S. E. Freeman Et Al: Filed Jan, 29, 1947
S. E. Freeman Et Al: Filed Jan, 29, 1947
S. E. Freeman Et Al: Filed Jan, 29, 1947
FREEMAN ET AL 2,573,897
Filed Jan, 29, 1947
77A-1/a7A7 1/ OSZ So YA AS7
Patented Nov. 6, 1951 2,573,897
Stephen E. Freeman, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Stewart
W. Gloyer, Milwaukee, Wis, assignors to Pitts
burgh Plate Glass Company, Allegheny County,
Pa., a corporation of Pennsylvania
Application January 29, 1947, Seriai No. 725,108
9 Claimis. (C. 16-8)
2 " ??
*The present invention relates to separation of tain patents such as U. S. Patents 2,380,418,
concentrates of oil soluble vitamins such as vita 2,380,414, 2,380,410, and 2,347,460 it has been pro
mins A and D (if D is present) from certain vita posed to obtain concentrates of vitamins from
min bearing oils and has particular relation to vitamin bearing oils by first heating a mixture
the separation of such concentrates by means of s of oil and a solvent such as isopropyl alcohol in
order to dissolve the oil in the solvent and then
organic polar Solvents. cooling the solution to a temperature of 0 to
One object of the invention is to provide a -70° C. in order to effect separation of a large
simple arid inexpensive process of obtaining con portion of the glycerides from the solvent. The
centrates of vitamin. A suitable for use in cap O vitamins were thus substantially concentrated in
sules and pills from vitamin A containing oils the solvent. These patents disclose processes
which normally are of too low concentration which apparently require batchwise operation.
satisfactorily to be so employed.
A second object is to provide a process of ob This is true because in Some instances the oil is
completely dissolved in the solvent. Obviously
taining vitamin A concentrates which is simple 5 countercurrent flow of the components in solu
and relatively inexpensive to operate. tion is impossible. In other instances, the oil
A third object is so to treat a glyceride oil con containing vitamins and
taining vitamins soluble therein as to effect sepa under conditions of refluxthe solvent are admixed
for the solvent. Coun
ration of the oil into a plurality of fractions one tercurrent flow of a refluxing Solvent and oil
of which is greatly enriched in vitamins. 20 would be highly impractical if not impossible.
A fourth object is to provide a process of the
foregoing type, the application of which does not Such System would also necessitate use of sol
vents having very low solvency for the oil. Ob
result in substantial loss of the vitamins in the viously, the techniques involved were slow and
A fifth object is to provide a process of obtain 5 expensive.
In certain patents such as U. S. 2,200,390 and
ing concentrates of vitamins from glyceride oils 2,200,391 procedures are disclosed for the frac
containing vitamins in low or moderate concen
tration with selective polar solvents which can tionation of certain glyceride oils to obtain con
with most solvents be operated at temperatures centrates of the more unsaturated components
by liquid phase extraction with organic polar sol
near or not much below normal room tempera
ture. 30 vents. The procedures as outlined in the patents
A sixth object is to provide the process of ob areInnot applied to the concentration of vitamins.
taining concentrates of oil soluble vitamins by posedU.toS.wash Patent 2,090,739 to Tischer, it is pro
solvent extraction which involves dissolving in liver oil or thealike vitamin bearing oil such as cod
with a polar solvent such as
the solvent a minimum amount of the fatty
glycerides of the oil and a maximum amount of 35 furfural in order to remove Odor, color, and taste
constituents from the oil without substantially
the vitamins contained in the oil.
These and other objects of the invention will reducing the vitamin concentration of the oil re
be apparent from consideration of the following maining as a raffinate.
The present invention contemplates a process
specification and the appended claims. 40 whereby oils containing vitamins such as vita
It has heretofore been proposed to obtain con
centrates of oil soluble vitamins such as vitamins mins A and D are obtained in high concentration
A and D from vitamin bearing glyceride oils such from vitamin bearing oils even of low or moder
as fish liver oils' by various methods. Compli ate vitamin concentration by a simple process of
cated and expensive chemical procedures have liquid phase countercurrent extraction with or
been proposed for the purpose. For example, it 45 ganic polar solvents such as are disclosed in the
has been proposed to saponify the glycerides in above mentioned Patent 2.200.391 to obtain a
the oil with an alkali and then to extract the major portion of the vitamins in a minor extract
vitamins from the soaps by means of hydrocar portion of the total oil treated.
bons. The technique involved was complicated 50 reference For a better understanding of the invention
and expensive. It has also been proposed molec may now be had to the accompanying
ularly to distill concentrates of vitamin A from drawing in which the single figure diagrammati
the oils. The methods of distillation employed ratus cally illustrates a suitable embodiment of appa
for the purpose are highly technical and require for obtaining concentrates of vitamins by
the application of very high vacua. The tech continuous liquid phase countercurrent extrac
nique is expensive, especially where large vol 55 tion of oils such as fish liver oils. In the draw
umes of the more plentiful fish liver oils of low or ings, like numerals refer to like parts throughout.
moderate concentration constitute the original number In the practice of the invention any one of a
source of vitamins and is likely to result in some of selective polar solvents may be em
degree to degradation of the vitamins. In cer ployed to obtain a fraction of glyceride oils which
are greatly enriched in vitamin A simultaneously, ished in vitamins and 4. will contain in solution a
vitamin D, if present, will be similarly concen minor amount of the solvent employed.
trated. In general, the solvents will be organic Appropriate polar solvents can usually be se
polar solvents such as those disclosed in Patent lected by a simpletestinvolvingshaking up a con
2,200,391 to Stephen E. Freeman. In the patented - templated polar solvent with a small amount
process the solvents are employed to separate of the oil to be extracted in a test tube or a
natural glyceride oils such as inseed oil, soy separatory funnel or other suitable laboratory
bean oil, or the like, non-vitamin bearing oils, apparatus and observing if the oil and the Sol
into fractions upon the basis of unsaturation of vent at a definite constant temperature tend to
the glyceride molecule. In the patented process Separate into two liquid phases so that the ex
as well as in the present process, it is required O tract or solvent phase will contain 2 to 25% of the
that the solvents, in addition to being polar, be Original oil. Concentration of vitamins in the
but partially miscible with the oil at the tempera extracted oil can easily be determined by well
ture of operation so that the oil-solvent system
can be separated into two liquid phases from 15 known chemical, physical or biological tests.
The following table illustrates the application
which the Solvent can be evaporated. The ulti of such test to a large number of polar solvents.
mate or final extract phase will comprise most These tests were conducted upon dogfish liver oil
of the Solvent and a minor proportion of the oil in
which vitamins A and D are highly concentrated. containing
gram. The
about 10,000 units of vitamin A per
same test obviously could be conduct
The final raftinate oil constituting most of the 20 ed upon other vitamin bearing oil such as cod
glyceride and especially most of the more satu liver oil, soupfin shark liver oil, halibut liver oil
rater glyceride will be correspondingly impover and others: