Medicard Vs Cir Case Digest

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Medicard was issued by the CIR a Letter of Notice (LN) for its deficiencies
with its ITR and VAT Returns. Thereafter, a PAN and then, a FAN were issued.
Medicard protested the said assessments but it their protest was denied. So
respondent appealed before the CTA. The court ruled against respondent stating
that the determination of deficiency VAT is not limited to the issuance of Letter
of Authority (LoA) alone as the CIR is granted vast powers to perform
examination and assessment functions.


Whether or not the LN may be issued in lieu of the LoA


No, the absence of an LoA violated Medicard’s right to due process.

An LoA is premised on the fact that the examination of a taxpayer who
has already filed his tax returns is a power that statutorily belongs only the CIR
himself or his duly authorized representatives. Sec. 6 of the NIRC clearly
provides as follows:

Sec. 6. (A) Examination of Return and Determination of Tax Due – After a
return has been filed as required under the provisions of this Code, the
Commissioner or his duly authorized representative may authorize
the examination of any taxpayer and the assessment of the correct
amount of tax: Provided, however, That failure to file a return shall not
prevent the Commissioner from authorizing the examination of any

Bases on the afore-quoted provision, it is clear that unless authorized by
the CIR himself or by his duly authorized representative, through an LoA, an
examination of the taxpayer cannot ordinarily be undertaken. The
circumstances contemplated under Sec. 6 where the taxpayer may be assessed
through best-evidence obtainable, inventory-taking, or surveillance among
others has nothing to do with the LoA. These are simply methods of examining
the taxpayer in order to arrive at the correct amount of taxes. Hence, unless
undertaken by the CIR himself or his duly authorized representatives, other tax
agents may not validly conduct any of these kinds of examinations without prior


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