Axe FX III 2.03 Release Notes
Axe FX III 2.03 Release Notes
Axe FX III 2.03 Release Notes
Added “Auto-Swell” type to Volume block. This simulates “pinky swells” using the guitar volume knob.
Threshold sets the input power to start the volume swell. When the input power drops below the
threshold the swell circuit is reset and the volume drops to zero. Attack sets the rate at which the
volume increases.
Added ability to select the source of USB Outputs 7,8 (to computer). Inputs 2-4 can be assigned to USB
Fixed minor error in Amp block voltage to speaker displacement transfer function causing more
parameter shift than expected for a given Speaker Compliance setting.
Improved Amp block speaker dynamic parameter modeling. The new Speaker Compliance parameter
controls the nonlinear behavior of the virtual speaker. Existing presets will load with this parameter at
0.0 and will be unchanged tonally from the previous firmware (IOW your presets will not be altered).
Selecting a new amp model or resetting the block will set the value to 50% which is a typical value for
guitar speakers.
Added Temperament parameter to Pitch block. When set to “Just”, pitch shifting uses just
temperament with ratios defined by the harmonic overtone series. When set to the default value of
“Equal”, equal temperament tuning is used. Just temperament can be used to give a “sweeter”
harmony, especially when followed by distortion.
Added “Virtual Capo” type to Pitch block. This is a simple one-voice pitch shift that is intended for drop-
tuning and virtual capo use and is easy to configure and use.
Changed Pitch block behavior so that when selecting Whammy or Virtual Capo types the Mix is
automatically set to 100%, otherwise 50%.
Added two options to the Filter Order in the Cabinet block. “L: 6, H: 12” sets the filter slope to 6
dB/octave for the low cut and 12 dB/octave for the high cut. “L: 12, H: 6” sets the filter slope to 12
dB/octave for the low cut and 6 dB/octave for the high cut.
Changed Looper meter, CPU meter and Layout VU meter colors to cyan so that thresholds are visible to
those with red-green colorblindness.
Fixed Looper not playing when pressing Once if Trim Start is nonzero.
Fixed MIDI running status ignored if active sense messages received between status messages.
Fixed diffusion not working on delay lines 2-4 in certain types in Multitap Delay.
Fixed MIDI-Over-USB hanging when receiving certain SysEx messages intended for other products. This
occurs with some DAW software (i.e. Logic) at startup causing subsequent SysEx commands to be
ignored rendering Axe-Edit non-responsive.
Fixed certain 3rd-party MIDI SysEx messages not processed properly when SysEx messages are also being
received via USB (i.e. changing a block bypass state or channel via a MIDI foot controller while also using
Fixed adjustments to global Noisegate Offset do not take effect until editing Input block.
Fixed booting to preset with two amp blocks does not correctly initialize.
Fixed block channel change so that muting does not occur if block is bypassed.
Improved Multiband Compressor block so that mid-band gain is automatically compensated for
crossover response.
Added Frequency Range parameters to Multiband Compressor block. This selects between Low and High
frequency ranges yielding more flexible crossover frequencies.
Added Crossover Slope parameter to Multiband Compressor block. Choices are 12 and 24 dB/octave.
Added Output Mode to Amp block. The default value, FRFR, is the classic mode and designed for use
with monitors or recording. The SS PA + Cab mode is intended for use with a solid-state power amp and
conventional guitar cab. In this mode speaker compression modeling behaves differently relying on the
speaker for compression while still simulating the interaction with the power amp. NOTE: this mode is
not intended for use with current drive power amps, i.e. tube power amps, Class-D current feedback
amps (Quilter Tone Block), etc. NOTE: this mode CAN be used with FRFR monitors in high volume
applications where the monitor’s speakers are compressing thereby achieving a more dynamic
Added 10-band, 2/3 octave types to Graphic EQ block. These types center the filter frequencies on a
narrower range best suited to finely sculpting guitar tones.
Added 10-band, 2/3 octave graphic equalizer to Drive block. The EQ can be enabled/disabled via the
Graphic EQ parameter which is also modifiable.
