Testing Astrology: Current Science June 2009
Testing Astrology: Current Science June 2009
Testing Astrology: Current Science June 2009
Testing astrology
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1 author:
Manoj Komath
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology
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Testing astrology
Manoj Komath
The commentary ‘A statistical test of On a closer look, it could be realized help in debunking astrology. The lack of
astrology’ by Narlikar et al.1 attracts that the UGC had been echoing the feeling theoretical basis cannot be put as a crite-
attention as a pioneering attempt at the of the common public. Though astrology rion to reject astrological practices as
critical evaluation of ‘jyothisha’ (or is practised globally, in India, jyothisha baseless, because several branches of
Indian astrology). It marks the dawn of a is deeply woven into the social fabric, science have been established through
new paradigm in Indian science, indicat- and to a certain extent, remained a part empirical steps. We are confident about
ing the methods to scientifically test a of religion. People have their births as- the well-structured theoretical framework
body of knowledge branded as pseudo- signed to ‘nakshatras’ (or lunar mansions) related to the celestial phenomena. This
science. As it seems, the work did not get and consider their lives to be governed elaborate knowledgebase in astronomy
proper attention or exposure, despite the by ‘dashas’ (the system of planetary and cosmology, however, does not close
fact that it trails the most intense and periods). The UGC plan appeared to the doors for new hypotheses on the
elaborate debate in the history of Current be a boon to the masses, as it would gen- planetary effects. The convention to de-
Science (2000, 79, No. 9 through 2001, erate ‘academically qualified’ astrologers cide whether a body of knowledge is sci-
81, No. 2), following the controversial (jyothishis), who could extend more reli- ence or not, is to conduct objective tests.
decision of the University Grants Com- able service to the people, to describe The general trend of scientists is to
mission (UGC) in 2001 to start graduate, what destiny had in store for them. discard the success of astrology in pre-
postgraduate and research courses in ‘Jyotir The attempt of scientists and rationalists dicting personal events as purely inci-
vigyan’. The implications and ramifica- to resist the move of the UGC through dental2. These ‘incidental successes’
tions of the work are worth discussing. special leave petition (SLP) was over- cannot be ignored, as every believer in
thrown by the judiciary in 2004. The Su- astrology would be able to give at least a
preme Court of India dismissed the few examples of prediction being right.
The astrology muddle petition, expressing the inappropriateness Scientists never tried to explore, even for
to interfere in the policy decision of the curiosity, the secrets of this apparent suc-
The UGC wanted ‘Vedic astrology’ (or Government, unless it was found to be cess of astrology. We do not even have
jyothisha, the version of astrology prac- contrary to the law or made on extrane- the preliminary data to convince a com-
tised in India) to be introduced in the ous considerations (as reported in The mon man that his day-to-day experience
science stream of the university curricu- Hindu, internet edition, 6 May 2004). with astrology is flawed or ‘unscientific’.
lum. However, the Indian scientific com- It is quite disturbing for rational minds Now, Narlikar et al.1 indicate a way
munity and academia reacted vehemently to see that science, despite the techno- out of this muddle, with a sensible inves-
against the UGC decision, as astrology logical advances and practical useful- tigation, namely testing the predictive
has been considered as a pseudoscience ness, cannot win against the public appeal power of astrology. The test, as they
lacking rational basis. The UGC portrayed of pseudoscience. The developments mentioned, is based on the investigations
jyothisha as an empirical science based were dismal, as there appeared to be no of Silverman3 and Carlson4. Unfortu-
on our traditional and classical know- democratic way to reinstate rationality, nately, the report did not touch upon the
ledge, which can help the society to see the soul of scientific activities. The intensive studies on Western astrology in
the unforeseen, and having obvious and common public, who are not keen to the past decades, which had revolutionized
potential applications in meteorological know about scientific methods, may con- our understanding of astrology in general.
studies, agricultural science, space sci- sider scientists to be against the interests
ence, etc. of the society. In their view, astrology
There remained a perplexing question; has sound theories (based on astronomical Studies on Western astrology
why did an apex academic body like the data), and its own rules and techniques.
