Astra: Owner's Manual
Astra: Owner's Manual
Astra: Owner's Manual
Operation, Safety and Maintenance
Reproduction or translation, in whole or in parts, is not
permitted without prior written consent from Vauxhall Motors
All rights as understood under the copyright laws are explicitly
reserved by Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this
manual are based on the latest production information
available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes at any time without
Edition: July 2007.
TS 1612-A-08
Contents Commitment to customer
In brief ....................................................... 2
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop ........... 30
Our aim: to keep you happy with your Seats, interior .......................................... 64
vehicle. All Vauxhall Authorised Repairers Instruments, controls ............................ 112
offer first-class service at competitive Lighting ................................................. 143
prices. Experienced, factory-trained Infotainment system ............................ 151
technicians work according to factory Climate control .................................... 154
instructions. Your Authorised Repairer can Driving and operation ......................... 176
supply you with GENUINE VAUXHALL- Self-help, vehicle care .......................... 241
APPROVED PARTS, which have undergone
Service, maintenance .......................... 294
stringent quality and precision checks, and
of course useful and attractive Technical data .................................... 308
VAUXHALL-APPROVED ACCESSORIES. Index ...................................................... 352
Our name is your guarantee!
For details of the
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer Network,
please ring this number; 0845 090 2044
2 In brief
In brief
To unlock and open the vehicle: To unlock and open the vehicle
Press button q, pull door handle with the Open&Start System 3:
6 Door locks see page 49, Bring electronic key into the
keys see page 30, reception area of the vehicle,
electronic immobiliser see page 31, pull handle
remote control see page 32, 6 Open&Start System 3 see page 34.
central locking system see page 40,
anti-theft locking system 3 see page 41,
Vauxhall alarm system 3 see page 46,
TwinTop roof operation 3 see page 56,
child safety locks see page 49.
In brief 3
To unlock and open the luggage To adjust front seat: Adjust front seat backrests:
compartment: Pull handle, slide seat, Turn handwheel
Press button q on remote control, release handle Move backrest to suit seating position.
or for the Open&Start System 3: 6 Seat see page 64, Do not lean on seat backrest whilst
Bring electronic key into the seat position see page 67. adjusting it.
reception area of the vehicle,
pull button below handle 9 Warning 6 Seats see page 64,
seat position see page 67,
6 Open&Start-System 3 see page 34, fold front passenger seat backrest
Important: Do not sit nearer than 10
remote control see page 32, see pages 66, 75.
inches (25 cm) from the steering wheel, to
central locking system see page 40,
permit safe airbag deployment.
Vauxhall alarm system 3 see page 46.
4 In brief
To adjust front seat height 3: To adjust front seat inclination 3: Tip the front seat backrests
Operate lever on outboard side Pull inner lever on front of seat, forward 3:
of seat adjust inclination, release lever, Lift release lever,
Pump action on lever engage seat in position tilt backrest forward,
Up: Seat higher Adjust the inclination by distributing body lower release lever,
Down: Seat lower weight. seat back is engaged
in tilted position 3,
6 Seat see page 64, 6 Seat see page 64, slide seat forwards 3
seat position see page 67. seat position see page 67.
To straighten the seat, slide back and it
engages in its original position 3. Raise
release lever 3, straighten backrest, lower
release lever, backrest engages.
The backrest can only be tipped forwards
from an upright position.
Panoramic windscreen 3: before folding
the seat, push the head restraints down
and close the sun visors.
6 Seats see page 64,
fold front passenger seat backrest
see pages 66, 75.
In brief 5
To adjust head restraint height of To fit seat belt: Adjusting interior mirror:
front and rear outboard seats: Draw seat belt smoothly Swivel mirror housing
Press button to release, from inertia reel, Swivel lever on underside of mirror housing
adjust height, guide over shoulder and to reduce dazzle at night.
engage in position engage in buckle 6 Mirrors see page 49,
6 Head restraints see page 68, The entire length of the seat belt must be automatic dipping interior mirror
head restraint position see page 69, twist-free. The lap belt must lie closely see page 51.
adjust rear centre head restraint against the body. The seat backrests must
see page 68, not be tilted too far backwards (maximum
head restraint removal see page 69. recommended tilting angle approx. 25).
To release belt, press red button on belt
6 Three-point seat belts see page 85,
airbag system see page 92,
seat position see page 67.
6 In brief
To adjust exterior mirrors Electrical exterior mirrors 3 Steering column lock and ignition:
manually: adjust: Turn key to position 1;
From inside, swivel lever in Four-way switch in drivers door disengage steering column lock
required direction Press right or left mirror switch: four-way by moving steering wheel slightly
6 Mirrors see page 49, switch controls the appropriate mirror. Positions:
aspherically curved exterior mirror Centre position: no adjustment. 0 = Ignition off
see page 49, 6 Mirrors see page 49, 1 = Steering free, ignition off
folding exterior mirror see page 50, aspherically curved exterior mirror 2 = Ignition on, with diesel engine:
heated exterior mirror see page 157. see page 49, preheating
folding exterior mirror see page 50, 3 = Starting
heated exterior mirror see page 157.
6 Starting see page 17,
electronic immobiliser see page 31,
parking the vehicle see page 18.
In brief 7
Steering column lock and ignition Steering wheel adjustment: Turn light switch:
on vehicles with Open&Start Move lever down, 7 = Off
system 3: adjust height and distance, 8 = Parking lights
Make sure electronic key is in the move lever up, engage
interior reception range and press Adjust steering wheel only when vehicle is
9 = Dipped beam or main
the Start/Stop button; stationary and steering column lock is beam
disengage the steering column released. AUTO = Automatic dipped
lock by moving the steering wheel 6 Airbag System see page 92. beam activation 3
slightly Press button:
To start the vehicle, also operate brake or
clutch pedal.
> = Fog lights 3
r = Fog tail light
To activate the steering column lock,
switch ignition off by pressing the Start/ 6 Lighting see page 143,
Stop button, open drivers door and headlight control indicator
engage steering wheel. Do not allow see pages 18, 140.
vehicle to move while doing this.
6 Starting see page 17,
electronic immobiliser see page 31,
parking the vehicle see page 18.
8 In brief
In brief 9
Headlight flash, main beam and Switch on turn signal lights: Hazard warning lights:
dipped beam: Right = Move stalk up On = Press
Headlight = Pull stalk Left = Move stalk down Off = Press again
flash toward steering
wheel 6 Turn signal lights see page 144. 6 Hazard warning lights see page 146.
Main beam = Push stalk
Dipped beam = Push stalk
forward again
or pull toward
steering wheel
6 Main beam, headlight flash
see page 144.
12 In brief
Operating windscreen and Activate rear screen wiper 3 and Heated rear window,
headlight wash systems 3: wash system 3: heated exterior mirrors:
Pull stalk toward steering wheel Wiper on = Push stalk On = Press
6 Windscreen and headlight wash systems forward Off = Press again
see page 142,
further notes see pages 291,303
Wiper off = Push stalk 6 Air conditioning see page 154,
forward again heated rear window see page 157.
Wash = Hold stalk
pushed fully
6 Rear screen wiper and wash system see
page 142,
further notes see pages 291, 303.
14 In brief
Preheating system switches on only if outside
temperature is low.
18 In brief
Vauxhall Full Size airbag system Side airbag system 3 Curtain airbag system 3
The Vauxhall Full Size airbag system The side airbag is triggered in the event of The curtain airbag system triggers in case
consists of several separate systems. a side-on collision to form a safety cushion of a side-on collision and provides a safety
for the driver or front passenger in the barrier in the head area on the respective
Front airbag system respective door area. This substantially side of the vehicle. This reduces the risk of
The front airbag system will be triggered in reduces the risk of injury to the upper body injury to the head considerably in case of a
the event of a serious accident involving a and pelvis. side-on collision.
frontal impact and forms safety cushions
for the driver and front passenger. The 6 Vauxhall Full Size airbag system
forward movement of the driver and front see page 92.
passenger is checked and the risk of
injuries to the upper body and head
thereby substantially reduced.
In brief 21
Active headrests 3 on front seats Operating menus in the Selection using multi-function button 3:
In the event of a rear-end impact, the information display 3 rotate and press multi-function button.
active head restraints tilt forward a little. Menu options are selected using menus To exit a menu, turn the multi-function
The head is more effectively supported by and the arrow keys or the multi-function button left or right to Return or Main and
the head restraint and the danger of button on the Infotainment system 3 or the select.
whiplash in the neck area is reduced. left-hand adjuster wheel 3 on the steering
Active head restraints are identified by the wheel. The selected menu options are
lettering ACTIVE on the head restraint shown on the display.
guide sleeves. Selection using arrow keys 3:
6 Headrests see page 68. Operate left or right arrow key.
22 In brief
BC 2
257.0 Coolant level
40 mph check
31.0 mpg OK
2 Board Computer
BC 1
BC 2
Deflation Detection System After tyre pressure is corrected or a tyre or Tyre pressure monitoring
(DDS) 3 wheel is changed, the system must be system 3
The deflation detection system initialised by pressing the DDS button. The tyre pressure monitoring system
continuously monitors the speed of all 6 Tyre deflation detection system 3 continually checks the pressure and speed
wheels while driving. If a tyre loses see page 218. of all four wheels while driving.
pressure, it grows smaller and therefore A pressure sensor is installed in each wheel.
rotates more quickly than the other wheels. The inflation pressures of the individual
If the system detects a difference in speed, wheels are transmitted to a controller,
the control indicator w illuminates in red. where they are compared.
The current tyre pressures can be
displayed on the graphical information
display or the colour information display 3.
Deviating tyre pressures are displayed in
the form of messages on the information
display whilst driving.
6 Tyre pressure monitoring system 3
see page 218.
26 In brief
Electronic immobiliser Control indicator for immobiliser A If control indicator A illuminates after
The system checks whether the vehicle may Control indicator A illuminates briefly the engine is started, there is a fault in
be started with the mechanical key or when the ignition is switched on. the engine electronics or transmission
electronic key of the Open&Start system 3 If the control indicator flashes when the electronics 3 (see pages 182, 188,
that is being used. If the key is recognised ignition is on, there is a fault in the system; 196, 206) or there is water in the diesel fuel
as "authorised" the vehicle can be started. the engine cannot be started. Switch off filter 3 (see page 300).
The check takes place via a transponder in the ignition and then repeat the start Note
the key. attempt. The immobiliser does not lock the doors.
The electronic immobiliser activates itself If the control indicator A continues to Therefore, after leaving the vehicle always
automatically after the key has been flash, try to start the engine using the lock it and switch on the Vauxhall alarm
removed from the ignition or, with the second key and contact a workshop for system 3 see pages 40, 46.
Open&Start system 3, when the engine is assistance.
switched off by pressing the Start/Stop
The code number of the electronic
immobiliser is given in the Car Pass.
32 Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop
The remote control has a range of approx. Fault z If the central locking system is
5 metres. This range can be affected by If the central locking system cannot be overloaded as a result of repeated
outside influences. Aim the remote control operated with the remote control, it may be operation at short intervals. The power
at the vehicle to operate. due to the following: supply is cut off for a brief period.
Handle the remote control with care, z The range of the remote control has z Interference from higher-power radio
protect it from moisture and high been exceeded. waves from other sources.
temperatures and avoid unnecessary z Remote control battery voltage is too To eliminate the cause of a fault, we
operation. low. Battery replacement see next recommend contacting a workshop for
The hazard warning lights come on to page. assistance.
indicate that the remote control is z Frequent, repeated operation of the Open drivers door with key see page 43.
operational. remote control outside the reception
Central locking system, range of the vehicle (e.g. too far from
see page 40. vehicle, remote control is then no longer
Mechanical anti-theft locking system 3, recognised). Remote control
see page 41. synchronisation see next column.
Only the drivers door can be locked and To start the engine, hold electronic key in The press start/stop button.
unlocked using the emergency key. Unlock marked position, operate brake or clutch Press start/stop button for at least 1 second
the entire vehicle as described on page 43. pedal or with automatic transmission 3 to switch the engine off. Lock all doors
In the version with Vauxhall alarm operate brake pedal and select P or N. except drivers door as described on
system 3 the alarm may be triggered when page 43. Unlock drivers door with
the vehicle is unlocked. Switch ignition on emergency key.
to deactivate alarm and release the
steering column lock: hold electronic key at This facility is for emergency use only.
marked position on the steering column Replace the battery of the electronic key as
panelling and press the Start/Stop button. soon as possible or have the system
Repeat procedure if necessary. repaired. Contact a workshop for
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 39
9 Warning
Do not use the system if there are people
in the vehicle! The doors cannot be
unlocked from inside.
Open&Start system with electronic key 3 Remote control with mechanical key
The electronic key must be within the All doors must be closed. At the latest
outside reception range of the vehicle. 15 seconds after locking, press button p
There must be no electronic keys inside the on the remote control again.
vehicle. Touching the sensor in the door Lock buttons on all doors are positioned
handle of the drivers or front passengers such that doors cannot be opened.
door locks all doors and the luggage
compartment. If the ignition was on, the drivers door
or must be opened and closed once so that
Press button p of the electronic keys the vehicle can be secured.
remote control again.
42 Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop
z The central locking system will not lock if
the drivers door is not properly closed.
Q illuminates in the instrument panel
as an indication.
z If the front passenger door, the rear
doors 3 or the luggage compartment is
not correctly closed, the LED in the
central locking button m flashes for
10 seconds when the central locking system
is operated, and Q illuminates in the
instrument panel at the same time.
z To lock the doors from within (e.g. to
prevent unwanted entry from outside),
Open&Start system with electronic key 3 Central locking button for locking and press central locking switch m in the
All doors must be closed. The electronic key unlocking the doors from inside the centre console.
must be within the outside reception range vehicle
of the vehicle. Touch the sensor in the door Press button m in the centre console: doors z When the vehicle is unlocked with the key
handle of the drivers or front passengers are locked or unlocked. in the drivers door lock, the other doors
door again within 15 seconds after locking. do not unlock until the drivers door is
The LED in the central locking button m opened.
or illuminates for around 2 minutes after
Press button p of the electronic keys locking with the remote control. z Doors that have been locked using the
remote control again. central locking system can also be
If the doors are locked from the inside opened by pulling the handle on the
All doors are secured against opening. during the journey using the central locking inside of the doors. The central locking is
If the ignition was on, the drivers door button, the LED m illuminates also unlocked at the same time (not
must be opened and closed once so that continuously. possible with Astra TwinTop if roof is
the vehicle can be secured. If the key is in the ignition, locking is only open).
possible if all doors are closed. z Locked doors unlock automatically in
When the mechanical anti-theft locking the event of an accident of a certain
system 3 is active see previous page the severity (to allow external help to gain
doors cannot be unlocked with this button. access). The hazard warning lights and
courtesy light also come on. For this to
occur, the key must be in the ignition
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 43
z With the Open&Start system 3 the For Astra TwinTop with open roof - after
vehicle cannot be unlocked until opening the drivers door, press the central
2 seconds after locking. Within this time, locking button m in the centre console. The
a door handle can be pulled or the vehicle will then be unlocked, provided the
button beneath the tailgate handle anti-theft locking system 3 is not engaged.
operated to check whether the vehicle is Switch on the ignition to deactivate the
locked. Vauxhall alarm system 3. Emergency
z The Open&Start system 3 does not lock operation of the Open&Start system 3,
the vehicle automatically if the electronic see page 37.
key is outside the reception range of the To lock
vehicle (more than 1 metre away from Open passenger door, close drivers door,
the vehicle). press central locking button m in centre
z When using the Open&Start system 3, console. Central locking system locks all
there must not be an electronic key doors. Close passenger door.
inside the vehicle when locking. Fault when locking or unlocking Malfunction in central locking system
z The locking sensors in the door handles Fault in remote control or Open&Start To unlock
must be kept clean to ensure system. 3 Turn key or emergency key with
unrestricted functionality of the To unlock Open&Start system 3, see page 37,
Open&Start system 3. Turn key or emergency key for Open&Start forwards in drivers door lock as far as it will
system 3 (see page 37) forwards in the go. Turn key back to a vertical position and
drivers door lock as far as it will go. Return remove. The other doors can be opened by
key to a vertical position and remove. The pulling the handle on the inside of the
entire vehicle is unlocked when the drivers doors (not possible if anti-theft locking
door is opened. system 3 enabled beforehand). The
luggage compartment and the fuel filler
cap remain locked. To deactivate the
anti-theft locking system 3 switch ignition
on, see page 46.
