Bourbaki - Elements of The History of Mathematics PDF
Bourbaki - Elements of The History of Mathematics PDF
Bourbaki - Elements of The History of Mathematics PDF
New York
Hong Kong
Nicolas Bourbaki
of the History
of Mathematics
Translated from the French
by John Meldrum
, Springer
Nicolas Bourbaki
John Meldrum
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
James Clerk Maxwell Building
University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Road
Edinburgh EH9 3Jz,Scotland
Bourbaki, Nicolas.
[BI6ments d'histoire des math6matiques. Bnglish]
Blements of the history of mathematics I Nicolas Bourbaki ;
translated from the French by John Meldrum.
p. cm.
"Second printing" - T.p. verso.
Includes bibliographical references (p. - ) and index.
I. Mathematics--History I. Title.
QA21.B7613 19948
510' .9--dc21 98-39221
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That Greek mathematicians made use, in the course of their research, just like
modern mathematicians, of "heuristic", rather than convincing, arguments,
is what was proved for example (if there were any need), by the "treatise of
method" of Archimedes [153 c]; note also in this, allusions to results "found,
but not proven" by earlier mathematicians. 1 But from the first detailed texts
that are known to us (and which date from the middle of the Vth century),
the ideal "canon" of a mathematical text is properly settled. It will find its
highest expression in the great classics, Euclid, Archimedes and Apolloniusj
the notion of proof, in these authors, differs in no way from ours.
We have no texts allowing us to follow the first steps of this "deductive
method", which seems to us already near perfection at the exact moment
when we become aware of its existence. One can only think that it fits fairly
naturally into the perpetual search for "explanations" of the world which
characterises Greek thought and which is so discernible already amongst the
Ionian philosophers of the VIIth century; moreover tradition is unanimous in
ascribing the development and refinement of the method to the Pythagorean
School, in a period which fits between the end of the VIth century and the
middle of the Vth century.
It is on this "deductive" mathematics, fully conscious of its goals and
methods, that the philosophical and mathematical thought of subsequent
times will be concentrated. We will see on the one hand the establishment
little by little of "formal" Logic modelled on mathematics, to conclude with
the creation of formalised languages; on the other hand, mainly starting at
the beginning of the XIXth century, the basic concepts of mathematics will
be queried more and more and a great effort will be made to clarify their
nature, especially after the birth of the Theory of sets.
The general impression which seems to emerge from the (very patchy) texts
that we have on Greek philosophical thought of the Vth century, is that it is
dominated by an increasingly conscious effort to extend to the whole field of
human thought the procedures for conducting discussion put in hand with so
much success by contemporary rhetoric and mathematics - in other words,
to create Logic in its most general form. The tone of philosophical writings
undergoes at this time a sudden change: while in the VIIth and VIth centuries
the philosophers affirm or vaticinate (or at most outline vague arguments,
based on equally vague analogies), starting with Parmenides and especially
Zenon, they argue and try to draw out general principles which can serve as a
basis for their dialectic: it is in Parmenides that one finds the first statement
of the principle of the excluded middle, and the proofs "by contradiction"
of Zenon of Elea remain famous. But Zenon writes in the middle of the Vth
century; and, whatever the uncertainties of our documentation,2 it is very
likely that at this time, mathematicians, in their own sphere, were currently
using these principles.
As we said above, it is not for us to retrace the innumerable difficulties
which abound at every step in the gestation of this Logic, and the controver-
sies which result, from the Eleatics to Plato and Aristotle, via the Sophists;
let us pick up here only the role played in this evolution by the assiduous
cultivation of oratorical art and the analysis of language which is one of its
corollaries, developments that it is agreed should be attributed mainly to
the Sophists of the Vth century. On the other hand, even if the influence of
mathematics is not always explicitly recognised, it is none the less manifest,
in particular in the writings of Plato and Aristotle. It can be said that Plato
was almost obsessed by mathematics; without being himself an inventor in
this area, he kept up, after a particular period in his life, with the discov-
eries by contemporary mathematicians (many of whom were his friends or
his pupils), and never after ceased from a most direct kind of interest, even
going so far as to suggest new directions of research; so it is that constantly,
in his writings, mathematics serves as illustration or model (and sometimes
even, as with the Pythagoreans, feeding his leanings towards mysticism). As
for his pupil Aristotle, he could not have avoided receiving the minimum
of mathematical foundations required of the pupils of the Academy, and a
volume has been produced consisting of extracts of his work that are about
mathematics or refer to it [153 d]; but he seems never to have made a great
effort to keep in touch with the mathematical movements of his time, and
he only quotes in this area results that had been popularised a long time
before. This displacement will besides only become more marked with the
majority of later philosophers, of whom many, due to the lack of technical
preparation, believe themselves in all good faith to be speaking knowledge-
ably about mathematics, whereas they will only be referring to a stage long
since overtaken in its evolution.
The end product of this period, as far as Logic is concerned, is the mon-
umental work of Aristotle [6], whose great merit is to have succeeded in
systematising and codifying for the first time procedures of reasoning which
2 The best classical example of proof by contradiction in mathematics is the proof
of the irrationality of ../2, to which Aristotle often refers; but modern experts have
not been able to date this discovery with any accuracy, some putting it at the be-
ginning and others at the very end of the Vth century (see p. 148 and the references
cited there concerning this topic).
due the credit for having distinguished with great precision the role of "uni-
versal" propositions from that of "particular" propositions, the first sketch
of quantifiers. 6 But it is too well known how the influence of his writings
(often interpreted in a narrow and unintelligent way), which remain still very
influential until well into the XIXth century, waS to encourage philosophers
in their neglect of the study of mathematics, and to block the progress of
formal Logic. 7
However this latter continued to make progress in Antiquity, in the sur-
roundings of the Megaric and Stoic schools, rivals of the Peripatetics. Our
information about these tenets are unfortunately all at second hand, often
passed on by adversaries or mediocre commentators. The essential progress
achieved by these logicians consists, it would appear, of the formation of a
"propositional calculus" in the meaning which it has today: instead of being
restricted, like Aristotle, to propositions of the particular form A C B, they
state rules about completely indetenninate propositions. Further, they had
analysed the logical links between these rules in such a deep way that they
knew how to deduce them all from five of them, set down as "unprovable",
by means of procedures very similar to modern methods [23]. Unfortunately
their influence was fairly ephemeral, and their results were to fall into oblivion
until the day when they were rediscovered by th!, logicians of the XIXth cen-
tury. Aristotle remains as the uncontested master in Logic until the XVIIth
century; it is known in particular that the scholastic philosophers are entirely
under his sway, and if their contribution to formal logic is far from negligible
[25], it does not contain any progress at the highest level compared with the
achievements of the philosophers of Antiquity.
It is appropriate, however, to note here that it does not seem that the
works of Aristotle or his successors had a notable influence on mathematics.
The Greek mathematicians conducted their research along the path opened
by the Pythagoreans and their successors of the IVth century (Theodorus,
Theeta, Eudoxus) without apparently bothering with formal logic in the pre-
sentation of their results: a finding that should hardly astonish when one
compares the flexibility and precision acquired already by that time by math-
ematical reasoning, to the very rudimentary state of Aristotelian logic. And
when logic will overtake this stage, it is again the new acquisitions from
mathematics that will guide it in its evolution.
With the development of algebra, it was indeed impossible to avoid be-
ing struck by the analogy between the rules of formal logic and the rules
of algebra, the ones like the others having in common the property of being
applicable to objects (propositions or numbers) which are not precisely deter-
mined. And when in the XVIIth century algebraic notation took its definitive
G The absence of real quantifiers (with the modern meaning) until the end of the
XIXth century, has been one of the reasons for the stagnation of formal Logic.
T The case of an eminent academic is quoted who, at a recent conference at Prince-
ton in the presence of GOdel, would allegedly have said that nothing new had been
done in Logic since Aristotlel
form in the hands of Viete and Descartes, almost immediately one can see
appearing diverse attempts at a symbolic notation intended for the repre-
sentation of logical operations; but before Leibniz, these tentative efforts, for
example like that of Herigone (1644) at writing down the proofs of elemen-
tary Geometry, or that of Pell (1659) at writing down those of Arithmetic,
remain very superficial and do not lead to any progress in the analysis of
mathematical reasoning. .
With Leibniz, we are in the presence of a philosopher who is also a math-
ematician of the first rank, and who will know how to draw out of his mathe-
matical experience the germ of the ideas that will bring formal logic out of the
scholastic dead-end. s A universal spirit if ever there were one, inexhaustible
source of original and fruitful ideas, Leibniz would be interested even more
in Logic as it found itself at the very heart of his grand projects for formalis-
ing language and thought, at which he never ceased working throughout his
life. 'Trained in his childhood in scholastic logic, he was seduced by the idea
(going back to Raymond Lulle) of a method which would reduce all human
concepts to primitive concepts, making up an "Alphabet of human thought" ,
and would rebuild them in a quasi mechanical way to obtain all true proposi-
tions ([198 b], v. VII, p. 185; cf. [69a], chap. II). Still very young, he had also
conceived another much more original idea, that of the usefulness of symbolic
notations as an "Ariadne's string" string of thought:9 "The true methol' , he
said, "must provide us with a filum Ariadnes, that is to say a kind of sensi-
tive and coarse means that guides the mind, in the same way as lines drawn
in geometry and the type of operations that are prescribed to apprentices in
Arithmetic. Without that our mind would not know how to go along a long
path without straying." ([198 b], v. VII, p. 22; cf. [69 a], p. 90). Knowing little
of the mathematics of his time until about his 25th year, it is at first in the
form of a "universal language" that he presents his projects ([69 a], chap. III);
but as soon as he comes in contact with Algebra, he adopts it as model for his
8 Although Descartes and (to a lesser degree) Pascal devoted part of their philo-
sophical work to the foundations of mathematics, their contribution to the progress
offormal Logic is negligible. No doubt this arises from the fundamental tendency of
their thought, the effort to break free of the scholastic tutelage, which caused them
to reject everything that could be linked to it, and most especially formal Logic.
In fact in his Thoughts on the geometric spirit Pascal, as he himself recognises,
restricts himself essentially to moulding in well cast formulae the known princi-
ples from Euclidean proofs (for example, the famous precept: "Always substitute
mentally the definitions in place of the definetl' ([244], v.IX, p.280) was essentially
known to Aristotle ([6], Top., VI, 4; [153 d], p.187». As for Descartes, the rules of
reasoning that he states are above all psychological precepts (fairly vague) and not
logical criteria; as the criticism of Leibniz shows ([69 a], p. 94 and 202-203), they
only have a subjective span as a result.
S Of course, the interest in such a. symbolism had not escaped the predecessors of
Leibniz as far as mathematics was concerned, and Descartes, for example, recom-
mends replacing entire figures "by very short symbols" (XVIth Rule for the direction
of the mind; [85 a), v. X, p. 454). But nobody before Leibniz had insisted with such
vigour on the universal range of this principle.
10 It is striking to see him quoting here as examples of reasoning "of the right type" ,
"a collector's account" or even a legal text ([198 b], v. IV, p. 295).
11 One knows that this conception of a "logical ma.chine" is used these days in
metamathematics, where it is of great usefullness ([181], chap. XIII).
12 The idea was taken up successfully by GOdel in his work on metamathematics,
in a. slightly different form (d. [130 a] and [181], p. 254).
13 Leibniz only seeks to introduce disjunction into his calculus in a few fragments
(where he denotes it by A + B) and does not seem to have succeeded in handling
simultaneously this operation and conjunction in a satisfactory way ([69 a], p. 363).
for instance the equivalence of the propositions "all A is B" and "A.(not B) is
not" (loc. cit.). Further, he remarks that his logical calculus is applicable not
only to the logic of concepts, but also to that of propositions ([198 cl, p. 377).
He appears to be therefore very near to "Boolean calculus". Unfortunately,
it appears that he was not able to free himself completely from the scholastic
influence; not only does he set himself as almost the only aim of his calculus
the transcription, into his notation, of the rules of syllogism,l4 but he goes as
far as sacrificing his most felicitous ideas to the desire to recover completely
the rules of Aristotle, even those that were incompatible with the idea of an
empty set.lII
The work of Leibniz remained for the most part unpublished until the
beginning of the XXth century, and had only little direct influence. During
the whole of the XVIIIth and the beginning of the XIXth centuries, different
authors (de Segner, J. Lambert, Ploucquet, Holland, De Castillon, Gregonne)
sketched attempts similar to those of Leibniz, without ever progressing sub-
stantially beyond the point at which he had stopped; their work only had a
feeble effect, which means that most of them ignored all results due to their
predecessors. l6 It is in any case under the same conditions that G. Boole,
who must be considered to be the real creator of modern symbolic logic [29],
writes. His key idea consists in putting himself systematically in the position
of considering "extension", so of calculating directly with sets, and writing
Zl1 for the intersection of two sets, and z + 11 for their union when z and 11
have no element in common. He introduces as well a "universe" denoted 1
(the set of all elements) and the empty set denoted 0, and he writes 1 - z
for the complement of z. As Leibniz had done, he interprets the relation
of inclusion by the relation Zl1 = z (from which he extracts without dif-
ficulty the justification of the rules of classical syllogism) and his notation
for union and complements gives his system a'flexibility that was missing
in his forerunners. lT Furthermore, by associating with each proposition the
set of "cases" in which it holds, he interprets the relation of implication as
an inclusion, and his calculus of sets gives him in this way the rules of the
"propositional calculus" .
1. Leibniz knew very well that Aristotelian logic was insufficient to translate for-
mally mathematical texts, but, in spite of some attempts, he never succeeded in
improving it in this respect ([69 a], pp. 435 and 560).
15 These consist of the rules "of conversion" so-called baaed on the postulate that
"All A is a B" entails "Some A is a B", which assumes naturally that A is not
18 The influence of Kant, from the middle of the XVIIIth century, without doubt
played some part in the lack of interest aroused by formal logic at this time; he
feels that "we have no need oj any new invention in logiC", the shape given to it
by Aristotle being sufficient for all applications that can be made of it ( [118], v.
VIII, p. 340). Concerning the dogmatic concepts of Kant concerning mathematics
and logic, one can consult [69b].
11 Note especially that Boole uses the'distributivity of intersection over union,
which seems to have been noticed for the first time by J. Lambert.
In the second half of the XIXth century, Boole's system formed the basis
for the work of an active school of logicians who improved it and completed
it at several points. It is thus that Jevons (1864) enlarged the meaning of the
operation of union :r: + y by extending it to the case in which :r: and y are
arbitrary; A. de Morgan in 1858 and C. S. Peirce in 1861 proved the duality
(CA) n (CB) C(A U B), (CA) U (CB) C(A n B); IS =
De Morgan tackles also, in 1860, the study of relations, defining inversion
and the composition of binary relations (that is to say the operations cor-
responding to the operations G and Gl 0 G2 on graphs).19 All this work is
systematically expounded and developed in the massive and prolific work of
Schroder [217]. But it is fairly interesting to note that the logicians of whom
we have been speak~ng do not seem very interested in the application of their
results to mathematics and that, on the contrary, Boole and Schroder espe-
cially seem to have as their principal aim to develop "Boolean" algebra by
imitating the methods and problems of classical algebra (often in a fairly
artificial way). The reasons for this attitude must doubtless be seen in the
fact that the Boolean calculus still lacked a facility for transcribing most of
!Dathematical reasoning,20 and only supplied in this way a very partial an-
swer to the great dream of Leibniz. The construction of a formalism better
adapted to mathematics - of which the introduction of variables and quan-
tifiers, due independently to Frege [111 a, b, c) and C. S. Peirce [248 b), make
up the major stage - was the work of logicians and mathematicians who,
unlike the above, had above all as their aim applications to the foundations
of mathematics.
Frege's project [111 b and c) was to create a foundation for arithmetic
based on a logic formalised by a "writing of concepts" (Begriffschrift) and
we will come back later (p. 29) to the way in which he defines the natu-
ral numbers. His work is characterised by extreme precision and attention
to detail in the analysis of concepts; it is because of this tendency that he
introduces many a distinction which turns out to be of great importance in
modern logic: for instance it is he who first distinguishes between the state-
ment of a proposition and the assertion that this proposition is true, between
18 It must be noted that statements equivalent to these rules are already to be
found in several scholastic philosophers ([25], p.67 if.).
11 However the notion of "Cartesian" product of two arbitrary sets does not seem
to be explicitly introduced until G. Cantor ([47], p. 286); it is also Cantor who
first defines exponentiation AB (loc. cit., p. 287); the general notion of an infinite
product is due to A. N. Whitehead ([333], p.369). The use of graphs of relations
is fairly recent; if exception is made, naturally, of the classical case of real valued
functions of a real variable, it seems to appear for the first time amongst the Italian
fiometers, notably C. Segre, in their study of algebraic correspondences.
For each relation obtained from one or more given relations by use of our quan-
tifiers, it would be necessary, in this calculus, to introduce an ad hoc notation of
the type of the notation G and G 1 0 G2 (cf for example [248 b]).
the relation of belonging and that of inclusion, between an object x and the
set {:z:} reduced to this single object, etc .. His formalised logic, which con-
tains not only "variables" with the meaning used in mathematics, but also
"propositional variables" representing indeterminate relations, susceptible to
quantification, would later (through the work of Russell and Whitehead) sup-
ply the fundamental tool for metamathematics. Unfortunately, the symbols
which he adopts are hardly inspiring, of a terrifying typographic complexity
and far removed from the practice of mathematicians; which had the result
of turning away these latter and reducing considerably the influence of Frege
on his contemporaries.
Peano's goal was at the same time much vaster and much more down to
earth; it consisted in publishing a "Formulary of mathematics" , written en-
tirely in formal language and containing, not only mathematical logic, but all
the results of the most important branches of mathematics. The speed with
which he managed to complete this ambitious project, helped by a host of
enthusiastic collaborators (Vailati, Pieri, Padoa, Vacca, Vivanti, Fano, Burali-
Forti) is witness to the excellence of the symbolism which he had adopted:
following closely the current practice of mathematicians, and introducing nu-
merous well-chosen abbreviating symbols, his language remains as well fairly
easily legible, thanks notably to an ingenious system for replacing brackets by
full stop separators [246 fl. Much notation due to Peano is today adopted by
the majority of mathematicians: we quote E, :::> (but, contrary to the present
use, with the meaning of "is contained in" or "implies,,21), U, n, A - B (set
of differences a - b where a E A and b E B). On the other hand, it is in the
"Formulary" that is found for the first time a thorough analysis of the general
notion of function, of those of direct image22 and reciprocal image, and the
remark that a sequence is only a function defined on N. But quantification,
with Peano, is subject to hampering restrictions (one can only, in principle,
quantify, in his system, relations of the form A -+ B, A ¢:> B or A = B).
Further the almost fanatical zeal of some of his disciples laid them wide open
to ridicule; criticism, often unjustified, by H. Poincare in particular, was a
heavy blow to the Peano school and became an obstacle to the diffusion of
his doctrines in the mathematical world.
With Frege and Peano the essential elements of the formal languages used
today were acquired. The most widespread is doubtless that hammered out by
Russell and Whitehead in their great work "Principia Mathematica" , which
happily links the precision of Frege and the convenience of Peano [266]. Most
actual formal languages are differentiated from it only by changes of sec-
ondary importance, aimed at simplifying its use. Among the most ingenious,
we quote the "functional" writing of relations (for instance E xy instead of
21 This indicates well to wha.t extent was rooted, even in him, the old ha.bit of
thinking "in comprehension" rather than "in extension".
22 The introduction of this seems due to Dedekind, in his work "Was sind und was
sollen die Zahlen", of which we will speak later ([79], v. III, p.348).
Mathematicians have always been sure that they prove "truths" or "true
propositions"; such a conviction can obviously only be sentimental or meta-
physical, and it is not by getting on to mathematical ground that it can be
justified, nor even given a meaning that does not make it a tautology. The
history of the concept of truth in mathematics is the concern therefore of the
history of philosophy and not of that of mathematics; but the evolution of
this concept has had an undeniable influence on that of mathematics, and
because of this we can not let it go by in silence.
Let us note first that it is as rare to see a mathematician in possession
of a strong philosophical culture as to see a philosopher who has an exten-
sive knowledge of mathemati!=s; the opinions of mathematicians on topics
in philosophy, even when these questions are concerned with their field, are
most often opinions received at second or third hand, coming from doubtful
sources. But, precisely because of this, it is these average opinions which in-
terest the mathematical historian, at least as much as the original views of
thinkers such as Descartes or Leibniz (to mention two who were also mathe-
maticians of the first rank), Plato (who at least kept up with the mathematics
of his time), Aristotle or Kant (of whom the same could not be said).
The traditional notion of mathematical truth is that which goes back to
the Renaissance. In this concept, there is no great difference between those
objects which are the concern of mathematicians and those which are the
concern of natural science; both are knowable and man has obtained a grasp
on them both through intuition and through reason; there are no grounds to
doubt either intuition or reason, which are fallible only if used incorrectly.
"One must have", says Pascal, "altogether a wrong spirit to reason badly about
principles so great that it is almost impossible for them to escape' ([244], v.
XII, p. 9). Descartes, by his fireside, convinced himself that "there have been
only Mathematicians who were able to find some proofs, that is to say some
sure and certain reasontl' ([85 al, v.VI, p. 19) and that (if his tale is to be
believed) well before he had built up a metaphysics in which "that very same
thing" , he says, "that I previously took as a rule, namely that the objects that
we can visualise very clearly and very distinctly are all true, is only ensured
because God is or erists, and that he is a perfect beini' ([85 a], v. VI, p.
38). If Leibniz objects to Descartes that it cannot be seen how to recognise
23 " Tho.e that have given u. method'" he says in this context "give, without doubt,
some beautiful precepts, but not the means to obey them." ([198 b], v. VII, p. 21).
And elsewhere, making fun of the Cartesian rules, he compares them to the recipes
of the alchemists: "Take what IIOU need, act a. lIoU mud, and IIOU will obtain that
Jor which IIOU wish!' ([198 b], v. IV, p. 329).
2. On this point, Leibniz is still under scholastic influence; he still thinks that
propositions establish a link from "subject" to "predicate" among concepts. As
BOon as concepts have been reduced to "primitive" concepts (which, as we have
seen, is one of his fundamental ideas), everything reduces, for Leibniz, to checking
relations of "inclusion" by means of what he calls "identical axioms" (essentially the
propositions A = A and A C A) and the principle of "substitution of equivalents"
(if A = B, A can be replaced everywhere by B ([69 a], pp. 184-206». It is interesting
in this context to note that, in conformity with his desire to reduce everything to
Logic and to "prove everything that is provable", Leibniz proves the symmetry and
transitivity of the relation of equality, starting from the axiom A = A and the
principle of substitution of equivalents ([198 a], v. VII, pp. 77-78).
to misconstrue the critical spirit of the Greeks, their taste for discussion and
sophistry, to imagine that the "axioms" themselves that Pascal judged to be
the most obvious (and that, according to a legend spread by his sister, he
had, with infallible instinct, discovered himself during his childhood) were
not the subject of long discussions. In an area that was not that of geometry
strictly speaking, the paradoxes of the Eleates have preserved for us some
traces of these polemics; and Archimedes when he makes the observation ([5
b], v. II, p. 265) that his predecessors made use in many situations of the
axiom to which we usually ascribe his name, adds that what is proved by
means of this axiom "has been accepted no less than what has been proved
without it", and that it is sufficient that his own results be accepted on the
same basis. Plato, in accordance with his metaphysical views, presents math-
ematics as a means of access to a "truth in itself" and the objects it deals
with as having a real existence in the world of ideas; he characterises none
the less the mathematical method precisely in a famous extract from the
Republic: "Those that are involved with geometry and arithmetic ... assume
even and odd, three kinds of angles; they treat them as known objects: once
assumed, they esteem that they no longer need to give account of them either
to themselves or to others, [considering it] as clear to each one; and starting
there, they proceed in sequence, in order to reach by common agreement the
goal that their research had suggeste(/' ([250], Book VI, 510 c-e). That which
makes up a proof is therefore firstly a point of departure supplying an arbi-
trary start (even though "clear to everyone"), and beyond which, he says a.
bit further on, one does not try to dig; and then, a discussion that follows
in sequence a series of intermediate stages; fina.lly, at each step, the consent
of the interlocutor guaranteeing the correctness of the reasoning. It must be
added that once the axioms are stated, no new appeal to intuition is allowed
on principle: Proclus, quoting Geminus, recalls that "we have learnt from the
pioneers of this science themselves, to take no account of conclusions which
are only plausible when it is a case of reasoning which must be part of our
geometric doctrine" ([153 e], v.I, p. 203).
Thus it is to experience and the cauldron of criticism that is due the
elaboration of the rules of mathematical reasoning; and if it is true, as has
been argued in a plausible way [317 d], that Book VIII of Euclid has kept
for us part of the arithmetic of Archytas, it is not surprising to see there the
rigidity of the rather pedantic reasoning that does not fail to appear in all
mathematical schools where "rigour" is discovered or believed to have been
discovered. But, once having entered into the practice of mathematicians, it
does not seem that these rules of reasoning have ever been doubted until quite
recently: if with Aristotle and the Stoics, some of the rules are deduced from
others by schemes of reasoning, the primitive rules are always assumed to be
evident. In the same way, having gone back to the "hypotheses", "axioms"
and "postulates" that appeared to them to supply a solid foundation for the
science of their time (such as those for example that they put forward in the
do not all seem to have perceived) declares that he "turns away with fear
and horror from this lamentable plague of continuous functions that do not
have a derivative" ([160], v. II, p. 318). The worst was that these phenomena,
so contrary to common sense, could no longer be laid at the door of ideas
badly elucidated, as at the time of the "indivisibles" (see p. 173), since they
survived after the reform of Bolzano, Abel and Cauchy, who had established
the foundation of the notion of limit in a manner as rigorous as the theory
of ratios (see p. 154). It is thus fully to the gross and incomplete character
of our geometric intuition that the account must be laid, and it is reasonable
that since then it has remained discredited quite justifiably as a means of
This realisation would inevitably react on classical mathematics, starting
with geometry. In whatever respect the axiomatic construction of Euclid had
been held, more than one imperfection had been noticed, and that already
in antiquity. It was the postulate on parallels that had been the object of
the greatest number of criticisms and attempts at proof; but the followers
and commentators of Euclid had also attempted to prove other postulates
(notably that of the equality of right angles) or recognised the insufficiency
of certain definitions, such as those of the straight line or plane. In the XVIth
century, Clavius, an editor of the Elements, notes the absence of a postulate
guaranteeing the existence of the fourth proportional; for his part, Leibniz
remarks that Euclid uses geometric intuition without mentioning it explic-
itly, for example when he admits (Elements, Book I, prop. 1) that two circles,
each of which goes through the centre of the other have a common point ([198
b], v. VII, p. 166). Gauss (who himself did not deny himself the use of such
topological considerations) draws attention to the role played in Euclidean
constructions by the notion of a point (or a straight line) being "between" two
others, notion that is however not defined ([124 a], v. VIII, p. 222). Finally,
the use of displacements - notably in the "case of equality of triangles"
- long assumed to be obvious,28 was soon to appear to the critics of the
XIXth century as relying also on unstated axioms. One ends up thus, in the
period from 1860 to 1885, with different partial revisions of the beginnings of
geometry (Helmholtz, Meray, HoutH) tending to remedy some of these gaps.
But it is only with M. Pasch [245] that the ab!iJldonment of all appeals to
intuition is a programme properly formulated and followed with -full rigour.
The success of his enterprise soon brought him numerous emulators who,
principally between 1890 and 1910, gave quite varied statements of the ax-
ioms of Euclidean geometry. The most famous of these works were those of
Peano, written in his symbolic language [246 d], and especially the "Grund-
lagen der Geometrie" of Hilbert [163 c], appearing in 1899, a book which,
by its lucidity and the depth of its exposition, was to become immediately,
28It must be noted however that, already in the XVlth century, a commentator on
Euclid, J. Peletier, protested against this means of proof, in terms close to those of
modern critics ([153 e), v. I, p. 249).
with full justification, the charter for modern axiomatics, even to the extent
of leading to forgetting its forerunners. It is indeed that, not content with
giving there a complete system of axioms for Euclidean geometry, Hilbert
classifies these axioms into different groups of different types, and sets him-
self to determine the exact area of influence of each of these groups of axioms,
Dot only in developing the logical consequences of each of them in isolation,
but also in discussing the different "geometries" obtained when one omits
or modifies certain of these axioms (geometries amongst which those of Lo-
batschevsky and of Riemann appear only as particular cases29 )j he thus puts
clearly in the picture, in an area considered until then as one of those nearest
the reality of the senses, the freedom of which the mathematician disposes
in his choice of postulates. In spite of the disarray caused in more than one
philosopher by these "metageometries" with strange properties, the thesis of
the "Grundlagen" was rapidly adopted almost unanimously by mathemati-
cians; H. Poincare, although hardly guilty of favouring formalism, recognised
in 1902 that the axioms of geometry are conventions, for which the notion of
"truth", as it is normally understood, has no more meaning ([251 e], pp. 66-
67). "Mathematical truth" resides thus uniquely in logical deduction starting
from premises arbitrarily set by axioms. As will be seen later (pp. 35 ff.), the
validity of the rules of reasoning used in making these deductions was itself
soon to be put in question, bringing about thus a complete reshaping of the
basic conceptions of mathematics.
of these views, reactions which are not for us to follow up, but which each
mathematician knows when he wears himself out in vain efforts to seize upon
a proof which seems to slip away endlessly. From there to assimilate this
resistance to the obstacles that the world of senses sets in our path there is
only a single step; and even today, more than one, who claims an intransi-
gent formalism, would subscribe voluntarily, in his innermost being, to this
admission of Hermite: "I believe that numbers and the functions of Analysis
are not the arbitrary result of our minds; I think that theV exist outside of
us, with the same character of necessity as the things of objective reality, and
we meet them or discover them, and study them, as do the physicists, the
chemists and the zoologisti' ([160], v. II, p. 398).
There is no question in the classical conception of mathematics, of stray-
ing away from the study of numbers and figures; but this official doctrine, to
which every mathematician believes himself bound to bring his verbal adher-
ence, becomes no less bit by bit an intolerable burden, as new ideas accumu-
late. The embarrassment of the algebraists up against negative numbers does
not cease until analytical Geometry gives it a convenient "interpretation";
but, well into the XVIIIth century still, d' Alembert, discussing the question
in the Encyclopedie ([75 a], article NEGATIF), loses his nerve suddenly after
a column of fairly confused explanations, and is content to conclude that "the
rules of algebraic operations on negative quantities are generallv assumed by
everybodv and perceived generally as exact, whatever idea is linked elsewhere
to these quantitiei'. As for imaginary numbers, the scandal is far bigger; for if
they are "impossible" roots and if (until about 1800) no way of "interpreting"
them is seen, how can one, without contradiction, talk of these indefinable
beings, and above all why introduce them? D'Alembert keeps here a prudent
silence and does not even state these questions, no doubt because he realises
that he would not be able to answer other than was done naively by A. Girard
a century earlier ([129], f. 22): "It could be said: what use are these impossible
solutionsf I answer: for three things, for the certainty of the general rule, and
that there is no other solution, and for its usefulness."
In Analysis, the situation, in the XVllth century, was no better. It is a
happy circumstance that analytical Geometry was to appear, as if at a des-
ignated point, to give a "representation" in the shape of a geometric figure,
of the great creation of the XV 11th century, the notion of a function, and
80 assist powerfully (with Fermat, Pascal or Barrow) at the birth of the in-
finitesimal Calculus (cf. p. 193). But it is known on the other hand, to what
phil08ophico-mathematical controversies the notions of the infinitely small
and indivisible were going to give rise. And if d'Alembert is happier here,
and recognises that in the "metaphysics" of the infinitesimal Calculus there
is nothing other than the notion of limit ([75 a], articles DIFFERENTIEL
and LIMITE, and [75 b]), he is no more able than his contemporaries, to
understand the real meaning of expansion in divergent series, and to explain
the paradox of exact results obtained at the end of calculations with expres-
of 1844, to present his calculus in a form from which the notions of number or
of geometric object are, at first, excluded. s1 And, a bit later, Riemann, in his
inaugural Lecture, takes care at the beginning not to speak of "points", but
rather of "determinations" (Bestimmungsweise), in his description of "mul-
tiplicities n times extended", and underlines that, in such a multiplicity, the
"metric relations" (Massverhi.ltnisse) "can only be studied for abstract 9uan-
tities and can only be represented by formulae; under certain conditions, one
can however decompose them into relations of which each taken in isolation
is susceptible to a geometric representation, and in that way it is possible to
express the results of the calculation in a geometric form" ([259 a], p. 276).
From that moment, the expansion of the axiomatic method is an accom-
plished fact. If, for a while longer, it is believed useful to control, when possi-
ble, the "abstract" results by geometric intuition, at least it is admitted that
the "classical" objects are no longer the only ones that the mathematician
can legitimately study. It is that - precisely because of the multiple "in-
terpretations" or "models" that are possible - it has been recognised that
the "nature" of mathematical objects is in the end secondary, and that it
matters little, for example, that a result is presented as a theorem of "pure"
geometry, or as a theorem of algebra by the means of analytical geometry.
In other words, the essence of mathematics - this elusive notion that could
until then only have been expressed by vague names such as "general rule"
or "metaphysici' - appears as the study of relationships between objects
that are only (voluntarily) known and described by some of their properties,
precisely those that are put as axioms at the foundations of their theory. It is
this that had already been clearly seen by Boole in 1847, when he wrote that
mathematics deals with "operations considered in themselves, independently
of the diverse objects to which they can be applietf' ([29], v. I, p. 3). Hankel,
33 Arithmetic remains however outside this synthesis; and it is known that Euclid,
after having developed the general theory of ratios between arbitrary quantities,
develops independently the theory of rational numbers, instead of considering them
as particular cases of ratios of quantities (see pp. 1(8).
34 It is fairly interesting, on this point, to see Descartes getting closer to arithmetic
and to "combinations oj numbers", the "arts ... where order reigns more fully, as
are those 0/ artisans who make cloth or carpets, or those 0/ women who embroider
or make lace" ([85 al, v. X, p. (03), as if in anticipation of modern studies on
symmetry and its relations with the notion of group (cf. [331 c]).
plays a great part in the full realisation of the notion of isomorphism. From
a more technical point of view, certainly the notion of isomorphic groups for
abelian groups is known to Gauss, for groups of permutations to Galois (cf.
pp. 51 ft'.); it is acquired in a general way for any group whatsoever around
the middle of the XIXth century.35 Following this, with each new axiomatic
theory, it is a natural development to define a notion of isomorphism; but
it is only with the modern notion of structure that it was finally recognised
that every structure carries within itself a notion of isomorphism, and that
it is not necessary to give a special definition of it for each type of structure.
C) The arithmetisation of classical mathematics. - The use, more and
more widespread, of the notion of "model" was also going to allow the real-
isation in the XIXth century of the unification of mathematics dreamed of
by the Pythagoreans. At the beginning of the century, whole numbers and
continuous quantities seemed as irreconcilable as ever in antiquity; real num-
bers remain linked to the notion of geometric quantity (at least to that of
length), and it is to this latter that appeal had been made for the "models"
of negative numbers and imaginary numbers. Even rational numbers were
traditionally attached to the idea of the splitting of a quantity into equal
parts; only the whole numbers remained apart, as "exclusively the product of
our minds" as is said by Gauss in 1832, putting them in opposition to the
notion of space ([124 al, v. VIII, p. 201). The first efforts to bring together
Arithmetic and Analysis were made at first with rational numbers (positive
and negative) and are due to Martin Ohm (1822); they were taken up again
around 1860 by several authors, notably Grassmann, Hankel and Weierstrass
(in his unpublished lectures); it is to this latter that it appears is due the idea
of obtaining a "model" of the positive rational numbers or of whole negative
numbers by considering classes of pairs of whole numbers. But the most im-
portant step remained to be taken, namely to find a "model" of irrational
numbers in the theory of rational numbers; around 1870, it had become an
urgent problem, in view of the necessity, after the discovery of "pathological"
phenomena in Analysis, to eliminate every trace of geometric intuition in the
vague notion of "quantity" in the definition of real numbers. It is known that
this problem was solved around this time, almost simultaneously by Cantor,
Dedekind, Meray and Weierstrass, and using fairly different methods (see
p. 155).
From this moment, whole numbers becllome the foundation of all classical
mathematics. Further, "models" based on Arithmetic acquired still more im-
portance with the extension of the axiomatic method and the conception of
mathematical objects as free creations of the mind. There remained in fact
one restriction to this freedom cla.imed by Cantor, the question of "existence"
which had already preoccupied the Greeks, and which arose here in a much
36 The word "isomorphism" itself is introduced in group theory at about the same
time; but a.t first, it is used to designate surjective homomorphisms, qualified u
"merihedral isomorphisms", whereu isomorphisms proper are called "holohedral
isomorphisms"; this terminology would remain in use until the work of E. Noether.
It can be said that at all times, mathematicians and philosophers have used
reasoned arguments from the theory of sets in a more or less conscious way;
but in the history of their conceptions of this· subject, one must separate
sharply all questions linked to the idea of cardinal number (and in particu-
lar to the notion of infinity) from those that only introduce the notions of
belonging and inclusion. These latter are among the most intuitive and seem
never to have raised controversy: it is on them that one can most easily base a
theory of syllogism (as Leibniz.and Euler were to show us), or axioms such as
"the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" • without talking about that
which. in geometry, is concerned with intersections of curves and surfaces.
Until the end of the XIXth century, no problem arises in talking about the
set (or "class" with some authors) of objects possessing such and such a given
propertYj3S and the famous "definition" given by Cantor ("By a set is meant
a gathering into one whole 0/ objects which are quite distinct in our intuition
or our thought' ([47], p. 282» will give rise, at the time of its publication,
to hardly any objections.39 It is altogether different as soon as the notion of
set is mixed with that of number or quantity. The question of the infinite
divisibility of the line (doubtless posed already by the first Pythagoreans)
was, as is known, to lead to considerable philosophical difficulties: from the
Eleates to Bolzano and Cantor. mathematicians and philosophers will throw
themselves without success against the paradox of the finite quantity made
up of an infinity of points without size. It would be of no interest to us to
retrace, even summarily. the interminable and impassioned polemics that are
aroused by this problem, that constituted a ground particularly favourable
to metaphysical or theological digressions; let us note only the point of view
38 We have seen ea.rller that Boole does not even hesitate to introduce in his logical
calculus a "Universe" I, the set of all objects; it does not appear that at the time
this conception was criticised, even though it has been rejected by Aristotle, who
f,ave a proof, fairly obscure, aiming to show its absurdity ([6], Met. B, 3, 998 b).
, Frege seems to be one of the rare contemporary mathematicians who, not without
cause, spoke out against the wave of simila.r "definitions" ([117 c]. v. I, p. 2).
could not be applied to an infinite set. But far from inaugurating a rational
study of infinite sets, this remark seems to have had no other effect than to
reinforce mistrust of actual infinity; it is already the conclusion of Galileo
himself, and Cauchy, in 1833, only quotes him in order to approve of his
The necessities of Analysis - and particularly the deep study of functions
of real variables, which was taking place during the whole of the XIXth
century - are at the origins of what was to become the modern theory
of sets. When Bolzano, in 1817, proves the existence of the lower limit of
a set bounded below in R [27 c], he still reasons, like the greater part of
his contemporaries, "by comprehension", speaking not of an arbitrary set
of real numbers, but of an arbitrary property of these latter. But when, 30
years later, he writes his "Paradoxien des Unendlichen" [27 b] (published in
1851, three years after his death), he does not hesitate to claim the right
to the existence of the "actual infinity" and to speak of arbitrary sets. He
defines, in this work, the general notion of the equipotence of two sets, and
proves that two compact intervals in R are equipotent; he notes also that the
characteristic difference between finite sets and infinite sets consists in that
an infinite set E is equipotent to a subset distinct from E, but he does not
give any convincing proof of this assertion. The general tone of this work is in
any case more philosophical than mathematical, and for lack of disassociating
sufficiently clearly the notion of the power of a set from that of size or order
of infinity, Bolzano fails in his attempts to construct infinite sets of greater
and greater power, and lets himself be drawn on this occasion into mixing
his reasoning with considerations on divergent series that are totally devoid
of sense.
It is due to the genius of G. Cantor that the theory of sets as we know it
today was created. He also started with Analysis, and his work on trigono-
metric series, inspired by those of Riemann, bring him naturally, in 1872, to
a first attempt to classify "exceptional" sets which occur in this theory,43 by
means of the notion of successive "derived sets", which he introduces at this
point. It is no doubt in connection with these researches, and also with his
method for defining the real numbers ([47], pp. 92-97), that Cantor begins to
be interested in the problems of equipotence, for in 1873, he remarks that the
set of rational numbers (or the set of algebraic- numbers) is countable; and
in his correspondence with Dedekind, which starts about this time [48], he is
seen posing the question of the equipotence between the set of whole numbers
and the set of real numbers, which he succeeds in solving negatively a few
weeks later. Then, from 1874 on, it is the problem of dimension that preoccu-
pies him, and for three years he seeks in vain to establish the impossibility of
a bijective correspondence between Rand RR(n > I), before succeeding, to
U "I can see it, but I do not believe it" he writes to Dedekind ([48], p. 34); in French
ill the text).
4:1 The contemporaries of Kronecker have made frequent allusions to his doctrinaire
position on the foundations of matllematics; it must be presumed that he expressed
himself more explicitly in his personal contacts than in his publicatioDs (where,
as far as the role of natural numbers is concerned, he only takes up again some
fairly banal remarks on "arithmetisation" around 1880) {d. [327 b], in particular
pp. 14-15).
'6 For this period of the life of Cantor, see [275 b].
47 This theorem had already been obtained by Dedekind in 1887, but its proof was
not published ([79], v. III, p. 447).
However Dedekind, from the beginning, had not ceased to follow with a
sustained interest the researches of Cantorj but while this latter concentrated
his attention on infinite sets and their classification, Dedekind followed his
own thoughts on the notion of number (which had already led him to his
definition of irrationals by "cuts"). In his opuscule WaB Bind und waB Bollen
die Zahlen, published in 1888, but the essentials dating from 1872-78 ([79],
v.III, p. 335), he shows how the notion of natural number (on which, as has
been seen, the whole of classical Mathematics had ended up by relying) could
itself be derived from fundamental notions in the theory of sets. Developing
(no doubt the first explicitly) the elementary properties of arbitrary maps
from one set to another (neglected until Cantor, who was only interested in
bijective correspondences), he introduces, for every map I of a set E into
itself, the notion of "chain" of an element a E E relative to I, namely the
intersection of the sets K C E such that a E K and I(K) c K .48 He then
takes as his definition of an infinite set E the fact that there exists a bijective
map t/J of E into E such that t/J(E) #= Ej 49 if further there exists such a map
t/J and an element a ¢, t/J(E) for which E is the chain of a, Dedekind says
that E is "simply infinite", remarks that the "axioms of Peano" are then
satisfied and shows (before Peano) how starting from there all the theorems
of elementary arithmetic are obtained. The only missing part of his expose is
the axiom of infinity that Dedekind (following Balzano) believes himself able
to prove by considering the "world of thought" of humans ("Gedanken welt")
as a set. 50
On another tack, Dedekind had been led by his work on arithmetic (and
notably the theory of ideals) to consider the notion of ordered set in a more
t8 It is on a very analogous notion that the second proof given by Zermelo for his
theorem relies [342 b].
'9 We have seen that Bolzano had already noted this characterisation of infinite
sets, but his work (hardly disseminated, it would appear, in mathematical circles)
was unknown to Dedekind at the time when he was writing "Was sind und was
sollen die Zahlen".
60 Another method for defining the notion of natural number and for establishing
the fundamental properties was proposed by Frege in 1884 [117 b]. He seeks first
to give to the notion of cardinal of a set a more precise meaning than Cantorj at
that time this latter had only defined the notions of equipotent sets and of sets
having a power at most equal to that of another, and the definition of "cardinal
number" that he was to give later ([47], p. 282) was as obscure and unusable as
the definition of a straight line in Euclid. Frege, always careful about precision,
has the idea of taking as definition of the cardinal of a set A the set of all sets
equipotent to A ([117 b], §68)j then, having defined q,(o) = 0 + 1 for all cardinals
(§76), he puts himself in the set C of all cardinals, and defines the relation "b is
a q,-successor to oJ> as meaning that b belongs to the intersection of all the sets
X C C such that q,(o) e X and q,(X) C X (§79). Finally, he defines a natural
number as a q,-successor of 0 (§83j all these definitions are of course expressed by
Frege in his language of the "logic of concepts"). Unfortunately this construction
was to reveal itself to be defective, the set C or set of sets equipotent with a set A
was "paradoxical" (see below).
general setting than Cantor. While this latter restricts himself exclusively to
totally ordered sets, 51 Dedekind tackles the general case, and makes in par-
ticular a deep study of lattices «79], v. II, pp. 236-271). This work was hardly
noticed at the time; although these results, found again by several authors,
have been the object of numerous publications since 1935, their historical
importance arises much less from the possibilities for applications, fairly thin
no doubt, of this theory, than from the fact that they constituted one of
the first examples of careful axiomatic construction. On the other hand, the
first results of Cantor on sets which were countable or had the power of the
continuum were rapidly to have numerous and important applications right
up to the most classical questions of Analysis 52 (without talking naturally of
those parts of the Cantorian work that inaugurated General Topology and
measure theory; on that see pp. 141 and 221). Moreover, from the last years
of the XIXth century the first uses of the principle of transfinite induction
were appearing, having become, especially after the proof of the theorem of
Zermelo, an indispensable tool in all parts of modern mathematics. Kura-
towski was to give, in 1922, an often more amenable version of this principle,
avoiding the use of well ordered sets ([189 a], p. 89); it is in this form, found
again later by Zorn [344], that it is mainly used at the present time. 53
Towards the end of the XIXth century, the essential concepts of Cantor
had thus gained their cause. 54 We have seen that, at about this time, the
formalisation of mathematics is achieved and the use of the axiomatic method
is almost universally agreed. But, at the same time, a "crisis of foundations"
of a rare violence was opening up, which was to shake the mathematical world
for more than 30 years, and to seem at times to compromise, not only all the
recent acquisitions, but even the most classical parts of Mathematics.
1>1It is interesting to note that, among these latter, Cantor never wanted to admit
the existence of "non archimedean" ordered groups because they introduced the
notion of the "actual infinitely small" ([47], pp. 156 and 172). Such order relations
arose naturally in the researches of Du Bois-Reymond on orders of infinity (cr.
p. 202) and were studied systematically by Veronese [318].
52 From 1874, Weierstrass had given notice, in a letter to Du Bois-Reymond, of an
application to functions of a real variable of the theorem of Cantor on the possibility
of writing the rational numbers as a sequence ([329 b], p. 206).
53 Because of this the interest that was shown in the ordinals of Cantor has greatly
diminished; in general, in any case, many of the results of Cantor and his successors
on the arithmetic of ordinals and non denumerable cardinals have remained until
now fairly isolated.
of The official consecration of the theory of sets is manifested already at the first
international Congress of mathematicians (Zurich, 1897), where Hadamard [141]
and Hurwitz give notice of important applications to Analysis. The growing influ-
ence of Hilbert at this time contributed greatly to the spread of the ideas of Cantor,
especially in Germany.
The first "paradoxical" sets appeared in the theory of cardinals and ordinals.
In 1897, Burali-Forti remarked that one cannot consider the existence of a
set consisting of all the ordinals, because this set would be well ordered, and
so isomorphic to one of its segments distinct from the whole, which is absurd
[42].55 In 1899, Cantor observes (in a letter to Dedekind) that it is no longer
possible to speak of the cardinals forming a set, nor to speak of the "set of all
sets" without reaching a contradiction (the set of subsets of this latter "set"
o would be equipotent to a subset of 0, which is contrary to the inequality
m < 2m ) ([47], pp. 444-448). In 1905 finally, Russell analysing the proof of
this inequality, shows that the reasoning that establishes it proves (without
appealing to the theory of cardinals) that the notion of the "set of all sets
which are not elements of themselves" is, it also, contradictory [266].56
It could be believed that such "antinomies" would only be manifested in
the peripheral regions of mathematics, characterised by the consideration of
sets of a "size" inaccessible to intuition. But other "paradoxes" were soon to
threaten the most classical parts of mathematics. Berry and Russell ([266],
v.I, pp.63-64), simplifying an argument of J. Richard [258], observe in effect
that the set of whole numbers of which the definition can be expressed in less
than sixteen words in English is finite, but that it is however contradictory to
define a whole number as "the least whole number which is not definable by
less than sixteen words in English" , because this definition consists of fifteen
words only.
Although such reasoning, so far from that usually used by mathemati-
cians, may have appeared to many of them as a kind of riddle, they pointed
the way none the less to the necessity for a revision of the bases of mathe-
matics, aiming to eliminate "paradoxes" of this nature. But although there
was unanimity concerning the urgency of this revision, radical divergences
were soon to appear concerning the manner of realising it. For a first group
of mathematicians, be they "idealists", be they "formalists", 57 the situation
created by the "paradoxes" of the theory of sets was very analogous to that
which resulted, in geometry, from the discovery of non-Euclidean geometries
66 This remark had already been made by Cantor in 1896 (in a letter to Hilbert,
li6 The reasoning of Russell is getting close to the paradoxes of antiquity of which
the type is the celebrated "Lia.r" , the subject of innumera.ble commentaries in formal
classical Logic: it consists in knowing whether the man who says "I lie" says or does
not say t.he truth in pronouncing these words (d. [267)).
67 The divergence between these two schools is mostly philosophical, and we cannot
here go into more details on this topic; the essence is that they come together on
properly mathematical ground. For example, Hadamard, a typical representative
of the "idealists", adopts, where the validity of reasoning in the theory of sets is
concerned, a point of view very close to the formalists, but without expressing it in
an axiomatic form ([12], p.271).
between two kinds of sets, the "multiplicities" ("Vielheiten") and the "sets"
("Mengen") proper, the second ones being characterised in that they can be
thought of as a single object. It is this idea that von Neumann makes precise
in distinguishing two types of objects, "sets" and "classes"; in his system
(almost completely formalised), classes are distinguished from sets in that
they cannot be placed on the left of the sign e. One of the advantages of
such a system is that it rehabilitates the notion of "universal class" used by
the logicians of the XIXth century (which naturally is not a set); let us point
out also that the system of von Neumann avoids (for the theory of sets) the
introduction of axiom schemes, replaced by suitable axioms (which makes its
logical study easier). Some variants of the system of von Neumann have been
given by Bernays and G8del [130 b).
The elimination of paradoxes seems to have been well carried out by the
systems above, but at the cost of restrictions which cannot but seem to be
very arbitrary. In favour of the system of Zermelo-Fraenkel, one can say that
it restricts itself to formulating restrictions that only sanction the current
practice in the applications of the notion of set to the various mathematical
theories. The systems of von Neumann and of G8del are further removed
from the usual conceptions; on the other hand, it is not excluded that it is
easier to insert certain mathematical theories still in their beginnings in the
framework provided by such systems rather than in the narrower framework
of the system of Zermelo-Fraenkel.
Certainly one could not affirm that any of these solutions give the impres-
sion of being definitive. If they satisfy the formalists, it is that these latter
refuse to take into consideration the individual psychological reactions of
each mathematician; they assume that a formalised language has completed
its task when it can transcribe ma.thema.tical reasoning into a. form lacking
ambiguity, and so useful as a vehicle for mathematical thought; everyone is
free, they would say, to think what he likes about the "nature" of mathe-
ma.tica.l objects or the "truth" of the theorems that he uses, so long as his
reasoning can be transcribed into the common language. 69
In other words, from a. philosophical point of view, the a.ttitude of the for-
malists consists in being disinterested in the problem set by the "paradoxes",
in the pla.tonic position which aimed to attribute to mathemat-
ical notions an intellectual "content" common to all mathematicians. Many
mathematicians draw back faced with this break with tradition. Russell, for
example, seeks to avoid paradoxes by analysing their structure in a deeper
way. Taking up again an idea first brought forward by J. Richard (in the
article [258] where he displayed his "paradox") and developed later by H.
