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E 905030

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Richard Q. Marris, G2BZQ

The ferrite rod antenna described here is a most unusual

conception in as much as it covers the frequency spectrum from
125 kHz to 24 MHz (2400-12.5 metres) with continuous tuning and
without wavechange switching. This is in sharp contrast to the
ferrite rod assemblies usually found in MW/LW radios

The unit was designed as an external an- by either coaxial cable or 300 Q flat twin selection of ferrite core material grades and
tenna for use wifh any all-waveband radio feeder; which is of particula r interest sizes and the use of a 5-gang variable tun-
with external äntenna requirements such where end-fed long-wire antennas have to ing capacitor.
as communications receivers, vintage ra- be attached. In the case of older commuru- The experimental unit is seen from var-
dios, home constructed radios and HF cations and domestic receivers, it was not ious angles in the photographs, in one of
bands of modern transistor radios. A fur- unusual for a 100 ft long outside wire an- wh ich (4) it is shown on top of a supe rb
ther and novel feature is that it covers the tenna to be specified. Even if you have the vintage Pye 9-waveband all-wave Export
segment between the LW and .MW bands, real estate necessary for this, it is not going Receiver. This receiver is in everyday do-
which is now again of much interest to to be popular with the neighbours and mestic use: its audio reproduction outper-
many enthusiasts who have built or pur- local authorities. Iorms most modern AM radios. Since the
chased receivers covering these frequen- Many successful experiments have unit is experimental, certain imperfections
cies, and that between 2000 and 2400 me- been conducted over the entire waveband can be seen in the photographs owing to
tres where there is increasing activity. covered by the unit. The impressive results modifications carried out during the final
The unit is coupled to the radio input are in 110 small measure due to the carefu l construction, testing and evaluation, but

1 2



that's experimental

work for you!

The circuit
300D twin The circuit diagram in Fig. 5 shows five
er ccaxtat
leedline 10RX tuned circuits: Lt-Ct: L3-C2; LA-C3-C6;
L6--C4; and Ls--C5--C7. A 5-gang, 500 pF per
,, ,, section. variable capacitor is used for C1 to
, Cs. The loeation of coils L2, Ls and L7, cou-
, , o
\ \ \ , \ pling the antenna to the receiver, is critical.
'-- - - -- -- _.!-_- -- -- -- - -'-- -- -- - - --'--- - ---- _.!-. 900065·11
All inductors are wound on ferrite rods.
The tuned circuits are adjusted simulta-
neously and cover different wavebands
6 with small overlaps, The required band is
raund came chp
selected autornatically by the tuned input
circuits in the receiver. There is no interac-
tion between the five tuned circuits during
normal operanon.
The prototype has been evaluated and
40 tested with several types of communica-
77 tions. domestic and vintage receiver. The
wavebands covered by each of the five
tuned circuits are:
FR1 = F14 Ferrite Rod (130 x 9.5mm)

ll--Cl -125--450 kHz (2400--667 m)

dimensions in mm
L3--C, - 400--1900 kHz (750--158 m)
L4--C3--CS -1000--4250 kHz (300--71 m)
~_-------',,"'--o _~ L6--C4 - 3500--9500 kHz (85.7--31.6 m)
900065· 12 L&--C5--C7 - 8000--24000 kHz (37.5---12.5 m)

7 Construction
round cable clip
,---- The baseboard assembly shown in Pig. 8 is
made of two pieces of 18-22 mm thick
(ptyrwood. The vertically mounted cop-
L6 L----L4----~ per-clad board is for direct common earth-
L7 L5
ta ing connections and is trapped between
the two halves of the baseboard and se-
93 cured with two brass angle brackets. All
126 wood parts should be given an application
of teak colour wood dye.
The LF-MF coil assembly-see Fig. 6 -
FR2 = grade 61 Ferrite Rod (190 x 13mm)
uses a 130x9.5 mm Grade F14 ferrite rod,
W dimensions in mm W cut down from a standard 140 mrn lang
~~--------------------------~'~90~--------------------~~~~ rod with a Junior hacksaw. Grade F14 is a
900065 -13 nickel-zinc material that is usabJe up to
2 MHz, where performance just begins to
fall off. The rod is clarnped at either end in
Copper clad board zoe ~ 90 mm 8
slolled inlo baseboard a plastic, round cable clip that is secured to
1 verucet ccn scppcrt post
a vertical bar of perspex (hardwood would
do). The assembly is bolted to the vertical

