Environmental Brochure
Environmental Brochure
Environmental Brochure
Aspects Guide
Summary Version
January 1, 2012
Table of Contents
Corporate Separateness............................................................................................................................................. 1
1. Purpose.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Scope................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.5.1 Limitations.......................................................................................................................................... 14
Exxon Mobil Corporation has numerous affiliates, many with names that include
ExxonMobil, Exxon, Esso and Mobil. For convenience and simplicity in this
Guide, those terms and terms like corporation, company, our, we, and its
are sometimes used as abbreviated references to specific affiliates or affiliate
groups. Abbreviated references describing global or regional operational
organizations and global or regional business lines are also sometimes used for
convenience and simplicity. Similarly, ExxonMobil has business relationships with
thousands of customers, suppliers, governments, and others. For convenience
and simplicity, words like venture, joint venture, partnership, co-venture, and
partner are used to indicate business relationships involving common activities
and interests, and those words may not indicate precise legal relationships.
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1. Purpose
ExxonMobil is committed to operating in an Aligned with Corporate Policy, Expectations and Systems,
environmentally responsible manner everywhere we do the Corporate Environmental Aspects Guide is designed
business. ExxonMobil’s Corporate Environment Policy and to support the implementation of environmental
Protect Tomorrow. Today. expectations serve as the management expectations of OIMS as applicable to
foundation of our efforts, which are guided by a scientific ExxonMobil operations, with special emphasis and linkage
understanding of the environmental impact of our with:
operations as well as by the social and economic needs
• OIMS Element 2: Risk Assessment and Management
of the communities in which we operate. This Corporate
(and all related Expectations)
Guide addresses identification and assessment of
• OIMS Element 6: Operations and Maintenance (and all
significant environmental aspects consistent with the
related Expectations)
Environment Policy and Protect Tomorrow. Today. The
• ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
guiding principles underlying the Environment Policy are,
• Deliver superior environmental performance; Specifically, the Guide establishes a consistent approach
• Drive environmental incidents with real impact to zero, for identifying environmental aspects and for determining
through a process of continuous improvement; and which of those aspects may be significant. As used
• Achieve industry leadership in focus areas that are herein, “significant environmental aspects” are those that
valuable to the business. meet business specific criteria for significant risk, based
on the use of the Corporate risk assessment methodology
The Guide is also consistent with ExxonMobil’s Operations relating to potential environmental impact and the
Integrity Management System (OIMS) requirements and probability that such impact could occur.
performance expectations, particularly:
• Management commitment and leadership;
• Identification and mitigation of environmental risk;
• Integration of Environmental Business Planning (EBP)
into base business; and
• Identification and management of community impacts
and concerns.
2. Scope
Environmental aspects are activities, products, or services The term ‘assessable unit’ will be used throughout
that can interact with the environment. For purposes this document to refer to a site, survey, project,
of this guide, the term “activities” will be used broadly asset, operation, field work area, business unit or
to encompass ExxonMobil office and field activities, other organizational activity, or segment thereof, that
operations and services. This Guide is focused on: is subject to environmental aspect assessment.
• Identifying environmental aspects Potential environment impacts of any materials in
resulting from ExxonMobil activities, use within an assessable unit are included in unit
• Understanding the setting in which our activities activities and are within the scope of the assessments
interact with the environment (natural, regulatory, described in this Guide. Environmental aspects of
and social), including how the surrounding products in commerce are not within the scope of this
environment may change the interaction, Guide and should be assessed as part of separate
• Assessing potential environmental risks review processes for existing and new products.
resulting from those aspects, and
• Prioritizing aspects to identify those that may result Follow-up actions are also not within the scope
in significant risk and for which the operation has of this Guide. As part of OIMS, ExxonMobil
direct control or influence as it relates to ExxonMobil operations are expected to address follow-up
activities. These aspects are referred to as an actions for significant environmental aspects
assessable unit’s significant environmental aspects through other existing management programs.
The scope of this Guide includes, but is not limited to: This Guide is owned by the ExxonMobil Corporate Safety,
Security, Health and Environment (SSH&E) Network.
