Public Policy Failure
Public Policy Failure
Public Policy Failure
’ and
‘What is Failure, Anyway’?
A Study of World Bank Project Performance
Matt Andrews
Working Papers
Center for International Development
at Harvard University
Public Policy Failure: ‘How Often?’ and ‘What is Failure, Anyway’?
A Study of World Bank Project Performance
Matt Andrews
Harvard Kennedy School
Observers claim that public policies fail ‘often’. This paper asks, ‘how often’? It is an important
question, because public policies absorb resources to address major social issues. We should
know if policies are proving bad social investments; routinely failing to solve focal problems at
high costs. Unfortunately, it is not easy to assess this. Many public policy organizations—
governments in particular—do not provide accessible views onto overall success or failure. The
World Bank does, however, provide such view—and it supports policy interventions one finds in
governments across the world. The paper thus examines World Bank failure rates. It finds that
there are different answers to the ‘how often’ question, depending on responses to a
second question, ‘what is failure anyway?’ In studying both questions, the paper identifies a
bias in the World Bank—and probably all organizations adopting rational ‘plan and
control’ policy processes—to measuring ‘project and product success’ rather than a broader
view of success as ‘problems are solved with development impact’. This means that policy
organizations like the Bank judge success based on whether planned products are
delivered through an efficient process; not whether policies solve the problems that
warranted intervention in the first place, or whether the policies promoted development
outcomes. Is this how citizens would want their public policy organizations to conceptualize
Do Public Policies Really Fail ‘So Often’?
In 2010, the Manchester Business School’s Marianna Fotaki authored an article titled “Why Do
Public Policies Fail So Often?” In 2014, Princeton University’s Peter Schuck wrote a similarly titled
book, “Why Government Fails So Often.” Whereas both studies claim that public policy failure is
common (happening ‘so often’), neither study bases its analysis on more than a limited number
of specific cases, leaving one wondering ‘how often’ public policies really do fail?
Yes, failure happens, but is it 20% of the time, or 50%? And, what do we mean by failure, anyway?
These are important questions, because public policy results matter. Public policies are often
needed to address society’s toughest issues—where the market has failed, for instance, or where
societies face collective action challenges, or where public goods need to be produced. The world
is in trouble if public policies targeting such issues fail routinely, and we should know if this is
indeed the case. Public policy initiatives also absorb a large portion of the world’s resources—
accounting for an estimated 16% of global gross domestic product in 2017, 1 or $13 trillion—and
a high rate of policy failure would mean that we are wasting these resources. We need to know
if this is the case, to consider reallocating our limited resources.
It is not easy to answer these questions, however. Governments—the main organizational
entities pursuing public policies—seldom if ever provide data one can use to assess overall policy
‘success’ or ‘failure’ of chosen policy initiatives. One option they do offer is public sector deficit
numbers, which allow one to see where governments spend more on policy engagements than
citizens can afford. This measure does not capture what governments actually achieve with the
money, however, through the many projects and activities they fund. 2 Beyond this, governments
typically offer audit reports to report on spending behavior, but these tend to provide limited
information on the compliance of spending behavior to legislated budgets. 3 Additionally, some
governments produce performance data for some of their interventions, but the information is
seldom comparable or accessible across the entire policy portfolio, to obtain a general picture of
success or failure. 4 In the absence of such data, one could perhaps consider citizen surveys to see
where government policies are perceived to succeed or fail.5 Such surveys are hard to interpret,
This statistic is obtained by calculating the average spending by governments across the world in 2017, as a
percentage and in actual dollars. See
This OECD description indicates how limited the deficit figure is in informing one of government performance
See, for instance, how spending requests for United States Federal agencies focus more on how agencies comply
with legal budgets than how these agencies deliver effective policy products.
See, for example, the dashboard of Australian performance ( It is incomplete and
difficult to work with when trying to develop a view on overall government performance.
The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer found 43% of those surveyed trust Canada’s government. Only 15% of those
surveyed trusted government in South Africa, and trust levels were low in most countries—including Brazil (at 24%),
South Korea (28%), the United Kingdom (36%), Australia, Japan, and Malaysia (37%), Germany (38%), Russia (45%),
and the United States (47%). Similar surveys find trust in government averages only 40-45% across member countries
of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and as few as 31% and 32% of Nigerians
and Liberians trust government to do the right thing or get things done. See Edelman (2017). 2017 Edelman Trust
See also, OECD (2013). Government at a Glance, OECD Public Governance Reviews, OECD Publishing,
Paris:; See, OECD (2017). Trust and Public Policy: How Better
however, and observers suggest that they reflect media-influenced frustration with economic
and political conditions rather than experience or evidence-informed views on government
policy success or failure.6
What we really need to assess ‘how often’ failure occurs is a database of policy results. Imagine
if a public policy organization provided detailed, transparent, accessible data on the ‘success’ of
all of its activities—projects, budget operations, and more—in a way that allowed deep-dive
analysis of each intervention and broad reflection across the full portfolio of such interventions?
Luckily, such a database exists. The World Bank—a multilateral entity that pursues policy
initiatives in and through over 150 governments across the world—assesses the success achieved
in hundreds of unique projects every year. The Bank’s internal ratings of such success are publicly
available, providing a valuable lens into the performance of public policy interventions funded by
the organization. This paper examines performance in over 400 of these interventions, all of
which concluded operations in the period between 2016 and 2018—to determine the regularity
of failure in the portfolio. The finding is that failure happens between 25% and 50% of the time—
depending on how one defines success and failure.
