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Presented to fulfill the requirement of final examination of Metodologi

Penelitian Pendidikan
Subject guided by : Andri Wicaksono M.Pd.

Presented by :
Ayu puspitasari : 1601070006 (C)


Motivation is an important factor that affects a language learning process.
Without a strong motivation, it is impossible the student can be reach high achievement
because they don’t have interesting in writing activity. Motivation is an inner power
reinforcing any person to do something , so motivation is an inner power that determiner
succesful writing activity. Motivation in this case is the positive power or attitude toward
writing narrative text. Writing narrative text is called nonfiction if the story or event is
true or actually occurred. Motivation is the set circumstances that starts the action to the
story. The students need motivation in writing narrative text, because with motivation
they will active to do writing activity.

A qualitative research design was used to describe the students’ motivation in

their writing narrative text performance and to know the factors of students’ motivation in
writing narrative text. On the basis of an analysis, the writer needs some instruments such
as observation, documentation, and depth interview which were conducted to valide the
data. Inductive logic furthermore used for gathering, grouping, selecting, and interpreting
the data. This research conducted at the eighth graders (VIII ) that considers of 35
students to pre survey. And in depth interview, the writer confined the research by
choosing 5 participants only for focus research. In conducting the research, the writer
used snowball sampling as the participants.

The research result shows that in intrinsic motivation, 2 students like to keeping
writing narrative text. They are able to practice their writing narrative text performance.
While, 3 dislike to keeping writing narrative text because they feel that writing narrative
text is difficult performance to be done. Then, 3 students have high extrinsic motivation
in writing narrative text performance because the teacher gives the present or praise when
there is a student who gets the high score and gives the punishment when there is a
student does not do the assignment. While, 2 students have low extrinsic motivation
because they are lack confident about their mastery in the subject. It can be assumed that
the teacher must give motivation to the students by giving spirit and information that
writing is useful and interesting in order that they will have an intergraded motivation

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most marched praise in to
Allah, the lord of the world who his mercy and blessings, none of these would be
possible. I am very graceful for the chance. He has give his accomplish to this
undergraduate thesis. Realizing that this undergraduate thesis is about “An
Analysis of Students’ Motivation in Writing Narrative Text At The Eighth
Graders of the SMPN 2 Pekalongan would not be accomplished without any helps
and supports from many helpful individuals. In this lovely chance, I would like to
sincerely acknowledgment his gratitude.
The first of all, the deepest gratitude would be addressed to my beloved
parents for understanding and supporting me to finish the undergraduate thesis
soon, and always pray for me to be a successful person.
I am indebted to many people who the writer can not mention one by one. I
realize the imperfectness of this work. Nevertheless, I hope that this little piece of
work can contribute something to the betterment of English searching and
learning in generally.
With limitation of ability of me, still many mistakes in writing and
presentation items. Therefore, I apologize hopefully this undergraduate thesis can
be benefit to all of us properly.

Table of content
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ ii
Preface .......................................................................................................................... iii
Table of content ........................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study .................................................................. 1
B. Focus of the Study ............................................................................ 2
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study ............................................... 3

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ....................................... 4

A. Teaching English as Foreign Language............................................ 4
B. Motivation ........................................................................................ 4
1. Definition of Motivation............................................................. 4
2. Types of Motivation .................................................................. 5
3. The Function of Motivation.........................................................5
4. Kinds of Giving Motivation.........................................................6
C. Writing Narrative Text ..................................................................... 6
1. Types of Writing..........................................................................6
2. Narrative Text..............................................................................7
3. Process of Writing........................................................................7

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................... 9

A. Research Design ............................................................................... 9
B. Data Collection Technique ............................................................... 9
1. Observation ................................................................................. 10
2. Documentation ........................................................................... 10
3. Interview ..................................................................................... 10
C. Data Analysis Technique .................................................................. 10

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 12

A. Description of Research Setting ....................................................... 12
B. The Result of Students’ Motivation in Writing Narrative Text ....... 12

a. Intrinsic Motivation .............................................................. 13
b. Extrinsic Motivation ............................................................. 14
C. Limitation ......................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................... 16

A. Conclusions ...................................................................................... 16
B. Suggestions ....................................................................................... 16