UGC regard astrology worthy to be con- And the practical success is validated by Critical studies on astrology in the West
sidered as a science, as there was not even innumerable personal testimonies of cor- have been conducted during the past six
a remotely related evidence for claiming rect predictions. Apparently it satisfies decades. By 2000, over one hundred pub-
so? Nor any proponent of astrology was the criterion of a useful science. Above lications had appeared in psychology
able to produce any statistically valid all, astrology enables the predictions of journals and four hundred in astrology
evidence that astrology can really foresee events in life, something science is not journals, as estimated by Smit (http://
any event. Despite the apparent success able to provide. No wonder, the common www.rudolfhsmit.nl/u-gran1.htm). This
in personal predictions, astrology used to people tend to criticize scientists for their is equivalent to about 200 man-years
fail pathetically in predicting social events ‘holier than thou’ approach. of scientific research (with a text size of
like calamities or mishaps, which could It would be worthwhile to introspect as 470,000 words!); however majority of
have saved innumerable lives. Even the to why our approach appears dogmatic the literature remains unknown. Ninety-
name ‘Vedic astrology’ is identified as a and becomes ineffective in front of the one typical studies could be traced on the
misnomer, as the Vedas do not contain common public. Interestingly, our firm internet (most of the available data were
astrology2. belief in the ‘scientific method’ does not found compiled at http://www.astrology-
California Personality Inventory) and method is summarized by Narlikar et India to critically investigate astrology.
season of birth. However, the follow-up al.1). The Carlson study stood apart in its As mentioned by the authors, it is mod-
studies did not show any correlation bet- double-blind design, meeting the strin- elled on the 25-year old double-blind de-
ween sun sign and personality traits as gent specifications of both scientific and sign of Carlson4. The criterion of
measured by standardized psychological astrological communities. Even after choosing personality indices used in the
tests15–17. Mayes and Klugh18 compiled making efforts to ensure that the experi- original study is reduced here to the two
natal charts and results of the Leary ment was free of bias and giving astrol- parameters of intellectual brightness and
Interpersonal Check List for 196 sub- ogy reasonable chances to succeed, the mental retardation. This variation is jus-
jects. The data were used to compare 13 astrologers failed to perform better than tified, considering the difficulty in
personality traits with the sun signs and chance4. accessing standardized personality inven-
signs and houses of the moon and eight In 2001, Dean and Kelly21 conducted a tories in the country. However, it would
planets, at five planetary aspects. No sta- meta-analysis of more than 40 studies have been much simpler, though counter-
tistically valid correlations were found. which dealt with the correlation of birth intuitive, to test the prediction of gender,
Some studies, which recorded correla- charts and information such as personal- which is a more clearly definable than
tions between astrological factors and ity profiles or case histories. The studies, mental abilities. In jyothisha, gender is
behaviour, were later proved to be published between 1975 and 2000, in- the prime parameter in a horoscope and a
flawed19. corporated in total nearly 700 astrologers double-blind prediction of whether the
Gauquelin, continuing his earlier and 1150 birth charts. The meta-analysis horoscope-holder is male or female, will
efforts to test astrology, compiled per- put forward the conclusion that ‘ . . . there reveal the validity of horoscope-reading.
sonality profiles from 2000 biographies is clearly nothing here to suggest that as- Though the Pune experiment is appar-
of sportsmen, actors, scientists and writ- trologers can perform usefully better ently convincing, it is not free from arti-
ers, and compared them with personality than chance, once hidden persuaders are facts – like the bias in reporting the birth
traits associated with the sign of the sun, controlled’. time, possible ambiguities in remember-
moon and ascendant according to eight ing the correct birth time, the ‘Ayanamsa’
astrology texts. He failed to detect any correction applied during birth-chart
correlation either in sidereal or tropical The Pune experiment making, etc. In addition, the low popula-
zodiac20. tion size makes the conclusion statisti-
This was followed by the most cele- The work by Narlikar et al.1, which tests cally weak. In a recent study, Hartmann
brated study by Carlson4, which tested the predictive power of natal astrology, et al.22 used a staggering sample size of
the thesis that astrological natal charts should be viewed in this background. 15,000! (This study investigated the rela-
can be used to describe accurately the Their experiment (the Pune experiment) tionship between date of birth and indi-
personality traits of the test subjects (the gains importance as the first venture in vidual differences in personality and