Smart Irrigation System RRL
Smart Irrigation System RRL
Smart Irrigation System RRL
Soil moisture sensors can make an important contribution to crop nutrient management by ensuring
that crops have adequate water status and by limiting drainage thereby ensuring minimal nutrient
leaching loss. Additionally, fertigation in combination with drip irrigation is being increasingly used for
high frequency nutrient addition; with these systems, optimal irrigation management must form part
of optimal nutrient management. The use of soil moisture sensors to monitor soil water status offers
the potential to irrigate in accordance with the crop demand and cropping conditions (e.g. species,
crop management, planting dates, climatic conditions, soil characteristics). Additionally, these sensors
offer the potential for a fine degree of crop management enabling deficit irrigation strategies to
control crop growth or to enhance product quality, and the control of drainage for salinity or
environmental management. By providing such information on soil water status, soil water status
becomes much less of a black box and something under the direct control of the grower.
Recent technological developments have enabled the development of a new generation sensors that
employ advances in electronics, and in information and communication technology (ICT). Information
on soil water status can be sent directly to a computer, mobile devices, and internet, or can be used
to automatically activate irrigation controllers. In horticultural production, the intensive nature of crop
management, the common use of irrigation in certain regions, and the increasing use of fertigation
are factors that favour the use of soil moisture monitoring technologies.
it can also be used to impose controlled deficit irrigation. The upper limit is normally chosen to
prevent excessive drainage from the root zone. Most commonly, soil moisture sensors are used to
initiate irrigation for a period of time that is sufficient to “re-fill” the root zone to Field Capacity that is
when soils begin to drain. It can also be reduced when controlled deficit irrigation is required.
Soil moisture sensors can be used either manually or automatically to assist with irrigation
management. Manual use involves visual reading of the measurement and subsequent manual
programming of irrigation (volume, frequency). Automatic use involves either automatic initiation of
irrigation for a fixed period, or both automatic initiation and cessation of irrigation. Automatic
cessation of irrigation requires automatic data recording with short measurement intervals and
sensors with rapid responses to changes in soil water status, and a suitable interface with an irrigation
controller. The use of soil moisture sensors for irrigation scheduling has been discussed by Hansen et
al. (2000); Kuyper & Balendonck (2001); Thompson & Gallardo (2003); Evett (2007) and Balendonck
et al. (2010).
Automatic data collection and storage together with graphical display enable viewing trends of soil
water dynamics over time which can assist in irrigation management. Additionally, stored data sets
can be revised by growers and advisors to further optimise management and to troubleshoot.
Table 1 Principal types of sensors used for irrigation scheduling with examples of established
Type of sensor Format/comments Manufacturer Web page
Soil matric potential sensors
Tensiometers - Visual data reading from manometer, - Irrometer, USA
- Manometer with relay to auto. start - Soilmoisture
irrigation, Equipment, USA
- Electric (with pressure transducer) - Various other
connected to logger or programmer manufacturers
Granular matrix - Hand-held reader; Irrometer, USA
sensors - Can connect to logger or programmer;
- Most commonly-used sensor is Watermark
MPS-2 Water - Used with data loggers; Decagon Devices,
potential sensor - relatively new sensor USA s/soils/
Volumetric soil water sensors (Frequency domain or similar technology); examples of principal sensor types
EnviroSCAN - Probe with sensors at different depths Sentek
sensors - connected to logger or programmer Technologies,
(various models) - Requires access tubes Australia
- Permanent or semi-permanent installation
Theta Probe - Sensor is a unit with 6 cm long metal rods. Delta-T Devices, UK
Sensor is buried in soil or metal rods pushed
into soil.
- Reader or logger used to collect data
- Based on measurement of impedance
Profile probe - Probe with sensors at different depths Delta-T Devices, UK
- Reader or logger used to collect data
- Requires access tubes
- Permanent or semi-permanent installation
Decagon sensors - Sensor has 5-10 cm long fibre glass or Decagon Devices,
(various models) metal rods. USA s/soils/
- Sensor is buried in soil or metal rods
pushed into soil.
- Logger used to collect data
- Various models with different
characteristics, performance, & durability
AquaCheck Probe with sensors at different depths AquaCheck USA,
- Used with hand-held reader, logger or USA
connected to programmer
Wetting front detector
Full Stop - Mechanical signal; flag rises when wetting
front arrives at depth of sensor
- 20 cm dia. wide funnel buried in soil
units as being positive. This has important practical implications when discussing relative changes in
SMP, e.g. if it is increasing or decreasing.
In non-saline conditions, SMP is a good approximation of the total soil water potential. In saline
conditions, osmotic potential may contribute significantly to the total soil water potential. Generally,
SMP provides a useful measure of the availability of soil water to plants. When using SMP, the effects
of salinity should be considered separately. Some authors (e.g. Hansen et al., 2000; Shock et al.,
2007) and equipment manufacturers have indicated the upper and lower limits between which SMP in
the root zone should be maintained for horticultural production. These limits vary with crop species,
crop developmental stage, soil texture, and the evaporative conditions. In general terms, lower limit
values, for a given species and stage of development, are not influenced by soil type. However, in
practice some adjustment is made for light and heavy textured soil; higher (i.e. less negative) limit
values are used in lighter textured (sandier) soils, and lower values in heavier textured soils. As
general guidelines, Irrometer Co., a major manufacturer of SMP sensors for commercial use,
suggested lower limits of -30 to -60 kPa for most soils and of -60 to -100 kPa for heavy clay soils, and
upper limits of -10 to -30 kPa which represent Field Capacity. In some cases, specific lower limit SMP
values have been determined for specific combinations of species, soil type and cropping system. For
example, lower limit values of –35 to -58 kPa were determined by Thompson et al. (2007a) for
different species of vegetable crops in a sandy-loam soil, based on initial detection of plant water
stress. Some adjustment of recommended lower limit values may be necessary for adaptation to site
specific factors. Hansen et al. (2000) described how climate and crop factors can influence lower limit
SMP values.
