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February 2017 | Version 4

Table of Contents

Introduction Creative Assets

4 Zebra Guidelines and Templates 24 Colors
5 Top Brand Tips 27 PowerPoint Presentation Colors
28 Supergraphic Treatment
Messaging 29 Supergraphic Usage
7 Brand Character 30 Tables
8 Brand Characteristics 31 Square Corners
9 Brand Voice 32 Typography and Styles
34 Iconography and Infographics
Logo Guidelines
11 Horizontal and Vertical Photography
12 Variations 36 Style
14 Improper Usage 37 People
16 Clear Space 38 Vertical
17 Clear Space Usage 39 Stock
18 Scaling 40 Application
19 Embroidery and Silkscreening 41 Close-up Application
20 Zebra Programs 42 Product Feature
21 Geometric Shape Background 43 Product
22 Visibility that’s Visionary Lockup 44 Don’ts

Copyright and Trademarks

47 Legal Requirements

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The Zebra® brand exemplifies our promise to empower our

customers to know more about their business and make
intelligent, informed decisions.

These Zebra Masterbrand Guidelines have been created to

provide visual consistency throughout brand communications
across various media and applications. For any questions,
please refer to the contact information on the last page.

For questions about these guidelines please send an email to


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Zebra Guidelines and Templates

Use the links on this page to access Zebra

templates and guidelines. Brand Guidelines ZEBRA LOGOS AND IMAGES
• Visibility that’s Visionary Brand Usage Guidelines Follow the instructions below to access Zebra logos and images.
Brand Guidelines
• Channel Partner Brand Usage Guidelines
These Zebra Masterbrand Guidelines serve as Zebra Employees
the foundation for all internal and external
• Zebra PartnerConnect Brand Usage Guidelines. Log in to the Zebra Media Library using the credentials below.
materials. Complementary brand guidelines Email brand@zebra.com for information.
1. Select “I’m a Zebra Employee”.
provide additional guidance for specific needs. Design Templates and Guidelines 2. Use your Zebra Single Sign On (SSO) credentials to log in.
Design Templates and Usage Guidelines • A4 InDesign Collateral Templates and Guidelines
Adobe® InDesign® templates for Zebra agency • A4 Word Collateral Templates and Guidelines
Log in to the Zebra Media Library using your agency
partners simplify the layout process and ensure • NALA InDesign Collateral Templates and Guidelines credentials. If you’ve not previously visited the Zebra Media
brand consistency across our collateral.
• NALA Word Collateral Templates and Guidelines Library, email brand@zebra.com for access.
Guidelines for each collateral type include
• InDesign Event Pull-up Banner Templates and Guidelines Partners
sample pages from the template for reference
and highlight important information for using the Icons and Infographics Click Product & Application Imagery: Media Library to log in
master pages, layers and styles built into the • Marketing Icon Library PDF (see all icons available) to the Partner Gateway and view the partner credentials for
InDesign template. accessing the Media Library.
• Marketing Icons PNG files (black, blue and white)
Templates and guidelines are also provided for
• Marketing Icon Guidelines (for agencies to create icons)
Zebra employees to create materials using
Microsoft® Word. • Infographic Guidelines (for agencies to create infographics)

PowerPoint Presentations Corporate Presentation Template

Use the Microsoft PowerPoint® template for all • 16:9 Microsoft PowerPoint Template
Zebra presentations. All new presentations • Sample PowerPoint Slides
must be created using the 16:9 format.
• Zebra Presentation Colors
Email brand@zebra.com for questions about
using the brand guidelines and templates or for
help applying the brand to internal and external
materials, videos, animation, photo shoots,
stock photography licenses, brand voice, etc.

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Top Brand Tips

Zebra Logo Typography

• Maintain required clear space • Use Arial for internal corporate materials and
• Do not use a color other than black or white Proxima Nova for external materials

• Use the full Zebra Logo only – Do not separate the Zebra • Do not use italics for emphasis or add drop shadows
Head Symbol or ZEBRA Logotype • Use flush left copy in most cases
• Place the Zebra Logo directly on a solid color Iconography
background – Do not put it in a contrasting color box
• Use black, Zebra Blue or white icons from the Zebra
on a solid background
Marketing Icon Libraray
Colors • Follow Icon Guidelines for creating new icons
• Use only one accent color (blue, red or yellow) in a
marketing asset – Do not combine accent colors
• Keep backgrounds simple – Do not overlay
• Use accent colors sparingly (10 to 20 percent of the design)
complex elements
• Do not use Zebra Yellow for headlines on a
• Graphic elements should have square corners rather
white background
than round
• Use Zebra Yellow on a Zebra Dark Gray background – Do
• Do not add drop shadows, dimension or gradation effects
not combine Zebra Yellow with black in graphic elements
• Do not use zebra stripes, photos, illustrations or cartoons
• Do not put a transparent color overlay over photographs or
allow the background image to show through a text box
• Do not use motion blur or gradation effects on photography
• Use images with natural lighting that depict an authentic
experience rather than a staged setting

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Our brand personality consists of our character,

characteristics and voice elements. Together they
provide the foundation for our brand and inform all
our marketing and communications.

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Brand Character

This is what we are and what we stand for.

It is what defines us. What guides us. And We are thought leaders.
ultimately, what we stake our reputation
on. It is what connects our products to a
person. Our services to a solution. Our
We are innovators.
audience to our brand.
We are collaborators.
We are engineers.
We are problem-solvers.
We are partners.
We believe in possibility.
We see where things are going.
We build things that other people build on.

