ENT (Supposedly) 2.4 Rhinitidis
ENT (Supposedly) 2.4 Rhinitidis
ENT (Supposedly) 2.4 Rhinitidis
Dr. Opulencia
Hello Classmates! As promised, the Rhinitidis! It’s from 2014A&B plus Probst NON-SPECIFIC CHRONIC RHINITIS
(especially yung mga hindi diniscuss ni Doc) and some reminders from the Chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to recurrent
30min lecture of Dr. Opulencia (hay). Again, sorry for my mistake! Happy acute inflammation and anatomic malformations such as septal
studying! –TQ deviation, septal spur, polyps and tumors of the nasal cavity,
and adenoids of the nasopharnyx.
RHINITIS Air pollutants and extreme weather changes could also bring
Inflammation of the lining of the nose characterized by nasal about the condition.
congestion, sneezing and itching. SYMPTOMS:
o Obstructed nasal breathing
Old classification: Allergic and Non-Allergic Rhinitis o Mucus nasal discharge
o Frequent throat clearing with occasional hoarseness
Classifications: TREATMENT:
a. Acute rhinitis (common cold) o Remove chronic irritants from the immediate environment
b. Non-specific chronic rhinitis o Surgical correction of anatomic abnormality
o Supportive measures such as decongestants (drops) or
ACUTE RHINITIS (COMMON COLD) nasal irrigation with saline solution
Prevalent infectious disease WITHOUT postinfection immunity.
RHINOVIRUS and CORONAVIRUS cause 50% of these cases. Allergic Rhinitis Non-Allergic Rhinitis
Minor causative agents are Influenza and adenovirus. Intermittent, mild Non-allergic rhinitis with
Boies: Nearly 200 viruses are responsible for the common cold Persistent, mild eosinophil syndrome (NARES)
Transmission: airborne route (droplet infection). Moderate, severe Environmental
Persistent, moderate – severe Occupational
Cold weather could also increase susceptibility to infection.
Incubation period: 3-7 days. Drug-induced
SYMPTOMS: Food-induced
o Initial dry stage symptoms: malaise (lethargy, headache, Emotional stress
fever), local discomfort in the nose &nasopharynx. Idiopathic
o Catarrhal stage symptoms:marked watery, initially serous
nasal discharge and nasal obstruction due to mucosal
swelling of turbinates. NON-ALLERGIC RHINITIS
The viruses damage the cilia (mucociliary
transport system), thus hampering normal
clearing of secretions. Resembles allergic rhinitis in clinical features, but there is no
o Viral damage to the epithelium increases risk for bacterial evidence that the patient has been previously sensitized
colonization which alters the consistency of the clear nasal Pathogenesis is believed to involve neurovascular autonomic
discharge to being mucopurulent. disturbances in regulating the tonus of the nasal mucosal vessels
o Local and systemic symptoms subside in 1 week.
Boies: Vasomotor Rhinitis is a form of hypertrophic rhinitis with unknown
Boies: Start with nasal airway obstruction, excessive nasal discharge etiology although psychosomatic factors have been suggested. Two
sneezing and some coughing and general malaise with or without opposing forces are:
headache. Temperature maybe normal or slightly elevated. First stage Parasympathetic nerves that causes engorgement of the vascular bed
is limited to three to five days. The nasal secretions are at first watery with resultant congestion and increased mucous production
and profuse, then become mucoid, more viscid and scantier. The illness Sympathetic nerves that causes vasoconstriction which results to
may terminate at this point. In many patients however the illness nasal patency and decreased mucus production
progresses to a stage of secondary bacterial invasion characterized by
purulent rhinorrhea, fever and often a sore throat. A. Environmental Rhinitis
Non-specific trigger in the environment
TREATMENT: B. Cold-air Induced Rhinitis
o Supportive treatment: chamomile steam inhalation, light Release of mast cell associated mediators (Non-IgE- it
baths, infrared therapy. means it’s not allergy) cause osmolality changes in
Boies: Bed rest, isolation for two days, increased fluid the nasal secretion.
intake, administration of saline nose drops.
