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Lecture 1
Electrical Conductors

Allan C. Nerves, Ph.D., P.E.E.

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Ins9tute
University of the Philippines Diliman

Last Revision: June 2013

Electrical System Design
•  Electrical Design – the development of a plan (or plans) or a
method to provide for the distribu9on of electrical energy
from the point at which it has been made available, called the
electrical service entrance, to the points of u9liza9on in a
building or structure.

Electrical System Design
•  Philippine Electrical Code (PEC), Na9onal Electrical Code (NEC) –
code book of rules and regula9ons that guard against the electrical
dangers of fire and shock by providing for adequate electrical
insula9on, mechanical strength, and current-carrying capacity of
wires, wiring devices, raceways, etc., used in an electrical
•  Na9onal Fire Protec9on Associa9on (NFPA) – NEC sponsoring
•  Integrated Ins9tute of Electrical Engineers (IIEE) – PEC sponsoring
•  Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) – examines equipment and
materials under strict rules, to include laboratory tests, factory
tests, and field inspec9ons, at periodic intervals.
•  Bureau of Product Standards

Electrical System Design
•  “Labelled” and “Listed”:
a.  An organiza9on is responsible for providing the lis9ng or
b.  This organiza9on must be acceptable to the authority having
c.  Both are concerned with the evalua9on of products
d.  Both maintain periodic inspec9on of the produc9on (or
manufacturing) of the equipment or materials which has been
listed or lablled.

Electrical System Design
•  Mandatory Rules use the terms “shall” or “shall not” and
require strict compliance; leaves no choice but to follow the
code (except by special permission)
•  Permissive Rules contain the phrases “shall be permi[ed” or
“shall not be required”. These phrases normally describe
op9ons or alterna9ve methods. Compliance is discre9onary.
•  “should” – implies a recommenda9on only, rather than a
strict requirement.

Electrical System Design
Factors for a good design:
1.  Use of the PEC/NEC as a minimum for safety, but as modified
2.  Efficiency and economy in design.
3.  Convenience and accessibility of equipment for easier repairs and
4.  Adequacy of the design to handle all an9cipated requirements.
5.  Allowance for future expansion by various methods, so that
reasonable or unexpected increases in load can be handled by the
exis9ng system.
6.  Use of the best UL/BPS approved materials and equipment from
reliable manufacturers.

Purpose of the PEC
•  Prac5cal Safeguarding. The purpose of the PEC is to ensure that
electrical systems are installed in a manner that protects people and
property by minimizing the risks associated with the use of electricity.
•  Adequacy. The Code contains requirements that are considered
necessary for a safe electrical installa9on. When an electrical
installa9on is installed in compliance with the PEC, it will be essen9ally
free from electrical hazards. The PEC is a safety standard, not a design

NOTE: The PEC requirements aren’t intended to ensure that the electrical
installa9on will be efficient, convenient, adequate for good service, or suitable
for future expansion. Specific items of concern, such as electrical energy
management, maintenance, and power quality issues aren’t within the scope of
the PEC.
Purpose of the PEC



Purpose of the PEC
•  Inten5on. The Code is to be used by
those skilled and knowledgeable in PEC
electrical theory, electrical systems,
construc9on, and the installa9on and
opera9on of electrical equipment. It isn’t
a design specifica9on standard or
instruc9on manual for the untrained and
•  Rela5on to Interna5onal Standards. The
requirements of the PEC address the
fundamental safety principles contained
in Interna9onal Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) standards, including
protec9on against electric shock, adverse
thermal effects, overcurrent, fault
currents, and overvoltage. 9
Scope of the PEC
What is Covered. The PEC contains requirements necessary for the
proper electrical installa9on of electrical conductors, equipment, and
raceways; signaling and communica9ons conductors, equipment, and
raceways; as well as fiber op9c cables and raceways for the following
1)  Public and private premises, including buildings or structures,
mobile homes, recrea9onal vehicles, and floa9ng buildings.
2)  Yards, lots, parking lots, carnivals, and industrial substa9ons.
3)  Conductors and equipment that connect to the u9lity supply.
4)  Installa9ons used by an electric u9lity, such as office buildings,
warehouses, garages, machine shops, recrea9onal buildings, and
other electric u9lity buildings that are not an integral part of a
u9lity’s genera9ng plant, substa9on, or control center.
Scope of the PEC


Scope of the PEC

Scope of the PEC
What isn’t Covered. The Philippine Electrical Code doesn’t apply to
the following applica9ons:
1)  Transporta9on Vehicles. Installa9ons in cars, trucks, boats, ships
and watercral, planes, electric trains, or underground mines.
2)  Mining Equipment. Installa9ons underground in mines and self-
propelled mobile surface mining machinery and its a[endant
electrical trailing cables.

