Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bhs Indonesia
Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bhs Indonesia
Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bhs Indonesia
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Article history: The stock price prediction is an important issue in stock markets because it will result in significant bene-fits and impacts for
Received 9 November 2016 investor. In contrast to traditional time series, fuzzy time series can solve the forecast problem with historical data of linguistic
Revised 15 September 2017
values. In order to improve forecast performance of fuzzy time-series models, this study replaced fuzzy logical relationships
Accepted 3 April 2018
with rule-based algorithm to extract fore-cast rules from time-series observations. Therefore, this paper developed a novel
Available online xxx
fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock index, and this study has four contributions to
Communicated by A. Abraham improve forecast accuracy and provide investment point (in right time) to investors:
Rough sets (1) Proposed a novel fuzzy time-series model to improve forecast accuracy,
Fuzzy time-series (2) rough sets are employed to generate forecasting rules to replace fuzzy logical relationship rules based on the lag
Financial profits period,
(3) utilized adaptive expectation model to strengthen forecasting performance, and based on the meaning of adaptive
parameter to observe stock fluctuation and oscillation, and
(4) proposed buy and sell rules to calculate the profit and based on three different scenarios to pro-vide investment
suggestion to investor as references.
For evaluating the proposed model, we practically collected TAIEX, Nikkei, and HSI stock price from 1998 to 2012 years
as experimental dataset, and compared the listing models under three error indexes and profits criteria. The results show that
the proposed method outperforms listing models in error in-dexes and profits.
1. Introduction such as chasing predict [38] and control prediction. In financial en-gineering,
Kuo et al. [17] have demonstrated that the general tech-niques used for stock
Stock investing is an exciting and challenging monetary ac-tivity, and market prediction are mathematical and sta-tistical models. In time-series
forecasting stock trend and price plays an important role in stock market. The analysis [14], there are many time series models such as ARIMA
stock investors could have a chance to make much money in stock returns (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model, [3]) and GARCH
with wise decisions; how-ever the most investors keep a pessimistic image (Generalized Autoregressive Condi-tional Heteroskedasticity, [2]), these
with a heavy loss of money in stock investment. Due to stock market behavior models have been applied to forecast stock price and trends in the financial
is nonlinearity and non-stationary, and the stock price fluctuation is extremely market. However, statistical models usually deal with linear forecasting
hard to predict correctly if without have experienced or expert knowledge. Up model and variables must obey statistical normal distribution for better fore-
to date, it is difficult to build a general model for forecasting stock price casting performance. If the research data are represented by lin-guistic values
accurately. Nevertheless, many re-searchers continue to establish feasible (also named it, “linguistic intervals” such as linguistic values of age is very
model for approximating stock market behaviors. young, young, old) or the number of sample data is very little, the traditional
forecasting methods maybe gener-ate the bias of forecast or poor results.
Therefore, many researchers have proposed different forecasting models
Forecasting activities play an important role in our daily life; the goal of based on fuzzy theory
forecasting activities is to increase accuracy and profit,
[37] to solve time-series problems with linguistic values.
Song and Chissom [27] first proposed a fuzzy time-series model to
∗ forecast the enrollments at University of Alabama; the fuzzy time-series
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.-H. Cheng). model constructed the fuzzy relation R and used a
0925-2312/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
2 C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang / Neurocomputing 000 (2018) 1–13
Max–Min composition operator to calculate forecasting values. Chen [4] years ago, fuzzy set theory didn’t incorporate into time-series, therefore time-
proposed a fuzzy time-series model which used equal in-terval lengths to series models had failed to treat the highly nonlin-ear and linguistic stock
partition the universe of discourse and generate forecasting rules with a market behavior, until Song and Chissom
simplified calculation process. However, in stock forecasting, Huarng [12] [27] proposed fuzzy time-series model to forecast nonlinear data, that is,
extended Chen’s model with addi-tional heuristic forecasting rules to produce fuzzy time series model can treat the nonlinear and non-stationary problem. In
forecasts. In a sub-sequent study, Huarng proposed another model to define recently years, there are many new fuzzy time-series models and applied in
inter-val length with distribution based length and average-based length stock forecast (Sadaei et al. [31]; Rubio et al. 2017 [24]), these models
(2001). And Yu [35] proposed a weighted fuzzy time-series model with usually utilized weighted fuzzy-trend or hybrid model.
recurrent fuzzy relationships to produce forecasts. Sun et al.
Based on Song and Chissom’s definitions, many fuzzy time-series models
[30] did a prediction of Chinese stock index (CSI) future prices us-ing fuzzy have been proposed, and these models have been successfully applied to deal
sets and multivariate fuzzy time series method. Aladag˘ et al. [1] proposed a with various applications. The related definitions of fuzzy time series are
partial high order Fuzzy lagged variable selec-tion in fuzzy time series with introduced as follows:
genetic algorithms.
Definition 1. Fuzzy set
Because of fuzzy time-series are appropriately applied to lin-guistic
values datasets for generating the higher accuracy. Recently, different fuzzy Let U be the universe of discourse, U = {u1,u2,...,un}, A fuzzy set A on U
time-series models have been proposed to fore-cast nonlinear data and various is defined as
applications, such as enrollment [4,27,28], temperature [6], car road accidents
[13], tourism demand A = fA (u1 )/u1 + fA (u2 )/u2 + . . . + fA (un )/un
[18] and the stock index [5,8], etc. In the same way many re-searchers
presented their fuzzy time-series methods to deal with the stock price where fA is the membership function of fuzzy set A, fA: U → [0, 1], ui is an
forecasting. element of fuzzy set A, fA(ui) indicates the degree of membership of ui in A,
To sum up, previous studies have four main limitations as fol-lows: (1) fA(ui) ∈ [0, 1] and 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
most of previous studies must obey some assumptions about the variables Definition 2. Fuzzy time-series
used in the data analysis, so it is limited to be applied to all datasets; (2) most Let Y(t) (t = . . ., −2, −1, 0, 1, 2,...), a subset of a real number, be the
previous time series models used only one variable to forecast stock price; (3)
universe of discourse in which the fuzzy sets denoted as fi(t) (i = 1,2,...) are
the rules gen-erated from ANN (Artificial neural network) are not easy to
under-stand, and (4) VAR (Vector AutoRegression, [25]) can solve multiple defined, and let F(t) be a collection of fi(t) (i = 1,2,...). Then F(t) is a fuzzy
variable time series problem, however there are some disadvan-tages of VAR: time-series of Y(t) (t = . . ., −2, −1, 0, 1, 2,...), where −2, −1 denotes one-lag
(i) the model selection procedure is complex; (ii) the model assumptions are period, two-lag period.
