Aerodrome Advisory Circular: AD AC NO. 8 of 2017

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8 November 2017


Subject: Guidance on Conducting Aeronautical Studies and Safety Assessment

1 Introduction

1.1 An aeronautical study is a study of an aeronautical problem to identify

possible solutions and select a solution that is acceptable without degrading
safety. A comprehensive aeronautical study allows the aerodrome
operator and the DGCA to be convinced that safety and regularity of
operations of aircraft is not compromised in any way.

1.2 Where an aerodrome operator is not able to comply with any standard
stipulated in the CAR, appropriate safety assessment and/ or aeronautical
studies shall be conducted to assess the impact of deviations from the
standards. The purpose of such studies is to present alternative means of
ensuring the safety of aircraft operations, to estimate the effectiveness of each
alternative and to recommend procedures to compensate for the deviation.

1.3 An aeronautical study is mostly undertaken during the planning of a new

airport or new airport facility, or during the licensing of an existing
aerodrome. This circular provides guidance for conduct of Aeronautical
study/ safety assessment during these phases.

1.4 Subsequently, when the aerodrome operator applies for changes due to
development or an alteration in the aerodrome operational conditions, it is
carried out in 3 phases. The detailed procedures can be accessed in AD
AC 01 of 2012 (Process for communicating with the DGCA on the planning,
construction and commissioning of changes to airport infrastructure, and major
maintenance programmes)

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1.5 In case of any deviation or non-compliance from a specific Standard
contained in the CAR, the aerodrome operator is required to seek
exemption from DGCA. The detailed procedure for seeking exemptions are
contained in CAR Section 4 Series B Part IV. (Exemption procedure for non-
compliance at aerodromes.)

1.6 Aerodrome operators/applicants should consult the stakeholders, senior

management and affected departments in their organizations prior to the
conduct of an aeronautical study. These consultations allow the proposed
deviation to be viewed from different perspectives and the different parties
involved would be aware of the proposed deviation. The aeronautical study
should also be approved by the senior management of the organization
before it is submitted to the DGCA for acceptance.

1.7 The purpose of this circular is to provide supplementary guidance to

aerodrome operators and applicants applying for an aerodrome license on the
conduct of aeronautical studies. It provides guidance on what is acceptable to
the DGCA to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.

1.8 It is important to note that this circular on its own does not change, create,
amend or permit deviations from regulatory requirements nor does it
establishes minimum standards.

2 Objectives

2.1 The objectives of an aeronautical study are:

(a) to study the impact of deviations from the Standards

(b) to present alternative solutions to ensure the level of safety remains
(c) o estimate the effectiveness of each alternative; and
(d) to recommend operating procedures/restrictions or other measures to
compensate for the deviation.
(e) to periodically review such measures for their dependability.

3 Aeronautical Study/ Safety Assessment Framework

3.1 An aeronautical study/ Safety assessment submitted to the DGCA for

determination of acceptability should comprise the following parts:

(a) aim of the Study;

(b) background;
(c) risk Assessment;
(d) outcome of the Aeronautical study/ Safety assessment;

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(e) conclusion; and
(f) monitoring of the deviation.

3.2 Aim of the Study

3.2.1 The aim of the study should be explicitly stated. It should:

(a) address the safety concerns;

(b) identify safety measures to be put in place to ensure safe aircraft
operations in an aerodrome; and
(c) make reference to the specific Standards in the CAR which the study
is meant to address.

3.3 Background

3.3.1 Information on the current situation faced by the aerodrome operator,

current procedures that have been put in place and other relevant details
should be clearly stated and explained in this sub-section. Clear
explanation should be provided, particularly on the following:

(a) what is the current situation?

(b) where are the areas that will be affected by the proposed deviation?
(c) when will the applicant able to comply with the specific standard if it is
due to development of the aerodrome?
(d) why is there a need to review the current processes and procedures?
(e) how will the proposed deviation affect the operation of aircraft at the
3.4 Risk Assessment

3.4.1 Risk assessment is the identification, analysis and elimination, and/or

mitigation of risks to an acceptable level of safety. This should be in
accordance with the Aerodrome Safety Management System (SMS) that
is required to be prepared by the aerodrome operator. A safety
assessment usually consists of the following:

(a) Identification of hazards and consequences; and

(b) Risk management.