The failure rate is about 25% if the definition focuses on what might be called ‘project or product
success’—where the policy intervention followed process norms and delivered on promised
outputs (or near outcomes). The failure rate is about 50% if the definition asks whether the policy
intervention solves the problem it was designed to solve, or is likely to produce more ambitious
development outcomes or impacts (what I call ‘problems solved, with development impact’).
Through this analysis of failure rates, the study sheds light on what the Bank means by failure; is
it just about project success or also about broader development impact? This allows a
conversation of the topic for public policy organizations more generally, and especially for those
organizations that develop and implement policy interventions using a ‘plan and control’
approach. The discussion suggests that these ‘plan and control’ organizations are likely biased to
focus on ‘project and product success’ rather than ‘problems are solved with development
impact’ because the former focal point is more amenable to ‘planning and control’ than the
latter. This raises a new question in the conclusion, “Is this how citizens would want their public
policy organizations to conceptualize success?” In suggesting a response to such question, the
paper offers a new, blended approach to measuring success and failure.
Governance Can Help Rebuild Public Trust, OECD Public Governance Reviews, Paris: OECD.; and Bratton, M. & Gyimah-Boadi, E. (2016). Do trustworthy institutions
matter for development? Corruption, trust, and government performance in Africa. Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 112.
A critique of these polls is Nye, J., Zelikow, P. & King, D. (1997). Why People Don’t Trust Government. Cambridge,
M.A. : Harvard University Press. An example of such survey data is discussed in Clark, C. (2017). Americans Don't
Trust Government and They're Angry About It, Poll Finds. Government Executive, December 18, 2017.
‘Plan and Control’ Public Policy Processes
At its simplest, public policy involves the many steps public organizations take to address
problems raised by their constituents or members for attention. Policy interventions are made
by an organization (or organizations) on behalf of the ‘public’ (or members), oriented toward a
goal or desired state, such as the solution of a problem. These interventions are also typically
part of an ongoing process without a clear beginning or end, since the challenges warranting
policy attention—and the voices drawing attention to such challenges—are constantly changing.
Governments are the main organizations involved in making and delivering public policies. These
governments serve their citizen publics. Other organizations also served constituency groups
with public policy interventions, however. The World Bank is an example. It is an international
multilateral organization that supports public policy interventions in over 150 member countries.
Financing is the Bank’s primary means of policy support, with the organization providing billions
of dollars to hundreds of policy projects (also known as operations) every year. This paper
examines the success and failure of the Bank in facilitating these policy engagements. Before
looking at the Bank’s success and failure record, however, it is important to reflect on how the
organization works—and especially how it develops policy interventions.
The simple version of this story is that projects are identified, prepared and executed through a
standard ‘project cycle’ used to structure policy engagements. 7 This cycle has multiple stages: 8
• It begins with World Bank experts responding to a ‘need’ or ‘problem’ expressed by
government officials in a particular country.
• These World Bank experts then engage expert officials in the relevant government if a process
of identifying potential solutions to address such need.
• The World Bank staff (sometimes with government officials) then prepare a project proposal,
deconstructing the solution into operational dimensions and a series of practical plans to
guide implementation—including budget, procurement, and human resource plans, and a
project timeline that specifies what will be done when, by whom, and at what cost..
• The project proposal then goes through appraisal, where a larger group of World Bank
experts visit the country and do a due diligence analysis on the various plans. 9
See Awati, K. (undated). Are project management approaches generic? (
project-management-practices-generic.php) based on Besner, C., & Hobbs, B. (2008). Project management practice,
generic or contextual: A reality check. Project Management Journal 39.1.: 16-33. See also Ika, L., Diallo, A, and
Thullier, D. 2009. Project management in the international development industry: The project coordinator’s
perspective. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business Vol. 3 No. 1, 2010 pp. 61-93. See also Youker, R.
(1988). Managing the project cycle for time, cost and quality: lessons from World Bank experience.
youker/file.html. See also Golini, R., Corti, B., & Landoni, P. (2017). More efficient project execution and evaluation
with logical framework and project cycle management: evidence from international development projects. Impact
Assessment and Project Appraisal, 35(2), 128-138.
World Bank. (1993). The World Bank Project Cycle. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Available at
The World Bank teams ask various questions in this process, including the following (taken from the World Bank
Information Brief on the World Bank Project Cycle). “Technical questions: Is the dam soundly designed and
engineered? Does it meet acceptable standards? Will it displace local people? Will it affect the environment in any
• The project is then subjected to negotiations (between the World Bank and borrowing
government) before being presented to and, potentially approved by, the World Bank board.
• Once approved, the project moves into implementation, where the host government and
Bank officials identify an implementing agency to lead the work. A World Bank team provides
supervision of the implementation process (regularly visiting to ensure the project is
progressing as-planned) until the project is complete.
• An evaluation then ensues, where every project is subjected to a similar set of questions
about results, process compliance, and risks to development outcomes.
This World Bank project cycle resembles project management processes employed by many
governments and most public policy organizations working in the development field (including
bilateral partners like the United States’ Agency for International Development (USAID), the
British Department for International Development (DFID), and others). 10 The project cycle is also
similar to the budget planning and implementation processes commonly used to promote policy
engagements in governments across the world. 11 These processes tend to begin with detailed
up-front planning by line ministries (in devising policy submissions as budget requests). They
move to a step where the plans are set into law (as budgets), and advance to a period of
controlled execution where the goal is to ensure that implementation reflects what is in the
budget plan. They finish with evaluations by external audit agencies that are sent to legislatures
to ensure accountability for spending.