difficult to validate; (iii) it requires a large amount of data for building model; Definition 3. Fuzzy logical relationship
(iv) it deals with linear model. To improve the deficiencies of previous fuzzy If there exists a fuzzy logical relationship (FLR), the relationship can be
time-series models, and based on the advantages of LEM2 algorithm (learning expressed as F (t ) = F (t − 1) × R(t − 1, t ), where × de-notes an operation,
from examples module, version 2, [11]), this study proposed a fuzzy time- then F(t) is said to be caused by F(t-1). The logical relationship between F (t)
series model based on rough set rule induction for forecast-ing stock index. and F (t-1) is denoted as
This study has some contributions: (1) proposed a novel fuzzy time-series
model to improve forecast accuracy, (2) The proposed model utilized rough F(t − 1) → F (t ).
set LEM2 algorithm to gener-ate forecast rules, it’s different from previous Definition 4. Fuzzy logical relationship for two consecutive fuzzy variables
fuzzy time series us-ing fuzzy logical relationships rule based on lag period
(3) After getting the initial forecast of fuzzy time series, the adaptive expec-
Let F(t-1) = Ai and F(t) = Aj. The relationship between two con-secutive
fuzzy variables, F(t) and F(t-1), referred to as a FLR, can be denoted by Ai →
Aj, where Ai is the left-hand side and Aj is the right-hand side of the FLR.
tation model is employed to strengthen forecasting performance, and observes
the positive /negative value of adaptive parameter h0 to analyze stock
fluctuation and oscillation. (4) The main aim of in-vestment is to obtain 2.2. Rough set theory (RST)
profits, this study proposed a profitable unit equation and the rules of selling
and buying for investors to deter-mine the trading time of selling and buying RST is a nonparametric technique that has foundations in math-ematical
as references. set theory and has been widely applied to decision prob-lems [32]. RST was
This rest of the paper is organized in the following. Section 2 introduces developed by Pawlak and Skoworn [21] and has been accepted as an effective
the related work such as fuzzy time-series model and rough set LEM2 mathematical tool for model-ing vagueness and uncertainty. This approach is
algorithm. Section 3 presents the re-search concept and the proposed particularly impor-tance in artificial intelligence research and cognitive
algorithm. The section 4 shows the experimental results and comparison. And sciences, es-pecially in machine learning, knowledge discovery from
the last section is conclusion. databases, data mining, support systems, inductive reasoning and pattern
recognition [16,20,22]. Recently, RST has been applied in varied fields such
as medical diagnosis, drug research, process control, credit fraud detection,
2. The related work bankruptcy prediction, stock market rule-generation, climate change, and the
development of expert systems for The NASA Space Center.
In this section, fuzzy time-series model and rough set LEM2 al-gorithm
are introduced briefly in the following.
Rough set philosophy is founded on the assumption that, in the universe
2.1. Fuzzy time-series of discourse associated with every object, some in-formation objects
characterized by the same information are in-discernible because of
In the traditional crisp set, the degree of an element belongs to a set is insufficient information. Any set of all indiscernible objects is called an
either one or zero. In order to deal with the uncertain and imprecise data, elementary set and forms a basis granule of knowledge about the universe.
Zadeh [37] proposed fuzzy set theory. In thirty Any union of elementary
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
sets is referred to as a precise set; otherwise, the set is consid-ered rough. models, these models with four main limitations are described in Section 1.
Rough set theory incorporates the use of indiscernibil-ity (equivalence) To improve the limitations of previous fuzzy time-series models, this study
relations to approximate sets of objects by lower and upper approximations proposed a fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for
[21]. The lower approximation consists of all objects that surely belong to forecasting stock index, and the pro-posed model could improve forecast
concept X, and the upper ap-proximation contains all objects that possibly accuracy and provide invest-ment suggestion to investor as references.
belong to concept X. The difference between the upper and lower
approximation con-stitutes the boundary region of concept X. The first Fuzzy time-series [27] could be effectively applied in linguistic
values, non-linearity, and non-stationary datasets. And three critical processes
The rule induction algorithm LEM2 (Learning from Examples Module will affect forecast accuracy in fuzzy time-series: (1) determine the universe
version 2, [11]), is most frequently used since in most cases it gives better of discourse and the lengths of linguistic intervals, (2) extract fuzzy logical
results. LEM2 explores the search space of attribute-value pairs. In general, relationships from time-series data, (3) defuzzify linguistic forecasts. In
LEM2 computes a local covering and then converts it into a rule set. LEM2 addition, pre-vious studies [4] have ignored the means of recurrent fuzzy re-
learns a discriminant rule set; it learns the smallest set of minimal rules lationship hidden in time series, and advantages of LEM2 algo-rithm have
describing a concept. This algorithm can generate both certain and possible discussed in Section 2.2, hence this study skipped fuzzy logic logical
rules from a decision table. Therefore, LEM2 algorithm has some advantages relationships method, direct used rule-based algorithm (rough set LEM2
as follows: algorithm) to extract forecast rules from time se-ries observations. Based
these reasons, this study proposed a new fuzzy time-series model based on
rough set rule induction for fore-casting stock index.
(1) LEM2 is suitable for rule generation for inconsistent data,
(2) This algorithm can generate both certain and possible rules from a
decision table,
For evaluating the forecasting performance of proposed models, three
(3) LEM2 learns the smallest set of minimal rules for every con-cept.