44 Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop
Luggage compartment
To unlock
Remote control with mechanical key
Press button q on the remote control. The
luggage compartment is unlocked
together with the doors.
Open&Start system with electronic key 3
Pulling the button below the handle
unlocks and opens the luggage
compartment and doors when the
electronic key is detected within the outer
reception range.
Press button q on the remote control of
To lock the electronic key, this unlocks the luggage To open:
Insert the key or emergency key for compartment and the doors. The luggage compartment is opened by
Open&Start system 3 (see page 37) into operating the button beneath the handle.
the opening above the lock on the inside of
the door and press until the lock audibly 9 Warning
engages. Then close the door. The
procedure must be repeated for each door. Do not drive with the tailgate open or
The drivers door can also be locked from ajar, e.g. when transporting bulky
outside using the lock. The unlocked fuel objects, since toxic exhaust gas could
filler flap and tailgate/boot lid cannot be penetrate the interior.
Fitting of accessories on the tailgate will
Emergency operation of Open&Start
increase its weight. If it becomes too heavy,
system 3,
the tailgate will then not stay open.
see page 37.
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 45
To close: To lock
Close luggage compartment using the Close doors, luggage compartment and
handle on the inside of the tailgate. tank flap.
Do not operate the button beneath the Remote control with mechanical key
handle when closing. Otherwise the Press button p on remote control.
luggage compartment will once again be Open&Start system with electronic key 3
unlocked. Press button p of the electronic key remote
control or touch sensor in handle of one of
the front doors. The electronic key must be
recognised in the external reception area.
It is advisable for the driver to keep the
electronic key on his person.
46 Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop
9 Warning
Do not use the system if there are people
in the vehicle! The doors cannot be
unlocked from the inside. To activate Open&Start system with electronic key 3
Remote control with mechanical key All doors, windows and bonnet must be
All doors, windows, the sun roof 3 and the closed. The electronic key must be in the
bonnet must be closed. Within 15 seconds outer reception range of the vehicle. No
of locking, press button p on the remote more than 15 seconds after locking, touch
control again. the sensor in the handle of the drivers or
If the ignition was switched on, the drivers front passenger door again.
door must be opened and closed once so or
that the Vauxhall alarm system can be Press button p of the electronic keys
switched on. remote control again.
If the ignition was switched on, the drivers
door must be opened and closed once so
that the Vauxhall alarm system can be
switched on.
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 47
Electric windows 3
9 Warning
Take care when operating the electric
windows 3 and the sun roof 3. Risk of
injury, particularly to children. Vehicle
passengers should be informed
If there are children on the rear seat,
switch on the child safety system 3 for
the electric windows.
Keep a close watch on the windows and
sun roof when closing them. Ensure that
Interior mirror Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror 3 nothing becomes trapped in them as
To adjust, swivel mirror housing. Dazzling is automatically reduced at night. they move.
To reduce dazzling at night, swivel lever on With the ignition off, the mirror does
not dim. The electric windows can be used
underside of mirror housing.
z with ignition on,
z within 5 minutes of switching ignition
off 3,
z within 5 minutes of switching ignition key
to position 1.
Stand-by after switching on the ignition
ends when the drivers door is opened.
52 Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop
Operated via two or four 3 switches in the Safety function Child safety system for rear windows 3
drivers door handle. The front switches are If the window glass encounters resistance Switch z between the rear switches in the
for the driver and front passenger doors. above the middle of the window during drivers door handle
The rear switches 3 are for the rear doors. automatic closing, it is immediately z Forward (red field visible): Rear door
Additional switches are located in the front stopped and the window opened again. switches non-operational
passenger door and rear doors 3. In the event of difficulty due to frost or the z Rearward (green field visible): Rear door
For incremental operation, briefly pull or like, press the appropriate window switch switches operational
press the switch. For automatic opening or several times until the window is closed.
closing, pull or press the switch longer. Pull
or press the switch again to stop the
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 53
Central switch for electric windows, Panoramic windscreen 3 Close the roof lining
Astra TwinTop Open the roof lining Move the roof lining forward to a suitable
Button $ or " in the roof console. Turn the handle to the right and move the position. When moved all the way forward,
Press button $: all windows are closed. roof lining rearward to a suitable position. the roof lining engages in position.
To raise:
When the roof is closed, press button .
The roof is tilted in the rear.
To open:
Press button again from the tilted
position. The roof opens to its stop.
To close:
Press button d.
For reasons of safety, the roof closes from
its open position to approx. 20 cm. Hold
button d depressed to close completely.
Sunroof 3 Sunblind
Operated via rocker switches in the roof Used to reduce sun penetration into the
console when the ignition is switched on. interior when the sunroof is closed.
For incremental operation, briefly press the The sunblind opens when the sun roof
button. For automatic opening or closing, opens.
press the button longer. To open:
Press button G. The sunblind opens to its
To close:
Press button H.
For reasons of safety, the roller blind closes
from its open position to approx. 20 cm.
Hold button H depressed to close
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 55
With TwinTop, a convertible hardtop, Astra
unites the benefits of a coupe with those of
a convertible.
9 Warning
Take care when operating the
convertible hardtop. Risk of injury.
Monitor the action zone above, to the
side and to the rear of the vehicle during
roof operation. Make sure that nothing
could become pinched.
Make sure no one is in the action zone of
Operating the convertible hardtop To open the roof
the roof or boot lid during roof operation.
Stand-by with ignition key in lock from There must be no objects in front of the
Risk of injury.
position 1, or for Open&Start-System 3 rear window or in the pivot area of the roof
Check the amount height, length and switch on ignition. and boot lid.
width of available space before
Requirements: Hold button > in the roof console
operating the roof, e. g. in a garage,
z Vehicle is stationary or driving no more depressed until the roof is completely open
parking garage or when a bicycle rack is
than 20 mph (30 km/h). and the boot lid is closed.
z Luggage compartment blind is closed An acoustic signal sounds at the end of the
Vehicle passengers should be informed
and engaged - see Fig. 18024 T above opening procedure.
and page 82. Open the door windows slightly before
Before leaving the vehicle, remove the
z Boot lid is closed. opening the roof. If button > is pressed
ignition key in order to prevent
again after the acoustic signal sounds, the
unauthorised operation of the windows If any of the requirements are not fulfilled, door windows will close.
and sunroof. a warning buzzer sounds when the switch is
actuated and the roof does not open or
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 57
With the vehicle stopped, the roof can be To close the roof With the vehicle stopped, the roof can be
opened using the remote control 3. Unlock There must be no objects in the pivot area closed using the remote control 3. Lock the
the vehicle. Press button q again and keep of the roof and boot lid. vehicle. Press button p again and keep
pressed until the roof has opened fully and Hold button < in the roof console pressed until the roof and boot lid have
the boot lid has closed. depressed until the roof and boot lid are closed completely.
During operation with the remote control, completely closed.
the door windows are opened completely. An acoustic signal sounds at the end of the
closing procedure.
Open the door windows slightly before
closing the roof. If button < is pressed
again after the acoustic signal sounds, the
door windows will close.
58 Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop
Indicator and warning buzzers z Continuous warning buzzer during roof Note
z Indicator buzzer upon completed operation if the anti-roll bars 3 have z Do not open the luggage compartment
opening or closing of the convertible been triggered. until the acoustic signal indicating the
hardtop. z Continuous warning buzzer starting one end of the roof opening or closing
z Indicator buzzer upon completed raising minute before the end of the 9-minute procedure has sounded.
or lowering of the electric luggage stand-by time with the roof in an z The luggage compartment blind must
compartment loading aid. intermediate position. always be closed during roof operation.
z Gong tone if the boot lid is not closed z Continuous warning buzzer starting one z There must be no one at the covers
during roof operation. minute before the end of the 9-minute behind the rear head restraints.
z Gong tone if the boot lid is not fully stand-by time with the loading aid in a z There must be no objects in the pivot
opening during operation of the luggage raised position. area or the roof or on the covers behind
compartment loading aid. z Continuous warning buzzer when closing the rear head restraints.
z Gong tone during roof operation if the boot lid if the lowering process of the z The roof can only be operated at
vehicle speed exceeds 20 mph (30 km/h). electric load aid is not complete or was temperatures above 20 C. If the
interrupted. temperature is below this limit, a gong
z Gong tone when vehicle speed exceeds
20 mph (30 km/h)if the roof is not fully will sound three times when roof
open or closed. operation is requested.
z Three gong tones during roof or loading z Frequent operation of the roof with the
aid operation if the luggage engine off discharges the battery.
compartment blind is not attached. z Repeated operation of the roof without
z Three gong tones during roof operation breaks can cause overloading and
if outside temperature is below 20 C, therefore malfunctions.
vehicle battery voltage is too low or the
system is overloaded.
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 59
With tyre repair set 3, the wind deflector is Fitting Join together the unfolded ends of the wind
folded down into a storage compartment 3 Take the wind deflector from the luggage deflector: press in the pin at the slider,
in the luggage compartment below the compartment. guide the hinge over the pin and release
loading floor cover. Expand the collapsed wind deflector as the slider so that the pin engages in the
For the version with spare wheel 3, the illustrated. hinge.
wind deflector is folded away in the
luggage compartment
Keys, doors, windows, TwinTop 63
Insert the guide clips of the wind deflector Pull the toggle of the right and left locking The wind deflector can be folded back
in the seat belt recesses between the rear pin and turn to lock. Straighten out the when not in use.
head restraints. wind deflector, turn the toggle back and If the wind deflector is folded and the rear
engage the locking pin in the recess in the seats are unoccupied, the wind deflector
side trim. can remain mounted in the vehicle when
the roof is closed.
Remove in reverse order, wind deflector is
completely folded down in the luggage
For tyre repair kit 3 in the compartment
below the loading floor cover.
For version with spare wheel 3, place in
the luggage compartment.
The wind deflector must never protrude
upwards or sideways from the luggage
compartment, see marked loading height,
see Fig. 17973 T on page 60.
64 Seats, interior
Adjusting the backrest Adjusting the seat height 3 Adjusting the seat angle 3
To adjust, turn side handwheel on the seat To adjust, operate lever on the outside of To adjust, pull the lever on the front of the
while releasing the load on the backrest. the seat. seat, adjust the angle and release the
Move backrest to suit seating position. Pump action on lever lever.
Up: Seat higher The seat should engage perceptibly.
Down: Seat lower Adjust the inclination by distributing body
66 Seats, interior
9 Warning
Failure to observe the descriptions could
lead to injuries which could be fatal.
Vehicle passengers should be informed
accordingly before starting off.
Head restraints Adjusting the rear, centre head Adjusting the rear head restraints 3,
Adjusting the front head restraints and restraint 3 Astra TwinTop
rear outboard head restraints 3 To adjust, pull the head restraint up or To adjust, pull the head restraint up or
To adjust, press button on side and adjust press the catch to release. Then push the press the two catches to release. Then push
height. head restraint down. the head restraint down.
To fold down the backrests (see page 71) To fold down the backrest (see page 71) or To improve visibility when the rear seats
or improve visibility when the rear seats are improve visibility when the centre rear seat are not occupied, push the head restraints
not occupied, remove the head restraints is not occupied, remove the head restraint all the way down.
or push them all the way down. or push it all the way down. If the seats are occupied, set height
If the seats are occupied, set height If the seat is occupied, set height according according to body size.
according to body size. to body size. Do not place any objects on the cover
behind the head restraints or between the
head restraints and the anti-roll bars 3.
Seats, interior 69
Head restraint position Active head restraints 3 Removing the head restraints
The middle of the head restraint should be In the event of a rear-end impact, the Press and release the two catches. Pull and
at eye level. If this is not possible for active head restraints tilt forwards slightly. remove the head restraint.
extremely tall persons, set to highest The head is more effectively supported by To fold down the backrests 3 (see page 71),
position, and set to lowest position for the head restraint and the danger of push the rear head restraints all the way
small persons. whiplash in the neck area is reduced. down or remove.
Active head restraints are identified by the
9 Warning lettering ACTIVE on the head restraint
Only approved objects or components
guide sleeves. should be attached to the head restraint of
Failure to observe the descriptions can
lead to injuries which could be fatal. the unoccupied front passenger seat.
Vehicle passengers should be informed
accordingly before moving away.
70 Seats, interior
Extending the luggage Fold down centre backrest 3 Restoring backrest to an upright position
compartment, Hatch Push head restraint all the way down Guide the seat belt through the side
Folding the rear seat backrests see page 68. bracket to protect against damage.
Pushing rear head restraints all the way Disengage backrest using lever and fold Catches must audibly engage when rear
down or removing, see pages 68, 69. onto seat cushion. seat backrests are raised.
Slide front seat forward slightly. Folding down the centre seat backrest The three-point seat belt for the centre rear
Disengage the backrest (single or split 3) makes it possible to load longer objects. seat can only be pulled from its inertia reel
using the pushbutton and fold it down onto The outer seats can still be used for if the backrest is properly engaged.
the seat cushion. occupants. Notes on loading
See page 84.
Return front seat to desired position. 9 Warning
The load must not obstruct the operation
of the pedals, handbrake or transmission
or restrict the drivers freedom of
movement. Do not place loose objects in
the interior. Pay attention to notes on
page 84.
72 Seats, interior
Extending the luggage Raise the seat cushion and fold the Remove rear outer head restraints. Push
compartment, Estate backrest centre head restraint all the way down
Folding the rear seat backrests onto the Pull the strap on the seat cushion and raise see pages 68, 69.
seat cushion the backrest towards the front (split 3 or Stow the removed head restraints in the
Push the rear head restraints all the way one-piece). cavity below the raised seat cushions.
down or remove, see pages 68, 69. To Detach the hooks of the luggage
detach hooks of luggage compartment compartment cover from the head
cover from head restraints, see page 77. restraints see page 77.
Slide front seat forward slightly.
Disengage the backrest (single or split 3)
using the pushbutton and fold it down onto
the seat cushion.
Return front seat to desired position.
Seats, interior 73
9 Warning
The load must not obstruct the operation
of the pedals, handbrake or transmission
or restrict the drivers freedom of
movement. Do not place loose objects in
the interior. Pay attention to notes on
page 84.
Restoring the backrests or seat cushions 3 Raised seat cushions: Insert and adjust
to their original position head restraints in backrests see pages 68,
Guide the seat belt through the side 69. Fold back seat cushions, making sure
bracket to protect against damage. the belt buckles are properly positioned.
To restore the backrest to an upright Attach the hooks of the luggage
position, fold up, pressing the button on compartment cover to the head restraints
the backrest. Audibly engage the backrest see page 77.
in an upright position.
Seats, interior 75
Extending the luggage Cover behind armrest can be locked from Folding down the front passenger
compartment, Astra TwinTop luggage compartment 3: turn button 90: seat 3
Loading area between rear seats Locked = Horizontal button To push down and remove front passenger
Pull out the armrest by the strap. Unlocked = Vertical button seat head restraint, see pages 68, 69.