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Brand Characteristics

A brand’s character is made up of many

different characteristics or attributes, the
sum of which is far more powerful than
Zebra is… Zebra is not…
any single trait. By attaching human
characteristics to a brand name, you can
Innovative Arrogant
humanize a corporation and create an
emotional connection with customers. Inquisitive Naive
Reliable Complicated
Responsive Pessimistic
Confident Hyperbolic
Collaborative Stale
A Partner

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Brand Voice

Our voice is our point of view. It is both

what we say and how we say it. It has a Zebra’s voice is one of confidence.
feeling and an attitude. A sound and a
cadence. It is how we present ourselves in
a verbal manner. It takes into account the
It is innovative yet practical.
words as much as the delivery. When we
have a singular voice, all communication Descriptive yet accurate.
sounds consistent. There is customer
recognition, believability and trust. It doesn’t use jargon or slang.
It makes the complex simple.
It delivers honesty.
Above all, it believes in possibility.

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Zebra Logo
Horizontal and Vertical

The horizontal Zebra Logo is the preferred Horizontal Logo — Preferred Version Vertical Logo
version and should be used on all applications
where space allows; use the vertical version
when the space calls for a vertical treatment
or where space is limited.
Do not use a color other than black or white
for the Zebra Logo.

Do not use the Zebra Head Symbol Zebra Head Symbol Zebra Logotype
as a standalone element except as a

supergraphic; see Page 27 for information
about the supergraphic treatment.

Never use the Zebra Logotype as a

standalone graphic element.

Download the Zebra Logo

The Zebra logo is available in a number
of formats on the Zebra Media Library.
See Page 4 for instructions to access
the Media Library.

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Zebra Logo

Positive Positive
Use the positive version when placing the
Zebra Logo on a white or lighter-valued

Reverse Reverse
Use the reverse version when placing the
Zebra Logo on a black or dark background.

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Zebra Logo

Color Color
Use the positive version of the Zebra Logo
on lighter-valued colors. Use the reverse
version of the Zebra Logo on darker-
valued colors.

Photography Photography
When using an image for the background,
do not place the Zebra Logo directly on the
image; instead position the Zebra Logo on
a rectangular white box behind the positive
version of the Zebra Logo. Reverse the
Zebra Logo on a Zebra Dark Gray box
when the image has a lighter value. Bleed
one end of the rectangular shape behind
the logo to the edge of the image.

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Zebra Logo
Improper Usage

DO use an opaque black or white Zebra Logo on a solid color DON’T allow a photograph to show through the open space in
rectangle over a photograph. the Zebra Logo.

DO use a solid color rectangle with an opaque black or white DON’T allow a background photograph to show through the
Zebra Logo over a photograph. solid color rectangle behind the opaque Zebra Logo.

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Zebra Logo
Improper Usage

Improper logo usage impedes brand DON’T change the color of the Logo. DON’T rotate or use the Logo on an angle. DON’T scale the Logo disproportionately.
awareness and recognition. Do not alter,

modify, change or use the Zebra Logo in
any way other than the specified
versions in this document.

These examples are just some of the ways

that the logo can be improperly used.

If you have any questions, please email

DON’T add drop shadows or effects. DON’T alter the size relationship of the DON’T change the position of the

Zebra Head Symbol and Logotype. Zebra Head Symbol and Logotype.

DON’T use the Zebra Head Symbol as DON’T use the Zebra Logotype on DON’T outline or add strokes to
a standalone element. its own. the Logo.

DON’T use other fonts for the Logotype. DON’T use the old Zebra Logo. DON’T mix the Logo with old brand
illustrations such as the color bar.

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Zebra Logo
Clear Space

Clear space is essential in keeping Horizontal

the Zebra Logo free from other visual
elements, logos and clutter.

Horizontal 4X
The accepted clear space for the horizontal
version of the Zebra Logo is 4X, where
X = the width of the vertical stroke of the
B in the Zebra Logotype.

Vertical Vertical
The accepted clear space for the vertical
version of the Zebra Logo is 2X, where 2X
X = the height of the Zebra Logotype.

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Zebra Logo
Clear Space Usage

DO position text to maintain the required clear space around DON’T violate the clear space guidelines by placing text too
the Zebra Logo. See Page 17 for more information. close to the Zebra logo.


Idenihillab ipsuntin
Idenihillab ipsuntin rest, asimolo to qui
rest, asimolo to qui remporeprae officil.
remporeprae officil.

DO position headline text to maintain the required clear space DON’T use the Zebra Logo with text in the Proxima
around the Zebra Logo. See Page 17 for more information. Nova typeface.


Nihillab Ipsuntin

DO use the word “Zebra” in the Proxima Nova typeface.

Nihillab Ipsuntin

DON’T use the Zebra Logotype with text in the Proxima

Nova typeface.

Zebra Nihillab Ipsuntin Nihillab Ipsuntin

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Zebra Logo

Minimum Sizes Print

Because of the complex nature of the
Zebra Logo, care should be taken to
ensure clarity and readability at small sizes
in all applications. Follow the guidelines
here for the minimum sizing across
different media.

H: .75" (19mm)
W: .75" (19mm)


H: 72px

W: 72px


16 x 16px

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Zebra Logo
Embroidery and Silkscreening

Follow the recommended size shown for Recommended Size

embroidering or silkscreening the Zebra
Logo; consult with your vendor to determine
the ideal size for your application.

Use the version of the logo that works best

in the space available. See Page 17 for the
required clear space between the Zebra
Logo and text.

