King's Indian Attack - An Introduction: GM Damian Lemos New Series of FREE Instructional Videos

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King’s Indian Attack – An Introduction

Do you have the time to study countless hours (per day!) to get your complete opening
repertoire? No matter if you play 1.d4 or 1.e4, Black has many good options to
GM Damian Lemos comes to the rescue with a new series of FREE instructional
videos! Get a complete and coherent repertoire, with the White and the Black pieces,
with this new video series!
In the first part, Damian will teach you a powerful system with the white
pieces: the King’s Indian Attack. The KIA is a great opening choice, for various
 It had the seal of approval of one of the greatest chess players in history: Bobby
 It can be played against any Black first move.
 It fits incredible well with Damian’s opening choices with Black (you will have to wait
to know them…)
All-in-all, a great system to improve, expand or renew your opening repertoire!
In this first video, Damian explains you the main ideas of the King’s Indian Attack and
how to get advantage of some typical mistakes Black usually makes.

For example, in this position it’s White to play. What would you do?
The logical move would be 5.Bg2, developing your king’s bishop to be ready to castle.
Although there is nothing wrong with this move, which will surely transpose to some
main line, you aren’t punishing your opponent for his move-order!
In fact, Black is in serious trouble after 5.Bg5! 5…Ne7 6.Bf6 is not an option for
Black, who loses his right to castle. But 5…Be7 allows the exchange of bishops, when
all the black’s dark-squares get weakened. Just look the Black pawns on light squares!
So, in the game, Black move his queen: 5…Qb6.
Now it’s your turn again. What’s the more active continuation?
Surely, 6.Qc1 is a good move. White defends the b2 pawn and prepares to play Bh6
after Black castles short, to exchange the powerful Bg7 and start and attack.
But, as Damian always says, the initiative is key to get a better position. It’s even more
important than material! So, the best move is 6.Nd2!, to answer 6…Qxb2 with 7.Nc4.
After 7…Qc3+ 8.Bd2 Qg7 9.Bg2 we reach the second diagram:
Just look the position. Whose pieces are the more active? White’s or Black’s?
White has almost finished his development, while Black has many problems to
coordinate his pieces. What on earth is doing the queen on g7?! Black can’t properly
develop his pieces!
White, instead, has clear plans at his disposal. For example, he can open the game with
d3-d4, or he can clamp Black’s position even more with e4-e5.
You will have to watch the complete video to discover how White converted his
clearly superior position!
Do you want a complete repertoire with the King’s Indian Attack, with all the lines
analyzed? You have to get King’s Indian Attack Easily Explained, by IM Andrew
Martin, with a special discount.

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