Components of A Successful Employee Learning Experience
Components of A Successful Employee Learning Experience
Components of A Successful Employee Learning Experience
Based on adult learning principles, here is a checklist for a successful employee learning experience:
Provide a well-crafted job description - it is the foundation upon which employee training and development
activities are built
Provide training required by employees to meet the basic competencies for the job. This is usually the
supervisor's responsibility
Develop a good understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the organization will need in the future.
What are the long-term goals of the organization and what are the implications of these goals for employee
development? Share this knowledge with staff
Look for learning opportunities in every-day activity. Was there an incident with a client that everyone could
learn from? Is there a new government report with implications for the organization?
Explain the employee development process and encourage staff to develop individual development plans
Support staff when they identify learning activities that make them an asset to your organization both now and
in the future
For employee development to be a success, the individual employee should:
On-the-job experience
Committees are part of every-day activity in any organization. They can also be effective learning tools,
with the right focus
Committees made up of staff from different areas of your organization will enhance learning by allowing
members to see issues from different perspectives
Set aside part of the committee's work time to discuss issues or trends that may impact on the
organization in the future
This helps your employees gain a better understanding of the full range of programs and clients that your
organization serves
Field trips to other organizations serving a similar clientele or with similar positions can also provide a
valuable learning experience
Give staff going on field trips a list of questions to answer or a list of things to look for
Follow up the field trip by having staff explain what they have learned and how they can apply that
learning to your organization. (Fieldtrips can also be an off-the-job activity)
Job aids
Tools can be given to employees to help them perform their jobs better. These tools include: manuals,
checklists, phone lists, procedural guidelines, decision guidelines and so forth
Job aids are very useful for new employees, employees taking on new responsibilities and for activities
that happen infrequently
Job expanding
Once an employee has mastered the requirements of his or her job and is performing satisfactorily, s/he
may want greater challenges. Consider assigning new additional duties to the employee
Which duties to assign should be decided by the employee and her or his manager
Organizations with flat organizational structure are starting to give some managerial tasks to experienced
staff as a way of keeping those staff challenged
Job rotation
On a temporary basis, employees can be given the opportunity to work in a different area of the
The employee keeps his or her existing job but fills in for or exchanges responsibilities with another
Job shadowing
If an employee wants to learn what someone else in your organization does, your employee can follow
that person and observe him or her at work
Usually the person doing the shadowing does not help with the work that is being done
Learning alerts
Newspaper articles, government announcements and reports can be used as learning alerts
Prepare a brief covering page which could include a short summary and one or two key questions for
your employees to consider. Then circulate the item
Include the item on the agenda of your next staff meeting for a brief discussion
Peer-assisted learning
Two employees agree to help each other learn different tasks. Both employees should have an area of
expertise that the co-worker can benefit from
The employees take turns helping their co-worker master the knowledge or skill that they have to share
'Stretch' assignments
These assignments give the employee an opportunity to stretch past his or her current abilities. For
example, a stretch assignment could require an employee to chair a meeting if the person has never
done this before
To ensure that chairing the meeting is a good learning experience, the manager should take time after
the meeting to discuss with the employee what went well and what could have been improved
Special projects
Give an employee an opportunity to work on a project that is normally outside his or her job duties. For
example, someone who has expressed an interest in events planning could be given the opportunity to
work as part of a special events team
Typical Reasons for Employee Training and Development
Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an employee or group of employees, e.g.,:
There are numerous sources of online information about training and development. Several of these sites (they're
listed later on in this library) suggest reasons for supervisors to conduct training among employees. These reasons