Do not use a color other than black or

white for embroidering or silkscreening H: 2.375" (60mm)
the Zebra Logo.

W: 2.75" (70mm)

Minimum Size

H: 1.25" (32mm)

W: 1.5" (39mm)

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Zebra Programs
Typography Treatment

Typography for Internal Programs Zebra Name First Construction

Use the Proxima Nova typeface (rather
than Arial) for internal Zebra program
names. “ZEBRA” can appear in the first or
last line of the name. ZEBRA ZEBRA ZEBRA
Left align and capitalize all letters in the INNOVATOR SALES THE SOURCE
program name; use Proxima Nova Extrabold
for “ZEBRA” and Proxima Nova Light for all
other words. Do not use italics in the name.

See Page 30 for information about the Zebra Name Second Construction
Proxima Nova font family. If you use a PC
and don’t have access to the Proxima Nova
font family, contact brand@zebra.com to
have a program logo created for you. ZIP GO ACCESS

Zebra Logo and Typography for External Zebra Logo and Typography
Include the Zebra Logo with your program
name when it will be used for audiences
other than Zebra employees.

The accepted clear space for an external

program logo is 2X, where X = the width of
the vertical stroke of the B in the Zebra

Email brand@zebra.com for more

information about using the Zebra Logo as
part of your program name, as well as for
approval of your program name design.

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Zebra Logo
Geometric Shape Background

DO place the vertical Zebra Logo on a white rectangle that DON’T place the vertical Zebra Logo on a square, circle or
bleeds. See Pages 13-14 for more information. triangle. Don’t place the vertical Zebra on a rectangle that
doesn’t bleed.


Ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt
ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum
exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem
vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui
dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur.


©2017 ZIH Corp and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of ZIH Corp,
registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
Ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt
ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum
exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem
vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui
dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur.


©2017 ZIH Corp and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of ZIH Corp,
registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

DO place the horizontal Zebra Logo on a Zebra Dark Gray DON’T place the horizontal Zebra Logo on a square, circle or
rectangle that bleeds. See Pages 13-14 for more information. triangle. Don’t place the horizontal Zebra on a rectangle that
doesn’t bleed.

XX X Luptasp Erspienis Ero

Ipsani Bea Delibus


Luptasp Erspienis Ero

Ipsani Bea Delibus

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 21

Visibility that’s Visionary Lockup

Proper Usage Use the Visibility that’s Visionary Lockup in campaign assets.
Only use the Visibility that’s Visionary™ Lockup
in marketing materials that follow the specific
Visibility that’s Visionary campaign design such
as the examples shown here and in the Brand
Campaign Assets section of these guidelines. VANTAGE POINT,

The Visibility that’s Visionary Lockup can be

used only with brand, vertical and product
campaign materials.

Proper Usage
The Visibility that’s Visionary Lockup is used Digital Ad
only in brand, vertical and product campaign
materials that align with the look and feel of
the Visibility that’s Visionary brand campaign. Zebra gives you the big picture. Real-time information is key in today’s
data-centric world. And Zebra’s intelligent, enterprise-level solutions
provide you with instant connectivity and unrivaled visibility.
See the vision at zebra.com/visibility

©2017 ZIH Corp and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of ZIH Corp, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

Print Ad

Improper Usage Don’t use the Visibility that’s Visionary Lockup or tagline in corporate materials.
While we will use the Zebra Logo for many
years to come, the Lockup has a limited life

span of several years. Because of this, do not VISIBILITY THAT’S VISIONARY.
replace the Zebra Logo with the Visibility Name

Main Causes of Shortened Printhead Life
that’s Visionary Lockup in external materials OVERDRIVING THE PRINTHEAD

(except as noted above). o +44 (0)1628 556000

Occurs when the printhead is not properly contacting the media. This doesn’t allow the printhead heater
element to properly dissipate its energy (heat) and will shorten the heater elements life which will show up as
missing pixels (white lines / voids where you would expect to see an image). This condition can be caused by
several different ways. m +44 (0)1628 556001
Causes of Overdriving the Printhead

• The printhead has a build-up of residue / material at localized areas which prevents an even contact to

Do not use the Lockup for corporate materials

media / platen
• Not allowing heater elements to properly dissipate the energy / heat and damaging the elements.
• Opening the print mechanism while printing can cause the energy / heat to not dissipate properly and cause
Zebra Technologies Europe Limited
that are not relevant for external audiences,
damage to heat elements.
• A print job should be completed, allowing printhead heater element to fully dissipate its energy prior to
opening the printhead mechanism.
Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road
Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5XF
such as policies or other information for
• Printing without paper or disconnecting internal cables with the printer voltage

This will cause the protective overcoat layer (top coat) of the printhead to wear prematurely which zebra.com
Zebra employees. subsequently exposes the heater element and result in the open or shorting of the element.
Causes of Excessive Abrasion
• Poor quality media that has abrasive particles imbedded into its surface which contacts the printhead.
• Dirt or other contaminants that can come in contact with the printhead while driving the media over the

This is where the printhead heater element protective surface has been physically damaged.
Causes: Typically happens when either a sharp or hard object contacts the protective overcoat layer causing
the surface to break and exposing the heat element which results in the opening or shorting of the element.


The printhead is very sensitive to ESD. At the connector end of the printhead, just ~250 - 300 volts of ESD can
damage the printhead.

These can cause corrosion to the printhead that can result in open / short circuits.
• Introduced to the printhead by cleaning with a substance that isn’t recommended. Improper handling (sweat).


