
15 Then the channels of water appeared,
And the foundations of the world were laid bare
At Your rebuke, O LORD,
At the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.”125

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The importance of this psalm is emphasized by the fact that it appears in the bible again in 2 Samuel
chapter 22. Celestial descriptions of heavenly sling stones (hailstones), fiery arrow like missiles from
the skies seem to indicate meteors that blasted open the pathways for fresh water to be released.

Third age mythology around the world record the battle of the war/storm god against the sky serpent
and her brood, resulting in the earthshaking release of the waters that began and perpetuated this
period of mankind.

The Warrior Gods Fighting in the Wars of Men

World mythology reveals that the war/storm god that dominated over the pantheon of celestial gods in
the third age, literally took part in earthly warfare. The movements of the heavenly bodies were not
seen as accidental or random. The ancient peoples saw the actions of their celestial gods and their
powerful destructive forces, as working either on their behalf, or against them.

As Moses and the Israelites came out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s entire army
in pursuit, they witnessed the total destruction of their enemy, and sang a song in praise to their
warrior God. In these verses, the people of the past give us insight into the details of what had just
“3 “The LORD is a warrior;
The LORD is His name.
4 “Pharaoh’s chariots and his army He has cast into the sea;
And the choicest of his officers are drowned in the Red Sea.
5 “The deeps cover them;
They went down into the depths like a stone.
6 “Your right hand, O LORD, is majestic in power,
Your right hand, O LORD, shatters the enemy.
7 “And in the greatness of Your excellence You overthrow those who rise up against You;
You send forth Your burning anger, and it consumes them as chaff.”126
Going down to depths like a ‘stone’ could be an allusion to the heavenly stone/ cometary debris used
by God to ‘shatter’ the enemy. The right hand of God is mentioned twice in verse 6. Third age peoples
were familiar with the image of their war/storm god holding a weapon (spear, axe, sword, etc.) in the
right hand, that symbolizes various kinds of celestial impact. Thus, the right hand of God is aptly
described as majestic in power and capable of shattering the enemy. Verse Seven tells us that some
fiery object was sent from the heavens that consumed Pharaoh and his armies like chaff. A strange
description, considering that Pharaoh and his army had drowned in the sea.

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Then in verse 8 they sing about the ‘blast from God’ that had been used to save Israel.
8 “At the blast of Your nostrils the waters were piled up,
The flowing waters stood up like a heap;
The deeps were congealed in the heart of the sea.”127

The peoples of the third age knew exactly what a ‘blast from God’ meant. King David credited the
release of the waters to a ‘blast’ from God’s breath (Psalm 18:15). Manetho, the historian of ancient
Egypt, tells us that just like the Israelite victory song claimed, it is a ‘blast of God’ that had destroyed
Pharaoh Neferhotep I and the Egyptian army, so that the Hyksos barbarians were able to overcome
Egypt unchallenged.
“Tutimaeus [0]. In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of God smote us; and unexpectedly,
from the regions of the East, invaders of obscure race marched in confidence of victory against our

What happened was common knowledge among the neighboring lands. Their celestial war/storm god
was on the side of the Asiatic slaves who had marched out of Egypt. The planetary god that they
worshipped as Baal, Molech, Hadad, Chemosh, Horus, Mars, etc. whose destructive powers they all
feared would be fighting for these newcomers. The entire mighty Egyptian army had been ‘blasted’
and buried under the waters of the Red Sea. The nations were terrified.
“14 “The peoples have heard, they tremble;
Anguish has gripped the inhabitants of Philistia.
15 “Then the chiefs of Edom were dismayed;
The leaders of Moab, trembling grips them;
All the inhabitants of Canaan have melted away.
16 “Terror and dread fall upon them;
By the greatness of Your arm they are motionless as stone…”129

Isaiah the prophet confirms the celestial battle involved with the crossing of the red sea as he wrote, “
9 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD;
Awake as in the days of old, the generations of long ago.
Was it not You who cut Rahab (the serpent) in pieces,
Who pierced the dragon?
10 Was it not You who dried up the sea,
The waters of the great deep;
Who made the depths of the sea a pathway
For the redeemed to cross over?”130

World Myth or History? 229

But Israel did not drive out the peoples of Canaan completely, instead they began to mingle and
intermarry with them, and worship their Baals. The worship of the war/storm god, also called the bull
of heaven, was not something totally unfamiliar to the newborn nation. In fact before they reached the
promised land, Aaron trying to please the people, had fashioned a golden bull for them to worship as
god, the god whom he claimed, had brought them out of Egypt.
“4 He (Aaron) took this from their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool and made it into a molten
calf; and they said, “This is your god, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.””131

Why would they worship a bull after all that they had seen God do? The Egyptian Horus was
worshipped as the ‘Bull of Heaven’ and was also a war/storm god associated with the planet Mars.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the people would easily fall into the error of worshipping
the planetary tool of their salvation, rather than the invisible God who directed its course.

The God of Israel used celestial bodies many times in the third age in assisting His chosen people
overcome their enemies. Being chosen did not mean that Israel was the only nation that He was
concerned with. It simply meant that this was the nation that He had chosen through whom the seed
of the woman that would crush the devil's head, promised to Adam and Eve, would be born.

When the fledgling nation wandered from their God and worshipped the Canaanite planetary gods,
they were severely oppressed for twenty years by the Canaanite King Jabin with Sisera commander
of his armies. Deborah, the Judge raised by God to deliver Israel from their enemies, told Barak to
fight against the Canaanite armies with ten thousand men taken from just two tribes: Zebulun and
Barak was frightened and asked Deborah to come with him, and he had good reason to be. Sisera
had 900 formidable chariots. “As commander of the army of Canaan, Sisera fielded 900 of these
fierce war machines. Drawn by as many as ten horses, each chariot carried a driver and four archers.
Pockets on the sides of the chariots, loaded extra bows and hundreds of arrows. Iron scales armored
the sides of the chariots and sharp knife blades spun on the heavy wheels so the driver could drive
right over enemy foot soldiers cutting them to pieces. What could stop such a mighty battle tank?”132
Sisera also commanded a great army of troops more numerous than them. What chance did a group
of peasants with hardly any weapons have? Then we are told that as Barak and his men faced Sisera
and all his company, it is the Lord who routed the enemy.
“15 The LORD routed Sisera and all his chariots and all his army with the edge of the sword before
Barak; and Sisera alighted from his chariot and fled away on foot.”133
Suddenly the mighty warrior and oppressor flees for his life, abandoning his armies and tank-like

World Myth or History? 230

chariots. What happened? In song, Deborah tells us that , “20 “The stars fought from heaven, From
their courses they fought against Sisera.”134
Ancient peoples often called celestial bodies, including planets, ‘stars’ or ‘wandering stars’. The sword
was also used in the third age to describe cometary debris that strike the earth with violence (ie.
battle axe, mace, spear, etc.).

More details about this celestial intervention is given in Psalm 83, where the psalmist sings about
Sisera and Jabin and others who had tried to possess the lands given over to God’s people.
“13 O my God, make them like the whirling dust,
Like chaff before the wind.
14 Like fire that burns the forest
And like a flame that sets the mountains on fire,
15 So pursue them with Your tempest
And terrify them with Your storm.”135
The scorching terrible wind and the evil storm that destroyed the powerful second age civilizations
were well known features, to the third age barbarians, of the planetary war/storm god -- Mars.

King David who saw the peak of Israel as a nation, sang of the Lord God and His ways.
“5 The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked,
And the one who loves violence His soul hates.
6 Upon the wicked He will rain snares (coals of fire);
Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup.”136

The Vedic Ramayana epic speaks of many celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, stars, and
meteors. But a very special rank is given to the fiery red planet Mars in the ways of war.
“His lords with loud unearthly cry
Followed their chief and gathered nigh.
As in his car the leader rode
With all his lords around, he showed
Like the red planet fiery Mars
Surrounded by the lesser stars.
...His fearful bow, their arrows rained.
With sword and club, with mace and pike,
With spear and axe to pierce and strike,
Those furious fiends on every side”137

World Myth or History? 231

Indra (Mars) was seen as selectively destroying or attacking specific people groups, such as the
Danavas, an ancient warrior race from the line of Daksha.
“Smite the foe as angry INDRA smote the Danavs fierce and bold,”138

China has a myth of Guan Yu who lives in heaven and serves the One God, “...they say that in their
wars with the Tatars, they often saw him fight in the air in their favor and caused great harm to the
Tatars and that he killed so many of them, resulting in a great victory for the Chinese.” (Isaac Donoso,
ed. Ma. Luisa Garcia & Carlos Quirino, trans. Boxer Codex. Philippines: Vibal Foundation. 2016. p327)

In Homer’s Iliad, Pallas (planet) Minerva tried to reason with Mars to stop fighting on behalf of the
Trojans. As she reasons with him, she calls Mars ‘bloodstained stormer of cities’.
“Minerva, therefore, took Mars by the hand and said, "Mars, Mars, bane of men, bloodstained
stormer of cities, may we not now leave the Trojans and Achaeans to fight it out, and see to which of
the two Jove will vouchsafe the victory?”139

The Baal Cycles records this quality of the storm/war god as the ‘bloodstained stormer of cities’.
“Lord Baal went to take possession of many earthly cities. sixty-six, Seventy-seven towns he took.
Eighty, Ninety was the total number of cities that fell to the possession of Mighty Hadad. Thus, Baal
returned to His home as Lord of the World.”140

The planet Mars was seen as fighting on behalf of the Trojans, while Pallas Minerva was on the side
of the Achaeans. When Mars is actively involved in the battlefield, the opposing troops are terrified.
“But Hector marked them from across the ranks, and with a loud cry rushed towards them, followed
by the strong battalions of the Trojans... while Mars wielded a monstrous spear, and went about, now
in front of Hector and now behind him.
Diomed shook with passion as he saw them. As a man crossing a wide plain is dismayed to find
himself on the brink of some great river rolling swiftly to the sea- he sees its boiling waters and starts
back in fear- even so did the son of Tydeus give ground...Some god is ever by his side to protect him,
and now Mars is with him in the likeness of mortal man. Keep your faces therefore towards the
Trojans, but give ground backwards, for we dare not fight with gods."”141
The ‘monstrous spear’ God uses when fighting in behalf of an army is described in the book of
Joshua when the young Israelite nation was confronted by a coalition of five Amorite kings intent on
their destruction. The God of their forefathers told Joshua not to fear for He would fight on their
behalf. “10 And the LORD confounded them before Israel, and He slew them with a great slaughter at
Gibeon, and pursued them by the way of the ascent of Beth-horon and struck them as far as Azekah
and Makkedah. 11 As they fled from before Israel, while they were at the descent of Beth-horon, the

World Myth or History? 232

LORD threw large stones from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died; there were more who
died from the hailstones than those whom the sons of Israel killed with the sword.”142
The Amorites were worshippers of the war/storm god Chemosh, and this massacre of their troops
would strike great fear, for it would seem that their god was fighting against them.

Based on world mythology, it seems that planet Mars and even the planet Venus may have passed
dangerously close to our planet many times, especially during this third age. Are there planetary
evidence of such repeated encounters? “By the consensus of geologists, there have been 170
paleomagnetic polarity reversals recorded in Earth lava flows. A foundation will be laid that each flyby
produced a geomagnetic field polarity reversal. Therefore there is some evidence that Mars-Earth
flybys repeated, and recurred perhaps 150 to 200 times. There is reason to assume that Mars-Venus
flybys were similarly numerous. Therefore there might have been 350 planetary flybys involving Mars
all together.” 143
With such celestial violent events, it comes as no surprise that the citizens of the planet would fear
and even worship the celestial bodies.

The use of bronze by the peoples of the third age as they served the war/storm god is graphically
portrayed by Homer in the Iliad.
“As he spoke he took up the shield of his son Thrasymedes that was lying in his tent, all gleaming
with bronze...he grasped his redoubtable bronze-shod spear, and as soon as he was outside saw the
disastrous rout of the Achaeans who, now that their wall was overthrown, were flying pell-mell before
the Trojans...but meanwhile the hosts were fighting and killing one another, and the hard bronze
rattled on their bodies, as they thrust at one another with their swords and spears.”144

Hesiod wrote regarding this age, “These were destroyed by their own hands and passed to the dank
house of chill Hades, and left no name: terrible though they were, black Death seized them, and they
left the bright light of the sun.”145

Even before the catastrophic end of this age, many of the civilizations had already perished from their
incessant wars --literally ‘destroyed by their own hands’.
Around c.1200 BC, the Greek Mycenaean civilization collapsed under the pressure of numerous
warrior tribes. The city of Troy, along with many more unnamed lands disappeared and became myth.
“Within a period of forty to fifty years at the end of the thirteenth and the beginning of the twelfth
century almost every significant city in the eastern Mediterranean world was destroyed, many of them
never to be occupied again.”146

World Myth or History? 233

Egypt lost control over many of its territories as numerous tribes, including the Libyans, Canaanites,
and other people groups, invaded and revolted against them. The Mahabharata describes the
destruction of the wars and the numerous peoples lost in India. In China (c.1100 BC), the Shang
dynasty was conquered and replaced by the Zhou dynasty.

The fledgling Israelite nation saw wiping out the nations, whose land they would occupy, as a natural
result of possessing those lands. “When the LORD your God brings you into the land where you are
entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and
the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations
greater and stronger than you…”147

The third age was imploding with its numerous wars and countless atrocities against their fellow man.
The Iliad describes a poignant moment when after a day of death and destruction, the warriors on
both camps make a reckoning of dead and dying and they raised up a cry of pain and suffering that
reached beyond the earth.
“...With these words he led the way and the others followed after with a cry that rent the air, while the
host shouted behind them. The Argives on their part raised a shout likewise, nor did they forget their
prowess, but stood firm against the onslaught of the Trojan chieftains, and the cry from both the hosts
rose up to heaven and to the brightness of Jove's presence.”148
And so once again, we are told that the cries from the earth rise up and storm the gates of heaven,
reaching the ears of God.

History in Advance / Rise of the Prophets

Nearing the end of the third age, roughly around 800 BC began the rise of an unusual group of
individuals who wrote of specific things that would happen in the future.
God had used a select number of chosen mouthpieces before this age and afterwards, but at this
time period there was a literal proliferation of prophets.
“A prophet is not necessarily a man. Scripture records the stories of seven female prophets...
A prophet is not necessarily a Jew. The Talmud reports that there were prophets among the gentiles
(most notably Balaam, whose story is told in Numbers 22), although they were not as elevated as the
prophets of Israel (as the story of Balaam demonstrates). And some of the prophets, such as Jonah,
were sent on missions to speak to the gentiles.”149

As the prophets increased in number, false prophets also rose up to give contradictory and confusing
words. Many false prophets simply confirmed what people wanted to hear and prevented many from
turning away from their wrong practices and turning back to God’s ways.

World Myth or History? 234

Moses gave the acid test for the true prophet: 100% accuracy.
“ 21 You may say in your heart, ‘How will we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?’ 22 When
a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the
thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be
afraid of him.”150

And how can any man achieve such a feat? No human way. That is why the prophet makes it clear
that the revelation of things to come are from the God who is in control of all time.
“Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things which have not been done,
Saying, ‘My purpose will be established,
And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;”151

It is at around this era that Hesiod wrote the Works and Days, where he listed the five ages of man.
He started the literary work with a statement that he was writing down what he considered to be real
matters. “Attend thou with eye and ear, and make judgements straight with righteousness. And I,
Perses, would tell of true things.”152
Hesiod then goes on to tell of life, right living, and mythologically embellished history, then confidently
presents the five ages of man.153 It is likely, that he may have used references or sources that were
generally considered sound by the peoples of his age. The strange thing about the five ages he listed,
was that it made predictions about the future. In fact, Hesiod presumed that he was part of the last
age, the fifth age, and foretold the specifics of how that age would end too. Thus, it seems that
Hesiod may have tried to interpret the ultimate total of five ages of man, taken from a respected
source. Placing his age as the final age of man, he tried to fit all the other four ages into their
historical past, unaware that there were two more ages that were to come.

The five ages listed by Hesiod, with three ages accomplished and two more in the future, may have
been taken from a prophetic word similar to that of the Hebrew prophet Amos who wrote his
prophecies in another continent at around the same time period. The book of Amos begins by
warning of the fiery destruction that would end the third age and gives a warning of the rising of the
waters that would end the fourth and usher in the fifth age of man. Amos also reminds his listener of
the destructions used by God to end the previous ages.

Amos tells us that when God is doing something, He lets the prophets in on it. The sudden
abundance of prophets in the lands of the world seems to imply that God was getting ready to do

World Myth or History? 235

something very big at this time.
“6 If a trumpet is blown in a city will not the people tremble?
If a calamity occurs in a city has not the LORD done it?
7 Surely the Lord GOD does nothing
Unless He reveals His secret counsel
To His servants the prophets.
8 A lion has roared! Who will not fear?
The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?”154

There is an ancient Norse Myth, regarding future events for that time, that involve the destruction of
the earth and mankind by fire, called Ragnarok.
“During Ragnarok the walls of Asgard, the homes of the Aesir, and the huge bridge Bifrost, will be set
on fire by Surt the fire giant. The mighty Midgard serpent will be emerging from the turbulent sea and
engulf the Vigrid plains, while it splashes its tail and sprays poison in all directions, causing huge
waves crashing towards the land. The Fenrir wolf will break free of his chains and spread death and
destruction. The sun and the moon will be swallowed by the wolfs Sköll and Hati. Even the world tree
Yggdrasil, will shake the ground.
Odin will be killed by the Fenrir wolf and Thor and the Midgard Serpent will kill each other. Loki will
turn on the Aesir, and fight Heimdall, and they will kill each other. Tyr and the watchdog “Garm” from
Hel, will also kill each other. Freyr will be killed by the fire giant named Surt. Finally Surt will set all the
nine worlds, in a flaming inferno and they will sink into the boiling sea. There is nothing the gods can
do to prevent Ragnarok. Odin’s only comfort is that, he can predict that Ragnarok, will not be the end
of the world.”155
The Ragnarok myth gives us multiple clues as to which of the celestial gods would play a large role in
the destruction of the third age. This will be discussed further in the following chapter. A point of light
in the Ragnarok event was the foreknowledge that it was not the end of mankind, but the beginning of
a new age to be built by its survivors.
One of the signs of impending Ragnarok was a prolonged winter or ice age called Fimbulwinter. And
during this period of Fimbulwinter, it was predicted that there would be worldwide warfare.
“We will have a long and cold winter that, will last for three years with no summer in between. The
name of these uninterrupted winters are called "Fimbulwinter" During these three years, the world will
be plagued by wars, and brothers will kill brothers.”155
Note that these two elements were actually escalating as the catastrophic fiery end of the third age
approached. Namely, the ice age glacial formation, driven by the increased precipitation caused by
the warming seas -heated by multiple third age celestial fly-bys, and the self-destructive world wide
wars of mankind discussed previously.

World Myth or History? 236

There is a myth in India of three ancient cities, the Tripura, worshippers of Shiva who had been able
to get Brahma to promise them that their cities could only be destroyed by a single arrow. These
Asuras were confident that this would not happen, knowing that the only one capable of releasing
such destructive force in a single arrow was Shiva whom they were devoted to. Nevertheless, in order
to avoid the remote possibility, the Asuras built the cities in such a way that they moved around and
aligned only once every thousand years. The cities grew mighty and prospered even with Indra’s
animosity against them, because the Asuras at that time were penitent and righteous.
But one day, they were told of a vision that foretold the imminent destruction of the three cities, and
were told to maintain their piety to avoid this fate. Instead of heeding the warning, they began an all
out war against their past enemy --the Devas.
“...unleashing terror upon the land. All sages and men of virtue were tormented and slain. They
mounted an attack on Indra and his army of devas. The battles fought were terrible... The Earth
began to tremble under the onslaught of the asuras and slipped from Her place. The devas fled to
Brahma for protection...They turned to Siva, their last hope and begged Him to rescue the world from
their tyranny. Siva decided it was time He rode out to battle...The time had arrived for the three cities
to align themselves together as destined. Exactly when the moment arrived, Siva notched an arrow to
His bow...Siva's arrow annihilated the satellite cities of Tripura.”156
This myth from the third age period, foretold the fiery destruction of the three cities at the appointed
time in the future, should they not stop their destructive warring ways. The Tripura was to meet its
catastrophic end by an arrow from the bow of the celestial god Shiva, previously connected to the
planet Venus. Fulfillment of this prophetic fiery end came amidst a bloody tyrannical war between the
Asuras and the Devas.

Starting around 800 BC God suddenly had a lot to say to the nations of Israel and Judah, and 16
prophetic books written by 16 prophets were recognized as part of God’s word, apparently passing
the Mosaic test.
Since the prophetic is only possible if the existence of a sentient being that transcends time and
space exists, let us consider for a moment that there is more than our natural material universe. How
else would anyone know with certainty what the future holds? This ability has long been attributed by
mankind all over the world to a being called God.

The preserved collection of mythology, lore, and faithfully collected scriptures reveal that this being is
intimately involved and concerned with the affairs of mankind. From creation to the fall of man, then
from fearful anticipation of judgment to the promise of hope in a child that would one day break the
power of death over humanity.

World Myth or History? 237

The promised seed may be traced through the line of Seth, son of Adam, then Abraham to whom the
promise was confirmed (Genesis 22:17-18), then affirmed in Jacob, son of Isaac, both heirs of the
same promise (Psalm 105:6, Hebrews:11:9). The prophet Jeremiah (c.626 BC) informed us the seed
would spring from the branch of their descendant David, and by divine perspective the time was soon
“Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch;
And He will reign as king and act wisely And do justice and righteousness in the land.”157

Before the end of the third age we find at least two attempts to destroy the promise by cutting off the
descendants of Israel. While they were slaves in Egypt, Pharaoh had commanded that every male
child was to be thrown into the river Nile. If the myth of Nimrod ordering a similar massacre of infants,
in order to kill Abraham were true, then this would be the second historical mass murder of infants
seemingly for a similar purpose. Scriptures reveal that it is by his parents’ faith that Moses was saved
and the lineage preserved (Hebrews 11:23).
Another attempt to end the lineage was an all out war against the nation of Israel nearing the end of
this age by the powerful Assyrian Empire. The prophet Isaiah (mid to late 800 BC) wrote of Assyria as
an overflowing river that would flood the nation of Israel because of their rejection of their God.
“6 “Inasmuch as these people have rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah
And rejoice in Rezin and the son of Remaliah;
7 “Now therefore, behold, the Lord is about to bring on them the strong and abundant waters of the
Even the king of Assyria and all his glory;
And it will rise up over all its channels and go over all its banks.
8 “Then it will sweep on into Judah, it will overflow and pass through,
It will reach even to the neck;
And the spread of its wings will fill the breadth of your land, O Immanuel.”158
Jeremiah, writing over a hundred years later speaks of the Assyrian devastation in the past tense. 17

“Israel is a scattered flock, the lions have driven them away. The first one who devoured him was the
king of Assyria…”159
Historical records prove the accuracy of the prophets.
“When the Assyrians conquered Israel in 722 (BC), the Hebrew inhabitants were scattered all over
the Middle East; these early victims of the dispersion disappeared utterly from the pages of history.”160

The third age peoples who lived through repeated close encounters with the celestial fly-bys, the
earthquakes and fiery missiles, and mistakenly assumed that these heavenly bodies were gods,

World Myth or History? 238

observed that the destruction caused by them were not random. They saw patterns of wicked
powerful nations being destroyed. They saw the gods fighting in behalf of the weak. They saw the
repeated visits releasing the much needed fresh water. This led them to give anthropomorphic
qualities to celestial bodies and worship them as capricious gods. King David, on the other hand, saw
the splendour of the sun, moon and stars and gave glory to the Creator who directed their courses.

The nation of Judah, although far from perfect, was able to maintain a flickering remnant who
believed as their forefather Abraham, that all that was happening in the natural realm was under the
direction of the invisible omnipotent omniscient omnipresent God, who created all things. And as the
third age ends with a proliferation of prophets, we begin to see that there is perhaps something more
than the observable physical world. A being of supreme authority, capable of telling the end from the
beginning, unbound by time or natural laws, who orchestrates world history with such power and
precision that the myths, histories, and sacred texts of the world can hardly contain it.

World Myth or History? 239

1. Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Dialogues of Plato. USA: Oxford University Press. 1952. p 445
2. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 9
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4. Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Dialogues of Plato. USA: Oxford University Press. 1952. p 445
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7. A. Koltypin, L. Fitzpatrick, trans. “Hopi - Descendants of Spider-Women. Four Worlds in Mythology of Hopi.” Earth
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8. Mills, Dr. Alice, ed. New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing, 2009
9. “A Legend of the Great Flood.” Internet Sacred Texts Archive. 8/8/2003. Sacred Texts. 2/15/2015
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11. C.H. Oldfather, trans. Diodorus of Sicily iii. 55. 60-30 BC
12. Melville, trans. Ovid: Metamorphoses 1. 750 ff. Roman epic C1st B. to C1st AD
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14. Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal. 'Hawaiki - The significance of Hawaiki', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand,
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15. Poignant, Roslyn. Oceanic Mythology, Hamlyn, London and New York, 1967. p 30
16. Gaster, Theodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. pp 108-109
17. Miller, Hugh. The Testimony of the Rocks. Or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and
Revealed. Gould and Lincoln, Boston, 1857. In MacRae, Andrew, n.d. Hugh. p 287
18. Theresa Bane. Encyclopedia of Imaginary and Mythical Places. McFarland: 2014. p 126
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21. de Civrieux, Marc. Watunna, An Orinoco Creation Cycle, David M. Guss (transl.), North Point Press, 1980. pp 109-
22. Frank Joseph. Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited. 2008. p 128
23. Frank Joseph. Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited. 2008. p 122
24. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 151
25. Frank Joseph. Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited. 2008. p 122
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28. H.P. Blavatasky. The Secret Doctrine. Vol. 2. p 606. 2004. 6/14/15. <http://www.sacred->
29. Mark Isaak. “Flood Stories from Around the World.” 2002. The Talk Origins Archive. 6/15/15.
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32. New American Standard Bible. Psalm 46:2-9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
33. Rouse, trans. Nonnus, Dionysiaca 38.90 ff . Greek epic C5th A.D.
34. “Land Hyperborea.” Hyperborea: Fabulous Lands of the Far North. 2011. 6/11/15.
35. Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Dialogues of Plato. USA: Oxford University Press. 1952. p 445
36. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 100
37.Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days. 11. 140-155. 1914. <http://www.sacred->
38. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 11

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39. Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Robson, E. and Zolyomu, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “The
Lament for Sumer and Urin.” 225-242. Oxford University: 1998.
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41. New American Standard Bible. Exodus 23:23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
42. New American Standard Bible. Joshua 13:1. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
43. John Ashton, David Down. Unwrapping the Pharaohs. AR: Master Books. 2007. p 398
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46. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King, And Hsiao King.“03. The Announcement of Thang. 2.” 1879
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52. David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill. The Thunderbolts of the Gods. Portland Oregon: Mikamar Publishing. 2004
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55. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 41:17-21. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
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58. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 14
59. Lattimore, trans. Homer: Iliad. 15. 110 ff. Greek epic. C8th BC
60.Ralph T.h. Griffith, trans.Rig Veda. 1. 32. Indra.1896. Sacred <http://www.sacred->
61. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 14
62. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 39
63.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer.Book 2. 1898. <www.sacred->
64. Kisari Mohan Ganguli, trans. The Mahabharata. Book 1. Sambhava Parva. Section CXXIII. 1883-1896. p 258
65.J. Hill. “Letter to Suppiluliuma.” Ancient Egypt Online. 2010. <
66.Romesh C. Dutt, trans. Ramayana and Mahabharata. 1899. <http://www.sacred->
67.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer.Book 1. 1898. <www.sacred->
68.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer.Book 2. 1898. <www.sacred->
69.Romesh C. Dutt, trans. Ramayana and Mahabharata. 1899. <http://www.sacred->
70. New American Standard Bible. 1 Kings 12:16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
71. New American Standard Bible. Psalm 90:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
72. Gaster, Theodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament. New York: Harper & Row. 1969. p 97
73.Romesh C. Dutt, trans. Ramayana and Mahabharata. Ramayana. Book I. II. 1899.
74.Romesh C. Dutt, trans. Ramayana and Mahabharata. Ramayana. Book V. I. 1899.
75. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 75
76. “The Sajama Lines.” The Top Ten Geoglyphs - UK and the World. Britain Explorer. 2015.
77. Jim Hendleman. Jaredites: The Missing Civilization X. AuthorHouse. 2013. p 248
78. Don Landis, ed. The Genius of Ancient Man. AR: Master Books. 2013. p 88

World Myth or History? 241

79.Romesh C. Dutt, trans. Ramayana and Mahabharata. Ramayana. Conclusion. 1899.
80. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 4:22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
81. R.H. Charles, trans. The Book of Enoch the Prophet.VI. I. San Francisco: Red Wheel/Weiser L.L.C.2003.p 6
82. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 18
83. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 71
84. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 132
85. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 158
86. New American Standard Bible. Psalm 18:34. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
87. “Barbarian Tides 1500-600 BC.” Time Life: Illustrated History of the World. 2000 ed. p 147
88. Aaron J. Atsma. “Talos.” Theoi project. 2011. <>
89. Simonides [poet C6th B.C., frag 202A] Suda On Line, trans. Suidas s.v. Sardanios gelos. Byzantine Greek Lexicon
90.“Moloch.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia Foundation. 6/18/15. <>
91. Merrill F. Unger. The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Chicago: Moody. 2005. pp 485-486
92. New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 7:30-31. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
93.“Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible: Jeremiah 7:31.” Bible Hub. 2015. <>
94. Paul Mosca. “Child Sacrifice in Canaanite and Israelite Religion.” Harvard University (PhD Thesis). 1975. p 22
95. Brown, Shelby. Late Carthaginian Child Sacrifice and Sacrificial Monuments in their Mediterranean Context.
Sheffield Academic Press: 1991. p 22–23
96.“Ancient Carthaginians Really did Sacrifice their Children.” University of Oxford. 2014.
97. New American Standard Bible.Psalm 106:37-38. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
98. Lilinah biti-Anat. Part 3: Baal Asks for and Gets His Palace. col. iv. 43-44. 1995-1997.
99.“Mangala.” Wikipedia. 2015. 6/18/15. <>
100.Nadia Soewito. “Polyxena.” Encyclopedia Mythica. 2013. <>
101.Dr. Alice Mills, chief consultant. New world Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing. 2009. p 123
102.“Tlaloc.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. <>
103.New American Standard Bible. 1 Kings 11:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
104.“Chemosh.” Wikipedia. 2015. 6/18/15. <>
105.New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 16:3-4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
106.New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 17:7-23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
107.Merrill F. Unger. The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Chicago: Moody. 2005. pp 484-486
108.Dr. Ralph F. Wilson. “Canaanite Religions and Baal Worship: Baal and Ashtoreth.” Jesus Walk Bible Study Series.
2015. <>
109.The Living Bible. 2 Kings 21:3-6. copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale
House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
110.Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days. 11. 140-155. 1914. <http://www.sacred->
111.“Tlaloc.” Myths Encyclopedia.2015. <>
112.“Thunderbird.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. <>
113.“Horned Serpent.” Knowledge Encyclopedia. 2015. Wikipedia. 7/7/15.
114.Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God: New Scientific Evidence for God. Tucson: Archaeological Research
Books. L.L.C. 2011. p 45
115.Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God: New Scientific Evidence for God. Tucson: Archaeological Research
Books. L.L.C. 2011. p 187
116.Erdoes, R. and Ortiz, A., 1985: American Indian Myths and Legends. Pantheon. p 220-222. Summary by Ulf
Erlingsson. “Lindorm and Unktehi — folkloristic memories of CIS lobes and jökulhlaups?” Atlantis and
Paleogeography. 2007. <>
117.“Missouri River.” Wikipedia. 2015. <>
118.“Glacial Lake Missoula.” Bonner Milltown History Center & Museum. 2015. <
119.“Lewis and Clark in Montana -- A Geologic Perspective.” MBMG Geologic Research Mapping. 2015.
Montana.Gov. 7/9/15. <>
120.“Indra.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. <>
121.Ralph T.h. Griffith, trans.Rig Veda. 1. 32. Indra.1896. Sacred <http://www.sacred-

World Myth or History? 242>
122.Ulf Erlingsson. “Lindorm and Unktehi — folkloristic memories of CIS lobes and jökulhlaups?” Atlantis and
Paleogeography. 2007. <>
123.“The Baal Cycle.” 2009. 8/1/15. <>
124.New American Standard Bible. Psalm 74:12-15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
125.New American Standard Bible. Psalm 18:7-15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
126.New American Standard Bible. Exodus 15:1-7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
127.New American Standard Bible. Exodus 15:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
128.“Manetho on the Hyksos: Manetho, Aegyptiaca., frag. 42, 1.75-79.2.” Tour 6/13/15.
129.New American Standard Bible. Exodus 15:14-16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
130.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 51:9-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
131.New American Standard Bible. Exodus 32:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
132.John W. Cowart. “The Pride of Sisera.” 2007. Bluefish Books. 7/10/15.
133.New American Standard Bible. Judges 4:15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
134.New American Standard Bible. Judges 5:19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
135.New American Standard Bible. Psalm 83:13-15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
136.New American Standard Bible. Psalm 11:5-6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
137.Ralph T. H. Griffith, M.A., trans. Ramayana of Valmiki. “Canto XXV: The Battle.” [1870-1874] p 259
138.Romesh C. Dutt, trans. The Ramayana and Mahabharata. Book X:Karna-Badha. I. 1899. Sacred
139.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer: Book V. 1898. Sacred <http://www.sacred->
140.“The Baal Cycle.” 2009. 8/1/15. <>
141.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer: Book XIV. 1898. Sacred <http://www.sacred->
142.New American Standard Bible. Joshua 10:10-11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
143.Donald W. Patten, Samuel R. Windsor. The Mars Earth Wars. Chapter 4. Seattle, WA: Pacific Meridian Publishing
Co. 2003. <>
144.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer: Book XIII. 1898. Sacred <http://www.sacred->
145.Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days. 11. 140-155. 1914. <http://www.sacred->
146.Robert Drews. The End of the Bronze Age: changes in warfare and the catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C., 1993. p4
147.New American Standard Bible. Deuteronomy 7:1. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
148.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer: Book XIII. 1898. Sacred <http://www.sacred->
149.Tracey R. Rich. “Prophets and Prophecy: What is a Prophet?” Judaism 101. 2011.
150.New American Standard Bible. Deuteronomy 18:21-22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
151.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 46:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
152.Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days. 11. 1-10. 1914. <http://www.sacred->
153.Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days. 11. 106-201. 1914. <http://www.sacred->
154.New American Standard Bible. Amos 3:6-8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
155.Martin Højbjerg. “Ragnarok in Norse Mythology.” Norse Mythology [Ragnarok: The End of the World]. 2015.
Viking 8/3/15. <>
156.Ananth Iyer. “Three Satellite Cities: Tripura.” I Have a Story to Tell: Imaginative Retelling of Stories and Incidents
from Indian Myth. 2011. Blogger. 8/10/15. <>
157.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 23:5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
158.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 8:6-8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
159.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 50:17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
160.Richard Hooker. The Hebrews: A Learning Module. Washington State University. “Ancient Jewish History: The
Diaspora.” Jewish Virtual Library. 2015. <>

World Myth or History? 243

Chapter Nine
The Fiery Storm

Mythology around the world is united in describing the fiery end of the third age. The Aztec calendar
stone recounts how,
“Quetzalcoatl eventually punished the people for not fulfilling their sacrificial duties by sending a rain
of ash. The survivors of this fiery storm became birds.”1

According to Mesoamerican mythology, the third age was brought to a fiery end by the god
Quetzalcoatl (planet Venus) who had remained relatively quiet during the length of that time period.
Most of the trouble she caused the third age seems to have come from her serpentine offspring that
had broken off from the main cometary body and gotten entangled with Earth and Mars.

After more than a thousand years of semi-peaceful orbital coexistence, what caused the Planet
Venus to veer so dangerously close to planet Earth?

Aztec mythology blames Tezcatlipoca. Tezcatlipoca (planet Mars) who destroyed the second age with
a violent wind, then returned to rule the third age world as the god Tlaloc.
“Tlaloc was one of the early creations of the gods, the god of rain and water. He became the next
sun. But his personal problems became his downfall. Once again, Tezcatlipoca was the instigator.
Tezcatlipoca stole Tlaloc's wife (Xochiquetzal), and Tlaloc was grief-stricken. He shone as the sun
but refused to send rain, in spite of the pleas of the people. Drought swept the earth, and finally in a
rage Tlaloc made it rain fire, burning away this version of the world. (Another version attributes the
destruction of this world directly to the continuing battle between Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl).” 2

The transformation of Tezcatlipoca (planet Mars) to its Tlaloc phase may have have been caused by
an icy cometary impact. “The evidence is that an ice ball fragmented above the Eastern Hemisphere
of Mars. Its icy fragments sprayed a large part of one entire hemisphere of Mars. Upon impact, the
energy of its motion converted instantly to heat. It vaporized and condensed.
A flash flood came to the Eastern Hemisphere of Mars. (1) Its hemispheric scope suggests this. (2)
The scattered, or spotty distribution points to this. (3) The velocity of the flowing water indicates
suddenness. (4) The minuscule atmosphere of Mars also points to space as the region of origin for its
former ices.”3

World Myth or History? 244

The introduction of large amounts of water which may have frozen in a few hours in the cold Martian
temperatures that reaches minus 125 degrees C, caused Mars to have a more benevolent role and
appearance. Instead of the fiery red planet, ice covered Mars may have looked snowy white. There is
much evidence in the geological features of Mars of the massive violent actions of water. But the big
question is, Where did all the water go? Scientists cannot account for all of it. If the icy fragments
were exposed to solar radiation and earth’s atmosphere, it would have caused vaporization and
condensation--rain clouds. Thus, the god of rain and agricultural abundance was born.

The planet Mars then took on a very different appearance to the third age tribes and nations. In North
America, they saw their celestial Thunderbird god.
“... solar radiation RAPIDLY effervesces away their ices into long streams of glistening water vapors -
cometary tails.
Their vapors, long cometary tails, are then bent into curved streamer shapes as they are left behind,
only to be blown by the solar wind. Thus, a comet's tail is formed. Normally, one side of the tail of a
comet mirrors the other side, as it is with bird wings. There may be multiple mirrored streamers, or
wings in a cometary tail.”3

The Rig Veda hymns record the storm god Indra, also appeared bird-like during the phase that it was
releasing the waters of the earth.
“14 Whom sawest thou to avenge the Dragon, Indra, that fear possessed thy heart when thou hadst
slain him; That, like a hawk affrighted through the regions, thou crossedst nine-and-ninety flowing

The Greek writer Hesiod called this new effervescent tail of Mars, its aegis, just like Pallas Athene
(planet Venus) in its cometary phase had an aegis of her own.
“...for the goddess bright eyed Athene put mettle into them by shaking her aegis. And the earth
groaned all round them.5
But Athene the daughter of Aegis-bearing Zeus came to meet Ares, wearing the dark aegis…”6

The Egyptian war storm god Horus is often depicted with a bird’s head and sometimes as a bird of
prey with wings and talons. Both Hindu and Buddhist traditions tell of Garuda, the anthropomorphic
bird god, who battled with his serpentine enemy.
In the Middle East this aegis or cometary tail was sometimes called a beard, which has caused much
confusion when used for the goddess Ishtar. “In a hymn to the goddess Ishtar, composed for the cult
in her temple at Nineveh, it is said of her that, “She has a beard like the god Ashur.”7 The Assyrian
god Ashur was also a war storm god whose name was actually interchangeable with the god Hadad,

World Myth or History? 245

Chemosh and Baal - all gods linked with planet Mars. Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, has been
connected to planet Venus.
A bas relief sculpture from the palace of Assyrian King Ashur-nasir-pal (885-860 BC) shows the god
Ashur using the Thunderbolt weapons in both hands as he battles the dragon. As discussed earlier,
the battles of the war storm god with the serpent is linked by global lore to the release of the waters.
The Assyrian sculpture is almost identical to the older war storm god depictions, except for the
addition of bird’s wings and a feathery tail.

The Aztec Tlaloc myth tells us that the angry Tlaloc, “... shone as the sun but refused to send rain, in
spite of the pleas of the people.”8
This echoes the description of ancient Buddhist scriptures that describe a world cycle when it is
destroyed by fire. It starts similarly as in when the earth is destroyed by wind, with a prolonged period
of drought. “.... When now a long period has elapsed from the cessation of the rains, a second sun
appears…When this second sun has appeared, there is no distinction of day and night; each sun
rises when the other sets, and an incessant heat beats upon the world. And whereas the ordinary sun
is inhabited by its divinity, no such being is to be found in the cycle-destroying sun. When the ordinary
sun shines, clouds and patches of mist fly about in the air. But when the cycle-destroying sun shines,
the sky is free from mists and clouds, and as spotless as a mirror, and the water in all streams dries

The fact that the Mesoamerican god Tlaloc no longer brings rain or, as the sacred buddhist texts
recount, no longer brings water laden clouds or mists, implies that all the water it may have received
from an impact with an ice laden comet had evaporated from the thin Martian atmosphere over the
centuries. The Canaanite Baal Cycles also recorded their dilemma of a prolonged drought.

World Myth or History? 246

The book of the prophet Joel, written around the same time as the prophets Isaiah and Amos, speaks
of a period of extreme drought that they were passing through. In chapter one he describes
overwhelming swarms of locusts that have covered the land and how the harvests have dried up and
the cattle have nothing to eat. Locusts thrive in the hot dry conditions that concentrate nutritional
value of their food, reduce fungal growth that attack them, and speeds up their maturation.

But it seems that this was not an ordinary drought, because Joel describes a burning fire that had
burned the pastures, the fields, and even the brooks of water have dried up -- like what the second
sun had done in the Buddhist record. And Joel tells us that all these things happened right before
their eyes.
“16 Has not food been cut off before our eyes,
Gladness and joy from the house of our God?
17 The seeds shrivel under their clods;
The storehouses are desolate,
The barns are torn down,
For the grain is dried up.
18 How the beasts groan!
The herds of cattle wander aimlessly
Because there is no pasture for them;
Even the flocks of sheep suffer.
19 To You, O LORD, I cry;
For fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness
And the flame has burned up all the trees of the field.
20 Even the beasts of the field pant for You;
For the water brooks are dried up
And fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness.”10
Then Joel goes on to tell us that this is just the beginning, because the terrible day of the Lord is still
to come.

The Rig Veda sacred hymns contain praises for the deeds of Indra (Mars) that include stories of how
Indra had become like the morning sun. Since the Bull of Heaven is portrayed as using his own light
to milk cows in the darkness, we infer that this happened at night. The songwriter also notes that in
this sun like phase, Indra ‘blows’ away both believers and unbelievers. Everyone indiscriminately
suffers from its destructive force.
“8 Adorned with their array of gold and jewels, they o’er the earth a covering veil extended.
Although they hastened, they o’ercame not Indra: their spies he compassed with the Sun of morning.

World Myth or History? 247

9 As thou enjoyest heaven and earth, O Indra, on every side surrounded with thy greatness,
So thou with priests hast blown away the Dasyu, and those who worship not with those who worship.
10 They who pervaded earth's extremest limit subdued not with their charms the Wealth-bestower:
Indra, the Bull, made his ally the thunder, and with its light milked cows from out the darkness.”11

The Egyptian Horus, a war storm god linked to the planet Mars, also took on a solar personality. The
third age pharaohs linked Horus to the sun god Ra (a.k.a. Re),
“The Pharaoh was already seen as the embodiment of Horus and so the two gods became linked,
sometimes as the composite deity Ra-Horakhty ("Ra (is) Horus of the Horizon").” 12

This sun like appearance of the war storm god may have been captured by the Assyrians in the
images that they have left behind in stone. Ashur is depicted on a circular solar symbol carried on
birdlike wings. This planetary god is chief of their pantheon of gods and the one that their empire is
named after. From the very beginning of the third age, they were known as the tribes of Ashur that
overcame the ancient Akkadians to start the third age Assyrian civilization.

Ancient China also notes a change in the war/storm god. In Chinese mythology, Shen Nung - the god
of agriculture, takes on an additional role as god of fire. Renamed Huo Ti “Fire Emperor” who trained
his followers in working metal to make weapons of warfare, he is later renamed once more as Yen Ti
“the Blazing Emperor”.13

Mars may have appeared to the peoples of the earth as what seemed to be a second sun several
times in the third age, according to a model presented by Patten and his team based on their
astronomical observations, mathematical calculations, and ancient records. Patten’s team observed a

World Myth or History? 248

repeating pattern of Mars coming close to the earth every 108 years starting from the time of the
Exodus. They speculated that the earlier flybys had occurred in the daytime, while this final extremely
close encounter between Earth and Mars that left the planet with its current orbit, and ended Mars’
catastrophic reign, happened at night.
“The Earth's last waltz with Mars was close and passionate. Their planetary magnetic fields united in
space for ten or fifteen hours, while their gravitys "fought" each other's. Then, after a brief magnetic
tryst in space, that briefly unified field was ripped apart, for the last time.” 14

The prophet Amos who was a contemporary of Isaiah, and may have been an eyewitness to this
event, described God as, “...8 The maker of Kimah and Kesil, And the turner to morning of death-
shade…”15 This comes from Young’s Literal Translation of the bible, where he opts not to guess at
what celestial bodies are being described, instead, he uses the actual Hebrew names. Other
translations of the same verse tell us that it is He who, “changes deep darkness into morning…”16
Note that before talking about turning darkness into morning, the prophet Amos mentions the tools
used by the Maker as Kimah and Kesil, that has been connected to the planets Jupiter and Mars in
previous chapters.

Isaiah may have seen the irony of night turning to morning as symbolic of the sins of the people, and
the resulting catastrophe as an apt judgement.
“20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!...
24 Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes stubble
And dry grass collapses into the flame,
So their root will become like rot and their blossom blow away as dust;
For they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts
And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 On this account the anger of the LORD has burned against His people,
And He has stretched out His hand against them and struck them down.
And the mountains quaked, and their corpses lay like refuse in the middle of the streets.
For all this His anger is not spent,
But His hand is still stretched out.”17
The prophet describes the fiery destruction, the violent wind, the arm of the Lord that strikes them
down, and earthquakes. All of these forces resulting in the death of multitudes...and yet there is more
to come for His hand is still stretched out. This implies that the extremely close Mars flyby is actually
just the first part of the catastrophic destruction of the third age.

World Myth or History? 249

Myths tell us that the profound effects of this planetary close encounter leaves its mark not only on
earth but even its relationship to the sun and moon.
“Behold, the LORD lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its
For the windows above are opened, and the foundations of the earth shake.
19 The earth is broken asunder,
The earth is split through,
The earth is shaken violently.
20 The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard
And it totters like a shack,
For its transgression is heavy upon it,
And it will fall, never to rise again.
21 So it will happen in that day,
That the LORD will punish the host of heaven on high,
And the kings of the earth on earth...
23 Then the moon will be abashed and the sun ashamed,
For the LORD of hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,
And His glory will be before His elders.”18

The records of the ancients prior to 701 BC are unified in telling us that there were 360 days 19

in a year and 30 days in a month. The Mayans with their unquestionable mathematical prowess even
have a period of time called a baktun which equals 144,000 days in 400 x 360 day years. Surely after
just a few decades they would have noticed an error in their calculations if the year was missing more
than 5 days. Other advanced ancient civilizations that held a 360 day year with a 30 day month prior
to 701 BC included: Arabia, Assyria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sumeria and Babylon, China, Japan, India,
Aztec, Greek, Rome, Israel, Persia, Peru.

Scientists have computed that, “If ancient calendars contained 30 days, not 29.53 days, the Moon's
orbital radius necessarily was decreased from about 241,500 miles to the modern distance, 238,900
miles. If so, this was a shrinking of 1.08% in the radius of the Moon's orbit.”20
And for the year to shift from 360 days to the current 365.256, “Such a shift would involve a sudden
expansion of the day count per year by about 1.003%.
This would necessarily involve an expansion of the average radius of the Earth's orbit from
approximately somewhere around 92,339,242 miles to the modern value of 92,955,807 miles. This is
an expansion of 616,000+ miles in the radius, 0.668%.”20

World Myth or History? 250

The prophet Isaiah describes it poetically when he wrote that at the time the earth suffers the
catastrophic shaking and reeling of its axis, the moon would be abashed (moon’s orbit shyly shrinks)
and the sun ashamed (sun becomes shamefully more distant).

Egyptians try to explain the change in the number of days in a year in a myth were Re (the Supreme
being), angry at the Nut (sky goddess) and Geb (earth god) for having an affair that could bear a
child/children that could possibly dethrone him, cursed Nut that she could not give birth on any day of
the year. Thot (god of wisdom) wanted to help out the lovers, played a game of Senet with the moon
in which he asked for very unusual stakes. Thoth asked the moon to give him 1/72 of its light, should
he win - which he consequently did.


Thoth collected his winnings from the moon and gave it to Nut, increasing the year from 360 days to
365. Nut was then able to deliver her five children in the five days that were not considered part of the
regular calendar year.21 A similar celestial game with similar stakes is also described in Greek
mythology to explain the additional 5 days.

Ragnarok, the destruction of the earth by fire in Norse mythology, foretells the shaking of the earth’s
axis, represented by the world tree, and that there would be resulting effects on the sun and moon.
“The sun and the moon will be swallowed by the wolfs Sköll and Hati. Even the world tree Yggdrasil,
will shake the ground.”22
Ragnarok lore spoke of the coming of the Midgard Serpent from the celestial deep to battle with Thor.
The serpent was a common representation of planet Venus in its cometary phase during ancient
times, while the war storm god Thor has been linked with planet Mars.

Aztec mythology records some sort of celestial battle, before Tlaloc shone as a second sun. It was
seen as a battle between Tlaloc and his unfaithful wife. Others in Mesoamerica recorded it as the
ongoing battle between Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl. Previously we have seen how both Tlaloc and

World Myth or History? 251

Tezcatlipoca represent the planet Mars, while his wife and Quetzalcoatl similarly represent the planet
Venus. Thus, the two stories are likely different mythical versions of the same event.

On the European continent, the Greek Hesiod (750-650 BC) witnessed and wrote of this celestial
battle that preceded the onslaught of Ares (planet Mars) against planet earth in his literary work, the
Shield of Heracles.

Before proceeding with his attack on the earth born Heracles, Ares is confronted by pallas Athene
(planet Venus). The great warrior goddess Athena, after whom the city Athens was named, was seen
as trying to protect the populace from this attack.
“But Athena the daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus came to meet Ares, wearing the dark aegis, [445]
and she looked at him with an angry frown and spoke winged words to him. “Ares, check your fierce
anger and matchless hands; for it is not ordained that you should kill Heracles, the bold-hearted son
of Zeus, and strip off his rich armor. Come, then, cease fighting and do not withstand me.” [450] So
said she, but did not move the courageous spirit of Ares. But he uttered a great shout and waving his
spears like fire, he rushed headlong at strong Heracles, longing to kill him, and hurled a brazen spear
upon the great shield, for he was furiously angry because of his dead son; [455] but bright-eyed
Athena reached out from the chariot and turned aside the force of the spear.”23

It seems that during this catastrophic period, the peoples of the earth witnessed a celestial battle
between planets Venus and Mars, including the use of spears -possibly electrical discharges or
geomagnetic waves that the ancients called the thunderbolts of the gods. This event may have
happened shortly before Ares (planet Mars), came charging towards our home planet. It in fact, may
have even caused this close encounter with our planet, as the Aztec’s relate in the Tlaloc myth.

Greek mythology contains many battles between Ares and pallas Athene, they both seemed to be
getting into each other’s way. This may imply that there were times when their orbits had gotten close
enough for visible celestial ‘warfare’ to be seen from planet earth. But this particular one seems to
have been a pretty bad fight, that affected Mar’s orbit adversely towards our own.

Mars was a celestial planetary god, how could mortal man fight against him? Heracles was seen as
the son of Zeus with a woman from earth, and was a hero fighting for earth using the weapons of the
gods. It was possible that Hesiod was describing the earth’s defensive response to the close
planetary encounter with cosmic lightning discharges (the thunderbolt of the gods), along with
volcanic and crustal upheavals.
Thus, the war loving Greeks saw it as a glorious battle that the earth was not backing out on, even as

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the deadly planetary god of war approached, the half human son of Zeus, “...watched for the onset of
manslaying Ares: fiercely he stared, like a lion who has come upon a body and full eagerly rips the
hide with his strong claws and takes away the sweet life with all speed: his dark heart is filled with
rage [430] and his eyes glare fiercely, while he tears up the earth with his paws and lashes his flanks
and shoulders with his tail so that no one dares to face him and go near to give battle. Even so, the
son of Amphitryon, unsated of battle, stood eagerly face to face with Ares, [435] nursing courage in
his heart. And Ares drew near him with grief in his heart; and they both sprang at one another with a
cry. As it is when a rock shoots out from a great cliff and whirls down with long bounds, careering
eagerly with a roar, and a high crag clashes with it and keeps it there where they strike together;
[440] with no less clamor did deadly Ares, the chariot-borne, rush shouting at Heracles. And he
quickly received the attack.”23

Norse mythology tells us in the Poetic Edda of “...a figure named Svalinn rides in the sun’s chariot
and holds a shield between her and the earth below. If he didn’t do this, both the land and the sea
would be consumed in flames.”24

The Canaanites similarly recorded this battle of Baal (the planet Mars) with the hero Mavet son of El
(Zeus) when they are locked together in battle like wild animals.
“They shake each other like Gemar-beasts,
Mavet is strong, Baal is strong.
They gore each other like buffaloes,
Mavet is strong, Baal is strong.
They bite like serpents,
Mavet is strong, Baal is strong.
They kick like racing beasts,
Mavet is down, Baal is down.”25
The two are warned to stop fighting for fear of El. They are both frightened and Baal departs for his
newly built palace, claiming that he had won the fight. The Baal Cycles include a story of how Baal
had asked for his own palace, just like the other gods had. In antiquity, celestial mansions of the stars
refer to their placement or domain in the heavenly planisphere. The quest for Baal to have a home of
his own in which he could retire peacefully, may imply that prior to this, Mars may have had a very
erratic orbit. But after this final catastrophic encounter, Mars seems to have settled in its current
benign orbit/celestial mansion.

The Rig Veda tells us that there was death and destruction on earth when Indra, the Bull of Heaven,
appeared on earth as a second sun. Indra used his thunderbolt weapon destroying even the strong

World Myth or History? 253

fortresses and their armies. Thus, the celestial god was seen as fighting for the weak over the
oppressive tyrant nations.
“12 Indra broke through Ilībiśa's strong castles, and Śuṣṇa with his horn he cut to pieces:
Thou, Maghavan, for all his might and swiftness, slewest thy fighting foeman with thy thunder
13 Fierce on his enemies fell Indra's weapon: with. his sharp bull he rent their forts in pieces.
He with his thunderbolt dealt blows on Vṛtra; and conquered, executing all his purpose.
14 Indra, thou helpest Kutsa whom thou lovedst, and guardest brave Daśadyu when he battled,
The dust of trampling horses rose to heaven, and Śvitrā's son stood up again for conquest.
15 Śvitrā's mild steer, O Maghavan thou helpest in combat for the land, mid Tugra's houses.
Long stood they there before the task was ended: thou wast the master of the foemen's treasure.”26

In ancient Hebrew scriptures, the book of Isaiah starts with 35 chapters of prophetic word, then from
chapter 36-39 he recounts his eyewitness records of the events that followed. These events are of
such significance that they are recorded in two other Old Testament books: 2 Kings 18-20 and 2
Chronicles 29-30. The prophet Isaiah even gives us the date, the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah’s
reign, 701 BC. 27

Nearing the catastrophic end of the third age (9th to 7th century BC), the Assyrian civilization had
risen to become a formidable power in the Middle East. The Assyrian empire had conquered large
territories including: Babylon, Syria, Arabia, Ammon and Moab, Damascus, and lands occupied by the
Chaldean, and Aramean.
“Sennacherib built Nineveh and Esarhaddon not only expanded these new capitals but expanded the
empire until Assyrian dominance reached from Persia to the Mediterranean Sea. 28 The Sennacherib
prism gives credit for their victories to the god Assur..the powerful one who consumes 9the
insubmissive, who strikes the wicked with the thunderbolt; 10the god Assur, the great mountain, an
unrivaled kinship 11has entrusted to me, and above all those 12who dwell in palaces, has made
powerful my weapons; 13from the upper sea of the setting sun 14to the lower sea of the rising sun, 15he
has brought the black-headed people in submission at my feet…”29

But Isaiah claims that the Assyrian kings are unaware that they are instruments of the invisible God,
whom the descendants of Abraham worship. Thus, they are crediting their victories to the wrong Lord.
“5 Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger
And the staff in whose hands is My indignation,
6 I send it against a godless nation
And commission it against the people of My fury
To capture booty and to seize plunder,

World Myth or History? 254

And to trample them down like mud in the streets.
7 Yet it does not so intend,
Nor does it plan so in its heart,
But rather it is its purpose to destroy
And to cut off many nations.”30

As the third age winds to an end, the Lord uses mankind’s own bloodlust and war machine to destroy
other war loving nations.
“2 For the LORD’S indignation is against all the nations,
And His wrath against all their armies;
He has utterly destroyed them,
He has given them over to slaughter.
3 So their slain will be thrown out,
And their corpses will give off their stench,
And the mountains will be drenched with their blood.”31

Sennacherib prayed and followed after his celestial gods. Primarily the war storm god Assur (a.k.a.
Ashur, Shamash, Bel, Nergal, Adad) - planet Mars, love war goddess Ishtar - planet Venus and Sin
(a.k.a. Nana) the moon god. The Assyrians were firm believers in their celestial gods and may have
witnessed the objects of their faith in terrorizing destructive action during this catastrophic third age. It
is implied in the Assyrian records that the celestial gods seemed to have fought on their side as they
went out to conquer the nations of the earth.
“62-65As for me, I prayed for victory over the mighty foe to Assur, Sin, Shamash, Bêl, Nabû, Nergal,
Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela. 66They quickly gave ear to my prayers and came 67to my aid. Like
a lion I raged; I put on 68a coat of mail. A helmet, emblem of victory, 69I placed upon my head. My
great battle chariot, 70which brings the foe low, 71I hurriedly mounted in the anger of my heart. The
mighty bow, 72which Assur had given me, I seized in my hands; 73the javelin, piercing to the life, I
grasped. 74Against all of the armies of wicked enemies, 75I cried out, rumbling like a storm. I roared
like Adad. 76At the word of Assur, the great lord, my lord, on flank and front 77I pressed upon the
enemy like the onset of a raging storm. 78With the weapons of Assur, my lord, and the terrible onset of
my attack, 79I stopped their advance, I succeeded in surrounding them, 80I decimated the enemy host
with arrow and spear. 81I bored through all of their bodies.”32

The rise of the Assyrian empire, although a tool for God to stamp out other warring nations, was
terrifying. “...the Assyrians were known for their savage treatment of rebels: not only looting, rape,
and bondage, but also decapitation, impalement, and skinning people alive.”33

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Sennacherib himself describes his actions in one of his campaigns,
“2I cut their throats, 3and I cut off their precious lives like a string. Like the many waters 4of a storm, I
made their gullets and entrails 5run down upon the wide earth. My prancing 6steeds harnessed for my
riding plunged 7into the streams of their blood as (into) a river. The wheels of my war chariot, 8which
brings the wicked and evil low, 9were spattered with blood and filth. With the bodies of their warriors
10 I filled the plain like grass. Their testicles 11I cut off and tore out their privates like the seeds 12of
cucumbers of Siwan. I cut off their hands.”34

Assyrian astronomers may have calculated another close fly by with planet Mars in 701 BC and saw it
as a favorable omen to conquer nations that have resisted their onslaught. In Sennacherib’s message
to the nation of Judah, he makes it clear that it was their Lord who had sent him. “10 Have I now come
up without the LORD’S approval against this land to destroy it? The LORD said to me, ‘Go up against
this land and destroy it.’”35

The gist of the Assyrian message made it clear that it was a battle between whose god was real.
Hezekiah, king of Judah, prayed to the Maker of heaven and earth to answer the challenge. “16 “O
LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, who is enthroned above the cherubim, You are the God, You alone,
of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. 17 Incline Your ear, O LORD, and
hear; open Your eyes, O LORD, and see; and listen to all the words of Sennacherib, who sent them to
reproach the living God. 18 Truly, O LORD, the kings of Assyria have devastated all the countries and
their lands, 19 and have cast their gods into the fire, for they were not gods but the work of men’s
hands, wood and stone. So they have destroyed them. 20 Now, O LORD our God, deliver us from his
hand that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, LORD, are God.””36
Chapter 37 records God’s answer through the prophet Isaiah where he reminds the Assyrians that the
only reason that they had been able to get this far was because the Lord had used them for his
purposes, but since they raged against the people whose faith was in the living God, then they would
see how He defends His own.

That night in March 701 BC, 185,000 Assyrian soldiers were killed by what scripture describes as an
angel / messenger of the Lord. The Hebrew word ruwach, used in Isaiah 37:7 and 2 Kings 19:7, “can
mean spirit, blast, tempest or wind. So God sent a blast upon Sennacherib that destroyed his army
and caused him to return to Assyria.”37 The peoples of the third age were familiar with what it meant
to be struck by a blast from God.

The Assyrian armies had encamped near the city walls, hoping that their planetary god Assur/Ashur
would once again favor them in battle, perhaps with fortress destroying earthquakes or killer

World Myth or History? 256

thunderbolts. But this time, as their war storm god glowed red in the night sky, the blast struck and
killed over a hundred thousand of their own fighting men. Legends tell us that, “Their souls were
burnt, though their garments remained.”38 Sennacherib himself suffered strange burns that night as
he hurried home, only to be killed by his own children while worshipping before the idol of his god.

“According to Sanhedrin, the angel clapped together his wings, and the noise caused by it was so
terrific that the Assyrians gave up their ghosts. Another view given in Sanhedrin is that the angel blew
out the breath of the Assyrians. This means that he took their souls without injuring their bodies.”39

The lore surrounding this historical event give us clues: the loud clapping noise by the angel of the
Lord, soldiers robbed of life without signs of the regular physical trauma of battle, reports of strange
burns, and their garments / armor remaining intact, seem to imply a possible powerful electrical
discharge that may have travelled through the ranks heavily decked out in armor made from highly
conductive iron. Could their deaths have been caused by a thunderbolt from their war storm god
Assur as it came dangerously close to planet earth? If so, Sennacherib’s defeat was not only
shameful, but would have been seen as a blatant rejection of him by the chief deity of their empire.
The shock of his god’s betrayal may have led Sennacherib to turn his back on their national god
Assur. Scripture records that he was worshipping the unfamiliar god Nisroch when he was murdered
by his two sons.

While the Assyrian siege on Judah had been going on, Hezekiah became sick and Isaiah the prophet
had told him that he would soon die. Hezekiah cried out to God, who graciously assured him that not
only would he be healed but that his nation would be rescued from the Assyrian threat. A sign that
God’s word would be fulfilled was that that the sun’s shadow would go back ten steps on the stairway
of Ahaz, “... a term which describes a recognized astronomical instrument. The word "dial" (ma'aloth)
is usually translated "degrees," "steps," or "stairs," and indeed is thus rendered in the same verse.”40
But then the ancient astronomical Hebrew meaning for the exact measurement has been lost after
the Babylonian captivity. However, the implication is clear that when the prophetic sign was fulfilled, in
the same night of the Assyrian defeat, there had been a shift in the earth’s axis. A shift so dramatic
that there was a measurable change in our planet’s relationships to the moon and the sun.

A measurable shift that the ancient historians and philosophers tried to explain,
“Plutarch, a first century AD philosopher taught the ...Romans that the Earth and the Moon once had
entered into a celestial crap game with Hermes ...Plutarch taught that the Earth gained one-
seventieth of its period in that celestial crap game. 365.256 x 69 / 70 = 360.038 old days... Plutarch
also taught that in the same celestial crap game, the Moon lost one-seventieth of its period. 30 days x

World Myth or History? 257

69 / 70 = 29.5714. The Moon's modern period is 29.5306 days - its "lunation" or synodic month.” 41
Soon after Hezekiah’s healing and the nation’s deliverance from the Assyrian threat, the Babylonians
who were keen astronomers sent over an envoy to the distant nation of Judah to learn more about
what had transpired (Isaiah 39). The Babylonians who had also suffered much from the Assyrian
tyranny were probably intrigued by Judah’s divinely instituted victory.

After all, the events had been announced by the prophets before they had happened with 100%
accuracy. “ 5 Like birds hovering, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; He will protect and
deliver it, He will pass over and spare and preserve it...8 Then the Assyrian shall fall by a sword not of
man; and a sword, not of men [but of God], shall devour him. And he shall flee from the sword…”42

But the prophets inform us that this is just the beginning, for the day of the Lord was yet to come --a
day of his burning anger, when the third age ends with fire.
The Lord is not yet done,
“21 For the LORD will rise up...
To do His task, His unusual task,
And to work His work, His extraordinary work.
22 And now do not carry on as scoffers,
Or your fetters will be made stronger;
For I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts
Of decisive destruction on all the earth.”43

The Visuddhi-Magga relates that after the second sun appears there is a period of time when the
drought gets worse, exacerbated by erratic celestial activity. Then another sun like celestial body gets
too close to our planet and, “...the whole world breaks into flames; and just as this one, so also a
hundred thousand times ten million worlds. All the peaks of Mount Sineru, even those which are
hundreds of leagues in height, crumble and disappear in the sky.”44
Mountains crumbling and ‘falling’ upward seem to describe a powerful gravitational pull by another
celestial body dangerously close to planet earth.
The Visuddhi-Magga continued the description with, “The flames of fire rise up and envelop the
Heaven of the Four Great Kings. Having there burnt up all the mansions of gold, of jewels, and of
precious stones, they envelop the Heaven of the Thirty-three... Having thus burnt up three of the
Brahma-heavens, they come to a stop on reaching the Heaven of the Radiant Gods.”44

This seems to mirror a Canaanite myth in the Baal Cycles of how the palace/mansion of Baal (planet
Mars) was constructed in the heavens.

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“Fire is set on the house,
Flame on the palace.
Behold a day and a second,
The fire eats into the house,
The flame into the palace.
A fifth, a sixth day,
The fire eats into the house,
The flame in the midst of the palace.
Behold, on the seventh day,
The fire departs from the house,
The flame from the palace.
Silver turns from blocks,
Gold is turned from bricks.”45

Zephaniah 1:18 (NASB) tells us that, “Neither their silver nor their gold Will be able to deliver them
On the day of the Lord’s wrath; And all the earth will be devoured In the fire of His jealousy, For He
will make a complete end, Indeed a terrifying one, Of all the inhabitants of the earth.”

The ancient records seem to tell us that before the planet Mars finally settled down to its current orbit,
there was a fiery ordeal that burned in deep space, in the skies, and on earth.

Isaiah, the prophet of Judah, wrote of a day with an unusual sun that burned seven times brighter
than the regular one -a sun that was to appear on the day of the Lord.
“27 Behold, the name of the LORD comes from a remote place;
Burning is His anger and dense is His smoke;
His lips are filled with indignation
And His tongue is like a consuming fire;
28 His breath is like an overflowing torrent,
Which reaches to the neck,
To shake the nations back and forth in a sieve,
30 And the LORD will cause His voice of authority to be heard,
And the descending of His arm to be seen in fierce anger,
And in the flame of a consuming fire
In cloudburst, downpour and hailstones.
31 For at the voice of the LORD Assyria will be terrified,

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When He strikes with the rod...
33 For Topheth has long been ready,
Indeed, it has been prepared for the king.
He has made it deep and large,
A pyre of fire with plenty of wood;
The breath of the LORD, like a torrent of brimstone, sets it afire.”46

The Assyrian Empire may have been singled out in this particular prophecy, but many nations were
specifically earmarked for destruction at the fiery end of the third age, as noted by various prophets.
The annihilation of these civilizations would be so complete and thorough that many of them were
thought to be the stuff of myths and legends by the scholars of later generations. Such was the case
of both the Assyrian and Hittite empires, exactly as the prophets foretold, “...Therefore You have
punished and destroyed them, and You have wiped out all remembrance of them.”47

During Syro-Ephraimite war, Rezin king of Aram and Pekah king of Israel had joined forces to stand
against the Assyrian conqueror, then attacked Ahaz the king of Judah who had refused to join their
coalition in order to put their own man in his place (735 BC). But God had other plans, “ 7 thus says
the Lord GOD: “It shall not stand nor shall it come to pass. 8 For the head of Aram is Damascus and
the head of Damascus is Rezin (now within another 65 years Ephraim will be shattered, so that it is
no longer a people), 9 and the head of Ephraim is Samaria and the head of Samaria is the son of
Remaliah. If you will not believe, you surely shall not last.”’”48
Ephraim is often used to refer to the northern tribes of Israel that had broken away from Judah to
build their own nation. Well within the 65 years, the nation of Israel was besieged and destroyed by
the Assyrian empire under Shalmaneser V in 722 BC. And the remnant left by the Assyrians may
have disappeared after the fiery age ending cataclysm.

Conflicts with the Assyrians and Hittites are still contained in historical records of Egypt and the
Hebrews decades after the 701 BC event, before they disappear as a people. The Merneptah Stele
from Egypt tells us that they were not the only ones who vanished.

The Merneptah Stele records the extraordinary events that happened in the 5th year of his reign as
pharaoh of Egypt. The Merneptah inscription has been tentatively dated at 688 BC.49 Merneptah, 4th
ruler of the 19th dynasty, had been previously dated to around 1200 BC. But that date has been
revised by some to adjust for past errors, and to align them with new archaeological discoveries and
records of other ancient civilizations. It is possible that Merneptah may have ruled at even a much
later date than the adjusted one. Merneptah (a.k.a. Merenptah, Banere-meramun) was the 13th son

World Myth or History? 260

of Rameses II,50 who became pharaoh only because all his older brothers had died. He may have
been in his 70s when he began his ten year rule.51 The stele he left behind is of particular interest
because it gives us clues into the mystery of specific powerful warring nations that disappeared from
history at around this point of time.

Merneptah records primarily the events involving two Egyptian celestial gods. The first was the war
storm god Horus the mighty bull of heaven, who also went by the name Shu, Ra Horakhty, and Ra/Re
in his sun like phase.52 Second was the goddess Maat, mentioned more than any other deity in the
Stele, who is linked to both Isis, Sekhmet, Hathor,53 and Ptah.54

The illustration sculpted on upper portion of the Merneptah stela seems to imply two battles fought by
Egypt against their oppressors. In the first battle they were aided by Ra-Horakhty (Horus in sun like
phase, planet Mars), and in the second by what appears to be an image of Isis (planet Venus).

World Myth or History? 261

Merneptah referred to the goddess repeatedly as Maat, the personification of divine justice and
maintainer of the cosmic balance. And in his written record, it is apparent that he saw these planetary
gods as fighting for righteousness in behalf of his nation.

“Year 5, 3rd month of summer, day 3, under the Majesty of Horus: Mighty Bull,
Rejoicing in Maat; the King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Banere-meramun; the Son of Re:
Merenptah, Content with Maat, magnified by the power, exalted by the strength of Horus; strong bull
who smites the Nine Bows, whose name is given to eternity forever... the Bull, lord of strength who
slays his foes, splendid on the field of valour when his attack is made:
Shu who dispelled the cloud that was over Egypt, letting Egypt see the rays of the sun disk.
Who removed the mountain of copper from the people's neck, that he might give breath to the
imprisoned folk. Who let Hut-ka-Ptah exult over its foes, letting Tjenen triumph over his opponents.”55

Horus, the mighty bull of heaven, appears as Shu -the Aten, Ra, sun disc god, in order to release the
Egyptians from the bondage of their enemies. This is similar to the Rig Veda hymn about Indra
destroying the fortresses of the strong enemy when he shines as the sun. The prophet Amos, after he
tells us that it is God who makes night into day, writes that, “It is He who flashes forth with destruction
upon the strong, So that destruction comes upon the fortress.”56

World Myth or History? 262

The stele records the abject fear of the Libyan warriors as they wildly run away, their tents burnt to
ashes, their people unwilling to receive them back for it seemed that it was the gods themselves that
had fought against them. And as the other mythical records tell us, this event occurred at night. This
event may be referring to the same destructive sun like phase that Mars appeared to the nations as,
in 701 BC.
“The vile chief, the Libyan foe,
Fled in the deep of night alone,
No plume on his head, his feet unshod,...
"A chief, ill-fated, evil-plumed",
All said of him, those of his town.
"He is in the power of the gods, the lords of Memphis The Lord of
Egypt has made his name accursed;
Merey is the abomination of Memphis,
So is son after son of his kin forever.”57

And the Egyptians wonder openly at when in history such a thing as this had happened.
“It was never done to us since the time of Re;"
So says every old man speaking to his son.”57
Re (Ra) was one of the most ancient of the celestial gods, and is linked to the beginning and end of
ages. A planetary god powerful enough to weaken the enemy in a single day to the point that the
Egyptian army could finish them off within the year. This may refer to the role of Mars in the
destruction of the second age (around 1900 BC).
“In a single day their stride was halted
In a single year were the Tjehenu burned!
...His son is he who's on the throne of Shu,
None who attacks her people will succeed.
The eye of every god is after her despoiler,
It will make an end of all its foes",
So say they who gaze toward their stars,”57

The Merneptah Stele goes on to relate a second story. Apparently many years later, the Libyans
rebuild their forces and attack Egypt once again when Merneptah is Pharaoh. This time around it is
Maat (a.k.a. Ptah, Isis, planet Venus) who decides the enemy army’s fate.
“This (too) shall be said:
Merey the vile foe, the Libyan foe
Had come to attack the walls of Ta-tenen,

World Myth or History? 263

Whose lord had made his son arise in his place,
The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Banere-meramun,
Son of Re, Merenptah, Content with Maat.
Then said Ptah concerning the vile Libyan foe:
"His crimes are all gathered upon his head.
Give him into the hand of Merenptah, Content with Maat,
...It is Amun who curbs him with his hand,
He will deliver him to his ka in Southern On,
The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Banere-meramun,
Son of Re, Merenptah, Content with Maat".57

All Egypt rejoiced at Maat’s destruction of their powerful enemy, but it seems that the Libyans were
not the only ones affected by the wave of destruction brought on by the goddess. The Merneptah
Stela gives a list of some of her other victims.
“Tjehenu is vanquished,
Khatti at peace,
Canaan is captive with all woe.
Ashkelon is conquered, Gezer seized,
Yanoam made nonexistent;
Israel is wasted, bare of seed,
Khor is become a widow for Egypt.”57

Another translation of this text goes,

“Desolation is for Tehenu,
Hatti is pacified,
plundered is the Canaan with every evil,
carried off is Ashkelon, seized upon is Gezer,
Yanoam is made as that which does not exist,
Israel is laid waste, his seed is not.
Hurru is become a widow for Egypt!”58

Six different specific ancient people groups are mentioned in the text: The Tehenu, the Hittites (Khatti,
Hatti), Canaanites, Philistines (represented by the Ashkelon, Gaza/Gezer, Ashdod, Gath, and Ekron
pentapolis), Yanoam (trans-Jordan near Bashan region),59 Israel, and Lebanon (Khor, Hurru, south of
ancient Syria).60

World Myth or History? 264

In order to fully comprehend the scope of this relatively brief text, we will go over each people group
as listed, starting with the Tehenu. “The Ancient Egyptians called the land and the people west of the
Nile Valley the Tehenu, whom appear to have been a numerous group, as attested by Egyptian
references, such as "the countries of the Tehenu" and "the chiefs of the Tehenu".”61
But we can only speculate about this ancient race, because they seem to have disappeared. What
we know about them is solely from the records of other ancient peoples. Ancient records tell us that
they had persistently struggled against the Pharaohs’ unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. They
possessed their own royalty and distinct culture that may have existed for over a thousand years. The
Tehenu occupied the land west of the Nile delta in Lower Egypt, the fertile African Crescent in the
highland areas of Africa.

The prophet Isaiah has a prophecy of destruction to come on an ancient people group that was not
named but was described in detail. This powerful kingdom was located beyond the rivers of ancient
Cush. He specifically notes that they would be destroyed on the mountains. Isaiah tells us that their
land was divided by rivers and that they sailed on papyrus vessels. They had built a reputation far
and wide of being fearsome and oppressive. And they had an established political structure that sent
envoys even to nations across the sea (possibly referring to the Mediterranean and Red Seas). The
ancient land of the Tehenu kingdom by the rivers of the Nile, just beyond the rivers of ancient Cush
seems to fit the description.

Modern Day North Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia and surrounding nations. The grey oval around the three Nile rivers
represents ancient Cush, which most Bibles translate as “Ethiopia.” The Green nations of Ethiopia and Eritrea were called

Abyssinia in ancient times and do not correlate to the biblical Cush. 62

World Myth or History? 265

“Alas, oh land of whirring wings
Which lies beyond the rivers of Cush,
2 Which sends envoys by the sea,
Even in papyrus vessels on the surface of the waters.
Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth,
To a people feared far and wide,
A powerful and oppressive nation
Whose land the rivers divide.”63
Isaiah also gives us a physical description. We are told twice in the same chapter that they were tall
and smooth. Interestingly, part of the limited knowledge we have gleaned regarding the Tehenu is that
they were a tall people. “The Tehenu were portrayed as tall people, dark skinned (or bronze-skinned),
with long black hair, short pointed beards, slender faces and thick lips..”.64

The Tehenu vanished from history at around the same period of time as the rest of the mighty ancient
peoples mentioned in the Merneptah Stele and by the prophets. Merneptah reported that Tehenu is
vanquished, that it is a desolation, that it is burned. Perhaps many mysteries of history could be
answered if we listen to the voices of the past generations who had witnessed the events that led to
their end.

The Hittite Empire, along with Egypt and Assyria was one of the mighty conquering kingdoms of the
third age. Ruled by a warrior elite, they called their land Hatti (present day Turkey) and their capital
Hattusa. The Hittites were known far and wide for their military prowess and their fearsome Hittite war
chariots. They had ruled over an area “675,000 square kilometres, stretching from the Aegean Sea
south to the mountains of Lebanon and East to the headwaters of the Euphrates River.”65

The Hittites were one of the peoples that Israel was supposed to destroy (Deuteronomy 20:17). And
their land, which the Lord foresaw they would rule over, was promised to the nation of Israel. Hebrew
scriptures record that, “From the wilderness and this Lebanon, even as far as the great river, the river
Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and as far as the Great Sea toward the setting of the sun will be
your territory.”66 Compare the scope of the land quoted from the book of Joshua, over 3,000 years
ago, to the description given above, coming from a Time Life Illustrated History of the World.

Nearing the time of their end, the Hittites seemed to also have suffered from the devastating drought
that other records have noted to have followed the celestial event of 701 BC.
“There may well have been widespread famine in the Hittite kingdom during its final decades. The

World Myth or History? 266

Egyptian pharaoh Merneptah...refers to grain shipments sent to the Hittite king “to keep alive the land
of Hatti.” Tudhaliya himself sent an urgent letter to the king of Ugarit, demanding a ship and crew for
the transport of 450 tons of grain. The letter ends by stating that it is a matter of life or death!” 67

Because the Hittites focused all their resources in perfecting and exporting their war machine, they
became reliant on other nations like Egypt for their food supply. During times of severe drought
nations would naturally prefer to feed themselves before sending food off to another land.

Tudhaliya IV, who had written to Merneptah, was the last king of the Hittite empire. Archaeological
evidence shows that he more than doubled his city’s size and involved himself in major construction
and renovation projects including dozens of temples, the acropolis, and a new “Upper City”.
“Tudhaliya also constructed massive new fortifications. The main casemate wall was built upon an
earthen rampart to a height of 35 feet, punctuated by towers at 70-foot intervals along its entire
length. The wall twice crossed a deep gorge to enclose the Lower City, the Upper City and an area to
the northeast; this was surely one of the most impressive engineering achievements of the Late
Bronze Age.”67
Tudhaliya seemed prepared to face any kind of enemy onslaught. So what happened to erase them
so completely that it was as if they had never been?