Asian stock markets: TAIEX (Taiwan Stock Exchange Capital-ization
Weighted Stock Index), Nikkei (Japanese stock market in-dex), and HIS
(4) LEM2 represent learning from examples, an approach of similarity-
(Hong Kong - Heng Seng Index) from 1998 to 2012 years are used as
based learning.
experimental dataset. In comparison, five models are compared with proposed
Lastly, rough set applied in data analysis has many important advantages model under the root mean square error (RMSE), root relative squared error
([26,39,40], (b). Some of them are listed below: (RRSE), relative absolute error (RAE) and profit criterion. The five models
are: (1) Chen’s
(1) Rough set discovers important facts hidden in data and ex-presses
them in the natural language of decision rules. [4] model, (2) Yu’s [36] model, (3) Stepwise regression (SR) com-bined with
adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system [33], named
(2) Rough set accepts both quantitative and qualitative at-tributes and
specifies their relevance for approximation of the classification. it as SR + ANFIS, (4) SR combined with support vector regression [23],
called it as SR + SVR, and (5) Elman recurrent neural network [7,9]. In stock
market, sometimes the higher accuracy will not bring more profit, and the key
(3) Rough set can contribute to the minimization of the time and cost of
issue for investor considerations is to get more profit. Therefore, this paper
the decision making process (rough set approach is an information
proposed a buy-sell rule to cal-culate the profit of investment as evaluation
processing system in real time.)
(4) Rough set offers transparency of classification decisions, al-lowing for
their argumentation. For easily understanding the proposed model, the procedure of proposed
model was partitioned into four phases and one block of evaluation/
(5) Rough set takes into account background knowledge of the decision-
maker. comparison (as Fig. 1). The phase 1 preprocess contains Step 1 to Step 3,
phase 2 is Step 4 LEM2 generating rules, phase 3 is Step 5 initial forecast,
(6) Rough set can be incorporated into an integrated DSS for the
evaluation of corporate performance and viability. phase 4 includes Step 6 adaptive adjust-ment forecast, and the last phase is
evaluation including Step 7 and Step 8. In this proposed model, the Step 4 and
2.3. Adaptive expectation model Step 8 are new proposed steps, other steps are followed previous works.
Moreover, the iterative loops of the proposed procedure in Fig. 1 occurs in
The Adaptive Expectations model is economic agents who de-velop
forecasts of future inflation based on past actual rates ad-justed for their own single step: (1) Step 4 to get optimal rule-by-rule filter, (2) Step 6 to find the
past expectations. And Adaptive expectations is an economic theory which optimal adaptive parameter (h0) in minimal RMSE, and
gives importance to past events in predicting future outcomes. A common (3) Step 8 to obtain the optimal parameter α for optimal profits.
example is for predicting inflation. Adaptive expectations states that if
inflation increased in the past year, people will expect a higher rate of
inflation in the next year. In time series forecasting, the adaptive expectation 3.1. Proposed algorithm
model [15] has shown to be a reasonable forecast model in stock price, the
forecasts are generated by the last one period of stock price and the correction This study proposed an algorithm for ease of computing, and future
for last one period of forecasting error as Eq. (1). results can be followed in the proposed model. The algo-rithm contained eight
steps. The first six step is proposed model; the remained Step 7 and Step 8 are
evaluation and comparison. The detailed algorithm is introduced step-by-step
in the following.
Forecast (t + 1) = P (t ) + h0∗ε (t ) (1) Step 1: Data collection and transformation.
where forecast (t + 1) is the forecasting stock price at time t + 1, P (t) is the This step collected TAIEX, Nikkei, and HSI stock price from 1998 to
2012 years data (each stock market with 15 sub-datasets) to il-lustrate the
real stock price at time t, h0 is the adaptive parameter for ɛ(t), and ɛ(t) =
proposed model. From the previous studies (Kao, & Chen, 2013), this study
Forecast(t ) − P(t ) is forecasting error at time t.
selected the importance variable by high occurrence frequency in literature,
3. Proposed model and the important variables are lag periods, moment, and second moment in
statistical method, hence five independent variables are selected and close
The main objective of forecasting activities is to make correct investment price as dependent variable as Table 1. After determined the research vari-
and more profit. In the past, there are many time series
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
4 C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang / Neurocomputing 000 (2018) 1–13
Factors Explanation
ables, this step transforms the daily close price into the selected variables of From the research of Miller [10], the appropriate number of category for
Table 1. human shorten memory function is seven, or seven plus or minus two.
Step 2: Define the universe of discourse and the lengths of in-tervals. Hence, this study employed 7 ± 2 as the linguistic values (also named
it, linguistic intervals), the universe of discourse U for each variable is
Define the universe of discourse U and the U is partitioned into n partitioned into seven linguistic intervals with equal length, u1, u2, u3,
intervals, the detailed sub-steps are described as follows: u4, u5, u6, u7 (where use seven as example) and the length L could be
defined as follows:
Step 2.1: Define the universe of discourse.
Let Dmin and Dmax be the minimal value and the maximal value of a
specific historical dataset, respectively. Then, the uni- L = [Dmin − D1, Dmax + D2]/n. (2)
verse of discourse U can be defined as [Dmin-D1, Dmax + D2], where Step 3: Fuzzify time-series observation.
D1 and D2 are two adaptive positive real values (to In this step, let fuzzy set A denote fuzzy LAG1 variable, the other five
assure the least and largest interval could cover the Dmin and Dmax) fuzzy variables are expressed as B (LAG2), C (LAG3), V, S, and P. Fuzzy set
to partition the universe of discourse U into n equal length intervals, A can be partitioned into a given linguistic values (the corresponding
u1, u2, … and un. interval), such as A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A7. Each Ai is expressed by
Step 2.2: Define the linguistic intervals. the intervals ui, which is defined
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
as Eq. (3):
A a set T of attribute-value pairs t = (a; v) if and only if ∅ = [T ] = t∈T [t] ⊆ B.
1 = 1/u1 + 0.5/u2 + 0/u3 + 0/u4 + 0/u5 + 0/u6 + 0/u7
2 = {0.5/u1 + 1/u2 + 0.5/u3 + 0/u4 + 0/u5 + 0/u6 } Where set T is a minimal complex of B if and only if B depends on T and
A no proper subset T’ of T exists such that B depends on T’. Let be a nonempty
3 = {0/u1 + 0.5/u2 + 1/u3 + 0.5/u4 + 0/u5 + 0/u6 }
A collection of nonempty sets of attribute-value pairs. Then is a local covering
= {0/u1 + 0/u2 + 0.5/u3 + 1/u4 + 0.5/u5 + 0/u6
4 } of B. Furthermore, the detailed tutorial could refer the work of Grzymala-
A5 = {0/u1 + 0/u2 + 0/u3 + 0.5/u4 + 1/u5 + 0.5/u6 } Busse [11,29].
