Notice of Request For Audit
Notice of Request For Audit
Notice of Request For Audit
In September 2008, I opened the “Private Bank of Denny Ray Hardin” and
proceeded to start paying off debts. By ledgering an estimated $94,000,000.00 of
payment of “Fictitious Obligations” 18 USC 514, I have established I am doing it
right. The FBI has been investigating me, has robbed my bank of its records and
cause the “Judge Advocate General” to violate his “Oath of Office” by
“Misprision of Felonies” 18 USC 4. “Foreign Agents” 22 USC 611 have attempted
to get an injunction in the “UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT”, in the name
of a “Foreign State”, the “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”, in violation of the
11th Amendment that strictly prohibits this conduct. Foreign Agents have
established a “Conspiracy against rights” 18 USC 241, specifically my right to
contract under 42 USC 1981 and the Article I, Section 13 of the Constitution of
Missouri. By universally establishing that the “Bank Bonds” 18 USC 8 are fraud,
non-negotiable and not legal tender 31 USC 5118, “Racketeering Activity” 18
USC 1961 is established, specifically “Interference with commerce” 18 USC
1951. This criminal conspiracy is clearly established by the fact, to date not one
“Foreign Agent” has been able to “Dishonor” my “Commercial Instrument as legal
tender for the payment of debt” 31 USC 5118, with a lawful reason lawfully
required by UCC3-503. This policy is clear in all regulatory agencies and
government offices controlled by “Foreign Agents” responsible for enforcement,
investigation and prosecution of those who violate the laws of commerce, that
refuse to do their lawfully established duty. Because I am a “Private Bank”, they
believe I am not entitled to the protection of law, opportunity under the law and
rights, privileges and immunities of an “American Citizen”. These are unlawfully
reserved for banks, corporations and government friendly organizations. I say a
government that does not serve me has no place in the “United States of America”,
because if it does not serve me, it does not serve you either.
My Opposition:
The Financial Industry:
Banks, mortgage companies and lending institutions have establish the “Common
Practice” of selling property, making loans, giving credit and charging interest on
these loans. But common law says this conduct is criminal. Banks have but one
purpose, to secure the deposits of their depositors. They can not use deposits to
buy and sell property. They can not risk the deposits to make loans or give credit.
They can not charge interest on loans they can not make. All “mortgages” are
“fraud” 18 USC 1001, for a bank to write a mortgage is “Bank Fraud” 18 USC
1344. A “Mortgage” is an authorization of its signer to release, from one’s
strawman account in the “Federal Reserve Bank”, an exact amount of money to
the corporation for the purchase of property. This is not a “contract” to repay a
loan. Lawfully it can not be a contract, a lawfully binding “Contract” requires two
signatures of the contracting parties and what they are agreeing to by the contract.
Because no BANK, CORPORATION or other lending institution can write, speak,
contract or be represented by an agent, the statement a “Mortgage” is a “Contract”
is “fraud” or “Bank Fraud”. This “fraud” and “Bank Fraud” is the criminal
conduct of “Agents” fraudulently claiming authority to contract on behalf of
fictitious entities banks, corporations and lending institutions.
Foreign Agents
The foregoing is the evidence of “Conspiracy against rights” 18 USC 241 to refuse
me, my right to contract as an “American Citizen”. This is the evidence of the
conspiracy to deny me, my rights, privileges and immunities by refusing
protection of law and refusing to prosecute those who have caused me injuries.
This is the conspiracy of “CORPORATE AMERICA” to control the assets of the
“American People”, evidenced by the obstruction of my “Bank Bonds”. These
conspirators, want us to believe we must go through them to get access to our
accounts, when in fact they must come to us for our signatures to access our
assets. We hold it all, they hold nothing. The right of contract is reserved to the
people, no corporation can lawfully contract. This is the “Fraud” of “Corporate
To defeat all claims of fraud and claims the “Bonded Promissory Notes” are not
negotiable. I have requested an “Audit” of my “Bond Account”. The “New York
Federal Reserve Bank” has not returned any of my “Bank Bonds” in “dishonor” as
required by UCC3-503. Therefore, I believe all “Bonds” lawfully processed have
been credited. These accounts of my principals are require to be credited within 10
days. The “Audit” will lawfully establish the following criminal conduct:
Because my “Contracts” filed with the “Secretary of the Treasury of the United
States of America” establish I have a $601,000,000.00 USD account in the
“Federal Reserve Bank of New York” for which I can write “Bonded Promissory
Notes” to pay debt 31 USC 5118. Either the account is present or it is not. Present
all “Racketeering Activity” is lawfully establishes and must be investigate,
prosecuted and punished by those duty bound to protect the people. If it is not
present, the “Secretary of the Treasury” and the “Federal Reserve Bank of New
York” have breeched the “Contracts” and “Embezzled” the funds. Only God
knows the “truth”. In time it will be revealed to us. The “Audit” will be the final
piece of evidence necessary to “Dishonor” all the “Defendants” and their co-
28 USC 1746
I, Denny Ray Hardin, declare under the penalty of perjury, under the laws
of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge , understanding and beliefs. This “Affidavit” is made without
purpose of evasion or intent to mislead, if some fact is proved by facts, law and
evidence to be incorrect, I reserve the right to amend it for the “truth” to be clearly
stated. This “Affidavit” must be accepted as “Truth”, unless a “Counter Affidavit”
signed under the penalty of perjury, is presented in dispute. “Truth is the law of
“Commerce”. “Judgment” must follow the “Truth”. This “Affidavit” must be
accepted as “Truth” in all Courts. Failure to do so is denial of the truth.
Denny Ray Hardin, Agent