The letter to Merneptah from King Tudhaliya of the Hittite empire shows that they had political
relations until the time that they were ‘pacified’ or at ‘peace’. The only time for a war loving race to be
in such a state would be if they were no longer existent.

The Hittites disappeared so completely that only recently have they moved from the realm of myth to
fact in the academic world. The undefended land they had ruled became home to “...several groups,
possibly including Phrygians -- Indo-Europeans from the west coast of the Black Sea who would
occupy Anatolia after the Hittites disappeared.” 68

The Canaanites were a powerful seafaring warrior people group whose territory may have
encompassed areas of present day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel. Also known as the prosperous
merchant Phoenicians 69 who spread colonies across the Mediterranean sea. They brought with them
their worship of the war storm god Baal and war love goddess Ashtarte, along with the practice of
child sacrifice.

World Myth or History? 267

Like the Hittites, the Canaanites were also one of the people groups that Israel was tasked to remove
from the land. Instead, they mingled with them, and many incorporated the Canaanite religious
practices with their own. The Canaanites rose up time and again against the Israelites with their
strong armies and iron chariots.

The Merneptah stele relates that Canaan has become captive with all woe, plundered with every evil.
The Canaanite Baal Cycles end with a story of blood and gore brought on by an angry Anath
(Ashtarte, planet Venus) who attacks mankind after Baal goes home to his mansion. It is apparent
that her wrath, although affecting many, specifically targets the fortresses and armies.
“She piles up heads on Her back,
She ties up hands in Her bundle.
Knee-deep She plunges in the blood of soldiery,
Up to the neck in the gore of troops.
...For knee-deep She plunges in the blood of soldiery,
Up to the neck in the gore of troops.
Until She is sated She smites in the house,
Fights between the two tables,
Shedding the blood of soldiery.
...She washes Her hands in the blood of soldiery,
Her fingers in the gore of troops.”70

The prophet Isaiah, writes about what God was about to do to the Canaanites,
“He has stretched His hand out over the sea, He has made the kingdoms tremble;
The LORD has given a command concerning Canaan to demolish its strongholds.”71

With their strongholds gone, the Canaanites may have been powerless to stop their many enemies
from totally annihilating them as a nation. By the end of the third age, the word Canaanite almost
disappeared from the annals of history. Most of what we know regarding the Canaanites is from what
Archaeologists have unearthed. For a time before the discovery of physical Canaanite evidence, they
seemed to the academic community, an imaginary ethnic enemy, appearing only in the Hebrew

The Philistines were an ancient seafaring people who can trace their roots back to Casluhim, son of
Mizraim, son of Ham, son of Noah.72 Both Abraham and his son Isaac had encounters with the

World Myth or History? 268

Philistine King Abimelech of Gerar (around 2000 BC).73 Ancient Gerar was located along the coastal
plain of modern day Palestine.

Text from the prophet Amos implies that, as the Israelites found refuge in Egypt during the end of the
second age, the Philistines had gone to Caphtor (modern day Crete)...“Have I not brought up Israel
from the land of Egypt, And the Philistines from Caphtor…”74

In Moses’ records of people groups that had dispossessed other nations from their lands during the
turbulent third age period, when they had just left Egypt as a new nation, he writes that, “... the Avvim,
who lived in villages as far as Gaza, the Caphtorim who came from Caphtor, destroyed them and
lived in their place.”75 It is possible that the Philistines who had taken refuge in the Aegean had
returned as a nation to reclaim their ancient territory. Their coming from Crete is reinforced by
Mycenaean type pottery found by archaeologists in Philistine sites. They occupied the coastland of
the Mediterranean Sea in ancient Canaan where they established their pentapolis (five principal
cities): Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron and Gath.76

Unfortunately, the Philistines had also fallen into the error of worshipping the planetary gods led by
Baal (planet Mars) and Ashtaroth (planet Venus), just like the people of the neighboring lands,
including Israel. “Then the sons of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord, served the Baals and
the Ashtaroth, the gods of Aram, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the sons of
Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines; thus they forsook the Lord and did not serve Him.”77

And like the war god that they served, the Philistines were known for their military fighting men,
weapons, and chariots. “Now the Philistines assembled to fight with Israel, 30,000 chariots and 6,000
horsemen, and people like the sand which is on the seashore in abundance; and they came up and
camped in Michmash, east of Beth-aven.” 78
The Philistines and Israel were in constant conflict from the very beginning of their nations. The
Philistines with their superior weaponry lorded it over the Israelites from the time of the Judges, and
were involved in warfare all the way to the reign of Israel’s kings. Scriptures record deaths of
multiplied thousands on both sides.

Amos, the shepherd prophet from Tekoa, wrote…

“6 Thus says the LORD,
“For three transgressions of Gaza and for four
I will not revoke its punishment,

World Myth or History? 269

Because they deported an entire population To deliver it up to Edom.
7 “So I will send fire upon the wall of Gaza
And it will consume her citadels.
8 “I will also cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod,
And him who holds the scepter, from Ashkelon;
I will even unleash My power upon Ekron,
And the remnant of the Philistines will perish,”
Says the Lord GOD.”79
It seems that God had been keeping tabs on the atrocities that had taken place in the multiple wars
that the Philistine armies had taken part in. And similar to the Tehenu, the Hittites, and the
Canaanites, the brunt of his wrath would be poured out on their fortresses and strongholds.

The Merneptah Stele tells us that the Philistine city of Ashkelon had been conquered and Gaza had
been seized. In the first half of 7th century BC, the Philistine Pentapolis had become vassals of the
powerful Assyrian empire. For Ashkelon and Gaza to be conquered and seized, one had to
overcome, not only the formidable Philistine armies, but also the full force of the Assyrians. History
shows that this is what seemed to have happened for not only did the Philistine cities come under
Egyptian rule, but the mighty Assyrian empire ended as well.

After the catastrophic fiery destruction of their walls, strongholds, and possibly much of their armies,
these civilizations were probably unable to defend themselves. Ashurbanipal (668-627 BC), son of
King Esarhaddon, was the last great king of the Assyrian Empire.
Ashurbanipal (a.k.a. Assurbanipal, Osnapper-Hebrews, Sardanapolos-Greeks, Sardanapulus-
Romans) is famous for his ancient library with over 30,000 clay tablets collected from over the vast
Assyrian territories.
Ashurbanipal who could read and write several languages, including ancient Sumerian and Akkadian
wrote, “I learned the craft of Adapa (Adam), the sage, (which is) the secret knowledge, everything
pertaining to the scribal art, I am well acquainted with the signs of heaven and earth...solved
complicated mathematical problems that have not (even) been understood before, I read the artfully
written texts in which the Sumerian version was obscure and the Akkadian version for clarifying (too)
difficult. I am enjoying the cuneiform wedges (sc. writing) on stone(s) from before the flood.”80

The last King of Assyria showed no weakness in his mind or military strength,
“He achieved the greatest territorial expansion of the Assyrian Empire which included Babylonia,
Persia, Syria, and Egypt...Between 665 and 657 BCE he put down a rebellion in Tyre, fought the
Elamites, led his army through Anatolia to re-conquer the people of Tabal, and subdued the kingdom

World Myth or History? 270

of Urartu which had again risen to threaten Assyrian interests.”81
In 647 BC he quelled a Babylonian rebellion led by his brother and and totally devastated the nation
of Elam.

The last great Assyrian king seemed to have involved himself in a flurry of military activity,
correspondence, and expanding his library collection. Then suddenly around 640 BC everything
stopped --no more records, no wars, no explanations for the next fourteen years until his death in 627
BC.82 “...the empire steadily dissolved as Medes, Persians, Babylonians, Cimmerians, Scythians and
Chaldeans burned and sacked the Assyrian cities.”83
Prophet Nahum spoke of the total destruction of Assyria’s principal city of Nineveh, because they had
been rendered defenseless by the Lord.
“...Behold, your people are women in your midst! The gates of your land are opened wide to your
enemies; Fire consumes your gate bars.84
There is evidence that the main cities of Assyria suffer a fiery end in the later half of 7th century BC.
“Ashur, Kalhu, and Nineveh were destroyed in the great conflagrations which swept the land.
Ashurbanipal’s library was buried beneath the burning walls of his palace and was lost to history for
over 2,000 years.” 85

The declaration that Yanoam was made nonexistent is particularly ominous. They are not merely
conquered or devastated, but they are totally wiped out as a people. In fact, even until today there is
still a debate on exactly who the Yanoam were and where they lived. Some speculate that it refers to
an area in the West Jordan,86 others think that Yanoam is Bashan,87 while others think that it may
refer to the TransJordan region near Bashan.88 Yanoam is not an imaginary people since it does
appear in other historical records before they ceased to exist.
The Tell-el-Amarna tablets contains the name Biridashwa of Yanoam among others that seem to
imply Aryan origins of princes that belonged to a warrior class who ruled in ancient Palestine. 89
Biridashwa had been reported to Pharaoh for inciting a Yanoam rebellion against Damascus.90 To
start a fight with Damascus meant getting into a fight with the nation that controlled this important
cultural and commercial location. The complaint against Biridashwa was made to Pharaoh, which
implies that Egypt was the power over the city at that time. This further implies a Yanoam confidence
in their military might to hold their own against powerful enemies.

The TransJordan region where they may have lived represents the most fertile and abundantly
watered area in Palestine. “Even today these hills provide the chief grain-fields of Palestine. Flocks of

World Myth or History? 271

sheep and goats, and herds of cattle, roam on every hill from the foot of Mount Hermon in the north
to the numerous ridges of Moab in the far south.”91 It was prime Middle Eastern property and
although it had the potential to bring great wealth, it also required the military might and infrastructure
to protect and keep it. Most of the ancient nations that had survived, lived high on the mountains
behind thick tall walls, citadels and fortresses.

The region had been inhabited from ancient times by many peoples and kingdoms that have suffered
warfare and upheaval. Before Israel’s defeat to Assyria in 722 BC, much of the land had been given
to the half tribe of Manasseh, Gad, and Reuben taken from Og King of Bashan and other kings during
the times of Moses. By the first half of 7th century BC, the TransJordan was occupied by the remnant
of Israel’s northern tribes, the Samaritans who were people transplanted into the region by Assyria on
to Israel’s territory, by the the Ammonite and Moabite descendants of Lot, and by Edom.
A large part of present day Jordan featured prominently in prophetic fiery destruction of the third age.


Isaiah had a prophetic word for Bashan and its neighbouring cities.
“9 The land mourns and pines away,
Lebanon is shamed and withers;
Sharon is like a desert plain,
And Bashan and Carmel lose their foliage.
10 “Now I will arise,” says the LORD,
“Now I will be exalted, now I will be lifted up.
11 “You have conceived chaff, you will give birth to stubble;
My breath will consume you like a fire.

World Myth or History? 272

12 “The peoples will be burned to lime,
Like cut thorns which are burned in the fire.”93

Amos targeted specific words for Bashan located on the mountain of Samaria. The words used imply
that these people had much wealth at the cost of the suffering of the poor and weak. They proudly
indulged in luxuries while the defenseless were oppressed. They thought they were safe within their
strongholds behind the walls, but God says that their walls will be so destroyed that their enemies
would just walk right through.
“Hear this word, you cows of Bashan who are on the mountain of Samaria,
Who oppress the poor, who crush the needy,
Who say to your husbands, “Bring now, that we may drink!”
2 The Lord GOD has sworn by His holiness,
“Behold, the days are coming upon you
When they will take you away with meat hooks,
And the last of you with fish hooks.
3 “You will go out through breaches in the walls,
Each one straight before her,
And you will be cast to Harmon,” declares the LORD.”94

The neighboring nations of Edom, Ammon, and Moab were also included in the prophetic list. Isaiah
tells us that Moab with its great population becomes a small impotent remnant,
“For the extortioner has come to an end, destruction has ceased, Oppressors have completely
disappeared from the land.”95
Amos speaks to each nation, pointing out specific war crimes that had brought on the fiery
destruction of their strongholds and fortresses.
“11 Thus says the LORD,
“For three transgressions of Edom and for four
I will not revoke its punishment,
Because he pursued his brother with the sword,
While he stifled his compassion;
His anger also tore continually,
And he maintained his fury forever.
12 “So I will send fire upon Teman
And it will consume the citadels of Bozrah.”
13 Thus says the LORD,

World Myth or History? 273

“For three transgressions of the sons of Ammon and for four
I will not revoke its punishment,
Because they ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead
In order to enlarge their borders.
14 “So I will kindle a fire on the wall of Rabbah
And it will consume her citadels
Amid war cries on the day of battle,
And a storm on the day of tempest.
15 “Their king will go into exile,
He and his princes together,” says the LORD.
Thus says the LORD,
“For three transgressions of Moab and for four
I will not revoke its punishment,
Because he burned the bones of the king of Edom to lime.
2 “So I will send fire upon Moab
And it will consume the citadels of Kerioth;
And Moab will die amid tumult,
With war cries and the sound of a trumpet.”96

Jeremiah (627-585 BC) writes of this fiery destruction in past tense and tells us that the news of
Moab’s devastation had spread and the scavengers and opportunistic enemies were coming.
“Concerning Moab. Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel,
“Woe to Nebo, for it has been destroyed;
Kiriathaim has been put to shame, it has been captured;
The lofty stronghold has been put to shame and shattered.
2 “There is praise for Moab no longer;
In Heshbon they have devised calamity against her:
‘Come and let us cut her off from being a nation!’...”97

It seems that although Yamoan was one of the hardest hit places in this region, it was only part of a
large scale fiery catastrophe that primarily destroyed the fortresses of powerful war loving nations.

‘Israel is wasted, bare of seed’, the rare appearance of the nation of Israel on any ancient Egyptian
record is what has made the Merneptah stele famous. But when could this have happened after 701

World Myth or History? 274

BC? The nation of Israel that had split from Judah had supposedly been destroyed and resettled by
the the Assyrians under Sargon II in 722 BC.

The book of 2 Kings records that,

“6 In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and carried Israel away into exile
to Assyria, and settled them in Halah and Habor, on the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the
Medes.” 98
The Assyrian records of Sargon II verifies that he did resettle a large number of Israelites as noted in
the book of 2 Kings. Sargon II counted 27,290 captives that he had exiled, while noting that he had
rebuilt the city that he had conquered and made it even more formidable than before, while placing an
Assyrian overlord over the peoples left behind.
“In my first year of reign *** the people of Samaria *** to the number of 27,290 ... I carried away.
Fifty chariots for my royal equipment I selected. The city I rebuilt. I made it greater than it was before.
People of the lands I had conquered I settled therein. My official (Tartan) I placed over them as
governor. (L.ii.4.)”99

Prior to this, King Tiglath Pileser III of Assyria had ravaged Israel around 735 BC, carting off
numerous people. Tiglath Pileser does not give an exact number of Israelites but he does mention a
military escort of 220,000.100
“So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul, king of Assyria, even the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king
of Assyria, and he carried them away into exile, namely the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-
tribe of Manasseh, and brought them to Halah, Habor, Hara and to the river of Gozan, to this day.”101
But even after these mass Assyrian deportations, a large part of Israel still remained in the land. King
Hezekiah of Judah (729-695 BC) was well aware that the ten tribes of Israel were still around during
his reign, and invited them for a celebration of their national God who had spared them from the
“Now Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that
they should come to the house of the LORD at Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover to the LORD God
of Israel...6 The couriers went throughout all Israel and Judah with the letters from the hand of the
king and his princes, even according to the command of the king, saying, “O sons of Israel, return to
the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, that He may return to those of you who escaped and are
left from the hand of the kings of Assyria.”102
King Hezekiah encouraged the Israelites to return to their gracious and compassionate God who
would forgive them, and thus turn away His burning anger. His invitation was predominantly met with
scorn and mockery, but a few men from the tribes of Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun came to

World Myth or History? 275

Hezekiah was succeeded by his son Manasseh as king of Judah. King Manasseh was just twelve
when he became king, but that didn’t stop him from doing what scripture calls evil. He rebuilt and
reestablished the places of worship for Baal and Asherah which his father had demolished.
Manasseh himself both served and worshipped these planetary gods - the host of heaven to whom
he sacrificed his own sons. He practiced many of the occult arts and caused much innocent blood to
be shed. Manasseh led the whole nation in worse practices than the nations they had displaced, even
putting up a carved image of Asherah in God’s holy temple.103

Isaiah likened the nations of Israel and Judah to a vineyard belonging to God that had only produced
worthless thorns and briars.
“For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel
And the men of Judah His delightful plant.
Thus He looked for justice, but behold, bloodshed;
For righteousness, but behold, a cry of distress.”104
Repeatedly God pleads with them to repent, to do justice, to stop killing, to help the weak rather than
oppressing them, that He may relent from the coming judgement. But His prophets are met with
disbelief and hostility and the people refused to change their ways. Therefore, what the prophets
described as God burning anger was coming to make an end of the third age and both Israel and
Judah were going to experience his wrath.

The prophet Micah of Moresheth wrote (735-700 BC) regarding the judgement on the sins of Israel
and Judah. On judgement day, he described God as destroying the high places of the earth, the
mountainous regions. Plato mentioned in his dialogues that when the earth is destroyed by fire, those
who live in the mountains are more liable to destruction.
“3 For behold, the LORD is coming forth from His place.
He will come down and tread on the high places of the earth.
4 The mountains will melt under Him
And the valleys will be split,
Like wax before the fire,
Like water poured down a steep place.”105

The prophet Joel (835-796 BC) gives us a graphic detailed description of the day of the Lord’s coming
wrath, and begged the people to return to Him who desires a change of heart from His people whom
He would rather bless than punish.

World Myth or History? 276

The Lord of Hosts likened the instrument of His burning anger to a mighty army, to horses and
chariots, similar to descriptions used by other ancient peoples for celestial activity. When we study his
description of the fiery catastrophe in its entirety, it is clearly no ordinary human army that leaps over
mountains, causing clouds and thick darkness, and heaven and earth to quake.
“Blow a trumpet in Zion,
And sound an alarm on My holy mountain!
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,
For the day of the LORD is coming;
Surely it is near,
2 A day of darkness and gloom,
A day of clouds and thick darkness.
As the dawn is spread over the mountains,
So there is a great and mighty people;
There has never been anything like it,
Nor will there be again after it
To the years of many generations.
3 A fire consumes before them
And behind them a flame burns.
The land is like the garden of Eden before them
But a desolate wilderness behind them,
And nothing at all escapes them.
4 Their appearance is like the appearance of horses;
And like war horses, so they run.
5 With a noise as of chariots
They leap on the tops of the mountains,
Like the crackling of a flame of fire consuming the stubble,
Like a mighty people arranged for battle.
6 Before them the people are in anguish;
All faces turn pale.
7 They run like mighty men,
They climb the wall like soldiers;
And they each march in line,
Nor do they deviate from their paths.
8 They do not crowd each other,
They march everyone in his path;
When they burst through the defenses,
They do not break ranks.

World Myth or History? 277

9 They rush on the city,
They run on the wall;
They climb into the houses,
They enter through the windows like a thief.
10 Before them the earth quakes,
The heavens tremble,
The sun and the moon grow dark
And the stars lose their brightness.
11 The LORD utters His voice before His army;
Surely His camp is very great,
For strong is he who carries out His word.
The day of the LORD is indeed great and very awesome,
And who can endure it?”106

Joel’s description of the Lord’s army is similar to the mythical representations of the planet Venus in
her cometary phase followed by the pieces that had broken off from the nucleus. The myths of Tiamat
and her vicious serpentine brood, mirrored in the story of the Asag and his unstoppable army, the
Vedic Maruts, and other serpent myths found all over the globe.

Amos tells us that unlike the 701 BC event that turned night into day, the day of the Lord will be a time
when morning turns to darkness. The day that God demolishes the mountains and their stronghold
will be a day when the luminaries grow dark.
“For behold, He who forms mountains and creates the wind
And declares to man what are His thoughts,
He who makes dawn into darkness
And treads on the high places of the earth,
The LORD God of hosts is His name.”107

The prophet Amos names Judah and Israel among the nations upon whom the fiery judgment would
fall, listing their crimes against their fellow man as the cause.
“4 Thus says the LORD,
“For three transgressions of Judah and for four
I will not revoke its punishment,
Because they rejected the law of the LORD
And have not kept His statutes;
Their lies also have led them astray,

World Myth or History? 278

Those after which their fathers walked.
5 “So I will send fire upon Judah
And it will consume the citadels of Jerusalem.”
6 Thus says the LORD,
“For three transgressions of Israel and for four
I will not revoke its punishment,
Because they sell the righteous for money
And the needy for a pair of sandals.”108

Amos tells us that the judgement for Israel was destruction.

““Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are on the sinful kingdom,
And I will destroy it from the face of the earth;
Nevertheless, I will not totally destroy the house of Jacob,”
Declares the LORD.”109
During the fiery destruction, Israel is wiped away as a nation. Even in judgement, God gives a
promise of hope for Israel to one day be returned and restored. It may have been shortly after the
fiery day of the Lord, that Merneptah made the public declaration on his stele that ‘Israel is laid waste,
bare of seed’.

The nation of Judah was not exempt from the ravages of this day, Micah declared,
“...Zion will be plowed as a field,
Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins,
And the mountain of the temple will become high places of a forest.”110
Jeremiah quoted these words of Micah regarding Jerusalem as proof of Micah being a true prophet of
God.111 The acid test of a prophet is 100% accuracy, unless God relents --which He did in the time of
Hezekiah. But scripture makes it clear that it is under the reign of King Manasseh that God’s burning
anger came upon Judah (2 Chronicles 33:6, 2 Kings 21:6, Jeremiah 15:4).

2 Kings describes a devastating calamity that happens to the nation of Judah, similar to a desolation
experienced by Israel, that would leave just a remnant of its population. This remnant will then be
defenseless against the enemies that would take advantage of their weakness.
“12 therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, ‘Behold, I am bringing such calamity on Jerusalem
and Judah, that whoever hears of it, both his ears will tingle. 13 I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of
Samaria and the plummet of the house of Ahab, and I will wipe Jerusalem as one wipes a dish,
wiping it and turning it upside down. 14 I will abandon the remnant of My inheritance and deliver them
into the hand of their enemies, and they will become as plunder and spoil to all their enemies;”112

World Myth or History? 279

Defenseless Judah was looted and taken captive by Ashurbanipal without even mention of a fight or a
siege. Manasseh was taken by the Assyrians to Babylon with hooks through his nose and bound with
chains. “10 The LORD spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention. 11 Therefore the
LORD brought the commanders of the army of the king of Assyria against them, and they captured
Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon.”113

This record is consistent with Ashurbanipal’s practices of humiliating the rulers of those he had
conquered. “Ashurbanipal was a popular king who ruled his citizens fairly but was marked for his
cruelty toward those whom he defeated (the best known example being a relief depicting the
defeated king with a dog chain through his jaw, being forced to live in a kennel after capture).”114

It may have been at this period of time that the book of Lamentations was written by an unknown
author. Authorship was attributed to Jeremiah by the church father Jerome, when he translated the
bible to Latin, about a thousand years after Lamentations’ composition. Jeremiah’s authorship of the
book of Lamentations is questionable because of a few curious facts. Firstly, in the book of
Jeremiah’s 54 chapters, Babylon is repeatedly mentioned a total of 149 times, while the book of
Lamentations does not even talk about Babylon once. Secondly, Lamentations mentions their
submission to Egypt and Assyria,115 but Assyria had fallen under the Babylonian empire by the time of
Jeremiah’s exile. Thirdly, the book of Lamentations makes it clear that the destroyer who had gone
against them was the Lord and that He had destroyed their walls and fortresses in fiery anger, leaving
the survivors defenseless. Fourthly, Lamentations is bemoaning the destruction of all of Jacob’s
children --both the nations of Israel and Judah, but Israel was gone by the time of Jeremiah.

“How the Lord has covered the daughter of Zion (Judah)

With a cloud in His anger!
He has cast from heaven to earth
The glory of Israel,
And has not remembered His footstool
In the day of His anger.
2 The Lord has swallowed up; He has not spared
All the habitations of Jacob. (both Judah and Israel)
In His wrath He has thrown down
The strongholds of the daughter of Judah;
He has brought them down to the ground;
He has profaned the kingdom and its princes.

World Myth or History? 280

3 In fierce anger He has cut off
All the strength of Israel;
He has drawn back His right hand
From before the enemy.
And He has burned in Jacob like a flaming fire
Consuming round about.
4 He has bent His bow like an enemy;
He has set His right hand like an adversary
And slain all that were pleasant to the eye;
In the tent of the daughter of Zion
He has poured out His wrath like fire.
5 The Lord has become like an enemy.
He has swallowed up Israel;
He has swallowed up all its palaces,
He has destroyed its strongholds
And multiplied in the daughter of Judah
...9 Her gates have sunk into the ground,
He has destroyed and broken her bars.
Her king and her princes are among the nations;
The law is no more…”116

Israel is swallowed up and gone, and Judah has been left defenseless. The kingdoms and nations
wonder in amazement at how anyone could have broken through Jerusalem’s impregnable walls.
Lamentations points responsibility to the fiery catastrophe sent from above that razed their
foundations to the ground.
“1 The LORD has accomplished His wrath,
He has poured out His fierce anger;
And He has kindled a fire in Zion
Which has consumed its foundations.
12 The kings of the earth did not believe,
Nor did any of the inhabitants of the world,
That the adversary and the enemy
Could enter the gates of Jerusalem.”117

The Hebrew book of Lamentations is reminiscent of the books of Lamentations of Ur and Sumer,
written by the survivors after the destruction of the second age. There is the same utter helplessness

World Myth or History? 281

after the powerful civilizations suffer catastrophic destruction, followed by the devastation of the
defenseless survivors by their enemies.

This could have literally been the end of the nation of Judah except that Manasseh had a change of
heart when he experienced the destruction of his kingdom and the humiliation under the Assyrian
empire, “12 When he was in distress, he entreated the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly
before the God of his fathers. 13 When he prayed to Him, He was moved by his entreaty and heard his
supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the
LORD was God.”118

After the miracle of his repatriation, Manasseh rebuilt walls, organized his army for the defense of the
cities, threw away the altars for the foreign gods and set up the altars for the Lord, and ordered Judah
to serve the God of Israel. Judah continued on as a nation for a few more generations of kings, but
Israel was gone.

It may sound curious for our modern ears to hear that Khor/Hurru is a widow for Egypt, but during
ancient times it was not unusual to refer to nations as women, and their relationships with other
nations as a type of marriage. This would particularly be true of nations that may have submitted
under the authority and protection of other powerful war loving nations, while also accepting their
gods and culture.

Ancient Lebanon was peopled by a mixture of Canaanites and tribes from several lands around the
Aegean sea. The influx of the sea peoples gave the sea going Canaanites the technology of a keeled
hull ship capable of sailing the open seas. This capability, along with their prime location that linked
both land and sea routes of the ancient world made them a prosperous commercial center. “They
settled along the coast of Lebanon, in a loose federation of city states that were built on islands of
rocky promontories which provided natural harbors for ship building and trade. The cities, Byblos,
Tyre, Sidon, Arqad, studded the seacoast like jewels, and their wealth became legendary. At the
height of their trading empire, they imported copper from Cyprus; linen from Egypt; ivory from India;
tin from Spain; horses from Anatolla; and peacocks from Africa. They became famous for their highly
prized purple dye extracted from the murex snail, and for the fine timber cut from their forests.”119
These people became known to the Greeks and Romans as the Phoenician traders who set-up
colonies in the Mediterranean coastlands. They worshipped the war storm god Baal and the war love
goddess Astarte, and practiced child sacrifice.

World Myth or History? 282

Around 800 BC when the Assyrians rose in power, Lebanon became a valuable part of their empire.
She was a beautiful and wealthy prize wife married to the strongest military might of that time. For
Merneptah to claim that Lebanon had become a widow (around 680-640 BC), meant that her
husband had died.

The book of Lamentations gives us an idea of how a widowed nation looks like as it describes the
nation of Judah after the fiery catastrophe.
“How lonely sits the city
That was full of people!
She has become like a widow
Who was once great among the nations!
She who was a princess among the provinces
Has become a forced laborer!
2 She weeps bitterly in the night
And her tears are on her cheeks;
She has none to comfort her
Among all her lovers.
All her friends have dealt treacherously with her;
They have become her enemies.”120

Widowed Jerusalem was filled with her dead, and the few survivors dying or enslaved. She
remembers her previous pomp and splendour gone, her strongholds destroyed by fire. Her lovers, the
nations in whom she had put her trust, had become her enemies. During the reign of Manasseh, the
nation of Judah was a vassal state under the Assyrian empire. But even this relationship was not
sufficient to protect her from her lover turned enemy. Ashurbanipal, upon seeing Judah’s defenseless
situation after the fiery catastrophe, probably could not resist taking Jerusalem --something his
grandfather Sennacherib had been unable to do.

Ashurbanipal was merciless to his enemies and made sure that they would be unable to ever recover
enough to pose a threat. When his brother Shamash-shum-ukin whom he had installed in Babylon
rebelled against him, he besieged and trapped him behind the city walls for four years, starving them
to the point of cannibalism. His brother committed suicide and any survivor was chopped into little
pieces and fed to dogs, pigs, wild animals and fish.

The king of Assyria was not one to leave loose ends. He cut off the head of the Elamite king who had
risen up against him and displayed it in his palace as he feasted. Then he returned to Elam and

World Myth or History? 283

devastated the land, “Anyone with even the slightest claim to the throne was captured and brought
back to Nineveh as a slave. In keeping with Assyrian policy, Ashurbanipal then re-located enormous
numbers of the population throughout the region and left the cities empty and the fields barren.”121
In order to make sure that the land would stay devastated and unproductive, he had mixed salt into
the soil.

It was definitely not the norm for Ashurbanipal to release a king like Manasseh and allow him to
reorganize his army, rebuild fortifications and continue ruling his own nation. Something must have
happened to Assyria that shattered the will and strength of its last great king.

The prophet Zephaniah wrote that,

“11 The LORD will be terrifying to them, for He will starve all the gods of the earth; and all the
coastlands of the nations will bow down to Him, everyone from his own place...13 And He will stretch
out His hand against the north
And destroy Assyria,
And He will make Nineveh a desolation,
Parched like the wilderness.”122

The prophet Jeremiah wrote that God had punished Assyria - past tense (Jeremiah 50:18).
Historically accurate since Assyrian empire was gone by the time Jeremiah wrote those words. The
prophet Zephaniah foretold that Nineveh, a very important Assyrian city, would be nothing but a
wasteland populated by wild animals.

Obadiah accurately predicted that on the day when the Lord makes the nations drink from the cup of
His wrath, the nations will become as if they had never existed.
“15 “For the day of the LORD draws near on all the nations.
As you have done, it will be done to you.
Your dealings will return on your own head.
16 “Because just as you drank on My holy mountain,
All the nations will drink continually.
They will drink and swallow
And become as if they had never existed.”123
Assyria’s disappearance was so radical and abrupt that past scholars had doubted its existence.

Both Judah and Lebanon were left widows of the Assyrian empire, along with many other nations that
had been under its domain. The prophet Ezekiel described the Assyrian empire as a very tall tree,

World Myth or History? 284

under whose shade all the great nations lived.
“Behold, Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon With beautiful branches and forest shade, And very high,
And its top was among the clouds...15 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “On the day when it went down to
Sheol I caused lamentations...I made Lebanon mourn for it, and all the trees of the field wilted away
on account of it. 16 I made the nations quake at the sound of its fall..”.124

Lebanon, particularly the merchant cities of Tyre and Sidon are spoken of by the prophets as part of
the destruction of the third age. Isaiah writes of Tyre as an ancient colonizer who set up merchant
rulers in its colonies. He foretold its destruction, but also that it would be rebuilt after seventy years.
Amos wrote of its sins and fiery end.
“Thus says the LORD,
“For three transgressions of Tyre and for four
I will not revoke its punishment,
Because they delivered up an entire population to Edom
And did not remember the covenant of brotherhood.
10 “So I will send fire upon the wall of Tyre
And it will consume her citadels.””125
Once again we read of the judgement on the fortresses of a powerful ancient military nation.

Every land mentioned in the Merneptah Stele is spoken of in the Hebrew scriptures in the prophetic
end of the third age. The fiery catastrophe that caused these civilizations to vanish has been recorded
in world wide myth and lore. For these events to remain a mystery, is to ignore the carefully preserved
records of these peoples.
What caused the disappearance of this long list of powerful ancient civilizations? Global myth and
lore tell us that it was a rain of fire. The Buddhist scriptures tell us that it was a fire of unusual
qualities. An oil like substance is described that leaves no ashes but burns as long as any part of it
remains. It does, however seem to cause a lot of dark smoke, enough to cover the skies and block
“This fire does not go out as long as anything remains; but after everything has disappeared, it goes
out, leaving no ashes, like a fire of clarified butter or sesamum oil. The upper regions of space
become one with those below, and wholly dark.”126

The Mayan Popol Vuh recounts a great inundation of a sticky substance from the dark skies that
burned with fire, even above their heads, at a time when almost all peoples were annihilated. The
Manuscript Quiché described it as a rain of bitumen.127 Bitumen is an ancient term for oil based
substances like petroleum.

World Myth or History? 285

The nomadic Tunguls of eastern Siberia and the Voguls of the northern Urals, both have ancient
myths of God sending a sea of fire from above whose flames burned for seven years. The earth was
burnt up and few people survived the inferno. The length of time the fire burned seems to imply that it
took a long time to exhaust the large volumes of dark flammable liquid. Similar to the Mesoamerican
end of the age myth, the Tunguls claim that the survivors of this cataclysm became birds that
wandered the skies until it was safe to descend.128

The Rig Veda points to Agni, planetary god Venus, as the source of the fire water. A hymn in praise of
Agni who sent the fire water to the high places of the earth, we read, “Oh Fire, whom the waters, the
mountains and the forests carry as the child of truth, you are enkindled with force by men on the
summit of the Earth. You have filled with your radiance both the worlds and stream with smoke in

The Alexandrian philosopher Philo (25 BC-50 AD) wrote regarding the end of the ages based on his
understanding of natural history that, “When the agent (of destruction) is conflagration, a stream of
heaven-sent fire pours out from above and spreads over many places and overruns great regions of
the inhabited earth.”130

The Chinese ministry of fire star-gods is headed by Lo Hsüan, who is called the ‘Stellar Sovereign of
the Fire Virtue’. Lo Hsüan rode a horse that snorted fire and whose hooves flashed with fire. There
was a time when, “Lo Hsüan suddenly changed himself into a giant with three heads and six arms. (In
one of his hands he carried)... a gourd containing ten thousand fire-crows…”131

It is said that when this star-god pours out the fire-crows from his gourd, he is able to set the whole
country ablaze. Black shiny crows streaming out from the heavens, and setting the world on fire
sounds like another version of other ancient records that tell of the dark fire water.
The mythical transformation of Lo Hsüan into a giant may imply Venus appearing larger than life
when it came uncomfortably close to planet earth. This same giant size is described in the Norse
Ragnarok myth in Surt the fire giant that would burn down the walls, homes, and bridge of Asgard.
When planet Venus comes up close to earth, it would be gigantic compared even to Mars --Venus
being almost eight times more massive than Mars. Perhaps the flaming celestial body may even have
appeared to those on earth, like the heavens itself were on fire.

Recently, the established idea that earth’s petroleum supply had organic origins has been questioned
by scientists and geologists, “...although an organic origin of primordial Archaean petroleum is

World Myth or History? 286

possible, it is far more natural within the non-organic framework. In recent years, the non-organic
theory has been gaining wider acceptance.”132 In other words, it has been proposed that our so called
fossil fuels, may not have come from fossils at all.

When Immanuel Velikovsky proposed in 1946 that much of the earth’s petroleum pools may have
come from close encounters with the planet Venus, he daringly ventured to speculate that Venus
would be found to have a thick hydrocarbon (petroleum) gas and dust laden atmosphere. No other
scientist of his time imagined that such an environment would exist on Venus, until mankind
discovered years later that such was indeed the case.

“In recent years, evidence of hydrocarbons in asteroids and comets has continued to accumulate. In
the non-organic framework, these petroliferous asteroids/comets are the progenitors of the Earth’s
oil. Hence, the occurrence of primordial petroleum in large quantities is expected. In this light, the
recent discoveries of hydrocarbon ice on objects in the Kuiper belt, a band of objects just beyond the
orbit of Neptune, is an indication of the substantial amounts of extraterrestrial hydrocarbons.”133

Catastrophic events, such as when two planetary sized celestial bodies get dangerously close to one
another, may cause volatile mixing of magma molecules that in turn may cause blending in its
chemistry, producing new compounds. “The primary result of this kind of mix is more silicon dioxide,
which is silica, which is more crust, and a thicker crust. The byproduct is the polymerization of
hydrogen ions and carbon ions into hydrocarbons, which is done at temperatures similar to cracking
plants. The byproduct is hydrocarbons...petroleum...which gathered in pools.”134
World myth and lore seem to indicate that the planets Venus and Mars experienced a number of
close violent flybys. Planet Venus, with a crust that appears to be completely resurfaced by intense
volcanic activity and a thick hydrocarbon laden atmosphere, shows evidence of these catastrophic
events. “Venus also experienced much internal mixing at the molecular level. Hence it is probable
that within and just below the crust of Venus...lie large pools of hydrocarbons, or petroleum.”135

Celestial bodies with abundant flammable hydrocarbons remain unignited as long as they are
deprived of oxygen. But once exposed to an oxygen rich atmosphere like earth, they begin to burn.
Cometary tails composed mostly of hydrogen and carbon gases, “or vapor of a composition of these
two elements, enter the atmosphere in huge masses, a part of them will burn, binding all the oxygen
available at the moment; the rest will escape combustion, but in swift transition will become liquid.
Falling on the ground, the substance, if liquid, would sink into the pores of the sand and into clefts
between the rocks; falling on water, it would remain floating if the fire in the air is extinguished before
new supplies of oxygen arrive…”136

World Myth or History? 287

Planet Venus in its cometary phase and erratic orbit may have come dangerously close to planet
earth at the end of the third age, delivering a large amount of fiery hydrocarbons in sticky black liquid
rain. To the Chinese, Venus may have looked like a gigantic gourd pouring out ten thousand fire
crows. To the Indo-Aryans, it looked like the god Agni’s fire being carried by the waters and filling the
heavens with smoke. To the Siberians tribes, it was a deadly black rain of fire. To those in the
Americas, it was a bowl from heaven pouring streams of fiery bitumen. In Mesoamerica, it was
Quetzalcoatl destroying the world with fire.

Several Hebrew prophets agree that on the day of the Lord that ends the third age, the day turns into
night. Micah tell us that, “...the day will become dark over them.”137 Joel claims that, “...The sun will
be turned into darkness....”138 Jeremiah the prophet called it, “...a destroyer at noonday…”139
Day turns into night as the dark dusty hydrocarbon laden clouds that surround Venus, and trail behind
it in its cometary tail, blocks out the sunlight.

The Ragnarok myth talks of the Midgard Serpent coming from the celestial deep to splash waves of
deadly poison on earth. Venus with its long dark cometary tail was commonly portrayed in global
myth as a serpent. During the fiery Ragnarok destruction, she is a serpent that splashes and sprays
waves of death dealing liquid to mankind. Since we are told that in Ragnarok the world goes up in
flames, than we may assume that it is some kind of flammable fluid. “The mighty Midgard serpent will
be emerging from the turbulent sea and engulf the Vigrid plains, while it splashes its tail and sprays
poison in all directions, causing huge waves crashing towards the land.”140

But the fire water was just one of the weapons of this celestial body, the ancients describe several
more. The Chinese star god that transformed into a giant had six hands and, “... In each of his hands
he held a magic weapon. These were a seal which reflected the heavens and the earth, a wheel of
the five fire-dragons, a gourd containing ten thousand fire-crows, and, in the other hands, two swords
which floated like smoke, and a column of smoke several thousands of li long enclosing swords of
fire.”141 These weapons may refer to other ways that celestial visitors could wreak havoc on our
planet. Large flaming cometary pieces breaking off from the main body, some pieces may be pouring
out fiery hydrocarbons, others like swords cutting down strongholds and armies with its impact.
Destruction may have also been caused by poisonous gas, thunderbolts, and explosive smaller
pieces igniting fires mixed with hydrocarbons in its cometary tail lighting up a global wildfire.

Comets were often described as swords during ancient times. “the elongated comet looked like a
fiery sword blazing across the night sky, a traditional sign of war and death. Such a message from the

World Myth or History? 288

gods could only mean that their wrath would soon be unleashed onto the people of the land.”142 The
Chinese describe this star god as the bearer of multiple swords at its sides and in its tail, possibly
cometary fragments that had broken off from the main body.

South American mythology is rife with stories of fiery age ending destruction. The UCLA collection
has 60 myths that tell of a great fire that destroyed mankind.
“It is not unexpected that myths of devastating mass fires are identified. What is surprising, however,
is the stated cause of the mass fire for each region. In the nine myths actually specifying a cause for
the fire...all point explicitly to a cosmic rather than an earthly cause. This link with the sky is even
implicit in several of the remaining 51 myths:
“The fire when it burned everything here on the earth, was made by Fitzokojie [a creator demiurge
present at the great flood, the great fire, and the sky fall events]; he did the burning. He alone did it.
The entire earth was burned, even the water in the lagoons. Even the sky burned” (Wilbert &
Simoneau 1987a, p 84).”143

The Mataco tribes tell of a big black cloud from the south that rained drops of fire. Other tribes tell of
how the sun’s feather headdress falls to earth like a wheel of fire causing major wildfire, and burning
even sand.144 The peoples who survived the end of the third age tell a unified story with similar
descriptions of cosmic events that led to the end of that age.

The Maori of New Zealand have an ancient myth of when Tamatea came and set fire to the land
causing the extinction of the Moa, a large bird species thought in the past to be a mythical creature.
They described the fire as not the same as their ordinary fire and said that it came from Rongi (the

Traces of hydrocarbon residue (Retene) in the iridium rich clay layer of deposits laid down by cosmic
impacts have been found by geologists at numerous sites. “Retene can occur when coniferous trees
are burnt when forest fires occur after a comet impact. On the basis of the huge amount of soot found
in this boundary deposit, some scientists believe “that there was a global firestorm that burned all of
the world’s forests.””146

In MesoAmerica, the mighty Olmec Civilization in the highland plateau city of San Lorenzo
experiences a sudden dramatic decline dwindling to little or no population until it was recolonized in
600 BC - 400 BC.147 The ruling class, including the priesthood, had lived in the highest parts of San
Lorenzo city that showed evidence that its people had practiced both cannibalism and human

World Myth or History? 289

The Merneptah stele notes the changes that happen in the land once the oppressors are gone.
“Great joy has arisen in Egypt,
Shouts go up from Egypt's towns;
...O how sweet it is to sit and babble!"
One walks free-striding on the road,
For there's no fear in people's hearts;
Fortresses are left to themselves,
Wells are open for the messengers' use.
Bastioned ramparts are becalmed,
Sunlight only wakes the watchmen;
Medjai are stretched out asleep,
Nau and Tekten are in the fields they love.
The cattle of the field are left to roam,
No herdsmen cross the river's flood;
There's no calling out at night:
"Wait, I come," in a stranger's voice.
Going and coming are with song,
People don't [lament] and mourn;
Towns are settled once again,
He who tends his crop will eat it.”149
Merneptah may have seen the bright side in the end of the third age, but the Egyptian dynasties 20-
24 that follow after him are like a black hole of confusion with no certainty on who was in charge

After the catastrophic third age ending destruction, Isaiah describes a level ground where everyone
who remains may begin again with a fresh start. The ancient record of the Merneptah stele and the
Hebrew scriptures are strangely reminiscent of the situation of the people who survived the end of the
second age.
“Behold, the LORD lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants.
2 And the people will be like the priest, the servant like his master, the maid like her mistress, the
buyer like the seller, the lender like the borrower, the creditor like the debtor. 3 The earth will be
completely laid waste and completely despoiled, for the LORD has spoken this word. 4 The earth
mourns and withers, the world fades and withers, the exalted of the people of the earth fade away. 5
The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the
everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live in it are held guilty.

World Myth or History? 290

Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left.”150
The cruel and wicked who have ruled and oppressed the peoples of the third age are gone and
survivors learn how to live with others equitably. In the absence of the warring power hungry rulers,
peace is established. The nations that have terrorized the world with their wars have been annihilated
so completely that generations to follow will soon forget that they had even existed.

“...For when the earth experiences Your judgments

The inhabitants of the world learn righteousness...
Indeed, fire will devour Your enemies.
12 LORD, You will establish peace for us,
Since You have also performed for us all our works.
13 O LORD our God, other masters besides You have ruled us;
But through You alone we confess Your name.
14 The dead will not live, the departed spirits will not rise;
Therefore You have punished and destroyed them,
And You have wiped out all remembrance of them.”151
It is a fresh start for the few who survived the catastrophic fiery end of the third age. Ragnarok myth
tells us that, “it is predetermined that a new world will rise up from the water, beautiful and green.
Before the battle at Ragnarok, two people, Lif “a woman” and Liftraser “a man”, will find sheltering in
the sacred tree Yggdrasil. And when the battle is over, they will come out and populate the earth

A Cheyenne myth, retold from several North Californian fragments, tell of a time when Coyote danced
with an unusual star - a star with a cometary tail. This dance that locked Coyote and the star together
caused him to break into pieces over the earth and it took many years for him to get back together -
but when he did, he is changed. The myth recounts that,
“Coyote was sitting in front of his lodge one night, when from behind the mountain there rose a
strange kind of star, a very fast one, trailing a long, shining tail...He called out: “Ho, strange star with
the long tail! Wait for me; come down; let’s dance!”
The strange, fast star shot down, and Coyote grabbed hold. The star whirled off in the vastness of the swiftly that...bit by bit small pieces of Coyote were torn off…fell back down to earth in
little pieces...It took a long time - several winters. At last Coyote was whole again… “Great Mystery! I
was wrong. I’m not as powerful as you. I’m not as powerful as I thought. Have pity on me!”
Then the Great Mystery power spoke: “Friend Coyote. I have given you four lives. Two you have
already wasted foolishly. Better watch out!””153
The fourth age gave mankind another chance to start out right. The second and third ages were
planet earth’s two chances to try again, but were wasted by mankind’s self-destructive tendencies.

World Myth or History? 291

The remnant of the human race were faced with a new world to build their homes, cultivate their
lands, and have children without fear of oppression or tyranny for a window of time. However, it
seems that man was on a steady path downward. The devolution of man, as portrayed by myth and
lore, reveal a deterioration in both physical and spiritual aspects. Third age myth and lore glorified
war, and the ruthless sacrifice of children was the epitome of victimizing the weak for the benefit of
the strong. The cruelty of the great Assyrian kings were unheard of in the second age, and
unimaginable in the first age.
Mankind needed help or would soon bring about its own destruction. War and wickedness seemed to
be an inevitable part of our civilizations. The prophets offered hope. The promised seed that would
break the hold of sin and death over all humanity was coming very soon. A divinely appointed King
would rule, who would radically change man’s destiny.
“2 “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.
His goings forth are from long ago,
From the days of eternity.”
3 Therefore He will give them up until the time
When she who is in labor has borne a child.
Then the remainder of His brethren
Will return to the sons of Israel.
4 And He will arise and shepherd His flock
In the strength of the LORD,
In the majesty of the name of the LORD His God.
And they will remain,
Because at that time He will be great
To the ends of the earth.
5 This One will be our peace.”154

World Myth or History? 292

1. Dr. Alice Mills, chief consultant.New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing. 2003. pp 123
2. “Aztec Creation Story.” 2015. <>
3. Donald W. Patten, Samuel R. Windsor. The Mars Earth Wars. Chapter 4. Seattle, WA: Pacific Meridian Publishing
Co. 2003. <>
4. Ralph T.H. Griffith, trans. Rig Veda. Hymn XXXII. Indra. 14. [1896]. Sacred 2015. <http://www.sacred->
5. H.G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Shield of Heracles. 338. c.800 BC. Theoi E-Texts Library. 2011. Aaron Atsma.
6. H.G. Evelyn-White, trans. Hesiod: Shield of Heracles. 443. c.800 BC. Theoi E-Texts Library. 2011. Aaron Atsma.
7. Morris, Jastrow, Jr. “The Bearded Venus.”Revue Archéologique. Quatrième Série, T. 17 (JANVIER-JUIN 1911), pp.
271-298. Presses Universitaires de France. <>
8. “Aztec Creation Story.” 2015. <>
9. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p321-3238
10. New American Standard Bible. Joel 1:16-20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
11.Ralph T.H. Griffith, trans. Rig Veda. Hymn XXXIII. Indra. 8-15. [1896]. Sacred 2015. <http://www.sacred->
12.J. Hill. “Gods of Ancient Egypt: Ra.” Ancient Egypt Online. 2010. <>
13. Edward T.C. Werner. Myths and Legends of China. 1922. 9/15/15. <http://www.sacred->
14.Donald W. Patten, Samuel R. Windsor. The Mars Earth Wars. Chapter 10. Seattle, WA: Pacific Meridian Publishing
Co. 2003. <>
15. Young’s Literal Translation.(YLT). Amos 5:8
16. New American Standard Bible. Amos 5:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
17. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 5:20-25. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
18. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 24:1-23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
19.Fred Williams, Bob Enyart, hosts. “An Original 360 Day Year.” 360 Day Year. 2015. Real Science Radio. 8/20/2015.
20.Donald W. Patten, Samuel R. Windsor. The Mars Earth Wars. Chapter 9. Seattle, WA: Pacific Meridian Publishing
Co. 2003. <>
21. Keith M. Hunter. “360 Days in a Year-A True Earth Orbit in the Distant Past.” Occult Physics. 2015.
22.Martin Højbjerg. “Ragnarok in Norse Mythology.” Norse Mythology [Ragnarok: The End of the World]. 2015. Viking 8/3/15. <>
23. Hesiod. The Homeric Hymns and Homerica with an English Translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White. Shield of
Heracles. Cambridge, MA.,Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1914.
24. Dan McCoy. “Sol and Mani.” Norse Mythology for Smart People. 2016. <>
25.“The Baal Cycle Text”. The Baal Cycle. 2009. <>
26.Ralph T.H. Griffith, trans. Rig Veda. Hymn XXXIII. Indra. 8-15. [1896]. Sacred 2015. <http://www.sacred->
27. Isaiah 36:1
28. “Map of the Assyrian Empire.”The Destruction of Israel. Bible History Online. 8/24/15. <>
29. Sennacherib Prism. Akkadian Clay Prism, 710&endash;681 BCE. Translation adapted from Luckenbill (1924:23-27)
Column 1. <>
30. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 10:5-7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
31. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 34:2-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
32. Sennacherib Prism. Akkadian Clay Prism, 710&endash;681 BCE. Translation adapted from Luckenbill (1924:23-27)
Column 5. <>
33. Carl G. Rasmussen. Zondervan NIV Atlas of the Bible. Michigan: Zondervan. 1989. p 133
34. Sennacherib Prism. Akkadian Clay Prism, 710&endash;681 BCE. Translation adapted from Luckenbill (1924:23-27)
Column 6. <>
35. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 36:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
36. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 37:16-20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 293

37. Jeffrey Goodman, PhD. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books, L.L.C. 2011. p 183
38. Louis Ginzberg. Legends of the Jews. “Their souls were burnt, though their garments remained.”Vol. IV. Jewish
Publication Society of America. 1928. p 269
39. Louis Ginzberg. Legends of the Jews. “Their souls were burnt, though their garments remained.”Vol. VI. Jewish
Publication Society of America. 1928. p 363
40.E.W. Maunder. “Dial of Ahaz.”Bible Study 8/24/15. Salem Web Network.
41.Donald W. Patten, Samuel R. Windsor. The Mars Earth Wars. Chapter 9. Seattle, WA: Pacific Meridian Publishing
Co. 2003. <>
42. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 31:5-8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
43. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 28:21-22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
44.Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p323-325
45.“The Baal Cycle Text”. The Baal Cycle. 2009. <>
46. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 30:27-33. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
47. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 26:14. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
48. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah7:7-9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
49. John Ashton, David Down. Unwrapping the Pharaohs. AR: Master Books Inc. 2007. p 387
50. Gae Callender, The Eye Of Horus: A History of Ancient Egypt, Longman Cheshire (1993), p.263
51.Joyce Tyldesley (2001). Ramesses: Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh. Penguin Books. p. 185
52.“Aten.”Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 9/2/15. <>
53.J. Hill. “Hathor.”Ancient Egypt Online. 2010. <>
54. “Ptah.”Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. <>
55.“Egypt: Merenptah’s Victory Stele.” Tour Egypt. 2013.
56. New American Standard Bible. Amos 5:9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
57.“Egypt: Merenptah’s Victory Stele.” Tour Egypt. 2013.
58. William M. Schneidewind. How the Bible Became a Book: The Textualization of Ancient Israel. New York:
Cambridge University Press. 2005. p 50
59. Nadav Na'aman. "Yeno'am." Tel Aviv 1977; 4(3-4), 168-177. DOI: 10.1179/033443577788497687
60.“Khor.”Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 9/3/15. <>
61.Nesmenser. “The Temehu Tribes of Ancient Libya.” 2015. <>
62.Joel Richardson. “This Christian Nation to Join Islamic Alliance?” WND. 2012. 9/3/15.
63. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 18:1-2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
64.Nesmenser. “The Temehu Tribes of Ancient Libya.” 2015. <>
65. “Barbarian Tides: 1500-600 BC.”Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. Time Life Inc. 2000. p 13-14
66. New American Standard Bible. Joshua 1:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
67.Trevor Bryce. “The Last Days of Hattusa: The Mysterious Collapse of the Hittite Empire.” Bible History Daily. 2013.
Biblical Archaeology Society. <
68. “Barbarian Tides: 1500-600 BC.”Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. Time Life Inc. 2000. p 16-17
69.Joshua J. Mark. “Canaan.”Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2010. <>
70.“The Baal Cycle Text”. The Baal Cycle. 2009. <>
71. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 23:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
72. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 10:13-14. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
73. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 20-26. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
74. New American Standard Bible. Amos 9:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
75. New American Standard Bible. Deuteronomy 2:23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
76. “Ancient Jewish History: The Philistines.” Jewish Virtual Library. 2015. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.
9/4/15. <>
77. New American Standard Bible. Judges 10:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
78. New American Standard Bible. 1 Samuel 13:5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
79. New American Standard Bible. Amos 1:6-8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
80. Jeanette C. Fincke (Heidelberg). The Babylonian Texts of Nineveh: Report on the British Museum’s Ashubarnipal
Library Project. British Museum. Department of the Ancient Near East. 2003

World Myth or History? 294

81.Joshua J. Mark. “Ashubarnipal.”Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2009. <>
82. Donald A. Mackenzie. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria. Masterlab. 2014.
83.Joshua J. Mark. “Ashubarnipal.”Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2009. <>
84. New American Standard Bible. Nahum 3:13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
85.Joshua J. Mark. “Ashubarnipal.”Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2009. <>
86. Nadav Na'aman. "Yeno'am." Tel Aviv 1977; 4(3-4), 168-177. DOI: 10.1179/033443577788497687
87. Eveline J. Van Der Steen. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta: Tribes and Territories in Transition. Peeters Publishers.
2004. p 24
88. Nadav Na'aman. "Yeno'am." Tel Aviv 1977; 4(3-4), 168-177. DOI: 10.1179/033443577788497687
89. V. Gordon Childe. The Aryans. Routledge. 2013. p 19
90. Nadav Na'aman. "Yeno'am." Tel Aviv 1977; 4(3-4), 168-177. DOI: 10.1179/033443577788497687
91.“TransJordan.” Bible History Online. 2015. <
92.“Edom.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 9/7/15. <>
93. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 33:9-12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
94. New American Standard Bible. Amos 4:1-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
95. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 16:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
96. New American Standard Bible. Amos 1:11-2:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
97. New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 48:1-2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
98. New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 17:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
99.Luckenbill, Daniel David. Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylon. ISBN 1-85417-049-X
100.“Chapter Four Excerpt: The Scythian “Sacae”, The Asian Sons of Isaac.” Steven M. Collins Books and Other
Independent Works. 2010. Bible Blessings. 9/9/15. <>
101.New American Standard Bible. 1 Chronicles 5:26. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
102.New American Standard Bible. 2 Chronicles 30:1-6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
103.2 Kings 21:1-9, 2 Chronicles 33:1-20
104.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 5:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
105.New American Standard Bible. Micah 1:3-4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
106.New American Standard Bible. Joel 2:1-11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
107.New American Standard Bible. Amos 4:13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
108.New American Standard Bible. Amos 2:4-6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
109.New American Standard Bible. Amos 9:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
110.New American Standard Bible. Micah 3:12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
111.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 26:18. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
112.New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 21:12-14. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
113.New American Standard Bible. 2 Chronicles 33:10-11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
114.Joshua J. Mark. “Ashubarnipal.”Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2009. <>
115.New American Standard Bible. Lamentations 5:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
116.New American Standard Bible. Lamentations 2:1-9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
117.New American Standard Bible. Lamentations 4:11-12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
118.New American Standard Bible. 2 Chronicles 33:12-13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
119.Pat Remler. “The Phoenicians.” The Ancient Phoenicians (Courtesy of Cedarland). 9/13/15.
120.New American Standard Bible. Lamentations 1:1-2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
121.Joshua J. Mark. “Ashubarnipal.”Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2009. <>
122.New American Standard Bible. Zephaniah 2:11-13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
123.New American Standard Bible. Obadiah 1:15-16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
124.New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 31:3-16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
125.New American Standard Bible. Amos 1:9-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
126.Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p323-325
127.Immanuel Velikovsky. Worlds in Collision. New York: A Kangaroo Book. The Pocket Book Edition. 1977. p 70
128.Paul A. LaViolette, PhD. Earth Under Fire: Humanity’s Survival of the Ice Age. Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. 2005. p
129.Rig Veda VI.48.5-6.
130.F. H. Colson, trans. Philo: On the Eternity of the World, Vol. IX, Sect. 146-147. 1941
131.Edward T.C. Werner. Myths and Legends of China. 1922. 9/15/15. <http://www.sacred->

World Myth or History? 295

132.Samar Abbas. “Deep Petroleum and the Non-organic Theory.” Department of Physics, Uktal University, India.
9/16/15. <>
133.Brown, R. H., Dale, P. C., Pendleton, Y. and Veeder, G. J., Science, 1997, 276, 937–939.
134.C. Warren Hunt, Environment of Violence. 1990, Calgary, Polar Publishing, p. 156 ff. Silanes are silicon hydrides.
135.Donald W. Patten, Samuel R. Windsor. The Mars Earth Wars. Chapter 8. Seattle, WA: Pacific Meridian Publishing
Co. 2003. <>
136.Immanuel Velikovsky. Worlds in Collision. New York: A Kangaroo Book. The Pocket Book Edition. 1977. p 69
137.New American Standard Bible. Micah 3:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
138.New American Standard Bible. Joel 2:30-31. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
139.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 15:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
140.Martin Højbjerg. “Ragnarok in Norse Mythology.” Norse Mythology [Ragnarok: The End of the World]. 2015.
Viking 8/3/15. <>
141.Edward T.C. Werner. Myths and Legends of China. 1922. 9/15/15. <http://www.sacred->
142.Noah Goldman. “Comets in Ancient Cultures.” Solar System Exploration. 2015. NASA. 9/16/15.
143.Luigi Piccardi, W. Bruce Masse. Myth and Geology. London: Geological Society of London. 2007. p 193
144.Luigi Piccardi, W. Bruce Masse. Myth and Geology. London: Geological Society of London. 2007. p 196
145.T.H. Worthy, Richard Holdaway. The Lost World of the Moa: Prehistoric Life of New Zealand. Indiana University
Press. 2002
146.Jeffrey Goodman, Ph.D. The Comets of God. Tucson: Archaeological Research Books. L.L.C. 2011. p 207-208
147.“San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 10/18/15.
148.Christopher Minster. “The Decline of the Olmec Civilization.” About Education. 2015. 10/18/15.
149.“Egypt: Merenptah’s Victory Stele.” Tour Egypt. 2013.
150.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 24:1-6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
151.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 26:9-14. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
152.Martin Højbjerg. “Ragnarok in Norse Mythology.” Norse Mythology [Ragnarok: The End of the World]. 2015.
Viking 8/3/15. <>
153.Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths and Legends. New York: Pantheon Books. 1984. p 386
154.New American Standard Bible. Micah 5:2-5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 296

Chapter Ten

The Fourth Age

(around 650 BC - 400 BC)

The fourth age marked the dawning of mankind’s understanding of individual worth, and a search for
meaning and purpose beyond the material universe. Many of our planet’s greatest leaders,
philosophers and sages rose up during this age to influence the ages to come.

Although the shortest of the ages, approximately only over 200 years, ideas from the fourth age have
greatly impacted our own way of thinking and dealing with the intricacies of our world. The learned
philosophers of Greece analyzed and discussed everything from the seen to the unseen. Ideas of
Gautama lay the seeds for Buddhism that begin in India, spreading and flourishing in China, Japan,
and other SouthEast Asian nations. Confucius introduced a new level of morality to China’s leaders,
and the Taoists shared another way.

Writing became achievable for the masses with the introduction of the simpler Phoenician alphabet,
probably created in order to keep track of their commercial endeavours. Prior to this, written records
were the exclusive domain of the wealthy, powerful, and educated because of the time one needed to
master the multiple complex forms. Thus, many peoples of the third age simply relied on oral
traditions, like the Vedic Mahabharata. Fortunately, many epics and literary works memorized in the
third age were preserved in writing for posterity in this fourth age.

The written word proved to be an effective carrier of new ideas, with the ability to reach further down
the millennia than the authors may have imagined. From this age, humanity learned to value and
respect different cultures and beliefs, the worth of the individual human being, and the foundations of
democracy, among other concepts.

After the terrible catastrophic destruction of the third age civilizations, whose military forces and
strongholds seem to have been divinely targeted, a new breed of world leaders rose up who held an
awe and fearful respect for celestial beings. They began to see that more was required from them
than just to be mighty and warring, a new level of morality not seen in the previous civilizations
seemed to govern fourth age rulers. Daniel, the prophet and political adviser to empires, saw it as the
four winds of heaven stirring up the great sea of humanity.1 He saw God orchestrating the rise and fall
of world empires in preparation for a coming event of great historical significance to the human race.

World Myth or History? 297

Age Four: Earthscape

The Buddhist Visuddhi Magga tells us that after a world cycle is destroyed by fire, it is followed by a
great downpour of gradually increasing rain until the fires have been extinguished.
“Now after the lapse of another long period, a great cloud arises. And first it rains with a very fine
rain, and then the rain pours down in streams which gradually increase from the thickness of a water-
lily stalk to that of a staff, of a club, of the trunk of a palmyra-tree. And when this cloud has filled every
burnt place throughout a hundred thousand times ten million worlds, it disappears.”2

Chinese mythology tells us that after, “Lo Hsüan sent forth his smoke-column, the air was filled with
swords of fire, the ten thousand fire-crows, emerging from the gourd, spread themselves over the
town, and a terrible conflagration broke out, the whole place being ablaze in a few minutes.” But the
fiery destruction came to an end when in “the sky the Princess Lung Chi, daughter of Wang-mu
Niang-niang; forthwith she spread over the city her shroud of mist and dew, and the fire was
extinguished by a heavy downpour of rain.”3
Ragnarok myth tells us that after the fiery destruction, the earth will be reborn in water, “it is
predetermined that a new world will rise up from the water, beautiful and green.”4

The Hebrew prophet Joel who warned of the coming fiery catastrophe, encouraged the hearer with
the knowledge that the earth would be renewed and be made green with copious rains. And the
world, fertilized by the ashes of the third age, will produce abundantly for the survivors who would
rebuild and repopulate the fourth age. The famine and drought that plagued the end of the third age
had ended.
“21 Do not fear, O land, rejoice and be glad,
For the LORD has done great things.
22 Do not fear, beasts of the field,
For the pastures of the wilderness have turned green,
For the tree has borne its fruit,
The fig tree and the vine have yielded in full.
23 So rejoice, O sons of Zion,
And be glad in the LORD your God;
For He has given you the early rain for your vindication.
And He has poured down for you the rain,
The early and latter rain as before.
24 The threshing floors will be full of grain,
And the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil.”5

World Myth or History? 298

Aztec mythology informs us that the fourth age was created “ the powerful water and fertility
goddess Coatlicue (or Chalchiuhtlicue), sister of the rain god Tlaloc.”6 This fourth age was called the
Sun of Water.

There is a legend in South Australia of stars falling from the sky to the earth, thus forming circular
lagoons along the coast.7 This implies that after the cosmic impact craters were formed, there was so
much precipitation that it was able to fill these huge cavities with fresh water for generations to come.
Even today, South Australia’s large coastal lagoons are a freshwater sanctuary for many different
creatures. “Bool Lagoon is one of the largest and most diverse freshwater lagoon systems in
southern Australia. This seasonal wetland is home to a wide range of wildlife and provides essential
drought refuge for many rare and endangered bird species”.8

The Buddhist scriptures goes on to tell us that the waters are blown by the wind and fill the lower
elevations, possibly producing lakes, lagoons, and other bodies of fresh water on and under the
ground. Massive reservoirs of freshwater are filled and preserved in the earth.
“And then a wind arises, below and on the sides of the water, and rolls it into one mass which is
round like a drop on the leaf of a lotus. But how can it press such an immense volume of water into
one mass? Because the water offers openings here and there for the wind. After the water has thus
been massed together by the wind, it dwindles away, and by degrees descends to a lower level...
When it has descended to its original level on the surface of the earth, mighty winds arise, and they
hold the water helplessly in check, as if in a covered vessel. This water is sweet, and as it wastes
away, the earth which arises out of it is full of sap, and has a beautiful color, and a fine taste and
smell, like the skimmings on the top of thick rice-gruel.”9

Deglaciation could be a possible cause of the rains followed by powerful winds, described by the
ancient records. The heat of the fiery catastrophe insulated by the thick black clouds, may have
caused the global third age glacial build-up in mid to high latitudes to melt or even instantly vaporize.
Coupled with high oceanic temperatures heated up by massive volcanism and other mechanisms of
the earth in response to our close planetary encounters, heavy precipitation would have been a
natural result. This may have produced an excessive global rainfall that could have had the force and
strength to clear up the smoky covering that darkened the atmosphere. This extreme precipitation is
directly referred to in the Indo-Aryan, North American, Middle Eastern, and Chinese mythology, and
implied in the Norse, MesoAmerican, and South Australian lore.
Planetary changes, after the destruction of the third age, may have included a new tilt and spin axis.10
An observable difference in the length of the day, the month, and the year was noted by over a dozen

World Myth or History? 299

ancient civilizations. These planetary changes are supported by the Hebrew scriptures, Greek
classical records and Norse mythology as discussed in the previous chapter.

The precipitation and influx of fresh meltwater in the south and north poles of the earth freeze into
thick glacial formations that may have buried the Hyperborean civilization under a flood of ice and
snow. Myth tells us that the fate of Hyperborea, the land of eternal spring in the far north pole, is
sudden and cosmic in origin. "As when Jupiter [Zeus] plants his cloudy footsteps upon the
Hyperborean pole and makes the stars tremble at the oncoming of winter, Aeolia [the island home of
the winds] is riven, and the storm, indignant at its long idleness, takes heart, and the North whistles
with the hurricane; then roar the mountains and the waves, clouds battle in the blind gloom, and
thunders and crazed lightnings revel."11
And Hyperborea becomes a thing to be pitied until it is forgotten. "No lake, no river of Scythia but
mourns for her as she passes; the sight of her . . . stirred the Hyperborean snows."12

Evidence of these sudden climatic shifts have become a mystery that scientists have yet to solve.
“ of the greatest puzzles facing researchers…What has caused -- and will cause again -- the
sudden climate changes that our Earth periodically undergoes?...rapid shifts that scientists have
recently identified when the Earth switched suddenly from frozen ice age to picnic-warm and back
again.” (Virginia Morell. “TimeSigns.” National Geographic Magazine. September 2004. p59)

Dropping polar temperatures together with warming tropical temperatures is the formula for powerful
windstorms that would also carry the rock flour dust produced by melting glacial movements. This
windblown silt carried by the winds would have produced a very rich agricultural soil. 13 Fertile soil and
an abundant supply of freshwater ensured that the fourth age would be a green and bountiful one as
Ragnarok myth predicted.

The lands that had been trapped in glacial ice in the mid to high latitudes were released from their
state of eternal winter and are freed up for productive use. The severe cold and ice that the Aryan
tribes had migrated to escape in the third age, according to their mythology, had ended. The earth of
extreme heat and cold was given a comparably more temperate climate than the previous age,
allowing for increased habitable areas with a steady source of water.

Unfortunately, as the ancient records tell us, few survived --not only humans, but also the members of
the animal kingdom. Perhaps it was the catastrophic fiery end or the dramatic planetary changes, but
many of earth’s larger creatures did not make it to the fourth age. It was not only the large New
Zealand Moa that went extinct when Tamatea came to burn the land,14

World Myth or History? 300

On North America, 70% of mammals weighing over 100 pounds (40 kg) disappeared...This
represents about 100 species of large animals that included mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed
cats, giant ground sloths, giant beavers, giant peccaries, dire wolves, short-faced bears, and many
others...About three-fourths of mammal species went extinct on Eurasia...Mass extinctions also
occurred in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia lost 90% of its large animals including the giant
kangaroos and wombats...Strangely, these mass extinctions occurred at a time when the climate was
supposed to be warmer with more glaciated land becoming exposed upon melting.15

The prophet Zephaniah wrote that this age changing catastrophe would indeed affect not only man
but beast as well, “I will remove man and beast; I will remove the birds of the sky And the fish of the
sea, And the ruins along with the wicked; And I will cut off man from the face of the earth,” declares
the Lord.16

A rain of ash, as described by world myth, produced by massive volcanic activity triggered by the
catastrophic celestial events could explain the deaths.
“A super-eruption has multiple effects on the biosphere. Sulfur dioxide combines with water vapor to
form sulfuric acid particles that scatter, reflect, and absorb sunlight. The planet’s surface cools, the
stratosphere heats, photosynthesis is reduced.
The more immediate effects are equally devastating...The ash rains from the sky in particles so small
that they can penetrate an animal’s lungs… “The birds die first,” says Rose. “They get the ash in their
feathers and they’re immobilized. Then the larger animals start to die.” A lot of humans died too…”
(Joel Achenbach. “Volcanology: Big Chill.” National Geographic Magazine. March 2005. p 1)

The earth had lost so much in the third age ending catastrophe. Global forests may have been
burned to ashes, large numbers of animals had become extinct, and most of humanity had gone up in
smoke. Ancient civilizations had vanished along with much of their culture, knowledge and
technology. Many manmade edifices, buildings, and walls lay in ruins.

The prophet Jeremiah was given a preview of the state of the planet after the fiery destruction and
this is what he saw,
“23 I looked on the earth, and behold, it was formless and void;
And to the heavens, and they had no light.
24 I looked on the mountains, and behold, they were quaking,
And all the hills moved to and fro.
25 I looked, and behold, there was no man,
And all the birds of the heavens had fled.

World Myth or History? 301

26 I looked, and behold, the fruitful land was a wilderness,
And all its cities were pulled down
Before the LORD, before His fierce anger.
27 For thus says the LORD,
“The whole land shall be a desolation,
Yet I will not execute a complete destruction.”17

Jeremiah describes a desolate transformed earth covered in darkness. The mountains and the hills
still suffering from the aftershocks of the cataclysmic events. Forests of the world had become
wasteland. Humans and beasts were dead or in hiding for fear of their lives. Cities were in ruins. And
yet this was not the end for everyone. For a few survivors, it was a new beginning.

The Atlantic and Pacific oceans remained too shallow for intercontinental travel by sea going vessels
during the fourth age. This was noted by Plato (born around 428 BC) who was unchallenged on this
point, when he retold the consequences of the second age destruction, “...For which reason the sea
in those parts are impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this
was caused by the subsidence of the island.” (Benjamin Jowett, trans. The Dialogues of Plato. Oxford University
Press. 1952. p 446)
Eexploration by ships during the fourth age were mostly on the Aegean, Mediterranean and along the
coasts of Africa seems to further to support that sailing across the Pacific and Atlantic oceans were
not an easy option.

The palpable smoky darkness that blocked out the sun would be washed away by the waters. A
green planet emerged from the ashes of the old. The fourth age survivors were on a new world. A
world that needed a new calendar, with new calculations for the day, month, and the year.18
A world with polar regions in perpetual winter. A world that had distinctive seasons in mid to high
latitudes, from cold winters to warm summers. A world that had to be reconstructed and repaired and

Age Four: People

Almost like a replay from the catastrophic destruction of the second age civilizations, the tribes that
had been long oppressed and tyrannized by the mighty civilizations, rushed through the broken walls
and fortresses to take what they wanted from their suddenly defenseless enemy.
The prophet Jeremiah gives us a list of specific nations that were to be devastated by the fiery
outpouring of wrath, but in the end it tells us that it had affected all the kingdoms on earth.

World Myth or History? 302

“15 For thus the LORD, the God of Israel, says to me, “Take this cup of the wine of wrath from My hand
and cause all the nations to whom I send you to drink it. 16 They will drink and stagger and go mad
because of the sword that I will send among them.”...18 Jerusalem and the cities of Judah and its
kings and its princes, to make them a ruin, a horror, a hissing and a curse, as it is this day; 19 Pharaoh
king of Egypt, his servants, his princes and all his people; 20 and all the foreign people, all the kings of
the land of Uz, all the kings of the land of the Philistines (even Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron and the
remnant of Ashdod); 21 Edom, Moab and the sons of Ammon; 22 and all the kings of Tyre, all the kings
of Sidon and the kings of the coastlands which are beyond the sea; 23 and Dedan, Tema, Buz and all
who cut the corners of their hair; 24 and all the kings of Arabia and all the kings of the foreign people
who dwell in the desert; 25 and all the kings of Zimri, all the kings of Elam and all the kings of Media; 26
and all the kings of the north, near and far, one with another; and all the kingdoms of the earth which
are upon the face of the ground, and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them...
29 For behold, I am beginning to work calamity in this city which is called by My name, and shall you
be completely free from punishment? You will not be free from punishment; for I am summoning a
sword against all the inhabitants of the earth,” declares the LORD of hosts.’”19

The sword was a common ancient description for the devastation brought on by cometary activity in
global myth and lore. These ancient civilizations, many of which had existed for over a thousand
years, would be occupied and defeated by the loose band of tribes that had survived the cataclysm.


Types of cometary forms, illustrations from Johannes Hevelius' Cometographia (Danzig, 1668) (Scan of original and caption
from Don Yeomans' Comets: A Chronological History of Observation, Science, Myth and Folklore)

World Myth or History? 303

Terrified Warriors
Due to the extremely traumatic events that the survivors had experienced from the fiery devastation
to the period of darkness followed by powerful winds, thunderbolts and rainstorms, it was natural for
the survivors to look towards the heavens with a certain amount of trepidation. And since this
catastrophic judgement seemed to have been targeted to the warriors of the earth and their
fortresses, then it follows that they would be the people group most affected.

The prophet Micah describe the surviving soldiers,

“16 Nations will see and be ashamed
Of all their might.
They will put their hand on their mouth,
Their ears will be deaf.
17 They will lick the dust like a serpent,
Like reptiles of the earth.
They will come trembling out of their fortresses;
To the LORD our God they will come in dread
And they will be afraid before You.”21

Jeremiah tells us that this was an age when celestial signs caused nations to be terrified.
“Thus says the Lord, “Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be terrified by the signs of the
heavens Although the nations are terrified by them;”22

There was an incident recorded by Ptolemy Soter when Alexander the Great had a dinner compact
with the Celtic tribes to ensure the security of Greece as he went on his campaign, when Alexander
“asked them, it is said, what was the thing they, the Celts, most feared. The envoys replied : "We fear
no man : there is but one thing that we fear, namely, that the sky should fall on us…”23

Modern man may find the fear of the ‘sky falling on our head” ridiculous, as many cultures have tried
to belittle this fear with funny stories such as that of the familiar Henny Penny who mistook a nut for
the falling skies. But few people know that these stories poking fun at the fear of a falling sky or world
coming to an end appears in India, Tibet, England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Norway, Denmark,
and other countries.24 The fact that it appears all over the world seems to imply that this fear is not
limited to a single unique people group.

The Celts were a warrior race, fearless in combat, how deep must the trauma have been in order to
perpetuate a fear hundreds of years later? The Mongols were another mighty group of tribal warriors,

World Myth or History? 304

who were so deathly afraid of thunder that they refused to wash their clothes for fear that hanging
them would anger God, who would then send the thunder. “They will even beat those they find
washing them [J: they thrash anyone doing laundry and confiscate it]. Thunder they fear
extraordinarily; and when it thunders they will turn out of their dwellings all strangers, wrap
themselves in black felt, and thus hide themselves till it has passed away.”25

The Mongols have a myth of a magic stone that had caused a storm, "The same Buyiruq-Qan and
Quduqa, who knew how to use the magic stone, used the magic stone and created a storm. But the
storm turned and came down on top of themselves".26 They tell the story of a stone that they may
have used in the past to bring down storms on their enemies, but how one day they tasted the wrath
of the storm themselves. This reminds us of the war storm god who fought in behalf of the armies,
then ended the third age by coming against the soldiers and their strongholds. The rock who brings
down fearful storms also reminds us of the Asag that Ninurta fought, possibly representing planet
Venus in her cometary phase.

A myth from Western Europe seems to mirror the Mongol story but with a few more details about the
storm produced by the stone. "And beside the spring thou shalt find a massive stone... if thou wilt
take of the water in the basin and spill it upon the stone, thou shalt see such a storm come up that
not a beast will remain within this wood.... for thou wilt see such lightning-bolts descend, such
blowing of gales and crashing of trees, such torrents fall, such thunder and lightning, that, if thou
canst escape from them without trouble and mischance, thou wilt be more fortunate than ever any
knight was yet".26 Since this was a story for knights, the implication is that the deadly storm was
intended for soldiers or combatants.

In 585 BC, a war between the Lydians and Medes came to a sudden peaceful conclusion when a
solar eclipse was seen as a divine sign that God wanted the conflict to end. The hardened soldiers
immediately laid down their arms, showing that the heavens were something they feared even more
than dying in battle.
"In the sixth year a battle took place in which it happened, when the fight had begun, that suddenly
the day became night. And this change of the day Thales the Milesian had foretold to the Ionians
laying down as a limit this very year in which the change took place. The Lydians however and the
Medes, when they saw that it had become night instead of day, ceased from their fighting and were
much more eager both of them that peace should be made between them."27 Might the day turning to
night have reminded them of stories told by warriors of the devastation they suffered in the
catastrophic end of the third age?