Scope of the PEC
What isn’t Covered. The Philippine Electrical Code doesn’t apply to
the following applica9ons:
3)  Railways. Railway power, signaling, and communica9ons wiring.
4)  Communica9ons U9li9es. The installa9on requirements of the PEC
do not apply to communica9ons (telephone), CATV, or network-
powered broadband u9lity equipment located in building spaces
used exclusively for such use or outdoors, if the installa9on is under
the exclusive control of the communica9ons u9lity.

Interior wiring for communications systems, not in building spaces used exclusively for such use, must
be installed in accordance with the following Chapter 8 requirements:
–  Phone and Data, Article 8.0
–  CATV, Article 8.2
–  Network-Powered Broadband, Article 8.3

Scope of the PEC


Scope of the PEC


Scope of the PEC
5)  Electric U9li9es. The PEC doesn’t apply to electric installa9ons under
the exclusive control of an electric u9lity where such installa9ons:
a.  Consist of service drops or service laterals and associated metering.



Scope of the PEC
b.  Are located on legally PEC
established easements,
rights-of-way, or by other
agreements recognized by
public/u9lity regulatory
agencies, or property
owned or leased by the
electric u9lity.
c.  Are on property owned or
leased by the electric
u9lity for the purpose of
genera9on, PEC
transmission, distribu9on,
or metering of electric

Scope of the PEC
•  Luminaires (ligh9ng
fixtures) located in
legally established
easements, or rights-
of-way, such as at
poles suppor9ng
transmission or
distribu9on lines, are
exempt from the
requirements of the
PEC. However, if the
electric u9lity
provides site and
public ligh9ng on
private property, then
the installa9on must
comply with the PEC PEC
Conductor Nomenclature
•  Wire – generally round in cross-sec9on
•  Conductor – may be any shape (e.g., flat bus bars in busways)
–  Wires are usually called conductors in the NEC
•  Bare conductor – bare metal, without any insula9on (e.g.,
ground wires, bus bars on a switchboard)
•  Insulated conductor – encased within material .... recognized
by the Code as .... electrical insula9on, e.g., rubber (R),
thermoplas9c (T), asbestos (A)
•  Covered conductor – insulated conductor provided with
addi9onal jacket for added mechanical, fire, or water
protec9on (not for electrical insula9on). E.g., nylon,
neoprene, metal cladding

Conductor Nomenclature
•  Conductors
–  Solid
–  Stranded – 8.0 mm2 and
larger in raceways
•  Cables – larger sizes of
stranded wires; two or
more individually
insulated conductors,
stranded or not, in the
same covering
•  Dis9nc9on between
conductors and cables
is some9mes vague.
Note: 8 AWG ≈ 8 mm2

Types of Conductor
Surface markings every 2 l. or 600 mm indicate the type and size of
conductors (conductors up to 600V)
•  Table - Conductor Applica9on and Insula9ons
R – basic rubber insula9on
T – thermoplas9c
X – cross-linked synthe9c polymer
N – a nylon jacket added over thermoplas9c types for toughness
H – heat-resistant quali9es
W – water-retardant quali9es
HW – suitability for both wet and dry loca9ons, to 75oC
HH – suitability for dry loca9ons only to 90oC, except XHHW is also
good at wet loca9ons but to 75oC only.