A. Background of the Study
English is one of the languages in the world. Nowadays English has
become an International language that is used by all countries as the first, the
second, or the foreign language. Indonesia is one of the countries that
determines English as a foreign language. It has also been a compulsory
subject to indonesian learners from Elementary school up to university.
As a foreign language, learning this language is not as easy as learning
Indonesian language because it has different structure, pronunciation, and
others. Moreover, the primary aim of learning and teaching English is the
students can communicate each others either in spoken or written language. In
teaching a foreign language, language skills and components are the deal.
English as communication language has a great role in human activities.
English student must be able to master English in order to face the
development of science and technology. Learning language is hoped to be able
to help the students recognize them selves, their culture and other culture. On
the other hand, learning language is hoped to help the students to express their
ideas and feeling, participation in society and imagination in their selves, in
learning of English.
Writing is the last skill that mentioned on all the texts of language skills
but it is not the least, because writing is the basic skill, just as important as
speaking, listening, and reading. Moreover, writing is not only for
communicating each others but also for expressing an idea. In addition, it can
be used for remembering something and for thinking critically as well.
Motivation will give effect in learning comprehension, and maker
students’ fail or success in their learning. If some students have less motivation
in writing because they think that is very difficult and boring to keep the
objectively, and student with low motivation is believed to be unconfident to
writing narrative text, so the teacher should give the motivation to the students
by giving spirit and information that writing is very useful and interesting, in
order that they will have an intergraded motivation. In this case, the writer tries

to research and analyze about how is the level of the students’ motivation in
writing narrative text in the SMPN 2 Pekalongan. The writer conducted a pre
survey on January 13, 2011 in the SMPN 2 Pekalongan asking the English
teacher about the process teaching and learning and also about the students’
motivation in writing narrative text. Besides that, the writer asked some of the
students to give statement related to their writing narrative text performance.
The table below is the result of the pre survey :
Table 1. The Students’ Perception Related to Writing Narrative Text
Do yo like writing narrative text ?
No Students’ Name Yes/No
1 EC Yes
2 AP No
3 UDR Yes
4 NF No
5 FK No
6 FGR Yes
7 YI No
8 AA No
9 RP No
10 WM Yes

The table above represents the students’ perception related to writing

narrative text. Dealing with this case, I would like to analyze students’
motivation in writing narrative text at the eighth graders of the SMPN 2
Pekalongan in the academic year of 2017/2018. some problems can be
formulated based on the background above, they are (1) the students who have
less motivation are being unconfident in writing narrative text performance,
(2) the students are lack interest in writing narrative text performance.
B. Focus of the Study
To get a good result of the study especially in writing narrative text, the
students must have an intergraded motivation in learning process so the
students will be getting a good grade.

In line with the explanation above, hence the writer focuses to research :
“How is the students’ motivation in writing narrative text at the eighth graders
of the SMPN 2 Pekalongan in the academic year of 2019/2018”?
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
1. Objectives of the Study
a. To describe the students’ motivation in writing narrative text at the
eighth graders of the SMPN 2 Pekalongan in the academic year of
b. To know the factors of students’ motivation in writing narrative text at
the eighth graders of the SMP N 2 Pekalongan in the academic year of

2. Benefits of the Study

Generally, the result of this research is expected to be useful to
analyze the students’ motivation in writing narrative text. Specifically it is
expected that the results of this research have the benefits as follows :
a. Theoretically, it is as information to the teacher when will give the
motivation for students in writing narrative text at the eighth graders of
the SMPN 2 Pekalongan.
b. Practically, it can be the writer references to know and to analyze how
is the students’ motivation in writing narrative text at the eighth
graders of the SMP N 2 Pekalongan.
c. As a reference for a further studies.