All of these mechanisms have a similar linear choreography (simplified in Figure 1) and are what
I call ‘plan and control’ processes. They ‘plan and control’ processes start typically with a detailed
planning stage (the World Bank’s identification, preparation and appraisal steps), progress
through a ‘lock-in’ moment where the plan is set in stone (the Bank’s negotiation and Board
approval steps), move to the implementation stage where various agencies are given
responsibilities to execute, control, and supervise activities (with the goal of ensuring that agents
adverse way? Institutional questions: Does the borrower have the organization, the management, the staff, the
policies to build a railroad and maintain it? If not, what changes are required to put these into place? Economic
questions: Will the benefits of a water supply system outweigh the costs? What will its impact be on family incomes?
Will it provide job opportunities for local people? What is the estimated rate of return on the investment? Financial
questions: Is the borrower's financial plan sound? Is the electrical distribution system financially viable? Is the
proposed accounting system adequate?” See this list of questions and further descriptions of the process at
Studies show that most policy organizations use these ‘plan and control’ mechanisms. See, for instance, Landoni,
P. & Corti, B. (2011). The management of international development projects: moving toward a standard approach
or differentiation? Project Management Journal, 42(3), 45–61. See, also, Muriithi, N., & Crawford, L. (2003).
Approaches to project management in Africa: implications for international development projects. International
journal of project management 21.5 (2003): 309-319.
Studies show that countries are adopting these kinds of public financial management processes across the globe.
See, for instance, Bryson, J.M., 2018. Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to
strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons. See also, Martí, C. (2018).
Performance Budgeting and Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks: A Comparison in OECD Central
Governments. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, pp.1-19.
follow the plan), and culminate in an evaluation stage (where questions are asked about how
well the execution complied with plans and produced promised deliverables).
Figure 1. The linear progression of a plan and control public policy process
Plan Lock-in Implement Evaluate
12 Kapur, D., Lewis, J. P., & Webb, R. C. (2011). The World Bank: its first half century (Vol. 1). Washington, D.C.:
Brookings Institution Press.
A lot of research is based on these ratings, including the following: Bulman, D., Kolkma, W., & Kraay, A. (2017).
Good countries or good projects? Comparing macro and micro correlates of World Bank and Asian Development
Bank project performance. The Review of International Organizations, 12(3), 335-363; Denizer, C., Kaufmann, D., &
Kraay, A. (2013). Good countries or good projects? Macro and micro correlates of World Bank project
performance. Journal of Development Economics, 105, 288-302; Ika, L. A. (2015). Opening the black box of project
management: Does World Bank project supervision influence project impact?. International Journal of Project
Management, 33(5), 1111-1123; Ika, L.A., Diallo, A. and Thuillier, D., 2012. Critical success factors for World Bank
projects: An empirical investigation. International journal of project management, 30(1), pp.105-116; Kilby, C.
(2000). Supervision and performance: the case of World Bank projects. Journal of Development Economics, 62(1),
233-259; Shin, W., Kim, Y., & Sohn, H. S. (2017). Do Different Implementing Partnerships Lead to Different Project
Outcomes? Evidence from the World Bank Project-Level Evaluation Data. World Development, 95, 268-284.
The World Bank’s corporate performance targets are based on this indicator, which are referred to as ‘outcomes’
in the World Bank’s 2017 Results and Performance Report. (See World Bank. (2017). Results and Performance of the
World Bank Group 2017. Washington, D.C.: World Bank (especially Chapter 2).
assesses whether a project’s activities appear ‘relevant’ to the broad development goals or
problems that led to the project need in the first place. This is called ‘relevance’.
An ordinal six-point scale is used to capture this rating, showing how a project scores in the range
from ‘highly unsatisfactory’ (a score of 1) to ‘highly satisfactory’ (a score of 6). Overall, the
‘satisfaction’ outcome rating will be high (a 5 or 6, denoting ‘success’) if a project produces its
pre-defined objectives, and if these objectives were reached efficiently and appear relevant to
achieve broader development outcomes. Bank reports tend to count any project that scores
above 4 (‘moderately satisfactory’) as a ‘success’. 15
An example comes from the Georgia Regional Development Project, which was rated
‘moderately satisfactory’ given the following description: 16
“Relevance of the PDOs [Project Development Objectives] to the Government and Bank
strategies is rated as High. Efficacy of the first objective - to improve the infrastructure
services for supporting the development of a tourism-based economy - is rated Substantial.
The efficacy of the second objective - to improve the institutional capacity to support the
development of a tourism-based economy - is rated Modest, in terms of what was
achieved. Overall efficacy, however, based on what was achieved together with what can
be expected to be achieved in the next five to ten years, efficacy is rated substantial.
Efficiency is rated Modest, based on the inefficiency of the project's cost effectiveness and
given its administrative and operational inefficiencies, which contributed to delays during
implementation and eventually non-completion of important activities at project closure.”
This kind of World Bank project satisfaction rating does not directly assess whether policy
interventions actually foster progress in addressing the broader development problems or needs
that inspired project identification in the first place. Ratings merely suggest whether project
deliverables are ‘relevant’ to these broader issues. The World Bank’s Jurgen Blum 17 describes this
limit to the World Bank’s assessment protocol as follows:
“For a given Bank project, IEG [Independent Evaluation Group] outcome ratings primarily
measure “the extent to which the [project’s] major relevant objectives were achieved” –
not, or at least primarily not, whether the project made a difference for the client
government’s performance, or ultimately, for development outcomes. While “relevance”
is one of the declared evaluation criteria, de facto evaluation practice suggests that the
prime evaluation criterion for a project is whether it achieved its immediate objectives.