Types of Conductor

Types of Conductor
Trade Name Type Max. Applica5on Insula5on Outer
LeHer Opera5ng Provisions Covering
Temp. (oC)
Thermoset RHH 90 Dry & damp Moisture-
loca9on resistant,
Moisture RHW 75 Dry & wet Flame- Moisture-
resistant RHW-2 90 loca9ons retardant, resistant,
thermoset Moisture flame-
resistant retardant,
thermoset nonmetallic
Heat-resistant THHN 90 Dry & damp Flame- Nylon jacket
thermoplas9c loca9on retardant, or
heat-resistant equivalent
thermoplas9c 24
Types of Conductor
Trade Name Type Max. Applica5on Insula5on Outer
LeHer Opera5ng Provisions Covering
Temp. ( C)
Moisture- and THHW 75 Wet loca9on Flame- None
heat-resistant 90 Dry loca9on retardant,
thermoplas9c moisture- and
Moisture- and THW 75 Dry & wet Flame- None
heat-resistant loca9ons retardant,
thermoplas9c 90 Special moisture- and
THW-2 90 Dry & wet heat-resistant
loca9ons thermoplas9c
Moisture- and THWN 75 Dry & wet Flame- Nylon jacket
heat-resistant THWN-2 90 loca9ons retardant, or
thermoplas9c moisture- and equivalent
thermoplas9c 25
Types of Conductor
Trade Name Type Max. Applica5on Insula5on Outer
LeHer Opera5ng Provisions Covering
Temp. ( C)
Moisture TW 60 Dry & wet Flame- None
resistant loca9ons retardant,
thermoplas9c Moisture
Thermoset XHH 90 Dry & damp Flame- None
loca9ons retardant
Moisture XHHW 90 Dry & damp Flame- None
resistant loca9ons retardant,
thermoset 75 Wet Moisture
loca9ons resistant
Types of Conductor
Trade Name Type Max. Applica5on Insula5on Outer
LeHer Opera5ng Provisions Covering
Temp. (oC)
Moisture XHHW-2 90 Dry & wet Flame- None
resistant loca9ons retardant,
thermoset Moisture

Types of Conductor
•  THHN – flame-retardant and heat resistant; can be used in dry, and
damp loca9ons but is not to be used in wet loca9ons however. Due
to its nylon insula9on, it is smaller and is more flexible than the
more rigid plas9c coated wire.
•  THWN – flame retardant, heat resistant, moisture resistant,
gasoline resistant, and oil resistant; can be used in dry, damp, or
wet loca9ons; olen used in underground conduit feeds that will be
subject to moisture and other liquids.
•  THW – heat resistant, flame retardant, and moisture resistant; can
be used for dry, damp, and wet loca9ons; can be used for
underground feeds that are subject to moisture.
•  XHHN – used for service entrance and is designated type SE cable.

Voltage Drop
•  5% - maximum voltage drop (from service to load):
a.  3% - for branch circuit (from panelboard fuse or circuit breaker
to outlet of u9liza9on)
b.  2% - for the feeder (from service to branch circuit panelboard)
•  Excessive voltage drop: voltage at the load is reduced.
a.  Fluorescent ligh9ng: star9ng difficul9es; lamp flicker; ballast
b.  Control equipment: relays may cha[er or drop out
c.  Motors: increased current which causes overhea9ng;
decreased star9ng torque
•  Table - Conductor Proper9es: DC resistance in Ω/km at 75oC
•  Table - AC Resistance and Reactance at 60 Hz, 75oC

Conductor Ampacity
The following ques9ons must be answered before selec9ng
1. What is the lowest temperature ra9ng of any connected
termina9on, conductor or device?
2. What is the connected load, or what is the calculated load?
3. Is the load or any part of the load a con9nuous load?
4. What will be the maximum ambient temperature?
5. How many current-carrying conductors will be in the raceway
or cable?
Conductor Ampacity – ra9ng (in amperes) that a conductor can
carry con9nuously without exceeding its insula9on temperature
Conductor Ampacity
•  Table provides maximum allowable ampaci9es of
insulated conductors rated up to and including 2,000 volts (V).
[Table 310.15(B)(16) in NEC 2011].
•  Table provides columns for copper and aluminum
conductors. Ampaci9es for copper-clad aluminum conductors
are in the same columns as aluminum conductors.
•  The two conductor types are each divided into three
categories: 60°C (140°F), 75°C (167°F) and 90°C (194°F).
•  Conductor sizes range from 2.0 mm2 to 500 mm2.
•  Equivalent data for single-insulated conductors is found in
Table [Table 310.15(B)(17) in NEC 2011].

Conductor Ampacity
•  The ampaci9es in Table are based on not more than
three current-carrying conductors in a raceway, cable or earth
(directly buried). The ampaci9es are also based on an
ambient temperature of 30°C (86°F).
•  Ampaci9es vary depending on both the type of conductor and
the insula9on proper9es.

Conductor Ampacity
•  Copper conductors of the same size have three different
allowable ampaci9es. The same is true for aluminum (and
copper-clad aluminum) conductors.
•  The maximum allowable ampaci9es depend on the
conductor’s temperature ra9ng. For example, a 30 mm2
copper conductor with a temperature ra9ng of 60°C has a
maximum allowable ampacity of 90 amperes (A). The
maximum allowable ampacity of the same 30 mm2 copper
conductor with a temperature ra9ng of 75°C is 110A. If the
temperature ra9ng of the 30 mm2 copper conductor is 90°C,
the allowable ampacity is 115A (Figure 2).