A. Teaching English as Foreign Language

The main goal of learners who learn is mastering what they have
learned. If they mastered what they learned it could be said that they have
succeded in learning. But their success depends on some factors that can
influence their learning achievement, especially in learning English as foreign
language in Indonesia. One of the factors is method that used the teacher in
teaching learning process.. The method applied by the teacher not really
interesting and supporting the students to participate in the learning process is
one of the causes refer to unsuccessful the learning process.
Language teaching is influenced by ideas on the nature of language
(language theories) and the learning conditions that make learners to acquire
the language (learning theories).1 In Indonesian, English is learned only at
schools and people do not speak the language in the society. English is really a
foreign language for language learners in Indonesia.
B. Motivation
1. Definition of motivation
The term motivation is originally derived from the Latin word
“Movere” which means “to move or impulse”.2 The term is generally used for
humans but theoretically, it can also be used to describe the causes for animal
behavior as well.
Motivation is an important factor that affects a language learning
process. Motivation in this case is the positive power or attitude toward
writing especially in writing narrative text. It can stimulate the students to
reach high achievements in writing. Without a strong motivation, it is
impossible the student can be reach high achievement because they don’t have
interesting in writing activity. Motivation is an inner power reinforcing any

Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (Yogyakarta : Graha
Ilmu,2006), p.20
Malayu S.P Hasibuan, Organisasi & Motivasi, (Jakarta : Bumi Aksara, 2005), p.92

person to do something, so writing motivation is an inner power that
determines succesful writing actifity.
2. Types of Motivation
According to self-determination theory, there are two general types of
motivation, one based on intrinsic interest in the activity per se and the other
based on rewards extrinsic to the activity itself, as the following :
1. Intrinsic Motivation
2. Intrinsic motivation generally refers to motivation to engage in an activity
because that activity is enjoyable and satisfying to do.3 According to
Hamalik, intrinsic motivation is motivation which grows in student self
and useful in learning situation that fungsional.4
3. Extrinsic Motivation
In contrast to intrinsically motivated behaviors, extrinsically
motivated behaviors are those actions carried out to achieve some
instrumental end, such as earning a reward or avoiding a punishment.5
Brown state that extrinsically motivated behaviors, on the other hand.
3. The Function of Motivation
There are three functions of motivation, those are :
1. To support human to do something, so as a motor that it gives energy.
This motivation a motor of every activity that will do.
2. To determine the direction of activity that is to direction the purpose of
the direction that will get. So motivation can give the direction and
activity that have to do accord with the formulation of the purpose itself.
3. The selection of performance, that is to determine what activities that
have to do and match to get the purpose by threw out the disadvantage
activities so that the purpose really can go.

Zoltan Dornyei, Attitudes Orientations, and Motivations in Language Learning,
(University of Michigan : Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 38
Oemar Hamalik, op. cit, p. 162
Zoltan Dornyei, op. cit, p. 39

4. Kinds of Giving Motivation
There are many ways to give motivation to the students that are :
1. Giving the number
Number in this case is as a symbol from the value of learning activity.
Many students study just to get bookmark, so usually students just find or
run up the high score in the final test or score on the report.
2. Giving the present
Present is also told as a motivation but is not always like that, because of
the present for a job maybe will not interest for someone that they does not
like or does not have talented for the job.
3. Competition
The competition can be use as a tool of motivation to support the learning
of students. The competition, like individual competition or grouped
competition can increase the study of the students.
4. Ambition to Learn
The ambition to learn, it means that element of deliberateness,
there is purpose to study.
C. Writing Narrative Text
Writing is a psychological activity of the language user to put
information in the written text.6 Writing is a process of expressing ideas,
thoughts, and feeling of the writer by using a conventional system, so that
the reader understand the message or information sent.
1. Types of Writing
There are four types of writing as follows :
1. Description
Description helps the reader, through his/her imagination, to visualize
a scence or a person, or to understand a sensation or an emotion.7
Description reproduces the way things look, taste, feel, sound or smell, it
may also evoke moods, such as happiness, fear, joy, or loneliness.