Whether these are in turn relevant for achieving overarching development goals is often
The only reference to performance indicators in the 2018 World Bank Annual Report, for instance, is to the
percentage of projects considered ‘moderately satisfactory’ or better. A comment on 77 discusses the “Results and
Performance of the World Bank Group 2017 report “ and notes that this report “found that 73 percent of World Bank
projects completed between fiscal 2014–16 achieved moderately satisfactory or better development outcome
ratings.” (See World Bank. (2018). Annual Report. Washington, D.C.: World Bank).
World Bank. (2018). Georgia Regional Development Project. Project Implementation Completion Report Review.
Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
This section is taken from Blum’s draft paper (2014, page 28). It was not included in the final World Bank working
paper. Blum, J. R. (2014). What factors predict how public sector projects perform? a review of the World Bank's
public sector management portfolio. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
contestable and may in practice play a much lesser role. It would be cynical to believe that
many projects do not make a difference for broader development goals – but the extent to
which this is the case and varies across projects is not reliably reflected in project ratings.”
It is important to recognize that the Bank takes the challenge of producing broader
development objectives through its projects seriously, however. The Independent Evaluation
Group (IEG) tries to ensure that project preparation processes foster up-front thinking about
‘relevance’ by mandating task teams to present the ‘theory of change’ underpinning their
operation in the preparation process. 18 The goal is to get teams to explain how they think the
project will address ‘the need’ or ‘problem’ identified by government, and yield future
outcomes that solve the problem. 19 Figure 2 illustrates a common approach to developing the
theory of change in a project (based on what is commonly called the Logical Framework or the
Results Framework). 20 According to this approach, project designers must identify the logical
‘if-then-theory’ behind a policy intervention.
Figure 2. The basic structure of a theory of change
A Logical or Results Framework/ If input is Then activity Then output is Then outcome Then impact
Theory of Change Template provided is undertaken produced results follows
Identifying the ‘if-then-theory’ starts with identifying the ‘need’ or ‘problem’ that should be
addressed. For instance, a government might be concerned that ‘firms are using outdated
accounting practices that do not reveal the true value of debt, which puts our financial
markets at risk’. The exercise then calls project teams to identify the inputs they will employ
in a policy intervention. For instance, ‘funds will be made available’. The ‘theory of change’
then moves to specifying activities that these inputs will produce, and explaining how and why
the inputs are expected to yield such activities. For instance, ‘the money in a project will pay
for accountancy consultancies that will be procured through the government procurement
process at specific dates and rates’. Then, the team has to identify outputs it expects to see
after activities, and how and why these outputs are expected. For instance, ‘the consultants
See World Bank. (2012). Designing a Results Framework for Achieving Results. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
( Also Bisis, P.
Theory-of-change-vs logical-framework? (
framework-whats-the-difference-in-practice/). And Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID):
Interestingly, a 2017 evaluation found that less than a third of World Bank projects include an explicit theory of
change. See the Brettonwoods Project blog post, IEG critical of World Bank’s progress on shared prosperity goal
For background on the logical framework approach, see Bell, S. (2000). Logical Frameworks, Aristotle and soft
systems: a note on the origins, values and uses of logical frameworks, in reply to Gasper. Public Administration and
Development 20(1):29 – 31. See also Golini, R., Corti, B., & Landoni, P. (2017). More efficient project execution and
evaluation with logical framework and project cycle management: evidence from international development
projects. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 35(2), 128-138. Some question if the logical framework is a
‘theory of change’ method. (
Logic-Model-Never-Be-Confused-Again). The logical/results framework is used widely, however. See
3.10.pdf). See also World Bank. (2012). Designing a Results Framework for Achieving Results. Washington, D.C.:
World Bank. (
will produce a new draft accounting law that reflects international best practice’. The theory
of change then specifies outcomes expected from outputs, and explains how and why those
outcomes are expected. For instance, the draft law will become a formal law, which will mean
that government has new accounting legislation in place to mandate the adoption of improved
accounting practices in firms. Finally, the theory of change explains how proposed outcomes
are expected to yield needed impacts—most clearly, solving the problem or addressing the
need expressed by government. For instance, ‘the new law will force firms to adopt improved
accounting methods and this will improve the way they account for debt, which will decrease
the risk of unaccounted debt in our market’.
The theory of change approach is intended to help project designers determine the scope of
operational commitment, structure the operation, and communicate how the operation is
(theoretically) expected to yield broader development impacts (and solve whatever problem
the government is concerned about).21
Given such reasoning, evaluators often concern themselves with how valid the theory of
change is, and whether there is a strong or weak likelihood of jumps from the activities and
outputs produced directly in a project and the outcomes and impact needed by countries.
This concern is reflected in the Implementation Completion Review (ICR) Report for the
Bolivian Decentralized Electricity for Universal Access project, where the independent
evaluators noted, “While the link between the project's inputs and outputs is clear, project
outcomes were not defined and therefore the link between the actual outputs and outcomes
and the PDO is missing.” 22 This evaluation concern is captured explicitly in an additional rating
used by the World Bank—the ‘Risk to Development Outcomes’ (RDO). This is described as “the
risk, at the time of evaluation, that development outcomes (or expected outcomes) will not
A Theory of Change in a World Bank project is Nigeria’s Public Sector Governance Reform and Development Project
(World Bank. (2017). Nigeria Public Sector Governance Reform and Development Project Implementation Completion
Report Review. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
capacity-building-project-ii?lang=en&tab=documents&subTab=projectDocuments). This Theory of Change reads as
follows: “The modernization of the public financial management systems (PFMs) was to be achieved through project-
supported capacity building activities focused on accounting and financial reporting, preparing budgets, conducting
internal and external audits, improving tax administration, and enhancing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems,
as well as through the implementation of a modern legal and regulatory framework for public procurement. Capacity
building activities for the personnel and payroll systems staff of the respective Ministries, Departments and Agencies
(MDAs) and the modernization of personnel records in the state public service were expected to strengthen human
resource management. It was also anticipated that, taken together, these activities would enhance transparency in
the use of public resources in the Tier I states. Installing the Budget and Treasury Management System (BATMIS) and
technical assistance support for budget preparation, procurement, human resource management and strengthening
M&E, was expected to improve transparency in public finance and human resource management in the states which
had implemented the previous First State Governance and Capacity Building Project. Greater transparency in public
financial and human resource management in the Tier II states was expected to be achieved by targeted technical
assistance activities.”