Conductor Ampacity

90 A 110 A


3 AWG ≈ 30 mm2
Conductor Termina9on
•  Type THHN building wire is a common conductor used
throughout the construc9on industry. This conductor has a
maximum opera9ng temperature ra9ng of 90°C.
•  Just because a conductor has insula9on with a 90°C
temperature ra9ng, the ampacity is not automa9cally
selected from the 90°C column.
•  Instead, the appropriate column for conductor ampacity
selec9on depends on the temperature ra9ng of the
termina9on (or connec9on) points. The temperature ra9ng
associated with a conductor’s ampacity shall be selected and
coordinated so that the lowest temperature ra9ng of any
connected termina9on, conductor or device is not exceeded.
Conductor Termina9on
•  Unless the equipment is listed and marked otherwise,
conductor ampaci9es used in determining equipment
termina9on provisions shall be based on Table as
appropriately modified by
•  A conductor has at least two ends or termina9ons. Each
termina9on has a temperature ra9ng. If at least one
temperature ra9ng is unknown, use the default ra9ngs in or

Conductor Termina9on
•  Conductor temperature
limita9ons can be compared to
the strength of a chain. A chain
is only as strong as its weakest
link. For example, a 90°C
conductor has a 60°C
termina9on on one end and a
75°C termina9on on the other.
The weakest link in this example
is the 60°C termina9on


Conductor Termina9on
Termina9on provisions of equipment for circuits rated 100
amperes or less, or marked for 2.0 mm2 through 38 mm2
conductors, shall be used only for one of the following:
1) Conductors rated 60°C (140°F).
The maximum ampacity for a 60°C conductor is listed in the 60°C
column of Table The first provision is very limited
because the only conductors with a 60°C temperature ra@ng are
Types TW and UF. Type machine tool wiring (MTW) in a wet
loca@on also has a 60°C ra@ng.

•  Example

Conductor Termina9on
2)  Conductors with higher temperature ra5ngs, provided the
ampacity of such conductors is determined based on the 60°C
(140°F) ampacity of the conductor size used.
It is permissible to use a conductor with a higher temperature ra@ng,
provided the ampacity of such conductors is determined based on
the 60°C ampacity of the conductor size used. If any termina@on is
either 60°C or unknown, the conductor’s maximum ampacity is the
ampacity listed in the 60°C column, regardless of the insula@on
ra@ng of the conductor. For example, a THHN conductor will have
a 60°C termina@on on one end and a 75°C termina@on on the
other. Because one of the connec@on points has a 60°C ra@ng, the
conductor’s ampacity must not exceed the ra@ng listed in the 60°C

Conductor Termina9on


•  Example:

Conductor Termina9on
3)  Conductors with higher temperature ra5ngs if the equipment is
listed and iden5fied for use with such conductors.
Conductors with higher temperature ra@ngs can be installed if the
equipment is listed and iden@fied for use with such conductors.
This means the ampacity of a 75°C conductor can be based on the
75°C column if all the termina@ons are rated at least 75°C. This
also means the ampacity of a 90°C conductor can be based on the
90°C column if all the termina@ons are rated at least 90°C. Be
careful when using the 90°C column because no equipment is listed
and iden@fied for use with 90°C conductors other than individual
lugs, terminal bars and equipment listed for use on circuits over
600V. This third provision in also means the
ampacity of a 90°C conductor can be based on the 75°C column if
all the termina@ons are rated at least 75°C.

Conductor Termina9on
•  For example, a THHN conductor will have 75°C termina9on on one end
and a 60/75°C termina9on on the other. A temperature ra9ng of 60/75°C
means the equipment has been listed for both 60°C and 75°C conductors;
therefore, it is permissible to use the 75°C ra9ng if the installed conductor
is rated at least 75°C. Because all of the connec9on points in this example
have at least a 75°C ra9ng, the conductor’s ampacity can be based on the
75°C column.


•  Example

Conductor Termina9on
4)  For motors marked with design leHers B, C, or D, conductors
having an insula5on ra5ng of 75°C (167°F) or higher shall be
permiHed to be used, provided the ampacity of such conductors
does not exceed the 75°C (167°F) ampacity.
Conductors having an insula@on ra@ng of 75°C (167°F) or higher can be
installed, provided the ampacity of such conductors does not
exceed the 75°C (167°F) ampacity. In Table 310.15(B)(16), the
temperature ra@ngs of conductors are 60°C (140°F), 75°C (167°F)
and 90°C (194°F). This means the ampacity of a 75°C conductor
can be based on the 75°C column if it is supplying power to a
motor marked with a design leVer B, C or D. A conductor with a
temperature ra@ng of 90°C can also be installed, but the ampacity
must not exceed the 75°C ampacity.