A Step 5: Initial forecast by the matched rules
6 = {0/u1 }
This step included two sub-steps: forecast and defuzzification, which are
{ } introduced as follow.
{ }
A7 = 0/u1 + 0/u2 + 0/u3 + 0/u4 + 0/u5 + 0.5/u6 + 1/u7 (3) Step 5.1: Forecast
where the symbol “+” denotes union operator.
According to the Step 4, the fuzzy variables of the testing data in trading
Step 4: Generate forecast rules by rough set LEM2 algorithm
This step aims to provide a set of meaningful rules of forecast stock price. Dayt can use the generated rules to find out the decision linguistic
Based on decision rules are generated by using rough set LEM2 algorithm, values Pi of the matched rule as Table 5. If there are no linguistic
the generated rules are formed ‘‘if-then” by composing a several fuzzy values in fuzzy variables of the test-ing data of trading Dayt, this study
conditional value (interval) and fuzzy decision values, and the “supports” will add a new linguistic values (interval) for each fuzzy variables in
denotes the number of records in dataset matching with the generated decision order to more reasonable forecast consideration.
rules. After gen-erating rules of LEM2 algorithm, this study iteratively deletes
Step 5.2: Defuzzy
the rules of less supports to filter the generating rules, and the opti-mal fuzzy
In defuzzification, this step utilizes the middle point of the de-cision
rules is remained by the higher classification accuracy. According to the
format of Liu et al. [19], the pseudocode of LEM2 algorithm was listed in linguistic values Pi as the defuzzified value. That is, if the linguistic
Algorithm 1, and the algorithm was de-scribed in the followings. values in fuzzy variables of the testing data of trading Dayt was
matched with generated rules, then we can find out the linguistic value
of decision value is Pi, the linguistic intervals of Pi is [a, b], and the
The option LEM2 of LERS (Learning from Examples using Rough Sets), middle point of the Pi is (a + b)/2.
is very frequently employed in many cases due to it gets bet-ter results. LEM2
input data is a lower or upper approximation of a concept [11], and its input Step 6: Use the adaptive expectation model to enhance forecasts. From
data is always consistent. The LEM2 al-gorithm follows a classical greedy Eq. (1), this step optimizes the adaptive parameter (h0)
scheme, it covers all examples from the given approximation using a minimal under minimal RMSE for the initial forecast of training data. The iterated step
set of rules, and furthermore LEM2 calculates a local covering and then is 0.0001 from 0 to 1 to search the optimal adaptive parameter (h0). This step
converts it into a rule set.
uses minimal RMSE as evaluation crite-rion to find the optimal h0, and the
RMSE is defined as:
Next, the detailed symbolic system is introduced as follows. For an
RMSE = i=1 ( v n i− v i ) (4)
attribute-value pair (a; v) = t, a block of t, denoted by [t], is a set of all n f orecasted alue actual alue 2
instances from U such that for attribute a has value v. Let B be a nonempty
lower or upper approximation of a concept represented by a decision-value
pair (d;w). The set B depends on where n denotes the number of trading days needed to be fore-casted. After
the optimal parameter (h0) is obtained, the initial forecast of testing dataset is
enhanced by Eq. (1).
Algorithm 1 From Wei et al. [34], Test the lag period of TAIEX is one-period lag,
The pseudocode of LEM2 algorithm [11]. hence this paper only employs the simple one-period lag adap-tive
input: a set B, expectation model.
output: a single local covering of set B); Step 7: Forecast comparison
begin In order to compare forecasting performance of the proposed model with
G := B; those of the listing models, this step uses the daily TAIEX, Nikkei, and HSI
:= ∅ ;
closing prices from 1998 to 2012 as the ver-ification dataset. Each year of
while G = ∅
begin experimental dataset is splits into two subsets, each year the previous ten-
T := ∅ ; month from January to October is training data, and November and December
T(G ): = {t│[t]∩G = ∅ }; is testing data. This step also compared the proposed model with the listing
while T = ∅ ; or [T] not⊆ B models in forecasting performance, and RMSE, RRSE, and RAE are
employed as evaluation criterion. The RMSE had been defined in Eq. (4), The
select a pair t ∈ T(G) such that |[t]∩G| is maximum; if
a tie occurs, select a pair t ∈ T(G)
RRSE and RAE are defined as Eq. (5), (6).
with the smallest cardinality of [t];
if another tie occurs, select first pair;
T := T ∪ {t}; n 2
G := [t] ∩ G; RRSE
i=1 ( f orecasted valuei − actual valuei ) 2
T(G ): = {t│[t]∩G = ∅ }; = i 1 ( actual valuei average o f actual valuei)
T(G ): = T(G) − T;
end {while} = −
for each t ∈ T do RAE n i= 1 |f orecasted valuei − actual valuei | (6)
if [T – {t}] ⊆ B then T := T –{t};
= | |
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang / Neurocomputing 000 (2018) 1–13 7
Table 2
The seven linguistic intervals of training dataset (1998-year TAIEX).
Table 3 1998–2006 year. From the results of Yu [36], the more linguistic intervals
The partial fuzzified observations (1998-year TAIEX).
utilize the more get forecast performance. And too many linguistic intervals
Date Index Linguistic variables would disturb human shorten memory function for investors. Therefore, this
LAG1 LAG2 LAG3 V S Price study suggests that nine linguistic in-tervals with rule filter is a good
1998/1/3 8028.63 P6
1998/1/5 7966.18 6 V4 P5
1998/1/6 7835.56 A5 B6 V4 S4 P5 4.2. Forecast comparison
1998/1/7 7778.16 A5 B5 C6 V4 S5 P5
1998/1/8 7737.20 A5 5 5 5 4 5 To experiment and compare more datasets, the study practi-cally collected
… … … … … … … …
B3 C3 V6 S5 P4 TAIEX, Nikkei, and HSI data from 1998 to 2012 (each stock market with 15
1998/10/29 7101.46 A3
1998/10/30 7165.98 A4 B3 C3 V6 S4 P4
sub-datasets). Then this study used five dif-ferent time series models to
B C V S P compare with the proposed model. The reasons why utilize the five models?
