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Optometry Weekly

Leika Ilagan

What is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is an eye condition in

which the cornea, the clear front surface of
the eye, is football shaped as opposed to Figure 2. An irregular shape of the cornea or the lens
the shape of a round basketball. In some causes blurred vision at all distances.
cases, it is the lens inside the eye that Source:
causes the distortion but in either case,
vision is blurry. This irregularity affects
the way light focuses on the retina, the Irregular astigmatism, is caused by
light sensitive tissue in the back of the eye, irregularities on the cornea. This can be
and can cause blurred vision at all caused by scars on the cornea from trauma
distances. or from corneal diseases. Treatment for
Regular astigmatism is a fairly irregular astigmatism can generally be
common and mild eye condition. accomplished with rigid gas permeable
Astigmatism is also usually congenital, but contact lenses.
it can also develop after an eye injury or
eye surgery. Small degrees of astigmatism How can astigmatism be diagnosed? A
do not require treatment, however, larger comprehensive eye examination includes
amounts of astigmatism may require tests for astigmatism. During a refraction,
corrective lenses as a form of treatment. the optometrist places different lenses in
front of the patient’s eyes to measure how
they focus light and based on the patient’s
responses, finds a prescription that provides
the patient with the best vision.


Figure 1. How light rays focus on the retina in a normal

eye vs. an eye with astigmatism.

Regular astigmatism commonly

occurs with other refractive errors, such as
myopia and hyperopia. Some symptoms of
astigmatism include distorted vision,
sensitivity to light, eye discomfort or strain,
headaches, and excessive squinting.

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