World Myth or History? 305

Athenians lost their lives at the Battle of Marathon (490 BC) when Spartan troops feared the ire of
their god more than the need to answer their brethren’s desperate call for battle. They were
celebrating the feast of of Carneia, a time when Spartans were not allowed to wage war for fear of
inciting Apollo’s anger.28

The Nabonidus Chronicles seem to reveal that the last Chaldean king of Babylon was more
interested in appeasing the gods rather than in repelling the steadily approaching Medo-Persian
invaders. “Seventeenth year (539/538): Nabû went from Borsippa for the procession of Bêl [lacuna]
The king entered the temple of Eturkalamma; in the temple he made a libation of wine. Bêl went out
in procession. They performed the festival of the New Year according to the complete ritual [4 April].
In the month of [Âbu?] Lugal-Marada and the other gods of the town Marad, Zabada and the other
gods of Kish, the goddess Ninlil and the other gods of Hursagkalama visited Babylon. Till the end of
the month Ulûlu all the gods of Akkad -those from above and those from below- entered Babylon. The
gods of Borsippa, Cutha, and Sippar did not enter.
In the month of Tašrîtu, when Cyrus attacked the army of Akkad in Opis on the Tigris, the inhabitants
of Akkad revolted, but he [Cyrus] massacred the inhabitants. The fifteenth day [12 October], Sippar
was seized without battle. Nabonidus fled.”29

There is a Chinese myth from the Eastern Zhou dynasty, of a monster god named Kiu who lives in the
celestial deep towards the east. Kiu shone bright as the moon and the sun, and looked like a single-
legged ox --the bull was often used to represent the celestial gods due to the horn-like appearance of
the coma, while the one leg and gray color could represent its smoky cometary tail. “Kiu was said to
be a divine beast who lived on Mount Liubo (liubo literally means “flowing wave”) in the East Sea. It
looked like an ox but was gray, hornless, and one-legged. Whenever it came out or dived into the
sea, a storm would follow. Its light was like the sunlight and moonlight, and its sound was like
thunder. Later it was caught and killed by Huang Di (Emperor God), who made a drum by using its
hide as a cover. When struck with the bone of the thunder God, the drum made a sound that could be
heard over 500 miles away.”30
This drum was used by Huang Di (Emperor God) to battle and win, against the god of war and
military weapons, in order to reveal His power to the whole earth. It seemed that when the chief
divinity controlled the powers of Kiu and the Thunder God - possibly planets Venus and Mars, He
used them to send a powerful message to the warriors of the world.

The Spring and Autumn period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty, from whence this myth arose, also
marked the breakdown of China’s feudal system. Dozens of states ceased to exist (650-550 BC) and
slaves that were previously subjugated to the nobles to work the land and defend it from nomadic

World Myth or History? 306

northern tribes, were suddenly set free to become the peasant farmers of this period. Where were the
feudal lords and their private armies who would have prevented such an uprising?

In order to understand the sudden decrease of human population size in this age, consider that fourth
age Babylon, the greatest Metropolis of the Middle East, was estimated to have had a population of
200,000.31 The total Jewish exiles listed in 2 Kings chapter 24 of 18,000 individuals + 4,600 computed
by Jeremiah (Jer. 52:28-30) would mean that they would have made up more than 10% of Babylon’s
population. Then if you consider that Nebuchadnezzar had done the same thing to many other
nations, Babylon would truly have been composed of the finest of every language and nation. When
addressing the people of Babylon, the herald called the attention of “...peoples, nations and men of
every language…”32 What happened to the original peoples of Babylon? And why did the nation of
Judah disappear with only a few thousand people exiled? Were they all that was left? Could the
scarcity of human beings have caused mankind to be the most precious resource of the fourth age?

The third age King of Judah, Asa (911 - 870 BC), gave the numbers of his fighting men in 2
Chronicles, “Now Asa had an army of 300,000 from Judah, bearing large shields and spears, and
280,000 from Benjamin, bearing shields and wielding bows; all of them were valiant warriors.”33

Consider that those eligible to be warriors are just a fraction of the community, the women, the
children and the elderly, plus others in the community would give us a conservative estimate of well
over a million for Judah alone. While the third age counts of warriors went into the hundreds of
thousands, the fourth age mega battles had armies that only ranged from the thousands to tens of
thousands. What could explain this indication of a sudden decrease in population? Ancient records
are not silent on what happened.

When Nineveh was destroyed by fire and its gate were opened wide letting its enemies flood in, we
are told that, “Horsemen charging, Swords flashing, spears gleaming, Many slain, a mass of corpses,
And countless dead bodies— They stumble over the dead bodies!”34 Those who enter to pillage the
city literally stumble on the innumerable corpses.
While in Judah, those who lament over its fiery destruction, cried out this observation, “How lonely
sits the city that was full of people!”35 This is the very first verse of the first chapter. The city is already
devastated and most of the population are already dead even before the enemy comes to loot them.
The description of what happened to the population of Judah mirrors that of Nineveh, “...On the
ground in the streets Lie young and old; My virgins and my young men Have fallen by the sword. You
have slain them in the day of Your anger, You have slaughtered, not sparing.”36 The sword wielded by
God Himself is a term familiar to the ancient civilizations as referring to cometary activity.

World Myth or History? 307

The precious few people, who survived the fiery end of the third age to begin anew in the fourth age,
were terrified of the celestial signs. The warriors of the earth in particular seemed to have learned a
lesson from the devastation that appeared to have targeted their strongholds and armed forces. This
brought about a season of peace and prosperity enjoyed by the citizens of the fourth age.

The Search for Meaning Beyond the Material Realm

With the annihilation of multiple oppressive warring tyrannical nations and the cessation of non-stop
violence and fear, the peoples of the fourth age suddenly had more time to think. The Babylonian and
Medo-Persian world empires that ruled over this fourth age were markedly different from previous
regimes. Both showed a respect for human life, national identities, and the well-being of the
communities that were not evident in the third age. People no longer had to think as a tribal group all
the time, for the sake of survival. Individual thinking and ideas began to grow and flourish. All over
the world, some of the greatest philosophers rose up simultaneously during this short span of time.

The change in thought from third to fourth age was so dramatic, that it is easily observable. German
philosopher Karl Jaspers has called it the Axial (pivotal) age.
“During this time, according to Jaspers' concept, new ways of thinking appeared in Persia, India, the
Sinosphere and the Greco-Roman world in religion and philosophy, in a striking parallel development
without any obvious direct cultural contact between all of the participating cultures of the Old World.”37

From the rocky mountain steppes of Northern Iran came Zarathustra (Zoroaster) around 600 BC to
spread the motto of “good thoughts, good words, good deeds” to the Middle East and openly
challenged established religious orders. His monotheistic stance, worshipping only Ahuramazda, who
had revealed Himself to Zoroaster as the One true righteous supreme being, was a novel idea to the
people groups who had been serving numerous gods. An evil spirit of violence and death was the
enemy of Ahuramazda.38
“The universe was seen as a battleground in which these opposing forces contended both in the
sphere of political conquest and in the depths of each man’s soul.”39 Zoroaster also introduced the
concepts of a final end time judgement when light overcomes the darkness, the coming of a Savior,
and the individual’s choice to be on the side of light or darkness.

Coming from the mountainous regions at a time close to the end of the third age, Zoroaster may have
witnessed the fiery catastrophe first hand. He elevated the fire cult as symbolic of purity and truth,
burning fires on lofty open air towers with no temples or idols. The Persian kings embraced

World Myth or History? 308

Zoroastrianism, conquering lands in the name of “Ahuramazda, the Wise Lord, creator of heaven and
earth.”39 Although, they did not seem to feel the need to coerce people of the lands they ruled, to
convert to their beliefs.

Around 600 BC in India, the people were beginning to show dissatisfaction at the structured religious
traditions and repetitive rituals. This period saw the rise of the Upanishads who believed that each
human being contained a spark of the divine in their soul, and sought unity with the universal One,
that they called Brahman. The idea that this was achieved through ascetic perfection in successive
lives was taught by the Jina Vardhamana Mahavira, founder of Jainism.40

Not everyone was pleased with the concept of repeatedly suffering death, pain, and aging in order to
reach salvation. Siddhartha Gautama, born to nobility in wealth and power around 560 BC, was
deeply disturbed by the misery of man and explored various schools of thought in his search for an
answer. Stories are told of Gautama enduring extreme forms of self-denial (asceticism), then realizing
the fruitlessness of inflicting physical tortures on oneself he went back to enjoying both food and drink
(materialism). At this stage, his fellow ascetics condemned him as a reprobate and deserted him.
Later, while meditating under a fig tree, he received enlightenment and realized that all extremes
must be avoided. He endorsed the Middle Way, with its eight strictures seen to eliminate suffering:
“hold the right views, harbour the right aspirations, adopt the right speech, demonstrate the right
conduct, pursue the right livelihood, expend the right effort, maintain the right mindfulness, and
practise the right meditation.”41 This core of righteous behaviour leading to salvation was open to all
men regardless of rank or wealth. Buddhist missionaries spread the teachings across eastern Asia,
reaching kings and paupers alike.

In the second half of the 5th century BC, Greek Sophists set up schools in the cities, teaching
discourse and rhetoric to those willing to pay for it. The qualities of knowledge, intelligence, and logic
with the ability to express and defend one’s ideas eloquently was of great value in persuading fellow
citizens in concepts like democracy. They spoke much on the distinctions and dichotomy of nature
(physis) and the law (nomos), Sophist Relativism (what’s cold for me may be warm for you), and
language as it relates to reality.
Protagoras, one of the most popular of the Sophists, tried to prove with reason the existence of God
and ended with this agnostic statement, ‘concerning the gods I am not in a position to know either
that (or how) they are or that (or how) they are not, or what they are like in appearance; for there are
many things that prevent knowledge, the obscurity of the matter and the brevity of human life’ (DK,

World Myth or History? 309

Sophists challenged the ancient beliefs, like the supremacy of the gods, and introduced a kind of
skeptical humanism. New ways of thinking carried with it a renewed creativity in self-expression,
“Greek poets, architects, painters and sculptors would open up new avenues into the human soul.
And Greek inquiry into science and philosophy would change the very structure of human thought.”43
Nearing the end of the fourth age, Athens produced Socrates (470 - 399 BC), one of the world’s
greatest philosophers whose ideas played a significant role in Grecian politics.

Around the 6th century BC, China was also setting up hundreds of schools of thought, making this
period known as China’s Golden Age of philosophy. The fourth age was a time when ideas and
concepts were discussed and developed freely. Many of the philosophers in this period were
employed by kings and leaders as advisers.
China’s peasant class lived by their wits and worked hard for promotion. Men of outstanding diligence
and ability were sought during the 6th century BC to run the government. The need of having more
positions to be filled than individuals to fill them made teachers rise up to educate men to achieve the
desired qualities. KongZi (Master Kong), more commonly known as Confucius, went beyond just
teaching men to govern -- but more fundamentally, how to be an honourable man. Confucius “called
on his followers to transcend the selfish, parochial interests that had embroiled the land in conflict,
and to embrace a philosophy of self-discipline and tolerance.”43 To Confucius, the single principle
that should rule an individual’s conduct in life is, “Never do to others what you would not like them to
do to you.”44

The Taoist philosophy was second to Confucianism in popularity and in influence. In many ways,
Taoism seems to be an opposite reaction to the rigid social structure and morality laid by Confucius.
Attributed to the legendary LaoZi (old master), Taoism calls for a retreat from society to live in
harmony with the rhythm of the natural and the supernatural world in order to follow the Tao (way) of
the universe.45 The Taoist philosophy in search of enlightenment and unity with the universe, may
have laid the ground for the ready acceptance of Buddhism in China.

The teachings of MoZi was seen as the primary competition of the Confucian school of thought during
the fourth age. MoZi believed that, “Everyone is equal before heaven” and that the citizens should
obey their leaders who in turn follows the will of heaven. His philosophy has been described as that of
universal love. MoZi saw war as both wasteful and distasteful, similar to his feelings for the Confucian
emphasis on ritual and music.45

These men were seekers, looking for answers to universal questions. Many of these fourth age
thinkers would be shocked to discover that they had become the founders of today’s structured

World Myth or History? 310

ritualistic religions, steeped in traditions that had inspired their reactions in the first place. And most
would probably be dismayed to find out that they are being venerated as gods - something that none
of them had claimed to be.

These men lived in the fourth age when the war loving nations were crushed and the empires that
soon arose finished those nations off, bringing about a time of peace and prosperity. The fourth age
peoples had an abundance of fertile lands and freshwater. They had the time to think and express
their thoughts, and the population had the time to listen to them. Ideas that had held firm for over a
thousand years were challenged, and like the age ending physical transformation of the earth, the
landscape of the minds of mankind were being broken and transformed.

Individual Identity and Worth

A Chaldean tribal leader, who had taken on the royal name Nabopolassar, became the first Chaldean
king of Babylon and began the Neo-Babylonian Empire. This empire ruled a great part of the fourth
age “world’ from 626 BC - 539 BC, and brought about “a general improvement in economic life,
agricultural production, and a significant increase in architectural projects, the arts and science.”46

Scholars today would like to claim that Nabopolassar was some kind of high ranking official, perhaps
a general in the Assyrian army, in order to explain the mystery of his victory over the mighty Assyrian
forces and his ability to have passed through their formidable strongholds. But Nabopolassar himself
claimed that he was an anonymous nobody who was given the position by the gods because of his
heart for justice and equality.

It seems that the Assyrians who had taken over from the Akkadians during the end of the second age,
would be overthrown by the Chaldeans at the end of the third age, not because of their superior
military prowess, but because the gods were fighting on their side.

On the Nabopolassar Cylinder, he wrote, “Nabopolassar, the King of Justice, the Shepherd...
When I was young, although the son of a nobody, I constantly sought out the temples of Nabu and
Marduk, my patrons. My mind was preoccupied with the establishment of their orders and the
complete performance of their rites. My attention was directed to justice and equity. Shazu, the lord
who understands the hearts of the gods of heaven and the underworld, who constantly observes the
deeds of humanity, perceived my inner thoughts and raised me, the client who was anonymous
among the people, to a high status in the country of my birth. He called me to the sovereignty over
the land and the people. He caused a benevolent protective spirit to walk at my side. He made
everything I did succeed. He made Nergal, the strongest of the gods, to march at my side; he

World Myth or History? 311

slaughtered my enemies, dropped my enemies. The Assyrian ruled Akkad due to divine anger and
oppressed the inhabitants with his heavy yoke.”47

Awareness of his father’s humble beginnings may have given King Nebuchadnezzar a respect for
human life. This may explain an unusual part in Nebuchadnezzar’s public inscriptions that would
never have appeared in any Assyrian king’s inscription. The open expression of the value of mankind
that he saw as a divine trust given to his care.
“0 Merodach the Lord, Chief of the gods,
a surpassing Prince thou hast made me,
and empire over multitudes of men,
hast intrusted to me as precious lives;”48

Nebuchadnezzar has become infamous for his role in the dispersion and destruction of the nation of
Judah. But few people realize the amazing levels of tolerance Nebuchadnezzar showed in his
relationship with this nation for a ruler of those times.
Jeremiah, the prophet to Judah during the reign of King Josiah to the final King Zedekiah, said in
frustration that, ““From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, even to this day,
these twenty-three years the word of the Lord has come to me, and I have spoken to you again and
again, but you have not listened.”49
So what did prophet Jeremiah say that they didn’t listen to? Jeremiah told King Josiah to repent and
return to God or disaster would come. When they didn’t listen he told King Jehoiakim to surrender to
Babylon so that things wouldn’t turn out so bad. When they didn’t listen, he told King Zedekiah to
keep his word to submit to Nebuchadnezzar and not rebel. When they didn’t listen, he told the
survivors not to go to Egypt, and still they went… Soon even the patience of God reached its limit.

Jehoiakim served Babylon for three years, then rebelled and caused a siege that led to the exile of
his son Jehoiachin and the royal family. When Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem (597 BC), he
took with him all the mighty men fit for war (7,000 people), craftsmen and smiths (1,000 people), and
captives from the wealthy and royal family (10,000 people).50

In the book of Daniel,51 we learn what happened to some of the exiles in Babylon. Unlike the
Assyrians who enslaved their captives, killing and torturing them for fun, they were treated with
dignity and honor. Intelligent outstanding youth from the royal line of Israel were instructed in the
language and literature of the Chaldeans, while eating and drinking from the king’s own choice food.
After three years of education, they had the opportunity to serve in the royal Babylonian court. It is
implied that many other youth from different conquered nations were also treated in the same

World Myth or History? 312

manner. Thus, Nebuchadnezzar II served the Creator by preserving the culture, wisdom, and
knowledge of many nations that may have otherwise disappeared. As Ashurbanipal collected books,
Nebuchadnezzar treasured the peoples and their unique national culture. Historians recognized that,
“The Jews enjoyed full rights in Babylon…”52

Evil-Merodach, son of Nebuchadnezzar, is noted for treating the exiled King Jehoiachin of Judah with
kindness and generosity after releasing him from prison. It is possible that Jehoiachin may not have
been the only king to whom Evil-Merodach had extended this grace. “About 300 cuneiform tablets,
dating between 595 and 570 BC, were found near the Ishtar Gate in Babylon. They contain lists of
rations such as barley and oil paid to the captives and craftsmen. Persons from various countries are
mentioned: Egypt, Philistia, Phoenicia, Asia Minor, Judah, etc... These tablets show that the
Babylonians continued to regard Jehoiachin as the legitimate king of Judah and gave him special
treatment while he was in captivity (2 Kings 25:27-30; Jeremiah 52:31-34). The tablets were read by
E. F. Weidner in the basement of the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, after 1933.”53

Nabonidus (556 - 536 BC), who reigned with his son Belshazzar as co-regent, was the last king of
Babylon. Similar to Nabopolassar, he claimed in his inscriptions that there was nothing special about
his origins.54 Belshazzar ruled in Babylon, while for his last ten years, Nabonidus engaged in
campaigns to Arabia and Edom in what seemed to be an effort to keep the trade routes open and
ensure the steady commercial flow.

The Middle East balance of power during the first half of the fourth age was divided amongst the
Babylonians, Lydians, and the Medes. Peace was maintained for more than three decades,
reinforced with the bonds of marriage. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon married Amytis daughter of King
Cyaxares of the Medes,55 while Cyaxares’ son Astyages was married to Lydian Princess Aryenis-
sister of Lydian King Croesus.56

With the rise of the Persian empire under the leadership of Cyrus, the rights of the individual was
even further encouraged. Persian law was known for its unbiased consistency. The book of Daniel
describes the law of the Medes and Persians as something that cannot be changed or revoked -even
by the king himself.57 The Persian kings established new administrative systems in managing an
empire that reached over 5 million square kilometres with a population ranging from 10 to 50 million.

The Assyrian governmental model of fear, intimidation, and destruction were replaced by law, order,
and a mutual benefit. Subject nations generally enjoyed autonomy, similar to the Babylonian empire,
ruled by their own native leaders. “Persian kings demanded their taxes, of course, but they also

World Myth or History? 313

promoted increased economic activity that left many countries and people in the empire better off
than before the Persians arrived.”58

Greek historian Herodotus,59 tells of how King Astyages of the Medes had a dream that foretold how
his grandson born of his daughter Mandane would one day conquer all Asia. Fearing that the child
would first topple the kingdom of the Medes on his way to fulfill his destiny, Astyages ordered his chief
steward Harpagus to steal and kill the child -Cyrus, son of Princess Mandane of the Medes with King
Cambyses of Persia. Harpagus was unable to do the wicked deed and hid the child instead. When
Astyages learned of the deception, he served a full course meal to Harpagus, where the Chief
Steward found out at the dinner’s end that the main ingredient was his own son.

It was no wonder then that in 550 BC, when Cyrus’ troops approached the kingdom of the Medes,
Astyages own generals turned against him (led by Chief Steward Harpagus).
The Nabonidus Chronicles records this event. “Sixth year (550/549): King Astyages [litt: Ištumegu]
called up his troops and marched against Cyrus [Kuraš], king of Anšan, in order to meet him in battle.
The army of Astyages revolted against him and in fetters they delivered him to Cyrus.”60

Cyrus displayed an amazing amount of grace for a conqueror of those times. Instead of public
humiliation and execution, he performed an act of clemency that marked the rest of his reign. After he
forgave Astyages, it is possible that he gave the King of the Medes a very important position. The
Athenian historian Xenophon wrote, “that Cyrus, after he took Babylon, set out for Persia, and took
Media on his way; and, saluting Cyaxares or Darius, said that there was a choice house and court for
him in Babylon, where he might go and live as in his own:” 61

Xenophon noted that Cyaxares was the son of Astyages, who was the last king of the Medes. But he
may have gotten the names interchanged, because Herodotus clearly stated that Astyages had no
sons, and that Astyages was in fact the last king of the Medes. Astyages was the son of the Median
King Cyaxares. Daniel records that Darius was the son of Ahasuerus. The name "...Ahasuerus
represents the name Cyaxares, borne by the father of "Astyages"...If, as seems most probable,
Darius (Astyages) occupied the throne of Babylon as supreme sovereign...61
Another clue that points to Astyages as being Darius king of the Medes who conquered Babylon, and
ruled it for a little over a year, is that his age is a probable match to the about 62 years estimated by
Daniel.62 Astyages was born around 605 BC and Babylon fell 539 BC.

The historian Xenophon who wrote of the events over a hundred years later, may have also gotten
the series of events mixed up, since the Persian conquest of the Medes and the succeeding fall of

World Myth or History? 314

Lydia happened around ten years before the fall of Babylon, according to the Nabonidus Chronicles.
Therefore, it would not be correct to say that Cyrus took Media after taking Babylon.
It is possible that Cyrus assigned the task of taking Babylon to the last king of the Medes, with the
promise that should he be able to do so, he would be appointed its king. Cyrus himself arrived 16
days later to celebrate the conquest of Babylon.63

Cyrus gave Darius King of the Medes, the title of King of Babylon, and Cyrus did not take on the title
himself until after Darius’ death a year later.64 This honor shows a respect that could possibly be given
to a relative like Astyages, who was his maternal grandfather. Daniel writes that, “ ...Darius the Mede
received the kingdom” 65 (Babylon), implying that he was made king by another party, that the city had
been given to him. Darius is a Persian throne name given to this king of the Medes. If Astyages had
taken this name, it may have been a public declaration of his allegiance with the Persian empire,
while retaining his identity as a Mede.

This would then be consistent with Daniel’s prophetic and eyewitness reports that the new empire
that arose was a consolidation of the forces of both the Medes and the Persians.
“The ram which you saw with two horns represents the kings of Media and Persia” (Daniel 8:20,
NASB). Further shedding light on the statement that the laws they followed were not only Persian, but
the laws of both the Medes and the Persians (Daniel 6:8). The Achaemenid empire consistently relied
on armies predominantly composed of Medes and Persians.

According his enemies with such honor was consistent with Cyrus’ treatment of other conquered
kings. Cyrus not only spared the Lydian King Croesus after the defeat of his armies (547 BC), but
“even took him into his entourage as an adviser…”66 Eusebius records that after his defeat,
Nabonidus of Babylon was given the country of Carmania to retire in peace. Such acts of
magnanimity and respect for the kingdom leaders won him the hearts and the loyalty of the peoples
of his vast empire.

In 525 BC, Cambyses, son of Cyrus, conquered Egypt and “conducted himself in the liberal tradition
of his father. He honoured native customs, paid homage to local gods, and employed Egyptians to
administer the government.”67
Darius the Great, who succeeded Cambyses, wrote on his Susa inscription,
“Saith Darius the King: ...Provinces were in commotion; one man was smiting the other. The
following I brought about by the favor of Ahuramazda, that the one does not smite the other at all,
each one in his place. My law-- of that they feel fear, so that the stronger does not smite nor destroy
the weak…”68

World Myth or History? 315

Darius the Great (different from Darius the Mede) was serious about protecting the weaker from the
strong. Under his reign, laws were passed that regulated working hours and wages to protect the
poor. And because the laws could neither be changed nor revoked, there were no loopholes to the
swift justice that came with them. The strong feared the powerful Persian empire that backed up the
laws, and this hindered them from taking advantage of the weak.

The Persian empire continued its tolerance for local cultures and beliefs, establishing a government
structure that lasted the test of time, while covering a domain of unparalleled size until the end of the
fourth age.

Age Four: Achievements

Hesiod tells us that,

“...Zeus the son of Cronos made yet another, the fourth, upon the fruitful earth, which was nobler and
more righteous, a god-like race of hero-men who are called demi-gods, the race before our own,
throughout the boundless earth. Grim war and dread battle destroyed a part of them... But to the
others father Zeus the son of Cronos gave a living and an abode apart from men, and made them
dwell at the ends of earth. And they live untouched by sorrow in the islands of the blessed along the
shore of deep swirling Ocean, happy heroes for whom the grain-giving earth bears honey-sweet fruit
flourishing thrice a year, far from the deathless gods, and Cronos rules over them (5); for the father of
men and gods released him from his bonds. And these last equally have honour and glory.”69

The fourth age seems to have been ruled by a nobler breed of godly ‘god-like’ heroes, when
compared to the leaders of the previous ages. These leaders received a more fruitful bountiful earth
than that given to previous generations. The first part of the fourth age involved bitter wars that led to
the global disappearance of many powerful ancient oppressive civilizations and peoples. After the
initial stage on the road to unification that destroyed a part of mankind, humanity lived in relative
peace and prosperity.

Consequent to the fiery destruction that ended the civilizations built on the high places (mountains) of
the third age, many people groups chose to begin again along the coastal regions. General peace
afforded them the time to further develop shipbuilding and establish trade routes in the waters, that
allowed them to commercialize on the excess produced by their lands. The well-being of the
communities, as well as the individuals, were brought about by achievements of the fourth age that
we still benefit from today.

World Myth or History? 316

Government Systems for the People
Around 630 BC Nabopolassar united the Chaldean tribes to take over the city of Uruk (626 BC), and
by popular consent was crowned king of Babylon. Thus, began the Babylonian Chaldean dynasty
(625 - 539 BC) that affected history to such an extent that “Chaldean” became synonymous with
“Babylonian.”70 The rule began by the Chaldean “nobody” Nabopolassar, effectively ended the prior
Babylonian royal line.

Babylon which had long been used by the rulers as their seat of power, had an unusual prophetic
word against it. At the time when Assyria’s power was broken and the nations were devastated and
would soon disappear from the annals of history, Babylon was not to have the same fate.
“ 19 “But you have been cast out of your tomb Like a rejected branch,
Clothed with the slain who are pierced with a sword,
Who go down to the stones of the pit Like a trampled corpse.
20 “You will not be united with them in burial...” 22 “I will rise up against them,” declares the LORD of
hosts, “and will cut off from Babylon name and survivors, offspring and posterity,” declares the LORD.
23 “I will also make it a possession for the hedgehog and swamps of water, and I will sweep it with the
broom of destruction,” declares the LORD of hosts.”71

The broom of destruction was a term known by the ancient peoples to also refer to cometary celestial
activity. “Chinese astronomers kept extensive records on the appearances, paths, and
disappearances of hundreds of comets. Extensive comet atlases have been found dating back to the
Han Dynasty, which describe comets as "long-tailed pheasant stars" or "broom stars" and associate
the different cometary forms with different disasters.”72

The broom of destruction swept away the ancient royal Babylonian line that felt they bore the ‘right’ to
rule and be served, and gave rise to a new type of leadership. The Neo Babylonian rulers who
desired to fulfill the will of heaven, and to serve the people whom the gods had entrusted to them.
From the traditional seat of Babylonian power, would come the direction for most of the known world
of that age, but first they needed to clear the stage from the warring tyrant oppressors. The remnant
of the Assyrian armies still posed a threat, while they existed, to rebuild their forces and continue their
policies of terror and violence

The unremarkable way that the Assyrian forces were cast from the city of Babylon, with the Chaldean
tribes simply entering the city to fight within the walls seem to indicate that the walls had indeed

World Myth or History? 317

already been broken down for them.
“1 In the month of [...] Nabopolassar, having sent troops to Babylon, at night 2 entered the city and
they did battle within the city all day. 3 They inflicted a defeat on Assyria. The garrison of Sin-šarra-
iškun fled to Assyria.”73

Nabopolassar played a crucial role in the annihilation of the Assyrian empire. The tribes of Chaldeans
from southern Mesopotamia finished the Assyrian army off with the support of the tribal federation of
Medes, and Nomadic Scythians - taking the main cities of Assur and Nineveh from 614 - 612 BC. The
Early Years of Nabopolassar Chronicle (ABC2) and the Fall of Nineveh Chronicle (Chronicle 3, ABC3)
gives us brief annual updates on the events that led to the end of the Assyrian empire.

Nebuchadnezzar, eldest son and successor of Nabopolassar, continued the work of his father in
finishing off the vestiges of Assyrian power and bringing other nations into submission, that had
historically been involved in conquests and war. Nabopolassar’s advice to his successor tells us that
his reliance was not on his own strength. “Any king, at any time, whether a son or a grandson who
will succeed me, and whose name Marduk will call to sovereignty over the kingdom, do not be
concerned with acts of might and power. Seek the sanctuaries of Nabu and Marduk and let them
slaughter your enemies.”74
This was advice that Nebuchadnezzar II (605 - 561 BC), his son, took to heart, “He conquered
kingdom after kingdom, including Phoenicia, Philistia, Judah, Ammon, Moab, Jerusalem, and more.”75
Note that every single kingdom on this list of conquered nations had suffered the fiery destruction on
the fortresses discussed in the previous chapter.
In the first year of his reign, he became the first Babylonian king to rule Egypt, when he defeated
Pharaoh Necho at Carchemish.76 Nebuchadnezzar apparently targeted the nations whose
strongholds had already been weakened and whose populations were but a remnant of what they
had been.
The Babylonian conquest of Egypt is supported by the ancient Hebrew records in 2 Kings,
“7 The king of Egypt did not come out of his land again, for the king of Babylon had taken all that
belonged to the king of Egypt from the brook of Egypt to the river Euphrates.”77
More than just clearing the land from threat, Nebuchadnezzar saw the need to rebuild the
architectural and cultural structures of the past age. But first, he needed the manpower and knowhow
to do so. King Nebuchadnezzar may have recognized the need for people: warriors, skilled workers,
and intellectuals from the nobility. The scarcity of human beings may have prompted his policy of
taking thousands of the choicest of these type of individuals from conquered lands to repopulate the
city of Babylon. The records of 2 Kings and the prophet Jeremiah agree that only the poorest citizens
were left to care for the land.78

World Myth or History? 318

King Nebuchadnezzar, however, made sure that the areas under his responsibility remained at
peace, with the weak and helpless free from oppression. This allowed the people to involve
themselves in productive labor and prosperous commercial endeavours. Nebuzaradan, the captain of
the guard, saw to it that Judah would remain productive by assigning the poor that they had left
behind to become vinedressers and plowmen.

This inscription was written on rock by Nebuchadnezzar in an important geographic route. Images,
such as that of Nebuchadnezzar battling lions, may have served as a geopolitical reminder that the
peoples of the region were under his protection.
“On that day, Lebanon, the mountain of ce[dars],the luxuriant forest of Marduk...that a foreign enemy
had taken [to himself], had taken [its] luxuriance, so its people had to flee, they had to take refuge far
away. With the strength of my lords Nabû and Marduk, I sent regularly[my troops] to Lebanon to [do
batt]le, I exterminated its (Lebanon’s) enemy above and below, and I satisfied the country. I gathered
its scattered peoples and I brought them back to their place” (WBC IX 13-32).”79
Nebuchadnezzar established a level of peace and maintained order with a government that inspired
fear to troublemakers and rebels, and showed due honor and respect to native leaders. Unlike the
Assyrians who replaced local leaders with Assyrian rulers, Babylon chose to appoint leaders
according to the customs of the land. In Judah he chose leaders who were part of the Judean royal
line that were willing to swear allegiance to Babylonian rule.

The Neo-Babylonian imperial power, and the relative peace it brought, saw the rise of productive
fertile rural lands along with a revival of public works for efficient irrigation and canal systems, and
growing urban centers with cities under local kings who had a degree of autonomy. Cities had their
own courts and cases were usually decided in assemblies. For the most part, the people were free to
worship their own god in their city temples.

Widespread construction marked the Chaldean Babylonian reign, with extensive restoration and
rebuilding in all the old dynastic cities. The Babylonian government engaged itself in massive public
works, faithfully repairing the ziggurats, temples, towers, fortresses, walls, etc that had been built in
previous ages. Seemingly obsessed with preserving the past, it has been noted that Neo-Babylonian
“examples of contemporary art are limited almost exclusively to cylinder seals and terra-cotta
figurines of unpretentious design.”80

The book of Daniel gives us two titles for Nebuchadnezzar: King of Babylon,81 and King of Kings.
“You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power,

World Myth or History? 319

the strength and the glory;”82 The title of king of kings rings true because Nebuchadnezzar was
indeed governor of multiple kingdoms over a vast land area. Yet as King of Babylon, he also ruled as
king of kings, because the Babylonian city was populated by the royalty and peoples of many lands.
The Neo-Babylonian government had a new world view that the Assyrians did not have. While the
tribes of Asur protected its own interests by terrorizing and pillaging other nations, the Chaldean
Babylonian rulers saw itself as one with the peoples of the world.

The book of Daniel gives us a glimpse of the government structure that worked with the Babylonian
king to maintain order and the well-being of the general population, when he gathered them together
in honor of a golden image of himself. “3 Then the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the
counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates and all the rulers of the provinces were
assembled for the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up... 4 Then the
herald loudly proclaimed: “To you the command is given, O peoples, nations and men of every
language... all the peoples, nations and men of every language fell down and worshiped the golden
image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.”83 The important people are not just Babylonians or
just Chaldeans, but the peoples and leaders from many nations.

Unfortunately, by the time of Nabonidus, last king of the Neo-Babylonian empire, it seems that the
government had begun to slip into the cruel ways of the past age. “In the month of Ajaru, the third
year (553/552), he took the head of his troops at Babylon, and, having mustered them, in thirteen
days he reached [...], and he cut off the heads of the people who lived in Ammananum [i.e., Cilicia]
and their [...] and he piled them up in a heap. He hung the king on a stake and [...] he allocated the
town [...] of a mountain, Ammananum, which is situated in the middle of the mountains, orchards [...],
their shadow [...] he let Girra burn all of it…”84

Nabonidus had become a hated tyrant by both mortals and the gods, thus Cyrus claims that he was
appointed by divinity to be the new world leader, because of his heart for justice and righteousness.
“[11-14]Marduk surveyed and looked throughout the lands, searching for a righteous king, his
favorite. He called out his name: Cyrus, king of Anšan; he pronounced his name to be king all over
the world. He made the land of Gutium and all the Umman-manda [i.e., the Medes] bow in
submission at his feet. And he [i.e., Cyrus] shepherded with justice and righteousness all the black-
headed people, over whom he [i.e., Marduk] had given him victory. Marduk, the great lord, guardian
of his people, looked with gladness upon his good deeds and upright heart.”85

Those of the fourth age apparently approved of the god’s choice in Cyrus’ leadership for the people
and leaders of Babylon happily welcomed him according to the Chronicles. Leaders of many of

World Myth or History? 320

Babylon’s vassal states quickly came to affirm their loyalty to the new empire, included were the
Phoenician kings who reinforced the Persian dominance on land with their superior naval forces.

Most of the time, unnder the Medo Persian empire, local governments were maintained along with
native leaders and a respect for the nation’s customs and beliefs similar to Babylonian policy continue
Cyrus simply required a pledge of allegiance from leadership, aligned with the Achaemenid empire’s
designs, and tribute. “[28-33] By his exalted word, all the kings who sit upon thrones throughout the
world, from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea [i.e., from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf],
who live in the districts far-off, the kings of the West, who dwell in tents, all of them, brought their
heavy tribute before me and in Babylon they kissed my feet. From Babylon to Aššur and from Susa,
Agade, Ešnunna, Zamban, Me-Turnu, Der, as far as the region of Gutium,”85

The Achaemenid empire changed the concept of the tribute required by previous conquerors from the
general population in their domain. “Previously, tribute had been essentially protection money paid to
avoid trouble, but Darius treated it as tax. He used it to build a navy and embarked on massive
public-spending programmes, pumping money into irrigation works, mineral exploration, roads, and a
canal between the Nile and the Red Sea.”86

The government of this empire spanned from Eastern Europe in the west, all the way to the Indus
Valley in the east. China that remained free from Persian dominion, was experiencing a similar
transformation. The fourth age marked the Spring and Autumn period of the Eastern Zhou dynasty in
which many states disappeared, leaving a few larger political units that acknowledged the Zhou kings
who held the reigns of power loosely. “These states have developed well-organized armies, and
sophisticated tax systems to pay for them, staffed by officials appointed for their ability and loyalty
rather than their noble birth.”87 The general populace experienced a period of prosperity with
commercial and technological advancements.

The Behistun rock inscription by Darius the Great ascribes the success of the military campaigns of
the largest empire in ancient history to his god’s approval of his character and governmental policies.
“(63) King Darius says: On this account Ahuramazda brought me help, and all the other gods, all that
there are, because I was not wicked, nor was I a liar, nor was I a despot, neither I nor any of my
family. I have ruled according to righteousness. Neither to the weak nor to the powerful did I do
wrong. Whosoever helped my house, him I favored; he who was hostile, him I destroyed.”88

King Darius did indeed bring great prosperity to the general populace and the Persian empire, but he
also created new ways of instilling fear in those he considered liars, hostile to his rule. The world’s

World Myth or History? 321

first historical record of crucifixions start from Darius, who may have crucified 3,000 political
opponents in Babylon.89 The Behistun rock inscription tells of numerous crucifixions of men whom
Darius claims, lied about being kings and led rebellion against him in the year 522-521 BC.
Crucifixion leads to a slow tortured death that Darius seemed to have reserved for the leaders whom
he wished to make an example of.
The Achaemenid empire had become a model of centralised government over a vast area that
worked towards the benefit of its subjects. It maintained the title ‘king of kings’ for its monarchs,
revealing the same Babylonian worldview of being one with the planet’s unique people groups.
“I am Darius, the great king, king of kings, king of countries containing all kinds of men, king in this
great earth far and wide…”90 This same title is repeated by the succeeding Achaemenid kings. The
administration with its consistent equitable laws, well managed public works, civil services, protection
of rights, and emancipation of the races, served as an example to be emulated by governments of the
fifth age.

The fourth age also marked a time of change in the government systems of the Greek and Latin
tribes of Europe. The ancient Greek state controlled by the few noble families from the original tribal
clans had become unacceptable to the commoners, the poor and the immigrants from other cities,
who had no political rights at all. The statesman Solon, appointed to be the state’s highest official,
brought about changes in the constitution that led to social reforms. Harsh laws that gave the death
penalty for stealing a cabbage were lightened, widows and orphans were provided for, and some
political rights were shared with the citizenry. After an interim Tyrant government that lasted two
decades, Cleisthenes reaffirmed Solon’s political reforms while adding a few of his own.

Even as the Grecian government was becoming more humane, the Latins of Rome were becoming
dissatisfied with Etruscans who had taken over from around 600 BC. Although the Etruscans were
influential in culture, religion and new technologies, the Latins kept their language and two-tiered
government system. Citizens fell under either the Patrician nobility or the Plebeian commoners
-women and slaves were not included in either. The Roman king, like the father of each family, carried
supreme patriarchal authority. the Latins rose up (approx. 509 BC) against the Etruscan monarchy
and set-up a form of Republic governed by two Consuls. But entrenched inequalities in the political
system soon led to the battle known as the “Struggle for the Orders”. The Plebeian led struggle, using
strikes (refusal to provide services), brought about reforms leading to an increase of rights and power
to the people.

A wind of change seemed to be blowing in the hearts and minds of the residents of the planet. People
around the globe were questioning and toppling long established traditions and structures that had

World Myth or History? 322

been in place from antiquity. The recognition of the inherent rights of each individual, regardless of
race, social status, wealth or religion were beginning to grow and take root in the kingdoms of

Advances in International Commerce

The fourth age general peace and abundance with lots of freshwater, brought about an age that
could, and did, invest in public works and technologies that would further encourage international
trade and commerce.

China in the fourth age experienced rapid technological and economic advances that, “led to the
expansion of commerce, the growth of towns, a flourishing merchant class, the introduction of metal
coinage and, centuries before the west, the invention of cast iron.”91 As slaves in this age are
replaced by the peasant class, iron replaced bronze 92 as the metal of choice for weapons and tools
because it was cheaper, stronger, and lighter.

In Mesoamerican Olmec civilization, the city of San Lorenzo in the highlands was replaced by La
Venta, an island, “... located at the nexus of four different ecosystems: marshes, mangrove swamps,
tropical forest, and the Gulf of Mexico.”93 Taking advantage of the rich alluvial soil, the La Venta
Olmec may have enjoyed multiple annual bountiful harvests. There is archaeological evidence that
specialized craftsmen in their community were part of their extensive regional and long-distance trade
networks, which may have ranged from southern Mexico to Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica.
The coastal Olmec city of La Venta has yielded the earliest Mesoamerican sculptural representations
of the feathered serpent, which has been linked to the planet Venus in its cometary phase.

In Greece, Solon strove to find solutions for the Athenian inability to produce enough food for itself
from its limited agricultural resources. The rocky hillsides were perfect for growing olives and grapes,
leading to a lucrative export of olive oil and wine. Solon also encouraged the export of pottery and
various other crafts, while introducing a standard for weights and measures. The Peisistratids who
ruled after Solon established safeguards for the ships that plied the Aegean.
The Etruscan invasion of Rome in 600 BC opened a whole new world of trade and commerce for the
Latin tribes with other Mediterranean seafaring powers. From the Etruscans they learned mining
technologies and working with iron, engineering to drain marshland for productive cultivation,
advances in construction, and pottery.

The Babylonian empire ensured the smooth flow of trade by construction and clearing of passes and
trade routes, then ensuring the peaceful travel and protection of the merchants and their

World Myth or History? 323

merchandise. King Nebuchadnezzar inscribed this message on a prominent rock face along a pass
used in antiquity. “(I did) what no former king had done: I cut off the high mountains, I split the stones
of the mountains,and I opened passes (into the mountains), I established a road for the cedars for my
king Marduk. The mighty, tall and huge cedars whose beauty is prized, whose shapes are pleasing
and outstanding, huge yield of Lebanon, I made like reeds of the river [...], I perfumed the Arahtu
(=Euphrates). In Babylon, the poplars [...].I let the inhabitants of Lebanon lie in safe pastures, I did
not allow anyone to frighten them. So that nobody should oppress [them], I have [put] an eternal
image of my royal person, [...] I made [...] I myself [...] I put[...] [I gathered?] the wi[de spread] people
in the whole inha[bited world]. I wrote an inscription with my royal image in a mountain pass, (and) I
established(it) for ever after” (WBC IX 33-56, X 1-9).94
Nebuchadnezzar not only put his seal of protection with the written word, but also through images
understandable by numerous tribes that could not read nor write. “The location of the inscriptions is of
the utmost geographical and geostrategic importance, as Wadi esh-Sharbin is part of a natural
communication route between theBiqaý and the Mediterranean.”95

The measures taken by Babylon’s government to keep the trade routes clear and secure seem to
have produced good results for the empire. “In the decades since its victory over Assyria, Babylonia
had prospered as never before. It controlled the avenues of trade south into Arabia and west through
Syria and Palestine to the Mediterranean coast...Its moneylenders had developed an extensive
banking system, centred at first on the temple treasuries, then augmented by the private holdings of
wealthy merchants.”96

When the Achaemenid empire conquered Lydia, Cyrus benefitted from their iron technology along
with the use of coinage that Croesus had previously introduced to the Lydian kingdom. Then upon
taking the Babylonian empire and its vassal states, he gained the fleet of merchant Phoenicians who
virtually controlled trade by sea routes.

Under the reign of Darius, a network of highways were built that, “in scope ranked among the
foremost engineering feats of the ancient world.”97 Additionally, the government built sea ports,
channels, canals, irrigation ditches, and ensured a steady exchange of agricultural technologies and
products. Commercial endeavours boomed with the introduction of the empire’s standardized
currency along with a uniform set of weights and measures. The whole known world became an
international marketplace that could trade its surplus for items that it needed. Even common folk
benefitted from the global abundance and ease of trade. Merchants could now easily and cheaply
bring goods for everyday use to the artisans and farmers like: “Cheap textiles, leather sandals, iron
tools and household articles such as pottery and utensils were widely distributed.”98

World Myth or History? 324

The world experienced a time of prosperity and international trade that improved the standard of
living of humans from all walks of life. Along with the cheap and easy trade of goods, came the influx
of new ideas, beliefs, and politics of many different lands. People were experiencing things and
thoughts that had never been available before.

International Communication
One of the most significant achievements of the fourth age was the development of simpler phonetic
writing that could easily be learned and taught. Romans learned the skill from the Etruscans who,
“...introduced to the Romans the alphabet they had adopted from the Greeks, who in turn had
obtained it from the seafaring Phoenicians.”99

The origin of the alphabet may not be attributed to the Phoenicians with absolute certainty, but these
seafaring merchants who frequented many nations definitely played a major role in spreading the
knowledge to the coastal lands. The Phoenicians merchants and colonies used the alphabet to keep
their careful commercial records. The Greeks who learned the new art, added the use of vowels and
used the alphabet to preserve their literature, ideas, and histories. Romans recognized writing as a
powerful legal tool for government records and laws, refining the alphabet to the letters we use today.

The Ionian version of the Greek alphabet used in Athens with its 24 characters became the standard
and by the end of the fourth age almost every male was literate. Even the females who were
unschooled easily picked up the skill of reading and writing in the home. 24 compact letters were a lot
easier to learn than hundreds to thousands of symbols used by the elite group of scribes and
scholars in China and Egypt.

The need for clear and consistent lines of communication was essential for the construction and
maintenance of an empire. The Hebrew prophet and statesman, Daniel, recounts that the exiled
youth were taught, “...the literature (writing) and language of the Chaldeans.”100 In fourth age Neo-
Babylon, the peoples of many lands and languages, could reach an understanding via a common

Neo-Babylonian rulers publicly displayed inscriptions written in several languages and with symbolic
images for the numerous illiterate tribes that had submitted under their rule, “...these agreements
which were verbal,as the local tribes did not use written documents were visually expressed by
means of the reliefs depicted on the monuments. We can read in the Brissa text: “So that nobody
should oppress [them], I have [put]an eternal image of my royal person, [...]. I wrote an inscription

World Myth or History? 325

with my royal image in a mountain pass,(and) I established (it) for ever after.” On one of the
monuments of Wadi as-Saba῾(WS 1), no inscription was made. The mere presence of the image of
Nebuchadnezzar fighting the lion sufficed to validate the agreement.”101

The Persians recognized the Chaldeans, who had previously ruled Babylon, as masters of the art of
writing, as opposed to their Aryan tribes that had no writing. Darius the Great “ordered the making of
a special, Persian alphabet, which he called 'the Aryan script'.”102
But even with the existence of the new Persian script, inscriptions made for the public were
commonly written in several languages and illustrated with visual imagery.

It seemed that in the fourth age, leaders learned that people were more motivated by proper
communication, that inspired confidence in their leadership, rather than fear and intimidation.

The development of the alphabet gave the people of the world an easier and more reliable access to
thinking and ideas, records, and literature that opened new possibilities never before available for the
ordinary man. This fourth age achievement opened the door for the understanding and composition of
the written word to be attainable by the general global population.

Age Four: Notable Events

Fourth age events were noteworthy, not simply because of the significance of the events themselves,
but that these events had been specifically described in detail long before they had occurred. It is a
time when specific individuals are called out by name, across time and space, in order to fulfill a

The accuracy of the foretelling, makes us wonder if there really is a divine being, who as the leaders
of the fourth age claim, chooses which kings and kingdoms would rule. A being who, according to the
messages that both the Babylonian and Achaemenid monarchs have publicly inscribed on stone,
chooses leaders based on their heart for righteousness and justice. If so, then it would seem that this
being is not confined to the realm of religion, but plays an active role in the governments of the world.

The fourth age was a period in time when the gods spoke to kings in dreams, visions, signs and
portents. Most rulers had a team of wise men whose purpose was to interpret these dreams and
omens to discern the divine message. This is evident in the histories and mythology that surround
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Cyrus the Great of Persia, and Astyages of the Medes. Belshazzar is

World Myth or History? 326

known for the writing on the wall recorded and interpreted by Daniel, Xerxes pursued his war against
the Greeks prompted by a recurring dream, and King Croesus of Lydia went to war with Persia, after
the oracle told him that he would destroy a great kingdom - without realizing that the kingdom he
would destroy would be his own.

King Nebuchadnezzar: Babylonian Empire (Chaldean)

Nebuchadnezzar’s campaign against Jerusalem and the surrounding nations had been foretold by
Jeremiah in a prophetic word that actually calls the son of Nabopolassar by name. This message was
given in the fourth year of Judah’s King Jehoiakim, which also happened to be the first year of
Nebuchadnezzar’s reign (605 BC), this was 8 years before Judah was besieged and exiled (597 BC).
“... I will send to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, My servant, and will bring them against this land
and against its inhabitants and against all these nations round about; and I will utterly destroy them
and make them a horror and a hissing, and an everlasting desolation.”103

Perhaps Jeremiah could have been merely an apt political observer who made logical predictions,
had he not tied himself to a very specific unprecedented event, that he wrote would happen seventy
years after the Babylonian destruction of the lands. In a dual prophecy, tied to a measurable
schedule, we are told that after 70 years the nations devastated by Babylon will be returned and
reestablished in their lands, and within the same 70 years, the mighty Babylonian empire would be
gone. “11 This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of
Babylon seventy years.12 ‘Then it will be when seventy years are completed I will punish the king of
Babylon and that nation,’ declares the LORD, ‘for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans; and I
will make it an everlasting desolation.”104

Pharaoh Necho had installed Jehoiakim as king of Judah after killing his father (King Josiah) and
taking his brother (Jehoahaz) captive to Egypt. Since Egypt came under Babylonian rule, it was
natural for the nation of Judah to then submit to the ruling order. But after three years of serving
Babylon, Judah under King Jehoiakim rebelled and he was punished by being taken to Babylon in
Bronze chains.105 In 597 BC Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem and took some of its people into
exile.106 Then he made Zedekiah, a relative of the kings of Judah, ruler of Judah, after he had pledged
allegiance to the Babylonian empire in the name Judah’s God.

Unfortunately King Zedekiah proved to be as unfaithful to his word as his predecessors had been,
despite Jeremiah’s clear warning that a rebellion against Nebuchadnezzar would end in disaster. In
his eleventh year, Zedekiah broke his oath and rebelled against Babylon. Zedekiah tried to escape
after a siege of several months, but he was captured and sentenced. “They slaughtered the sons of

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Zedekiah before his eyes, then put out the eyes of Zedekiah and bound him with bronze fetters and
brought him to Babylon.”107 In 586 BC, Babylonian forces burned down and destroyed the city of
Jerusalem and took its people into exile, and its treasures to Babylon. Much of the pain and
heartache could have been avoided if they had listened to the advice of Jeremiah to simply submit to
Babylon, because God had already decided that they should serve Babylon for seventy years.108

Nebuchadnezzar may have believed that he was serving the Babylonian gods, Marduk and Ishtar, but
according to the Creator who rules the heavens and the earth, Nebuchadnezzar was working for Him,
“5 “I have made the earth, the men and the beasts which are on the face of the earth by My great
power and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to the one who is pleasing in My sight. 6 Now I
have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, My servant, and I have
given him also the wild animals of the field to serve him. 7 All the nations shall serve him…”109 And
whoever refused to submit to him would be fighting against God Himself.

And just what was the work that Nebuchadnezzar was doing at the beginning of the fourth age?
Nebuchadnezzar had involved himself in a frenzy of building and restoration of Babylonian
architectural structures,110 the collection and archiving of the treasures of many nations,111 and the
preservation of the peoples with their unique national culture. But most notably, Nebuchadnezzar
served as an instrument of judgement, just as he had been used for Judah, he effectively did his part
in eradicating the troublesome war loving civilizations. Many of the lands he conquered were listed by
the Hebrew prophets as those that would be judged by fire and subsequent invasion.

Many of Nebuchadnezzar’s conquests are widely accepted, but there are two that are being
contested by some modern day historians. The conquests of Tyre and Egypt (during the reign of
Pharaoh Hophra) are often written off today as Nebuchadnezzar’s failures. Since these events took
place more than 2,500 years ago, it is understandable that there may be some confusion with current
writers. Consider the multiple errors of Xenophon writing just a hundred years later, who may not
have only interchanged the father with the son’s name, but also the chronology of events.

In order to see these events with clarity, let us take the words of those who were eye witnesses or
from historians much closer to the events. The Hebrew prophecies, although written prior to the
event, are taken into serious consideration because they were kept by people who did go through
these events, who would have trashed them as false prophecies had they not come to pass.
Remember that the acid test of the true prophet was 100% accuracy.

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Ezekiel (592-570 BC) prophesied regarding Tyre, that the Lord would, “...bring many nations against
you, as the sea brings up its waves.”112
The first of these nations to wear away at the power of Tyre was Babylon. “For thus says the Lord
GOD, “Behold, I will bring upon Tyre from the north Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings,
with horses, chariots, cavalry and a great army.” 113

Tyre was a wealthy Phoenician seagoing merchant kingdom that had circumnavigated the coast of
Africa, planting colonies as they went. They were listed by the prophets as one of the third age tyrant
oppressors that were to be judged. The historian Flavius Josephus, quoting Menander of Ephesus,
tells us that the siege lasted 13 years beginning at the same time that Jerusalem was first captured
(597 BC). “Tyre fell in Nebuchadnezzar's twentieth year (585/584).”114

The Babylon cuneiform records collectively known as ANET3 308, inform us that there were at least
126 Tyrian exiles in Babylon of high rank and importance.115 This implies that aside from the kingdom
of Tyre accepting the authority of the Babylonians, having a permanent Babylonian official in their
court, many of their populace may also have been taken away to Babylon. Similar to Judah, Tyre was
also given a seventy year time frame. “It will come about at the end of seventy years that the Lord will
visit Tyre. Then she will go back to her harlot’s wages and will play the harlot with all the kingdoms on
the face of the earth.”116

Since Judah began her exile in 597 BC and Tyre fell around 585 BC, then we see that the 70 year
countdown for servitude to Chaldean Babylon did not start from the date of their conquest, but
possibly from the beginning of Nebuchadnezzar’s military campaigns. Although Nabopolassar still
ruled as king of Babylon, “Nebuchadnezzar was placed at the head of his father’s armies in 609
B.C.”117 From then on, Nebuchadnezzar pursued an active military campaign to subdue the nations of
the known world. In the years that Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Tyre, he also successfully added the
nations of Moab, Ammon, Edom, and Lebanon to his empire.

Tyre was a portion of the territory previously dominated by the Assyrian empire, that King
Nebuchadnezzar wanted to place under the Babylonian rule, “...from chronicles ABC 4 and ABC 5 is
quite clear that the first aim of king Nebuchadnezzar (r.605-562) was to seize the former Assyrian
provinces in the west, where the Egyptian pharaoh Necho II (r.610 to 595) had succeeded Josiah of
Judah as the main aggressor.”118 Ancient texts are united in confirming that King Nebuchadnezzar
had indeed been successful in the siege against Tyre.

World Myth or History? 329

Egypt had remained submissive to Babylonian authority until the reign of Pharaoh Hophra (Apries to
the Greeks, 589-570 BC). Hoprah was a militant Pharaoh who had incited King Zedekiah to rebel by
forming an alliance with other discontent vassal nations against Babylon. Egypt did not officially join
the alliance but must have given the impression that it would back them up once fighting began.119
Egyptian forces were defeated when Pharaoh Hophra sent them to protect Jerusalem from the
Babylonian siege (588 BC) .
Babylon crushing the Egyptian army sent by Hophra (Apries) was foretold by Jeremiah 37:7.
“…Behold, Pharaoh’s army which has come out for your assistance is going to return to its own land
of Egypt.”120 Pharaoh Hophra’s military campaigns against the Chaldeans did not go well. “...initially
operating on a large scale basis against them in conjunction with the Phoenician cities and Zedekiah
of Judah. However, this ended up being a disaster…”121

Hophra recognized the battle capabilities of mercenary Greeks, and some time during his reign
began to employ them in his armies. The tension between the proud foreign Greeks and the local
Egyptian soldiers grew as the casualties of the wars grew. The breaking point occurred when Libyan
King Adicran surrendered himself and his subjects to the protection of Pharaoh Hophra, in order to
get military support against Greek King Battus II (583-560 BC) who had seized Libyan lands.122 This
battle may have taken place around 580-579 BC, allowing King Battus II time after his coronation in
583 BC to call Greeks from different lands to immigrate to his Libyan colony, using the Oracle of
Delphi to promise free allotments of lands (Herodotus 4.159). These lands were simply taken from the
Libyans, causing the Greeks to be a thorn in King Adicran’s side. Hophra sent his native Egyptian
army,123 probably because the Greeks refused to fight against their own. The historian Herodotus tells
us that this was the first battle the Egyptians had with Greek forces and they were unprepared, few
survived, and the tragedy was blamed on Hophra (Apries).124

Civil war broke out, pitting those sympathetic to the native Egyptian troops against those who
remained loyal to the Pharaoh, fighting along with the Greek mercenaries. Amasis was a general in
Apries’ army who understood the frustration of the Egyptian soldiers. The Greek soldiers had been
receiving better treatment than the locals, causing a rebellion that general Amasis was asked to quell.
Instead, Amasis gave in to the Egyptian soldiers’ plea to make him the new pharaoh.125 With the
popular Egyptian general turned Pharaoh Amasis, leading the civil war against Pharaoh Hophra, the
Egyptian nation was divided.

The Hebrews saw this as the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy of when God’s hand would be against
Egypt, “So I will incite Egyptians against Egyptians; And they will each fight against his brother and

World Myth or History? 330

each against his neighbor, City against city and kingdom against kingdom.”126 The prophecy
continued on to inform the reader that it is during this period of infighting that the Egyptians would be
conquered by a foreign power.
““Moreover, I will deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel master, And a mighty king will rule
over them,” declares the Lord GOD of hosts.”127

Nebuchadnezzar refrained from confronting Egypt in their own land for many years, patiently he
waited for the right time to invade the militant Hophra. The armies of Babylon dealt with Judah and
Tyre before Nebuchadnezzar attacked Egypt successfully in his 37th year. The time to attack Egypt
was ripe, with two Pharaohs vying for power. Amasis may have been at a disadvantage because the
Greek mercenaries were well trained warriors, but perhaps if he were backed up by the force of the
Babylonian empire that preferred to install local leaders in its vassal states, then victory would be
“The only specific reference in Nebuchadnezzar's inscriptions
to a campaign is found on a small and very badly broken
tablet. All the lines are broken. The beginning seems to be a
prayer, or hymn of victory. The following may be regarded as
a fairly trustworthy restoration :
[In the] thirty-seventh year of Nebuchadnezzar, king of [Babylon],
he went to Egypt to make war. [His army Ama]sis, king of Egypt,
collected . . .”128

The reason why Nebuchadnezzar writes that Amasis is King of Egypt and not Hophra, becomes clear
when we refer to other ancient historians. “JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS ... says that Nebuchadnezzar II
invaded Egypt to kill the reigning Pharaoh (undoubtedly Apries) and to put another (Amasis) at his
place (Ant. Iud. X.9.7); the hostility of Nebuchadnezzar against Apries is equally stated in the
Chronicle of JOHN, BISHOP OF NIKIU(ch. 51; cf. [Colin 1995: 50-52]:” 129 Jeremiah (627-585 BC)
the prophet confirms that it is Pharaoh Hophra (Apries) that will be confronted and defeated just like
what happened to King Zedekiah. Hophra is called out by name in the Hebrew scriptures. “Thus says
the Lord, ‘Behold, I am going to give over Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt to the hand of his enemies,
to the hand of those who seek his life, just as I gave over Zedekiah king of Judah to the hand of
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, who was his enemy and was seeking his life.’”130

Some historians propose multiple failed Babylonian invasions to Egypt. But the writings of the
prophets, confirmed by the people who were eyewitness to the events (they would have junked the
books as false prophecy if they had not come to pass), and the Elephantine Stela left by Amasis

World Myth or History? 331

himself speak of only one invasion. “Bible tradition and the Elephantine Stela know only one
Babylonian invasion in Egypt, which coincided in time with the final stage of Apries-Amasis’

When Babylon invaded Egypt in Nebuchadnezzar’s 37th year, around 570 BC, Amasis became
Pharaoh of Egypt in the same year. 570 BC also marks the 27th year of exile, and the prophet
Ezekiel wrote that God had something special for his servant Nebuchadnezzar in this year.
“17 Now in the twenty-seventh year, in the first month, on the first of the month, the word of the LORD
came to me saying, 18 “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon made his army labor hard
against Tyre; every head was made bald and every shoulder was rubbed bare. But he and his army
had no wages from Tyre for the labor that he had performed against it.” 19 Therefore thus says the
Lord GOD, “Behold, I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. And he will carry
off her wealth and capture her spoil and seize her plunder; and it will be wages for his army. 20 I have
given him the land of Egypt for his labor which he performed, because they acted for Me,” declares
the Lord GOD.”132

Babylonian forces ravaged the land, filling it with the slain, and taking away the treasures of Egypt.
And as Nebuchadnezzar had done with other kingdoms, he deported a large portion of the
population, taking the royal family and the nobles to Babylon. History tells us that similar to the exiled
King Zedekiah and the young nobleman Daniel, Apries (Pharaoh Hophra) “...eventually turned up in
the court of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.”133

Nebuchadnezzar may have recognized the threat the Aegean mercenaries posed to the stability of
the Babylonian empire, “ would have been quite natural for Nebuchadnezzar to demand from his
Egyptian protégé and Apries’ successor to diminish the employment of mercenaries and to limit
strictly the contacts with lands where they were recruited. The fulfilment of these provisions by
Amasis (no doubt, involuntary) can be seen in the measures of Amasis described by Herodotus…”134

Some historians try to use the fact that Hophra was in Babylon to try and prove a theory that he had
gone to Nebuchadnezzar to ask for military help to quell the Amasis led civil war. However, this
seems improbable since Pharaoh Hophra was a known enemy of the Babylonian empire, who had
fomented much trouble. It would hardly be realistic to expect an intelligent military strategist like
Nebuchadnezzar to return Hophra to power, or logical even for Hophra to consider going to Babylon
for help. Then comes the unlikely conclusion of some modern historians that the joint forces of
Pharaoh Hophra and the Babylonian empire were successfully repelled by a newly installed Pharaoh
Amasis, who was dealing with the crisis of a divided Egypt. Such an inexplicable development, if it

World Myth or History? 332

were true, would definitely have been an embarrassment that would rock the foundations of any
empire and would have merited a rematch. Yet we find no further Babylonian attacks on Egypt.
Instead, the last king of Babylon, Nabonidus who reigned with his son Belshazzar as co-regent,
formed an alliance with Pharaoh Amasis of Egypt and Croesus of Lydia in order to preserve the
empire from Persian forces (547 BC).135 An alliance made between Babylon and Egypt, reveals the
existence of some sort of political ties. However, the union would prove fruitless, and Babylon fell to
Persian King Cyrus with virtually no resistance (539 BC).

Scriptures also had a timeline for Egypt’s desolation and dispersion, Ezekiel tells us that,
“ 13 ‘For thus says the Lord GOD, “At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the
peoples among whom they were scattered. 14 I will turn the fortunes of Egypt and make them return to
the land of Pathros, to the land of their origin, and there they will be a lowly kingdom. 15 It will be the
lowest of the kingdoms, and it will never again lift itself up above the nations. And I will make them so
small that they will not rule over the nations.”136

The exiled peoples of Egypt were to be allowed to return to their lands after 40 years. This prophetic
timeline is fulfilled when we begin our count from the civil war that proclaimed Amasis to be Pharaoh
of Egypt around 580-579 BC to the return of the exiles by Cyrus in 539 BC. Then calculating from 609
BC when Nebuchadnezzar was appointed head of Babylon’s armies to the 539 BC return of exiles,
we have the 70 years repeatedly declared in scriptures.
The Sibylline Oracles also foretold the 70 years of desolation.
“Of time seven decades shall thy fruitful land
And the wonders of thy temple all be waste.”
(Milton Terry, trans. Sibylline Oracles. Book 3.345)

Amasis (570-526 BC), who had reigned as sole Pharaoh of Egypt for 44 years was the last great
native “Prince of Egypt” (Ezekiel 30:13).137 Like the other nations of the fourth age, the fertile and well
watered lands of Egypt produced record crops and brought prosperity to the land. But his son
Psamtik III had barely been on the throne for six months before he was overthrown and killed by the
Persians. The Pharaohs who ruled Egypt after this dynasty were from Persia, followed by Greece,
and then Rome.


There is a story told by the Chaldeans that Nebuchadnezzar, “...went up to his palace, and being
possessed by some god or other uttered the following speech: “O men of Babylon, I
Nebuchadnezzar here foretell to you the coming calamity, which neither Belus my ancestor, nor

World Myth or History? 333

Queen Beltis are able to persuade the Fates to avert. '"There will come a Persian mule, aided by the
alliance of your own deities, and will bring you into slavery. And the joint author of this will be a Mede,
in whom the Assyrians glory. O would that before he gave up my citizens some Charybdis or sea
might swallow him up utterly out of sight...and that, before he took such thoughts into his mind, I
myself had found a better end."”138

The book of Daniel tells us that King Nebuchadnezzar was a man whom the King Heaven gave
dreams of future events. The first dream in Daniel’s record was a revelation of the succession of
world empires that were to come, and the second dream was of a more personal nature wherein
Nebuchadnezzar is humbled by a bout with insanity. Restoration of his mind would take place only
when he recognized that, “the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on
whomever He wishes.’”139

The historian Abydenus recorded King Nebuchadnezzar’s proclamation foretelling the end of the
Babylonian empire by the hands of the Persians in alliance with the Medes. Presuming
Nebuchadnezzar made this announcement just before his death in 562 BC, it would still be over two
decades before the actual conquest.

It was in Belshazzar’s 3rd year as co-regent (548-547 BC) that Daniel had a vision that revealed the
identity of the kingdom that would overthrow the Babylonian empire --the kings of Media and Persia
(Daniel 8:1-20). This was barely 10 years before it came to pass in 539 BC.

The prophet Isaiah (740-680 BC) foretold Babylon’s destruction by the Medes over a hundred years
before the event --even before the Chaldean Neo-Babylonian empire had begun.
“[ Babylon Will Fall to the Medes ] Behold, I am going to stir up the Medes against them, Who will not
value silver or take pleasure in gold.”140 Isaiah also made it clear that the Babylon to be conquered
would be the one ruled by the Chaldeans, over 50 years before the Chaldean Nabopolassar is
appointed king of Babylon. “And Babylon, the beauty of kingdoms, the glory of the Chaldeans’ pride,
Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.”141
Jeremiah (627-585 BC), the Hebrew prophet, also had the inside information that Babylon would be
destroyed by the hands of the Medes. “...The Lord has aroused the spirit of the kings of the Medes,
Because His purpose is against Babylon to destroy it; For it is the vengeance of the Lord, vengeance
for His temple.”142

As discussed earlier, it seems that Astyages King of the Medes entered into an alliance with Cyrus
King of Persia to overthrow the Babylonian empire. Taking on the Persian throne name Darius, the

World Myth or History? 334

last king of the Medes overthrew and killed Belshazzar, receiving the Babylonian kingdom at the age
of around sixty-two. At the same time, Cyrus had a confrontation with Belshazzar’s father Nabonidus
in the battle field.

Cyrus describes his victory parade as he enters the fallen city without a battle, about a couple of
weeks later. His god had, “... made him enter his city Babylon without fighting or battle; he saved
Babylon from hardship. He delivered Nabonidus, the king who did not revere him, into his hands. All
the people of Babylon, all the land of Sumer and Akkad, princes and governors, bowed to him and
kissed his feet. They rejoiced at his kingship and their faces shone. Lord by whose aid the dead were
revived and who had all been redeemed from hardship and difficulty, they greeted him with gladness
and praised his name.”143

King Cyrus: Achaemenid Empire (Kings of Medes and Persia)

It seems that in the fourth age, it was not unusual for kings to have dreams that foretold future events.
And it was also not unusual for the kings to take their dreams seriously. Dreams were serious enough
to kill for. Daniel recounted how Nebuchadnezzar had commanded the execution of Babylon’s wise
men if they were not able to tell him about the dream that he had and its interpretation.

Herodotus (450 BC) tells us that Astyages (585-550 BC), the last king of the Medes, had two dreams
of things to come for which he was willing to kill his own grandchild.
“Royal sway over the Medes was held, after Cyaxares, by his son Astyages, who had a daughter
named Mandane. Once he saw, in a dream, so much water passing from her as to fill an entire city
and inundate all Asia. He related his dream to the dream interpreters among the magicians, and was
in great fear after they had explained it all to him. When Mandane had grown up, he gave her in
marriage, not to a Mede, his equal in birth, but to a Persian, by name of Cambyses. This man came
of a good family and led a quiet life. The king considered him of lower rank than a middle-class Mede.
After Mandane had become the wife of Cambyses, Astyages saw another dream-vision in the first
year. He dreamed that a vine grew from his daughter's lap, and this vine overshadowed all Asia. After
he had again related this vision to the dream interpreters, he sent for his daughter, who was with
child, and after her arrival from Persia, he watched her, because he meant to kill her offspring. For
the dream interpreters among the magicians had prophesied to him that his daughter's son would
become king in his place.”144

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and King Astyages the Mede were not the only two who had
visions of the Achaemenid empire’s rise to power. The rise of Cyrus to become the conquering king of
an empire unrivalled in size and prosperity by any other before it, was revealed to the prophet Isaiah

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over a hundred years before Cyrus was born. Nebuchadnezzar knew he would be a Persian that
would ally himself with the Medes. Astyages knew that he would be the child of his daughter
Mandane. But Isaiah even knew his name.
“Thus says the LORD to Cyrus His anointed,
Whom I have taken by the right hand,
To subdue nations before him
And to loose the loins of kings;
To open doors before him so that gates will not be shut:
2 “I will go before you and make the rough places smooth;
I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.
3 “I will give you the treasures of darkness
And hidden wealth of secret places,
So that you may know that it is I,
The LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.”145

Cyrus may have thought that his works were done in service to his god Ahura Mazda, but like
Nebuchadnezzar, the God of Israel claims that Cyrus was His servant. And according to Isaiah, Cyrus
had a very important job to do in connection with the rebuilding of the Jerusalem’s temple.
Interestingly, Jerusalem nor the temple were not yet destroyed at the time Isaiah wrote this.
“It is I who says of Cyrus, ‘He is My shepherd!
And he will perform all My desire.’
And he declares of Jerusalem, ‘She will be built,’
And of the temple, ‘Your foundation will be laid.’”146

An outstandingly gracious act done by the government of Cyrus was the royal decree allowing and
supporting the return of the displaced peoples and their gods to their lands. According to Cyrus as
written on the Cyrus Cylinder, “...the sacred centers on the other side of the Tigris, whose sanctuaries
had been abandoned for a long time, I returned the images of the gods, who had resided there [i.e.,
in Babylon], to their places and I let them dwell in eternal abodes. I gathered all their inhabitants and
returned to them their dwellings.”147

The books of Ezra and 2 Chronicles record this remarkable proclamation. “Thus says Cyrus king of
Persia, ‘The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and He has
appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever there is among you of
all His people, may the Lord his God be with him, and let him go up!’”148

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In 537 BC, this magnanimous act enabled the return of some 40,000 exiles from the nation of Judah
to their homeland, along with gold and silver taken from the temple that had been returned to them by
Cyrus, and an imperial stipend that allowed them to build a new temple.
These actions by any world leader would make even the most gullible, wonder about vested interest
or a hidden agenda.
But over a hundred years before the event, the Lord says that Cyrus would do it because,
““I have aroused him in righteousness
And I will make all his ways smooth;
He will build My city and will let My exiles go free,
Without any payment or reward,” says the LORD of hosts.”149

However, it is not Isaiah’s prophecies that the exiles repeatedly remember as they joyfully return to
their land. Both 2 Chronicles and the book of Ezra 150 tell us that this proclamation by Cyrus is in
fulfillment of the word given to the prophet Jeremiah who had given a timeframe of 70 years for the
devastation of the lands wrought by Nebuchadnezzar’s armies.
“10 “For thus says the LORD, ‘When seventy years have been completed for Babylon, I will visit you
and fulfill My good word to you, to bring you back to this place.”151

In the first year of Darius the Mede of the Achaemenid empire to rule as king of Babylon (539 BC),
Daniel calculated that it had been 70 years since the appointment of Nebuchadnezzar over Babylon’s
armies (609 BC). “In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of Median descent, who was made
king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans— 2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, observed in the
books the number of the years which was revealed as the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet
for the completion of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years.”152 Believing the inerrancy
of the word spoken through Jeremiah, Daniel prayed for his people to be allowed to return --a prayer
that was answered shortly.

Cyrus’ proclamation to return the exiles to their land extended to many displaced peoples and
nations, including those of Tyre and Egypt. According to Cyrus’ own declaration, he had allowed all
the displaced inhabitants of the lands west of the Tigris to return to their homelands at the exact time
foretold by the prophets.

After the reign of Cyrus, there seemed to be a deterioration in the subsequent rulers of the
Achaemenid empire. According to the Greeks, who may have purposefully painted an unflattering
picture of Persian leaders since they were imperial enemies, Cambyses had gone insane in his last
few years --kicking his pregnant wife to death and dying from a self-inflicted wound. Cambyses had

World Myth or History? 337

also aroused the anger of the Egyptians by insulting their traditions. Herodotus wrote, “I have no
doubt that Cambyses was completely out of his mind; it is the only possible explanation of his assault
upon, and mockery of, everything which ancient law and custom have made sacred in Egypt.” 153

While Cambyses had been away on his military campaign, the Median priesthood attempted to take
the imperial throne by putting a lookalike of Smerdis (Cambyses younger brother) on it. The real
Smerdis had been killed by Cambyses before he had left. Their plan may have succeeded since
Cambyses died before he could return, except for the bravery of a relative named Darius who foiled
the takeover as recorded in the Behistun Rock Inscriptions. The rise to power of Darius the Great had
not been easy. Many of the vassal states saw opportunity for independence in the confusion and
gathered local forces to revolt against the empire. Darius busied himself during the first year to quell
the rebellions and keep the Achaemenid empire together. Perhaps because of the pressure to
enforce his rule, Darius used old Assyrian fear tactics, like flaying (skinning people and displaying
them), and inventing his own, like crucifixion.

Darius the Great, not only kept the empire together, but enlarged and prospered it, leaving to his son
Xerxes, an empire of unparallelled size and wealth. Cyrus had felt that Persian men had to keep a
hard life free from luxuries to keep them from going soft. Raised in the opulence of the palace, Xerxes
did not seem to understand how to get along well with others. Xerxes was the imperial ruler
Ahasuerus 154 from the book of Esther who had thrown an exorbitant 187 day party in his third year
as ruler. “3 in the third year of his reign he gave a banquet for all his princes and attendants, the army
officers of Persia and Media, the nobles and the princes of his provinces being in his presence. 4 And
he displayed the riches of his royal glory and the splendor of his great majesty for many days, 180
5 When these days were completed, the king gave a banquet lasting seven days for all the people
who were present at the citadel in Susa, from the greatest to the least, in the court of the garden of
the king’s palace. 6 There were hangings of fine white and violet linen held by cords of fine purple
linen on silver rings and marble columns, and couches of gold and silver on a mosaic pavement of
porphyry, marble, mother-of-pearl and precious stones. 7 Drinks were served in golden vessels of
various kinds, and the royal wine was plentiful according to the king’s bounty.”155
When his wife Vashti refused to come and be part of his drunken exhibition of wealth, she was
rejected as queen and another woman was selected.156 When Haman, one of his advisors wanted to
commit mass genocide, it didn’t take much to convince Xerxes to approve the command to massacre
the Jews and seal it with the irrevocable laws of the Medes and the Persians.157 Esther records the
story of God’s intervention that saved her people.

World Myth or History? 338

Xerxes displayed the same lack of wisdom in his political relations with the lands under his dominion.
Showing considerably less tolerance than Cyrus and his father Darius, Xerxes forcefully crushed an
Egyptian rebellion in 485 BC and another in Babylon where he melted their most sacred golden
statue of Marduk into ingots. Then on his way to invade Greece Xerxes and his men enjoyed the
hospitality of Pythias the Lydian who then asked for one of his five sons, conscripted in the army, to
be left to care for him. In response, Xerxes had his son chopped in two, then marched the armies
between the halves of the corpse.158 With Persia’s relationships with former allies Egypt, Babylon,
and Lydia effectively destroyed, Xerxes marched off with his army conscripted from all the vassal
lands to earn the enmity of the Greeks.

Xerxes sealed the Grecian hatred when in a fit of rage he had the city of Athens destroyed and razed
to the ground. The book of Daniel contains the prophecy of Xerxes’ rise to power as the fourth king of
the Persian empire, great wealth, and the imperial campaign against the Grecian lands. “2 And now I
will tell you the truth. Behold, three more kings are going to arise in Persia. Then a fourth will gain far
more riches than all of them; as soon as he becomes strong through his riches, he will arouse the
whole empire against the realm of Greece.159
Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, was a contemporary of Darius the Mede who was made king of
Babylon. The three kings who rose after Cyrus (559 BC-530 BC) were Cambyses (530 BC-522 BC),
Bardiya/Gaumata (522 BC), and Darius I (522 BC-486 BC). The fourth king was Xerxes I (485 BC-
465 BC), who was the king of the Medes and Persians in the book of Esther. This prophecy carries
great significance in the turn of events of the fifth age.

The estimated size of Xerxes’ military campaign varies even among ancient sources. “According to
Herodotus, the size of Xerxes’ expeditionary force was over two million men and four thousand ships.
Diodorus Siculus and Quintus Curtius Rufus confirm the enormity of Xerxes’ army, though their
numbers differ from Herodotus and from each other.”160
Modern historians conservatively estimate around 250,000 men and 1,200 warships taken from 46
different satrapies and states under Persian rule.161 Many of them would never return to the nations
from which they came, dying violently on land and sea for a cause as foreign to them, as the peoples
which they were forced to fight. In the end, the Persian forces were defeated, and the few soldiers
who survived the war, suffered starvation and dysentery, further whittling down their numbers. Adding
insult to their injury was the knowledge that they had been defeated by the much smaller Greek force
of tens of thousands of soldiers with only 380 ships.

After being assassinated in 465 BC by his own minister, Xerxes left behind a legacy of an excessively
spending government almost bankrupt from investments in wars, construction projects, and

World Myth or History? 339

exorbitant luxuries. Under the succeeding rulers, “Taxes became oppressive. Interest rates soared.
Discontent grew rife in the satrapies.”162 The vassal states were growing unhappy with their imperial
government and the desire for independence was growing along with the numbers of those who
fought for freedom. Around 404 BC Egypt revolted against the Persian empire. The empire was also
under the stress of internal conflict with Cyrus the Younger staging a rebellion against his elder
brother King Artaxerxes II, which ended in Cyrus’ death (401 BC).

The Greek tribes scattered along the Aegean region, with the Persian threat crushed, soon began to
war with each other. In a speech at Corinth by Thucydides (I.70), right before the Peloponnesian War,
he seems to have rightly declared that it is the nature of the Athenian Greeks to “...prefer hardship
and activity to peace and quiet. In a word, they are by nature incapable of either living a quiet life
themselves or of allowing anyone else to do so.”163 The wars between the Greek city states were
dominated by Sparta and Athens. By 400 BC they come to an agreement and jointly declared war on
the Persians.

The Latin tribes that claimed to be the children born of Mars in 735 BC,164 had carved out their own
territory in the Italian peninsula of Europe. Following after their war god father, the Romans built in
government systems to ensure the steady flow of soldiers and military supplies for their constant
campaigns -particularly against the Etruscans. At the end of the fourth age, we find the Roman army
camped around the Etruscan city of Veii on what may have been a ten year siege.
The Celts (Gauls), like the Latin tribes that had migrated to Europe in the third age, grew in strength
and numbers in the fourth age. Spreading out east and west across Europe, the Celts loved their
drink, their tribe, and a good fight, “...the tendency of tribes to fight one another as fiercely as they
clashed with groups outside their culture --largely dictated the shape of Celtic settlements.”165
The Roman Ammianus Marcellinus describes the Celts: “Nearly all the Gauls are of a lofty stature,
fair, and of ruddy complexion; terrible from the sternness of their eyes, very quarrelsome, and of great
pride and insolence. A whole troop of foreigners would not be able to withstand a single Gaul if he
called his wife to his assistance, who is usually very strong, and with blue eyes; especially when,
swelling her neck, gnashing her teeth, and brandishing her sallow arms of enormous size, she begins
to strike blows mingled with kicks, as if they were so many missiles sent from the string of a
catapult.”166 At the end of the fourth age, the Celts were attacking the Etruscan city of Melpum (near

Around 400 BC, China entered into the Warring States Period that followed the Spring and Autumn
period.167 There were roughly seven states that battled for supremacy and land during this bloody
turbulent time in Chinese ancient history.