Conductor Termina9on
•  For example (Figure 1), THHN conductors will have 75°C
termina9ons on one end and a motor marked with a design le[er D
on the other end. Aler complying with the applicable requirements
in Ar9cle 4.30, the conductors supplying power to this motor must
have an ampacity of at least 55 amperes (A). What is the minimum
size of THHN conductors required to supply power to this motor?
The allowable ampacity of an 8 AWG (8.0 mm2)THHN conductor (in
the 90°C column) is 55A. Although conductors with a temperature
ra9ng of 90°C can be installed, the ampacity must not exceed the
75°C ampacity. The ampacity of an 8 AWG (8.0 mm2)conductor in
the 75°C column is 50A. Because this motor requires a minimum
ampacity of 55A, installing 8 AWG (8.0 mm2)conductors is not
permi[ed. The allowable ampacity of a 6 AWG (14 mm2)conductor
in the 75°C column is 65A. Conductors supplying power to this
motor must be at least 6 AWG (14 mm2). 50


•  Example

Conductor Termina9on
Termina9on provisions of equipment for circuits rated over 100
amperes, or marked for conductors larger than 38 mm2 (1 AWG),
shall be used only for one of the following:
1) Conductors rated 75°C (167°F)
Although there are a limited number of conductors with a
temperature ra@ng of 75°C, there are definitely more conductors
rated 75°C than conductors rated 60°C. See Table and
Table for maximum opera@ng temperatures of
conductors rated 600 volts (V).

Conductor Termina9on
•  For example, THWN conductors (larger than 1 AWG) will supply power to
a circuit rated greater than 100A. The conductors will have 75°C
termina9ons on both ends. The ampacity can be based on the 75°C
column because the conductors are larger than 1 AWG, and the circuit it is
supplying is rated greater than 100A.


•  Example

Conductor Termina9on
2)  Conductors with higher temperature ra5ngs, provided the
ampacity of such conductors does not exceed the 75°C
(167°F) ampacity of the conductor size used, or up to their
ampacity if the equipment is listed and iden5fied for use
with such conductors.
It is permissible to use a conductor with a higher temperature
ra@ng, provided the ampacity of such conductors is
determined based on the 75°C ampacity of the conductor size

Conductor Termina9on
•  For example, what is the maximum ampacity for a 1/0 AWG THHN
copper conductor fed from a 150A breaker? Assume an ambient
temperature of 30°C and no more than three current-carrying
conductors in the raceway. The conductors will have 75°C
termina9ons on one end, but the temperature ra9ng of the
termina9ons on the other end is unknown. To comply with
1.10.14(c)(1)(b)(2), do not exceed the 75°C ampacity for this
conductor. Although the temperature ra9ng on one end is
unknown, the ampacity of this 90°C conductor can be based on the
75°C column because the conductors are larger than 1 AWG and
the circuit it is supplying is rated greater than 100A. This 1/0 AWG
THHN copper conductor has a maximum ampacity of 150A .

Conductor Termina9on

Conductor Termina9on
•  If conductors with higher temperature ra9ngs are installed and the
equipment is listed and iden9fied for use with such conductors, the
ampacity can be based on the higher temperature ra9ngs. This means the
ampacity of a 90°C conductor can be based on the 90°C column if all the
termina9ons are rated at least 90°C.
•  When looking to see if the equipment (panelboard, switchboard,
disconnect, etc.) is listed and iden9fied for use with 90°C conductors, look
at the lis9ng and labeling for the equipment, not just the marking on the
lugs. Quite olen, the lugs that are installed in equipment will have a 90°C
temperature ra9ng. A marking of AL9CU or CU9AL on the lug indicates the
lug is listed for copper and aluminum conductors. The number 9 indicates
the lug has a 90°C conductor temperature ra9ng. A marking of AL7CU or
CU7AL on the lug indicates the lug is listed for copper and aluminum
conductors. The number 7 indicates the lug has a 75°C conductor
temperature ra9ng.
Conductor Termina9on
•  If the equipment is not listed and iden9fied for use with 90°C
conductors, the ampacity of the conductor shall not exceed
the 75°C ampacity for that size conductor. For example, the
lugs in the top of a panelboard have a marking of AL9CU, but
a label inside the panelboard states that the terminals are
approved for 60°C and 75°C wire. Because the lis9ng states
the panelboard is for use with 60°C and 75°C conductors, the
ampacity of the conductors supplying power to this
panelboard shall not exceed the 75°C ampacity.

