Norway Frontier
Norway Frontier
Norway Frontier
The Norwegian Sea continental margin is dominated by the deep-water Vøring and
Møre basins, which contain thick Cretaceous and Tertiary fills. To the east lie the Halten
Terrace, Nordland Ridge and Trøndelag Platform, with a cover of Triassic, Jurassic and
Cretaceous sediments. To the west, the Vøring and Møre Marginal Highs are overlain by
c) Statoil
Tectonic Elements of the Norwegian Sea, Faroe-Shetlands and Northern North Sea
The Norwegian Sea, Faroe-Shetlands and northern North Sea are major sion. The most prominent of these is the Jan Mayen Lineament, which forms
hydrocarbon provinces located along the northeast Atlantic margin. Structur- the boundary between the Vøring and Møre basins. The Norwegian Sea basins
al maps of the three areas have been integrated to help understand the geo- are separated from the Viking Graben rift system of the northern North Sea
logical history of this passive margin, which is bounded to the west by oceanic by the Møre-Trøndelag Fault Complex, which also forms the eastern margin
crust of post-Palaeocene age. The margin contains a series of linked NE-SW of the Faroe-Shetland Basin. The western seaboard of the Cretaceous-Tertiary
Cretaceous-Tertiary basins that overprint older Permo-Triassic and Jurassic basin system is covered with a thick pile of lavas extruded prior to the start of
rift systems with dominantly N-S and NNE-SSW trends. The basin trend is cut sea-floor spreading in the northeast Atlantic during the Eocene.
by a series of NW-SE lineaments that acted as transfer zones during exten-