Poincare [251 c), Russell and Whitehead observe that the definitions of para-
59 Hilbert, however, seems always to have believed in an objective mathematical
"truth" ([163 c], pp. 315 and 323). Even some formalists who, like H. Curry, have
a stance very close to that which we have just outlined, reject with a kind of
indignation the idea that mathematics could be considered a simple game, and
want absolutely to see in it an "objective science" ([73], p. 57).
doxical sets all violate the following principle, called the "principle of the
vicious circle": "An element of which the definition involves the totality of
the elements of a set can not belong to that set" ([266], v. I, p. 40). Also it
is this statement that serves as basis for the Principia, and it is to satisfy
it that the "theory of types" is developed in this work. Like that of Frege
by which it is inspired, the logic of Russell and Whitehead contains "propo-
sitional variables"; the theory of types proceeds to a classification of these
different variables, of which the main lines are the following. Starting from a
"domain of individuals" which are not specified and which can be qualified
as "objects of order 0", the relationships where the variables (free or tied)
are individuals, are said to be "objects of the first order"; and in general,
the relations in which the variables are objects of order ~ n (one at least
being of order n) are said to be "objects of order n + 1" .60 A set of objects
of order n can then only be defined by a relation of order n + 1, a condition
that allows the elimination without trouble of the paradoxical sets. 61 But
the principle of the "hierarchy of types" is so restrictive that by adhering to
it strictly, one ends up with a mathematics of inextricable complexity.62 To
escape this consequence, Russell and Whitehead are constrained to introduce
an "axiom of reducibility" affirming the existence, for every relation between
"individuals" , of a relation of tile first order to which it is equivalent; a con-
dition quite as arbitrary as the axioms of the formalists, and which reduces
considerably interest in the construction of the Principia. So the system of
Russell and Whitehead has had more success with the logicians than with the
mathematicians; it is in any case not entirely formalised,63 and as a result
there are numerous obscure details. Various efforts have been made to sim-
plify and clarify this system (Ramsey, Chwistek, Quine, Rosser); tending to
use languages that are more and more fully formalised, these authors replace
the rules of the Principia (which still had a certain intuitive foundation) with
restt·ictions only taking account of the wording of the aggregations being con-
60 That is only in fact the beginning of the classification of "types", of which a
faithful account could not be given without going into some very long developments;
the reader wishing for more detailed explanations could in particular take note of
the introduction to v. II of Principia Mathematica [266].
61 III the system of Russell and Whitehad, the relation x E x can not therefore be
legally written down, as against the system of Zermelo-Fraenkel, for example.
62 For example, equality is not a primitive notion in the system of Principia: two
objects a, b are equal iffor every property P( x), P( a) and P(b) are equivalent propo-
sitions. But this definition does not make sense in the theory of types: in order to
make sense, one would have to specify at least the "order" of P, and so one would
be led to distinguish amongst an infinity of relations of equality! Zermelo had i~
any case remarked, already in 1908 [342 b], that numerous classical mathematical
definitions (for example that of a lower limit of a set in R) do not obey the "princi-
ple of the vicious circle", and that the adoption of this principle thus risked ruling
out important parts of the most traditional mathematical theories.
63 Russell and Whitehead (as already Frege) keep to the classical position as regards
mathematical formulae, which for them must always have a "meaning" related to
an activity underlying the thought.
611 In 1890, Peano, proving his theorem on the existence of integrals of differential
equations, remarks that he would be led naturally to "apply an infinity of times
an arbitrary law under which to a cla88 an individual of that cla88 ill made to
corresponcf'; but he adds also that such a reasoning is inadmissible in his eyes ([246
cl, p. 210). In 1902, B. Levi had remarked that this same reasoning was implicitly
used by F. Bernstein in a proof in the theory of cardinals [199].
of the set. 66 Can one then speak of the "existence" of a set of which one does
not know how to "name" each element? Already Baire does not hesitate to
deny the "existence" of the set of all subsets of a given infinite set (loc. cit.,
pp. 263-264); in vain does Hadamard observe that these requirements lead
to renouncing even the possibility of speaking of the real numbers: it is to
just that conclusion that E. Borel finally agrees. Putting aside the fact that
countability seems to have acquired freehold, one has returned just about to
the classical position of the adversaries of the "actual infinite".
All these objections were not very systematic; it was down to Brouwer and
his school to undertake a complete remould of mathematics guided by similar,
but even more radical, principles. We would not dare to summarise here a
doctrine as complex as intuitionism, which consists as much of psychology
as mathematics, and we will limit ourselves to indicating some of the most
striking aspects, referring for more details to the work of Brouwer himself [39
a and b] and to the exposition by Heyting [162]. For Brouwer, Mathematics
is identical with the "exact" part of our thought, based on the first intuition
of the sequence of natural numbers, and which it is impossible to translate
without mutilation into a formal system. It is in any case only "exact" in
the thought of mathematicians, and it is a chimera to hope to develop an
instrument of communication between them which is not subject to all the
imperfections and ambiguities of language; at most it is possible to hope to
awaken in the interlocutor a favourable state of mind by descriptions that
are more or less vague ([162], pp. 11-13). Intuitionist mathematics attaches
hardly more importance to logic than to language: a proof is not conclusive
by virtue oflogical rules fixed once and for all, but because ofthe "immediate
evidence" of each of its steps. This "evidence" must moreover be interpreted
in a more restrictive way than by E. Borel and his followers: it is thus that
in intuitionist mathematics, it cannot be said that a relation of the form "R
or (not R)" is true (principle of the excluded middle), unless for all system
of values given to the variables appearing in R, one can prove that one of the
two propositions R, "not R" is true; for example, from the equation ab = 0
between two real numbers, it cannot be concluded that "a 0 or b 0" , for =
it is easy to create explicit examples of real numbers a, b for which one has
ab = 0 without knowing, at the actual time, how to prove either of the two
propositions a = 0, b = 0 ([162]' p. 21).
88 The 8upposed "choice" of an element in a set has in fact nothing to do with the
axiom of choice; it consists merely of a figure of speech, and everywhere where one
expresses oneself in this way, one is in reality only using the most elementary logical
rules (where the sign T does not occur). Of course, the application of these rules
to a set A requires that it has been proved that A =/: .; it is on this point that the
argument of Lebesgue bears, for such a proof is only valid for him precisely when
one bas "named" an element of A. For example, Lebesgue does not consider as valid
the reasoning of Cantor ([47], pp. 115-118) proving the existence of transcendental
numbers; this existence is only proved for him because it is possible to "name"
transcendental numbers, such as the Liouville numbers or the numbers e or 'Jr.
The absence of contradiction has at all times been considered as a sine qua
non condition for all mathematics, and from the time of Aristotle, logic was
sufficiently developed so that it was perfectly well known that from an in-
consistent theory anything could be deduced. The proofs of "existence" , con-
sidered as indispensable since Antiquity, visibly had no other aim than to
guarantee that the introduction of a new concept did not risk entailing a
contradiction, particularly when this concept was too complicated to fall
immediately under "intuition". We have seen how this requirement became
more pressing with the arrival of the axiomatic point of view in the XIXth
century and how the construction of arithmetical "models" responded to
61 III a pure formalist doctrine, the words "there exists" in a formalised text have
no more "significance" than any others, and there is no need to consider other types
of "existence" in formalised proofs.
68 The "models" supplied by the definitions of Dedekind or Frege will only shift the
question, by reducing it to the consistency of the Theory of sets, a problem which is
without doubt more difficult than the consistency of Arithmetic, and which was to
appear even more so at a time when no serious attempt to avoid the "paradoxes"
had been proposed.
69 For a more detailed and precise description of finite procedures allowed in meta-
mathematics, one can consult, for instance, the thesis of J. Herbrand [158].
70 When one is speaking of the consistency of the theory of real numbers, one
assumes that this theory is defined axiomatically, without using the theory of sets
(or at least abstaining from using certain axioms of this latter, such as the axiom
of choice or the axiom of the set of subsets).
71 This is often expressed by saying that if A is not a theorem ofT, the theory 'I'
obtained by adding A to the axioms of 'I is inconsistent.
72 For more details see [130 a] or ([181], pp. 181-258).
73 The detailed description of g(A), h(D) and P(x, 'Y, z) is very long and meticulous,
and the writing out of P(x, 'Y, z) would require a number of symbols so great that it
is impossible in practice, but no mathematician thinks that diminishes in any way
the value of these constructions.
2° if the explicit whole number J.l is not of the form h(D), or if J.l h(D)=
and if D is not a proof of A(A), then (not P(A,g(A(x»,J.l» is a theorem of
Then let 8(x) be the relation (not (3z)P(x, y, z», and let 'Y = g(8(x»,
which is a term of T. If T is consistent, there is no proof of the proposition
8('Y) in T. In fact, if D were such a proof, P('Y,g(8(x»,h(D» would be
a theorem of T; but this relation is none other than P('Y,'Y,h(D», and it
follows that (3z)( P("(, 'Y, z) would also be a theorem of T; as this last relation
is equivalent to (not S("(», T would be inconsistent. On the other hand
what has just been said shows that for every explicit whole number J.l, (not
P('Y, 'Y, 1-'» is a theorem of T. The result is that there is no proof, in T,
of (not 8('Y», for this last relation is equivalent to (3z)P(,,(,'Y,z) and the
existence of a whole number I-' such that P( 'Y, 'Y, 1-') would require that T
were inconsistent, by virtue of what comes before. 74 This metamathematical
theorem of Godel has been subsequently generalised in various directions
([181], chap. XI).75
The relation 8(')') of T of which it is shown thus that there is no proof in
T either of this relation, or of its negation, is obviously made up for the needs
7t In fact, this latter part of the reasoning supposes a bit more than the consistency
of T, namely what is called the "w-consistency" of T: this means that there is no
relation R(x) in T such that R(x) requires x E N and that, for each explicit whole
number p, R(p) be a theorem of T even though (3:c)(x E N and (not R(x))) is
also a theorem of T. Rosser has shown besides that one can modify the reasoning
of Godel in such a way as only to assume the consistency of T ([181], p. 208).
75 The analogy of the reasoning of Godel with the sophistry of the liar should
be noted: the proposition S(-y) affirms its own falsity, when one interprets it in
metamathematical terms! One remarks also that the proposition
(Vz)«z E N) * (not P(-y, "Y, z)))
is intuitively true, since one has a proof in T of (not P(-y, "Y, ,,» for each explicit
whole number p; and yet this proposition is not provable in T. This situation is
to be compared with a result obtained previously by Lowenheim and Skolem (see
[286 aD: this latter defines metamathematically a relation between two natural
whole numbers x, y which, if one writes :c E y, satisfies the axioms of von Neumann
for the theory of sets. From which, at first sight, a new "paradox", since in this
"model" all the infinite sets would be countable, contrary to the inequality of Cantor
m < 2n'. But in fact, the "relation" defined by Skolem can not be written in the
formalised theory of sets, any more than the "theorem" stating that the set of
subsets of an infinite set has only a countable infinity of "elements". At bottom,
this "paradox" is only a more subtle form of the banal remark that one will never be
able to write down more than a finite number of collections in a formalised theory,
and that it is therefore absurd to conceive of an uncountable set of terms of the
theory; remark close to that which had already led to "Richard's paradox". Similar
reasoning proves that the formalisation of the theory of sets is indispensable if
one wants to preserve the essentials of the Cantorian construction. Mathematicians
seem to agree to conclude also that there is only just a superficial concordance
between our "intuitive" conceptions of the notion of set or whole number, and the
formalisms which are supposed to account for them; the disagreement begins when
it is a question of choosing between the one and the other.
of the cause and does not tie up in any natural way with any mathematical
problem. Much more interesting is the fact that ifT denotes the theory of sets
(with the system of axioms of von Neumann-Bernays), neither the continuum
hypothesis nor its negation are provable in T. This remarkable result was
established in two stages: in 1940, Godel proved that the theory obtained by
adjoining to T the continuum hypothesis 21010 = Nl was not inconsistent [130
b); then, in 1963, P. Cohen proved the same when one acijoins to 'T the
relation 2No = N2 (or 21010 = Nn for an arbitrary whole number n > 1) [67].
The decision problem ("Entscheidungsproblem") is without doubt the
most ambitious of all those which are stated in metamathematics: it consists
in knowing whether, for a given formal language, one can imagine a "universal
procedure" which is quasi mechanical which, when applied to any relation of
the formalism in question, indicates in a finite number of operations whether
that relation is true or not. 76 The solution of this problem was already part
of the grand design of Leibniz, and it appears that at one time the school
of Hilbert believed its realisation was quite close. It is a fact that one can
describe such procedures for formalisms containing few primitive symbols and
axioms ([181], pp. 136-141). But the efforts made to make precise the decision
problem, by outlining exactly what is meant by "universal procedure" have
until now resulted only in negative results ([181]' pp.432-439). Besides, the
solution of the decision problem for a theory T entrains immediately the
knowledge of whether T is c~nsistent or not, since it suffices to apply the
"universal procedure" to a relation of T and its negation; and we will see that
it is impossible to solve the question in this way for the usual mathematical
theories. 77
It is indeed in the question of the consistency of mathematical theories
- the origin and very heart of Metamathematics - that the results have
l'evealed themselves to be the most deceiving. During the years 1920-1930,
Hilbert and his school had developed new methods for attacking these prob-
lems; after having proved the consistency of partial formalisms, covering part
of arithmetic (cf. [158], [324 d]). they believed they had reached the goal and
proved, not only the consistency of arithmetic, but also that of the theory
of sets, when Godel. relying on the incompleteness of arithmetic, deduced
from it the impossibility of proving, by the "finite procedures" of Hilbert, the
consistency of every theory T containing this latter. 78
The theorem of Godel does not however shut the door completely on at-
tempts to prove consistency, so long as one abandons (at least partially) the
l'estrictions of Hilbert concerning "finite procedures". It is thus that Gentzen
in 1936 [127], succeeds in proving the consistency of formalised arithmetic,
by using "intuitively" transfinite induction up to the countable ordinal eo. 79
The value of the "certainty" that one can attach to such reasoning is without
doubt less convincing than for that which satisfies the initial requirements
of Hilbert, and is essentially a matter of personal psychology for each math-
ematician; it remains no less true that similar "proofs" using "intuitive"
transfinite induction up to a given ordinal, would be considered important
progress if they could be applied, for example, to the theory of real numbers
or to a substantial part of the theory of sets.
o # 0; this requires as a consequence, that for every explicit whole number 1', (not
P(O,g(x # x),p» is a. theorem of T. Let us consider therefore the proposition
(Vz )«z E N) ~ not P(O, g(z # z), z», which we will denote by 0; in "tra.nslat-
ing" into formal a.rithmetic the reasoning (reproduced above) by which it is shown
metama.thematically that "if T is consistent, there is no proof that Sb) is in T",
one ca.n establish tha.t 0 ~ (not (3z)(Pb, r, z») is a. theorem ofT, in other words,
that 0 ~ Sb) is a theorem of T. It follows that, if T is consistent, 0 is not a
theorem 0/ T, since under these conditions Sb) is not a theorem of T. That is the
exact statement of the theorem of GOdel.
79 Gentzen associates with each proof D offormalised a.rithmetic an ordinal a(D) <
EO; 011 the other hand, he describes a procedure which, starting from each proof D
which ends with a contradiction, supplies a proof D' also ending at a contradiction
and such that a(D') < a(D); the theory of well ordered sets allows us to conclude
tha.t such a proof D cannot exist (a type of reasoning which extends the classical
"infinite descent" of the theory of numbers).
decimal system, which (by the agency of the Arabs) is derived from Hindu
mathematics, where its use is attested already from the first centuries of our
era. It must be noted moreover that the conception of zero as a number (and
not as a simple symbol of separation) and its introduction into calculations,
also count amongst the original contributions of the Hindus ([78], v. I). Of
course, once the principle of the notation of position has been acquired, it
was easy to extend it to any base whatever; the discussion concerning the
merits of different "bases" proposed since the XVIIth century is a matter of
the techniques of numerical Calculation and should not he tackled here. We
limit ourselves to remarking that the operation that serves as foundation to
these systems, the so-called "Euclidean" division, does not appear before the
Greeks, and no doubt goes back to the first Pythagoreans, who made it the
essential tool of their theoretical Arithmetic (see p. 85).
The general problems of enumeration, grouped under the name of "combi-
natorial Analysis" , do not seem to have been tackled before the last centuries
of classical Antiquity: only the formula ( ~ ).= n(n - 1)/2 is attested to
in the IIIrd century of our era. The Hindu mathematician Bhaskara (XIIth
century) knows the general formula for ( ; ). A more systematic study is
to be found in a manuscript of Levi ben Gerson, at the beginning of the XII-
Ith century: he obtains the recurrence formula allowing the calculation of the
number V,f of arrangements of n objects p at a time, and in particular the
number of permutations of n objects; he states also rules equivalent to the
relations ( ; ) = V,f /p! and ( n: p ) =( ; ) ([311], v. VI, pp. 64-65).
But this manuscript seems to have been ignored by his contemporaries, and
its results have only been rediscovered little by little by the mathematicians
of the following centuries. Among the later advances, let us pick out that
Card an proves that the number of non-empty subsets of a set of n elements
is 211 -1; Pascal and Fermat, setting up the calculus of probability, rediscover
the expression for ( ; ), and Pascal is the first to observe the relationship
between these numbers and the binomial formula: this latter seems to have
been already known to the Arabs from the XIIIth century, the Chinese in
the XIVth century, and it was rediscovered in the West at the beginning of
the XVlth century, as well as the method of calculation by recurrence known
as the "arithmetical triangle", that is normally attributed to Pascal ([311],
v. VI, pp. 35-38). Finally Leibniz, around 1676, obtains (without publishing
it) the general formula for "multinomial coefficients" , rediscovered indepen-
dently and published 20 years later by de Moivre.
There are few notions, in Mathematics, that are more primitive than that
of a law of composition: it seems inseparable from the first rudiments of cal-
culation with whole numbers and measurable quantities. The most ancient
documents that remain from the Mathematics of the Egyptians and Baby-
lonians show us that they are already in possession of a complete system of
rules of calculation for whole numbers> 0, rational numbers> 0, lengths
and areas; even though the Babylonian texts that have reached us only deal
with problems in which the data have explicit numerical values, l they leave
no doubt as to the generality attributed to the rules that are used, and denote
a quite remarkable technical facility in the handling of equations of the first
and second degrees ([232], pp. 179 and following). No hint of a justification
of the rules used is found in any case, nor even a precise definition of the
operations that occur: these like those remain in the domain of empiricism.
A similar concern, on the other hand, shows itself already very clearly
among the Greeks of the classical era; one does not meet yet, it is true, an
axiomatic treatment of the theory of whole numbers (such an axiomatisation
will not appear until the end of the XIXth century; see p. 24); but, already
in the Elements of Euclid, many are the passages giving formal proofs of
rules of calculation quite as intuitively "obvious" as those of calculation with
whole numbers (for example, the commutativity of the product of two ra-
tional numbers). The most remarkable proofs of this kind are those that are
connected with the theory of quantities, the most original creation of Greek
Mathematics (equivalent, as we know, to our theory of real numbers> 0;
see pp. 148 fr.): Euclid considers there, amongst others, the product of two
ratios of quantities, shows that it is independent of the form in which the
two ratios are given (first example of a "quotient" of a law of composition
1 It must not be forgotten that it is only with Viete [319] that the habit is intro-
duced of denoting by letters all the elements (given or unknown) that occur in an
Algebra problem. Until then, the only equations which are solved in the treatises
on Algebra have numerical coefficients; when the author states a general rule for
dealing with analogous equations, he does it (to the best of his ability) in ordinary
language; in the absence of an explicit statement of this kind, the carrying out of
calculations in the numerical cases treated makes the possession of such a rule more
or less likely.
form; it will be a case on the contrary, now, of "numbers" of which the Greeks
had not conceived, and of which, at first, no sensible "repre$entation" pre-
sented itself: on the one hand, zero and negative numbers, which appeared
from the high Middle Ages in Hindu Mathematics; on the other, imaginary
numbers, creation of the Italian algebraists in the XVIth century.
If one puts aside the zero, introduced first of all as a symbol of notation
before being considered as a number (see p. 45), the common character of
these extensions is to be (at least at first) purely "formal". By that it must
be understood that the new "numbers" appear first of all as the results of
operations applied in situations where they do not have, according to their
strict definition, any meaning (for example, the difference a - b of two whole
numbers when a < b): whence the name of "false", "fictitious", "absurd",
"impossible" , "imaginary", etc. numbers, that have been attributed to them.
For the Greeks of the classical era, taken up above all with clear thinking, such
extensions were inconceivable; they could only come from calculators more
disposed than were the Greeks to have faith even though somewhat mystical
in the power of their methods ("the generality of Analysis", as would say
the XVIIIth century), and to allow themselves to be dragged along by the
mechanics of their calculations without checking at each step its soundness;
a faith justified besides most often a posteriori, by the exact results to which
the extensions, to these new mathematical objects, of rules of calculation
valid only, in all rigour, for numbers known previously, led. That explains
how there is a gradually increasing boldness in considering for themselves
(independently of all applications to concrete calculations), these generalisa.-
tions of the notion of number, which, at first, only arose as intermediaries in a
sequence of operations of which the point of departure and the goal were true
"numbers"; once this step was taken, more or less tangible interpretations of
these new entities began to be sought, which acquired thus the right to be
quoted in Mathematics. 4
On this point, the Hindus are already conscious of the interpretation that
negative numbers must have in certain cases (a debt in a commercial problem,
for instance). In the following centuries, as there is a diffusion into the West
(by the intermediary of the Arabs) of the methods and results of Greek
and Hindu mathematics, one becomes more used to the handling of these
numbers, and one begins to have other "representations" for them which
are geometric or dynamic. There in any case, together with a progressive
improvement in algebraic notation, is the only notable progress in Algebra
during the end of the Middle Ages.
• Besides this resea.rch only constituted a transitory stage in the evolution of the
notions under consideration; from the middle of the XIXth century, there has been
a return, in a fully conscious way this time, to a formal conception of various
extensions of the notion of number, a conception which endeQ up being integrated in
the "formalist" and axiomatic point of view, which dominates the whole of modern
At the beginning of the XVIth century, Algebra took new flight, thanks
to the discovery, by the mathematicians of the Italian school, of the solution
"by radicals" of the equation of the 3rd, then of that of the 4th degree (see
pp. 72 ff.); it is on this occasion that, in spite of their repugnance, they
found themselves so to speak constrained to introduce into their calculations
imaginary numbers; little by little, however, confidence in calculation with
these "impossible" numbers is born, as with negative numbers, and that
although no "representation" of them was thought up for more than two
On the other hand, algebraic notation received its decisive improvements
from Viete and from Descartes; starting with this latter, algebraic notation
is already, with a few exceptions, that which we use today.
From the middle of the XVIIth century to the end of the XVIIIth century,
it appears that the vast horizons opened up by the creation of the infinitesi-
mal Calculus made to some extent for a neglect of Algebra in general, and in
particular mathematical thouiht on the laws of composition or on the nature
of real and complex numbers. It is thus that the composition of forces and
the composition of velocities, well known in Mechanics already from the end
of the XVIIth century, did not exert any repercussion on Algebra, although
they contained already in embryo vector calculus. Indeed we must await the
movement of ideas which, around 1800, leads to the geometrical representa.-
tion of complex numbers (see p. 161), to see, in pure Mathematics, the use
of vector addition. 6
It is at about the same time that, for the first time in Algebra, the notion
of a law of composition extends. in two different directions, to elements that
no longer come associated with "numbers" (in the widest meaning given up
to that point to this word) except by distant analogies. The first of these ex-
tensions is due to C. F. Gauss, at the time of his arithmetical researches on
quadratic forms az 2 + bzy + cy2 with integral coefficients. Lagrange had de-
fined, in the set of forms with the same discriminant, an equivalence relation,1
and had, on the other hand, proved an identity which supplied, in this set,
a commutative law of composition (not defined everywhere); starting from
these results, Gauss shows that this law is compatible with a slightly different
equivalence relation ([124 a], v. I, p. 272): "One sees by that', he then says,
5 We must put on one side the efforts of Leibniz, on the one hand to put in an
algebraic form the reasoning of formal logic (see p. 7), on the other hand to set up
a "geomet.ric calculus" operating on geometric elements, without the intermediary
of co-ordinates ([198 al, v. V, p. 1(1). But these efforts remained in the nature of
outlines, and did not resonate with his contemporaries; they were not to be taken
uf again until during the XIXth century (see below).
This operation is in any case introduced without any reference to Mechanics; the
link between the two theories is only recognised explicitly by the founders of vector
Calculus, in the second third of the XIXth century (see p. 61).
7 Two forms are equivalent when one of them can be deduced from the other by a
"cha.nge of variables" z' = OIZ + (3y,y' = "'(z + 6y, where 01,(3,,,,(,6 integers such
that 016 - Ih = 1.
Galois that the first idea of the "linear representation of groups" is due,10
and this fact proves clearly that he was in possession of the notion of the
isomorphism of two group structures, independently of their "realisations".
However, if it appears incontestable that the brilliant methods of Gauss
and Galois had led them to a very wide conception of the law of composition,
they did not have the opportunity to develop particularly their ideas on this
point, and their work did not have any immediate action on the evolution
of abstract Algebra. ll It is in a third direction that the clearest progress
towards abstraction is made: following reflections on the nature of imaginaries
(of which the geometrical representation had caused, at the beginning of
the XIXth century, fairly substantial work), the algebraists of the English
school bring out first, from 1830 to 1850, the abstract notion of a law of
composition, and enlarge immediately the field of Algebra by applying this
notion to a host of new mathematical objects: the algebra of Logic with
Boole (see p. 8), vectors, quaternions and general hypercomplex systems with
Hamilton [145 a], matrices and non-associative laws with Cayley ([58], v. I,
pp. 127 and 301, and v. II, pp. 185 and 475). A parallel evolution takes place
independently on the continent, notably as far as vector Calculus is concerned
(Mobius, Bellavitis), linear Algebra and hypercomplex systems (Grassmann)
(see pp. 61).12
From all this bubbling up of original and fruitful ideas that come to revive
Algebra in the first half of the XIXth century, this latter emerges renewed
even in its trends. Before, methods and results gravitated around the central
problem of the solution of algebraic equations (or diophantine equations in
Number Theory): "Algebra", says Serret in the Introduction to his Higher Al-
gebra Course [284], "is, properly speaking, the Analysis of equations". After
1850, even if the treatises on Algebra still leave for a long time the preemi-
nence to the theory of equations, new research is no longer dominated by the
concern for immediate applications to the solution of numerical equations,
and is more and more oriented towards what we would now consider as the
essential problem of Algebra, the study of algebraic structures as such.
This work is divided fairly neatly into three streams, which extend re-
spectively the three movements of ideas that we have analysed above, and
which are pursued in parallel without mutual measurable influence until the
last years of the XIXth century.13
It is first the building up, by the German school of the XIXth century
(Dirichlet, Kummer, Kronecker, Dedekind, Hilbert) of the theory of algebraic
numbers, coming out of the work of GaU8S, to whom is due the first study of
this kind, that of numbers 0 + hi (0 and h rational). We will not follow here
the evolution of this theory: we must simply pick up, for our purposes, the
abstract algebraic notions that emerge there. Already from the first succes-
sors of Gauss, the idea of a field (of algebraic numbers) is at the base of all
the work in question (as are also the researches of Abel and Galois on alge-
braic equations); its field of application grows when Dede.kind and Weber [80]
copy the theory of algebraic functions of one variable onto that of algebraic
numbers. Also due to Dedekind ([79], v. III, p. 251) is the introduction of
the notion of ideal, which provides a new example of a law of composition
between sets of elements; it is to him and Kronecker that the ever greater
role played by abelian groups and modules in the theory of algebraic fields
goes back; we will return to this later on (see pp. 63 ff. and 93 ff.).
We leave also till later the history of the development of linear Algebra
(p. 57) and hypercomplex systems (p. 117), which take place without intro-
ducing any new algebraic notion during the end of the XIXth century and the
beginning of the XXth century, in England (Sylvester, W. Clifford) and in
America (B. and C. S. Peirce, Dickson, Wedderburn) following the route laid
out by Hamilton and Cayley, in Germany (Weierstrass, Dedekind, Frobenius,
Molien) and in France (Laguerre, E. Cartan) in a manner independent of the
Anglo-Saxons and following fairly different methods.
As for the theory of groups, it is mainly under the form of the theory of
finite permutation groups that it is developed at first, following the publica-
tion of the works of Galois and their diffusion by the works of Serret [284],
and above all the great "Treatise on Substitutions" ofC. Jordan [174 a]. This
latter summarises there, perfecting them greatly, the work Of his predecessors
on the particular properties of permutation groups (transitivity, primitivity,
etc.), obtaining results of which the greater part have hardly been surpassed
since; he studies as well, in a deep way, very important particular groups, the
linear groups and their subgroups (see p. 138); as well, it is he who introduces
the fundamental notion of the representation of one group by another, as well
as (a little later) that of quotient group, and who proves part of the theorem
known by the name of "Jordan-Holder Theorem".1 4 It is finally to Jordan
that the first study of infinite groups goes back [174 b], that S. Lie on the one
hand, F. Klein and H. Poincare on the other, were to develop considerably,
in two different directions, a few years later.
to it; these two theories develop following their own particular methods, oriented
towards Analysis as much as toward. Algebra, and it is only in recent times that
they have found their place in the vast edifice of modern Algebra.
Ii Jordan had only established the invanance (up to order) of the order. of the
quotient groups of a "Jordan-Holder aeries" for a finite group; it is O. Holder who
showed that the quotient groups themselves were (up to order) independent of the
aeries under consideration [165].
15 The existence of a subgroup of order p" in a finite group whose order is divisible
by p" is mentioned without proof in the papers of Galois ([123], p. 72).
this notion, and of the algebraic notions that are related to it (groups with
operators, rings, ideals, modules) in those parts of Algebra which until then
appeared fairly remote from their proper domain, that the last period of
the evolution that we are retracing here is marked, and which ends with the
synthesis of the three tendencies that we have followed above. This unification
is above all the work of the modern German school: begun with Dedekind
and Hilbert in the last years of the XIXth century, the work of axiomitisat ion
of Algebra was vigorously pursued by E. Steinitz [294 a], then, from 1920,
under the impulsion of E. Artin, E. Noether and the algebraists of their
schools (Hasse, Krull, O. Schreier, van der Waerden). The treatise of van der
Waerden [317 al, published in 1930, gathered together for the first time these
works in a complete exposition, opening the way and serving as guide to the
multiple subsequent researches into abstract Algebra.
Linear algebra is at the same time one of the oldest branches of mathematics
and one of the newest. On the one hand, problems are found in the origins
of mathematics which are solved by a single multiplication or division, that
is to say by the calculation of a value of a function I( z) = az, or by the
solution of an equation az = b: those are typical problems of linear algebra,
and it is not possible to deal with them, nor even to state them correctly,
without "thinking linearly" .
On the other hand, not only these questions, but almost everything that
touches on equations of the first degree, had for a long time been relegated to
elementary teaching, when the modern development of the notions of field,
ring, topological vector space, etc. . .. , came to free and give importance to
the essential notions of linear. algebra (for example duality); it is then that
the essentially linear character of almost all modem algebra was realised, of
which this "linearisation" is even one of the distinguishing traits, and that
the place that is its due was given back to linear algebra. To give its history,
from the point of view where we put ourselves, will thus be a task that is as
important as it is difficult; and we will have to be content here with fairly
summary indications.
From what comes earlier, it follows that linear algebra has without doubt
been born in order to supply the needs of practising calculators; it is thus
that we see the rule of three ([311], v. I, pp. 150-155) and the rule of false
position, more or less clearly stated, playing an important role in all the
manuals of practical arithmetic, from the Rhind papyrus of the Egyptians up
to those which are in use in our primary schools, passing through Aryabhata,
the Arabs, Leonardo of Pisa and the innumerable "books of calculation" of
the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance; but they have perhaps never been
anything other than an extract, for the use of practicians, of more advanced
scientific theories.
As for actual mathematicians, the nature of their research on linear al-
gebra is a function of the general structure of their science. Ancient Greek
mathematics, as it is set out in the Elements of Euclid, has developed two
abstract theories of a linear character, on the one hand that of quantities
([107], book V, cf. p. 152), on the other hand that of whole numbers ([107],
book VII). With the Babylonians, we find methods that are much closer to
our elementary algebra; they know how to solve, and in a very elegant way
([232], pp. 181-183) systems of equations of the first degree. For a very long
time, however, progress in linear algebra was mainly tied to that of algebraic
calculation, and it is under this aspect, foreign to the present Note, that it is
reasonable to consider it; to reduce, indeed, a linear system to an equation of
the type ax = b, it is enough, if only one unknown is involved, to know the
rules (already substantially stated by Diophantus) by which one can move
terms from one member to another, and combine similar terms; and, if many
unknowns are involved, it is enough to know as well how to eliminate them
successively until only one remains. So the treatises on algebra, until the
XVIIIth century, were thought to have done everything as far as the first
degree is concerned, once they had laid out these rules; as for a system with
as many unknowns as equations (they do not consider any others) where the
first members would not be linearly independent forms, they content them-
selves invariably with noting in passing that that indicates a badly posed
problem. In the treatises of the XIXth century, and even certain more recent
works, this point of view has only been changed by the progress of notation,
which allows the writing of systems of n equations in n unknowns, and by
the introduction of determinants, which allow the statement of formulae for
the explicit solution in the "general case"; this progress, for which the credit
would be due to Leibniz ([198 a], v. I, p. 239) if he had published his ideas
on the subject, is due principally to mathematicians of the XVIIIth and the
beginning of the XIXth century.
But we must first consider several streams of ideas which, much more than
the study of systems of linear equations, have contributed to the development
of linear algebra in the sense in which we understand it. Inspired by the
study of Apollonius, Fermat ([109], v. I, pp. 91-110; French translation, v. III,
pp. 85-101), conceives, even before Descartes ([85 a], v. VI), the principles
of analytic geometry, has the idea of the classification of plane curves by
means of their degree (which, having become more and more familiar to all
mathematicians, can be considered as definitely acquired towards the end of
the XVIIth century), and states the fundamental principle of an equation of
the first degree, in the plane, representing a straight line, and an equation
of the second degree a conic: a principle from which he deduces straightaway
some "very pretty" consequences concerning geometric loci. At the same time,
he announces ([109], v. I, pp. 184-188; French translation, v. III, pp. 159-163)
the classification of problems as problems solved, problems which reduce to
an equation in two unknowns, to an equation in three unknowns, etc.; and
he adds: the first consist in determining a point, the second a line or plane
locus, those following a surface; etc. (" ... such a problem does not seek only
a point or a line, but a whole surface proper to the question; it is from that
that are born the superficial loci, and so on for those following', loco cit. p.
186; there can be found already the embryo of geometry in n dimensions).
This piece of writing, stating the principle of dimension in algebra and in
J zL(y)dz = J L*(z)ydz
valid when y and z are zero at the ends of the interval of integration; more
precisely, and 30 years before Gauss had explicitly defined the transpose of a
linear substitution in 3 variables, we see there without doubt the first example
of a "functional operator" L * the transpose or "adjoint" of an operator L
given by means of a bilinear function (here the integral J 1/zdz).
At the same time, and with Lagrange also ([191], v. III, pp. 695-795),
linear substitutions, in 2 or 3 variables at first, were on the way to conquer
arithmetic. It is clear that the set of values of a function F(z, y), when z and y
take all integer values, does not change when an arbitrary linear substitution,
with integer coefficients, of determinant 1, is performed on Z,1/; it is on this
fundamental observation that Lagrange bases the theory of the representation
of numbers by forms, and that of the reduction of forms; and Gauss, by
means of a step of which it has become difficult for us to appreciate all the
boldness, gets out of it the notion of equivalence and that of a class of forms
(cf. p. 50); on this point, he recognises the necessity of some elementary
principles relative to linear substitutions, and introduces in particular the
notion of transpose or adjoint ([124 a], v. I, p. 304). From that moment on,
the arithmetic study and the algebraic study of quadratic forms in 2, 3 and
later n variables, that of bilinear forms that are closely linked to them, and
more recently the generalisation of these notions to an infinity of variables,
was, up to our time, to form one of the most fruitful sources of progress for
linear algebra (cf. pp. 136 fr.).
But, a still more decisive progress perhaps, Gauss, in these same Disqui-
sitiones, created (cf. p. 51) the theory of finite abelian groups, which arises in
four different ways, by means of the additive group of whole numbers modulo
m (for m an integer), by means of the multiplicative group of numbers prime
to m modulo m, by means of the group of classes of binary quadratic forms,
and finally by means of the multiplicative group of mth roots of unity; and,
as we have already noted, it is clearly as abelian groups, or to put it better as
modules over Z, that Gauss treats all these groups, studies their structure,
their isomorphism relations, etc .. In the module of "complex integers" a + hi,
he is seen later studying an infinite module over Z, of which he has no doubt
not missed seeing the isomorphism with the module of periods (discovered
by him in the complex domain) of elliptic functions; in any case this idea
appears already clearly with Jacobi, for example in the famous proof of the
impossibility of a function with 3 periods and In his views on the problem
of inversion of abelian integrals ([171], v. II, pp. 25-50), to end up soon with
the theorems of Kronecker ([186 a], v. 1111, pp. 49-109).
Here, in streams of which we have sought to follow the thread and some-
times the meanderings, another comes to join in, which for a long time had
remained underground. As it will be brought out elsewhere in more detail
(see p. 130), "pure" geometry in the sense in which it had been understood
At the same time, and amongst the same men, the passage takes place,
so natural (as soon as this path has been entered) that we have seen it al-
ready announced by Fermat, from the plane and "ordinary" space to space of
n dimensions; a passage that is even inevitable, since algebraic phenomena,
which are interpreted for 2 or 3 variables as themselves in geometric terms,
subsist without change for any number of variables; to impose therefore, in
the use of geometric language, a limitation to 2 or 3 dimensions, would be
for the modern mathematician a yoke as inconvenient as that which contin-
ually prevented the Greeks from extending the notion of number to ratios of
incommensurable quantities. Also the language and ideas relating to space of
n dimensions appear almost simultaneously on all sides, obscurely in Gauss,
clearly among the mathematicians of the subsequent generation; and their
more or less great measure of boldness in using it took less account of their
mathematical leanings than of their philosophical views or even just practical
considerations. In any case, Cayley and Grassmann, in about 1846, manipu-
late these concepts with the greatest of ease (and that, says Cayley differing
from Grassmann ([58], v. I, p. 321), "without recourse to any metaphysical
notion"); in Cayley, one remains constantly very near to the analytic inter-
pretation and co-ordinates, whereas in Grassmann it is from the first, with
the addition of vectors in space of n dimensions, the geometric aspect that
takes the lead, to end up with developments of which we shall speak in a
However, the impulsion that came from Gauss was pushing mathemati-
cians, in two different ways, towards the study of algebras or hypercomplex
systems. On the one hand, one could not avoid trying to extend the do-
main of real numbers other than by the introduction of the "imaginary unit"
i = A, and to open up thus perhaps domains vaster and more fruitful
than that of the complex numbers. Gauss convinced himself ([124 a], v. II,
p. 178) of the impossibility of such an extension, at least if one seeks to
keep the principal properties of the complex numbers, that is to say in mod-
ern language, those that make it a commutative field; and, either because of
his influence, or independently, his contemporaries seem to have shared this
conviction, which will only be justified much later by Weierstrass ([329 a],
v. II, pp. 311-332) in a precise theorem. But, as soon as one interprets the
multiplication of complex numbers as rotations in the plane, one is led, if
intending to extend this idea to space, to envisage (since rotations in space
form a non abelian group) non commutative multiplications; it is that which
is one of the ideas that guides Hamilton 1 in his discovery of quaternions [145
a], the first example of a non commutative field. The singularity of this ex-
ample (the only one, as F'robenius was to prove later, that can be constructed
on the field of reals) restricted somewhat its scope, in spite or perhaps even
because of the formation of a school of fanatical "quaternionists": a strange
1 Cf. the interesting preface to his Lectures on quaternions [145 a] where he retraces
the history of his discovery.
phenomenon, which repeats itself later around the work of Grassmann, then
the popularisers who draw out of Hamilton and Grassmann what has been
called the "vector calculus" . The abandonment a little later of associativity,
by Graves and Cayley who construct the "Cayley numbers" , does not open up
an interesting vein. But, after Sylvester had introduced matrices, and (with-
out giving it a name) had clearly defined rank ([304], v. I, pp. 145-151), it is
again Cayley ([58], v. II, pp. 475-496) who creates its calculus, not without
noting (an essential fact, often lost sight of later on) that a matrix is only an
abbreviated notation for a linear substitution, just as in fact Gauss denoted
by (a, h, c) the form aX2 + 2hXY + cy2. What is there is besides only one of
the aspects, the most interesting for us no doubt, of the abundant production
by Sylvester and Cayley on determinants and all that is linked with them, a
production bristling with ingenious identities and impressive calculations.
It is also (among other things) an algebra over the reals that Grassmann
discovers, the exterior algebra to which his name remains linked. His work,
prior even to that of Hamilton ([134], v 11 ), created in a moral solitude which
was almost complete, remained for a long time badly known, because no
doubt of its originality, because also of the philosophical fog by which it
begins to be shrouded, and which for example turns Mobius away at first.
Furnished with concerns analogous to those of Hamilton but with a wider
range (and which, as he realises soon, were those themselves of Leibniz),
Grassmann constructs a vast algebraico-geometric edifice, resting on a ge-
ometric or "intrinsic" conception (already just about axiomatised) of the
vector space of n dimensions; amongst the most elementary of the results
which he ends up with, let us quote for example the definition of linear
independence of vectors, that of dimension and the fundamental relation
dim V + dim W = dim (V + W) + dim (V n W) (loc. cit., p. 209; cf. [134],
v. h, p. 21). But it is above all the exterior multiplication, then the interior
multiplication, of multivectors, that provide him with the tools by means of
which he deals easily with, first the problems of linear algebra proper, then
those which are concerned with the Euclidean structure, that is to say with
the orthogonality of vectors (where he finds the equivalent of the duality
which he is missing).
The other path opened up by Gauss, in the study of hypercomplex sys-
tems, is that which starts with the complex integers a + hi; from these, one
carries on quite naturally to more general algebras or hypercomplex systems,
over the ring Z of integers or over the field Q of rationals, and first of all to
those foreseen already by Gauss which are generated by the roots of unity,
then to the fields of algebraic numbers and to modules of algebraic integers:
those are the principal objects of the work of Kummer, the study of the for-
mer is tackled by Dirichlet, Hermite, Kronecker, Dedekind. Here, contrary
to what happens with algebras over the reals, it is not necessary to give
up any of the characteristic properties of commutative fields, and it is to
these that, during the whole of the XIXth century, work is limited. But the
linear properties, and for example the search for a basis for the integers of
the field (indispensable for a general definition of the discriminant) play in
many respects an essential role; and, in Dedekind in any case, the methods
are destined to become typically "hypercomplex"; besides Dedekind himself,
without addressing in a general way the problem of algebras, is aware of this
aspect of his work, and of that which ties it for example to the results of
Weierstrass on hypercomplex systems over the reals ([79], in particular vol.
II, pp. 1-19). At the same time the determination of the structure of the
multiplicative group of units in a field of algebraic numbers, carried out by
Dirichlet in his famous notes ([92], v. I, pp. 619-644) and almost at the same
time by Hermite ([159], v. I, pp. 159-160), was eminently suitable to clarify
the ideas about modules over Z, their systems of generators, and, when they
have them, their bases. Then the notion of ideal, that Dedekind defines in
algebraic number fields (as a module over the ring of integers of the field)
([79], v. III, p. 251), whereas Kronecker introduces in polynomial rings (under
the name of "system of modules") an equivalent notion ([186 a], v. II, pp.
334-342), gives the first examples of modules over rings more general than Zj
and in the same authors, then in Hilbert, is released little by little in partic-
ular cases the notion of a group with operators, and the possibility of always
constructing, starting with such a group, a module over a suitably defined
At the same time, the arithmetico-algebraic study of quadratic and bi-
linear forms, and their "reduction" (or, what amounts to the same, that of
matrices and their "invariants") leads to the discovery of general principles
concerning the solution of systems of linear equations, principles that, for lack
of the notion of rank, had escaped Jacobi. 2 The problem of the solution in
integers of systems of linear equations with integral coefficients is tackled and
solved, at first in a special case by Hermite, then in all its generality by H.
J. Smith ([287], v. I, pp. 367-409); the results ofthis latter are found again,
only in 1878, by Frobenius, within the framework of a vast programme of
research instituted by Kronecker, and in which Weierstrass also participatesj
it is incidentally Kronecker, in the course of his work, who gives the definitive
form to the theorems on linear systems with real (or complex) coefficients,
which is also elucidated in an obscure manual, with the scrupulous care which
characterises him, by the famous author of Alice in Wonderland; as for Kro-
necker, he disdains publishing his results, and leaves it to his colleagues and
disciples; even the word rank is only introduced by Frobenius. It is also in
their teaching at the university of Berlin that Kronecker [186 b] and Weier-
strass introduce the "axiomatic" definition of determinants (as a multilinear
alternating function of n vectors in space of n dimensions, normalised so as to
take the value 1 for the identity matrix), a definition equivalent to that which
3 They are normed complete vector spaces, over the field of real numbers or that
of complex numbers.
We will say elsewhere (d. p. 148) how this discovery, which marks a ma-
jor turning point in the history of Mathematics, reacted profoundly on the
concept of "number" among the Greeks, and led them to create an algebra
of exclusively geometric character, so as to find in it a way of representing
(or perhaps a proof of "existence" for) the incommensurable ratios, that they
refused to consider as numbers. Most often, an algebraic problem is reduced
by them to the intersection of two auxiliary plane curves, suitably chosen,
or to several successive determinations of such intersections. Late traditions
with little authority make the introduction of a first classification of these
constructions, destined for a long and brilliant career, go back to Plato: for
reasons that are more philosophical than mathematical, it appears, he would
have put aside the constructions "by ruler and compass" so called, that is to
say those where there are no auxiliary curves except for straight lines and
circles. 3 In any case, Euclid, in his Elements [107], limits himself exclusively to
treating problems soluble in this way (without however characterising them
by a particular name); a circumstance which doubtless would contribute not
a little to fastening the attention of mathematicians of the following centuries
on these problems. But we know today4 that algebraic equations that can be
solved "by ruler and compass" are of a very special type; in particular, an
irreducible equation of the 3rd degree (over the field of rationals) can not be
solved in this way, and the Greeks had met very early on problems of the 3rd
degree which have remained famous, such as the duplication of the cube (s0-
lution of x 3 = 2) and the trisection of an angle; the quadrature of the circle
put them on the other hand in presence of a transcendental problem. We see
forth the hypothesis (which unfortunately is not supported by any text) that it is
in this way that the Pythagoreans were to discover irrational numbers [323].
3 Linked to this principle, the classification of plane curves in "plane localities"
(straight line and circle), "solid localities" (the conics, obtained by a plane section
of a solid body, the cone) is also attributed to Plato, all the other curves being
grouped under the name of "roll'o& 'YPOt/J/J'X0f'. It is odd to see the influence of
this classification exerting itself on Descartes, who, in his Geometry, ranks in the
same "genre" the equations of degree 2ft - 1 and of degree 2ft, no doubt because
those of degree 1 or 2 are solved by the intersection of "plane localities" and those
of degree 3 or 4 by intersections of "solid localities" ([85 a], v. VI, pp. 392-393).
4 The determination of the points of intersection of a straight line and a circle (or
of two circles) is equivalent to the solution of an equation of the second degree of
which the coefficients are rational functions of the coefficients of the equations of the
straight line and the circle (or of the two circles) under consideration. It is easily
concluded that the co-ordinates of a point constructed "by ruler and compass"
starting from given points lies in an extension L of the field Q of rational numbers,
obtained as follows: if K is the field obtained by adjoining to Q the co-ordinates
of the given points, there exists an increasing sequence (Li)OSi<" of intermediate
fields between K and L, satisfying the conditions K = La, L = '1", [Li : Li-l] = 2
for 1 :::;; i :::;; R. By induction on 71, it is deduced that the degree over K of the Galois
extension N generated by L is a power 0/2; conversely, one can prove that, if this
condition is fulfilled, there exists a sequence (Li) of fields intermediate between K
and L having the previous properties, and it follows that the problem as stated is
soluble by ruler and compass (d. [312], pp. 351-366).
the whole expressed in the usual geometric language of the Elements, which
makes the exposition particularly heavy and awkward.
After the decline of classical Greek mathematics, the concepts concerning
algebraic equations are modified. There is no doubt that, during the whole
of the classical period, the Greeks were in possession of methods of indef-
inite approximation for square roots, about which we are unhappily badly
informed. 6 With the Hindus, then the Arabs and their western emulators in
the Middle Ages, the extraction of roots of all orders becomes an operation
that tends to be considered as fundamental on the same basis as the rational
operations of algebra, and to be denoted, like these latter, by symbols which
are more and more manageable in calculations. 7 The theory of the equa-
tion of the second degree, which is perfected during the whole of the Middle
Ages (number of roots, negative roots, cases of impossibility, double roots),
and that of biquadratic equatioDS, give models for formulae for the solution of
equations "by radicals" , from which algebraists are going to try for centuries
to copy analogous formulae for the solution of equations of higher degree,
and in the first instance for equations of the 3rd degree. Leonardo of Pisa,
the principal introducer of Arab science to the West in the XIIIth century,
recognises in any case that the irrationals classified by Euclid in his Xth book
can not be of use to this end (a new proof of impossibility, in a theory that
cont~ins so many), and we see him already trying to do similar calculations
with cube roots, obtaining relations such as
~ + {154 = ~250,
analogous to Euclid's formulae for square roots (and of which besides previous
examples are found among the Arabs). But three centuries of unfruitful efforts
will still go by before Scipio del Ferro, at the beginning of the XVIth century,
finally succeeds, for the equation Z3 + az = 6, in obtaining the solution
a 6
('6)2 (0)3 6
2 + 3 + '2-
7 The irrationality of vtii, when a is an integer which is not an exact nth power,
is not mentioned or proved before Stifel (XVlth century); the proof of this latter
([298], p. 103) is in any case copied from that of Euclid for n = 2, and it is fairly
unlikely that this easy generalisation had not been noticed before.
S If we put x = +'I z with the condition yz =-a/3 we obtain 1/ + Z3 = b and
'lZ3 -(a/3)3, from which we get '13 and Z3.
use of the formula (1) when (~) 2 + (t) 3 < 0 (a case - called "irreducible" -
where Cardan had recognised the existence of three real roots); it is what ap-
pears in any case with clarity in his disciple R. Bombelli, who, in his Algebra
([28 a], p. 293) proves the relation
the division of the circle into n equal parts; in order to obtain the expression
of its roots "by radicals" , it is sufficient therefore to know how to do it when
n is an odd prime, and de Moivre remarks that the substitution y = % + ~
reduces the problem then to the solution "by radicals" of an equation of
degree (n - 1)/2. As far as the ''fundamental theorem" is concerned, after
the repeated setbacks in the general solution "by radicals" (including several
attempts by Euler ([108 a], (1), v. VI, pp. 1-19 and 170-196», proofs begin
to be sought a priori, not using explicit formulae for the solution. Without
going into the detail of the proposed methods (which would end up with the
proofs of Lagrange and Gauss; cf. p. 91 and 161), it is fitting to note here the
point of view from which the problem is seen in the middle of the XVIIIth
century: it is assumed (without any justification other than a vague feeling
of generality, coming no doubt, as with A. Girard, from the existence of rela..-
tions between the coefficients and roots) that an equation of degree n always
has n "ideal" roots, with which one can calculate as with numbers, without
knowing if they are numbers (real or complex); and what it is necessary to
prove is (by using if necessary calculations on ideal roots) that at least one
of these roots is an ordinary complex number .14 In this defective form, it
is recognised that here is the first embryo of the general idea of a ''formal
adjunction" which, in spite of the objections of Gauss ([124 a], v. III, p. 1),
would become the basis of the modern theory of commutative fields.