The armrest is held in place on the backrest Push front passenger seat back.
with a retaining strap. To fully remove the Notes on loading
See page 84. Fold front passenger seat forward by
armrest, disengage the bracket at the raising release lever.
retaining strap.
To raise the backrest, push release lever
Pull the handle and fold down the cover. forwards, raise front passenger seat
backrest and audibly engage.
9 Warning
The load must not obstruct the operation
of the pedals, handbrake or transmission
or restrict the drivers freedom of
movement. Do not place loose objects in
the interior. Pay attention to notes on
page 84.
76 Seats, interior
To close
Press handle on luggage compartment
cover rearwards; the cover automatically
engages in its end position.
Do not place any heavy or sharp-edged
objects on the cover.
Insert luggage compartment cover into
recess on left, raise release lever on right
side, insert cover into recess on right,
engage and push lever down.
Attach the hooks on the head restraints -
see Fig. 17079 T.
Safety net 3, Estate Adjust strap length on safety net by Fitting behind front seats
The safety net can be mounted behind the attaching the upper hook to the eye of the Raise the rear seat cushions, see page 72.
rear seats or, if the rear seat backrests are strap, see Fig. 17085 T on page 79, and Unroll the safety net.
folded and the seat cushions raised, attach to eyes in the right and left of the
floor. There are two brackets in the roof frame
behind the front seats.
above the front seats. Hook the net rods
Passengers must not be carried behind the into the brackets on one side and then the
safety net. other. Slide forward to engage.
Fitting behind the rear seats Adjust strap length on safety net by
Remove luggage compartment cover, see attaching the upper hook to the eye of the
page 76 strap, see Fig. 17085 T on page 79, and
Unroll the safety net. attach to eyes in the right and left of the
There are two brackets in the roof frame.
Hook the net rods into the brackets on one Remove rear outer head restraints and fold
side and then the other. Slide forward to backrests forward, see pages 68, 69, 72.
Seats, interior 79
Variable partition net Hooks and mesh pockets for side walls Cargo box 3
Insert an adapter in each rail: Fold up Insert hooks in rails in desired position: Foldable box under the floor cover used to
handle plate, insert adapter in upper and insert hook in upper groove in rail and push divide the luggage compartment.
lower groove of rails, move to desired into lower groove. The mesh pocket can be
position. To lock the adapter, swivel the suspended from the hooks. The cargo box may only be loaded when
handle plate up. Compress the rods of the the backrests are engaged in an upright
Removing position.
partition net slightly and insert in Press the partition net rods together and
corresponding openings of the adapter. remove from the adapters. To remove the cargo box floor cover,
The longer rod must be inserted in the remove first the right half then the left half.
upper adapter. Adapter: fold open the retainer, release the For models with towing equipment, first
adapter from the lower groove and remove release the coupling ball bar fixing strap
from the upper groove. and thread this through the eye see
Release the hooks from the rails. page 237. Installation in the reverse order.
82 Seats, interior
Luggage compartment blind, Easy Load z Briefly press button ,: The folded roof is
Astra TwinTop raised. The roof remains in this end
(Electronically operated loading position for approx. 9 minutes.
To open: aid for the luggage compartment
Release luggage compartment blind from of the Astra TwinTop)
recesses on left and right, blind rolls up The loading aid makes it possible to
automatically. comfortably load the luggage
To close: compartment when the roof is open. The
Grasp the handle, pull the blind towards press of a button will raise the roof folded
the rear of the vehicle and engage in the up in the luggage compartment 25 cm.
recess on the right and left. This enlarges the load opening of the
Do not place any objects on the luggage luggage compartment.
compartment blind. z Open the boot lid.
There must be no objects outside of or on z Unhook luggage compartment blind
top of the luggage compartment blind and attach to rear window frame with
when the roof is open or in the process of holder, see Fig. 17978 T>
The roof can only be operated with the
luggage compartment blind engaged in
the recess.
Seats, interior 83
z Estate: mount the safety net 3 when z Astra TwinTop: Do not place any objects
transporting objects in the luggage on the cover of the deployable anti-roll
compartment see page 78. bars 3, behind the rear head restraints
z Estate: close luggage compartment or in the luggage compartment outside
cover see page 76. of, on or next to the luggage
compartment cover.
z If the backrests are not folded down
when transporting objects in the z Do not place objects in the expansion
luggage compartment, they must be range of airbags or extending anti-roll
engaged in their upright position 3 see bars 3, since this poses a risk of injury if
pages 71, 74. the systems are actuated.
z Do not allow the load to protrude above z Do not drive with luggage compartment
the upper edge of the rear seat open when transporting bulky objects,
backrests, or above the upper edge of for example, since toxic exhaust fumes
the front seat backrests if the rear seat could penetrate the interior.
Notes on loading the vehicle backrests 3 are folded down. z Weights, payload and roof load
z Heavy objects in the luggage see page 325.
compartment should be placed against z Astra TwinTop: pay attention to
the engaged rear seat backrests 3 or, if maximum loading height with roof open, z Driving with a roof load see pages 198,
the rear seat backrests are folded down, see Fig. 17973 T on page 82. Do not 200, 232 increases the sensitivity of the
against the front seat backrests. If place objects on top of or next to the vehicle to crosswinds and has a
objects are to be stacked, the heavier luggage compartment blind. detrimental effect on vehicle handling
objects should be placed at the bottom. z The warning triangle 3 and first-aid kit owing to the vehicles higher centre of
Unsecured objects in the luggage (cushion) 3 must always be freely gravity.
compartment would be thrown forward accessible.
with great force in the event of heavy 9 Warning
braking, for example. z Do not place any objects in front of the
rear window or on the instrument panel. Failure to observe these descriptions can
z Secure objects with lashing straps 3 They are reflected in the glass, obstruct lead to injuries which may be fatal.
attached to lashing eyes, see page 80. If the drivers view and will be thrown Vehicle passengers should be informed
heavy loads slip when the vehicle is through the vehicle, for instance in the accordingly.
braked heavily or driven around a bend, event of heavy braking.
the handling of the vehicle may change.
z The load must not obstruct the operation
of the pedals, the handbrake or the
gears or restrict the drivers freedom of
movement. Do not place loose objects in
the interior.
Seats, interior 85
Child restraint system 3 Permissible options for fitting a child safety seat1)
When a child restraint system is used,
follow the instructions for use and Weight and On front passenger
On outer rear seats On centre rear seat3)
installation. age class2) seat
The country in which you are travelling Group 0:
may not permit the use of child restraint up to 10 kg
systems on certain seats. Always comply or approx.
with the local or national regulations. 10 months B 1, + U, + U
Selecting the right system Group 0+:
Your child should travel facing backwards up to 13 kg
in the car for as long as possible. A child or approx.
has a very weak cervical spinal column and 2 years
in the event of an accident is less likely
to suffer injury in a rearward-facing, Group I:
semi-lying position than if seated upright. 9 to18 kg
or approx. B 2, +
9 Warning 8 months to
U, + U
4 years
Never carry child restraint systems on
your lap, risk of fatal injury. Group II:
15 to 25 kg
or approx.
3 to 7 years
Group III:
22 to 36 kg
or approx.
6 to 12 years
For reasons of safety, we recommend that the child safety seat be installed
on one of the outer rear seats.
We recommend the use of each system until the child reaches the upper weight limit.
Not on Astra TwinTop.
Seats, interior 91
Vauxhall Full Size airbag system Side airbag system 3 Curtain airbag system 3
The Vauxhall Full Size airbag system The side airbag is triggered in the event of The curtain airbag system triggers in case
consists of several separate systems. a side-on collision to form a safety cushion of a side-on collision and provides a safety
for the driver or front passenger in the barrier in the head area on the respective
Front airbag system respective door area. This substantially side of the vehicle. This reduces the risk of
The front airbag system will be triggered in reduces the risk of injury to the upper body injury to the head considerably in case of a
the event of a serious accident involving a and pelvis. side-on collision.
frontal impact and forms safety cushions
for the driver and front passenger. The
forward movement of the driver and front
passenger is checked and the risk of
injuries to the upper body and head
thereby substantially reduced.
Seats, interior 93
Passenger seat with seat occupancy
recognition system 3. The seat occupancy
recognition system deactivates the front
and side airbags on the passenger side 3 if
the front passenger seat is unoccupied or a
Vauxhall child restraint system with
transponders 3 has been fitted to the front
passenger seat. Seat occupancy
recognition, see page 99. Vauxhall child
restraint system with transponders 3, see
page 90.
Examples of events triggering the front
airbag system:
Vauxhall Full Size airbag system z seat occupancy recognition 3, z Impact against a non-yielding obstacle:
the front airbags are triggered at low
Front airbag z the control indicator for Vauxhall child vehicle speed.
The front airbag system is identified by the restraint systems y with transponders 3
word AIRBAG on the steering wheel and in the instrument panel. z Impact against a yielding obstacle (such
above the glove compartment. as another vehicle): the front airbags are
The front airbag system will be triggered: only triggered at a higher vehicle speed.
The front airbag system comprises: z depending on the severity of the
z an airbag with inflator in the steering accident,
wheel and a second one in the
z depending on the type of impact,
instrument panel,
z within the range shown in the illustration,
z control electronics with impact sensors,
z independent of side airbag 3 and
z control indicator for airbag systems v in
curtain airbag system 3.
instrument panel,
94 Seats, interior
9 Warning
Seat belts must therefore always be worn.
The front airbag system serves to
supplement the three-point seat belts. If
you do not wear your seat belt you risk
being seriously injured, or even thrown
from the vehicle, in the event of an
In the event of an accident the seat belt
helps to keep you seated in the correct
position, so that the front airbag system
can provide you with effective protection.
Side airbag 3 The side airbag system will be triggered:
In addition, the front airbag system will not The side airbag system is identified by the z depending on the severity of the
be triggered for the front passenger in word AIRBAG on the outboard sides of the accident,
versions with seat occupancy recognition 3 front seat backrests.
if z depending on the type of impact,
z the front passenger seat is unoccupied, The side airbag system comprises: z within the range shown in the illustration
z an airbag with inflator in the back of the on the centre door pillar of the drivers or
z there is a properly fitted Vauxhall child drivers and front passenger seat
restraint system with transponders 3. front passenger side,
Seat occupancy recognition, see z independently of the front airbag
page 99. Vauxhall child restraint system z the control electronics, system.
with transponders 3, see page 90. z the side-impact sensors, Exception:
z control indicator for airbag systems v in Passenger seat with seat occupancy
instrument panel, recognition system 3. The seat occupancy
z seat occupancy recognition 3, recognition system deactivates the front
and side airbags on the passenger side 3 if
z the control indicator for Vauxhall child the front passenger seat is unoccupied or a
restraint systems y with transponders 3 Vauxhall child restraint system with
in the instrument panel. transponders 3 has been fitted to the front
passenger seat. Seat occupancy
recognition, see page 99. Vauxhall child
restraint system with transponders 3, see
page 90.
96 Seats, interior
Curtain airbag 3 The curtain airbag system will be triggered: When the curtain airbag is triggered it
The curtain airbag system is identified by z depending on the severity of the inflates within milliseconds and provides a
the word AIRBAG on the roof pillar trim. accident, safety barrier in the head area on the
The curtain airbag system comprises: z depending on the type of impact, respective side of the vehicle. This reduces
z an airbag with inflator in the roof frame the risk of injury to the head considerably in
z within the range shown in the illustration case of a side-impact.
on the drivers and front passenger side on the centre door pillar of the drivers or
respectively, front passenger side,
z the control electronics, z together with the side airbag system 3,
z the side-impact sensors, z irrespective of seat occupancy
z control indicator for airbag systems v in recognition 3,
instrument panel. z independently of the front airbag
98 Seats, interior
9 Warning 9 Warning
There must be no objects in the area in Have the cause of the fault eliminated
which the airbag inflates. Do not place immediately by a workshop.
the hands or arms on the covers of the
airbag systems. Important information, The systems integrated self-diagnostics
see page 101. allows faults to be quickly remedied.
Control indicator y for Vauxhall child If the control indicator flashes when the
restraint systems with transponders 3 child restraint system with transponders 3
The presence of a Vauxhall child restraint is correctly fitted, there is a fault with risk of
system with transponders 3 is indicated injury to the child. Fit child restraint systems
after the ignition has been switched on by on the rear seat. Have the cause of the
continuous illumination of the control fault eliminated by a workshop.
indicator y in the instrument panel, as If no Vauxhall child restraint system with
soon as the seat occupancy recognition transponders 3 is fitted, the control
system has detected the child restraint indicator must not illuminate or flash as the
system. passenger airbag systems would not
deploy. Have the cause of the fault
eliminated by a workshop.
9 Warning
If the control indicator does not come on
while driving, the front and side airbags 3 If the Vauxhall child restraint system with
for the passenger are not deactivated and transponders 3 has been fitted
there is a risk of injury or death to the child. according to the instructions, the control
Fit child restraint systems on the rear seat. indicator for Vauxhall restraint systems
Have the cause of the fault eliminated by a with transponders must illuminate in the
workshop. instrument panel when the ignition is
switched on.
If the child restraint system is not correctly
installed or the transponder is faulty, the If the control indicator does not come on
control indicator flashes. Check for correct while driving, the airbag systems for the
installation of child restraint system. To passenger are not deactivated and there
install the child restraint system with is a risk of fatal injury. In this case, fit child
transponders 3, see the instructions restraint systems on the rear seat. Have
enclosed with the system. the cause of the fault eliminated by a
Seats, interior 101
Important z Do not bond or use other material to z Each airbag or deployable roll-over
z Do not affix or place accessories or other cover the steering wheel, dashboard, bar 3 deploys once only. Have a
objects within the expansion range of front seat backrests and roof frame in workshop replace deployed airbags
airbag systems or extending anti-roll the area of the airbags and the seat immediately.
bars 3 is not permitted, since this could cushion of the passenger seat or the z The speeds, directions of movement and
result in injuries if the components are covers of the deployable anti-roll bars 3. deformation properties of the vehicles,
actuated. z Use only a dry cloth or interior cleaner to and the properties of the obstacle
z Do not place any objects between the clean the steering wheel, instrument concerned, determine the severity of the
airbag systems/anti-roll bar covers 3 panel, front seat backrests, roof frame accident and triggering of the airbags.
and the occupants. Risk of injury. and seat cushion of the front passenger The degree of damage to your vehicle
seat. Do not use any aggressive cleaning and the resulting repair costs alone are
9 Warning agents. not indicative that the criteria for
z Only protective covers which are triggering of the airbags were met.
Never carry child restraint systems or
approved for your vehicle with side z Do not make any modifications to
other objects on your lap risk of fatal
airbag 3 may be fitted on the front components of the airbag systems or the
seats. When fitting the protective covers, anti-roll bars 3 as this would render the
make sure that the airbag units on the vehicle unroadworthy.
z Use the hooks in the roof frame only to
outboard sides of the front seat
hang up light articles of clothing or coat
hangers. Do not place any objects in the
backrests are not covered. 9 Warning
pockets of the hanging items risk of z The airbag systems are triggered
The systems can be triggered abruptly
injury. independently of each other based on
and cause injury if they are handled
the severity of the accident and the type
z The control electronics of the airbag improperly.
of impact. The side airbag system 3 and
systems, belt tensioners and deployable
the curtain airbag system 3 are
anti-roll bars 3 are located in the centre z We recommend having the steering
triggered together.
console area. Do not store any magnetic wheel, the instrument panel, all panelling
objects in the area as they could cause z Astra TwinTop: The deployable anti-roll parts, the door seals, the handles and
malfunction. bars 3 are deployed together with the the seats removed by a workshop.
front and side airbag systems 3
depending on the severity of the impact.