World Myth or History? 340

It seemed that the war loving nations of the earth had forgotten the lessons learned and had reverted
back to the old ways. All over the earth, blood was being spilled and crying out to heaven for justice.
The prophet Haggai (520 BC) wrote of one more time that the heavens and earth would be shaken,
destroying the strength of powerful kingdoms, thus enabling the weaker peoples to challenge them.
But unlike the other age ending destructions that just leave a remnant to begin again, the prophetic
end of the fourth age comes with a promise of blessing and peace.

“For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and
the earth, the sea also and the dry land. 7 I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the
wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD of hosts...‘The latter glory of
this house will be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’
declares the LORD of hosts.”... ‘I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overthrow the
thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will overthrow the
chariots and their riders, and the horses and their riders will go down, everyone by the sword of

Zechariah, a contemporary prophet of Haggai elaborated that the peace would be brought by a world
leader unlike any other, a man coming from the bloodline of Judah.
“9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you;
He is just and endowed with salvation,
Humble, and mounted on a donkey,
Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
10 I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim
And the horse from Jerusalem;
And the bow of war will be cut off.
And He will speak peace to the nations;
And His dominion will be from sea to sea,
And from the River to the ends of the earth.”169

The idea of a benevolent glorious peaceful empire was like a fragile dream in a real world ravaged by
warfare. This was the hope of the ages, the promise that was hidden in the mystery of the myths. A
promise that would be fulfilled at the end of the fifth age.

World Myth or History? 341

1. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 7:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
2. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p324-325
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4. Martin Højbjerg. “Ragnarok in Norse Mythology.” Norse Mythology [Ragnarok: The End of the World]. 2015. Viking 8/3/15. <>
5. New American Standard Bible. Joel 2:21-24. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
6. Dr. Alice Mills, chief consultant.New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing. 2003. pp 123
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Government of South Australia. 9/23/15.
9. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii). Buddhism in Translations -§ 69. World Cycles. [The Fourth High Power]. p324-325
10.Donald W. Patten, Samuel R. Windsor. The Mars Earth Wars. Chapter 8. Seattle, WA: Pacific Meridian Publishing
Co. 2003. <>
11. Statius, Thebaid. 12. 650 ff. Latin Epic. c 1st Century AD.
12. Mozley, trans. Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 8. 209 ff . Roman epic C1st A.D.
13. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books, Inc. 2006. p 113-138
14. T.H. Worthy, Richard Holdaway. The Lost World of the Moa: Prehistoric Life of New Zealand. Indiana University
Press. 2002
15. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books, Inc. 2006. p 42
16. New American Standard Bible. Zephaniah 1:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
17. New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 4:23-27. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
18.Fred Williams & Bob Enyart. “An Original 360 Day Year.” 360 Day Year. 2015. Real Science Radio. 9/23/15.
19. New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 25:15-29. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
20.Noah Goldman. “Science-- Comets in Ancient Cultures.” Solar System Exploration. 2015. NASA. 9/23/15.
21. New American Standard Bible. Micah 7:16-17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
22. New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 10:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
23.Legends and Sagas. “Chapter One: The Celts in Ancient History.” 23. Sacred Texts. 9/28/15. <http://www.sacred->
24.D.L. Ashliman. “The End of the World: The Sky is Falling.” 2014. <>
25.“William Rubruck’s Account of the Mongols.” VII Clothing. 2004. Silk Road Seattle. 9/29/15.
26.John J. Emerson. “The Secret History of the Mongols and Western Literature.” Sino-Platonic Papers, 135. 2004.
27.Norma Reis. “Eclipses from Ancient Times - Part 2.” Astronomy Today. 2015.
28.“Carneia: Ancient Greek Festival.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015. <>
29.Jona Lendering. “Cyrus Takes Babylon: The Nabonidus Chronicle.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 9/29/15.
30.Lihui Yang, Deming An, Jessica Anderson Turner. Handbook of Chinese Mythology. Oxford University Press. 2008.
p 33 <
31. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 16
32. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 3:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
33. New American Standard Bible. 2 Chronicles 14:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
34. New American Standard Bible. Nahum 3:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
35. New American Standard Bible. Lamentations 1:1. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
36. New American Standard Bible. Lamentations 2:21. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 342

37.“Axial Age.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 9/30/15. <>
38.“Zoroastrianism.” Religious 2015. <>
39. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 37
40. “Vardhamana Mahavira Facts.” Your Dictionary. 2015. Encyclopedia of World Biography. 9/30/15.
41. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 158
42.George Duke. “The Sophists: Ancient Greek.” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 9/30/15.
43. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 53-148
44. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 151
45.“Hundred Schools of Thought.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 9/30/15.
46. “Neo-Babylonian Empire.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 9/30/15. <
47.K.C. Hanson. Nabopolassar Cylinder. Translation: Adapted from Al-Rawi (1985) and Beaulieu (2000). K.C.
Hanson’s Collection of Ancient Documents. 2011. <>
48. Bruce J. Butterfield. “Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar.” Rev J.M. Rodwell MA, trans. World’s Greatest Literature:
Babylonian & Assyrian Literature.Column 9. 47-52. New York: PF Collier and Sons. Colonial Press. 1901.
49. New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 25:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
50. 2 Kings 24:10-16
51. Daniel 1
52. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 20
53.“Evil-Merodach (562-560) Graciously Freed Jehoiachin.” Ferrell’s Travel Blog. 2012.
54.“Nabonidus.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 10/1/15. <>
55. “Family of Nebuchadnezzar II + and Amytis of MEDIA.” Finding Our Past. 2015. Rootsweb. 10/1/15.
56.“Family of Astyages + and Aryenis + of Lydia.” Finding Our Past. 2015. Rootsweb. 10/1/15.
57. Daniel 6:8-15
58. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 9
59.Jona Lendering. “Harpagus.” 2015. Livius. 10/1/15. <>
60.Jona Lendering. “Cyrus Takes Babylon: The Nabonidus Chronicle.” 2015. Livius. 10/1/15.
61.“Darius the Mede.” Philologos. org. 2001. BPR. 10/1/15. <>
62. Daniel 5:31
63. A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 17
64.William H. Shea. “Darius the Mede: An Update.” Andrews University Seminary Studies. Autumn, 1982. Vol. 20, No.
3, 229-247. Andrews University Press. 1982. <>
65. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 5:31: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
66. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 16
67. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 22
68. Pierre Briant. From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire. Eisenbrauns. 2002. p 552
69.Hugh G. Evelyn White, trans. Hesiod: Works and Days. 11. 156-169b. 1914. <http://www.sacred->
70.“Chadea: Ancient State, Middle East.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015.
71. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 14:19-23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
72.Noah Goldman. “Science-- Comets in Ancient Cultures.” Solar System Exploration. 2015. NASA. 9/23/15.
73.“Early Years of Nabopolassar (ABC2).” adapted from A.K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (1975)
and Jean-Jacques Glassner, Mesopotamian Chronicles (Atlanta, 2004). Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2006. <>
74.K.C. Hanson. Nabopolassar Cylinder. Translation: Adapted from Al-Rawi (1985) and Beaulieu (2000). K.C.
Hanson’s Collection of Ancient Documents. 2011. <>
75. Tabouis, G.R. Nebuchadnezzar. Whittlesey House. 1931. p 3

World Myth or History? 343

76.“Nebuchadnezzar.” About 2015.
77. New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 24:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
78. 2 Kings 25:12, Jeremiah 39:10, Jeremiah 52:16
79.Rocio Da Riva. “The Nebuchadnezzar Rock Inscription at Nahr El-Kalb.” pp. 255-302 in: A. –M. Afeiche (ed.) Le
Site du Nahr el-Kalb, BAAL Hors Serie 11. Beirut: Ministry of Culture, Republic of Lebanon 2009. 2015.
80.Seton H.F. Lloyd. “Mesopotamian Art and Architecture: Neo-Babylonian Period.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015.
81. Daniel 1:2
82. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 2:37. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
83. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 3:3-7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
84.“Chronographic Document Concerning Nabonidus.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2006. 10/14/15.
85.Jona Lendering. “Cyrus Takes Babylon: The Cyrus Cylinder.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 10/14/15.
86.Peter Davidson. Atlas of Empires. New Holland Publishers (UK). “Achaemenid Empire.” Ancient History
Encyclopedia. 2011. <>
87. “China 1000BC-500BC.” Time Maps. 2015. TimeMaps History Atlas. 10/16/15.
88.“Behistun Inscription: Translation II.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 10/16/15. <
89.“History of Crucifixion and Archaeological Proof of a Cross, as Opposed to a Stake.” The Interactive Bible.
10/16/15. <>
90. Jona Lendering. “Gandj Nameh’: Darius Inscription.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2008. 10/18/15.
91.“China 1000BC-500BC.” Time Maps. 2015. TimeMaps History Atlas. 10/16/15.
92.David Wright. China Now 123, Page 12, 1987. “Chinese History Chart.” Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding.
10/18/15. <>
93.“La Venta.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 10/18/15. <>
94.Rocio Da Riva. “The Nebuchadnezzar Rock Inscription at Nahr El-Kalb.” pp. 255-302 in: A. –M. Afeiche (ed.) Le
Site du Nahr el-Kalb, BAAL Hors Serie 11. Beirut: Ministry of Culture, Republic of Lebanon 2009. 2015.
95.Rocio Da Riva. “Rocío Da Riva, The Twin Inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar at Brisa (Wadi Esh-Sharbin, Lebanon). A
Historical and Philological Study.” 2012. <
96. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 16
97. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 27
98. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 31
99. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 99
100.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 1:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
101.Rocio Da Riva. “The Nebuchadnezzar Rock Inscription at Nahr El-Kalb.” pp. 255-302 in: A. –M. Afeiche (ed.) Le
Site du Nahr el-Kalb, BAAL Hors Serie 11. Beirut: Ministry of Culture, Republic of Lebanon 2009. 2015.
102.Jona Lendering. “The Ancient Persian Alphabet.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 10/19/15.
103.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 25:9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
104.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 25:11-12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
105.2 Chronicles 36:6

World Myth or History? 344

106.“Babylon Timeline.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2015. <>
107.New American Standard Bible. 2 Kings 25:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
108.Jeremiah 25:11-12, Jeremiah 29:10, Daniel 9:2, Zechariah 1:12
109.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 27:5-7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
110.Seton H.F.. Lloyd. “Mesopotamian Art and Architecture.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015.
111.Ezra 10:7-11
112.New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 26:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
113.New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 26:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
114.Jona Lendering. “Tyre: Babylonia and Persia.” 2012. <>
115.“Jehoiachin in Babylonia.” Livius. org. 2015. <>
116.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 23:17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
117.“Barnes’ Bible Charts: Interesting Facts About Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire.” Bible
118.Jona Lendering. “Tyre: Babylonia and Persia.” 2012. <>
119.“Reign of Zedekiah, Last King of the Line of David (597-587).” Yahweh’s Sword. 2014. AushaYahweh. 10/21/15.
120.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 37:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
121.Jimmy Dunn. “Apries, the 4th Ruler of Egypt’s 26th Dynasty.” Tour 2013.
122.J.T. Wheeler. An Analysis and Summary of Herodotus. Oxford: J.L. Wheeler. 1898. p 106
123.Jimmy Dunn. “Apries, the 4th Ruler of Egypt’s 26th Dynasty.” Tour 2013.
124.“Battus II of Cyrene.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 10/22/15. <>
125.Jimmy Dunn. “Apries, the 4th Ruler of Egypt’s 26th Dynasty.” Tour 2013.
126.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 19:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
127.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 19:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
128.“Full Text of “Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon (604-561 BC).” JSTOR. 9/24/15.
129.Ivan A. Ladynin, PhD. “The Elephantine Stela of Amasis: Some Problems and Prospects of Study.” Lomonov
Moscow State University, Department of Ancient History. 2014.
130.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 44:30. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
131.Ivan A. Ladynin, PhD. “The Elephantine Stela of Amasis: Some Problems and Prospects of Study.” Lomonov
Moscow State University, Department of Ancient History. 2014.
132.New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 29:17-20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
133.Jimmy Dunn. “Egypt: Amasis, The Last Great Egyptian Pharaoh.” Tour 2011.
134.Ivan A. Ladynin, PhD. “The Elephantine Stela of Amasis: Some Problems and Prospects of Study.” Lomonov
Moscow State University, Department of Ancient History. 2014.
135.“Egypt’s 40 Year Desolation Prophecy.” Jerusalem 607 B.C.E. 9/24/15.
136.New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 29:13-15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
137.Jimmy Dunn. “Egypt: Amasis, the Last Great Egyptian Pharaoh.” Tour 2015.
138.E.H.Gifford, trans. Eusebius of Caesarea: Praeparatio Evangelica (Preparation for the Gospel). Book 9. XLI.
1903. <>
139.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 4:32. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
140.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 13:17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
141.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 13:19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
142.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 51:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
143.Jona Lendering. “Cyrus Takes Babylon: The Cyrus Cylinder [15-19].” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 10/14/15.

World Myth or History? 345 <>
144.Otto Rank. The Myth of the Birth of the Hero. [1914]. p28-29. Sacred Texts. 10/20/15. <http://www.sacred->
145.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 45:1-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
146.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 44:28. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
147.Jona Lendering. “Cyrus Takes Babylon: The Cyrus Cylinder.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 10/14/15.
148.New American Standard Bible. 2 Chronicles 36:23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
149.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 45:13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
150.2 Chronicles 36:22, Ezra 1:1
151.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 29:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
152.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 9:1-2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
153.Aubrey de Selincourt, trans. “Cambyses: Herodotus, The Histories 3.38.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 10/25/15. <>
154.Jona Lendering. “Ancient Anti-Semitism.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2015. <
155.New American Standard Bible. Esther 1:3-7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
156.New American Standard Bible. Esther 1-2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
157.New American Standard Bible. Esther 3:8-11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
158.Joshua J. Mark. “Xerxes I.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2011. <>
159.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 11:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
160.Joshua J. Mark. “Xerxes I.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2011. <>
161.“A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 66-67
162.“A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 71
163.Thomas Hobbes, trans. The Peloponnesian War: The Complete Hobbes Translation. 1998. The University of
Texas at Austin. 2013. <>
164.F. Cavazzi. “The Founding of Rome.” Roman 2012. <
165.“A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 111
166.Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman History. London: Bohn (1862) Book 15. 12.1. pp 45-82
167.“Warring States Period.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. 10/28/15.
168.New American Standard Bible. Haggai 2:6-22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
169.New American Standard Bible. Zechariah 9:9-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 346

Chapter Eleven

The Rising of the Waters

As wars once again ravaged the nations of the earth, the cataclysmic destruction of the fourth age
was brought about through water. The Aztec Calendar Stone informs us that,
“The Fourth Sun - the Sun of Water - was both created and destroyed by the powerful water and
fertility goddess Coatlicue (or Chalchiuhtlicue), sister of the rain god Tlaloc. Those who came through
the flood were turned to fishes.”1

Mesoamerican mythology informs us that the fourth age was destroyed by the same one who had
created it in the first place. Coatlicue is the celestial mother goddess,2 whose name literally means
“serpent skirt”. This is graphically portrayed in her sculptures on stone showing her wearing a skirt
made from writhing serpents with a large snake emerging from between her legs. She is known as
both the life giving creator and the deadly destroyer of worlds. Her head has been chopped off and
two serpents have taken its place, representing the flowing blood from the injury. Coatlicue wears a
garment of human skin and a necklace of hands, hearts and a skull. Similar fashion accessories were
worn by the fertility goddess Anath worshipped by the Canaanites, when she destroyed the third age
and gave birth to the fourth. Canaanite text in honor of Anath tells us that,
“She piles up heads on Her back,
She ties up hands in Her bundle.
Knee-deep She plunges in the blood of soldiery,
Up to the neck in the gore of troops.”3

In the Mesoamerican myth, Coatlicue had brought her 400+ offspring great shame, when she
became supernaturally pregnant, and they attacked her. Suddenly, the controversial child springs
from the womb and battles his siblings, killing them and eating their hearts. The child hacks his big
sister in pieces and throws her to the moon. Coatlicue then refuses to have any more children and
ends her destructive ways.4

This myth could be describing the final celestial fly-by of planet Venus in its serpent like cometary
phase. Venus which has been described in numerous myths globally throughout the ages as a
serpent with a large brood or army, may have come dangerously close to planet earth one last time.
This time it is possible that she ventured close enough for all her cometary fragments to be trapped in
the Earth’s Roche limit, causing aerial explosions and sending them crashing to their doom onto the
planet’s surface. The myth also implies that in this last close encounter, sizeable cometary fragments

World Myth or History? 347

also crashed against the lunar surface. All her children gone, the lonely planet Venus ends up by
herself with not even a moon to keep her company.

Another detail of the myth is the bloody heavenly battle of tearing out hearts and hacking his siblings
to pieces. This celestial battle sounds like it got very messy down on earth. Coupled with Coatlicue’s
neck stump gushing, it sounds like a big bloody mess. Could the ancients be describing an unusual
type of rainfall?

The North American Brule Sioux have an ancient myth of how the Creator had remade the world. The
myth tells of a previous world that had been destroyed by fire, to make the next world which also had
to be destroyed, this time by water. Speaking of the age right before our own, the storyteller writes,
“There was a world before this world, but the people in it did not know how to behave themselves or
how to act human...The Creating Power said to himself: “I will sing three songs, which will bring a
heavy rain. Then I’ll sing a fourth song and stamp four times on the earth, and the earth will crack
wide open. Water will come out of the cracks and cover all the land.” When he sang the first song, it
started to rain. When he sang the second, it poured. When he sang the third, the rain-swollen rivers
overflowed their beds. But when he sang the fourth song and stamped on the earth, it split open in
many places, like a shattered gourd, and water flowed from the cracks until it covered everything.”5

This Sioux myth gives us a few more details about the flood that ended the fourth age. It tells of rain
that grew progressively stronger, then they record the god stamping on the earth causing it to split
open in many areas. Numerous cometary impact blasts may seem like the celestial god stamping all
over the earth, leading to earthquakes producing multiple cracks. Cracks on the earth, often seen as
results of earthquakes, are also important indicators for the presence of major fault lines - one of the
biggest and most famous being the California San Andreas Fault.
The scientific community has discovered that, “the entire surface of our earth is cracked and creased
by these tremendous cracks and deformities.”6

Most unusual about the narrative is the water that supposedly flowed out of the cracks. In an article
on “How the Earth made its own water - out of rocks”, Ohio State University Associate Professor
Wendy Panero explores the possibility that much of earth’s water may have come from the rocky
mantle, and that an ocean’s worth of water may still be locked up in it. “Panero explains that it's not
water as we think of it: It's neither liquid nor in the form of water molecules, the H2O we all know.
Instead, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that form water are stored separately in certain minerals
within Earth's deep interior. And under certain circumstances, those atoms will recombine to form
liquid water.”7

World Myth or History? 348

Panero noted that the earth is unique, being the only planet with liquid water and also the only one
with active Plate Tectonics. “As the mantle transfers heat from the Earth’s deep interior up to the
surface, any water in that rock will recombine and come out, either into the oceans or into the air in
steam form.”7 She affirms the scientific theory that part of earth’s water may have come from icy
comets, but is now actively performing experiments using high pressures and temperatures to
confirm her hypothesis that liquid water was also produced by earth’s rocky crust.

Could the close celestial encounter, described by myth to have ended the fourth age, have had the
necessary elements required to produce water through intense geochemical movement, heat, and
pressure on the earth’s rocky mantle?

Ascribing the destruction to Coatlicue, planet Venus who had also created the fourth age world, may
also imply that the torrential outpouring of water that started that age and cleared out the fires and
smoke, then settled into lower levels in the earth, had suddenly broken free from its confines. This
tremendous amount of water, coming from what had previously been the glacial ice sheets that had
covered vast global land from mid to high latitudes, when suddenly released, would have caused a
dramatic influx of water on the surface of the earth. Most scientists today attribute the rising of the
sea levels to the melting glacial sheets of the last ice age.

The forces produced by the celestial fly-by could have torn the thinner oceanic crust first, causing
ultra hot water to be released in the oceans. Warm oceans mean an increase of precipitation, thus
producing the rains that the ancient civilizations had observed. As pressure increased and rapid
cometary impactors hit the planet, water that had built up within the continental crust, may have burst
free through the cracks, to flood the world.

Buddhist sacred text tell us that when a world cycle is destroyed by water, it begins with the arrival of
the same cycle destroying cloud that had destroyed the earth by fire. It is a cloud that is described as
making a braying sound, that may have been described in Sioux myth as the song of the Creating
power. Another important clue that the Visuddhi Magga gives us is that the water that fell to the earth
was salty.
“But when a world-cycle perishes by water, it perishes in the manner above described, where it was
said, "There arises in the beginning a cycle-destroying great cloud." But there are the following points
of difference:--Instead of the second sun, there arises a cycle-destroying great cloud of salt water. At
first it rains with a very fine rain which gradually increases to great torrents which fill one hundred
thousand times ten million worlds, and the mountain-peaks of the earth become flooded with saltish
water, and hidden from view. And the water is buoyed up on all sides by the wind, and rises upward

World Myth or History? 349

from the earth until it engulfs the heavens... Having there flooded three of the Brahma-heavens, it
comes to a stop at the Heaven of the Completely Lustrous Gods, and it does not settle as long as
anything remains, but everything becomes impregnated with water, and then suddenly settles and
disappears. And the upper regions of space become one with those below, and wholly dark”.8

Like the Sioux myth, the Visuddhi-Magga from India described an increasing amount of precipitation
and water that rose from the earth. Additionally, we learn that this water seems to have experienced a
powerful gravitational pull that lifted it skywards, causing it to appear like the wind was supporting it
on all sides. The water fell abruptly back to the ground, but the sky remained filled with dark clouds.

A Persian myth tells of a strange series of celestial battles that bring an ever increasing rain,
overflowing of the rivers, and making the salty seas. Evil noxious creatures made by Ahriman
(possibly a description of cometary fragments) battle with the angel Tistar who come to earth three
times, each time bringing rain (similar to the three songs of the Creating Power in the Sioux myth).
Then, “Each rain drop became as big as a bowl, and the water rose the height of a man over the
whole earth. The first flood drowned the creatures, but the dead noxious creatures went into holes in
the earth. Before returning to cause the second flood, Tistar, in the form of a white horse, battled the
demon Apaosha, who took the form of a black horse. Ormuzd blasted the demon with lightning,
making the demon give a cry which can still be heard in thunderstorms, and Tistar prevailed and
caused rivers to flow. The poison washed from the land by the second flood made the seas salty. The
waters were driven to the ends of the earth by a great wind and became the sea Vourukasha ("Wide-

A dramatic battle, like the Mesoamerican Coatlicue and Persian myths, is also described in the Bunun
flood story from Formosa interior. The myth describes the rain that precedes the overflowing of the
river and ocean water that flood the earth. “A heavy rain fell for many days, and a giant snake lay
across the river, blocking it so that the whole land flooded. Many people drowned, and the few
survivors fled to the highest mountain, but they still feared as the waters kept rising... A giant crab
caught and tried to eat a large snake, but the snake managed to escape into the ocean. Immediately
a great flood covered the world. The ancestors of the Bunun escaped to Mount Usabeya (Niitaka-
yama) and Mount Shinkan... Before the flood, the land had been quite flat; many mountains and
valleys were formed by it.”9

A myth from the island of Samoa speaks of a battle between Fire and Water where, “everything was
overwhelmed by a 'boundless sea', and the god Tangaloa had the task of re-creating the world.”10
The battles may be describing something that the ancients from all over the world were seeing in the

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heavens - a celestial confrontation that ended in disastrous consequences as the serpent fell into the
ocean causing tsunami like waves over the lands. Many of the rising water myths also tell of a
reforming of the landscape, with the waters carving out mountains and valleys.

Kiangan Ifugao from the Philippine mountain province tells of a time when the earth was mostly flat, a
situation which the gods wanted to change. They stopped up the exit of the rivers to the sea and
called the sky children cloud and fog to rain for three days, removing the stopper after the third day.
“When he did so, the waters which covered the earth formed mountains and valleys as they rushed
out.”11 Once again, we are given the number three in relation to the rains that preceded the waters
bursting out of the earth.

In Europe, Plato mentioned the flood of Deucalion in which Zeus used a flood to destroy the age prior
to it. Most of mankind died in this flood, except for a few who had escaped to the top of mountains.
Deucalion had received prior warning and had prepared a chest like water vessel that landed on
Mount Parnassus. The myth tells us that this global flood reshaped or cut through the mountains of

There is a myth about a king of Phrygia who had foreseen the coming of the flood that would end his
kingdom. Phrygians took large territories of western Turkey (Anatolia), areas that appear to have
been previously occupied by the Mushki tribes which had been enemies of the Hittites. Both the
Mushki and the Hittites were evidently no longer able to defend their lands during the fourth age. The
Kingdom of Phrygia was located in the Sangarius (Sakarya) River Valley. The fact the Phrygian script
found in their inscriptions were adapted from the Phoenician alphabet developed and used near the
end of the fourth age, implies that they were still in existence before the end of that age. 13 This gives
us a time for the king’s dream of roughly around the last half of the 5th century BC. “Nannacus, king
of Phrygia, lived before the time of Deucalion and foresaw that he and all people would perish in a
coming flood. He and the Phrygians lamented bitterly, hence the old proverb about "weeping like (or
for) Nannacus."”14

Although the Phrygian kingdom did not survive, other kingdoms that did, include the rising of the
waters that destroyed their original territories in their histories. “Dardanus, first king of Arcadia, was
driven from his land by a great flood which submerged the lowlands, rendering them unfit for
cultivation. The people retreated to the mountains, but they soon decided that the land left was not
enough to support them all. Some stayed with Dimas, son of Dardanus, as their king; Dardanus led
the rest to the island of Samothrace.”14
But Samothrace had not always been just an island. It seems to have covered a sizeable area in the

World Myth or History? 351

past, including productive lowlands where civilization builders had preferred to establish their cities.
“The sea rose when the barriers dividing the Black Sea from the Mediterranean burst, releasing
waters from the Black Sea in a great torrent that washed over part of the coast of Asia and the
lowlands of Samothrace. The survivors on Samothrace retreated to the mountains and prayed for
deliverance. On being saved, they set up monuments to the event and built altars on which to
continue sacrifices through the ages. Fishermen still occasionally draw up parts of stone columns in
their nets, signs of cities drowned in the sea.”14 This story gives us important clues that when the
waters rose during the fourth age, it did not return to previous levels.

This bursting of the Black Sea from its banks was preserved in a myth from Turkey that makes
Alexander the Great seem larger than life. The myth tells of how the Queen Katife of Smyrna had
insulted the conqueror by threatening to drown him when he asked for tribute, making him decide to
drown her instead. He had hired laborers to make a strait of the Bosphorus, but in the midst of a labor
dispute, “The Black Sea swept away the last dike and drowned the workmen. The flood spread over
Queen Katife's country (drowning her) and several cities in Africa. The whole world would have been
engulfed, but Iskender-Iulcarni (Alexander the Great) was prevailed upon to open the Strait of
Gibraltar, letting the Mediterranean escape into the ocean. Evidence of the flood can still be seen in
the form of drowned cities on the coast of Africa and ship moorings high above the coast of the Black

It seems hardly credible to consider Alexander the Great capable of causing the Black Sea to rise up
and flood the nations or open a way for the flood waters through the Strait of Gibraltar. Whatever role
the conqueror did play, the mention of Alexander the Great along with the overflowing of the Black
Sea gives us a date of a little after 400 BC for this event. This would place the destruction of the age
by the catastrophic rising of the sea levels, according to the witness of the ancients, in the
geologically recent past.

Underwater archaeologist Bob Ballard, known for his tracking down of the Titanic and the Bismarck,
found something he feels is bigger than any of his previous finds. “Ballard and his team have
uncovered an ancient shoreline 400 feet below the surface of the Black Sea. Underwater robot
scouts have been mapping this landscape and have discovered remnants of houses made of mud
and wood.
“What we were trying to do in our wildest dreams — which is exactly what happened — was find a
structure that was evidence, not a sunken ship, not trash and not geology, but characteristic of
human habitation,” Ballard told the Guardian.”16
Along the ancient shoreline, currently deep under the sea, they have found freshwater mollusks, and

World Myth or History? 352

evidence that there was a sudden rising of the sea levels. “Not just a slow moving, advancing rise of
sea level,” he told ABC News, “But a really big flood that then stayed … The land that went under
stayed under.”16 Ballard thinks that the melting of the ice age glacial buildup may be linked to this
flood. He theorizes that the rising Mediterranean may have flooded the Black Sea with a force 200
times that of Niagara falls causing the Black Sea to rise up with a violence that flooded an estimated
area of 150,000 square kilometers.16 This estimate may likely grow in scope, if we are to listen to
ancient myth that the Black Sea rising had affected not only the continents of Europe and Asia, but
regions of the African continent as well.

Archaeological evidence for this worldwide flood that happened well within our recorded history has
been claimed to be present all over the world according to myth. The Roman king of Alba was said to
have been destroyed by Jupiter for his impiety and pride. The king and his palace were covered by
water in a fierce storm in which the Alban lake rose and flooded the land. They say that the ruins of
his kingdom are still visible when the lake is clear and calm.17

Roman myth tell of Jupiter, angry at mankind’s evil ways, set out to destroy the earth with the help of
Neptune. Deciding to use a flood, the gods used the forces of storms and earthquakes to make it
happen.18 But before doing so, they made sure to save the righteous either by instructing them to
make ships or bringing them to the mountain tops. There is even a Roman myth, strangely
reminiscent of Abraham’s encounter with God, who had checked Sodom and Gomorrah for any
righteous people, before sending the end of the second age destruction. According to the Roman
myth, Jupiter and Mercury had travelled in human guise to see if anyone would show them kindness
and hospitality. They found no welcome, except at the home of Philemon and Baucis. Revealing their
true identity, the gods led the couple up the mountain just in time as the valley flooded, destroying the
homes below.19

There is a story from Mongolia of a kind and generous man who learned that the mountains would
soon erupt with waters and flood the earth. He tried to warn the villagers at the cost of his own life,
“When he finished his story, he turned to stone. The villagers, seeing this happen, fled. It rained all
the next night, and the mountains erupted, belching forth a great flood of water.”20 A shrine to honor
his sacrifice had been tended on that mountaintop for many generations. This myth tells of the rains
that precede the sudden explosion of water from inside the earth.

The Kamchadale of northeast Siberia tells of when, “A flood covered the whole land in the early days
of the world. A few people saved themselves on rafts made from bound-together tree trunks. They
carried their property and provisions and used stones tied to straps as anchors to prevent being

World Myth or History? 353

swept out to sea.21 They were left stranded on mountains when the waters receded.” Being stranded
on mountaintops even after the waters had receded could imply that the waters had remained at a
much higher level than before.

On Nias, an island west of Sumatra, there is a myth of the gods throwing a comb into the sea that
became a giant crab that closed up outlets to the ocean. This caused the waters of the oceans to rise,
covering all but a few mountaintops on which some people survived.22

How can this flood be differentiated from the Deluge of Noah?

There are several indicators that may help us to categorize flood myths as either belonging to the
Noahic Deluge or the the fourth age rising of the waters. Whenever a myth tells us that the age
destroyed by the flood was not the first one, or that there had been other prior floods, then we may
consider that this rising of the waters is a different one. The Greeks record another global destruction,
prior to Deucalion, the flood of Ogyges that had left the world without a king.23 When the Creating
Power remade the world with flood, we are told that the world before it had been remade with fire.
Any mention of previous ages or previous destructions would imply that the flood myth would not be
referring to the Deluge of the first age.
In additon, the first Deluge had several unique features, such as the destruction of the face of the
earth along with all things that lived on it -- nothing survived except that which was on the single ark.
“I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood,
neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth.”24 Thus, another indicator would be the
presence of flood survivors who had been rescued through other means than the ark. When there are
people who escape the rising waters by climbing on to a higher elevation, several vessels with
multiple families, or even by climbing tall trees, then the second global flood event seems to be what
is described. And when there remains higher mountains to climb or islands that remain above the
water, the myth is apparently recording another flood event.

The second flood event seems to describe more of a sudden upsurge of water, that leaves the earth
fairly intact. Unlike the first age that spent considerable effort in draining the land and reconstructing
the river systems to make land areas habitable, the fourth age destruction seems to have allowed the
flood survivors to rebuild soon after.

This global rising sea level flood was so recent that the peoples of the lands still remember the
mountain peaks on which the survivors had found refuge. The ancestors of the Toradja of central
Celebes point to the peak of Mount Wawom Pebato, the Alfoor tell us they were saved on Mount
Noesake, the Rotti from Timor had Mount Lakimola, the Hawaiians found refuge at the peak of

World Myth or History? 354

Mauna Kea, and the Aborigines of Coastal Queensland tell us that it was to Mount Bibbiringda on the
northern bay of Cape Cleveland that they had been saved.25

The disappearance of unknown fourth age civilizations were also recorded in myth. There is the
formerly mythical kingdom of Phrygia situated by the Sakarya river in Turkey, and in Western
Australia an unnamed riverside civilization was overwhelmed by the rising sea. “Long ago, two races,
one white and one black, lived on opposite shores of a great river. At first they were on friendly terms,
intermarrying, feasting together, etc. But the whites were more powerful and had better spears and
boomerangs, so they came to feel superior and broke off relations. Some time later, it rained for
several months. The river overflowed and forced the blacks to retreat into the hinterland. When the
rains stopped and the waters receded, the blacks returned, to find that their neighbors had vanished
under a wide sea.”26
There is a myth from Victoria of when the Creator, furious at the evil of mankind, urinated on the
oceans, making it flood the earth. The survivors, a man and a woman, escaped by climbing to the
peak of a high mountain.27 This myth, like several others, implies that something unusual had fallen
down the skies from the domain of the gods, causing a catastrophic reaction in the oceans, as well as
increasing its saltiness. Calling the rain ‘urine’ might not only refer to its saltiness, but perhaps also a
different appearance and color.

Myths about the rising of the waters inform us that some of the earth’s mountains and valleys and
canyons and bodies of water may have been formed by catastrophic celestial activities. Perhaps
even the high saline levels of the earth’s ocean and seas may have been a byproduct of such cosmic
encounters. Lore from various continents link the saltiness of the sea with a battle seen by the
peoples of antiquity. In many of them the gods throw something in the waters, or creatures (ie.
serpents,demons, etc.) dive into the waters and make them undrinkable (noxious) and salty.
Underwater archaeologist Bob Ballard theorizes that the Black Sea had been a freshwater lake
before the Mediterranean sea had risen. If so, such an event may have also happened in different
parts of the globe as recorded by the Aboriginal myth of their freshwater river that had disappeared
under a large salty sea.

Drs Steve Austin and Russell Humphreys have studied the input and output rates for salt in the sea in
order to estimate how long it would take to get to the current level through the natural ongoing
processes. The results of their study is that it would take from 32 million to 62 million years. 28 This
age would be extremely old for those who claim the earth is fairly young, and too young for those who
push for the theory that requires billions of years. After a few hundred million years, the oceans would
be so salty that life could not exist in it. But then if the earth is under ten thousand years old, then why

World Myth or History? 355

is the sea so salty? This would not be such a big mystery if we believed the unified voice of the
ancient records, that when the sea levels rose, so did the ocean’s salinity levels.

The New Zealand Maori speak of a flood event, a hurihanga (overturning/overwhelming) of the land,
different from, and happening after the great Deluge that overturned earth mother.
In a contest between the gods, “a part of the land disappeared or was covered, in fact the greater
part of Papatuanuku (the earth), the names of the "ancestors" who destroyed the land being Ua-nui,
Ua-roa, Ua-whatu and Ua-nganga (personified forms of rain and hail), whose children are Mist and
Dew. The greater part of the land was covered by water, only a small part remained dry.”29 Those who
had survived had been warned to go to Mount Hikurangi, while the people who had remained in the
lowlands perished in the sudden flood.
Consistent in world mythology regarding the rising of the waters is that to a certain extent, even after
the waters had settled, they did not return to previous levels. Much of the land that had been fertile
areas for the growth of civilization along the coastal land areas ended up far below the ocean waves.
And just how much land went under the sea? a big chunk as illustrated by Age of Oceanic
Lithosphere Map below. “...shaded grey in the map, is the continental shelf. It is sometimes emergent
(e.g. at the end of the Permian, or during ice ages, when global sea-levels are low). It is sometimes,
as now, flooded. The vertical change of ca. 100–250 m means a lateral change of 100s of km,
because the shelf is almost flat.”30

Map from: “Why Does Sea Level Correspond to Boundary Between Oceanic and Continental Crust?” Earth Science beta. 2015. Stack Exchange.

World Myth or History? 356

The scientific community has determined that in earth’s past, the gray shaded areas in the map were
above the sea levels. The current assumption is that during the ice age, when much of earth’s
freshwater was trapped in glacial sheets, the sea levels were possibly hundreds of feet lower. If the
seas did receive a sudden massive influx of freshwater in our fairly recent geological past, then why
are the seas so salty?
Salt in the sea basically comes from three sources: weathering of the continents, hydrothermal vents,
and submarine volcanoes.31 Modern geological rates of sodium input show that the combined input of
hydrothermal vents and submarine volcanoes are a fraction when compared to the input of the
natural weathering of the continents. But what if, as the ancients describe, there was a catastrophic
disturbance that primarily hit the oceanic crust? What if their celestial observations from across the
globe may have had some substance?

Persian myth tells us that during the celestial battles the slain noxious creatures had fallen into holes
in the earth. And informs us that when, “Ormuzd blasted the demon with lightning, making the demon
give a cry which can still be heard in thunderstorms, and Tistar prevailed and caused rivers to flow.
The poison washed from the land by the second flood made the seas salty.”32 The dead noxious
demons, possibly a description of cometary fragments falling to earth, may have caused a dramatic
surge from the “holes” hydrothermal vents and volcanoes that pumped enormous amounts of salt and
dissolved minerals into the oceans.

Unusual occurrences of saltwater lakes which may be 10 times saltier than seawater, as in the case
of the Great Salt Lake (Lake Bonneville) and the Dead Sea may give us important clues. Austrian
geologist Alexander Tollman has made a hypothesis based on geological markers that the saltiness of
the Great Salt Lake may have originated from bolides (asteroids or comets) striking the earth.33 In the
case of the Dead Sea, there are numerous mythological stories of celestial fire and brimstone falling
from the skies, most famous is that of Sodom and Gomorrah.34

The presence of a deity who had sent the salty flood to punish the wickedness of mankind is also a
common thread through most of the second type of flood myths. The righteous in each community
seems to have been sought out and given prior warning along with instructions on how to escape the
disaster. But some people groups, like the Inuit tribes of the North Polar regions, simply speak of the
time when the sea rose so high that only the peaks of the tallest mountains remained above the
waters, as part of their history. The tribes in Orogwinarak Alaska say that the inundation came with
earthquakes, Tchiglit tribes say it came with a wind powerful enough to uproot trees. Most of the
survivors had escaped in their skin canoes, some even tying several boats together like a raft. The
Inuit tribes point to the shellfish and bones of oceanic creatures, including whales, found high up the

World Myth or History? 357

mountains as evidence of their tale. The Central tribes claim the ice caps on the mountain tops
formed when the floating ice on the oceans got caught on the peaks of the mountains.35

The Kaska of British of Columbia talk about the flood that survivors had escaped by riding on canoes
and rafts. Many of them were separated by the ensuing darkness and strong winds and ended up
living where they landed. The dispersion of the tribe caused by the flood is echoed in the myth of the
Haida from Queen Charlotte Island, who say that all the creatures drowned who were not able to get
on the rafts as their island disappeared under the sea.36

The Tsimshian tell of how, “Long ago the waters swelled. A few people escaped to the tops of high
mountains, but more were saved in their canoes. They were scattered and, when the waters went
down, they landed and settled in various spots. Thus Indians are spread all over the country, but their
common songs and customs show that they are one people.”37 The Thompson Indians tell of when,
“A flood once covered all but the summits of some of the highest mountains...The flood left lakes in
the hollows of the mountains, streams flowing from them, and fish in them; none of these existed
before the flood.”37 The Skokomish tell of a great flood that had dispersed their tribes. “Once a big
flood came. People made ropes of twisted cedar limbs and used them to fasten their canoes to
mountains. The flood covered the Olympic Mountains. Some of the ropes broke, and the canoes
drifted to the country of the Flatheads. That is why the Skokomish and the Flatheads speak the same
language.”38 The consistent oral traditions of the rising of the oceans are held by these tribes as part
of their histories, with unique observational evidences presented by the various groups.

The Squamish myth sounds more like a tragic event in tribal history, than a made up story to entertain
the kids. “When the Squamish saw the great flood coming, they held a council and decided to make a
giant canoe. The men worked day and night to make this canoe, the biggest ever, and the women
made a long rope of oiled cedar fibers with which they tied the canoe to a giant rock. They put every
baby into the canoe, with food and water. They selected the bravest young man and the mother of
the youngest baby to go as their guardians. No one cried as the waters rose and drowned everyone
else. After several days, the man saw a speck far to the south. By the next day, he could see that it
was a mountain top, Mount Baker. He cut the rope and paddled to it, and made a new home there.
The outline of the canoe can still be seen halfway up the slope of Mount Baker.”38

The unhappy task of having to choose who would get a chance to survive is echoed in a myth from
the Green River Lillooet where they had to choose only one child from each family. The Makah tribes
of Washington tell of how many died, even those whose canoes got stuck on trees, when the sea
rose and brought them to lands in the far north.39

World Myth or History? 358

Survivors were able to pass on specific information to their children, such as the name of the
mountain that stayed above the rising waters, details of the escape, and observations made after the
disaster. This implies that this global rise of the waters, happened in the comparatively recent past.

The Arawak tribe from Guyana have recorded two destructions sent by their god Aiomun Kondi in
response to mankind’s wickedness, once by fire and another by flood.40

North American Hopi tribes have a record of three destructions of the world that had led them to their
current location. They also retained the understanding that these were not chance events, but divinely
orchestrated by the Creator to end the wars. Hopi myth records four ages (worlds) in their tribal
history, the Deluge would naturally have not been included because their tribe was not yet formed at
that time. Their first world had been destroyed by the extreme heat and drought (Fire) that
overwhelmed the second age. Their next world had been destroyed by cold, the glacial build up of the
third age. The Hopi third world was buried under the rising seas that flooded the civilizations of the
fourth age. “The people repeatedly became distant from Sotuknang, the creator. Twice he destroyed
the world (by fire and by cold) and recreated it ...When people became corrupt and warlike a third
time, Sotuknang guided the ones who had retained their wisdom to ... cut down giant reeds and
sheltered the people in the hollow stems with a little water and food. Sotuknang caused a great flood
with rain and waves, and the people floated in their reeds for a long time. Finally, they came to rest
on a small piece of land,... the people traveled on, using the reeds as canoes. They went northeast,
finding progressively larger islands. The last of these was large and fruitful, and people wanted to
stay there, but...They went further northeast, paddling hard as if going uphill, until they came to the
Fourth World. The shores were rocky with seemingly no place to land, but...they found a current that
took them to a sandy beach. Sotuknang appeared and told them to look back, and they saw the
islands, the last remnants of the Third World, sink into the ocean.”41
The sea rise tales that are still fresh in the collective memories of the tribes are not unique to the
Americas. Numerous stories from Australia have been collected and are being seriously studied,
possibly forcing modern man to rethink our views on the past. Keeping their histories by oral tradition,
several tribes can still point out areas of Port Phillip Bay that had been grazing ground for kangaroos.
The Ngarrindjeri tell of a myth with characters wading their way to Kangaroo island, impossible now
since the sea to cross reaches 100 feet deep. The Tiwi tell of the rising of the sea that flooded the
land around what is now Bathurst and Melville island off Australia’s northern coast. Aborigines say
that Rottnest, Carnac and Garden Islands formed part of a forested mainland, when something had
caused the trees to burn with such intensity that the ground split open allowing the sea to sweep in.
Some parts of the area described are now several hundred feet underwater. Narranga myth speak of
Spencer Gulf as a large floodplain filled with freshwater lagoons.42

World Myth or History? 359

The funny thing is, that the big news is not about the rise of the sea, but the fact that the Australian
Aborigines were supposedly able to remember the stories for such an incredible length of time. Thus,
the title of the article “Ancient Sea Rise Tale Told Accurately for 10,000 Years”. “It’s quite
gobsmacking to think that a story could be told for 10,000 years,” Nicholas Reid, a linguist at
Australia’s University of New England specializing in Aboriginal Australian languages, said. “It’s
almost unimaginable that people would transmit stories about things like islands that are currently
underwater accurately across 400 generations.”42
Unimaginable is a good way to put it, specially since some of these myths would have been already
lost if it had not been carefully written down and recorded by early settlers. Some of the current
generation of modern day Aboriginal peoples may have never heard these myths. 400 generations
over 10,000 years is a very long time - consider that America as a nation is not even 300 years old
(not even ten generations).

How did they get the date of 10,000 years? It is based on the assumption that the last historical
interglacial period (ice age) ended around 10,500 BC. The scientific community in the mid-1800s was
resistant to the idea of such a thing as an ice age, but as geological evidence increased, they had to
accept the reality of it. In order to incorporate ice ages into uniformitarian assumptions of billions of
years of time, they developed the concept of multiple recurring interglacials, they then made it seem
like ice ages were just part of the natural flow.
“The way some scientists talk, one would get the idea that an ice age can occur easily. Besides the
difficulty of an ice age, many other scientists have admitted that the cause of the Ice Age is
A problem with the dating is that, as it does not correlate with the freshness of the memories in tribal
myth, neither does it work with the freshness of geological evidence. “Many of the glacial features are
still sharp and only slightly eroded, indicating that the Ice Age was fairly recent. A good example of
this is the horseshoe-shaped moraines that extend out from the Wallowa Mountains...On Portland
promontory, on the east coast of Hudson’s [sic] Bay, in latitude 58 degrees, and southward, the high,
rocky hills are completely glaciated and bare. The striae are as fresh looking as if the ice had left
them only yesterday.”43 Similar observations have been recorded in the geological evidence of glacial
sheets that had once covered large areas of the Australian continent.
The date of 10,000 years ago is based on an assumption that there are recurring ice ages, which
further assumes that the last ice age ended around 10,000 years ago. Which leads to the assumption
that any sea rise events should be dated to around 10,000 years ago, thus confirming that the last ice
age happened at that time. This is a type of cyclical reasoning based on assumptions. If more weight
was put on actual evidence then on assumptions, then much of earth’s mysteries would not be so
hard to figure out.

World Myth or History? 360

An Australian Aborigine myth about the frog who had drank all the waters of the earth, tell of the
animals trying to cause the greedy creature to release the waters by making it laugh. After all the
others had failed, the eel asks for a chance. “The eel then began to wriggle in front of the frog. At first
he wriggled slowly, then faster and faster until his head and tail met. Then he slowed down and
wriggled like a snake with the shivers. After a few minutes, he changed his position, and flopped
about like a well-bitten grub on an ant bed.
The frog opened his sleepy eyes, his big body quivered, his face relaxed, and, at last, he burst into a
laugh that sounded like rolling thunder. The water poured from his mouth in a flood. It filled the
deepest rivers and covered the land. Only the highest mountain peaks were visible, like islands in the
sea. Many men and animals were drowned.”44

Many of the myths ascribe a role to a snake or serpent like creature like the eel, in the dramatic
release of the waters from deep within the bowels of the earth were it had been trapped. The serpent
has been used to describe Venus in its cometary phase in mythology from antiquity. Interestingly, the
myth gives detailed descriptions of what eel had done. Three different movements of eel are
described first: wriggling slowly, wriggling fast in a circular motion, and shaking. Then eel starts to flop
around, implying a striking motion in order to remove the ants. The final motion may be describing
cometary impact with its long black tail visible as it strikes the ground. Shaking with laughter is a good
way to describe the shaking and rumbling of the earthquakes, accompanied by the crashing thunder
that may have been made by cometary impact. The violence of the gushing water from the cracks of
the earth, could be likened to someone laughing with a mouth full of water.

The Araucania from coastal Chile have a myth of a battle between two serpents that caused the
ocean to flood the land. These serpents that the ancients described may have been cometary in
nature since their battles produced volcanic activity and earthquakes.
“Two great serpents made the sea rise to determine which of them had the more powerful magic.
The flood came after a strong earthquake and volcanic eruption. The people took refuge on a
mountain called Thegtheg ("thundering" or "sparkling") which floated close to the sun. Afterwards,
whenever the Araucanians felt an earthquake, they would flee to the hills carrying bowls to protect
their heads from the sun's heat.”45

Greek mythology unabashedly points to the planet Venus as the one responsible for the Flood of
Deucalion, that overflowed the Black Sea and flooded portions of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

“Attica was destroyed by the Flood of Deucalion and had to be rebuilt by Cecrops at which time it
was renamed as Athens in honor of the new celestial orb in the sky, Venus, or in Greek terms,

World Myth or History? 361

Athena. It was Athena who was responsible for the flood, so they did this to appease her anger, as
well as building a new temple at Athens in her honor as well.”46
Cecrops is the name of an ancient mythical character - a man whose lower body consisted of a
serpent’s tail.47 He is known in legend as the first person to offer sacrifices to Athena from the time of
her birth from Zeus’ head, and for establishing the ancient Acropolis shrine. There is a myth that
Neptune had disputed Athena’s claim over Attica, and it had been Cecrops who had judged in her
favor, “...the gods resolved to take possession of cities in which each of them should receive his own
peculiar worship. So Poseidon was the first that came to Attika, and with a blow of his trident on the
middle of the acropolis, he produced a sea which they now call Erekhtheis. After him came Athena,
and, having called on Kekrops to witness her act of taking possession, she planted an olive tree,
which is still shown in the Pandrosion. But when the two strove for possession of the country, Zeus
parted them and appointed arbiters, not, as some have affirmed, Kekrops and Kranaus, nor yet
Erysikhthon, but the twelve gods. And in accordance with their verdict the country was adjudged to
Athena, because Kekrops bore witness that she had been the first to plant the olive. Athena,
therefore, called the city Athens after herself, and Poseidon in hot anger flooded the Thriasian plain
and laid Attika under the sea.”48

Because of the mention of Cecrops, this myth has been dated back to the times of Exodus around
1500 BC. But Cecrops seems to have been a name repeatedly used by several kings of Attica. A
Greek Travelogue honestly admits lack of knowledge regarding details on an older statue of another
Cecrops, as opposed to a more recent Cecrops.49 Mythical records tell us that Poseidon had flooded
Attica, killing the reigning King Erektheus, leaving his eldest son Cecrops to continue his rule. If so, it
would have been this Cecrops who would have made the decision for Attica to worship the celestial
Athena, and not the mighty Neptune (sea god) who had flooded their land. These were written down
or copied around 200 AD, when the rising of the sea levels may still have been somewhat fresh in
their memories. Fresh enough to retain genealogical and political information.
"Poseidon having destroyed Erekhtheus and his house, Kekrops, the eldest of the sons of
Erekhtheus, succeeded to the throne. He married Metiadousa, daughter of Eupalamos, and begat
Pandion. This Pandion, reigning after Kekrops, was expelled by the sons of Metion in a sedition."50

An interesting point, captured in the Greek myth is that the city of Athens was named, “in honor of the
new celestial orb in the sky, Venus, or in Greek terms, Athena.”51 How could a planet be new?
Perhaps, if it had not been seen in the past as a planet or a celestial orb in the sky. The
Mesoamerican myth relates that Coatlicue had retired from her destructive ways after the last battle
where she had lost her children. Could the ancients be telling us that after this catastrophic cosmic
encounter, battered Venus had ended her cometary phase and joined the ranks of the peacefully

World Myth or History? 362

orbiting planets? Venus would then have joined Mars, having its own celestial mansion (place in the

An ancient flood myth from China gives us more clues for a historical time period to peg the rising of
the sea levels in. The main character who signalled the coming of the rains, a one legged bird, is
reminiscent of the one-legged Kiu who destroyed the warriors of the third age. According to Eastern
Zhou myth, the appearance of one-legged Kiu, like the appearance of the one-legged bird signalled
the coming of a storm. The one leg may represent the cometary tail that other see as a serpent.
“...a one-legged bird was seen in the palace of the Prince of Ch’i walking up and down and hopping
in front of the throne. Being much puzzled, the Prince sent a messenger to Lu to inquire of Confucius
concerning this strange behaviour. “This bird is a shang yang” said Confucius; “its appearance is a
sign of rain. In former times the children used to amuse themselves by hopping on one foot, knitting
their eyebrows, and saying: ‘It will rain, because the shang yang is disporting himself.’ Since this bird
has gone to Ch’i, heavy rain will fall, and the people should be told to dig channels and repair the
dykes, for the whole country will be inundated.” Not only Ch’i, but all the adjacent kingdoms were
flooded; all sustained grievous damage except Ch’i, where the necessary precautions had been
taken. This caused Duke Ching to exclaim: “Alas! how few listen to the words of the sages!”” 52

This flood myth that claims to record a time when the whole of China and neighboring kingdoms had
been flooded, gives us an approximate time by adding two historical characters in the story. The sage
Confucius who lived from 551 BC- 479 BC and Duke Ching of the Chin Dynasty that rose in power
from 221 BC - 206 BC probably never met, but they give us an approximate period of time. Confucius
who lived in the fourth age had given the warning, and Duke Ching of the fifth age reminds us to
listen. Sometime in between these two famous men, there was a great flood captured in world

Study of the myth gives one a different view of the heavens and their role in the birth and death of
civilizations. Following the clues in ancient lore, it seems that the Deluge had ended the first age
around 2300 BC, the second age approximately by extreme heat and winds 1900 BC, the fiery
destruction of the third age culminated around 650 BC, and the sea level rise that flooded the fourth
age happened near 400 BC. Each catastrophic end had a different primary manifestation recorded in
myth (ie. wind, fire, water) but all are ascribed to the actions of the celestial gods -- mainly repeated
close encounters with Mars and/or Venus.

A graph from the book Myth and Geology by Piccardi and Masse, analyzed the historical geological
record of comets and meteorites and evidences of their activities found in forest wood and peat bogs.

World Myth or History? 363

Their observations did not go all the way to the time of the first age, but its implications for the
succeeding ages are intriguing. There is forest wood evidence of comet and meteor activity around
1900 BC coincident with the end of the second age. Then around 1500 BC to 900 BC there are
constant close encounters as recorded in third age mythology where the gods play an active role in
their wars and the release of waters. Around 900 BC to 700 BC mythology speaks of lack of water
and drought because their god seems to be missing or presumed dead. Then from 700 BC to 650
BC, the gods return to destroy the third age. The fourth age is ended around 400 BC.

This bar graph doesn’t prove anything, but it is an addition to a coherent and unified ancient witness
of mankind’s history. It is a history written in stone and earth, or kept alive through oral traditions, or
protected as sacred scripture by peoples on every continent. The testimony is etched in the earth’s
geology, and forgotten civilizations discovered by archaeology. It is getting more and more difficult to
ignore the voice of our predecessors as they grow in strength and numbers. There is only so much of
the past that we may call mysteries, before they begin to look like evidences of another story.

The Persian King Artaxerxes II (404 BC - 358 BC) would have been the one in power when the
catastrophic events ended the fourth age. Prior to his reign, every ruler of the Achaemenid empire
confidently put their trust on the Zoroastrian god Ahura Mazda, who was seen as the builder and
establisher of the kingdom. Without explanation, King Artaxerxes II called on another god, Mithra, for
help. “This audience hall with columns of stone, was made by Artaxerxes, the great king. He, the
son of king Darius [II Nothus], the Achaemenid, [says]: May Mithra protect me.”53
Stranger still, King Artaxerxes II has inscriptions asking Mithra along with other gods not to destroy
what he had built. “May Ahuramazda, Anahita, and Mithra protect me against evil, and may they
never destroy nor damage what I have built.”54 This text has been found in both Susa and Ecbatana.

World Myth or History? 364

Artaxerxes III (358 BC - 338 BC), his son and successor, followed his father in calling on Mithra, even
asking that a stone staircase be left intact as he begs the gods to preserve him and his country. The
appeal for preservation imparts a sense that things may be falling apart.
“King Artaxerxes says: This stone staircase was built by me in my reign. King Artaxerxes says: May
Ahuramazda and the god Mithra preserve me, my country, and what has been built by me.”54

The oldest texts of Zoroastrianism attributed to Zoroaster himself at the start of the fourth age made
no mention of Mithra by name. Thus, it may have been some time after Zoroaster was gone that
Mithra became a significant member of the Zoroastrian trinity. This addition may have taken place
right after the catastrophic end of the fourth age. One of the best preserved texts on Mithra is the Mihr
Niyayesh (Litany to Mithra) which clearly indicates Mithra as one of the celestial gods, worshipped
along with other heavenly bodies.
“12. We sacrifice to Mithra and Ahura, the exalted, imperishable,
righteous ones, and the Stars, the Moon, and the Sun, by means of trees
yielding Barsom. We sacrifice to Mithra, the Lord of all countries.”55

Unlike Ahura Mazda who was worshipped on high places with fire, Mithra was worshipped by the
pouring out of libations (drinks). Interesting to note that Ahura Mazda was worshipped by fire right
after the fiery destructions of the high places of the earth, while Mithra was worshipped with liquids
after the catastrophic rising of the sea levels.
“13. For his splendor and fortune I shall sacrifice to him with audible
worship, Mithra of wide cattle pastures with libations. We sacrifice to
Mithra of wide cattle pastures, who gives an abode of joy, and a good abode to
the Aryan countries...
15. This powerful strong god Mithra, strongest in the (world of)
creatures, I will worship with libations. I will cultivate him with praise
and reverence, worship him with audible prayer, with libations, Mithra of wide
cattle pastures…”55
The mention of cattle pastures in this hymn could be a clue to Mithra’s identity among the host of
heaven. The planet Venus has also been identified as the Bull of Heaven in antiquity.
“In its masculine incarnation, Venus became the Bull of Heaven (as Velikovsky pointed out, the
comet-planet’s body blocked the sun’s rays from the central portion of its tail and thus it was seen as
having two horns).”56 Since the Bull of Heaven had all of space to roam about, she would indeed have
been seen as having a very wide pasture. If Mithra is Venus, then Mithra would be seen as another
manifestation or their god Ahura Mazda who had began the fourth age with the rain of fire. Venus
returns as Mithra who floods the earth and ends the fourth age with water.

World Myth or History? 365

Fourth age Egypt suffered severe losses as several of its prosperous port cities along the
Mediterranean coast were submerged beneath the sea. The underwater ruins of the cities of
Heracleion (Thonis), Canopus, and possibly one more city in what had been Egypt’s Nile Delta were
discovered in 2000 by an expedition of the European Institute for Underwater Archaeology led by
marine archaeologist Franck Goddio.57

A monumental statue from Thonis Photo: Christoph Gerigk. Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation.

The underwater cities, currently located 6.5 kilometers from the modern coastline, were important
commercial hubs in the ancient Mediterranean coastline. Marine archaeologists are studying over 60
ancient Egyptian ships, 700 anchors, and numerous other artifacts. “‘The survey has revealed an
enormous submerged landscape with the remains of at least two major ancient settlements within a
part of the Nile delta that was crisscrossed with natural and artificial waterways,’ said Dr Damian
Robinson, Director of the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology at the University of Oxford.” 58

The port city of Thonis (Heracleion to the Greeks) was the official entry point to the Nile where cargo
from various lands were unloaded, taxed, and transferred to Egyptian ships that carried it along the
Nile. “The city was once the official port-of-entry for Egypt, somewhere around 664 to 332 BC.”59
Thonis may have become one of the biggest commercial centers that enjoyed the prosperity and
abundance of the fourth age. How and when these cities ended up under water remains a mystery to
conventional history. Thonis appears to have been no longer existent when Alexandria was founded
in 331 BC along the Mediterranean northern coast of Egypt. Yet Herodotus writes about the bustling
port city of Thonis in his work published in 425 BC as the warden, port of entry, to the Nile river and
consequent access to trade with the nations in those areas. Thus, narrowing down the time to 425 BC
when Thonis was still above the waters, and 332 BC when it was gone --around the time world
mythology tells us there was a catastrophic rising of the sea levels.
“He came to Egypt, to the mouth of the Nile called the Canopic mouth, and to the Salters’. Now there
was (and still is) on the coast a temple of Heracles … They laid this accusation before the priests and
the warden of the Nile mouth, whose name was Thonis.”60

World Myth or History? 366

On the other side of the planet, people groups from Taiwan and eastern Asia, called the Lapitan,
migrated and settled in Micronesia and Polynesia. “ 500 BC they had created numerous
settlements throughout the Pacific islands. Incredibly skilled fishermen and sailors, the culture is also
known for their very distinctive pottery.”61 A type of pottery not found in Samoa until ferry line
expansion workers inadvertently discovered them on the seafloor off the coast of the island of Upolu
in Mulifanua Bay. Over 4,000 pieces of distinctive Lapitan type pottery, indicate that a large ancient
village was located under the waters of the Pacific. During the time that the village was inhabited, it is
believed that it may have been a coastal town built on sandy beaches.
“The village discovered at Mulifanua Bay was one of the most advanced Lapita settlements, which
we know because this is the only dig site where decorated pottery has been found. It’s also the oldest
one we know of. The pottery has been dated to about 800 B.C.—500 years older than other sites.”62

No one knows how many more villages could be buried in the depths of the sea, but it is possible that
there is much more to be discovered and learned. Currently, “More than two hundred Lapita sites
have since been uncovered, ranging more than 4,000 km from coastal and island Melanesia to Fiji
and Tonga with its most eastern limit so far in Samoa.”63


These islands are located off the northeastern coast of Australia, across the Coral Sea. Myths from
tribes in Australia’s northeastern coastline tell of a river that flowed into the sea from Fitzroy island
which had in the past, been part of the mainland that had stretched all the way to the Great Barrier
Reef.64 What would the implications of the catastrophic rising of the sea levels, captured in Aboriginal
myth, have had on the Lapitan villages that were built on the low lying coastlands? Could the islands

World Myth or History? 367

of Micronesia and Polynesia, like Fitzroy island, simply represent the mountain peaks left after the
Myths from Micronesia and Polynesia seem to tell us just that. “Legends of a great flood in which a
multitude of people perished are told by the natives of those groups of islands which under the
general names of Polynesia and Micronesia are scattered widely over the Pacific... in ancient times
Taaroa, the principal god... being angry with men on account of their disobedience to his will,
overturned the world into the sea, when the earth sank in the waters, excepting a few aurus, or
projecting points, which, remaining above its surface, constituted the principal cluster of islands.”65

Japan, north of Australia and the Pacific islands, holds the Yamata-no-Orochi legend set in Shimane.
The hero Susano-o travels upstream of a river to find Kushinada-hime and her parents crying. Upon
discovering that it is because of “the monster known as Yamata-no-Orochi, a gigantic serpent with
eight heads and eight tails. Its body was long enough to cover eight peaks and valleys, and it was
covered with moss and trees. Its belly was inflamed and smeared with blood.”66 The serpent had
eaten seven of her elder sisters and it was now her turn to be devoured. First the hero makes the
serpent drunk, as each head enters a vat of sake, then he chops it to pieces.

The daughter, Kushinada-hime, whose name bears the characters for “rice fields”, is seen to
represent the fertile Japanese lands that is threatened by the great serpent that had already
devoured her seven elder sisters. The representation of the monstrous serpent permeates the
mythology of the rising sea levels, along with the celestial battle that had taken place. Pieces of the
dragon are in shrines or buried in marked locations. There is a deep pool where the river slows down,
that is supposedly the home of the serpent.
There is a pit in the Yaguchi shrine that is said to have been one of the bowls of sake that apparently
still had a stone (possibly a bolide) in it. “An interesting legend...says that whenever anyone touched
the stone, lightning would flash across the skies and the earth would rumble.”66 The people covered
up the pit, fencing it in, for fear of angering the gods. The gigantic serpent with eight heads and eight
tails could have been Venus in its cometary phase along with her brood of celestial fragments which
struck the earth, releasing waters from the cracks (vats of sake).
The original settlers of Japan, called the Jomon based on their distinctive cord pottery style, remains
a mystery. “While the many excavations of Jomon sites have added to our knowledge of specific
artifacts, they have not helped to resolve certain fundamental questions concerning the people of the
protoliterate era, such as their ethnic classification and the origin of their language.”67
They had settled in Japan for over a thousand years to sometime before 300 BC, when they
experienced a sudden dramatic decline in population. The Jomon peoples seem to have survived the
destructions of the second and third age, but succumbed to the fourth age rising of the waters. The

World Myth or History? 368

disappearance of their culture and people group happened at around the time world myth clues lead
to the rising of the sea levels. Could the Jomon and their territories, have been the elder sisters
devoured by the monster serpent? Could more of ancient Japan be underwater than the area that
remained above sea level? The myth tells us that seven sisters were eaten and only the one sister
remained. Only the most provincial sister, linked with the rice fields, had survived the devastation.
Perhaps the more sophisticated and technologically advanced coastal city sisters did not make it.

Off the coast of Yonaguni island in Japan, divers discovered an unusual pyramid-like structure with
what appeared to be staircases carved out of the natural rock formations. Professor Masaaki Kimura,
marine geologist from the University of Ryukyus Japan, has investigated the underwater ruins for
over a decade. “Kimura said he has identified ten structures off Yonaguni and a further five related
structures off the main island of Okinawa. In total the ruins cover an area spanning 984 feet by 492
feet (300 meters by 150 meters).
The structures include the ruins of a castle, a triumphal arch, five temples, and at least one large
stadium, all of which are connected by roads and water channels and are partly shielded by what
could be huge retaining walls.”68
There are ancient stone tombs and stone vessels that are found on Yonaguni and other Ryukyu
islands, that had been there longer than anyone can remember. Could these be just the literal tips of
a vast civilization that lived along the ancient coasts of lands that are now buried underwater? That
the Jomon were coastal people is shown by their predominantly seafood diet and the crushed sea
shells mixed into their distinctive pottery.

During the ages before the rising of the sea levels, Yonaguni had been connected to mainland China.
“During the Ice Age, the East China Sea was a narrow bay opening to the ocean at today's Tokara
Gap. The Sea of Japan was an inland sea and there was no Yellow Sea; people and animals could
walk into the Ryukyu peninsula from the continent. Therefore, Yonaguni was the southern end of a
land bridge that connected it to Taiwan, Ryukyu, Japan and Asia. This fact is underscored by a rock
pillar in a now-submerged cave that has been interpreted as a fused stalactite-stalagmite pair, which
could only have been formed above water.” 69

Around the same time that the Jomon peoples experienced an abrupt depopulation, on the opposite
side of the globe, the Olmec city of La Venta was suffering a similar fate. Seen as the parent culture
of the Mesoamerican Maya and Aztec civilizations, the Olmec had begun in San Lorenzo highlands,
then moved to the coastal region of La Venta after suddenly abandoning their previous city. The
Olmec city of La Venta is a treasure trove of sculpture and artifacts. Although the city itself covered a
200 hectare area, their influence reached to central Mexico and the Pacific coast. “A man-made

World Myth or History? 369

mountain towered over the ridge at the heart of the city where priests and rulers carried out elaborate
ceremonies. Thousands of common Olmec citizens labored tending crops in the fields, catching fish
in the rivers or moving great blocks of stone to the Olmec workshops for carving. Skilled sculptors
produced colossal heads and thrones weighing many tons as well as finely polished jadeite celts, axe
heads, beads and other pretty things.”70 Then something happened to this ancient riverside
civilization around 400 BC, that caused an abrupt decline of population. La Venta was abandoned
and eventually reclaimed by the jungle.

An Aztec myth recounts that after the flood that destroyed the fourth age, the sun had collapsed onto
the earth. Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl worked together as trees, at each end of the earth, to raise
up the heavens before they went up to their home in the sky. “Quetzalcoatl gave life to the people of
the fifth sun by gathering the bones of the only man and woman who had survived the long flood and
sprinkling them with his own blood. The gods created the world with blood and required the sacrifice
of human blood to keep it intact. One day, however, the fifth sun would meet its end in an all-
destroying earthquake.”71
Quetzalcoatl, a manifestation of the planet Venus deified by the Aztecs, was described as raining
down blood on the survivors of the rising waters who began the fifth age. This bloody downpour was
what possibly inspired the belief, that as the gods had poured out their own blood, so must humans
sacrifice themselves in order to prevent future age ending cataclysm.

The Aztecs tell the story of how, “at the beginning of this world (the Sun of Water, the fifth age),
darkness covered the earth. The gods gathered at a sacred place and made a fire. Nanahuatzin, one
of the gods, leaped into the fire and came out as the sun. However, before he could begin to move
through the sky, the other gods had to give the sun their blood. This was one of several myths
relating how the gods sacrificed themselves to set the world in motion. Through bloodletting and
human sacrifice people imitated the sacrifices made by the gods—and kept the sun alive by feeding it
with blood.”71
Celestial bodies that explode into flames as they enter earth’s atmosphere could have been
perceived as the gods jumping into the fire. This myth, similar to the Buddhist text on world cycles,
describes a dark cloud or a darkness that came with the catastrophic rising of the waters. Aztec lore
also preserved unique ancient observations in the activities of their gods (celestial bodies). One of the
gods, becoming the sun, may be referring to Venus retiring from its destructive ways and becoming
the new celestial orb, as recorded by the Greeks. The identity of this particular Aztec sun god is
verified by the game Volador,72 which they played to keep the sun moving in the skies. Four players
tied themselves with ropes to a pole with the aim of reaching the lucky number 52. This number has
been connected to the planetary conjunctions of earth and Venus every 52 years.

World Myth or History? 370

The lesser gods leaping into the fire to sacrifice themselves, may be describing fiery aerial blasts that
preceded the red rain that had the appearance of blood. Contained in world mythology are the battles
that left the planet Venus devoid of all her children (cometary fragments that had broken off from the
main body).

Has there ever been reports of blood like rain in our recorded history? Downpours of red blood like
rain were reported in Kerala, India from July 25 to September 23, 2001.73 There were also reports of
some localities experiencing yellow, green, and black rain. A sonic boom was heard before the
unusual rains. Godfrey Louis and Santhosh Kumar (Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India)
published a scientific paper in 2006, that brought attention to the rains. “The red rain phenomenon of
Kerala and its possible extraterrestrial origin” proposed that there was “a suspected link between a
meteor airburst event and the red rain, the possibility for the extraterrestrial origin of these particles
from cometary fragments is discussed.”74

At the same historical period (400 BC), the Chavín of central Peru who had built the complex of
Chavín de Huantar and influenced the culture of the peoples in the central Andean lands,
mysteriously disappeared. “When it was at the apogee of its power, the Chavín world began to
dissolve. No clues were left to tell future generations why this first American civilization ended, or
what happened to the Chavín themselves.”75

When it is said that there are no clues, even if there exists evidence of their story written in stone and
myth and the geology of the earth, it simply means that there are no clues that align with accepted
historical assumptions. Therefore any clue is categorized as a mystery.
Their descendants tell a story that echoes myths around the world. “Long ago, before there were any
Incas, the country was populous, but the ocean broke out of its bounds, the land was covered, and
the people perished. Some say that a few people survived in the caves of the highest mountains.
Others say that only six people survived on a float.”76

Inca mythology relates that after the great flood subsided, “it left the lakes Titicaca and Poopo, and it
left seashells on the Altiplano at elevations of 3660 m.”77

There is an Andean myth regarding Lake Titicaca, considered the largest lake in South America (by
water volume), on the border of Peru and Bolivia. “A large, rich city once existed on the Altiplano.
One day, a group of ragged Indians came and warned the proud inhabitants that the city would be
destroyed by earthquake, flood, and fire. Most inhabitants just scoffed and eventually had the ragged

World Myth or History? 371

people flogged and thrown out. Some of the city's priests, though, heeded the warning and went to
live as hermits in a temple on a hill. Some time later, a red cloud appeared on the horizon. Soon it
had grown and covered the area, and its red glow eerily lit the night. Suddenly, with a flash and a
rumble, an earthquake destroyed many of the city's buildings, and a red rain poured down. Other
earthquakes and more rain followed, and a flood soon covered the ruined city; this water is Lake
Titicaca today. None of the city's inhabitants survived save the priests. The descendants of the
prophets became the Callawayas, wise men of the valleys.”78
The Inca records speak of the same dark eery cloud, fiery flash and booming sounds, devastating
earthquakes, followed by a red rain. The story is told plainly with less mythological embellishment
than the Aztecs. They even refer to geological evidence found on their lands to prove the occurrence
of the catastrophic events.

Close to Lake Titicaca lie the ancient ruins of Tiahuanaco that appear to have been a massive
commercial seaport hub along an ancient coastline. Some time in the past, the city suffered a major
catastrophic event that raised the lake and the ancient city 3 miles above current sea levels, that
mythology links to a close encounter with a celestial body. LakeTiticaca is a very deep brackish lake
with an average depth of 351 - 443 feet and reaches almost a thousand feet deep in some areas.
Certainly large and deep enough to hide an ancient civilization in its depths. Lake Titicaca’s shore “is
littered with millions of fossilized seashells. The marine fishes and seahorses in the lake are all
oceanic types found only in salt water.” 79
Clues also lie in the ancient etymological origins of the lake’s name. In previous chapters on the
destruction of the three continents, there were myths from India that spoke of sun worshipping
survivors from the continent that sank in the Pacific, who became their wise men and teachers.
Survivors from the same continent may have reached the shores of central Peru to establish the
Chavín civilization. If so, they could have had knowledge of two of the most ancient world languages
used in the Pacific: Sanskrit and Tamil.
“The word Titicaca has no meaning any of the Andean languages.
In Sanskrit, the word GaGga, (GAHG-gah) means "river," but not just any river. It means a river as
sacred as or related to the Ganges.
In Tamil, it is KaGkai (KAHG-ky), meaning the same as the above.
In Sanskrit, Diti was the wife of the god Kasyapa (sea tortoise). Titi is the Tamil equivalent. Therefore,
What was Titicaca at one time? Has it always been just a freshwater lake with saltwater fauna? Or
was it a great and sacred river flowing at nearly sea level, and leading to the sea?”79
Could the ancient coastal civilization, recorded in myth, that had lived along the river’s delta ceased
existence along with numerous others around the world at the end of the fourth age?

World Myth or History? 372

The cataclysmic rising of the waters buried these civilizations so extremely, that we do not even know
what they really called themselves. Lapita, Jomon, Olmec and Chavin are all just names given by the
academic community in order to identify them.

The powerful Etruscan civilizations of Europe were under attack by tribes of Roman (Latin tribes) and
the Celts (Gauls) from the north. The Romans had laid siege to the prosperous merchant city of Veii
which stood on a steep hill protected on three sides by ravines, near the mouth of the Tiber river -- by
one account this siege had been ongoing for a decade.
The Roman - Etruscan conflict dated back to their long time dispute over the profitable salt beds, but
their wars in the previous century had ended inconclusively. This time however, it seemed like the
gods were picking a side. “Livy (5:16-9) records that, in 398 BC, in the closing stages of the siege of
Veii, “many prodigies were announced [in Rome]... The attention of all was turned to a particular
prodigy: the lake in the Alban Grove rose to an unusual height without any rain or any other cause
that could account for the matter, except for a miracle”.” 80

The notable rising of the Alban lake waters were recorded by the Roman historian Livy (59 BC - 79
AD), along with the observation that there were no obvious normal causes for such an occurrence.
Livy also wrote about the Etruscan’s concerns on the threat posed by the Roman and Celtic tribes
against their established cities in 397 BC. They seemed confident at that time that they would be able
to stand-up against their new neighbors with their superior technologies and well fortified cities.

Suddenly, in 396 BC, Roman troops seized and plundered the Etruscan city of Veii, dividing its land
among the poorer Plebeian class. At the same time, bands of Celtic tribes poured into and ravaged
the Etruscan dominated Po valley. “In fact, Roman tradition insisted that on the very day the Romans
seized Veii, the Celts captured the Etruscan town of Melpum, near present-day Milan.”81

Romans attributed their victory to the goddess Juno who had turned her back on the Etruscans and
fought on behalf of the Romans. Dionysius, a contemporary of Livy, wrote that, “In 396 BC, “when
conducting his campaign against Veii [the dictator, Marcus Furius Camillus] made a vow to Queen
Juno of the Veientes [whom the Etruscans worshipped as Uni] that, if he should take the city, he
would set up her statue in Rome and establish costly rites in her honour. Upon the capture of the city,
he accordingly sent the most distinguished of the knights to remove the statue from its pedestal; and
when those who had been sent came into the temple and one of them ... asked whether the goddess
wished to remove to Rome, the statue answered in a loud voice that she did. This happened twice;
for the young men, doubting whether it was the statue that had spoken, asked the same question

World Myth or History? 373

again and heard the same reply” (13:3).”82
In other myths, the statue of Juno is said to have physically nodded in approval of Roman
domination. Stories of Juno moving and talking in support of Rome, may be a mythical way of telling
future generations that she had played an active role in their victory. These histories were written
hundreds of years after the events had taken place.

Juno was a goddess who was responsible for childbirth. Not originally associated with Jupiter, Juno
was “an independent Italian deity associated with all aspects of female life.”83 Interestingly, Coatlicue,
the Mesoamerican goddess responsible for the birth and destruction of the fourth age, also became
the patron goddess of childbirth,84 after she had retired from her destructive ways.

If the celestial bodies had indeed strayed from their regular paths and caused catastrophic
destruction over the earth, it would be understandable how humans could easily fall into the error of
worshipping them as gods. Falling into this mistake of deifying the objects, used by the Creator, as
gods was foretold from the first age by the prophet Enoch.

There have been select individuals, like Abraham, who had tried through reason to explain that there
must be a higher power who orchestrates the events that befall the earth - the Creator.

The prophet Amos (752 BC) who spoke of the age ending destructions in sequence, before the last
two had occurred, informs us that it is God who made these celestial bodies.
And that it is…
“The maker of Kimah and Kesil, And the turner to morning of death-shade,
And day [as] night He hath made dark,
Who is calling to the waters of the sea, And poureth them on the face of the earth,
Jehovah [is] His name;”85

Changing darkness to day, along with the transformation of day into night, happened during the fiery
destruction of the third age. The waters of the sea, flooding the continental crust was what myth tells
us destroyed the civilizations of the fourth age.