The two types of matric potential sensors most used with horticultural crops are tensiometers and
granular matrix sensors (Table 1). Tensiometers are relatively cheap and simple devices. However,
to provide accurate and reliable data, they require proper preparation, careful placement and proper
maintenance (Thompson and Gallardo, 2003). There are (i) manual tensiometers in which data are
obtained from the visual reading of a vacuum gauge, (ii) manual tensiometers with a switch to directly
activate the irrigation equipment when it reaches a predetermined value, and (iii) electric
tensiometers that use pressure transducers to provide continuous measurement and can be used to
directly activate irrigation. Most tensiometers usually have a working range from 0 to -80 kPa. This
narrow range can be a limitation in open field cropping systems. However, where high frequency drip
irrigation is used with vegetable crops, SMP can be maintained within these limits.
Granular matrix (GM) sensors measure the electrical resistance between two electrodes in a
porous matrix (Thompson and Gallardo, 2003; Charlesworth, 2005; Thompson et al., 2006). The most
commonly-used is the Watermark sensor (Irrometer Co. CA, USA; Table 1)). The electrical resistance
between the two electrodes is a function of the soil matric potential. The water within the sensor
matrix equilibrates with that of the soil. A hand-held reader is used to read SMP values, using a
standard calibration. SMP data can be recorded on data loggers or input to an irrigation controller.
GM sensors are cheap, simple, easy to install, and unlike tensiometers require little preparation and
maintenance. Their measuring range is reported to be from -10 to -200 kPa, which will cover the
requirements of many irrigated vegetable crops. While they have a wider measurement range than
that of tensiometers; they tend to be less reliable in wet soils (0 to -10 kPa) and have a slower
response in soils that dry quickly (Thompson et al., 2006). In general, GM sensors are somewhat less
accurate than tensiometers but require appreciably less attention. They have a lifespan of 5-7 years.
Sensor readings are recorded either manually with a manual hand-held reader or automatically with
data loggers or irrigation controllers.
A new generation of SMP sensors are being developed that are similar to di-electric sensors that
measure VSWC (see next section). These new generation sensors generally have large operating
ranges and have small preparation and maintenance requirements. Currently, there is limited
information available concerning the performance of these sensors under realistic field conditions. An
example is the MPS-6 Calibrated Water Potential Sensor of Decagon Devices which is claimed to have
a working range of -9 to -100,000 kPa.
The capacitance sensor that is probably most used for irrigation management is the EnviroSCAN
(Sentek Technologies, Australia; Table 1) consisting of several ring-type sensors mounted vertically at
various depths on a probe which is enclosed in a tube within the soil. This equipment continuously
registers soil humidity giving detailed information on the dynamics of soil water both within the root
zone and below. These sensors can be used to automatically initiate and stop irrigation. The
EnviroSCAN can be sensitive to changes in soil salinity (Thompson et al., 2007b) which can affect its
use where salinity is managed to increase fruit quality. Various models and configurations of the
EnviroSCAN are available (Charlesworth, 2005). A number of other companies produce similar systems
with sensors mounted at various depths on a probe (Table 1).
A commonly-used format for VSWC sensors is of individual sensors with rods of 5-10 cm length made
of steel or fibre glass (Table 1). These sensors can be used by either burying the sensor at the desired
depth or inserting the rods directly into the soil. Decagon Devices produce a range of relatively cheap
sensors of this type.
When using VSWC for irrigation scheduling, the determination of lower irrigation limits, i.e. when to
irrigate, is not as straightforward as when using SMP. With VSWC, lower limit values have to be
determined for each combination of crops and soil (texture, organic matter content). For a given
combination of crop and soil, standard values can be used; however, these must consider crop
development stage, depth of soil measured and sensor type. Dynamic protocols can be used in which
measured data from the sensors are used to interpret soil water dynamics to determine in-situ lower
and upper limits for irrigation scheduling. Different dynamic protocols to determine lower limits for
greenhouse vegetable crops in soil were discussed and evaluated by Thompson et al. (2007c).
Some models of VSWC di-electric sensor also measure soil electrical conductivity (EC); this is
measured in the form of bulk soil EC which is the conductivity for a per unit volume of soil. Bulk soil
EC is strongly influenced by soil water content and is appreciably more difficult to interpret than more
commonly used measures of soil salinity such as saturated extract EC or soil solution (or pore water)
EC. Some sensor systems use internal equations to calculate pore water EC values from bulk soil EC
and VSWC measurements. These equations are still an active research area indicating that the use of
VSWC sensors to measure soil salinity is still “work in progress”.
and on-going support are essential. There is a wide variety of types and models of sensors, and
objective guidance to help growers select the most appropriate sensors for their farming and
management requirements is desirable. A good example of good practical information for users is the
technical book “Soil Water Monitoring: An Information Package” (Charlesworth, 2005) prepared for
the irrigation community in Australia. Ideally, Extension service should provide support to assist
growers to select and learn to use sensors. The availability of robust wireless sensors will enhance the
adoption of soil moisture sensors as the presence of cables can be a disincentive to growers.
Soil moisture sensors are tools that can appreciably enhance irrigation management and nutrient use
efficiency in horticulture. With on-going improvements in ICT and with the increasing use of
computers and mobile devices that can be used to view data; it is likely that there will be increasing
adoption of these sensors in horticulture.
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Thompson, R.B., Gallardo, M., Valdez, L.C., Fernández, M.D., 2007c. Determination of lower limits for irrigation
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