Added 8-band, 2/3 octave graphic equalizer to Wah block. The EQ can be enabled/disabled via the EQ
parameter which is also modifiable.
Added (2) IR Player blocks. These are simple versions of the Cabinet block that can be used to process
IRs for various purposes such as applying Tone Matches separate from the Tone Match block. For
example, an IR Player block can be used to apply a Tone Match of a guitar at the beginning of a chain
leaving the Tone Match block available for amp matching.
Added Output 1 Volume Increment and Output 1 Volume Decrement CC assignments. When the CC
assigned to Volume Increment/Decrement is received the scene volume for Output 1 is incremented or
decremented by 1 dB and the preset automatically saved.
Added Metronome function. To enable the metronome press the Tempo button and adjust the level for
the desired output(s). Note: the metronome levels persist across presets and are reset to OFF at power
Added Mode parameter to Tone Match block. When set to OFF-LINE the processing is adjusted to
better suit matching recorded sources such as guitar stems. When set to LIVE the processing is as
before and better suited to matching a real-time source such as the output of a guitar amp.
Added Damping Time to Sequencer. This controls the time it takes to slew from the one value to the
Improved CPU usage for Synthesizer block when oscillator type is white or pink noise.
Improved Tuner.
Changes/improvements to 3rd-Party MIDI device support (see AXE-FX III MIDI FOR THIRD-PARTY DEVICES
document for details).
Fixed some parameter displays dependent on Tempo, i.e. Delay Time, not updating when new Tempo is
Fixed Tremolo block bug when LFO Type set to SAW DOWN.
Added MIDI CC for Looper Stop. This allows stopping recording or playback of the Looper via MIDI
Fixed divide-by-zero fault if turning Master Volume to zero on JS410 amp models.
Added “Dual Chorus” type to Chorus block. This type has independent LFOs for the left and right delay
lines. Delay lines are BBD emulations.
Added “SSB Upper” and “SSB Lower” types to Ring Modulator block. These select the upper and lower
sidebands of the modulation, respectively.
Added single-sideband ring modulators to Multidelay block. These can be used to create strange and
interesting echo sounds. To defeat the modulators turn Master Ring Mod Mix to 0.
Added chorusing to individual delay lines in Multidelay block. There are four LFOs, one for each delay
line. The rate and depth of each LFO is individually adjustable. These add to the main LFOs which
modulate each delay line at the same frequency but different phases. By using short delay times the
Multidelay block can now act as four parallel choruses, each with independent rate and depth.
Added Quad-Tap Band Delay type to Multidelay block. This type has the same configuration as the
Quad-Tap delay except the filters are outside the feedback paths.
Added band highlighting to RTA block. Turn Value knob to select desired band. The frequency of the
selected band is displayed in the upper left corner.
Increased number of channels in Multiplexer block to six, one for each row.
Changed preset recall behavior if Ignore Redundant PC is on. If Ignore Redundant PC is on and the
desired scene (set via PC mapping) is different than the current scene the preset is not loaded but the
scene IS changed.
Added MIDI support for 3rd-party devices to set/get scene, channel, bypass, scene names and preset
names, control the Looper, tap tempo, etc. via System Exclusive messages. See the Axe-Fx III MIDI for
Third-Party Devices document for implementation details.
Improved Multidelay block. The Band Delay type has been replaced by a more flexible Quad Parallel
Delay. The Quad Parallel Delay and the Quad Series Delay now feature four delay lines in a parallel or
series configuration, respectively, as before, with the output of each delay line feeding a series
combination of a bandpass filter and a resonator. Added drive, low-cut and hi-cut filters allow further
tone sculpting. To defeat the bandpass filters set Master Q to minimum. To defeat the resonators set
Master Resonator Feedback to 0.
Improved Spring Reverb algorithm. New algorithm features improved dispersion modeling and
adjustable low and high frequency decay time ratios.
Improved knob response for fine adjustments.
Fixed Reverb GUI so that only valid parameters show on All page for selected type.
Fixed system backup hanging if on preset containing certain types of foot controller data.