Amos calls the Creator by the title, Lord God of hosts, a.k.a. the Lord of angel armies. He is
described as a commander of celestial beings that populate the heavens. And when at His command
they touch the earth, we are told that it melts. Whether this refers to the geochemical process that
could convert water from the continental crust or the release of the glacial waters or the combination
of both, we are uncertain. But what myth and lore clearly portrays is a catastrophic rising of the sea

World Myth or History? 374

levels and the overwhelming of rivers, along with the coastal civilizations that had risen around them.
“5 The Lord GOD of hosts,
The One who touches the land so that it melts,
And all those who dwell in it mourn,
And all of it rises up like the Nile
And subsides like the Nile of Egypt;
6 The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens
And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth,
He who calls for the waters of the sea
And pours them out on the face of the earth,
The LORD is His name.”86

The prophet Nahum (650 BC - 620 BC) wrote of the fourth age ending catastrophe as a future event,
after the fiery catastrophe that ended the third age. Nahum also notes the darkness that follows the
rise of the waters as described in mythologies from the Americas.
“Who can stand before His indignation?
Who can endure the burning of His anger?
His wrath is poured out like fire
And the rocks are broken up by Him...
But with an overflowing flood
He will make a complete end of its site,
And will pursue His enemies into darkness.”87

Habakkuk, prophet of Judah (607 BC - 604 BC), gives a more detailed description of the rising of the
sea levels that would overwhelm the nations of the world.
“8 Did the LORD rage against the rivers,
Or was Your anger against the rivers,
Or was Your wrath against the sea,
That You rode on Your horses,
On Your chariots of salvation?
9 Your bow was made bare,
The rods of chastisement were sworn. Selah.
You cleaved the earth with rivers.88
Horses and chariots could be reference to cometary fragments speeding across the skies, leaving
clouds of smoke in their trail. Habakkuk notes in verse 9 that the bow was made bare, could this have
been speaking about planet Venus losing all her brood/offspring fragments that were caught in earth’s

World Myth or History? 375

gravitational pull? The prophet was asking if God’s wrath was against the rivers and the sea, implying
that the brunt of the impacts were as myth informs us, into the bodies of water. Also, as the myths of
the rising sea levels recount, the rivers played a major role in the flooding and sculpting of the lands.
“10 The mountains saw You and quaked;
The downpour of waters swept by.
The deep uttered forth its voice,
It lifted high its hands.”88
The results of this celestial encounter included earthquakes, torrential rain, and tsunami waves. All
things that are described in world mythology in relation to the rising of the waters.
“11 Sun and moon stood in their places;
They went away at the light of Your arrows,
At the radiance of Your gleaming spear.
12 In indignation You marched through the earth;
In anger You trampled the nations.”88
The close planetary flyby had consequences on earth’s normal celestial motions. Aztec myth talks of
a battle where Coatlicue’s daughter is hacked to pieces and thrown to the moon. Inca myth tells us
that the jealous sun threw ashes on the moon’s face.89 both the light of the sun and moon may have
been affected dramatically by the celestial events that led to the destruction of the world’s coastal

Flaming bolides are called arrows and gleaming spears. The blinding blasts of large celestial debris
striking the planet multiple times is described as God marching through the earth. The Sioux myth
called it the Creating Power stamping his foot, catastrophic enough to destroy nations and

“13 You went forth for the salvation of Your people,

For the salvation of Your anointed.
You struck the head of the house of the evil
To lay him open from thigh to neck. Selah.
14 You pierced with his own spears
The head of his throngs.
They stormed in to scatter us;
Their exultation was like those
Who devour the oppressed in secret.
15 You trampled on the sea with Your horses,
On the surge of many waters.”90

World Myth or History? 376

The catastrophic rising of the sea levels was not sent on a whim. It had a purpose. Many of the myths
had expressed that the flood of water had been sent by a divine being angry at the injustice and
unrighteousness of men. The Hopi said the worlds were destroyed because of man’s incessant wars.
The Sioux said it was because mankind forgot how it was to be human. The Roman’s said it was
Jupiter’s fury at man’s impiety and pride. The Hebrew God says that it was to destroy the wicked
oppressors of the earth.

It was with their own spears, their own celestial goddess whom they worshipped, that became the
tool of their destruction. Goddess Uni (Juno) of the Etruscans aided the Roman tribes in their
destruction, and Coatlicue destroyed the Mesoamerican civilization that worshipped her.

When the prophet Haggai wrote in 520 BC that the Lord was about to send another celestial
destruction, the time was near, “6 For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am
going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.91 And the shaking of the
heavens and the earth were for a purpose. ...‘I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will
overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations; and I will
overthrow the chariots and their riders, and the horses and their riders will go down, everyone by the
sword of another.’”92 The powerful warrior civilizations would be shaken, enough for the weaker tribes
to challenge their strength. Such may have been the case with the Etruscans who were overrun by
the Latin and Celtic tribes.

The Axial age was over, the great fourth age military powers and their prosperous coastal merchant
cities were destroyed. But the groundwork the fourth age had laid in the thoughts and values of
mankind would endure, primarily because many ideas had been captured and transmitted in written
form, easily learned by commoners.

The search for reason and purpose, for morality, and the worth of the soul had begun. Ancient
customs, traditions, and beliefs were openly questioned and even challenged. Structure for
government that worked for the benefit of the people, the protection of human rights and the pursuit
of justice had been installed. The roads and trade routes, on land and water, were established to
facilitate the exchange of goods, ideas, and news. People had developed a new kind of thinking that
expanded their world to more than their own tribe or village, and more than this material realm.

The way had been prepared for a world changing event to be carried across the nations.

World Myth or History? 377

1. Dr. Alice Mills, chief consultant.New World Mythology. Australia: Global Books Publishing. 2003. pp 123
2. “Coatlicue.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2015. <>
3. “The Baal Cycle Text”. The Baal Cycle. 2009. <>
4. “Coatlicue.” Aztec Mythology. 2010. 10/28/15.
5. Richard Erdoes, Alfonso Ortiz, eds. American Indian Myths and Legends. New York: Pantheon Books. 1984. p 496-
6. “Truth about Earthquakes.” 2013. <http://www.cog->
7. Adam Wernick. “How the Earth made its own water - out of rocks.” PRI’s THE WORLD. January 10, 2015.
8. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii.). § 69. WORLD-CYCLES. [The Fourth High Power]. p 315-330
9. Mark Isaak. “Flood Stories from Around the World.” The TalkOrigins Archive. 2002.
10. Poignant, Roslyn. Oceanic Mythology, Hamlyn, London and New York, 1967. p 30
11.Dixon, Roland B., Oceanic, in Gray, v. IX, 1916. p 178-179
12.Mark Isaak. “Flood Stories from Around the World.” The TalkOrigins Archive. 2002.
13. “Phrygia.” 2015. <>
14. Frazer, Sir James G. Folk-Lore in the Old Testament, vol. 1, Macmillan & Co., London, 1919. p 155-168
15. Gaster, Theodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. p 91-92
16. Carol Kuruvilla. “Bob Ballard, explorer who found the Titanic, now says he may have found evidence of Noah’s
flood.” New York Daily News. December 14, 2012. 2015.
17. Frazer, Sir James G. The Golden Bough, Wordsworth Editions Ltd., Hertfordshire, 1993. p 149
18. Horace Gregory, trans. Ovid: The Metamorphoses. Book 1. New York: Viking Press. 1958
19. Horace Gregory, trans. Ovid: The Metamorphoses. Book 8. New York: Viking Press. 1958
20. Elder, John and Hertha D. Wong, Family of Earth and Sky: Indigenous Tales of Nature from around the World,
Beacon Press, Boston. 1994. p 75-77. Reprinted in Parabola 22(1): 71-73 (Spring 1997).
21. Holmberg, Uno. Finno-Ugric, Siberian, in MacCulloch, C. J. A., ed., The Mythology of All Races, v. IV, Marshall
Jones Co., Boston, 1927. p 368
22.Kelsen, Hans, 1943. "The Principle of Retribution in the Flood and Catastrophe Myths", in Dundes.
23.Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series I, 14 Vols. Chapter 8. Sacred Text. 2006. <http://www.sacred->
24. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 9:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
25. Gaster, Theodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. p103-236
26. Vitaliano, Dorothy B. Legends of the Earth, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1973. p 166
27. Gaster, Theodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. p114
28. John Morris. The Young Earth. AR: Master Books. 2009. p 90-91
29.Elsdon Best. Maori Religion and Mythology Part 2: Deluge Myths. Wellington: P.D. Hasselberg. Victoria University
of Wellington. 2015. New Zealand Electronic Text Collection. <
30.“Why Does Sea Level Correspond to Boundary Between Oceanic and Continental Crust?” Earth Science Beta.
April 2015. Stack Exchange. 11/3/15. <
31.Ignacio Pujana. “Why is the Sea Salty?” 2015. <>
32.Mark Isaak. “Flood Stories from Around the World.” The TalkOrigins Archive. 2002.
33.“Tollmann’s Hypothetical Bolide.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia.
34. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
35. Frazer, Sir James G. Folk-Lore in the Old Testament, vol. 1, Macmillan & Co., London, 1919. p 322-328
36. Erdoes, Richard and Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths and Legends, Pantheon Books, New York. 1984. p 472-
37. Frazer, Sir James G. Folk-Lore in the Old Testament, vol. 1, Macmillan & Co., London, 1919. p 320-328
38. Clark, Ella E. Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest, University of California Press, 1953. p 42-43

World Myth or History? 378

39. Vitaliano, Dorothy B. Legends of the Earth, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1973. p 171-172
40. Gaster, Theodor H. Myth, Legend, and Custom in the Old Testament, Harper & Row, New York, 1969. p 126
41. Waters, Frank. Book of the Hopi, Penguin Books, New York, 1963. p 12-20
42.John Upton. “Ancient Sea Rise Tale Told Accurately for 10,000 Years” Scientific American. January 2015. Climate
Central. 11/4/15. <
43. Michael Oard. Frozen in Time. AR: Master Books. 2006. p 28-31
44.W.J.Thomas. Some Myths and Legends of the Australian Aborigines. [1923]. 11/1/15.
45. Vitaliano, Dorothy B. Legends of the Earth, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1973. p 173
46. Anthony Lyle. Ancient History: A Revised Chronology. Vol 1. AuthorHouse. 2012. p 133
47.“Greek Gods: Kekrops.” 2015. <>
48. Frazer, trans. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 14. 1 - 2. (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.)
49. Jones, trans. Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 5. 3. (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.)
50. Frazer, trans. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 15. 6. (Greek mythographer C2nd A.D.)
51. Anthony Lyle. Ancient History: A Revised Chronology. Vol 1. AuthorHouse. 2012. p 133
52.E.T.C. Werner. Myths and Legends of China. George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd. London Bombay Sydney. 2005. p 207.
53.“Some Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions (3): A2Hb, inscription on column bases from Ecbatana.” Ancient Warfare
Magazine. 11/6/ <>
54.“CIMRM 7, 8, 9 - Three Old Persian Inscriptions - Persia” 11/6/2015.
55.James Darmesteter, trans. KHORDA AVESTA (Book of Common Prayer). Mihr Niyayesh (Litany to Mithra), Sacred
Books of the East. American Edition. 1898. <>
56.“Athena was Planet Venus, and so was Poseidon” Scientia Press. 2015. <
57. Noah Weiner. “Thonis—A Major Egyptian Port Swallowed by the Sea.” Bible History Daily. 2015. Biblical
Archaeology. 11/6/15. <
58. “Maritime Trading Thrived in Egypt even Before Alexandria.” University of Oxford. 2013.
59. Debra Kelly. “10 Lost Underwater Cities of the Ancient World.” Urban Ghosts. 2015.
60. Herodotus, Histories 2.113
61. Debra Kelly. “10 Lost Underwater Cities of the Ancient World.” Urban Ghosts. 2015.
62.Andrew Handley. “10 Mysterious Underwater Cities You Haven’t Heard Of.” ListVerse. 2013.
63.“Lapita Culture.” Wikipedia. 2015. Wikimedia. <>
64.Climate Central. 11/4/15. <
65.“Stories of a Great Flood in Polynesia and Micronesia.” Bulfinch’s Mythology. 11/7/15.
66.“Shimane:Legend of Yamata-no-Orochi.” Home of Japanese Mythology. 2015.
67.“Jomon Culture (ca. 10,500–ca. 300 b.c.)” Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. 2015. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
11/7/15. <>
68. Julian Ryall. “Japan’s Ancient Underwater “Pyramid” Mystifies Scholars.” National Geographic News. 2007.
69.“Yonaguni Pyramid: A Geoglyphic Study of the Yonaguni Monument, Japan.” The Faram Research Foundation.
2015. <>
70.Christopher Minster. “The Olmec City of La Venta.” About Education. 2015.
71.“Aztec Mythology.” Myth 2016. 2/17/16 <
72. Terry Deary. Horrible Histories: Angry Aztecs. London: Scholastic Children’s Books. 1997. p 92

World Myth or History? 379

73.“Red Rain in Kerala.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 2/17/16. <>
74.Godfrey Louis, Santhosh Kumar. (Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India) “The red rain phenomenon of
Kerala and its possible extraterrestrial origin.” Astrophysics. Jan. 2, 2006. Cornell University Library. 2/17/16.
75. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 158
76. Olmec cities later : Guanca and Chiquito Peru:Frazer, Sir James G. Folk-Lore in the Old Testament, vol. 1,
Macmillan & Co., London, 1919. p 271-272
77. “Inca Flood Myth [Archive].” 2015. <>
78. Gifford, Douglas. Warriors, Gods & Spirits from Central & South American Mythology, William Collins, Glasgow,
1983. p 55-56
79.Gene D. Matlock. “Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco). Its Mystery Solved at Last!” 2015.
80.“Literary Sources for Pre-Roman Umbria, Etruria, and Upper Sabinium: Livy.” Key to Umbria. 11/11/2015.
81. “A Soaring Spirit: 600-400 BC.” Illustrated History of the World. Time Life Asia. 2000. p 110
82.“Literary Sources for Pre-Roman Umbria, Etruria, and Upper Sabinium: Dionysius.” Key to Umbria. 11/11/2015.
83.“Roman Gods.” UNCG College of Arts and Sciences. 11/11/2015. Jackson Library.
84. Mark Cartwright. “Coatlicue.” Ancient History Encyclopedia. 2013. <>
85. Young’s Literal Translation. Amos 5:8. Public Domain
86. New American Standard Bible. Amos 9:5-6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
87. New American Standard Bible. Nahum 6:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
88. New American Standard Bible. Habakkuk 3:8-15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
89.“Inca Flood Myth [Archive].” 2015. <>
90. New American Standard Bible. Habakkuk 3:8-15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
91. New American Standard Bible. Haggai 2:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
92. New American Standard Bible. Haggai 2:22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 380

Chapter Twelve
The Fifth Age
(around 400 BC - 70 AD)

After the watery end of the global coastal civilizations, the world was once again in a free for all,
where the strong fought for supremacy. Various tribal groups took advantage of the weakness of the
once powerful warring merchant nations and vied for the top positions themselves.

One group fighting against another in non-stop bloody battles, soon brought about a global
realization, that the only way to have peace was to fight for it until only one was left. Alexander the
Great drove Macedonia and Greece beyond limits for the quest of a single unified empire. “The vision
of a unified empire came to life in Rome of the first century BC. The imperial ideal, rooted in conquest
but flourishing with peace and enlightenment, swept irresistibly through India, and was powerfully
ascendant among the Parthians on the dusty Iranian plateau...a parallel vision gathered force in far-
off China at this same time.”1 The move for unification of the diverse political and cultural groups from
Europe, the Middle East, Eurasia, India, the Americas and the Far East resulted in more than just
sophisticatedly governed empires. Newly birthed fifth age empires explored the new fifth age earth
and discovered one another, and the exchange of global merchandise and ideology ensued.

Fifth age empires built the infrastructure in common languages, roads, waterways, trade routes, and
political ties that opened doors to a bigger world for all. Common weights and measures, coinage,
and other necessities were established for robust trade of both exotic luxuries and staple goods.
Intercontinental sharing of technologies and scientific advancements, as well as the exchange of
botanical and zoological specimens took place.

Missionaries of fourth age thought found new lands in which to bring their message. Buddhism that
sprang from India, flourished in China. The Egyptian goddess Isis was worshipped all along the
Mediterranean, finding favor among the Phoenician colonies that may have identified her with their
own war and love goddess. Idols of the Indo-Parthian god Mithra was carried all the way to England.
The Parthian empire worshipped the Greek hero Herakles, renaming him Verethraghna (god of

Traditions and beliefs that had been held inviable for thousands of years had been shaken. Suddenly
minds and hearts had become open for new things, new ideas, and new worlds.

World Myth or History? 381

Prophetic supernatural dreams and revelations seemed to increase in frequency and detail in the fifth
age, as if leading up to a specific point in history. Culminating events in the fifth age split history in
half, from henceforth history would be noted as having happened either before or after these times.

Age Five: Earthscape

The Hebrew prophet Amos (752 BC) gave the details of the cataclysmic destruction of the fourth age
earth, hundreds of years prior to the event.
“The Lord GOD of hosts,
The One who touches the land so that it melts,
And all those who dwell in it mourn,
And all of it rises up like the Nile
And subsides like the Nile of Egypt;
6 The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens
And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth,
He who calls for the waters of the sea
And pours them out on the face of the earth,
The LORD is His name”.3
Amos introduced the Lord as the one who rules over the heavenly ‘hosts’, referring to His celestial
armies It is the Lord who touches the land, or in other translations strikes the land,4 so that it melts.
The melting of the land is an unusual effect brought on by the celestial hosts sent to strike the earth. It
differs from the usual descriptions of explosive fire, blasts of scorching wind, or tumultuous
earthquakes. The water gushing out from cracks on the land and the consequent rising of the rivers
finds echoes in world mythology. Stories of rising waters and overflowing rivers that sent communities
running for higher ground appear in the Americas, Australasia, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East (as
discussed in the previous chapter.). Myths also imply that the waters may have contained very high
concentrations of minerals and salts, that could aptly be described as ‘melted / dissolved’ land.

Myths regarding the end of the third age, tell of a great downpour of water which extinguished the
cataclysmic fires. This large amount of water, held in the earth during the fourth age, may have been
released in the destruction of the fourth age. Aztec myth tells us that it was Coatlicue, sister of the
rain god Tlaloc, who was responsible for both the creation and the destruction of the fourth age.5

Captured in world myth is the saltiness of the waters that rose, which may indicate a high mineral
content. Persian myth tells us that during the celestial battles the slain noxious creatures had fallen

World Myth or History? 382

into holes in the earth. And informs us that when, “Ormuzd blasted the demon with lightning, making
the demon give a cry which can still be heard in thunderstorms, and Tistar prevailed and caused
rivers to flow. The poison washed from the land by the second flood made the seas salty.”6 The dead
noxious demons, possibly a description of cometary fragments falling to earth, may have caused a
dramatic surge from the “holes” hydrothermal vents and volcanoes that pumped enormous amounts
of salt and dissolved minerals into the oceans.

A Japanese myth, the Yamata-no-Orochi legend set in Shimane, tells of how the hero defeated the
eight headed serpent by making it drunk from vats of sake.7 A pit in the ground containing a stone,
feared by the natives, is traditionally held to be one of the ‘vats of sake’ from the legendary story.
Calling what was released from the openings in the land ‘sake’ (Japanese wine) implies that the liquid
that burst from the ground may not have been simply fresh water. The Japanese vats of rice wine find
parallels in the Persian god Mithra, who suddenly makes an appearance after the end of the fourth
age, worshipped by the pouring of libations (often alcoholic beverages or milk).8

In Victoria, there is a myth of rising seas caused by the god’s urinating in the oceans.9 Rains of salty
water, increasing in intensity may also be found in the collective memories of the world.
The Buddhist Visuddhi Magga tells us that after a world cycle is destroyed by water, “...there arises a
cycle-destroying great cloud of salt water. At first it rains with a very fine rain which gradually
increases to great torrents which fill one hundred thousand times ten million worlds, and the
mountain-peaks of the earth become flooded with saltish water, and hidden from view. And the water
is buoyed up on all sides by the wind, and rises upward from the earth...and it does not settle as long
as anything remains, but everything becomes impregnated with water, and then suddenly settles and
disappears. And the upper regions of space become one with those below, and wholly dark. This is
all as described above; only in this case the world begins to appear again…10

The torrential rising of sea levels and its subsequent settling down to a certain degree is found in
world myth, but we learn that water levels did not return to its previous depths. Archaeological and
geological evidence reveals that many coastal civilizations remained underwater (refer to previous
chapter), including fertile plains and valleys. Water levels rose so high that several myths tell of their
islands disappearing into the sea. Such was the case of the North American Hopi 11 and the Haida of
Queen Charlotte Island.12

On the other hand, new islands were formed by mountain peaks that jutted up and above the waters.
Australian Aborigines claim that Rottnest, Carnac, and Garden Islands were high points of a forested
area connected to the mainland, before the sudden rising of the sea levels.13 Traditions hold that the

World Myth or History? 383

Greek island of Samothrace was the mountain peak of a larger lowland area.14 Numerous myths
from Micronesia and Polynesia relate of how their clusters of islands were the jutting peaks of
mountains that remained of their land after the sea level rose.15

Torrential rising and movement of water carved out mountains and deepened valleys, etching out
gorges and reshaping the land, revealing a new earthscape to the citizens of the fourth age, after it
receded to its new levels. Myth tells us that this flood cut through and shaped the mountains of
Thessaly.16 North American Brule Sioux legend informs us that when the Creating Power destroyed
the world with water, the earth split open in many places “like a shattered gourd, and water flowed
from the cracks until it covered everything.”17

Kiangan Ifugao from the Philippine mountain province tells of a time when the earth was mostly flat, a
situation which the gods wanted to change. They stopped up the exit of the rivers to the sea and
called the sky children cloud and fog to rain for three days, removing the stopper after the third day.
“When he did so, the waters which covered the earth formed mountains and valleys as they rushed
out.”18 A Formosan myth that tell of the rising of the waters, also inform us that, “Before the flood, the
land had been quite flat; many mountains and valleys were formed by it.”19

In a prophecy by the Hebrew prophet Habakkuk (607-604 BC), where he wrote of the Lord trampling
the rivers and the sea with His horses, he goes on to say that,
“...You cleaved the earth with rivers.
The mountains saw You and quaked;
The downpour of waters swept by.
The deep uttered forth its voice,
It lifted high its hands.”20
Habakkuk foretold both the rising of the waters brought about by celestial impacts that primarily
affected the rivers and the seas of the earth. It speaks of how the rivers were used to carve out the
valleys and mountains of the earth. If these events had not taken place, the book of Habakkuk would
have been trashed and the prophet would have been labeled false. A planetary reaction, recorded by
myth and legends to the celestial bombardment, is a torrential surge of the waters through openings
formed on the earth that resurfaced the lands.

The Inuit tribes point to the shellfish and bones of oceanic creatures, including whales, found high up
the mountains as evidence of their tale. The Central tribes claim the ice caps on the mountain tops
formed when the floating ice on the oceans got caught on the peaks of the mountains. The Thompson
Indians tell of when, “A flood once covered all but the summits of some of the highest

World Myth or History? 384

mountains...The flood left lakes in the hollows of the mountains, streams flowing from them, and fish
in them; none of these existed before the flood.”21

The rising of the sea levels, possibly over a hundred feet in some areas, allowed future generations
to use ocean going vessels to cross the vast Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In Australia, the Ngarrindjeri
tell of a myth with characters wading their way to Kangaroo island, impossible now since the sea to
cross reaches 100 feet deep.22

The Atlantic Ocean had previously been impassable, because of the shallow subsidence of the
waters due to the destruction of Atlantic continent, mentioned by Plato 23 and some of his
contemporaries. After the cataclysmic end of the second age, myths indicate that the Atlantic, Pacific
and Indian Oceans may have become uncrossable watery boundaries. The new fifth age deeper
oceans would open gateways to intercontinental oceanic travel and trade in which the ascendant fifth
age empires would only timidly test out. The fifth age focus was more internal, in conquering,
organizing and developing the lands of their growing unified domains.

Fertile arable land had decreased dramatically, much of the valleys and plains were now under water,
and the fifth age world had to make efficient use of their space. World trade allowed for specialization,
and goods that their lands could not yield, would be acquired from other regions.

Citizens of the fifth age inherited a newly configured world, with water where islands had been and
islands where mountains had stood. Their lands were surrounded by vast salty bodies of water whose
depth and breadth they had yet to comprehend. New mountains and valleys had been carved out by
the surge of waters, leaving behind newly formed lakes and springs. The earth had been transformed
by water. The Aztecs called this age - The Sun of Water.

Unlike the third and fourth age, fifth age survivors did not have the luxury of recycling the remnants of
the prior civilizations, for the ruins often lay far below their reach, protected by the deep dark roiling
waters of the salty sea. Third age survivors were described by the Aztecs as monkeys, who at least
had hands to carry things with. Fourth age survivors were birds, who had claws to carry things away
as they flew. The survivors of the fifth age were likened to fish, who swam away with nothing but the
scales on their back.

World Myth or History? 385

Age Five: People

Regarding the people of the fifth age, Hesiod tells us that the fifth age would be, “... a race of iron,
and men never rest from labour and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night; and the gods shall
lay sore trouble upon them. But, notwithstanding, even these shall have some good mingled with
their evils.”24

Citizens of the fifth age were a people of iron, seen as a devolution from the previous ages of
gold and silver and bronze. Strong, yet lower in character and values. The fifth age would require the
people to work hard in order to survive, and many times, even this was not enough.

Vedic texts call this last age, the Kali Yuga, a time when much labor produces little yield. It is also an
age when noblemen are reduced to slaves, and the weight of the masses carrying the excesses of
the new kings become unbearable. “The Brâhmins, Ksattriyas, and Vais'yas will become the slaves of
S'ûdras, will become their cooks, runners and carriers of buffaloes. Every one will be devoid of truth.
Earth will not yield any grains; trees will not yield any fruits and women will be issueless. The cows
will not yield milk; even if there be a little milk, ghee will not come out of it. The affection between
husband and wife will die out and the families will be devoid of truth. The King will not wield any
power; the subjects will be over burdened with taxes. The ever flowing big rivers, the petty streams,
the caves of mountains all will gradually have very little water in them.”25

Not only do we find a deterioration in mankind, but myth appears to be describing a similar downward
trend for beasts, plants, and the earth itself. The deteriorating situation of our entire planet is
mentioned in the book of Romans, “ For the creation (nature) was subjected to frailty (to futility,
condemned to frustration), not because of some intentional fault on its part, but by the will of Him
Who so subjected it—[yet] with the hope
That nature (creation) itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and corruption [and gain an
entrance] into the glorious freedom of God’s children.”26

Hesiod further notes that there will be a fifth age physical and moral degeneration.
“And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples
at their birth (6). The father will not agree with his children, nor the children with their father, nor guest
with his host, nor comrade with comrade; nor will brother be dear to brother as aforetime. Men will
dishonour their parents as they grow quickly old, and will carp at them, chiding them with bitter words,
hard-hearted they, not knowing the fear of the gods.”27

World Myth or History? 386

Maharsi Veda Vyâsa echoes Hesiod’s predictions for the fifth age with specific details of the physical
and moral decay predicted for this last age of mankind. “In the Kali age, males and females will be
everywhere, of a dwarfish stature, diseased, shortlived, and of very little youthful virility. The hairs will
turn out grey no sooner the people reach their sixteenth year. And they will be very old when they
become twenty years old. The girls of eight years will have menstruation and will become pregnant.
They will deliver every year. Old age will attack them when they become sixteen years old.”28

With every generation, genetic mutations take place that are not favorable for general health and
well-being. New diseases are named and discovered more frequently. It is not uncommon for
teenagers today to have natural streaks of white or grey hair, or for young girls below 10 years to
have their periods. The trend of lowering ages for the onset of menstruation has been monitored for
at least the past hundred years. Some scientists have concluded that,
“The decline in the age of menarche during the last hundred years has been attributed to improved
nutrition. It is not expected that this age will continue to drop.”29

It is a mystery why people would conclude that humans are getting older faster because we are
eating better. Would I stay younger longer, if I had poor nutritional practices? Another mystery is the
idea that a trend that had been observed to be dropping steadily for a century, would be expected to
stop for no apparent given reason. Perhaps if we understood our history better, including the ancient
understanding that man is not evolving, but devolving according to ancient texts, the scientific
community may come to more logical conclusions. In the chapter on the first age, mythology and
science both agree that first age man was bigger stronger faster and succumbed to less disease than
modern man. Abraham’s wife Sarah, who lived in the second age, was still an attractive woman who
caught the eye of the King of Gerar at the age of 90 years (Genesis 20). How many ninety year olds
would be considered desirable catches in our modern world?

Along with the physical degeneration, Vedic writings inform us like Hesiod that, “Almost all will be
deceitful, cruel, vain, egoistic, thievish and mischievous. Men will be at variance with one another;
women will be at variance with one another; no fear will exist in marriage ties... Fathers-in-law and
mothers-in-law will be their servants.”30 The bonds of family, friendships, and honor for the gods are
no longer valued.

Hesiod also tells us that in the fifth age, might makes right and the people no longer place value on
honor and morality. Instead, they irreverently lift up the virtues of greed and dishonesty. “They will not
repay their aged parents the cost their nurture, for might shall be their right: and one man will sack
another's city. There will be no favour for the man who keeps his oath or for the just or for the good;

World Myth or History? 387

but rather men will praise the evil-doer and his violent dealing. Strength will be right and reverence
will cease to be; and the wicked will hurt the worthy man, speaking false words against him, and will
swear an oath upon them. Envy, foul-mouthed, delighting in evil, with scowling face, will go along with
wretched men one and all. And then Aidos and Nemesis (7), with their sweet forms wrapped in white
robes, will go from the wide-pathed earth and forsake mankind to join the company of the deathless
gods: and bitter sorrows will be left for mortal men, and there will be no help against evil.”31

We find the same amoral description in the Kali Yuga (The final and worst age of mankind)
“The whole earth will be filled with liars, untruthful cheats and hypocrites. The lands, though
cultivated well, will yield grains in name. Those who are well known as the millionaires, they will
become poor and those who are devoted to the Devas will be atheists. The towns folk will have no
trace of mercy; rather they will hate and envy their neighbours and turn out murderers of men.”32

The disappearance of Aidos (goddess of morality) and Nemesis (goddess of burning justice, instilling
reverence for god) is echoed in the disappearance of the Hindu Dharma (morality/merit) and Punya
(virtue/reverence for the gods). The Kali Yuga or Iron Age of man will have a pretense of religion with
no genuine belief in a real living god. Religious hypocrisy would just be another money making ploy.

New Testament scriptures written near the end of the fifth age, spoke of the exact same list of
characteristics for the people of that age. “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will
come. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to
parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal,
haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5
holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power…”33

These predictions of the characteristics of fifth age mankind are taken from various continents: the
Greek Hesiod, Hindu texts from India, and New Testament writers from the Middle East. Keep the
descriptions in mind as we learn about the fifth age Iron Empires, that exhibit a whole lot of worldly
practicality, but a whole lot less morality and reverence to god than previous ages.

The Iron Empires

Chinese Empire
The watery destruction of the fourth age brought the onset of almost 200 years of conflict to China,
culminating in the end of the Zhou dynasty. The Warring States Period would continue until the rise to
power of one group that was able to unify them all by brute force.

World Myth or History? 388

Eight states in constant warfare, made life miserable for the starving citizenry who barely had enough
food for themselves, much less feed an army, and give up their strongest children for an endless war
with multiple enemies.

The winner of the war came as a surprise to the seven other states. The conquering Qin peoples
were considered by the other states to be little better than savages with no refined moral structure. A
noble from a rival state described the Qin having, “...the heart of a tiger or a wolf...It is avaricious,
perverse and without sincerity. It knows nothing about etiquette, proper relationships, and virtuous

Qin may not have been very sophisticated, but they knew how to win wars with innovative schemes.
They paid bounties to soldiers for each enemy head they chopped off and brought home. In a war
with the state of Zhao in 234 BC, they reportedly decapitated 100,000 men. They eliminated armies
by ruthlessly slaughtering even those who had surrendered with the promise of safety. Some estimate
over a million men were killed by the Qin.34 But aside from unscrupulous tactics, the Qin were
fearsome warriors with exceptional skills in the crossbow and sword, able to repel five states that had
once banded together against them. However, the other warring states may not have been that much
more morally superior to the Qin. The future first emperor of China had survived at least three
assassination attempts. He also received the advice that he could bribe his way to conquering all the
states with three thousand pieces of gold.35

Upon conquering all his enemies (221 BC), the king of the Qin took on the title Shihuangdi. Most
often translated ‘emperor’, Shihuangdi actually means shi (first) huang (majestic) di (supreme being
worshipped by the Shang rulers). By taking on the title Shihuangdi, he had elevated himself from king
to the first of a line of supreme divine rulers.

First Emperor unhooked himself from the traditional concept of a leader, entrusted the position
through ‘heaven’s mandate’, to become like god on earth. Anything that would discredit his rule as the
First Emperor had to go. And so all books on history, philosophy, and poetry were burned. Scholars
and defenders of these national literary treasures were executed. Of the Hundred Schools of
Thought, only one was allowed - his own form of Legalism.36 First Emperor exiled his own son and
heir who criticized his actions.

Black- the Chinese color associated with water, became the First Emperor’s primary color for clothes,
flags and pennants. He recognized that as the previous Zhou dynasty had become rulers through the

World Myth or History? 389

power of fire, his own rise to power was through water.37 The kingdom of Qin was located in the
westernmost boundaries of China protected by mountains upstream of the Yangtze river. It is possible
that it was the territory least affected by the catastrophic rising of the waters which may have crippled
their rival states. Plato had mentioned that when the cataclysmic destruction of the earth was by
water, it is those in the mountains that fare best.

The First Emperor built a strong central government to replace China’s contentious feudal structure.
He standardized Chinese writing, weights and measurements, and uniform legal code in the united
empire. Aside from constructing a rising empire, First Emperor involved himself in multiple projects
that leave modern historians wondering at how he was able to accomplish them. A majestic building
that could house 10,000 became the main royal residence, he built 4,200 kilometers of the great wall
in seven years, he linked 2 rivers by digging a 32 kilometer long barge canal, and most well known is
his royal tomb surrounded by thousands of terracotta warriors. Traditions hold that the First Emperor
used hundreds of thousands to over a million people to work on each project.38

Before First Emperor died at 49, he gave his most trusted minister Li Si and Eunuch Zhao Gao a
letter for his exiled son, commanding him to return and take his place as his successor. However, Li
Si and Zhao Gao showed their iron age colors by exchanging the letter with a forgery, accusing the
young prince of disloyalty and ‘permitting’ him to commit suicide, which he promptly did. The
conspirators ended their lives being betrayed themselves, and the Qin dynasty soon came to an end.
Although the dynasties changed hands, the unified Chinese empire built by the Qin lasted to the start
of the twentieth century.39

Parthian Empire
Prior to the 3rd century BC, the Parni were an unknown tribe that were able to wrench power from the
weakened fourth age Persian empire. They distinguished themselves as fierce strong nomads from
the northern country along the river Syrdar'ya (Jaxartes), who migrated south to Bactria and Parthia.
The Persians called the tribes who lived in that northern land, the Dahâ (robbers).40

When the satrap of Parthia revolted against a newly enthroned Seleucid king, Seleucus II Callinicus,
the Parni took advantage of the confusion and overrun the northern portions (238 BC).40 Efforts by
the Seleucids to retake the lands, ended in disastrous results of casualties and loss of more and
more territories. The Parni became known as the Parthians, and the lands they seized, the Parthian
Empire. At the height of their empire, “the Parthian domain stretched from India to the Euphrates and
from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf.”41

World Myth or History? 390

The key to their victory was the strength of their cavalry and battle strategies. “The Parthian tactic
was that of harassing the enemy by the hit-and-run action, dividing his forces by pretending retreat
and enticing pursuit but then turning unexpectedly back and showering the foe with deadly arrows,
and, finally when he was reduced in number and courage, to surround him, and destroy him with
volleys of ancient art which came to be known as "the Parthian shot". Then the shock
cavalry (cataphracts) moved in, still avoiding hand-to-hand combat but picking up the enemy with
their missiles and piercing them with the heavy lance. ...the Parthians avoided the deficiency of the
Achaemenid cavalry by carrying camel-loads of arrows for use in the field as soon as their archers
ran out of their own; this enabled sustained and effective long-range engagements and reduced the
number of the enemy rapidly.”42 The English term ‘parting shot’ is derived from the ‘Parthian shot’
battle tactic.

Constant warfare kept Parthian armies busy with the Seleucid Greeks from the west and the Saca
Nomads from the East, along with the persistent threat of internal revolts. In the first century BC the
Romans joined in the fray bringing about Rome’s greatest military disaster. An army of 40,000
soldiers led by the accomplished General Crassus were slaughtered and captured by 10,000 cavalry
led by the the young Suren that appeared to have been running away from them. Then turning back
in typical Parthian fashion, decimated the Roman troops with volleys of arrows.

The Parthian Emperor Orodes rewarded Suren for his victory by murdering him for being too capable.
“Eventually, the mistrustful Orodes lost his mind and abdicated in favor of a savage son, who killed
his father and some 30 brothers to secure the throne.”43

The arrogance and violence of the Parthians is mentioned by quite a few writers in antiquity.
“According to Justin, the Parthian male was arrogant, treacherous, and violent...quicker to act than to

Rulers of the Parthian empire, like the last Achaemenid Kings, worshipped the Zoroastrian god Mithra
(linked to the planet Venus). Identified as a sun god (celestial body deity) of justice and war, Mithra
was worshipped by the symbolic pouring out of libations. The Parni may have attributed their
migration and consequential rise to power to the actions of Mithra that ended the fourth age.

The Parthian Empire was more of an imperial confederation, rather than a central authority wielding
absolute power. The communities included Arameans, Jews, Babylonians, Arabs and Greeks who
were given considerable autonomy, including collecting their own taxes and judging and punishing

World Myth or History? 391

local crimes. The feudal lords of the land were expected to pay a tribute to the empire, support the
calvary financially, and to supply mercenaries.

However, the real wealth of the Parthian Empire came from its commercially strategic location.
Abutting at least three of the major Iron age empires: China to the north east, India to the east, and
Rome on the west. Control of valuable trading routes that wound over 11,000 kilometers of dangerous
terrain through many Asian kingdoms was established by a constant patrol of Parthian cavalry.


The Parthians had monopoly as middleman of trade between East and West and took full advantage,
taxing every single item carried by camel or caravan before it reached their destination. Trade
boomed as the demand for Chinese silk, paper, gunpowder and many other exotic products, grew in
the West, and the Parthians made sure that they profited from everything - even if they had to lie to
do it. When China sent an envoy to establish a direct link with the Roman Empire, they were stopped
by Parthians at the Persian gulf, and told that such a trip would take two years and that there was
“something in the sea which made men homesick”.46
Ironically, the Parthians kept the Empires divided and yet connected. “The greatest value of the Silk
Road was the exchange of culture. Art, religion, philosophy, technology, language, science,
architecture, and every other element of civilization was exchanged through the Silk Road along with
the commercial goods the merchants carried from country to country.” 47

Parthia fell when Rome attacked and looted Seleucia (Ctesiphon) their capital in AD 165 and 198,
reportedly taking a massive amount of wealth. “According to a modern estimate, the gold and silver
were sufficient to postpone a European economic crisis for three or four decades, and we can
imagine the consequences for Parthia.”48 However, in classic Parthian shot battle tactic, the victorious
Romans carried home a plague (possibly smallpox) along with the treasures. The Great Pestilence
would later take as much as a quarter of the Roman population and contribute to the downfall of the
Roman Empire.49

World Myth or History? 392

Mauryan Empire
India in the 4th century BC was composed of a number of small rival kingdoms, republics, and tribal
communities waiting for a leader to rally them together into a united empire. No one could have
expected that it would have been a boy, abandoned by his mother, raised by a cowherd, who sold him
to a hunter, that would one day be the first emperor of the Mauryan Empire.50

The child’s intelligence while at play, caught the attention of the Hindu Brahmin Kautilya (Chanakya),
who had sworn to destroy the Nanda dynasty for making fun of his ugly appearance. He took the boy,
Chandragupta Maurya (Sandrocottus) to Taxila where he was educated in the humanities and military
science to use as his instrument of vengeance.

One story of Chandragupta’s outstanding mind recounts of when, "The Raja of Simhala sent to the
Court of the Nandas a cage containing a lion of wax, so well made that it seemed to be real. He
added a message to the effect that any one who could make that fierce animal run without opening
the cage should be acknowledged to be an exceptionally talented man. The dullness of the Nandas
prevented their understanding the double meaning contained in the message, but Chandragupta, in
whom some little breath yet remained, offered to undertake the task.
This being allowed, he made an iron rod red hot and thrusted it into the figure as a result of which the
wax soon ran and the lion disappeared."51

Justin who chronicled the events of Alexander the Great’s life, wrote of the low origins of
Chandragupta (Sandrocottus) in a fateful encounter that may have inspired the young man (probably
in his 20s) to unite India against the foreign threat and internal conflicts. It seems that his brief
encounter with Alexander almost cost him his life, but also got him started on the road to building his

Justin wrote that,

“15 This man was of mean origin, but was stimulated to aspire to regal power by supernatural
encouragement; 16 for, having offended Alexander by his boldness of speech, and orders being
given to kill him, he saved himself by swiftness of foot; 17 and while he was lying asleep after his
fatigue, a lion of great size having come up to him, licked off with his tongue the sweat that was
running from him, and after gently waking him, left him. 18 Being first prompted by this prodigy to
conceive hopes or royal dignity, he drew together a band of robbers, and solicited the Indians to
support his new sovereignty.”52

World Myth or History? 393

Greek chroniclers may not have viewed Chandragupta favorably, since the Mauryan Emperor had
defeated and killed the Greek satraps and taken back Indian cities. The Greek General Seleucus
Nicator confidently brought his armies to force the young upstart Chandragupta out of the Punjab, but
this encounter yielded surprising results.
“10 After the division of the Macedonian empire among the followers of Alexander, he (Seleucus)
carried on several wars in the east. 11 He first took Babylon, and then, his strength being increased
by this success, subdued the Bactrians. 12 He next made an expedition into India, which, after the
death of Alexander, had shaken, as it were, the yoke of servitude from its neck, and put his governors
to death. 13 The author of this liberation was Sandrocottus (Chandragupta), who afterwards however,
turned their semblance of liberty into slavery; 14 for, making himself king, he oppressed the people
whom he had delivered from a foreign power, with a cruel tyranny.”52

Both parties did not describe the fantastic battle that must have ensued, but not only did
Chandragupta keep the Punjab, he also gained three wealthy provinces and one of Seleucus’
daughters. The Mauryan Emperor politely sent over a gift of 500 war elephants, establishing peace
along the Hindu Kush Mountains bordering his empire.53

Chandragupta went on to fight and win numerous wars. “We can divide the conquest of
Chandragupta into four phases, viz., war of liberation from the Greeks, political revolution against the
Nandas (Chanakya’s wish fulfilled), the war with Seleucus, and other conquests.”54

Chandragupta increased taxes and imposed additional taxes, increased the size of government
bureaucracy, and instituted the use of spies to such an extent that there were spies assigned to spy
on the spies. The whole time, guided by his adviser and benefactor, now Prime Minister Kautilya
(Chanakya) who authored the Arthashastra (The Science of Material Gain).

However, as Chandragupta matured, he may have begun to question the stringent controls and
traditional views of the Arthashastra and searched for answers in the teachings of Buddhism and
Jainism. In 301 BC, traditions tell of how the Mauryan Emperor abdicated the throne in favor of his
son (Bindusara), to enter a Jainist monastery where he starved himself to death.

Bindusara expanded the kingdom to include the Deccan Plateau. A four year war for succession after
his 28 year reign, was won by Asoka. Asoka was the one son among the seven that, according to
legend, Bindusara disliked for his ugly appearance. It seemed that being ugly was a big deal in this
age. But like the ugly Kautilya, Asoka defeated his good looking brothers, and once again, ugly ruled.

World Myth or History? 394

Lore tells of how Asoka killed all but one of his seven brothers to gain the throne. Then in 261 BC he
attacked Kalinga -the last major independent kingdom in the subcontinent. In a long drawn out bloody
war that cost the lives of 100,000 soldiers and made captives of 150,000 people, Asoka seemed to
have found enlightenment in Buddhist teachings.

Carving out Rock Edicts as lasting pronouncements for the public to read, Asoka expressed his
thoughts, decisions, and ideas. One thing he realized was that mankind was degenerating.
“In the past, for many hundreds of years, killing or harming living beings and improper behavior
towards relatives, and improper behavior towards Brahmans and ascetics has increased.”55

Asoka expressed how difficult it was to do good, and how easy it was to do evil.
“To do good is difficult. One who does good first does something hard to do. I have done many good
deeds, and, if my sons, grandsons and their descendants up to the end of the world act in like
manner, they too will do much good. But whoever amongst them neglects this, they will do evil. Truly,
it is easy to do evil.[11]” 55

The Mauryan Emperor expressed his deep sorrow over the death and deportation he had perpetrated
in the Kalinga Kingdom.
“Therefore the killing, death or deportation of a hundredth, or even a thousandth part of those who
died during the conquest of Kalinga now pains Beloved-of-the-Gods. Now Beloved-of-the-Gods
thinks that even those who do wrong should be forgiven where forgiveness is possible”.55

Yet Asoka made sure that his subjects understood that he was no wimp. For the rebels that hid in the
jungles, “They are told that despite his remorse Beloved-of-the-Gods has the power to punish them if
necessary, so that they should be ashamed of their wrong and not be killed.”55

Asoka built, free of charge, royal hospitals and veterinary clinics. The Mauryan Emperor built roads,
established an official language, and developed trade and industry. His government held a policy of
respect for all beliefs. Thus, he united an estimated 50 million people of various customs, religions,
and languages.

Unfortunately, the succeeding generations of rulers did not follow Asoka’s admonitions to do good,
and was so hated by the people, that “in 184 BC the last Mauryan king was assassinated - in front of
his army, by its Brahman commander. Mauryan rule of a united kingdom ended, and a new era of
independent Rajah’s began.”56

World Myth or History? 395

Mayan Empire
The Olmec civilization may have suddenly disappeared around 400 BC, but a hundred years later
marked the rise of the Mayan Empire that ruled a domain several times that of their predecessors.
The Mayan civilization that flourished from 300 BC to around 1697 AD,57 until the Spanish conquest,
bordered on one tip by the Gulf of Mexico, all the way to the shores along the Pacific Ocean.

They borrowed and further developed many things from the Olmec including: writing, astronomy, the
arts, their pantheon of gods, and the calendar system.


Similar to the early Greek civilization, instead of having a single king, they were divided into many
city-states that had its own kings and set of nobles. The top rung of each city-state was “supported by
tribute from surrounding farms and those cities too small to keep their independence. Like the city-
states of Greece, they had a common language and religion--and fought constantly.”59 The Mayan
Empire was a union of many nations / city-states / people groups with varying but related cultures,
deities, and languages. Two, possibly three of the languages had been written down in logophonetic
form, carved into stone and/or written on paper made from tree bark which they folded into accordion
type books.

Like their contemporaneous empires across the ocean, the Mayan Empire connected with other
powerful civilizations around them, possibly for trade and warfare. “Because Teotihuacán lies 630
miles from Tikal, many scholars originally doubted that the two empires were even aware of the
other’s existence. Yet ceramic designs found at Tikal and other Maya sites seem to mirror the

World Myth or History? 396

iconography of the Teotihuacán culture—especially its grim-visaged storm god, Tlaloc.
...David Stuart untangled a series of fourth-century glyphic texts from Tikal’s Stela 31 that helped
connect the two empires.”60

Archaeologist J. Eric Thompson’s longstanding view that the Mayans were a peaceful esoteric
civilization of astronomers, mathematicians, and priests was found to be wrong.
“When, in the 1960s, the hieroglyphs—the most sophisticated writing system created in the New
World—were at last beginning to be deciphered, a new picture of these people emerged. Mayan art
and writing, it turned out, contained stories of battles, sacrificial offerings and torture. Far from being
peaceful, the Maya were warriors, their kings vainglorious despots. Maya cities were not merely
ceremonial; instead, they were a patchwork of feudal fiefdoms bent on conquest and living in
constant fear of attack.”60

The Mayans shared Mesoamerican cultural myths and gods, the building of temples and pyramids, a
rubber ball game with a stone hoop, and the practice of human sacrifice. ““Blood was the mortar of
ancient Maya ritual life,” wrote groundbreaking epigrapher Linda Schele and art historian Mary Miller
in their 1986 book The Blood of Kings.”60 The discovery of the murals in Bonampak in 1946,
illuminated in full color detail the Mayan fascination with blood and war.

Like the Aztecs, Mayans believed that the world had been created, destroyed, and recreated in a
series of ages or Suns. In consequence, they understood that the age that they lived in was bound to
perish at the hands of the gods as well. The fear of impending doom grew, and the belief that blood
was what the gods required to stall it, only got worse with time.

“The mythology of the ancient Maya included the belief that humans had been put on earth to
nourish the gods. Human sacrifices served this purpose. So did the ritual called bloodletting, in which
priests or nobles pierced parts of their bodies and offered the blood to the gods or to ancestors in
exchange for guidance.”61

What the Mayans feared most is shown by their mathematical and astronomical fascination, along
with their carefully observed 365 day solar calendar and 260 day ritual calendar. “The 365-day and
260-day cycles meshed, like a smaller wheel within a larger one, to create a 52-year cycle called the
Calendar Round.”62 This 52 year cycle has been linked to astronomical conjunctions of the planets
Earth and Venus. The fearsome Mayans, may in actuality be the fearful Mayans, who lived in
constant terror of the catastrophic return of the celestial force that may have been instrumental in the
destruction of the fourth age. They feared rebellion from within, warfare from neighboring empires,

World Myth or History? 397

and cataclysmic destruction from above. The Aztecs who adopted the Mayan calendars and beliefs,
celebrated the 52 year cycle by putting out all their fires and starting a new one, lit from a fire in the
open chest of a sacrificial victim.

Jeremiah, the Hebrew prophet warned against the fear of the celestial motions that caused nations to
perform such bloody rituals. “Thus says the Lord, “Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be
terrified by the signs of the heavens Although the nations are terrified by them;”63

The Mayan Empire, longest lasting civilization of the New World, collapsed under the pressures of
wars (both internal and external conflicts), cultural and natural changes, and the Spanish conquest.

Tiwanaku, Wari, and Inca Empires

After the sudden disappearance of the Chavin (400 BC), the Nasca and Moche civilizations emerged
to build aqueducts and irrigation canals, as well as roads that were to benefit the succeeding
empires. Around 500 AD, the Tiwanaku and Wari trans-Andean empires rose in power and domain.
Both Tiwanaku and Wari were centered in the highlands, but colonized the lowlands, uniting diverse
groups of people. Constructing monumental cities of stone, Tiwanaku empire at its height ruled over
an area of 500 miles, while the Wari empire extended over almost a thousand miles. The Wari empire
left behind the structure of central governments, military, roads and communications networks that
were further developed by the Inca.

The empires expanded through warfare, the collection of tribute and trade. The region’s varied
environments were maximized as people were relocated to cultivate new areas and those with
special skills with metals, stones and weaving were supported. Cultures and beliefs were shared and
adapted, which included the notion of the god-kings who demanded worship and absolute allegiance.

Like its predecessor, the Inca empire that arose after the Wari, left no written records, instead they
had a complicated system of knotted strings,64 storing information using colors, knot types and string
lengths to keep track of accounting and other bureaucratic matters. Incas had a tradition of
professional storytelling in order to keep their history.

According to myth, Manco Capac is the founder of the first dynasty of the Inca kingdom of Cusco. “In
one legend he was brought up from the depths of Lake Titicaca by the sun god Inti. In another he
was the son of Tici Viracocha.”65

World Myth or History? 398

Viracocha, the great civilizer, was a god connected to the Deluge that destroyed the first age. Like
Noah, he was the chief of the survivors and facilitated the dispersion of the people “...he gave each
nation distinctive language, songs, and seeds to plant. When he had brought them to life, he ordered
them into the earth to travel underground and emerge from caves, springs, tree trunks, etc. in their
various homes. He then created the sun, moon, and stars.”66 Creating the heavenly bodies may refer
to his knowledge of astronomy. Viracocha is described in stories as a white bearded man, unusual for
a continent of dark skinned men with no facial hair. Manco Capac’s claim to be the son of Viracocha
(Noah) may simply mean that he retained the ancient historical record of ancestry from the survivor of
the Deluge.

The civilization Manco Capac and his siblings had originated from, according to lore, was
“Tiahuanacu, about 200 miles from Cuzco, where the Creator told them to dwell.”66 Tiwanaku was an
ancient city in the Altiplano that may be dated back to the second age dispersion of the nations. They
were masters of huge stone constructions and sun worshippers. Inca myth tell of a second
catastrophic civilization ending flood sent by the creator, when the inhabitants became proud and
quarrelsome. As the great flood subsided, it created the lakes Titicaca and Poopo where the city once
“A large, rich city once existed on the Altiplano. One day, a group of ragged Indians came and
warned the proud inhabitants that the city would be destroyed by earthquake, flood, and fire. Most
inhabitants just scoffed and eventually had the ragged people flogged and thrown out. Some of the
city's priests, though, heeded the warning and went to live as hermits in a temple on a hill. Some time
later, a red cloud appeared on the horizon. Soon it had grown and covered the area, and its red glow
eerily lit the night. Suddenly, with a flash and a rumble, an earthquake destroyed many of the city's
buildings, and a red rain poured down. Other earthquakes and more rain followed, and a flood soon
covered the ruined city; this water is Lake Titicaca today.”66
This catastrophic destruction of their ancient ancestors was traditionally accepted as their true history.
Their belief in the events are reinforced by the fact that the Inca built their cities on top of hills with
vast stores of food and supplies kept in the mountains. And if they built near the coast, they made
sure to stay far away from rivers.

Like the rich city of Tiwanaku, the Chavin and the mythical civilization from the lost Pacific continent,
the Inca Empire worshipped the sun. Manco Capac ascribed his deliverance from the flood waters
that covered lake Titicaca, to Inti - the sun god. Also known as the Empire of the Sun, the Inca Empire
built the megalithic mountain top Machu Picchu complex as a fortress and a sacred site to worship
the sun.

World Myth or History? 399

Manco Capac and seven of his brothers and sisters escaped the cataclysm, but somehow only he
and his sister Mama Ocllo made it to the founding of the first Inca city. “Accounts vary, but according
to some versions of the legend, the young Manco jealously betrayed his older brothers, killed them,
and became the sole ruler of Cuzco.”67

The story of the birth of their empire was recorded by Inca Garcilaso de 1a Vega, who claimed direct
descendancy to Inca royalty, “long ago people were ignorant and brutal, living like wild animals,
without clothes or houses. The god Inti, known as Our Father the Sun, felt sorry for them and sent
one of his sons and one of his daughters to earth to teach them how to live properly. The son was
Manco Capac, whom Inti made the ruler of all the races of people around Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. "I
want you to rule these peoples as a father rules his children," Inti told Manco Capac.”68 In this myth,
accepted by the Inca as their history, the superior status of the royal children of the sun god was
established, as well as making it acceptable for royal siblings to marry. Manco Capac married his
sister Mama Ocllo.

Some stories imply that Manco Capac may have gained rulership of the empire through violence and
deception, “...they gathered all the people from near and far and taught them how to build homes,
weave cloth, make tools, and grow crops. They also taught the people how to use weapons so that
they could defend themselves and defeat others.
... another tale says that Manco Capac deceived people into believing that he was the son of the sun
god. He did this by standing on a mountain wearing silver plaques that shone in the sun and made
him look like a god.”69
Like their neighbors, the Mayans, “the Incas also made animal and human sacrifices. White llamas
were often used for animal sacrifices, and young children were particularly prized as human
sacrifices. Often they were left to die on high mountaintops, sacred places remote from human life
but close to the sky gods.”70 They built many sacred altars, high places, on the mountain tops to
worship and bring sacrifices to their sky gods - the sun, the moon, and the planets.

In 1438 Inca king Pachacuti strengthened and enlarged the empire with innovative incentives for his
successors who received all the power of the emperor but none of its wealth. “A new ruler had to
create his own income. The only way to do that was to grab new lands, subdue more people, and
expand the Empire of the Sun.”71
The empire busied itself with wars of conquest and building a network of roads, fortifications, temples,
and public buildings. Their great wealth was to prove their downfall, when Spanish conquistador
Francisco Pizarro came to Peru (1532) and saw their grand displays of gold. It proved enough
incentive for him to kill the last emperor and end the Inca Empire.

World Myth or History? 400

Greek Empire
If someone had told 4th century Greece that a mighty conqueror would rise up from Macedonia,
forcibly unite their factious city-states and defeat the Persian empire, they may have laughed in
contempt. Ancient Macedonia lay in the northern highlands near the border of Greece, and its people
were seen by ancient writers as either Greeks, barbarians (non-Greeks), or a mix of both. This
confusion and debate carries on with historians of today.

People of ancient Macedonia were described as “rude, brawling, heavy-drinking country of dour
peasants and land owning warriors...The language was Greek, but so tainted by barbarian strains
that Athenians could not understand it. The ruling house...tried to smooth the kingdom’s rough-hewn
nature with a veneer of Greek culture; the court at Pella was a centre of imported Hellenic art and
literature. Yet Macedonia remained an outland, and succession to the throne tended to occur by
dagger or spear…”72

Philip II, King of Macedonia and father of Alexander the Great, “responsible for the modernization of
his kingdom and its expansion into Greece,”73 may have gotten his throne in true Macedonian
fashion. Prior to his reign, Macedonia was such a weak kingdom that Philip’s elder brother, king
Alexander II, had to send him away as a hostage, first to the Illyrians then to Thebes. It was in
Thebes that Philip II learned about the Greek art of warfare, sophisticated political culture, and the
influences of Persia. When Alexander II was assassinated, he was succeeded by Perdiccas III, who
was a year older than Philip. Philip returned to Macedonia with his newfound insight into warfare and
helped Perdiccas conquer the strategic city of Amphipolis. Later, when Perdiccas died in battle, Philip
was appointed regent for his young son.

Through a series of crafty political and economic maneuvers, Philip established the wealth and power
of the Macedonian kingdom. He copied the Persian practice of taking royal pages (hostage sons of
noblemen to ensure their loyalty) and appointing men to control towns for the king. In the flurry of
wars however, somehow the rightful child king, son of Perdiccas, seemed to have ‘disappeared’, and
Philip (360-336 BC) was crowned king of Macedonia.

Philip created a new Macedonian state and a formidable army that was loyal to its king, rather than to
their separate localities. At the peak of his reign, he may have felt like a god, and his divine
aspirations were clearly revealed at the same celebration where he was assassinated. “Among the
splendid accompaniments he [Philip] paraded statues of the twelve gods extravagantly fashioned
with the most magnificent workmanship and wondrously adorned with the gleam of precious metal.

World Myth or History? 401

Along with these a thirteenth was carried in procession, a statue fit for a god, one of Philip in person,
who was displaying himself as enthroned with the twelve gods.”74

King Philip had been assassinated by his disgruntled bodyguard Pausanias, but there were
suspicions of a larger conspiracy, possibly even including the crown prince Alexander who had been
experiencing strained relationships with his father, to the point of allying himself with the Illyrians and
threatening to invade Macedonia. What we do know for sure is that Alexander became king, killed
several of his opponents, and led a Greek army to invade Asia in 334 BC.75

Alexander had the benefit of all that his father Philip had prepared, the loyalty of a well trained army
and a somewhat unified Greece that recognized the Macedonian leadership. But he was only twenty
when he ascended the throne, and the Greek city-states began to show signs of revolt. As Alexander
marched his armies to the north and west of Greece to establish his reign, rumours spread that he
had been slain in battle. Thebes was emboldened to lead a rebellion with members of the Corinthian
League, who had previously sworn allegiance to Philip. A rebellion that Alexander violently crushed,
“...his soldiers stormed the walls and the streets, killing, burning, pillaging, raping. Six thousand
Thebans were slaughtered; another 20,000 were sold into slavery...thereafter no Greek city openly
defied the young king.”76

Ironically, it was from Thebes that his father Philip had learned the art of warfare which they practiced
and improved in the Macedonian army. The powerful defensive and offensive phalanx battle
formation, the quick and deadly “pitched battle”, and the Sacred Band -an elite infantry corps. These
Greek innovations in warfare coupled with Alexander’s intelligence in military tactics and unexpected
maneuvers, propelled him to conquer half the known world, from Egypt to India, in a little over a
decade (336-323 BC).

Gone were the days of naming cities in honor of the gods or ancestors, Alexander built or renamed
cities as he marched across the continents, uniformly giving them his own name. “According to the
great biographer/philosopher Plutarch, Alexander founded at least 70 cities, although this number
probably include pre-existing settlements renamed and/or repopulated by Alexander. The actual
number of cities directly founded by Alexander regardless is known to be at least twenty, and most of
those took his name.”77 Most famous is the Egyptian city of Alexandria. These cities became home to
thousands of Greek veterans, merchant traders, administrators and ordinary settlers, creating a
potent mix of races and cultures.
The numerous cities of Alexandria and their Greek settlers established their empire, not only as a
military might, but as a cultural force as well. On his campaigns, Alexander hired chroniclers to record

World Myth or History? 402

all that transpired, perhaps hoping to immortalize himself in epics similar to Homer’s works, which he
had memorized by heart. He also, “surrounded himself with geographers, astronomers, geologists,
meteorologists and artists, as if he were exploring, not making war.”78

Effects of Hellenistic culture and philosophy was monumental. Schools of thought led by philosophers
like Socrates who introduced humanism, Diogenes who espoused cynicism, and Aristippus of Cyrene
who pursued pleasure in hedonism, were introduced to the world.

Socrates “argued that the highest moral standards were not those of society but those set by each
individual conscience.”79 This kind of thinking goes all the way back to the first age temptation of
knowing for oneself what is good and evil, unhooking morality from the anchor of God’s word. It went
further than setting the guidelines of human actions on man’s laws or social norms. What’s right or
wrong, fair or unfair, was now decided by the individual.

Therefore when Aristotle expounded on the need for population controls, he spoke with cold self logic
that, "There must be a law that no imperfect or maimed child shall be brought up. And to avoid an
excess in population, some children must be exposed [i.e. thrown on the trash heap or left out in the
woods to die]. For a limit must be fixed to the population of the state."80
Typical reasons for killing infants could include having minor imperfections like a harelip, being a girl
(when the parents wanted a boy), or just having too much kids already.

Defending actions considered immoral or taboo by many culture and legalizing these actions in
government was evident in the Sacred Band infantry, where warriors were paired into male warrior-
lovers. The logic behind it was that such ties of more than just duty would urge them to fight for each
other to the death.81
Even pedophilia and pederasty finds its way into sophisticated society when backed up by respected
members of the intellectual community. According to Plato, "I, for my part, am at a loss to say what
greater blessing a man can have in earliest youth than an honorable [older] lover ..." 82

The Hellenistic humanism that Alexander the Great introduced to the conquered nations was seen as
the height of enlightened society --the ultimate goal of the free thinking individual unshackled by the
laws of God and man. The results of such liberal self-centered ideology was particularly evident at the
end of the great conqueror’s empire.

A few months before Alexander died (June 323 BC) of an illness, his own aspirations to divinity
showed its face. “In October, Alexander's lover Hephaestion died in Ecbatana. The king was

World Myth or History? 403

shocked, and as a consolation, he massacred the Cossaeans, a mountain tribe in the Zagros....The
king also ordered his subjects to sacrifice to Hephaestion as if he were a demigod. The implication
was, of course, that he himself - as the greatest of the two lovers - was a god.”83

When Alexander was asked to name his successor on his deathbed, we are told he said, “to the
strongest.”84 Thus, it was that even before the conqueror’s body was laid to rest, the struggle for his
empire began to divide it. His trusted general Cassander took over Greece and Macedonia, ensuring
his reign by murdering Alexander’s mother, wife, young son and several relatives.85 Lysimachus
grabbed Thrace and Asia Minor,86 while Seleucus seized Syria and the Middle East, and Ptolemy
claimed the land of Egypt. But none of his generals possessed the authority and strength of
Alexander, and many of them had unstable dynasties that rose and fell over time.

The conquest of the Medo-Persian Empire by Alexander the Great, and the succeeding division of his
empire into four parts, were foretold in visions given to the Hebrew exile Daniel (605 BC - 535 BC).
He saw a one horned goat from the west attack and defeat the Medo-Persian empire, represented by
a two horned ram. The vision was unambiguously explained,
“20 The ram which you saw with the two horns represents the kings of Media and Persia.
21 The shaggy goat represents the kingdom of Greece, and the large horn that is between his eyes is
the first king. 22 The broken horn and the four horns that arose in its place represent four kingdoms
which will arise from his nation, although not with his power”.87
The book of Daniel written over 200 years before the events took place, repeats the prophecy and
adds the detail that Alexander’s empire would not be given to his son. “But as soon as he has arisen,
his kingdom will be broken up and parceled out toward the four points of the compass, though not to
his own descendants, nor according to his authority which he wielded, for his sovereignty will be
uprooted and given to others besides them.”88 Cassander made sure that there would be no
contender to the throne from the lineage of Alexander III. Roxana and young Alexander IV were killed
under his orders in 310 BC. Then he had 17 year old Herakles, along with his mother Barsine,
murdered in 309 BC.89

The constant bickering and warfare of the shattered Greek empire, left them open to the rise of a new
world power, coming from virtually next door.

Roman Empire
The fourth century was a time of success in war for the Roman Latin tribes. After defeating the
Etruscans who had ruled the lands in the fourth age, they secured their borders by taking the

World Myth or History? 404

neighboring lands.The problem was, the more lands they conquered, the more neighbors they had to
bring into submission. This situation brought about a time of constant warfare.

The Roman militaristic and legalistic society proved to be both its strength and its weakness. All land
owning male Roman citizens 17- 46 years old were required to serve in the army. 90 For the Patrician
nobles, this meant promotion of status and wealth from the spoils of war. For the common man, who
had to buy his own armor and live on a meager allowance, it meant being unable to work the farm,
support the family, and pay debts. Many ended up literally losing the farm to opportunistic individuals
bent on profiting from the situation.

Rich Romans became richer and the poor became poorer, as landless and jobless Roman citizens
flocked into crowded cities. Less and less Romans were qualified by law to join the army. Gaius
Marius (157 BC- 86 BC) made adjustments that offered a share of the spoils of war to soldiers, and
the possibility of pensions and land distribution for veterans.
“Marius thus completed the transformation of the army from a peasant militia, whose members were
taking time off from their ploughs to serve their country, to a professional establishment whose
soldiers owed their allegiance less to the Roman state than to the generals whose triumphs their own
fortunes depended.”91

The loyalty of the army to its general rather than to its state was used by Julius Caesar to his benefit
when he received an order to return home without his army or faces charges of treason. Knowing that
compliance would mean his death under the hands of a Senate envious of his successes and fearful
of his ambitions, he challenged the loyalty of his legionaries to their general by asking them to throw
their lot in with him. Julius Caesar’s reputation as a brilliant orator and military leader was proven as
his army charged into Rome, their own city, seizing the treasury and ultimately leading to Caesar
receiving the position of Dictator. But when Caesar showed signs of making the position permanent
with implications of royalty, he was publicly assassinated by 60 senators who had stabbed him 23

The conspirators did not realize that their actions would set the wheels in motion for their worst fears
to be realized in 27 BC, when Gaius Octavius, Caesar’s adopted son and nephew, became the first
Roman emperor.
More popularly known as Augustus Caesar, his official name, the first Roman emperor ensured
stability by securing the borders, engaging in massive construction projects, and initiated the Pax
Romana (Roman Peace) which lasted 200 years.92

World Myth or History? 405

The duality that wracked the structure of the Roman Empire was evident in the Pax Romana. For
Rome and the lands that had already submitted to their dominion there was peace.
“The Roman legal system which forms the basis of many western court systems today brought law
and order to the provinces. The Legions patrolled the borders with success...the internal empire was
free from major invasion, piracy or social disorder on any grand scale...The arts and architecture
flourished as well, along with commerce and the economy.”93 However, for all those considered the
enemies of Rome, this was a time of war and turmoil as the empire continued its expansion. The
Roman idea of peace was to crush any possible threat to their empire. War was a necessity to keep
the professional Roman armies busily employed. And the overspending Roman government needed
the spoils they took from the conquered lands.

For in truth, all was not well at home in the Roman empire that relied heavily on its massive workforce
of slaves. At its peak, nearly half of the Roman population may have consisted of slaves. “Many of
these slaves served in the burgeoning Roman Bureaucracy or performed the manual labour needed
for farming, mining, building and public works.”94 Slaves became the preferred workforce, due to the
low monthly overhead and lack of rights. The impoverished Roman citizens could not find
employment and generally lived in overcrowded squalor.

Panem et Circenses (Bread and Circuses), free food and entertainment, were used to keep the
citizenry amused and otherwise occupied from thinking too much about their sorry plight. The
Coliseum in Rome could hold an audience of 50,000 people, who would come almost daily to be
given free grain and wine, while being entertained as they watched animals tear each other to pieces,
people fed to animals, and people fighting each other to the death. “Intermissions consisted of mass
executions of condemned prisoners -- by burning, beheading, and flaying the skin off them while they
were still alive.”95 There were over 200 locations in the Roman Empire where people were killed for
amusement. Everything had to be done in proper Roman legal manner, thus the victims in this sport
had to be convicted of some crime and lawfully condemned, although prisoners of war and slaves
were also used frequently.
Gladiators, the numbers of which included men, women, children, and people with handicaps and
deformities, were the main events as they battled to the death for the pleasure of the crowds.
Emperor Augustus organized “games where 10,000 men battled against 3,500 wild animals from
Africa. Also, in 107 A.D., Trajan, on occasion of the victory against the Dacians, organized battles of
over 10,000 gladiators that lasted 123 festival days and in which 11,000 wild animals were killed.”96

Another recreational activity introduced in the 2nd century BC were the public bathhouses where the
Roman citizens spent their time playing ball, exchanging opinions, and hanging out. Archaeologists

World Myth or History? 406

have recently discovered another gruesome aspect for which these recreational facilities were used.
In the sewer under a Roman bath house in Ashkelon, archaeologist Ross Voss discovered the
remains of over a 100 healthy babies who may have literally been flushed down the toilet. This was
not an isolated find, for in Hambleden, an excavation under the site of a Roman Villa revealed the
remains of 97 infants dated to the era of the Roman empire.
“During Roman times, it was not uncommon for infants to be killed as a form of birth control. It was
not a crime, as newborn infants were viewed as being ‘not fully human’.”97 This legal argument
seemed to have satisfied many individual’s conscience sufficiently to dump their newborn children
unceremoniously down the Roman sewers. No longer were children a precious sacrifice to the gods,
in the Roman Empire they were sacrificed to maintain the individual’s way of life.

Roman citizens lived under a dual fear of an uprising of the slaves below them, and the possibility of
an insane emperor ruling over them. Perhaps Roman society found escape in uncontrolled pleasure
seeking, self absorption, and sexual practices considered taboo by many cultures. “The great 18th
century historian Gibbon, author of The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, states that of all the
Roman Emperors, only Claudius was heterosexual.”98 However, even Emperor Claudius did not
seem to be a model heterosexual, marrying four times, divorcing the first two, executing the third, and
being himself assassinated by the fourth.99

Ancient Rome had such a low birth rate or perhaps low infant survival rate that laws were passed
“requiring a man to marry and have a certain minimum number of children in order to bequeath his
property.”100 Legally forcing people to have families did not seem to have worked since around the
5th century, there was such a scarcity of Roman citizens to fill the ranks of their army, that they had
difficulty defending themselves. Nearing the empire’s demise, the Roman armies were comprised
mostly of foreign mercenaries, who would just as willingly attack Rome than fight on its behalf.
“The ranks of the legions eventually swelled with Germanic Goths and other barbarians, so much so
that Romans began using the Latin word “barbarus” in place of “soldier.” While these Germanic
soldiers of fortune proved to be fierce warriors, they also had little or no loyalty to the empire, and
their power-hungry officers often turned against their Roman employers. In fact, many of the
barbarians who sacked the city of Rome and brought down the Western Empire had earned their
military stripes while serving in the Roman legions.”101

In 285 AD, Rome could no longer be controlled by a central government and had to be divided by
Emperor Diocletian into the Latin west and the Greek speaking east. The Western empire came to an
end by the 5th century AD, while the Eastern empire struggled on until it fell to the Ottoman Turks.102

World Myth or History? 407

The extreme double sided face of Rome is seen in the vast gap between the rich and the poor. The
duality is evident in the importance they gave to Roman citizens and the Roman army, while at the
same time eroding its very foundations through actions and decisions made by its government. The
Roman peace supported by constant war. The amusement of the masses derived from the misery of
those killed for sport. The duality of the Roman Empire which was to come after the Greek Empire
was described in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
“40 Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all
things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces. 41 In that you saw
the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have
in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay. 42 As the toes of
the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it
will be brittle. 43 And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one
another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine
with pottery.”103
Many people have wondered at the collapse of Rome, but the real mystery is how it had been able to
stand so long with such divided extremes of strength and weakness.

The degeneration of humanity, as foretold by the Greek Hesiod and the Vedic texts in the fifth age of
man, is evident in the iron age empires. King Asoka of the Mauryan Empire chiselled his observation
on rock, that man’s cruelty towards man and reverence for god had been going on a downward spiral
over the years. Even just from the time of the Greek Empire that argued for the need of exposing
babies to the elements as a form of population control, to the Roman Empire where babies appear to
have been unceremoniously dumped in the sewers, we see the devolution of man described by the

Age Five: Achievements

Fifth age achievements are inexorably linked to the global rise of iron age empires. The empires of
this age were far from perfect, and their key characters were aptly described by both the Greek
Hesiod and the ancient Vedic texts. However, as Hesiod wrote, “But, notwithstanding, even these
shall have some good mingled with their evils.”104
Iron Age empires provided the nations of the earth with central government structures and legal
systems, along with the armed forces to enforce the laws. This central government provided several
major functions: 1). They were able to maintain a general form of peace within the empire, 2).
Protection of borders from other empires and random invaders, and 3) . Establish an environment
conducive for trade and enterprise.

World Myth or History? 408

Peace Within the Empire
Establishing and maintaining the peace is more easily said than done. Within the dominion of each
empire lay multiple states, tribes and peoples with various languages, religions and cultures. Most of
these people groups had no problem with preying on the weak and fighting with their neighboring
lands. Rulers of the empire needed to know how to balance a firm strong leadership, with flexibility
and wisdom.

Asoka from the Mauryan empire had long been thought of as a mythical figure until the discovery and
translation of his edicts carved in stone. Buddhist legends tell of the good king who had ruled India in
the distant past. This legendary king obviously saw communicating with the populace as an important
part of empire building. His edicts, found throughout India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, most
commonly appeared in Brahmi script. But in some regions, he was flexible enough to use a type of
Magadhi, Sanskrit, and even Aramaic and Greek.

Communication was not one way, Asoka made it clear in his edicts that he was available to hear from
the people 24/7. “In the past, state business was not transacted nor were reports delivered to the king
at all hours. But now I have given this order, that at any time, whether I am eating, in the women's
quarters, the bed chamber, the chariot, the palanquin, in the park or wherever, reporters are to be
posted with instructions to report to me the affairs of the people so that I might attend to these affairs
wherever I am.”105

The first government standardization of over 3,000 Chinese written characters occurred in the Qin
dynasty (221 BC - 207 BC). “A new, somewhat formalized style known as seals was introduced—a
form that generally has survived until now…”106 The Chinese characters crossed the boundaries of
various spoken dialects because words that may be phonetically expressed differently in different
dialects were graphically written the same way. This standardization of written characters opened the
door for efficient cross cultural communication throughout the entire empire.

Greek city states had many dialects, but it was a combination of Attic (spoken in Athens) and Ionic
(spoken across the Aegean from Athens) that was carried across the empire. “Alexander carried the
Attic-Ionic form of the language, along with Greek culture more generally, far into the Near East
where it became the standard language of commerce and government, existing along side many
local languages. Greek was adopted as a second language by the native people of these

World Myth or History? 409

The influence of the Greek language on the eastern half of the succeeding Roman empire was so
strong, that it was maintained as the official language, while the western half used Latin. The Parthian
Empire maintained the Greek koine as their official language, but like the enterprising businessmen
they were, they also used Parthian, Persian, Aramaic and Akkadian.

Across the ocean, the first written Mayan script archaeologists have found to date, was written in 250
BC under the auspices of the Mayan empire.108 Apparently the recognition for the need of a common
language to be used in a unified empire was globally felt. The logosyllabic Mayan script may have
been used to write down up to three of the Mayan dialects. Their neighboring Incan empire
established the tradition of hiring professional storytellers and actors to preserve their history and
through their stories possibly deliver the messages intended by the main government.
Communications across cultures and nations were established through common languages, and by
educating the population in reading and writing in the official languages used in both commerce and
government. In this way, different tribes and peoples unified by a common language, culture and laws
of governance became a much larger imperial entity, able to accomplish more than its separate parts.

The policies of the empires varied from the extreme legalism enforced by First Chinese Emperor, to
the Parthian feudal monarchy that couldn’t care less what you believed as long as business
prospered. The Greeks and Romans showed respect for local religions as they propagated their own
form of secular humanism. Mayans seemed to have shared common beliefs, deities and traditions,
while the Mauryan empire may have shown a reverence for all faiths. “One should listen to and
respect the doctrines professed by others. Beloved-of-the-Gods, King Piyadasi, desires that all
should be well-learned in the good doctrines of other religions.”109

If communication was the nerve center, informing the brain of the needs of the body. The armed
forces was the immune system that fought against the internal breakdown of the empire. The Greeks
held the policy of crushing rebellious nations, while showing kindness and grace to those who
willingly submitted to their dominion.

The Roman empire is famous for the Pax Romana kept within their vast domain. An example of
Rome keeping the peace was when the Greek Antiochus marched against Egypt’s young new
monarch, Ptolemy, hoping to take over the region in its moment of weakness. His ambition and
armies were stopped, and Antiochus was greatly embarrassed when forced to make a decision on
the spot, if he was willing to challenge Rome’s authority. “...he was driven not only from Alexandria,
but out of all Egypt, by the declaration of the Romans, who charged him to let the country alone…”110
Egypt, the breadbasket of the Roman empire was spared, but in a wrathful royal temper tantrum,

World Myth or History? 410

Antiochus took his frustration out on Jerusalem, “...disgusted at his having been obliged by the
Romans to quit Egypt, marched to Jerusalem, and in 3 days massacred 80,000 of its inhabitants,
made 40,000 captives, and sold as many more for slaves.” 111

Obviously, the empires were not perfect, although the peace that they offered was relatively better
than nothing. However, the Jews held to a promise given in ages past, of a king of kings who would
come and bring them true lasting peace. And under the oppression of imperial rule, the Hebrews
longed for their promised king.

But Antiochus had reason to back-off from challenging the Roman empire. “To the Romans, slaughter
and genocide were an important part of keeping the empire secure. “The Pax Romana isn’t simply
won after a series of battles,” says Newcastle University archaeologist Ian Haynes. “Rather, it’s
asserted over and over in brutal ways.””112

Border Protection
Securing their vast domain was one of the primary concerns of the fifth age empires. The Great Wall
built (221 BC) during the reign of First Emperor, possibly at the cost of 400,000 lives, spanned 3,000
miles.113 It was a massive public works project built to keep the northern barbarian tribes from
attacking the borders of the Chinese empire.

The Parthian Empire maintained a regular patrol of cavalry to ensure the protection of its borders.
And even the good and gentle King Asoka had an edict expressing that he would prefer that his
borders be protected by the principles of right living, but military conquests would be used when

Myths from the South American Inca Empire tell us that their founder and first Emperor, Manco
Capac, primarily taught the people “how to use weapons so that they could defend themselves and
defeat others.”114 The Incans were thus trained and equipped for both offense and defense in service
to their empire.

In Mesoamerica, the Mayan empire may have united to defend themselves against neighboring
powerful civilizations. Although the records they have left behind show that they often engaged in
internal wars against their co-city states (like the Greeks), they may have risen to fight together when
the need arose (also like the Greeks). An instance of such need could have happened in defending
their empire against the powerful Teotihuacán civilization from the Mexican highlands. “..the day
when a lord from Teotihuacán named Siyah K’ak’, or Fire is Born, arrived at Tikal: a.d. January 31,

World Myth or History? 411

378. It is probably no coincidence that the 14th king of Tikal, Chak Tok Ich’aak I, long known as
Jaguar Paw, died the same day.”115

The Roman empire secured their borders through conquering neighboring lands that directly abutted
their own, consequently expanding their empire and increasing the number of neighboring lands. This
went on until they reached natural borders like the Rhine and Danube rivers or the deserts that
flanked Rome’s eastern and southern limits. Troops were assigned to patrol the land and the navy
monitored the waterways. In their northern borders they built walls and forts that went on for many
miles. Ensuring the security of the empire was of tantamount importance, and mercy a luxury they did
not indulge in. Tacitus records a battle in which the Germans had been defeated by the Roman
troops, where the general, “took his helmet off his head and begged his men to follow up the
slaughter, as they wanted not prisoners, and the utter destruction of the nation would be the only
conclusion of the war. And now, late in the day, he withdrew one of his legions from the field, to
intrench a camp, while the rest till nightfall glutted themselves with the enemy's blood. Our cavalry
fought with indecisive success.”116

Trade and Enterprise

Commerce needed to be nurtured and stimulated in the iron age empires. The prosperity of the
empire would directly affect its health and longevity. Unfortunately, the wealthier the empire became,
the more enemies arose to take that wealth away. A successful empire needed powerful armed forces
to protect it, and since all iron age empires were founded by leaders well versed in war, that would
not be a major problem at least for a few generations.