With the fundamental me.moirs of Lagrange ([191], v. III, pp. 205-421)
and of Vandermonde [315], the year 1770 sees a new and decisive period in the
history of the theory of algebraic equations opening up. To the empiricism
of the more or less fortunate attempts at solution formulae, which until then
had reigned without dispute, a systematic analysis of the problems as stated
and of the methods susceptible to solve them is going to follow, an analysis
which in sixty years will lead to the definitive results of Galois. Lagrange and
Vandermonde both start from the ambiguity which multiple determinations
of radicals introduce in the formulae for the solution of equations of degree
:$ 4; this fact had attracted the attention of Euler ([108 a], (1), v. VI, pp. 1-
19) who had showed among other things how, in the formula of del Ferro, one
must associate the determinations of the radicals which appear there so as to
obtain 3 roots and not 9. 15 Lagrange remarks that each of the cubic radicals
in the formula of del Ferro can be written in the form l(Z1 + WZ2 + W 2 Zg),
where W is a cube root of one, Zb Z2, %g are the three roots of the equation in
question, taken in a certain order, and he makes the fundamental observation
that the function (Zl +W%2+W2 zg) of the three roots can only take two distinct
values for all permutations of the three roots, which explains a priori the
success of the methods for the solution of this equation. A similar analysis
14 It must be noted that what the mathematicians of the XVIIIth century call
"imaginary roots" are often only the "ideal" roots above, and they seek to prove
that these roots are of the form a + bA (see for example [191], v. III, p. 479).
1~ See footnote of p. 72: one must have yz = -a/3.
of the solution methods for the equation of the 4th degree leads him to
the function :1:1:1:2 + :1:3:1:4 of the four roots, which only takes three distinct
values for all permutations of the roots, and is as a consequence a root of an
equation of the third degree with coefficients that are rational functions of
those of the given equation;16 these facts constitute, says Lagrange, "the true
principles, and, so to say, the metaphysic17 of the solution of equations of the
3rd and of the 4th degree" ([191], v. III, p. 357). Relying on these examples,
he proposes studying in general, for an equation of degree n, the number II
of values 18 that a rational function V of the n roots can take when they are
arbitrarily permuted; in reality he inaugurates thus (with this terminology
still tightly adapted to the theory of equations) the theory of groups and that
of fields, of which he obtains already several fundamental results by use of the
same principles as those that are used today. For example, he shows that the
number II is a divisor of n! by means of the argument that is used today for
proving that the order of a subgroup of a finite group divides the order of the
group. More remarkable still is the theorem where he shows that, if V1 and
Va are two rational functions of the roots such that V1 and Va are invariant
under the same permutations, then each of them is a rational function of the
other and the coefficients of the equation (a particular case of the theorem
of Galois characterising a sub extension of a Galois extension as the field of
invariants of its Galois group): "This problem", he says, "appears to me one
of the most important in the theory of equations, and the general solution
that we will give for it will be the means of throwing new light on this part of
Algebra" ([191], v. III, p. 374).
All these researches are naturally, in the mind of Lagrange, preliminaries
to the analysis of possible methods for the solution of algebraic equations
by a successive reduction to equations of lesser degree, such a method being
linked, as he shows, to the formation of rational functions of the roots taking
less than n values under permutations of the roots. Guided no doubt by
his results on the equation of the 3rd degree, he introduces in general the
"Lagrange resolvents" YI< = E~=l W:Zh' where WI< is an nth root of unity
(1 ~ k ~ n), shows clearly how the knowledge of these n numbers results in
that of the roots :1:1<, and looks in general for the degree of the equation which
is satisfied by the YI<; he shows for example that, if n is prime, the YI< are
16 Waring also makes this observation in his Meditationes algebraicae, appearing
in that same year 1770, but he is far from drawing out the same consequences as
17 With this word, which comes back 80 often from the pen of authors of the XVIlIth
century, it is permissible to see a first intuition (still quite vague) of the modern
conception of dructure.
18 Lagrange already makes a distinction between the various rational fractions that
are obtained starting from V by permutations of the indeterminates x;(1 ~ i ~ n),
and the various values that these fractions take when the x; are the roots of an
algebraic equation with given numerical coefficients; but there still remains in his
exposition a certain vagueness about this subject, and it is only with Galois that
the distinction becomes much clearer.
substantially that the linear combinations with rational coefficients of the '1"
make up a field, generated by anyone of the f periods '1" and of degree f over
the field of rational numbers (this field corresponds naturally to the subgroup
of r of order e). We cannot go into the details of his analysis here, and of
the important arithmetical consequences that follow from it; let us notice
only that it gives him in particular the famous theorem on the possibility of
constructing "by ruler and compass" the polygons having a number of sides
equal to a prime number of the form 22• + 1.22 As for the solution by radicals
of the equation <P,,(x} = 0, it follows easily from the theory of periods, applied
to the fth power of a Lagrange resolvant E~:~ W"'1" (where wI = 1}.23
It is directly to Lagrange that the research of his compatriot Ruffini [265]
is linked, contemporaneous with the Disquisitiones; taking up again the ques-
tion at the point at which Lagrange had left it, he proposes as goal the proof
of the impossibility of the solution "by radicals" of the "general" equation 24
of the 5th degree. The proof of Ruffini, prolix and obscure, remains incom-
plete although reworked several times; but it is already very close to the
proof (correct in principle) that Abel would obtain later. 25 His main interest
resides especially in the introduction of calculations with substitutions and
the first notions of the theory of groups, that Ruffini develops to show that
there does not exist a function of the 5 roots of the equation taking more
than 2 and less than 5 values when the roots are arbitrarily permuted.
We have already said (see p. 51) how this first sketch of the theory of
groups of permutations was developed and systematised by Cauchy a few
years later. But, if the notions necessary for the development of the ideas of
Lagrange are thus clarified little by little as far as substitutions are concerned,
it was still necessary to state in as clear a way the first principles of the theory
of fields. That was what was missing for Ruffini, and it is that which Abel
22 Gauss affirms explicitly having a proof of the fact that this case is the only one
where it is possible to construct by ruler and compass a polygon having an odd
prime number of sides ([124 a], v. I, p. 462); but this proof was never published and
has not been found in his papers.
23 In actual fact, if we only wish to prove that the equation is soluble by radicals,
we can limit ourselves to taking e 1, and arguing by induction on n.
24 The mathematicians of the XIXth century understood by that, in substance, an
equation of which the coefficients are indeterminate, over the field of rationals. But
the modern notion of indeterminate does not emerge much before the last years
of the XIXth century; until then, by "polynomial" or "rational function" what is
meant is a junction of complex variables. A "general'" algebraic equation is conceived
as an equation of which the coefficients are independent complex variables, and of
which the roots are "algebraic functions" of these variables - notion truth to tell
completely devoid of a precise meaning if one gives to the word "function" its actual
meaning. Of course, the arguments about these "algebraic functions" are in general
intrinsically correct, as can be verified by translating them into modern algebraic
25 The papers of Ruffini have been very carefully analysed in [43].
and Galois are going to do, in the last phase of the problem of the solution
of algebraic equations.
During the whole of his short life, Abel does not fail to be concerned with
this problem. While almost still a child, he believed that he had obtained a
formula for the solution by radicals of the general equation of the 5th degree.
Having realised later his mistake, he did not rest until he had succeeded in
proving that such a formula did not exist ([1], v. I, p. 66). But he does not stop
there. While his emulator Jacobi develops the theory of elliptic functions as
an analyst, it is the algebraic point of view that dominates the work of Abel
on this question, centred on the theory of the equations of division of elliptic
functions ([I], v. I, pp. 265,377 and passim). He obtains thus new types of
equation soluble by radicals by a method copied from that of Gauss for the
solution of equations of division of the circle ([I], v. I, pp. 310 and 358);26 a
result from which he rises to the conception of "abelian" equations, for which
he proves, in a famous memoir, the solubility by radicals ([I], v. I, p. 478); it
is on this occasion that he defines in a precise way the notion of a polynomial
irreducible over a given field ~the field generated by the coefficients of the
equation that he is studying). 7 Finally death laid him low in 1829, just as
he attacks the general problem of the characterisation of all the equations
soluble by radicals, and having just communicated to Crelle and Legendre
results already very near to those of Galois ([I], v. II, pp. 219-243, 269-270
and 279).
It was to him that was reserved, three years later, the crowning of the
structure [123]. Like Abel, but in a still clearer way, he starts by defining (up
to terminology) the membership by a number of a field generated by given
numbers, the notion of adjunction, and irreducible polynomials over a given
field. Given an equation F(:r:) =0, without multiple roots, with coefficients
in a given field ](, he shows successively that "one can always construct a
function V of the roots, such that none of the values that are obtained by
permuting in this function the roots in all possible ways, are equar, that this
function "enjoys the property that all the roots of the proposed equation can
be expressed rationally as a function of V" , and that, V, Vi, V", ... being the
roots of the irreducible equation which V satisfies, "if a = f(V) is a root of
26 Gauss had already indicated, in the Disquisitiones, the possibility of generalising
his methods to the equations of division of the lemniscate ([124 a], v. I, p. 413),
and developed, in notes only published in our day, the particular case of division
by 5 ([124 al, v. X, pp. 161-162 and 511). As with so many other brief and enig-
matic indications that Gauss enjoyed sowing in his writings, the sentence of the
Disquisitiones struck vividly at the mind of his contemporaries; and we know that
it contributed not a little to inciting Abel and Jacobi in their researches on this
21 Even the notion of a field (118, more generally, that of set) is more or less a
stranger to mathema.tical thinking before Cantor and Dedekind. Abel and Galois
define the elements of their "base field" 118 being all those that can be expressed
rationally 118 a function of the given quantities, without thinking of considering
explicitly the set that these elements form.
the proposed equation, I(V') as well will be a root 01 the proposed equation"
([123], pp. 47-51); in modern language, he thus proves that V, as well as
anyone of its conjugates over K, generates the field N of the roots of F.
He then defines the group r of F as the set of permutations of the roots Zi
that are obtained by substituting for V, in the rational expression for each
of the Zi as a function of V, anyone of the conjugates of V; and he obtains
straightaway the fundamental characterisation of the elements of K by the
property of being invariant under every permutation of r ([123], p. 51). He
proves next that, if N contains the field of roots L of another polynomial, the
group of N over L is a normal subgroup of r (a notion that he introduces
at this point) ([123], p. 175). From there he deduces finally the criterion of
solubility of an equation by radicals, by means of an argument of which this
is the essential part: assuming that the base field K contains all the roots
of unity, there must exist by hypothesis an increasing sequence (Ki)o<i<m
of fields intermediate between K and N, with Ko = K, Km =
N, the-field
K'+1 being obtained by adjoining to Ki all the roots of a binomial equation
:/:n,-a, = 0 (with ai E Ki). There exists therefore in r a decreasing sequence
(r,) of subgroups such that ro = r, rm = e (neutral element), ri+1 being
normal in r, and the quotient group rif rHl being cyclic (a case in which
one says that the group r is soluble). Conversely, if this is so, the use of a
Lagrange resolvant shows that KHl is obtained by adjoining to Ki all the
roots of a binomial equation, and hence the equation F(z) = 0 is soluble
by radicals. 28 The impossibility of the solution by radicals of the "general"
equation of degree n > 4 is then a consequence of the fact that the group r
of this equation, isomorphic to the symmetric group en is not soluble.
Starting with the middle of the XIXth century, the algebraists, as we have
already remarked (cf. p. 53), enlarge considerably the field of their investi-
gations, until then almost entirely confined to the study of equations. In the
light of the discoveries of Galois, it appears that the problem of the solution
"by radicals" is only a particular case, fairly artificial, of the general problem
of the classification of irrationals. It is this latter that, during the whole of
the end of the XIXth century, is going to be attacked on several sides, and
many disparate results will accumulate little by little, preparing the way for
the synthesis of Steinitz.
28 If K does not contain all the roots of unity, and if E is the field obtained by
adjoining to K all these roots, En N is an abelian extension of K; from which one
deduces easily (by using the structure of finite abelian groups) that, in order for
the group of N over K to be soluble, it is necessary and sufficient that the group
of E( N) over E should be so. Taking into account the fact that the roots of unity
are expressible "by radicals", one sees that the criterion of Galois is independent
of all hypotheses about the field of numbers K (and is valid more generally for all
fields of characteristic 0). In fact, Galois does not make any simplifying hypothesis
about K, and argues by induction on the order of the radicals which are successively
adjoined to K ([123], pp. 60-61).
and Algebraic Geometry, which will turn out to be extremely fruitful for the
one and the other.
In all this research, the fields that arise consist of "concrete" elements
in the sense of classical mathematics - (complex) numbers or functions of
complex variables. 32 But already Kronecker, in 1882, takes full account of
the fact (obscurely sensed by GaUBB and Galois) that "indeterminates" only
play the role in his theory of the basis elements of an algebra, and not that
of variables in the sense of Analysis ([186 a], v. II, pp. 339-340); and, in 1887,
he develops this idea, linked to a vast programme that aims at nothing less
than recasting all mathematics by rejecting all that cannot be reduced to
algebraic operations on the integers. It is on this occasion that, taking up an
idea of Cauchy ([56 a], (1), v. X, pp. 312 and 351) who had defined the field
C of complex numbers as the field of remainders R[X]/(X 2 + I), Kronecker
shows how the theory of algebraic numbers is completely independent of the
"fundamental theorem of algebra" and even of the theory of real numbers,
all fields of algebraic numbers (of finite degree) being isomorphic to a field of
remainders Q[X]/(f) (f an irreducible polynomial over Q)([186 a], v. 1111,
pp. 211-240). As is remarked a few years later by H. Weber [327 a], developing
a first sketch of the axiomatic theory of fields, this method of Kronecker is
applicable in fact to all base fields K. Weber indicates in particular that one
can take as K a field Z/(P) (p a prime number), thus making the calculus
of congruences "modulo rI' return to field theory; this latter had been born
in the second half of the XVllIth century, with Euler, Lagrange, Legendre
and Gauss, and the analogy that it showed up with the theory of algebraic
equations was not missed by observers; developing this analogy, Galois (with
his research on group theory in mind) had not hesitated to introduce "ideal
roots" of an irreducible congruence modulo p,ss and had indicated its princi-
ple properties ([123], pp. 113-127).34 When Kronecker's method is applied to
Z/(p), what is found again however (up to terminology) is the presentation
32 No more than their predecessors, neither Kronecker nor Dedekind and Weber
really define the notion of an "algebraic function" of one or more complex variables.
One cannot indeed define correctly an "algebraic function" of a complex variable
(in the sense of Analysis) until the corresponding Riemann surface is defined, and it
is precisely the definition of the Riemann surface (by purely algebraic means) that
is the goal pursued by Dedekind and Weber. This apparent vicious circle disappears
of course when one defines a field of "algebraic functions" as an abstract algebraic
extension of a field of rational functions: indeed it is only this definition that is used
by Dedekind and Weber, which makes their results completely legitimate.
33 In a manuscript dating in all likelihood from 1799, but published only after his
death, Gauss, still without introducing "ideal roots" , obtains, in an equivalent form,
a good part of the results of Galois ([124 a), Y. II, pp. 212-240, in particular p. 217).
3' Galois was fully aware of the formal character of algebraic calculations, not
hesitating, for example, to take the derivative of the first member of a congruence
to show that this latter does not have multiple "imaginary" roots ([123), p. 117).
He underlines in particular that the theorem of the primitive element is valid as
much for a finite field as for a field of numbers ([\23), p. 117), without however
giving a proof.
that had already been given by Serret and Dedekind ([79], v. I, p. 40) of the
theory of these "Galois imaginaries".
To all these examples of "abstract fields" there come to be added, at the
turn of the century, some fields of a new very different type, the fields of formal
power series introduced by Veronese [318], and above all the Jradic fields of
Hensel [157 f). It is the discovery of these latter that led Steinitz (as he says
explicitly) to bring out the abstract notions common to all these theories, in
a fundamental work [294 a] which can be considered as having given birth to
the actual concept of Algebra. Developing systematically the consequences
of the axioms of commutative fields, he introduces thus the notion of prime
field, of separable (algebraic) elements, of perfect fields, defines the degree of
transcendence of an extension, and proves finally the existence of algebraically
closed extensions of arbitrary fields.
In recent times, the theory of Steinitz has been completed in several im-
portant areas. On the one hand, the work of Artin has brought into promi-
nence the linear character of Galois theory [7 a]. On the other hand, the
general notion of derivation (copied from the formal properties of classical
differential Calculus) sensed by Dedekind ([79], v. II, p. 412), introduced by
Steinitz in the special case of a field of rational fractions ([294 a], pp. 209-
212), has been used with success in the study (essential for modern Algebraic
Geometry) of transcendental extensions, and notably in the generalisation to
these latter of the notion of separability [330 d].
1 If al and a2 are two integers, such that 41 ~ a2, a" is defined by induction (for
n ~ 3) as being the remainder of the Euclidean division of 4,,-2 by 11,,-1 i if m is the
least index such that 11m = 0, IIm -l is the H.C.D. of III and a2. What we have there
is the transposition to the domain of the integers of the method of successive sub-
tractions (sometimes a.Iao called &IISt,,;alpetT&C) for seeking the common measure
of two quantities. This goes back without doubt to the Pythagoreans, and seems
to have been the basis of a pre-Eudoxian theory of irrational numbers.
initially [given as] dividing if' (in other words, a product of distinct prime
numbers Pl .. ·Pk has no other prime factors than Pi," "Pk)'
It seems therefore that if Euclid does not state the general theorem it is
only due to a terminology and notation adequate only for arbitrary powers
of an ·mteger. 2
Although a careful study makes it likely that there exists, in the text of
Euclid, several successive layers, each corresponding to a stage in the devel-
opment of Arithmetic,3 it seems that this evolution was entirely completed
between the beginning of the Vth century and the middle of the IVth, and
one can only admire the shrewdness and the sure footed ness of the logic that
are manifested there: we must wait two millennia to take part in comparable
progress in Arithmetic.
It is so-called "indeterminate" or "diophantine" problems which are at the
source of the ulterior developments of Number Theory. The term "diophan-
tine equations" , as it is used today, is not, historically, completely justified;
one means in general by that algebraic equations (or systems of equations)
with integral coefficients, for which one is looking only for the solutions in
integers: a problem that is normally impossible if the equations are "deter-
mined", that is to say have only a finite number of solutions (in real or
complex numbers), but that, on the contrary, often allows solutions when
there are more unknowns than equations. Yet, if Diophantus seems clearly
to have been the first to have considered "indeterminate" problems, he only
exceptionally looks for integral solutions, and is content most of the time
with obtaining a single solution in rational numbers [91 a]. This is a type of
problem that he can solve most of the time by algebraic calculations where
the arithmetic nature of the unknowns does not arisej4 also divisibility theory
2 In support of this hypothesis, one can still remark that the proof of the theorem
on perfect numbers is basically just another particular case of the theorem on the
unique decomposition into prime factors. Besides, all the testimonies concur to show
that from this period the decomposition of a number explicitly into prime factors
was known and currently used; but a complete proof is not found for the decom-
position theorem before that given by Gauss at the beginning of the Disquisitionea
([124 a], v. I, p. 15).
3 Cf. [317 d). An example of the residue of an earlier version is furnished by props.
21 to 34 of Book IX, which deal with the most elementary properties of divisibility
by 2, and go back no doubt to a period when the general theory of prime numbers
was not yet developed. It is known besides that the categories of Even and Odd
played a big role in the philosophico-mythical speculations of the first Pythagoreans,
to whom it is natural to try to make this fragment go back (d. [17 b]).
• If Diophantus, in indeterminate problems, always returns to problems in a single
unknown, by means of a numerical choice for the other unknowns which makes
his final equation possible, it appears fully that this method is due mostly to his
notation which did not allow him to calculate with several unknowns at once; in any
case, he does not lose sight, during the calculations, of the numerical substitutions
that he has made, and modifies them, if need be, if they are not suitable, by
writing down a compatibility condition for the substituted variables, and in solving
this auxiliary problem first. In other words, he handles these substituted numerical
only plays a very retiring role (the word prime number is only pronounced
a single time ([91 a], Book V, problem 9, v. I, pp. 334-335), and the notion
of relatively prime numbers is only brought up in connection with the theo-
rem affirming that the quotient of two relatively prime numbers can not be
a square unless each of them is a square).5
The study of integral solutions of indeterminate equations does not really
start until the Chinese and Hindu mathematicians of the high Middle Ages.
The first of these seem to have been led to speculations of this kind by
practical problems in the making of calendars (where the determination of
periods common to several cycles of astronomical phenomena constituted
precisely a "diophantine" problem of the first degree); to them is owed in any
case (no doubt between the IVth and the VIIth century of our era) a rule for
the solution of simultaneous linear congruences. As for the Hindus, of whom
the mathematics knew its full flowering from the Vth to the XIIIth century,
not only did they know how to treat methodically (by the application of
Euclid's algorithm) systems oflinear diophantine equations with an arbitrary
number of unknowns,6 but they are the first to tackle and solve problems of
the second degree, including certain particular cases of "Fermat's equation"
N z2 + 1 = y2 ([78], vol. II, pp. 87-307).
We do not need to pursue here the history of the theory of diophantine
equations of degree> 1, which, following on from the work of Fermat, Euler,
Lagrange and Gauss, was to end up in the XIXth century with the theory of
algebraic integers (cf. pp. 93 fr.). As we have already noted (cf. p. 58), the
study of linear systems, which seems no longer to present problems worthy
of interest, is somewhat neglected during this period: in particular, general
necessary conditions for solutions of an arbitrary system are not sought, nor
is the description of the set of solutions. However, towards the middle of the
XIXth century, Hermite is led to use, in connection with his research in Num-
ber Theory, several lemmas about linear Diophantine equations, and notably
a "reduced form" for a linear substitution with integral coefficients ([159],
v. I, pp. 164 and 265); finally, after Heger had given in 1858 the necessary
condition for a system whose rank is equal to the number of equations, H. J.
Smith, in 1861, defines the invariant factors of a matrix with integral entries
in a "canonical form" {[287], v. I, pp. 367-409).
But in the interval the notion of an abelian group was gradually becoming
more precise, following its introduction by Gauss (cf. p. 60), and so was
8 An attempt at a proof of this result, for the particular case of the "secular"
inequalities of the planets, had already been made in 1784 by Laplace ([193], v.
IX, pp. 49-92). As far as the equation of degree 3 is concerned giving t.he axes of a
real quadric, Euler had st.ated without proof the real character of its roots, and an
attempt to prove it by Lagrange, in 1773 ([191], v. III, pp. 579-616) is insufficient;
this point was proved rigorously for t.he first time by Hachette and Poisson in 1801
o Hamilton had incidentally proved this theorem for matrices of order 3 a few years
earlier ([145 a], pp. 566-567).
is not identically null; he deduces from this the definition of the elementary
divisors of an arbitrary square matrix (with complex entries), and proves that
they characterise this latter up to similarity ([329 a], v. II, pp. 19-44); these
results are besides found again partially (and apparently independently) by
Jordan two years laterll ([174 a], pp. 114-125). Here again, it is Frobenius
who, in 1879, shows that the theorem of Weierstrass can be easily deduced
from the theory of Smith, extended to polynomials ([119], v. I, pp. 482-544,
We have just alluded to the theory of divisibility of polynomials in one
variable; the question of the division of polynomials was naturally to be stated
from the beginning of algebra, as the inverse of the operation of multiplication
(this latter being already known to Diophantus, at least for polynomials of
small degree); but it can be conceived that it is hardly possible to tackle the
problem in a general way before a coherent notation for the various powers
of the variable was imposed. In fact, examples of the process of "Euclidean"
division of polynomials, such as we know it, are hard to find before the
middle of the XVIth century;12 and S. Stevin (who essentially uses exponent
notation) seems to be the first to have the idea of deducing from it the
extension of "Euclid's algorithm" for the determination of the G.C.D. of two
polynomials ([295], v. I, pp. 54-56). Taking that into account, the notion
of divisibility remained peculiar to rational integers until the middle of the
XVUIth century. It is Euler who, in 1770, opens a new chapter of Arithmetic
by extending, not without temerity, the notion of divisibility to integers in a
quadratic extension: seeking to determine the divisors of a number of the form
:c 2+cy2 (z, y, c rational integers), he writes z+yy'-C = (p+qFc)(r+BFc)
(p, q, r, B rational integers) and taking the norms of both members, he does
not hesitate to affirm that he obtains in this way all the divisors of Z2 +cy2 in
the form p2 + cq2 ([108 a], (1), v. I, p. 422). In other words, Euler argues as if
the ring Z[v=cr were principal; a little later, he uses an analogous argument
to apply the method of "infinite descent" to the equation z3 + 71 = z3
(it reduces to writing that p2 + 3q2 is a cube, which he does by stating
p+qH = (r+BH)3). But from 1773, Lagr~ge proves ([191], v. III, pp.
695-795) that the divisors of numbers of the form z2 + cy2 are not always
of this form, the first example of the fundamental difficulty which was to
occur with much greater clarity in the studies, taken up by Gauss and his
successors, on divisibility in the fields of roots of unity; 13 it is not possible in
11 Jordan does not mention the invariance of the canonical form that he obtains. It
is interesting to observe elsewhere that he deals with this question, not for matrices
with complex entries, but for matrices over a finite field. Let us note on the other
hand that, from 1862, Grassmann had given a method for reducing a matrix (with
complex entries) to triangular form, and mentioned explicitly t.he link bet.ween t.his
reduction and the classification of projectivities ([134], v. 12, pp. 249-254).
12 Cf. for example [33].
13 Gauss seems for a moment to have hoped that the ring of integers in the field of
nth roots of unity was a principal ideal ring; in a manuscript unpublished during his
From the middle of XVIIIth century, the search for a proof of the ''fun-
damental theorem of algebra" is the order of the day (cf. p. 74). We do not
need to remember here the attempt by d'Alembert, who inaugurated the
series of proofs using the infinitesimal calculus (cf. p. 161). But, in 1749,
Euler tackles the problem in another way ([108 a], (1), v. VI, pp. 78-147):
for every polynomial, with real coefficients, he seeks to prove the existence
of a decomposition' = 1112 into two polynomials (not constants) with real
coefficients, which would give.him a proof of the "fundamental theorem" by
induction on the degree of ,. It is sufficient even~ as he remarks, to stop with
the first factor of odd degree, and in consequence all the difficulties reduce
to considering the case where the degree n of, is even. Euler limits himself
then to the study ofthe case where the desired factors are both of degree n/2,
and he indicates that, by an elimination calculation suitably undertaken, the
unknown coefficients of It and 12 can be expressed rationally in terms of a
root of an equation with real coefficients of which the extreme terms are of
opposite signs and which as a consequence has at least one real root. But
Euler's proof is only a sketch, where a number of essential points are passed
over in silence; and it is only in 1772 that Lagrange succeeds in solving the
difficulties raised by this proof ([191], v. III, pp. 479-516) by means of a
very long and very meticulous analysis, where he proves himself capable of
lifetime ([124 a), v. II, pp. 387-397), he is seen proving the existence of a procedure
of Euclidean division in the field of cube roots of unity, and giving some indications
for an analogous procedure in the field of 5th roots; he uses these results to prove by
an argument of "infinite descent" more correct than that of Euler the impossibility
of the equation x 3 + rl 6 3 in the field of cube roots of unity, points out that the
method can be extended to the equation :r;5 + 1/ = Z5, but stops at the equation
x 7 +y7 6 7 in recording that then it is impossible to reject a priori the case where
x, y, 6 are not divisible by 7.
H From his first work on "ideal numbers", Kummer sets out explicitly the possibil-
ity of applying his method, not only to fields of roots of unity, but also to quadratic
fields, and to find again thus the results of Gauss on binary quadratic forms ([188
b), pp. 324-325).
15 On these questions, the reader could fOI example consult [284) or [317 a], pp.
16 The tendency to attribute to the order structure of the real numbers a prepon-
derant place is also prominent in the definition of real numbers in the procedure
of Dedekind "cuts", which is fundamentally a procedure applicable to all ordered
since rpm = 1. Associating then with each factor X - rl:m a "prime ideal
factor" ql: of q, Kummer says that an element x E Z[(], of which P is the
minimal polynomial over Q, is divisible by ql: if in Fq we have P( r"m) = 0;
to sum up, in modern language, he writes the quotient ring Z[(]/qZ[(] as a
direct product of fields isomorphicto F q • For q ~ 1 (mod p), the irreducible
factors ofcPp(X) in F ,[X] are no longer of the first degree, and it will therefore
be necessary to substitute for X in P(X) "Galois imaginary" roots of the
factors of cPp in F, [X]. Kummer avoids this difficulty by passing on, as we
would say today, to the decomposition field K of q: if f is the smallest integer
such that q! == 1 (mod p), and if one puts p - 1 = ef, K is none other than
the subfield of Q«() constructed from the invariants of the subgroup of order
f of the Galois group (cyclic of order p - 1) of Q«() over Q; in other words
it is the unique subfield of Q«() which is of degree e over Q; it was very well
known since the Disquisitiones of Gauss, being generated by the "periods"
4 The notion of norm of an algebraic number goes back to Lagrange: if ai (1 :5 i :5
n) are the roots of a polynomial of degree n, he even considers the "norm form"
N(xo, Xl, ... , xn-I) = TI7=1 (xo + aiXl + ... + a:-lxn_d in the variables Xi, which
had no doubt been suggested to him by his research on the solution of equations
and the "Lagrange resolvants" ([191], v. VII, p. 170). It is to be noticed that it is the
multiplicative property of the norm that leads Lagrange to his identity on binary
quadratic forms, from where Gauss was to extract the "composition" of these forms
([124 a], v. II, p. 522). On the other hand, when the theory of algebraic numbers
starts up around 1830, it is very often under the form of the solution of equations
N(xo, ... , Xn-l) = >. (in particular with>' = 1 in order to seek units) or the study
of "norm forms" (also called "decomposable forms") that the problems are set out;
and even in recent work, the properties of these particular diophantine equations
are used fruitfully, notably in the theory of p-adic numbers (Skolem, Chabauty).
f(Wi)Wf'+l(W;) ¢ 0 (mod qm+l).
To sum up, he obtains in this way the valuations of Q«, J.I) unramified over
Q, which is sufficient for the applications which he has in mind.
Kummer had the luck to meet, in his study of the particular fields to which
his research on Fermat's theorem had first led him, a number of fortuitous
circumstances which rendered the study much more feasible. The extension
of Kummer's results to the general case presented formidable difficulties and
was to cost years of efforts.
After Kronecker and Dedekind, who hold the lead roles in it, the his-
tory of the theory of algebraic numbers, during the 40 years that follow the
discovery of Kummer, is not without a reminder (but happily without the
same acrimonious character) of the rivalry of Newton and Leibniz 180 years
earlier, over the invention of the infinitesimal Calculus. Student and soon a
colleague of Kummer at Berlin, Kronecker (whose thesis, as we have seen,
was useful to Kummer at an essential point of his theory) was very closely
interested in "ideal numbers" with the purpose of applying them to his own
researchj and we admire his astonishing insight when we see him, already in
1853 ([186 a), v. IV, p. 10), stating the general theorem on the structure of
abelian extensions of Q and, what is perhaps even more remarkable, creating,
in the following years, the theory of complex multiplication and discovering
the first shoots of the theory of class fields ([186 a), v. IV, pp. 177-183 and
207-217). A letter from Kronecker to Dirichlet; in 1857 ([186 a), v. V, pp.
418-421), shows him already at that time, in possession of a generalisation of
Kummer's theory, which besides is confirmed by Kummer himself in one of
the relative norm of the field Q( v'i5, i) over a quadratic subfield Q[v'i5]. In the
same way, Eisenstein, studying the 8th roots of unity, considers the field that they
generate as a quadratic extension of Q( i) and uses the norm relative to this sub field
([102 b], p. 253). But Kummer's work is the first example of a deep arithmetical
study of a "relative field".
his own works ([188 e], p. 57), and Kronecker will often refer to this theory
in his memoirs between 1860 and 1880. 7
But although at this time none of the mathematicians of the German
school of number Theory were ignorant of this work of Kronecker, this latter
seems only to have communicated the principles of his methods to a restricted
circle offriends and pupils, and when he finally decides to publish them, in his
memoir of 1881 on the discriminant ([186 a], v. II, pp. 193-236), and especially
in his great "Festschrift" of 1882 ([186 a], v. II, pp. 237-287), Dedekind can
not prevent himself from expressing his surprise ([79], v. III, p. 427), having
imagined quite different procedures from the echoes which he had heard ([79],
v. III, p. 287). Besides Kronecker was far from having to the same degree the
remarkable gifts of exposition and clarity of Dedekind, and it is therefore not
surprising that it is mostly the methods of this latter, published already in
1871, which formed the framework of algebraic number theory; as interesting
as it is, the method of "adjunction of indeterminates" of Kronecker, as far as
Number Theory is concerned, is no more to our eyes than a variant of that
of Dedekind, and it is mainly in another direction, aimed towards Algebraic
Geometry, that Kronecker's ideas acquired all their importance for the history
of Commutative Algebra, as we will see later.
For reasons that could only appear clearly much later, a first preamble
to any attempt at a general theory was of course the clarification of the
notion of algebraic integer. This was acquired in about 1845-1850, although
it is fairly difficult to date its apparition in a precise way; it appears likely
that it is the idea of a system stable under addition and multiplication (or,
more precisely, what we now call a Z-algebra of finite rank) that, more or
less consciously, had led to the general definition of algebraic integers: this
definition is inevitable when one forces a Z-algebra of the type Z[O] to be of
finite rank, by analogy with the ring Z[(] generated by a root of unity, which
was at the centre of the preoccupations of the arithmeticians of the time. So
it is that when, independently, Dirichlet ([92], v. I, p. 640), Hermite ([159],
v. I, pp. 115 and 146) and Eisenstein ([102 c], p. 236) introduce the notion
of algebraic integer, they do not seem to consider that it consists of a new
idea nor to believe that it is useful to make a detailed study thereof; only
Eisenstein proves substantially (loc. cit.) that the sum and the product of
two algebraic integers are algebraic integers, besides without claiming that
this result is original.
A point which was much better hidden was the determination of the
rings in which one could hope to generalise Kummer's theory. This latter,
in his first note [188 b], does not hesitate to affirm that he can find by his
methods the theory of binary quadratic forms of Gauss by considering the
rings Z[v'D] (Dan integer); he never developed this idea, but it certainly
appears that neither he nor anyone before Dedekind was able to see that the
7 On the evolution of his ideas on this subject, see the very interesting introduction
to his memoir of 1881 on the discriminant ([186 a], v. II, p. 195).
unique decomposition into prime ''ideal" factors is not p0S8ible in rings of the
form Z[VD] when D 1 (mod 4) (although the example of the cube roots
of unity showed that the ring Z[p] considered since GaU88 is distinct from
Z[R).s Before Dedekind and Kronecker, the only rings studied are still
of the type Z[O] or sometimes certain particul~ rings of the type Z[O,O'].9
As far as Kronecker is concerned, it is p0S8ible that the idea of considering
the ring of all integers of an algebraic extension was first suggested to him
by the study of fields of algebraic functions, where this ring appears in a
natural way as the set of functions that are ''finite at a finite distance": he
insists in any case in his memoir of 1881 on the discriminant (written and
announced to the Berlin Academy already in 1862) on this characterisation
of the "integers" in these fields ([186 a], v. II, pp. 193-236). Dedekind does
not give any indication as to the origin of his own ideas on this point, but
from his first publications on number fields in 1871, the ring of all integers of
such a field plays a fundamental role in his theory; it is also Dedekind who
clarifies the relation between such a ring and its subrings having the same
field of fractions, by the introduction of the notion of conductor ([79], v. I,
pp. 105-157).
But that was not the only difficulty. To generalise the ideas of Kummer,
it was first necessary to avoid going through the decomposition field which
naturally could not have any analogue in the case of a non abelian field. This
detour seems anyway at first sight very surprising and artificial, for if one
starts from the irreducible polynomial ~p(X) of Z[X], one asks oneself why
Kummer does not follow to the bitter end the logical consequences of his
ideas, and what it is that stops him using the theory of "Galois imaginaries",
well known at that time. The obstacle appears more clearly in the light of an
unhappy attempt to generalise made already in 1865 by Selling, a pupil of
Dedekind: given an irreducible polynomial P E Z[X], Selling decomposes the
corresponding polynomial P(X) into irreducible factors in F ,[Xl; the roots
of this polynomial belong therefore to a finite extension F r of F,; but Selling,
in order to define in the same way as Kummer the exponent of a "prime ideal
factor" of q in an integer of the field of roots of P(X), does not hesitate to
speak in the field Fr of congruences modulo a power of q ([282], p. 26); and a
little later, when he tries to tackle the question of ramification, he "adjoins"
to F r "imaginary roots" of an equation of the form zh = q ([282], p. 34). It
is obvious that these bold steps (which would be justified by replacing the
finite field F, by the q-adic field) could not at that time end up with anything
8 Although Kronecker must have been led to study the arithmetic of the rings
Z[V-J)] (D > 0) by his work on complex multiplication, he did not publish
anything on this subject, and the characterisation of the integers of an arbitrary
quadratic field Q(..;Jj) is given explicitly for the first time by Dedekind in 1871
([79], v. I, pp. 105-106).
9 We saw above the example of the ring Z[C,,,] introduced by Kummer [188 e].
Beforehand Eisenstein had been led to consider a subring generated by two elements
of the ring of integers in a field of 21st roots of unity [102 b].
except nonsense. Fortunately Dedekind had just in 1857 ([79], v.l, pp. 40-66),
under the name of "theory of superior congruences" , taken up under another
form the theory of finite fields: 1o he interprets the elements of these latter as
"remainders" of polynomials in Z[X] following a "double module" consisting
of linear combinations, with coefficients in Z[X] , of a prime number p and
a unitary irreducible polynomial P E Z[X] (which is no doubt for him, as
for Kronecker, at the beginnings of the general idea of module at which they
will independently end up a little later). By his own testimony ([79], v. I,
p. 218) it appears that Dedekind had begun to attack the problem of "ideal
factors" of p in a field Q(e), where P E Z[X] is the minimal polynomial of e,
in the following way (at least in the "unramified" case), that is to say when
in F p[X] the polynomial P corresponding to P does not have multiple roots):
we write, in Z[X],
P = P1 P2 ... Ph + pO
where the Pi are irreducible and distinct in Fp[X]j it can be assumed that G
is not divisible (in Z[X]) by any of the Pi and for all i, we set Wi = TIj¢i Pj j
then, if f E Z[X], we will say that I(e) contains the "ideal factor" Pi of p
corresponding to Pi k times if we have
IWil: == 0 (mod pI:, P)
IWil:+ 1 ~ 0 (mod pHI, Pl.
The relationship with the method followed by Kummer for the "Kummer
fields" is manifest here, and one can equally, in this way, rejoin easily the
initial definition of Kummer for the cyclotomic fields (see for example the
work of Zolotareft" [343] who, at first independently of Dedekind, develops
these ideas a little later).
However neither Dedekind, nor Kronecker who seems also to have made
similar attempts, were to continue further along this path, both stopped by
the difficulties presented by ramification ([79], v. I, p. 218 and [186 a], v. II,
p. 325).11 If the ring of integers A of a number field K which is considered
as admitting a basis (over Z) consisting of the powers of the same integer 0,
it is not difficult to generalise the preceding method for the ramified prime
numbers in Z[O] (as Zolotareft" indicates (loc. cit.». But there are fields K
where no basis of this type exists in the ring Aj and Dedekind even ends up by
discovering that there are cases where certain prime numbers p (the "extraor-
dinary factors of the discriminant" of the field K) are such that, whatever
10 It is known that certain results of that theory, published first by Galois, had
been obt.uned (in the language of congruences) by Gauss in about 1800; after the
death of Gauss, Dedekind had set himself the task of publishing part of his work
and had in particular found again in the papers left by Gauss the memoir on finite
fields ([124 a] v. II, pp. 212-240).
11 Zolotareff gets round the difficulty by a refinement of his method, which seems
no longer to have other than an anecdotal interest [343].
All these results (up to the language used) were without doubt already
known to Kronecker in about 1860 as particular cases of his more general
concepts of which we will speak later (whereas Dedekind admits not having
overcome the last difficulties of the theory until 1869-1870 ([79], v. I, p.
351»;15 as far as number fields are concerned, we must underline in particular
that, from this time, Kronecker knew that the whole theory is applicable
without any essential change when one departs from a "base field" Ie which
is itself a number field (other than Q), a point of view to which the theory of
complex multiplication naturally led; he had also recognised, for certain fields
k, the existence of algebraic extensions K =F k un ramified over Ie ([186 a], v.
II, p. 269) which can not happen for Ie = Q (as follows from the output of
Hermite and Minkowski for the discriminant). Dedekind was never to develop
this last point of view (although he indicates its possibility in his memoir of
1882 on the different), and the first systematic exposition of the theory of
"relative fields" is due to Hilbert ([163 a], v. I, pp. 63-363).
Finally, in 1882 ([79], v. I, pp. 359-396), Dedekind completes the theory
by introducing the different, which gives him a new definition of the dis-
criminant and allows him to specify the exponents of the prime ideal factors
in the decomposition of the latter. It is also at about this time that he be-
comes interested in the particular points brought out by Galois extensions,
introducing the notions of a decomposition group and an inertia group (in a
memoir ([79], v. II, pp. 43-48) that was only published in 1894), and even (in
papers unpublished during his lifetime ([79], v. II, pp. 410-411» a sketch of
ramification groups, that Hilbert (independently of Dedekind) would develop
a little later ([163 al, v. I, pp. 13-23 and 63-363).
So, in about 1895, Algebraic Number theory had finished the first stage
of its development; the tools forged during this period of formation are going
to allow it to tackle almost straightaway the next stage, the general theory
of class fields (or, what amounts to the same thing, the theory of abelian
extensions of number fields) which is carried on to our day and which we will
not need to describe here. From the point of view of Commutative Algebra, it
can be said that at the same time the theory of Dedekind rings is practically
completed, apart from their axiomatic characterisation, as well as the struc-
tUre of modules of finite type over these rings (which, in the case of number
fields, will only be clarified in substance by Steinitz in 1912 [294 b]).lS
besides will influence in a direct way Number Theory, even before the "ab-
stract" developments of the contemporary era).
We are not going to do the detailed history of Algebraic Geometry here,
which, until the death of Riemann, hardly touches on our subject. It is suf-
ficient to remember that it had above all as its goal the study of algebraic
curves in the complex projective plane, tackled most often by the methods
of projective geometry (with or without the use of co-ordinates). In paral-
lel there was developing, with Abel, Jacobi, Weierstrass and Riemann, the
theory of "algebraic functions" of one complex variable and their integrals;
the link between this theory and the geometry of plane algebraic curves was
evidently in their minds, and it was known how on that occasion to "apply
Analysis to Geometry" ; but the methods used for the study of algebraic func-
tions were mainly of a "transcendental" nature, even before Riemann;17 this
characteristic is more accentuated in the work of this latter, with the intro-
duction of "Riemann surfaces" and of arbitrary analytic functions defined on
such a surface. Almost immediately after the death of Riemann, Roch and
especially Clebsch, recognised the possibility of drawing out from the deep
results obtained by the transcendental methods of Riemann numerous and
striking applications to the projective geometry of curves, which was natu-
rally going to encourage contemporary geometers to give these results purely
"geometric" proofs; this programme, incompletely followed by Clebsch and
Gordan, was accomplished by Brill and M. Noether a few years later [37],
by means of the study of systems of variable points on a given curve and of
auxiliary curves (the "adjoints") going through such systems of points. But
even for the contemporaries, the transcendental methods of Riemann (and
notably his use of topological notions and the "Dirichlet principle") seem to
rest on uncertain foundations; and even though Brill and Noether were more
careful than the majority of contemporary "synthetic" geometers (see later
p. 106), their geometrico-analytic arguments are not safe from all blame. It
is essentially in order to give to the theory of plane algebraic curves a solid
basis that Dedekind and Weber publish in 1882 their great memoir on this
subject [80]: "The researches published herewith", they say, "have as their
goal to state the foundations of the theory of algebraic functions of one vari-
able, one of the main creations of Riemann, in a way that is at the same
time simple, rigorous and entirely general. In later researches on this subject,
17 It must be noted however that Weierstrass; in his research on abelian functions
(which go back to 1857 but were only brought out in his lectures in about 1865 and
published only in his Complete Works ([329 a], v. IV», gives as opposed to Riemann,
a purely algebraic definition of the genus of a curve as the least integer p such that
there are rational functions on the curve having poles at p+ 1 arbitrary given points.
It is interesting to point out that, seeking to obtain elements which take the place for
him of functions having only a single pole on the curve, Weierstrass, before finally
using for this purpose transcendental functions, had, as witnessed by Kronecker
([186 a], v. II, p. 197), encouraged this latter to extend to algebraic functions of
one variable the results that he had just obtained at that time concerning number
fields (the "prime ideal factors" playing effectively the role desired by Weierstrass).
18 It is known that, in spite of the efforts of Dedekind, Weber and Kronecker, the
relaxation in the concept of what constitutes a correct proof, already noticeable in
the German school of Geometry in the years 1870-1880, was only to become worse
and worse in the work of the French geometers and especially the Italians of the
following two generations, who, following the German geometers, and in develop-
ing their methods, attack the theory of algebraic surfaces: a "scandal" denounced
several times (especially from 1920) by the algebraists, but which was not without
being justified to a certain extent by the brilliant successes obtained by these "non-
rigorous" methods, contruting with the fact that, until about 1940, the orthodox
successors of Dedekind showed themselves incapable of formulating with enough
flexibility and power the algebraic notions that would have allowed them to give
correct proofs for these results.
19 They underline that, thanks to this fact, all these results remain valid when
replacing the field C with the field of all algebraic numbers ([79], v. I, p. 240).
/1-+ /(:z:) of:F into G, in other words to consider, in the expression /(:z:), /
as variable and :z: as ji:z:ed, contrary to the classical tradition. Finally, they
have no trouble, starting from the notion of place, in defining the "positive
divisors" ("Polygone" in their terminology) that refine the notion of ideal
of A and correspond to the "systems of points" of Brill and Noether; but,
although they write the principal divisors and the divisors of differentials as
"quotients" of positive divisors, they do not give the general definition of
divisors, and it is only in 1902 that Hensel and Landsberg will introduce,
in analogy with fractional ideals, this notion that will always embarrass the
holders of purely "geometric" methods (obliged in spite of themselves to de-
fine them under the name of "virtual systems" , but hindered from being able
to give them a "concrete" interpretation).
The same year 1882 also sees the appearance of the great memoir of Kr<>-
necker awaited for· more than 20 years ([186 a], v. II, pp. 237- 387). Much
more ambitious than the work of Dedekind-Weber, it is unhappily also much
more vague and obscure. His central theme is (in modern language) the study
of the ideals of a finite integral algebra over one of the rings of polynomials
C[Xl, .. . ,X.. ] or Z[Xl, ... ,X.. ]; Kronecker limits himself a priori to those
of these ideals that are of finite type (the fact that they are all ofthis kind
was only to be proved (for the ideals of C[Xl,"" X .. ] several years later by
Hilbert during his work on invariants ([163 a], v. II, pp. 199-257». As far
as C[X1 , ... , X .. ] or Z[X1 , .... , X .. ] are concerned one was naturally led to
associate to each ideal of one of these rings the "algebraic variety" consisting
of the common zeros of all the elements of the ideal; and the geometrical
studies in 2 or 3 dimensions done during the course of the XIXth century
would intuitively lead to the idea that every variety is the union of "irre-
ducible" varieties. finite in number. whose "dimensions" are not necessarily
the same. It appears that the proof of this fact was the goal that Kronecker
was setting himself. although he does not state it explicitly anywhere. and
that nowhere in his memoir can any definition of "irreducible variety" nor of
"dimension" be found. In fact he limits himself to indicating summarily how
a general method of elimination20 gives, starting with a system of generators
of the ideal under consideration. a finite number of algebraic varieties, for
each of which. in a suitable system of c<>-ordinates. a certain number of the
co-ordinates are arbitrary and the others are "algebraic functions".21 But, if
it is really the decomposition into irreducible varieties that Kronecker is aim-
ing at, it has to be recognised that he only succeeds in the elementary case
of a principal ideal, where he proves substantially, by extending a classical
lemma of Gauss on Z[X] ([124 a], v. I, p. 34), that the rings C[X1. ... , Xn]
and Z[Xlt ... , Xn] are unique factorisation domains; and, in the general case,
it can even be asked if Kronecker was at that time in possession of the notion
of prime ideal (what he calls "Primmodulsystem" is an ideal indecomposable
liS the product of two others ([186 a], v. II, p. 336); that is all the more aston-
ishing as the definition given since 1871 by Dedekind was perfectly general).
A little later, Kronecker was however to correct this inadvertence.
It must be said however that Kronecker's method of elimination, suitably
applied, leads exactly to the decomposition of an algebraic variety into its
irreducible components: that is what is clearly established by E. Lasker at
the beginning of his great memoir of 1905 on ideals of polynomials [194];
he defines correctly the notion of irreducible variety (in Cn) as an algebraic
variety V such that the product of two polynomials can not be zero in the
whole variety V unless one of them is zero on it, and there is also a defini-
tion of dimension that is independent of the axes chosen. In the interesting
historical considerations that he inserts in this work, Lasker indicates on the
other hand that he links up, not only with the purely algebraic tendency of
Kronecker and Dedekind, but also with the problems raised by the geometric
methods of the school of Clebsch and M. Noether, and notably with the fa-
mous theorem proved by the latter in 1873 [239]. It consists essentially, as we
would say today, of the determination of the ideal a of those polynomials of
C[Xl' ... , Xn] which are zero on the points of a given set M in C n ; most of-
ten M was the "algebraic variety" of the zeros common to a finite number of
polynomials Ii, and for a long time it appears that it was assumed (of course
without justification) that, at least for n = 2 or n = 3, the ideal a was quite
simply generated by the li;22 M. Noether had shown that already for n = 2
and for two polynomials It, /2, this is in general inexact, and he had given
sufficient conditions for a to be generated by It and /2. Ten years later, Netto
proves that, without any hypothesis on It and /2, a power of a is in any case
contained in the ideal generated by It and /2 [231], a theorem that Hilbert
generalises in 1893 in his famous "zeros theorem" ([163 a], v. II, pp. 287-344).
It is without doubt that, inspired by this result Lasker, in his memoir, intro-
duces the general notion of primary ideal 23 in the rings C[X1 , ••• , Xn] and
Z[X1, ... , Xn] (after having given in these rings the definition of prime ideals,
by transcribing the definition of Dedekind), and proves24 the existence of a
primary decomposition for every ideal in these rings. 25 He does not seem to
have been concerned with questions of uniqueness of this decomposition; it
is Macaulay who, a little later [211] introduces the distinction between "im-
mersed" and "non-immersed" primary ideals and shows that the latter are
determined in a unique way, but not the earlier. It must finally be noted that
Lasker also extends his results to the ring of entire series convergent in the
neighbourhood of a point, relying on the "preparation theorem" of Weier-
strass. This part of his memoir is doubtless the first place where this ring
had been considered from a purely algebraic point of view, and the methods
that Lasker develops for this purpose were to influence Krull strongly when
in 1938 he created the general theory of local rings ( cf. [187 h], pp. 204 and
The movement of ideas that will end up with modern Commutative Al-
gebra starts to take shape around 1910. If the general notion of a field is
acquired already at the beginning of the XXth century, on the other hand
the first work where the general notion of a ring is defined is without doubt
that of Fraenkel in 1914 [113 a]. At that time, there were already as exam-
ples of rings, not only the integral rings of Number Theory and of Algebraic
23 Examples of primary ideals which are not powers of prime ideals had been en-
countered by Dedekind in "orders", i. e. the rings of algebraic numbers having a
given number field as field of fractions ([79], v. III, p. 306). Kronecker also gives
as an example of an ideal "indecomposable" into a product of two others which
are non trivial, the ideal of Z[X] generated by p2 and X 2 + p, where p is a prime
number (an ideal that is primary for the prime ideal generated by X and p ([186
a], v. II, p. 341».