Causes cholinergic responses.
o Decongestants (drops) should be used < 7 days due to risk
of tachyphylaxis& severe rebound swelling of nasal Treatment: anticholinergic
mucosa. Boies: Sudden environmental temperature changes may stimulate nasal
o Antibiotics are prescribed to patients with bacterial
C. Food Allergy or Gustatory Rhinorrhea
superinfection or paranasal sinus involvement.
o Mainly done to R/O infection or anatomic variations in the
osteomeatal complex (ex. XRAY, CT Scan of the paranasal
Boies: Bilateral involvement is more compatible with an allergic mechanism
then is unilateral disease. If you are in mild to moderate persistent allergic rhinitis you use
Globally Important Allergens
SKIN PRICK TEST House dust mite – multiplies faster in air-conditioned rooms.
o Only diagnostic tool for allergic rhinitis People are not allergic to mites of dust but to dung!
o Done to check for the specific allergen causing rhinitis Pets
o Not done for all patients due to high cost Cockroaches
o Indications: Diesel exhaust
Unresponsive patients to pharmacotherapy Ozone
Patients with multiple organ involvement Tobacco, smoke -
Patients for hyposensitization Grass, trees,
Boies: Dietary test (provocative food test and various elimination diets), Molds
cytotoxic food test (leukocytes from the buffy coat of the patient’s plasma
are destroyed in the presence of food antigen) Radioallergosorbercy test Egyptian Theory of the Nose
(measure the concentration of IgE in patient’s antibodies with specific
- Once air enters the nose, it goes to the heart and exits the
concentrations of antigen coupled with radioactive paper)
- They used MYRRH with dung of white dogs as
Classification of Allergic Rhinitis decongestants. First to use nasal decongestants
1. Seasonal – esp. pollen season (Hay fever- Probst)
Prevalence varies from 0.8 and 14.95% in 6-7 year olds and
2. Perennial – throughout the year (Presence of Allergen in
between 1.4 and 39.7% in 13-14 year olds.
the environment- Probst)
Increase in age also increases risk for allergic rhinitis BUT
3. Occupational - (Latex- Probst)
people who are ≥ 65 years gave decreased prevalence
Low prevalence in Indonesia, Greece, Quatar, Bahrain and
Based on severity and is subdivided into mild or moderate-
deserts (the sand does not have allergens!)
severe, depending on the symptoms and quality of life
Increase prevalence in Australia, UK and USA.
Also based on duration and is subdivided into intermittent
Avoidance of allergens is the ultimate therapy for allergic
or persistent.
NEW CLASSIFICATION according to ARIA Once you have it, you have it for life!
40-50% of patients with allergic rhinitis have asthma
Based on severity and is subdivided into mild or moderate-
Rhinitis occurs in > 75% of allergic asthmatics
severe, depending on the symptoms and quality of life
Also based on duration and is subdivided into intermittent
We do not treat the allergy but the symptoms. SNEEZERS and RUNNERS BLOCKERS
- Paroxysmal sneezing - Little or no sneezing
- Watery rhinorrhea - Thick nasal mucus (more
(anterior more than posterior than anterior)
posterior) - No itchy nose
- Itchy nose - Severe nasal blockade
- Nasal blockade - Constant day and night but
- Diurnal variation (worse may worsen during the
during the day) night
- Associated with - Cannot go to sleep
2nd Generation Antihistamines (GOLD STD)
Potent noncompetitive H1 receptor antagonists
Rapid onset and 24 hour duration of action
LESS sedation
LESS cardiac toxicity
NO interference in activity by food
- Cetirizine
- Ebastine
- Fexofenadine
- Loratidine
- Mizolastine
- Acrivastine
- Azelastine
Boies: Since patient exhibit marked variability in response to various
antihistamines, individualization of doses and frequency administration is
Intranasal Corticosteroids
Fluticasone and Mometasone are mainstay drugs because
they have decreased bioavailability (BA) so they have less
systemic effects. They only stay in the mucosa lining.