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Creative Assets

Main Corporate Colors Main

Black and white were chosen to represent
the Zebra brand because of their simplicity
Black White
and powerful contrast.
PMS Black PMS White (Paper Stock)
For printed materials, consider using rich
C0 M0 Y0 K100 C0 M0 Y0 K0
black for graphic elements with large areas (Rich Black - C70 M35 Y40 K100) R255 G255 B255
of black to provide a richer appearance. R0 G0 B0 Hex #FFFFFF
Hex #000000

Accents Accents Accent Color Usage

We selected a limited palette of support
colors, based on the three primary hues of the Blue WHITE PAPER

color wheel, to add visual interest to internal

and external Zebra materials. PMS 307C / 641U
C100 M10 Y0 K28
The accent colors are bold and bright and R0 G124 B176
Fortified Android for the Enterprise

Hex #007CB0

main corporate colors. Apientem aditinv endaect ionsequiatus as nonsequis dicilli tiisim corem qui aut utaquo enitatecus aut inum
voloris remodi voluptati consendiorum ea parum velicipsunt as ipic totatiur accabor seriam eat rernati orrumqui
seque arume isseque et aut eiciumquo quae nonsed que volorer ferspidesed que vidusa non re expla nons
Include only one accent color in an asset to iuntud escimolor sediore perspid quae. Et repro que ventiurion cus molupta nos renimil lectustia quo quaeceria
Red eatio. Imin re enist fuga. Nam necab istiis raeribus explit et peri doluptas nobis magnat vollabore velitassunt
avoid visual clutter and color vibration. raecti quas re nese liquas dus aut re pel in estiur.

Enitatecus aut inum voloris remodi voluptati consendiorum ea parum velicipsunt as ipic totatiur accabor seriam
PMS 1795 C/U
The accent color should be just that – an eat rernati orrumqui seque arume isseque et aut eiciumquo quae nonsed que volorer ferspidesed envidusa

C0 M100 Y99 K4 isseque re expla nonsecto iunt escimolor sediore perspid quae.2 Parum quae velicipsunt as ipic totatiur accabor

accent – and make up a small proportion (10 R237 G28 B36

seriam eat rernati orrumqui seque arume isseque et aut eiciumquo nonsed que volorer ferspidesed vidus.

percent to 20 percent) of a creative design Hex #ED1C24

rather than appear as a large block of color,
such as a background for text or iconography.

Zebra Yellow should be used sparingly as an Yellow

accent color on a Zebra Dark Gray
background. Do not use Yellow for headline PMS 109C / 108U
C0 M10 Y100 K0
copy in collateral or on a black background. R255 G210 B0
Hex #FFD200
Because of the low contrast, do not use 100%
Zebra Blue on a black background.

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Creative Assets

Neutrals Neutrals
Six neutral colors have been selected for
graphic elements including tables, charts
Dark Gray Medium Gray
and illustrations. Four of the neutral colors
are screens of Zebra Medium Gray. PMS 432C / 433U PMS 430 C/U 100%
C78 M65 Y53 K44 C54 M41 Y38 K4
R51 G62 B71 R126 G134 B140
Hex #333D47 Hex #7E868C


Medium Gray 80% Medium Gray 50%

PMS 430 C/U 80% PMS 430 C/U 50%

C43 M33 Y31 K3 C27 M20 Y19 K2
R148 G152 B157 R182 G185 B188
Hex #94989D Hex #B6B9BC

Medium Gray 30% Medium Gray 15%

PMS 430 C/U 30% PMS 430 C/U 15%

C16 M12 Y11 K1 C8 M6 Y6 K1
R208 G209 B212 R228 G227 B228
Hex #D0D1D4 Hex #E4E3E4

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Creative Assets

Screens Screens
To add color variation and provide
differentiation in charts, graphs and 80%, 50%, 30% and 15% screens can be used with the Zebra Medium Do not screen Zebra Red, Yellow or Dark Gray.
diagrams, use screens of the Zebra Gray neutral color and the Blue accent color.
Medium Gray neutral color and the
Blue accent color.
Do not use screens for the Zebra Red 100% Medium Gray 100% Blue
and Yellow accent colors or the Dark
Gray neutral color.
80% 80% X

50% 50%

30% 30%

15% 15%

Shades Shades
Add 10% black to the three accent
colors for color variation. Do not use Add 10% black to the accent colors. Do not use shades for the neutral colors.
shades for the neutral colors.

100% Blue 100% Red 100% Yellow X X

SHADE 10% Black SHADE 10% Black SHADE 10% Black

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Creative Assets
PowerPoint Presentation Colors

Main Corporate Colors Main Corporate Colors Screens

Black and white were chosen to represent
the Zebra brand because of their simplicity
and powerful contrast.
Black White 100% Medium Gray 100% Blue
R0 G0 B0 R255 G255 B255 R126 G134 B140 R0 G124 B176
We selected Zebra Blue to add visual
interest to PowerPoint presentations.

Do not use Zebra Red or Yellow accent 80% Medium Gray 80% Blue
colors in PowerPoint presentations. R148 G152 B157 R51 G150 B192

The two neutral colors, Zebra Dark Gray 50% Medium Gray 50% Blue
and Medium Gray have been selected for R182 G185 B188 R127 G189 B215
graphic elements including tables, charts
and illustrations.
30% Medium Gray 30% Blue
Screens R0 G124 B176
R208 G209 B212 R178 G215 B231
To add color variation and provide
differentiation in charts, graphs and
diagrams, use screens of 80, 50, 30 and 15% Medium Gray 15% Blue
15 percent of Zebra Medium Gray neutral R228 G227 B228 R217 G235 B243
color and the Blue accent color.