24 Lasker proceeds by induction on the maximal dimension Ia of the irreducible
components of the variety V of zeros of the ideal a under consideration. In mod-
ern terms, he considers first the prime ideals Pi (1 ~ i ~ r) containing a which
correspond to the irreducible components of maximal dimension 1& of V. To each
Pi, he associates the saturated qi of a relative to Pi; he considers then the Noether
quotient bi = a : qi of qi in a, takes in E· bi an element c not belonging to any
of the Pi and shows on the one hand that' a is the intersection of the qi and of
Q + (c) = ai, and on the other hand that the variety Vi of zeros of a' only has
irreducible components of dimension ~ h - 1, which enables him to conclude by
211 It is interesting to remark that the second proof of Dedekind for the unique
decomposition theorem proceeds by establishing first the existence of a unique re-
duced primary decomposition; and in a part not published in the XIth supplement,
Dedekind observes explicitly that this part of the proof is valid not only for the
ring A of all integers in the number field K, but also for all the "orders" of K ([79],
v. III, p. 303). It is only later, after having proved explicitly that A is "completely
integrally closed" (up to terminology) that he shows by using this fact, that the
primary ideals of the preceding decomposition are in fact powers of prime ideals
([79], v. III, p. 307).
Geometry, but also rings of series (formal or convergent), and finally algebras
(commutative or not) over a base field. However, as much for the theory of
rings as for that of fields, the catalytic role seems to have been played by the
theory of p-adic numbers of Hensel, that Fra.enkel as well as Steinitz [294 a]
mention quite particularly as the point of departure for their research.
The first publication of Hensel on this subject goes back to 1897; in it he
starts from the analogy brought to light by Dedekind and Weber between the
points of a Riemann surface of a field of algebraic functions K and the prime
ideals of a number field kj he proposes to transport into Number Theory the
"Puiseux expansions" (classical since the middle of the XIXth century) which,
in the neighbourhood of an arbitrary point of a Riemann surface of K, allow
us to express every element z E K in the form of a convergent series of powers
of the "uniformiser" at the point under consideration (a series having only a
finite number of terms with negative exponents). Hensel shows in the same
vein that if p is a prime ideal of k above a prime number P, one can associate
to each z E k a "p-adic series" of the form L, (tiP' (or Li (tipi/e when ~ is
ramified above p) the Qi being taken from a system of given representatives
of the quotient field of the ideal ~; but his great originality is to have the idea
of considering such "expansions" even when they do not correspond to any
element of k, by analogy with the expansions in entire series of transcendental
functions on a Riemann surface [157 a].
During the whole of his subsequent career, Hensel will devote himself to
polishing and perfecting little by little his new calculus; and if his approach
can seem to us hesitant or heavy, it must not be forgotten that at least in the
beginning he still does not have available any of the topological or algebraic
tools of present day mathematics which would have facilitated his task. In his
first publications he besides hardly ever speaks of topological notions, and to
sum up, for him the ring of ~a.dic numbers (p a prime ideal of the ring of
integers A of a number field k), is, in modern terms, the projective limit of
the rings A/~n for n tending to infinity, with a purely algebraic meaningj and
to establish the properties of this ring and of its field of fractions, he must at
each step use more or less painfully ad hoc arguments (for example to prove
that the p-adic numbers form an integral domain). The idea of introducing
topological notions in a ~adic field hardly appears with Hensel before 1905
[157 d]j and it is only in 1907, after having finished writing the book where
he restates the theory of algebraic numbers following his ideas [157 f], that
he reaches the definition and essential properties of absolute ~adic values
[157 el, starting from which he will be able to develop, by copying the theory
of Cauchy, a complete "~adic analysis" that he will know how to apply
fruitfully in number Theory (notably with the use of the ~adic exponential
and logarithm), and whose importance has not ceased to grow since then.
Hensel had well seen, from the beginning, the simplifications that his the-
ory was bringing to classical statements, by allowing the "localisation" of
problems and working in a field where not only the properties of divisibility
are trivial, but also where, thanks to a fundamental lemma that he got out
already in 1902 [157 c], the study of polynomials of which the polynomial
"reduced" mod p has no multiple root is reduced to the study of polyno-
mials over a finite field. He had given from 1897 [157 b] striking examples
of these simplifications, notably in questions referring to the discriminant
(in particular, a short proof of the criterion given by him some years pre-
viously for the existence of "extraordinary divisors"). But for a long time
it seems as if the p-adic numbers inspired a great distrust in contemporary
mathematicians; an attitude current without doubt towards ideas that were
too "abstract", but that the slightly excessive enthusiasm of their author (so
frequent in mathematics amongst the zealots of new theories) was not with-
out justifying in part. Not content in fact with applying his theory fruitfully
to algebraic numbers, Hensel, impressed like all his contemporaries by the
proofs of transcendence of e and 'If', and perhaps deluded by the qualification
of "transcendent" applied at the same time to numbers and to functions, had
reached the point of thinking that there existed a link between his p-adie
numbers and real transcendent numbers, and he had believed for a moment
that he could obtain thus a simple proof of the transcendence of e and even
of ee ([157 d], p. 556).26
Soon after 1910, the situation changes, with the rising of the following
generation, influenced by the ideas of Frechet and of F. Riesz on topology,
by those of Steinitz on algebra, and conquered by "abstraction" from the
beginning; it will know how to make assimilable and put in its place the work
of Hensel. From 1913, Kiirschak [190] defines in a general way the notion of
valuation, recognises the importance of the archimedean valuations (of which
the p-adic valuation gave an example), proves (by copying the proof in the
case of real numbers) the existence of the completion of a field with respect
to a valuation, and above all proves in a general way the possibility of the
extension of a valuation to an algebraic extension of a given field. But he
had not seen that the non-archimedean character of a valuation was already
hidden in the prime field; that point was established by Ostrowski, to whom
is also due the determination of all the valuations on the field Q, and the
fundamental theorem characterising fields furnished with a non archimedean
valuation as subfields of C [242]. In the years that go from 1920 to 1935, the
theory will complete itself with a more detailed study of valuations which
are not necessarily discrete, including among others the examination of the
different .circumstances; which arise when one goes to an algebraic or
transcendental extension (Ostrowski, Deuring, F. K. Schmidt); on the other
hand, in 1931, Krull introduces and studies the general notion of valuation
26 This research at all costs for a strict parallelism between p-adic series and Taylor
series also pushes Hensel to set himself strange problems: he proves for example
that every p-adic integer can be written in the form of a series ~::o 0..,/' where
the ale are rational numben chosen in such a way that the senes converges not
only in Qp but also in R (no doubt by remembering Taylor series that converge at
several points simultaneously?) [157 e and f].
[187 f] which will be much used in the years that follow by Zariski and his
school of algebraic Geometry.27 We must also mention here, even though it is
outside our remit, the deeper studies on the structure of complete valuation
fields and complete local rings, which come from the same period (Hasse-
Schmidt, Witt, Teichmiiller, I. Cohen).
The work of Fraenkel mentioned above (p. 107) dealt only with a very
special kind of ring (artinian rings having only a single prime ideal, which
is, as well, assumed to be principal). If one excludes the work of Steinitz on
fields [294 a], the first important work on the study of general commutative
rings are the two great memoirs of E. Noether on the theory of ideals: that of
1921 [236 a], dedicated to the primary decomposition, which takes up again
on the most general level and completes on many points the results of Lasker
and Macaulay; and that of 1927 characterising Dedekind rings axiomatically
[236 b]. In the same way that Steinitz had shown it for fields, it is seen in
these memoirs how a small number of abstract ideas, such as the notion of
irreducible ideal, chain conditions and the idea of an integrally closed ring
(the last two, as we have seen, already brought out by Dedekind) can on their
own lead to general results which seem inextricably linked to results of pure
calculation in the cases where they were known beforehand.
With these memoirs of E. Noether, joined to the slightly later work of
Artin-van der Waerden on divisor ideals ([317 a], v. II, pp. 105-109) and of
Krull linking these ideals to essential valuations [187 f] is thus completed the
long study of the decomposition of ideals started a century before,2s at the
same time as modern Commutative Algebra is inaugurated.
these rings will only begin to appear explicitly in Algebraic Geometry with
the work of Chevalley and Zariski starting in 1940. 29
The general study of local rings themselves only starts in 1938 with the
great memoir of Krull [187 h]. The most important results of this work con-
cern dimension theory and regular rings, of which we should not speak here;
but it is there also that appears for the first time the completion of an arbi-
trary local noetherian ring, as well as a still imperfect form of the graded ring
associated with a local ring;30 this latter will only be defined in about 1948
by P. Samuel [270] and independently by the research in algebraic Topology
of Leray and H. Cartan. Krull, in the previously quoted work, hardly uses
topological language; but from 1928 [187 e], he had proved that, in a noethe-
rian ring A, the intersection of powers of a single ideal a is the set of z E A
such that z(1 - a) = 0 for an a E a; it is easily deduced from that that
for every ideal m of A, the m-adic topology on A induces on an ideal a the
m-adic topology of a; in his memoir of 1938, Krull completes this result by
proving that in a local noetherian ring, every ideal is closed. These theorems
were soon after extended by Chevalley to semi-local noetherian rings, then
by Zariski to the rings which bear his name [340 b]; it is also to Chevalley
that the introduction of "linear compactness" in topological rings goes back,
as well as the determination of the structure of semi-local complete rings [62
B)Passing from local to global. Since Weierstrass, the habit has existed of
associating an analytic function of one variable (and in particular an algebraic
function) with the set of its "expansions" at all the points of the Riemann
surface where it is defined. In the introduction to his book on Number Theory
([157 f], p. V), Hensel associates in the same way with every element of an
algebraic number field k the set of elements which correspond to it in the
completions of k for all valuations31 on k. It can be said that it is this point of
view that, in modern Commutative Algebra, has replaced the decomposition
formula for an ideal as a product of prime ideals (extending in a certain
29 In the work of Hensel and his pupils on Number Theory, the local rings Ap are
systematically neglected for the sake of their completions, no doubt because of the
possibility of applying Hensel's lemma to these latter.
30 If m is the maximal ideal of the local noetherian ring A under consideration,
(O'.hS'Sr a minimal system of generators for m, Krull defines for all x :F 0 in A
the "initial forms" of x in the following way: if i is the largest integer such that
x E mi, the initial forms of x are all the homogeneous polynomials of degree ;,
P(Xl, ... , X r ), with coefficients in the quotient field k = Aim. such that x ==
P( 0'1, ••• , O'r) (mod mHl). To every ideal a of A he puts into correspondence the
graded ideal of k[X 1 , ... , Xr] generated by the initial forms of all the elements of
a ("Leitdeal"); these two notions take the pla.ce for him of the associated graded
31 Hensel takes, as non archimedean valuations on a field K of degree n over Q the
functions x 1-+ Ix{')1 (where the x{,) for 1 :5 i :5 n are the conjugates of x} currently
used since Dirichlet; Ostrowski will show a little later that these functions are
essentially the only non archimedean valuations on K.
sense the initial point of view of Kummer). The remark of Hensel reduces
implicitly to embedding 11: in the product of all its completionsj that is what
is done explicitly by Chevalley in 1936 with his theory of "ideIes" [62 b],
which perfects the previous analogous ideaa of Priifer and von Neumann
(these latter limit themselves to embedding 11: in the product of its ,.adic
completions).32 Although this is a bit outside our remit, it is important to
mention here that, thanks to an appropriate topology on the group of ideles,
all the techniques of locally compact groups (including Haar meaaure) can
thus be applied to Number Theory in a very effectiv~ way.
In a more general setting, the theorem of Krull [187 fl, characterising
an integrally closed ring aa the intersection of valuation rings (which comes
back to embedding the ring under consideration in the produCt of valuation
rings) often eaaes the study of these rings, although the method is not really
manageable except for the essential valuations of Krull rings. Examples (fairly
elementary) are besides often found in Krull [187 i] of the method of "passing
from the local to the global" consisting of proving a property of an integral
domain A by reducing it to verifying it for the "localisations" Ap of A at all its
prime idealsj33 more recently, Serre haa noticed that this method is valid for
arbitrary commutative rings A, that it is applicable also to A-modules and
to their homomorphisms and that it is sufficient often to "localise" at the
maximal ideals of A: a point of view that is tied closely to ideaa on "spectra"
and on sheaves defined on these spectra (see below, p. 115).
C) Integers and integra' closure. We have seen that the notion of algebraic
integer, first introduced for number fields, had already been extended by
Kronecker and Dedekind to algebraic function fields, although in this C88e it
could appear fairly artificial (not corresponding to a projective notion). The
memoir of E. Noether of 1927, followed by the work of Krull starting in 1931,
was to show the interest that these notions were to offer for the most general
rings. 34 It is due to Krull in particular that we owe the lifting theorems for
32 Because of this remark of Hensel, the habit has arisen (by abuae of language) of
calling the non archimedean valuations of K the "placea at infinity" of a number
field K. by analogy with the process by which Dedekind and Weber define the
"points at infinity" of the Riemann sudace of an affine curve (el. p. 10.).
33 When one speaks of "passing from the local to the global". reference is often
made to much more difficult questions, linked to the theory of class fields, and of
which the best known examples are those treated in the memoirs of Haase [150 a
and b] on quadratic forms over an algebraic number field kj he shows there among
other things that for an equation f(z1, .... Zn) = G to have a solution in kR (f a
quadratic form. G E k). it is necessary and sufficient that it has a solution in each of
the completions of k. By the testimony of Haase. the idea for this type of theorem
was suggested by his master Hensel [150 c}. The exteBSion of this "Haase principle"
to groups other than the orthogonal group is one of the objectives of the modern
theory of "adtHises" of algebraic groups.
3. Krull and E. Noether Bmit themselves to integral domains, but the extension of
their methods to the general cue is not difficult; the most interesting memoir in
this context is that where I. Cohen and Seidenberg extend the theorems of Krull,
by indicating exactly their Hmits of vaHdity [66]. It is appropriate to note that
prime ideals in entire algebras [187 g], as well as the extension of the theory
of decomposition and inertia groups of Dedekind-Hilbert [187 fl. A1J. for E.
Noether, to her is owed the general formulation of the norm~isation lemma35
(from which follows among others the zeros theorem of Hilbert) as well as the
first general criterion (transcription of classical arguments of Kronecker and
Dedekind) allowing the affirmation that the integral closure of an integral
domain is finite over the ring.
Finally, it must be pointed out here that one of the reasons for the modern
importance of the notion of integrally closed ring is due to the studies of
Zariski on algebraic varieties; he has discovered in effect that the "normal"
varieties (that is to say those whose local rings are integrally closed) stand out
by means of particularly pleasant properties, notably the fact they have no
"singularity of co dimension 1"; and it was noticed afterwards that analogous
phenomena take place for "analytical spaces" . Also "normalisation" (that is
to say the operation that, for local rings of a variety, consists in taking their
integral closure) has itself become a powerful tool in the arsenal of modern
Algebraic Geometry.
D) The study of modules and the influence of Homological Algebra. One of
the distinguishing characteristics of the work of E. Noether and W. Krull in
Algebra is the tendency to "linearisation", extending the analogous direction
imprinted on field theory by Dedekind and Steinitz; in other words, it is as
modules that ideals are considered above all else, and one is therefore led to
apply to them all the constructions of linear Algebra (quotient, product, and
more recently tensor product and forming homomorphism modules) resulting
in general in modules that are no longer ideals. It appears thus fairly quickly
that in many questions (whether it is a matter of commutative or non com-
mutative rings), it is not in our interest to limit ourselves to the study of the
ideals of a ring A, but that it is necessary, on the contrary to state the the-
orems more generally for A-modules (eventually subject to certain finiteness
The intervention of Homological Algebra only reinforced the previous ten-
dency, since this branch of Algebra is essentially concerned with questions of
a linear nature. We should not retrace its history here; but it is interesting
to point out that several of the fundamental notions of Homological Algebra
(such as those of projective module and that of the functor Tor) were born as
a result of the close study of the behaviour of modules over a Dedekind ring
relative to the tensor product, a study undertaken by H. Cartan in 1948.
Conversely, it could be foreseen that the new classes of modules introduced
in a natural way by Homological Algebra as "universal annihilators" of the
functors Ext (projective modules and injective modules) and of the functors
Tor (flat modules) would throw a new light on Commutative Algebra. It
E. Noether had explicitly mentioned the possibility of such generalisations in her
memoir of 1927 ([236 b], p. 30).
35 A particular case had already been stated by Hilbert in 1893 ([163 a], v. II, p.
turns out that it is especially the projective modules and even more the flat
modules that have proved to be useful: the importance of these latter arises
above all from the remark, first made by Serre [283 b), that localisation and
completion naturally introduce flat modules, "explaining" thus in a much
more satisfactory way the properties of these two operations that were already
known and making their use much easier. It is appropriate to mention besides
that the applications of Homological Algebra are far from being limited to
that, and that it plays a deeper and deeper role in Algebraic Geometry.
E) The notion 0/ spectrum. The last by date of the new notions of Com-
mutative Algebra has a complex history. The spectral theorem of Hilbert
introduced ordered sets of orthogonal projectors of a Hilbert space, making
up a "Boolean algebra" (or better a Boolean lattice),36 in bijective corre-
spondence with a Boolean lattice of classes of measurable subsets (for an
appropriate measure) of R. It is no doubt his earlier work on operators in
Hilbert· spaces that, around 1935, led M. H. Stone to study in a general way
Boolean lattices, and notably to look for "representations" of them by sub-
sets of a set (or classes of subsets under a certain equivalence relation). He
observes that a Boolean lattice becomes a commutative ring (of a very special
type besides), when multiplication is defined by zy = inf(z,y) and addition
by z + 11 = sup(inf(z, 11'), inf(z',y». In the particular ease where one leaves
the Boolean lattice ~(X) of all subsets of a finite set X, it is seen immedi-
ately that the elements of X are in a natural bijective correspondence with
the maximal ideals of the corresponding "Boolean" ring; and Stone obtains
exactly his general theorem about the representation of a Boolean lattice on
the set of maximal ideals that contain it [301 a).
On the other hand, it was known that a classical example of a Boolean
lattice was the set of subsets which are both open and closed in a topological
space. In a second work [301 b), Stone showed that in fact every Boolean
lattice is also isomorphic to a Boolean lattice of this kind. For that it was
naturally necessary to define a topology on the set of maximal ideals of a
"Boolean" ring; which is done very simply by taking as closed sets, for each
ideal 0, the set of maximal ideals containing o.
We should not speak here of the influence of these ideas in Functional
Analysis, where they played an important role in the birth of the theory
of normed algebras developed by I. Gelfand and his school. But in 1945,
Jacobson observes [172 c] that the procedure of defining a topology, thought
up by Stone, can in fact be applied to every ring A (commutative or not)
so long as one takes as set of ideals not the set of maximal ideals, but the
set of two sided "primitive" ideals (i. e. the two sided ideals b such that
A/b is a primitive ring); for a commutative ring, one obtains of course the
maximal ideals. From his side, Zariski in 1944 [340 a], uses an analogous
36 A Boolean lattice is an ordered lattice E, having a least element 0/ and a greatest
element W, where each of the laws sup and inf is distributive with respect to the
other and where, for each a E E, there exists one and only one a' E E such that
inf(a, a') = 0/ and sup(a, a') = w.
37 The inconvenience of being limited to the "maximal spectrum" arises from the
fact that if t/J : A -+ B is a homomorphism of rings and n is a maximal ideal of B,
t/J (n) is not necessarily a maximal ideal of A, whereas for every prime ideal p of
B, t/J (p) is a prime ideal of A. Therefore it is not possible in general to associate
with t/J in a natural way a mapping of the set of maximal ideals of B into the set of
maximal ideals of A.
We have seen (p. 62) how the first non commutative algebras made their
appearance in 1843-44, in the work of Hamilton [145 a] and of Grassmann
([134], v. 12 ). Hamilton, in introducing the quaternions, already has a very
clear conception of arbitrary algebras of finite rank over the field of real
numbers ([145 a], Preface, pp. (26)-(31».1 In developing his theory, he has,
a little later, the idea of considering what he calls "biquaternions", that is
to say the algebra over the complex numbers having the same multiplication
table as the field of quaternions; and he observes on this occasion that this
extension has the effect of provoking the apparition of divisors of zero ([145
a], p. 650). The point of view of Grassmann is somewhat different, and for
a long time his "exterior algebra" will remain more or less apart from the
theory of algebras, 2 but often in his language, which still lacks precision,
the first idea of an algebra (of finite dimension or not) defined by a system
of generators and relations cannot miss being recognised ([134], v. lIb pp.
New examples of algebras are introduced in the years 1850-1860, in a
more or less explicit way: if Cayley, developing the theory of matrices ([58],
v. II, pp. 475-496), does not consider yet that square matrices make up an
algebra (a point of view that will not be expressed clearly until the Peirces
around 1870 [248 cD, at least he notes already, on this occasion, the existence
of a system of matrices of order 2 which satisfy the multiplication table of
the quaternions, a remark that can be considered as the first example of a
5 In fact, Weierstrass imposes on his algebras a stricter condition, namely that the
ao+alx+ ... +a"x"=O
(where the ai and the unknown x are in the algebra) can only have an infinity of
roots if the ai are all multiplies of the same divisor of zero.
6 The essential difficulties come from study of the radical, for whose structure no
satisfying classification principle has yet been found.
7 At the time when Wedderburn was writing, the notion of separable extension had
not yet been defined; but he uses implicitly the hypothesis that, if an irreducible
polynomial / over the base field has a root z in an extension of this field, then
one necessarily has /'(z) ::F 0 ([328 b], p. 103). It is only in 1929 that E. Noether
pointed out the phenomena linked to the inseparability of the extension of the field
of scalars [236 c].
Let us mention here another result linked to questions of separability (and now
attached to homological algebra), the decomposition of an algebra as the direct
sum (but not direct product!) of its radical and a semi-simple algebra. This result
(which had been proved by Molien when the field of scalars is C and by Cartan for
algebras over R) is stated in its general form by Wedderburn, who only proves it in
fact when the quotient of the algebra by its radical is simple ([328 b], pp. 10S-109)
by using besides the same hypothesis on irreducible polynomials as above.
8 The arithmetical researches on linear representations of groups, which start at the
same time, also lead to the consideration of the equivalent notion of a neutralising
field of a representation [279 d].
rank n 2 over their centre,9 inaugurating thus in a particular case the theory
of "crossed products" and of "factor sets" that would be developed later by
R. Brauer [34 a) and E. Noether [236 c). Finally, in 1921, Wedderburn proves
a particular case of the commutation theorem [328 d).
In between times, from 1896 to 1910, there was developing, in the hands of
Frobenius, Burnside and I. Schur, a neighbouring theory to that of algebras,
the theory of the linear representation of groups· (limited at first to represen-
tations of finite groups). It takes its origins from remarks of Dedekind: this
latter (even before the publication of his work on algebras) had, around 1880,
met during his research on normal bases of Galois extensions, the "Gruppen-
determinant" det(z,,-l), where (Z')'EG is a sequence of indeterminates for
which the set of indices is a finite group G (in other words, the norm of the
generic element of the group algebra G relative to its regular representation);
and he had observed that when G is abelian, this polynomial decomposes
into linear factors (which generalised an identity proved a long time before
for "circulant" determinants, which correspond to cyclic groups G). During
his very interesting correspondence with Frobenius ([79], v. II, pp. 414-442),
Dedekind, in 1896, draws his attention to this property, its link with the
theory of characters of abelian groups [327 c) and some analogous results
on particular non commutative groups, that he had obtained in 1886. A few
months later, Frobenius solved completely the problem of the decomposition
of the "Gruppendeterminant". into irreducible factors ([119], v. III, pp. 38-
77), thanks to his briIliant generalisation ofthe notion of character ([119], v.
III, pp. 1-37), of which we should not speak here. But it must be noted that
in the later development of this theory,lO Frobenius always remains aware of
its relation to the theory of algebras (on which Dedekind had besides never
ceased insisting in his letters); and after having introduced for groups the
notion of irreducible representation and of completely reducible representa-
tion ([119], v. III, pp. 82-103), and shown that the regular representation
contains all the irreducible representations, it is by analogous methods that
he proposed, in 1903, to take up again the theory of Molien-Cartan ([119], v.
III, pp. 284- 329). With Burnside [44 a] and I. Schur [279 c), the "hypercom-
plex" aspect of the theory does not occur explicitly; but it is with them that
the fundamental properties of irreducible representations, Schur's lemma and
Burnside's theorem come to light. Finally, it must be noted for our objective
that it is in this theory that appear for the first time two particular cases
of the commutation theorem: in the thesis of I. Schur [279 a] who links up
(precisely by commutation in the ring of endomorphismB of a tensor space)
the representations of the linear group and those of the symmetric group, and
in his work of 1905 [279 c), where he shows that matrices permutable with
9 Let us take note that in the "GnlRdlogen der Geometrie" I Hilbert had given an
example of a non commutative field of infinite rank over its centre ([163 c], pp.
10 Part of the results of Frobenius had been obtained independently by T. Molien
in 1897 [224 b].
all the matrices of an irreducible representation over the field C are scalar
multiples of I (a result that flows out also from Burnside's theorem).
It remained to disentangle clearly the common substrate of these theories:
it was the work of the German school around E. Noether and E. Artin, in
the period 1921-1933 which sees the creation of modern algebra. Already, in
1903, in a memoir on the algebraic integration of linear differential equations
([251 a], v. III, pp. 140-149), H. Poincare had defined, in an algebra, left ideals
and right ideals and the notion of minimal ideal; he had also remarked that
in a semi-simple algebra, every left ideal is the direct sum of its intersections
with the simple components, and that in the algebra of matrices of order n,
the minimal ideals are of dimension n; but his work remained unnoticed by
algebraists. l l In 1907, Wedderburn defines anew left and right ideals of an
algebra and proves some properties (notably that the radical is the largest
nilpotent left ideal ([328 b], pp. 113-114». But we must wait until 1927 for
these notions to be used in an essential way in the theory of algebras. 12
Putting into general form procedures of proof appearing previously here and
there,13 W. Krull in 1925 [187 a) and E. Noether in 1926 [236 b) introduce and
use systematically the maximal and minimal conditions; the first is used to
extend to abelian groups with operators (which he defines on this occasion)
Remak's theorem on the decomposition of a finite group into a direct product
of indecomposable groups, whereas the second brings these conditions into
the characterisation of Dedekind rings. In 1927, E. Artin [7 c], applying the
same idea to non commutative rings, shows how, by a systematic study of
minimal ideals, Wedderburn's theorems can be extended to all rings whose
left ideals satisfy both the maximal and minimal conditions. 14
On the other hand, Krull, in 1926 [187 b), makes the link between the
notion of abelian groups with operators and that of linear representations of
groups; a point of view generalised to algebras and developed in detail by
E. Noether in a fundamental work of 1929 [236 c) which, by the importance
of the ideas introduced and the clarity of the exposition, deserves to stand
11 Let us also note that, in this memoir, Poincare observes that the set of operators,
in a group algebra, that annihilate a vector of a linear representation space of the
group, form a left ideal; he points out that this remark could be applied to the
theory of linear representations ([251 a], v. III, p. 149), but never developed this
12 It is interesting to remark that, in the interval, the notion of left or right ideal
appears, not in the study of algebras, but in a work of E. Noether and W. Schmeidler
~238), devoted to rings of differential operators.
3 The maximal condition (in the form of "ascending chain condition") goes back
to Dedekind who introduced it explicitly ([79], v. III, p. 90) in the study of ideals
of an algebraic number field; one of the first examples of an argument using a
"descending chain" is no doubt that which is found. in the memoir of Wedderburn
of 1907 ([328 b], p. 90) concerning twosided ideals.
14 In 1929, E. Noether showed that for rings without radical, these theorems apply
assuming only that the minimal condition holds ([236 cl, p. 663); C. Hopkins proved
in 1939 that this condition alone forces the radical to be nilpotent [167].
15 It is there that is found among other things for. the first time in their general
form the notions of homomorphism of a group with operators, of the opposite
ring, of bimodule, as well as the famous "isomorphism theorems" (which already
appear for commutative groups in [236 b]). Particular cases or corollaries of these
latter had, it is well understood, come up long before, for example (for the second
isomorphism theorem) with Holder in connection with finite groups [165], with
Dedekind concerning abelian groups ([79], v. III, pp. 76-77), with Wedderburn
concerning twosided ideals ([328 b], pp. 82-83); as for the first isomorphism theorem,
it is for example stated explicitly by de Seguier in 1904 ([86], p. 65).
16 We should not do here the history of this theory and its relations with the notion
of the extension of one group by another; but it is appropriate to note that the first
"factor sets" made their appearance precisely in connection with a problem of group
extensions, in the memoir of 1904 where I. Schur founded the theory of "projective
representations" of groups [279 b].
11 From 1928, Krull had extended to arbitrary semi-simple modules the general
theorems on semi-simple modules of finite length ([187 c], pp. 63-66).
The theory of quadratic forms, in its modern aspect, hardly goes back before
the second half of the XVIIIth century, and, as we will see, it was developed
mainly to respond to the needs of Arithmetic, Analysis and Mechanics. But
the fundamental notions of this theory have in reality appeared from the
beginnings of "Euclidean" geometry, of which they formed the frame. For
this reason, its history can not be retraced without speaking, at least in a
summary way, of the development of "elementary geometry" since antiquity.
Of course, we will only be able to link up with the evolution of a few general
ideas, and the reader must not expect to find here precise information on the
history of such or such a particular theorem, about which it will suffice to
refer back to specialised historical or didactic works. 1 It goes without saying
also, when we speak below of various possible interpretations of the same
theorem in various algebraic or geometric languages, that we do not intend
at all to say that these "translations" have at all times been as familiar as
they are today; quite on the contrary, it is the principal gaol of this Note to
show how, very gradually, mathematicians have become conscious of these
relationships between questions often of very different aspect; we will also
have to show how, doing this, they have been led to put some coherence in
the mass of theorems from geometry bequeathed by the ancients, and finally
to try to delimit exactly what should be understood by "geometry".
If one puts aside the discovery, by the Babylonians, of the formula for the
solution of equations of the second degree ([232], pp. 183-189) it is therefore
under their geometric disguise that the birth of the principal concepts of the
theory of quadratic forms must be noted. These appear first as squares of
distances (in the plane or space of three dimensions) and the corresponding
notion of "orthogonality" is introduced by means of the right angle, defined
by Euclid as half the straight angle (Elements, Book I, Def. 10); the notions
of distance and right angle being linked by the theorem of Pythagoras, the
keystone of the Euclidean edifice. 2 The idea of angle seems to have been in-
troduced very early in Greek mathematics (which no doubt had received it
1 See ([311], v. IV to VI), as well as [185] and [106], v. III.
2 Most ancient civilisations (Egypt, Babylon, India, China) seem to have reached
independently statements covering certain particular cases of the "theorem of
Pythagoras", and the Hindus even had the idea of. principles of proof of this the-
orem, quite distinct from those found in Euclid (who gives two proofs of it, one
from the Babylonians, broken in to the use of angles by their long astronomi-
cal experience). It is known that in the classical period, only angles less than
2 right angles are defined (the "definition" of Euclid is besides as vague and
unusable as the ones he gives of straight line and plane); the notion of direc-
tion is not brought out, although Euclid uses (without axiom or definition)
the fact that a straight line divides the plane into two regions, which he dis-
tinguishes carefully when it is necessary.3 At this stage, the idea of the group
of plane rotations only comes to light in a very imperfect way, by addition
(introduced, it also, without explanation by Euclid) of non directed angles of
half-lines, which is only defined, in principle, when the sum is at most equal
to two right angles. 4 As for trigonometry, it is disdained by geometers and
abandoned to surveyors and astronomers; it is these latter (Aristarchus, Hip-
parchus, Ptolemy especially [255]) who establish the fundamental relations
between the sides and angles of a right angled triangle (plane or spherical)
and draw up the first tables (they consist of tables giving the chord of the
arc cut out by an angle (J < 11" on a circle of radius r, in other words the
number 2r sin ~; the introduction of the sine, more easily handled, is due to
Hindu mathematicians of the Middle Ages); in the calculation of these tables,
the formula for the addition of arcs, unknown at this time, is replaced by the
equivalent use of the theorem of Ptolemy (going back perhaps to Hipparchus)
they commonly use, for the study of particular "figures", "ordinates" relative
to two (or even more than two) axes in the plane (linked closely to the figure,
which is one of the fundamental points where their method differs from that
of Fermat and Descartes, whose axes are fixed independently of the figure
under consideration). In particular, the first examples of conics (other than
the circle) which come up in connection with the problem of the duplication
of the cube, are the curves given by the equations y2 = az, y = bz 2, zy = c
(Menechme, a pupil of Eudoxus, middle of the IVth century)j7 and it is
the equation of conics (normally with reference to two oblique axes made
up of a diameter and of the tangent to one of its points of contact with
the curve) that is most often used in the study of problems relative to these
curves (whereas the "focal" properties only playa very effacing role, contrary
to what scholarly traditions going back only to the XIXth century would
make us believe). From this vast theory, we must above all remember here
the notion of conjugate diameters (already known by Archimedes), and the
property that today serves as the definition of the polar of a point, given by
Apollonius [153 b) when the point is exterior to the conic (the polar being
therefore for him the straight line joining the points of contact of the tangents
issuing from this point)j from our point of view, these are two examples of
"orthogonality" with respect to a quadratic form distinct from the metric
form, but it is well understood that the link between these notions and the
classical notion of perpendiculars could not possibly be conceived of at that
There is hardly any other progress to point out before Descartes and
Fermatj but from the beginnings of analytic geometry, the algebraic theory
of quadratic forms starts to emerge from its geometric crust: Fermat knows
that an equation ofthe second degree in the plane represents a conic ([109], v.
I, pp. 100-102j French translation, v. III, pp. 84-101) and sketches analogous
ideas about quadrics ([109], v. I, pp. 111-117j French translation, v. III, pp.
102-108). With the development of analytic geometry in 2 and 3 dimensions
during the course of the XVIIIth century two of the central problems of
the theory appear (especially in connection with conics and quadrics): the
reduction of a quadratic form to a sum of squares and the search for its
"axes" with respect to the metric form. For conics, these two problems are
too elementary to give rise to important algebraic progressj for an arbitrary
number of variables, the first is solved by Lagrange in 1759, in connection
with the maxima offunctions of several variables ([191], v. I, pp. 3-20). But
this problem is almost immediately eclipsed by that of the search for axes,
even before invariance of rank had been formulatedjs as for the law of inertia,
7 It appears that the idea of considering these curves 88 plane sections of cones
with a circular base (also due to Menechme) is latedhan their definition by means
of the preceding equations (d. [153 b], pp. XVII-XXX).
8 Treating a problem independent, because of its nature, of the choice of co-
ordinate axes, Lagrange could not have missed observing that his procedure con-
tained much that was arbitrary, but he is still missing notions allowing him to state
it is only discovered around 1850 by Jacobi ([171], v. III, pp. 593-598), who
proves it by the same argument as nowadays, and Sylvester ([304], v. I, pp.
378-381) who limits himself to stating it as quasi-obvious. 9
The problem of the reduction of a quadric to its axes already presents
algebraic difficulties substantially greater than the analogous problem for
conics; and Euler, who is the first to tackle it, is not in a position to prove
the real character of the eigenvalues, which he admits after an attempt at
justification without conviction ([108 a], (1), v. IX, pp. 379-392).10 Given
that this point is correctly established in about 1800 [140], we must await
Cauchy for the proof of the corresponding theorem for forms in an arbitrary
number n of variables ([56 a], (2), v. IX, pp. 174-195). It is also Cauchy who,
at about the same time, proves that the characteristic equation giving the
eigenvalues is invariant under all orthogonal changes of axes ([56 a], (2), v.
= =
V, p. 252);11 but for n 2 or n 3, this invariance was intuitively "obvious"
because of the geometric interpretation of eigenvalues by means of axes of
the corresponding conic or quadric. Besides, during the course of research
on this subject, the elementary symmetric functions of the eigenvalues have
also occurred naturally (with various geometric interpretations, in connec-
tion notably with the theorems of Apollonius on conjugate diameters), and
in particular the discriminant, which (known for a long time for n = 2 in
connection with the theory of the equation of the second degree) appears for
the first time for n = 3 with Euler ([108 a], (1), v. IX, p. 382); this latter
meets it in connection with the classification of quadrics (in expressing the
condition for a quadric not to have a point at infinity) and does not mention
its invariance with respect to orthogonal axis changes. But a bit later, with
the beginnings of the arithmetical theory of quadratic forms with integral
coefficients, Lagrange notes (for n = 2) a particular case of the invariance of
the discriminant under linear but not orthogonal change of variables ([191],
precisely this idea: "As for the resr', he says, "so as not to misunderstand these
researches, it must be noticed that the transformed quantities [into a sum of squares]
could well come in a different form from those that we have given; but, in examining
the matter more closely, one will invariably /ind that, whatever they may be, they
will always be reducible to these, or at least be contained in them [?]" (loc. cit., p.
Gauss on his part had reached this result, and proved it in his lectures by the
method of least squares, as witnessed by Riemann, who followed his lectures in
1846-47 ([259 b], p. 59).
10 He is more fortunate in the determination of the principal axes of inertia of a
solid: having reduced the problem to an equation of the third degree, he observes
that such an equation has at least one real root, therefore that there is at least
one axis of inertia; taking this axis as a co-ordinate axis, he is then reduced to a
problem in the plane, with an easy solution ([108 a], (2), v. III, pp. 200-202).
11 It must be noted that, until about 1930, what is meant by "quadratic form" is
never anything other than a homogeneous polynomial of the second degree with
respect to co-ordinates taken relative to a given set of axes. It appears that it is
only the theory of Hilbert spaces which led to an "intrinsic" concept of quadratic
forms, even in spaces of finite dimension.
v. III, p. 699), and Gauss establishes, for n = 3, the "covariance" of the dis-
criminant for all linear transformations ([124 a], v. I, pp. 301-302).12 Once the
general formula for the mUltiplication of determinants was proved by Cauchy
and Binet, the extension of the formula of Gauss to an arbitrary number of
variables was immediate; it is that which, around 1845, will give the first
impulsion to the general theory of invariants.
To the two notions that, amongst the Greeks, took the place of the theory
of displacements - that of movement and that of "symmetry" of a figure -
has just been added a third in the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries with the
problem of the changing of rectangular axes, which is substantially equiv-
alent to this theory. Euler devotes several works to this question, attaching
importance above all to obtaining parametric representations which are man-
ageable for the formulae for changing axes. It is known what use Mechanics
was going to make of the three angles which he introduces for this purpose
for n =.3 ([108 al, (1), v. IX, pp. 371-378). But he does not limit himself to
that, considers in 1770 the general problem of orthogonal transformations for
arbitrary n, remarks that the goal is reached here by introducing n(n -1)/2
angles as parameters, and finally, for n = 3 ano n = 4, gives for rotations
rationairepresentations (as a function, respectively, of 4 homogeneous param-
eters and of 8 homogeneous parameters linked by a relation), which are none
other than those obtained later by means of the theory of quaternions, and
of which he does not indicate the origin ([108 al, (1), v. VI, pp. 287-315).13
On the other hand, Euler indicates also how to translate analytically the
search for the "symmetries" of plane figures, and it is for this purpose that
he is led to prove, substantially, that a plane displacement is a rotation, or
a translation, or a translation followed by a symmetry ([108 a], (1), v. IX,
pp. 197-199). The rise of Mechanics at this time leads besides to the general
study of displacements: but first of all it is only a question of "infinitely small"
displacements tangent to continuous movements: they are apparently the only
ones that occur in the researches of Torricelli, Roberval and Descartes on the
composition of movements and the instantaneous centre of rotation for plane
movements (cf. p. 177). This latter is defined in a general way by Johann
Bernoulli; d'Alembert in 1749, Euler the following year, extend this notion
by proving the existence of an instantaneous axis of rotation for movements
which leave a point fixed. The analogous theorem for finite displacements is
not stated until 1775 by Euler [108 b], in a memoir where he discovers at the
12 It is also in connection with this research that Gauss defined the inverse of a
quadratic form ([124 al, v. I, p. 301) and obtains the condition of positivity for
such a form bringing in a sequence of principal minors of the discriminant (ibid.,
pp. 305-307).
13 Euler besides does not give the formula for the composition of rotations expressed
by means of these parameters; for n = 3, it is not found before a note of Gauss
(unpublished during his lifetime ([124 a], v. VIII, pp. 357-362)) and work of Olinde
Rodrigues of 1840, who finds the parametric representation of Euler, more or less
fallen into limbo at that time.
same time that the determinant of a rotation is equal to 1; the following year,
he proves the existence of a fixed point for plane similarities ([108 a], (I), v.
XXVI, pp. 276-285). But the work of Chasles must be awaited, starting in
1830 [60 a], in order to obtain finally a coherent theory of finite and infinitely
small displacements.
We arrive thus at what can be called the golden age of geometry, which is
inserted grosso modo between the dates of the publication of the Geometrie
descriptive of Monge (1795) [225] and of the "Erlangen programme" of F.
Klein (1872) ([182], v. I, pp. 460-497). The essential progress that we owe to
this brusque renewal of geometry are the followjng:
A) The notion of the element at infinity (point, straight line or plane),
introduced by Desargues in the XVIIth century [84], but which is hardly ex-
pressed during the XVIIIth century except by abuse of language, is rehabili-
tated and systematically used by Poncelet [252] who thus makes of projective
space the general framework of all geometrical phenomena.
B) At the same time, with Monge and especially Poncelet, the passage
to complex projective geometry is effected. The notion of imaginary point,
sporadically used during the XVIIIth century, is here exploited (concurrently
with that of the point at infinity) to give statements independent of the "case
of the figure" of real affine geometry. If at first the justifications brought in
to support these innovations remained very awkward (especially those from
the members of the school of "synthetic" geometry, where the use of co-
ordinates ends up as being seen as a disgrace), what cannot be missed is
recognising there, under the name of "principle of contingent relations" in
Monge, or "principle of continuity" in Poncelet, the first germ of the idea of
"specialisation" from modern algebraic geometry.14
One of the first results following on from these concepts is the remark that,
in complex projective space, all the conics (respectively quadrics) which are
non degenerate are of the same kind; which brings Poncelet to the discovery
of "isotropic" elements:"Circles placed arbitrarily on a plane", he says, "are
therefore not totally independent among themselves, as could be thought at
first sight, they have ideally two imaginary points in common at infinit7/'
([252], v. I, p. 48). Later, he introduces in the same way the "umbilical", an
imaginary conic at infinity common to all spheres ([252], v. I, p. 370); and
if he does not speak particularly of the isotropic generators of the sphere, at
least he underlines explicitly the existence of rectilinear generators, real or
imaginary, for all quadrics (ibid., p. 371 );15 notions that his followers (notably
14 These "principles" are justified, of course (as Cauchy had already remarked) by
the a.pplication of the principle of the extension of algebraic identities, because of
the fact that the "synthetic" geometries only ever consider properties that translate
analytically into identities of this nature.
16 The first mention of rectilinear generators of quadrics seems due to Wren (1669),
who remarks tha.t the one sheet hyperboloid of revolution can be generated by the
Plucker and Chasles), even more than he, make great use of, in particular in
the study of "focal" properties of conics and quadrics.
C) The notions of point transformation and of composition of transfor-
mations are, they also, formulated in a general way and introduced system-
atically as means of proof. Apart from displacements and projections, only
certain particular transformations were known up to that point: certain plane
projective transformations of the type z' = a/z, y' = y/z, used by La Hire
and Newton, the "affinity" z' = az, y' = by of Clairaut and Euler ([108 a], (1),
v. IX, chap. XVIII), and finally a few particular quadratic transformations,
with Newton again, Maclaurin and Braikenridge. Monge, in his Geometrie
descriptive, shows all the use that can be made of plane projections in 3
dimensional geometry. With Poncelet, one of the systematic procedures for
proofs, used to surfeit, consists in reducing by projection properties of the
conic to those of the circle (a method already used on occasion by Descartes
and PCUlcal); and in order to go from a quadric to a sphere, he invents the
first example of a projective transformation of space, the "homology" ([252],
v. I, p. 357); finally it is he also who introduces the first examples of bira-
tional transformations of a curve into itself. In 1827, Mobius ([223], v. I, p.
217) (and independently Chasles in 1830 ([60 b], p. 695», define the most
general linear projective transformations; at the same time appear inversion
and other types of quadratic transformations, whose study will inaugurate
the theory of birational transformations, which will develop in the second
half of the XIXth century.
D) The notion of duality appears fully in the open and is found consciously
linked to the theory of bilinear forms. The theory of poles and polars with
respect to conics, which, since Apollonius, had only made some progress with
Desargues and La Hire, is extended to quadrics by Monge, who, as well as his
pupils, sees the possibility of transforming by this means known theorems into
new results. 16 But it is again due to Poncelet that the credit returns for having
built up these remarks into a general method in the theory of transformations
"by reciprocal polars" , and of having made it into a particularly efficacious
tool of discovery. A little later, notably with Gergonne, Plucker, Mobius and
Chasles, the general notion of duality frees itself from the link with quadratic
forms, still too close with Poncelet. In particular, Mobius, while examining the
various possibilities for duality in space of 3 dimensions (defined by a bilinear
form), discovers in 1833 duality with respect to an alternating bilinear form
([223], v. I, pp. 489-515),17 especially studied, in the XIXth century, under
the form of the theory of "linear complexes" and developed in relation to the
rotation of a straight line about an axis not in the same plane; but their study was
only developed by Monge and his school.
16 The best known is the theorem of Brianchon (1810), a transform of Pascal's
theorem by duality.
17 In 1828, Giorgini had already met polarity with respect to an alternating form,
in connection with a problem of statics [128].
allows the foresight a priori, among the infinity of "theorems" that can thus
be rolled out at will, as to which will be those whose statement, in the appro-
priate geometric language, will have a simplicity and an elegance comparable
to those of the classical results, and there remains there a restricted domain
where numerous amateurs continue to work with pleasure (the geometry of
the triangle, the tetrahedron, of algebraic curves and surfaces of low degree,
etc.). But for the professional mathematician, the mine is worked out, since
there are no longer there any structural problems, susceptible of reverberat-
ing on other parts of mathematics; and this chapter of the theory of groups
and invariants can be considered as closed until further notice. 23
Thus, after the Erlangen programme, Euclidean and noneuclidean geome-
tries, from a purely algebraic point of view, became simple languages, more
or less convenient, for expressing the results of the theory of bilinear forms,
whose progress went in tandem with that of the theory of invariants. 24 All
that concerns the notion of rank of a bilinear form and the relationships be-
tween these forms and linear transformations is definitively clarified by the
works of Frobenius ([119], v. I, pp. 343- 405). It is also due to Frobenius that
we have the canonical expression of an alternating form on a free Z-module
([119], v. I, pp. 482-544); however, the left symmetric determinant had al-
ready appeared with Pfaff, at the beginning of the century, in connection
with the reduction of differential forms to a normal form; Jacobi, who, in
1827, takes up this problem again ([171], v. IV, pp. 17- 29), knows that a
left symmetric determinant of odd order is null, and it is he who constructs
the expression for the pfaffian and shows that it is a factor of the left sym-
metric determinant of even order; but he had not realised that this latter
is the square of the pfaffian, and this point was only established by Cayley
in 1849 ([58], v. I, pp. 410-413). The notion of the symmetric bilinear form
associated with a quadratic form is the most elementary case of the process
of "polarisation", one of the fundamental tools of the theory of invariants.
Under the name of "scalar product" , this notion will know an immense pros-
perity, first with the vulgarisers of the "vector calculus", then, starting in
the XXth century, thanks to the unsuspected generalisation that is brought
to it by the theory of Hilbert spaces (see p. 212). It is also this latter the-
ory that will bring to light the notion of the adjoint of an operator (which
beforehand had hardly come out except in the theory of linear differential
problems touching on the theory of convex sets, on topology and measure theory.
Of course, there is no question of these problems here.
23 Of course, this inescapable decline of geometry (Euclidean or projective), which
seems evident to our eyes, was however for a long time remaining unseen by contem-
poraries, and until about 1900, this discipline continued to figure as an important
branch of mathematics, as is borne witness for example by the place it occupies
in the Enzyklopadie; until these last years, it still occupied a place in teaching at
24 In particular, the interest that was attached to noneuclidean geometry came, not
from this banal algebraic aspect, but indeed from its relationship with differential
geometry and the theory of functions of complex variables.
representation of imaginary numbers ([124 a), v. II, pp. 101-103 and pp. 175-
It is on the one hand his research on algebraic functions and their integrals,
on the other hand his thoughts (largely inspired by his study of the works
of Gauss) on the foundations of geometry, that led Riemann to formulate a
programme of study which is exactly that of modern topology, and to give
this programme a start towards its realisation .. Here for example is how he
expresses himself in his Theory of abelian functions ([259 a), p. 91):
«In the study of functions that are obtained by the integration of ezact
differentials, some theorems of analysis situs are almost indispensable. Un-
der this name, which wa, ued by Leibniz, Although perhAp, with a ,0mewhAt
different meaning, it is in order to include that part of the theory of con-
tinuous quantitie, which ,tudie, the,e quAntitie" not a, independent of their
position and measurable the ones by means of the other" bfd in abstracting
every idea of measurement and ,tudying ,olely their relationship. of po.ition
and inclusion. I re.erve the right to treat this object later, in a way that is
completely independent of all meAsurement ... " .
And in his famous inaugural Lecture "On the hypotheses that form the
foundation of geometry"([259 a), p. 272):
"... The general notion of quantity ,everal time, eztended, l which con-
tains that of spatial quantity as a particular ca.e, has remained completely
unezplored ... (p. 272)".
« ••• The notion of quantit, presupposes an element su,ceptible of different
determinations. Following on whether or not one can pass from one determi-
nation to another by continuo, transitions, these determinAtions make up a
continuous multiplicity (of which they will be called the points) or a discrete
multiplicity (p. 273)".
"... The measurement consists of a superposition of quantities to compare;
to measure, there must therefore be a means of bringing one quantity onto
another. In the absence of such a means, it is not pOlSible to compare two
quantities ezcept when one ;, part of the other • .. The studie, that can then be
made about this subject constitute part of the theory of quantities, independent
of the measurement, and where the quantities are not considered as having
an ezistence independent of their po.ition, nor as being uprelSible by means
of a unit of measure, but as parts of a multiplicity. Such studies have become
a necelSit,l in many parts of mathematics, and in particular for the theory of
analytic multiform functions ... (p. 274)".
"... The determination of the position in a given multiplicity;' thus re-
duced, each time that it is pOlSible, to a finite number of numerical determi-
In this last sentence will be noticed the first idea of a study of functional
spaces; besides, already in Riemann's Dissertation the same idea is to be
found expressed "The set of these Junctioni' , he says in connection with the
minimum problem known under the name of Ditichlet's principle, "makes up
II connected domain, closed in itself ([259 a], p. 30), which is, in an imperfect
form, nonetheless the embryo of the proof that Hilbert would give later of
Dirichlet's principle, and even of the majority of the applications of functional
spaces to the calculus of variations.
As we have said, Riemann gave a start to the carrying out of this grandiose
programme, by defining the "Betti numbers", first of a surface ([259 a1, pp.
92-93), then (ibid., pp. 479-482; d. also [259 cD of a multiplicity of an ar-
bitrary number of dimensions, and in applying this definition to the theory
of integrals; results which inaugurate algebraic Topology, a branch of mathe-
matics whose development has not stopped accelerating since the beginning
of the XXth century, and should not be traced here.
As for the general theory of topological spaces, such as was foreseen by
Riemann, it was necessary in order for it to develop, that the theory of
real numbers, of sets of numbers, of sets of points on the straight line, in
the plane and in space, should first be studied more systematically than had
been the case in Riemann's time: this study was linked, on the other hand, to
researches (semi philosophical with Bolzano, essentially mathematical with
Dedekind) on the nature of irrational numbers, as well as progress in the
theory of functions of a real variable (to which Riemann himself brought
an important contribution by his definition of the integral and his theory of
trigonometric series, and which was the object, among others, of the work
of du Bois-Reymond, Dini, Weierstrass); it was the work of the second half
of the XIXth century and most particularly Cantor, who was the first to
define (first on a straight line, then in Euclidean space of n dimensions)
the notions of accumulation point, closed and perfect set, and who obtained
the essential results on the structure of these sets on the straight line(cf.
p. 155): one should consult on this, not only the Works of Cantor [47), but
also his very interesting correspondence with Dedekind [48], where will be
found clearly expressed also the idea of the number of dimensions considered
as a topological invariant.