3.4.2 In the case of change proposal as described in AD AC 01 of 2012, the

Hazard Identification and Risk management should be carried out as
described therein.

3.4.3 However, in case of application for permanent exemption, the risk

management (quantitative assessment) as part of Aeronautical Study/
Safety Assessment should be carried out using tools such as Collision
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Risk Model (CRM), wherever applicable, along with qualitative
assessment of the risk to ensure the acceptable level of safety.

3.4.4 There is no standard methodology to conduct a risk assessment and it is

up to the aerodrome operator to determine the appropriate methodology
for each aeronautical study/ safety assessment, depending on the size
and complexity of the situation and the severity of the safety implications.
However, the methodology adopted should be consistent with that
established in the aerodrome operator’s SMS.
Identification of hazards and consequences
3.4.5 Hazards and its consequences should be identified and recorded in
hazard-log. Aerodrome operators have to exercise caution when
identifying the hazards and their consequences as stating a hazard as its
consequence would disguise the nature of the hazard and at the same
time, interfere with identifying other important consequences.

3.4.6 An example would be “Operation of Code E aircraft in a Code C airport”

and “Wingtip collision in parking bays”. The former is a hazard whereas
the latter is one of its consequences. The associated risks and
control/mitigation measures should also be recorded in the hazard log
when information becomes available. This log should be constantly
reviewed and updated throughout the aeronautical study life-cycle.

3.4.7 Appendix B of this circular contains a sample hazard log. The aerodrome
operators may use this template to formulate their own hazard log to suit
the aeronautical study / safety assessment.

Risk Management

3.4.8 Risk is the assessment, expressed in terms of predicted probability and

severity, of the consequence(s) of a hazard taking as reference to the
worst predictable situation. Risk management is the identification,
analysis and elimination, and/or mitigation of such risk identified to an
acceptable level.

3.4.9 The probability and severity of the consequence identified can be

qualitative or quantitative. The aerodrome operator is free to use any
method appropriate to the aeronautical study, but in accordance with the
risk management methodology established in the aerodrome operator’s
SMS. A sample to assess the probability and severity of a consequence
occurring are provided in Advisory circular ADAC 1 of 2012. (Process for
communicating with the DGCA on the planning, construction and
commissioning of changes to airport infrastructure, and major
maintenance programmes)
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a) Intolerable – Unacceptable under the existing circumstances.

b) Tolerable – Acceptable based on risk mitigation. It may require

management decision.
c) Acceptable – Acceptable as is. No risk mitigation required.

3.4.10 Risk control/mitigation measures should be developed to address the

potential hazard or to reduce the risk probability or severity of the
consequence when the risk is classified to be tolerable to a level
acceptable by the aerodrome operator. There are three broad categories
for risk control/mitigation and they are as follows:

a) Avoidance – the operation or activity is cancelled as the risks exceed

the benefits of continuing the operation or activity;
An example: “To prohibit Code F aircraft to land or take-off from (xyz
airport), which is a Code 4E airport with some Code 4F capabilities.”
b) Reduction – The frequency of the operation or activity is reduced, or
action is taken to reduce the magnitude of the consequences of the
accepted risks; and
An example: “To reduce the number of Code F aircraft to land or take-
off from (xyz airport).”
c) Segregation of exposure – Action is taken to isolate the effects of the
consequences of the hazard or build-in redundancy to protect against
d) An example: “To ensure (xyz airport) staff liaise with the AIS on the
promulgation of necessary aerodrome information to aircraft operators
and other airports for fixed period of time stated in their new process
and/or new procedures.”

3.5 Outcome of the Aeronautical Study/ Safety Assessment

3.5.1 It demonstrates to DGCA that the proposed deviation will not pose a drop
in the level of safety, the aerodrome operator should recommend
operating procedures/restrictions or other measures that will address any
safety concerns. In addition, the aerodrome operator should estimate the
effectiveness (through trials, surveys, simulations etc.) of each
recommendation listed so as to identify the best means to address the
proposed deviation.

3.5.2 Every airport operator should create a baseline or an initial hazard-log.

Hazard identification then becomes an ongoing activity and hazard logs
be continuously reviewed and updated. The hazard/ risk outcome of every
aeronautical study/safety assessment should also be included in the log.