Sanggam Siahaan, Issues in Linguistics, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2008),p. 215
Wishon George E & Julia M.Burks, Op.Cit,p.128

2. Argumentation
Argumentation means supporting one side or the other of a
controversial topic. This method is to make a general statement and
support it-or sometimes to lead logically to a general conclusion by a
series of facts.8
3. Narration
Narration is the form of writing used to relate the story of acts or
events. Narration places occurences in time and tells what happened
according to natural time sequence.
2. Narrative Text
Writing narrative text is called nonfiction if the story or event is true or
actually occurred. The examples of narrative writing are anecdotes,
autobiography, biography, novels, oral histories, and short stories. The
effective narrative also contains the incidents or details that constribute
directly to the story. Motivation is the set of circumstances that starts the
action of the story.
3. Process of Writing
According to Mc.Crimmon, there are four steps in writing process as
follows :
1. Planning
Planning is a series of strategies designed to find and produce information
in writing.9 To make a planning in writing, there are three sources to help
you locate and produce information in writing.
Drafting is a series of strategies designed to organize and develop a
sustained piece of writing or procedure for determining whether the
information you discovered during planning can be shaped into a
successful piece of writing.10

Mc. Crimmon, Writing with Purpose, ( New York : Houghton Miffin, 1983),p.10

Revising is a series of strategies designed to re-examine and re-
evaluate the choices that have created a piece of writing.11



A. Research Design
There are many researches method that can be applied in researching
into motivation. Actually, all of the variety of methods is descriptive, either
quantitative or qualitative. It depends on the purpose of the research.
This research is to analyze the students’ motivation in writing narrative
text. The writer wants to analyze the level of students’ motivation in writing
narrative text. It is surely more suitable using qualitative. Based on this
explanation, the writer decides using qualitative research to analyze the
students’ motivation in writing narrative text in the SMPN 2 Pekalongan.
This research is qualitative in nature. Qualitative research is the
research procedure that produces the descriptive data as written or spoken
word from human and their behavior which can observe so that the purpose of
this research understands each individual an the nature of background.12
Qualitative research is fundamentally interpretive. It means that the research
make as interpretation of the data.
The type of this research is case study. Case study often becomes
contravention whether it is categorized to a research methodology or parts of
quantitative or qualitative methodology. Although case study has been known
for a long time ago, it often emerges problem whether the data of the research
quantitative or qualitative.
B. Data Collection Technique
In conducting the research, the writer used snowball sampling as the
participants. Snowball sampling is technique of data source, that firstly the
sum is a few and for the next is more and more.13 The writer confined the
research by choosing 5 (five) participants only. In that, the subject of this
research is people and case which chosen in certain reason.

Edi Kusnadi, Metodologi Penelitian, Ramayana Pers and STAIN Metro, Metro, 2008,
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, Bandung, Alfabeta,
2009, p. 219

1. Observation
The purpose of observation is to describe about situations, events,
individual, and the relationship between situations, events, and
individual.14 So that the reader will understand clearly what have happen
and how the process of the events. A discussion about participants and site
might include four aspects identify by Miles and Huberman (1994), “the
setting (where the research will take place), the actors (who will the
observed), the events (what the actors will be observed doing), and the
process (the evolving nature of events undertaken by the actors within the
setting).15 I observed the participants directly, then notes what they do,
say, and act.
2. Documentation
So it’s the clear that documentation is note of information in the
form of documentation. The writer used this method to get data about the
students, condition of teachers and also about the organization structure of
SMPN 2 Pekalongan.
4. Interview
Interview is a purposeful dialogue. According to W. Gulo,
“interview is the direct communication between the researcher and the
respondents”.16 Something on going based on the past experience. This
method is to get some information from English teacher, headmaster, and
all persons in this research location, who know the condition of SMPN 2
Pekalongan well.
C. Data Analysis Technique
The analysis and interpretation of data represent the application of
deductive and inductive logic to the research process. The writer used
inductive logic in research process. The process of data analysis involved
sense out of text and image data. Creswell explained the data analysis
technique in the following step:17

Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Op. cit. p.239
John . W. Creswell, Op. cit. p.185
W. Gulo, Metodologi Penelitian, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2003, p.199
John W. Creswell, Loc. Cit, p. 191

1. Gathering the data
Organize and prepare the data for analysis. This involves transcibing
interviews, optically scanning material, typing up fieldnotes, or sorting and
arranging the data into different types depending on the sources of
2. Grouping the data
Use the coding process to generate a description of the setting or people as
well as categories or themes for analysis.
3. Selecting / Displaying
The writer should display multiple perspectives from individuals and be
supported by diverse quotations and spesific evidence.
4. Interpretation
A final steps in data analysis involves interpretation or meaning of the
data. “What were the lessons learned” captures the essence of this idea.