World Bank. (2014). Bolivian Decentralized Electricity for Universal Access Project Implementation Completion
Report Review. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
be maintained (or realized).” 23 Each project is rated for RDO on an ordinal four-point scale
that ranges from ‘low’ (a score of 1) to ‘high’ (a score of 4). In the Bolivian project, the RDO
was ‘significant’ (a 3) given concerns that project outputs would not yield more results
because of “economic and social instability, political interference, low demand [or the
products delivered through the project] and lack of interest from the private sector” as well
as concern over who would continue implementation once the project was completed.24
This Risk to Development Outcomes rating is an additional piece of information to consider—
with the project satisfaction rating—when evaluating World Bank project success or failure.
Assessments of these risks and satisfaction outcomes emerge from a multi-stage process.25
They are conducted initially by the Bank’s internal Task Teams (who managed the projects in
the last throes of implementation). Ratings from these teams are captured in documents
called Implementation Completion Reviews (ICRs). The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation
Group (IEG) reviews these assessments in desk-based studies to offer a second-hand
validation (where the ICR ratings are examined in light of a review of past project documents
and selected interviews with Bank team members). The IEG also selects a sample of the
projects to review in more detail each year, visiting the countries to interview government
officials, review results on the ground, and provide a first-hand perspective on performance.
There are many critiques one can make of these assessments; they do not represent a broad view
on results, for instance, and are certainly not of academic quality in determining validity of
reliability or even comparability in findings. In fairness, the Bank has never claimed any of these
qualities in reporting on the ratings. They use the ratings to communicate a corporate perspective
on performance across their portfolio of activities, to showcase overall results to shareholders
and to inform internal thinking about where the Bank works, how it works, and with what impact.
This study uses the ratings in a similar way, not as objective measures of success or failure but
rather as signals provided by the Bank of its own views on its own success and failure.
Independent Evaluation Group. (2015). Project Performance Ratings Codebook. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Blum provides a good description of the assessment process. Blum, J. R. (2014). What factors predict how public
sector projects perform? a review of the World Bank's public sector management portfolio. Washington, D.C.: The
World Bank.
The projects were all completed in the years between 2016 and 2018, and accounted for $88
billion in total, with allocations ranging between $2 million and $2 billion. The projects were
between 1 and 12 years in duration (the longest project began in 2004 and finished in 2016).
Table 1. Sectors represented in the sample of World Bank projects
Sector Number of Projects
Agriculture and rural development 64
Transport 47
Urban 37
Energy and mining 33
Environment 32
Education 31
Health, nutrition and population 25
Water 24
Financial and Private Sector Development 21
Public sector governance 20
Financial and Private Sector Development 20
Social protection 16
Economic policy 15
Global Information/Communications Technology 6
Competitive Industries Practice 2
Financial Management 2
Investment Climate Practice 1
The variation of projects in this database suggests that one could indeed be looking at the public
policy portfolio of a government. So, what does failure look like in that portfolio?
Figure 1. Project Satisfaction Ratings for Projects Evaluated Since 2016
Percent of projects
Highly Unsatisfactory Moderately Moderately Satisfactory Highly satisfactory
unsatisfactory unsatisfactory satisfactory
Project Satisfaction Rating
project’s deliverables solve whatever problem originally motivated the project, or if the project’s
deliverables were used, or fostered real development. In Blum’s words, these ratings do not
capture “whether the project made a difference for the client government’s performance, or
ultimately, for development outcomes.” 26
As discussed, the World Bank does try to capture some view of this kind of impact, however,
through its rating on the ‘Risk to Development Outcomes’ (RDO). As noted, this is described as
“the risk, at the time of evaluation, that development outcomes (or expected outcomes) will not
be maintained (or realized).” As also noted, each project is rated for RDO on an ordinal four-point
scale that ranges from ‘low’ (a score of 1) to ‘high’ (a score of 4). A more successful project would
score a low rating—1—because evaluators think that there is a low risk to the achievement or
maintenance of outcomes. A less successful project (or one that might be called a ‘failure risk’)
would score a high rating—3 or 4—because evaluators think there is a high risk to achieving or
maintaining outcomes.
Figure 2 sums the ratings on RDO for 387 of the 416 projects in the database, which tell a different
story to the ‘satisfaction’ ratings. 27 Projects with ‘high risk’ are at the extreme right, and account
for 13% of the total. These are the projects with greatest chance of failure—where evaluators
worry about the lack of or non-sustainability of development outcomes. Projects with ‘significant
risk’ are next-to-the-right-extreme and account for 38% of all projects. Together, this is the
significant to high risk of failure project group. It accounts for 51% of the public policy portfolio.
Low risk Moderate risk Significant risk High risk
Project risk rating (where a low risk rating denotes more likelihood of success)
This leaves 49% of the projects in the ‘low risk’ to ‘moderate (or mild) risk’ categories. These are
the projects one could categorize as ‘more likely to succeed’ (low risk) or ‘fairly likely to succeed,
with qualification’. The more positive of these categories only includes 8% of the projects in the
World Bank’s portfolio. The second, more qualified category, includes 41% of the projects.