1998/10/31 7218.09 A4 4 3 5 4 4
Due to Chen’s model
Table 4 [4] and Yu’s model [36] are typical fuzzy time series model, and many
The partial data of rough set format. researches would be compared with their models. Further-more, SR variable
selection combined ANFIS [33] and SVR [23] are popular machine learning
Date Linguistic variables
method, and SVR is the extension of support vector machine for solving
LAG1 LAG2 LAG3 V S Class nonlinear regression estimation problems. The idea of SVR is based on the
1998/1/7 A5 B5 C6 V4 S5 P5 computation of a linear regression function in a high dimensional feature
1998/1/8 A5 B5 C5 V5 S4 P5 space where the input data are mapped via a nonlinear function. Lastly,
1998/1/9 A5 B5 C5 V2 S2 P4 Elman ANN
1998/1/12 A4 5 5 6 8 4
A [9] is a simple example of a recurrent neural network, which is composed of
1998/1/13 4 B4 C5 V7 S5 P5
… … … … … … … three layers, and its structure contains at least one hidden layer from which
the feedback is led. And Elman ANN with layer prediction is possible in
sequential order. Therefore, Elman ANN is usually employed to build time
series model.
optimize the parameter (h0) and the enhanced forecast re-sults are
shown in the last column of Table 6. From adap-tive forecast, the best Based on performance comparison, this paper employed RMSE, RRSE,
and RAE as evaluation criteria. Based on the proposed al-gorithm, the three
result is RMSE = 111.126 and h0 = 0.07. Within the best adaptive collected stock datasets are trained and tested,
parameter (h0 = 0.07), we forecast TAIEX index for testing data the forecast evaluation in RMSE, RRSE, and RAE are shown in
(1998/11–1998/12). The partial forecast results of TAIEX are shown win subdatasets )
Table 8-10. Table 8 indicates that the winning ratio ( 15 subdatasets
in the last column of Table 6. is TAIEX = 11/15, HIS = 12/15, and Nikkei = 14/15 in RMSE, respec-
tively. Table 9 shows that the winning ratio is TAIEX = 11/15, HIS = 12/15,
(B) Experiment of linguistic intervals and whether filtered rules For and Nikkei = 14/15 in RRSE, respectively. And Table
verifying the forecast performance of different numbers of 10 presents that the winning ratio is TAIEX = 13/15, HIS = 14/15, and
linguistic interval, this part employs Miller’s [10] magic number 7 (plus or Nikkei = 11/15 in RAE, respectively. It is clearly, the proposed model
minus two) to determine the lengths of linguistic in-tervals, and whether rule outperforms the listing models under the RMSE, RRSE, and RAE. For
filtering of the rough set improves the forecasting performance. From showing visional view, the forecast trend of actual and predicted values for
proposed algorithm in Section 3.2, the TAIEX and HIS dataset are conducted 1998 testing data of TAIEX is shown in Fig. 2, it shows that the forecast
to compute their forecast results for testing data as Table 7. Each stock market value of proposed model is closer the actual value. Moreover, the forecast
has 9 results of testing sub-datasets in different number of linguistic intervals. results for average RMSE in 1998–2012 year is also illustrated as Fig. 3,
From Table 7, we can see that on the whole the nine linguistic intervals with clearly, the pro-posed model is ranked first name, its RMSE is less than the
rule filter is better forecast for TAIEX and HIS in listing models, and the Elman RNN is ranked as second good model.
Table 5
The partial generated rules for 1998 TAIEX dataset.
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
8 C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang / Neurocomputing 000 (2018) 1–13
Table 6
The processes of adaptive forecasts for 1998-year TAIEX testing sub-dataset.
Table 7
The results of proposed model for different intervals and whether rules filtered.
# interval Rule filter 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
TAIEX 7 NO 141.5 164.2 175.0 154.5 168.1 95.9 129.4 65.7 84.2
7 YES 146.8 170.7 169.8 142.4 84.5a 95.9 68.6 56.7a 63.9
9 NO 137.0 180.0 373.2 136.0 103.8 60.1 104.3 60.2 101.8
9 YES 120.8 110.7 150.6 113.2 66.0 53.1 58.6 53.5 53.1
HIS 7 NO 318.2 312.7 306.2 257.3 154.6 148.1 134.5 128.0 192.4
7 YES 224.7 252.2 261.3 231.1 129.7 144.5a 186.6 102.5a 192.4
9 NO 305.3 278.7 295.5 277.4 120.3 144.8 111.3 118.9 192.4
9 YES 202.0 231.9 251.7 156.6 106.3 118.7 105.4 104.0 189.2
Note: The bold numeric denotes minimal RMSE in different linguistic values, and # interval represents the number of linguistic interval.
Fig. 2. The forecast trend of actual and predicted values for 1998 testing data of
Fig. 4. the trends of adaptive parameter h0 for TAIEX, HIS, and Nikkei stock market.
and final forecast for TAIEX, HIS, and Nikkei as Table 11. To find which
stock market is more fluctuation, this paper also plots three collected stock
datasets with the optimized adaptive parameter h0 as Fig. 4. Based on the
meaning of adaptive parameter h0 and the results as Table 11 and Fig. 4, we
can find that:
(1) adaptive parameter h0 almost is less than zero for TAIEX (only two
times h0 > 0), it represents TAIEX almost the downward spiral trend
in 1998–2012 periods; and most of the adaptive adjusted forecasts are
better than initial fore-cast in RMSE;
(2) the Nikkei market is frequently upward spiral trend in 1998– 2012
year, due to most of its adaptive parameter h0 is greater than zero (h0
Fig. 3. The results for average RMSE of different model for TAIEX, HIS, and Nikkei. > 0 has 11 times);
(3) The HIS is fluctuated market because the adaptive parameter h0
oscillates in upward and downward trends (h0 > 0 7 times and 8 times
Therefore, the proposed model and feasible forecast model in the collected h0 < 0).
stock datasets. (4) From TAIEX, HIS, and Nikkei stock market, the adaptive ex-
In adaptive expectation model [15], this study finds the opti-mized pectation model could improve forecast performance, the adjusted
adaptive parameter h0 and calculates the RMSE of initial forecast is better than initial forecast in RMSE.
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
Table 8
Performance comparison for TAIEX, HSI, and Nikkei under RMSE.