102 Seats, interior
z When disposing of the vehicle, the safety z In order to prevent malfunctions when
instructions given for this must be using a Vauxhall child restraint system
observed. Take the vehicle to a recycling with transponders 3 on the front
company for disposal. passenger seat, no objects (e.g. plastic
z Persons weighing less than 35 kg should sheet, stickers or heated mats) may be
only travel on the rear seats. This does placed under the child restraint system.
not apply to children who are travelling
in child restraint systems with
9 Warning
transponders 3.
Child restraint systems as well as other
z In vehicles with seat occupancy objects must never be carried on the lap
recognition 3, do not place any heavy of passengers; risk of fatal injury. If
objects on the front passenger seat carried in this way, child restraint systems
otherwise the airbag systems for the with transponders 3 in vehicles with seat
front passenger seat may be triggered in occupancy recognition 3 could lead to
the event of an accident. front passenger airbag systems not Use of child restraint systems 3 on the
being triggered in the event of an front passenger seat in vehicles with
z In vehicles with seat occupancy airbag systems, but without seat
recognition 3, to prevent malfunctions accident.
occupancy recognition 3
do not use protective covers or seat
cushions on the front passenger seat. 9 Warning
No child restraint system 3 may be
installed on front passenger seat. Danger
to life.
Version with side airbag system 3 is Use of child restraint systems 3 on front
indicated by AIRBAG text on outer side of passenger seat in vehicles with airbag
front seat backrests. systems and seat occupancy recognition 3
Seat occupancy recognition 3, see
page 99.
9 Warning
Only Vauxhall child restraint systems with
transponders 3 can be fitted on the front
passenger seats. Use of systems without
transponders poses a risk of fatal injury.
104 Seats, interior
Vehicles with seat occupancy recognition Vauxhall child restraint systems with
can also be identified by control transponders 3 are marked with a sticker
indicator y in the instrument panel. or sew-on badge, see Fig. 17424 T.
If control indicator y illuminates for
approx. 4 seconds when the ignition is
switched on, the vehicle is equipped with
seat occupancy recognition see page 99.
The seat occupancy recognition system
detects Vauxhall child restraint systems
with transponders 3 and deactivates the
front and side airbag systems 3 for the
front passenger seat. The curtain airbag
system 3 remains activated. For seat
occupancy recognition see page 99.
Seats, interior 105
In the event of a rollover, the anti-roll bars Control indicator v for extending anti-roll Extended anti-roll bars
deploy upwards in a matter of bars can be retracted (e.g. in order to close the
milliseconds. They also deploy together The deployable anti-roll bars are roof after a collision).
with the front and side airbag systems 3, monitored electronically together with the Press the lever between the rods of an
helping to optimise occupant protection. belt tensioners and the airbag systems. anti-roll bar to unlock the system. Push the
The system deploys with the roof open or Their operational readiness is indicated by anti-roll bar all the way down until it
closed. If the anti-roll bars are extended control indicator v in the instrument panel. engaged. Fit the cover.
the roof must not be operated, see When the ignition is switched on, the
control indicator illuminates for approx. Repeat the procedure on the other anti-roll
instructions in the following columns. bar.
4 seconds. If it does not illuminate, does
not go out after 4 seconds or illuminates Control indicator v, however, will remain
whilst driving, there is a fault in or illuminated and the anti-roll bars will not
deployment of the anti-roll bars, belt deploy in the event of another collision.
tensioners and airbag systems - see
page 87. The systems may fail to trigger in 6
the event of an accident.
Actuation of the anti-roll bars is indicated
by continuous illumination of v.
106 Seats, interior
Have the cause of the fault eliminated Note z Deployment of the anti-roll bars is
immediately by a workshop. z Do not place any objects on the covers of indicated by illumination of control
the anti-roll bars behind the head indicator v.
9 Warning restraints. They would be propelled z If an attempt is made to operate the roof
through the vehicle in an uncontrolled while the anti-roll bars are extended, a
The roof cannot be closed or opened if fashion should the anti-roll bars deploy. continuous signal will sound as a
the anti-roll bars are extended. The Such objects could also prevent the warning.
anti-roll bars must first be retracted. anti-roll bars from extending.
After deployment of the anti-roll bar, z Do not operate the roof while the anti-roll
have the system repaired by a workshop bars are extended. Parts of the roof
immediately. could be damaged during such
Manually retracted anti-roll bars will not operation.
deploy in the event of a collision.
Seats, interior 107
108 Seats, interior
To empty, grip both sides of the ashtray Rear ashtray 3 To empty, open the ashtray, press the
insert at the spots illustrated and pull The ashtray is in the rear centre console. spring (arrow) and pull the ashtray straight
upwards. Pull out the ashtray by pushing on one of out rearwards.
the sides.
110 Seats, interior
Foldaway tables 3
on the front seat backrests.
Open by pulling upward until it engages.
Fold away by pressing down past the
resistance point.
Do not place any heavy objects on the
Sun visors
Use the sun visor to protect from glare by
pulling it down and swivelling it to the
side 3.
The covers of the mirrors in the sun visors
should be closed while driving.
On vehicles with panoramic windscreen 3,
close the sun visors before moving the roof
I 9 Warning
Fault in Open&Start system.
Engine oil pressure
Lock or unlock vehicle using remote Control indicator illuminates red. When the engine is off, considerably
control or emergency key if necessary, see more force is needed to brake and steer.
It illuminates when the ignition is switched
page 43, or attempt to use the spare key.
on and goes out shortly after the engine Do not remove key until vehicle has come
Emergency operation, see page 44. starts. to a standstill, otherwise the steering
If 0 illuminates, this can also mean that Illuminates when the engine is running column lock could engage unexpectedly.
the steering column lock is still locked: Engine lubrication may be interrupted. This
move steering wheel to and fro a little and may result in damage to the engine and/or Contact a workshop for assistance.
press Start/Stop button again. locking of the drive wheels:
If 0 illuminates whilst driving a system 1. Move out of the flow of traffic as quickly
error has occurred that may eventually as possible without impeding other
lead to a complete failure. vehicles.
If 0 illuminates or flashes: The Start/Stop 2. Depress clutch.
button must be held depressed somewhat
3. Shift manual transmission or
longer to switch off the ignition. It is
Easytronic 3 into neutral; for automatic
possible that the vehicle will not start
transmission 3, set selector lever to N.
during the next start attempt.
4. Switch off ignition.
If these flash continuously or if 0
illuminates, contact a workshop
114 Instruments, controls
Airbag systems 3, belt tensioners 3,
deployable anti-roll bars 3
Control indicator illuminates red.
Illuminates when the engine is running
Fault in airbag system, belt tensioners
or extending anti-roll bars, see pages 87,
98, 104
Electronic Stability Programme
(ESPPlus) 3
Control indicator flashes or illuminates
Brake system, clutch system 9 Warning Flashing during driving
Control indicator illuminates or flashes red. System actively engaged, see
If it illuminates when the handbrake is pages 210, 210, 239.
It illuminates after the ignition is turned on, released: stop vehicle immediately.
when the handbrake is applied or if the Contact a workshop for assistance. Illuminates while driving
brake or clutch fluid level is too low. For System switched off or fault in system for
further information see pages 222, 302. Electronic Stability Program, see page 210.
For vehicles with Easytronic 3, the control X
indicator flashes for a few seconds when Seat belt 3
the ignition is turned off if the handbrake is Control indicator illuminates or flashes red.
not applied.
Illuminates when the ignition is turned on,
until the seat belt is fastened. After starting
to drive, the control indicator flashes.
Fasten seat belt, see page 88.
Instruments, controls 115
Q A j
Doors and luggage compartment open Engine electronics, Easytronic 3, start engine
Control indicator illuminates red. transmission electronics 3, Control indicator illuminates yellow.
It is illuminated when a door or the luggage immobiliser, It illuminates if the footbrake is not
compartment is open. diesel fuel filter 3 operated. The indicator goes off as soon as
Control indicator illuminates or flashes the footbrake is operated. The engine can
p yellow. only be started with the footbrake
Alternator It illuminates for a few seconds when the operated, see page 182.
Control indicator illuminates red. ignition is switched on.
It illuminates when the ignition is switched IDS+
Illuminates when the engine is running
on and goes out shortly after the engine Interactive Driving System 3,
Fault in engine or gearbox electronic
starts. Continuous Damping Control (CDC) 3,
system. Electronics have switched to
SPORT mode 3
Illuminates when the engine is running emergency running programme fuel
Control indicator illuminates yellow.
Stop, switch off engine. Battery is not consumption may be increased and the
charging. Cooling may be faulty. For diesel vehicles driveability reduced, see It illuminates for a few seconds when the
engines, the effect of the brake servo may page 206. Contact a workshop ignition is switched on.
be lost. Contact a workshop immediately. immediately. Illuminates while driving
Illuminated together with InSP4 in the Fault in system. Contact a workshop
W service display: Have the diesel fuel filter immediately.
Coolant temperature drained of water see page 300. IDS+ see page 209,
Control indicator illuminates red.
Flashes when the ignition is on CDC see page 211,
Illuminates when the engine is running Fault in the electronic immobiliser system; SPORT mode see page 212.
Stop and switch off engine. Coolant the engine cannot be started, see page 31.
temperature too high: Risk of engine
damage. Check coolant level immediately
see page 300.
116 Instruments, controls
Turn signal lights
Control indicator flashes green.
Control indicator flashes at the side
Both control indicators flash with the
hazard warning lights on.
Fast flashing: failure of a turn signal light
or associated fuse, failure of turn signal
light on trailer 3.
Change bulbs, see page 269. Fuses, see
page 262.
S 8 Y
Engine oil level 3 Exterior lights Fuel level
Control indicator illuminates yellow. Control indicator illuminates green. Control indicator illuminates or flashes
The engine oil level is checked1) It is illuminated when the exterior lights are yellow.
automatically. on see page 143. Illuminates
Illuminates when the engine is running Low fuel level, fuel gauge in reserve area.
Engine oil level too low. Check engine oil Flashing
Parking distance sensor 3
level and top up engine oil if necessary, see Fuel supply exhausted, refuel immediately.
Control indicator illuminates yellow.
page 298.
Fault in system. Contact a workshop Never let the tank run dry!
immediately. Erratic fuel supply can cause catalytic
Parking distance sensor, see page 215. converter to overheat, see page 204.
Diesel engines: If the tank is run dry, bleed
the fuel system as described on page 241.
Not on Z 14 XEP or Z 20 LEH engine. Sales
designation see page 310.
Instruments, controls 117
> T Z
Winter programme of automatic
Fog lights 3 Exhaust emission 3
transmission 3 or Easytronic 3
Control indicator illuminates green. Control indicator illuminates or flashes
Control indicator illuminates in gear
It is illuminated when the fog lights are on yellow.
display with Winter programme engaged.
see page 145. It illuminates when the ignition is switched
Further information, see
on and goes out shortly after the engine
C pages 180, 186, 193.
Main beam
Control indicator illuminates blue.
1 Illuminates when the engine is running
SPORT mode of automatic transmission 3 Fault in emission control system. The
It is illuminated when main beam is on or Easytronic 3 permitted emissions may be exceeded.
and during headlight flash see Control indicator illuminates in gear Contact a workshop immediately.
pages 11, 144. display with Sport programme engaged. If it flashes when the engine is running:
r Further information, see Fault which could lead to damage to the
Fog tail light pages 179, 185, 192. catalytic converter, see page 206. Contact
Control indicator illuminates yellow. a workshop immediately.
It is illuminated when the fog tail lights are Seat occupancy recognition 3 u
on see page 145. Control indicator illuminates or flashes in Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) 3
odometer display. Control indicator illuminates red.
Illuminates Illuminates while driving
Seat occupancy recognition has detected Fault in anti-lock brake system, see
a child restraint system with transponders. page 224.
Airbag systems for the passenger are
deactivated, see page 99.
If it flashes
Fault in system or child seats with
transponder incorrectly fitted, see page 99.
118 Instruments, controls
Deflation detection system 3,
tyre pressure monitoring system 3
Control indicator illuminates red
Tyre pressure loss see page 218.
Control indicator illuminates yellow
Fault in system, see pages 218, 219.
Contact a workshop for assistance.
Adaptive Forward Lighting 3 (AFL)
Control indicator flashes yellow.
! The self-cleaning function will Fault in system. Contact a workshop
Preheating system 3, automatically operate while driving after immediately.
diesel particle filter 3 the engine has reached its normal Flashes for 4 seconds when ignition
Control indicator illuminates or flashes operating temperature. The control switched on
yellow. indicator ! will continue to flash until the System converted for driving abroad.
Illuminates self-cleaning operation is complete. This
may take up to 20 minutes of driving. The AFL, see page 147.
Preheating system active, switches on only
time will be shorter at higher vehicle
if outside temperature is low.
speeds. m
Flashing Cruise control 3
(on vehicles with diesel particle filter) Further information, see page 207. Control indicator illuminates green.
The driving situation is such that the diesel It is illuminated when the system is on see
particle filter self-cleaning function can not page 213.
operate automatically. You may continue
to drive the vehicle normally. The vehicle
will not be damaged and does not require
Instruments, controls 119
Time display 3
To adjust the time, setting button in
instrument panel:
Press for approx. 2 seconds:
Hours flash
Press briefly
Set hours
Press for approx. 2 seconds
Minutes flash
Press briefly
Set minutes
Press for approx. 2 seconds
Clock is started.
ESPoff Electronic Stability Programme 3 For Easytronic 3, the display flashes for a
off, see page 210. few seconds if A, M or R is selected when
the engine is running but the footbrake is
ESPon Electronic Stability Programme 3 not depressed.
on, see page 210.
Transmission display 3
Display of gear selected in automatic
transmissions 3 or current gear or mode for
Easytronic 3:
P Part position on automatic
R Reverse gear
N Neutral
A Automatic mode on Easytronic
M Manual mode on Easytronic
D Automatic mode on automatic
1-4 Current gear on automatic
1-5 Manual mode, current gear for
1 - 6 3 Easytronic
122 Instruments, controls
BC 2
FM 3 90,6 MHz Range Timer 1
257.0 miles
40 mph
257miles 8 31.0
11:25 } 21 .5C
Board information display 3, Selection with arrow keys Select using the left adjuster wheel 3 on
selecting functions Select the menu points using the buttons the steering wheel
Functions and settings of some on the Infotainment system Turn up
equipment 3 can be accessed via the OK button Previous menu point.
board information display. Select marked point, confirm command. Turn down
This is done using the menus and buttons Next menu point.
of the Infotainment System 3 or with the Press
left adjuster wheel 3 on the steering wheel. Select marking, confirm commands.
The corresponding menu options then System settings see page 131.
appear in the next line of the display.
Trip computer see page 128.
If warning messages from Check-control 3
are shown, the display is blocked for other
information. Confirm the warning
message. If there are several warning
messages, confirm these in succession.
126 Instruments, controls
90.6 MHz
19,5 19:36
Graphical information display 3 Selection with arrow keys To select using the multi-function button
or colour information display 3, Select menu options via menus and the Turn
selecting functions keys on the Infotainment system. Mark menu options or commands, select
OK button function ranges,
The functions and settings of some
equipment 3 can be accessed via the Select marked point, confirm command. Press
graphical information display or the colour To exit a menu, press the right or left arrow Select marking, confirm commands.
information display. key to access Return or Main. To exit a menu, turn the multi-function
These functions are marked on the menu button left or right to Return or Main and
on the display or performed using the select.
arrow keys 3 on the Infotainment system,
the multi-function button 3 on the
Infotainment system or with the left
adjuster wheel 3 on the steering wheel.