Dark Gray Medium Gray

R51 G62 B71 R126 G134 B140

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Creative Assets
Supergraphic Treatment

To help reinforce the Zebra brand, the Zebra

Head Symbol (without the Zebra Logotype) can
be used as a supergraphic. The symbol must
be a screened value of the background color;
recommended color values are shown here.

Send an email to brand@zebra.com to request

the Adobe Illustrator® files for the Zebra

Do not use the Zebra Head Symbol in a

small box; the boxes on this page are used
to provide color direction only. 100% Black Background White Background
90% Black Head Symbol 10% Black Head Symbol

100% Dark Gray Background 100% Medium Gray Background 30% Medium Gray Background
80% Dark Gray Head Symbol 80% Medium Gray Head Symbol 15% Medium Gray Head Symbol

Proper Supergraphic
100% Blue Background
80% Blue Head Symbol

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Creative Assets
Supergraphic Usage

See Page 27 for more information about

the Zebra Supergraphic.
DO place the Zebra Supergraphic as a background element in DON’T place the Zebra Supergraphic inside a geometric shape.
your overall design.

Duis Autem Duis Autem

• lorem ipsum dolor sit amet • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
• consectetuer adipiscing • consectetuer adipiscing elit sed diam

elit sed diam
• nonummy nibh euismod
• nonummy nibh euismod
• tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam
• tincidunt ut laoreet dolore erat volutpat
magna aliquam erat
• ut wisi enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud
exerci tation
• ut wisi enim ad minim
• ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip
veniam quis nostrud
exerci tation • ex ea commodo consequat
• ullamcorper suscipit • vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in
lobortis nisl ut aliquip • vulputate velit esse molestie consequat
• ex ea commodo conse- • vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at
quat vero
• vel eum iriure dolor in • eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui
hendrerit in

Aximendae Recon
• blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue
• vulputate velit esse
molestie consequat
• vel illum dolore eu feugiat

nulla facilisis at vero
• eros et accumsan et iusto
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecuer
Dis Maximus adipiscing dolore magna aliquam.
odio dignissim qui
• blandit praesent luptatum
zzril delenit augue

Quis Atiur

• duis dolore te feugait nulla
Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
amet consecuer adipiscing consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat
volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex
dolore magna aliquam. ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat,
luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper
suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip exea dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper
commodo consequat. suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Eumquia velecti dolendae vidis

poresequi alicium. Repudiiet iquiatis
es vollacc uptatur miliquid.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 29

Creative Assets
Obit et optur, ebisTable
eles simwith Header
endis ea de volor Row
sitendae nus res doluptatias audae cus susande.
Table header row: Zebra Blue
Subhead row: 80% Zebra Medium Gray Max. Print Coribusas de Quain Print Print Qui ut Reptatur de 100% Zebra Blue
Model / Series
Nempore que Widths
Solest Connectivity
Numaut Eniam Resolution
Doluptat Language
et Ducia Max. Print Speed
Ulluptatium Aliteau
First body row: 15% Zebra Medium Gray ZD500™ (RFID optional)
Alternating body row colors: Erchil in Res Natem
4.09" / 104 mmIpsam re doluptatus 1 Orestor
203 dpi eratur ZPL 6" / 152 mm per second (203 dpi) 15% Zebra
Linvellam quos aliae Ebis
300 dpirerro ipsam re
doluptatus,4" sequae netsecond
/ 102 mm per optaepe
(300 dpi) Medium Gray
15% Zebra Medium Gray 802.11a/b/g/n1
Lpiente mo
Dual magnihi
Radio 1 lignis sundus magnihi lloremp orestor eratur modis
30% Zebra Medium Gray GX420™ & GX430™ (The GX420 is available in thermal transfer and direct thermal models; the GX430 is available in a thermal transfer model)
Line: Use a 2-point white line to separate Volum es • Aut haritatiatur • Cae nonsecust, to • Experspero occus,
4.09" / 104 mm 1 1 203 dpi (GX420) EPL & ZPL 6" / 152 mm per second (GX420)
Endellectia ratinct iaturitia quint, ipsandit inis ipid ma ellibusam 30% Zebra
cells, vertically and horizontally 802.11b/g1
• Quatese quosam ullit
300 dpi (GX430)
• Si dolene pero
(co-resident) 4" / 102 mm per second (GX430)
• Consed et dolorias et Medium Gray
• and
Estiandam sector volescil minverata laboreseque ipsam
Do not alternate gray screens if there are only GC420™ (Available in thermal transfer direct thermal models)

two or three body rows; use either all 15% or Simoditam Expla
4.09" / 104 mm
• Cus molum que ut
203 dpi EPL & ZPL
• Experspero occus,
4" / 102 mm per second
• Aut haritatiatur 15% Zebra
all 30% Zebra Medium Gray for every row. • Quatese quosam ullit ipid ma ellibusam • Quatese quosam ullit Medium Gray
GT8002 occulpa doluptatum • Praeped iorias
A 2-point white line separates the Zebra Blue 4.09" / 104 mm 1 203 dpi EPL & ZPL 5" / 127 mm per second (203 dpi)
Verisitem Alitia • ipicab ius sundae • Bustrum volor(co-resident) • / Aut haritatiatur
header row and the 80% Zebra Medium Gray Estiandam sector
300 dpi
is optional
4" 102 mm per second (300 dpi)
30% Zebra
• Quatese quosam ullit • Estiandam sector
subhead row below it. • Senducia destrum Quatese quosam ullit Medium Gray
Optional feature
Do not include a 2-point white line between 2
Not available in North America