-r-----... . 1 2. piece baseboard mounted
on J x crcss suuts
board as shown in Fig. 9, side

1 Both Lt and L3 are proprietary induc-

tors; each has a small coupling winding
which should be ignored. The coupling
coil to the receiver; L2, consists of 22 c1ose-
wound turns of 32 SWG enamel cop per
wire on a small paxolin former. All three
should be positloned in the exact positions
shown in Fig. 6: deviarions will change the
overall frequency coverages.
900065 . 14
The HF coil assembly-see Fig. 7-is
also mounted on two vertical perspex (or



1 ~ copper-c1ad board
2 ~ 2 in. dia. cord drum
3 = wooden base
4 ~ knob (with cord drum
and slow-rnotion drive
5 = drive cord with tension
6 = brass angle bracket
7 = slow-rnotion drive
8 ~ shaft coupler
9 ~ feeder terminal block

FR I ~ ferrite rod; Grade F14;
140x9.5 rnrn, cut to
130mm; Type FRA;
stock no. 35-14147;
Circkit Distribution Ltd
FR2 ~ ferrite rod; Grade 61;
7.5xO.5 in; Type
R61-050-750; Amidon
Associares, 12033 Otse-
go St, Nth Hollywood,
CaLifomia 91607, USA
LI ~ antenna coil LWCI;
stock nO.35-00 108;
Cirkit Distribution Ltd
L3 ~ antenna coil MWC2;
stock no. 35-00268;
Circkit Distribution Ltd
CI, C2 ~ 2-gang x 500 pF
large BC type variable
capacitor; J. Birkett
C3, C4, C5 ~ 3-gang X 500 pF
large BC type variable
capacitor; J. Birkett
C6 ~ 470 pF, silver mica or
C7 ~ 1000 pF, silver mica or
slow-rnotion drive = code
RX42V; Maplin
shaft coupler (2 off) ~0.25 in.
shaft; J. Birkett
dial cord drum (2 off) with
spring; 54.5 mm dia.;
code RX43W; Maplin
copper-clad circuit board, Ull-
drilled; 200x90 mm
cable clip, plastic (4 off) to fit
ferri te rods
wire Ca)32 SWG enarnel
insulated copper
SCALE 1:2 SIOE IJIEW "B" 9000~- 15
(b) 1/0.6 mm single-
strand PVC covered,
1.2 mm outside diame-
ter (NOT l.0 mrn O!D!)