Conductor Termina9on


•  Example

Conductor Termina9on
•  When the condi9ons of use require a correc9on and/or
adjustment of the conductor’s maximum ampacity, the last
sentence of 1.10.14(C) is very useful. Conductors with
temperature ra9ngs higher than specified for termina9ons
shall be permi[ed to be used for ampacity adjustment,
correc9on or both. Condi9ons of use include adjustment
factors for more than three current-carrying conductors in a
raceway or cable and ambient temperature correc9on
factors. Correc9on and adjustment factors will be discussed

Schneider Electric 64
Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
•  When determining conductor ampacity, the allowable ampaci9es listed in
Table are affected by conductor insula9on, ambient
temperature, and conductor bundling.

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
1.  Correc9on Factors for Ambient Temperature
•  Table to Allowable Ampaci9es of
Conductors: with correc9on factors below each table
•  Tests show that for temperatures up to 30oC ambient,
allowable ampacity will not cause undue deteriora9on to
the conductors with 9me.
•  Any rise in ambient temperature is counteracted by
reducing the allowable ampacity (or by going to a larger


Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
•  Given three 30 mm2 RHW copper conductors in conduit, at an
ambient temperature of 47oC caused by heat required in a
chemical plant process., find the allowable ampacity of the
three conductors.
•  Ampacity of 30 mm2 RHW copper wires at 30oC = 110 A
•  Correc9on factor at 47oC for RHW = 0.75
•  Allowable ampacity: 0.75 × 110 = 82.50 A

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
3 – 3.5 mm2 THHN

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
2.  Adjustment Factors for Conduit Fill
•  Ampacity adjustment is required for the maximum allowable
load current when four or more conductors are enclosed in a
common raceway. All conductors located in the conduit, in
general, are counted.
•  Adjustment Factors (Table
No. of Conductors Percent of Values in Tables 310.16 to 310.19 as
adjusted for Ambient Temperature if necessary
4 thru 6 80
7 thru 9 70
10 thru 20 50
21 thru 30 45
31 thru 40 40
41 and above 35
Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
The following ARE NOT counted as current-carrying conductors
when using Table
1.  Conductors of different systems (ac and dc) installed in a
common raceway or cable, unless the number of power and
ligh9ng conductors (current carrying) exceeds 3.
2.  Conductors in cable trays.
3.  Conductors in nipples of 24 in. (600 mm) or less.
4.  Neutral conductors of normally balanced circuits containing
three or more conductors.
5.  Grounding and bonding conductors.

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
The following SHALL be counted as current-carrying conductors
when using Table
1.  The neutral conductor in a 3-wire circuit consis9ng of two
phase (hot) wires and the neutral that is fed from a 4-wire, 3-
phase wye-connected system.
2.  The neutral conductor of a 4-wire, 3-phase wye circuit where
the major por9on of the load consists of nonlinear loads,
because harmonic currents are present in the neutral
conductor. E.g., electronic equipment, computers, electronic/
electric discharge ligh9ng (fluorescent, with ballast),
adjustable speed drives.
3.  A grounded conductor of any 2-wire circuit.
Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
•  There are eight 50 mm2 THWN copper conductors in agiven raceway.
Three of the wires carry a three-phase delta feed, four of the wires carry a
three-phase, four-wire system feed, motor load only; and one of the wires
is a grounding conductor. What is the allowable ampacity?
•  One grounding wire – not counted
•  Three wires of 3-phase delta feed – all 3 are counted
•  Three wires of 3-phase, 4-wire system – all 3 are counted
•  Total wires counted: 6
•  From Table, use 80% factor for 6 wires
•  145 A is the allowable current for 50 mm2 THWN conductors
•  Therefore, allowable current for the eight wires is (0.8)(145) = 116 A.