If warning messages from Check-control 3
are shown, the display is blocked for other
information. Confirm the warning
message. If there are several warning
messages, confirm these in succession.
Instruments, controls 131
Correcting time 3
In systems with GPS receiver1), date and
time are set automatically upon receipt of
7 Time, Date 19,5 19:36 a GPS satellite signal. If the displayed time 7 Settings 19,5 19:36
does not match local time, it can be
Time 19:36 Time, Date
corrected manually or automatically by
receiving an RDS time signal2) 3. Language Deutsch
Date 10 . 07 . 2004 Some RDS transmitters do not send correct Units English
time signals. If the incorrect time is Contrast Espaol
displayed often, deactivate automatic
6 Synchron. clock automatical. Day / Night Nederlands
time synchronisation 3 and set the time
manually. 6 Ign. logic Franais
GPS = Global Positioning System,
satellite system for world-wide positioning.
RDS = Radio Data System.
Instruments, controls 133
on light background.
Always night design: white or coloured
text on dark background. Graphical information display 3 Range
or colour information display 3, Range is calculated from current fuel tank
Selections are indicated by a o in front of trip computer 3 content and instantaneous consumption.
the menu item. The display shows average values.
The trip computers provide information on
Ignition logic 3 driving data, which is continually recorded After refuelling, the vehicle updates the
Adjustment, see Infotainment system and evaluated electronically. range automatically after a brief delay.
The trip computer main menu (Main)
provides information about range,
average consumption 3 and current
To display other trip computer data, press
the BC button on the infotainment
system 3, select the trip computer menu
front the display or press the left adjuster
wheel 3 on the steering wheel.
Instruments, controls 135
Distance travelled
Driven mileage display. The measurement
can be reset to zero and restarted at any
time, see "Resetting trip computer 2 Board Computer 19,5 19:36
information to zero". BC 1 All values
Average speed
BC 2
Range Average speed calculation. The 257.0
measurement can be reset to zero and Timer
restarted at any time, see "Resetting trip 40 mph
computer information to zero". 7.0
40 mph 40 mph
The information of the two trip computers To reset all information of a trip computer,
can be reset separately, making it possible select menu item All values.
to evaluate data from different time After resetting, "- - -" is displayed for the
periods. trip computer information selected. The
Select the desired trip computer recalculated values are displayed after a
information. brief delay.
The value for the selected function will be
reset and recalculated.
Instruments, controls 137
Fault. System fault in Vauxhall alarm
system. Have the cause of the fault
eliminated immediately by a workshop.
Instruments, controls 139
If there is a fault in the vehicle lighting, the In vehicles with tyre pressure control Wash
respective fault source is displayed as text, system 3, if there is major loss of pressure Fluid Level
e.g.: in a tyre, the display indicates the tyre at check
Brake light fault, e.g.: Fluid level in windscreen wash system too
check right Attention! low. Topping up wash fluid, see page 305.
Rear left tyre Rear window wash system and headlight
In vehicles with tyre pressure monitoring pressure loss wash system 3 are deactivated if wash
system 3, if tyre pressure is too low, the (value in bar) fluid level is low.
display indicates which tyre to check, e.g.:
Stop immediately and check tyres and tyre
Tyre pressure pressures. Tyre pressure monitoring Coolant level
check rear system 3 see page 219. check
right Fluid level in engine cooling system is low.
(value in bar) Check coolant level immediately see
Check tyre pressure at next opportunity page 300.
using suitable gauge. Tyre pressure Interruption of power supply
monitoring system 3, see page 219. Stored warning messages appear on the
Checking tyre pressure, see page 337. display one after the other.
140 Instruments, controls
Warning buzzers Indicator and warning buzzers for Astra z Continuous warning buzzer during roof
When starting the engine or whilst TwinTop 3: operation if the anti-roll bars 3 have
driving: z Indicator buzzer upon completed been triggered.
z If the electronic key of the Open&Start opening or closing of the convertible z Continuous warning buzzer starting one
system 3 is not present or is not hardtop. minute before the end of the 9-minute
recognised. z Indicator buzzer upon completed raising stand-by time with the roof in an
z If seat belt 3 is not fastened. or lowering of the electric luggage intermediate position.
compartment loading aid. z Continuous warning buzzer starting one
z If a door or the tailgate is ajar when the
vehicle starts off. z Gong tone if the boot lid is not closed minute before the end of the 9-minute
during roof operation. stand-by time with the loading aid in a
z Once you have reached a certain raised position.
speed 3 if the handbrake is applied. z Gong tone if the boot lid is not fully
opening during operation of the luggage z Persistent warning buzzer when closing
z If a specified maximum speed 3 is compartment loading aid. the luggage compartment lid, if the
exceeded. lowering process of the electric load aid
z Gong tone during roof operation if
z With Easytronic 3 - if A, M or R is selected vehicle speed exceeds 20 mph (30 km/h). is not complete or has been interrupted.
while the engine is running and the
drivers door is opened but the footbrake z Gong tone when vehicle speed exceeds
is not depressed. 20 mph (30 km/h) if the roof is not fully
open or closed.
When the vehicle is parked and the
drivers door is opened: z Three gong tones during roof or loading
z When the key is in the starter switch 3. aid operation if the luggage
compartment blind is not attached.
z With parking lights or dipped beam on.
z Three gong tones during roof operation
z With Open&Start system 3 and if outside temperature is below 20 C,
automatic transmission if the selector vehicle battery voltage is too low or the
lever is not in P. system is overloaded.
z With Easytronic 3, if the handbrake is
not applied and no gear is engaged
when the engine is off
Instruments, controls 141
Windscreen wiper Adjustable timed interval wipe 3 Automatic wiping with rain sensor 3:
To activate, move stalk up lightly. Adjust wiper interval to a value between To activate, move stalk up lightly.
2 and 15 seconds: switch ignition on, move $ = Automatic wiping with rain sensor
= Off stalk downwards from position , wait for
$ = Timed interval wipe required interval time and move stalk to = Off
% = Slow interval wiping $. The rain sensor detects the amount of
& = Fast The interval time selected remains stored water on the screen and automatically
until it is next changed or until the ignition controls the wiper.
The stalk always moves back to starting is turned off.
position. Shift to next higher or lower level: Keep the rain sensor detection field clear
move stalk slightly. After turning on the ignition and setting the by activating the screen wash system.
stalk to $, the interval is set to 6 seconds.
Move stalk past resistance point and hold:
the windscreen wiper stages are run
through; an acoustic signal sounds at
position .
Move stalk down from position : Single
142 Instruments, controls
Empty windscreen wash system and Rear screen wiper and wash system
headlight wash system 3 To activate, push stalk forward lightly.
To activate, pull stalk toward steering The rear screen wiper swipes in timed
wheel. interval mode.
The wiper swipes for a few strokes. At low
speeds, there is a single post-wash swipe.
The headlight wash system 3 is ready for
operation when the headlights are
switched on. Wash fluid is sprayed onto the
headlights once. Then the headlight wash
system is disabled for 2 minutes.
On vehicles fitted with rain sensor 3, keep
the sensor area clean.
Lighting 143
Main beam, headlight flash Automatic dipped beam Turn signal lights
To switch from dipped beam to main activation 3 To activate, move stalk up or down lightly.
beam, push stalk forward. Light switch to AUTO: Dipped beam Stalk up = Right turn signal lights
To switch back to dipped beam, push stalk switches itself on or off automatically when
Stalk down = Left turn signal lights
forward again or pull toward steering the engine is running, depending on the
wheel. external lighting conditions.
To activate the headlight flash, pull stalk The exterior lights switch off when the
toward steering wheel. Main beam is ignition is switched off.
engaged for the duration of activation. For reasons of safety, the light switch
The blue control indicator C is illuminated should always remain in the AUTO
when main beam or headlight flash is on. position.
Move light switch to 9 if visibility is poor
because of fog, for example.
Lighting 145
Adaptive Forward Lighting 3 Curve lighting Control indicator B for adaptive driving
(AFL) The Xenon light beam pivots based on lights
improves lighting in curves (curve lighting) steering wheel position and speed (from Flashing: Fault in system. System not ready
on vehicles with Bi-Xenon headlight approx. 6 mph/10 km/h). for operation.
system. The headlights shine at an angle of up to If the cornering light swivelling device fails,
15 to the right or left of the direction of the relevant dipped beam is switched off.
travel. The corresponding fog light is
Motorway lighting automatically switched on for reasons of
At higher speeds and continuous straight safety.
ahead travel, the dipped beam Contact a workshop for assistance.
automatically raises slightly, thereby
increasing headlight range. A flashing control indicator B for
4 seconds after the ignition is switched on
is a reminder that the headlights have
been adjusted, see "Headlights when
driving abroad", page 150.
148 Lighting
Entry lighting 3
After unlocking the vehicle, the instrument
and switch lighting come on for a few
Door handle lighting 3
When the exterior lights are on, the interior
front door handles are illuminated.
Illuminated mirror in the sun visors 3
The lighting switches on when the cover is
Glove compartment lighting
on when lid is open.
Cigarette lighter and ashtray
Front reading lights 3 Courtesy lights and rear reading lights 3 illumination 3
Left and right reading lights are Centre switch position: The rear courtesy Comes on when ignition is switched on.
individually operable. With ignition on: light comes on together with the front one
Luggage compartment lighting
On = Press button a when a door is open.
Comes on when the boot lid/tailgate is
Off = Press button a again The rear reading lights on the left and right opened.
can be switched on separately. With
Automatically regulated centre console
ignition on:
lighting 3
On = Switch position I Spotlight in housing of interior mirror.
Off = Switch position 0 Daylight-dependent, automatically
regulated centre console lighting with
ignition switched on.
150 Lighting
Climate control
Air vents To close the vent, turn the vertical adjuster Cooled glove compartment 3
The interior ventilation can be adjusted to wheel fully up. The symbol 0 appears. The Cooled air is fed into the glove
a comfortable level by adjusting the slats of the vent remain open although the compartment through a nozzle.
temperature switch. air supply is closed.
If glove compartment cooling is not
To increase the air supply, turn the fan all Windscreen defroster nozzles (2) required, slide the slider forward.
the way up and set the air distribution Air distribution switch to l or J: Air flows
switch to M or L. onto windscreen and side windows.
Centre and side air vents (1) Additional vents
Open nozzle: move vertical knurled wheel below the windscreen and door windows
downwards. and in the front footwell.
Adjust air flow direction by rotating the
horizontal knurled wheel.
Climate control 157
9 Warning
Failure to follow the instructions could
lead to misted or icy windows and
accidents stemming from impaired
Maximum cooling for very hot interior Window demisting and de-icing
Open windows and sunroof 3 briefly so
that warm air can escape rapidly. 9 Warning
z Cooling n on.
Failure to follow the instructions could
z Set air distribution switch to M. lead to misted or icy windows and
z Set the temperature switch to the desired accidents stemming from impaired
temperature. visibility.
z Set fan switch to A. Misted or icy windows, e. g. due to damp
z Open all air vents. weather, damp clothing or low outside
The automatic climate control system
provides maximum cooling down to the set z Cooling n on.
value. z Press button V: In switch position A, the
At settings below 17 C (rotary switch all fan automatically switches to the highest
the way to the left), the system continually speed and air is directed to the
runs with maximum cooling. When the air windscreen.
conditioning compressor is running, air
recirculation is switched on automatically.
168 Climate control
90.6 MHz Normal
Air distribut.
AC Automatic
Autom. blower recirculation
Residual air conditioning on
Auto. recirc air control at
bad outside air
Switching automatic recirculation 3 on Manual air recirculation mode Air conditioning with the engine not
or off The air recirculation system prevents the running
The automatic air recirculation system has entry of outside air and the air in the When the vehicle is stopped and the
an air quality sensor to detect harmful passenger compartment is circulated. ignition off, the heat or cooling power still
gases in the outside air, in which case it will Press button 4, the control indicator in in the system can be used to condition the
switch automatically to recirculation. the button will illuminate. passenger compartment, for example
Select menu item Auto. recirc from the when stopped at a level crossing.
The exchange of fresh air is reduced in air
manual settings menu and switch it on or recirculation mode. The quality of the Press button AUTO with the ignition off.
off by pressing. passenger compartment air deteriorates Residual air conditioning on will appear
Switch to manual air recirculation as which may cause the vehicle occupants to briefly in the display.
necessary. feel drowsy. In operation without cooling The air conditioning will operate for a
the air humidity increases, so the windows limited period of time.
may mist up. Consequently, manual air To cancel air conditioning, press the AUTO
recirculation should only be run for short button.
periods of time.
To deactivate manual air recirculation:
Press button 4 again. The control
indicator in the button will go out.
174 Climate control
9 Warning
Disregard of these instructions may lead
to injuries or endanger life.
Transmission display
Easytronic 3 ......................................... 176 Shows the mode and current gear.
Automatic transmission 3 .................. 184 The display flashes for a few seconds when
Automatic transmission with A, M or R is selected with the engine
ActiveSelect 3 ................................... 190 running and the footbrake not activated.
Driving hints ......................................... 198
Saving fuel, protecting the
environment ...................................... 200
Fuels, refuelling.................................... 202
Catalytic converter, exhaust gases.... 204
Drive Control Systems ......................... 209
Brake system........................................ 222
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS u)........ 224
Wheels, tyres ........................................ 225
Roof racks 3......................................... 232
Towing equipment 3........................... 233
Caravan/trailer towing ........................ 237
Driving and operation 177
Engine braking
Automatic mode:
When driving downhill, Easytronic does not
shift into higher gears until a fairly high Manoeuvring the vehicle
engine speed has been reached. When To manoeuvre the vehicle back and forth
braking, Easytronic shifts down in good during attempts to park or in garage
time. entrances the creeping movement can be
Manual mode: utilised by releasing the footbrake.
To utilise the engine braking effect, select a Never actuate accelerator and brake
lower gear in good time when driving pedals simultaneously.
To prevent damage, Easytronic
disengages the "creep function" when the
temperature of the automatic clutch is
182 Driving and operation
If the cause of the power failure is not a 3. Clean Easytronic around the cap (see
discharged battery, contact a workshop. If figure) so that no dirt can get into the
the vehicle must be removed from flowing opening when the cap is removed.
traffic, release the clutch on vehicles with 4. Rotate cap to slacken and remove by
5-speed Easytronic. On vehicles with lifting upwards, see figure.
6-speed Easytronic, the clutch cannot be
released 3; if the vehicle must be moved, 5. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise using
raise vehicle at the front to tow. a flat-head screwdriver (vehicle tools 3,
see page 251) until clear resistance can
To disengage the clutch (only on vehicles be felt. The clutch has now been
with 5-speed Easytronic) disengaged.
1. Apply handbrake and switch off ignition.
Do not turn beyond the resistance, since
2. Prop bonnet open, see page 241. this can damage the Easytronic.
6. Fit cleaned cap again. The cap must be
Interruption of power supply in full contact with the housing.
The clutch is not disengaged if the vehicle
Towing the vehicle and starting the engine
battery is discharged and a gear has been
is not permitted when the clutch has been
selected. The vehicle cannot move.
released in this way, although the vehicle
If the battery is flat, start the vehicle using can be moved a short distance.
jump leads, see page 243.
Contact a workshop immediately for
184 Driving and operation
Automatic transmission 3
The automatic transmission 3 allows
automatic selection.