Further progress of the theory is stated for example, in a semi-historical,
semi-systematic form in the book of Schoenflies [275 a]: by far the most
important was the Borel-Lebesgue theorem (proved first by Borel for a closed
interval on the straight line and a countable family of open intervals covering
The ideas of Cantor had first met a fairly lively opposition (cf. p. 28). At
least his theory of sets of points on the straight line and in the plane was
soon used and widely spread by the French and German schools of the theory
of functions (J ordan, Poincare, Klein, Mittag-Leffier, then Hadamard, Borel,
Baire, Lebesgue, etc.): the first volumes of the Borel collection, in particular,
each contain an elementary statement of this theory (see for example [32 aD.
As these ideas were spread, people began to think in different ways about their
possible application to sets, not of points anymore, but of curves or functions:
an idea that saw the light of day, for example, already in 1884, in the title "On
the limit curves of a family of curves" of a memoir of Ascoli [10], and which
expresses itself in a communication of Hadamard to the congress of mathe-
maticians at Zurich in 1896 [141]; it is tightly linked also to the introduction
of "line functions" by Volterra in 1887, and to tlie creation of the "functional
calculus", or theory of functions where the argument is a function (on that,
the work of Volterra on functional Analysis [322 b] can be consulted). On the
other hand, in the famous memoir ([163 a], v. III, pp. 10-37) where Hilbert,
taking up again on this point the ideas of Riemann, proved the existence of
the minimum in the Dirichlet principle and inaugurated the "direct method"
of the calculus of variations, one sees clearly appearing the interest that there
is in considering sets of functions where the Bolzano-Weierstrass principle is
valid, that is to say every sequence contains a convergent sub sequence; such
sets would soon indeed play an important role, not only in the calculus of
variations, but in the theory of functions of a real variable (Ascoli, Arzela)
and in that of functions of a complex variable(Vitali, Caratheodory, Montel).
Finally the study of functional equations, and most particularly the solution
by Fredhom of the type of equation that bears his name [116], made familiar
the consideration of a function as an argument, and of a set of functions
as the analogue of a set of points, in connection with which it was quite as
natural to use geometric language as for the points of a Euclidean space of
n dimensions (a space which, also, escapes "intuition", and for that reason,
remained for a long time an object of mistrust for many mathematicians).
In particular, the memorable works of Hilbert on integral equations [163 b]
end with the definition and the geometric study of Hilbert space by Erhard
Schmidt [274 b], in complete analogy with Euclidean geometry (see p. 212).
Meanwhile the notion of axiomatic theory had taken an increasingly
greater importance, thanks above all to numerous works on the foundations
of geometry, among which those of Hilbert [163 c] exercised a particularly
decisive influence; during this very same work, Hilbert had been led to state
exactly, from 1902 ([163 c], p. 180), a first axiomatic definition of the "mul-
tiplicity twice extended" in the sense of Riemann, a definition which consti-
tuted, he said, "the foundation of a rigorous axiomatic treatment of analysis
situs" , and already used neighbourhoods (in a meaning restricted by the ex-
igencies of the problem to which Hilbert was then limiting himself).
The first attempts to bring out that which was in common to the proper-
ties of sets of points and of functions (without the intervention of a notion of
"distance"), were made by Frechet [115 a] and F. Riesz [260 b); but the first,
starting from the notion of countable limit, does not succeed in constructing,
for non metrizable spaces, an axiom system which is convenient and fruit-
ful; at least he recognised the relationship between the Bolzano-Weierstrass
principle and the Borel-Lebesgue theorem; it is in this connection that he
introduced the word "compact", even though with a meaning somewhat dif-
ferent from that given to it today. As for F. Riesz, who started from the
notion of point of accumulation (or rather, which comes to the same thing, of
"derived" set), his theory was still incomplete, and remained besides as only
a sketch.
With Hausdorff ([152 a], chap. 7-8-9) general topology as it is understood
today starts. Taking up again the notion of neighbourhood, he knew how to
choose, among the axioms of Hilbert on neighbourhoods in the plane, those
that could give to his theory at the same time all the precision and the gen-
erality that were desirable. The chapter where he develops its consequences
remains a model of axiomatic theory, abstract but adapted to applications
from the beginning. That was, quite naturally, the point of departure for sub-
sequent research on general topology, and principally the work of the school
of Moscow, directed for the greater part towards the problem of metrisation
(cf. p. 166): we must remember from this especially here the definition, by
Alexandroff and Urysohn, of compact spaces (under the name of "bicompact
spaces"), then the proof by Tychonoff [313] of the compactness of products of
compact spaces. Finally the introduction of filters by H. Cartan [53], which
while supplying a very valuable instrument in view of all kinds of applica-
tions (where it is an advantageous substitute for the notion of "Moore-Smith
convergence" [227]), came, thanks to the theorem on ultrafilters, to achieve
a clarification and simplification of the theory.
The principal notions and propositions relating to uniform spaces came out
little by little from the theory of real variables, and were the object of sy~
tematic study only recently. Cauchy, looking to set up rigorously the theory
of series (cf. p. 153), took as departure point & principle that he seems to
have considered as obvious, according to which a necessary and sufficient
condition for the convergence of a sequence (an) is that lan+p - ani should
be arbitrarily small whenever n is sufficiently large (see for example ([56 a],
(2), v. VII, p. 267». With Bolzano [27 c], he was without doubt one of the
first to state explicitly this principle, and to recognise its importance: whence
the name "Cauchy sequence" given to sequences of real numbers that satisfy
the condition in question, and by extension to ~quences (zn) of points in &
metric space such that the distance between zn+p and Zn is arbitrarily small
whenever n is sufficiently large; from there finally the name of "Cauchy filter"
given to the generalisation of Cauchy sequences in uniform spaces.
When later on the intuitive notion of real number was no longer sat~
factory, and that it was sought, in order to give Analysis & solid foundation,
to define real numbers starting from rational numbers, it was precisely the
Cauchy principle that furnished the most fruitful among the definitions sug-
gested in the second half of the XIXth century; it is Cantor's definition ([47],
pp. 93-96) (developed also, among others, from the ideas of Cantor, by Heine
[154 b], and independently, by Meray), according to which one makes a real
number correspond to every Cauchy sequence ("fundamental sequence" in
the terminology of Cantor) of rational numbers; the same real number will
correspond to two Cauchy sequences of rational numbers (an) and (bn ) if
Ian - bn I tends to zero, and in this case only. The essential idea here is that,
from a certain point of view, the set Q of rational numbers is "incomplete",
and that the set of real numbers is the "complete" set that is deduced from
Q by "completing" it.
On the other hand, Heine, in work mainly inspired by the ideas of Weier-
strass and Cantor, was the first to define uniform continuity for numerical
functions of one or more real variables [154 a], and proved that every nu-
merical function, continuous on a closed bounded interval of R, is uniformly
continuous there [154 b]: it is "Heine's theorem". This result is linked to
the compactness of a closed bounded interval in R ("Borel-Lebesgue thea-
rem", cf. p. 141), and the proof given by Heine of his theorem can also be
used, with a few modifications, to prove the Borel-Lebesgue theorem (which
seemed to several authors a sufficient reason for giving this theorem the name
"Heine-Borel theorem").
The extension of these ideas to more general spaces was made when, first
some special cases were studied, and then in general, metric spaces, where
a distance (numerical function of pairs of points, satisfying certain axioms)
is given and defines at the same time a topology and a uniform structure.
Frckhet, who was the first to state the general definition of these spaces,
recognised the importance of the Cauchy principle [115 a], and introduced
also for all metric spaces, the notion of pre compact (or "totally bounded"
[115 a and b)) space. Hausdorff, who, in his "Mengenlehre" [152 a and b]
developed a lot of the theory of metric spaces, recognised in particular that
one can apply to these spaces the Cantor construction which was considered
above, and so deduce, for every non "complete" metric space (that is to say
where the Cauchy principle is not valid), a "complete" metric space.
Metric spaces are "uniform spaces" of a particular kind; uniform spaces
have only been defined in a general way recently, by A. Weil [330 b]. Be-
forehand it was only known how to use the notions and results referring to
"uniform structure" when metric spaces were being dealt with: which explains
the important role played in a lot of modern work on topology by metric or
metrizable spaces (and in particular by compact metrizable spaces) in ques-
tions where distance is not of any real use. Once the definition of uniform
spaces is stated, there is no difficulty (especially when the notion of filter is
also available) in extending to these spaces nearly all the theory of metric
spaces, as it is stated for example by Hausdorff (and to extend in the same
way, for example, to all compact spaces, the results set out for compact metric
spaces in the Topology of Alexandroff-Hopf (4)). In particular, the completion
theorem for uniform spaces is none other than the transposition, without any
essential modification, of Cantor's construction for the real numbers.
Every measure of size implies a diffuse notion of real numbers. From the
point of view of mathematics, the origins of the theory of real numbers must
go back to the progressive formation, in Babylonian science, of a system of
numbering capable (in principle) of denoting values as near as required to
every real number [232]. The possession of such a system, and the confidence
in numerical calculations which can not but follow from this, terminated
inevitably, in fact, with a "naive" notion of real numbers, which is hardly
different from that which one finds again today (linked to the decimal sys-
tem of numbering) in elementary teaching or with physicists and engineers;
this notion does not allow itself to be defined with exactness, but it can be
expressed by saying that a number is considered as defined by the possibility
of obtaining approximate values and introducing these into the calculations:
which, besides, implies necessarily a certain degree of confusion between the
measures of size given by experience, which are naturally not susceptible to
indefinite approximation, and such "numbers" as .../2 (supposing that there
exists an algorithm for the indefinite approximation of this number).
A similar "pragmatic" point of view reappears therefore in all the schools
of mathematics where calculating skills take over from the desire for rigour
and theoretical preoccupations. It is these latter, on the contrary, which domi-
nate Greek mathematics: so we owe to it the first rigorous and coherent theory
of ratios of quantities, that is to say, essentially the real numbers; it is the end
result of a series of discoveries on ratios and in particular on incommensurable
ratios, of which it is difficult to exaggerate the importance in the history of
Greek thought, but of which, in the absence of precise texts, we can only just
discern the major lines. Greek mathematics in its beginnings is inseparably
linked to speculations, partly scientific, partly philosophical and mystical,
on proportions, similitiudes and ratios, in particular the "simple ratios" (ex-
pressible by fractions with small numerator and denominator); and it was one
of the characteristic tendencies of the Pythagorean school to claim to explain
all by integers and the ratio of integers. But it was the Pythagorean school,
precisely, that discovered the incommensurability of the side of a square with
its diagonal (the irrationality of V2): the first example, no doubt, of a proof
of impossibility in mathematics; just the fact of stating this question implies
a clear distinction between a ratio and its approximate values, and suffices to
indicate the immense gap which separates Greek mathematicians from their
predecessors. 1
We are badly informed about the movement of ideas that accompanied
and followed this important discovery. 2 We will limit ourselves to indicating
summarily the principal ideas that are at the basis of the theory of ratios
of quantities, a theory which, codified by the great mathematician Eudoxus
(contemporary and friend of Plato), was definitively adopted by classical
Greek mathematics, and is known to us through the Elements of Euclid
[107], where it is given a masterly exposition (in Book V of these Elements):
1) The word and the idea of number are strictly reserved for integers> 1
(1 is the monad and not a number properly speaking), to the exclusion, not
only of our irrational numbers, but even of those that we call rational num-
bers, these being, for the Greek mathematicians of the classical era, ratios of
numbers. There is there much more than a simple question of terminology,
the word number being linked for the Greeks (and for the moderns until re-
cent times) to the idea of a system with a double law of composition (addition
and multiplication): the ratios of integers are conceived by the classical Greek
mathematicians as operators, defined on the set of integers or on a part of this
set (the ratio of p to q is the operator which, to N, makes correspond, if N is
a multiple of q, the integer p.(N/q», and making up a multiplicative group,
but not a system with a double law of composition. In this, the Greek math-
ematicians were separating themselves voluntarily from the "logisticians" or
professional calculators, who had, like their Egyptian and Babylonian prede-
cessors, no scruples at treating as numbers fractions or the sum of an integer
and a fraction. It seems besides that they imposed on themselves this restric-
tion on the idea of number for motives more philosophical than mathematical,
and following on from the thoughts of the first Greek thinkers on the unit
and the multiple, the unit not being capable of subdivision (in this system
of thought) without losing by that selfsame action its character of unit. 3
the fact that these ratios, in as much as they are operators on the integers,
are (in general) defined only for a subset of the set of integers, it was still
necessary to develop their theory separately (Book VII of Euclid).
The domain of universal operators thus constructed was therefore for
Greek mathematicians the equivalent of what is for us the set of real numbers;
it is clear besides that with the addition of quantities and the multiplication
of ratios of quantities, they possessed the equivalent of what for us is the
field of real numbers, even though in a much less handy form. 6 It is possible,
on the other hand, to ask oneself if they had conceived of these sets (set
of quantities of a given kind, or sets of ratios of quantities) as complete in
our sense; it is not easy to see, otherwise, why they would have assumed
(without even feeling the need to turn it into an axiom) the existence of a
fourth proportional; furthermore, certain texts seem to refer to ideas of this
kind; finally they certainly assume as obvious that a curve, capable of being
described by a continuous movement, can not pass from one side to the other
of a straight line without cutting it, a principle that they used for example
in their research on the duplication of the cube (construction of ~ by the
intersection of curves) and which is essentially equivalent to the property
under consideration; however, the texts that we possess do not allow us to
know with complete precision their ideas on this point.
Thus therefore is the state of the theory of real numbers in the classi-
cal era of Greek mathematics. As admirable as the construction of Eudoxus
was, and not leaving anything to be desired from the point of view of co-
herence and rigour, it must be admitted that it lacked in suppleness, and
was hardly favourable for the development of numerical calculations and es-
pecially of algebraic calculations. What is more, its logical necessity could
only be appreciated by minds taken with rigour and exercised in abstraction;
it is therefore natural that with the decline of Greek mathematics, one sees
reappearing little by little the "naive" point of view which had been kept
by means of the tradition of the logisticians; it is that which dominates for
example with Diophantus [91 al, a true follower ofthis tradition rather than
official Greek science; this latter, while reproducing for form's sake the Eu-
clidean definition of number, understands really by the word "number", the
unknown of the algebraic problems whose solution is, either an integer, or a
fractional number, or even an irrational. 1 Although this change in attitude,
about the subject of number, was linked to one of the most important ad-
the real numbers are defined by the axioms of quantities and the criterion of
Cauchy: which indeed is sufficient to define them.
It is at the same time that another important aspect of the theory of real
numbers is definitively clarified. As we have said, it has always been assumed
as geometrically obvious that two continuous curves can not cross without
intersecting; a principle that (made suitably precise) would be equivalent,
it also, to the property of the straight line being a complete space. This
principle is still part of the basis of the "rigorous" proof given by Gauss in
1799 of d' Alembert's theorem, according to which every polynomial with real
coefficients admits a real or complex root ([124 a], v. III, p. 1); the proof of
the same theorem, given by Gauss in 1815 ([124 a], v. III, p. 31), relies, in
the same way as a previous attempt by Lagrange, on the principle, analogous
but simpler, according to which a polynomial can not change sign without
becoming zero (a principle that we have already seen used by Stevin). In
1817, Bolzano gives, starting with the criterion of Cauchy, a complete proof
of this latter principle, which he obtains as a particular case of an analogous
theorem about continuous numerical functions of a numerical variable [27 c].
Stating clearly (before Cauchy) the "Cauchy criterion" , he seeks to justify it
by an argument that, in the absence of all arithmetical definitions of a real
number, was only and could only be a vicious circle; but, once this point is
admitted, his work is entirely correct and quite remarkable, as containing, not
only the modern definition of a continuous function (given here for the first
time), with a proof of the continuity of polynomials, but even the proof of the
existence of the lower bound of an arbitrary bounded set of real numbers (he
does not speak of sets, but, which amounts to the same thing, of properties
of real numbers). On the other hand, Cauchy, in his Cours d'Analyse ([56 a],
(2), v. III), defining, he also, continuous functions of one or more numerical
variables, proves equally that a continuous function of one variable can not
change sign without becoming zero, and this by the same argument as Simon
Stevin, which naturally becomes correct, once continuity is defined, as soon as
the Cauchy criterion is used (or as soon as the equivalent principle of "nested
intervals" so-called is assumed, as Cauchy does at this point, of which the
convergence of indefinite decimal fractions is of course only a particular case).
Once this point is reached, it only remained for mathematicians to make
precise and develop the results acquired, by correcting a few errors and filling
a few gaps. Cauchy, for example, had believed for a time that a convergent
series, whose terms are continuous functions of a variable, has as sum a
continuous function: the correction of this point by Abel, during the course of
his important work on series ([1], v. I, p. 219; cf. also v. II, p. 257 and passim),
ended finally by the elucidation by Weierstrass, in his lectures (unpublished,
but which had a considerable influence), of the notion of uniform convergence
(see p. 205). On the other hand, Cauchy had, without sufficient justification,
assumed the existence of a minimum of a continuous function in one of the
proofs given by him for the existence of roots oof a polynomial; it is again
11 Indeed, the question of existence, that is to say, in modern language, the consis-
tency of the theory of real numbers, is thus reduced to the analogous question for
rational numbers, on condition however that the theor, 0/ ob.truct .ee. u o..umed
known (since completion presupposes the notion of generic subset of an infinite set);
in other words, everything is reduced to this latter theory, since one can deduce
from it the theory of rational numbers. On the contrary, if it is assumed that the
Theory of sets is not available, it is impossible to reduce the consistency of the
theory of real numbers to that of arithmetic, and it becomes again necessary to
give it an independent axiomatic characterisation.
finitelY"; they were defined by Baire in the course of important work where
he abandons entirely the measure point of view in order to tackle systemat-
ically the qualitative and "topological" aspect of these questions [11 a1: it is
on this occasion that he defines and studies for the first time semi-continuous
functions, and with a view to characterise limit functions of continuous func-
tions, he introduces the important notion of a thin set ("first category" set
in the terminology of Baire) (see p. 165). As for the numerous works that
have followed those of Baire, and which are due mainly to the Russian and
especially Polish schools, we can only draw attention to their existence here
(see p. 166).
1 Chuquet writes for example 121 ,122 ,123 , etc., for 122:,122: 2 ,122: 3 , etc., 12° for
the number 12, and 122 '" for 122:-2 ([64], pp. 737-738).
Napier (as explicitly at least as was allowed by the fairly vague concept of
continuity that obtained at that time).2
We do not need to dwell here on the services rendered by logarithms in
the numerical Calculusj from the theoretical point of view, their importance
dates especially from the beginnings of the infinitesimal Calculus, with the
discovery of series expansions of log( 1 + :e) and of e~, and of the differential
properties of these functions (see pp. 172 ff.). As far as the definition of
exponentials and logarithms is concerned, it will be limited, until the middle
of the XIXth century, to assuming intuitively the possibility of extending by
continuity to the set of real numbers the function a Z defined for all rational rej
and it is only once the notion of real number is definitively made precise and
deduced from that of rational number, that there will be thought of giving a
rigorous justification to this extension.
We have already had the opportunity of saying how the development of the
analytic Geometry of the plane and space led mathematicians to introduce
the notion of n dimensional space, which supplied them with a geometric lan-
guage which was extremely convenient for expreSsing in a concise and simple
way theorems of algebra concerning equations with an arbitrary number of
variables, and notably all the general results of linear Algebra (see p. 61).
But if, towards the middle of the XIXth century, this language had become
current among numerous geometers, it remained purely conventional, and
the absence of an "intuitive" representation of spaces of more than three
dimensions seemed to forbid in these latter arguments "by continuity" that
were allowed in the plane or in space based exclusively on "intuition". It
is Riemann who was the first, in his research on Analysis situs and on the
foundations of Geometry, who was bold to argue in that way by analogy with
the case of three dimensional space (see p. 176);1 following him, numerous
mathematicians set out to use, with great success, arguments of this nature,
notably in the theory of algebraic functions of several complex variables. But
the control of spatial intuition being very limited at that time, one could
remain with good reason very sceptical as to the worth in proofs of such con-
siderations, and only allow them purely heuristically, in as much as they made
very plausible the exactness of certain theorems. It is thus that H. Poincare,
in his memoir of 1887 on the residues of double integrals of functions of two
complex variables, avoids as far as possible all recourse to intuition in four di-
mensional space: "As this hypergeometric language is repugnant still to many
good minds", he says, "I will only make infrequent use of it"; the "artifices"
that he employs to this end allow him to get back to topological arguments
in three dimensional space, where he then hesitates no longer to appeal to
intuition ([251 a], v. III, pp. 443 ff.).
Elsewhere, the discoveries of Cantor, and notably the famous theorem
establishing that Rand R n are equipotent (which seemed to put into question
the very notion of dimension)2 showed that it was indispensable, in order to
provide a solid basis for the arguments of Geometry and Topology, to free
1 See also the work of L. Schli.fli ([273], v. I, pp. 169-387), dating from the same
time, but which was only published in the XXth century.
2 It is interesting to note that, as soon as he knew of this result, Dedekind had
understood the reason for its appearance being so paradoxical, and had notified
them entirely from all recourse to intuition. We have already said (cf. p. 139)
that this need is at the origin of the modern conception of general Topology;
but even before the creation of this latter, a rigorous study had begun of
the topology of number spaces and of their most immediate generalisations
(the "n dimensional varieties") by methods arising mainly from the branch
of Topology called "combinatorial Topology" or better "algebraic Topology" ,
of which we can not speak here.
Cantor that it should be possible to prove the impossibility of a bijective and bi-
continuous correspondence between R m and R n for m #: n ([48], pp. 37-38).
We will not take up again here the complete expose of the historical develop-
ment of the theory of complex numbers or that of quaternions, these theories
being essentially in the domain of Algebra (see pp. 72 and 62)j but we will say
a few words about the geometric representation of imaginary numbers which
in many respects constitutes decisive progress in the history of Mathematics.
It is to C. F. Gauss that is due without dispute the first clear conception
of the bijective correspondence between complex numbers and points of the
plane, l and especially the merit of having been the first to have known how
to apply this idea to the theory of complex numbers, and to have foreseen
clearly the advantage that the analysts of the XIXth century would make of
it. During the course of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, mathematicians
had little by little reached the conviction that imaginary numbers, which
allowed the solution of equations of the 2nd degree, also allowed the solution
of algebraic equations of arbitrary degree. Numerous attempts at the proof of
this theorem were published during the XVIIIth centuryj but, even without
mentioning those that rely only on a vicious circle, there were none that
were not open to serious objections. Gauss, after a detailed examination of
these attempts and a tight critique of the gaps, proposed, in his inaugural
Dissertation (written in 1797, appeared in 1799), to give finally a rigorous
proof; taking up an idea given out in passing by d'Alembert (in the published
proof by this latter in 1746,2 he remarks that the points (a, b) of the plane
such that a + ib is a root of the polynomial P(z + iy) X(z, y) + iY(z, y),
are the intersections of the curves X = =
0 and Y OJ by a qualitative study
of these curves, he shows that a continuous arc of one of them joins points of
two distinct regions bounded by the other, and concludes from this that the
1 The first to have the idea of such a correspondence is without doubt Wallis, in
his Treatise on Algebra published in 1685; but hie ideas on this point remained
confused, and did not exert any influence on his contemporaries.
2 This proof (where d'Alembert makes nothing ofthe remark which serves as the
point of departure for Gauss) is the first by date that does not reduce to a clumsy
a.ppeal to principles. Ga.uss, who criticises precisely the weak points, does not fail
however to recognise the value of the fundamental idea of d'Alembert: "the troe
nerve of the proor, he says, ""eem" to me to be unaffected by all the"e objection¥'
([124 al, v. III, p. 11); a little later, he sketches a method for making the argument of
d'Alembert rigorous; it is already, to all intents and purposes, cl08e to the argument
of Cauchy in one of hie proofs of the same theorem.
curves meet ([124 a], v. III, p. 3; see also [124 b]): a proofthat, by its clarity
and originality, constitutes a considerable progress on previous attempts, and
is without doubt one of the first examples of an argument from pure Topology
applied to a problem of Algebra. 3
In his Dissertation, Gauss does not define explicitly the correspondence
between points of the plane and imaginary numbers; as far as these latter are
concerned, and the questions about "existence" that they raised during two
centuries, he even adopts a fairly reserved position, intentionally presenting
all his arguments in a form in which only real numbers occur. But the march
of ideas in his proof would be entirely unintelligible if they did not presuppose
a fully conscious identification of the points of the plane and complex num-
bers; and his contemporaneous research on the theory of numbers and elliptic
functions, where complex numbers also occur, only reinforces this hypothesis.
At what point the geometric conception of imaginary numbers became famil-
iar to him, and to what results it would lead in his hands, is what is shown
clearly in the notes (published only in our day) where he applies complex
numbers to the solution of problems of elementary Geometry ([124 a], v. IV,
p. 396 and v. VIII, p. 307). Still more explicit is the letter to Bessel of 1811
([124 al, v. VIII, pp. 90- 91), where he sketches the essentials of the theory
of integration of functions of complex variables: "In the same wall', he says,
"that one can represent the whole domain 0/ real quantities 6y means 0/ an
indefinite straight line, so one can picture ("sinnlich machen") the complete
domain 0/ all the quantities, the reals and the imaginaries, 6y means 0/ an
indefinite plane, where each point, determined 6y its abscissa a and its or-
dinate 6, represents at the same time the quantity a + i6. The continuous
movement 0/ a value 0/ z to another in consequence is made /ollowing a line,
and so can 6e accomplished in an infinity 0/ ways ... "
But it is only in 1831 that Gauss (in connection with the introduction of
the "Gaussian integers" a+ib, where a and b are integers) displayed publicly
his ideas on this point in such a clear a manner ([124 a], v. II, Theoria
Residuorum Biquadraticorum, Commentatio secunda, art. 38, p. 109, and
A nzeige, pp. 174 ff.). In the interval, the idea of the geometric representation
of imaginary numbers had been found again independently by two modest
seekers, both amateur mathematicians, more or less self-taught, and for whom
it was the only contribution to science, both also without much contact with
the scientific environment of their time. Because of this, their work was in
grave risk of being completely overlooked; it is precisely what happened for
the first in time, the Dane C. Wessel, whose pamphlet, which appeared in
1798, very clearly conceived and drawn up, was only brought out of limbo
a century later; and the same misadventure almost happened to the second,
the Swiss J. Argand, who only by chance saw, in 1813, the exhumation of his
3 Gauss published in all four proofs of the "theorem of d' Alembert-Gauss" i the last
is a variant of the first, and, like the first, appeals to intuitive topological properties
of the plane; but the second and the third are based on quite different principles
(see p. 91).
work that he had published seven years earlier. 4 This work provoked an active
discussion in the Annales de Gergonne, and the matter was the object, in
France and in England, of several publications (due to fairly obscure authors)
between 1820 and 1830; but it lacked the authority of a big name to put an
end to these controversies and to rally mathematicians to the new point of
view; and it was necessary to wait until the middle of the century before
the geometric representation of imaginary numbers was finally universally
adopted, following the publications of Gauss (quoted above) in Germany,
the work of Hamilton and Cayley on hypercomplex systems in England, and
finally, in France the adherence ofCauchy,5 a few years only before Riemann,
by a brilliant extension, came also to widen the role of Geometry in the theory
of analytic functions, and create Topology at the same time.
The measurement of angles, by the arcs that they cut out on the cir-
cle, is as ancient as the notion of angle itself, and is already known to the
Babylonians, from whom we have kept the unit of angle, the degree; it is
besides only a matter for them of the measurement of angles between 0 and
360 0 , which sufficed for them, since their angles were mainly used by them to
identify the position of celestial objects at predetermined points of their ap-
parent trajectories, and to draw up tables for use in scientific and astrological
With the Greek geometers of the classical era, the definition of angle (Evel.
EI., I, def. 8 and 9) is still more restricted, since it only applies to angles less
than two right angles; and as on the other hand their theory of ratios and
of measurement relied on the comparison of arbitrarily large multiples of the
quantities measured, the angles could not be for .them a measurable quantity,
although one finds naturally with them the notions of equal angles, of angles
greater or less one than the other, and of the sum of two angles when this
sum does not exceed two right angles. In the same way as for the addition of
fractions, the measurement of angles must therefore have been in their eyes
an empirical procedure without scientific value. This point of view is well
illustrated by the admirable memoir of Archimedes on spirals ([5 b], v. II,
pp. 1-12), where, in default of being able to define these by the proportionality
of the radius vector to the angle, he gives a cinematic description of them
(def 1, p. 44; cf the statement of prop. 12, p. 46) from which he manages to
draw out, as is shown by the rest of his work, all that the general notion of
the measurement of angles would have given him if were to have had it. As
for the Greek astronomers, they seem, on this point as on many others, to
have been content to follow their Babylonian predecessors.
Here also, as in the evolution of the concept of real numbers (cf. p. 150),
the loosening of the spirit of rigour, during the decadence of Greek science,
brought the return of the "naive" point of view, which in certain respects,
is closer to our own than the rigid Euclidean conception. It is thus that an
ill-advised interpolator inserts in Euclid the famous proposition (Eucl. El.,
VI, 33): ''The angles are proportional to the arcs that they cut out on the
circle" ,6 and an anonymous scholastic who comments on the "proof" of this
proposition does not hesitate to introduce, without any justification of course,
arcs equal to arbitrarily large multiples of a circumference, and the angles
corresponding to these arcs ([107], v. V, p. 357). But Vietus even, in the
XVIth century, while appearing to touch on our modern conception of angle
when he discovers that the equation sin nz = sin a has several roots, only ob-
tains the roots that correspond to angles less than 2 right angles ([319], pp.
305-313). It is only in the XVIIth century that this point ofview is overtaken
in a definitive manner; and, after the discovery by Newton of the expansions
in series of sin z and cos z had supplied expressions for these functions, valid
for all values of the variables, one finds with Euler, in connection with loga-
rithms of "imaginary" numbers, the precise conception of the notion of the
measurement of an arbitrary angle ([108 a], (1), v. XVII, p. 220).
Of course, the classical definition of the measurement of an angle by the
length of the arc of a circle is not only intuitive, but essentially correct;
however, it requires, in order to be made rigorous, the notion of the length
of a curve, that is to say the integral Calculus. From the point of view of the
structures that come into play, that is a very roundabout procedure, and it
is possible to use no other methods than those of the theory of topological
groups; the real exponential and the complex exponential appear thus as
deriving from the same origin, the theorem characterising "groups with one
parameter" .
As we said (see p. 146), the notion of metric space was introduced in 1906 by
M. Frechet, and developed a few years later by F. Hausdorff in his "Mengen-
lehre" . It acquired great importance after 1920, on the one hand following the
fundamental work of S. Banach and his school on normed spaces and their
applications to functional Analysis (see pp. 216 ff.), on the other by reason of
the interest that was raised by the notion of valuation in Arithmetic and in
Algebraic Geometry (where notably completion with respect to a valuation
shows itself to be very fruitful).
From the period 1920-1930 are dated a whole series of studies undertaken
by the Moscow school on the properties of the topology of a metric space, work
which aimed in particular at obtaining necessary and sufficient conditions for
a given topology to be metrizable. It is this movement of ideas that caused
the appearance of interest in the notion of a normal space, defined in 1923 by
Tietze, but whose important role was only recognised following the work of
Urysohn [314] on the extension of continuous numerical functions. Apart from
the trivial case of functions of a real variable, the problem of extension to the
whole space of a continuous numerical function defined on a closed set, was
treated for the first time (for the case of the plane) by H. Lebesgue [196 d]j
before the definitive result of Urysohn, it had been solved for metric spaces
by H. Tietze [307]. The extension of this problem to the case of functions
with values in an arbitrary topological space acquired in these last years
a considerable importance in algebraic Topology. Recent works have as well
brought into the open that, in this type of question, the notion of normal space
is hard to handle, because it still offers too many "pathological" possibilitiesj
most of the time it is necessary to substitute for it the more restrictive notion
of a paracompact space, introduced by J. Dieudonne in 1944 [90 a]j in this
theory, the most remarkable result is the theorem due to A. H. Stone [300],
according to which every metrizable space is paracompact. 1
1 This theorem has allowed the provision of a more satisfying solution to the
problem of metrization than the criteria obtained around 1930 by the Russo-Polish
school ("Nagata-Smirnov criterion"). But it must be noted that until now these
criteria have hardly had any applications; as so often in the history of mathematics
it seems as if the problem of metrization had less importance because of its solution
than for the new notions whose development it would have brought.
In 1604, at the apogee of his scientific career, Galileo, believes he has proved
that, in rectilinear movement where the speed grows proportional to the dis-
tance covered, the law of movement will be just the one (x = ct 2 ) that he
had discovered in the falling of weights ([122 b], v. X, pp. 115-116). Between
1695 and 1700, there is no volume of Acta Eruditorum published monthly
at Leipzig, where there do not appear memoirs from Leibniz, the Bernoulli
brothers, the marquis de I'Hopital, dealing with, to all intents and purposes with
the notation of which we still make use, the most varied problems of dif-
ferential calculus, integral calculus and the calculus of variations. It is thus
almost exactly during the interval of a century that infinitesimal calculus
was wrought or, as was eventually said by the English, Calculus at its best
("calculus"); and nearly three centuries of constant use have not completely
blunted this incomparable instrument.
The Greeks neither had nor imagined anything like it. If they knew, no
doubt, if only to refuse to use it, an algebraic calculus, that of the Babylo-
nians, of which part of their Geometry is perhaps just a transcription, it is
strictly in the domain of geometric invention that what is perhaps their most
brilliant mathematical creation is registered, their method for treating prob-
lems that for us would tie in to the integral calculus. Eudoxus, treating the
volume of the cone and the pyramid, gave the first models of it, which Euclid
has more or less faithfully transmitted to us ([107], book XII, prop. 7 and 10).
But above all, it is to these problems that most of the work of Archimedes
was devoted [5 b and c); and by a remarkable piece of fortune, we are in a
position to read still in their original text, in the sonorous dorian dialect in
which he had so carefully composed them, most of his writings, and up to
the one, found again recently, where he sets out the "heuristic" procedures
by which he was led to some of his most beautiful results ([5 b], v. II, pp.
425-507). For it is there that there is one of the weaknesses of the "exhaus-
tion" of Eudoxus: an irreproachable method of proof (having assumed certain
postulates), it is not a method of discovery; its application relies necessar-
ily on advance knowledge of the result to be proved; also, says Archimedes,
"of the results whose proofs Eudoxus was the first to discover, concerning the
cone and the pyramid ... , not a small part is due to Democritus, who was
the first to state them without proof (loc. cit., p. 430). This circumstance
admirable work, from which the integral calculus, as admitted by its creators,
is entirely drawn, is in some sense the opposite of the integral calculus?
It is not with impunity, besides, that one can, in mathematics, allow
a ditch to be dug between discovery and proof. In favourable times, the
mathematician, without abandoning rigour, only has to write down his ideas
almost as he conceives of them; sometimes even he can hope to do it so that it
would be thus, at the cost of a felicitous change in the language and notations
assumed. But often he must resign himself to choosing between incorrect and
possibly fruitful methods of exposition, and correct methods that no longer
allow him to express his thought except by distorting it and at the cost of
a tiring effort. Neither one nor the other way is exempt from dangers. The
Greeks followed the second, and it is perhaps there, even more than in the
sterilising effect of the Roman conquest, that the reason for the surprising halt
in their mathematics almost immediately after its most brilliant flowering
must be sought. It has been suggested, without it being unlikely, that the
oral teaching of the successors of Archimedes and Apollonius could have
contained many a new result without their having thought it necessary to
inflict on themselves the extraordinary effort required for a publication which
conformed to the received canons. It is no longer such scruples in any case
that stopped the mathematicians of the XVIIth century, when, faced with
the new problems which were being stated in droves, they sought in assiduous
study of the writings of Archimedes the means to bypass it.
While the great classics of the Greek literature and philosophy were all
printed in Italy, by AIde Manuce and his followers, and almost all before 1520,
it is only in 1544, and with Hervagius at Basle, that the earliest edition of
Archimedes appears, both Greek and Latin [5 a], without any previous Latin
publication having appeared to prepare its way; and, far from the math~
maticians of the time (absorbed as they were by their algebraic researches)
having immediately felt its influence, we must await Galileo and Kepler, both
of them astronomers and physicists rather than mathematicians, for this in-
fluence to become manifest. From this moment, and unceasingly until about
1670, there is no name, in the writings of the founders of the infinitesimal
Calculus, which recurs more often than that of Archimedes. Many translate
and comment on him; all from Fermat to Barrow, quote him with envy; all
declare finding there at the same time a model and a source of inspiration.
It is true that these declarations, as we will see, must not all be taken
to the letter; there is to be found one of the difficulties that we come up
against in trying to get a true interpretation of these writings. The historian
must take account also of the organisation of the scientific world of the time,
very defective still at the beginning of the XVIIth century, whereas at the
end of the same century, by means of the creation of scholarly societies and
scientific periodicals, by means of the consolidation and development of the
universities, it ends up by resembling strongly what we know today. Deprived
of all periodicals until 1655, mathematicians did not have the choice, in order
to make their work known, of anything other than by way of letters, and the
printing of a book, most often at their own cost, or at the cost of a patron
if one could be found. The editors and printers capable of work of this sort
were rare, often rather uncertain. After the long delays and the innumerable
troubles that a publication of this kind implied, the author had most often
to face up to interminable controversies, provoked by adversaries who were
not always in good faith, and carried on sometimes in a surprising bitterness
of tone: for, in the general uncertainty in which even the principles of the
subject of the infinitesimal calculus was to be found, it was not difficult for
each person to find weak points, or at least obscure and contestable, in the
arguments of his rivals. It is understandable that under these conditions many
scholars keen on peace contented themselves with communicating to a few
chosen friends their methods and their results. Some, and especially certain
science amateurs, such as Mersenne in Paris, and later Collins in London,
kept up a vast correspondence in all countries, in which they communicated
extracts here and there, not without mixing in with these extracts stupidities
of their own vintage. Possessors of "methods" that, for lack of notions and
general definitions, they could not draw up in the form of theorems nor even
formulate with some accuracy, mathematicians were thus reduced to making
the attempt by means of large numbers of particular cases, and believed that
it was not possible to do better, in order to measure its power, than to throw
out challenges to their colleagues, accompanied sometimes by publication of
their own results in code. The studious youth journeyed, and more perhaps
than today; and the ideas of such a scholar were spread sometimes better as
a result of the journeys of his pupils that by his own publications, but not
without having there another cause of misunderstandings. Finally, the same
problems occurring necessarily to a large number of mathematicians, among
whom many very distinguished ones, who had only an imperfect knowledge
of the results the one of the others, claims for priority could not fail to arise
ceaselessly, and it was not rare that accusations of plagiarism would be added
lt is therefore in the letters and private papers of the scholars of the time,
as much or even more than in their publications proper, that the historian
must seek his documents. But, whereas those of Huygens for example have
been kept and have been the object of exemplary publication [169 b], those of
Leibniz have only been published in a fragmentary manner so far, and many
others are lost without hope. At least the most recent research, based on the
analysis of manuscripts, has brought out, in a way that seems irrefutable, a
point that the partisan quarrels had somewhat obscured: it is that, each time
that one of the great mathematicians of that time gave an account of his own
work, of the evolution of his thought, of the influences that he came under
and those that he did not come under, he has done it in an honest and sincere
manner, and in all good faith;l these precious testimonies, of which we possess
a fairly great number, can thus be used in all confidence, and the historian
does not need in their case to transform himself into an examining magistrate.
For the remainder, most of the questions of priority that have arisen are
totally lacking in sense. It is true that Leibniz, when he adopted the notation
dz for the "differential", was ignorant of the fact that Newton, for about ten
years, had been using z for the "fluxion": but what would it have mattered if
he had known? To take a more instructive example, who is the author of the
theorem log x = I ~ , and what is the date thereof? The formula, as we have
just written it, is from Leibniz since both one and the other members are
written in his notation. Leibniz himself, and Wallis, attribute it to Gregoire
de Saint-Vincent. This latter, in his Opus Geometricum [135] (appeared in
1647, but drawn up, he says, long before), proves only the equivalent of
what follows: if I( a, b) denotes the area of the hyperbolic segment a :5 z :5
= =
b,O:5 y:5 A/x, the relation b'/a' (b/a)" implies I(a'/b') n./(a,b); to
which his pupil and commentator Sarasa adds almost immediately [269] the
remark that the areas I(a, b) can therefore "take the place of logarithms".
If he says no more, and if Gregoire himself had said nothing about it, is
it not because, for the majority of mathematicians of the time, logarithms
were "calculation aids" with no right to be quoted in mathematics? It is true
that Torricelli, in a letter of 1644 [208], speaks of his research on a curve
that we would write as y = ae-cs:, x ~ 0, while adding that where Napier
(whom he covers with praise besides) "was only after the arithmetical uses",
he himself "drew out of it a speculation on geometry"; and he had left a
manuscript about this curve evidently prepared for publication, but which
remained unpublished until 1900 ([310], v. I, pp. 335-347). Descartes had
besides encountered the same curve already in 1639 in connection with the
"problem of Debeaune" , and had described it without speaking of logarithms
([85 a], v. II, pp. 514-517). Whatever, J. Gregory, in 1667, gives, without
quoting anybody whatever, ([136 a], reproduced in [169 a], pp. 407-462), a
rule for calculating the areas of hyperbolic segments by means of (decimal)
logarithms: which implies at the same time a theoretical knowledge of the link
between the quadrature of the hyperbola and logarithms, and the numerical
knowledge of the link between "natural" and "decimal" logarithms. Is it
about this last point only that the claim of Huygens applies, who contests
immediately the novelty of the result of Gregory ([169 b], v. VI, pp. 228-
230)? It is that which is no clearer to us than to his contemporaries; these
in any case had the clear impression that the existence of a link between
logarithms and the quadrature of the hyperbola was something that had
been known for a long time, without their being able on this to refer to
anything other than epistolary allusions or to the book of Gregoire de Saint-
1 This is applicable, for example to Torricelli (see [244], v. VIII, pp. 181-194) and
to Leibniz [217]. That is not to say, of course, that a mathematician may Dot have a
false idea about the originality of his ideas; but it is Dot the greatest who are most
inclined to be at fault in this regard.
3 See for example the exposition by Pascal, in the "letter to M. de Carcavy" ([244],
v. VIII, pp. 334-384). It will be noted that, thanks to the prestige of an incomparable
language, Pascal manages to create the illusion of perfect clarity, to the point that
one of his modern editors is in ecstasy over "the minutiae and the accuracy in the
exactitude of the proof"!
• But, in the Letter to Monsieur A. D. D. S. :" ... without stopping, nor lor the
methods of movement, nor for that of the indivisibles, but in following that of the
ancients, so that the matter could henceforth be firm and beyond dispute" ([244], v.
VIII, p. 256).
of a cycloid which does not come under his general rule, assimilates curves
rolling one on the other to polygons, so as to conclude that "in the infinitely
small" the movement can be assimilated to a rotation about a point of con-
tact ([85 a], v. II, pp. 307-338). Here again, a Fermat, who bases his rules for
tangents and for maxima and minima on such infinitesimal considerations, is
able to justify them in each particular case ([109], v. I, pp. 133-179; French
translation, v. III, pp. 121-156); cf. also ([109], v. II, passim, in particular pp.
154-162, and Supplement aux Oeuvres pp. 72-86); Barrow gives precise proofs
for a large part of his theorems, in the manner of the ancients, starting with
simple hypotheses of monotonicity and convexity. But the time was already
over for pouring new wine into old wineskins. In all that, as we know today,
it was the notion of limits that was being developed; and, if it is possible to
extract from Pascal, Newton and from others as well, statements that seem
very close to our modern definitions, it is only necessary to put them back in
their context to realise the irremovable obstacles that were in the way of a
rigorous exposition. When starting in the XVIIIth century some mathemati-
cians caught up by the need for clarity wished to put some order into the
confused heap of their riches, such indications, encountered in the writings
of their predecessors, were precious to them; when d'Alembert for example
explains that there is nothing else in differentiation other than the notion of
limit, and defines this with accuracy [75 b), it is possible to believe that he
was guided by the considerations of Newton on the "first and last reasons
of vanishing quantities" [233 b). But, so long as it is a case of the XVIIth
century, it must be realised that the way was not open for modern analy-
sis until Newton and Leibniz, turning their back on the past, accept that
they must seek provisionally the justification for their new methods, not in
rigorous proofs, but in the fruitfulness and coherence of the results.
B) The dynamic. Already Archimedes, we have seen, gave a dynamic def-
inition of his spiral; and in the Middle Ages a rudimentary theory of the
variation of quantities as a function of time is developing (but proof to the
contrary lacking, without infinitesimal considerations), and of their graphical
representation, which must perhaps have had its origins in Babylonian astron-
omy. But it is of the greatest importance for the mathematics of the XVllth
century that, from the beginning, the problems of differentiation arose, not
only in connection with tangents, but in connection with velocities. Galileo
however ([122 a and b)), seeking the law of velocities in the falling of weights
(after having obtained the law of distances x = at 2 , by means of an inclined
plane), does not proceed by using differentiation: he makes various hypothe-
ses about the velocity, first v = ~~ = ex ([122 b], v. VIII, p. 203), then later
v = ct (id., p. 208), and seeks to find again the law of distances by reasoning,
in a fairly obscure way, about the graph of the velocity as a function of time;
Descartes (in 1618) argues in the same way, about the law v = ct, but as a
true mathematician and with as much clarity as the language of indivisibles
can muster 5 ([85 a], v. X, pp. 75-78); with both, the graph of velocity (in a
straight line) plays the main role, and there is reason to ask to what point
they were aware of the proportionality between the distances covered and the
areas bounded by the axis of time and the curve of the velocity; but it is diffi-
cult to say anything on this point, although the language of Descartes seems
to imply knowledge of the fact in question (that certain historians wish to
put back to the Middle Ages [335]), whereas Galileo does not make any clear
remark about it. Barrow states it explicitly in 1670 ([16 b], p. 171); perhaps at
that time it was no longer a novelty for anyone, and Barrow does not present
it as such; but, no more for this result as for any other, is it appropriate to
give a date with too much accuracy. As for the hypothesis v = cz, considered
also by Galileo, he is happy (loc. cit.) to prove that it is not sustainable (or,
in modern language, that the equation ~ = cz has no solution ::/: 0 that is
zero for t = 0), by an obscure argument that Fermat later ([109], v. II, pp.
267-276) takes the trouble of developing (and which amounts just about to
saying that, 2z being a solution as well as z, z ::/: 0 would be contrary to
the obvious physical uniqueness of the solution). But this same law if= cz
which, in 1614, was used by Napier to introduce his logarithms, of which he
gives a dynamic definition [230 a], which, in our notation, would be written as
follows: if, on two straight lines, two bodies are in motion following the laws
= = =
~~ a, !fit -ay/r, Zo 0, Yo = r, then one says that z is the "logarithm"
of y (in modern notation, we have z = r log(r/y». It has been seen that the
curve which is a solution of ~ = .; appeared in 1639 with Descartes, who
described it dynamically ([85 a], v. II, pp. 514-517); it is true that he qualified
fairly disdainfully as "mechanics" all the non algebraic curves, and claimed to
exclude them from geometry; but happily this taboo, against which Leibniz,
much later, believes he still has to protest vigorously, was not observed by
his contemporaries, nor by Descartes himself. The cycloid, the logarithmic
spiral appear and are studied with eagerness, and their study is a powerful
help in the interlacing of geometric and dynamic methods. The principle of
composition of movements, and more precisely of velocities, was at the ba-
sis of the theory of movement of projectiles stated by Galileo in the chef-
d'oeuvre of his old age, the Discorsi of 1638 ([122 b], v. VIII, pp. 268-313)
a theory that contains thus implicitly a new determination of the tangent to
the parabola; if Galileo does not expressly state it, Torricelli on the contrary
([310], v. III, pp. 103-159) insists on this point, and even bases on this same
principle a general method of determination of tangents for curves which are
capable of a dynamic definition. It is true that he was forestalled in this,
by several years, by Roberval ([263], pp. 3-67) who says that he was led to
!) Descartes even adds an interesting geometric reasoning by which he deduces the
law x = at 3 from the hypothesis ~:= ct. By contrast, it is ironic that ten years
later, we see him tied up in his notes, and copying out for the use of Mersenne
an inexact argument about the same question, where the graph of velocity as a
function of time is confused with the graph 8.8 a function of distance covered ([85
a), v. I, p. 71).
this method by the study of the cycloid; this same problem of the tangent
to the cycloid gives besides the opportunity to Fermat of proving the power
of his method of differentiation ([109], v. I, pp. 162-166), whereas Descartes,
incapable of applying to it his algebraic method, invents for the occasion the
instantaneous centre of rotation ([86 a], v. II, pp. 307-338).
But, as the infinitesimal calculus is developed, dynamics ceases to be a
separate science. It is noticed more and more that in spite of Descartes, alge-
braic curves and functions do not have, from the "local" point of view which
is that of the infinitesimal calculus, anything that distinguishes them from
much more general functions; the functions and curves with a dynamic defini-
tion are functions and curves like the others, accessible to the same methods;
and the variable "time" is no more than a parameter, whose temporal aspect
is purely a matter of language. So with Huygens, even when it is a matter
of mechanics, it is geometry that dominates ([169 b], v. XVIII); and Leibniz
does not give to time any privileged place in his calculations. On the contrary
Barrow conceives of making, of the simultaneous variation of several quanti-
ties as functions of a universal independent variable conceived of as "time",
the foundation of an infinitesimal calculus with a geometric tendency. This
idea, which must have come to him as he sought to find again the method of
composition of movements that he knew existed only by hear-say, is stated
in detail, in very clear and very general terms, in the first three of his Lec-
tiones Geometricae [16 b]; and for example he proves there with care that, if
a moving point has as projections, on two rectangular axes AY, AZ, moving
points such that one is moving with a constant speed 0 and the other with a
speed v that grows with time, the trajectory has a tangent with slope equal
to v / 0, and is concave in the direction of increasing Z. In the following parts
of the Lectiones, he pursues these ideas very far, and although he puts a sort
of affectation in drawing them up almost end to end in a form that is as ge-
ometric and as sparingly algebraic as possible, it is permissible to see there,
with Jakob Bernoulli ([19 a], v. I, pp. 431 and 463), the equivalent of a good
part of the infinitesimal calculus of Newton and Leibniz. Exactly the same
ideas form the point of departure for Newton ([233 a], v. I, pp. 201- 244 and
[233 b]): his ''fiuents'' are the various quantities, functions of "time" which is
only a universal parameter and the "fluxions" are the derivatives with respect
to "time"; the possibility that Newton allows himself, of changing at need the
parameter, is equally present in the method of Barrow, although used by him
with less suppleness. 6 The language of fluxions, adopted by Newton and im-
8 The question of the relations between Barrow and Newton is controversial; see
[241) and [233 d). In a letter of 1663 (d. (262), vol. II, pp. 32-33), Barrow speaks of
his thoughts, already old, on the composition of movements, which have brought
him to a very general theorem on tangents (if it is that of the Lect. Geom., Leet. X
([16 b), p. 247), it is indeed 80 general that it has as a special case all that had been
done until then on the subject). On the other hand, Newton could have been a pupil
of Barrow in 1664 and 1665, but says that he obtained independently his rule for
deducing, from a relation between "fluents", a relation between their "fluxions". It
ing that at an extremum the second is zero; he goes from there to extend his
method to the determination of tangents, and even applies it to the search for
points of inflexion. If one takes account of what has been said above in con-
nection with dyna.mics, it can be seen that the unification of the three types
of problems relative to the first differential was accomplished at a fairly early
stage. As for problems relative to the second differential, they only appear
quite late, and especially with the works of Buygens on the evolute of a curve
(published in 1673 in his Horologium Oscillatorium ([169 b], v. XVIII»; at
this time, Newton, with his fluxions, was already in possession of all the an-
alytical means necessary for solving such problems; and, in spite of all the
geometric talent that Buygens expends on it (and of which later differential
geometry would profit in its beginnings), they were hardly used for anything
else, during the period with which we are concerned, than to allow the new
analysis to become conscious of the power of its means.
As for integration, it had appeared to the Greeks as the calculation of
areas, of volumes, of moments, as the calculation of the length of a circle
and of areas of spherical segments; to which the XVIIth century adds the
rectification of curves, the calculation of the area of surfaces of revolution,
and (with the work of Buygens on the compound pendulum ([169 b], v.