A. Description of Research Setting

The SMPN 2 Pekalongan have guided by three principles. On 1995
until 2006, Drs. Suyoto has guided as the principle. After that, 0n 2006 until
2011, Drs. H Khasbullah, M.M has guided as the principle. And now, the
principle of the SMPN 2 Pekalongan is Drs. Sunardi, M.Pd.
The vision and mission of The SMPN 2 Pekalongan are stated as
The vision: “To be an education institute that has IPTEK insight and the
nation, region, and global quality.”
The Mission is the first is to increase the organization quality and the
school management in growing the excellence spirit. The second is to increase
the quality of teaching learning activity and to reach the students competence
that has the national standard. And the third is to increase the human source
quality and the student guided quality in realizing IMTAQ and autonomy
attitude. All of the vision and mission have the purpose, to increase the
developing of the school.
The orientation of the SMPN 2 Pekalongan is the official management.
The school consists of twelve classes, teacher room, official employee room,
computer room, library, laboratory, masque, canteen, toilet, and parking area.
The school has 38 teachers and 5 official employees.
The principle is a person who have the high status in coordinator all of
duty in school activity. To do it, the principal of the SMPN 2 Pekalongan is
helped by school committee, official employee, the head vice of student, the
head vice of general, and the head vice of curriculum. Each of the head vice
has the duties.
B. The Result of Students’ Motivation in Writing Narrative Text
In this research, the students’ writing narrative text performance
presented their motivation which factor appeared in writing performance.
Motivation can be viewed as positive power to give reaction, incentive,

enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior.
Students’ motivation is then believed as an affective domain that influenced
their writing narrative text performance.
a. Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation is a motivation which originates within the
behaviors itself rather than externally particularly toward writing
narrative text performance. Based on the result of interview, there are
2 students like to keep writing narrative text. It based on the following
perceptions, they are; (1) the students are able to practice writing
performance especially in writing narrative text. (2) By writing
narrative text, the students indirectly review the entries they have
learnt before.
Based on the explanation, there are 2 students who like writing
narrative text, as follows:
The first student (N1) has the intrinsic motivation in writing
narrative text. The descriptions of his intrinsic motivation are as
follows: N1 has interest in writing narrative text. In interview he stated
that “I interest to writing narrative text and I feel enjoy in this subject
because I like writing so much, for me writing is not difficult“. N1 has
ambition to learn too, “I always learn because I want be a clever and
can do it. I think that my writing skill is good and I will always try to
increase my skill in writing”. In fact N1 is able to practice his writing
performance especially in writing narrative text. Hilgard in Slameto
defines that Interest is persisting tendency to pay attention to and
enjoy some activity or content.18
The second student (N2) also has the intrinsic motivation in
writing narrative text. The descriptions of her intrinsic motivation as
follows: N2 has interest and ambition to learn in writing narrative text.
N2 also works hard by allowing the self regard or it can be called ego-
involvement. She stated in interview session “If my body is healthy,
I’m spirit to study and writing especially writing narrative text. Before
Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya, PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta,
2003, p.57

go to school I always breakfast and drink a milk in order that healthy
and strong to do activity learning. I always do task from my teacher. I
must do it and be best”. In this case, condition of student able to
influence in learning activity especially in writing narrative text. If a
student lack of nutrition, hence student will become quickly fatigue,
sleepy, and weary. And her ego-involvement appears because feel the
important of task and can accepts as a challenging with stake her self-
respect. That causes she will study hard to get good result to keep her
N2 was interviewed to answer the question “What do you
think of your writing narrative text performance now?”. She answer
,”I think my writing narrative text is good enough because I always
practice my writing skill. From Elememtary School we study writing
and I always get score excellent in study writing”.
Based on above explanation, health is influential in learning
process especially in writing narrative text. Learning process of
someone will disturbed if health of someone or student disturbed,
beside that he will become fatigue, less enthusiasm, easy dizzy, sleepy
if his body is weak determined by their perception of their
performance in writing narrative text.
b. Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation is motivation which concern with factor out
ourselves. This motivation influenced by external factor or pressure
and ones do the activity because of some instrumental end. In this
research, the writer limited in the factors from the environment of the
classroom, like giving the examination, giving the present, and giving
the number by teacher, punishment, praise and competition.
C. Limitation
The data above is the result of the case study research. In this case,
the writer focused on depth interview and collecting the data. Commonly,
case study can be conducted through various approaches. It means this

research considers as a research methodology to describe the phenomenon
holistically and completely.
In the same manner as other methods, case study also has some
strengths and weakness. The strengths of this research are giving the
writer chance to analyze the objective of the study in depth to know the