Standardized weights and measurements were implemented, as well as a uniform form of currency,
promoting trade within the empire. In China, First Emperor of the Qin dynasty unified weights and
measures throughout the empire and “promulgated China's earliest Currency Act, which prescribed
the nationwide use of the Qin State currency, called half-liang coin, circular and with a square hole in
the center.”117

The Mauryan empire prospered with an environment that promoted commerce. “The trade that India
engaged in along the Silk Road flourished because of the decreased number of bandits on the roads,
and the internal trade also did well because of the single currency that Chandragupta established in
India.”118 With an army that numbered over 700,000 strong, the Mauryan empire was more than
capable of keeping the peace, while the unified currency allowed for trade with a greater number of

World Myth or History? 412

The Inca empire did not let their absence of currency hold them back from profitable trade and the
inevitable payment of taxes. They commonly traded in produce, household goods, feathers, cloth,
metals, and services. Records were kept by a complicated system of strings and knots. Trade routes
were plentiful with over 40,000 kilometers of roads and bridges built by the government.119

Like the Incas, the Mayan trade and industry thrived as they did business both with the city states in
the empire and in the neighboring regions, even with the absence of an official currency. They appear
to have produced most of the food and items they needed for everyday life, thus most of their trade
involved prestige goods used for weapons, adornments, and rituals. “Different sites in the Maya
region produced gold, jade, copper, obsidian and other raw materials: items made from these
materials are found at nearly every major Maya site, indicating an extensive trade system.”120

The Parthian empire was not too proud to simply adopt the Greek drachma as their official currency,
as they became the literal middleman for several empires, profiting from every item that passed
through their borders. They were the lords and protector of the Silk Road, with over 6,000 kilometers
of trade routes that linked the east to the west, from China all the way to the Mediterranean sea.
Some historians note that the Parthians were shady businessmen who were not above lying about
their goods. “The Parthians serving as trading intermediaries between China and the Roman Empire,
sold fancy Chinese brocades to Rome and then, using some deceit about silkworm cocoons in the
Roman Empire, sold re-weavings of gauzy silk back to the Chinese. The Chinese, admittedly, lacked
the technology for the weaving, but they might have been scandalized to realize they had provided
the raw material.”121

Alexander brought a team of artisans, scientists, scholars, and tradesmen along with him, as well as
the usage of the Greek currency and standard weights and measurements across the conquered
lands. The unified currency and standard measurements allowed for greater understanding, allowing
people from different lands to work together.
When the Roman empire succeeded the Greek, they made the Solidus their official currency.
“One of the defining characteristics of the Roman Empire was their ability to have a standard
currency. However, the currency changed throughout the Roman Times.”122 The changes were due to
the desire of various Roman emperors to immortalize themselves with their likeness preserved in the
coinage art.

Enterprising merchants produced a surplus which was welcomed by the neighboring empires. A
network of roads and trade routes were built that linked entire continents. Uniform currencies,
weights, and measurements stimulated and sped up the commercial processes. Citizens of the fifth

World Myth or History? 413

age became citizens of the world. Peoples who had previously had no exposure to anything foreign
would no longer find it unusual to sit down to a supper of grain from Egypt, eaten with meat flavored
with spices from India, drizzled with olive oil from Greece, and washed down with wine from France,
then enjoying a dessert of Chinese pomegranates.

Individuals began to travel and migrate to foreign lands without necessarily having to kill or be killed
as they journeyed or as they settled in. Cultural integration and religious tolerance took place in the
empires as the displaced populations found themselves in international communities flourishing in
unfamiliar territories, and learning a second language in order to communicate for official and
commercial purposes.

The concept of individual choice and a respect for individual beliefs had to be maintained for the sake
of peace and prosperity. Trade included the exchange of ideas and the exposure to new things that
challenged traditions and ancient religions. But as the iron age empires became ever more
oppressive, the desire for freedom and a better kind of kingdom grew stronger than ever.

Age Five: Notable Events

Fifth age events were like a final countdown to an exciting historic climax. One could almost sense
the nail biting edge-of-your-seat fear in the Maya and Inca empires of the Americas as they waited in
expectation for the final destruction of the ages. As the terror mounted, the blood poured more
profusely, so that by the time of the Aztecs, thousands of human beings were being sacrificed at a
time. “For the re-consecration of Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they
sacrificed about 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days.”123

As the fifth age neared its end, humanistic Greek intellectual society began to question the veracity of
ancient historians, doubting the existence of lands like Atlantis and Hyperborea.124 And questioning
Plato’s claims of forgotten civilizations destroyed by catastrophic celestial actions, supposing perhaps
that he had mistaken them for another people group or elaborated on a story from an ancient tale.125
This contempt for the records of their predecessors was described by the apostle Peter, along with
the belief that the way things are now are the way things have always been (Uniformitarianism).
“3 Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their
own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep,
all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.”” But Peter reminded his readers that those
who claim this are forgetting the past origin and catastrophes of the earth.

World Myth or History? 414

“5 For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed
long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6 through which the world at that time
was destroyed, being flooded with water.”126

Men declaring that the records of the ancients never happened, doesn’t change history.

Events of the fifth age are described in macro and micro detail hundreds of years in advance by the
Hebrew statesman and prophet, Daniel. The end of the fifth age of mankind arrived at the culmination
of a very specific prophetic series of chronological events. These prophecies recorded by Daniel are
literally like reading history in advance, written before most of the key players are even born.
It seems to confirm the prophet Isaiah’s claims about the God whom the Hebrews worshipped, as he
urges us to,
“9 “Remember the former things long past,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is no one like Me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things which have not been done,
Saying, ‘My purpose will be established,
And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;”127
The true author of the remarkable foreknowledge claims to be the one true God. The Maker of every
human being. A living sentient omnipresent omnipotent being, who created not only Israel, but all
nations, tribes and tongues.

King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian empire affirms that these visions had been given by a divine
being, regarding things to come,
“In order that the living may know
That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind,
And bestows it on whom He wishes…”128

The Big Picture

The chronology of ruling world powers was recorded by the prophet Daniel (605 BC-535 BC) from a
dream of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and from a series of visions that he himself saw. The
succession of empires that would rule the ‘great sea’ 129 (regions around the Mediterranean Sea) that
spanned the start of the fourth age to the end of the fifth age.

World Myth or History? 415

King Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of a statue. “32 The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its
breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron
and partly of clay. 34 You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the
statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them.”130
For Daniel, the empires that would arise to conquer the lands were shown as beasts. The first was a
lion with eagle’s wings, the second was a bear with three ribs in its mouth, the third a leopard with
four wings and four heads, and the fourth a fearsome strong beast with iron teeth. Daniel’s vision, like
that of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, culminated in the establishment of an everlasting

Sceptics could rightly claim that these visions may be made to represent anything. However, Daniel
was not only a visionary, but an interpreter of visions. And in his book, he records both the visions and
the interpretations that he had received for these visions, revealing who were to be the key players.

Babylonian Empire
The book of Daniel informs us that the head of gold which ruled from the start of the fourth age, also
represented by the winged lion, was the kingdom of Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar (605 BC-539
BC, Daniel 2:36-38). The Babylonian empire may have been instrumental in the collection and
preservation of the peoples and cultures of the different nations of that region, and carrying out and
accomplishing the divine judgment over the war loving civilizations of the third age, as discussed in
the chapter on the fourth age of man.

Medo-Persian Empire
The breast and two arms of silver, was said to be an empire inferior to the previous one. The two
arms united at the chest, aptly describes the union of the Persian Cyrus the Great with the King of the
Medes (539 BC-331 BC) . Daniel saw the Medo-Persian bear raised up on one side, which may
represent one of the powers to be stronger than the other. This could imply that the Persians may
have had the upperhand in the alliance, although the laws they followed were the joint laws of the
Medes and the Persians. This is further emphasized in another vision about this second empire
represented by a two horned ram with one horn smaller than the other. The army of the Medes had
surrendered their king to Cyrus the Great, who would then have had the upperhand in whatever deal
they may have struck.
Three ribs in the bear’s mouth, could be the three major powers that they conquered together:
Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. “I (Daniel) saw the ram butting westward, northward, and southward, and
no other beasts could stand before him nor was there anyone to rescue from his power, but he did as

World Myth or History? 416

he pleased and magnified himself.”132 The two horns representing the unified Medo-Persian empire
did chronologically conquer Babylon to the west, then Lydia to the north, and Egypt to the south. The
identity of this kingdom was not left to speculation since it is clearly identified as the kings of Media
and Persia by Daniel (Daniel 8:20).

Greek Empire
Third kingdom to rise from the earth was the bronze belly and thighs that was a picture of the
Macedonian conqueror Alexander who mustered the Greeks to march across the known world. A
leopard with four wings of a bird may represent the speed in which he accomplished this feat (a little
over ten years), and the four heads could be seen as the division of his kingdom after his death.
“...his four generals—Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy—divided up the empire.”133
The Greek empire ruled from 331 BC-168 BC.

Historian, Flavius Josephus, wrote of an encounter between Alexander the Great and the high priest
of Jerusalem, wherein the prophecies of Daniel regarding Greece where shown to the conqueror.
Alexander had been on his way to Jerusalem to teach the Jews a lesson for refusing to provide for
his army in his siege against Tyre. The high priest, Jaddus, was instructed in a dream to meet
Alexander in full regalia, while the people of Jerusalem wore white.
“And when the Phoenicians and the Samarians that followed him thought they should have liberty to
plunder the city, and torment the high-priest to death, which the king's displeasure fairly promised
them, the very reverse of it happened; for Alexander, when he saw the multitude at a distance, in
white garments, while the priests stood clothed with fine linen, and the high-priest in purple and
scarlet clothing, with his mitre on his head, having the golden plate whereon the name of God was
engraved, he approached by himself, and adored that name, and first saluted the high-priest.”134
When asked about his unusual behavior, he explained that, “'I did not adore him, but that God who
has honored him with his highpriesthood; for I saw this very person in a dream, in this very habit,
when I was at Dion in Macedonia, who, when I was considering with myself how I might obtain the
dominion of Asia, exhorted me to make no delay, but boldly to pass over the sea thither, for that he
would conduct my army, and would give me the dominion over the Persians; whence it is that, having
seen no other in that habit, and now seeing this person in it, and remembering that vision, and the
exhortation which I had in my dream, I believe that I bring this army under the Divine conduct, and
shall therewith conquer Darius, and destroy the power of the Persians, and that all things will
succeed according to what is in my own mind.'”134
Thus, it seems that the God who spoke to Alexander the Macedonian king, and the God of the Jews
was one and the same.

World Myth or History? 417

“And when the Book of Daniel was showed him wherein Daniel declared that one of the Greeks
should destroy the empire of the Persians, he supposed that himself was the person intended.”134
Instead of destroying Jerusalem, Alexander granted them special tax and legal benefits.

The verse they may have shown Alexander from the book of Daniel may have been from the vision of
the shaggy goat that destroys the Medes and Persians, represented by the two horned ram. The goat
that topples the Achaemenid empire is identified as the kingdom of Greece. “The shaggy goat
represents the kingdom of Greece, and the large horn that is between his eyes is the first king.”135
The interpretation goes on to unambiguously explain that when the small horn is broken, the Greek
empire would be divided into four smaller kingdoms. “The broken horn and the four horns that arose
in its place represent four kingdoms which will arise from his nation, although not with his power.”136
The Greek empire divided under Alexander’s four generals, after the conqueror’s demise, is aptly
described. Daniel then gave us a detailed snapshot of the last days of the Greek empire and the rise
of the Romans.
“23 “In the latter period of their rule,
When the transgressors have run their course,
A king will arise,
Insolent and skilled in intrigue.
24 “His power will be mighty, but not by his own power,
And he will destroy to an extraordinary degree
And prosper and perform his will;
He will destroy mighty men and the holy people.
25 “And through his shrewdness
He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence;
And he will magnify himself in his heart,
And he will destroy many while they are at ease.
He will even oppose the Prince of princes,
But he will be broken without human agency.”137

Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who had literally taken on the name “God Manifest”, had reigned (175 BC -
164 BC) at the end of the Seleucid kingdom and saw the rise of the Roman empire (v.23). He spent
some time in Rome as a hostage until he was ransomed by his brother, King Seleucus IV, at the
expense of his son Demetrius. Antiochus showed his ‘gratitude’ by having the rightful heir to the
throne killed after his brother Seleucus IV was murdered.138 Thus, Antiochus IV became the powerful
Seleucid monarch, but not rightfully his own power (v.24). In order to secure and enlarge his domain,
he attacked his young nephew Ptolemy VI of Egypt, son of his sister Cleopatra I. Around 169 BC.

World Myth or History? 418

Antiochus IV refused to assist Perseus of Macedonia against the possible Roman threat to the
divided Greek kingdoms, instead focusing his energies on Hellenizing and growing his territories
through his armies. Jason, a leader of the pro-Greek Jewish Reform party, bribed him to depose the
existing high priest Onias (the prince of the covenant) and put Jason in his place. But he was
overthrown from the position by Menelaus of the orthodox party, with an even bigger ‘tribute’ to the
Seleucid king. In 164 BC, Antiochus IV died from an illness, and not by the hand of any man. Many
saw his death as divine judgment for he apparently saw profit in despoiling all religions, and had just
tried to loot the shrine of Nanaia in Elam.139

Roman Empire
The fourth empire was a true representative of Hesiod’s iron age of man, the Roman empire seen as
the legs of iron with feet of iron and clay. As iron and clay do not mix well, the inherent weakness of
the empire is seen in its duality as discussed earlier. Eventually the Roman empire was divided into
the east and west, but still functioning together as one entity, like two legs. However, from around
351- 476 AD it broke down further into ten separate smaller kingdoms, like ten toes. “The groups that
held Roman territories and formed their own kingdoms included the Franks, Huns, Visigoths,
Ostrogoths, Heruli, Lombards, Anglo-Saxons, Suevi, Vandals, and Burgundians.”140

Daniel saw the Roman empire as a beast with large iron teeth, devouring, crushing and trampling
down what remained of the nations. The threshing of the Nations by a prophetically revealed
succession of empires and catastrophes of celestial proportions, according to the prophets, was an
intentional act of the Creator. Habakkuk tells us that,
“He stood and surveyed the earth; He looked and startled the nations. Yes, the perpetual mountains
were shattered, The ancient hills collapsed. His ways are everlasting.”141

The hold of ancient powerful war loving civilizations that terrified the peoples of the earth had been
broken. In this prophecy, nations are likened to immovable mountains that are purposefully broken
down. Their cities made as if they had never existed. Traditions and religions that were entrenched for
thousands of years were shattered and its pieces were collapsing under the pressure of new ideas.
Habakkuk makes it clear that it is God who tramples the nations. And it was done to prepare the way
for the coming of the promised king.

“12 In indignation You marched through the earth;

In anger You trampled the nations.
13 You went forth for the salvation of Your people,
For the salvation of Your anointed.

World Myth or History? 419

You struck the head of the house of the evil
To lay him open from thigh to neck. Selah.”142

The visions recorded by Daniel were historical countdowns seen by an infinite being from multiple
viewpoints. As the time for the completion of the fifth age drew to a close, further details are given,
very much like the last-few-seconds counted down for an exciting sporting event. The fearsome beast
with iron teeth had ten horns that represented the Roman empire sprouted a little horn, uprooting
three horns. The little horn had the eyes of a man and a boastful mouth.

Horns represented kings, like the horns of the ram that represented the kings of the Medes and
Persians or the horn on the goat that represented Alexander the Great. The Roman empire, like the
other empires had many rulers, but this was a countdown to a specific historic event and it is at the
rule of the 11th king that the fifth age would be consummated.

Rome’s first emperor was Augustus (27 BC-14 AD), followed by Tiberius (14-37 AD), Caligula (37-41
AD), Claudius (41-54 AD), Nero (54-68 AD), Galba (68-69 AD), Otho (69 AD), Vitellius (69 AD),
Vespasian (69-79 AD), and the 11th was Titus (79-81 AD).143

in 67 AD Emperor Nero appointed Vespasian Commander of his armies in Judaea, along with his son
Titus who became his Lieutenant. A Judean general, Joseph son of Matthias, was captured but his
life was spared when he shared a prophecy with Vespasian that predicted his rise to emperor. The
prophecy had been made by Balaam, a gentile prophet, regarding a future time for Israel, which
Joseph saw as his current time.
“17 “I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near;
A star shall come forth from Jacob,
A scepter shall rise from Israel...
19 “One from Jacob shall have dominion,
And will destroy the remnant from the city.””144
Joseph son of Matthias, who later became the historian Flavius Josephus, interpreted these verses
as referring to Vespasian who was appointed to the Judean region (from Israel/Jacob), who would
soon become the emperor of Rome. Josephus felt that the appearance of two comets in Judea,
where the stars that signalled the rise of the new king.
“There were two comet(s). One appeared in late 64 (Tacitus, Annals, 15.47), the other, in 69, is
mentioned by Cassius Dio (Roman History, 65=66.1.4).”145 Thus, the rebel Judean general, Joseph
son of Matthias, saw the destruction of the city of Jerusalem as inevitable (v.19).

World Myth or History? 420

Vespasian was not surprised to learn that he would hold the highest office in Rome. “Now portents
and dreams had come to Vespasian pointing to the sovereignty long beforehand. Thus, as he was
eating dinner on his country estate, where most of his time was spent, an ox approached him, knelt
down and placed his head beneath his feet. On another occasion, when he was also eating, a dog
dropped a human hand under the table. 3 And a conspicuous cypress tree, which had been uprooted
and overthrown by a violent wind, stood upright again on the following day by its own power and
continued to flourish. From a dream he learned that when Nero Caesar should lose a tooth, he
himself should be emperor. This prophecy about the tooth became a reality on the following day; and
Nero himself in his dreams once thought that he had brought the car of Jupiter to Vespasian's house.
These portents needed interpretation; 4 but not so the saying of a Jew named Josephus: he, having
earlier been captured by Vespasian and imprisoned, laughed and said: "You may imprison me now,
but a year from now, when you have become emperor, you will release me."” 146

The Jews, who on the other hand interpreted the same scripture as referring to their promised coming
king who was to rule and reign over the earth, saw the comets as confirming their war against the
Roman empire. The outcome of the war was brutal. “That six hundred thousand Jews were killed in
that war is stated by Cornelius and Suetonius.”147
Many citizens of Jerusalem were killed by fellow Jews as factions within the city faught. Numerous
people also died from starvation. Multitudes who tried to escape the horrors of the city were crucified
(over 500 people daily) or split open for gold pieces they may have swallowed. “One of the defectors
was the famous teacher Yohanan ben Zakkai, who escaped in a coffin and saved his life by
predicting Titus that he, too, would be an emperor.”148

But one of the worst things they suffered was the destruction of their sacred temple.
“2 1 It is said that Titus first called a council and deliberated whether he should destroy such a mighty
temple. For some thought that a consecrated shrine, which was famous beyond all other works of
men, ought not to be razed, arguing that its preservation would bear witness to the moderation of
Rome, while its destruction would for ever brand her cruelty. Yet others, including Titus himself,
opposed, holding the destruction of this temple to be a prime necessity in order to wipe out more
completely the religion of the Jews and the Christians; for they urged that these religions, although
hostile to each other, nevertheless sprang from the same sources; the Christians had grown out of
the Jews: if the root were destroyed, the stock would easily perish.”149

It seemed that the peoples of the ancient world were not unfamiliar with the prophecies that foretold a
king, coming from Israel, who would rule over all the earth. Such a belief was not seen as a laughing

World Myth or History? 421

matter, and even foreign scholars and historians saw fit to interpret them as pointing to the rise of the
Roman emperors.
“There had spread over all the Orient an old and established belief, that it was fated for men coming
from Judaea to rule the world. This prediction, referring to the emperor of Rome -as afterwards
appeared from the event- the people of Judaea took to themselves. (Suetonius, Life of Vespasian 4.5)”150

The rise of Vespasian to emperor of Rome and Titus as his co-regent would be known in history as
the ‘Year of the Four Emperors’.151 After the Senate declaration of Nero as a public enemy in April, he
was forced to commit suicide on June of 68, leaving the position vacant. Galba, the Governor of
Spain, took the opportunity to declare himself emperor. Galba was already in his seventies and was
pressured to name a successor almost immediately. The Governor Otho was not pleased with his
choice (any choice that did not include Otho was the wrong choice). Otho was declared emperor and
Galba was killed by his own Praetorian guard, who may have not been happy about his miserly
policies. Governor Vitellius of Lower Germany led a successful coup in a grab for power, and Otho
committed suicide April of 69. Vespasian marched his troops, who had declared him emperor, and
with the support of Egypt, Judaea, and Syria, defeated and killed Vitellius December of 69.
Thus, in the year 69 AD, emperors Galba, Otho and Vitellius were all uprooted from their positions in
order for Vespasian to become emperor of Rome. And along with the tenth king of Rome came a little
horn. “Although Vespasian had in various ways avoided making Titus his own equal, the son became
the military arm of the new principate and is described by Suetonius as particeps atque etiam tutor
imperii (“sharer and even protector of the empire”).”152
The description of Titus as a little horn could also refer to his short physical height.
“He had a handsome person, in which there was no less dignity than grace, and was uncommonly
strong, although he was not tall of stature and had a rather protruding belly.”153

A Roman arch erected in the Jewish sector of the city to honor Titus had this boastful inscription
about his destruction of the city of Jerusalem.
“Senate and People of Rome to their princeps, Imperator Titus Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, son of
the divine Vespasian, high priest, in the tenth year of his tribunal powers, seventeen times Imperator,
eight times consul, father of the fatherland, because he (on his father's orders and auspices and
using his advice) subdued the Jewish people and destroyed the city of Jerusalem, something which
none of the leaders, kings and armies before him failed to do.”154

In the year 70 AD, Titus fulfilled Balaam’s prophecy as the commander assigned to Judaean region
(rule over Jacob’s land), he destroyed the remnant of the city - its people and its temple.
“19 “One from Jacob shall have dominion,

World Myth or History? 422

And will destroy the remnant from the city.””155
Titus became the emperor of Rome in 79 AD.

The Fifth Empire

Pinpointing the historical time for the rise of the divinely established fifth empire, during the period of
Rome’s little horn, seems to be the reason for the visions on the succession of empires. King
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon saw the ultimate destruction of every empire including his own, brought
about by a powerful fifth empire. “34 You (Nebuchadnezzar) continued looking until a stone was cut
out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. 35 Then the
iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like
chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them
was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole

Again the devolution of the materials from which the empires are compared continued in the fifth
empire. From gold to silver to bronze to iron (later mixed with clay) to a rock - What could be of less
value than a rock? It would seem that the fifth kingdom and its king would be devoid of earthly lures
and attractions, none of the glitz and glamour associated with royalty. Isaiah echoes this with his
strange description of the promised coming king.
“2 For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
And like a root out of parched ground;
He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.
3 He was despised and forsaken of men,
A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief;
And like one from whom men hide their face
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.
4 Surely our griefs He Himself bore,
And our sorrows He carried;
Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten of God, and afflicted.”157

The interpretation to Nebuchadnezzar’s dream given to Daniel gave us a prophetic chronometer to

the appointed time for the kingdom which God Himself would build.

World Myth or History? 423

“44 In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed,
and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms,
but it will itself endure forever.”158

It is during the time of the Roman empire that the rock was to be cut without hands. The previous
empires were to disappear into oblivion, but the rock would become a great mountain that would
encompass the globe. All the powerful empires have indeed gone. What needs to be identified is the
rock cut without hands that has become a great mountain, filling the earth with the eternal kingdom
promised from the start of humanity’s first age.

The Close-up View

Specific details were recorded in Daniel chapter eleven in a blow-by-blow account of chronological
events that have people, whose assumptions cannot allow for such things to be true, trying to prove
that the book could not possibly have been written when it claimed. In order to do this they would
have to disregard as mysteries all the ancient references to the book of Daniel by other writers of
histories, as well as other scriptural records. They would also have to explain the mystery of how this
book was slipped into the faithfully preserved ancient scriptures of the Jewish people, who were
willing to fight a war just to preserve the practice of circumcision during Roman times. Try slipping in a
book now, convince Israel that it is part of their ancient scriptures, and discover how it is much easier
to say something than to do it. Until they do explain away the mysteries, following is a verse by verse
study, taken from Daniel chapter eleven,159 of history written down hundreds of years before the
events took place.

11 “In the first year of Darius the Mede, I arose to be an encouragement and a protection for him. 2

And now I will tell you the truth. Behold, three more kings are going to arise in Persia. Then a fourth
will gain far more riches than all of them; as soon as he becomes strong through his riches, he will
arouse the whole empire against the realm of Greece.
Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, was a contemporary of Darius the Mede who was made king of
Babylon. The three kings who rose after Cyrus (559 BC-530 BC) were Cambyses (530 BC-522 BC),
Bardiya/Gaumata (522 BC), and Darius I (522 BC-486 BC). The fourth king was Xerxes I (485 BC-
465 BC), who was the king of the Medes and Persians in the book of Esther. His kingdom spanned
India to Ethiopia, covering 127 provinces. It took him six months of celebration to showcase his vast
wealth to all his leaders and nobles. To conclude his extravagant exhibition, Xerxes I threw a week
long party for everyone in the land of Susa, where each person drank from golden one-of-a-kind
chalices. He was rich and powerful and he wanted everyone to know it, perhaps with the motive of
getting them behind his plans against Greece.

World Myth or History? 424

Darius I, Xerxes’ father, had died after suffering a serious defeat to the Greek forces at Marathon. In
480 BC Xerxes I rallied the Persian forces against the Greeks and defeated them in Thermopylae. He
then burned and ravaged the Greek city of Athens.

3 And a mighty king will arise, and he will rule with great authority and do as he pleases. 4 But as soon
as he has arisen, his kingdom will be broken up and parceled out toward the four points of the
compass, though not to his own descendants, nor according to his authority...
The atrocities perpetrated by Xerxes I, caused Alexander the Great to rise up and challenge the
Achaemenid empire. “Alexander's letter read as follows: 'Your ancestors invaded Macedonia [3] and
the rest of Greece [4] and did us harm although we had not done you any previous injury. I have been
appointed commander-in-chief of the Greeks and it is with the aim of punishing the Persians that I
have crossed into Asia…”160 In his letter he told the king of Persia to no longer write to him as an
equal, because of his much greater authority. Alexander wanted to defeat the Achaemenid empire
and conquer its territory, and this he accomplished in a little over a decade. But when he died
suddenly of an illness, his kingdom was divided under his four generals: Cassander (Greece and
Macedonia), Lysimachus (Thrace and Asia Minor), Seleucus (Syria and the Middle East), and
Ptolemy (Egypt). None of the divided Greek kingdoms carried the same weight and power as that of
Alexander, neither did any of his descendants receive a kingdom. General Cassander secured his
western position by having Alexander’s mother, wives, and sons executed.

5 “Then the king of the South will grow strong, along with one of his princes who will gain ascendancy
over him and obtain dominion; his domain will be a great dominion indeed. 6 After some years they
will form an alliance, and the daughter of the king of the South will come to the king of the North to
carry out a peaceful arrangement. But she will not retain her position of power, nor will he remain with
his power, but she will be given up, along with those who brought her in and the one who sired her as
well as he who supported her in those times.
During the power struggle after Alexander’s death, Ptolemy and Seleucus took refuge in Egypt from
the attacks of rival general Antigonus. Ptolemy seized control of Egypt and reigned as king from its
capital Alexandria, extending his domain to Palestine and Jerusalem. Ptolemy and the kings from his
lineage, became the king of the South.
Later, Seleucus rose to be king of Syria and the Middle East, his territories included Western Turkey,
Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia up to the Indus river. Ptolemy refused to honor a peace treaty that
Palestine belonged to Seleucus’ domain, and this became a point of contention between the two
Greek kingdoms. Seleucus and his line of kings are the king of the North.
Ptolemy I (323 BC-282 BC) was succeeded by his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus (282 BC-246 BC) who
engaged in wars with the Seleucid kings over control of Palestine and Anatolia.

World Myth or History? 425

When Ptolemy II realized that Antiochus II Theos (261 BC-246 BC) was winning, the king of the South
formed an alliance with the king of the North by convincing him to marry his daughter Berenice.
Ptolemy II’s peace plan ended up making things worse, for when Antiochus II died, his first wife had
Berenice and her son murdered along with everyone in court who supported her. Berenice’s broken
hearted father also died in the same year, leaving the throne to a very angry Ptolemy III Euergetes.

7 But one of the descendants of her line will arise in his place, and he will come against their army
and enter the fortress of the king of the North, and he will deal with them and display great strength. 8

Also their gods with their metal images and their precious vessels of silver and gold he will take into
captivity to Egypt, and he on his part will refrain from attacking the king of the North for some years. 9

Then the latter will enter the realm of the king of the South, but will return to his own land.
Ptolemy III Euergetes (246 BC-222 BC) vowing revenge for the assassinations of his sister and
nephew, engaged Seleucus II Callinicus (246 BC-225 BC) in a war that almost toppled the Seleucid
empire. Ptolemy III aggressively invaded Seleucid territory, took over northern regions and attacked
Mesopotamia, Persia, and the border of India. The main port of Antioch, capital city of the Seleucids,
was taken for twenty years. One can only imagine the amount of looted treasures Ptolemy II was able
to take from the conquests of these wealthy cities, that he was able to bring to the land of Egypt.
It was many years later, when Seleucus III Soter (225 BC-223 BC) succeeded his father, that the
Seleucid king tried to challenge the king of the South (Ptolemy III) by taking back control of Turkey
from the Egyptians. The battle went terribly for the Seleucid king who returned home in disgrace.

10 “His sons will mobilize and assemble a multitude of great forces; and one of them will keep on
coming and overflow and pass through, that he may again wage war up to his very fortress. 11 The
king of the South will be enraged and go forth and fight with the king of the North. Then the latter will
raise a great multitude, but that multitude will be given into the hand of the former. 12 When the
multitude is carried away, his heart will be lifted up, and he will cause tens of thousands to fall; yet he
will not prevail. 13 For the king of the North will again raise a greater multitude than the former, and
after an interval of some years he will press on with a great army and much equipment.
Antiochus III the Great, youngest son of Seleucus III, was blocked in his attempt to regain Palestinian
territory by Ptolemy IV (217 BC). But Antiochus III kept coming and earned his title as the greatest
Seleucid warrior-king. Angered at the attack on Palestinian territories, Ptolemy IV Philopator (222 BC-
205 BC) deployed an army of Egyptian soldiers along with his Greek forces. This policy of using non-
Greeks caused internal conflict later on, but enabled him at that point to stop Antiochus from taking
over Palestine. Antiochus III lost 10,000 infantrymen at the fortress of Raphia, held by Ptolemy’s
forces. Ptolemy IV ordered the massacre of the thousands of captive Seleucid soldiers, but his victory
was short lived as Antiochus III marched his armies east and seized the cities of Bactria and Parthia.

World Myth or History? 426

The king of the North, Antiochus III the Great, after a few years of preparation, raised up a larger
army than before and took control of Palestine in 200 BC.

14 “Now in those times many will rise up against the king of the South; the violent ones among your
people will also lift themselves up in order to fulfill the vision, but they will fall down. 15 Then the king
of the North will come, cast up a siege ramp and capture a well-fortified city; and the forces of the
South will not stand their ground, not even their choicest troops, for there will be no strength to make
a stand. 16 But he who comes against him will do as he pleases, and no one will be able to withstand
him; he will also stay for a time in the Beautiful Land, with destruction in his hand.
The training and arming of Egyptian troops by Ptolemy IV (king of the South) backfired as they
fomented revolts against their Greek overlords. The situation got so bad in the time of his son
Ptolemy V Theos Epiphanes (204 BC-180 BC), that his preoccupation with internal struggles may
have led to the loss of Palestine to Antiochus III under his administration.
The Seleucid warrior-king (king of the North) marched against the fortified port city of Sidon, center of
commerce and home to the Persian fleet during Xerxes’ reign, and defeated the Egyptian forces (the
forces of the South) assigned to defend it. Antiochus III regained the Palestinian Territory which
included Jerusalem (the beautiful land) through his military campaigns. “About 218 B.C. the Jews
were made to feel what it was to be the bone of contention between two powerful neighbors.
Antiochus considered Palestine as a portion of his Seleucid dominion, invaded the land, and seized a
large number of its fortified places.”161

17 He will set his face to come with the power of his whole kingdom, bringing with him a proposal of
peace which he will put into effect; he will also give him the daughter of women to ruin it. But she will
not take a stand for him or be on his side. 18 Then he will turn his face to the coastlands and capture
many. But a commander will put a stop to his scorn against him; moreover, he will repay him for his
scorn. 19 So he will turn his face toward the fortresses of his own land, but he will stumble and fall and
be found no more.
Antiochus III offered peace to the Egyptian Ptolemies, giving his strong willed daughter Cleopatra I in
marriage to Ptolemy V. Perhaps Antiochus III was hoping to get control of Egypt from the inside. But
Cleopatra I seemed to have her own plans, ruling Egypt herself upon the death of her husband (181
BC-176 BC).

In the later years of his reign, Antiochus III suffered a series of defeats to the Romans, losing the
cities of Thermopylae (191 BC), Magnesia (190 BC), and much of Asia Minor to the Roman
Commanders. Forced to pay a hefty tribute, while his son Antiochus IV was held as a Roman
hostage, Antiochus III was reduced to looting and pillaging the ‘fortresses’ of his own lands to pay the

World Myth or History? 427

heavy Roman taxes. It was while looting temples to raise this revenue that he and his troops were
killed by the Elymaeans (187 BC).162

20 “Then in his place one will arise who will send an oppressor through the Jewel of his kingdom; yet
within a few days he will be shattered, though not in anger nor in battle. 21 In his place a despicable
person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of
tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue.
Seleucus IV Philopator (187 BC-175 BC), reigned after Antiochus III, inheriting the large Roman taxes
imposed on his father. Seleucus IV sent Heliodorus to Jerusalem (the Jewel of his kingdom) to
confiscate the temple treasury. The tax collector (oppressor) Heliodorus was unable to do so because
of a strange apparition. “When Heliodorus attempted to enter the temple...A divine vision in the form
of a horse and an armed rider rushed at him and struck him with its forefeet. Two young men
appeared and flogged him mercilessly. He fell down unconscious, became deathly ill, and had to be
carried away.”163 Heliodorus must have been greatly affected by what had transpired for as soon as
he returned, he killed Seleucus IV Philopator who had sent him. Thus, Seleucus died not in anger or
in battle, but perhaps surprised and shocked by the actions of his trusted Prime Minister -
Antiochus IV reigned as king after his brother Seleucus IV, having the true heir (his young nephew)
killed. This was the gratitude Seleucus IV got for ransoming Antiochus IV from Rome at the price of
his elder son Demetrius. Antiochus IV Epiphanes was aptly called ‘despicable’ as he stole the
Seleucid kingdom in a time of peace.

22 The overflowing forces will be flooded away before him and shattered, and also the prince of the
covenant. 23 After an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain
power with a small force of people. 24 In a time of tranquility he will enter the richest parts of the realm,
and he will accomplish what his fathers never did, nor his ancestors; he will distribute plunder, booty
and possessions among them, and he will devise his schemes against strongholds, but only for a
Queen regent Cleopatra I died (176 BC), leaving a very young Ptolemy VI on the throne, who listened
to his advisers’ proposal of war against the Seleucid empire to regain Coele Syria, “which is more or
less identical to modern Israel, the Palestine territories, Lebanon, and southern Syria.”165 This would
be the 6th Syrian War over this contended area. Antiochus IV Epiphanes preempts their plans and
shatters their overflowing forces, “Antiochus moved swiftly to defeat & claim control of most of Egypt
& Cyprus (169 BCE).”166
Antiochus IV also shattered the office of the Jewish High priest as he sold it to the highest bidder. The
rightful high priest Onias III, the prince of the covenant, was deposed (173 BC) by Joshua his brother

World Myth or History? 428

that belonged to the Hellenistic reform movement, who paid Antiochus for the position. Joshua
promptly changed his name to the Greek Jason, and built a gymnasium near the temple, “where the
Jewish Kohanim often played Greek sports in the nude.”167 But apparently gold and not Hellenization
was Antiochus’ priority, and the deceived Jason was kicked out (171 BC), and his position was given
to Menelaus who promised more for the high priesthood. But when Jason heard the false report that
Antiochus had died in his Egyptian campaign, Jason rallied his supporters, recaptured Jerusalem and
slaughtered supporters of Menelaus. However, Antiochus came back (167 BC), reinstated Menelaus
then entered the temple, plundered the treasury, “and carried away valuable utensils, such as the
golden candlestick upon the altar and the showbread table, likewise of gold.”168
In 169 BC Antiochus IV accomplished what his father and the other Seleucid monarchs were unable
to do. He invaded Egypt and captured the city of Memphis, then presented himself as protector of the
young Ptolemy VI. Antiochus also made changes in the advisers, refused to negotiate armistice with
other Greek embassies, and kept a rivalry going between the young king and his siblings (Ptolemy
VIII & Cleopatra II).

25 He will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South with a large army; so the king
of the South will mobilize an extremely large and mighty army for war; but he will not stand, for
schemes will be devised against him. 26 Those who eat his choice food will destroy him, and his army
will overflow, but many will fall down slain. 27 As for both kings, their hearts will be intent on evil, and
they will speak lies to each other at the same table; but it will not succeed, for the end is still to come
at the appointed time. 28 Then he will return to his land with much plunder; but his heart will be set
against the holy covenant, and he will take action and then return to his own land.
Events of the 6th Syrian War are described in greater detail in these verses.
Antiochus IV Epiphanes marched his armies into Egypt, against Ptolemy VI (king of the South) in the
6th Syrian War over the contested Palestinian regions. The 16 year old Ptolemy VI was subject to the
bad advice of a eunuch and a Syrian ex-slave, who had appointed themselves as his guardians, and
urged him to fight the Seleucids over Cole Syria. Although the Egyptian army was large and powerful,
they were defeated by the armies of the veteran warrior Antiochus, who conquered all Egypt, except
for Alexandria. Thus, the king of the North (Antiochus IV) and the king of the South (Ptolemy VI) had
to work out an agreement, where Antiochus becomes the young king’s ‘protector’.

Meanwhile, Antiochus’ troops kept busy looting the temples of Egypt,169 causing the shocked
populace to demand that Ptolemy VIII be made king from Alexandria. Antiochus, feeling secure of his
authority over Egypt, marched home with his troops laden with the stolen treasures. On the way, he
reinstated Menelaus as the Jewish high priest and looted the sacred temple in Jerusalem.

World Myth or History? 429

29 “At the appointed time he will return and come into the South, but this last time it will not turn out
the way it did before. 30 For ships of Kittim will come against him; therefore he will be disheartened
and will return and become enraged at the holy covenant and take action; so he will come back and
show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant. 31 Forces from him will arise, desecrate the
sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the abomination of
desolation. 32 By smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the
covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.
Ptolemy VI and his siblings were reconciled, and together enjoined Rome to help them against
Antiochus. Antiochus IV Epiphanes marched his troops towards Egypt (168 BC) to besiege
Alexandria, as his navy, “built in violation of the terms of the Peace of Apamea,”170 conquered Cyprus.
But things turned out differently this time, when he was confronted by the Roman Senate’s
representative, Popilius, “...Taking his stick and drawing a circle in the sand around Antiochus' feet,
Popilius demanded his answer before he left the circle.”171 (Ships of Kittim may also be translated
‘ships of the western coastlands’). The Roman representatives would have taken the quickest route
on their ships via the Mediterranean sea.
Humiliated frustrated and angry, Antiochus IV Epiphanes returned to his domain to forcefully show his
power. “An officer, Apollonius, was sent through the country with an armed troop, commissioned to
slay and destroy. He first entered Jerusalem amicably; then suddenly turning upon the defenseless
city, he murdered, plundered, and burnt through its length and breadth. The men were butchered,
women and children sold into slavery, and in order to give permanence to the work of desolation, the
walls and numerous houses were torn down”.172
The book of Maccabees records that, “In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty
thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.” (2 Maccabees
5:11–14). A Syrian fortress was built in Jerusalem and religious freedoms were curtailed. “Torah
observance was outlawed & the imperial cult brought into the Jewish temple itself with the erection of
a statue of Antiochus as Zeus with a Hellenistic altar of sacrifice. Jews who resisted were subject to
execution.”173 The passive resistance of the Hasidim (pious ones) who gave their lives by the
hundreds, to stand for what they believed, may have watered the growth of armed revolution with
their blood.

33 Those who have insight among the people will give understanding to the many; yet they will fall by
sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder for many days. 34 Now when they fall they will be
granted a little help, and many will join with them in hypocrisy. 35 Some of those who have insight will
fall, in order to refine, purge and make them pure until the end time; because it is still to come at the
appointed time.
A defining historical moment was when Antiochus IV sent a delegate to force Mattathias, a priest from

World Myth or History? 430

Modiin, to perform a sacrifice to a Greek god. When he refused, another Jew volunteered, but the
enraged Mattathias killed both the delegate and the Jew. This began the Maccabean revolution, a
bloody armed struggle that resulted in a relatively independent Jewish state from 142 BC until
Jerusalem was captured by Rome in 63 BC.
Most of the revolutionary leaders were sons of Mattathias, the most famous one was Judas a.k.a.
Maccabeus (the hammerer) from whom the revolt has been named. He led four major victories
against the Seleucids that led to the cleansing, rededication and resumption of rites in the holy temple
of Jerusalem.
Hypocritical pro-Greek factions including Menelaus were revealed as instigators of trouble who had
worked with the Seleucids. Many other internal betrayals of pro-Greek factions caused the deaths of
the brothers Judas and Jonathan. The history of the Jewish nation from this point until its dispersal
was marked with internal and external bloody wars, slavery of the people, and the plundering of what
remained. It was a fiery process that may have awakened the people to a deeper understanding of
individual values, and consciousness of their beliefs and traditions as a people.

36 “Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and
will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is
finished, for that which is decreed will be done. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or
for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above
them all. 38 But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will
honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures. 39 He will take action against the strongest of
fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and
will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.
As we reach the end time when ‘the indignation is finished’, another king is introduced which both the
kings of the North and South contend with. This king refers to the emperors of the Roman empire,
and the events described in these verses naturally overlap as this new empire rose, and the divided
Greek empire declined.
Augustus was not only the first Roman emperor, but also the inventor of the previously non-existent
position. “...Octavian was named Augustus, a word ringing with religious (augur) and social
(auctoritas) meaning but not suggestive of overt political dominance. C. Julius Caesar Octavianus
now became Imperator Caesar Augustus. Other honors carried more symbolic meaning (laurels
placed on the door of his house; award of the corona civica for saving the lives of citizens; the "Shield
of Virtues" erected in his honor) but they were no less significant for that: they helped establish
Augustus's pre-eminent place in the state and craft the beginnings of an Augustan ideology. By
means of this settlement, Augustus was simultaneously commander, leader, savior.”174 Around 12 BC
Augustus became chief priest (pontifex maximus) and in 2 BC he was given the title Father of His

World Myth or History? 431

Country (pater patriae). “No wonder he was proud to boast that he "surpassed all in auctoritas.””174
Crafty political manipulations allowed Augustus to create an encompassing position of power and
authority of godlike status. Emperors became part of the Roman imperial cult where they could be
voted as State deities.
The succession of Roman emperors would aptly be described as showing no regard for the god of
their fathers, instead magnifying themselves as gods. Also previously discussed was the Roman state
approved practice of homosexuality, exemplified by the emperors, who showed ‘no regard for the
gods of his fathers or for the desire of women’.
One thing that the empire did seem to love and honor with much treasures were her warriors and
fortresses. After the destruction of Jerusalem, Titus rewarded his soldiers with honors and loot, then
they feasted on a sacrifice for the gods. “Titus ordered those whose business it was to read the list of
all that had performed great exploits in this war, whom he called to him by their names, and
commended them before the company, and rejoiced in them in the same manner as a man would
have rejoiced in his own exploits. He also put on their heads crowns of gold, and golden ornaments
about their necks, and gave them long spears of gold,. and ensigns that were made of silver, and
removed every one of them to a higher rank; and besides this, he plentifully distributed among them,
out of the spoils, and the other prey they had taken, silver, and gold, and garments. So when they
had all these honors bestowed on them, according to his own appointment made to every one, and
he had wished all sorts of happiness to the whole army, he came down, among the great
acclamations which were made to him, and then betook himself to offer thank-offerings [to the gods],
and at once sacrificed a vast number of oxen, that stood ready at the altars, and distributed them
among the army to feast on.”175 Positions over regions and lands were also awarded in honor of
military accomplishments or for a fee and promised revenues.

40 “At the end time the king of the South will collide with him, and the king of the North will storm
against him with chariots, with horsemen and with many ships; and he will enter countries, overflow
them and pass through. 41 He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these
will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon.
Antiochus III (king of the North) challenged the rising Roman power with an army of 70,000 and a
naval fleet. He was soundly defeated in the battle of Magnesia and his naval forces were “wiped out
by the combined naval forces of Rome, Rhodes, and Pergamum.”176 Forced to sign the Treaty of
Apamea which bound future Seleucid kings in debt to Rome, the Seleucid kingdom at the time of
Augustus became a client state to the rising empire.
At the Battle of Actium when Cleopatra (king of the South) and Mark Antony commit suicide (31 BC),
Augustus took control of Egypt’s vast wealth to amply supply the needs of his estimated 40,000+ war

World Myth or History? 432

In 63 BC Roman general Pompey marched into Judaea (the Beautiful land) and entered the temple in
Jerusalem. “When the Romans controlled the Temple, Pompey and his officers entered the Holy of
Holies - according to the Jews a blasphemous act, because only the high priest was allowed to enter
this room. The conqueror saw the Menorah, the treasure and all sacred vessels. His soldiers seem to
have sacrificed to their standards (Dead Sea Scrolls, 1QpHab 6.1-6).”177
Judaea later became a Roman client kingdom. “Augustus dramatically enlarged the Empire,
annexing Egypt, Dalmatia, Pannonia, Noricum, and Raetia; expanding possessions in Africa;
expanding into Germania; and completing the conquest of Hispania.”178 Succeeding emperors further
enlarged the empire, almost forced to conquer more and more areas to keep their massive armed
forces occupied, and its citizens complacent with circuses and free food.

Ancient Edom, Moab, and Ammon form the region of modern day Jordan at that time were
autonomous city states along the Roman empire’s eastern frontier. They were centers of Greek and
Roman culture in an otherwise Semitic environment that enjoyed the commercial benefits and roads
of Rome without its tyranny. “Many coins from Decapolis cities identify their city as "autonomous,"
"free," "sovereign," or "sacred," terms that imply some sort of self-governing status.”179

42 Then he will stretch out his hand against other countries, and the land of Egypt will not escape. 43
But he will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the precious things of
Egypt; and Libyans and Ethiopians will follow at his heels. 44 But rumors from the East and from the
North will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will
pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between the seas and the beautiful Holy Mountain; yet he will
come to his end, and no one will help him
Verse 42 seems to refer to a specific king of the Roman empire who later influenced the nations,
including the land of Egypt, which seems peculiar since Egypt had already been subdued earlier.
Vespasian was disturbed by news that had reached him regarding the instability and power struggles
going on in Italy -to his north. Before he could congratulate Galba as emperor of Rome, he was
replaced by Otho, and then by Vitellius. Apparently the soldiers brought by Vitellius were so used to
looting and plundering they could not distinguish between their own capital and any other land.
“Vitellius was come from Germany with his soldiery, and drew along with him a great multitude of
other men besides. And when the spaces allotted for soldiers could not contain them, he made all
Rome itself his camp, and filled all the houses with his armed men; which men, when they saw the
riches of Rome with those eyes which had never seen such riches before, and found themselves
shone round about on all sides with silver and gold, they had much ado to contain their covetous
desires, and were ready to betake themselves to plunder, and to the slaughter of such as should
stand in their way.”180

World Myth or History? 433

The stories of the desolation of his city made Vespasian angry enough to challenge Vitellius and his
armies. Egypt was essential to his conquest, since Egypt held the wealth and food supply he needed,
as well as the ample fortifications. Vespasian wrote Tiberius Alexander, governor of Egypt, who swore
allegiance to him along with the legions with him. Then as the news spread, the nations under the
empire rallied together in support of Vespasian.
“Now fame carried this news abroad more suddenly than one could have thought, that he was
emperor over the east, upon which every city kept festivals, and celebrated sacrifices and oblations
for such good news; the legions also that were in Mysia and Pannonia, who had been in commotion a
little before, on account of this insolent attempt of Vitellius, were very glad to take the oath of fidelity
to Vespasian, upon his coming to the empire. Vespasian then removed from Cesarea to Berytus,
where many embassages came to him from Syria, and many from other provinces, bringing with
them from every city crowns, and the congratulations of the people. Mucianus came also, who was
the president of the province, and told him with what alacrity the people [received the news of his
advancement], and how the people of every city had taken the oath of fidelity to him.”181 Thus, many
lands presumably including the legions in neighboring Libya and Ethiopia seemed to have put their
hope in Vespasian to stop the terrible things that they had heard Vitellius was doing to their capital.
Over 50,000 people were killed in the battle that ensued that resulted in Vespasian rising to the
position of Roman emperor.
But it was not only the rumors from the north that weighed heavily on Vespasian’s mind. The troubles
in the east where he was assigned also concerned him deeply. Before the power struggle in Rome
had began and Nero was still alive, Vespasian had sought to control the situation in Judaea and “go
on briskly with the war; for he foresaw already the civil wars which were coming upon them, nay, that
the very government was in danger; and he thought, if he could first reduce the eastern parts of the
empire to peace, he should make the fears for Italy the lighter.”182
Vespasian and Titus were disturbed by news coming from east of Jerusalem regarding Simon bar
Giora who had taken several fortified cities and amassed a large army. Reports had reached them
that, “Simon make his progress over all Idumen, and did not only ravage the cities and villages, but
lay waste the whole country; for, besides those that were completely armed, he had forty thousand
men that followed him, insomuch that he had not provisions enough to suffice such a multitude. Now,
besides this want of provisions that he was in, he was of a barbarous disposition, and bore great
anger at this nation, by which means it came to pass that Idumea was greatly depopulated; and as
one may see all the woods behind despoiled of their leaves by locusts, after they have been there, so
was there nothing left behind Simon's army but a desert. Some places they burnt down, some they
utterly demolished, and whatsoever grew in the country, they either trod it down or fed upon it.”183
Meanwhile, the guerilla John of Gischala and the Zealots of Eleaser son of Simon had taken over
Jerusalem and the two factions were violently fighting for supremacy. After Vespasian dealt with the
northern disturbance, he sent Titus back to deal with the problems to the east of their empire. Titus

World Myth or History? 434

returned to find the third faction led by Simon bar Giora had gained entry to Jerusalem and joined in
the fray.
Titus built the Roman camps from which to launch the attacks on the west side of Jerusalem,
between the Mediterranean sea and the Holy Mountain (Jerusalem or the Temple Mount). Because of
the infighting within Jerusalem they were unable to stop the “Romans, who were building new camps
to the west of the city: one for the legions XII Fulminata and XV Apollinaris and one for legion V
Macedonica...the legions were able to build their redoubts almost without any trouble; soon, their
catapults started to throw heavy stones into the city. Under cover of this artillery fire, the Roman
soldiers could start to bash the northern wall with their battering-rams.”184
Through this entry point, the Roman legions destroyed and set Jerusalem on fire, over a million
people were slaughtered, and almost a hundred thousand prisoners were taken to perform in the
brutal circuses, used as slaves, or tortured and killed. “The sacred vessels, the table on which the
Bread of God's Presence had been put, the Menorah, the curtain and all the other objects that
nobody except the high priest was allowed to see, were carried through the Roman streets...The
boundless riches from the Temple treasury were used to strike coins with the legend JUDAEA CAPTA
('Judaea defeated').”184
Titus ruled briefly as emperor from 79 AD- 81 AD, dying suddenly of a fever. Something that no one
could help him stop, not even himself who had been declared a god.

The events of the fifth age are brought in detailed focus, a new perspective on the succession of
empires from Babylon to the Persian empire to the Greek empire then to the Roman empire, until the
point which is called the ‘end time’. Daniel chapter eleven draws our attention to Cole-Syria, and
closer still to the land Judaea, then even closer to Jerusalem. The foretelling of historical events lead
up to the end of Jerusalem --the destruction of the city and its holy temple, and the dispersion of its

The prophecies from the book of Daniel and the dream given to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
narrow down to the same point in time, while chapter eleven directs our attention to a specific place.
Given a point in time and space, prophetic word has given future generations the coordinates to the
end of the fifth age -the ‘end time’. Coordinates for the rise of the fifth empire, supposedly built by the
Creator of the universe, that would put an end to the war loving civilizations and empires that had
considered themselves indestructible.

Five ages of man had been completed. The Greek Hesiod, as well as Vedic texts, had recorded the
ages before the coming end. In Mesoamerica, the civilizations lived in fear of the end that they knew
was coming after the fifth sun (age) they lived in, and literally bathed in blood to prolong its coming.

World Myth or History? 435

The North American tribes also held the record of five ages with the Papago telling of how
Montezuma had lived, rebelled against the Great Mystery Power and died four times. All the empires
of the earth kept careful watch of the heavens and its celestial bodies in fearful expectation.

Destruction of the first age came about through the great deluge. The second age ended with a
terrible wind, while the third age was destroyed by fire. The fourth age civilizations disappeared in the
rising waters. The fifth age catastrophe was to go beyond all that had been before. It was the end of
mankind as we had known it. No one on the planet knew exactly what was going to happen, but
everyone knew it would be something earth shattering.

World Myth or History? 436

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147.Bill Thayer. The Histories of Tacitus. Vol. III. the Loeb Classical Library edition of Tacitus. [1931].
148.“Wars Between the Jews and Romans: the Destruction of Jerusalem (70 CE).” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2015. 3/7/16. <>
149.Bill Thayer. The Histories of Tacitus. Vol. III. the Loeb Classical Library edition of Tacitus. [1931].
150.Jona Lendering. “Messianic Claimants (14): Vespasian (67 CE).” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2015.
3/7/16. <>
151.Miriam Kamil. “The Year of the Four Emperors [2014].” Ancient Origins. 2016. <http://www.ancient->
152.The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Titus: Roman Emperor.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 3/7/16.
153.C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Suetonius: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. The Life of Titus. 3.1.
154.“Wars Between the Jews and Romans: The Destruction of Jerusalem (70 CE).” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2015. 3/5/16. <>
155.New American Standard Bible. Numbers 24:19. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
156.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 2:34-35. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
157.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 53:2-4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
158.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 2:44. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
159.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
160.“Alexander’s Letter to Darius III.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2015. <
161.Louis Ginzberg. “Antiochus III. The Great.” Jewish 2011. The Kopelman Foundation. 3/10/16.
162.D.T. Potts. The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State. Cambridge
University Press [2015]. P 376.
163.Hersh Goldwurm. History of the Jewish People: The Second Temple Era. Mesorah Publications. [1982]. P 59
164.Mahlon H. Smith. “Seleucus IV Philopator.” Into His Own. 2008. <>
165.Jona Lendering. “Sixth Syrian War (171-168).” 2015. <
166.Mahlon H. Smith. “Antiochus IV Epiphanes.” Into His Own. 2008. <>
167.Rabbi Paul Steinberg. “Antiochus the Madman.” My Jewish Learning. 3/12/16.
168.Louis Ginzberg. “Antiochus IV., Epiphanes.” Jewish 2011.
169.J.D.“Ptolemy VI Philometor in Egypt.”Tour Egypt. 2013.<>
170.J.Lendering.“Sixth Syrian War (171-168).” 2015. <>
171.J.Dunn “Ptolemy VI Philometor in Egypt.”Tour Egypt.2013.<>
172.Louis Ginzberg. “Antiochus IV., Epiphanes.” Jewish 2011.
173.Mahlon H. Smith. “Antiochus IV Epiphanes.” Into His Own. 2008. <>
174.Garrett G. Fagan. “Augustus (31 B.C. - 14 A.D.).” De Imperatoribus Romanis. 2006. Pennsylvania State
University. 3/16/16. <>
175.William Whiston, trans. [1737]. “Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews or The History of the Destruction of
Jerusalem. Book VII. chapter 1. 3.” Sacred Texts. 3/16/16. <>
176.“Antiochus III Megas King of Syria.” Family Card-Person Sheet. 2012.
177.Jona Lendering. “Wars Between the Jews and the Romans.” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 2015.
3/16/16. <>
178.“Augustus.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 3/16/16. <>
179.“Decapolis.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 3/16/16. <>

World Myth or History? 441

180.William Whiston, trans. [1737]. “Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews or The History of the Destruction of
Jerusalem. Book IV. chapter 10. 1.” Sacred Texts. 3/16/16. <>
181.William Whiston, trans. [1737]. “Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews or The History of the Destruction of
Jerusalem. Book IV. chapter 10. 6.” Sacred Texts. 3/16/16. <>
182.William Whiston, trans. [1737]. “Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews or The History of the Destruction of
Jerusalem. Book IV. chapter 8. 1.” Sacred Texts. 3/16/16. <>
183.William Whiston, trans. [1737]. “Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews or The History of the Destruction of
Jerusalem. Book IV. chapter 9. 7.” Sacred Texts. 3/16/16. <>
184.Jona Lendering. “Wars Between the Jews and Romans: the Destruction of Jerusalem (70 C.E.).” Ancient Warfare
Magazine. 2015. 3/16/16. <>

World Myth or History? 442

Chapter Thirteen
The Blood

Hebrew holy scriptures tell us plainly of the blood requirements.

“And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without
shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”1

Our ancient ancestors, separated by vast distances over land and seas, shared a global
consciousness regarding the necessity of blood sacrifice. In the Cultural Sociology of the Middle East,
Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia, we learn that based on their research on these continents that,
“...animal sacrifice was commonplace in prehistoric times, and its continuation varied from community
to community later in history.”2

Hindu Vedic texts contain several examples of animal sacrifices, particularly domestic animals like the
goat, bull, ox and cow. The blood requirement as payment to a divine being has been known by
nations, tribes and peoples from earliest antiquity. The ancient Greeks practiced the sacrifice of
animals long before their recorded histories. “The center of Greek religious rituals was the animal
sacrifice, hence the presence of the altar at the temple. Most often, the animals were oxen, goats,
bulls and sheep. Some gods were thought to prefer certain animals -- Athena was believed to have
liked cows as sacrifices. No matter the animal, it had to be healthy prior to the sacrifice, or the gods
would take offense.”3

Sacrificial offerings whose blood was to be shed needed to be of the highest standard. Hebrew
Levitical law required that sacrificial animals had to be perfect, “...of the herd or of the flock, it must be
perfect to be accepted; there shall be no defect in it.”4

Abel, son of Adam (the first created human), did well when he brought the firstlings of his flock and
their fat portions, taking his place in history as the earliest record for the performance of animal
sacrifice to the divine. Yet the book of Genesis shows that the first one to spill blood for mankind was
the Creator Himself, when He made garments of skin to clothe the fallen first couple (Genesis 3:20).
In this way, graphically instituting the necessity of shedding blood to cover over man’s sin.

The Chinese word for righteousness literally translates to the lamb (sheep or goat) over me,

World Myth or History? 443


This may signify a righteousness received when one is covered by the blood of the sacrificial animal.
The same word may also be translated as justice, a justice that may only be satisfied through blood,
as the price of death for mankind’s offense. Chinese calligraphic writing may be traced back to the
time of the dispersion after the Deluge, if so then their ancestors could have preserved ancient
historical knowledge in the written language. It seems that the knowledge of China’s ancestors
regarding events recorded in the Hebrew book of Genesis was purposefully embedded in their
writing. John the Baptist applied the concept of righteousness obtained by having the lamb over me,
when he exclaimed as he saw Jesus of Nazareth approaching, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world!” 6

One of China’s most ancient books, the Shu King, recounts how the national leader, the Ti Shun,
sacrificed several times as part of his duties, “...he sacrificed specially, but with ordinary forms, to
God; sacrificed with reverent purity...offered their appropriate sacrifices to the hills and rivers; and
extended his worship to the host of spirits...he presented a burnt-offering to Heaven...and sacrificed a
single bull.”7

Only the best of the domesticated animals from the herds and flocks were offered up to the gods.
Tacitus’ “Germania” records that ancient Germans practiced both human and animal sacrifices made
to their deities linked with celestial bodies, particularly the sun and moon.
“Now Mars has always been worshipped by the Goths with cruel rites, and captives were slain as his
victims. They thought that he who is the lord of war ought to be appeased by the shedding of human

Blood was the most precious sacrifice to the gods and human blood was valued highly.
“Ritual sacrifices played a vital role in the Mayan realm. They sacrificed both animals and humans.
Animals that were sacrificed in great numbers included crocodiles, iguanas, dogs, peccaries, jaguars,
and turkeys. The supreme sacrifice was the human life.”9
As domesticated animals which had formed attachments to their caregivers were more valuable
sacrifices than those caught in the wild, human victims who are most beloved represent a greater
offering than slaves or enemies. A child treasured by parents would represent the ultimate human

World Myth or History? 444

“Sacrificial scenes have been depicted in ancient Mayan ceramics, sculptures and murals. Like the
Aztecs, this was all done in an attempt to appease the gods. Slaves, criminals, bastards, orphans
and children made up the bulk of the sacrificial victims. Children were desired because of their

When God had asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham was told to surrender “...your only
son, whom you love, Isaac...and offer him there as a burnt offering…”10
Although God sent an angel to stop Abraham from killing his son, and provided a ram for the offering
in exchange of the boy, God was pleased with his willingness to surrender that which was closest to
his heart. “He said, “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I
know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.””11

The concept of a substitutionary death in exchange for the true culprit had been introduced to the
world through blood sacrifice. The innocent dying for the guilty. The blood of the perfect sacrifice
poured out for one who could not save himself. And what sacrifice could be more precious or more
perfect than God’s own son? The book of John tells us that, “...the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses
us from all sin.”12

What is it with blood? Why is it so valuable to the gods? The book of Leviticus explains, “For the life
of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls;
for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.’”13 Therefore, it is the lost life that the
blood represents, which atones (pays, compensates) for the offenses of man against his Maker. The
Creator had made it clear in the garden of Eden that the transgression of his commandment would
bring death (Genesis 2:17). Although first man and first woman believed the protestations of the
serpent that, “You surely will not die!”,14 and acted out on it, we learn that believing a lie doesn’t make
it true nor does it release one from due consequences.

Almost 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul wrote to the Roman believers to confirm that humanity had
indeed legally earned the judgment of death on our heads. “For the wages of sin is death…” This was
old bad news that mankind had known from the start, however, it was the good news that Paul
wanted to proclaim, “...but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”15

The gift may be free to us who believe, but this freedom we are given, was paid for with blood. At the
last supper shared with his disciples, the Christ declared that, “for this is My blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.”16

World Myth or History? 445

It was not just the blood of any man, but the blood of the divine Father’s own precious son -His most
priceless treasure. The perfect sacrifice to end all other sacrifices. ““For God so loved the world, that
He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”17
The Son had been sent to end mankind’s condemnation and bring about redemption and restoration.

This was the mystery hidden in the ages past, finally revealed in Jesus Christ the Lord.
“Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ,
according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past,”18

The secret mystery hidden in the ages was unveiled in Jesus Christ. Hidden in plain sight, in world
mythology, lore and sacred texts. The promise of the returning king, who would make all things good
again, appears almost universally.

Hindu texts tell of the the Kali Yuga, literally the age (yuga) of strife with the demon ‘Kali’. This was to
be the last and worst age. “At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God,
even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas
[guna or temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at
that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser. (Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7)”

Vedic texts tell us that the Kali Yuga was to be the last age before the coming of the Golden Age to be
ushered in by the coming Lord. To the Greeks, the Golden Age represented the first age of mankind
where the fullness of peace between man and God was experienced. Hesiod described it as a time of
physical and spiritual peak in human goodness and nobility. In the Buddhist word-cycles, their
appellation for the destruction and recreation of the ages, contains the idea of going back to the
beginning, including the restoration of all things as they had originally been created.

The old Norse poem Völuspá contains the prophecy of the Völva (the seeress) who foretells the
return of Baldr who had been killed by the contrivances of the trickster Loki. Baldr was the god who
would rule over the Gullaldr (the Golden Age). “He is often interpreted as the god of love, peace,
forgiveness, justice, light or purity…”19

North American Yakima tribe preserved a myth foretelling the return of the Great Chief who would
give life to the dead, overturn the mountains, and take back those who had kept the faith. “Someday
the Great Chief Above will overturn those mountains and rocks. Then the spirits that once lived in the
bones buried there will go back in them. At present those spirits live in the tops of the mountains,

World Myth or History? 446

watching their children on earth and waiting for the great change which is to come… We did not know
all this by ourselves; we were told it by our fathers and grandfathers, who learned it from their fathers
and grandfathers.”20

Prophecies of the coming great king of divine appointment, who would turn around mankind’s
situation, and at our worst point in history, appear to restore all that had been lost, may be traced
back to the writings of Enoch (7th generation from Adam). Enoch wrote that when the Holy Great One
would walk upon the earth,
“...there shall be a judgement upon all (men).
But with righteousness He will make peace.
And will protect the elect,
And mercy shall be upon them.
And they shall belong to God,
And they shall be prospered,
And they shall be blessed.
And He will help them all,
And light shall appear unto them,
And He will make peace with them’.”21

Like Enoch who foretells a day of reckoning before the release of blessing, and as the Srimad-
Bhagavatam tells us that the Lord will come as the Supreme Chastiser before the coming Golden
Age, the Sibylline prophetess tells us that the judgment of God on mortal man shall precede this
wondrous time. The Sibyl calls this divine appointment for judgment of man, the time of the end. It
was to come after the end of a ‘day’. In ancient times, ages were referred to as epochs, times, yugas,
suns, world-cycles, days, etc.

“925 And when that fated day shall reach its end
[And judgment of the immortal God shall come
To mortals], judgment great and power shall come
Upon men. For all-mother earth shall yield
To mortals best fruit boundless, wheat, wine, oil;
930 Also from heaven a delightful drink
Of honey and trees shall give their fruit,
And fatted sheep and cattle there shall be,
Young lambs and kids of goats; earth shall break forth
With sweet springs of white milk; and of good things

World Myth or History? 447

935 The cities shall be full and fat the fields;
Nor sword nor uproar shall be on the earth;
No more shall earth groan heavily and quake;
Nor shall war longer be on earth, nor drought,
Nor famine, nor the fruit-destroying hail;
940 But great peace, shall be upon all the earth,
And king to king be friend until the end
Of the age, and o'er all earth common law
Will the Immortal in the starry heaven
Perfect for men, touching whatever things
945 Have been by miserable mortals done;
For he alone is God, there is no other;
And the stern rage of men he'll burn with fire.
But change entirely the thoughts in thy heart,
And flee unrighteous worship; serve the One
950 Who liveth; guard against adultery
And deeds of lewdness; thine own offspring rear
And do not murder; for the Immortal One
Is angry with him who in these things sins.
And then a kingdom over all mankind
955 Shall he raise up for ages,”22
When judgment day comes at the end of the fifth age, instead of the death penalty, mankind receives
an abundant life. Humanity is restored and empowered. A powerful divine kingdom is set up on earth.
This outcome is apparent in all the mythologies on the return to the Golden Age of man. It almost
seems like there is a missing piece - a gaping hole in the story.
What happened in between to turn around the situation? This is the mystery of the ages. The dark
veil is uncovered in order, “... to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages
has been hidden in God who created all things…”23

The vision given to the prophet and statesman Daniel (605 BC-535 BC) regarding the chronological
rise of the kingdoms and specific historical events, which led to judgment day, give us clues to fill in
the blanks. After seeing the rise of Babylon, followed by the empire of the Medes and Persians, then
the Greeks, and finally by the Romans. Daniel’s vision specifically pinpoints the time of the tenth
Roman emperor, along with his little ‘horn’, representing Emperor Vespasian and his son Titus. Then
Daniel was given a snapshot of the divine courtroom set to judge mankind. It definitely looked like the
end of the line, humanity was guilty, and the death-price had to be paid.

World Myth or History? 448

“9 “I kept looking
Until thrones were set up,
And the Ancient of Days took His seat;
His vesture was like white snow
And the hair of His head like pure wool.
His throne was ablaze with flames,
Its wheels were a burning fire.
10 “A river of fire was flowing
And coming out from before Him;
Thousands upon thousands were attending Him,
And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him;
The court sat,
And the books were opened.”24

What books? This is humanity’s day in court. Does the divine have evidence that may be used
against us? The Psalmist says, “Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book
were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.”25
It seems that our days have been written down and prepared in advance for us, but another psalmist
tells us that another book exists on us to record how we actually lived out the days given to us. “You
have taken account of my wanderings; Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book?”26 Just
how detailed are these books? Jesus informed us that it contains every word. “... I tell you that every
careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.”27

If you are a human being, then at this point you know that you are in trouble, for at some point
whether big or small we had messed up at least once. “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory
of God,”28 And the penalty for sin is one and the same for all -- death.

However, similar to the mythologies of the world, Daniel records an unexpected reversal of our
situation. Instead of death, there is a restoration of life as it was from the beginning, along with the
establishment of an indestructible kingdom.

“13 “I kept looking in the night visions,

And behold, with the clouds of heaven
One like a Son of Man was coming,
And He came up to the Ancient of Days
And was presented before Him.

World Myth or History? 449

14 “And to Him was given dominion,
Glory and a kingdom,
That all the peoples, nations and men of every language
Might serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
Which will not pass away;
And His kingdom is one
Which will not be destroyed.”29

It is the promised seed of the woman, the Son of Man, who is crowned King of Kings of the eternal
kingdom which would arise on the earth as all the other empires disappear. It is the Son of Man,
hidden before the creation of the world, that Enoch wrote would bring righteousness, hope and light
to our hopeless situation.
“2. And at that hour that Son of Man was named In the presence of the Lord of Spirits,
And his name before the Head of Days.
3. Yea, before the sun and the signs were created,
Before the stars of the heaven were made,
His name was named before the Lord of Spirits.
4. He shall be a staff to the righteous whereon to stay themselves and not fall,
And he shall be the light of the Gentiles,
And the hope of those who are troubled of heart.
5. All who dwell on earth shall fall down and worship before him,
And will praise and bless and celebrate with song the Lord of Spirits.
6. And for this reason hath he been chosen and hidden before Him,
Before the creation of the world and for evermore.”30

Jesus referred to himself as the Son of Man multiple times in all four gospels knowing full well what
the title meant. Still a gap remains. How did the Son of Man legally release humanity from guilt? The
book of Revelation chapters 4 and 5 fills in this blank space.

A similar heavenly courtroom scene was described by John, who had hopelessly cried when no one
was found worthy to open the book in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.
“5 and one of the elders said to me, “Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.”
6 And I saw between the throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if

World Myth or History? 450

The Lion from the tribe of Judah and the Root of David are both prophetic references to the long
awaited Messiah, the King of Kings who would reign forever. Imagine John’s shock upon the vision of
a bloody lamb standing in place of a Lion or a majestic king. He beheld the Lamb of God who takes
away the sins of the world by paying the blood price with his own sinless life. The innocent willingly
sacrificed himself to save the damned.

And as the Lamb took and opened the heavenly book - the Lamb’s book of Life, those present broke
out in song, declaring the establishment of the new divine kingdom on planet earth.
“ 9 And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God
with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
10 “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the

Why did the Creator have to hide this from the beginning of time? Why did He not just speak of it
plainly? Because the Ancient of Days had to trick the trickster into playing his part in the salvation of
mankind. Just as Satan had to use the physical serpent in the garden of Eden to bring about the fall
of man, God had to become flesh and walk the earth as man, and although innocent, be condemned
by man to death.

Isaiah foretold the blood sacrifice of the Lamb, in a prophetic description of the coming Messiah.
“5 But He was pierced through for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,
And by His scourging we are healed.
6 All of us like sheep have gone astray,
Each of us has turned to his own way;
But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all
To fall on Him.
7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He did not open His mouth;
Like a lamb that is led to slaughter,
And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers,
So He did not open His mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment He was taken away;

World Myth or History? 451

And as for His generation, who considered
That He was cut off out of the land of the living
For the transgression of my people, to whom the stroke was due?”33

The Messiah could not kill himself or instruct others to do so for that would have been suicide and not
a sacrifice. He was to be judged, scourged and crucified by man in order to save man. For this to
happen, the deceiver had to be fooled into doing it. In wisdom God wrapped His salvation plan in
mystery, “the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood
it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;”34

The book of Revelation informs us that on judgement day, when the books of all that we’ve done are
opened, there will be another book -the Lamb’s book of Life. “And I saw the dead, the great and the
small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is
the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according
to their deeds.”35

According to scriptures, there are names “written from the foundation of the world in the book of life
of the Lamb who has been slain.”36 (Also Revelation 17:8, 21:27, Philippians 4:30). Multiple writers of
sacred texts implies that all the names of those who have ever lived, are living and will live is already
written in the book of life. There is no way to add names, only erase them.
“The Lord said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.”37
“May they be blotted out of the book of life And may they not be recorded with the righteous.”38

There is an ancient Chinese myth about Tianjiang Guan who serves the One God in heaven.
“Tianjiang Guan has a book on which he has written notes on all the men in China as well as their
names. And when one is very wicked and has an evil heart, this angers him and he erases this name
from the book and that person later dies.” (Isaac Donoso, ed. Ma. Luisa Garcia & Carlos Quirino, trans. Boxer
Codex. Philippines: Vibal Foundation. 2016. p327)

It is clear that our failures and wrongdoing gets our name taken off the book of life, but Christ
promises that if we believe and receive the blood sacrifice he made in our place, “He who overcomes
will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will
confess his name before My Father and before His angels.”39

World Myth or History? 452

The Convergence of Prophetic Time

The promise regarding the seed of a woman who would crush the serpent’s head was confirmed and
reconfirmed through the ages. Additional details of his blood lineage, the events and circumstances in
his life, and the roles he would play were given to men and women, prophets claiming to have heard
from the Creator Himself.

The prophet Isaiah proclaimed that,

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His
shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of

The coming of the Messiah, the hope and light of mankind had been foretold from long ages past, but
when exactly was he to arrive? The chronological detailed history given hundreds of years in advance
in the book of Daniel that converges in a specific place in time and space was discussed in the
previous chapter. Does the book of Daniel stand alone in giving the time for the coming of the Christ
and judgement day?

The Sibylline oracles provide details to set the historical stage for the coming judgement day when
the immortal king would usher in the Golden Age.
“The seventh of Egypt, shall rule his own land,
Reckoned from the dominion of the Greeks,
Which countless Macedonian men shall rule;
And there shall come from Asia a great king,
A fiery eagle, who with foot and horse
Shall cover all the land, cut up all things,
And fill all things with evils; he will cast
The Egyptian kingdom down; and taking off
All its possessions carry them away
Over the spacious surface of the sea.”41

The young king Ptolemy VI Philometor (180–164, 163–145 B.C.) was the 7th ruler of the Ptolemaic
Egyptian Dynasty,42 a division of the Greek empire began by the Macedonian King Alexander the
Great. The Asian king of the Seleucid Greek kingdom who invaded Egypt and took much plunder was
Antiochus Epiphanes.

World Myth or History? 453

The Sibyl then describes wars and conflicts between kings and various groups amidst visions of the
holy temple, which may refer to the rise of the Maccabees and the beginnings of a new empire. Then
the prophetess speaks of one more who is sent to the holy land.
“915 Send now against this city yet again
The people inconsiderate, who are come
Out of the holy land of the mighty One.
Do not move Camarina; for 'tis better
She be unmoved; a leopard from the lair,”43

Camarina is a city in southern Sicily. This province of Sicily was the first taken by the Roman Republic
after the First Punic War. It was an important acquisition because it provided the much needed supply
of grain for the developing Roman empire. Thus, Camarina in the holy city would represent the
Roman dominion over Jerusalem. This happened under Roman General Pompey in 63 BC. The Sibyl
then tells us that it is during this period of subjection to Roman rule, that the judgement shall come.
“925 And when that fated day shall reach its end
[And judgment of the immortal God shall come
To mortals], judgment great and power shall come
Upon men.”43

Enoch also gave a point in time for judgement day. At the time that the fallen angels had been bound
before the flood, the length of the time of their interment before they faced judgment was specifically
given, “...bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their
judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated.”44
This prophecy was causing a stir with the Jews who had computed that 70 generations had passed
since Enoch had written the text. Since Enoch was the 7th generation from Adam, we would expect
the Messiah to be exactly 77 generations from the first man.

In the gospel of Luke, written by a doctor who wished to set down a historically accurate and detailed
account of the events that had taken place.
“Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, 2
just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and
servants of the word, 3 it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from
the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order…”45 The accuracy of Luke’s writing has time
and again been proven by archaeological discoveries, which have silenced many of his critics. Citing
hundreds of names and multiple historical figures, Luke has given us a solid historical timeframe with
which to study the historicity of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

World Myth or History? 454

Chapter 3:23-38 of the gospel of Luke gives us the genealogy of Jesus that traces back 77
generations, all the way to Adam. Jesus of Nazareth is exactly 70 generations from Enoch. The
writings of Luke and Enoch give us an additional dimension. Aside from being given a point in time
and space, we are given a bloodline that leads to the flesh and blood Messiah promised through the
ages, traced from Adam to Abraham to David from the line of Judah. A lineage foretold by Jeremiah.
““Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “When I will raise up for David a righteous
Branch; And He will reign as king and act wisely And do justice and righteousness in the land.” 46

Suetonius, who had written the Life of Vespasian, noted that, “There had spread over all the Orient
an old and established belief, that it was fated for men coming from Judaea to rule the world.”47 His
words reveal that the ancient traditions of many lands, even those other than the Hebrews, held to
the belief that the coming king who was to bring righteousness and peace to the earth - the light of
the gentiles- was to come from the Holy Land.

The heavens themselves seemed to assist in pinpointing the Messiah. Abulfaragius who wrote a
history in the 13 century, said that, “Zoroaster the Persian, in the time of Daniel the Prophet,
predicted to the Magi, or astrologers of Persia, the future appearance of a star which would notify the
birth of a mysterious child, the Almighty Word which created the heavens, whom he commands them
to adore.”48

Zoroaster, who rose soon after the fiery destruction of the third age, wrote the Zend Avesta which
informed the Persians, “that this new star was to appear in the sign of the Virgin.”49 Compare his
predictions with what Isaiah foretold that, “...a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call
His name Immanuel” (God with us).50 This verse was quoted in the gospel of Matthew in relation to
the birth Of Jesus (Matthew 1:23), Jesus whom John claimed to be the Word made flesh (John 1:14).
The Zend Avesta tells us that this child will be ‘the Almighty Word which created the heavens’ -God
with us, the Word made flesh and blood.

However, Zoroaster was referring to a Virgin that predates the actual earthly events. The group of
stars belonging to the ancient Zodiac constellations, familiar to civilizations in antiquity, portrayed as a
virgin woman holding a branch/seeds in her hand. The connection of this image is evident in the Latin
‘Virgo, which means a virgin; and virga, which means a branch…’51 The Hebrew name, preserved in
ancient star maps for the brightest star in Virgo’s hand is ‘Tsemech’ (Spica), a term for branch used
exclusively for the Messiah who was to come from the line of David from the tribe of Judah.