Table 9
TAIEX Performance comparison for TAIEX, HSI, and Nikkei under RRSE.
Year Chen Yu SR + ANFIS SR + SVR Elman Proposed
1998 164.74 163.95 185.29 158.08 209.38 120.79 Year Chen Yu SR_ANFIS SR_SVR Elman Proposed
1999 148.04 131.66 182.90 173.35 170.90 110.69
1998 0.5897 0.5869 0.6633 0.5659 0.7495 0.4324
2000 413.27 419.64 454.63 255.87 154.21 150.55
1999 0.6187 0.5502 0.7644 0.7245 0.7142 0.4626
2001 132.74 132.40 167.55 174.74 103.14 113.17
2000 1.1083 1.1254 1.2193 0.6862 0.4136 0.4037
2002 110.25 108.83 88.87 89.66 82.26 65.97
2001 0.2550 0.2543 0.3218 0.3356 0.1981 0.2174
2003 81.59 60.52 76.43 86.75 117.33 53.09
2002 1.1140 1.0997 0.8979 0.9059 0.8312 0.6665
2004 112.29 71.63 85.30 83.39 68.82 58.60
2003 0.8177 0.6065 0.7659 0.8693 1.1758 0.5321
2005 72.95 65.42 87.50 164.65 50.14 53.49
2004 1.1903 0.7592 0.9042 0.8839 0.7295 0.6212
2006 112.68 95.73 187.95 743.44 94.24 53.11
2005 0.3424 0.3070 0.4107 0.7727 0.2353 0.2510
2007 169.31 214.86 374.11 226.11 193.97 151.94
2006 0.5164 0.4387 0.8613 3.4071 0.4319 0.2434
2008 269.88 225.01 210.32 205.53 121.68 105.68
2007 0.4087 0.5187 0.9031 0.5458 0.4682 0.3668
2009 295.36 177.64 102.62 109.56 131.01 78.96
2008 1.2750 1.0630 0.9936 0.9710 0.5749 0.4993
2010 123.58 125.36 109.59 232.45 48.31 52.72
2009 1.6022 0.9636 0.5567 0.5943 0.7107 0.4283
2011 164.09 178.05 207.39 401.34 104.18 119.43
2010 0.5351 0.5428 0.4745 1.0065 0.2092 0.2283
2012 69.35 63.84 89.08 142.61 219.63 60.44
2011 0.5867 0.6366 0.7415 1.4350 0.3725 0.4270
HSI 2012 0.3202 0.2947 0.4112 0.6583 1.0139 0.2790
1998 276.76 291.40 326.62 296.67 326.24 201.99
1999 427.99 469.61 637.05 761.86 269.50 231.91
1998 1.0921 1.1498 1.2888 1.1706 1.2873 0.7970
2000 280.15 297.05 356.70 356.81 302.27 251.70
1999 0.3957 0.4342 0.5890 0.7043 0.2492 0.2144
2001 366.90 316.85 299.43 254.07 319.89 156.58
2000 0.6543 0.6938 0.8331 0.8334 0.7060 0.5879
2002 124.98 123.70 155.09 155.40 102.83 106.26
2001 0.7993 0.6903 0.6523 0.5535 0.6969 0.3411
2003 248.10 186.16 226.38 199.58 128.51 118.74
2002 0.5362 0.5307 0.6654 0.6668 0.4412 0.4559
2004 223.46 264.34 239.63 540.19 114.65 105.38
2003 1.1468 0.8605 1.0464 0.9226 0.5940 0.5488
2005 107.68 112.37 147.24 1127.21 103.12 103.96
2004 0.7706 0.9116 0.8263 1.8628 0.3954 0.3634
2006 263.14 252.44 466.24 407.89 177.32 189.20
2005 0.4637 0.4839 0.6341 4.8546 0.4441 0.4477
2007 787.24 912.67 1847.75 1028.66 916.46 682.08
2006 0.8327 0.7989 1.4754 1.2908 0.5611 0.5987
2008 662.71 684.88 2178.70 593.84 613.21 460.12
2007 0.7060 0.8185 1.6571 0.9225 0.8219 0.6117
2009 666.98 442.64 437.24 435.18 366.60 326.65
2008 0.7744 0.8003 2.5460 0.6940 0.7166 0.5377
2010 436.63 382.06 445.41 718.33 368.92 260.67
2009 1.2234 0.8119 0.8020 0.7982 0.6724 0.5992
2011 453.14 419.67 688.04 578.70 455.17 346.33
2010 0.6940 0.6073 0.7080 1.1418 0.5864 0.4143
2012 234.74 239.11 477.34 442.44 279.86 190.13
2011 0.7669 0.7103 1.1644 0.9794 0.7703 0.5861
Nikkei 2012 0.4888 0.4979 0.9939 0.9212 0.5827 0.3959
1998 348.64 295.54 369.30 334.02 278.40 216.26
1999 309.40 466.48 436.65 283.40 166.48 154.21
1998 0.8255 0.6998 0.8744 0.7909 0.6592 0.5121
2000 407.80 265.05 404.63 355.73 263.75 231.45
1999 1.1748 1.7713 1.6580 1.0761 0.6322 0.5855
2001 245.44 191.74 239.94 246.27 205.87 185.58
2000 0.8587 0.5581 0.8521 0.7491 0.5554 0.4874
2002 216.89 272.93 183.55 182.56 150.62 132.33
2001 1.0696 0.8356 1.0457 1.0732 0.8972 0.8088
2003 196.79 216.64 261.32 275.87 222.21 176.68
2002 0.8419 1.0594 0.7125 0.7086 0.5847 0.5137
2004 146.02 115.94 142.65 171.31 123.00 104.84
2003 0.7184 0.7909 0.9540 1.0071 0.8112 0.6450
2005 243.87 220.22 1511.03 3787.93 235.94 176.71
2004 0.7781 0.6178 0.7601 0.9128 0.6554 0.5587
2006 186.15 185.12 186.94 182.68 412.92 125.39
2005 0.3311 0.2990 2.0517 5.1432 0.3204 0.2399
2007 401.10 383.63 573.57 536.08 196.71 216.95
2006 0.4168 0.4145 0.4186 0.4090 0.9246 0.2808
2008 323.20 330.52 556.13 337.12 313.38 273.73
2007 0.8964 0.8573 1.2818 1.1980 0.4396 0.4848
2009 193.57 170.13 190.94 193.66 152.25 130.14
2008 0.8830 0.9030 1.5194 0.9210 0.8562 0.7478
2010 124.26 131.97 154.10 131.80 246.20 99.52
2009 0.5264 0.4627 0.5193 0.5267 0.4141 0.3539
2011 242.89 213.37 202.26 185.77 166.68 105.30
2010 0.4032 0.4282 0.5000 0.4276 0.7988 0.3229
2012 124.35 138.72 156.65 187.82 103.49 98.74
2011 1.5150 1.3309 1.2615 1.1587 1.0396 0.6568
Notes: The bold digital denotes the best performance among 6 models. 2012 0.2639 0.2944 0.3324 0.3986 0.2196 0.2095
Notes: The bold digital denotes the best performance among 6 models.
