E 905030
E 905030
E 905030
Richard Q. Marris, G2BZQ
The unit was designed as an external an- by either coaxial cable or 300 Q flat twin selection of ferrite core material grades and
tenna for use wifh any all-waveband radio feeder; which is of particula r interest sizes and the use of a 5-gang variable tun-
with external äntenna requirements such where end-fed long-wire antennas have to ing capacitor.
as communications receivers, vintage ra- be attached. In the case of older commuru- The experimental unit is seen from var-
dios, home constructed radios and HF cations and domestic receivers, it was not ious angles in the photographs, in one of
bands of modern transistor radios. A fur- unusual for a 100 ft long outside wire an- wh ich (4) it is shown on top of a supe rb
ther and novel feature is that it covers the tenna to be specified. Even if you have the vintage Pye 9-waveband all-wave Export
segment between the LW and .MW bands, real estate necessary for this, it is not going Receiver. This receiver is in everyday do-
which is now again of much interest to to be popular with the neighbours and mestic use: its audio reproduction outper-
many enthusiasts who have built or pur- local authorities. Iorms most modern AM radios. Since the
chased receivers covering these frequen- Many successful experiments have unit is experimental, certain imperfections
cies, and that between 2000 and 2400 me- been conducted over the entire waveband can be seen in the photographs owing to
tres where there is increasing activity. covered by the unit. The impressive results modifications carried out during the final
The unit is coupled to the radio input are in 110 small measure due to the carefu l construction, testing and evaluation, but
1 2
that's experimental
7 Construction
round cable clip
,---- The baseboard assembly shown in Pig. 8 is
made of two pieces of 18-22 mm thick
(ptyrwood. The vertically mounted cop-
L6 L----L4----~ per-clad board is for direct common earth-
L7 L5
ta ing connections and is trapped between
the two halves of the baseboard and se-
93 cured with two brass angle brackets. All
126 wood parts should be given an application
of teak colour wood dye.
The LF-MF coil assembly-see Fig. 6 -
FR2 = grade 61 Ferrite Rod (190 x 13mm)
uses a 130x9.5 mm Grade F14 ferrite rod,
W dimensions in mm W cut down from a standard 140 mrn lang
~~--------------------------~'~90~--------------------~~~~ rod with a Junior hacksaw. Grade F14 is a
900065 -13 nickel-zinc material that is usabJe up to
2 MHz, where performance just begins to
fall off. The rod is clarnped at either end in
Copper clad board zoe ~ 90 mm 8
slolled inlo baseboard a plastic, round cable clip that is secured to
1 verucet ccn scppcrt post
a vertical bar of perspex (hardwood would
do). The assembly is bolted to the vertical
-r-----... . 1 2. piece baseboard mounted
on J x crcss suuts
board as shown in Fig. 9, side
1 ~ copper-c1ad board
2 ~ 2 in. dia. cord drum
3 = wooden base
4 ~ knob (with cord drum
and slow-rnotion drive
5 = drive cord with tension
6 = brass angle bracket
7 = slow-rnotion drive
8 ~ shaft coupler
9 ~ feeder terminal block
FR I ~ ferrite rod; Grade F14;
140x9.5 rnrn, cut to
130mm; Type FRA;
stock no. 35-14147;
Circkit Distribution Ltd
FR2 ~ ferrite rod; Grade 61;
7.5xO.5 in; Type
R61-050-750; Amidon
Associares, 12033 Otse-
go St, Nth Hollywood,
CaLifomia 91607, USA
LI ~ antenna coil LWCI;
stock nO.35-00 108;
Cirkit Distribution Ltd
L3 ~ antenna coil MWC2;
stock no. 35-00268;
Circkit Distribution Ltd
CI, C2 ~ 2-gang x 500 pF
large BC type variable
capacitor; J. Birkett
C3, C4, C5 ~ 3-gang X 500 pF
large BC type variable
capacitor; J. Birkett
C6 ~ 470 pF, silver mica or
C7 ~ 1000 pF, silver mica or
slow-rnotion drive = code
RX42V; Maplin
shaft coupler (2 off) ~0.25 in.
shaft; J. Birkett
dial cord drum (2 off) with
spring; 54.5 mm dia.;
code RX43W; Maplin
copper-clad circuit board, Ull-
drilled; 200x90 mm
cable clip, plastic (4 off) to fit
ferri te rods
wire Ca)32 SWG enarnel
insulated copper
SCALE 1:2 SIOE IJIEW "B" 9000~- 15
(b) 1/0.6 mm single-
strand PVC covered,
1.2 mm outside diame-
ter (NOT l.0 mrn O!D!)
Fig. 9, side