World Myth or History? 455

Each of the 12 Zodiac astronomical constellations were grouped together in ancient times with
several adjoining constellations. These sub-constellations were assigned to the main constellation,
like the Comah constellation to Virgo. Ancient imagery for Comah, which literally means the desired
or longed for, is a sitting woman with a child on her lap. Eighth century astronomer Albumazar wrote,
“...the Persians, Chaldeans, and Egyptians and the two Hermes and Ascalius teach, a young woman,
whose Persian name denotes a pure virgin, sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant boy (the boy, I
say), having a Hebrew name, by some nations called IHESU, with the signification IEZA, which in
Greek is called CHRISTOS.””51

A star appearing in the constellation of the Virgin, would have announced the birth of the promised
seed that was to rule as king of kings, the Christ, the One for whom the nations of the earth had
longed for. From the first chapter of the book of Genesis, we are told that the heavenly lights were
created for signs visible and readable by those on earth. “...and let them be for signs and for seasons
and for days and years;”52 And if something as great as the actual birth of the Son of Man, firstborn
Son of God, on the planet was to take place, it is to be expected that the heavens would not be silent.

Three sets of rare celestial signs documented by astronomers over three consecutive years:
7 BC, 6 BC, and 5 BC were seen as portents of sweeping change in the religious and political
landscape of the world. An astronomical starry countdown, dominated by the divine numeral three
(i.e. Trinity), must have caused a literal buzz among the ancient stargazers and scholars of antiquity.

7 BC saw three conjunctions of the planets Saturn and Jupiter (May, October and December) in the
constellation Pisces (traditionally associated with Israel). Ancient civilizations saw Saturn as
representing God the Father with Jupiter his son aligning over Israel. In 6 BC Mars joined the two
planets, the three planets massing together in Pisces. The planet Mars was associated with war and
royalty, signifying a battle to be fought by a mighty king from Israel. Greek, Latin, and Persian
traditions hold that the massing together of the three planets preceded the birth of Christ. Then in 5
BC ancient Chinese astronomers observed a comet for over 70 days from March 9 - April 6. A length
of time sufficient for the Magi to travel from Arabia to Bethlehem.53

Civilizations of antiquity used a different vocabulary. They called planets ‘wandering stars’,
constellations were ‘fixed stars’, novas were ‘new stars’, and comets were sometimes called ‘broom
stars’ (because of their tail). Thus when the Magi, Persian astronomers and scholars, claimed to have
followed a star which moved slowly through the sky until it ‘stood over’ Bethlehem, they could very
possibly have been describing a comet in its natural astronomical behaviour.

World Myth or History? 456

The comments in the Han Shu regarding this 5 BC comet notes that, “Sui (comet with tail) are the
means of eliminating the old and inaugurating the new. Ch’ien niu is the place whence the five
planets arise, the origin of calendrical reckoning, the starting point of the three standards [of
computation]. The appearance of the Sui was a sign of change; the long period of its appearance
was due to the importance of the incident [to come].”54

The rising of the comet from the Ch’ien niu celestial region, which includes the Capricorn
constellation, was significant because it held an important heavenly position around 2000 years ago.
During those times the Capricorn constellation was seen “as the place of origin of the five planets, as
the origin of a calendar based on the Winter Solstice (when the Sun was reborn) and as a starting
point for computations (see also Aratus, Phaenomena 284 and 500 c. 275 BC and Lucretius, De
Rerum Natura 5.614, c. 60 BC)”.55 Because the star (comet) had risen from this important region of
the heavens, ancient skywatchers knew that it was a sign that the coming fundamental change was
going to be enormous. Existing kingdoms would be radically swept away by the broom star and the
foundations of a new kingdom, that was like no other, would be established.

Seen from Arabia and Persia, the Magi would have witnessed the new star coming from the
Capricorn constellation as having risen from the eastern horizon. And this is exactly what Matthew
mentioned twice (Matthew 2:2&9). “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw
His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”56 This heavenly announcement was not taken
lightly by Herod for in antiquity it was not uncommon that kings were welcomed by Magi due to
celestial signs (Matthew 2). After talking with the Magi, and Herod’s own learned men who had
pointed out the prophecy that the king was to be born in Bethlehem, he sent the Magi to seek the
child king. But when they did not return, Herod ordered the massacre of little boys two years old and
under in Bethlehem and its vicinity. The star the Magi had followed had appeared around 70 days, but
Herod was surely aware of the remarkable celestial signs that had occurred in 7 BC and 6 BC (two
years prior) and may have wanted to be sure that the child would not escape. Herod’s behaviour in
this instance is in alignment with historical records of his murderous paranoia near the end of his life,
even causing the execution of three of his own sons. “Shortly before his death, Herod decided
against his sons Aristobulus and Antipater, who were executed in 7 and 4 BCE, causing the emperor
Augustus to joke that it was preferable to be Herod's pig (hus) than his son (huios) - a very insulting
remark to any Jew (Macrobius, Saturnalia, 2.4.11).”57

This would be the third massacre of infants captured in myth, tradition, and scriptures. The first was
under Nimrod who ordered the killing of boys when Abraham was a baby. The second was the
massacre of the baby boys under Pharaoh during the time of Moses. Like Abraham and Moses, the

World Myth or History? 457

infant Jesus escaped the deadly attack. Warned by an angel of the threat to the child, his parents had
fled to Egypt. The sojourn to Egypt, the massacre of infants, and their eventual settlement in the city
of Nazareth, fulfilled three prophecies regarding the Messiah that the baby Christ had absolutely no
control in orchestrating (Matthew 2:14, Matthew 2:18 & Matthew 2:23). lists 353 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ.58 Most of these prophecies
like the ones mentioned previously could not have been manipulated or contrived. The odds of a baby
being born in Bethlehem is 1 in 280,000.59 But for one person to fulfill several prophecies, the
mathematical chances grow increasingly less. Dr Stoner computed the probabilities of one man
fulfilling just eight specific prophecies about the Messiah. “To answer the question what is the
probability of one man fulfilling all eight prophecies, the principal of probability is applied. Therefore,
multiplying all eight probabilities together (1 times 2.8 x 105 x 103 x 102 x 103 x 103 x 105 x 103 x 104)
gives us 2.8 x 1028, or for simplicity sake 1 x 1028 or 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.”59
The odds of hundreds of specific detailed prophecies given over thousands of years by various
writers from different ages being fulfilled by accident in one man, Jesus Christ, is mathematically

At the perfect convergence of prophetic time, the promised seed of the woman was born. It was the
exactly ordained time that even the celestial mechanics, prepared before the creation, announced the
birth like the gears of a heavenly clock. “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His
Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,”60

The arrival of the Messiah, the Saviour of the world, was not done in a dark corner. So why was he
rejected as predicted in prophecy (Psalm 118:22, Matthew 21:42, Mark 8:31, Luke 9:22)? Jesus
Christ, born in humble circumstances to a young couple and raised in a carpenter’s trade was not
what was expected. As the prophetic convergence of time approached for the promised king to rule
for eternity, mankind vigilantly scoured the earth for the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the conquering
warrior who would bring world peace. Every royal child or gifted boy was a potential hopeful. How
could that generation have guessed that there would be nothing in his appearance that we should
desire him? Or that the Lord’s strength would not be one of muscle but of love?

Gentile nations, influenced in Greek philosophies and thought, were waiting for something that made
sense. They were expecting someone who would explain the ‘mysteries of the universe’, win every
debate, and answer every question. The Jews were in fervent expectation as they carefully observed
and studied every sign and prophecy regarding the coming king. They were waiting for a display of
supernatural power. As Moses led the nation across the sea on dry ground and wiped out the

World Myth or History? 458

Egyptian armies under the waves, and as Elijah called fire down from heaven to destroy their
enemies, they waited excitedly for an awesome display of miraculous might. They searched for
someone impressive and remarkable, displaying signs and wonders that would annihilate the
kingdoms of the world and elevate them to power. Satisfying hungry peasants with bread and fish
was not acceptable to them. Healing the outcasts of society meant nothing. Raising dead nobodies
that they did not care for was a nuisance. Jesus of Nazareth was not what they were hoping for.
Instead of majestic gold, valuable silver, shiny bronze or strong iron, what they got was a rock.

Judgement Time

Enoch wrote of the ages, calling them weeks, and described the judgement to come at the end of the
fifth age and the beginning of the sixth.
“And after that in the sixth week all who live in it shall be blinded,
And the hearts of all of them shall godlessly forsake wisdom.
And in it a man shall ascend;

And at its close the house of dominion shall be burnt with fire,
And the whole race of the chosen root shall be dispersed”.61

The divine wrath poured out at the end of the fifth age came in two parts, both graphically painting the
judgement of mankind in blood.

The first part was when the blinded religious and political leaders crucified the innocent Son of Man,
who overcame the grip of death and ascended to the right hand of God the Father (Luke 22:69,
Colossians 3:1).

The second part was the burning of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple to the ground, resulting in the
dispersion of the Jewish nation from whom the Messiah had been born. Thus, in the first part of the
judgement, the penalty of death against mankind was paid for by the blood of the perfect sacrifice
once and for all (Romans 6:10, 1 Peter 3:18). In the second part of the judgement, those who
rejected the free gift, pay for the price with their own blood. History gives us a parable of the two
choices open to humanity.

World Myth or History? 459

Part 1: The Blood of Christ
Many are familiar with the the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as recorded in the gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but few know that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was also mentioned
by several secular historians. Flavius Josephus, a Jew who recorded history under Roman patronage
noted that, “...At this time there was a wise man called Jesus, and his conduct was good, and he was
known to be virtuous. Many people among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples.
Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die...They reported that he had appeared to them three
days after his crucifixion and that he was alive. Accordingly, he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning
whom the prophets have reported wonders.”62

During the time of the Emperor Nero, a terrible fire burned through Rome, and rumours spread that
the flame had been lit by their own leader. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote of how,
“Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their
abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin,
suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators,
Pontius Pilatus,”63

Following are excerpts from a letter Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Palestine and Phoenicia, wrote to
Caesar making a report on Jesus whom he had crucified. Tertullian’s Apologeticum (197 AD) twice
mentions the report made by Pilate to Tiberius. After telling of several miracles Christ had performed,
Pilate continued on to write, “...And these are the things which I lately had in my mind to report, which
Jesus accomplished on the Sabbath. And other signs greater than these he did, so that I have
perceived that the wonderful works done by him are greater than can be done by the gods whom we
And him Herod and Archelaus and Philip, Annas and Caiaphas, with all the people, delivered to me,
making a great uproar against me that I should try him. I therefore ordered him to be crucified, having
first scourged him, and having found against him no cause of evil accusations or deeds.”64

Crucifixions were not unusual for the Romans, but the events that happened next were.

A three hour darkness in the middle of the day. Three gospels record a darkness at midday from the
6th to the 9th hour, from noon to 3 in the afternoon, that filled the whole earth as Jesus hung on the
cross (Matthew 27:45, Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44-45). Pontius Pilate wrote that,
“ the time he was crucified there was darkness over all the world, the sun being darkened at mid-
day, and the stars appearing, but in them there appeared no lustre;”64

World Myth or History? 460

The moon turned to blood.
“..and the moon, as if turned into blood, failed in her light.” 64

A great earthquake that caused damage to the holy temple in Jerusalem.

“And the world was swallowed up by the lower regions, so that the very sanctuary of the temple, as
they call it, could not be seen by the Jews in their fall; and they saw below them a chasm of the earth,
with the roar of the thunders that fell upon it...And the fear of the earthquake remained from the sixth
hour of the preparation until the ninth hour.”64

The physical resurrection of the dead.

“And in that terror dead men were seen that had risen, as the Jews themselves testified; and they
said that it was Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs, and Moses and Job, that
had died, as they say, three thousand five hundred years before. And there were very many whom I
also saw appearing in the body; and they were making a lamentation about the Jews, on account of
the wickedness that had come to pass through them, and the destruction of the Jews and of their

Pilate’s report may have seemed like fictitious nonsense had it not been backed up by other secular
historians and eyewitnesses.

“Phlegon, in the 13th book of his admirable account of the Olympiads, writes about this as follows: "In
the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was an eclipse of the sun, greater than any which had
occurred previously. At the sixth hour, the day became as dark as night, and the stars were visible in
the sky. An earthquake in Bithynia destroyed many buildings in Nicaea."”65 Phlegon, a Greek historian
born around 80 AD who had kept a meticulous record of the Olympic games support the record of the
darkness at the exact hour of its occurrence and the earthquake that came with it.
The fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad was around 32 AD, which coincides with other historical clues
that imply that Christ was crucified at this time. “Proof that the passion of our Saviour happened in
this year is provided by the gospel of John, who write that our Lord taught for three years after the
15th year of Tiberius. And Josephus, the native historian of the Jews, relates that around this time, on
the day of Pentecost, first the priests noticed some movement and noise, and then a voice suddenly
burst forth from the innermost sanctuary of the temple, saying "Let us move out of here". Josephus
also says that in the same year the governor Pilatus secretly by night set up some statues of Caesar
in the temple [ "where it was not right for them to be" - Ar.], and this was the first cause of rebellion
and disturbances amongst the Jews.”65

World Myth or History? 461

The historian Julius Africanus (160 - 240 AD) corroborated the story of the three hour darkness, the
earthquake, a full moon, and the reports of the dead coming back to life.
“On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and
the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in
Judea and other districts were thrown down...
Phlegon records that, in the time of Tiberius Caesar,
at full moon, there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth
hour to the ninth manifestly that one of which we speak.
But what has an eclipse in common with an earthquake, the
rending rocks, and the resurrection of the dead, and so great
a perturbation throughout the universe?” 66

Julius Africanus, a scholarly man and traveller, understood the mechanics of astronomy and
disagreed with the conclusion of Phlegon and other historians who had labeled the darkness as an
eclipse of the sun.
“This darkness Thallus (52 AD), in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without
reason, an eclipse of the sun. For the Hebrews celebrate the passover on the 14th day according to
the moon, and the passion of our Saviour falls on the day before the passover; but an eclipse of the
sun takes place only when the moon comes under the sun. And it cannot happen at any other time
but in the interval between the first day of the new moon and the last of the old, that is, at their
junction: how then should an eclipse be supposed to happen when the moon is almost diametrically
opposite the sun?” 66

Julius Africanus explains why the darkness could not have been caused by a solar eclipse, because
a darkness that is caused by a solar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth and moon position are as

Jewish passover always occurred on the 14th day of a lunar calendar which is always full moon
(like the lunar festival of the Chinese). And the Sun-moon position during a full moon is always as

World Myth or History? 462


Julius Africanus was also well versed in Hebrew scriptures and had made computations regarding a
prophecy in the book of Daniel regarding the final end of sin. Africanus connected the crucifixion
along with the unusual phenomena to the conclusion of Daniel’s 70 weeks.
“Surely no such event as this is recorded for a long period. But it was a darkness
induced by God, because the Lord happened then to suffer. And calculation makes out that the
period of 70 weeks, as noted in Daniel, is completed at this time.”68

The historian was referring to a prophecy in the book of Daniel that foretold, “ 24 “Seventy weeks have
been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to
make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and
to anoint the most holy place.”69 Jesus claimed to have made sin no longer an issue for man, being
himself the perfect atonement, ushering in the righteousness in an eternal kingdom. The seventy
weeks directed us to the exact point in time when the Son of Man paid the blood price for the
redemption of mankind.

As the blood poured on the earth brought about the promised salvation, the moon in the heavens
turned blood red. When the apostle Peter spoke before a crowd of thousands about the fulfillment of
prophecy written in the book of Joel (2:31-32) proving that Jesus was the Messiah.
22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with
miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you
yourselves know—”70

Peter claimed the occurrence of these events during the crucifixion of Jesus as divine signs
confirming that he was the Christ. The three hour darkness and the blood red moon was something
he claimed they had all witnessed. The veracity of his claim is seen in that instead of calling him a
crazy liar, three thousand people received his words as truth, accepting Jesus as their Lord that very

World Myth or History? 463

day. If it did not happen, it would be insane to add such easily verifiable details into the death and
resurrection of Jesus.

When Christ was born, the Sun was in the Capricorn constellation (Chien niu), whose ancient
Egyptian name was ‘Hu-penius, which means the place of sacrifice.’71 Even from birth, his purpose
was clear. The day the Lord died was the 14th day of Nisan during the celebration of the Passover.
Moses had instructed the people during their exodus to kill a lamb and mark their doorways with its
blood so that the angel of death would ‘pass over’ them leaving their homes unharmed. “Owing to the
precession of the equinoxes, the sun at the time of the Exodus , had receded into the sign of Aries,
which then marked the spring Equinox. But at the time of the antitype -- the Lamb of God, was slain,
the sun had still further receded, and on the 14th of Nisan, in the year of the crucifixion, stood at the
very spot marked by the stars...El Nath, the pierced, the wounded or slain...during the noon-day
darkness the sun was seen near those stars which had spoken for many centuries of this bruising of
the woman’s seed --the Lamb of God.”71

Both the time of the Saviour’s birth and his death were literally written in the stars. Paul writes that,
“For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.”72The suffering of Jesus
was not an unfortunate accident, but the very reason for which he had come to earth. This was his
purpose and this was the right time. Jesus fulfilled every requirement of the law, under the law as a
human being, and died the death that we deserved so that we could share in his life.

The impact of his coming cannot be denied. Christ split time in half. When referring to historical
events, it is either dated before Christ (BC) or after his death (AD). The celestial signs of this time
were so remarkable that we still use the Tropic of Capricorn to mark a line on the earth’s latitude,
even if the honor belonged to it 2,000 years ago, around the time God’s son walked the earth in the
flesh. “Around 2,000 years ago, the sun crossed into the constellation of Capricorn at the winter
solstice around December 21. This resulted in this line of latitude being named the Tropic of
Capricorn... It should be noted however, that because it was named over 2,000 years ago, the
specific location of the Tropic of Capricorn today is no longer in the constellation Capricorn. Instead it
is located in the constellation Sagittarius.”73

Matthew described a powerful earthquake that caused damage to the temple. “51 And behold, the veil
of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.”74 This
is confirmed by the histories of Thallus, Phlegon, and Africanus, as well as the report of the
Procurator Pilate to Caesar.

World Myth or History? 464

A quake of this magnitude must have caused much damage to the Jerusalem temple, but the veil was
seen as the most significant portent. Jewish traditions tell us that the veil was around 4 inches thick of
heavy woven material around 40+ feet in length dividing the Holy of Holies (the place of God’s
presence) from the rest of the temple, where ordinary men could enter. The ripping of the veil from
top to bottom would have required a great force, and would have carried much symbolism. It seemed
that the sacrifice of Christ, his blood shed for all men, was sufficient to open the door to the very
presence of God.

It could have also been during this quake, that the Pool of Bethesda described in the book of John
(5:2-4) with its spring fed pool and five porches, may have disappeared. Scholars had held that the
Pool of Bethesda was fictitious until it was discovered by archaeologists in 1956 buried 40 feet under
the ground.75

However, the most remarkable event happened after the crucifixion and death of Jesus as attested by
multiple eyewitnesses. It seemed that death and hell were powerless to hold the sinless Son of God.
And at his resurrection, he brought to life along with himself, many who had believed in him from long
ages past.

Pontius Pilate finished his report to Caesar with this story:

“And on the evening of the first day of the week there was a sound out of the heaven, so that the
heaven became enlightened sevenfold more than all the days. And at the third hour of the night also
the sun was seen brighter than it had ever shone before, lighting up all the heaven. And as lightnings
come suddenly in winter, so majestic men appeared in glorious robes, an innumerable multitude,
whose voice was heard as that of a very great thunder, crying out: Jesus that was crucified is risen:
come up out of Hades, you that have been enslaved in the underground regions of Hades. And the
chasm of the earth was as if it had no bottom; but it was as if the very foundations of the earth
appeared along with those that cried out in the heavens, and walked about in the body in the midst of
the dead that had risen. And he that raised up all the dead, and bound Hades, said: Say to my
disciples, He goes before you into Galilee; there shall you see him.
And all that night the light did not cease shining...Others saw the appearing of those that had risen,
whom no one of us had ever seen...
With that terror, being in perplexity, and seized with a most frightful trembling, I have written what I
saw at that time, and have reported to your majesty. Having set in order also what was done by the
Jews against Jesus, I have sent it, my lord, to your divinity.”76

World Myth or History? 465

The prophet Isaiah wrote that this celestial display would happen when the ‘bruise’ inflicted was to be
healed. The serpent was to ‘bruise’ the heel of the seed of the woman as he crushed its head
(Genesis 3:15).
“The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times
brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the Lord binds up the fracture of His people and
heals the bruise He has inflicted.”77

The battle was fought between the serpent and the Son of Man, and only one rose victorious from the
grave. Likewise, the book of Enoch tells us that after the great eternal judgement takes place, “...all
the powers of the heavens shall give sevenfold light.” (The Book of Enoch, Section V. Chapter 93.16)

Matthew records the events of those days with much less elaboration than Pilate’s report.
“The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and
coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.”78
Doctor Luke, in the book of Acts, simply records how Jesus, “...presented Himself alive after His
suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of
the things concerning the kingdom of God.”79

At the right time the Christ came, the Word of the Creator in the flesh, and although the world was
made through Him, we did not recognize Him.” For those who live in Jerusalem, and their rulers,
recognizing neither Him nor the utterances of the prophets which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled
these by condemning Him.”80

What did the people of that age witness, if it couldn’t possibly have been an eclipse? What could
cause a three hour darkness in the middle of the day, a blood red moon, and earthquakes? And then
a day after, at the resurrection, something like the sun shining seven times brighter than normal and
the moon bright as the sun?

The raising of the dead resulting from Christ’s victory over sin and death is excluded because it is an
event that had no precedent, unlike the natural events that were witnessed, which had similarities to
other historical age ending catastrophes.

The Visuddhi Magga, sacred Buddhist texts, described the world-cycles and their destruction, often
starting with a cycle destroying great cloud.81 Far reaching darkness, celestial disturbances, and
trouble on earth (ie. earthquakes) often followed. Using clues from world mythology, regarding the

World Myth or History? 466

dark cloud, there seems to be a link to the end of several ages to the activities of the planet Venus
during an unstable cometary phase. However, according to myth and lore at the end of the fourth
age, Venus (Athena, Coatlicue) had retired from her destructive ways. An interesting point, captured
in the Greek myth is that the city of Athens was named “in honor of the new celestial orb in the sky,
Venus, or in Greek terms, Athena.”82 How could a planet be new? Perhaps, if it had not been seen in
the past as a planet or a celestial orb in the sky. The Mesoamerican myth relates that Coatlicue had
retired from her destructive ways after the last battle where she had lost her children. Ancient myths
imply that after this final catastrophic cosmic encounter, battered Venus had ended her cometary
phase and joined the ranks of the peacefully orbiting planets.

If Venus had settled down, then what could have caused similar celestial events? The prophet Isaiah
writes of the physical celestial object used to create these phenomena. After describing the heavenly
display when the Creator heals the bruise on the promised One, Isaiah told of something in the skies
prepared long ago for the king.
“27 Behold, the name of the LORD comes from a remote place;
Burning is His anger and dense is His smoke;
His lips are filled with indignation
And His tongue is like a consuming fire;
28 His breath is like an overflowing torrent,
Which reaches to the neck,
To shake the nations back and forth in a sieve,
And to put in the jaws of the peoples the bridle which leads to ruin.”83
Isaiah described a celestial object coming from a far distance, possibly a long period comet. This
celestial body is described as burning and covered by thick dark smoky clouds with tongues of flame
that may be releasing noxious gasses. This distant object appears to be fairly large, with sufficient
mass to cause the nations to experience shaking - earthquakes.

Isaiah’s use of terms like lips, tongue, breath, and neck seem to refer to this celestial body as a
dismembered head. The Mesoamerican Coatlicue to whom the destruction of the fourth age was
attributed was represented as a headless serpentine goddess. Two serpents sprout from her neck
forming together what should have been her head. Myth tells us that she had been beheaded at the
start of the fifth age. Where did her head go?
Myths of troublesome heads chopped from snakelike celestial dragons who like to eat the sun and
moon, causing mayhem on earth are abundant. “In China, India, southeastern Asia and in Peru there
were beliefs that dragons or demons attack the Sun during eclipses. The ancient Egyptian myth of
the snake Apep that attacks the boat of the Sun god is believed now to refer to solar eclipses.”84

World Myth or History? 467

Apep was a giant snake demon of darkness and chaos in Egyptian mythology that waited in the
horizon to swallow the barque of Ra (the Sun god). The snake Apep is often portrayed being
decapitated by Ra in the form of a cat (Mau) with a knife. Egyptian god Set also claimed that he had
cut the serpent’s head. '"Apep, O Enemy of Ra! Turn your face away! Ra hates the very sight of you."
The head is then cut off, hacked in pieces and thrown away on either side of the roads.'85 The
decapitation doesn’t seem to cause Apep permanent damage as the celestial serpent continues to
threaten Ra.

Hindu mythology tells the story of the snake demon Rahu that caused trouble after the churning of
the sea which created soma (elixir of the gods).86 Pretending to be a god, Rahu got his hands on
some of the soma and drank it to gain immortality. Unfortunately the Sun and the Moon snitched on
him, and Vishnu chopped off Rahu’s head. The elixir had reached his neck before he was
decapitated, thus keeping his head immortal. Rahu is forever trying to swallow up the Sun and Moon
for their betrayal, but they escape through the hole in his neck.

Soma, the elixir of the gods that Rahu had coveted, was a libation often poured out to the god Mithra
by the Zoroastrian Persians after the rising of the waters that ended the fourth age. The Hindu myth
of the churning of the sea, causing toxic substances to enter the rising waters and ending with soma
seems to tell the story of the age ending catastrophe. Hindu myth describes a battle between the
gods and demons, where thousands of demons had fallen, possibly capturing the same catastrophic
celestial battle between Mesoamerican Coatlicue and her children, that may have represented
numerous bolides impacting the earth and even the surface of the moon. The immortal Rahu head
survived, and is depicted as a serpent’s head riding on a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Could
the lore of the chopping of the head from the serpent, be describing a part that had broken off from
the main celestial body, that was seen by the ancients as a comet with no tail?

Rahu 87 belongs to a class of Vedic deity associated with heavenly bodies, and is traditionally
considered to be a kind of rogue planet. Tibetan Buddhists describe Rahu as ablaze with fire, while
Rahu is worshipped with fire offerings in both India and Burma. In Thailand he is worshipped as Phra
Rahu. The eight black horses that draw his chariot may represent the dense black clouds of smoke
that travel with him.

The prophet Isaiah paused in his description of the celestial agent of destruction and chaos, and
inserted a verse of praise to the mountain of the Lord, to the Rock of Israel.
“29 You will have songs as in the night when you keep the festival,

World Myth or History? 468

And gladness of heart as when one marches to the sound of the flute,
To go to the mountain of the LORD, to the Rock of Israel.”88
Isaiah’s words gain greater weight when related to Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the succession of
world empires as recorded in the book of Daniel. When all the empires were struck by a great stone
cut from a mountain, causing them to crumble and disappear...the stone (rock) that struck the statue
became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. 89
Thus, the insertion of praise is not random but turns our attention to the Christ - the Rock born of
Israel’s lineage, who was destined to establish a kingdom that would never end. The Messiah who
would build an everlasting kingdom, a great mountain that was to fill the entire world was fulfilling his
purpose at that moment as the Lamb of God on the cross.
Could it be that as the blood of the sinless Christ, the sacrificial Lamb of God, painted the earth red,
covering over the sin of mankind, the angel of death passed over the planet?
The Egyptians saw Apep, snake demon of darkness and chaos, trying to blot out the light of the Sun.
India and many Asian nations saw the smoky Rahu trying to swallow the Sun in dark clouds. In the
Americas, both the Incas and Peruvians have myths of the celestial serpent that tried to eat the Sun.
All over the Philippine islands the tales of Bakunawa,90 the celestial serpent with his enormous head,
burning red tongue, and smoky gray wings, who tried to swallow the heavenly lights may be found.
The ancient Chinese tell the stories of when the dragon tried to eat the sun and the moon.

These myths on the disappearance of the Sun and the Moon have been connected to astronomical
eclipses. What else could they be? Stories of fanciful monsters were mere superstitious beliefs used
to explain things that ancient peoples couldn’t possibly understand, such as how an eclipse occurs.
There is however, a major flaw to this reasoning. Ancient civilizations understood, recorded,
calculated and predicted a great deal of astronomical information - including eclipses. China’s Shu
King tell the story of two astronomers who were executed in the 3rd Millennium BC because they
failed to predict an eclipse. The emperor and the people of China knew even at that early time that
eclipses were part of the predictable celestial mechanics that govern the heavens. The same goes
with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India, Babylon, and the peoples of Mesoamerica.

Something that surpassed a mere solar eclipse --a phenomenon recorded and observed multiple
times in the past, was recorded by the peoples of antiquity and passed down to us in myth. Such was
the fiery third age ending catastrophe, when the Creator made darkness fall at mid-day, an event that
may have been recorded by the Greek poet Archilochus (680 -640 BC),
"Nothing can be surprising any more or impossible or miraculous, now that Zeus, father of the
Olympians has made night out of noonday, hiding the bright sunlight, and . . . fear has come upon
mankind. After this, men can believe anything, expect anything…”91

World Myth or History? 469

Serpent myths devouring the Sun and moon may only be understood in the context of the entire story.
Myths and traditions from around the world tell of specific events that lead up to or follow such
attacks. If the celestial body described by Isaiah had indeed passed over the crucified Son of God, it
would have been a literal unfolding of the events foreshadowed by the Passover celebration being
observed by the Jewish nation on that same day. The dark dense clouds of smoke would have
obscured the Sun causing the noontime darkness. The particle filled smoke would have filtered the
light reflecting on the moon causing it to appear blood red. The haze would also explain Pilate’s
observation that the stars appeared with ‘no lustre’. Although hidden by the thick clouds that
surrounded it, gravitational force exerted by this celestial body could have caused the earthquakes
experienced by several cities.

The prophet Amos(752 BC) wrote,

“8 “Because of this will not the land quake
And everyone who dwells in it mourn?
9 “It will come about in that day,” declares the Lord GOD,
“That I will make the sun go down at noon
And make the earth dark in broad daylight.
10 “Then I will turn your festivals into mourning
And all your songs into lamentation;
And I will bring sackcloth on everyone’s loins
And baldness on every head.
And I will make it like a time of mourning for an only son…”92

The sun had gone down at midday in honor of the death of the only Son of God.

In the third hour of the night (Roman time = 6 am), resurrection morning, Pilate reported witnessing
loud sounds from the skies and a Sun shining seven times brighter than normal, accompanied by a
moon that shone as bright as the Sun. The exact event was foretold by the prophet Isaiah to mark the
healing of the bruise - the return to life of the promised seed of the woman. It is astronomically
impossible for this to happen to the actual Sun and moon, but the people of antiquity may have been
recording eyewitness accounts of two blazing celestial bodies passing very close to planet earth. One
much larger than the other, thus mimicking the familiar relationship of the Sun and Moon.

World Myth or History? 470

Hindu tradition informs us that the fiery Rahu (linked to the Sun) is accompanied by the lesser snake
demon Ketu who is specifically linked with the moon in Vedic texts.93

Norse mythology tell of the celestial wolves Skoll and Hati who pursue the Sun and the Moon. These
wolves also played an important role in the chaos and age ending destruction of Ragnarok, the fiery
end of the third age.94

Korean myth gives the story of the fire dogs from the dark land in the skies. The fire dogs sent from
the darkness try to steal the light of the Sun and the moon, but end up spitting it out.95 These fiery
dogs that came from the sky kingdom of darkness are linked by myth to the Sun and the moon. Could
this myth from Korea be describing a time when the lights of the Sun and the moon were eclipsed by
the light of these much nearer blazing celestial bodies, following a period of extended murky

The ancients were familiar with this ominous combination of daytime darkness and night time light,
and attributed this to the work of the gods. The Greek Poet Pindar (522 - 443 BC) wrote in his Ninth
Paean that just as, “...God can cause unsullied light to spring out of black night. He can also shroud
in a dark cloud of gloom the pure light of day. Cp. Paean, ix, p. 546 f. P575 (620)” 96 The words that
the poet used to describe what had caused the midday darkness was ‘a dark cloud’ -a description
used by several other sources from antiquity. Pindar’s choice of words for the bright light that appears
at night also seems to imply something more than the regular appearance of the moon and stars.

Pilate ended his report to Tiberius Caesar with the story of the bright celestial display at 6 am, the
appearance of majestic men in glorious robes, great thundering voices announcing that Christ had
risen, and another earthquake. The book of Matthew tells us that, “Now after the Sabbath, as it began
to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the
grave. 2 And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the Lord descended from
heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. 3 And his appearance was like lightning,
and his clothing as white as snow.”97

At dawn that morning, there was a very strong earthquake caused by the descent of an angel of the
Lord. The angel looked like lightning wrapped in a snow white glow, “...the word translated “angel” in
Hebrew and in Greek (#4397 malawk in Hebrew and #32 aggelos in Greek in Strong’s Concordance)
are often better translated as “messenger” in Hebrew and Greek, and that in the ancient world
“comets” were often referred to as “messengers”.”98 Sitting on the rock, could refer to the bright vision
rising directly over the stone that had rolled away. Then they received a message from the angel that

World Myth or History? 471

Jesus had risen, he had conquered the grave! The women understood the words of the message, but
to other people it may have just sounded like a great thundering noise. Such cases are recorded in
scripture, like when a voice from heaven affirmed Jesus, some in the crowd claimed that it was
thunder (John 12:29). Perhaps it was this thundering sound that was interpreted by the Koreans as
the growling of the fire dogs, and by the Norse as the fearsome sounds made by the wolves Skoll and
Hati.The Dayak tribes of Borneo hold to the myths of the Aso dragon (Dog Dragon) that has come to
represent a divine protector.

Egyptian myth of the celestial snake Apep informs us that, “His roar was so loud that it shook the
underworld.”99 Could they have witnessed a similar earthquake and rising of the dead?

At the end of the fifth age, the promised Messiah came, fulfilling all that had been written, and
conquering over sin and death to bring life to all who would receive it.
“55 O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING?” 56 The sting of death is sin, and
the power of sin is the law; 57 but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus

The Great Chief from the sky had returned to bring to life the faithful who had died in ages past, just
as the North American Yakima lore passed on for generations had foretold.

Part 2: The Blood of Man

The court case was concluded in mankind’s favor. The death penalty incurred by man in the flesh
under the law, was paid by the Son of Man in the flesh under the law. The blood of the Lamb of God
took away the sins of the world and restored the Kingdom of God on earth. Jesus Christ won freedom
for humanity. This included the freedom to choose to accept His gift of life, or to reject Him and pay
the penalty ourselves.

History graphically portrayed the rejection of the Christ and the resulting desolation paid in blood in
the fiery destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the nation.

When Pontius Pilate tried to release Jesus of Nazareth from death by crucifixion, seeing that he was
an innocent man, he told the crowds that he washed his hands off of the responsibility for Christ’s
death. “And all the people said, “His blood shall be on us and on our children!””101 The weight of what
they had publicly declared upon themselves and on their children was something which they would
only later understand.

World Myth or History? 472

Jesus expressed sadness and frustration over his people, as they stubbornly refused to listen to their
Maker, who spoke to them through the prophets.
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her! How often I
wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you
would not have it!” 102

Before his death on the cross, Jesus told the people of Jerusalem that that generation would pay for
the rejection and death of the prophets and holy men, all of whom were represented in the person of
the Son of God, “so that the blood of all the prophets, shed since the foundation of the world, may be
charged against this generation, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed
between the altar and the house of God; yes, I tell you, it shall be charged against this generation.’”103
Within forty years (one generation) of this pronouncement, Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed,
hundreds of thousands to possibly millions had been massacred and the survivors dispersed.

The Sibyl gave specific prophetic portents that would lead to the conclusion of this time.
“Now tell I thee a sign exceeding clear,
990 That thou may'st know when the end of all things
On earth shall be. When in the starry heaven
Swords shall by night point straight toward west and east,”104

Comets were referred to as swords in antiquity, because the shape of its coma resembled a handle
and its tail looked like a blade. Swords at night would then be referring to two comets, clearly visible
at night, each going in the opposite direction of the other. Flavius Josephus records that there were
two comets before the fall of Jerusalem,.”..there was a star...resembling a sword, which stood over
the city, and a comet, that continued a whole year.”105 The first comet appeared in 64 AD and was
recorded by the historian Tacitus (Annals 15.47). The second comet, the well-known Halley’s comet
swung by in 66 AD. Halley’s comet would have travelled in the opposite direction because of its
unusual retrograde orbit that causes it to travel in a direction opposite other celestial bodies that orbit
the Sun. Thus one sword (comet) pointed to the east and the other went to the west.

The Sibyl told of another sign that begins with the familiar dark cloud...
“Straightway shalt there be also from the heaven
A cloud of dust borne forth to all the earth,
995 And the sun's brightness in the midst of heaven
Shall be eclipsed, and the moon's beams appear

World Myth or History? 473

And come again on earth; by drops of blood
Distilling from the rocks a sign shalt be;”106

Once again a dark cloud comes to cover the light of the Sun and the moon appears red like blood -
the angel of death had returned to conclude the judgment. A celestial sign from the gods known to the
peoples of antiquity.

Pindar, the Greek 5th century poet, pondered in the past ages, what this heavenly portent meant to
those on the earth. Even openly wondering if this was a sign of another end of the age when
civilizations were destroyed and new ones began. "Beam of the Sun! O thou that seest from afar,
what wilt thou be devising? O mother of mine eyes! O star supreme, reft from us in the daytime! Why
has thou perplexed the power of man and the way of wisdom by rushing forth on a darksome track?
Art thou bringing a sign of some war, or wasting of produce, or an unspeakably violent snow-storm, or
fatal faction, or again, some overflowing of the sea on the plain, or frost to bind the earth, or heat of
the south wind streaming with raging rain? Or wilt thou, by deluging the land, cause the race of men
to begin anew? I in no wise lament whate'er I shall suffer with the rest!"107 The end of the fourth age
by the rising waters (approx. 400 BC) was still fresh in their memories at this time.

The historian Plutarch (45 - 120 AD) wrote of midday darkness around 70 AD that reminded him of
other historians who had viewed similar phenomena as a sign of things to come. 'Now grant me that
nothing that happens to the Sun is so like its setting as a solar eclipse. You will if you call to mind this
conjunction recently which, beginning just after noonday, made many stars shine out from many parts
of the sky and tempered the air in the manner of twilight. If you do not recall it, Theon here will cite us
Minnermus and Cydias, Archilochus and Stesichorus besides, and Pindar, who during eclipses
bewail "the brightest star bereft" and at "midday night falling" and say that the beam of the Sun [is
sped] the path of shade."108 There was a recorded total solar eclipse that occurred in March 71 AD,
but his reference to other writers like Pindar and Archilochus may imply that he witnessed something
more terrifying than usual.

Jesus of Nazareth had given a list of signs to warn the Jews of when a terrible time of suffering was
to come upon Jerusalem, that would end with an unmistakable celestial display. “29 “But immediately
THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”109 The Christ gave a
time frame for when to expect these events. “34 Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away
until all these things take place.”110 The same generation, that Jesus had said would be charged for
the blood of the righteous spilled on earth.

World Myth or History? 474

Aside from a midday darkness described by the Greeks, Flavius Josephus recorded a bright light that
turned the ninth hour of night (around 3 am) to daylight. “before those commotions which preceded
the war, when the people were come in great crowds to the feast of unleavened bread, on the eighth
day of the month Xanthicus… [Nisan,] and at the ninth hour of the night, so great a light shone round
the altar and the holy house, that it appeared to be bright day time; which lasted for half an hour.”111
It seems that the celestial objects used to cause darkness at midday and daylight at night had come
by once more.

Comets have a different orbit from the familiar circular path our planet travels with the sun in the
center. The orbital path of comets are elliptical with the sun close to one end. A comet that would pass
close to planet earth would disappear at perihelion (closest point to the sun), then possibly make
another appearance as it swings back. Although this comet may have taken hundreds of years of
travelling in its long elliptical orbit to pass over planet earth, it may have taken under 40 years to
travel back from perihelion. Perhaps this comet was not visible to astronomical observers because of
its dark dense cloud cover, that may only allow relatively brief periods of visibility to the blazing
heavenly body.

The Sibyl completed her list with a strange sign, a heavenly war fought in full view of mankind.
“And in the cloud shalt ye behold a war
...Of foot and horse, like the chase of wild beasts
In the dense fog. This end of all things God
Shalt consummate, whose dwelling is in heaven.
But all must sacrifice to the great King.”112
Ridiculous to consider that such a thing could have really happened, except that it was attested to by
multiple eyewitnesses. Flavius Josephus who was actually there to record all that transpired in the
Roman war against the Jews, recorded this unbelievable event.
“a few days after that feast, on the one and twentieth day of the month Artemisius, [Jyar,] a certain
prodigious and incredible phenomenon appeared: I suppose the account of it would seem to be a
fable, were it not related by those that saw it, and were not the events that followed it of so
considerable a nature as to deserve such signals; for, before sun-setting, chariots and troops of
soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities.
Moreover, at that feast which we call Pentecost, as the priests were going by night into the inner
[court of the temple,] as their custom was, to perform their sacred ministrations, they said that, in the
first place, they felt a quaking, and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a
great multitude, saying, "Let us remove hence."” 113

World Myth or History? 475

The Roman historian Tacitus (115 AD) wrote of the heavenly war witnessed by the armies on earth.
“13. Prodigies had occurred, which this nation, prone to superstition, but hating all religious rites, did
not deem it lawful to expiate by offering and sacrifice. There had been seen hosts joining battle in the
skies, the fiery gleam of arms, the temple illuminated by a sudden radiance from the clouds. The
doors of the inner shrine were suddenly thrown open, and a voice of more than mortal tone was
heard to cry that the Gods were departing. At the same instant there was a mighty stir as of
departure. Some few put a fearful meaning on these events, but in most there was a firm persuasion,
that in the ancient records of their priests was contained a prediction of how at this very time the East
was to grow powerful, and rulers, coming from Judaea, were to acquire universal empire.” 114 Tacitus
informs us that the bright light that illuminated night into day had come from the clouds and had
occurred on the same night as the battle in the skies.

Jesus had told his disciples that at the end of the age, when the Sun is darkened along with all the
other heavenly lights, “...then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes
of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power
and great glory. 31 And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER
TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.”115 (also in Mark 13:26-
27). The Christ said that it would happen within that generation (Matthew 24:34-35 and Mark 13:30-
31), and historians recorded the occurrence of these events in 70 AD, less than 40 years after the
crucifixion of the Lord.

The celestial battle and the fiery glow of their armor and weapons under the dense smoke, is
strangely reminiscent of the the second age ending stories of the Mesopotamian Tiamat and her
serpentine soldiers, or the mighty Asag and his celestial army. Under the dark cloud of smoke
numerous blazing bolides that may have broken off from the main cometary body, some even falling
to the earth below, could have presented a remarkable heavenly display.

Aztec Myth tells the story of when there was no Sun in the fifth age. Two gods jumped into a blazing
celestial bonfire and emerged as two bright suns. The god Nanauatl was connected to the Sun, while
the proud Tecciztecatl was linked to the moon, “... the gods gathered together to decide who would
become the next sun. Tecciztecatl, proud and rich, volunteered, but they needed someone else. So
Nanauatl, a poor god, was chosen. A huge bonfire was built, and when the time came, Tecciztecatl
attempted to throw himself into the flame, but his fear overwhelmed him. Nanauatl closed his eyes
and jumped. Ashamed, Tecciztecatl follows him into the fire. Eventually, two bright suns rose in the
sky. Angry that Tecciztecatl continues to follow Nanauatl, the other gods throw a rabbit at him,

World Myth or History? 476

dimming the sun and leaving an imprint of a rabbit on his face. This is why the Aztecs say there is a
rabbit in the moon.”116
But the sun seemed frozen in the heavens, and the people realized that a sacrifice was required of
them by the gods. Men had to repay the gods with sacrifice to keep the universe in balance. “This is
why the Aztecs sacrifice; to prevent the fifth sun from being destroyed like the other four before it.”116
The Aztec’s recorded that this darkness (absence of the Sun), followed by the appearance of two
heavenly lights birthed from a blazing ‘bonfire’, one bigger than the other (simulating the relationship
of the sun and moon), happened during the fifth age. And in their fear that the age would end in
catastrophic destruction, as the other previous ages, they performed blood sacrifices.

China has a similar myth that incorporates the elements of Vedic Rahu’s elixir of immortality with two
demigods that are linked with the sun and moon with the Aztec twist of the rabbit on the moon
(Japanese and Korean myth also insist that there is a rabbit on the moon). Chinese myth holds the
story of Houyi, who was called on to get rid of an overabundance of suns. He shot and killed too
many suns and was punished by becoming mortal. Houyi was able to convince XiWangMu from
Mount Heaven to give him the last two vials of the elixir of immortality for him and his wife. His curious
wife found and drank both bottles and floated up to the moon accompanied by white hares. When
Houyi died his spirit rose to build a palace in the sun.

What the Aztecs saw as a blazing bonfire, Isaiah described as a pyre of fire with plenty of wood.
Witnesses are united in claiming to have heard a great noise, loud voices, and a commotion of a
multitude leaving. The prophet Isaiah continued to describe the second part of the judgement
involving the blazing celestial body coming from a remote place.
“30 And the LORD will cause His voice of authority to be heard,
And the descending of His arm to be seen in fierce anger,
And in the flame of a consuming fire
In cloudburst, downpour and hailstones.
31 For at the voice of the LORD Assyria will be terrified,
When He strikes with the rod.
32 And every blow of the rod of punishment,
Which the LORD will lay on him,
Will be with the music of tambourines and lyres;
And in battles, brandishing weapons, He will fight them.
33 For Topheth has long been ready,
Indeed, it has been prepared for the king.
He has made it deep and large,

World Myth or History? 477

A pyre of fire with plenty of wood;
The breath of the LORD, like a torrent of brimstone, sets it afire.”117

The fiery breath of the Lord is described as a torrent of brimstone, “Brimstone is the ancient term for
sulphur. Comets, asteroids, and meteorites often contain relatively high amounts of sulphur.”118
Sulphur is a highly flammable substance with its explosive vapor and dust, and could possibly
produce hazardous hydrogen sulphide gas.

Worshipped in many nations as Rahu the demon snake, Egyptians called it Apep, other civilizations
simply called it a celestial dragon, but the Creator named this blazing instrument of judgement
“Topheth”. ‘In the Hebrew Bible Tophet or Topheth (Hebrew: ‫ ;תופת ת‬Greek: Ταφεθ; Latin: Topheth)
was a location in Jerusalem in the Gehinnom where worshipers influenced by the ancient Canaanite
religion engaged in the human sacrifice of children to the gods Moloch and Baal by burning them
alive.’119 Topheth had arrived. The time to pay the death price had arrived and the sacrifice was
required. When it passed over around 32 AD, the Son of God was sacrificed to pay with His blood for
the sin of mankind. When Topheth returned a second time (70 AD), since the blood shed by the Lamb
of God had been rejected, this generation was being charged in full.

The Sibylline oracles told of the end of all things in this time of judgment. In it she concludes that all
must sacrifice to the great King. The choice is whether we choose to stand covered by the blood of
the Lamb or pay the price of blood ourselves. There is no middle ground.

Isaiah described the sound made by Topheth as something akin to the music of the lyre and
tambourine. The lyre was an ancient harp like instrument, while the tambourine was a percussion
instrument with a metallic sound. Josephus wrote of a great noise and thundering voices, while the
historian Tacitus described it as the sounds of multitudes departing.
Could it be a coincidence that the nations of China, Egypt, Mesoamerica and many other countries in
Asia, hold traditions of banging on pots and making loud noises whenever they fear that the celestial
serpent may once again return to take away the Sun?

In a letter from Mara bar Serapion to his son (73-180 C.E.), we are given insight into peoples of
antiquity and the lessons they had learned from age ending catastrophes. Mara bar Serapion lists
three examples of wise men who had been unjustly executed. The first two was seen as resulting in
the end of the fourth age rising of the waters, where most of Samos’ fertile land is covered by sand
and sea. Samos is now a small island off the coast of Greece. And the third resulted in the dispersion
of the Jewish nation.

World Myth or History? 478

“What advantage did the Athenians gain from putting Socrates to death? Famine and plague came
upon them as a judgment for their crime. What advantage did the men of Samos gain from burning
Pythagoras? In a moment their land was covered with sand. What advantage did the Jews gain from
executing their wise king? It was just after that that their kingdom was abolished. God justly avenged
these three wise men: the Athenians died of hunger; the Samians were overwhelmed by the sea; the
Jews, ruined and driven from their land, live in complete dispersion. But Socrates did not die for
good; he lived on in the teaching of Plato. Pythagoras did not die for good; he lived on in the statue of
Hera. Nor did the wise king die for good; he lived on in the teaching which he had given.”120

Escape from Judgement Day

History gives us a graphic literal illustration of how faith in the Messiah’s words could save those who
would back-up their belief with action.

Before his death and resurrection, Jesus of Nazareth had told his disciples who were admiring the
Jerusalem temple that, “Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not
be torn down.””121 This remarkable statement about something that seemed impossible to ever
happen to the amazing holy monuments in their well fortified city, provoked the disciples to ask when
such a thing was to occur, linking the desolation of the temple to both the return of the Messiah and
the end of the age (Matthew 24:3 & Mark 13:4).

The Christ then proceeded to give the believers a prophetic list of things to come that would alert
them when it would be time to flee from their city. This warning and list appears in the books of
Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Early Christians were given a succession of signs that would tell them that
the time for payment for that generation was due.

False Christs. “And He said, “See to it that you are not misled; for many will come in My name,
saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not go after them.”122
Josephus wrote of a Samaritan false prophet/false christ (36 AD), who had deceived a ‘great
multitude’ and met his end along with his leaders at the hands of Pilate (Flavius Josephus, Jewish
Antiquities 18.85-87). A fellow named Theudas made messianic claims around 44 - 46 AD. He also
called himself a prophet and fooled many people until the Procurator Fadus had Theudas and many
of his followers killed (Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities 20.97-98). An Egyptian false prophet/false
christ caused a great deal of trouble (52 - 58 AD), leading many along with his lies. When troops were
sent against his followers, 400 were killed and 200 captured, but the ‘saviour’ got away. Flavius

World Myth or History? 479

Josephus, who was eyewitness to these events, noted that there were several people “who deceived
and deluded the people under pretense of Divine inspiration, but were in fact for procuring
innovations and changes of the government. These men prevailed with the multitude to act like
madmen, and went before them into the wilderness, pretending that God would there show them the
signals of liberty.” 123

Wars. “When you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified; for these things must take place
first, but the end does not follow immediately.”
Then He continued by saying to them, “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against
Jews in Alexandria Egypt suffered violence in riots that began in 38 AD, broke out once more in 55
AD, and came to a peak in 66 AD when the first Jewish-Roman wars started in Judea.
The Roman Empire expansionist policies brought continuous wars against various tribes in Britannia,
Germania, Illyria, Gaul, Judea, and the Parthian Empire (58 - 63 AD).
Even within the Roman empire, there were wars between aspiring emperors Otho and Vitellius, then
later between Vitellius and Vespasian.
The land of Judea also underwent non-stop internal conflicts and violence from different factions: the
Zealots, the army of John of Gischala, and Simon bar Giora (who had messianic illusions) supported
by the Idumeans (Edomites).

Great Earthquakes, Famine and Plague, and Celestial Signs . “11 and there will be great earthquakes,
and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.”125
At least three great earthquakes were recorded in the New Testament scriptures from the time of the
crucifixion to 70 AD. The first occurred at the time of Christ’s death on the cross, the second one at
his resurrection, and the third was in the book of Acts (Acts 16:26) when a great earthquake shook
the prison. First century historians recorded multiple powerful earthquakes during this brief period.
“There were earthquakes in Crete, Smyrna, Miletus, Chios, Samos, Laodicea, Hierapolis, Colosse,
Campania, Rome, and Judea.”126 The earthquake in 61 AD was so severe that the cities of Colosse
and Hierapolis were completely destroyed and never rebuilt.
A powerful earthquake was reported by Josephus a short time before the siege.
“...there broke out a prodigious storm in the night, with the utmost violence, and very strong winds,
with the largest showers of rain, with continued lightnings, terrible thunderings, and amazing
concussions and bellowings of the earth, that was in an earthquake. These things were a manifest
indication that some destruction was coming upon men, when the system of the world was put into
this disorder; and any one would guess that these wonders foreshadowed some grand calamities that
were coming.”127

World Myth or History? 480

The book of Acts records a great worldwide famine that occurred during the reign of Claudius (Acts
11:28). Tacitus wrote of the dire condition of Rome in 51 AD. “This year witnessed many prodigies
[signs or omens]...[including] repeated earthquakes...further portents were seen in a shortage of corn,
resulting in famine… it was established that there was no more than fifteen days’ supply of food in the
city [of Rome].”128 The wars further aggravated the famines and ensuing plagues in Jerusalem during
the siege when rival factions burned each other’s food supplies. Josephus related how, “Famine now
raged in the city, and the rebels took all the food they could find in a house-to-house search, while the
poor starved to death by the thousands. People gave all their wealth for a little measure of wheat,
and hid to eat it hastily and in secret so it would not be taken from them. Wives would snatch food
from their husbands, children from fathers, and mothers from the very mouths of infants.”129

The Parthian Empire was easily defeated by the Romans because it had already been ravaged by a
plague that the soldiers unwittingly brought back to Rome along with their loot. Some scholars feel
that the plague may have played a role in the downfall of the two empires,.” ... the pestilence raged
with special force throughout Italy, and spread as far as the Rhine and Atlantic Ocean ... more than
one-half of the entire population, and almost the whole Roman army, was carried off by it.”130

The celestial signs recorded by historians included the comets, midday darkness of the Sun, the red
moon, bright lights at night, celestial battle in the clouds, and meteor showers, as previously

Then Jesus gives two big ‘buts’ as signals to flee the city of Jerusalem in order to escape the coming

Persecution that Initiates the Spread of the News of the Messiah to the Nations. “ 12 “But before all
these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the
synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for My name’s sake. 13 It will lead
to an opportunity for your testimony.”131
The apostle Paul, who was himself a fervent persecutor of Christians before his own conversion,
listed some of the sufferings he had endured for the name of Christ. “...far more imprisonments,
beaten times without number, often in danger of death. 24 Five times I received from the Jews thirty-
nine lashes. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned...dangers from my countrymen,
dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea,
dangers among false brethren…”132

World Myth or History? 481

One only has to read the book of The Acts of the Apostles to see how persecution of Christians had
driven them to leave their homes and travel to distant lands, carrying the message of the gospel
wherever they went. Paul testified in chains about the Lord Jesus Christ before Gallio, Felix, Festus
and Agrippa - all high ranking Roman officials.

Tacitus gives us a bloody and graphic description of persecution against the Christians, that even the
hardened Romans who were used to the cruelty of the circuses, were moved to compassion.
“Nero...inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians
by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during
the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous
superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the
evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their
centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then,
upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the
city, as of hatred against mankind. Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the
skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to
the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.
Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle, and was exhibiting a show in the circus, while he mingled
with the people in the dress of a charioteer or stood aloft on a car. Hence, even for criminals who
deserved extreme and exemplary punishment, there arose a feeling of compassion; for it was not, as
it seemed, for the public good, but to glut one man's cruelty, that they were being destroyed.”133

Armies Surround Jerusalem. Then the Christians in Jerusalem were given the final ‘but’.
“ 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near.
21 Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of the city
must leave, and those who are in the country must not enter the city; 22 because these are days of
vengeance, so that all things which are written will be fulfilled.”134

In 67 AD, Nero appointed Vespasian, along with his son Titus as one of his lieutenants, to take
command over the trouble in Judaea. Organized Jewish militia groups were sprouting up and
attacking non-Jews as well as Jews who belonged to different factions. Slowly but surely, the
experienced war veteran Vespasian and his son Titus subdued opposing forces and gained control of
the regions surrounding Jerusalem by 68 AD.
The Christians within Jerusalem must have spoken to each other in alarm. Jerusalem was
surrounded by armies. Christ had told them to run at this time, but how could they -they were
surrounded by Roman troops? “Having achieved control of Galilee, the coastal region and the Jordan

World Myth or History? 482

valley, Vespasian could have attacked Jerusalem from three sides. At that moment, however, a
messenger brought remarkable news came from Italy: Nero had committed suicide…”135 Senator
Galba, Nero’s successor was executed by his own men, and the empire was up for grabs. Otho and
Vitellius fought for the position. Vitellius, who had defeated Otho, was causing trouble in Rome. The
disturbing events caused Vespasian to pull out his troops and focus on the needs of his empire.

Given the reprieve, those who believed the warning of Jesus, packed-up and left Jerusalem as soon
as they could. Others celebrated their seeming God-given victory over the Romans, further stoking
the flames in those who were still expectantly waiting for their militant Messiah conquering king who
would rule the world.

General Vespasian became emperor of Rome and Titus returned to Judea to finish what they had
started. On Passover day, April 14 70 AD, Titus laid siege to Jerusalem. Titus had three Roman
Legions under his command. In addition, the kingdoms of Commagene and Emesa from Upper
Euphrates had sent auxiliaries, an Arabian Sheik and his warriors had joined the ranks, and veteran
soldiers from defeated armies who were seeking their fortune added to their numbers. 136
The well fortified city of Jerusalem seemed to have good chance of standing against the Romans,
with strong high walls and towers, natural geographic advantages, and enough food and water to last
for years. Unfortunately, the Jewish factions inside Jerusalem were constantly striving against each
other, trying to destroy each other through any means necessary. This included subterfuge, murder,
thievery, and burning each other’s reserves.

Multitudes of Jews from distant lands had come to the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover
feast and many of them were trapped when the siege began, not so much by the Romans who were
asking them to surrender, but by the various factions who would rather kill them then allow them to
surrender. Josephus records that there were 1.1 million civilian casualties and 97,000 taken hostage
after Jerusalem had been destroyed (Josephus: The Wars of the Jews, book 6, chapter 9.3).

Thousands of the Jews died of pestilence and famine, those who ventured out in search of food were
crucified when they resisted. Josephus reports that around 500 people a day were nailed to crosses
until the soldiers ran out of wood. Many starving deserters who surrendered literally burst from the
sudden ingestion of food. But when the soldiers discovered that some of the deserters had swallowed
pieces of gold to retrieve later, they started gutting the refugees, killing 2,000 in one night.

Josephus eyewitness account tells us that when Holy Temple was finally breached, “...on every side
was slaughter and flight, civilians being butchered the most. Around the altar were heaps of corpses,

World Myth or History? 483

while streams of blood flowed down the steps of the sanctuary.”137 And when the soldiers saw that
the interior of the temple had gold, they burned it down and afterwards took it apart stone by stone in
order to retrieve the precious metal that had melted into the cracks. This was in fulfillment of Jesus’
words that not one stone would be left on the other.

“While the temple was in flames, the victors stole everything they could lay their hands on, and
slaughtered all who were caught. No pity was shown to age or rank, old men or children, the laity or
priests --all were massacred...So great was the slaughter that in many places the flames were put out
by streams of blood.”137

Of the 97,000 hostages taken alive, “Thousands of them were forced to become gladiators and were
killed in the arena, fighting wild animals or fellow gladiators. Some, who were known as criminals,
were burned alive. Others were employed at Seleucia, where they had to dig a tunnel. But most of
these prisoners were brought to Rome, where they were forced to build the Forum of Peace (a park
in the heart of Rome) and the Colosseum.” 138

Was this what God wanted? Did the Creator want to soak the land with the blood of mankind?
Scripture makes it clear what God wants. “3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our
Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”138
God wants all of humanity to be saved, and in love He also provided the way for us all. God is love,
but He is also righteous and just. In fact the psalmists exclaim that, “Righteousness and justice are
the foundation of Your throne…” 139 If the foundation of His rule is righteousness and justice, then it
would crumble if He simply ignored the death penalty mankind had earned.
The Creator loves His creation but he could not just remove the consequences of our actions. Like a
child running into the busy street, ignoring his parent’s warning, the father could not stop the damage
caused by the speeding vehicle, but he could push the child away, and take the full brunt of the
impact. The wages of sin is death. Someone had to die to pay the price. God sent His own precious
Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place. And all that is needed is to believe that by the grace of the Son
of God, we are saved. But if we reject the free gift, then like the rebellious stubborn child in the street,
who struggles against the father and runs even further into danger, we suffer the consequences of
our own actions and decisions. And even if the father sacrificed his life for the child, the child still has
to bear the results of being hit by a speeding vehicle. When the help was rejected, both ended up
dead --the sacrifice and the guilty party.

Isaiah wrote of the heartbreak of the Lord over His people.

““I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people,

World Myth or History? 484

Who walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts,
A people who continually provoke Me to My face...
“Who say, ‘Keep to yourself, do not come near me,
For I am holier than you!’
These are smoke in My nostrils,
A fire that burns all the day.
“Behold, it is written before Me,
I will not keep silent, but I will repay;
I will even repay into their bosom,
7 Both their own iniquities and the iniquities of their fathers together,” says the LORD…”140
The prophet foretold of the generation that would be charged for the rejection of the outstretched
grace offered freely by the Creator of heaven and earth.

The fifth age ended in a manner totally unexpected... and yet predicted in the mythologies of the
world. The mystery of the ages had been revealed. A kingdom divinely constructed that is meant for
eternity had been established. Human beings were redeemed, restored and empowered by grace.

Hesiod’s Golden Age had been restored. The Supreme Chastiser from the Vedic texts had brought
back the brightest Yuga. Baldr of Norse mythology had returned from the grave, overcame the
deceiver, and rules the Gullaldr (Golden Age). The day of judgement that Enoch and the Sibyl had
foretold were done, and the restoration of righteousness and peace had begun to change the world.

The rock Nebuchadnezzar had seen in his vision had become a mountain that filled the earth.
“They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD
As the waters cover the sea.
Then in that day
The nations will resort to the root of Jesse (Jesse, father of David, line of Judah),
Who will stand as a signal for the peoples;
And His resting place will be glorious.”141
Powerful world empires have long ended and are often remembered only in books on dusty shelves.
But in every nation and city of the world today, it is not difficult to find those who pledge allegiance to
the King of kings who rules the mountain of the Lord that fills the earth –the Rock of Ages.

World Myth or History? 485

1. New American Standard Bible. Hebrews 9:22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
2. Andrea L. Stanton, Edward Ramsamy, Peter J. Seybolt, Carolyn M. Elliott, eds. Cultural Sociology of the Middle
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3. Nicole Hill. “Religious Offerings and Sacrifices to the Greek Gods.” Opposingviews. 3/28/2016.
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5. “The Lamb Over Me.” Walkengeonwater. 2016. <>
6. New American Standard Bible. John 1:29. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
7. James Legge, trans. The Shu King, Shih King and Hsiao King. 02. The Books of Yu. 01. The Canon of Shu. 3. 1879
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10. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 22:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
11. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 22:12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
12. New American Standard Bible. 1 John 1:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
13. New American Standard Bible. Leviticus 17:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
14. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 3:4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
15. New American Standard Bible. Romans 6:23. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
16. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 26:28. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
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20. Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths and Legends. New York: Pantheon Books. 1984. P118
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24. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 7:9-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
25. New American Standard Bible. Psalm 139:16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
26. New American Standard Bible. Psalm 56:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
27. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 12:36. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
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34. New American Standard Bible. Mark 14:58. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
35. New American Standard Bible. Revelation 20:12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
36. New American Standard Bible. Revelation 13:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
37. New American Standard Bible. Exodus 32:33. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
38. New American Standard Bible. Psalm 69:28. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
39. New American Standard Bible. Revelation 3:5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
40. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 9:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
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47. C. Suetonius Tranquillus: The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. “The Life of Vespasian.” 4.5. Loeb Classical Library
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49. Ethelbert W. Bullinger, D.D. The Witness of the Stars. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications. 1893. p 37
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53.C.J. Humphreys. “The Star of Bethlehem a Comet in 5-BC and the Date of the Birth of Christ.” Quarterly Journal of
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69. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 9:24. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
70. New American Standard Bible. Acts 2:20-21. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
71. Ethelbert W. Bullinger, D.D. The Witness of the Stars. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications. 1893. p 75-107
72. New American Standard Bible. Romans 5:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
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74. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 27:51. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
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76. Alexander Walker, trans. Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 8. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A.
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77. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 30:26. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
78. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 27:52-53. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
79. New American Standard Bible. Acts 1:3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
80. New American Standard Bible. Acts 13:27. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
81. Visuddhi-Magga (chap. xiii.). § 69. WORLD-CYCLES. [The Fourth High Power]. p 315-330

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82. Anthony Lyle. Ancient History: A Revised Chronology. Vol 1. AuthorHouse. 2012. p 133
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86. Charles Phillips, Michael Kerrigan, David Gould. Ancient India’s Myths and Beliefs. The Rosen Publishing Group.
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89. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 2:35. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
90.Sean Smith. “Philippine Dragon (Bakunawa).” Mythical Creatures. 2016.
91. David Le Conte. “Eclipse Quotations - Part I.” Mr. 1998.
92. New American Standard Bible. Amos 8:8-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
93. Luigi Piccardi, W. Bruce Masse. Myth and Geology. Geological society of London. 2007. P30
94.Dan McCoy. “Sol and Mani.”Norse Mythology for Smart People. 2016. <>
95. James H. Grayson. Myths and Legends from Korea. Routledge. 2012. P 253-254
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97. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 28:1-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
98. Jeffrey Goodman. The Comets of God. Arizona: Archaeological Research Books. 2011. P 206-207
99. Caroline Seawright. “Apep, Demonic Water Snake of Chaos and Enemy of Ra.” Egyptology and Archaeology
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100.New American Standard Bible. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
101.New American Standard Bible. Matthew 27:25. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
102.New American Standard Bible. Luke 13:34. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
103.New American Standard Bible. Luke 11:50. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
104.Milton S. Terry, trans. The Sibylline Oracles. Book 3. 985-1005. New York: Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati: Curts &
Jennings. [1899].
105.William Whiston, trans. Flavius Josephus: The Wars of the Jews. Book 6. Chapter 5. 3. [1737].
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107.David Le Conte. “Eclipse Quotations-Part I.” Mr. Eclipse. 2014. [Quoted in Historical Eclipses and Earth's
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108.David Le Conte. “Eclipse Quotations-Part I.” Mr. Eclipse. 2014. [Plutarch: The Face of the Moon.]
109.New American Standard Bible. Matthew 24:29. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
110.New American Standard Bible. Matthew 24:34. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
111.William Whiston, trans. Flavius Josephus: The Wars of the Jews. Book 6. Chapter 5. 3. [1737].
112.Milton S. Terry, trans. The Sibylline Oracles. Book 3. 985-1005. New York: Eaton & Mains, Cincinnati: Curts &
Jennings. [1899].
113.William Whiston, trans. Flavius Josephus: The Wars of the Jews. Book 6. Chapter 5. 3. [1737].
114.Alfred John Church & William Jackson Brodribb, trans. [1864-1877]. The Works of Tacitus. Histories. Book 5. 13.
Sacred 4/22/16. <>
115.New American Standard Bible. Matthew 24:30-31. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
116.“Gods and Myth.” Aztec Mythology. 2004. <>
117.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 30:30-33. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
118.Jeffrey Goodman. The Comets of God. Arizona: Archaeological Research Books. 2011. P 47-48
119.“Tophet.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 4/22/16. <>

World Myth or History? 488

120.“Non-Christian References to the Trial of Jesus.” Trial of Jesus. 2015. Quoted by F.F. Bruce, The New Testament
Documents: Are They Reliable? (Eerdmans Fifth Ed.)
121.New American Standard Bible. Matthew 24:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
122.New American Standard Bible. Luke 21:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
123.Jona Lendering. “Messianic Claimants (10).” Ancient Warfare Magazine. 4/28/16.
124.New American Standard Bible. Luke 21:9-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
125.New American Standard Bible. Luke 21:11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
126.Gary DeMar. Last Day Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church. American Vision. 1999. p 79
127.William Whiston, trans. Flavius Josephus: The Wars of the Jews. Book 4. Chapter 4.5. [1737].
128.Gary DeMar. Last Day Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church. American Vision. 1999. p 79-80
129.Paul L. Maier, trans. Josephus: The Essential Works. Michigan: Kregel Publications. p 358
130.Keith Hunt. “Steven Collins: The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel...Found!” Restitution of All Things. 2016.
131.New American Standard Bible. Luke 21:12-13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
132.New American Standard Bible. 2 Corinthians 11:23-26. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
133.Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb, Ed. Cornelius Tacitus: The Annals. XV:44.
4/11/16. <
134.New American Standard Bible. Luke 21:20-22. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
135.Jona Lendering. “Wars Between the Jews and Romans: the War of 66-70 CE.” Ancient Warfare Magazine.
4/29/16. <>
136.Jona Lendering. “Wars Between the Jews and Romans: the Destruction of jerusalem (70 CE).” Ancient Warfare
Magazine. 4/29/16. <>
137.Paul L. Maier, trans. Josephus: The Essential Works. Michigan: Kregel Publications. p 371-376
138.Jona Lendering. “Wars Between the Jews and Romans: the Destruction of jerusalem (70 CE).” Ancient Warfare
Magazine. 4/29/16. <>
139.New American Standard Bible. 1 Timothy 2:3-4. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
140.New American Standard Bible. Psalm 89:14 & Psalm 97:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
141.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 65:2-7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
142.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 11:9-10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 489

Chapter Fourteen

The Golden Age Restored

“...for I know the mysteries of the holy ones; for He, the Lord has showed me and informed me, and I
have read (them) in the heavenly tablets.
And I saw written on them that generation upon generation shall transgress, till a generation of
righteousness arises, and transgression is destroyed and sin passes away from the earth, and all
manner of good comes upon it.”1

Enoch, seventh generation from Adam, spoke of a time when many generations steeped in sin would
suddenly be overshadowed by a righteous generation that does away with the curse and power of
sin, restoring that which had been lost.
As discussed in the previous chapter, world mythology speaks in unison that after mankind’s worst
age, there would be a reversion back to the glorious Golden Age. Norse mythology tell of the return to
life of the hero who would bring back the Gulaldr (Golden Age). North American myth speak of the
return of the great Chief who will restore justice and bring life to the dead. Hindu texts clearly express
the idea that a return to the brightest and best age will take place after the Kali Yuga (mankind’s worst
age), with the coming of the Supreme chastiser. This same concept is contained in the prophecies of
the Sibyl and the Hebrew scriptures. Buddhist texts call the destruction and recreation of the ages
‘World Cycles’, implying a return to the original point.

Hesiod described the Golden age of man as a time when, “they lived like gods without sorrow of
heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms
never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as
though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced
bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with
many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.” 2

Hanuman described the Krita Yuga (Perfect Age). “'O child, that yuga (Age) is called Krita (first,
perfect, white) when the one eternal religion was extant. And in that best of yugas, every one had
religious perfection, and, therefore, there was no need of religious acts (religious traditions). And then
virtue knew no deterioration; nor did people decrease. It is for this that this age is called Krita
(perfect). the Krita age, there were neither gods, nor demons, nor Gandharvas, nor Yakshas, nor
Rakshasas, nor Nagas. And there was no buying and selling. And the Sama, the Rich, and the Yajus
did not exist. And there was no manual labour. And then the necessaries of life were obtained only by

World Myth or History? 490

being thought of. And the only merit was in renouncing the world. And during that yuga, there was
neither disease, nor decay of the senses. And there was neither malice, nor pride, nor hypocrisy, nor
discord, nor ill-will, nor cunning, nor fear, nor misery, nor envy, nor covetousness. And for this, that
prime refuge of Yogis, even the Supreme Brahma, was attainable to all.”3
Likewise, ancient myth from China tell us that our time in paradise was ‘without pain or death, where
all pleasures and arts flourished: joyous music, dancing, poetry, and divine feasts.’4

The Golden Age was a time of universal health, wealth, and happiness, when our relationship with
the Creator and our fellow man was one of peace and love. Restoration of all these things are also
foretold by the prophet Isaiah.
“17 “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.
18 “But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
For behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing
And her people for gladness.
19 “I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in My people;
And there will no longer be heard in her
The voice of weeping and the sound of crying.
20 “No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days,
Or an old man who does not live out his days;
For the youth will die at the age of one hundred
And the one who does not reach the age of one hundred
Will be thought accursed.
21 “They will build houses and inhabit them;
They will also plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22 “They will not build and another inhabit,
They will not plant and another eat;
For as the lifetime of a tree, so will be the days of My people,
And My chosen ones will wear out the work of their hands.
23 “They will not labor in vain,
Or bear children for calamity;
For they are the offspring of those blessed by the LORD,
And their descendants with them.
24 It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will
hear. 25 The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will
be the serpent’s food. They will do no evil or harm in all My holy mountain,” says the LORD.”5

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In the previous chapter we learned how world mythology, lore and sacred texts pointed harmoniously
to a specific point in time and space and bloodline to draw our attention to the Son of Man. The Christ
- the promised Messiah who would rescue mankind from the judgement of death, a promise fulfilled
by the Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s been around two thousand years ago since, as Enoch wrote, ‘all manner of good’ had been
restored. Perhaps you may be wondering, “So where is my health? My wealth? My happiness? And
where is the peace?”

Golden Age Restored: Earthscape

False Christs have appeared time and again throughout the centuries, fooling many people and
causing much trouble and heartache. A complete list of historical Messiah claimants would probably
number around a hundred. While quite numerous, they would probably be outnumbered by those
who have claimed to be Jesus himself coming back in the flesh. A quick search on the internet would
give you a whole bunch of current contenders. Most of the anointed king (Christ) wannabes strove or
are striving to establish a ‘kingdom’ on their own little patch of earth, but Jesus explained that his
kingdom would not be confined by territorial boundaries.
“Neither do they say, 'Behold, here it is!' and 'Behold, from here to there!', for behold, the Kingdom of
God is within some of you.”6 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English, Luke 17:21)

The kingdom of God is where any true believer stands. It reigns inside the individual, and overflows
into the world. In the midst of nations, turmoil and war, pain and sickness, suffering and need, the
kingdom of God gains ground. Kingdom citizens, while submitting to earthly authorities, live by a
different constitution. The higher demands of love call for more than just not breaking the law. A
people who are called to love their enemies, doing good to those who hurt them, and blessing those
who curse them, may only live in such a manner through the grace and power of the Christ who had
set them free.

Stephen, the first martyr for Christ recorded in the book of Acts, had been appointed to serve at the
tables of widows. He was one of seven men selected for their good reputations and godly spirits. This
was a reflection of the Christian’s revolutionary stance on the weak and helpless members of society.
Unlike the Greeks of that time who exposed sickly children to the elements or the Romans who may
have flushed them down the sewers of public baths as a form of family planning, followers of Jesus

World Myth or History? 492

took care of the widows and orphans. Even as new converts turned to the faith, instead of burdening
them with theological strictures, they were simply asked to “… remember the poor—the very thing I
also was eager to do.”7

In 404 AD Telemachus ended the Roman entertainment of the bloody circuses when he stepped into
the ring to stop the violence, sacrificing his own life. The crowd that was first amused and angered by
the interference of this Christian, then perhaps some hearts were bothered as they watched the
martyr die. “When the emperor heard about this, his conscience was so affected by it that he issued
an immediate ban on all gladiatorial combat, and there was never another gladiatorial match in Rome
- because of Telemachus.”8

Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the rock that struck the statue, becoming a great mountain that filled the
earth, was interpreted by Daniel. “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom
which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and
put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.”9
Every empire in the Babylonian king's vision has been long gone. No longer does any earthly ruler
bear the title emperor over a vast domain of many nations --King of Kings. The great and mighty
empires of the world from China to India to the Middle East to Greece to Rome to Mesoamerica have
fallen, but the rock not cut by human hands has become a great mountain and filled the earth.

Ancient Egyptian myth record that the first golden age of man flourished on a single great mountain.
“In the beginning there was nothing (Nun). A mound of earth rose from Nun and upon it Atum created
himself.”10 The North American Cherokee called this primeval land mass a great island that floated on
the giant ocean,11 while the book of Genesis simply tells us that the waters were gathered into one
place and the earth appeared.12 Scientists call this first supercontinent, which contained most, if not
all of the earth’s landmass, Rodinia (‘to give birth”).13

New Testament authors give us insight into the great singular mountain that fills the world in this
current age. The book of Hebrew, urged believers to live peaceful holy lives, no longer because of
fear of punishment, but because of the freedom of grace entered in through the blood of Jesus. The
writer described those who received the lordship of the king of kings, as becoming a part of a great
mountain. “ 22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly
Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are
enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, 24
and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than
the blood of Abel.”14 The Creator Himself had built His Kingdom, restoring the single great mound of
land of the first age in an unshakeable kingdom.

World Myth or History? 493

Paul knew full well what it meant when he wrote in his letter to Timothy that the Lord Jesus Christ was
the ‘only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone possesses immortality and
dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal
dominion! Amen.’15 King of Kings was the title claimed by rulers of Empires such as Babylon, Medo-
Persia, Greece and Rome. It is the King of kings who rules over a vast domain of many nations,
tribes and languages, uniting them all as one people, God’s holy mountain. In declaring Christ as the
King of kings, he was openly announcing that the long awaited Kingdom of God had arrived on earth.

Myth and lore tell us that in the middle of the great first age mountain grew the Tree of Life. The
Chinese called it the Peach Tree of Immortality.16 Stories of the mountain paradise with the Tree of
Life in its center and the primordial river flowing from its roots, belong to the world’s oldest and most
beloved myths. Babylonians called this river the Apsu that flowed from the Tree of Life. 17 Judeo-
Christian traditions hold it as the source river from which the other rivers branched out. Tibetan
Buddhists called the paradise the Land of White Waters,18 possibly referring to this great river.
Yggdrasill, the Norse mythic Tree of Life was believed to connect the realms above to that below it,
sustaining gods, humans and beasts.19 The noblest of all trees, the leaves of Yggdrasill were always
green. Beneath the root of Yggdrasill flows the spring Hvergelmir, that the Poetic Edda tells us is from
“whence all waters rise", and is the source of numerous rivers.20
Like Yggdrasill that connects and nourishes all living things, Jesus claimed to connect the heavens to
the earth as the mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5).

However, within the spring resided a large amount of venomous snakes and the dragon Níðhöggr.
Both the Poetic Edda and the Völuspá mentions the dragon Níðhöggr that gnaws at the root of the
Holy Tree,21 for as the Tree and its water brings life, the serpent brings death and wishes to topple the
World Tree Yggdrasill.
Satan, enemy of God and man has been called the dragon, the viper, the snake that bruised the heel
of the promised seed of the woman. In the enemy’s effort to topple the Tree of Life, he crucified the
Lord of glory and unwittingly played a part in releasing the flow of eternal life to mankind.