In order to present that the proposed model not only has good forecast
ability, but also has higher profit, this section utilizes the proposed profit Eq.
(7) to compare the proposed model with list-ing models. The profit results are
shown in Table 12 and Fig. 5, the results show that the total profit of proposed
model outperforms the listing models in 1998–2012, except HIS in Elman
RNN model. Therefore, the proposed model is a favorable investment tool in
stock market.
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
10 C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang / Neurocomputing 000 (2018) 1–13
Table 10
Performance comparison for TAIEX, HSI, and Nikkei under RAE.
1998 1.1604 1.2510 1.3791 1.1995 1.1052 0.8443
1999 0.4090 0.4322 0.6033 0.7306 0.2367 0.2066
2000 0.6562 0.7044 0.7999 0.7798 0.6827 0.5791
2001 0.8792 0.7519 0.6900 0.5902 0.6438 0.3347
2002 0.5299 0.5101 0.6855 0.6551 0.4304 0.4276
2003 1.1694 0.8515 1.0325 0.8543 0.5359 0.4779
2004 0.8241 1.0026 0.8922 2.0145 0.4079 0.3572
2005 0.4353 0.4535 0.6061 5.6266 0.4259 0.4037
2006 0.8885 0.8617 1.5342 1.4582 0.5866 0.6265
2007 0.6923 0.7947 1.4967 0.9249 0.7869 0.6052
2008 0.7549 0.7740 2.6897 0.7223 0.6871 0.5236 Fig. 7. The profit of different scenarios α for HIS.
2009 1.1993 0.7788 0.7768 0.7227 0.5815 0.5451
2010 0.7109 0.6030 0.7165 1.0785 0.5022 0.4175
2011 0.6931 0.6422 0.8615 0.9663 0.6362 0.5113
2012 0.4784 0.4871 1.0135 0.9520 0.4581 0.3446
Nikkei (RAE)
1998 0.5960 0.6046 0.6483 0.5486 0.7180 0.4373
1999 0.5967 0.5719 0.8357 0.8141 0.7459 0.4710
2000 1.1945 1.2201 1.3524 0.7095 0.4343 0.3798
2001 0.2168 0.2079 0.2716 0.2773 0.1800 0.1933
2002 1.0603 1.0273 0.8369 0.8741 0.7829 0.6169
2003 0.8405 0.5762 0.7535 0.8583 1.2290 0.5029
2004 1.2265 0.8274 0.9042 0.8605 0.6546 0.5642
2005 0.3246 0.2956 0.4075 0.7856 0.2379 0.2381
2006 0.4858 0.4173 0.7936 3.1438 0.4089 0.2258
2007 0.4296 0.5370 0.8641 0.6029 0.4617 0.3694
2008 1.3212 1.0959 0.9536 0.9451 0.5694 0.4395
2009 1.9280 1.1874 0.6432 0.6907 0.7886 0.4329
2010 0.4530 0.4644 0.3867 0.8566 0.1759 0.2012
2011 0.5427 0.6027 0.7454 1.5260 0.3447 0.4084
2012 0.2644 0.2395 0.3304 0.6238 1.0011 0.2209
Fig. 8. The profit of different scenarios α for Nikkei.
Notes: The bold digital denotes the best performance among 6 models.
Table 11
The results of adaptive expectation model for three Stock market (testing RMSE).
h Initial forecast Final forecast h Initial forecast Final forecast h Initial forecast Final forecast
1998 −0.1363 128.80 120.79 −0.1142 224.40 201.99 −0.0026 173.23 216.26
1999 −0.0959 121.70 110.69 −0.0239 242.60 231.91 0.1063 222.42 154.21
2000 0.0091 135.90 150.55 −0.038 252.70 251.70 −0.0134 246.52 231.45
2001 −0.0589 122.00 113.17 0.0268 168.60 156.58 0.0859 172.31 185.58
2002 −0.0358 84.50 65.97 −0.0341 112.60 106.26 0.0218 131.04 132.33
2003 −0.056 59.10 53.09 −0.1188 144.50 118.74 −0.1049 151.08 176.68
2004 −0.0693 63.30 58.60 −0.0578 103.40 105.38 0.0012 105.60 104.84
2005 −0.0483 56.70 53.49 −0.0336 102.50 103.96 0.0416 236.03 176.71
2006 0.0019 63.20 53.11 0.005 194.20 189.20 0.0552 142.53 125.39
2007 −0.0376 155.28 151.94 0.0433 533.41 682.08 0.0313 146.94 216.95
2008 −0.0116 179.43 105.68 0.0904 566.77 460.12 0.0596 274.06 273.73
2009 −0.159 164.51 78.96 0.0176 468.37 326.65 0.0672 138.00 130.14
2010 −0.2139 72.89 52.72 0.0272 261.00 260.67 0.0215 97.56 99.52
2011 −0.2315 84.49 119.43 −0.0757 434.60 346.33 −0.0597 107.58 105.30
2012 0.0437 116.15 60.44 0.0112 182.55 190.13 0.0002 150.09 98.74
Notes: The bold digital denotes final forecast is better than initial forecast.
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang / Neurocomputing 000 (2018) 1–13 11
Table 12
The profits comparisons of different models for TAIEX, HSI, and Nikkei.
TAIEX (Profit)
Notes: The bold digital denotes the best total profits for each stock market under different model.