XVIII» the calculation of moments of inertia. It was a case first of recognising
the link between all these problems. For the areas and the volumes, this
first and immense step forward is made by Cavalieri, in his Geometry of
indivisibles [57 a]. He announces there, and claims to prove, the following
principle more or less: if two plane areas are such that every parallel in a
given direction intersects them in segments whose lengths are in a constant
ratio, then these areas are in the same ratio; an analogous principle is stated
for the volumes intersected by planes parallel to a fixed plane where the areas
are in a constant ratio. It is likely that these principles were suggested to
Cavalieri by theorems such as that of Euclid (or rather Eudoxus) on the ratio
of volumes of pyramids with the same height, and that before stating them in
a general form, he first verified their validity with a large number of examples
taken from Archimedes. He "justifies" them by the use of a language, about
whose legitimacy we see him asking Galileo in a letter of 1621, whereas in
1622 already he uses it without hesitation ([122 b], v. XIII, pp. 81 and 86)
and of which here is the essential part. Let there be for example two areas,
one 0 $ z $ a,O $ Y $/(z), the other 0 $ z $ a,O $ y $ g(z); the sums
of the ordinates L:~:~ I(kaln), E~:~ g(kaln) are one to the other in a ratio
that, for n sufficiently large, is arbitrarily near to the ratio of two areas, and
it would even be not difficult to prove it by exhaustion for 1 and 9 monotonic;
Cavalieri goes to the limit, makes n = 00, and speaks of "the sum of all the
ordinates" of the first curve, which is to the analogous sum for the second
curve in a ratio rigorously equal to the ratio of the areas; in the same way
for the volumes; and this language is afterwards universally adopted, even
by authors, like Fermat, who have the clearest realisation of the precise facts
zndz =1a
(a + z)"dz = 1a +
[(a z)" + (a - z)"]dz,
whence, by expanding, a recurrence relation for the cn) ([57 a], p. 159 and
[57 b], pp. 269-273). But already Fermat had gone much farther, by proving
first (before 1636) that foa zndz = ~..:; for n a positive integer ([109], v. II,
p. 83), by means of a formula for the sums of powers of the first N integers
(a procedure imitated from the quadrature of the spiral of Archimedes), then
in extending the same formula to all rational n #: 1 ([109], v. I, pp. 195-
198); from this last result (communicated to Cavalieri in 1644) he only draws
up a proof much later, following his reading of the writings of Pascal on
integration 7 ([109], v. I, pp. 265-288; French translation v. III, pp. 216-240).
These results joined to geometric considerations that take the place of
change of variables and integration by parts, allow already the solution of
a large number of problems that reduce to elementary quadratures. Beyond
that, is met first the quadrature of the circle and that of the hyperbola: as
it is especially "indefinite integrals" with which they were concerned at that
time, the solution of these problems in modern terms, is supplied respectively
by the inverse circular functions and by the logarithm; these were given geo-
metrically, and we have seen how this last has been introduced little by little
into analysis. These quadratures are the subject of much work, by Gregoire
de Saint-Vincent [135], Huygens ([169 b], v. XI, pp. 271-337 and v. XII, pp.
91-180), Wallis (326 a], v. I, pp. 355-478), Gregory [136 a]; the first believes be
has succeeded in the quadrature of the circle, the last believes he has proved
the transcendence of 11"; with the ones and the others procedures of indefinite
approximation are developed for the circular and logarithmic functions, the
ones with a theoretical tendency, the others oriented towards numerical cal-
culation, which is going to end soon, with Newton ([233 a], v. I, pp. 3-26 and
29-199), Mercator ([220], reproduced in [218], v. I, pp. 167-196), J. Gregory
[136 d], then Leibniz [198 d], with general methods of expansion in series. In
any case, the conviction comes to light little by little of the "impossibility" of
the quadratures in question, that is to say of the non-algebraic character of
the functions that they define; and at the same time, it becomes the custom
to consider a problem solved as far as its nature allows, when it has been re-
duced to one of the "impossible" quadratures. It. is the case for example with
the problems of the cycloid, solved by means of circular functions, and of the
rectification of the parabola, reduced to the quadrature of the hyperbola.
The problems of rectification, of which we have just quoted two of the
most famous, had a particular importance, as making up a natural geometric
transition between differentiation, which they presuppose, and integration
which they come under; problems on the area of surfaces of revolution can
be associated with them. The ancients had only treated the case of the circle
and the sphere. In the XVIIth century, these questions only appear very late;
it appears that the difficulty, insurmountable for the time, of the rectification
of the ellipse (considered to be the simplest curve after the circle) had dis-
couraged effort. Dynamic methods give some access to these problems, which
allows Roberval ([263], pp. 363-399) and Torricelli ([310], v. III, pp. 103-159),
between 1640 and 1645, to obtain results on the arc of spirals; but it is only
in the years that precede 1660 that they become the order of the day; the
cycloid is rectified by Wren in 1658 ([326 a], v. I, pp. 533-541); soon after
the curve y3 = ax 2 is done by several authors ([326 a], v. I, pp. 551-553; [85
b) v. I, pp. 517-520; [109], v. I, pp. 211-255; French translation, v. III, pp.
181-215), and several authors also ([109], v. I, p. 199; [169 b], v. II, p. 334)
reduce the rectification of the parabola to the quadrature of the hyperbola
(that is to say to an algebraico-Iogarithmic function). This latter example is
the most important, because it is a particular case of the general principle
according to which the rectification of a curve y = f(x) is none other that the
quadrature of y =VI + (J'(X»2; and it is from precisely this principle that
Heurat deduces it. It is no less interesting to follow the groping of Fermat in
his old age, in his work on the curve y3 = ax 2 ([109], v. I, pp. 211-255; French
translation v. III, pp. 181-215); to the curve y = f(x) of arc 8 = g(x), he
associates the curve y = g(z), and determines the tangent to this one starting
from the tangent to the first one (in modern language, he proves that their
slopes f'(z),g'(x) are linked by the relation (g'(z»2 = 1 + (J'(z»2); one
can believe oneself very close to Barrow, and it would only be necessary to
combine this result with that of Heurat (which is more or less what Gregory
does in 1668 ([136 d], pp. 488-491» to obtain the relation between tangents
and quadratures; but Fermat states only that if, for two curves each with
reference to a system of rectangular axes, the tangents at the points with the
same abscissa always have the same slope, the curves are equal, or in other
words that the knowledge of I'(z) determines fez) (up to a constant); and he
justifies this assertion only by an obscure argument without any convincing
Less than ten years later, the Lectiones Geometricae of Barrow [16 b]
had appeared. From the beginning (Lect. I), he states in principle that, in a
rectilinear movement, the spaces are proportional to the areas vdt bounded
by the axis of time and the curve of the velocity. One would believe that he
is going to deduce from that, and from his dynamic method already quoted
concerning the determination of tangents, the link between the differential
conceived as the slope of the tangent, and the integral conceived as the area;
but there is none of that, and he proves later, in a purely geometric way ([16
b], Leet. X, §l1, p. 243) that, if two curves y = /(z), Y = F(z) are such
that the ordinates Yare proportional to the areas fG ydz, that is to say if
c.F(z) = I: /(z)dz, then the tangent to Y = F(z) intersects Oz at the point
with abscissa z - T determined by ylY = cIT; the proof besides is perfectly
precise, starting with the explicit hypothesis that fez) is monotonic, and
it is said that the direction of variation of fez) determines the direction of
concavity of Y = F(z). But it will be noted that this theorem is somewhat
lost amongst a crowd of others, many of which are very interesting; the reader
who has not been warned is tempted to see there only a means for solving
by quadrature the problem YIT = /(z)/c, that is to say a certain problem
of the determination of a curve starting from information on its tangent (or,
as we would say, a differential equation of a particular type); and that all the
more so as the applications of it given by Barrow are concerned above all with
problems of the same kind (that is to say with differential equations integrable
by "separation of variables"). The geometric language that Barrow imposes
on himself is here a cause why the link between differentiation and integration,
so clear as long as it was a case of dynamics, is somewhat obscured.
On the other hand, various methods had taken shape, to reduce problems
of integration the ones to the others, and to "solve" them or to reduce them
to "impossible" problems that had already been classified. In its simplest
geometric form, integration by parts consists in writing the area bounded by
Oz, Oy and an arc of the monotonic curve y = fez) joining a point (0,0) of
Oz to a point (0, b) of Oy as foG ydz = I: zdy; and it is frequently used in
an implicit way. With Pascal ([244], v. IX, pp. 17-18) appears the following
generalisation, already much better hidden: fez) being as above, let g(z)
be a function ~ 0, and let G(z) = f: g(z)dz; then one has foG yg(z)dz =
I: G(z)dy, which he proves ingeniously by evaluating in two ways the volume
of the solid 0 $ z $ 0,0 $ y $ /(z),O $ z $ g(z); the particular case
g(x) = x n , G(x) = ~~; plays an important role, both with Pascal (loc. cit.,
pp. 19-21) and with Fermat ([109], v. I, p. 271); this latter (whose work carries
the significant title of "Transmutation and emendation 0/ equations 0/ curves,
and its varied applications to the comparison 0/ curvilinear spaces between
them and with rectilinear spaces . .. ") does not prove it, no doubt because he
judges it useless to repeat what Pascal had just published. These theorems of
"transmutation", where we would see a combination of integration by parts
and changes of variables, take the place of this to some extent, which is only
introduced very late; it is in effect contrary to the way of thinking, still too
geometric and too little analytic, of the time, to allow the use of variables
other than those imposed by the figure, that is to say one or other of the
co-ordinates (or sometimes polar co-ordinates) then the arc ofthe curve. It is
thus that we find with Pascal ([244], v. IX, pp. 60-76) results that, in modern
= =
notation, are written, putting ~ cost,y sin t and, for particular functions
11 I(~)dz =1i
and, with J. Gregory ([136 d], p. 489), for a curve y = I(z) and its arc
= =
s, J yds J zdz, with z y';l + ,p. It is only in 1669 that we see Barrow
in possession of the general theorem for change variables ([16 b], pp. 298-
299); its statement, geometric as always, reduces to what follows: let z and
y be linked by a monotonic relation, and let p be the slope of the graph
of this relation at the point (z, y); then, ifthe functions I( z ), g(y) are such
that one has/(z)/g(y) = p for every corresponding pair of values (z,y), the
areas J l(z)dz,J g(y)dy, taken between corresponding limits, are equal; and
conversely, if these areas are always equal (I and 9 being implicitly supposed
to have constant sign), we have p = I(z)/g(y); the converse is naturally used
to apply the theorem to the solution of differential equations (by "separation
of variables"). But the theorem is only inserted by Barrow in an appendix
(Lect. XII, app. III, theor. IV), where, by making the observation that several
of his preceding results are only particular cases of it, he excuses himself as
having discovered it too late to make more use of it.
Thus, around 1670, the situation is as follows. It is known how to treat,
by uniform procedures, the problems that arise with the first derivative,
and Huygens has tackled geometric questions that arise with the second
derivative. It is known how to reduce all problems of integration to quadra-
tures; there are available various techniques, of a geometric aspect, to reduce
quadratures the one to the others, in badly classified cases, and it has be-
come customary, from this point of view, to handle circular and logarithmic
functions; there is a consciousness of the link between differentiation and inte-
gration; the "inverse method of tangents" is beginning to be tackled, a name
given at this time to problems that reduce to differential equations of the first
order. The sensational discovery of the series 10g(1 + z) = - E~(-zt /n by
Mercator has just opened up quite new perspectives for the application of
series, and mainly power series, to problems called "impossible". By contrast
the ranks of mathematicians are significantly thinned: Barrow has left the
chair of professor for that of preacher; Huygens apart (who has almost all
his mathematical work behind him, having already obtained all the principal
results of the H orologium Oscillatorium that he is setting himself to draw
up definitively), only Newton at Cambridge, and J. Gregory at Aberdeen are
active, whom Leibniz will join soon with the ardour of a neophyte. All three,
Newton from 1665 already, J. Gregory from the publication of Mercator in
1668, Leibniz from about 1673, devote themselves principally to the subject
in fashion, the study of power series. But, from the point of view of the clas-
sification of problems, the principal effect of the new methods seems to be
to obliterate all distinctions between them; and in effect Newton, more of
lation loses its validity as soon as the first differences (differences between the
successive values which occur in the table) cease to be effectively constant; so
Briggs for example is seen ([36), chap. 13) making use of differences of higher
orders, and even of fairly high order, in the calculation of logarithms. Later,
we see Newton ([233 a], v. I, pp. 271-282 and [233 b], book III, lemma 5; see
also [114]) and J. Gregory ([136 d], pp. 119- 120), each on his own account,
pursuing parallel researches on interpolation and on power series; both one
and the other end up, by methods which are different besides, on the one
hand with the formula for interpolation by polynomials, called "of Newton",
and on the other with the binomial series ([136 d], p. 131; [198 d], p. 180)
and with the principal expansions in series of classical analysis ([136 d]; [233
a], v. I, pp. 3-26 and 271-282 and [198 d], pp. 179-192 and 203-225); it is
hardly in doubt that these two lines of research reacted one on the other,
and were intimately linked in the mind of Newton with the discovery of the
principles of the infinitesimal calculus. With Gregory as with Newton a great
concern for numerical practice, the construction and use of tables, the numer-
ical calculation of series and integrals comes to light; in particular, although
no polished proof of convergence is found in their work, in the way of that of
Lord Brouncker quoted above, both constantly mention convergence of their
series from the practical point of view of their aptitude for calculation. It
is still thus that we see Newton, in reply to a question set by Collins to a
practical end ([262], v. II, pp. 309-310), applying to the approximate calcu-
lation of E:=l n~p' for large values of N, a particular case ofthe method of
summation of Euler-Maclaurin s~called.
The calculation of the values of a function starting from their differences
is also met early on, used as a practical procedure for integration, and even,
it might be said, for the integration of a differential equation. Thus Wright,
in 1599, having to solve, with nautical tables in view, a problem that we
would denote by -i = sec t = c!t' proceeds by adding the values of sec t,
by successive intervals of a second of arc ([338]; cf. [230 b], p. 97), naturally
obtaining to all intents and purposes a table for the values oflogtan(l + i);
and this coincidence, observed from the calculations of the first tables of
logtant, remained unexplained until the integration of sect by Gregory in
1668 ([136 c] and [136 d], pp. 7 and 463).
But these questions also have a purely th~retic and even arithmetic
aspect. Let us agree to denote by ilr Zn the sequence of successive differ-
ences of a sequence (Zn)nEN, defined by recurrence by means of ilzn =
Zn+l - zn,ilrz n = il(ilr-1z n ), and to denote by S'" the inverse operation
to il and its iterates, therefore stating Yn = SZn if 1/0 = =
0, ilYn Zn and
S'" Zn = S(S'"-lZn); we have
srz n = ~(n-p-1
L.J r-l
) Zp;
225). For the remainder, and although he was soon in possession of much
more general methods for expansions in power series, such as the method
of Newton's polygon so-called (for algebraic functions) ([198 d], p. 221) and
that of indeterminate coefficients, he returns often in what follows, with a
kind of predilection, to the binomial series and to its generalisations; and it
is from there, for example, that he seems to have drawn out the expansion of
J zQ(1 + z)" dz which was referred to above ([198 d], p. 209).
The evolution of ideas on the continent, meanwhile, is very different, and
much more abstract. Pascal had drawn close to Fermat in the study of bi-
nomial coefficients (from which he constructs what he calls the "arithmetic
triangle") and their use in the calculation of probabilities and in the calcula-
tion of differences; when he tackles integration, he introduces there the same
= J:
ideas. Like his predecessors, when he uses the language of indivisibles, he
conceives of the integral F(z) /(z)dz as the value of the ratio of the
"sum of all the ordinates of the curve"
to the "unit" N = 2: 0 < <N 1 for N = 00 ([244], v. VIII, pp. 352-355) (or,
when he abandons thisYanguage for the correct language of exhaustion, as
a limit of this ratio for N growing indefinitely). But, having problems about
moments in view, he observes that, when it is a matter of discrete masses lIi
spread out at equidistant intervals, the calculation of the total mass reduces
to the operation 811n defined above, and the calculation of the moment to the
operation 8 2 11n; and, by analogy, he iterates the operation J to form what he
calls the "triangular sum of the ordinates" , thus, in our language, the limits
of the sums N- 2 8 2 (J (N)), that is to say the integrals F2(Z) = folll F(z)dz;
a new iteration gives him the "pyramidal sums" F3(Z) = f: F2(Z)dz, lim-
its of N- ~ (J
3 tv)); the context besides is sufficient to show that, if he
stops there, it is not because of a lack of generality in his thought nor in his
language, but solely because he only expects to use these, whose systematic
employment is at the basis of a good part of his results, and of which he
proves immediately the properties that we would write as
F2(Z) = 10 (z - u)/(u)du, F3 = 211111
0 (z - u)2/(u)du
([244], v. VIII, pp. 361-367); all that without writing a single formula, but
in a language so transparent and so precise that one can immediately tran-
scribe it into formulae as has just been done. With Pascal as with his pre-
decessors, but in a much clearer and more systematic way, the choice of the
independent variable (which is always one of the co-ordinates, or the arc of
the curve) is implicit in the convention that fixes the equidistant subdivi-
sion points (although "infinitely near") of the intervals of integration; these
points, respectively, are, either on Oz, or on 011, or on the arc of the curve,
and Pascal takes care never to allow any ambiguity about this to remain
([244], v. VIII, pp. 368-369). When he has to change variables, he does it by
means of a principle which reduces to saying that the area f f(z)dz can be
written as S(f(Zi)tlzi), for every subdivision of the interval of integration
into "infinitely small" intervals tlZj, equal or not ([244], v. IX, pp. 61-68).
As can be seen, we are already very near Leibniz; and it is, it might be said,
a lucky break that this latter, when he wished to be initiated into modern
mathematics, met Huygens, who immediately put Pascal's writings into his
hands ([198 d], pp. 407-408); he was particularly well prepared for this by his
thoughts on combinatorial analysis, and we know that he made a deep study
of it, which is reflected in his work. In 1675, we see him transcribing Pascal's
theorem above in the form omn( zw) = z. omnw - omn(omn w), where omn w
is an abbreviation for the integral of w taken from 0 to z, for which Leibniz,
a few days later, substitutes f w (initial of "summa omnium w") at the same
time as he introduces d for the infinitely small "difference" , or, as he will soon
say, the differential ([198 d], pp. 147- 167). Conceiving of these "differences"
as quantities which are comparable amongst themselves but not with finite
quantities, he takes besides most often, explicitly or not, the differential dz of
the independent variable z as unity, dz = 1 (which amounts to identifying the
differential dy with the derivative t), and at first omits it from his notation
for the integral, which thus appears as f y rather than f ydz; but he does
not delay introducing this, and keeps to it systematically once he realises its
invariant character with respect to the choice of independent variable, which
dispenses with having this choice constantly in mind;9 and he shows no little
satisfaction, when he returns to the study of Barrow that he had neglected up
till then, in noting that the general theorem of change of variables, of which
Barrow makes such a big thing, follows on immediately from his own notation
([198 d], p. 412). In all this as it happens, he keeps very close to the calculus
of differences, from which his differential calculus can be deduced by going
to the limit which of course he would be hard put to justify rigorously; and
in what followed he voluntarily insists on the fact that his principles apply
without change to both one and the other. He quotes explicitly Pascal, for
example, when in his correspondence with Johann Bernoulli ([198 a], v. III,
p. 156), referring to his first researches, he gives a formula for the calculation
9 "I warn that care should be taken not to omit dx ... a mistake commonly com-
mitted, and which prevents going forward, because by that is taken away from these
indivisibles, such as dx here, their generality .. . from which are born innumerable
transfigurations and equipollences of figures." ([198 a], v. V, p. 233).
be seen, is very close to Taylor series; and it is even the argument of Leibniz,
going to the limit starting with the calculus of differences, that Taylor finds
again in 1715 to obtain "his" series [305],10 without besides making great use
of it.
F) One would have already seen, implicit in the evolution described above,
the progressive algebraisation of infinitesimal analysis, that is to say its reduc-
tion to an operational calculus furnished with a uniform system of notation
of an algebraic character. As Leibniz had indicated several times with perfect
clarity ([198 a], v. V, pp. 230-233), it was a case of doing for the new analysis
what Viete had done for the theory of equations, and Descartes for geometry.
In order to understand its necessity, just read a few pages of Barrow; at no
time is it possible not to have under one's eyes a figure, sometimes compli-
cated, described beforehand with meticulous care; no less than 180 figures
are needed for the 100 pages (Lect. V-XII) which form the essential part of
the work.
It could hardly have been a question of algebraisation, it is true, before
some unity had appeared amongst the multiplicity of geometric appearances.
Meanwhile Gregoire de St. Vincent [135] already introduces (under the name
of "ductus plani in planum") a kind of law of composition which reduces to
the systematic use of integrals f( z )g( z )dz considered as volumes of solids
a :::; z :::; b,O :::; y :::; f(z),O :::; z :::; g(z); but he is far from drawing out
the consequences that Pascal later deduces, as has been seen, from study of
the same solid. Wallis in 1655, and Pascal in 1658, forge, each for his own
use, languages of algebraic character, in which, without writing any formula,
they draw up statements that can immediately be transcribed into formulae
of the integral calculus as soon as their mechanism has been understood.
The language of Pascal is particularly clear and precise; and, if it can not be
understood why he refused to allow himself the use of the algebraic notations,
not only of Descartes, but even of Vif~te, one can only admire the tour de
force that he accomplished, and which his mastery of language was the only
means of his being capable of doing.
But just let a few years go by, and everything changes. Newton first con-
ceives of the idea of replacing all the operations, of a geometric character,
of contemporary infinitesimal analysis, by a unique analytic operation, dif-
ferentiation, and by the solution of the inverse problem; an operation that
it is well understood the method of power series allowed him to carry out
10 For the calculus of differences, Taylor could naturally rely on the results of New-
ton, contained in a famous lemma of the Principia ([233 b], Book III, lemma 5) and
published more fully in 1711 ([233 a], v. I, pp. 271-282). As for the idea of passing
to the limit, it seems typically Leibnizian; and it would be difficult to believe in the
originality of Taylor on this point if there were not known from all periods many
examples of disciples ignorant of all except the writings of their master and patron.
Taylor quotes neither Leibniz nor Bernoulli; but the Newton-Leibniz controversy
was raging, Taylor was secretary of the Royal Society and Sir Isaac was its all
powerful president.
with extreme facility. Borrowing his language, we have seen, from the fiction
of a universal "temporal" parameter, he qualifies as ''fluents'' the quantities
varying as a function of this parameter, and as ''fluxions'' their derivatives.
He does not seem to have attached particular importance to the notations,
and his devoted supporters later even boast that the absence of a systematic
notation is an advantage; he nevertheless picks up the habit early on, for his
personal use, of denoting fluxion by a point, thus ~ by :i:, f,i by i, etc ..
As for integration, it appears that Newton, exactly like Barrow, never saw it
except as a problem (find the fluent knowing the fluxion, thus solve :i: = /(t»,
and not as an operation; also he has no name for the integral, nor, it seems,
standard notation (except sometimes a square /~t{ lor O/(t) for f /(t)dt).
Is it because he dislikes giving a name and a sym 0 to an object that is not
defined in a unique way, but only up to an additive constant?) Lacking a
text, the question can only be asked.
As much as Newton is empirical, concrete, circumspect in his greatest
boldness, so much is Leibniz systematic, generalisor, adventurous and some-
times rash innovator. From his youth, he had in mind the idea of a "char-
acteristic" or universal symbolic language, which would be to the whole of
human thought what algebraic notation was to algebra, where each name or
symbol was the key to all the qualities of the object symbolised, and that
could not be employed correctly without at the same time reasoning correctly
(see p. 6). It is easy to treat such a project as fanciful; it is not by chance
though that its author was the man himself who was soon to recognise and
isolate the fundamental concepts of the infinitesimal calculus, and endow it
with more or less definitive notations. We have already assisted above at the
birth of these, and observed the care with which Leibniz, who seems aware of
his mission, modifies them progressively until he ensures the simplicity and
above all the invariance that he is seeking ([198 a), v. V, pp. 220-226 and
226-233). What is important to note here, is, as soon as he introduces them
(without knowing anything yet of the ideas of Newton), the clear conception
of f and of d, of the integral and the differential, as inverse operators one of
the other. It is true that in proceeding in this way he can not avoid the ambi-
guity inherent in the indefinite integral, which is the weak point of his system,
over which he slides adroitly, like his successors. But what is striking, from
the first appearance of the new symbols, is to see Leibniz immediately busy
with the formulation of rules of use, asking himself if d(zy) = dzdy ([198 d],
pp. 165-166), and answering himself in the negative, to arrive progressively at
the correct rule ([198 a], v. V, pp. 220-226), which he was later to generalise
by his famous rule for cf'(zy) ([198 a), v. III, p. 175). Of course, at the time at
which Leibniz is groping thus, Newton knew for ten years already that z = zy
implies z xy + zy; but he never takes the trouble to say it, only seeing it
as a particular case, not worthy of being named, of his rule for differentiating
the relation F(z, y, z) = 0 between fluents. On the contrary, the principal
concern of Leibniz is not to make his methods useful for the solution of such
concrete problems, nor even to deduce them from rigorous and impregnable
principles, but above all to put in train an algorithm relying on the formal
handling of a few simple rules. It is in this spirit that he improves the alge-
braic notation by the use of parentheses, that he adopts progressively log z or
Ix for the 10garithm,11 and that he insists on the "exponential calculus" , that
is to say, the systematic consideration of exponentials, af/:, xf/: , xII, where the
exponent is a variable. Above all, while Newton does not introduce fluxions of
a higher order except strictly in proportion to the necessity in each concrete
case, Leibniz turns early towards the creation of an "operational calculus"
by the iteration of d and of becoming aware little by little of the analogy
between the multiplication of numbers and the composition of operators in
his calculus, he adopts, by a fortunate boldness, the notation for exponents
to write the iterates of d, writing thus d" for the n-th iterate <(198 d], pp.
595 and 601,12 and [198 al, v. V, pp. 221 and 378) and even d- ,d- n for J
and its iterates ([198 a], v. III, p. 167); and he seeks even to give a meaning
to da for Q an arbitrary real ([198 a], v. II, pp. 301-302, and v. III, p. 228).
That is not to say that Leibniz is not also interested in the applications
of his calculus, knowing well (as Huygens repeats to him often ([198 d], p.
599» that they are its touch stone; but be lacks patience to go deeply into
them, and seeks there above all the opportunity for new general rules. It is
thus that in 1686 ([198 a], v. VII, pp. 326-329) he deals with the curvature
of curves, and with the osculating circle, to end up in 1692 ([198 a], v. VII,
pp. 331-337) with general principles on the contacts of plane curves;13 in
1692 ([198 a], v. V, pp. 266-269) and in 1694 ([198 a], v. V, pp. 301-306) he
sets down the basis for the theory of envelopes; concurrently with Johann
Bernoulli, he effects in 1702 and 1703 the integration of rational fractions
by decomposition into simple elements, but first of all in a formal manner
and without fully realising the circumstances that accompany the presence
of complex linear factors in the denominator ([198 a], v. V, pp. 350-366). It is
thus again that one day in August 1697, meditating in a carriage on questions
of the calculus of variations, he has the idea for the rule for differentiation
with respect to a parameter under the sign Ii and, enthusiastic, sends it
straightaway to Bernoulli ([198 a], v. III, pp. 449-454). But when he gets
11 But he does not have any symbol for the trigonometric functions, nor (for lack
of a symbol for e) for the "number whose logarithm is x".
12 " ••• it is just about as if, instead of roots and powers, one would like to substitute
letters, and instead 0/ xx, or x 3 , take m, or n, after hatJing declared that they must
be powers of the quantity x. Judge, Sirs, how that was embarrassing. It is the same
with dx or with ddx, and the differences are no less attachments of indeterminate
quantities in their places, than the powers are attachments of a quantity set apart.
It seems to me then that it is more natural to denote them in such a way that they
make known immediately the quantity 0/ which thell are attachments."
13 On that he commits first an unusual error, believing that the "circle that kisses"
(the osculating circle) has at the point of contact four points in common with the
curve; and he only surrenders with difficulty, later on, to the objections of the
Bernoulli brothers on that point ([198 a], v. III, pp. 187-188, 201-202 and 207).
there, the fundamental principles of his calculus have been secured for a long
time, and their use has started to spread: the algebraisation of infinitesimal
analysis is an accomplished fact.
G) The notion of junction is introduced and made precise in a multitude
of ways during the XVIIth century. All dynamics is based on an intuitive,
and in some way experimental, idea, of quantities varying with time, that
is to say functions of time, and we have already seen how we end up thus
at a function of one parameter, such as it appears with Barrow, and, under
the name of fluent, with Newton. The notion of "arbitrary curve" appears
often, but is rarely made precise; it may be that often it is thought of in a
dynamic form or in any case experimental form, and that without it being
judged necessary that a curve should be capable of a geometric or analytic
characterisation in order to be of use as an object of reasoning; it is so, in
particular (for reasons that we are better able to understand today) when
it is a case of integration, for example with Cavalieri, Pascal and Barrow;
this latter, reasoning about the curve defined by z = ct,lI = f(t), with the
hypothesis that -i is increasing, even says expressly that "it matters not"
that -i increases "regularly following an arbitrary law, or even irregularl7/'
([16 b], p. 191) that is to say, as we would say, were capable or not of an
analytic definition. Unfortunately this clear and fruitful idea, which would,
made appropriately precise, reappear in the XIXth century, could not fight
against the confusion created by Descartes, when this latter had, in the first
case, banned from "geometry" all curves not capable of a precise analytic
definition, and in the second case restricted only to algebraic operations the
admissible procedures of formation in such a definition. It is true that, on
this last point, he is not followed by the majority of his contemporaries; little
by little, and often by very subtle detours, various transcendental operations,
the logarithm, the exponential, the trigonometric functions, quadratures, the
solution of differential equations, passing to the limit, the summing of series,
acquired the right of being quoted, without it being easy in each case to
mark the precise moment when the step forward is being taken; and besides
the first step forward is often followed by a step back. For the logarithm,
for example, one must consider as important stages the apparition of the
logarithmic curve (,1 = =
a'" or 11 logz according to the choice of axes),
of the logarithmic spiral, the quadrature of the hyperbola, the expansion in
series of log(1 + z), and even the adoption of the symbollogz or Iz. In what
concerns the trigonometric functions, and even though in a certain sense they
go back to antiquity, it is interesting to note that the sinusoidal curve does
not appear at first as being defined by an equation 11 = sinz, but just, with
Roberval ([263], pp. 63-65), as a "companion of the roulette" (in fact, it is a
case of the curve
Thus, with this century, the heroic era comes to an end. The new calculus,
with its notions and notations, is constituted, in the form that Leibniz gave
it. The first disciples, Jakob and Johann Bernoulli, vie in discoveries with the
master, exploring freely the rich territories to which he had shown the way.
The first treatise on differential and integral calculus was written in 1691 and
11 They consist of the four rational operations, and the extraction of roots of ar-
bitrary order; J. Gregory never ceased to believe in the possibility of solving by
radicals equations of all degrees.
15 Until then, and already in a manuscript of 1673, Leibniz had used this word u
an abbreviation to designate a quantity "fulfilling such or such a function" for a
curve, for example the length of the tangent or the normal (limited to the curve and
Ox), or the sub normal, the sub tangent, etc.•.. , thus in conclusion a function of
a point varying on the curve, with. a geometrico-differential definition. In the same
manuscript of 1673, the curve is assumed defined by a relation between :r: and fI,
"given by an equation" (that is to say, in our language, algebraic) (d. [217]).
1692 by Johann Bernoulli,16 for the use of a marquis who shows himself a
good pupil. It matters little besides that Newton decided finally, in 1693, to
publish parcimoniously a short glimpse of his fluxions ([326 a], v. II, pp. 391-
396); if his Principia have enough to supply the meditation of more than a
century, on the ground of the infinitesimal calculus he has been joined, and
on many points overtaken.
The weaknesses of the new system are besides visible, at least to our eyes.
Newton and Leibniz, abolishing at a stroke a tradition two millennia old,
gave the primary role to differentiation, and reduced integration to being
only its inverse; it will take the whole of the XIXth century, and a part of
the XXth century, to re-establish a fair equilibrium, by putting integration
as the basis of the general theory of functions of a real variable, and of
its modern generalisation (see p. 223). It is from this reversal of points of
view also that follows the excessive, and almost exclusive, role, taking place
already with Barrow, and especially starting with Newton and Leibniz, played
by the indefinite integral at the cost of the definite integral: there also the
XIXth century had to put matters back in their place. Finally the properly
Leibnizian tendency to a formal handling of symbols was to go on being
emphasised throughout the whole of the XVllIth century, well beyond what
could be allowed by the resources of the analysis of the time. In particular,
it must be recognised that the Leibnizian notion of a differential has, truth
to tell no meaning; at the beginning of the XIXth century, it fell into a
disrepute from which it has only recovered little by little; and, if the use of
first differentials ended up by being completely legitimised, the differentials
of higher order, although so useful, have not yet been really rehabilitated to
our day.
Whatever the case, the history of the differential and integral calculus,
starting with the end of the XVllth century, is divided into two parts. One
is concerned with the applications of this calculus, always richer, more nu-
merous and more varied. To the differential geometry of plane curves, to dif-
ferential equations, to power series, to the calculus of variations, which have
already been referred to above, have been joined the differential geometry
of ill-shaped curves, then of surfaces, multiple integrals, partial differential
equations, trigonometric series, the study of numerous special functions, and
many other types of problems. We only should be concerned here with work
which has contributed to clearing up, deepening and consolidating the very
principles of the infinitesimal calculus, in what concerns functions of a real
16 The part of this treatise which is concerned with. the integral calculus was pub-
lished in 1742 only ([20 a], v. III, pp. 385-558 and [20 b]); that which is concerned
with the differential calculus wu only found again and published recently [20 c]j it
is true that the marquis de I'H6pitai had published it in French, slightly modified,
under his own name, which is remarked on with some bitterness by Bernoulli in his
letters to Leibniz.
From this point of view, the great treatises of the middle of the XVII-
Ith century offer few novelties. Maclaurin in England 17 [214), Euler on the
continent ([108 a), (1), vv. X to XIII), remained faithful to the traditions of
which each one was the inheritor. It is true that the first tries hard to clarify
somewhat the Newtonian concepts18 whereas the second, pushing Leibnizian
formalism to an extreme, is content, like Leibniz and Taylor, to base the
differential calculus on a very obscure passage to the limit starting with the
calculus of differences, a calculus of which as it happens he gives a very
polished exposition. But above all Euler finishes the work of Leibniz by in-
troducing and ensuring the adoption of the notation still in use today for e, i
and the trigonometric functions, and spreading the notation 1f'. On the other
hand, and if most of the time he does not make any distinction between func-
tions and analytic expressions, he insists, in connection with trigonometric
series and the problem of vibrating strings, on the need not to limit on~
self to the functions thus defined (and that he qualifies as "continuous") but
to consider also, if the need arises, arbitrary, or "discontinuous", functions
given experimentally by one or more arcs of a curve ([108 a), (1), v. XXIII,
pp. 74-91). Finally, even though this is somewhat outside our framework, it
is not possible not to mention here his extension of the exponential function
to the complex domain, from which he obtains the famous formulae linking
the exponential to the trigonometric functions, as well as the definition of
the logarithm of complex numbers; from that is elucidated definitively the
famous analogy between the logarithm and the inverse circular functions, or,
in the language of the XVIIth century, between the quadratures of the circle
and of the hyperbola, observed already by Gregoire de St. Vincent, made
precise by Huygens and above all by J. Gregory, and which, with Leibniz and
Bernoulli, appeared in the formal integration of
1 i i
1 + z2 = 2( z + i) - 2( z - i)'
Meanwhile d' Alembert, the enemy of all mysticism in mathematics as
elsewhere, had, in remarkable articles ([75 a), articles DIFFERENTIEL and
LIMITE, and [75 b)), defined with the greatest clarity the notions of limit
and of derivative, and maintained strongly that in the end that is all the
"metaphysics" of the infinitesimal calculus. But this wise advice did not have
any immediate effect. The monumental work of Lagrange ([191], vv. IX-X)
represents an attempt to base analysis on one of the most arguable of the
Newtonian concepts, that which confuses the notions of arbitrary functions
and that of functions which can be expanded in a power series, and to draw
from that (by consideration of the coefficient of the term of the first order
11 Maclaurin was professor at Edinburgh in Scotland (translator's note).
18 They had great need, indeed, to be defended against the phllosophico-theologico-
humoristic attacks of the famoUB bishop Berkeley. According to him, those who
believe in fluxions should not find it very difficult to have faith in the mysteries of
religion: an argument ad hominem, which was not lacking in logic or in spice.
passed over into second place for too long, becomes again the primary notion,
for which Cauchy ensures the definitive adoption of the notation J(z)dz
proposed by Fourier (instead of the awkward J J(z)dz [ : ~ : ] some-
times used by Euler); and, in order to define it, Cauchy returns to the method
of exhaustion, or as we would say, to "Riemann sums" (which would be better
called sums of Archimedes, or sums of Eudoxus). It is true that the XVllth
century did not deem it necessary to submit the notion of area to a critical ex-
amination, an idea which had appeared to-them to be at least as clear as that
of incommensurable real number; but the convergence of "Riemann" sums to
the area under the curve, so long as it is the case of a monotonic curve or a
piecewise monotonic curve, was a familiar idea to all the authors concerned
with rigour in the XVlIth century, such as Fermat, Pascal, Barrow; and J.
Gregory, particularly well prepared by his thoughts on the passage to the
limit and his familiarity with an already very abstract form of the principle
of "nested intervals", had even drawn up, it would appear, a careful proof,
which remained unpublished ([136 d], pp. 445-446), which could have been
of use to Cauchy almost without any change if he had known it. 19 Unfortu-
nately for him, Cauchy claimed to prove the existence of the integral, that is
to say the convergence of the "Riemann sums" , for an arbitrary continuous
function; and his proof, which would have become correct if it were based on
the theorem on uniform continuity of functions continuous in a closed inter-
val, is stripped of all convincing value for lack of this notion. Dirichlet does
not seem to have seen either the difficulty at the time when he drew up his
famous memoirs on trigonometric series, since he quotes there the theorem
in question as "easy to prove" ([92], v. I, p. 136); it is true that he only
applies it definitively to bounded piecewise monotonic functions; Riemann,
more circumspect, only mentions these latter when it is a matter of using his
necessary and sufficient condition for the convergence of "Riemann sums"
([259 a], pp. 227-271). Once the theorem on uniform continuity had been es-
tablished by Heine (cf. p. 145), the matter did not offer any more difficulties
of course; and it is easily dealt with by Darboux in 1875 in his memoir on
the integration of discontinuous functions [77], a memoir in which he meets
on many points with the important researches of P. du Bois-Reymond, which
appeared at about the same time. In the same way for the first time, but
this time definitively, the linearity of the integral of continuous functions is
proved. On the other hand, the notion of uniform convergence of a sequence
or series, introduced among others by Seidel in 1848, and put into promi-
nence in particular by Weierstrass (cf. p. 205) had allowed the construction
of a solid basis, under conditions that were a bit too restrictive it is true, for
the integration of series term by term, and for differentiation under the I
sign, while awaiting modern theories of which we do not have to speak here,
and which would clarify these questions in a manner which is provisionally
We have thus attained the final stage of the classical infinitesimal calculus,
that which is represented by the great Treatises on Analysis of the end of the
XIXth century; from the point of view that concerns us, that of Jordan [174
c] occupies amongst them a pre-eminent place, for aesthetic reasons on the
one hand, but also because, if it constitutes an admirable setting out of the
results of classical analysis, it announces in many ways modern analysis and
prepares the way for it.
The distinction between the "infinitely small" (or "infinitely great") of various
orders, appears implicitly from the first writings on differential Calculus, and
for example in those of Fermat; it becomes fully conscious with Newton and
Leibniz, with the theory of "differences of higher order"; and no time is lost
in observing that, in the simplest cases, the limit (or "true value") of an
expression of the form I(z)/g(z) , at a point where I and 9 both tend to
0, is given by the Taylor expansion of these functions in a neighbourhood
of the point under consideration ("I'Hopital's rule", due probably to Johann
Apart from this elementary case, the main problem of "asymptotic ex-
pansion" which presents itself to mathematicians already at the end of the
XVllth century is the calculation, exact or approximate, of sums of the form
L:~=l !(Ie), when n is very large; such a calculation is in effect necessary as
much for interpolation and the numerical evaluation of the sum of a series, as
in the Calculus of probabilities, where the ''functions of large numbers" such
as n! or ( : ) playa preponderant role. Already Newton, in order to obtain
approximate values of L::=1 ah when n is large, indicates a method that
reduces (in this particular case) to calculating the first terms of the Euler-
Maclaurin formula ([262], v. II, pp. 309-310). Towards the end of the century,
Jakob Bernoulli, in the course of his research on the Calculus of probabili-
ties, proposes determining the sums S.(n) = L:;=1 p., polynomials l in n for
which he discovers the general formation law (without giving a proof of it),
introducing thus for the first time, in the expression for the coefficients of
these polynomials, the numbers that bear his name, and the recurrence re-
lation that enables their calculation ([19 b], p. 97). In 1730, Stirling obtains
an asymptotic expansion for L:~=llog(z + ka), n growing indefinitely, by a
procedure for the calculation of the coefficients by recurrence.
From 1730 to 1745 is dated the decisive work of Euler on series and the
relevant questions. Setting Sen) = L:.=1 !(Ie), he applies Taylor's formula to
the function Sen), which gives him
dS 1 d2S 1 d's
= =
I(n) Sen) - Sen - 1) dn - 2! dn2 + 3! dns - ... ,
They are the primitives of the "Bernoulli polynomials" BJo(z).
Sen) = a J 4f d2 f
f(n)dn + f3f(n) + 'Y dn + c5 dn 2 + ... ;
Sen) = J fen) 1 4f 1 rf f 1 d5 f
f(n)dn + -2- + 12 dn - 720 dn 3 + 30,240 dn 5 - •••
without at first being able to determine the formation law for the coefficients
([108 a], (1), v. XIV, pp. 42-72 and 108-123). But around 1735, by analogy
with the decomposition of a polynomial into factors of degree one, he does
not hesitate to write the formula
1- sins =
sin a
pp. 87-100 and 108-123); it is also Euler who remarks that the ratio of two
consecutive Bernoulli numbers grows indefinitely, and that it follows that an
entire series having these numbers as coefficients can not converge (IDe. cit.,
p. 357).3 But the tendency to a formal calculation is the stronger, and the
extraordinary intuition of Euler himself does not prevent him from lapsing
sometimes into the absurd, when he writes for example 0 =E!:-oo zn (IDe.
cit., p. 362).4
We have said elsewhere (see p. 153) how the mathematicians of the be-
ginning of the XIXth century, tired of this formalism without restraint and
without basis, brought Analysis back into the paths ofrigour. Once the notion
of a convergent series is made precise, the necessity appeared for simple crite-
ria providing a proof of the convergence of integrals and series by comparison
with known integrals or series; Cauchy gives a certain number of criteria in
his Analyse algebrique ([56 a], (2), v. III), whereas Abel, in a posthumous
memoir ([1], v. II, pp. 197-205), obtains logarithmic criteria of convergence.
Cauchy, on the other hand ([56 a], (1), v. VIII, pp. 18-25), elucidates the
paradox of series such as the Stirling series, obtained by the application of
the Euler-Maclaurin formula (and often called "semi-convergent series"): he
shows that if (because of the remark of Euler on the Bernoulli numbers) the
general term UA: (n) of such a series, for a Jized value of n, grows indefinitely
with Ie, it remains none the less that, for a Jized value of Ie, the partial sum
8A:(n) = E:=l uh(n) gives an asymptotic expansion (for n tending to +00) of
the function "represented" by the series, all the more accurate as Ie is larger.
In the majority of the calculations of classical Analysis, it is possible
to obtain a general formation law for asymptotic expansions of a function,
having an arbitrarily large number of terms; this fact contributed to creating
a lasting confusion (at least in the language) between series and asymptotic
expansions; so much so that H. Poincare, when he takes the trouble, in 1886
([251 a], v. I, pp. 290-296), of codifying the elementary rules of asymptotic
expansions (following the integral powers of l/z in the neighbourhood of
+00), uses still the vocabulary of the theory of series. It is only with the
appearance of asymptotic expansions coming from the analytic theory of
numbers that there was a clear distinction operating between the notion of
asymptotic expansion and that of series, by reason of the fact that, in the
majority of problems that this theory deals with, only a very small number
of terms (most often only one) in the sought for expansion can be obtained
3 As the series that Euler considers at this point is introduced in connection with
numerical calculation, he only takes the BUm of terma that are decreasing, and
beginning with the index where the terms start to grow, he replaces them with a
remainder of which he does not indicate the origin (the remainder of the Euler-
Maclaurin formula in its general form does not appear before Cauchy).
• It is ironic that this formula shonld follow, at a distance of a page, a passage
where Euler warns against the unconsidered use of divergent series!
These problems also made mathematicians familiar with the use of scales
of comparison other than those of powers of the variable (real or integral).
This extension goes back to the work of P. du .Bois-Reymond [94 a and b]
who, first, tackled systematically the problems of comparing functions in the
neighbourhood of a point, and, in very original works, recognised the "non-
Archimedean" character of the scales of comparison, at the same time as he
studied in a general way the integration and differentiation of the comparison
relations, and drew from this a large number of interesting consequences [94
b]. His proofs however lacked clarity and rigour, and it is to G. H. Hardy
[147] that the correct presentation of the results of du Bois-Reymond is due:
his main contribution consisted in recognising and proving the existence of a
set of "elementary functions", the functions (H), where the usual operations
of Analysis (notably differentiation) are applicable to comparison relations.
We know that the notion of an arbitrary function did not emerge much before
the beginning of the XIXth century. All the more 80 the idea of studying
in a general way sets of functions, and furnishing them with a topological
structure, did not appear before Riemann (see p. 141) and does not begin to
be put to use before the end of the XIXth century.
However, the notion of convergence of a sequence of numerical functions
was used in a more or less conscious way since the beginnings of the infinites-
imal Calculus. But it was only a matter of simple convergence and it could
not be otherwise before the notions of convergent series and of continuous
functions had been defined accurately by Bolzano and Cauchy. This latter did
not see at the first attempt the distinction between simple convergence and
uniform convergence, and believed it possible to prove that every convergent
series of continuous functions has as sum a continuous function ([56 a], (2),
vol. III, p. 120). The error was almost immediately uncovered by Abel, who
proved at the same time that every entire series is continuous in the interior of
its convergence interval, by means of the argument that has become a classic
which uses essentially, in this particular case, the idea of uniform convergence
([1], v. I, pp. 223-224). It only remained to disengage this latter in a general
way, which was done independently by Stokes and Seidel in 1847-48, and by
Cauchy himself in 1853 ([56 a], (1), vol. XII, p. 30).1
Under the influence of Weierstrass and of Riemann, the systematic study
of the notion of uniform convergence and of connected questions is developed
in the last third of the XIXth century by the German school (Hankel, du
Bois-Reymond) and especially the Italian school: Dini and Arzela. specify the
necessary conditions for the limit of a sequence of continuous functions to
be continuous, whereas Ascoli introduces the fundamental notion of equicon-
tinuity and proves the theorem characterising compact sets of continuous
functions [to] (a theorem popularised later by Montel in his theory of "nor-
mal families" I which are none other than relatively compact sets of analytic
functions) .
1 In a work dated 1841, but published only in 1894 ([329 al, v. I, pp. 67-74),
Weierstrass uses with perfect clarity the notion of uniform convergence (to which
he gives this name for the first time) for power series of one or several complex
Weierstrass himself discovered on the other hand ([329 a], v. III, pp. 1-
37) the possibility of approximating uniformly by polynomials a continuous
numerical function of one or several real variables on a bounded set, a result
that aroused immediately a lively interest, and led to numerous "quantita-
tive" studies that remain outside the point of view we follow at present.
The modern contribution to these questions consisted above all in giving
them the whole range of which they are capable, by bringing them into play
for functions whose set of definition and set of values are no longer restricted
to R or to spaces of finite dimension, and in placing them thus in their natural
framework, with the help of general topological concepts. In particular, the
theorem of Weierstrass, which had already shown itself to be a tool of the
first order in classical Analysis, could, in these latter years, be extended to
much more general cases by M. H. Stone: developing an idea introduced by
H. Lebesgue (in a proof of the theorem of Weierstrass), he highlighted the
important role played in the approximation of continuous numerical functions
by lattices (approximation by "lattice polynomials"), and showed on the other
hand how the generalised theorem of Weierstrass implies immediately a whole
series of analogous approximation theorems, that are thus grouped in a much
more coherent way [301 c].
The general theory of topological vector spaces was founded during the pe-
riod which goes from 1920 to 1930 approximately. But it had been prepared
for a long time before by the study of numerous problems of Functional
Analysis; and its history cannot be retraced without indicating, at least sum-
marily, how the study of these problems gradually brought mathematicians
(especially from the beginning of the XXth century) to become aware of the
common ancestry of the questions under consideration, and of the possibility
of formulating them in a much more general way and of applying to them
uniform solution procedures.
It can be said that the analogies between Algebra and Analysis, and the
idea of considering functional equations (that is to say where the unknown is a
function) as "limit cases" of algebraic equations, go back to the beginnings of
infinitesimal Calculus, which in a kind of way answers this need to generalise
"from the finite to the infinite". But the dire!=t algebraic ancestor of the
infinitesimal Calculus is the calculus of finite differences (cf. pp. 185 ff.), and
not the solution of general linear systems; and it is not before the middle of the
XVIIIth century that the first analogies between this latter and the problems
of the differential Calculus are manifested, in connection with the equation of
vibrating cords. We will not go into the detail of the history of this problem
here; but we must pick up the appearance of two fundamental ideas, which
are found again constantly in what follows, and which both appear to be due
to D. Bernoulli. The first consists in considering the oscillation of the cord
as a "limit case" of the oscillation of a system of n point masses, as n tends
to infinity; it is known that, for n finite, this problem would a little bit later
give the first example of the search for eigenvalues of a linear transformation
(cf. p. 88); there correspond to these numbers, in the "passage to the limit"
being considered, the frequencies of the "proper oscillations" of the cord,
observed experimentally since long before, and whose theoretic existence had
been established (notably by Taylor) at the beginning of the century. This
formal analogy, although fairly rarely mentioned in what followed ([302 b],
p. 390), seems never to have been lost sight of during the XIXth century;
but, as we will see later, it did not acquire its full importance until about
dY )
d ( p(z) dz
dz + Ap(z)y = 0 (p(z) > O,p(z) > 0) (21.1)
2) for each An, the solutions are multiples of the same function Vn, that
can be assumed to be "normalised" by the condition pv!dz 1, and we
have PVmvn dz = 0 for m:F nj
3) every function f, twice differentiable in [a, b], and satisfying the
boundary conditions (21.2), is expandable as a uniformly convergent series
= =
fez) En cnvn(z), where en pfvndzj
4) we have the equality pf dz = En c! (already proved by Parseval
in 1799 - in a purely formal way, besides - for the system of trigonometric
functions, and from which flows immediately the "Bessel inequality" stated
by this latter (still for trigonometric series) in 1828).
Half a century later, these properties are completed by the work of Gram
[133] who, following the researches ofTchebychef, brings to light the relation
between the expansions in series of orthogonal functions and the problem
1 This term does not appear however before the works of Hilbert.
nite sequence of functions (."'ltSiSn, of finding, for a function /, the linear
combination Ei OitPi for which the integral p(J - E. OitPi)2dz attains its
minimum. In principle it is a case there only of a basic linear algebra problem,
but Gram solves it in an original way, by applying to the tPi the process of
"orthonormalization" generally known by the name of Erhard Schmidt. Go-
ing on next to the case of an infinite orthogonal system (~n), he sets himself
the question of knowing when the "best quadratic approximation" JAn of a
function / by linear combinations of the first n functions of the sequence,
tends to 0 when n tends to infinityj2 he is thus led to define the notion of a
complete orthonormal system, and recognises that this property is equivalent
to the non-existence of functions #: 0 orthogonal to all the ~n. Be even seeks
to elucidate the concept of "mean quadratic convergence", but, before the
introduction of the fundamental notions of measure theory, he could hardly
obtain any very specific results in this direction.