• New facility siting, design, and construction
• Seismic or engineering surveys
• Drilling and workovers
• Operation of existing facilities
• Modification to existing facilities/operations
• Site decommissioning, remediation and reclamation
• Changes in the surrounding
environment (external influences)
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3. Application and Integration into Overall
Environmental Management
Environmental Aspects Assessment is a primary Assessable Units should complete a baseline
mechanism for meeting OIMS environmental reassessment on a periodic basis, consistent with the
risk assessment and management expectations operational complexity and environmental sensitivities.
and is a central component of the Environmental The baseline reassessment should be completed
Business Planning (EBP) process, as specified by a multi-disciplinary team including personnel
by OIMS. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship of with respective technical, operations, public affairs,
key corporate policy, expectations, systems, and risk management and environmental expertise.
guides with environmental aspects assessments
and other environmental management programs. During the planning phase for new activities,
environmental aspects and their potential impact(s)
In accordance with OIMS, Assessable Units should identify should be considered when evaluating alternatives
and assess the environmental aspects of their activities. An related to timing, siting, routing or technologies. For
environmental aspect reflects both positive and negative existing facilities and ongoing operations, environmental
outcomes of the interactions between our operations aspects identification and assessment is central to
and the environment. For projects and exploration identifying EBP focus areas and other environmental
activities, the environmental aspects assessment should performance improvement opportunities.
be performed early in the planning phase and account
for current environmental aspects as well as those that The evaluation of environmental aspects
may be encountered during the life of the asset. should be documented and environmental
risks stewarded, consistent with OIMS risk
Assessable Units should routinely review and update their assessment and management provisions.
environmental aspects assessment based on changes in
site activities or external influences.
Figure 1. EAG Relationship to Corporate Programs
An Environmental Aspects Assessment (EAA) is an OIMS expectation
and is based on the Environmental Aspects Guide (EAG)
Elements Corporate
Expectations Tomorrow. Today.
Environment Policy
Risk Assessment &
2.2 Management Guide
Risk Assessment 2.3 Environmental
& Management Aspects Guide
2.4 (EAG)1,2,3
Risk Matrix
2.5 Application Guide
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4. Process for Identification and Assessment of Significant
Environmental Aspects
As defined earlier, environmental aspects are activities that can It is important to note that while broad consideration is given
interact with the environment. Identification and assessment to aspects and potential consequences of an aspect, this
of aspects is an iterative process. Identifying environmental does not imply nor require quantification or documentation
aspects begins by broadly considering the interaction between of all aspects or all potential consequences. Personnel are
our activities and the environment (including changes to expected to exercise good judgment to focus the analysis
the surrounding environment) and the potential impacts of on the aspects most likely to result in significant risks.
the aspect – direct and indirect. After aspects are defined, Management is expected to confirm that the personnel
it is important to gain an understanding of the surrounding conducting these evaluations are qualified to make the
environment and how applicable external events may judgments described. Ongoing monitoring and assessment
influence specific aspects. Where applicable, alternative provide opportunities to confirm that potentially significant
design or operating alternatives should be considered. aspects have not been overlooked. The following sections
Finally, the significance of each aspect is evaluated, provide a detailed description of each step in the process.
broadly considering a range of potential consequences.
Step 1
Identify and characterize environmental aspects
Step 2
Characterize environmental/social/regulatory setting
Step 3
Identify project or operating alternatives
Step 4
Develop risk scenarios
Step 5
Assess significance
4.1 STEP-1 – Identify and Characterize Environmental Aspects
This section details guidance for identifying and The identification/characterization process described
characterizing environmental aspects. In this Guide, in this section is iterative. If additional aspects are
an environmental aspect is an activity that can interact identified after any later step (see Sections 4.2 through
with the environment. Such an activity may be direct, 4.5), Step 1 ((described in Section 4.1) and later steps
in which the activity interacts with the environment, or should be conducted for these additional aspects. All
indirect, in which the activity causes follow-on activities by identification and characterization of aspects should
others, or triggers a series of subsequent events, which consider the entire life span of the activity being assessed.
in turn may result in environmental impacts. Examples
of indirect environmental aspects include activities of The remainder of this section examines
suppliers and contractors and our interactions with the identification and characterization of
people, communities and governments that trigger environmental aspects in more detail.
their additional interactions with the environment.
Protect Tomorrow.
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4.1.1 Aspects Associated with Emissions, Discharges, and Waste Disposal
Emitting, discharging, producing and disposing of waste For purposes of indirect risk assessment or consideration
are environmental aspects that can result from all types of Step 3 (Alternatives), it will be important to consider
of facilities (vessels, platforms, plants etc.) and all types the possible alternative or community value of emitted,
of operations (such as start-up, shut-down, continuous, discharged, or disposed substances (such as value of
maintenance, regeneration, product grade changes, wastewater for use or recycle, value of vented gases
unsteady and/or upset operations). These aspects may as fuels, or value of disposed materials for reuse or
not always be obvious, but may be as common as as aggregate, fill, cover, or biofuel feedstock, etc.).
dust that may be present because of our activities.