Table 13
The profit of different scenarios α for TAIEX, HIS, and Nikkei.
Best Best α = 0.1 α = 0.01 Best Best α = 0.1 α = 0.01 Best Best α = 0.1 α = 0.01
α Profit profit profit α Profit profit profit α Profit profit profit
1998 0.001 78.38 −502.06 −884.74 0.008 1043.05 352.32 −117.30 0.003 392.41 −527.10 −1061.72
1999 0.022 2007.08 1507.90 1669.47 0.032 1894.67 837.54 1894.67 0.009 774.84 698.59 539.20
2000 0.001 −231.02 −1107.87 −1657.35 0.012 1793.12 1541.97 1231.78 0.026 1348.62 373.95 1225.76
2001 0.045 103.11 −399.95 96.41 0.018 331.26 −87.73 −332.34 0.034 251.18 −1128.01 91.98
2002 0.01 159.33 159.33 −224.70 0.014 461.43 −44.42 212.71 0.002 78.35 −394.77 −1030.33
2003 0.001 131.18 −153.76 −171.14 0.021 714.65 455.22 625.53 0.025 604.21 375.11 −157.07
2004 0.02 441.42 277.80 325.30 0.001 228.85 −674.48 −582.41 0.014 1133.37 677.76 834.43
2005 0.004 62.18 −202.24 −269.49 0.005 937.34 656.75 512.97 0.013 1295.89 1143.26 −506.35
2006 0.002 74.35 −121.15 −107.13 0.002 −419.44 −881.29 −1146.56 0.004 676.32 70.86 390.17
2007 0.021 −101.96 −930.48 −549.43 0.001 −1948.68 −4662.89 −4954.27 0.001 225.40 −796.26 −1684.50
2008 0.038 1351.17 1042.35 1132.24 0.082 2165.43 1764.83 2165.43 0.075 1629.46 871.47 1629.46
(continued on next page)
Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing
JID: NEUCOM [m5G;May 7, 2018;23:28]
12 C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang / Neurocomputing 000 (2018) 1–13
Table 13 (continued)
Best Best α = 0.1 α = 0.01 Best Best α = 0.1 α = 0.01 Best Best α = 0.1 α = 0.01
α Profit profit profit α Profit profit profit α Profit profit profit
2009 0.009 693.25 643.48 385.23 0.003 352.98 −689.63 −1781.41 0.003 297.89 −823.71 −837.21
2010 0.005 272.55 −27.59 113.47 0.01 1771.95 1771.95 365.78 0.019 753.32 547.46 370.42
2011 0.005 559.74 132.18 −62.03 0.01 769.96 769.96 −3501.22 0.008 722.16 621.51 −336.09
2012 0.001 −190.68 −457.75 −615.54 0.013 1642.67 1194.93 1127.95 0.004 9.19 −728.39 −1326.93
Total profit 5410.08 −139.81 −819.43 11,739.25 2305.04 −4278.69 10,192.61 981.74 −1858.78
Notes: The bold digital denotes the best profits for each stock market under three different α.
of α = 0.1 is better than α = 0.01, it indicates that forecast accu-racy can not (4) In profit
represent the higher profit. Since setting the thresh-old makes trading a The profit comparison shows that sometimes the better fore-cast
proactive investment, the investor must utilize all information to optimize the accuracy could not get the better profit. Because the timing of sell/buy
trading approach. depends on the optimal threshold param-eter α in training dataset,
when the profit is negative in training dataset, this study will not sell
and buy transac-tion in testing data, and the profit is zero. From the
results, it presents that the higher forecast accuracy can’t get the
5. Conclusion
higher profit, because the best threshold to obtain the best profits is
proactive investment approach, this study suggest that the investors
This paper has proposed a novel fuzzy time-series model based on rough must utilize all available information to optimize their benefits.
set rule induction for forecasting stock index, the pro-posed model utilized
rough set LEM2 algorithm to generate fore-cast rules, it’s different from
previous fuzzy time series using FLRs and employed adaptive expectation
model to strengthen forecast-ing performance. The results have shown the
(5) In forecast
proposed model with better forecast performance in accuracy and profit. From
This paper employed RMSE, RRSE, and RAE to evaluate and
three stock markets data with 45 sub-datasets, we can conclude that there are
compare the proposed model with the listing model, the re-sults
four findings as follows.
indicates that the proposed model outperforms the list-ing models
under the RMSE, RRSE, and RAE. And the pro-posed model is
ranked first name in three error indexes, however the Elman RNN has
(1) The number of linguistic interval competitive in profit of HSI. Therefore we can find that the fluctuated
Table 7 show that the nine linguistic intervals will result in the higher HIS market is more fit in Elman RNN model.
forecasting performance. From Yu [36], the more linguistic intervals
utilize the more get forecast per-formance. However, based on Miller
[10], the appropriate number of category for human shorten memory From above these findings, two conclusions are listed as fol-lows: (1) The
function is seven, or seven plus or minus two. That is, many linguistic proposed model can effectively improve accuracy of forecasting, and the
intervals would disturb human shorten memory function for investors. proposed model outperforms the listing mod-els for TAIEX, Nikkei and HSI
Therefore, this study suggests that nine linguistic intervals with rule dataset. (2) The proposed model not only can get better accuracy but also has
filter is a good approach. higher profit, and the re-sults and findings could provide the investors to
utilize all available information for optimizing their benefits.
(2) Whether rule filtered In future, there are still several issues can be extended this study as
After filtering the generated rules (remove the “support” less than 2), follows: (1) In more experiments, other stock databases such as NASDAQ or
the higher support rules can get the better forecast-ing performance as Dow Jones would be implemented as exper-iment data. (2) In accuracy, we
Table 7. i.e., the higher support rules in the training data have higher can utilize other factors; let the universe of discourse be partitioned into more
data matching, and then the forecast performance of proposed model linguistic values; and consider other AI techniques to optimize the proposed
will be better for testing data. model such as Fourier transform, particle swarm optimization, genetic al-
gorithm, and so on. (3) In applications, Apply to different appli-cation field
such as electric loads forecasting, oil price forecasting, tourism demand
forecasting, and so on.
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Please cite this article as: C.-H. Cheng, J.-H. Yang, Fuzzy time-series model based on rough set rule induction for forecasting stock price, Neurocomputing