the blue header row and the first 15% Zebra

Medium Gray body row. CUSCIENDA DESTIUM
Always align text flush left in the far left Information
Ebis Table
eles sim endis
Features withsitendae
ea de volor Header and
nus res Subhead
doluptatias Rows
DS6878audae cus susande.
DS9808 LS3408-ER
column; align text flush left throughout the 100% Zebra Blue
Odis de Coribus Qui Luminver Autem Voluptatur Modit ut Reptae Seque id Omnis
Vibrate on Good Decode
entire table if there is a large amount of text or Sitae id Quodipit Occab in Remquat
80% Zebra
bulleted text as shown in the two tables here. Atamet est
Night Mode
Nemporerum que sunto
molestempos atamet est
Voloria temquam commo
re latur andae sunto.
Odis quo coribusaes modit
ut reptae num faceate res
Tem lam fugit quaepedi
dolorum quistrum fugiaspe
Medium Gray
hilla dero eaquibus quam et qui non nobis. aut dent, ut dolenis
Erchil in res natem et aut
facerae suntis vitatqu. quiaspel maximol.
Center align text in cells when there is a small occus faciates incturesedis
doluptatur magni.
Length for Code 93
amount of text, single words, or dots. Estiasit Liam eum Fuga
Nam aut Corro
Decode Range Officia(100%
– HC pori ut exceaque
UPC) Maximol oremqui la asitem. Doluptas et auditatinis Necti que eumquid utem 15% Zebra
Top align all text in cells with equal inset inulpar uptatia tiassi. simil intorem. rem conse aut expla. Medium Gray
space above and below. Row height will be Tem Quaepedi Dolorum qui Strum Fugiaspediam
IP Rating
determined by the cell with the most content. Simustrum Necti que eumquid utem. Assinci llest ut aceped. Auditatinis simil intorem
aut estant.
Ipsanto dipitis am que cor
assinci llest.

zebra technologies 1

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 30

Creative Assets
Square Corners

The shape of graphic elements reflects

the modern look of the Zebra brand. Use
square corners for photographs, tables
and text or quote boxes for simplicity of PERNATIUM QUO VOLUPTA PERNATIUM QUO VOLUPTA
appearance. Obit et optur, ebis eles sim endis ea de volor sitendae nus res doluptatias audae cus
et optur, ebis eles sim endis ea de volor sitendae nus res doluptatias audae cus sus

Do not use rounded corners for Max. Print Print Print Max. Print Print Print
graphic elements. Model / Series Widths Connectivity Resolution Language
Model / Series
Max. Print Speed
Widths Connectivity Resolution Language
ZD500™ (RFID optional) ZD500™ (RFID optional)
4.09" / 104 mm 1 203 dpi ZPL 6" / 152 mm per second
4.09" / 104
dpi) 1 203 dpi ZPL
300 dpi 4" / 102 mm per second (300 dpi) 300 dpi
802.11a/b/g/n 1
Dual Radio1 Dual Radio1

GX420™ & GX430™ (The GX420 is available in thermal transfer and direct thermal models; the GX430GX420™ & GX430™
is available in a thermal
GX420 model)
is available in thermal transfer and direct thermal models; the GX430 is a

4.09" / 104 mm 1 1 203 dpi (GX420) EPL & ZPL 6" / 152 mm per second
4.09" / 104
mm 1 1 203 dpi (GX420) EPL & ZPL
300 dpi (GX430) (co-resident) 4" / 102 mm per second (GX430) 300 dpi (GX430) (co-resident)
802.11b/g1 802.11b/g1

GC420™ (Available in thermal transfer and direct thermal models) GC420™ (Available in thermal transfer and direct thermal models)
4.09" / 104 mm 203 dpi EPL & ZPL 4" / 102 mm per second
4.09" / 104 mm 203 dpi EPL & ZPL
(co-resident) (co-resident)
Nis sint et pratur autem a quate.

Nis sint et pratur autem a quate.
Apeles enihitis plibeaquis ut eaquo Apeles enihitis plibeaquis ut
GT8002 GT8002
inctur solorep udipist, sedis quate si eaquo inctur, quate si doluptam,
4.09" / 104 mm 1 203 dpi EPL & ZPL 4.09" / 104
5" / 127 mm per second (203mm
dpi) 1 203 dpi EPL & ZPL
doluptam, eturit volo corum rae nos. 300 dpi eturit 4"
(co-resident) volo corum
/ 102 mm rae(300
per second nos.
dpi) 300 dpi (co-resident)
is optional is optional

Fic te vent quis dolorro bero con et de Fic te vent quis dolorro bero con
Optional feature
dolorro molorem consendit fugiae.
et de dolorro molorem consen.
Optional feature
Not available in North America 2
Not available in North America


Ebis eles sim endis ea de volor sitendae nus res doluptatias audae cus susande. Ebis eles sim endis ea de volor sitendae nus res doluptatias audae cus susande.