The engine can only be started when the
gear selector is in position P or N. When
starting in position N, depress the
footbrake or apply the handbrake. After
starting the engine, depress the brake
before selecting a gear. Do not accelerate
whilst selecting a gear. If a gear has been
selected and the brake is released, the
vehicle will "creep". Never operate the
accelerator and the brake pedal
simultaneously. The selected gear is
displayed in the transmission display. Transmission display Selector lever positions P, R, N and D
Display of mode or selected gear in left P Park position. Front wheels locked.
9 Warning position of transmission display. The gear Only engage when the vehicle is
that has been selected by the transmission stationary and the handbrake is
Disregard of these instructions may lead appears in the right position of the applied. "P" appears on the
to injuries or endanger life. transmission display. transmission display.
P Park position R Reverse gear. Only engage when the
Only select 3, 2 or 1 to prevent automatic R Reverse gear vehicle is stationary. "R" appears on
upshifting or as an aid in engine braking. the transmission display.
N Neutral
N Neutral or idle. "N" appears on the
D Drive position transmission display.
3, 2, 1 Selected gear 3 D Drive position for normal driving in
1st gear to highest gear. "D" and the
current gear appear in the
transmission display.
Driving and operation 185
Depressing the accelerator pedal past the
pressure point: depending on the engine
speed the transmission shifts to a lower
gear. Full engine power is available for
188 Driving and operation
Sales designation, see page 310 and 311.
Driving and operation 189
Depressing the accelerator pedal past the
pressure point: depending on the engine
speed the transmission shifts to a lower
gear. Full engine power is available for
For safety reasons kickdown is available in
both automatic and manual mode.
Driving and operation 195
The ignition key can only be removed when 2nd gear and the highest gear can be
the selector lever is in position P. selected in manual mode. Depending on
If the selector lever is not in position P when the nature of the problem, only the highest
the ignition is switched off, control gear may be available.
indicator j and P flash in the selector lever Only the highest gear is available in D in
indicator strip, see Fig. S 12103 on automatic mode.
page 191. Move the selector lever to
position P.
With the Open&Start system 3, "P" flashes
in the transmission display for 10 seconds
when the ignition is switched off if P has not
been engaged or the handbrake has not
been applied.
If there is a problem with the automatic
transmission, control indicator A
illuminates. The transmission no longer
shifts automatically. The vehicle can
continue to be driven.
Illumination of control indicator A may
also indicate a problem with the engine
electronics, see page 206.
For diesel engines1) Z 19 DT and Z 19 DTH,
illumination of control indicator A could
also indicate that the diesel fuel filter must
be drained of water - see page 300.
Have the cause of the fault eliminated by a
Sales designation, see page 310 and 311.
Driving and operation 197
Driving hints Electro-hydraulic power assisted steering Switching off the engine
The first 600 miles (1000 km) If the power-assisted steering fails when When you switch off, fans in the engine
Drive your vehicle at various speeds. Do being towed with the engine switched off, compartment may continue running for a
not use full throttle. Never allow the engine the vehicle can still be steered, but time to cool the engine.
to labour at low revs. considerably more force is required. If the engine temperature is very high, e.g.
Make good use of all gears. Depress the Driving in mountainous terrain or with a after driving in mountainous terrain: allow
accelerator pedal a maximum of around trailer/caravan the engine to idle for approximately two
three quarters of the available pedal travel The cooling fan is electrically operated. Its minutes in order to prevent heat
in all gears. cooling power is therefore independent of accumulation.
the engine speed. Vehicles with turbocharged engine 3
Do not drive faster than three quarters of
maximum speed. Since a considerable amount of heat is After running at high engine speeds or high
generated at high engine speeds and less engine loads, operate the engine briefly at
Do not brake unnecessarily hard for the at slower speeds, do not shift down when a low load or run in neutral for approx.
first 125 miles (200 km). climbing hills whilst the vehicle is still coping 30 seconds before switching off in order to
Never coast with engine not running with the gradient in the higher gear. protect the turbocharger.
Many units will not function in this situation Driving with a roof load Save energy more miles
(e.g. brake servo unit, electro-hydraulic Do not exceed the permissible roof load - Please observe the running-in hints on this
power steering). Driving in this manner is a see pages 232, 325. For reasons of safety, page and the tips for saving energy on the
danger to yourself and others. distribute the load evenly and secure it following pages.
Brake servo unit properly with retaining straps. Adjust the Good, technically correct and economical
When the engine is not running, the brake tyre pressure to the load conditions. Do not driving ensures maximum durability and
servo unit is no longer effective once the drive faster than 75 mph (120 km/h). Check performance for your vehicle.
brake pedal has been depressed once or and retighten the straps frequently.
twice. Braking effect is not reduced, but Observe country-specific regulations. Roof
significantly greater force is required for loads are not permitted on the Astra
braking. TwinTop.
Driving and operation 199
Fuels, refuelling Fuel for petrol engines Fuel for diesel engines
Fuel consumption Normal commercial high-quality fuels with Diesel engines must be operated only on
Fuel consumption is determined under a maximum ethanol content of 5% in commercially available diesel fuel meeting
specific driving conditions, see page 316. accordance with DIN EN 228 are suitable the specifications of DIN EN 590.
(for catalytic converter see page 204, for Since January 2004, some oil companies
Special equipment increases the weight of octane numbers see pages 310, 311). The
the vehicle. As a result, they can increase have mixed their diesel fuel with upto 5%
quality thereof has considerable effect on Bio fuel (FAME = Fatty Acid Methyl Esters)
fuel consumption and reduce the specified the performance, running and service life
maximum speed. like RME (Rape-Oil Methyl Ester). This is in
of the engine. The additives mixed with the accordance with the current DIN EN 590
For the first few thousand miles, friction fuel are extremely important. For this and does not harm the fuel/injection
between the engine and transmission reason you must only refuel with high- system. The characteristics of a diesel fuel
components is higher. This increases fuel quality fuels containing additives. mixed up with 5% Bio fuel (FAME) do not
consumption. Fuels with ethanol content greater than 5% differ from conventional diesel fuel and do
do not comply with DIN EN 228 and must not influence the vehicles driveability.
not be used unless the vehicle has been Important: Diesel fuel mixed with 5% FAME
specifically developed and approved for according to DIN EN 590 must not be
these fuels. confused with 100% Bio Diesel, which is not
Fuel with too low an octane number can to be used in Vauxhall engines.
cause pinking. No liability can be accepted The flow and filterability of diesel fuel are
for resulting damage. temperature-dependent.
Petrol with a higher octane number can Diesel fuels with improved low temperature
always be used. properties are therefore available on the
The ignition timing adjusts automatically market during the winter months. Make
to the grade of fuel used (octane number), sure that you fill the tank with winter fuel
see pages 310, 311. before the start of the cold weather
Use of petrol with an octane rating of 95 season.
will ensure economical driving. Additives can be used with diesel fuels with
For vehicles with Z20 LEH engine, use of winter properties that are guaranteed by
95 RON fuel reduces performance and the manufacturer and when using diesel
torque. fuel filters that are heated depending on
the outside temperature.
Diesel fuels must not be diluted with fuels
that are intended for petrol engines.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Driving and operation 203
Catalytic converter,
exhaust gases
Catalytic converter for petrol engines
Leaded fuel will damage the catalytic
converter and parts of the electronic
system, rendering them inoperative.
High quality fuels other than those listed on
pages 202, 310, 311 (e.g. LRP1)) could
damage the catalytic converter.
LRP = Lead Replacement Petrol.
Driving and operation 205
Damage to the catalytic converter or the z If unburned fuel enters the catalytic Catalytic converter for diesel engines
vehicle may result if the following points converter, this may result in overheating Damage to the catalytic converter or the
are not observed: and irreparable damage to the catalytic vehicle may result if the following points
z On ignition faults, uneven running after converter. are not observed:
cold start, a clear drop-off in engine You should therefore avoid z On uneven running, a clear drop-off in
power or other unusual operating unnecessarily long use of the starter engine power or other unusual operating
symptoms which could indicate a fault in when starting off, running the tank dry symptoms, contact a workshop as soon
the ignition system, contact a workshop (an irregular fuel supply will lead to as possible. Continue driving if necessary
as soon as possible. Continue driving if overheating) and starting the engine by for a short time at low speed and low
necessary for a short time at low speed pushing or towing. revs.
and low revs. z If the control indicator Z flashes to Irregular engine running and a loss of
Irregular engine running and a loss of indicate emissions, back off until the engine power when the Electronic
engine power when the Electronic flashing stops and the control indicator Stability Program (ESPPlus 3) comes
Stability Program (ESPPlus 3) comes illuminates. Contact a workshop into action are the result of operating
into action are the result of operating immediately. Control indicator for conditions and are therefore of no
conditions and are therefore of no emissions Z, see page 206. significance - see page 210.
significance - see page 210.
206 Driving and operation
Controlling exhaust emission Control indicator Z for exhaust Control indicator A for engine electronics
Some of the damaging substances Illuminates when the ignition is switched on Illuminates for a few seconds after the
in the exhaust such as carbon and during the start attempt. Goes off ignition is switched on.
monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) shortly after the engine starts running. If it illuminates when the engine is running,
and nitrous oxides (NOx) are reduced Illuminated with the engine running there is a fault in engine or transmission
to a minimum by making structural indicates a fault in the exhaust gas electronics. The electronic system switches
changes mainly in the injection system cleaning system. The permitted emissions to an emergency running programme. Fuel
and the ignition system in conjunction may be exceeded. Contact a workshop consumption may be increased and the
with the catalytic converter. immediately. driveability of the vehicle may be impaired.
Flashing with the engine running indicates In some cases, faults can be eliminated by
a fault which could lead to catalytic switching off the engine and restarting. If
converter damage. You may continue the control indicator comes on again when
driving without damage if you back off the engine is running, contact a workshop
until flashing stops and the control to eliminate the cause of the fault.
indicator comes on. Contact a workshop
Driving and operation 207
If it illuminates briefly, but does not recur, it Exhaust gases Diesel particle filter 3
is of no significance. The diesel particle filter system removes
Illumination of A can indicate water in the
9 Warning polluting soot particles out of the engine
diesel fuel filter 3, at the same time a exhaust gases. The system includes a self-
Engine exhaust gases contain poisonous cleaning function that operates
message appears in the service display,
carbon monoxide, which is colourless and automatically while driving. The filter is
see page 120. Have a workshop check the
odourless and could be fatal if inhaled. cleaned by burning the trapped soot
fuel filter for possible water residue.
If exhaust gases penetrate the vehicle particles at a high temperature. There may
If it flashes after the ignition is switched on, be an increase in fuel consumption,
interior, open a window and contact a
there is a fault in the immobiliser system. exhaust smell, and engine cooling fan
The engine cannot be started, see page 31. operation 3 during the self-cleaning
Avoid driving with an open luggage operation.
compartment. Otherwise, exhaust gases
could penetrate the interior.
SPORT mode 3
SPORT mode is used to change damping 3,
steering 3, throttle application 3 and the
shift point for automatic transmission 3
and Easytronic 3 while driving.
Damping and steering become more direct
and provide better contact with the road
surface. The engine reacts more quickly to
accelerator movements.
For automatic transmission 3 and
Easytronic 3, the shift times are reduced
and gear changes occur at higher engine
speeds (not when cruise control is on).
Control indicator IDS+ for To activate
Continuous Damping Control Press the SPORT button. The LED in the
Illuminates for around 10 seconds after button illuminates.
opening the drivers door. Illumination In vehicles with automatic transmission 3
during driving indicates a fault in the or Easytronic 3 the control indicator 1
system. The system is not functioning. For illuminates in the transmission display.
safety reasons, switches to the harder
chassis setting. Have the cause of the fault SPORT mode cannot be activated if the
eliminated by a workshop. The self- Winter programme 3 is running (vehicles
diagnosis integrated into the system with automatic transmission 3 or
facilitates rapid fault identification. Easytronic 3). Winter programme - see
pages 180, 186, 193.
Driving and operation 213
9 Warning
The driver is always responsible for
ensuring that vehicle speed is
appropriate for the speed limit and
driving conditions - even if cruise control
is engaged. Failure to follow the
instructions could lead to injuries or Control indicator m To activate
endanger life. When driving, control indicator m will Briefly press button m: the current speed is
illuminates as soon as the system is stored and maintained. The accelerator
switched on. pedal can be released.
Vehicle speed can be increased by
depressing the accelerator pedal. When
the accelerator pedal is released, the
previously stored speed is resumed.
Driving and operation 215
Increase To deactivate
With cruise control active, hold down Briefly press button : Cruise control is
button m or briefly press it repeatedly: switched off, control indicator m goes out
speed is increased continuously or in steps and the vehicle slowly decelerates. To
of 1.2 mph (2 km/h) without using the continue driving, depress the accelerator
accelerator pedal. pedal in the usual manner.
When button m is released the current For reasons of safety, cruise control
speed is stored and maintained. deactivates under certain driving
Decelerate conditions.
With cruise control active, hold down For example:
button g or briefly press it repeatedly: z the vehicles speed drops below approx.
speed is reduced continuously or in steps of 20 mph (30 km/h) or
1.2 mph (2 km/h). z the brake pedal is depressed or
When button g is released the current z the clutch pedal is depressed or Parking distance sensor 3
speed is stored and maintained. The parking distance sensor makes reverse
z selector lever of automatic
parking easier by measuring the distance
transmission 3 or Easytronic 3 in N.
between the vehicle and an obstacle at the
Resuming the stored speed rear, and giving an acoustic signal in the
Briefly press button g at a speed above passenger compartment.
20 mph (30 km/h): the speed selected
The system records the distance using four
before the cruise control was switched off is
sensors in the rear bumper.
The value of the stored speed is deleted
when the ignition is turned off.
216 Driving and operation
9 Warning
Under certain circumstances, various
reflective surfaces on objects or clothing
as well as external noise sources may
cause the system to fail to detect
obstacles. For this reason, care must be
taken when reversing even if the parking
To activate distance sensor is operational. This is of Control indicator r
The parking distance sensor system particular importance when in the vicinity Illuminates:
activates automatically when the ignition is of pedestrians. Fault in system. The system is not
switched on and reverse gear is engaged. functioning.Have the cause of the fault
Its operational readiness is indicated by To deactivate eliminated by a workshop. The self-
illumination of the LED in button r. The system deactivates automatically diagnosis integrated into the system
when reverse gear is disengaged. facilitates rapid fault identification.
To deactivate the system when reverse
gear is engaged, press button r.
The LED in the button goes out.
To reactivate, press button r again.
Driving and operation 217
9 Warning BC 1
BC 2 Tyre pressure
The tyre pressure monitoring system does Timer check rear
not replace manual checks with a left
suitable gauge. (value in bar)
Check tyre pressures at least every
14 days and prior to any long journey; OK
the tyres should be checked when cold.
Dont forget to check the spare 3.
Display of current tyre pressure A graphic indicating the left rear tyre is
Tyre pressure, see pages 227, 337. Select menu item Tyres from the Board shown together with the current tyre
Computer menu. pressure: Slight pressure deviation, reduce
The current pressure of each tyre is speed. Check pressure at next opportunity
displayed. with appropriate gauge and correct if
Warning messages
A message is given on the information On the colour information display this
display to warn of inconsistent tyre report will appear in yellow.
pressures. In some versions, the message is
displayed in abbreviated form.
For example, the following messages can
be displayed:
Driving and operation 221
Navi active
Front left tyre
pressure loss
(value in bar)
A graphic indicating the front left tyre is Control indicator w System initialisation
shown together with the current tyre If control indicator w illuminates up yellow The system must be initialised after a
pressure: Significant pressure deviation or while driving, there is a fault in the tyre wheel/tyre change: With the ignition
direct pressure loss! Steer out of flow of pressure monitoring system. Fitting a wheel switched on, press button DDS approx.
traffic as quickly as possible without without pressure sensor (e.g. spare wheel 4 seconds. Control indicator w flashes
endangering other drivers. Stop and check 3) will also generate a fault in the system. 3 times. The system is operational after
the tyres. Have the cause of the fault remedied by a driving a certain distance.