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3.5.3 The aerodrome operator should also ensure that the affected
stakeholders are informed of such changes. The notification procedure
including process flow, time frame and different means of notification such
the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) and Notice to Airmen
(NOTAM) should be included in the study.

3.6 Conclusion of the Study

3.6.1 The aerodrome operator after taking into account all the necessary
considerations listed above, should be able to summarize and conclude
the results of the aeronautical study/ safety assessment, and come to a
decision on any safety measures that should be adopted. The aerodrome
operator should also specify a date to put in place all the necessary safety
measures and show how they maintain the same level of safety with the
recommended safety measures mentioned in the aeronautical study/
safety assessment.

3.6.2 Appendix A to this circular contains a suggested checklist with the

requirements to be included in an aeronautical study. The checklist can
be used by the aerodrome operator as a guide to ascertain that all of the
requirements have been taken into consideration and documented in the
aeronautical study.

3.7 Evaluation of the Proposal for Grant of Permission

3.7.1 The documentation prepared and submitted after undergoing the above
process shall submitted to DGCA. The technical assessment would be
carried out by DGCA officials for acceptance.

3.7.2 Technical analysis is generally pertinent in situations where the cost of

correcting a problem that violates a Standard is excessive and where the
unsafe effects of the problem can be overcome by a procedural means which
offers both practical and reasonable solutions.

3.7.3 In conducting a technical analysis, inspectors will draw upon their practical
experience and specialized knowledge. They may also consult other
specialists in relevant areas. When considering alternative procedures for
approval of a deviation, it is important to ensure that the intent of the
regulations is not overlooked.

3.7.4 The checklist at Appendix A may be used by the aerodrome inspector to

ascertain that all of the requirements have been taken into consideration and
documented in the aeronautical study/safety assessment.

3.8 Monitoring of the Deviation

3.8.1 After the completion and acceptance of the study/safety assessment, the
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aerodrome operator should monitor the status of the deviation and ensure
that the implemented recommendations have been effectively carried out,
and that the level of safety is not compromised at any time. This
assessment is to allow feedback into the safety assessment process, if

3.8.2 DGCA shall review the status of exemptions at the time of renewal of
license, the aerodrome operator shall submit the details of progress
made during the currency of license regarding compliance of such
requirements and adequacy of mitigation measures employed to ensure
safety and regularity of flight operations.

3.8.3 For temporary deviations, the aerodrome operator should also notify DGCA
after the deviation has been corrected.

(J. S. Rawat)
Jt. Director General of Civil Aviation

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Appendix A
Checklist for Aeronautical Study/ Safety Assessment

This appendix provides aerodrome operators as well as Aerodrome Inspectors with a

suggested checklist for reviewing of an aeronautical study. An aerodrome operator
may use this checklist as a guide for developing an aeronautical study tailored to
its individual situation.

The suggested checklist for reviewing of an aeronautical study is as shown below:


1. Aim of the study including

(a) address safety concerns,
(b) identify safety measures, and
(c) make reference to specific standards in CAR;
2. Consultation with stakeholders, senior
management team and divisions/ departments
3. The study is approved by a senior executive of the
4. Background information on the current situation;
5. Proposed date for complying with the standard, if
the deviation is due to development of the
6. Safety assessment including (a) identification of
hazards and consequences and (b) risk
7. The safety assessment used in the study (e.g.
hazard log, risk probability and severity, risk
assessment matrix, risk tolerability and risk
8. Recommendations (including operating
procedures/restrictions or other measures to
address safety concern) of the aeronautical
9. How the proposed deviation will not pose a drop in
the level of safety; details

9. Estimation of the effectiveness of each

recommendation listed in the aeronautical study;
10. Notification procedure including process flow,
time frame and the publication used to
promulgate the deviation;
11. Conclusion of the study;
12. Monitoring of the deviation; and

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13. Notification to DGCA once the temporary
deviation has been corrected.

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Appendix B
Hazard Log

This appendix provides aerodrome operators with a suggested hazard log for safety assessment of an aeronautical
study. This template has been taken from DGCA SSP circular 01 of 2012. This log should be constantly updated
throughout the aeronautical study life-cycle.

A sample hazard log for safety assessment of an aeronautical study is as shown below:


Severity Likelihood Risk RISK Severity Likelihood Risk COMPLETION PERIOD.
tolerable? CONTROL tolerable DATE

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