Odis de Coribus Qui Luminver Autem Voluptatur Modit ut Reptae

Odis de Coribus
Seque idQui
Luminver Autem Voluptatur Modit ut Reptae

Sitae id Quodipit Occab in Remquat Sitae id Quodipit Occab in Remquat
Atamet est Nemporerum que sunto Voloria temquam commo Atamet
Odis quo coribusaes moditest Tem lam fugit
quaepedi que sunto Voloria temquam commo Odis quo coribusaes
HillaDero molestempos atamet est re latur andae sunto. ut reptae num faceate res
HillaDero dolorum quistrum
atamet est re latur andae sunto. ut reptae num faceate
hilla dero eaquibus quam et qui non nobis. aut dent, uthilla
dero eaquibus quam et qui non nobis.
facerae suntis vitatqu. Erchil in res natem et aut quiaspel maximol.
facerae suntis vitatqu. Erchil in res natem et aut
occus faciates incturesedis occus faciates incturesedis
doluptatur magni. doluptatur magni.

Estiasit Liam eum Fuga Estiasit Liam eum Fuga

Nam aut Corro Officia pori ut exceaque Maximol oremqui la asitem. Nam aut
Doluptas et auditatinis Corro
Necti que eumquid
Officia pori
ut exceaque Maximol oremqui la asitem. Doluptas et auditatini
inulpar uptatia tiassi. simil intorem. rem conse inulpar
aut expla.
uptatia tiassi. simil intorem.

Tem Quaepedi Dolorum qui Strum Fugiaspediam Tem Quaepedi Dolorum qui Strum Fugiaspediam
Simustrum Necti que eumquid utem. Assinci llest ut aceped. Simustrum
Auditatinis simil intorem Ipsanto dipitis
cor utem. Assinci llest ut aceped. Auditatinis simil intore
aut estant. assinci llest. aut estant.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 31

Creative Assets
Typography and Styles

Corporate Typeface
Arial - Bold Arial - Bold Italic
Arial is the corporate typeface and
documents, presentations and abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
non-marketing materials. The Arial 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+
typeface is pre-licensed on Microsoft
Windows® operating systems and
widely available for employees to use
in a variety of materials.

Never add a drop shadow to text. Arial - Regular Arial - Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 32

Creative Assets
Typography and Styles

Marketing Typeface Proxima Nova - Extrabold Proxima Nova - Extrabold Italic

Use the Proxima Nova typeface for external
Font family: Proxima Nova
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+
Never use the Proxima Nova S, Proxima Nova A
or any other alternate version of this font family.

Font weights: Extrabold, Bold, Regular and Light

The most common font weights for Zebra Proxima Nova - Bold Proxima Nova - Bold Italic
marketing materials are Proxima Nova Bold and
headlines, while Proxima Nova is typically used abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
for body text. 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+
Use Proxima Nova Light only for the location
signature text on the last page of collateral.

The Proxima Nova Extrabold font weight is rarely

employed; some of the approved applications Proxima Nova - Regular Proxima Nova - Regular Italic
include web banners and infographics.
Do not use Proxima Nova Extrabold in collateral. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Use the Proxima Nova Italic fonts only for limited, 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+
approved circumstances, including titles of
magazines, books, newspapers and academic
journals. If “the” is not part of the title do not
italicize it; for example, do not italicize the
“the” when you refer to “the New York Times.” Proxima Nova - Light Proxima Nova - Light Italic


for emphasis. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Never add a drop shadow to text. 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+ 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()_+

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 33

Creative Assets
Iconography and Infographics

Marketing Iconography
Icons are visual symbols that represent a
concept without relying on written language.
Zebra’s marketing icons reflect the design
approach of the corporate brand – minimal,
modern and clean. Each icon should have a
unique custom design that communicates the
subject matter in its most simple form.

The Marketing Icon Library PDF (to view all the

icons), .png icons and Icon Guidelines for
creating new icons are located on the Zebra
Media Library (see Page 4 for access).

Global Product Design Language (GPDL)

For GPDL application and Mobility DNA™ icons,
send an email to GPDL@zebra.com. Our Story
Zebra’s Mobility solutions enable staff
Infographics to collaborate and focus on Patient Care.
Infographics represent information in a graphic
format. They are designed to simplify content
on the Move Reliable
Patient Record
and make it more easily understood at a TOWARD GREATER MOBILITY
Nurse Call Secure
glance. & Alerts Messaging

When creating infographics, follow the

Infographic Brand Usage Guidelines located % of hospitals surveyed
will buy or evaluate
on the Zebra Media Library (see Page 4 for technology within
the next 18 months 1
Integrated voice and
access). data mobile devices can:

40% of doctors say 93% of doctors believe that

that mobile devices mobile health apps can
33 % %
25 % decrease time spent
on administration⁴
improve patient’s health
and outcomes⁵

of hospitals support of hospitals Zebra’s Mobile

enterprise devices 1 support personal
of hospitals support
personal devices 1 and enterprise
devices 1
Computing Devices and
Workforce Connect

50 % ofsolutions • Improve staff communications

hospitals have deployed VoIP
2 • Increase enterprise effectiveness
within their organizations
• Simplify workflows

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 34


Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 35


Tone and Feel

Photography should show the complexity
of the environments in which Zebra
operates, while demonstrating how our
technology gives our customers visibility,
simplifying this complexity. Photos should
be professional, clean and natural feeling.

Do not use images that look dated or

staged, or are of poor quality.

Photos should show a high tonal range,
be sharp and high-definition, and
appear naturally lit with no stylized
lighting or unnatural filters.

Image Library
The Zebra Media Library contains vertical
market, application and product photography.
See information below for access.

Employees Log in with your Zebra Single

Sign On (SSO) credentials.

Agencies Log in to the Zebra Media Library

using your agency credentials. If you’ve not
previously visited the Zebra Media Library,
email brand@zebra.com for access.