Added “Stereoizer” type to Enhancer block. While the Classic and Modern types rely on micro-delays
and inversions to create artificial stereo, the new Stereoizer uses multiple high-order filters to create a
realistic stereo image.
Added “Effect Bypass Mode” to MIDI menu. When set to “Value” the bypass state of an effect assigned
to a CC is controlled by the CC value. When set to “Toggle” the bypass state toggles whenever the CC
message is received, regardless of the value.
Added “Default Scene” parameter to Global menu. When set to “As Saved” the scene selected when
recalling a preset is the scene that was active when the preset was saved. When set to a particular
scene value that scene will always be selected when a preset is recalled.
Added Channel parameter to modifiers. This allows applying the modifier to all channels or only a
selected channel of an effect block.
Added “Prompt on Edited Preset Change” parameter to Global Settings. When set to ON the unit will
prompt before changing presets if the current preset has been edited (and prevent you from losing your
edits). NOTE: Be sure to change this value to OFF before performing!
Added Global Blocks. There are 8 Global Blocks per effect instance. Not all effects support Global Blocks
(i.e. Mixer, RTA, etc.). There are four operations associated with a Global Block:
1. Link To Global Block: This operation links the selected effect with a Global Block. The Global
Block data is NOT loaded. Upon saving the preset the Global Block is saved. Any other presets
linked to this Global Block will load the Global Block data upon recall.
2. Load From Global Block: This operation loads data from a selected Global Block but does NOT
link the block.
3. Link To and Load From Global Block: This operation links an effect to a Global Block AND loads
data from the Global Block. Upon saving the preset the Global Block is saved. Any other presets
linked to this Global Block will load the Global Block data upon recall.
4. Unlink From Global Block. This operation disassociates the effect from any Global Blocks.
Global Block operations are accessible from the Tools page in the Layout menu.
Improved scene switching algorithm resulting in much faster, smoother scene changes.
Improved Input block noise gate. When the Type is set to Intelligent (default) the noise gate now
provides smart EMI filtering which reduces hum and buzz. NOTE: For best results the AC Line Frequency
parameter in the Global Settings menu should be set to match the power line frequency of your country
(i.e. 60 Hz for North America, 50 Hz for EU, etc.).
Changed default value for Setup -> MIDI -> Program Change to ON.
Fixed Scene MIDI block not sending correct data on preset change.
Fixed cabinet names not showing up in cab picker until background tasks are finished.
Fixed Pitch block LFO Tempo not being updated on tempo changes.
Fixed Modifier Auto-Engage working erratically if Update Rate set to Slow or Medium.
Fixed Channels not copying correctly when using Scene copy utility function.
Fixed Pitch block not setting number of voices correctly, i.e. Whammy modes should have one voice but
two voices were audible.
Fixed Input 1 Level Meters not scaled properly when input source is USB.
Added “Update Rate” parameter to Modifiers. Values are Slow | Medium | Fast. The Update Rate
selects the rate at which the modifier updates the target parameter. For most applications a slow rate is
sufficient. Under some circumstances a slow rate may cause “zipper noise”. Increasing the rate will
reduce the noise at the expense of increased CPU usage.
Added “Plexi 2204” Amp model based on a 1981 JMP 50W Master Volume head.
Fixed Output block buffer stuck when bypassed causing high pitched tone.
Fixed distortion on Crystal Echoes pitch type if Direction is set to Reverse and Shift is set to +4.
Fixed MIDI message(s) immediately following a PC message being ignored, i.e. Scene Select CC.
Fixed Scene Copy function not copying Amp block bypass states.
Fixed can’t select Amp type when creating a new preset if the previous preset had the Amp block
channel as anything other than ‘A’.
Fixed External Controller initial values not being applied and garbage values in any of these controllers
that are not assigned.
Fixed low-cut and high-cut filters not working in Multitap Delay block.
Fixed Amp blocks bypass states not being preserved across preset changes.
Fixed Quad Tape Delay missing modifier for Motor Speed (formerly labeled Tape Speed).