Modbus RTU - One Job
Modbus RTU - One Job
Modbus RTU - One Job
Scalable PLC
for Individual Automation
3.1 Example 1 Modbus data exchange over a ST step chain: write one word to the slave
……………………………………………………… ……………………………………… ……6
4 PC as modbus slave................................................................................................14
5.2 Analyse the request telegrams sent by the CP400 operator panel............................ 18
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This document explains how to configure/program a PM581 CPU as Modbus master or modbus slave and
how to check the basic modbus functionality with a PC modbus software.
The modbus communication is RTU.
3.1 Example 1
Modbus data exchange over a ST step chain: write one
word to the slave
The PM581 CPU from the AC500 family will be configured as Modbus RTU master over COM1 with the
parameters 19200,8,1,even parity, RS485.
The function block COM_MOD_MAST will control the data exchange with the Modbus RTU slave.
It will send the corresponding modbus request telegrams to the PC and will receive the reply telegrams from
the modbus slave, handling the send and receive data.
The PLC program is divided in two POU: the call of the COM_MOD_MAST FB is written in FBD, the data
and telegram handling in written ST.
All variables are global.
1. 1st JOB : the slave is responding with an modbus error telegram ( e.g. : no data under this address ),
but is present.
2. 2nd Job : the slave is not present, no answer. The master is waiting for an answer for the period =
Timeout. After that he will signalise an error with error code (e.g.: slave is not answering )
The data exchange is realised over a step chain ( variable Chain ): write one word to the slave (=one job).
Store (in case of errors) the error number into the variable Modbus_Error_NB:
This minimal example can be easily expand to any number of slaves, data and kind of telegrams by keeping
the same strategy of working RTU_Master.DONE and increasing the number of step to the number of
worked jobs.
Chain: WORD;
Modbus_Error_NB: WORD;
4.1 ModSim32
Go online with the Set the same communication parameters as the PM 582 master :
Modbus slave , 8, 1 even, 19200
In the communication window you will see the data written from master ( address=100 + 1 --- Modbus offset )
– address 40101 (=100 ) – data : 07792.
You can also visualise the data traffic in order to analyse the modbus telegram structures:
03 10 00 64 00 01 02 2C 97 EA 7A
slave FCT address one word 2 byte value=2C97 CRC
03 10 00 64 00 01 41 F4
slave FCT address one word CRC
Disconnect the slave, you will get on the analyser the request telegrams sent by the AC500 CPU.
RS 232, 19200, 8,1, N PC
Modbus RTU master request
Modbus RTU slave
TxD 3 2 RxD
RxD 2 3 TxD
docklight analyser
01 = slave 1
03 = FCT – read n words
00 00 = address 0
00 01 = one word
84 0A = CRC
Modbus protocol
Helpline document 23
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