Mount the spare wheel 3 if necessary - see workshop. The integral self-diagnostic Only initialise the system if all tyres have
pages 249, 252. A maximum speed of feature of the system allows faults to be the prescribed pressure (check when tyres
50 mph (80 km/h) is permitted for run-flat quickly remedied. are cold).
tyres 3. Observe the information on page
On the colour information display this
report will appear in red.
Acknowledgement of warnings, see
page 130.
222 Driving and operation
General information Sensors for the tyre pressure monitoring Brake system
The tyre pressure monitoring system does system can be fitted on request by a The brakes are an important factor for
not function when the emergency or a workshop. traffic safety.
spare wheel not fitted with a pressure When manually checking tyre pressure with
sensor is used, and the control indicator w To improve effectiveness, do not brake
a pressure gauge, screw the adapter onto unnecessarily hard for the first
illuminates yellow. The tyre pressure the valve. Tyre pressure, see page 337.
display shows .. The tyre pressure is then 125 miles (200 km) after new brake pads
monitored by the deflation detection On each tyre change, the valve inserts and have been fitted.
system, see page 218. sealing rings for the tyre pressure Brake pad wear must not exceed a
monitoring system must be replaced by a specified limit. Regular maintenance as
If a complete set of wheels without tyre workshop.
pressure control system sensors is mounted detailed in the Service Booklet is therefore
(e.g. four winter tyres), no error message The use of commercially available liquid of the utmost importance for traffic safety.
will be displayed. The tyre pressure filled run-flat systems or repair kits can Have worn brake pads replaced by a
monitoring system is not operational. The impair the function of the system. workshop.
tyre pressure of a set of wheels without Vauxhall-approved systems can be used.
sensors is monitored by the deflation Tested and approved pads give optimum
Radio transmitters (e.g. radio headphones, braking performance.
detection system, see page 218. walkie-talkies) operated in the area could
cause interference in the tyre pressure Brake pads worn to the minimum level
monitoring system. cause grinding noises. You may continue
to drive but have the pads replaced as
soon as possible. To change the pads,
contact a workshop.
Driving and operation 223
Vehicles with tyre pressure monitoring Fitting new tyres Run-flat tyres 3 must not be combined with
system 3 Fit tyres in pairs or in sets, which is even conventional tyres.
With winter tyres or after conversion to better. Ensure that tyres on one axle are When disposing of tyres, follow the legal
different wheel sizes, sensors for the tyre z the same size requirements.
pressure monitoring system can be fitted z the same design
by a workshop on request. Otherwise the z the same make
system would not show the tyre pressure z and have the same tread pattern.
Fit directional tyres such that they roll in the
Deflation detection system 3, direction of travel. The rolling direction is
see page 218, indicated by a symbol (e.g. an arrow) on
tyre pressure monitoring system 3, the sidewall.
see page 219.
Tyres fitted opposing the rolling direction
Vehicles with run-flat tyres 3 (e.g. when a tyre is changed) should be
When switching wheels, e.g. when refitted as soon as possible. This is the only
switching to winter tyres, use run-flat tyres way to obtain full benefit from the design
as there is no spare wheel or tyre repair kit properties of the tyre.
in the vehicle.
Run-flat tyres - see page 230.
Driving and operation 227
9 Warning
Incorrect tyre pressure could lead to a flat
After having checked the tyre pressure, Tyre condition, wheel condition
tighten the valve caps using the valve cap Drive over edges slowly and at a right
key. angle if possible. Driving over sharp edges
Incorrect inflation pressures will impair can lead to hidden tyre damage and wheel
safety, vehicle handling, comfort and fuel damage which is only noticed later on.
economy and will increase tyre wear. When parking, ensure that the tyres are not
If the pressure is too low, this can result in pressed against the edge of the kerb.
considerable tyre warm-up and internal
damage, leading to tread separation and
even to tyre blow-out at high speeds.
Driving and operation 229
9 Warning
Damage may lead to tyre blow-out.
TWI = Tread Wear Indicator.
230 Driving and operation
Varies from country to country on account of
national regulations.
232 Driving and operation
Towing equipment 3
9 Warning
Disregard of these notes can lead to
injuries which may be fatal. Vehicle
passengers should be informed
9 Warning
The coupling ball bar is to be removed
when not towing.
Sales designation, see page 310 and 311.
234 Driving and operation
Stowage of coupling ball bar Fitting the coupling ball bar Checking the tensioning of the coupling
In Hatchbacks, the coupling ball bar is in a Disengage and fold down the socket. ball bar:
pouch, fastened in the luggage Remove the sealing plug from the hole for z Red marking on turn knob points
compartment cargo box with a strap - see the coupling ball bar and stow it in the towards white marking on coupling ball
page 237. luggage compartment. bar.
In Estates, the coupling ball bar is fastened z Gap of approx. 6 millimetres between
with a strap in a compartment in the spare turn knob and coupling ball bar.
wheel well of the luggage compartment. z Key is in lock at position 1.
Driving and operation 235
Otherwise, the coupling ball bar must be Inserting the coupling ball bar Lock coupling ball bar (key to position 2,
tensioned before it is inserted into the Insert the tensioned coupling ball bar into see Fig. 17222 T on page 234). Remove key
coupling housing: the coupling housing and push firmly and press protective flap into position.
z Unlock coupling ball bar (key to upwards until the coupling ball bar audibly When the coupling ball bar is locked the
position 1), see Fig. 17222 T on engages in position. turn knob can no longer be pulled out.
page 234. The turn knob snaps back into its home
z Pull turn knob out and then turn it position resting against the coupling ball
clockwise as far as it will go, see bar.
Fig. 17223 T.
9 Warning
Do not touch the turn knob when
inserting the coupling ball bar - risk of
236 Driving and operation
Observe national regulations.
238 Driving and operation
The actual caravan/trailer load plus the Coupling socket load Rear axle load during towing
actual gross weight of the towing vehicle The coupling socket load is the load With a trailer coupled and the towing
must not exceed the maximum permitted exerted by the trailer/caravan on the vehicle fully loaded (including all
towing weight. For example, if the coupling ball. It can be varied by changing occupants), the permissible rear axle load
permitted gross vehicle weight is utilised, the weight distribution when loading the (see identification plate or vehicle
the trailer/caravan load must only be used trailer/caravan. documents) may be exceeded by 65 kg
until the maximum permitted towing The maximum permissible coupling socket and the permissible gross vehicle weight
weight is reached. The maximum load (75 kg) is specified on the towing by 45 kg for the Hatch. For the Estate, the
permitted towing weight is shown on the equipment identification plate and in the permissible rear axle load may be
identification plate, see page 308. vehicle documents. Always aim for the exceeded by 60 kg and the permissible
maximum load, especially in the case of gross vehicle weight by 30 kg. If the
heavy caravans/trailers. The coupling permissible rear axle load is exceeded a
socket load should never fall below 25 kg. maximum speed of 60 mph (100 km/h)
applies (50 mph / 80 km/h if approved for
When measuring the coupling socket load, use as a commercial vehicle). If national
make sure that the drawbar of the loaded regulations specify a lower maximum
trailer/caravan is at the same height as it speed for vehicles towing a trailer, this
will be when the trailer/caravan is coupled must be observed.
with the towing vehicle loaded. Particularly
important for trailers/caravans with
tandem axle.
Driving and operation 239
Caravans/trailers with LED turn signals If the trailer/caravan starts to sway, drive Starting on inclines
must have a provision that makes it more slowly, do not attempt to correct the For vehicles with manual transmission,
possible to monitor standard light bulbs. steering and brake sharply if necessary. the most favourable engine speed when
Turn signal control indicator - see If it is necessary to apply the brakes fully, starting off on an incline is between 2500
page 116. depress the brake pedal as hard as and 3000 rpm for petrol engines and
possible. between 2000 and 2200 rpm for diesel
Parking distance sensor 3 is deactivated engines. Hold engine speed constant,
when towing. Remember that the braking distance for engage clutch gradually (let slip), release
Handling is greatly influenced by the vehicles towing caravans/trailers with and handbrake and open throttle. If possible,
loading of the trailer/caravan. Loads without brake is always greater than that the engine speed should not drop during
should therefore be secured so that they for vehicles not towing a caravan/trailer. this procedure.
cannot slip and be placed in the centre of When driving downhill, the brakes are In vehicles with automatic transmission 3
the trailer/caravan if possible, i.e. above under considerably more load when towing and Easytronic 3 it is sufficient to apply full
the axle. a caravan/trailer. For this reason, drive in throttle in D or 3 in automatic mode.
In the case of trailers with low driving the same gear as if driving uphill and drive
at a similar speed. Before starting off under extreme
stability or caravans with a permitted conditions (high combination weight,
gross vehicle weight of over 1300 kg Automatic transmission 3 or Easytronic 3 mountainous terrain with steep inclines),
(Hatch)/1200 kg (Estate), do not exceed a in automatic mode will automatically switch off all unnecessary electrical loads
speed of 50 mph (80 km/h); the use of a select the driving programme with the (e.g. heated rear window, air conditioning
friction-type stabiliser is highly optimum engine braking effect. system 3, heated front seats 3).
recommended. The gears can be selected manually if
Do not drive faster than 50 mph (80 km/h) required.
if possible, even in countries where higher The cooling fan is electrically operated. Its
speeds are permitted. cooling power is therefore independent of
Make sure that you have enough room the engine speed.
when cornering and avoid sudden Since a considerable amount of heat is
manoeuvres. generated at high engine speeds and less
at slower speeds, do not shift down when
climbing hills whilst the vehicle is still coping
with the gradient in the higher gear.
Self-help, vehicle care 241
Self-help, 9 Warning
vehicle care Disregard of these notes can lead to
injuries which may be fatal. Vehicle
passengers should be informed
Diesel fuel system, bleeding ............... 241 accordingly.
Bonnet .................................................. 241
Starting................................................. 242 Diesel fuel system, bleeding
Starting the engine with jump leads Never let the tank run dry! If control
3 ......................................................... 243 indicator Y illuminates, refuel as soon as
Towing .................................................. 244 possible. Refuel immediately if it flashes.
Warning triangle 3......................... 247 Restarting after running out of fuel is
First-aid kit (cushion) + 3................... 247 possible, but starting behaviour will be
Spare wheel 3...................................... 249 delayed. Turn on the ignition three times Bonnet
Jack 3 and vehicle tools 3 ............ 251 for 15 seconds each time. Then start the To open the bonnet, pull the release lever
Changing wheels ................................. 252 engine for a maximum of 40 seconds1). If it located on the drivers side below the
Tyre repair kit 3 ................................... 256 does not start, repeat the process after instrument panel. The bonnet will then be
Electrical system .................................. 259 waiting at least 5 seconds. If the engine still unlocked and will partially open. Return
does not start, contact a workshop. release lever to its original position.
Fuses and the most important
circuits they protect .......................... 262
Bulb replacement ................................ 269
Halogen headlight system.................. 269
Xenon headlight system 3,
Adaptive Forward Lighting (AFL)
system 3 ............................................ 273
Front turn signal lights ........................ 276
Side turn signal lights .......................... 276
Fog lights 3.......................................... 276
Tail lights .............................................. 277
Number plate light .............................. 286
Courtesy lights ..................................... 287
Vehicle care.......................................... 289
On engines Z 17 DTH, for technical reasons
only 30 seconds is possible. Sales designation
see pages 310 and 311.
242 Self-help, vehicle care
Starting the engine with jump leads 3 z Use auxiliary battery with same voltage
A vehicle with a discharged battery can be (12 volts). Its capacity (Ah) must not be
started using jump leads and the battery of considerably less than that of the
another vehicle. discharged battery. Voltage and
capacity information can be found on
9 Warning the batteries.
z Use jump leads with insulated terminals
Be extremely careful when starting with
and a cross section of at least 16 mm2
jump leads. Any deviation from the
(25 mm2 for diesel engines).
following instructions can lead to injuries
or damage caused by battery explosion z Do not disconnect the discharged
or damage to the electrical systems of battery from the vehicle.
both vehicles. z Switch off all unnecessary electrical
z Never expose the battery to naked z Do not lean over the battery during jump
flames or sparks. starting.
z A discharged battery can freeze at z Do not allow the terminals of one lead to
temperatures of 0 C. Defrost the frozen touch those of the other lead.
battery in a warm room before
z The vehicles must not come into contact
connecting jump leads.
with each other during the jump starting
z Do not allow battery fluid to come into process.
contact with eyes, skin, fabrics or
z Apply handbrake. Manual transmission
painted surfaces. The fluid contains
or Easytronic 3 in neutral, automatic
sulphuric acid which can cause injuries
transmission 3 in P.
and damage in the event of direct
z Wear eye protection and protective
clothing when handling a battery.
244 Self-help, vehicle care
Drive slowly. Do not drive jerkily. Excessive Contact a workshop for assistance.
tractive force can damage the vehicle. On vehicles with Easytronic 3, if the
automatic clutch has been released
9 Warning manually on a power failure, towing is not
possible, see page 183. In this case contact
For braking and steering, significantly a workshop immediately for assistance.
Screw in the towing eye anti-clockwise as higher forces are required: brake
far as it will go until it stops in a horizontal After towing, unscrew the towing eye
assistance and steering assistance are
position. clockwise and refit the cover.
effective only with the engine running.
Attach a tow rope 3 or better still a tow Towing service
rod 3 to the eye. To prevent the entry of exhaust fumes from Entrust your vehicle only to the towing
the towing vehicle, switch on the air service of your choice and obtain an
The towing eye must only be used for recirculation 3 and close the windows. estimate on towing costs before employing
towing, not for recovering the vehicle. any towing service. In this way you avoid
Switch on ignition to release steering unnecessary costs and possible insurance
column lock and to permit operation of problems during claim processing.
brake lights, horn and windscreen wiper.
246 Self-help, vehicle care
Towing another vehicle On some versions 3: remove the cover Screw in the towing eye anti-clockwise as
To open the cover concealing the towing concealing the towing eye at the rear right far as it will go until it stops in a horizontal
eye socket at the rear right of the vehicle: of the vehicle by disengaging the tabs at position.
disengage the cover at the bottom and pull the bottom and pulling off the cover from Attach a tow rope 3 or better still a tow
it off downwards. the top. rod 3 to the eye.
For versions with tyre repair set 3, the The towing eye must only be used for
towing eye is in the stowage compartment towing, not for recovering the vehicle.
in the boot below the loading floor cover,
see page 256. Drive slowly. Do not drive jerkily. Excessive
tractive force can damage the vehicle.
For versions with spare wheel 3, the towing
eye is in the stowage compartment for the After towing, unscrew the towing eye
jack 3 and tool kit 3 below the spare clockwise and refit the cover.
wheel, see page 251. Version with cover 3: install by inserting the
bottom lugs of the cover 3 in the bumper,
folding and then press the lugs at the top
into place.
Self-help, vehicle care 247
If you use winter tyres 3, the spare wheel z Fit only one temporary spare wheel.
may still be fitted with a summer tyre. If you z Do not drive faster than 50 mph
use the spare wheel the vehicles handling (80 km/h).
may be altered. Obtain a replacement for z Take curves slowly.
the faulty tyre as soon as possible, and
have the wheel balanced and fitted to the z Do not use the temporary spare wheel
vehicle. for a lengthy period.