Aspects that are clearly significant may not need to be
There are numerous elements of characterization for these quantitatively characterized. In some cases however,
aspects and many or all may be useful for an accurate as- the need for characterization may be set by what
sessment of potentially significant environmental conse- is required to properly assess risk and/or mitigation
quences. Most elements of characterization may be quali- alternatives. For example, to assess or mitigate
tative, but quantification to the degree feasible is desirable associated consequences from a discharge, an area or
for potentially significant aspects. Emissions, discharges volume of potential impact typically would be required.
and waste management can be characterized by source,
type, composition, amount, duration, and intensity, and by
persistence, toxicity, bioaccumulation potential, degrada-
tion, and transport and fate considerations for its chemical
4.1.3 Aspects Related to Other Direct Environmental Resource Demand
Water withdrawals constitute a direct demand on an such as erosion prevention, flood control, water
environmental resource. Other important aspects with purification, pharmaceuticals, recreation, traditional
direct environmental resource demand (current and future) lifestyles, etc.)
include the following:
• Use of power, land, workforce, materials and goods Activities having a direct environmental resource demand
• Activities that remove environmental resources from should be characterized by evaluating their scope/scale/
the environment (e.g., water, fuels, land, food, soil, size, duration, and intensity. Consider resource demand
timber, etc.) related to operations, construction, and/or traffic.
• Dependence on or alteration of ecosystem services
(human benefits provided by the natural environment,
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4.1.5 Other Environmental Aspects
A number of other activities may be considered as • Human activity and pedestrian and vehicle traffic
candidates for environmental aspects characterization, (potential to drive away wildlife, create barriers to
including the following: movement and migration, destroy vegetation, erode
soils, generate dust, use of commercial aviation)
• Addition or removal of thermal energy into air or
water: such as waste heat, cooled discharges, flaring • Activities with potential for introduction of foreign
(potential to drive away wildlife and alter dormancy species (such as via ballast water, fouled vessel hulls,
patterns and microclimates) earth-moving equipment, revegetation materials,
shipments of materials and supplies, etc.) including
• Activities emitting light, including illumination and
translocation of species, or induced access which
flaring (potential to disrupt wildlife, alter nocturnal
can do this as well
behaviors, etc.)
• Activities generating other forms of energy (such as • Other indirect aspects resulting from our direct
activities (such as, illegal logging; actions (aspects) of
sound, electromagnetic fields, etc.) in the marine
resettled, encroaching, or in-migrated populations;
environment, or in aquatic or terrestrial systems
poaching, etc.)
(potential to drive away wildlife, alter migration
patterns, impair natural range or behaviors)
Each aspect should be characterized by scope/volume/
scale, duration, frequency, and intensity.
4.2.1 Immediate or Direct Setting Characteristics
Some of the specific characteristics that may be • Existing and evolving laws, regulations, permits,
considered when assessing the environmental, social, and international conventions, and other legal obligations
regulatory context include: • Voluntary Commitments (for example, Responsible
• Environmental processes (affecting migration,
chemical fate, and zones of influence of environmental • ExxonMobil Corporate and/or Affiliate environmental
aspects), such as wind, water flows, and foodweb objectives and programs, environmental standards,
processes. practices, and experience.
• Environmental conditions (character, status and • Expectations of governments, lender institutions,
community, non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
variability of the natural environment), such as
and local media.
ecosystem health and services, biodiversity, and
pre-existing damage and stressors • Industry standards
• Social and economic conditions, such as community • Academic studies (both published and known working
health and dependence on natural resources
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4.3 STEP-3 – Identify Project or Operating Alternatives
(if applicable)
When assessing environmental aspects for new Alternatives will generally include:
activities, a remaining step prior to risk assessment
• Technology and practices in common use
is the identification of any project or operating
• Step out technology and practices
alternatives to which the risk assessment should
• Routing/siting options
be applied. Project or operating alternatives are a
• Timing including length of time
discrete set of possible choices for attaining business
• Choices among equipment and materials,
goals. Risk assessing alternatives with respect to
such as choice of geophysical tools, vessel
environmental aspects can assist in selecting the
types, operating fluids or fuels
alternative that best meets business goals.