Blum, J. R. (2014). What factors predict how public sector projects perform? a review of the World Bank's public
sector management portfolio. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. (his draft paper, page 28).
Note that some projects were missing data on RDO.
The headline of a story about these ratings could quite easily read something like ‘51% of World
Bank projects are at significant to high risk of failing to foster development outcomes’. This is
quite a different message of public policy failure to that derived from ‘satisfaction’ ratings, where
projects in the three most pessimistic categories (highly unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory, and
moderately unsatisfactory) only account for 24% of the total portfolio.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
One could consider other ways of re-organizing and comparing these two rating sets, but the
comparison would probably look quite similar. This comparison shows that satisfaction results
are significantly better than RDO results. The proportion of successes is higher in respect of the
satisfaction ratings, with 34% of projects falling in the ‘satisfactory and highly satisfactory
category’ and a further 53% considered ‘moderately satisfactory or moderately unsatisfactory’.
In contrast, only 8% of projects were considered low risk and only 41% were considered
moderate or modest risk. On the other hand, the proportion of failures (or potential failures) is
higher in respect of the risk to outcomes ratings—13% of projects were ‘high risk’ as compared
with 2% of ‘highly unsatisfactory projects’; 38% of projects were ‘significant risk’ as compared
with 10% of projects considered ‘unsatisfactory’.
The figure illustrates how contingent the rate of World Bank public policy failure is on the rating
one looks at. This failure rate depends on whether one is considering direct deliverables of a
current intervention (project satisfaction) or the potential of those deliverables have to yield
indirect future outcomes (the risk to development objectives).
Behrens, J., Siy, A.M., & Langley, W. (2018). Are World Bank Group Projects Getting Results?
change used in project preparation and in budget proposals—especially those in the logical
and results framework tradition—commonly specify the links between policy inputs and
activities, activities and outputs, outputs and outcomes, and outcomes and impacts. The
outcomes and impacts are arguably what governments and citizens want from policy
interventions, but most projects execute this theory of change up to the output or initial
outcomes stages only. The project deliverable is, therefore, defined at this stage—and the
project commits to produce this deliverable. 29
Using an example from earlier in this paper (about a project addressing debt issues in the
private sector), the focus on products and processes could involve a commitment to deliver a
draft new accounting law (with financial inputs procuring consultant activities and these
leading to a key output—the draft law). The project would not commit to further results,
which would require engagements and actions that are not under the direct control of the
project designers or implementers (legislators turning the draft law into formal legislation, for
instance, and private firms complying with this law). These outcomes and impacts are
achieved in the ‘aftermath’ of the project, and the likelihood of achieving such depends less
on the direct work of project and more on the ‘theory of change’ on which the project is based.
An example (from the World Bank projects) of this bias to evaluate inputs and activities and
outputs (with light attention to outcomes) and not to focus on outcomes and impact is the
2012 Balochistan Disaster Management Project evaluation. The evaluation was undertaken
with a limited focus on assessing performance against the “Project Development Objective as
formulated in the Grant Agreement.” This objective was “to strengthen the capacity of the
Project Implementing Entity to prepare for and respond to natural disasters (Grant
Agreement, page 5, Schedule 1).” 30 Within this focus, the project was considered satisfactory
(scoring 5 out of 6 on the World Bank’s success system) given that “17 of the output targets
were achieved or exceeded, 31 only 3 were not met and one was awaiting approval at project
closure.” In addition, three ‘outcomes’ were also considered as met (‘Increased awareness of
the hazards and risk environment in Quetta’, and ‘Improved disaster response mechanism at
PDMA Balochistan’ and ‘Enhanced capacity at PDMA Balochistan for implementing
Community Based Disaster Risk Management Initiatives’). 32
However, the project was considered ‘high risk’ when it came to reaching development
outcomes, because “the success of the efforts to sustain the achievements of the project will
See Baccarini, D. (1999). The Logical Framework Method for Defining Project Success. Project Management Journal
Volume 30(Issue 4):25-32.
World Bank. (2016). Balochistan DM Project Implementation Completion Report Review. Washington, D.C.: World
Bank, pg 1.
These outputs included “15 master trainers trained; 4 training sessions for responders in selected union councils
in Quetta; 10,000 instruction materials on CBDRM available for dissemination to communities; 5 training sessions
conducted by master trainers in selected union councils in Quetta; Standard Operating Procedures for PDMA on
disaster response prepared; Emergency communications equipment operationalized; Balochistan DRM plan 2008
reviewed and updated; Capacity assessment undertaken and capacity enhancement plan prepared; Logistics plan
developed for emergency stockpiles in selected districts; 2 pilot stockpiles established in Quetta based on logistics
plan; Provincial CBDRM Program Developed.
Ibid, pages 4-5.
depend upon the continued commitment of the Government of Balochistan to the Disaster
Risk Management (DRM) agenda, which remains uncertain.” A list of specific risks to reaching
or maintaining development outcomes includes, “[The] risk that the capacity enhancement
plan will not be implemented”; 33 “[The] risk that the Disaster Management Information
System (DMIS) will not be maintained”; 34 “[The risk] that government’s commitment and
sense of ownership [we]re dependent on individuals and there is a high risk that this may
change with administrative and political changes in government”; “[The risk that] further DRM
planning and implementation may be challenged by the volatile security situation.”
In sum, the project is included in the ‘success’ part of the World Bank’s portfolio because it
delivered the outputs promised in the grant agreement; even though the evaluators seem
extremely pessimistic that the products delivered will actually be implemented or yield
outcomes or impacts needed. ‘Success’ in this approach is about delivering what one can plan
and control, even if this does not assure achievement of real development outcomes (which
are relegated to the project’s aftermath, and the vagaries of politics and policy uncertainty).