In the second half of the XIXth century, the main effort of the analysts
is mainly towards the extension of the Sturm-Liouville theory to functions of
several variables, to which led notably the study of partial differential equa-
tions of elliptic type from mathematical Physics, and the boundary problems
that are naturally associated with them. Interest is concentrated principally
on the "vibrating membranes" equation
L~(u) == Llu+ Au =0 (21.3)
where the solutions are sought that are zero on the contour for a fairly regular
domain Gj and it is only little by little that the considerable analytic diffi-
culties presented by this problem were overcome, a problem to which it was
not thought p088ible to apply the methods that had succeeded for functions
of a single variable. Let us remind ourselves of the main stages towards the
solution: the introduction of the "Green's function" of G, whose existence
was proved by Schwarzj the proof, also due to Schwarz, of the existence of
the smallest eigenvalue; finally, in 1894, in a famous memoir ([251 a], v. IX,
pp. 123-196), H. Poincare succeeded in proving the existence and essential
properties of all the eigenvalues, by considering, for a given "second member"
/, the solution u,\ of the equation L,\(u) = / which is zero on the contour,
and in proving, by a clever generalisation of the method of Schwarz, that u~
is a meromorphic function of the complex variable A, having only real simple
poles An, which are precisely, the sought for eigenvalues.
This research is closely linked to the beginnings of the theory of linear
integral equations, which was to contribute no doubt most to the coming of
modern ideas. We will limit ourselves here to giving a few short indications
2 It must be noted that, in all this study, Gram does not Hmit himself to the
consideration of continuous functions, but insists on the importance of the condition
p/2dz < +00.
u(Z) + 1 6
K(z, y)u(y)dy = /(z) (21.4)
Fourier, who comes across such a system, "solves" it still like a mathematician
of the XVIIIth century: he suppresses all the terms having an index i or j
greater than n, solves explicitly the finite system thus obtained, by means of
Cramer's rule, then "passes to the limit" by making n tend to +00 in the
solution! When later it was no longer sufficient to play such lazy games of
pass the parcel, it is still by means of the theory of determinants that the first
attempts to attack the problem were madej starting in 1886 (following the
work of Hill), H. Poincare, then H. von Koch, had built a theory of "infinite
determinants" which allows the solution of certain types of systems (21.6)
following the classical model; and if these results were not directly applicable
to the problem Fredholm aimed at, at least it is certain that the theory
of von Koch, in particular, was of use as a model for the formation of his
"determinants" .
It is at this moment that Hilbert enters the scene and gives a new im-
pulsion to the theory [163 b]. He starts by completing the work of Fredholm
in achieving effectively the passage to the limit that leads from the solution
of (21.5) to that of (21.4); but he adds to it immediately the correspond-
ing passage to the limit for the theory of real quadratic forms, to which the
types of integral equations with symmetric kernel (that is to say such that
K(y, z) = K(z, y» were leading naturally, by far the most frequent in math-
ematical Physics. He reaches thus the fundamental formula that generalises
directly the reduction of a quadratic form to its axes
the ~n being the eigenvalues (necessarily real) of t&e kernel K, the tPn form-
ing the orthogonal system of corresponding eigenfunctions, and the second
member of the formula (21.7) being a convergent series for z2(s)dz ~ 1.
He shows also how every function "representable" in the form I(z) =
J: f:
K(z, y)g(y)dy allows the "expansion" E:O=1 tPn tPn(y)/(y)dy, and car-
rying on the analogy with the classical theory of quadratic forms, he indicates
a procedure for the determination of the ~n by a variational method, which
is none other than the extension of the well-known extremal properties of the
axes of a quadric ([163 b], pp. 1-38).
These first results of Hilbert were almost immediately taken up by E.
Schmidt, in a simpler and more general form, avoiding the introduction of
the "Fredholm determinants" as well as the passage from finite to infinite,
and already very near an abstract statement, the fundamental properties of
linearity and of positivity of the integral being visibly used only in the proofs
[274 a]. But already Hilbert had reached conceptions which are much more
general still. All the preceding work brought out the importance of functions
that are square integrable, and the Parseval formula established a tight link
between these functions and the sequences (cn) such that En c! < +00. It is
no doubt this idea that guides Hilbert in his memoirs of 1906 ([163 b], chap.
XI-XIII) where, taking up the old method of "indeterminate coefficients",
he shows that the solution of the integral equation (21.4) is equivalent to a
system of an infinity of linear equations
a The Calculus of variations had already led in a na.tural way to considering diJ£er-
ent notions of convergence on the lame set of functioDl (depending on whether one
insisted only on the uniform convergence of functioDl, or the uniform conversence of
functions and a certain number of their derivatives); but the modes of conversence
defined by Hilbert were of a type quite new at that time.
t It mUlt be noted that, until about 1935, by "continuous" function is always
meant in practice a map mapping every convergent series to a conversent series.
,; For Hilbert, a bilinear form B(z,,) is completely continuous if, when the se-
quences (z .. ), (If..) tend weoA:l, to z and , respectively, B(z .. " .. ) tends to B(z,,).
e Although the duality between Ll and L oo is implicit in most of the works on the
Lebesgue integral at this time, it is only in 1918 that H. Steinhaus proved that every
CODUnuoulinear form on Ll(/) (I a finite interval) is ofthe form,; ..... II/(t),;(t)4t,
where / E Loo(/).
From that moment, F. Riesz was thinking about an axiomatic study en-
compassing all these results ([260 c], p. 452); and it seems that only the scru-
ples of an analyst concerned not to distance himself too much from classical
mathematics kept him from writing his famous memoir of 1918 on Fredholm
theory in this form [260 f]. He considers there in principle the space C(l)
of functions continuous on a compact intervalj but, after having defined the
norm of this space, and having remarked that C(I), together with this norm,
is complete, he never uses again in his arguments any thing other than the
axioms of normed complete spaces. 7 Without going into a detailed exami-
nation of this work here, let us mention that it is there that is to be found
for the first time defined in a general way the notion of a completely con-
tinuous linear map (by the property of transforming a neighbourhood into a
relatively compact set)j8 and, by a chef-d'oeuvre of axiomatic analysis, the
whole of Fredholm's theory (in its qualitative aspect) is reduced to a single
fundamental theorem, namely that every normed locally compact space is
finite dimensional.
The general definition of normed spaces was given in 1920-22 by S. Ba-
nach, H. Hahn and E. Helly (this latter only considering spaces of sequences
of real or complex numbers). In the ten years that followed, the theory of
spaces is developed mainly around two questions of fundamental importance
for applications: the theory of duality and the theorems that are attached to
the notion of Baire "category".
We have seen that the idea of duality (in the topological sense) goes
back to the beginning of the XXth centuryj it underlies Hilbert's theory
and occupies a central place in the work of F. Riesz. This latter observes, for
example, already in 1911 ([260 d], pp. 41-42), that the relation 1/(z)1 ~ Mlizil
(taken as the definition of "bounded" linear fundionals in Hilbert space) is
equivalent to the continuity of / when one is in the space C(l), and that by an
argument of fully general character. In connection with the characterisation
of continuous linear functionals on C(l), he remarks also that the condition
for a set A to be dense in C(l) is that there does not exist any Stieltjes
measure J.l # 0 on I that is "orthogonal" to every function of A (generalising
thus the Gram condition for complete orthonormalsystems)j he notes finally,
in the same work, that the dual of the space L oo is "bigger" than the space
of Stieltjes measures ([260 d], p. 62).
7 F. Riesz besides remarks explicitly that the application of his theorems to con-
tinuous functions is only there as a "touch stone" for much more general concepts
(~260 f], p. 71).
In his works on the LP spaces, F. Riesz had defined completely continuous maps
as being those that transform every weakly convergent sequence into a strongly
convergent one; which (taking into account the weak compactness of the unit ball
in LP for 1 < p < +00) is equivalent, in this case, to the preceding definition;
furthermore, F. Riesz had indicated that, for the space L2, his definition was equiv-
alent to that of Hilbert (by translating it from the language of linear maps into
that of bilinear forms ([260 c], p. 487».
On the other hand, in his work on the spaces £1'(1) and L"(N), F. Riesz
succeeds in modifying the method for the solution of linear systems in Hilbert
space, given by E. Schmidt [274 b], in such a way as to make it applicable
to more general cases. The idea of E. Schmidt consisted in determining an
"extremal" solution of (21.6) by seeking the point of the closed linear variety
represented by the equations (21.6), whose distance to the origin is mini-
mal. By using the same idea, F. Riesz shows that a necessary and sufficient
condition that there exists a function z E L"(a, b) satisfying the equations
(where the (ri belong to L9 (with ; +t = 1», and such that as well
J: Iz(t)IPdt ::5 M", is that, for all finite sequences (~ihSiSn of real numbers,
one has
where the (ri are continuous and the unknown is a Stieltjes measure e;9
and it is visible here that the problem can be stated by saying that it is a
case of determining a continuous linear functional on C(I) by its values on
a sequence of given points in this space. It is also in this form that Helly
treats the problem in 1912, - obtaining the conditions of F~ Riesz by a fairly
different method and of wider applicabilitylO - and that he takes it up again
in 1921, under much more general conditions. Introducing the notion of norm
(on spaces of sequences) as we have seen above, he remarks that this notion
generalises that of the "gauge" of a convex body in space of n dimensions,
used by Minkowski in his famous work on the "geometry of numbers" [221 a
and b]. In the course of this work, Minkowski had also defined (in Rn) the
la, h[ is ]0, +oo[ or ]-00, +00[,
and where (ri(t) = "j
The classical "problem of moments" corresponds. to the case when the interval
IS well there is imposed on
the measure the condition that it is positive (F. Riesz indicates in his memoir
of 1911 how his general conditions must be modified when solutions of this kind
are sought). Among the various methods of solution of the classical problem of
moments we must notice particularly that of M. Riesz. which combines elegantly
the general ideas of functional Calculus and the theory of functions of a complex
variable to obtain explicit conditions on the hi [261].
10 Like F. Riesz ([260 d]. pp. 49-50). Belly uses in this proof a "choice principle"
which is none other, of course, than the weak compactness of the unit ball in the
space of Stieltjes measures; F. Riesz had also made use of the analogous property
in the L" (1 < p < +00).
notions of support hyperplane and of "support function" [221 b), and proved
the existence of a support hyperplane at all boundary points of a convex
body ([221 a], pp. 33-35). Helly extends these notions to a space of sequences
E, furnished with an arbitrary norm; he establishes a duality between E and
the space E' of sequences u = (Un) such that, for all Z =(zn) E E, the
series (tAnzn) should be convergent; (tA, z) designating the sum of this series,
he defines in E' a norm by the formula sUP#o I(u, z}l/l\zl\, which gives the
support function in finite dimensional spaces. l l The solution of a system
(21.6) in E, where each of the sequences tAl = (a'J)J~l is assumed to belong
to E', reduces, as Helly shows then, to solving successively the following two
problems: 10 find a continuous linear form L on the normed space E', such
that L(tAi) = bi for every index i, which, as he indicates, leads to conditions
of type (21.10); 20 seek if such a linear form can be written u t-+ (u, z) for
an z E E. This last problem, as Helly observes, does not necessarily have a
solution even when L exists, and he limits himself to giving some sufficient
conditions that imply the existence of the solution z E E in certain particular
cases [156].
These ideas acquire their definitive form in 1927, in a fundamental mem-
oir of H. Hahn [142] whose results are found again (independently) by S.
Banach two years later [14 c]. The procedure of Minkowski-Helly is applied
by Hahn to an arbitrary normed space, and therefore gives to the dual the
structure of a (complete) normed space; which allows Hahn immediately to
consider successive duals of a normed space, and to state in a general way
the problem of reflexive spaces, foreseen by Helly. But above all the crowning
problem of the extension of a continuous linear functional while preserving
its norm is definitively solved by Hahn in a completely general way, by a
transfinite induction argument on the dimension - thus giving one of the
first examples of an important application of the axiom of choice to Func-
tional Analysis. 12 To these results, Banach adds a thorough study of the
relations between a continuous linear map and its transpose, extending to
general normed spaces results known until then only for the spaces V [260
c], by means of a deep theorem on the weakly closed subsets of a dual; these
results are expressed besides in a more striking way by using the notion of
quotient space of a normed space, introduced a few years later by Hausdorff
and Banach himself. Finally, it is again Banach who discovers the link b~
tween the weak compactness of the unit ball (observed in many particular
cases, as we have pointed out above) and reflexivity, at least for spaces of
countable type ([14 a], p. 189). The theory of the duality of normed spaces
can, from this moment, be considered as settled in its major aspects.
11 To obtain a norm in this way, it must be assumed that the relation (a, z) = 0
for all II: e E implies a == 0, .. besides Helly remarks explicitly.
12 Banach had already used an analogoU8 argument in 1923 [14 b], in order to define
an invariant measure on the plane (defined for all bounded subsets).
13 Let us also note the analogous (easier) theorem proved by Landau in 1907 and
which served as the point of departure for F. Riesz in his theory of LI' spaces: if
the series with general term UnZn converges for all sequences (Zn) E Lq(N), the
sequence (Un) belongs to LI'(N) (with ~ + = 1).
ning of the XXth century arose for the most part furnished with a "natural"
norm, it had not happened without some exceptions being noticed. Around
1910, E. H. Moore had proposed generalising the notion of uniform con-
vergence by replacing it with the notion of "relative uniform convergence",
where a neighbourhood of 0 is made up of the functions f satisfying a rela-
tion If(t)1 $ fg(t), 9 being a function everywhere> 0, which could vary with
the neighbourhood. It had on the other hand been observed, before 1930,
that notions such as simple convergence, convergence in measure for measur-
able functions, or compact convergence for entire functions, are not capable
of being defined by means of a norm; and in 1926, Frechet had noted that
vector spaces of this nature can be metrisable and complete. But the theory
of these more general spaces was only to develop in a fruitful way in combi-
nation with the idea of convexity. This latter (that we saw appearing with
Helly) was an object of study for Banach and his pupils, who recognised the
possibility of interpreting thus in a more geometric way numerous statements
of the theory of normed spaces, preparing the way for the general definition of
locally convex spaces, given by J. von Neumann in 1935. The theory of these
spaces, and notably the questions dealing with duality, have been especially
developed during the last ten years. What must be noted in this context, is
on the one hand, the progress in simplicity and in generality made p08Sible
by the setting up of the fundamental notions of general Topology, carried
out between 1930 and 1940; on the other hand, the importance taken by the
notion of bounded set, introduced by Kolmogoroffand von Neumann in 1935,
and whose fundamental role in duality theory has been brought to light by
the work of Mackey [213 a and b] and of Grothendieck [138 band c]. Finally
and especially, it is certain that the main impulsion that motivated this re-
search came from new p08Sibilities for applications to Analysis, in domains
where Banach theory was inoperative: the theory of sequence spaces must
be mentioned in this context, developed by Kothe, Toeplitz and their pupils
since 1934 in a series of memoirs [184], the recent setting up of the theory of
"analytic functionals" of Fantappie, and above all the theory of distributions
of L. Schwartz [280], where the modern theory of locally convex spaces found
a field of applications that is without doubt a long way from being exhausted.
known that it is on this occasion that Dirichlet, making the ideas of Fourier
precise, defines the general notion of function such as we understand it to-
day; the first point to clarify was naturally to know in which cases it was still
possible to attach a meaning to the formulae (22.1). "When the solutions for
the continuity [of q,] are infinite in number . .. " says Dirichlet (loc. cit., pp.
131-132), "it is necessary that then the function q,(z) should be such that, if
one denotes by a and b two arbitrary quantities between -1r and +1r, it is
always possible to put between a and b other quantities rand s close enough
so that the function remains continuous in the interval r to 8. The necessity
for this restriction will be felt by considering that the different terms of the
series [of Fourier] are definite integrals and in going back to the fundamental
notion of integrals. It will be seen then that the integral of a function doe,
not mean anything except in as much as the function satisfies the condition
previously stated."
In modern terms, Dirichlet seems to believe that integrability is equivalent
to the fact that the points of discontinuity make up a sparse set; he points
out besides, a few lines later, the famous example of the function equal to
c for z rational, and to a different value d for z irrational, and affirms that
this function "could not be substituteif' in the integral. He announced besides
subsequent work on this subject, but this work was never published,3 and for
25 years, no one seems to have sought to advance along this path, perhaps
because the consideration of such "pathological" functions seemed at the time
completely lacking in interest; in any case, when Riemann, in 1854 ([259 a],
pp. 227-264), takes up the question (always in connection with trigonometric
series4 ) he experiences the need to justify his work: "Whatever our ignorance
concerning the way in which the forces and the states of matter vary with time
and place in the infinitely small, we can nonetheless take it as certain that the
functions to which the researches of Dirichlet do not apply, do not occur in
natural phenomena. However', he continues, "it appears that these cases not
treated by Dirichlet deserve attention for two reasons. Firstly, as Dirichlet
himself remarks at the end of his work, this subject is in a very close relation
to the principles of the infinitesimal calculus, and can be of use to bring more
clarity and certainty to these principles. From this point of view, his Stud1l
has an immediate interest. In the second place, the application of Fourier
series is not limited to research in physics; they are at present applied also
with success in a domain of pure mathematics, number theory, and there it
seems that they are precisely the functions whose expansion in trigonometric
3 According to certain indications (fairly obscure) from Lipschitz [205 a], Dirich-
let might have believed that if the set of points of discontinuity was sparse, the
"derivative" is finite, and would have in all cases limited his investigations to the
case where this is so.
, From Dirichlet and Riemann to our days, we will see this close association be-
tween integration and what we now call "harmonic analysis" being pursued, which
provides in some wa.y a. touch stone.
series has not been studied 6, Dirichlet, that are 0/ importance" ([269 a], pp.
The idea of Riemann is to start from the approximation procedure for the
integral, brought back to respectability by Cauchy, and to determine when
the "Riemann sums" of a function /, in a bounded interval [a, b], tend to a
limit (the maximal length of the intervals in the subdivision tending to 0);
a problem of which he obtains without trouble the solution in the following
form: for every Q > 0, there is a subdivision of [a, b] into partial intervals
of sufficiently small maximal length so that the sum of the lengths of the
intervals of this subdivision, where the oscillation of / is > Q is arbitrarily
small. He shows as well that this condition is satisfied, not only for continuous
and piecewise monotonic functions, but also for functions that may have an
everywhere dense set of points of discontinuity.1S
The memoir of Riemann was not published until after his death, in 1867.
But this time, the times were more favourable for this kind of research, and
the "Riemann integral" took its place naturally in the stream of ideas that
was leading then to a sustained study of the "continuum" and of functions of
real variables (Weierstrass, Du Bois-Reymond, Hankel, Dini) and was to end
up, with Cantor, at the blossoming of set theory. The form given by Riemann
to the integrability condition suggested the idea of "measure" for the set of
points of discontinuity of a function in an interval; but nearly 30 years were
to pass by before a fruitful and convenient definition of this notion would be
The first attempts in this direction are due to Stolz, Harnack and Cantor
(1884-1885); the first two, in order to define the "measure" of a bounded
subset E of R, consider sets F ::> E which are finite unions of intervals, take
for each F the sum of the lengths of the corresponding intervals, and say that
the "measure" of E is the lower bound of these numbers; whereas Cantor,
starting from the beginning in the space Rn, considers for a bounded set
E and for p > 0 the neighbourhood yep) of E constructed of points whose
distance to E is ~ p, and takes the lower bound of the "volume" of V(p).6
With this definition, the "measure" of a set is equal to that of its closure,
whence in particular it is possible that the "measure" of the union of two sets
with no point in common can be strictly less that the sum of the "measures"
of these two sets. No doubt in order to alleviate this last difficulty, Peano
[246 a] and Jordan ([174 c], v. I, pp. 28-31), a few years later, introduce,
alongside the "measure" of Cantor peA) of a set A contained in a block I, its
"interior measure" 1'(1) - 1'(1 - A), and call "measurable" the sets A (now
II On the other hand, H. J. Smith gave, already in 1875, the first example of a
function which is not integrable in the &elISe of Riemann, and whose set of points
of discontinuity is sparse ([287], v. II, pp. 86-100).
8 Cantor does not give a precise definition of this "volume" and limits himself to
saying that it can be calculated by a multiple integral ([47], pp. 229-236 and 257-
258). It is easy to see that his definition is equivalent to that of Stolz-Harnack, by
an application of the Borel-Lebesgue theorem.
called "quarriable") for which these two numbers coincide. The union of two
quarriable sets A, B with no point in common is then quarriable and has
as "measure" the sum of the "measures" of A and B; but an open bounded
set is not necessarily quarriable, and neither is the set of rational numbers
contained in a bounded interval, which removed much of the interest in the
notion of Peano-Jordan.
It is to E. Borel [32 a] that the credit for having known how to discern the
faults of the previous definitions and for having seen how it was possible to
remedy them is due. It was known since Cantor that every open set U in R
is the union of a countable family of its "components" , pairwise disjoint open
intervals; instead of seeking to approach U "from the outside" by enclosing
it in a finite sequence of intervals, Borel, relying on the preceding result,
proposes taking as the measure of U (when U is bounded) the sum of the
lengths of its components. Then he describes very summarily7 the class of sets
(also called "Borel") that can be obtained, starting from the open sets, by
iterating indefinitely the operations of countable union and of "difference"
A - B, and indicates that, for these sets, a measure can be defined that
possesses the fundamental property of complete additivity: if a sequence (An)
is made up of pairwise disjoint Borel sets, the measure of their union (assumed
bounded) is equal to the sum of their measures.
This definition was to inaugurate a new era in Analysis: on the one hand,
in tandem with the contemporary work of Baire, it became the point of
departure for a whole series of researches of a topological nature on the
classification of sets of points (see p. 165); and above all, it was to be of use
as the basis of the extension of the notion of integral, created by Lebesgue in
the first years of the XXth century.
In his thesis [196 a], Lebesgue starts by making precise and developing the
succinct indications of E. Borel; imitating the method of Peano-Jordan, the
"exterior measure" of a bounded set A C R is defined as the lower bound of
the measures of the open sets containing A; then, if I is an interval containing
A, the "interior measure" of A is the difference between the exterior measures
of I and of I - A; thus is obtained a notion of a ."measurable set" which only
differs from the initial "constructive" definition of Borel by the adjunction
of a subset of a set of measure zero in the sense of Borel. This definition
integral J:
extended immediately to the spaces Rn; the old conception of the definite
f(t)dt of a bounded function ~ 0 as the "area" bounded by the
curve y = f(x), the straight lines x = a, x = band y = 0, supplied thus
an immediate extension of the Riemann integral to all the functions f for
which the measure of the preceding set was defined. But the originality of
7 Measure is still not for Borel, at that time, anything other than a technical means
for the study of certain series of rational functions, and he underlines himself that,
for the goal that he proposes for himself, the usefulness of measure is due above all
to the fact that a set of non zero measure is not countable ([32 al, p. 48).
Lebesgue does not reside so much in the idea of this extension,s than in
his discovery of the fundamental theorem on the passage to the limit in the
integral thus conceived, a theorem which appears in his work as a consequence
of the complete additivity of the measure;9 he realises immediately all its
importance, and makes it the key stone of the didactic expose of his theory
that he gives, already in 1904, in the famous "Lessons on integration and the
quest for primitive functioni' [196 C].10
We cannot describe here in detail the innumerable advances that the
results of Lebesgue were to bring about in the study of the classical problems
of infinitesimal Calculus. Lebesgue himself had already, in his thesis, applied
his theory to the extension of the classical notions of length and area to more
general sets than the usual curves and surfaces; concerning the considerable
development of this theory over half a century, we send the reader back to
the recent expose by L. Cesari [59]. Let us mention also the applications
to trigonometric series, developed by Lebesgue almost immediately after his
thesis [196 b], and which were to open new horizons for this theory, whose
exploration is far from being over in our day (see [345]). Finally and especially,
the definition of the spaces LP and the Fischer-Riesz theorem ([111], [260 a
and c]; cf. p. 213) brought to light the role that could be played in Functional
Analysis by the new notion of integral; a role that could only grow with
the subsequent generalisations of this notion, of which we shall speak in a
Beforehand, we will stop a little longer with one of the problems to which
Lebesgue devoted the most effort, the link between the notions of integral and
of primitive. With the generalisation of the integral introduced by Riemann
the question that arose naturally was to know if the classical correspondence
between integral and primitive, valid for continuous functions, still subsisted
in the more general case. But it is easy to give examples of fucntions I,
integrable in the Riemann sense, and such that I: I(t)dt does not have a
derivative (nor even a derivative on the right or on the left) at certain points;
8 Independently of Lebesgue, W. H. Young had had the same idea. for semi-
continuous functions [339 a.].
9 The particular case of this theorem, where we have the case of a sequence of
functions integrable in a compact interval in the Riemann sense, uniformly bounded,
and whose limit is integrable in the Riemann sense, had been proved by Arzela. [9
1 Among the most important consequences of this theorem in the general theory
of integration, Egoroff's theorem on the convergence of sequences of measurable
functions [99] must be mentioned in particular, making precise earlier remarks of
Borel and Lebesgue. On the other hand, measura.ble (numerical) functions had first
been defined by Lebesgue by the property that, for such a function f, the reciprocal
image by f of every interval of R is a measurable set. But from 1903, Borel and
Lebesgue had drawn attention to the topological properties of these functions; they
were put in their definitive form by Vitali, who, in 1905 [320 a], was the first to
formulate the property of measurable functions known ordinarily under the name
of "Lusin's theorem" (who found it again in 1912).
conversely, Volterra had shown, in 1881, that a function F(z) may have a
bounded derivative in an interval I, but be non integrable (in the Riemann
sense) in I. By an analysis of great subtlety (where the theorem on the passage
= J:
to the limit in the integral is far from being sufficient), Lebesgue succeeds
in showing that, if I is integrable (in his sense) in [a,6], F(z) I(t)dt
has almost everywhere a derivative equal to I(z) [196 c]. Conversely, if a
function 9 is differentiable in [a, 6] and if its derivative g' = I is 6ountletl, I
is integrable and we have the formula g(z) - g(d) = J:
I(t)dt. But Lebesgue
notes that the problem is much more complex when g' is not bounded; g' is
not necessarily integrable in this case, and the first problem is therefore to
characterise the continuous functions 9 for which g' exists almost everywhere
and is integrable. By limiting himself to the case where one of the derived
numbers l l of 9 is everywhere finite, Lebesgue showed that 9 is necessarily
a function with bounded variation. 12 Finally he establishes the converse of
this last result: a function with bounded variation 9 has almost everywhere
a derivative, and g' is integrable; but it is no longer necessarily true that
the difference between the two parts of this relation is a function of bounded
variation which is not constant and with zero derivative almost everywhere (a
"singular" function). It remained to characterise the functions with bounded
variation 9 such that the relation (22.2) held. Lebesgue established that these
functions (called "absolutely continuous" by Vitali, who made a detailed
study of them) are those that have the following property: the total variation
of 9 in an open set U (sum of the total variations of 9 in each of the connected
components of U) tends to 0 with the measure of U.
We will see below how, in a weakened form, these results would later
acquire a much more general scope. In their initial form, their field of appli-
cation remained fairly restricted, and did not go beyond the framework of
the "fine" theory of functions of a real variable, of which we will not study
here the subsequent development; we will be content with mentioning the
deep work of Denjoy and his followers and successors (Perron, de la Vallee-
Poussin, Khintchine, Lusin, Banach, etc. ); the reader will find a detailed
expose in the book of S. Saks [268].
11 The derived numbers on the right of 9 at a point :r: are the two limits
limh_O SUPh>O(g(x + h) - g(x»/h,limh_O infh>o(g(x + h) - g(x»/h. The derived
numbers on the left are defined similarly.
12 These functions had been introduced by Jordu, in connection with the rectifi-
cation of curves [174 c]; he showed that one can give two equivalent definitions as
follows: a) / is the difference between two increasing functioDS; b) for every subdi-
vision of the interval [a, 6~'Y a finite sequence of increasing points (Xi)O<i<." with
a = Xo, 6 = Xn, the sum ~_1 I/(xi) - /(:l:i-l)1 is bounded by a number Indepen-
dent of the subdivision un er consideration. The upper bound of these sums is the
total variation of / in [a, 6].
One of the essential advances brought about by the Lebesgue theory con-
cerns multiple integrals. This notion was introduced about the middle of the
XVIIIth century, and first in the form of an "indefinite integral" (by analogy
with the theory of the integral of functions ofa single variable, I I I(z,y)dzdy
denotes a solution of the equation tIll = I(z,y»; but already from 1770, Eu-
ler had a very clear conception of the double integral extended to a bounded
domain (bounded by arcs of analytic curves), and wrote down correctly the
formula for evaluating such an integral by means of two simple integrals in
succession ([108 a], (I), v. XVII, pp. 289- 315). It was not difficult to justify
this formula starting from "Riemann sums" , so long as the function being in-
tegrated was continuous, and the domain of integration not too complicated;
but as soon as one wanted to tackle more general cases, the procedure of Rie-
mann ran into serious difficulties (/(z,y) may be integrable in the Riemann
sense, without I dz I I(z,y)dy having a meaning when the simple integrals
are taken in the Riemann sense). These difficulties vanish when we pass to
the definition of Lebesgue; already this latter had showed in his thesis that,
when I(z, y) is a bounded "Baire function", it is the same for the functions
y 1-+ I(z,y) (for all z) and z 1-+ I I(z, y)dy, and we have the formula
ff I(z,y)dzdy = f f
dz I(z,y)dy (22.3)
(integral taken in the rectangle). A little later, Fubini [121] brought an im-
portant complement to this result by proving that, if it is only assumed that
I is integrable, then the set of z such that yl-+ I(z,y) is not integrable is of
zero measure, which allowed the extension of the formula (22.3) to this case.
Finally, in 1910 [157 e], Lebesgue tackles the extension to multiple inte-
grals of his results on the derivatives of simple integrals. He is thus brought
to associate with a function I, integrable on all compact subsets of R n , the
function of a set F(E) = IE I(x)dx, defined for all integrable subsets E of
R n , which generalises the concept of "indefinite integral"; and he observes
on this occasion that this function possesses the following two properties: 10
it is completely additive; 20 it is "absolutely continuous" in the sense that
F(E) tends to 0 with the measure of E. The essential part of the memoir of
Lebesgue consists in proving the converse of this proposition. 1s But he does
not stop there, and in the same direction, signals the possibility of generalis-
ing the notion of function with bounded variation, by considering functions
of a measurable set F(E), completely additive and such that En IF(En)1
remains bounded for every countable partition of E into measurable subsets
En. And, if he limits himself in fact to not considering such functions except
on the set of blocks of R n , it is quite clear that there only remained one step
to take to end up with the general notion of measure that J. Radon is going
13 The main tool, in this proof, is a covering theorem, proved sometime before by
Vitali [320 b], a.nd which hat! remained fundamental in this type of question.
to define in 1913, gathering into the same synthesis the Lebesgue integral
and the Stieltjes integral, of which we must now speak.
a It is there among others that is formulated and solved the famous "problem of
moments" (d. p. 215).
15 Stieltjes still does not make any distinction between the various types of inter-
vals having the same ends a, b, which leads him to conceive that at the points of
discontinuity c of q" part of the mass concentrated at c belongs to the interval of
origin c, and the other part to the interval of end c, according to the value of q,(c).
16 The first appearance must however be noted here, with Stieltjes, of the idea of
"convergence" of a sequence of measures ([297], p. 95; it is a case in fact of the
,trong limit).
17 It acquires however importance with the development by Hilbert and his school,
of the spectral theory of operators, starting in 1906. It is on this occasion that
Hellinger, around 1907, defined integrals such as that which he denotes (d.l)2,J
and which appear at first more general than those of Stieltjes; but in fact, Hahn
showed, already in 1912, that they reduce to this latter.
18 It is also in this work that the notion appears of the IWen./c limit of a sequence of
measures ([260 d], p. 49).
it. The most successful was that of J. Radon, in 1913 [256]: combining the
ideas of F. Riesz and of Lebesgue, he showed how an integral could be defined
by the procedures of Lebesgue, starting with an arbitrary "completely addi-
tive function of a set" (defined on measurable sets for the Lebesgue measure)
instead of starting with the Lebesgue measure. In the notion of "Radon mea-
sure" on R n, thus defined, that of function with "bounded variation" is found
to be absorbed: the decomposition of such a function as a difference of two
increasing functions is a particular case of the decomposition of a measure
as a difference of two positive measures; in the same way, the "measure with
base 1-''' corresponds to the notion of an "absolutely continuous" function,
and the decomposition of an arbitrary measure into a measure with base I'
and a measure foreign to 1-', to the Lebesgue decomposition of a function
with bounded variation as the sum of an absolutely continuous function and
a "singular" function. As well, Radon showed that the "density" with respect
to I-' of a measure with base I' exists still when I' is a measure having as base
the Lebesgue measure, by using a previous idea of F. Riesz (taken up again
and popularised later by J. von Neumann among others), which consists in
constructing an image of the measure I' by a map (J of R n into R, chosen so
that (J(I-') is the Lebesgue measure on R.
Almost immediately after the appearance of the memoir of Radon, Frechet
remarked that nearly all the results of this work could be extended to the case
where the "completely additive functions of a set", instead of being defined
on the measurable sets of R n , are defined for certain subsets of an arbitrary
set E (these subsets being such that the operations of countable union and
of "difference" still give sets for which the function is defined). However, the
expression of a measure with base I' in the form g.JJ relied, with Lebesgue
and Radon, on arguments using in an essential way the topology of R n (and
we have seen that the proof of Radon only applies if I-' is a measure with base
the Lebesgue measure); it is only in 1930 that O. Nikodym [235] obtained
this theorem in its general form, by a direct argument (notably simplified a
few years later by J. von Neumann, thanks to the use of the properties ofthe
spaces L2 ([324 g], pp. 127-130».
With the memoir of Radon, the general theory of integration could be
considered as completed in its main lines; as subsequent substantial acquisi-
tions, it is only possible to mention the definition of the infinite product of
measures, due to Daniell [76 b], and that of the integral of a function with
values in a Banach space, given by Bochner in 1933 [24 a], and which was
a prelude to the more general study of the "weak integral" developed a few
years later by Gelfand [125 a], Dunford and Pettis ([95] and [96]). But it
remained to popularise the new theory, and to make of it a mathematical in-
strument in general use, while the majority of mathematicians, around 1910,
still saw in the "Lebesgue integral" only an instrument of great precision,
delicate handling, destined only for researches of extreme subtlety and of an
extreme abstraction. That was the work of Caratheodory, in a book which
remained a classic for a long time [49) and which enriched Radon's theory
with numerous original remarks.
But it is with this book also that the notion of integral, which had been in
the front line of the concerns of Lebesgue (as was sufficiently shown by the ti-
tles of his thesis [196 a) and of his main work on these questions [196 c» yields
the field for the first time to that of measure, which had been for Lebesgue
(as before him with Jordan) an auxiliary technical means. This change in
point of view was due no doubt, with Caratheodory, to the excessive impor-
tance that he seems to have attached to up-dimensional measures" .19 Since
then, the authors that have treJ.Lted integration are divided between these
two points of view, not without involving themselves in debates which have
caused a lot of ink to flow if not a lot of blood. One group have followed
CaratheodorYi in their exposes ever more abstract and more axiomatised,
measure, with all the technical refinements to which it lends itself, not only
plays the dominant role, but also tends to lose contact with the topological
structures to which it is in fact linked in the majority of problems where
it is involved. Other exposes follow more or less closely a method already
indicated in 1911 by W. H. Young, in a memoir unfortunately little noticed
[339 b), and developed since by Daniell. The first, dealing with the Lebesgue
integral, parted company with the "Cauchy integral" of continuous functions
with compact support, assumed known, in order to define successively the
upper integral of lower semi-continuous functions, then of arbitrary numeri-
cal functions, whence a definition' of integrable functions,~oq,elled on that of
Lebesgue for sets, by purely "functional" means. Daniell, in 1918 ([76 ali d.
[207]) extended this expose, with some variants, to functions defined on an
arbitrary seti in the same stream of ideas (and in close link with the methods
used in spectral theory before Gelfand), we must also point out the memoir
of F. Riesz [260 h] which puts into an elegant and concise form the few results
of the theory of ordered spaces that playa role in the theory of Integration.
Rather than in works of exposition, more or less pleasant to read, but
whose substantial content could not vary much, it is on the side of applica-
tions that progress arising from the theory of Integration since 1920 must be
sought.: the theory of probability (at other times the pretext for guessing and
paradoxes, and become a braneh of the theory of Integration since its
111 It is a case there of the generalisation of the "length of a plane curve" to arbitrary
values n and p of the dimension of the ambient apace and of the dimension of the
space being studied; it is assumed of course that we have 0 ~ p ~ n, but it is
not always assumed that p is an integer. This question has been the object of the
work of numerous authors since Minkowaki, Caratheodory and Hausdorff; Lebesgue
himself, who tackles some particular cases in his thesis, seems not to have seen there
other than an opportunity to put to the test the power of the tools that he had
just forged.
The notions of length, area and volume among the Greeks are essentially
based on their invariance under displacements: "Things which coincide
(et/JOtPl'fieoVTOt) are equal" (Bud. BI., Book I, "Common notions" 4); and it is
by an ingenious use of this principle that all the formulae are obtained giving
the areas or volumes of the classical "figures" (polygons, conics, polyhedra,
spheres, etc.), sometimes by a procedure of finite decomposition, sometimes
by "exhaustion". 1 In modern language, it can be said that what was done by
the Greek geometers, is to prove the existence of ''{unctions of sets" which
are additive and invariant under displacements, but defined only for sets of
a very particular type. The integral calculus can be considered as replying
to the need for enlarging the domain of definition of these functions of sets,
and, from Cavalieri to H. Lebesgue, it is this preoccupation that will be in
the forefront of the research of the analysts; as for the property of invariance
under displacements, it becomes a secondary consideration, having become
a trivial consequence of the general formula for change of variables in double
or triple integrals and because of the fact that an orthogonal transformation
has determinant equal to :1:1. Even in the non-Euclidean geometries (where
however the group of displacements is different), the point of view remains
the same: in a general way, Riemann defines the infinitesimal elements of
area or volume (or their analogues for dimensions ~ 3) starting with a ds 2 by
means of the classical Euclidean formulae, and their invariance under trans-
formations that leave invariant the ds 2 is thus almost a tautology.
It is only around 1890 that other less immediate extensions of the notion
of measure invariant under a group appear, with the development of the
theory of the integral invariants, notably by H. Poincare and E. Cartan;
1 It can be shown that if two polygons P, pI have the same area, there are two
polygons R ::> P, R' ::> pI which can each be decomposed into a finite number of
polygons Ri (resp. RD (1 :s; i :s; m) without any interior point in common, such
that Ri and R~ can be obtained one from the other by a displacement (depending
on i), and such that R (resp. R') are the union of a finite family of polygons Sj
(resp. Sj) (0 :s; i :s; n) without any interior points in common, with So = P,
S~ = pI, and Sj being obtained from S; by a displacement for 1 :s; j :s; n. On the
other hand, M. Dehn has proved [81] that this property is not valid for the volume
of polyhedra, and that the procedures of exhaustion used since Eudoxus were in
consequence inevitable.
:2 The invariant measure on the space of straight lines in the plane had already been
essentially determined in connection with the problems of "geometric probability",
notably by Crofton, whose work E. Cartan probably did not know at that time.
could not hope to extend to the general case the infinitesimal methods prov-
ing the existence of an invariant measure on a Lie group. But, another stream
of ideas, issuing from work on the Lebesgue measure, was leading precisely
to more direct methods of attack. Hausdorff had proved, in 1914, that there
does not exist an additive function on sets not identically zero defined for all
subsets of R3 and invariant under displacements, and it was natural to find
out if this result was still valid for R and R2: a problem that was solved by
S. Banach in 1923 in a surprising way, by showing on the contrary that in
these two cases such a "measure" well and truly existed [14 b]j his procedure,
very ingenious, relied already on a construction by transfinite induction and
on the consideration of "means" ~ E~=l I( Z + Q~) of translates of a function
by elements of the group.s It is analogous ideas that allowed A. Haar, in
1933 [139], to make the decisive step by proving the existence of an invariant
measure for locally· compact groups with a countable base of open sets: in-
spired by the method for the approximation of a volume, in classical integral
Calculus, by a juxtaposition of congruent cubes with arbitrarily small sides,
he obtains, with the help of the diagonal procedure, the invariant measure as
the limit of a sequence of "approximating measures", a procedure that still
is essentially the one used today. This discovery had a very big repercussion,
in particular because it allowed J. von Neumann to solve immediately, for
compact groups, Hilbert's famous "5th problem" on the characterisation of
Lie groups by purely topologic;al properties (to the exclusion of all previously
given differential structure). But it was noticed immediately that, in order to
be able to use the invariant measure in an efficacious way, it was not enough
only to know of its existence, but also to know that it was unique up to a
factorj this point was first proved by J. von Neumann for compact groups, by
using a method for the definition of the Haar measure by "means" of contin-
uous functions, analogous to those of Banach [324 e]j then J. von Neumann
[324 f) and A. Weil [330 cl, by different methods, obtained simultaneously
the uniqueness in the case of locally compact groups, A. Weil indicating at
the same time how the procedure of Haar could be extended to general lo-
cally compact groups. It is also A. Weil (Ioe. cit.) who obtained the condition
for the existence of a relatively invariant measure on a homogeneous space,
and showed finally that the existence of a "measure" (endowed with reason-
able properties) on a separated topological group, implied ipso facto that the
group is locally precompact. These works completed essentially the general
theory of Baar measurej the only more recent addition that needs quoting
is the notion of quasi-invariant measure, which hardly emerged until around
1950, linked with the theory of representations of locally compact groups in
Hilbert spaces.
3 J. von Neumann showed, in 1929, that the deep reason for the difference in
behaviour between Rand R2 on the one hand, and the R n for" ~ 3 on the other,
must be sought for in the commutativity of the group of rotations in the space R2.
-00 F(:z: - B, t)/(B)dB
is also an integral of the same equation; Poisson, among others, already before
1820, uses this idea to write the integrals of the heat equation in the form
for the partial sum of a Fourier series and the study, made by Dirichlet, of the
limit of this integral when n tends to +00, gives the first example of "regulari-
sation" 11-+ Pn *1 on the torus T (in actual fact by a. sequence of non-positive
"kernels" Pn, which complicates considerably its study); under the name of
"singular integrals", the analogous integral expressions will be a. favourite
subject for the analysts of the end of the XIXth century and the beginning of
the XXth century, from P. du Bois-Reymond to H. Lebesgue. On R, Weier-
strass uses the integral (23.1) for a proof of his theorem on approximation
by polynomials, and gives in this connection the general principle of regular-
isation by a sequence of positive "kernels" Pn of the form :z: 1-+ cn P(n:1:). On
T, the most famous example of a regularisation by positive kernels is given
a little later by Fejer, and from that moment, it is the standard procedure
which will be at the basis of the majority of "summation methods" of series
of functions.
However, this work, because of the lack of symmetry of the roles that are
played by the "kernel" and the regularised function, hardly made apparent
the algebraic properties of the convolution product. It is to Volterra. especially
that is owed the stressing of this point. He studies in a general way the
"composition" F * G of two functions of two variables
The Haar measure and convolution have rapidly become essential tools in
the tendency to algebraisation that distinguishes 80 strongly modem Analy-
sis; we will have to mention numerous applications of it in subsequent notes.
We will limit ourselves here to pointing out that one which concerns the
"variation" of closed subgroups (and notably discrete subgroups) of a locally
compact group. This theory, starting with a result of K. Mahler in the Ge-
ometry of numbers, was inaugurated in 1950 by C. Chabauty, and has just
been considerably developed and deepened by Macbeath and Swierczkowski
If the study of the links between topology and measure theory goes back to
the beginnings of the modern theory of functions of real variables, it is only
very recently that integration in discrete topological spaees has been set up
in a general way. Before giving the history of the work which preceded the
actual synthesis, we will recollect some of the steps in the evolution of the
ideas concerning the relations between topology and measure.
For Lebesgue, it is only a question of integrating the functions of one or
several real variables. In 1913, Radon defined general measures on R n and
the corresponding integrals; this theory is expounded in detail in the work
[82] of Ch. de la Vallee Poussin and relies in a co~stant way on the topological
properties of Euclidean spaces. A bit later, in 1915, Frechet defines in [115
c] "abstract" measures on a set furnished with a a-algebra and the integrals with
respect to these measures; he notes that it is possible to establish thus the
main results of Lebesgue's theory without using any topological means. He
justifies his undertaking with the following words, taken from the introduc-
tion to [115 d), first part: "That for example in a space with an infinity of
co-ordinates where various applications of Analysis had led to various non
equivalent definitions of a convergent sequence, one of these definitions is re-
placed by another, nothing will be changed in the properties of the families
and additive functions of sets in these spacei'. The research of Frechet is
completed by Caratheodory, to whom is due the important theorem on the
extension of a function of sets into a measure. The beginning of the book of
Saks [268] offers a condensed exposition of this point of view.
The discovery of Haar measure on locally compact groups (pp. 231 ff.)
and the numerous applications that it receives immediately, then the work of
Weil and Gelfand in Harmonic Analysis, lead in 1940 to a deep modification
of this point of view: in this kind of question, it is most convenient to con-
sider a measure to be a linear form on a space of continuous functions. This
method forces a restriction to compact or locally compact spaces, but it is
not a hindrance for almost the totality of the applications; even better, the
introduction of Harmonic Analysis on the p-adic groups and the adele groups
by J. Tate and A. Weil allowed a spectacular renewing of analytic Number
It is from quite another direction that the necessity comes to enlarge this
point of view by the consideration of measures on topological spaces which are
not locally compact: little by little, Probability Theory leads to the study of
such spaces and supplies numerous non trivial examples. Perhaps the reason
for the late influence of these developments on measure theory must be sought
in the relative isolation of Probability Theory, which remained on the margin
of traditional mathematical disciplines until recent times.
potheses of Einstein are formulated thus: if z(t) is the abscissa of the particle
at time t, and if to < tl < ... < tn-l < tn, the successive displacements
X(ti) - X(ti-l) (for 1 $ i $ n) are independent gaussian random variables. It
is not the place to evoke here in detail the important experimental work of
J. Perrin which motivated Einstein's theory: for our purposes, it is sufficient
to remember only a remark of Perrin, according to which the observation
of the trajectories of brownian movement suggested irresistibly to him "the
functions without derivative of the mathematicians". This remark was the
initial spark for Wiener.
Quite another stream of ideas draws its origins from the kinetic theory
of gases, developed between 1870 and 1900 by Boltzmann and Gibbs. Let us
consider a gas made up of N molecules of mass m at (absolute) temperature
T and let us denote by Vl, ••• , V N the velocities of the N molecules of the
gasj the kinetic energy of the system is equal to
+ ... + VN)
= 3NkT (24.1)
where k is Boltzmann's constant. According to the ideas of Gibbs, the multi-
tude of collisions between molecules does not allow the precise determination
of the velocities of the molecules, and it is convenient to introduce a proba-
bility law P on the sphere S of the space with 3N dimensions defined by the
equation (24.1). The "microcanonical" hypothesis consists in assuming that
P is the measure of mass 1 invariant under rotation on the sphere S. Besides,
Maxwell's law of velocities states that the law of probability of the compo-
nent of the velocity of a molecule has a Gaussian measure of variance 2kT/m.
E. Borel seems to have been the first to remark in 1914 that Maxwell's law
is a consequence of the hypotheses of Gibbs and of properties of the sphere
when the number of molecules is very large. He considers a sphere S in
Euclidean space of large dimension and the measure P of mass 1 invariant
under rotation on Sj using the classical methods of approximation based on
the Stirling formula, he shows that the projection of P on a co-ordinate axis
is approximately Gaussian. These results are made precise a little later by
Ga.teaux and Levy [201 a]. Given an integer m ~ 1 and a number r> 0, let
us denote by Sm,r the set of sequences of the form (Xl, .•• , X m , 0, 0, ...) with
x~ + ... + z~ = r2 j let us denote also by O'm,r the measure of mass 1 invariant
under rotation on Sm,r. Stated in modern language, the result of Gateaux
and Levy is the following: the sequence of measures O'm,l tends strictly to the
unit mass at the origin (0,0, ...) and the sequence of measures O'm,.;m tends
strictly to a measure r of the form
dr(zlt Z2, .•.) = II d'Y(zn)
('Y is the Gaussian measure with variance 1 on R).
The preceding measure r plays the role of a Gaussian measure in infinite
dimensions. It appears strongly that Levy had confusedly hoped to define
it can be shown that, for r -almost all sequences a, the sequence of functions
Im,a tends to a continuous function la and that w is the image of r by the
map (defined almost everywhere) a 1-+ la. Later, Levy gave in [201 b and
c] another construction. Finally Kac, Donsker and ErdOs show around 1950
how to replace in Wiener's initial construction the spherical measures 1I'm on
R m by more general measures. Their results establish a solid link between
Wiener's measure and the limit theorems of Probability Theory; they will
be completed and systematised by Prokhorov [254] in work to which we will
return later.
This is not the place to analyse the numerous and important probabilistic
works caused by Wiener's discovery; today, the brownian movement appears
only as one of the most important examples of a Markov process. We will
only mention the application made by Kac of Wiener's measure to the solu-
tion of certain parabolic partial differential equations; it is a matter there of
an adaptation of the ideas of Feynman in quantum field theory - another
example of this reciprocal influence between mathematics and the problems
of physics.
This is the case of a theory that was developed especially in view of the needs
of Probability Theory. The problems concerning a finite sequence of random
variables Xl, ... , Xn are solved in principle when the law Px ofthis sequence
is known: it is a positive measure of mass 1 on Rn, such that the probability
of obtaining simultaneously the inequalities al :5 Xl :5 bl, ... , an :5 Xn :5 bn
is equal to Px(C) where C is the closed box [al,bl] x ... x [an,b n] of Rn.
(we have a convention that zO = 0). Wiener, trained in analytic rigour by Hardy,
and justifiably wary with regard to the foundations of Probability Theory at that
time, takes care not to use either the terminology or the probabilistic results. As
a result his memoirs are full of formidable formulae of which the preceding one is
a sample; this peculiarity is one of the factors that slowed down the diffusion of
Wiener's ideas.
defined as a projective limit of the JlH. But this procedure has a severe incon-
venience; the elements of RT do not possess any regularity property allowing
the eontinuation of the probabilistie study of the proeess - or even simply
the elimination of the parasitic ·values ±oo introduced by the compactifica-
tion R of R. It can be remedied by restricting the measure JI of RT to a
partieular subspace (for example C(T) in the case of brownian movement);
the fundamental difficulty arises from the fact that a functional space, even
of the usual type, is not necessarily JI-measurable in R T, and even the choice
of the functional space can be in question. 1o
A decisive step was accomplished in 1956 by Prokhorov in a work [254]
which exercised a determining influence on the theory of stochastic proeesses.
By putting into a convenient axiomatic form the methods used by Wiener
in the article analysed above, he establishes a general existence theorem for
projective limits of measures on functional spaces.
A more restrieted class of projective systems was introduced by Bochner
[24 b] in 1947; it is a case of projective systems made up of real vector spaces
offinite dimension and surjective linear transformations. The projective limit
of such a system is identified in a natural way with the algebraic dual E* of a
real vector space E supplied with a weak topology 0'( E* , E); a corresponding
projective system of measures has a limit which is a measure I' defined for a
family which is notably smaller than the Borel family of E*. Bochner char-
acterised completely sueh "premeasures" by their Fourier transform, which
is a function on E. But this result is hardly usable in the absence of a topol-
ogy on E, in which case the possibility of considering JI as a measure on the
topological dual E' of E must be examined. In an independent way, R. Fortet
and E. Mourier, while seeking to generalise to random variables with values
in a Banach spaee certain classical results of Probability Theory (the law of
large numbers, the central limit theorem) brought out also the fundamen-
tal role played by the Fourier transform in these questions. But substantial
progress was only made in 1956 when Gelfand [125 c] suggested that the
natural framework for the Fourier transform is not that of Banach spaces or
Hilbert spaces, but that of nuclear Fl"echet spaces. He conjectured that every
continuous function of positive type on such a space is the Fourier transform
of a measure on its dual, a result established soon after by Minlos [222]. Its
importance comes above all from the fact that it is applicable to distribution
spaces, and that the quasi-totality of functional spaces are Borel subspaces
of the B,face of distributions (which thus constitutes a much better setting
than R ).11 The theory of random distributions is an area in full expansion,
and we will be content with referring the reader to the work of Gelfand and
Vilenkin [126].