• “No action” (not undertaking a project/activity)
International standards for environmental assessment
require early consideration of alternatives, in order to Alternatives selected for risk assessment need not be an
obviate the consideration of higher-risk undertakings exhaustive set, but should span the range of options in
for which lower-risk alternatives exist. Moreover, regards to design, engineering, siting, routing, operating,
alternatives should be examined early and the result equipment/tools , vessels and processes. Each should
used to identify preferred courses of action rather be screened prior to risk assessment to confirm it is:
than as risk mitigation after a decision is already • Scientifically sound
made. Note: Project and operating alternatives are • Economically and technically feasible
distinct from mitigation actions which may be taken • Consistent with balanced business
to lower risk of a particular alternative once chosen. and environmental/social needs
4.4 STEP-4 – Develop Risk Scenarios (if needed)
scenario forms the foundation for the interpretation of
consequence severity and probability that will determine
risk categorization and aspect significance (see Step 5).
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4.5 STEP-5 – Assess Significance
In ISO 14001, significant environmental aspects are aspect for each credible scenario (see Section 4.4)
defined as those that have or can have significant based on a determination of consequence severity,
environmental impacts. Within ExxonMobil, significant combined with an estimate of probability or likelihood
impacts are defined as those entailing significant safety, that the consequences could occur. In the Corporate
security, health, or environmental risk, with risk assessed Risk Assessment and Management process, health/
using the corporate assessment methodology and any safety, environmental, public, and financial consequences
additional business function-specific guidance. How the are all considered in evaluating placement on the Risk
corporate methodology is applied will depend on the risk Matrix. The Environmental Aspects Guide, addressing
scenario and the nature of the risk. For some scenarios, full environmental aspect risk assessment, focuses primarily
application of the corporate methodology will be possible on environmental consequences, but as previously
and necessary; for others, the risk assessment will be discussed, public, health, safety or financial impact could
more qualitative and used to screen aspects into significant affect the determination of risk. Once risk is determined,
aspects and less significant aspects. A full quantitative risk significance of the risk and Aspect is assessed based on
assessment is often unnecessary and OIMS requirements levels ”associated with the position on the risk matrix.”
should not be construed to require such assessment.
Note: Although a structured risk assessment may
Structured risk assessment is a tool that may be used not be needed to assess significance, it may be
by an assessable unit to evaluate significance. This required to inform the mitigation analysis, to support
approach entails evaluating the risk of an environmental communication with management, or other objectives.
4.5.1 Limitations
The above discussions of comparing risk by plotting environmental risk, can be screened by this method,
scenario consequence and likelihood apply only but any position on the matrix may not be comparable
to single-scenario risks. Chronic and aggregate or to similarly-located single-scenario risks.
cumulative risks, common in the assessment of
4.5.3 Determination of Probability
Once the most severe consequences are identified, the probability of the discharge is 1.0 since the substance
probability of those consequences being realized should is continuously discharged. However, the probability
be assessed. This is done by assessing the probability should be estimated for the low-flow condition and the
for each failure, event, or condition necessary to produce presence of a large number of the fish of concern in the
the consequences as documented in the risk scenario exposure area. These probabilities can then be combined
or associated event tree analysis. For example, consider (as the product of individual probabilities) to estimate
an environmental scenario involving the continuous the likelihood of the overall consequence scenario.
discharge of a substance to a river resulting in a given
consequence to a fish species. A scenario leading to The probability of lower severity consequences should
that consequence might require a low-flow condition also be evaluated to determine whether any have
in the river and large numbers of a species of concern sufficiently higher probability to result in a higher risk.
being present for a critical time period within the dilution
zone. A probability can be determined for each of the
events making up the consequence scenario. The
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4.5.4 Determination of Significance
Risk determines significance and is defined as Environmental aspects may also result in
consequence times probability. The combination of consequences beyond the environmental or
consequence severity and probability of occurrence ecosystem impacts. For example, heavy dust
determines the position on the Risk Matrix. Positions emissions could present safety risks, releases of
closest to the upper left-hand side of the Risk wastes to potable ground water could present
Matrix represent the highest risk and, thus, are of community health risks, a project in a wilderness
higher relative significance. Assessable Units may area could create public (media/reputation) risk
provide specific guidance on which areas of the and the need to respond to a spill could create
Risk Matrix are significant in the context of their financial risk, all in addition to environmental or
particular business and operating situations. ecosystem risks. Other public, health, safety, and
financial risks should be assessed separately and,
when higher than the environmental risk, will drive
the significance assessment for the aspect.