A. Conclusions
In line with the analysis of the data on the previous chapter, several points
can be concluded as follows:
1. In intrinsic motivation, 2 participants like to keeping writing narrative text.
It based on the following perceptions, they are; (1) the students are able to
practice writing performance especially in writing narrative text. (2) By
writing narrative text, the students indirectly review the entries they have
learnt before. (3) The students represent a challenge to their capabilities to
make some creations. Hence, 3 students dislike to keeping writing
narrative text. It based on the following perceptions, they are: (1) the
students do not exactly know about their mastery in the subject, (2) they
feel that writing narrative text is difficult performance to be done.
2. In extrinsic motivation, 3 participants have high extrinsic motivation in
writing narrative text performance. based on the following factors: (1) the
teacher gives the present or praise when there is a student who gets the
high score and gives the punishment when there is a student does not do
the assignment in writing narrative text, (2) the teacher giving the number
to the result of students writing narrative text performance, in order to
increase students motivation in writing narrative text. (3) The students
know well about the topic they learnt. On the contrary, 2 participants have
low extrinsic motivation in writing narrative text performance. Based on
the following factors: (1) the students are lack confident about their
mastery in the subject, (2) the students blames bad situation and others.

B. Suggestions
This research is pointed out to give the suggestion for:
1. The participants
The participants should construct their motivation in writing narrative text
performance. It is clear that writing is as an actual production of

performance. The participants must have an intergraded motivation in
writing narrative text performance. Hence, they must be able to avoid
unconfident in the process of writing narrative text
2. The teacher
The teacher should give the motivation to the students by giving spirit or
praise and information that writing narrative text is very useful and
interesting, in order that they will have an intergraded motivation.
3. The further researcher
The further researcher who wants to conduct the related research should be
mostly intensive.


Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Metode Penelitian Untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing,

Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta, 2006, p.285

_______, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta,

2006, p.20

Barli Bram, Write Well, Kanisius, Yogyakarta,1995, p.7

Edi Kusnadi, Metodologi Penelitian, Ramayana Pers and STAIN Metro, Metro,
2008, p.27-28

H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, 2000, p.72,
December 15 th, 2010

John . W. Creswell, Research Design-Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed

Methods Approach, Sage Publications, USA, 2003, p. 185

Malayu S.P Hasibuan, Organisasi & Motivasi, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2005, p.92

Mc. Crimmon, Writing with Purpose, Houghton Miffin, New York, 1983, p.10

M. Alisuf Sabri, Pengantar Psikologi Umum & Perkembangan, Pedoman Ilmu

Jaya, Jakarta, 2006, p. 128

Nanang Triasmosari & Agung Budhi santoso, Panduan Belajar Persiapan UN,
Lembaga Pendidikan Primagama, Metro, Tt, p.19

Oemar Hamalik, Proses Belajar Mengajar, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2004, p.158.

Paul Davies and Eric Pearse, Success in English Teaching, Oxford University
Press, New York, 2002, p.96

Sanggam Siahaan, Issues in Linguistics, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta, 2008, p. 215

_______, The English Paragraph, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta, 2008, p.2

S. Nasution, Didaktik Asas-asas Mengajar, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2004, p.76

Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya, PT Rineka Cipta,
Jakarta, 2003, p.57

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, Bandung,

Alfabeta, 2009, p. 219

Wishon George E & Julia M. Burks, Lets Write English. Litton Educational
Publishing Inc. New York, 1980, p.345

W. Gulo, Metodologi Penelitian, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2003, p.119

Zoltan Dornyei, Attitudes Orientations, and Motivations in Language Learning,

Blackwell Publishing, University of Michigan, 2003, p. 38


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