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
•  A cable that contains five 1-phase control circuits of two 2.0 mm2 THHN
wires each is to extend from a point in a boiler room that at 9mes reaches
a temperature of 49oC. What is the allowable ampacity?
•  Allowable ampacity for up to 3 – 2.0 mm2 THHN in conduit at 30oC is 25 A.
•  Correc9on factor for a temperature of 49oC is 0.82
•  All conductors are ac9ve and counted, no neutral or grounding conductors
•  Total number of conductors counted is 10 for which the reduc9on factor is
•  New allowable ampacity for each 2.0 mm2 THHN is (25A)×(0.82)×(0.50) =
10.25 A

Dera9ng Factors for Conductors
3.  Circular Raceways Exposed to Sunlight on Roolops
where conductors or cables are installed in circular raceways
exposed to direct sunlight on or above roolops, the adjustments
shown in Table below shall be added to the outdoor temperature
to determine the applicable ambient temperature for applica9on
of the correc9on factors in Tables and
•  Ambient Temperature Adjustment for Conduits Exposed to
Sunlight On or Above Roolops: NEC Table 310.15(B)(2)(c)
Distance Above Roof to BoHom of Temperature Temperature
Conduit Added (oC) Added (oF)
0 to 13 mm (1/2 in.) 33 60
Above 13 mm to 90 mm (3.5 in.) 22 40
Above 90 mm to 300 mm (12 in.) 17 30
Above 300 mm to 900 mm (36 in.) 14 25 90
Dera9ng Factors for Conductors



Dera9ng Factors for Conductors

Con9nuous Load
•  A con5nuous load is a load where the maximum current is
expected to con9nue for 3 hours or more.
•  Where a branch circuit supplies con9nuous loads, the minimum
branch-circuit conductor size, before the applica9on of any
adjustment or correc9on factors, shall have an allowable ampacity
not less than 125 percent of the con9nuous load [210.19(A)(1)]. In
other than dwellings, ligh9ng loads are usually considered
con9nuous. For example, a branch circuit will supply power to high-
intensity discharge (HID) luminaires in a warehouse. These
luminaires will be energized for at least 10 hours per day. The
luminaires will have a current draw of 13.6 amperes (A). Because
the load will con9nue for three hours or more, this branch circuit is
considered a con9nuous load. Therefore, mul9ply the load by 125
percent (13.6 × 125% = 17). The conductors must have an ampacity
of at least 17A (see Figure 1). 94
Con9nuous Load


Con9nuous Load
•  If a branch circuit supplies both con9nuous and
noncon9nuous loads, the minimum branch-circuit conductor
size, before the applica9on of any adjustment or correc9on
factors, shall have an allowable ampacity not less than the
noncon9nuous load plus 125 percent of the con9nuous load

Con9nuous Load
•  Con9nuous loads are also a factor when sizing feeder
conductors. The minimum feeder-circuit conductor size,
before the applica9on of any adjustment or correc9on
factors, shall have an allowable ampacity not less than the
noncon9nuous load plus 125 percent of the con9nuous load
[]. Aler performing a load calcula9on in
accordance with Ar9cle 2.20, divide the loads into two
categories: con9nuous and noncon9nuous. Mul9ply the
con9nuous loads by 125 percent, and add to that number the
noncon9nuous loads.

Con9nuous Load
•  For example, Ar9cle 2.20 was used to calculate the loads for a
feeder in a commercial building. While the calcula9on results
for the con9nuous loads were 92A, the results for the
noncon9nuous loads were 74A. Start by mul9plying the
con9nuous loads by 125 percent. The minimum ampacity for
con9nuous loads is 115A (92 × 125% = 115). Now add to this
number the noncon9nuous loads (115 + 74 = 189). The
minimum ampacity for these feeder conductors is 189A (see
Figure 2).

Con9nuous Load


Con9nuous Load
•  Aler con9nuous loads and noncon9nuous loads have been
added back together, the panelboard and conductors can be
selected. The feeder in Figure 2 must have a ra9ng of at least
189A. Standard ampere ra9ngs for fuses and inverse-9me
circuit breakers can be found in Since the result of
the calcula9on in the last example was 189A, the minimum
size breaker that can be installed for this feeder is 200A. In
accordance with Table, the minimum size 75°C
(167°F) copper conductor is 3/0 AWG (80 mm2). A 3/0 AWG
copper conductor has an allowable ampacity of 200A (see
Figure 3).

Con9nuous Load


Con9nuous Load
•  Since the calcula9on result in Figure 2 was 189A, the
conductor selected must have an ampacity of at least 189A.
The minimum size 75°C (167°F) aluminum conductor is 250
kcmil (125 mm2). A 250 kcmil aluminum conductor has an
allowable ampacity of 205A. In some installa9ons, 4/0 AWG
(100 mm2) aluminum conductors are installed to supply a
200A panelboard. If the result of the calcula9on was 180A (or
less) and the installa9on met the requirements in,
it would be permissible to use 4/0 AWG aluminum
conductors. A 4/0 aluminum conductor has an allowable
ampacity of 180A. Remember, the ampacity of the conductor
must not be less than the load.