hardwood) columns that are later screwed feeder terminal


Fig. 9, side

noticed that the ambient noise level is far

to the vertical coil support posts shown in view 'B'-by a short length of 300 Q twin lower than with a long-wire antenna.
Pig. 8. The ferrite rod is 7.5x0.5 inch (the teeder. Coils Ls and L7 are connected in se- It will have been noted that the earlier
US manuiacturer specifies the dimensions ries and also connected to the terminal quoted frequency ranges have small over-
only in inches}. It is made of Grade 61 block via some 300 Q twin feeder and then laps. so that the whole range of 125 kHz to
nickel-zinc material, specified for use up to wired in series with the feeder from L3. 24 MHz is covered by five complete
15 MHz, but which here, with special This means that all three coils are in series, sweeps of the 5-gang capacitor to match
winding techniques, has been stretched to a5 shown in the cireuit diagram. any preselected receiver frequency range,
over40 MHz. The feeder to the receiver may be either whether LF, MF or HF. A preamplifier may
The coils are dosewound straight on to the usual coaxial cable or 300 Q f1at twin be needed between the antenna and the re-
the rod from single-strand 1/0.6 mm PVC feedline. This gtves versatility of connec- ceiver in the higher HF ranges if the re-
covered wire, 1.2 mm overall diameter. tion to a11 types of receiver Input imped- ceiver does not have a high RF gain.
Similar wire exists with thinner insulation ance. The exact frequency ranges can be
of about 1.0 mm overall diameter, but this It might be thought that the coupling checked. if required, with a signal genera-
MUST NOT be used . The direction of coils should have dissimilar numbers of tor and appropriate receiver. If, as is proba-
winding should be same for all five coils. tur ns, depending on the feedline imped- ble, a signal generatot is not available, but
They should be positioned exactly as ance. Practical exper iments iudicated that the receiver is dial calibrated, it is possible
shown in Fig. 7: deviations will result in onlya fraction of a turn difference would to check the ranges with an artificial noise
incorrect frequency ranges and incorrect be necessary on Ls and L7, while L2 was signal. For this, a small battery-operated
couplmg. After the coils have been tested, not critical. Because of that, the numbers of calculator is placed about 12-18 in. from
they should be held in place with spots of couphng turns are a compromise that does the antenna. This generstes a noise signal
adhesive at the ends. The number of turns not degrade the performance, however. that can be resonated by the antenna-re-
for the coils is: ceiver combination. By manipulation of
Testing the calibrated receiver tuning and the an-
L4-36; tenna tuning, it is possfble to check the fre-
Ls- 3; The correct feeder should be connected be- quency ranges of the five anterma ranges
L6-15; tween the feeder terminal block and the and. most importantly, to check that the
L7- 2; receiver. lt will be found that the tuning of ranges overlap somewhat to provide con-
L8- 5. the antenna unit is quite sharp, thus irn- tinuous frequency coverage.
proving the selectivity of the receiver.
The 5-gang variable capacitor is made Whatever the selected waveband, the an-
by coupling a 2-gang and a 3-gang capaci- tenna tuning should be brought to reso-
tor together with the aid of two cord-drive nance as indicated by a significant increase This compact antenna unit covers a11 those
dr ums, a length of dial cord and aspring in signaL The antenna is directional, with frequencies, HF, MF and LF, that one may
for tension as shown in Fig. 9 and the pho- maximum signal appearing on the 'Hat' Iike to receive below 24 MHz. It is direc-
tographs. A single epicyc1ic slow-motion side of the rod and minimum signal at the tional for elimination or reduction of adja-
drive operates the two variable capacttors ends of the rod. Rotation of the unit will, cent station interference, man-made elec-
simultaneousJy. therefore, increase / decrease the strength trical noises and static. It is far smaller than
TI1e variable capacitors are of the 'Iarge of the received signal. lf there is interfer- conventional antennas and ptcks up far
broadcast' type that have the advantages ence from other stations, local man-made less noise. It could be housed in a simple
of wide-spaced plates. ceramic insulation noise, or static, the antenna should be ro- polished or painted wood enclosure or
and a full 500 pF maximum capacitance, tated slightly to either side to reduce/elim- plastic (not metai!) case. •
while their large size assists in keeping the inate that interference. In general. it will be
leads to the cotls short. Moreover, the mini-
mum ca pacitance is smaller than that of
most smaller compact types.
In view of possible variations in the di-
mensions of different makes of capacitor,
the exact mounting positions are not
The assembly should be fitted as shown
with the aid of shaft couplers and lengths
of 0.25 in. dia. rod to align the assembly
and drive mecha nism. On the prototype,
the 2-gang variable capacitor was serewed
vertically to the baseboard with the meta I
frame hardwired to the vertical copper-
cled board. The 3-gang was mounted up-
side down (to reduce lead lengths) and
bolted to the copper-clad board.
All earth connections should be sol-
dered direct to the copper-clad board by ()J
the shortest posslble route.
L-~ ~L- __~ ~ ~ (OKI\- ~~ Z
Coupling coil L2 is connected to the


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