On the isle of Patmos, John was given a vision of the new Jerusalem, the Holy City - the Great
Mountain. “Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of
God and of the Lamb, 2 in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life,
bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the
healing of the nations. 3 There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will
be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; 4 they will see His face, and His name will be on their

World Myth or History? 494

foreheads. 5 And there will no longer be any night; and they will not have need of the light of a lamp
nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign forever and
At the center of the kingdom, the River of Life flows and Tree of Life flourishes. The river issues out
from the throne of God and the Lamb who had redeemed mankind through his blood. The blood
sacrifice fulfilled the requirements of righteousness and justice that are the foundation of His throne.23
Thus, releasing the pure life giving waters to those who would drink from it.
This river of the water of life was spoken of by Jesus, comparing the water he offered as far superior
to the natural water the woman drew from the well. “...but whoever drinks of the water that I will give
him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up
to eternal life.”24

From the main primordial source of living water springs new rivers from within each kingdom citizen.
Each member of the great mountain becomes a well of life giving water, an extension of the King.
Unlike ordinary rivers that taper down the further it travels and divides into smaller streams, the River
of Life grows deeper and wider as more and more people become wellsprings of life. The prophet
Ezekiel describes the water that trickles down from the altar, slowly growing in depth and width until it
becomes a mighty flowing river. “Again he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not
ford, for the water had risen, enough water to swim in, a river that could not be forded.”25
The river brought life and healing wherever it went in the Sea. The Sea in prophecy was often used to
represent the general human population. “Then he said to me, “These waters go out toward the
eastern region and go down into the Arabah (the Jordan Valley); then they go toward the sea, being
made to flow into the sea, and the waters of the Dead Sea shall be healed and become fresh. 9 It will
come about that every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes, will live. And
there will be a very great number of fish, because these waters go there so that the waters of the sea
are healed and become fresh; so everything will live wherever the river goes.”26
The supernatural waters of the River brings healing and life to dead places that it reaches. And along
both sides of the River of Life grows the Tree of Life. How can one tree grow on both sides of a
mighty river (as described in Revelation)? If it is one Tree made of many trees, just like Christ has one
body, his church, composed of many individuals. Ezekiel writes that, “By the river on its bank, on one
side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit
will not fail. They will bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit
will be for food and their leaves for healing.””26 Just like the Tree of Life shown to John on Patmos,
Ezekiel tells us that the Tree of Life bears fruit and their leaves are for healing.

The Upanishads texts from India speak of the cosmic tree Asvattha that is an aspect of Brahma (the
Creator).27 Yet unlike other trees, its roots are in the sky with its fruit and branches reaching down to

World Myth or History? 495

cover the earth. Norse legends hold that Yggdrasill has one root planted in the land of the gods. The
Judeo Christian Tree of Life is said to be found at the center of the Creator’s Holy Mountain, the place
where He dwells. It is evident that eternity is in the center of God’s heart for mankind. The salvation
plan began from the Creator who reached down to seek and save that which was lost. This Tree of
Life that connects heaven and earth, opens the way to life everlasting.

Maya mythology hold that the cosmic Ceiba tree pre-exists time and took an active part in the
creation of the universe. This green tree that links sky and earth, located at center of all things was
seen by the Maya as representing the king. “The king was the axis and pivot made flesh. He was the
Tree of Life. The king sustained his people, but he also required much from them in the way of
Like the Maya, the Maori believe that the World Tree was present at the creation and from the buds
on the tree all things sprang forth. Similarly, from the fruits of the Mayan Ceiba tree, the world and its
creatures were born. Persian myth call the Tree of Life, the Tree of All Seeds located at the center of
Pairidaeza (Paradise) from which all living creatures came.29 About Jesus, the apostle John wrote, “
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the
beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into
being that has come into being.”30

This same fruit bearing tree with leaves that do not wither is described in the book of Psalms as a
right living man who loves God and His word.
“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.”31
Unlike other seasonal trees, the Tree of Life yields its fruit at all times. This fruit is called the fruit of
the Spirit by New Testament writers. In the epistle to the Galatians, the fruit of the Spirit was listed as
“, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against
such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its
passions and desires.”32 When this fruit grows and bears fruit within the believer then the overflowing
abundant life becomes reality. Jesus declared that, “... I came that they may have and enjoy life, and

World Myth or History? 496

have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”33
The fruit of the Spirit like the fruits of a tree do not come forth through the labor and striving of the
tree. It is a natural result of being a fruit bearing tree, nourished by life giving waters. Likewise, the
presence of the fruit of the Spirit in the lives of kingdom citizens who swear allegiance to the Lord
Jesus Christ, comes naturally from the internally transformed nature.

The leaves of the tree that bring healing to the nations are the works and deeds of the kingdom
citizens that the Lord blesses and prospers. Every action and word sprouting from the Creator of life,
becomes a healing balm to a wounded world. Jeremiah prophesied about this tree and its leaves,
likening it to someone who puts his trust in the Lord. “For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by
the waters, That spreads out its roots by the river; And will not fear the heat when it comes; But its
leaves will be green and moist. And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought Nor stop
bearing fruit.”34 Love becomes evident at all times, in seasons of wealth or lack, health or sickness,
joy or grief. The leaves of the tree work to bring energy for the tree, but it is the fruit that ensures its
survival through the generations. It is the love of Christ shining from his new creatures that produces

Myth on the role of the Creator as the first age original Sun who reigned on His holy mountain, may
be found in several ancient civilizations. Atum, Creator and Father of the gods, is the most ancient of
the Egyptian gods. It is this Sun god that is attributed with the creation of the original single mound of
earth and the Apsu that flows from it. “Atum was also represented by the image of the primeval hill.”35
It is the Mesoamerican Ometeotl, who is the primordial Father of the Sun gods, that sits enthroned in
‘Omeyocan, often considered the Mt Olympus/Asgard/Hunamoku/ Takamagahara of Aztec myths’.36
This new global kingdom does not rely on the light of the natural Sun or the illumination of a lamp to
relieve the darkness. God is the light of the Holy nation, and its inhabitants are urged to walk in His
light. In the first epistle of John, he explained what it means to walk in the light.
“The one who says he is in the Light [in consistent fellowship with Christ] and yet habitually hates
(works against) his brother [in Christ] is in the darkness until now. 10 The one who loves and
unselfishly seeks the best for his [believing] brother lives in the Light, and in him there is no occasion
for stumbling or offense [he does not hurt the cause of Christ or lead others to sin]. 11 But the one who
habitually hates (works against) his brother [in Christ] is in [spiritual] darkness and is walking in the
darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.”37 God
is love, and believers are to walk in is the light of His love.

All the succeeding ages after the life, death, and resurrection of Christ are ages of grace. “so that in
the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ
Jesus.”38 These ages are recipients of a new heaven and a new earth. As each of the five ages of

World Myth or History? 497

man had seen its own earthscape and a dramatically different celestial display, these ages of grace
was no exception. The First age (Golden Age) earthscape was restored in a far more powerful
manner than any being could have expected. The singular mountain that fills the earth with the Tree
of Life and primordial river flowing from its peak become a powerful reality to the nations. While the
names of emperors of Rome, Greece, Parthia, China, India, and Mesoamerica may often only be
found on dusty bookshelves and museums, it will not be difficult to find in any city of any continent, an
individual who acknowledges the name of Jesus as Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

The doors of the new heavens are now opened wide to mankind through the mediator Jesus Christ,
who is both man and God. No longer must humanity offer an endless sacrifice of blood, for the
sacrifice required to enter in is now a sacrifice of praise. “Through Him then, let us continually offer up
a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.39 Isaiah foretells
that in these days, “Violence will not be heard again in your land, Nor devastation or destruction
within your borders; But you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.”40

The mountain that had grown from the rock not cut by human hands continues to increase in size as
it fills the earth with the knowledge of the Lord. The river of Life flows through springs of greater
number, deeper and wider as more and more turn to its life giving waters. The Tree of Life feeding on
its crystal waters bear fruit and bring healing to the nations as it grows under the light of God’s love.
The heavens and the landscape of the earth have been transformed forever in a way that no one had

Golden Age Restored: People

“Wars will go on as long as men’s hearts are as they are.”41

This was an insight in a letter written by a war veteran to his wife. Albert Einstein had made a similar
statement a few decades earlier, “So long as there are men, there will be wars.”42 It seems that even
the greatest thinkers of our age find no solution to man’s inclination towards death and destruction.
The Creator of heaven and earth, understanding the evil in men’s hearts knew that the change
needed to be deeper than one brought on by external constraints. The terror of punishments and
even catastrophic age ending destruction had not been sufficient to rid man of his violence and wars.
Change needed to come from the inside out.

In these ages of grace, the world is introduced to a new creature. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he
is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”43

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A new creature at peace with his maker, forgiven and reconciled through the Lord Jesus Christ. This
new creature is entrusted with the role of ambassadors, representing God’s plea to the people of the
world, “we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”44

The old creature was called to die. ‘Our “death” is that of the old sin nature which was nailed to the
cross with Christ. It was buried with Him, and just as He was raised up by the Father, so are we
raised up to “walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). That new person that was raised up is what Paul
refers to in 2 Corinthians 5:17 as the “new creation.”’45

Sin and its penalty of death no longer have legal claim on the new creature because the demise of
the old being severed that hold. Just as Mount Zion is superior to the single mound of land in the first
age, so is the new creature superior to the first man. When transformed by faith in the finished work
of Christ, we are not just washed clean and given a restart. Instead, the believer becomes a new
person with the divine laws written in his heart. “...I will put My laws into their minds, And I will write
them on their hearts. And I will be their God, And they shall be My people.”46

This new creature is part of a greater body of living beings, composing the everlasting kingdom of
God. Empowered and made alive by the Holy Spirit of God that dwells inside, the new creature is led,
instructed, and equipped to do the work required of him. A new creature endowed with mind of Christ
and guided by the Spirit of God with access to the divine throne cannot help but be blessed, and in
turn be a blessing.

Because of the righteousness given to this new creature by Christ who bore the sins of the world,
access to the Tree of Life was restored. This meant a restoration of immortality. Eternal life is once
again an option for the liberated believer.

The quest for immortality had obsessed mankind since it was lost. Memory of the fruit from the Tree
of Life that would grant escape from death is evident in world mythology. Norse lore tell of the golden
apples the gods consumed to maintain their youth and immortality. To the Vedic gods it was Amrita,
Zoroastrians called the drink Soma, and for the Greeks it was Ambrosia. Chinese remember the
Peach Tree of immortality.

The second age epic of Gilgamesh relates Gilgamesh’s search for immortality. Gilgamesh found
Utnapishtim (Noah) who informed him of a fruit from a tree that granted immortality, however, a snake
stole it from him. In Norse myth it is Loki, the trickster, who caused the apples to be lost. Maori myth
hold that it is Maui, the deceiver, who introduced death to humans. Jesus tells us that it is Satan, the
snake and deceiver, who comes ‘to steal and kill and destroy…’47

World Myth or History? 499

Access to the Tree of Life had been lost when the first couple believed the lies of the snake and took
a bite of the forbidden fruit. The right to eat from the Tree of Life was not only restored by the Saviour,
but those who put their trust in Him are transformed into life giving trees as well.
Jesus Christ is the source and giver of life. When Jesus spoke to Mary about the death of her brother
Lazarus, “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if
he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?””48 Jesus
followed this declaration with the physical manifestation of raising Lazarus from the dead.

Believers understood that Christ had power over life and death. After Jesus resurrected, they knew
that the grave no longer had power over them. Christians who passed away from this world were
simply said to have fallen asleep.49 For while living on earth we are at home in the body, but one day
the new creature will be found absent in the body, and at home with Christ.50 For eternal life is not
constrained by mortal flesh, the new creature was born to live forever.

The Source of life invites all who would accept the invitation, to drink and eat and receive immortality.
But many of the people in these ages of grace still refuse the free gift. Men and women continue to
search for their own temporary satisfaction and openly oppose the Lord Jesus Christ. “It will be as
when a hungry man dreams— And behold, he is eating; But when he awakens, his hunger is not
satisfied, Or as when a thirsty man dreams— And behold, he is drinking, But when he awakens,
behold, he is faint And his thirst is not quenched. Thus the multitude of all the nations will be Who
wage war against Mount Zion.”51

Isaiah tells us that the Christ will end man’s hunger and thirst. “They will not hunger or thirst, Nor will
the scorching heat or sun strike them down; For He who has compassion on them will lead them And
will guide them to springs of water.” 52
This prophecy was claimed to have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. “Jesus said to them, “I am the
bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.”53
Thus, in Christ, the bread of life, we find the peaches of immortality, the golden apples of the Norse
gods, the Vedic Soma and Amrita, the Greek Ambrosia, the food and drink of the gods that grants
eternity to the partaker.
The apostle Paul wrote clearly to Timothy that it is “...our Saviour Christ Jesus, who abolished death
and brought life and immortality to light…”54 However once again it is evident, that eternal life does
not seem so interesting to the people of the world, when it is no longer forbidden.

Health and healing were also an integral part of the good life reinstated from man’s Golden Age. The
prophet Malachi foretold that, “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with

World Myth or History? 500

healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.”55
All the gospel books record healing the sick as one of the primary tasks Jesus busied himself over
during his active ministry phase. “Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their
synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every
kind of sickness.”56 Christ also sent out his disciples to bring healing. “And they were casting out
many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.”57
And after the death and resurrection of the Lord, the believers involved themselves in healing
ministries. The book of Acts records that, “Also the people from the cities in the vicinity of Jerusalem
were coming together, bringing people who were sick or afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were
all being healed.”58

Zoroastrian scriptures, the Zend Avesta, tell us that at the Astva-terata, when evil is overthrown and
judgement comes, “all disease, death, and suffering will be overcome, the dead will be raised, and
the original Good Creation restored.”59 The prophetic restoration of health, in the age after the
judgement, is also echoed by the Vedic and Hebrew scriptures.

Are people of this age living healthier longer lives when compared to before Jesus came? According
to the American National Institute on Aging, “People are living longer, achieving higher levels of
education, living in poverty less often, and experiencing increasingly lower rates of disability. Life
expectancy nearly doubled during the 20th century with a ten-fold increase in the number of
Americans age 65 or older.”60

In China, where emperors were known to seek out elixirs and medicines to prolong their lives, it is
interesting to learn that, “Several hundred kings and emperors have ruled China down through the
centuries, yet according to statistics many didn’t live to celebrate their fiftieth birthday..”. 61 Many of
the peoples of the world today are possibly living longer healthier lives than even the emperors of the
past ages. Alexander the Great, the Macedonian conqueror, never reached his 33rd birthday. Life in
the Roman Empire wasn’t much better. “Life expectancy at birth was short: on average roughly
twenty-five to thirty years, with 50 per cent of those born not passing the age of ten.”62

Aside from the health benefits received by the general population, many attest to the fact that Jesus
is still healing supernaturally today. Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital documented and witnessed Therese
Daoud’s large incurable cancerous tumor that meant certain death, unless she had her leg
amputated, miraculously healed. “If someone had told me the story of what happened to Therese, I
would have said they are crazy and sent them to a mental hospital,” said Professor Yaakov Bickels,
head of the Orthopedic- Oncology Department at the hospital. “But I was there. I saw it with my own

World Myth or History? 501

eyes.”63 After three attempts to schedule the surgery did not push through, Therese decided to
postpone it in favor of taking care of her sick mother. After a few months she returned to the hospital
with the cancer completely gone. “Hospital staff and reporters even traveled to Therese’s home to
look for some other explanation. They tasted the food she eats and checked the water she drinks, but
there was no physical explanation. They left contemplating one undeniable, unavoidable and very
uncomfortable option – that prayer in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, still heals today.”63 Medically
documented testimonies of people who had been miraculously healed in the almost two thousand
years since Jesus came may be found in news, books, and reports from all over the world.

The human population of this new age is introduced to a new creature indwelt by the Spirit of God
and submitted to the King of Kings. This creature is once again granted access to eternal life and are
in turn called on to offer the same to others on the planet. The works of this new being brings healing
to the nations of the earth. The King of kings rules the world from his kingdom established within each
new creature surrendered to his lordship.
North American Brule Sioux have a myth of a time long ago when Iktome, the Spider trickster, had
travelled from village to village bringing an unusual warning to every tribe. “Iktome reappeared in the
north...shouting: “A new generation is coming! A new kind of human is coming! He is coming to this
world!””64 Along with the warning came instruction to resist the ‘remaking’ of their world and
themselves by this new creature who would travel “...from the west toward the south and east, eating
up the nations on his way, devouring the whole earth.”64 Iktome foretold this new kind of human would
“try to give you his new Great Spirit instead of your own…”64

Golden Age Restored: Achievements

The achievements of this age are so ingrained that few realize how different things are now, as
opposed to the way they had been before Jesus came. Basic amenities, concepts of justice and
equality, and general well being that we have come to expect from our communities were very
different two thousand years ago. Changes brought on by the King of kings and His growing kingdom
go far beyond buildings and religious traditions.
“All this energy issues from Christ: God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep
heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no
power exempt from his rule. And not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all, has
the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is
not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which
he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence.”65

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The true church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a dynamic mountain flowing with life giving waters that
bring healing to the nations. It is not about buildings or denominations but lives transformed and ruled
by love. Advances in health, prosperity, and human rights may be directly seen as results of His
words, and the works of those obedient to Christ’s rule.

Health and Hospitals

Although the empires of previous ages possessed varied knowledge on medicine with resulting
practitioners, the concept of treating the sick and caring for the needs of the weak was not seen as
part of the physician’s duty. It was more of a quest for the sake of knowledge or a practice for the elite
who could afford their services. In ancient times the indigent sick and disabled were often cast away
from society, left to fend for themselves with many ending up as beggars or thieves or simply dying
abandoned and alone.

Christians introduced a new moral code of practical love that included serving the infirm and helpless
members of society. Luke, author of the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, was also a doctor. The
belief that part of Christ’s commission to his church is to bring healing was so ingrained that, “The
Council of Nyssa decreed that wherever a cathedral existed, there must be a hospice, a place of
caring for the sick and poor.”66 This was the beginning of community hospitals.

Jesus himself made it clear to his followers that service to those in need was equated as service to
Him, “...‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to
drink? 38 And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 When
did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I
say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you
did it to Me.’”67 Rulers in antiquity were not often willing to share their glory, much less be linked with
the destitute and needy. The idea of serving the king by serving the weak was revolutionary.

Early Christians actively nursed and fed the sick even during outbreaks of dread communicable
diseases like the smallpox (AD 165-180) and measles (AD 250) epidemics. In the desire to improve
the pitiful situation of the ill, who were often abandoned and cast out, Christians founded hospitals
and developed the medical field. “Notable contributors to the medical sciences of those early
centuries include Tertullian (born A.D. 160), Clement of Alexandria, Lactantius and the learned St.
Isidore of Seville (d. 636). St. Benedict of Nursia (480) emphasised medicine as an aid to the
provision of hospitality.”68 Christians involved themselves in a purposeful effort to alleviate human

World Myth or History? 503

Today, Christian organizations are still the largest provider of non-government health care services in
the world. The Roman Catholic church “has around 18,000 clinics, 16,000 homes for the elderly and
those with special needs, and 5,500 hospitals, with 65 percent of them located in developing
countries.”68 If we consider the work done by multiple worldwide ministries like the Salvation Army,
the Red Cross, Medical Missions, and many more Christ centered organizations that are actively
working in the world helping those who are unable to help themselves, one begins to get a glimpse of
the healing brought by the Tree of Life. Besides these, Christian churches and believers’ homes are
often open to those in need particularly in times of crisis, comprising a valuable network of help and
support to every community touched by the living waters.

Ordinary individuals who had surrendered themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ have, like Mother
Teresa of Calcutta, transformed nations. In a letter to her former confessor, Mother Teresa wrote,
“I need much grace, much of Christ’s strength to persevere in trust, in that blind love which leads only
to Jesus crucified...I must go--India is as scorching as is hell--but its souls are beautiful and precious
because the Blood of Christ has bedewed them.”69

Next time you drive into a hospital, remember how fortunate you are in this age of grace. Before
Jesus, having a bad accident or being hit by natural calamities made you vulnerable to others who
saw moments of weakness as the opportunity to attack and plunder. Today, a great number of
communities have nearby hospitals and places that are open to shelter and care for the sick.

Education and Schools

Early Christians were also encouraged to study and be literate, a natural result of serving the Living
Word of God. The author of the book of Ezra tells us that he had, “...set his heart to study the law of
the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.”70
Likewise, the new creatures of this new age were told to, “...Be diligent to present yourself approved
to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”71
The apostle Paul is credited with writing 13 books and epistles of the New Testament scriptures, all
presumably before he was executed by the Emperor Nero around AD 60. Paul’s writings include: the
book of Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon, Titus, 1
& 2 Thessalonians, and 1 & 2 Timothy. Writing to the Corinthians, Paul confidently noted that there
were still about 500 living witnesses to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who could verify his
words (1 Corinthians 15:3-8).
Early as Paul’s writings were, the gospels must have been earlier still. Paul quoted from the gospel of
Luke and lifted it to the same level as the Old Testament prophets by calling it scripture (1 Timothy

World Myth or History? 504

5:18). However, Luke’s gospel tells us that he referred to even earlier eyewitness accounts handed
down by the servants of the Word (Luke 1:1-4). Fragments of several New Testament scriptures,
including the gospel of Mark was found with the Dead Sea scrolls, in a cave with materials dated from
50 BC to AD 50. If Mark’s writing was considered scripture before AD 50, then we may safely assume
that it was written before then.

Literacy, learning, logical thinking, and the ability to analyze and defend the Word was no longer a
privilege of the elite, but the duty and delight of every kingdom citizen, “...there are nearly 5,700
handwritten Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. In addition, there are more than 9,000
manuscripts in other languages (e.g., Syriac, Coptic, Latin, Arabic)...there is nothing from the ancient
world that even comes close in terms of manuscript support. The next closest work is the Iliad by
Homer, with 643 manuscripts. Most other ancient works survive on fewer than a dozen
manuscripts.”72 Comparison of these ancient handwritten manuscripts has led Princeton professor
Bruce Metzger to estimate that, “the new testament is about 99.5% accurate.”72 And the minor
variations were insignificant to foundational doctrines. The manuscripts that have been catalogued
and counted are those that have been found, preserved and studied, but it is estimated that these are
just a small fraction of the copies that may have circulated in antiquity. More so because of the
Roman emperor Diocletian’s edict in AD 303 that commanded, “the destruction of churches,
manuscripts, and books and the killing of Christians.”72

A Roman Christian named Boethius (480-525) excelled in mathematics, philosophy, and languages.
“His mathematics were used in early universities and his life goal was to translate all of the Greek
philosophy and classic literature into Latin. He wrote thousands of documents, including his
Consolations of Philosophy, which would become the most read book of the Middle Ages.”73
Christians have historically been leaders in education and literacy. The Gutenberg bible was the first
book printed in Europe using the innovation of movable type on a printing press.
“This elegant, two-volume Latin Bible was one of the earliest works made using movable metallic
type, a system of individual letters and character pieces that could be rearranged and reused during
printing. Its popularity signaled a global revolution for the written word. Books previously had to be
laboriously copied by hand, yet only a half-century after the Gutenberg Bible became the world’s first
printed bestseller, millions of different volumes were flying off presses across Europe.” 74

Public education in America began under the Puritan Law “The Old Deluder Satan Act”, which refers
to Satan (the devil) who could easily deceive the uneducated masses. Biblical literacy was so
important to colonial America that, “John Quincy Adams said in the early 1800's that the illiteracy rate
was only 4/10th of 1 percent. By comparison, it has been estimated that in America today, 40 million
people are functionally illiterate...All but one of the first 123 colleges in colonial America were

World Myth or History? 505

Christian institutions.”75 The decline in literacy today, brings the realization that no amount of finances
and effort may force a person to learn, who does not want to learn.
In Rule 2 of the Harvard Student Handbook under “Rules, and Precepts that are observed in the
Colledge,” as printed in New England’s First Fruits, a 1643 booklet printed in England. It reads, 2. Let
every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life
and studies is, to know God and lesus Christ which is eternall life, Joh. 17. 3. and therefore to lay
Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning.
And seeing the Lord only giveth wisedome, Let every one seriously set himselfe by prayer in secret to
seeke it of him Prov 2, 3.”76
Even today, Christ centered bodies of believers continue to establish schools so that their children
may be trained in the knowledge and character of the King of kings.

An expert in grammar and philology, Noah Webster who has been called “Schoolmaster to America”
was made famous by his books Blue-Backed Speller (1783) and American Dictionary of the English
Language (1828). In his speech at the founding of Amherst College, Noah Webster declared, "The
object of this institution, that of education for the gospel ministry. . . is to second the efforts of the
Apostles themselves, in extending and establishing the Redeemer's empire - the empire of truth. . . .
The appropriate business of men is to imitate the Savior, to serve their God, and bless their fellow-
men."77 This scholar of great intelligence and wisdom clearly saw his role in enlarging the empire of
the King of kings in the practical realm of education.

In the ages previous to the coming of the Christ, education was primarily limited to the elite of wealth
and power. The masses were kept in their lowly position through ignorance and deception. Learning
was often constrained by gender, race, and social rank. Education in many war loving cultures
consisted mostly of training young boys in deadly combat.

Education of the general populace, as we know it now, has been steadily improving and developing
globally, fueled by kingdom citizens in love with the King and His word. In opposition to lies, true
learning strives for truth and clarity of thought. The foundations of education from early childhood to
doctorate degrees have been laid by new creatures in service of their king. It would seem ironic to
atheistic scholars of numerous degrees and accreditations, that they should owe their credentials to
the servants of Jesus Christ.

Science and Scientific Discovery

Templeton Award winning priest and distinguished physicist Stanley Jaki proposed the theory that our
modern concepts of science could only have arisen from a Christian society.78

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Many scientists who have impacted the shape of modern science were new creatures who had given
their allegiance to the Lord. While other worldviews see the lives of mankind as fatalistically
predetermined, inspiring a sense that there is nothing one can do about it, or considers all things an
illusion, thinking that like a dream there is no rhyme or reason for the way things are, Christianity
carries the view that there is a rational God who is the fountain of all rational truth.

Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) understood the value of belief in a God who wishes
to be known, a revealer of mysteries in an orderly universe that functions according to His laws.
Einstein noted that, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”79 He saw God
as subtle but not malicious. One who would not torment us with problems void of solutions. Search
for truth was possible, because of the existence of truth.

The Scientific Method of inquiry based on experimentation and inductive reasoning was established
by the philosopher Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1627) who wanted to discover truth in the service of his
country and his church. Sir Francis viewed atheism as a lack of depth in understanding truth.
"It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth
men's minds about to religion; for while the mind of man looketh upon second causes scattered, it
may sometimes rest in them, and go no further; but when it beholdeth the chain of them confederate,
and linked together, it must needs fly to Providence and Deity."80

The Father of Modern Philosophy, Rene Descartes (1596-1650), was also a mathematician and
scientist, who along with Sir Francis Bacon was key to the development of the Scientific Method. Both
of these men were committed believers.
Isaac Newton who is recognized as a scientific and mathematical genius and innovator, believed God
and diligently studied the bible. “In Principia he stated, "The most beautiful system of the sun,
planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful

Ranked among Newton and Einstein for the fundamental nature of his scientific contributions, James
Maxwell (1831-1879), helped lay the foundations of modern physics along with his devoutly Christian
colleagues, physicists William Kelvin (1824-1907) and George Stokes (1819-1903). James Maxwell
logically refuted the stirrings of evolutionary thinking which he considered to contradict scientific
evidence. He argued against both the possibility of evolution in the creation of life and the universe
itself, by proving mathematically that such a process could not occur.
“Maxwell was convinced that scientific investigation and the teachings of the Bible were not only
compatible but should be linked together. This was reflected in a prayer found among his notes:
“Almighty God, Who hast created man in Thine own image, and made him a living soul that he might

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seek after Thee, and have dominion over Thy creatures, teach us to study the works of Thy hands,
that we may subdue the earth to our use, and strengthen the reason for Thy service; so to receive
Thy blessed Word, that we may believe on Him Whom Thou hast sent, to give us the knowledge of
salvation and the remission of our sins. All of which we ask in the name of the same Jesus Christ, our

The mathematical foundations of genetics were first laid by an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel
(1822-1884). The theoretical principles of heredity which Mendel formulated has come to be called
Mendelianism. More recently another Christian scientist, geneticist Francis Collins led the Human
Genome Project in groundbreaking research in human DNA and gene sequences. “Collins, who is
currently the Director of the National Institutes of Health, is also passionate about another topic:
Exploring the intersections of science and his Christian faith…”82

The poor son of a sickly blacksmith and a country maid, lacking formal education and credentials,
Michael Faraday nonetheless revolutionized physics with his work on chemistry, electricity and
magnetism, discovering the laws governing electrochemistry. It seemed that his steadfast faith in “a
single Creator encouraged his scientific belief in the “unity of forces”, the idea that magnetism,
electricity and the other forces have a common origin.”83 He was actively involved, even leading
worship, in a Christian church that emphasized Jesus and the principles he embodied. It is Faraday
who established the foundation that enables us to live our current lifestyle with computers, phones,
the worldwide web, and other technological advances.

Many more could be added to the list of Christ centered scientists, but that would fill another book.
Numerous kingdom citizens have laid the foundations for science and technology, and uncovered the
laws that govern the universe of the Creator. New creatures that saw their faith in God as an
encouragement and guide, rather than a hindrance to discovery and innovation. The work of these
men and women bring healing to the nations, making life better for the people of the world.
Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist considered to be one of the most important scientists of our time,
whose achievements include being one of the creators and developers of String Theory, came to a
radical scientific conclusion in his study using “primitive semi-radius tachyons”. According to Michio
Kaku, “I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence”, he
affirmed. “Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore.”
“To me it is clear that we exists in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a
universal intelligence and not by chance.”84
Using mathematics and physics, Michio Kaku explained that the scientific evidence points to the
existence of God. “The very purpose of physics, says Kaku is “to find an equation … which will allow
us to unify all the forces of nature and allow us to read the mind of God.””85

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The question no longer seems to be whether this world was created or came about as a series of
random accidents. The question is, who laid down the observable laws of physics, chemistry and
every other science that had made it possible to have something rather than nothing?

Wealth and Security

In past ages, life had been a constant battle between the strong and the weak. Abraham and Job who
lived in the second age, although both powerful and influential men, were in constant threat of attack
from neighbouring tribes desiring to steal their flocks and servants. Both Abraham and Isaac his son
had to pretend that they were brothers to their wives out of fear that they would be killed by rulers of
nations for the women.

The idea that the mighty had the right to steal, kill and oppress those unable to defend themselves
may have even been considered ‘heroic’. Raiding defenseless villages, looting and killing members of
peaceful farming communities was all in a day’s work. This view was particularly evident in the third
age epics. The Iliad of Homer starts book one with Apollo’s priest begging the hero Agamemnon to
return his daughter whom the warriors had taken as part of their spoils, when they raided a city on the
way to attack King Priam.
"Sons of Atreus," he cried, "and all other Achaeans, may the gods who dwell in Olympus grant you to
sack the city of Priam, and to reach your homes in safety; but free my daughter, and accept a ransom
for her, in reverence to Apollo, son of Jove."86 But Agamemnon callously refused the ransom and her
father’s pleas, informing him that he would use the girl in whatever manner he wished until she died
in his far away land, for he obviously saw her as nothing more than his rightful share of the loot.

Age four was not much better for the general population as the god of War rose in popularity, peace
was not an option for the weak. The powerful of that age prospered and indulged themselves in
exorbitant luxuries as they bore the title of King of kings, ruler over vast empires, with the masses
bearing the weight of royalty, while scraping desperately at meager resources to keep alive.

At the dawn of the fifth age, conquerors marched their armies across nations, pillaging, destroying,
and slaughtering wherever they went. It only got worse as the fifth age neared its close, the Roman
empire pursued a policy of outward expansion in order to prevent internal collapse. They needed the
resources and wealth of the nations as well as the slave labor to sustain their economy, and maintain
their lifestyle of free food and circuses for their citizens. Many peoples and tribes suffered from the
threshing of the mighty Roman army, many of whom had become ‘professional’ soldiers, making their
fortune from looted treasure and selling their captives as slaves.

World Myth or History? 509

Then Jesus came and introduced a radically different economic system. He brought attention to what
really matters. More than the rocks and papers of this earth, it is the human soul that is most
valuable. Jesus made mankind think with questions like, “For what does it profit a man to gain the
whole world, and forfeit his soul?”87

Christ opened the eyes of the new creatures to eternity and they saw that everything in this natural
realm was programmed to rot and die. But the king calls his followers to work for that which lasts
forever, even in the frightening and uncertain world they live in.
“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where
thieves do not break in or steal;”88

Self-reliance was an important aspect to the early church. Followers of Jesus were instructed to be
productive members of society, “For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if
anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.89
The ability to support oneself was important so that each citizen may not only be enabled to care for
themselves, but also those in need. These were the weak who may have a willingness to work, yet
are unable to do so (i.e. widows and orphans, elderly, sick, etc.)

In a world whose financial system ran on the survival of the fittest, Jesus introduced another way to
handle resources. Hard work and generosity in which the person rules over resources. In an
environment where men served money, Christ turned things around by teaching the new creatures
how money could serve mankind. The acid test of humanity’s power over resources is the ability to
give it away.
“ In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and
remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to

This was in radical contrast to the financial system of taking from the weak to enrich the strong. Jesus
made it clear that the strength of the mighty was to be used to help the weak. This idea slowly but
surely revolutionized the economy of the world.

The new creature is most clearly seen when it acts opposite to the old nature. In the case of
Zacchaeus, a corrupt tax collector, his love for money was overwhelmed by love for the king.
“8 Zaccheus stopped and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, half of my possessions I will give to the
poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give back four times as much.” 9 And Jesus

World Myth or History? 510

said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house,”91
Today people no longer have to worry about neighbouring tribes burning their house after taking away
valuables, raping their wife, and enslaving their children with impunity. Most of the world’s population
would be outraged by such behaviour that was common in ages past. Nowadays modern man just
needs to face the stress and pressures of work without constantly wondering if all he knows and
loves will be gone when he gets home. Businessmen worry about ‘bloody’ corporate takeovers, only
in a figurative sense. For most people the chief complaint of getting hurt has to do with their feelings.
This has allowed ordinary folks to live decent lives with enough for basic necessities and a little extra
for fun on the weekends off.

Security and prosperity has improved markedly from the situation before the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ, who explained that life is made of much more than how much you have in the bank.
“15 Beware! Don’t always be wishing for what you don’t have. For real life and real living are not
related to how rich we are.”92
According to Jesus, true wealth does not consist of the abundance of possessions that we can write
our name on and call our own. True wealth is in realizing that the Lord of heaven and earth loves us
and will provide all our needs according to His riches and glory (Philippians 4:19).

The economic revolution brought about by Jesus and his Holy Mountain that has filled the whole
earth has given mankind the security and stability to make wealth instead of just taking wealth.
Prosperity springing from giving pleasure to individuals and meeting their needs, instead of delivering
misery and death has become a reality for many people. Modern companies have grown globally by
providing good and reliable services that improve lives for ordinary individuals in areas like
telecommunication, entertainment, production of food products and services.

So when you drop by the local supermarket or swing by the gym before calling on the cellphone for
pizza delivery, realize that none of these things were possible before 2000 years ago. And this is not
just because of the technological advancement, but because of the change in the financial mind-set
brought about by the Messiah.

Perhaps the most radical change brought about by the teachings of Jesus was with regard to the
worth and well-being of each individual human being.
The first age of man learned that, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He
created him; male and female He created them.”93 And in that same age, they learned how to hate
and kill their fellow man. As nations were formed and grew in strength in the second age, humanity

World Myth or History? 511

learned to oppress, enslave and murder on a national level. The third age saw the rise of armies and
warfare. Scattered tribes were forced to make alliances for the sake of survival, and men had to think
and act as a group, often sacrificing the individual for the sake of the greater good. People were
considered part of the bounty of war, along with cattle and material goods. The fourth age gave a brief
respite from hardship and constant warfare and allowed the rise of axial age thinkers, who made
mankind wonder if there was perhaps more to life than merely surviving. Yet even the enlightened
teachings of Zoroaster, Confucius, Buddha, and the Greek Sophists were not enough to keep the
world from falling back into bloody armed conflicts.

Fifth age empires divided the earth into vast areas under the dominion of the Emperors who ruled
over numerous tribes, peoples and languages. Many of the rulers used harsh and cruel methods to
enforce their authority, taking whatever they wanted. Even in this age people were seen as part of the
loot. Those who were not killed, were taken as slaves or used in the circuses. Then Jesus Christ
came and told the world that the greatest commandment and sum of all of the Creator’s
commandments is love.
“And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and
with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”94 Who is our neighbor?
Christ made it clear that it was anyone in need of help. This includes the weak who may not be able
to give anything in return. Loving God is to be like Him in loving those who may not love back.

Human rights in the ancient world were not as we know them today. Children may not have been
considered human until a certain age. “From the Sumerians down to the time of Augustine (354-430
AD), most people agreed that if you had a newborn baby that you didn't want, you could kill it or
abandon it somewhere and not take care of it.”95 In Rome, like Greece, it was not only considered
legal to kill your children or leave them to die of exposure, but may have been considered a civic duty.
Reasons ranged from getting rid of unlucky sets of twins or gender preference or sickness or
economic decisions or simply because the father didn’t want the child.
The Didache (circa 96 AD), a Christian handbook for practical living, reveals the early church’s stand
on this ancient legal and socially accepted practice. “Do not commit murder; do not commit adultery;
do not corrupt boys; do not have illicit shall not murder a child, whether it be born or
unborn.”96 The new creatures viewed the killing of a child, whether born or still in utero, as murder of a
person made in the image and likeness of God. Thus, the child was an individual loved by God. This
stand was made into law by the Christian Byzantine Emperor Justinian (483-565), “who had his
jurists prepare the Justinian Code, which clearly condemned abortion and infanticide as illegal.”97
Over a thousand years later, flushing a baby down the toilet or leaving a child out in the woods to die
is viewed as both horrifying and illegal in most of the world touched by the living waters.

World Myth or History? 512

Next to children, women in the past ages also generally suffered from a lower value when compared
to men. In fact female children were commonly killed simply because a male child was preferred.
Vestiges of this practice has caused a modern day gender imbalance in countries like India, Pakistan,
and China that still have large populations unreached by the gospel. “The liquidation of young girls
(or female fetuses) has created a huge gender imbalance in parts of India and Pakistan. Some
academics and activists -- including Stephan Klasen, the chair of development economics at the
University of Goettingen in Germany -- charge that there may be “millions” of missing girls in these
countries.”98 Until a few decades ago, when Christian missionaries introduced a new way of thinking,
India still practiced the burning of living women in their dead husband’s funeral pyre.

Jewish men who thanked God daily in prayer for not making them a gentile, a woman, or an
ignoramus, were introduced by the Christ to a new way of treating the opposite gender. “Husbands,
love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,”99
Jesus had given his life for the church, and husbands were called to love their wives as they
themselves had been loved by their king.

The Greeks and Romans saw no value in a woman unless she served a husband. Widows were
legally forced to marry again within two years. Christians supported the widows and orphans in their
communities, giving them a choice. Women’s rights of ownership were protected by the early church
that allowed them to control their husband’s estate, as opposed to the traditions of losing everything.
Even the ‘old-fashioned’ Christian belief in the sanctity of marriage, actually protects and secures a
woman’s future, demanding a higher level of commitment from a man. Over a hundred years ago, the
Women’s Christian Temperance Union fought and won social reforms, including the right for women
in the United States to vote.100

When William Carey went to India in 1793, he brought the kingdom of God within him.
“Along with the evangelistic work Carey did, he began schools. He started educating women. He
started educating all castes, not just the Brahmans. He started the first college in Asia at Serampore.
He also got to work on the human right issues. He worked to ban Sati, the practice of burning widows
to death under husbands' funeral pyres. He pushes for medical treatment for lepers. He pushes for
an end of the cast system for converts, so that if you convert to Christianity, your cast doesn't matter,
because in Christ, there is no distinction.”101 Followers of the King of kings have remained in the
forefront in the struggle for equality and human rights.

“In Africa, it was Dr. David Livingstone (1813-1873), the missionary who worked to end slavery and
introduce Christian values to much of the continent. He is one of the world’s greatest explorers and

World Myth or History? 513

humanitarians.”102 Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela were crucial leaders in the
movement that ended Apartheid in South Africa.

Christianity was born in a world where slavery was a reality. It could not be abolished instantly and so
instructions were given on proper attitudes on the relationship between slaves and masters
(Ephesians 6:5-6, Colossians 3:22 & 4:1). As slaves were to honor and obey their masters, the
masters were instructed, “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too
have a Master in heaven.”103 In essence, masters were to treat their slaves as they would have the
Lord treat them. “According to historian Glenn Sunshine in his book Why You Think the Way You do,
"Christians were the first people in history to oppose slavery systematically. Early Christians
purchased slaves in the markets simply to set them free."”104

The new creatures in service of the King of kings grow in maturity as they learn more from the Master
about what it means to love. John Newton, known for the composition of the hymn “Amazing Grace”,
worked as a slave trader from around 1750-1754 even after his conversion in 1748. “He admitted that
he was a ruthless businessman and a unfeeling observer of the Africans he traded. Slave revolts on
board ship were frequent. Newton mounted guns and muskets on the desk aimed at the slaves'
quarters. Slaves were lashed and put in thumbscrews to keep them quiet.”105 But as Newton grew in
the love of his king, he did not allow his past mistakes to condemn and haunt him. Instead John
Newton became a powerful voice in the campaign to abolish slavery, using his past experience as a
tool to expose and destroy the terrible practice. “In 1787, Newton wrote a tract supporting the
campaign, 'Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade', which was very influential. It graphically
described the horrors of the Slave Trade and his role in it. He later joined William Wilberforce in the
campaign for abolition of the Slave Trade.”105

Although slavery in most of the world has been made illegal for over 150 years, there are still many
instances in which people are forced to do things against their will. “Contemporary slavery takes
many forms, from women forced into prostitution, to child slavery in agriculture supply chains or
whole families working for nothing to pay off generational debts.”106

Servants of the King of kings are still actively battling against the last traces of capitalizing on the
coercion and misery of human beings. Organizations like Agape International Missions (Cambodia),
Christian Organizations Against Trafficking in Human Beings, Faith Alliance Against Slavery and
Trafficking, Compassion 2 One, and many others are in the forefront in the fight for equality and
human rights. The love of the Creator for each individual is not measured by wealth or strength or
status. It is an immeasurable river of life and love, poured out from the foot of the cross, where the
Lamb of God gave himself for all.

World Myth or History? 514

The abundant life Jesus came to bring to mankind was one of productivity and healing. The book of
Genesis relates how man was put in the garden of Eden to cultivate the ground and rule over the rest
of creation from the start. Work is a privilege and a joy, that comes as welcome breaks between
moments of celebration and rest.

First age mythology tells of how the Golden age was known for its frequent indulgence in parties and
celebrations. And now in the Golden age restored, we live in perhaps the most celebrated times ever.
Modern man celebrates individuals through: birthdays, baptism, graduations, weddings,
anniversaries, promotions and other accomplishments. Families celebrate holidays like: Easter,
Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the New Year. Then there are National Holidays, heroes’
day, Independence Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Labor Day, special city days, and other festivals.
Let’s not forget weekends, that are actually one of the newest welcome additions to this party
generation. “As much as we love weekends, would you believe that they've only been around for less
than 100 years? It's true!” 107

The two day weekend had come about as a result of several factors including the idea of making
other people happy, being good for business. Henry Ford, realizing that his own employees could
become his best customers if given an extra day-off to drive their cars, gave his workers a two day
weekend in the early 1900s. This was a time when many Christians were fighting for worker’s rights,
like a forty hour workweek and medical benefits, “...the first Workers Union was set up by a Christian
preacher and his friends, fighting for fair pay, better working conditions and a day of rest.” 108

And what is a party without food for the human soul and spirit -music and art and literature? The trees
of life and their healing works have had immeasurable impact on the world of the arts. New creatures
such as Michelangelo and Rembrandt creating masterpieces reflecting their faith. Musicians like
Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel who gave us a glimpse of the music in their hearts for their Creator. C.S.
Lewis, Tolkien, John Milton, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Dante, Chaucer, Donne, Dostoevsky,
Shakespeare, Dickens and many other authors who had used their skill with words to influence the
minds and hearts of generations.

There is still much that is imperfect with this world. There is a divine dissatisfaction in the heart of
every kingdom citizen that desires to make this world a better place. A wonderful discontentment, that
will not allow what is not aligned with the word of the King to continue unchecked, no matter how
legal or socially accepted the practices are. The intrinsic value of every human being has been
inculcated into the global conscience by the kingdom established by the Messiah almost 2,000 years
ago. Human sacrifice, cannibalism, headhunting, and killing humans for amusement were common

World Myth or History? 515

practices at the time that Jesus was born. All these inhuman practices that had been going on for
ages are unlawful in every nation where the living waters have entered to introduce the love of God.

Where is the health, wealth, and happiness? It is all around us. All we need are eyes able to see it,
and the faith to receive it.

Golden Age Restored: Notable Events

Growth of the Kingdom - One man at a time

The Messiah entrusted his transformational message to a ragtag group of ordinary men, fishermen,
tax collectors, and farmers who answered his call to follow him. Each of them were changed from
men that had cowered in fear at his death, to new creatures that stepped out in power at his

The apostle Peter who had denied the Christ three times in a single night, became the first to preach
the gospel publicly, leading thousands to the Lord Jesus (Acts 2:14-42). And when in 67 AD, Peter
was sentenced to be executed as many of the other apostles had been martyred before him, “He was
said to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to be crucified in the way that the Lord
Jesus Christ had been.”109

Apostle Paul who wrote many of what is considered New Testament scriptures, started his life as
Saul, the zealous persecutor of the church. Saul had travelled from city to city to capture men and
women who had surrendered their lives to the king, but after a divine encounter with Jesus on the
Damascus road, he changed from opponent to proponent of the gospel. Through his missionary work,
Paul reached a great part of the gentile nations in the Roman empire before he was imprisoned and
beheaded in 65 AD.

Saint Augustine (354-430 AD) abandoned his life of sexual immorality and doubt, and became a holy
man whose writings about faith have made him known as one of the greatest scholars and thinkers of
church history. “His writings provide the central pillars of Western civilization.”110

Men and women through the annals of history have had their minds and hearts transformed, causing
them to serve the king in their respective fields of healthcare, science, education, entertainment,
business and industry, government, and the arts. Each life multiplying themselves in others as they
enlarge the empire of the king of kings one person at a time.
Following are a few documented testimonies of radical conversion:

World Myth or History? 516

Dilangyaw, an Ilongot tribal chief from the Philippines, left his shamanistic religion and vicious
headhunting practices after seeing the transformation that the gospel had made in his daughter.
“Every day we went back to hear more about God from the missionary’s Book. After three weeks I
saw my terrible sin, and I hungered for the forgiveness and the cleansing of God. How I longed for
peace in my heart! So I surrendered my life to Jesus and not to Satan and the demons. Oh, as I
thought of all those poor souls I had killed, I felt tears coming to my eyes. I could not stand the sight
of my always shiny and sharp head-hunting knife. I would let it get dull by chopping wood.
My life was so different, with Jesus living inside me, that my wife and four of my children gave their
lives to Jesus too.”111

Florentino Santos, missionary to the headhunters of Sierra Madre (1954), related an incident when
the headhunters from the mountains had attacked a gathering of lowlanders, decapitating and killing
several people. When the frustrated soldiers could not find the culprits, they decided to kill the entire
Ilongot village, including women and children. The soldiers were unaware that the murderous
headhunters were actually hiding around them, ready to attack. Such a move by the military would
only have initiated a massacre that would not have ended the bloody cruel headhunting traditions of
the tribe. Fortunately the leader of the troops was convinced against such an action by Florentino and
his co-missionary who were the actual key to true change for the Ilongot tribes. The complete turn-
around that reveals the stark difference between the old man and the new creature that replaced him,
is dramatically seen in the words of the ex-headhunter Tanitan, “Before, I was afraid to die, but not
afraid to kill. Now, I am afraid to kill but not afraid to die.”112

In 1922 Rev. Garlock and his wife volunteered to be missionaries to the cannibalistic Pahns tribe in
the interior of Liberia. When the Pahns tribe abducted one of his men to butcher and eat, Garlock
entered their village to rescue him. When confronted by armed villagers, who demanded Garlock give
an oral defense for his actions, he was shocked when he spoke in the Pahns language, giving a
message he did not comprehend. “For twenty minutes Garlock talked to the Pahns. Then, as
suddenly as the speech-power came, it vanished, and Garlock knew that he had come to the end of
his discourse. He sat down.

There was a moment of waiting while the chief and the witch doctor put their heads together. Then,
straightening, the witch doctor gave an order and a white rooster was brought forward. With a snap,
the witch doctor wrung the rooster’s neck. He sprinkled some of the blood on the foreheads of
Garlock and the prisoner. Later Garlock interpreted this as meaning that the rooster had taken his
place: blood had to be shed, but something he had said while speaking in the Spirit had convinced
these people that he and the prisoner should go free.”113

World Myth or History? 517

After some time of exposure to the living waters, the Pahns tribe of Africa exchanged their ancient
tradition of eating humans, in order to eat from the Tree of Life.

Miguel Vallespi who had committed a horrific double murder in cold blood, was not bothered by his
conscience until he met the king. “Until I heard the Gospel I had had no remorse, nor conscience, but
now that I know that Christ is my Saviour, I feel I must go back and give myself up to the authorities. I
am not afraid to go, neither am I afraid to die. I know Jesus now, and my sins have been forgiven.”114
He surrendered himself to the authorities in submission to what he felt the Lord wanted him to do.
Vallespi’s case confounded the people, but in the end the judge pardoned him and he returned to
Argentina where he lived a consistent Christian life.

Only the love of God can soften the hardened stony heart, wash away years of murderous violent
traditions, and create a new life giving creature from that which had been dead. From the time of the
life death and resurrection of the Messiah, the kingdom of God has been enlarging its territory one
person at a time. Empires of the world have come and gone, as foretold by the prophet Daniel, “In
the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and
that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but
it will itself endure forever.”115

Kingdom citizens have surrendered their lives for the purpose of the prophetic spread of the gospel to
every nation (Matthew 24:14, Mark 13:10). Individually and in organizations, new creatures have
painstakingly learned languages and translated the living Word into almost every known tongue. “And
I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the
earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;”116

Israel Restored as a Nation

The nations Israel and Judah, that had split from the original single nation of Israel during the reign of
Rehoboam son of Solomon (930 BC), were eventually both dispersed in foreign lands as foretold by
the prophets. When Assyria invaded Israel in 722 BC, the population was forcibly displaced and
relocated to the point that historians say, “these early victims of the dispersion disappeared utterly
from the pages of history.”117 This has led some to call this missing population 'the lost tribes of Israel'.
However hundreds of years later, James in his New Testament epistle seemed to know the location of
the missing tribes as he confidently addressed his letter to the twelve tribes of Israel.
“James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings.”118

World Myth or History? 518

Old Testament prophets tell us that Israel was dispersed among the nations, scattered in distant
lands, and exiled in the foreign lands.119 Holy scriptures reveal that ‘lost tribes’ of Israel went to the
northlands, gentile nations, foreign lands that their forefathers had not known.120 The prophet Obadiah
gave a more specific location,
“And the exiles of this host of the sons of Israel,
Who are among the Canaanites as far as Zarephath,
And the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad…”121
Zarephath referred to the land of modern day France to the exiled Hebrews, while Sepharad was
ancient Spain. The Sephardim was an occidental branch of European Jews settling in Spain and
Portugal and later in the Balkans, the Levant, England, the Netherlands and the Americas.
Although the nation of Israel was gone, Judah still existed for over a hundred years before the start of
their diaspora. The Babylonians began the dispersion of the nation of Judah under the command of
King Nebuchadnezzar who invaded and deported Judeans in 597 BC, then again in 586 BC. During
this tumultuous time, a group of Jews fled to Egypt, some remained in Judea, while another group
resided in Babylon and the surrounding lands. Even when the Persian King Cyrus decreed that the
Jews may return to their homeland (537 BC), many chose to remain in the foreign countries. Then in
63 BC, Jerusalem became a protectorate of Rome.

During his ministry phase, around 30 AD, Jesus had instructed his followers to first go to the lost
sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 10:6). Within a few years of Christ’s death and resurrection
(AD 40-50), many of the apostles had already travelled the vast distances to reach the distant nations
where the tribes had been dispersed.122

When the Roman empire sacked and burned the Jewish State in 70 AD, many were killed, while
survivors were taken as slaves or used in the bloody Roman circuses. The Roman empire proceeded
to actively and systematically drive the Jews away from the Palestinian land, causing them to be
scattered across Asia, Africa, and Europe. However, even in the foreign lands, there were those who
kept the Hebraic faith and read the Torah (the Old Testament), where they held on to holy scriptures
promising their return to their ancient homeland to be a nation reborn. The prophet Ezekiel spoke of
the distant future when,
“...Thus says the Lord GOD, “I will gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries
among which you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.””123

As if the rebuilding of a nation scattered for almost two thousand years was not challenge enough,
the prophet Isaiah claimed that the nation of Israel would be born in a single day.
“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things?
Can a land be born in one day?

World Myth or History? 519

Can a nation be brought forth all at once?
As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons.”124
These incredible prophecies became an unprecedented historic reality when, “On May 14, 1948, in
Tel Aviv, Jewish Agency Chairman David Ben-Gurion proclaims the State of Israel, establishing the
first Jewish state in 2,000 years.”125 Thus, in one day, Israel became a nation, complete with its own
unique language (Hebrew), holy scriptures (Torah, Tanach), and culture.

And so Jeremiah’s prophecy that when the Lord restores the nation to the land of their forefathers,
Israel would no longer be known as the people taken out of Egypt, but as the people who came from
many lands to be reborn as one nation, becomes history.
“14 “Therefore behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when it will no longer be said, ‘As the
LORD lives, who brought up the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt,’ 15 but, ‘As the LORD lives, who
brought up the sons of Israel from the land of the north and from all the countries where He had
banished them.’ For I will restore them to their own land which I gave to their fathers.”126

Jeremiah even explains why the displaced peoples were ready to return to their ancestral lands,
unlike the time when Persia had allowed them to return, and only a few answered the call.
“ 16 “Behold, I am going to send for many fishermen,” declares the LORD, “and they will fish for them;
and afterwards I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and every
hill and from the clefts of the rocks. 17 For My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My
face, nor is their iniquity concealed from My eyes. 18 I will first doubly repay their iniquity and their sin,
because they have polluted My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their
detestable idols and with their abominations.”127
It was under the intense anti-semitic pressure of those historical times that the scattered sons of
Israel longed for rest in a land they could call their own. It seemed that they were treated harshly in
every country that they resided, the persecution came to a horrific peak during the Holocaust (1933-
1945) under Adolf Hitler. Antisemitism literally caused the Jews to be fished out and hunted down,
causing them to seek refuge in the promised land.

But the prophet Zechariah wrote that the birth of the Israeli nation would not be welcomed by the
lands that surround them.
“2 I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they
send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. 3 On that day I will make Jerusalem an
immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt
Even as British troops pulled out of Palestine, Arab and Jewish fighting began, and Egypt launched
an air assault that same evening that Israel was proclaimed a State. Combined forces from Egypt,

World Myth or History? 520

Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq attacked the day old nation with unexpected results. “The
Israelis, though less well equipped, managed to fight off the Arabs and then seize key territory, such
as Galilee, the Palestinian coast, and a strip of territory connecting the coastal region to the western
section of Jerusalem. In 1949, U.N.-brokered cease-fires left the State of Israel in permanent control
of this conquered territory...
During the third Arab-Israeli conflict–the Six-Day War of 1967–Israel again greatly increased its
borders, capturing from Jordan, Egypt, and Syria the Old City of Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, the
Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights.”129
Possibly realizing that they were only hurting themselves, Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979, and
the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) followed suit in 1993. Unfortunately fighting between
Israel and the PLO resumed in 2000.

Zechariah wrote of how the newly born nation would receive divine protection and remain secure
despite ongoing conflicts with their neighbours. It is during this time that the Creator promised to pour
out His Spirit on the sons of Israel, and many would believe and receive the Messiah whom they had
“6 “On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a flame that sets a woodpile ablaze or like a
burning torch among sheaves of grain. They will burn up all the neighboring nations right and left,
while the people living in Jerusalem remain secure.
7 “The LORD will give victory to the rest of Judah first, before Jerusalem, so that the people of
Jerusalem and the royal line of David will not have greater honor than the rest of Judah. 8 On that day
the LORD will defend the people of Jerusalem; the weakest among them will be as mighty as King
David! And the royal descendants will be like God, like the angel of the LORD who goes before them! 9
For on that day I will begin to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
10 “Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of
Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They
will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.”130

The prophet Ezekiel echoes this same revival that would take place after Israel had returned to their
homeland and been reestablished as a nation. 19 And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit
within them. And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, 20 that
they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances and do them. Then they will be My people,
and I shall be their God. 21 But as for those whose hearts go after their detestable things and
abominations, I will bring their conduct down on their heads,” declares the Lord GOD.”131
It is clear that not all of Israel will turn to the Christ and become ‘maaminim’ (Hebrew: believers). They
do not need to convert to Christianity, because accepting Jesus as Messiah was a natural result of

World Myth or History? 521

being His chosen people who had been waiting for his appearing throughout the ages. Thus, they are
not leaving Judaism but are in fact rejoicing in the fulfillment of God’s promised redemption.

The empire of the king of kings that has filled the whole earth began with the Jews, Jesus himself
being a Jew, as was all his primary disciples. Everyone of the thousands who accepted Peter’s
gospel message during the Passover was a Jew who believed that Jesus was the Messiah. The
twelve apostles were sent mainly to the children of Israel, while Paul was sent to the Gentiles. The
reason that the Gentile believers soon outnumbered the sons of Israel may have been due to the fact
that there are so much more Gentiles. Although many Jews welcomed the Christ, the nation of Judah
as a whole, along with its leaders rejected Jesus, as the Lord himself had predicted.

“Messianic Jews: The Most Hated People on Earth” a book by Ron Cantor, brings attention to the
challenges of belonging to the most hated ethnic group in history, then combining this with one of the
most persecuted faiths of all time. It is not only the enmity of outsiders that Jewish believers who
have accepted Jesus as Messiah must contend with. Jews may view their acceptance of Christ as a
betrayal of Judaism, while Christians may sometimes be unsure of how to deal with the Jewish
traditions - even to the point of being antagonistic.

Despite the intense opposition, the Messianic Jewish movement grew in force, possibly influenced by
the charismatic Jesus movement of the 60’s and 70’s. “From 2003 to 2007, the movement grew from
150 Messianic houses of worship in the United States to as many as 438, with over 100 in Israel and
more worldwide; congregations are often affiliated with larger Messianic organizations or alliances...
As of 2012, population estimates for the United States were between 175,000 and 250,000 members,
for Israel, between 10,000 and 20,000 members, and an estimated total worldwide membership of

The Lord Jesus foretold the dispersion and persecution of the Jewish nation, until the time that they
return to Jerusalem, “...they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the
nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are
fulfilled.”133 In 1967 Jerusalem was once again territory belonging to the Jews. And since that time,
the world has seen a revival among the sons of Israel who have come to realize that the hope of their
nation, the salvation of the world, the promised Messiah, had been Yeshua all along.

The Apostasy
As the empire of the King of kings reaches all the nations of the world, generations are literally born in
an environment inundated with the character and knowledge of God. Scriptures are no longer a rare

World Myth or History? 522

commodity for most people. And all that some need to do to listen to the Word 24/7 is to click on an
internet website. Surrounded by a polite society respectful of individual rights and personal well-
being, people begin to forget that the world had been very different in the past. They see the steady
rhythm of the seasons and the unchanging orbits of the planets and formulate theories based on a
uniform world where things happen consistently and uniformly through all time. But if things have
always been as it is, then there is no beginning and there is no end and in such a world that has
always been and will always be, there is no room for a Creator.

Scripture warns that in these last days, there will be an apostasy, ‘Middle English apostasie, from
Late Latin apostasia, from Greek, literally, revolt, from aphistasthai to revolt.’ 134
This will be an uprising, a rebellion against what they have learned and known to be true about the
Creator and the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this ages of grace, when the Lord pours out
His love and offers salvation to all mankind, there are those will make light of God’s goodness and
fight against His anointed king.

“You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will
love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient
to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and
unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is
good. 4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather
than God. 5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay
away from people like that!”135
Paul wrote to Timothy to beware of those who profess to be believers, yet behave in ways contrary to
the ways of the King. People who say they are Christians but reveal by their actions that such is not
the case.

Examples of this apostasy may be found in: Scientists who ignore the math and natural laws to
espouse unscientific anti-God theories. Educators who fight against the Word of God and prayer, in
schools that had been built for the purpose of knowing the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Lawmakers
who think they can decide in court when a human being may be considered a human being.
Legalizing the murder of babies in their mother’s womb, something that even the Roman empire,
jaded by wars and circuses, had banned.

The notion of abortions as a human right, became solidified when the United Nations Human Rights
Committee (2005) ordered the nation of Peru to compensate a woman for not ensuring access to a
safe and legal abortion. Although many countries have legalized abortions, there are varying
restrictions. It is only an estimated 29% of countries that allow abortions simply because the woman

World Myth or History? 523

wants it. This unrestricted ability to kill children in the womb is open to all of North America and most
of Europe.136 Nations that had historically been in the forefront of Christian missions.

The systematic devaluation of individual human lives by countries that have been traditionally held as
Christian nations is evident. Between 1907-1939, the United States of America was a world leader in
forced sterilizations of 30,000 people in prisons and mental institutions. Germany, a country long ago
known for traditional Christian faith, pushed the Sterilization Law on an estimated 300 to 400
thousand individuals. Public support was gained based on the financial burden of these ‘weaker’
members of society and the sociobiological theory of Eugenics that argued for selective human
breeding. “Only the Roman Catholic Church, for doctrinal reasons, opposed the sterilization program
consistently; most German Protestant churches accepted and often cooperated with the policy.”137
The same arguments used for forced sterilization brought Euthanasia, the mercy killing of persons
considered genetically inferior or defective. Hitler was a proponent of euthanasia, and between 200 to
250 thousand mentally ill, physically handicapped, and sick individuals were murdered in his T-4 and
other euthanasia programs. Paul’s warning to Timothy of apostate generation that would be lovers of
self and lovers of money, may be easily observed in the choice of killing a human being to relieve
oneself of the social responsibility, as well as the financial burden.

It was the pressure of Christians against these deadly programs that forced the German government
to end them. “A handful of church leaders, notably the Bishop of Münster, Clemens August Count
von Galen, local judges, and parents of victims protested the killings...A few physicians protested.
Karl Bonhöffer, a leading psychiatrist, and his son Dietrich, a Protestant minister who actively
opposed the regime, urged church groups to pressure church-run institutions not to release their
patients to T-4 authorities.”137
However, the idea is harder to stop than the systematized government killings. Even after the official
program ended, “Doctors were encouraged to decide on their own who should live or die, Killing
became part of hospital routine as infants, children, and adults were put to death by starvation,
poisoning, and injections.”137

The concept that the government may decide who will live or die for the sake of the greater
community is nothing new. The Greeks Spartans used to have soldiers examine newborn infants to
decide if it was ‘strong enough’ to become part of their society. If it failed their test, then the baby was
left to die.138 This was an inhuman practice that was discarded after the nations were touched by the
living waters. The desire to bring back these antiquated practices in the guise of ‘mercy’ is nothing
short of rebellion against the giver of life. “As of June 2016, human euthanasia is legal in the
Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Colombia, and Luxembourg. Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland,

World Myth or History? 524

Germany, Japan, Albania, Canada, and in the US states of Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Montana,
and California (effective June 2016).”139

Peter warned of the future generations that would be in contempt of the Word of God and its
promises, thinking that what they observe now is how everything has always been.
“3 Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth
and following their own desires. 4 They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming
again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world
was first created.”140
Men and women who are wise in their own eyes, not realizing that the length and breadth of their
lives is but a split second in the light of eternity. It is on purpose that they ignore the mountain of
evidence around them, that catastrophic global destructions had ended civilizations, time and again
over earth’s short history.
“5 They deliberately forget that God made the heavens long ago by the word of his command, and he
brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water. 6 Then he used the water to
destroy the ancient world with a mighty flood. 7 And by the same word, the present heavens and earth
have been stored up for fire. They are being kept for the day of judgment, when ungodly people will
be destroyed.”140

They forget that although God is good and loving, He is also a God of justice that will require a blood
sacrifice. And it is a choice of whether we accept the covering of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross or pay
the penalty of death ourselves.
“8 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and
a thousand years is like a day. 9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people
think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants
everyone to repent.”140
Time is seen differently by an eternal being. A thousand years is but a moment, specially in the light
of His patience. In Christ He had provided a way for everyone who believes to be saved. It is His
desire for all mankind to know Him and be known by Him.

This is the history woven together from the stories and records of the ancients. Now we have reached
your part in the chapter. This is your story. Only you can decide how it is to end.
There are many more ancient writings of things to come, but let them remain myths for now. Perhaps
they are to be studied by future ages as history.

World Myth or History? 525

1. R. H. Charles. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. section 5
chapter 106-107
2. Hugh G. Evelyn-White, trans. “Hesiod: Works and Days. ll. 109-120. [1914].” Sacred texts. 5/4/16.
3. The Mahabharata, Book 3. Vana Parva: Section CXLVIII. p 306. Sacred 2005. <http://www.sacred->
4. Max Dashu. “Xi Wangmu, the Shamanic Great Goddess of China.” Suppressed 2011.
5. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 65:17-25. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
6. “Luke 17:21.” Bible Hub. 2015. <>
7. New American Standard Bible. Galatians 2:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
8. Glenn Sunshine. “6 Christians Who Changed the World.” Resources: Essays. 5/5/16.
9. New American Standard Bible. Daniel 2:44. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
10.J. Hill. “God’s of ancient Egypt: Atum.” Ancient Egypt Online. 2010. 3/10/2015
11. “Cherokee Myths.” Native American Myths of Creation. 11/25/2015.
12. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 1:9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
13.“Rodinia.” Simple English Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 5/6/16. <>
14. New American Standard Bible. Genesis 1:9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
15. New American Standard Bible. 1 Timothy 6:15-16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
16.Max Dashu. “Xi Wangmu, the Shamanic Great Goddess of China.” Suppressed 2011.
17.“Babylonian Tree of Life (Mesopotamian Tree of Life).” Symbol 2015. WordPress. 3/11/2015.
18.April Holloway. “Mysteries of the Kingdom of Shambhala.” Ancient Origins. 2015. <http://www.ancient->
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20.Thorpe, Benjamin (Trans.) (1866:23). Edda Sæmundar Hinns Frôða: The Edda of Sæmund the Learned. Part I.
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21. “Níðhöggr.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 5/29/16. <
22. New American Standard Bible. Revelation 22:1-5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
23. Psalm 89:14 and Psalm 97:2
24. New American Standard Bible. John 4:14. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
25. New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 47:5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
26. New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 47:8-12. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
27.“Trees in Mythology.” Myths Encyclopedia. 2016. <
28.“Maya Cosmology.” Authentic Maya. 2011. <>
29. Kat Morgenstern. “The Cosmic World Tree & The Tree of Life.” Sacred Earth. 2016.
30. New American Standard Bible. John 1:1-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
31. New American Standard Bible. Psalms 1:1-3. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
32. New American Standard Bible. Galatians 5:22-24. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
33. Amplified Bible. John 10:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 2015
34. Amplified Bible. Jeremiah 17:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 2015
35.JHill. “Atum.” Ancient Egypt Online. 2015. <>
36. Edward Wozniak. “The Top Eleven Deities in Aztec Mythology.” Balladeer’s Blog. 2011.
37. Amplified Bible. 1 John 2:9-11. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 2015
38. New American Standard Bible. Ephesians 2:7. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
39. New American Standard Bible. Hebrews 13:15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
40. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 60:18. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 526

41. Andrew Carroll. “War Letters.” National Geographic. November 2005. p 85
42. “Albert Einstein<Quotes<Quotable Quotes.” GoodReads. 2016. <
43. New American Standard Bible. 2 Corinthians 5:17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
44. New American Standard Bible. 2 Corinthians 5:20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
45."What does it mean that a Christian is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)?" Got Questions?org. 2016.
46. New American Standard Bible. Hebrews 8:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
47. New American Standard Bible. John 10:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
48. New American Standard Bible. John 11:25-26. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
49. 1 Corinthians 11:30, 1 Corinthians 15:51, Ephesians 5:14
50. 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
51. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 29:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
52. New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 49:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
53. New American Standard Bible. John 6:35. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
54. New American Standard Bible. 2 Timothy 1:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
55. New American Standard Bible. Malachi 4:2. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
56. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 9:35. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
57. New American Standard Bible. Mark 6:13. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
58. New American Standard Bible. Acts 5:16. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
59. Dr. Alice Mills. Old World Mythology. Australia: Global Book Publishing. 2009. P133
60.“Living Long & Well in the 21st Century: Strategic Directions for Research on Aging.” National Institute on Aging.
5/19/16. <
61.Sok lian. “A Diagnosis of the Short Lifespan of Emperors throughout the History of China, Pt. 1.” Mahota. 2015.
Prime Group International 5/19/16. <
62. Mary Harlow, Ray Laurence. “Old Age in Ancient Rome.” History Today. 2003. <
63.David Lazarus. “Miraculous Healing in Jesus Stuns Israelis.” Israel Today. 1/05/14.
64. Richard Erdoes, Alfonso Ortiz. American Indian Myths and Legends. New York: Pantheon Books. 1984. P 492-495
65. The Message. Ephesians 1:20-23. Eugene H. Paterson, 2002
66.John Ortberg. “Six Surprising Ways Jesus Changed the World.” Huffpost Religion. 2016.
67. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 25:37-40. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
68.“Catholic Church and Healthcare.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 5/20/16.
69. Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C., ed. Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light. New York: Doubleday. 2007. p 20-21
70. New American Standard Bible. Ezra 7:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
71. New American Standard Bible. 2 Timothy 2:15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
72. Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. Illinois: Crossway. 2004. P225-
73. Joe Plemon. “Twenty Christians Who Have Changed Our World.” Personal Finance By The Book. 2010.
74.Evan Andrews. “7 Things You May Not Know About the Gutenberg Bible.” History in the Headlines. 2015. History.
5/25/16. <>
75.“The Impact of Christianity.” Faith Facts. 5/25/16. <
76.Sbh. “Fake Quotations: Harvard Student Handbook.” Fake History. 2009.
77.“About.” Noah Webster College. 5/25/16. <>
78.Tyler Huckabee, Jesse Carey, and Dargan Thompson. “9 Groundbreaking Scientists who Happened to be
Christian.” Relevant. 2016. <
79. “Albert Einstein.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 5/26/16. <>
80.“Famous Scientists who Believed in God.” Evidence for God. 2011.

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81.Ann Lamont. “Great Creation Scientists: James Clerk Maxwell.” 5/26/16. <
82.Tyler Huckabee, Jesse Carey, and Dargan Thompson. “9 Groundbreaking Scientists who Happened to be
Christian.” Relevant. 2016. <
83.Ann Lamont.”Michael Faraday --God’s Power and Electric Power.” 5/26/16.
84.“Scientist Says He Found Definitive Proof that God Exists.” Geophilosophical Association of Anthropological and
Cultural Studies. 2016. AGEAC. 6/9/16. <
85.Veronica Neffinger. “”Respected Scientist Says He Found Proof that God Exists.” Christian 2016.
86.Samuel Butler, trans. The Iliad of Homer. [1898]. 5/27/16. <http://sacred->
87. New American Standard Bible. Mark 8:36. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
88. New American Standard Bible. Matthew 6:20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
89. New American Standard Bible. 2 Thessalonians 3:10. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
90. New American Standard Bible. Acts 20:35. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
91. New American Standard Bible. Luke 19:8-9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
92. The Living Bible. Luke 12:15. Illinois: Tyndale House Foundation. 1971
93. New American Standard Bible.Genesis 1:27. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
94. New American Standard Bible.Luke 10:27. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
95.Karen Carr. “Infanticide and Exposure.” History of Infanticide. 2014. 6/7/16.
96.Tony Jones, trans. “The Didache Online.” Paraclete Press. 2016. <>
97.Joe Plemon. “Twenty Christians Who Have Changed Our World.” Personal Finance by the Book. 2010.
98.Palash Ghosh. “A Deadly Preference For Male Offspring: The Killing of Baby Girls in India and Pakistan.”
International Business Times. 2013. <
99. New American Standard Bible. Ephesians 5:25. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
100.“Reforming Their World: women in the Progressive Era.” The National women’s History Museum. 2016.
101.Glenn Sunshine. “6 Christians Who Changed the World.” Summit Ministries. 6/7/16.
102.“What Has Christianity Done for the World?” By Faith. 6/7/16. <>
103.New American Standard Bible. Colossians 4:1. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
104.“The Impact of Christianity.” Faith Facts. 2008. Gospel Communications Network. 6/8/16.
105.“John Newton (1725-1807): The Former Slaver and Preacher.” The Abolition Project. 2009. E2BN. 6/9/16.
106.Annie Kelly. “Modern Day Slavery: An Explainer.” The Guardian. 2016. <
107.“Who Invented Weekends?” Wonderopolis. 2016. National Center for Family Learning. 6/9/16.
108.“What Has Christianity Done for the World?” By Faith. 6/7/16. <>
109.Jack Wellman. “Apostle Peter Biography: Timeline, Life, and Death.” What Christians Want To Know. 2016.
110.Ben Alex. Heroes Who Changed the World. Denmark: Scandinavia Publishing House. 2000.
111.“Dilangyaw: the Ilongot Headhunter Who Met God.” Beaver Falls Baptist Church. 6/10/16.
112.Florentino Santos. To the Headhunters of Sierra Madre. Philippines: OMF Literature. 2002. p54
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World Myth or History? 528

114.“A Murderer’s Confession [from: Anon. True Stories Re-told. London: Evangelical Union of South America, 1965,
pages 71,72]. The New 6/10/16. <http://www.the-new->
115.New American Standard Bible. Daniel 2:44. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
116.New American Standard Bible. Revelations 14:6. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
117.“Ancient Jewish History: The Diaspora. [from: The Hebrews: A Learning Module from Washington State
University, ©Richard Hooker].” Jewish Virtual Library. 6/11/16.
118.New American Standard Bible. James 1:1. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
119.Psalm 106:26-27, Ezekiel 19:13-14, Jeremiah 31:2, Hosea 13:4-6, Joel 3:2
120.Jeremiah 23:8, Isaiah 49:14-26, Ezekiel 4:13, Jeremiah 9:15
121.New American Standard Bible. Obadiah 1:20. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
122.“William Cave [1637-1713]. Antiquitates Apostolicae, Volume 2. [1834].” 6/13/16.
123.New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 11:17. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
124.New American Standard Bible. Isaiah 66:8. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
125.“1948: State of Israel Proclaimed.” This Day in History. 2016. History. 6/11/16.<
126.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 16:14-15. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
127.New American Standard Bible. Jeremiah 16:16-18. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
128.Holy Bible, new Living Translation. Zechariah 12:2-3. Illinois: Tyndale House Foundation, 2015
129.“1948: State of Israel Proclaimed.” This Day in History. 2016. History. 6/11/16.<
130.Holy Bible, new Living Translation. Zechariah 12:6-10. Illinois: Tyndale House Foundation, 2015
131.New American Standard Bible. Ezekiel 11:19-21. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
132.“Messianic Judaism.” Wikipedia. 2016. Wikimedia. 6/16/16. <>
133.New American Standard Bible. Luke 21:24. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
134.“Origin and Etymology of Apostasy.” Merriam-Webster. 6/13/16. <http://www.merriam->
135.New American Standard Bible. 2 Timothy 3:1-5. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995
136.“Abortion Law.” Wikipedia. 2016. <>
137.“Nazi Euthanasia Program: Persecution of the Mentally and Physically Disabled.” Jewish Virtual Library. 2016.
138.“The Spartan Family.” HistoryWiz. 2008. <>
139.“Legality of Euthanasia.” Wikipedia. 2016. <>
140.New American Standard Bible. 2 Peter 3:3-9. CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995

World Myth or History? 529

Note from the Author

This book has been an adventure that has spanned over two decades. Armed with a love for stories
and puzzles, I set out to discover the messages from the past, careful not to bring along any
preconceived baggage or hardset assumptions. The journey began with a rudimentary map of the
ages in hand, pieced together from intersections of the Mesoamerican Aztec Calendar Stone, North
American mythology, along with Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian and Hebrew sacred texts. World
mythology told stories that filled the gaps with an unexpected coherence and unity.

There were things that shocked and surprised me, sometimes the myths led to places that I did not
agree with. But our history is not something one should make up. History is a record of our past, both
good and bad, beautiful and ugly. It is something we learn from our ancestors, who have passed
along their histories from those who had actually been there.

I would like to end this book with a story written on faces of fused glass found along the Agusan river
that runs through Butuan city and Agusan del Norte in the Philippines. Production of these fused
glass faces require a mastery of glassmaking that the indigenous ancient Filipinos did not possess.
Instead, these glass faces have a remarkable similarity to those made by the maritime merchant
Phoenicians (around 1000-400 BC) that had built colonies along the coasts of the Middle East,
Europe, and Africa. Some of the heads contain beads fused into them that appear to be the prototype
of the Venetian chevron trade beads, further strengthening their Phoenician identification.
Aside from the traditional bearded features seen in faces unearth from Phoenician archaeological
sites, there are also glass faces that resemble tribal natives and various other cultures. This implies
that the Phoenicians may not only have carried the fused glass faces, but also brought the
technology with them.

Herodotus wrote of a Phoenician expedition that travelled around the coast of the African continent,
starting from the Red Sea and returning via the Pillars of Hercules. What then was to stop these
ambitious adventurers from travelling all the way to South East Asia? No crossing of a major ocean
was needed, they simply had to travel along the coasts of the land masses, possibly passing through
the rivers that intersected the nations Intra-Gangem before reaching the Philippines. Geologist Mark
McMenamin, who had mastered the Phoenician language, recognized that some strange marking on
a Carthage gold stater from 350 BC was actually an ancient world map that included Asia. Carthage
was a North African Phoenician colony.

World Myth or History? 530

Based on the abundance, diversity and quality of the Phoenician type artifacts uncovered in the
Philippine islands even after possibly 3,000 years, I would think that a fairly large and sophisticated
Phoenician coastal civilization existed in what is now Butuan bay. This colony would have had access
to trade with numerous ancient Asian communities, possibly possessing a culturally diverse
population shown by the diversity of facial features and styles of the glass faces. Phoenicians may
have been the greatest maritime traders of their time and this outpost may have established ties with
the lost prehistoric Dogon of Japan and the Lapita of Micronesia and Polynesia. However, this coastal
civilization may have been suddenly overwhelmed by the catastrophic rising of the sea levels that
ended the fourth age, causing much of it to be lost and forgotten along with the Dogon and the Lapita.

Like the Lapita and the Dogon, we do not know the name of this Phoenician colony, but there are very
interesting possibilities. Could this be the gold rich land of Ophir that King Solomon and the
Phoenician King Hiram had sent a fleet of ships to? Asia Society in New York recently set up an
exhibition on Philippine Gold: Treasures of Forgotten Kingdoms. They noted that the amount of
golden artifacts and treasures from Butuan city was way more than that discovered in Sumatra or
other known ancient Asian kingdoms. 1 Kings 10:22 informs us that it took 3 years for the gold laden
ships to return to their Red Sea port. This seems like an incredibly long time for the efficient fast
commercial ships of the Phoenician traders. Butuan City is 9,351 km from the Red Sea, and a return
journey of three years is plausible. Keeping in mind that the Phoenicians could not cut straight
through the oceans, and instead had to hug the shorelines. They also needed time to unload cargo
and load the new goods onto the ships, then wait for the best time to sail back.

I predict that sometime in the future, underwater archaeologists will find the remnants of this lost
Phoenician city beneath the waters of Butuan bay, near the coast of Agusan del Norte and Butuan
city. Perhaps the pathway of powerful underwater currents that may carry artifacts to the mouth of the
Agusan river during storms could be traced back. Perhaps Agusan river had been much longer in
antiquity, providing fresh water for the thriving colony. I make this prediction not from supernatural
inspiration, but because it fits the clues and stories of our predecessor. I am able to make this
prediction because I do not look at the presence of Phoenician fused glass faces found on the
Philippine coast as mysteries, but as evidences to our true history.

Other books also available:

Phoenicians in the Lands of Gold
China: Myth or History

World Myth or History? 531

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