Con9nuous Load
•  Like branch-circuit conductors and feeder conductors,
service-entrance conductors have the same requirement for
con9nuous loads. The ampacity of service-entrance
conductors before the applica9on of any adjustment or
correc9on factors shall not be less than the sum of the
noncon9nuous loads plus 125 percent of con9nuous loads

Con9nuous Load
•  For example, Ar9cle 2.20 was used to calculate the loads for a
service at a retail store. While the calcula9on results for the
con9nuous loads were 160A, the results for the noncon9nuous
loads were 165A. The minimum ampacity for con9nuous loads is
200A (160 × 125% = 200). Now add the noncon9nuous loads to this
number (200 + 165 = 365). The minimum ampacity for the service-
entrance conductors is 365A. In accordance with, the
next standard size ra9ng above 365 is 400A. In accordance with
Table, the minimum size 75°C (167°F) copper conductor is
500 kcmil (250 mm2). A 500 kcmil copper conductor has an
allowable ampacity of 380A. Since 380A is not a standard ra9ng and
the installa9on meets the provisions in, it is permi[ed
to install 500 kcmil conductors on a 400A service (see Figure 4).



•  Conductors that supply
con9nuous loads must
also be sized to comply
with the termina9on



Con9nuous Load

Con9nuous Load
•  There is a s9pula9on for all three conductor types pertaining
to the use of an overcurrent device listed for opera9on at 100
percent of its ra9ng. If the assembly, including the
overcurrent devices protec9ng the conductors (branch-
circuit, feeder or service), is listed for opera9on at 100
percent of its ra9ng, the allowable ampacity of the
conductors shall be permi[ed to be not less than the sum of
the con9nuous load plus the noncon9nuous load [
(1) Excep9on, Excep9on No. 1, and
(2)]. This means that, if the overcurrent device is listed for
opera9on at 100 percent of its ra9ng, it is not necessary to
mul9ply con9nuous loads by 125 percent.

Con9nuous Load
•  There is an excep9on that applies to feeder conductors and
service-entrance conductors; this excep9on pertains to
grounded conductors. Grounded conductors that are not
connected to an overcurrent device shall be permi[ed to be
sized at 100 percent of the con9nuous and noncon9nuous
load [ Excep9on No. 2 and
Excep9on]. As long as the grounded conductor is not
connected to an overcurrent device, it is not necessary to
mul9ply con9nuous loads by 125 percent.

Conductors in Parallel

Miller, 2008
Conductors in Parallel
A.  Conductors of one phase, neutral, grounded-circuit
conductors, or equipment grounding conductors can have
different physical characteris9cs from those of another
phase, neutral, grounded-circuit conductor, or equipment
grounding conductors and s9ll achieve balance. E.g., Neutral
conductors do not have to be the same length as Phase A
conductors, and Phase A conductors do not have to be the
same length as Phase B conductors.
B.  As a general rule, 1/0 AWG (50 mm2)and larger size
conductors can be connected in parallel (electrically joined at
both ends to form a single conductor)

Conductors in Parallel
C.  The paralleled conductors
in each phase, neutral,
conductor, or equipment
grounding conductors must
have the same
1.  Be the same length
2.  Have the same
conductor material
3.  Be the same size in
circular mil area
4.  Have the same
insula9on type
5.  Be terminated in the 114
Conductors in Parallel
D.  Conductors carrying alterna9ng current, installed in ferrous
metal enclosures or ferrous metal raceways, must be so
arranged as to avoid hea9ng the surrounding metal by

Conductors in Parallel
E.  If run in separate raceways (or cables), the raceways (or
cables) must have the same physical characteris9cs. Where
conductors are in separate raceways or cable, the same
number of conductors must be used in each raceway or

Conductors in Parallel

Aluminum Conductors
Aluminum Conductors
•  Cannot be soldered
•  Connec9ons & splices require solderless fizngs
•  Heat buildup caused by unsa9sfactory aluminum connec9ons
is the suspected cause of many home fires
•  Aluminum oxidizes, causing increased resistance and hot
spots at the fizngs
•  Larger wire sizes are needed for ampacity equal to copper,
resul9ng in larger conduits
•  Jus9fied only if capable electricians with competence in
aluminum are available and only if significant cost savings
result from its use
Philippine Electrical Code
Na9onal Electrical Code, 2008
C. R. Miller, Illustrated Guide to the Na9onal Electrical Code, 2008



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