Salary Slip: Submitted As Part of Assignment For Corporate Tax Planning Student Name: Vaibhav Gunjal Roll No: P81117
Salary Slip: Submitted As Part of Assignment For Corporate Tax Planning Student Name: Vaibhav Gunjal Roll No: P81117
Salary Slip: Submitted As Part of Assignment For Corporate Tax Planning Student Name: Vaibhav Gunjal Roll No: P81117
Sl no Component of salary Amount amount
Gross Salary Component
1 Basic Salary(40% of CTC) 318006 318006
2 Dearness allowance(12% of BS) 38160.72 38160.72
House Rent allowance(50% of BS for
3 metro city and 40% of BS for non- 159003 0
4 Conveyance Allowance 12000 2400
5 Overtime Allowance 12000 12000
8 LTA/LTC 54000 0
9 Telephone Allowance 7200 7200
Reimbursements(medical bills,phone
10 bills,magazine subscriptions,book 2400 2400
11 Laptop 28000 28000
Subsidized meals(Rs.14 per working
12 3000 0
Life insurance/Health Insurance( 1 Lkh
13 8000 0
14 Incentives 30000 30000
15 Bonus 50000 50000
16 Total Benefits 128600
17 Gross Salary 613169.72
18 Cost to Company 779930.44
Gross Taxable Salary(CTC-non taxable
19 488166.72
21 Tax 28816.672
7 Contribution to PF(12% on BS) 38160.72
Professional Tax 2500
Total Deductions 69477.392
22 Net Salary(Gross Taxable Salary-Tax) 418689.328
24 Net Monthly Salary(net salary/12) 34890.7773333333
Fully taxable
Fully taxable
Non taxable
Fully taxable
Fully taxable
Fully taxable
Non taxable
Non taxable
Fully taxable
Fully taxable
Tax Calculation for 488166.72
Slab % tax Amount
0-200000 nill 0 288166.72
200000-500000 10% 28816.672
500000-1000000 20% 0
above 1000000 30% 0