This ‘plan and control’ limit to thinking about project success is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Plan and Control processes, World Bank ratings, Theory of Change, and Evaluation Limits
A Theory of If input is Then activity is Then output is Then outcome Then impact follows
Change provided undertaken produced results
World Bank 1. Project Process 2. Project objectives achieved 3. Relevance for broader development
ratings Compliance (efficiency) outcomes (Assessed in ‘Risk to
concerns Development Outcomes’ ratings)
Both assessed in the ‘Project Satisfaction’ ratings
Common Process and Project Product Success Social and Organizational Success
project Management Success
(Business and Strategic Success)
The report notes that, “It remains uncertain whether the government will create or regularize the proposed key
positions in the capacity enhancement plan. The decision to revise provincial civil service structures is complex and
requires high-level political commitment which may not be forthcoming. PDMA [the implementing agency] is hiring
staff on contract basis and has purchased equipment as detailed in the capacity enhancement plan, but no
mechanism has been developed for its maintenance.”
The report notes that, “The PDMA [the implementing agency] has not institutionalized a system for regular hazard
risk assessment that can feed into the DMIS [the new implementation system]. The project conducted one hazard
and risk assessment for Quetta district only, but there is a need to conduct similar assessments for other disaster-
prone areas of Balochistan to ensure comprehensive coverage of the province. There is also no system to track
population changes and increases and decreases in public infrastructure, which are essential for improved planning.”
The top row of this figure should be clear, as it is a reproduction of the top row in Figure 1,
and simply shows the various elements in a ‘Plan and Control’ project process. The second
row shows the ‘logical if-then’ parts of a standard logical or results framework theory of
change. The key message in considering both rows is that projects typically act on the theory
of change until the point of ‘outputs’ (and sometimes initial outcomes), which leaves ‘if-then’
assumptions and arguments about moving from outputs to outcomes and impacts untested—
and delegates the execution on these links to actors and periods after the project is
The third row of Figure 4 shows how the World Bank assesses its performance on individual
projects, in the two key metrics discussed—‘satisfaction’ and ‘risk to development outcomes’.
The key message here is that the ‘satisfaction’ rating measures compliance and delivery that
occurs within the project itself, and in the input to activity to output (and, perhaps, initial or
proximate outcomes35) part of the ‘if-then’ theory of change. This is the part of the theory of
change directly influenced by the project intervention (that can be planned for, and controlled).
The ‘risk to development outcome’ rating speaks to concerns about results that occur (or do not)
in the aftermath of the project—where the theory of change considers more advanced outcomes
and impact. The project cannot be held directly accountable for these kinds of results, because
of a number of gaps and external factors: a time gap is crucial here, and manifests in the period
between when the project ends and when advanced outcomes and impacts occur; management
and control gaps also matter, given that new entities take over these roles once the project is
completed; leadership gaps pertain to the change in political oversight that happens once
projects end; external factors that cannot be planned for or also controlled typically fester
between the direct production of outputs in a project and the experience of indirect outcomes
and impacts, including political and economic change, organizational adjustment, and more.
To further illustrate this point, the bottom row in Figure 4 reflects theoretical work that has been
done to explain and describe the various dimensions of project ‘success’. There is a large
literature on this topic, which argues consistently that there are multiple ways of measuring
project success. A common approach delineates between ‘Process and Project Management’
Success, ‘Product’ Success, and ‘Social and Organizational (or Business) Strategic’ Success: 36
• Process and Project Management Success measures the immediate performance of a project
against its main design parameters—schedule (time), budget (cost), scope, and/or quality
(the iron triangle, or three-legged stool of project management). Bannerman notes that this
concern “remains the most widely used measure of project success” and notes that, “[I]ts
The idea or proximate outcomes reflects the view that outcomes are often part of the project deliverables only
when there is a close logistical connection between outputs and the next step outcomes. For instance, if the output
is an information system and the outcome is ‘data entered into the system’ or where the output is ‘roads built’ and
the outcome is ‘deliveries made on new roads.’ These are the ‘proximate’ outcomes, but they are not the more
advanced outcomes one might be considering; like ‘IT systems are actively used to make decisions’ or ‘deliveries
made on new roads are more cost efficient and yield higher levels of trade’.
See, for instance, Bannerman, P. L. (2008). Defining project success: A multilevel framework. In Proceedings of the
Project Management Institute Research Conference (pp. 1-14). Also, Gemünden, H. G. (2015). Success factors of
global new product development programs, the definition of project success, knowledge sharing, and special issues
of project management journal. Project management journal, 46(1), 2-11.
main value is in offering a simple, direct measure of performance of a project and the project
management expertise applied to complete the project within the bounds of the most
immediate design parameters (time, cost, and scope).”
• Product success measures the extent to which a project delivered its promised ‘products’,
and if those products were used and considered useful by intended users (or provided
intended benefits to targeted beneficiaries). As with process and project management
success, this measure can be assessed directly against the design parameters in the project
plan—where evaluators can ask whether stated ‘deliverables’ were actually delivered
(according to planned specification, quality considerations, and the like).
• Social and Organizational (Business) and Strategic Success assessments go beyond the design
parameters of the project plan, to ask whether interventions solved the particular problem
(albeit in a timely, cost-efficient, and effective manner) that warranted an intervention in the
first place, and—even more expansively—if the project better positions the community or
organization to address future problems or take future opportunities and benefits (by
ensuring, for instance, that capabilities are improved through the project).