10 For a detailed discussion of the problem of construction of measures for functional
spaces, and the methods used before Prokhorov, see J. L. Doob [93].
11 The exposition by X. Fernique [110] can be consulted, which also contains nu-
merous results on strict convergence.
The results that we have just mentioned on projective limits use the ex-
istence of topologies on the base spaces. It can be asked if there exists an
analogous theory in the case of "abstract" measures. Von Neumann proved
already in 1935 the existence of product measures in all cases, but the dis-
covery of a counterexample by Jessen and Andersen [290] ruined the hope
that every projective system of measures admits a limit. Two palliatives were
discovered: in 1949, C. lonescu-Tulcea established the existence of countable
projective limits, granted the existence of suitable decompositions,12 a very
interesting result for the study of Markov processesj besides, it became clear
that the topology of the spaces does not come in except by means of the set of
compact subsets. It was therefore natural to seek to axiomatise this situation
inside an abstract theory, by means of the notion of a compact class of sub-
sets of a set. This work was done in 1953 by Marczewski (who establisheed
by this means a theorem on abstract projective limits) and Ryll-Nardzewski
(who worked on the decomposition of measures).13
The study of the links between topology and measure theory was especially
thought of as the study of regularity properties of measures, and in particular
that of "exterior" regularity and of "interior" regularityj14 interior regularity
is equivalent to exterior regularity on a locally compact space countable at
infinity. The construction that Lebesgue gives of the measure of sets on the
straight line brings out these two kinds of regularity, and the property of
exterior regularity of measures on a Polish space seems to have had public
notoriety around 1935. But it is only in 1940, in an article whose diffusion
was slowed down by the war, that A. D. Alexandroff [3] brought out the role
of interior regularity and showed that this is possessed by the measures on a
Polish spacej this result was found again later by Prokhorov [254] and is often
attributed mistakenly to this author. It only appeared very recently that this
property extended to sublinian spacesj because of this, the importance of
these spaces increased greatly, all the more so that it became known that their
theory could be done without a metrisability hypothesis, and that the quasi-
totality of functional spaces were sublinian (and even most often lusinian).15
The definition of a mode of convergence (weak or strict) for measures is
done in the most convenient way by putting in duality the space of measures
with a space of continuous functions. Generalising an ancient result of F.
Riesz, A. A. Markhoff established in 1938 a bijective correspondence between
the positive functionals on C(X) and the regular measures on a compact space
X. In the work [3] already quoted, A. D .. Alexandroff extends these results
to the case of a completely regular space: he introduces a hierarchy on the set
of positive linear forms on the space C6(X) of bounded continuous functions
on a completely regular space X,16 he defines strict convergence of bounded
measures and proves among others the following two theorems:
a) if X is Polish, the set of linear forms on C6(X) corresponding to mea-
sures is closed in the weak convergence of sequences;
b) if a sequence of bounded measures has a strict limit, "there is no mass
fleeing to infinity" (it is a weak form of the reciprocal of the theorem of strict
convergence of Prokhorov).
From this fusion of notions and theorems, Prokhorov will know how to ex-
tract important results for the theory of stochastic processes, and to present
them in a simple and striking form. In his great work of 1956 already quoted
[254], an important part is devoted to bounded positive measures on a Polish
space; in generalising a construction of Levy, he defines on the set of posi-
tive measures of mass 1 a distance which makes it into a Polish space, then
he establishes an important compactness criterion for strict convergence. In-
dependently of Prokhorov, Le Cam [197] has obtained a certain number of
compactness results for the strict convergence of measures; he puts no metris-
ability hypotheses on the spaces that he considers, and his results reduce to
previous theorems of Dieudonne in the locally compact case.
1:; In order to solve certain probabilistic difficulties (particularly the links between
different notions of stochastic independence or dependence) several authors intro-
duce restricted classes of "abstract" measures: the "perfect" spaces of Kolmogoroff-
Gnedenko, the "lusinian" spaces of Blackwell, the "Lebesgue" spaces of Rokhlin. In
fact (at least granted a. fairly wea.k counta.bility hypothesis), all these definitions give
cha.racterisa.tions of "a.bstract" measures isomorphic to a. positive bounded measure
on a. sublinia.n space. [249] ca.n be consulted on this subject.
16 He distinguishes by mea.ns of a decreasing order of genera.lity the O'-measures
("abstract" measures on the Borel fa.mily of X), the T-measures (exterior regular
measures) a.nd the stiff measures (interior regular measures). When X is Polish,
these three notions coincide. The terminology itself is due to MacShane a.nd Le
Ca.m [197]. An account of the work arising from this classification will be found in
The theory, which has been called for almost a century the "theory of Lie
groups" , was essentially set up by one mathematician: Sophus Lie.
Before starting on its history, we will summarise briefly various earlier
researches that prepared its development.
b)InJinitesimal transformations.
In modern terms, this is explained by the fact that X and Y generate the
Lie algebra .[(2, e)i besides Cayley calculates explicitly the bracket XY - Y X
and shows that it also comes from an "infinitely small" transformation.
In his memoir of 1868 on groups of movements [174 b], Jordan uses from
beginning to end the concept of "infinitely small transformation", but ex-
clusively from a geometric point of view. There is no doubt that it is with
him that the idea of a group with one parameter "generated" by an infinitely
small transformation appears: for Jordan, it is the set of transformations ob-
tained by "repeating suitably" the infinitely small transformation (loc. cit.
p. 243). Klein and Lie, in their memoir of 1871, use the same expression
"repeated infinitely small trans/ormation" ([182], v. I, pp. 424-459), but the
context shows that they mean by that an integral of a differential system.
If the group with one parameter that they consider is made up of trans-
formations :'/ = fez, y, t), rI = g(z, y, t), the corresponding "infinitely small
transformation" is given by
dz = p(z, y)dt, d1/ = q(z, 1/)dt
= =
where p(z, 1/) M(z, 1/, to), q(z, 1/) ~(z, 1/, to), where to corresponds to the
identical transformation of the group. As Klein and Lie know the functions
/ and 9 explicitly, they have no problem in checking that the functions
t ..... /(z, 1/, t) and t ..... g(z, 1/, t)
give in a parametric form the integral curve of the differential equation
q(e, TJ)de =pee, TJ)dTJ
going through the point (z,1/), but do not give any general reason for that;
besides they do not use this fact again in the rest of their memoir.
c) Contact transformations.
In the following two years, Lie seems to abandon the theory of transformation
groups (although he remains in very close contact with Klein, who publishes
in 1872 his "Programme") in order to study contact transformations, the
integration of partial differential equations of the first order and the rela-
tions between these two theories. We do not have to spell out. the history of
these questions here, and we will limit ourselves to mentioning a few points
that seem to have played an important role in the genesis of the theory of
transformation groups.
The notion of contact transformation gener-alises at the same time the
point transformations and the transformations by reciprocal polars. Grosso
modo, a contact transformation 1 in en is an isomorphism of an open set
o of the variety T (en) of cotangent vectors to en onto another open set
0' of T(C n ) transforming the canonical I-form of n
into that of n'. In
other words, if (Zi, ... 'Zn'P1 .... 'Pn) describes the canonical co-ordinates
of T'(C n ), a contact transformation is an isomorphism (Zi,Pi) t-+ (Xi, Pi)
satisfying the relation L~=l PidX, = L~=l Pidz i : Such transformations occur
in the study of partial differential equations of the form
Oz Oz )
F ( Z1, Z2, ... , Zn, OZ1 ' ••• , OZn = 0 (25.2)
Lie becomes familiar during the course of his research on these questions with
the handling of Poisson parentheses
(/ g) =
t (0/ ~ _~ 0/)
i=1 OZi OPi OZi 0Pi
tion of type (25.1) associated with g, and observes on this occasion that the
Jacobi identity for Poisson parentheses means that the bracket of differential
operators corresponding to g and h is associated with the parenthesis (g, h).
The search for functions g such that (F, g) = 0, which occurs in the method
of Jacobi for integrating the partial differential equation (25.2), becomes for
Lie that for an infinitesimal contact transformation leaving the given equa-
tion invariant. Finally, Lie is led to study the set offunctions (ujhSjSm of
the Zi and the Pi such that the parentheses (Uj, Uk) are functions of the Uh,
and calls these sets "groups" (already considered in substance by Jacobi).
Suddenly, in the autumn of 1873, Lie takes up again the study of transforma-
tion groups and obtains decisive results. For as much as it is possible to follow
the unravelling of his thoughts in a few letters to A. Mayer from the years
1873-1874 ([202], vol. 5, pp. 585-608), he starts from a "continuous group" of
transformations on n variables
depending effectively3 on r parameters alJ ... , ar ; he observes that if the
transformation (25.4) is the identity for the values a~, ... , a~ of the parame-
ters, 4 then the Taylor expansions of the Zi, limited to the first order:
1i(zl, ... , Zn, a~+zl' ... ' a~+Zr) = Xi+ 2: ZkXki(ZI,"" zn)+ ... (1 $ i $ n)
give a "generic" infinitely small transformation depending linearly on the r
parameters Zj
dXi = (t
ZkXki(Xl, ... , Xn ») dt (1 $ i $ n). (25.6)
Proceeding as in his memoir with Klein, Lie integrates the differential system
3 Lie means by that that the Ii can not be expressed by means of less than ,.
functions of the ai, or equally that the Jacobian matrix (8/i/8ai) is of rank r "in
general" .
4 In his first notes, Lie believes himself able to prove a priori the existence of
the identity and of the inverse in all sets of transformations (4) closed under com-
position; he recognises later that his proof was incorrect, and Engel supplies him
with a counterexample reproduced in ([203], v. I, §44). However Lie shows how to
reduce the "continuous" systems (4) closed under composition to groupuscules of
transformations: such a system is of the form G 0 h, where G is a groupuscule of
transformations and h is a transformation of the system ([203], v. I, tho 26, p. 163,
and V. 3, tho 46, p. 572).
del _ _ den _
E tZtXu6,
( ... ,en ) - ... - E tZtXtn ((1, ... ,(n ) - dt, (25.7)
which gives him, for each point (Z1' ... , zr), a group with one parameter
such that gi(X1, ... ,Xn ,Zl, ... ,Zr,0) = Xi for every i. He shows in an inge-
nious way, using the fact that the transformations (25.4) make up a set closed
under composition, that the group with one parameter (25.8) is a subgroup of
the given group ([202], vol. 5, Abh. VII, pp. 32-63). The new idea, key to the
whole theory, is to proceed on to the second order in the Taylor expansions of
the functions (25.4). The thread of his argument is fairly confused and heuris-
tic ([202]' vol. 5, Abh. VII, pp. 32-63 and [202], vol. 5,pp. 600-601); it can be
set out as follows. For the Zj that are fairly small, one can put t 1 in (25.8),
and thus are obtained new parameters Z1, . .. ,Zr for the transformations of
the group (it is in fact the first appearance of the "canonical parameters").
By definition, we have with regard to (25.7)
8Ui ='~Zt
7ft " X ti ( Xl,·· .,Xn
I I )
from where
which gives
xi = Xi + (Et Zt X ti(X1, ... , Xn» t
from where, for t = 1, the Taylor expansions with respect to the parameters
the terms not written down being non linear either in u or in v. Transforming
(25.10) with the help of (25.9) and (25.11), then comparing the terms in UhVI:
of the two members, Lie obtains the relations
L..J (aXl:i ()Xhi) = ~
XhjT - Xl:jT L..JC'h"X/i ( 1 $ h,k $ r, 1 $.. $ n ) .
j=1 zJ zJ '=1
His expertise with the theory of partial differential equations leads him to
write these conditions in a simpler form: following the model of (25.1), he
associates with each of these r infinitely small transformations obtained by
= =
putting ZI: 1, Zh 0 for h ::f: k in (25.6), the differential operator
= E Xl:i A"""":" ,
AI: (I) (25.13)
.=1 vZ.
a keystone of his theory. Until then, he had used indiscriminately the terms
"infinitely small transformation" and "infinitesimal transformation" (e. g.
[202], vol. 5, Abh. I, pp. 1-4); the simplicity ofthe relations (25.14) leads him
to call the operator (25.13) the "symbol" ofthe infinitesimal transformation
dZi = X"idt (1 $ i $ n) ([202], vol. 5, Abh. III, pp. 42-75) and very rapidly,
it is the operator (25.13) itself that he will call "infinitesimal transformation"
([202], vol. 5, Abh. III, pp. 42-75 and [202], vol. 5, p. 589).
He then becomes aware of the tight links which unite the theory of "con-
tinuous groups" with his previous research on contact transformations and
partial differential equations. This link fills him with enthusiasm: "Myoid
work was so to speak all ready in advance to found the new theory of groups
of transformationj' he wrote to Mayer in 1874 ([202], vol. 5, p. 586).
In the following years, Lie pursued the study of transformation groups.
Apart from the general theorems summarised here (§ III), he obtains a cer-
tain number of more particular results: the determination of transformation
groups of the straight line and of the plane, subgroups of small codimension
in projective groups, groups with at most 6 parameters, etc .. For all that
he does not abandon differential equations. In fact, it even appears that for
him, the theory of transformation groups was to be an instrument for in-
tegrating differential equations, where the transformation group would play
a role analogous to that of the Galois group of an algebraic equation. 5 Let
us note that this research leads him likewise to introducing certain sets of
transformations with an infinity of parameters, which he calls "infinite and
continuous groups,,;6 he keeps the name "finite and continuous groups" for
the transformation groups with a finite number of parameters of type (25.4)
6 This research only had a sma.ll influence on the general theory of differential
equations, the group of automorphisms of such an equation being most often trivial.
On the contrary, for certain types of equations (for example linear ones), interesting
results were obtained subsequently by Picard, Vessiot, then, more recently, Ritt and
6 They are called today "Lie pseudo-groups"; we must be careful not to confuse
them with the "Banach" Lie groups.
7 From 1886 to 1898, Lie occupied at Leipzig the chair left vacant by Klein and
had Engel as assistant; this circumstance favoured the flowering of an active math-
ematical school as well as the diffusion of the ideas of Lie, fairly poorly known until
then (because, notably, of the fact that his first memoirs were most often written in
Norwegian, and published in the Comptes Rendus of the Academy of Christiania,
poorly propagated elsewhere). It is thus that at a time when it was hardly usual for
young French mathematicians to go to study in Germany, E. Vessiot and A. Tresse
spent a year of study at Leipzig, with Sophus Lie.
"group of parameters" (he even obtains two of them, which are none other
than the group of left translations and the group of right translations).8
The variables :l:i and the parameters aJ in the equations (25.4) are as-
sumed complex in principle (except in chaps. XIX-XXIV of v. 3), and the
functions Ii analytic; Lie and Engel are of course conscious of the fact that
these functions are not in general defined for all complex values of the Zi and
the aj and that, in consequence, the composition of such transformations
raises serious difficulties ([203], v. I, pp. 15-17, pp. 33-40 and passim); and al-
though, later, they express themselves almost always as if composition of the
transformations that they study were always possible without restriction, it
is no doubt only for the convenience of the statements, and they re-establish
explicitly the "local" point of view each time that it is necessary (cf. loco
cit., pp. 168 or 189 for example or ibid., V. 3, p. 2, note at the bottom of
the page); in other words, the mathematical object that they are studying
is near to what we would now call a partial operation law. They do not fail
to consider, on occasion, global groups, for example the 4 series of classical
groups ([203], V. 3, p. 682), but do not seem to have set themselves the ques-
tion of what in general a "global group" can be; it suffices for them to be
able to obtain, for the "parameters" of the classical groups (the "variables" of
these groups do not introduce any difficulty, since it is a caae of linear transfor-
mations of en), systems of "local" parameters in the neighbourhood of the
identical transformation, without their being concerned about the domain
of validity of the formulae that they write down. They set themselves how-
ever one problem that stands out clearly from the local theory:9 the study of
"mixed" groups, that is to say groups having a finite number of connected
components, such as the orthogonal group ([203], V. I, p. 7). They present
this study as that of a set of transformations closed under composition and
taking inverses, which is the union of sets Hj such that each is described by
systems of functions JjJ> as in (25.4); the number of (essential) parameters
of each Hj is even assumed tJ priori to depend on j, but they show in fact
that this number is the same for all the Hj. Their main result is then the
existence of a finite continuous group G such that Hj = Gohj for an hi E Hi
and for all j; they establish also that G is normal in the mixed group and
remark that the determination of the invariants of this latter reduces to that
of the invariants of G and of a discontinuous group ([203], V. I, chap. 18).
The general theory developed in [203] finishes up (without that being
stated in a very systematic way by the authors) by forging a "dictionary"
making the translation from properties of "finite continuous" groups to those
a The analogous notion for groups of permutations had been introduced and stud-
ied by Jordan in his "7raite".
9 Let us remember that (p. 119), following a Note of H. Poincare ([251], V. V,
pp. 77-79) various authors have studied the group of invertible elements of an
associative algebra of finite dimension. It is interesting to note in this connection
that E. Study, in his work on this subject, introduces a symbolism that reduces in
substance to considering the abstract group defined by the group of parameters.
where the matrix (ekr) is of maximum rank and det(1Pki) :/: OJ reciprocally, if
the functions Ii have this property, the formulae (25.4) define a groupuscule
of transformations.
The second theorem ([203], v. I, pp. 149 and 158, and v. 3, p. 590) gives
relations between the eki on the one hand, the 1Pii on the other: the conditions
on the eki can be written in the form
L..J (e
8ejr 8eil) = ~
8% - ..t jk 8% II t
L..J cii .. llr
(1 $ a,..J $ r, 1 $ I $ n) (25.16)
k=1 " "k=1
where the c~ are constants (1 $ i,j, k $ r) anti-symmetric in i,j. The
conditions on the 1Pii in the form given by Maurer, are:
E(c~ch + c~c~; + Cj,C~i) = 0 (1 $ i:i, k, m$ r). (25.22)
Conversely,10 if (25.21) and (25.22) are satisfied, there exists a system of in-
finitesimal transformations satisfying relations (25.19), from whence a group
of transformations with r parameters (in other words, the linear combinations
with constant coefficients of the X. make up a Lie algebra, and conversely
every Lie algebra of finite dimension can be obtained in this way).
These results are completed by the study of isomorphism questions. Two
groups of transformations are said to be similar if it is possible to pass from
one to the other by an invertible transformation of co-ordinates on the vari-
ables and an invertible transformation of co-ordinates on the parameters:
from the beginning of his research, Lie had met this notion in a natural way
in connection with the definition of the "canonical parameters". He shows
that two groups are similar if, by means of a transformation on the "vari-
ables" , one can bring the infinitesimal transformations of the one onto those
of the other ([203], v. I, p. 329). A necessary condition for this to be so is
that the Lie algebras of the two groups be isomorphic, which Lie expresses by
saying that the groups are "gleichzusammengesetzf'; but this condition is not
sufficient, and a whole chapter ([203], v. I, chap. 19) is devoted to obtaining
supplementary conditions insuring that the groups should be "similar". On
the other hand the theory of permutation groups supplied the notion of the
"holoedric isomorphism" of two such groups (isomorphism of the underlying
"abstract" groups); Lie transposes this notion to groups of transformations,
and shows that two such groups are "holoedric isomorphic" if and only if
their Lie algebras are isomorphic ([203], v. I, p. 418). In particular, every
group of transformations is holoedrically isomorphic to each of its groups of
parameters, and that shows that, when one wishes to study the structure of
the group, the "variables" on which they operate do not matter much and
that in fact everything reduces to the Lie algebra. l l
Always by analogy with the theory of permutation groups. Lie introduces
the notions of subgroups, normal subgroups, "meriedric isomorphisms" (sur-
jective homomorphisms), and shows that they correspond to that of sub-
algebras, ideals and surjective homomorphisms of Lie algebras; besides he
10 This converse was not obtained without trouble. The first proof that Lie gives
of it ([202], vol. 5, Abh. III, pp. 42-75) consists in passing over to the adjoint group
and is in fact only valid if the centre of the given Lie algebra is reduced to O. He
later gives two general proofs olit ([203], v. 2, chap. XVII and v. 3, pp. 599-604); it
is fairly significant that the first is based on contact transformations and that Lie
finds it more natural than the second.
11 It can be noticed that there is a similar evolution in the theory of "abstract"
groups, in particular finite ones. They were first defined as groups of transforma-
tions, but already Cayley remarked that what is essential is the manner in which
the transformations are comp08ed together, and not the nature of the concrete
representation of the group of permutations of particular objects.
In [278 b], F. Schur shows that in canonical co-ordinates the VJik of (15) satisfy
the differential equations
for the right differential 1U(X) of the exponential map at the point X; in
particular, in canonical co-ordinates, the VJij are extended into entire func-
tions of the ak. F. Schur deduces from this a result making precise an earlier
remark of Lie: if, in the definition (25.4) of groups of transformations, it is
only assumed that the Ii are in the class C 2 , then the group is holoedrically
isomorphic to an analytic group.12 Following his research on the integration
12 Lie had already stated without proof a result of this kind ([202], vol. 6, Abh. V,
pp. 230-236). He had been led to it by his research on the foundations of geometry
("problem of Helmhotz"), where he had remarked that the hypotheses of analyticity
are not natural.
dwk = -4 LC~Wi
Lie, who had proved the simplicity of the "classical" Lie algebras ([203], v.
3, p. 682».
On the other hand, Killing introduces, in a Lie algebra, the characteristic
equation det( ad( a:) - w.l) 0, already met by Lie in studying the Lie subal-
gebras of dimension 2 containing a given element of a Lie algebra. We refer
to other historical Notes for the analysis of the methods whereby Killing, in
studying in a penetrating manner the properties of the roots of the "generic"
characteristic equation for a semisimple algebra, ends up with the most re-
markable of his results, the complete determination of the simple (complex)
Lie algebras. 1S
Killing proves that the derived algebra of a soluble algebra is "of rank 0"
(which means that ad a: is nilpotent for every element a: of the algebra). Soon
after, Engel proves that the algebras "of rank 0" are soluble (this statement is
in substance what is called today Engel's theorem). In his thesis, E. Cartan
introduces on the other hand what is now called the "Killing form", and
establishes the two fundamental criteria that characterise by means of this
form the soluble Lie algebras and the semisimple Lie algebras.
Killing had affirmed ([180], IV) that the derived algebra of a Lie algebra
is the sum of a semisimple algebra and of its radical, which is nilpotent, but
his proof was incomplete. A little later, E. Cart an announced without proof
([52 a], v. 11, p. 104) that more generally every Lie algebra is the sum of
its radical and of a semisimple subalgebra; the only result in this direction
that is indisputably established at this time is a theorem of Engel affirming
the existence, in every non-soluble Lie algebra, of a simple Lie subalgebra
of dimension 3. The first published proof (for complex Lie algebras) of the
statement of Cartan is due to E. E. Levi [200]; another proof (equally valid
for the real case) was given by J. H. C. Whitehead in 1936 [334 a]. In 1942,
A. Malcev completed this result by the uniqueness theorem on the "Levi
sections" up to conjugation.
Already from his first work, Lie had set himself the problem of the is0-
morphism of every Lie algebra with a linear Lie algebra. He had thought
that he had solved it affirmatively by considering the adjoint representation
(and so deducing a proof of his "third theorem") ([202], vol. 5, Abh. III, pp.
42-75); he recognised rapidly that his proof was only correct for Lie algebras
with null centre; after him, the question remained open for a long time, and
was solved affirmatively by Ado in 1935 [2 a]. On the other hand, Lie had
substantially set himself the problem of determining the linear representa-
tions of minimal dimension of the simple Lie algebras, and had solved it for
the classical algebras; in his Thesis, Cartan had also resolved this problem
15 Up to the following that he finds two exceptional algebras of dimension 52, for
which he does not notice the isomorphism. (It is a case only of simple complex Lie
algebras, as a more general problem was not considered at this time; the methods
of Killing are valid in fact for every algebraically closed field of characteristic 0).
for the exceptional simple algebrasj 16 the methods that he employs in this
context will be generalised by him twenty years later in order to obtain all
the irreducible representations of simple real or .complex Lie algebras.
The property of complete reducibility of a linear representation seems
to have been met for the first time (in a geometric form) by Study. In an
unpublished manuscript, but quoted in ([203], v. 3, pp. 785-788) he proves
this property for the linear representation of the Lie algebra of SL(2, e), and
obtains partial results for SL(3, e) and SL(4, e). Lie and Engel conjecture
on this occasion that the complete reducibility theorem is valid for SL( n, C)
whatever n may be. The complete reducibility of the linear revresentations
of semisimple Lie algebras was established by H. Weyl in 19251 by an argu-
ment of a global nature (see later). The first algebraic prQof was obtained in
1935 by Casimir and van der Waerden [55]i other algebraic proofs were given
afterwards by R. Brauer [34 b] and J. H. C. Whitehead [334 b].
Finally, during his research on the exponential map (cf. infra). H. Poincare
([251], v. III) considers the associative algebra of differential operators of all
orders, generated by the operators of a Lie algebraj he shows, substantially
that, if (Xi}tSiSn is a basis of a Lie algebra, the associative algebra gen-
erated by the Xi has as basis certain symmetric functions of the Xi (sums
of the non-commutative "monomials" obtained from a given monomial by
all permutations of its factors). The essential part of his proof is algebraic
in nature, and allows him to obtain the structure of the enveloping algebra.
Analogous proofs have been given in 1937 by G. Birkhoff [22 b] and E. Witt
[337 b].IS
The majority of the work quoted above is limited to real or complex Lie
algebras, which are the only ones corresponding to Lie groups in the usual
sense. The study of Lie algebras over a field other than R or C is tackled
by Jacobson [172 a] who shows that the greater part ofthe classical results
remain valid over a field of characteristic zero.
18 The point of view of Cartan consisted in studying the non-trivial Lie algebra ex-
tensions of a simple Lie algebra and a (commutative) radical of minimal dimension.
17 H. Weyl remarks on this occasion that the construction given by E. Cartan of
the irreducible representation implicitly uses this property.
18 The first use of differential operators of higher order generated by the Xi is
without doubt the use of the "Casimir operator" for the proof of the complete
reducibility theorem. After 1950, the researches of Gelfand and his school, and of
Harish-Chandra, on the linear representations of infinite dimension, have brought
these operators to the front rank.
4>(ad X) = _1
ad X
where ad(X) is a semisimple element whose non-zero eigenvalues have multi-
plicity 1, 4> is an entire series with a sufficiently large radius of convergence,
the integral being taken over a loop enclosing the eigenvalues of ad X; he
studies also what happens when X tends towards a transformation having
multiple eigenvalues.
The search for expressions for W as a function of U and V in the formula
eU .e V = eW had already, a little before the work of Poincare, been the sub-
ject of two memoirs of Campbell [46 a and b]. As is written a little later by
Baker "... the theory of Lie suggests in an obvious way that the product eU eV
is of the form eW where W is an alternating series in U and V ... ". The
subsequent work on this subject aimed to make this assertion precise and to
give an explicit formula (or a method of construction) for W ("Bausdorft" for-
mula"). After Campbell and Poincare, Pascal, Baker [13] and Hausdorff [152
a] return to the question; each considers that the proofs of his predecessor
are not convincing; the main difficulty resides in what is meant by "alternat-
ing" : is it a case of elements of the particular Lie algebra under consideration,
None ofthe work of which we have been speaking tackled frankly the problem
of the definition and the study of global Lie groups. The first steps along this
path go back to H. Weyl. He is inspired by two theories, which until then
had developed independently: that of linear representations of semisimple
complex Lie algebras, due to E. Cartan, and that of linear representations
of finite groups, due to Frobenius and which had just been transposed to
the orthogonal group by I. Schur using an idea of Hurwitz. This latter had
shown [168] how invariants can be constructed for the orthogonal groups or
the unitary groups by replacing the operation of the mean on a finite group
by integration relative to an invariant measure. He had also remarked that in
applying this method to the unitary group, invariants for the general linear
group are obtained, a first example of the "unitarian trick". In 1924, I. Schur
[279 e] used this procedure to show the complete reducibility of the repre-
sentations of the orthogonal group O(n) and of the unitary group U(n), by
the construction of a positive non-degenerate invariant hermitian form; he
deduces from this, by the "unitarian trick", the complete reducibility of the
holomorphic representations of O(n, C) and of SL(n, C), establishes orthog-
onality relations for the characters of O(n) and of U(n) and determines the
characters of O(n). H. Weyl also extends this method to complex semisimple
Lie algebras [331 bJ. Given such an algebra g, he shows that it possesses a
"real compact form" (which amounts to saying that it comes from an algebra
19 In the ultrametric case, the classical method of majorants can not be extended
without precautions, because of the asymptotic behaviour of the p-adic valuation
of lin when n tends to infinity.
20 H. Weyl does not define this notion, with which he W88 familiar since the drawing
up of his lecture on Riemann surfaces (1913), explicitly. It is o. Schreier [276 a and
b] who, in 1926-1927, gives, for the first time, the definition of a topological group
and that of a "continuous" group (i. e.locally homeomorphic to a Euclidean space),
as well 88 the construction of the universal cover of such & group.
In our day, the vitality of Lie theory is manifested by the diversity of its
applications (in topology, differential geometry, arithmetic, etc.) as well as
by the creation of parallel theories where the structure of the underlying
differential variety is replaced by a neighbouring structure (p-adic, algebraic
variety, schema, formal schema, ... ). We do not need to provide here the
history of all these developments, and we will limit ourselves to two of them:
Banach Lie groups and p-adic Lie groups.
It is a case of Lie groups "of infinite dimension" . From the local point of view,
a neighbourhood of 0 in an Euclidean space is replaced by a neighbourhood
of 0 in a Banach space. It is what is done by G. Birkhoff in 1936 [22 a],
ending up thus with the notion of a complete normed Lie algebra and with
its correspondence with a "groupuscule" defined on an open set of a Banach
space. Around 1950, Dynkin completes these results by an extension to this
case of the Hausdorff formula (cf. supra).
The definitions and results of Birkhoff and Dynkin are local. Until recent
days, it does not seem that an attempt has been made to make explicit the
corresponding global theory, no doubt because of the lack of applications.
Such groups are met for the first time in 1907 in the work of Hensel [157 e]
on the p-adic analytic functions (defined by expansions in entire series). He
studies notably the exponential and the logarithm; in spite of the a priori
surprising behaviour of the series that define them (for example the exponen-
tial series does not converge everywhere), their functional properties remain
valid, which supplies a local isomorphism between the additive group and the
multiplicative group of Qp (or, more generally, of every complete ultrametric
field of characteristic zero).
It is equally about commutative groups (but not linear this time) that the
work of A. Weil [330 a] and E. Lutz [210] on the elliptic p-adic curves (1936)
is concerned. Other than the arithmetic applications, there can be found the
construction of a local isomorphism of the group with the additive group,
based on the integration of an invariant differential form. This method can
be equally applied to abelian varieties, as is remarked shortly afterwards by
C. Chabauty who uses it without any more explanation in order to prove a
particular case of the "Mordell conjecture" [61].
From this moment, it was clear that the local theory of Lie groups can be
applied almost without change to the p-adic case. The fundamental theorems
of the "dictionary" Lie groups-Lie algebras are established in 1942 in the
thesis of R. Hooke [166], a pupil of ChevalleYi this work contains also the
p-adic analogue of the theorem of E. Cartan on the closed subgroups of real
Lie groups.
More recently, M. Lazard [195 b] develops a more precise form of the "dic-
tionary" for compact analytic groups over Qp. He shows that the existence of
an analytic p-adic structure on a compact group G is tightly linked to that of
certain filtrations on G, and gives various applications of it (for example to
the cohomology of G). One of Lazard's tools is an improvement of Dynkin's
results on the convergence of the p-adic Hausdorff series [195 a].
It remains for us to speak of a series of works on Lie algebras where the link
with the theory of Lie groups is very tenuous; these researches have on the
other hand important applications in the theory of "abstract" groups and
more especially nilpotent groups.
The origin of this is the work of P. Hall [144], which appeared in 1932.
There is however there no question of Lie algebras: P. Hall has in view the
study of a certain class of p-groups, those that he calls "regular". But that
leads him to examine in detail iterated commutators and the lower central
series of a grouPi he establishes on this occasion a variant of the Jacobi
identity, as well as the "Hall formula"
(zvt = znyn(z, vt(n-l)/2 ...
Soon after (in 1935-1937) the fundamental works of W. Magnus [215 a
and b] and E. Witt [337 b] appear. In [215 a] Magnus uses the same algebra of
formal series A as Hausdorff (since called the "Magnus algebra"); he embeds
the free group F in it and uses the natural filtration of A in order to obtain
a decreasing sequence (Fn) of subgroups of F; it is one of the first examples
of filtration. He conjectures that the Fn coincide with the terms of the lower
central series of F. This conjecture is proved in his second memoir [215 b];
it is also there that he explicitly makes the link between his ideas and those
of P. Hall, and that he defines the free Lie algebra L (as a sub algebra of
A) of which he shows in substance that it is identified with the graded F.
In [337 b], Witt completes this result on several points. He shows notably
that the enveloping algebra of L is a free associative algebra and deduces
from that immediately the rank of the homogeneous components of L ("Witt
formulae") .
The groups considered in this Note appeared in connection with various ques-
tions of Geometry, Analysis and the Theory of Lie groups, sometimes in the
form of permuta.tion groups, sometimes in the from of groups of displace-
ments in Euclidean or hyperbolic geometry, and these various points of view
have only been co-ordinated in recent times.
Historically, the beginnings of the theory are a good deal older than the
introduction of the concept of a group: it takes its source indeed in the studies
on the "regularity" or the "symmetries" of geometrical figures, and notably
in the determination of regular polygons and polyhedra (going back no doubt
to the Pythagoreans), which constitute the crowning achievement of the Ele-
ments of Euclid, and one of the most admirable creations of the Greek genius.
Later, notably with the Arab authors of the high Middle Ages, then with Ke-
pier, the beginnings of a mathematical theory of regular "tHings" of the plane
or the sphere by polygons congruent in pairs (but not necessarily regular) ap-
pear, no doubt linked to the origin of the different types of ornament thought
up by the ancient and Arab civilisations ( that can be considered with good
cause as an authentic part of the mathematics developed by these civilisations
Towards 1830-1840, studies in crystallography (Hessel, Bravais, Mobius)
lead to considering a problem that is exactly that of the determination of the
finite groups of displacements in Euclidean space of 3 dimensions, although
the authors quoted above do not use yet the language of the theory of groups;
this latter hardly comes into use until around 1860, and it is in the context of
the classification of groups that Jordan, in 1869 [174 b], determines the dis-
crete subgroups of displacements in R3 which preserve orientation (and more
generally, all the closed subgroups of the groups of displacements preserving
orientation) .
Until the last years of the XIXth century, this stream of ideas is developed
in many directions, of which the most marked are the following:
1. Conforming to a tendency that appears very early on in the theory of
finite groups, "presentations" of finite groups of displacements by generators
and relations of a simple type are sought. It is thus that Hamilton, already
in 1856 [145 b], proves that the finite groups ofrotations in Euclidean space
Around 1890, with the first work of Killing and of E. Cartan on Lie groups,
begins a new stream of ideas that for a long time will develop without links
to the preceding work. Killing [180] and Cartan ([52 a], v. 11 , pp. 137-287),
in their study of the structure of complex semisimple Lie algebras, will plan
straightaway a primordial role for certain linear forms Wa on a "Cartan sub
algebra" ~ of such a Lie algebra g; they are the "roots" relative to ~, so called
because with Killing they appear as the roots of the characteristic equation
det(adg(x) - T) = 0, considered as functions of x E ~. The properties of
these "roots" established by Killing and Cartan reduce to affirming that,
in the actual geometric language, they form a "reduced system of roots";
they show then that the classification of the complex semisimple Lie algebras
is reduced to that of 8880ciated "systems of roots", which itself reduces to
the determination of certain matrices with integer coefficients (later called
"Cartan matrices"). Killing and Cartan also bring out, for every root "'a,
the existence of an involutive permutation Sa of the set of roots; they use
in an essential way the transformation C = Sal Sa3 ... Sal' the product of
permutations associated with 1 roots making up a fundamental system (a
transformation today called a "Coxeter transformation"); they even extend
this permutation into a linear transformation of the vector space generated
by the fundamental roots "'ai(l :s i :s I), and study its eigenvalues ([180],
II, p. 20; [52 a], v. 11 , p. 58). But neither Killing, nor at first Cartan, seem
to have thought of considering the group (i' generated by the Sa; and when
Cartan, a little later ([52 a], v. 11 , pp. 293-353), determines the Galois group
(i of the characteristic equation
det(adg(:r:) - T) =0
of a "general element" :r: E ~, he studies it at first without bringing in the
SO/; thirty years later, already under the influence ofthe work of H. Weyl, he
proves ([52 a], v. III pp. 555-568) that (i has as a normal subgroup the group
(i' and determines in all cases the structure of the quotient group (i /(i' which
(for a simple algebra g) is or order 1 or 2 except for the type D4 where it is
isomorphic to S3; it is also on this occasion that .he interprets (i' as the group
induced by the inner automorphisms of a complex semisimple Lie algebra,
leaving fixed a Cartan sub algebra.
The work of H. Weyl, to which we have just alluded, is that which inau-
gurated the geometric interpretation of the group (i' (since called the "Weyl
group" of g~ in the same way as Killing and Cartan had done it for the trans-
formation C, he had the idea of considering the Sa as reflections in the vector
space of linear forms on ~. It is also in the memoir of H. Weyl [331 b] that
the fundamental domain of the "affine Weyl group" is seen to appear (with-
out besides the link with the "Weyl group" g' being clearly indicated); Weyl
uses it in order to prove that the fundamental group of a compact semisim-
pIe group is finite, a crucial point in his proof of the complete reducibility of
the linear representations of a complex semisimple Lie algebra. Soon after,
E. Cartan brings to fruition the synthesis of the global points of view of H.
Weyl, of his own theory of real or complex semisimple Lie algebras, and of
the theory of symmetric Riemann spaces that he was building at this time. In
the memoir ([52 a], v. 12 , pp. 793-840), he completes the determination of the
fundamental polytopes of the Weyl group and of the affine Weyl group, and
introduces the weight systems and radical weight systems; he extends this
discussion to symmetric spaces, and meets thus notably the first examples
of non reduced root systems ([52 a], v. 12 , pp. 1003-1010). Finally the article
([52 a], v. 12, pp. 867-989) gives the first proof of the fact that every finite
group generated by reflections in R n and irreducible has a fundamental do-
main having as trace on Sn-1 a spherical simplex; it is also in this work that
The first link between the two streams of research that we have described
above seems to have been established by Coxeter [70 e], then by Witt [337 c].
They notice that the infinite irreducible groups of Euclidean displacements
generated by reflections correspond bijectively (up to isomorphism) to com-
plex simple Lie algebr88. Witt gives a new determination of discrete groups
of this type, and extends also the theorem of Coxeter [70 d] recalled above
by characterising as well the Coxeter groups isomorphic to infinite discrete
groups of Euclidean displacements. This result, and the fact that the analo-
gous groups in hyperbolic geometry are also Coxeter groups, 1 have led to the
open tackling of the study of these latter, first by putting the emphasis on a
geometric realisation ([71], [308 a]), then, following J. Tits [308 band c] in a
purely algebraic framework.
Starting with the work of Witt, the theory of semisimple Lie groups and
that of discrete groups generated by reflections will not cease from reacting
extremely fruitfully the one on the other. Already from 1941, Stiefel [296]
remarks that the Weyl groups are exactly the finite groups generated by
reflections, and that leave a network invariant. Chevalley [62 e] and Harish-
Chandra [149 a] give in 1948-51 proofs a priori ofthe bijective correspondence
between "crystallographic" groups and complex semisimple Lie algebras; it
was not possible until then to verify separately this correspondence for each
type of simple Lie algebra.
Around 1950, it is noticed on the other hand that the polynomials in-
variant under the Weyl group play an important role in the theory of linear
representations of infinite dimension [149 a] and in the topology of Lie groups.
1 These groups, studied in depth in the case of dimension 2, have not been con-
sidered in dimension ~ 3 except incidentally until these last years.
On his side, Coxeter [70 g], taking up again the study of the transformation
C, product of the fundamental reflections of a finite group W generated by
reflections, notices (by means of a separate examination of each type) that the
algebra of polynomials invariant under W is generated by algebraically inde-
pendent elements, whose degrees are linked in a simple way to the eigenvalues
of C. Proofs a priori of these results were subsequently given by Chevalley
[62 f] for the first, and by Coleman [68] and Steinberg [292] for the second.
With the work of A. Borel on linear algel:iraic groups [30] new devel-
opments in the theory of Lie groups start which were to lead to a notable
enlargement of this latter. A. Borel brings out the importance of the maximal
connected soluble subgroups (since called "Borel subgroups") in a Lie group,
and makes of them the principal tool for transposing a large part of the clas-
sical theory to algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field (without
however obtaining yet a classification of the simple algebraic groups2). The
Borel subgroups (in the case of real or complex classical groups) had already
turned up some years previously in the work of Gelfand and Neumark on the
representations of infinite dimension; and in 1954, F. Bruhat had discovered
the remarkable fact that, for the classical simple groups, the decomposition
of the group into double cosets over a Borel group is indexed in a canoni-
cal way by the Weyl group [40]. This result was subsequently extended to all
real and complex semisimple groups by Barish-Chandra [149 b]. On the other
hand, in 1955, Chevalley [62 g] had succeeded in associating with every com-
plex semisimple Lie algebra 9 and with every commutative field k, a group
of matrices with coefficients in k, possessing a Bruhat decomposition; and
he used this last fact to show that, with a small number of exceptions, the
group thus defined was simple (in the sense of the theory of abstract groups).
He "explained" thus the coincidence, already noticed since Jordan and Lie,
between the simple Lie groups (in the sense of the theory of Lie groups) of
types A, B, C, D and the classical simple groups defined in a purely algebraic
way over an arbitrary field (a coincidence that until then could not be ex-
tended except to the exceptional types 02 and E6 by Dickson [88 c and d]).
In particular, by taking a finite field k, the construction of Chevalley sup-
plied, for each type of complex simple Lie algebra, a family of finite simple
groups, containing a large part of the then known finite simple groups, as
well as three new series (corresponding to the types of simple Lie algebras
F 4 , E7 and Es). Soon after, by various procedures, using modifications of the
methods of Chevalley, several authors (Bertzig, Suzuki, Ree, Steinberg and
Tits) on the one hand showed that one can obtain in an analogous way the
other finite simple groups known at that time, with the exception of the al-
2 An algebraic group of dimension > 0 is said to be simple (in the sense of algebraic
geometry) if it does not contain any normal algebraic subgroup of dimension> 0
other than itself. It is said to be semisimple if it is isogeneous to a product of simple
non commutative groups.
ternating groups and the Mathieu groups, and on the other hand constructed
other series of new finite simple groups (cf. [54]).
At almost the same time, Chevalley [62 h], still using the technique of
Bruhat decompositions, joined to a key result Qn the normaliser of a Borel
subgroup, took up again the study of linear algebraic groups and reached the
result that over an algebraically closed field Ie of arbitrary characteristic, the
theory of semisimple linear algebraic groups3 leads essentially to the same
types as in the Killing-Cartan classification for Ie = C. Following on, J. Tits
[308 a and b], analysing the methods of Chevalley, reached an axiomatised
version (the "BN-pairs") of the Bruhat decompositions, in a remarkably flex-
ible form, only bringing in the structure of the group; it is this notion that is
at present known under the name ''Tits system". All the simple groups (in
the various meanings of the word) of which we have been speaking above are
canonically supplied with Tits systems, and Tits himself [308 c) has proved
that the existence of such a system in an abstract group G, linked with a
few supplementary properties from pure group theory, allows the proof that
G is simple, a theorem which covers the majority of the proofs of simplicity
given until then for these groups. In collaboration with A. Borel, he has on
the other hand generalised the results of Chevalley of [62 h], by showing the
existence of Tits systems in the group of rational points of a semisimple linear
algebraic group over an arbitrary field [31].
All the Tits systems occurring in these questions have a finite Weyl group.
Another category of examples was discovered by Iwahori and Matsumoto
[170]; they have shown that if, in Chevalley's construction of [62 g], Ie is a
p-adic field, then the group obtained has a Tits system whose Weyl group
is the affine Weyl group of the complex semisimple Lie algebra with which
one started. This result has just been extended by Bruhat and Tits [41] to
all semisimple algebraic groups over a local field.
68 A. J. Coleman. The Betti numbers of the simple groups, Can. Joum. 0/ Math.,
v. X (1958), pp. 349-356.
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Abel, 16, 51, 53, 78, 88, 103, 154, 201, Borel, E, 166
205 Borel, E., 36, 37, 142, 155, 222, 238
Ackermann, 40 Braikenridge, 132
Ado, 260 Brauer, 121, 123, 261
Albert, 123 Brianchon, 61
Alexandroff, 146, 245 Briggs, 186
Andersen, 245 Brill, 103, 105
Apollonius, 58, 128, 132 Brouncker, 173
Archimedes, 2, 13, 71, 127, 149, 163, Brouwer, 32, 37
167, 169, 173 Bruhat, 273, 274
Archytas, 13 Burali-Forti, 10, 31
Argand,162 Burgi, 157
Aristarchu8, 126 Burnside, 121
Aristotle, 3, 4, 6, 11, 14, 25, 26
Artin, 54, 55, 67, 83, 92, 110, 122, 203 Campbell, 262
Arzela., 223 Cantor, 9, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30-32, 37,
Ascoli, 142, 205 79, 81, 141, 145, 155, 159, 221
Caratheodory, 227
Baire, 36, 37, 166 Cardan, 46,72
Baker, 262 Carnot, 61, 126
Banach, 66, 165, 216, 217, 233 Cartan,117
Barrow, 18, 152, 174, 176, 182, 184, 193 Cartan, E., 65
Bellavitis, 52, 61 Cartan, E., 53, 119, 120, 232, 259, 260,
Beltrami, 24, 134 264,270
Bernays, 33, 40, 43 Cartan, H., 111, 113, 143
Bernoulli, D., 207 Casimir, 261
Bernoulli, Jakob, 177, 199 Cauchy, 16, 27, 51, 59, 78, 82, 89, 108,
Bernoulli, Johann, 74, 130, 194 129, 130, 145, 153, 154, 161, 163,
Bernstein, 28, 36 197, 201, 205
Berry, 31 Cavalieri, 179, 180
Bezout,59 Cayley, 52-54, 62,65,89,106,117,118,
Bhaskara, 46 133, 136, 163, 249
Binet, 130 Cesari, 223
Birkhoff, 261, 265 Chabll.uty, 95, 265
Bochner, 227, 244 Chasles, 61, 131, 132, 135
Bolyai, 15, 133 Chevalley, 110-112, 264, 272-274
Bolzano, 15, 16, 25, 27, 38, 92, 145, Choquet, 166
154, 197 Chuquet, 157
Bombelli, 22, 73, 151 Chwistek, 34
Boole, 8, 19, 20, 25, 52 Clairll.ult, 59, 132
Borel, A., 273, 274 Clavius, 16
298 Index
Hardy, 202 Kummer, 19, 53, 63, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97,
Harish- Chandra, 272 112
Harish-Chandra, 273 Kuratowski, 30
Harnack, 221 Kiirschak, 109
Hasse, 55, 67, 101, 110, 112, 123
Hausdorff, 41, 143, 146, 165, 262 Lagrange, 50, 51, 59, 60, 75, 76, 82, 87,
Hegel, 14 88, 91, 93-95, 128, 196
Heger, 87 Laguerre, 53, 118, 133
Heine, 145 Lambert, 8
Helly,215 Landsberg, 105
Helmhotz, 16 Laplace, 88
Hensel, 83, 105, 108, 111, 112, 265 Lasker, 106, 110
Herbrand, 40 Lazard, 266
Hermite, 15, 18, 63, 65, 81, 87, 94, 98, Le Cam, 246
102, 137 Lebesgue, 36, 37, 165, 166, 222, 224,
Hero, 69, 71, 127 225,228
Heyting,37 Legendre, 79, 82
Hilbert, 11, 16, 21, 26, 30, 33, 35, 39, Leibniz, 6, 7, 11, 16, 19, 22, 24-26, 46,
41, 43, 53, 55, 64, 66, 81, 102, 105, 50, 58, 61, 74,77, 153, 167, 172, 181,
106, 113, 121, 137, 142, 211 184, 189, 191
Hipparchus, 126 Leonardo of Pisa, 57, 72
Holder, 53, 67, 123 Leray, 111
Holland, 8 Levi, 36
Hooke, 266 Levi ben Gerson, 46
Hopf,146 Levi, E. E., 260
Hopkins, 122 Levi-Civiti., 65
Houel, 16 Levy, 240, 242
Hudde, 73, 178 l'Hopitai, 167
Hurwitz, 30, 232, 263 Lie, 53, 119, 247, 251, 254
Huygens, 171, 177, 179, 181 Lindemann, 81
Liouville, 81, 208
Iwahori, 274 Lipschitz, 65, 137, 220
Lobatschevsky, 15, 17, 133
J. Richard, 31 Lorenzen, 110
Jacobi, 59, 60, 64, 79, 88, 94, 103, 129, Lukasiewicz, 11
136 Lusin, 166
Jacobson, 114, 123, 261 Lutz, 265
Jessen, 239, 245 Lowenheim, 42
Jordan, 53, 67, 90, 138, 198, 221, 224, Macaulay, 107, 110
247, 249, 269 Macbeath, 236
Jung, 110 Mackey, 218
Maclaurin, 132, 196, 200
Kakutani, 243 MacShane, 246
Kant, 8, 11, 14 Magnus, 266
Kepler, 178 Matsumoto, 274
Killing, 260, 270 Mayer, 248
Klein, 24, 53, 54, 131, 134, 135, 248, Menechme, 128
270 Meray, 16, 23, 145
Kolmogoroff, 229, 243 Mercator, 173, 181
Kothe, 218 Minkowski, 102, 215
Kronecker, 28, 53, 60, 63, 64, 67, 81, Minlos,244
88, 91, 94, 96, 97, 102-10~ 112 Mobius, 52, 61, 89, 126, 132, 270
Krull, 55, 81, 107, 109-113, 122
300 Index
Steinitz, 21, 41, 55, 67, 80, 83, 102, Weierstrass, 15, 23, 24, 28, 30, 38, 53,
108-110, 113 62, 64, 67, 89, 103, 107, Ill, 118,
Stevin, 90, 151 154, 197,205
Stickelberger, 88 Weil, 115, 146, 233, 235, 265
Stiefel, 272 Wessel,162
Stieltjes, 226 Weyl, 232, 263, 271
Stifel, 72, 157 Whitehead, 33
Stirling, 19, 199 Whitehead, A. N., 9, 10
Stolz, 221 Whitehead, J. H. C., 260, 261
Stone, A. H., 165 Whitney, 67
Stone, M. H., 206 Wiener, 239, 241
Stone, M. H., 114 Witt, 110, 261, 266, 272
Study, 117, 119 Wren, 131, 182
Sturm, 208 Wright, 186
Swierczkowski, 236
Sylow, 54 Young, 166, 223, 228
Sylvester, 53, 63, 65, 89, 105, 118, 129,
249 Zariski, 110, 111, 113, 114
Zermelo, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36
Tartaglia, 72 Zolotareff, 100
Taylor, 190 Zorn, 30
Tchebychef, 235
Teichmiiller, 110
Theetete, 148
Theodorus of Cyrene, 148
Theon, 71, 164
Tietze, 54, 165
Tits, 272, 274
Toeplitz, 66
Torricelli, 130, 172, 176, 182, 74
Turing, 43
Tychonoff, 143
Urysohn, 165
Uzkov, 110
Vacca., 10
Va.ilati, 10
Van der Wa.erden, 55, 110, 261, 272
Vandermonde, 51,75, 77
Veronese, 17, 30, 83
Viete, 47, 50, 61, 73, 127, 164
Vilenkin, 244, 223, 225
Viva.nti, 10
Volterra, 142, 234