Partners Click Product & Application

Imagery: Media Library to log in to the
Partner Gateway and view the partner
credentials for accessing the Media Library.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 36


Incorporate images that show people

realizing the end-user benefits of Zebra
products when possible.

People should be captured in action and

depict an authentic experience, rather
than a staged setting. They also should
not appear aware of the camera. Their
expressions should convey seriousness
about their activities, but not concern or
stress, nor should they look overly happy.

Consider regional needs when selecting

talent for photo shoots. Diversity in
representation of our target customer
base is required, with authenticity as the
primary guideline.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 37


Photography of vertical market segments —

such as retail, transportation and logistics,
manufacturing and healthcare — typically capture
an entire environment for a Zebra application
with no main person or product feature,
although people may appear in the distance.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 38


When selecting images for an assets, begin with a

search on the Zebra Media Library. If you’re not able
to find what you need, email brand@zebra.com for
help in sourcing imagery.

If after a thorough search, you can’t locate an

appropriate image, stock photography can be
considered. Use stock images only on a limited basis,
such as for a general setting for a vertical market
where we don’t have as many images available.

Select stock photography with the same look and feel

as Zebra imagery. Look at similar images in the Media
Library to understand the style and tone of our
photography. Images must be of high quality,
authentic rather than staged and use natural lighting.

Understand the difference between royalty-free and

rights-managed licenses. Purchase royalty-free
images and make sure you select the license that
matches how you will use the imagery. Rights-
managed images are not recommended; email
brand@zebra.com for approval before purchase.

Please note that nearly all images are protected by

copyright. An infringement of a copyright – such as
using an image without permission or beyond the
scope of the license – may result in monetary
damages, lawsuits and costly legal fees.

Assume every image found on the internet is

copyrighted and thus requires a license or express
written permission from the copyright owner to use it.
Merely acknowledging the source of the image is
insufficient. Unless you obtain a license or express
written permission from the copyright owner for your
exact use and scope, do not use the image for Zebra
materials, including social media, corporate
information, marketing assets, internal and external
presentations, etc.

Contact brand@zebra.com for any questions about

using stock or other non-Zebra images. Ask before
you risk legal consequences.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 39


Application photography shows a

real-world environment with people
using Zebra devices.

Photos should feel natural and honest.

Avoid staged or contrived images.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 40

Close-up Application

Application photography shows a

real-world environment with a person
using a Zebra device or devices.

Photos should feel natural and honest.

Avoid staged or contrived images.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 41

Product Feature

Product feature photography showcases

a close-up view of a Zebra product being
used in a real-world setting.

Photos should feel natural and honest.

Avoid staged or contrived images.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 42


Background With Drop Shadows

Position products on a white background
in marketing materials.

Do not put products on a background

color other than white. See exception
below for white products.

Drop Shadows
If the product typically rests on a surface,
include a subtle drop shadow.

Do not include drop shadows for products,

such as devices or mobile printers, that
are wearable or handheld.
No Drop Shadows
Do not include drop shadows on very
small product images in tables.

Product Photography in Videos

Contact brand@zebra.com for guidance
on using Zebra product images in a video.

Background Exception White Product with 15% Zebra Medium Gray Background
Use a 15% Zebra Medium Gray
background behind an outlined white
product to differentiate the product
from the background.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 43


The image library has a wide array of DON’T use photography with staged or unrealistic settings. DON’T use photography that looks too stylized.
photographs, some better for particular
purposes than others.

Avoid using images that are overly staged

or busy, feel unnatural or dated, or that
otherwise present Zebra and its products
in a negative way. Do not put products on
colored or gradient backgrounds.

DON’T use overly staged photography. DON’T use photography that feels busy.

DON’T use photography that’s blurry or uses motion effects. DON’T use photography with the Zebra path.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 44


DON’T put a color overlay over photography. DON’T use gradation effects on photography.

DON’T allow photography to show through type box. DON’T put products on a colored or stylized background.


DON’T put products on a gradated background. DON’T use old product photography.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 45

Copyright and

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 46

Copyright and Trademarks
Legal Requirements

A copyright is a form of protection for original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form of
expression, such as Zebra collateral and videos.
All Zebra external marketing materials must include our copyright language:
©2017 ZIH Corp. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

A trademark is typically any word, name, phrase, slogan or symbol (or any combination thereof) that
identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods and/or services of one party from those of
In most cases, marketing materials with the Zebra Logo, whether created by Zebra, Zebra
PartnerConnect program members or other third parties, must include the Zebra Trademark
Attribution Statement:
ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of ZIH Corp., registered in many jurisdictions
worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Requirements for External Materials

All printed Zebra-created materials with the Zebra Logo or ZEBRA must include the combined Zebra
Copyright Language and Zebra Trademark Attribution Statement.
©2017 ZIH Corp. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are
trademarks of ZIH Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
In some cases where room is limited and other trademarks are not included, the last sentence of the
Zebra Trademark Attribution Statement can be removed.

Requirements for Internal Materials

While it is not required to include the Zebra Copyright Language or Zebra Trademark Attribution
Statement for internal materials, it is recommended that you incorporate them when possible.

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. MASTERBRAND GUIDELINES 47

Zebra Technologies Corporation
3 Overlook Point
Lincolnshire, IL 60069

For questions about these guidelines or to access the design

templates, please send an email to brand@zebra.com

Privileged and Confidential. Do not copy or distribute. ©2017 ZIH Corp and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of ZIH
Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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