Figure 4 suggests a direct overlap between the ‘process and project management’ and ‘product
success’ concepts and the World Bank’s ‘satisfaction’ ratings—and with theory of change
deliverables up to outputs and proximate outcomes. These are the key ‘success’ measures for
any ‘plan and control’ policy intervention—because they can be planned for and controlled.
Concerns about ‘social and organizational (business) and strategic’ success are seen to overlap
with the more demanding development outcomes concerns in the Bank. As discussed, these are
captured by the ‘Risk to Development Outcomes’ rating, and might be called ‘problems are solved
with development impact’ success in the public policy context. This is akin to achieving outcomes
and impacts in a common theory of change, which usually unfolds in the aftermath of a typical
World Bank project (and many other public policy interventions). Plan and control interventions
(like World Bank projects) seldom focus on these results because they occur indirectly and after
the project is done, are subject to external factors and gaps, and are hard to ‘plan and control’.
figure when it reflects on its own failure (and publishes such to the world at large). The study
argues that this tendency to focus on ‘project and product success’ is not just a World Bank habit.
It is likely the approach taken in any public policy organization that uses ‘plan and control’
management methods. These organizations will define success in terms of whether their ‘plans’
were well implemented, given strong ‘control’. Any results that cannot be planned for, or
controlled, are considered outside of the influence of the policy organization.
So, one can expect organizations like the World Bank and governments across the globe to
declare success if their policy interventions produce new roads, laws, organizations, even
research papers and training programs—all promised in plans and budgets and project
agreements—even if no one drives on the roads, or complies with the laws, or works with the
organizations, or reads the research papers, or learns anything new in the training programs.
Is this how citizens would want their public policy organizations to conceptualize success?
The chances are that it is not. Citizens and other constituencies—business communities, or even
governments in the case of organizations like the World Bank—engage their public policy
organizations with real problems that require real solutions. These solutions are only really
manifest when real outcomes and impact are achieved (the success criteria I call, ‘problems are
solved with development impact’). The fact that these results are often achieved after projects
are finished does not mean that projects should be ‘off the hook’ in ensuring they are achieved—
or at least in managing risks to their achievement such that the ‘risk to development objectives’
is low at the point of project completion.
At present, the World Bank’s project portfolio is dominated by policy interventions that end up
with ‘significant to high’ risks to development objectives (51% of the projects are in this category).
These ‘high risk’ projects should surely not be seen as successes, even if they met limited project
delivery objectives (and are considered ‘project and product successes’)?
Figure 5 provides a broader way of thinking about success and failure in the World Bank and
other ‘plan and control’ organizations, that is sensitive to the constraint of time-sensitive project
delivery and to the need for policy interventions to actually have outcomes beyond such projects.
Figure 5. Merging different perspectives on policy failure, for a broader picture
Source: World Bank project database. Note that the numbers here do not sum to the same as numbers in Figures 1
and 2 as only 387 projects are included here, given missing data for some of the 416 projects.
Figure 5 merges both ratings to show the proportion of projects in four different quadrants:
• The first quadrant (Q1) is the most negative. It includes projects that were considered
general to extreme failures in the ‘satisfaction’ rating (moderately unsatisfactory,
unsatisfactory, or highly unsatisfactory) and were also seen as very risky in terms of the
potential to deliver development outcomes (with significant or high risk to development
outcomes). These projects—22% of the portfolio—were considered failures on both
metrics. They should most worry a public policy organization like the World Bank, which
cannot seem to deliver outputs or outcomes or impacts in the relevant project areas.
• The second quadrant (Q2) is also concerning. It includes projects that were considered
general to extreme failures in the ‘satisfaction’ rating (moderately unsatisfactory,
unsatisfactory, or highly unsatisfactory) but were not considered risky in terms of the
potential to deliver development outcomes (with modest or low risk to development
outcomes). These projects—5% of the portfolio—are curious to consider, as the public
policy organization could not deliver outputs satisfactorily but is not concerned about
emerging outcomes and impacts.
• The third quadrant (Q3) is also concerning. It includes projects that were considered
general to extreme successes in the ‘satisfaction’ rating (moderately satisfactory,
satisfactory, or highly satisfactory) but risky in terms of the potential to deliver
development outcomes (with significant or high risk to development outcomes). These
projects—31% of the portfolio—are those in which the public policy organization has
been able to deliver immediate outputs but is very uncertain about delivering actual
solutions to policy problems, or outcomes and impacts that improve development.
• The fourth quadrant (Q4) is the most positive. It includes projects that were considered
general to extreme successes in the ‘satisfaction’ rating (moderately unsatisfactory,
unsatisfactory, or highly unsatisfactory) and were also seen as not risky in terms of the
potential to deliver development outcomes (with low or modest risks to development
outcomes). These projects—42% of the portfolio—were considered successes on both
metrics. They should most please a public policy organization like the World Bank, which
seems able deliver outputs, outcomes and impacts in the relevant project areas.
Figure 5 suggests a broader view on public policy success and failure that currently exists in
the World Bank—or, I believe, in any organization working in a plan and control tradition that
tends to foster a narrow ‘project and product success’ view. This new view suggests that only
41% of the World Bank’s policy interventions are both direct project and product successes
and have the potential to foster indirect development outcomes and impacts. A larger portion
of the organization’s policy portfolio—59%—is failing on either the direct ‘project and
product’ performance measure or the indirect ‘problems are solved with development
impact’ performance measure, or both.
This is a public policy failure rate that is surely ‘too often’; we need policies that more
regularly solve problems, and that use resources more effectively in so doing. This raises a
parting question: “What can be done to decrease the failure rate, and push more public policy
interventions into Quadrant 4 of Figure 5?”