The spare wheel may have a smaller tyre z Replace temporary spare wheel with full
Take adapter 3 and hooks 3 from the
and a smaller rim than the wheels mounted specification wheel without delay.
rails 3 in the luggage compartment walls.
Raise the rear lashing eyes and lift the floor on the vehicle1): Using the spare wheel may z Tyre chains are not permitted on the
cover to the vertical position so that it rests alter vehicle handling. Have the defective temporary spare wheel. If tyre chains are
on the roof lining. tyre replaced as soon as possible, balance necessary after a front wheel puncture,
the wheel and have it mounted on the fit the temporary spare wheel to the rear
When closing, guide the lashing eyes vehicle. and a rear wheel to the front. Check tyre
through the slots in the floor cover.
pressure and adjust if necessary see
Vehicles with cargo box 3: Removal see page 337.
page 81.
z Follow temporary spare wheel
Astra TwinTop instructions on pages 232, 255, 337.
Accessing the spare wheel when the roof is
open: Engage luggage compartment cover
on the rear window frame and activate the
loading aid (see page 82). Raise the floor
cover in the luggage compartment.
Country-specific version: The spare wheel is
only to be used as a temporary spare wheel.
Self-help, vehicle care 251
Changing wheels z Never change more than one wheel at z No people or animals may be in the
There may be a tyre repair kit instead of a once. vehicle when it is jacked-up.
spare wheel, see page 256. z Block the wheel diagonally opposite the z Never crawl under a jacked-up vehicle.
To ensure your safety, make the following wheel to be changed by placing wedge z Do not start or run the engine while the
preparations and observe the following blocks or equivalent in front and behind vehicle is on the jack.
information when changing wheels: the wheel.
z Before inserting the wheel bolts when
z Park the vehicle on a level, firm and z Use the jack 3 only to change wheels. changing wheels, lightly grease the cone
non-skid surface.
z If the ground on which the vehicle is of each bolt. For this reason, carry some
z Switch on hazard warning lights, apply standing is soft, a solid board (max. 1 cm conventional grease.
handbrake, automatic transmission 3 thick) should be placed under the jack 3.
selector lever in P, manual transmission Using a thicker board could damage the
or Easytronic 3 engage 1st or reverse jack 3 and the vehicle.
z Correctly set up the warning triangle 3.
Warning triangle, see page 247.
z Remove spare wheel from luggage
compartment, see page 249.
z Before raising the vehicle, set the front
wheels to the straight-ahead position.
z On the Astra TwinTop, the roof must be
closed before the vehicle is raised.
Self-help, vehicle care 253
1. Prise off the wheel trim using the hook Alloy wheels 3: Disengage the wheel bolt 2. Turn wheel bolts half a turn using the
included with the vehicle tools 3. For caps with a screwdriver and remove. wheel bolt wrench 3, pushing the
vehicle tools, see page 251. Protect the wheel by inserting a soft cloth wrench 3 on as far as possible.
For wheel trims with visible wheel bolts 3: between the screwdriver and alloy
The trim can remain on the wheel. Do not wheel.
remove the retaining washers 3 on the
wheel bolts.
254 Self-help, vehicle care
3. The location of each jacking point 3 is 4. Before positioning the jack 3, set it to the Attach crank to eye of threaded rod and
indicated by a mark on the bottom edge necessary height by rotating the eye by turn crank to raise vehicle.
of the vehicle. hand. Position the jack 3 at the front or If this is not the case, carefully lower the
On Astra VXR and vehicles with rear so that the jack claw spans the vehicle immediately and reposition the
wheelarch trims 3 or after-market trims, vertical base and grips in the recess in jack.
jacks may not be used 3. The vehicle the vertical base. Make sure it is properly
positioned. 5. Unscrew wheel bolts and wipe clean with
may be damaged. a cloth. Then apply a light coating of
The jack base must be on the ground grease to the wheel bolts. Do not grease
directly below the jacking point in a the thread of the bolts. Do not put the
manner that prevents it from slipping. wheel bolts down in a location where
they may become soiled.
If the wheel bolts have retaining
washers 3, they must not be removed.
Self-help, vehicle care 255
10. Before refitting the wheel trim, clean the 13. Have the tightening torque of the wheel
wheel around the retaining clips. Valve bolts on the new wheel checked on the
symbol 3 on back of wheel trim must vehicle using a torque wrench as soon
point towards valve on wheel. as possible and, if necessary, corrected.
Align and refit wheel trim or wheel bolt Tightening torque, see page 337.
caps 3. 14. Replace the faulty tyre on the wheel
Alloy wheels 3: Align and refit wheel that was removed.
bolt caps 3. 15. Replace temporary spare wheel 3 with
11. Stow replaced wheel, tools and warning a full specification wheel without delay.
triangle 3 in luggage compartment, see 16. Initialise the deflation detection
pages 247 to 251. system 3 or tyre pressure monitoring
12. Check the tyre pressure of the newly system 3, see pages 219, 221.
fitted wheel. Adjust as necessary.
6. Change the wheel. Notes on spare
wheel, see page 249, notes on
temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
7. Screw in wheel bolts and tighten slightly,
inserting the wheel bolt wrench 3 as far
as possible.
8. Lower vehicle.
9. Tighten wheel bolts crosswise, putting on
wheel bolt wrench 3 as far as possible.
256 Self-help, vehicle care
9 Warning
Vehicles with insufficient or no tyre
The tyre repair kit is in a compartment 3. Remove the electrical connection cable
pressure can lead to invisible damage to
under the floor cover luggage and air hose from the stowage
the tyre. This damage cannot be repaired
compartment. compartments on the underside of the
with the tyre repair kit. Park the vehicle
1. Take the pouch with the tyre repair kit compressor.
and contact a workshop for assistance.
from the compartment. Carefully remove
Important information, see page 259. the components from the pouch.
In the event of a flat tyre: 2. Remove the compressor.
z Switch on hazard warning lights, apply
handbrake, automatic transmission 3
selector lever in P, manual transmission
or Easytronic 3 - engage 1st or reverse
z Correctly set up the warning triangle 3,
warning triangle, see page 247.
Self-help, vehicle care 257
4. Screw the compressor air hose to the 7. Screw the filler hose to the tyre valve. 10. Set the rocker switch on the compressor
connection on the sealant bottle. 8. The switch on the compressor must be to I. The tyre is filled with sealant.
5. Fit the sealant bottle into the retainer on set to . 11. While the sealant bottle drains (approx.
the compressor. 9. Connect the compressor plug to the 30 seconds) the pressure indicator on
Set the compressor near the tyre in such accessory socket or cigarette lighter the compressor briefly points to 6 bar.
a way that the sealant bottle is upright. socket. Accessory socket, see page 107. Pressure then sinks again.
6. Remove the valve cap from the defective To avoid discharging the battery, we 12. All of the sealant is pumped into the
tyre. recommend running the engine. tyre. Afterwards, the tyre is filled
with air.
13. The prescribed tyre pressure, see
page 337, should be reached within
10 minutes. Switch off the compressor
when the correct pressure is obtained.
258 Self-help, vehicle care
Important Information The sealant can only be stored for approx. Electrical system
4 years. After this time, the sealing
9 Warning properties can no longer be guaranteed. 9 Warning
Heed the expiration date on the sealant
Do not drive faster than 50 mph bottle. Electronic ignition systems generate very
(80 km/h). high voltages. Do not touch the ignition
The sealant bottle can only be used once.
Do not use the temporary spare wheel for system; high voltage can be fatal.
Replace a used sealant bottle.
a lengthy period. Fuses
The compressor and sealant can be used
Steerability and driving behaviour may from approx. -30 C. The vehicle has two fuseboxes: one behind
be impaired. a cover on the left side of the luggage
Dispose of a used tyre repair kit in
compartment and one in the front left of
accordance with applicable legislation.
The driving comfort of the repaired tyre is the engine compartment.
severely affected, therefore have this tyre The adapters supplied 3 can be used to
replaced. inflate other items e.g. footballs, air 6
mattresses, inflatable dinghies etc.
If the compressor makes abnormal noises
or heats up greatly, switch it off for at least They are located on the underside of the
30 minutes. compressor. To remove, screw on
compressor air hose and withdraw
The integrated safety valve opens at a
pressure of 7 bar.
When using the tyre repair set, no
Protect the compressor from moisture and
consumers may be connected to the front
accessory socket.
260 Self-help, vehicle care
There is a fuse extractor in the luggage Place the fuse extractor on the various Only fit fuses of the specified current
compartment fusebox to facilitate types of fuse from the top or side, and rating. Each fuse has its current rating
replacement of fuses see Fig. 17258 T for withdraw fuse. written on it, in addition the ratings are
an example. colour coded.
262 Self-help, vehicle care
9 Warning
Turn off engine before opening engine
compartment fusebox; risk of injury, see
page 297.
Different ratings depending on engine
and equipment level.
266 Self-help, vehicle care
Different ratings depending on engine
and equipment level.
Self-help, vehicle care 267
Different ratings depending on engine
and equipment level.
268 Self-help, vehicle care
Bulb replacement
Before replacing a bulb, switch ignition off
and turn appropriate switch off.
Only hold new bulb at base! Do not touch
the bulb glass with bare hands, otherwise
fingerprints on the glass evaporate.
Residue builds up on the reflector
eventually resulting in a dull reflector.
Inadvertently stained bulbs may be
cleaned with a clean lint-free cloth, using
alcohol or white spirits.
The replacement bulb must be in
accordance with the data on the base of
the defective bulb. Do not exceed wattage
given on bulb base.
The bulbs of the front outer lights are Halogen headlight system
replaced through openings in the front Headlights with separate systems for main
wheel arches: turn appropriate wheels to beam 1 (inner bulbs) and dipped beam 2
gain access, release catch and remove (outer bulbs).
Headlight aiming
We recommend that headlight adjustment
be carried out by a workshop, who will
have special equipment.
On headlight adjustment, the manual
headlight range adjustment 3 must be set
to 0.
270 Self-help, vehicle care
Dipped beam 3. Rotate left bulb holder and disengage. 4. Remove the bulb holder with bulb from
1. Replace bulb through the opening in the the reflector.
front wheel arch: turn appropriate wheel
to gain access, release catch and
remove cover, see page 269.
2. Remove headlight protective cover.
Self-help, vehicle care 271
5. Detach bulb from bulb holder. Main beam 5. Disengage spring clip from retainer by
6. Insert new bulb into bulb holder, 1. Open bonnet and engage support. pressing forward and then swing
without touching the glass. downward.
2. Replace bulbs from engine
7. Insert new bulb so that the two lugs on compartment out. 6. Remove bulb from reflector housing.
the bulb holder engage in the recesses To replace the bulb on the right-hand 7. When fitting a new bulb, engage the
in the reflector. side, remove the air hose from the air lugs in the recesses on the reflector
8. Rotate bulb holder to right as far as it filter. without touching the glass.
will go. To replace the bulb on the left-hand
9. Place headlight protective cover in side, remove the plug from the fusebox.
position and close. 3. Remove headlight protective cover.
10. Position cover on opening in wheel arch 4. Detach plug connector from bulb.
and engage.
272 Self-help, vehicle care
3. Rotate left bulb holder and disengage. 4. Remove the bulb holder with bulb from 5. Detach bulb from bulb holder.
the reflector. 6. Insert new bulb into bulb holder,
without touching the glass.
7. Insert new bulb so that the two lugs on
the bulb holder engage in the recesses
in the reflector.
8. Rotate bulb holder to right as far as it
will go.
9. Place headlight protective cover in
position and close.
10. Position cover on opening in wheel arch
and engage.
Self-help, vehicle care 275
Parking lights 4. Remove parking light socket from 5. Remove bulb from socket.
1. Open bonnet and engage support. reflector. 6. Insert new bulb, without touching the
2. Replace bulb through the opening in the glass.
front wheel arch: turn appropriate wheel 7. Insert holder in reflector. Place headlight
to gain access, release catch and protective cap in position and close.
remove cover, see page 269. 8. Position cover on opening in wheel arch
3. Remove main beam headlight protective and engage.
276 Self-help, vehicle care
Fog lights 3
Have the bulb changed by a workshop.
Front turn signal lights 4. Push bulb into socket slightly, rotate left
1. Open bonnet and engage support. and remove.
2. Replace bulb through the opening in the 5. Insert new bulb, without touching the
front wheel arch: turn appropriate wheel glass.
to gain access, release catch and
remove cover, see page 269.
3. Rotate bulb holder to left and
Self-help, vehicle care 277
Tail lights 2. Detach plug connector from bulb holder. 4. Detach bulb housing towards the rear.
Hatch 5-door 3. Hold outside of bulb housing, loosen
1. To replace bulbs on the right side, use a fastening nuts with wheel bolt wrench 3
coin to open the lock as indicated in the and unscrew by hand. Wheel bolt
Fig. and fold the cover down. wrench 3, see vehicle tools on page 251.
To replace bulbs on the left side, use a
coin to turn both locks (see Fig. 17261 T
on page 262) and fold the cover down.
278 Self-help, vehicle care
9. Ensure that the seals are applied to the 10. Insert the bulb housing in the body,
bulb holder and fixing screws. engaging the lug and the ball pin in the
recesses. Tighten the fastening nuts
using a wheel bolt wrench 3. Attach the
plug connector. Close and engage the
280 Self-help, vehicle care
Hatch 3-door 2. Detach plug connector from bulb holder. 4. Detach bulb housing towards the rear.
1. To replace bulbs, fold the cover down. 3. Hold outside of bulb housing, loosen
fastening nuts with wheel bolt wrench 3
and unscrew by hand. Wheel bolt
wrench 3, see vehicle tools on page 251.
Self-help, vehicle care 281
9. Ensure that the seals are applied to the 10. Insert the bulb housing in the body,
bulb holder and fixing screws. engaging the lug and the ball pin in the
recesses. Tighten the fastening nuts
using a wheel bolt wrench 3. Attach the
plug connector. Close and engage the
Self-help, vehicle care 283
Estate, Van 2. Detach plug connector from bulb holder. 4. Unscrew the three screws with a
1. Disengage cover by pressing retaining 3. Hold the outside of the bulb housing, screwdriver (vehicle tools, see page 251)
lugs and remove. unscrew the three fastening nuts and and remove the bulb holder.
remove the bulb housing rearwards.
284 Self-help, vehicle care
2. Remove bulb housing from outside. 4. Disengage sockets by turning and Bulbs in bulb carrier:
Disengage plug by pressing on flap and remove. Press locking tabs on the long 1 = Reversing light/brake light
remove from bulb holder. sides of the bulb holder outwards; lift
bulb holder at front end (arrow) and 2 = Reversing light
3. Detach seal from bulb holder. 3 = Fog tail light (country-specific
design: fog tail light on left-side
only. The bulb on the right side
can be used as a spare)
4 = Reversing light
5 = Flasher
286 Self-help, vehicle care
2. Remove bulb housing downward, taking 4. Rotate bulb socket anti-clockwise and Courtesy lights
care not to pull on the cable. disengage. Front courtesy light, reading lights 3
3. Lift flap and disconnect plug from bulb 5. Remove bulb from socket. To ensure that no power is supplied to the
socket. lights, close the doors before removing.
6. Insert new bulb, without touching the
glass. 1. Disengage lens by hand at location
illustrated in figure, press it downward
7. Insert bulb holder into bulb housing and
slightly and remove at a downward
engage by turning it clockwise.
8. Connect plug to bulb socket.
2. Remove bulb from socket.
9. Insert and engage bulb housing.
3. Insert new bulb, without touching the
4. Mount lens and engage in position.
288 Self-help, vehicle care
Plastic and rubber parts Open Velcro fasteners on clothing could Windscreen wiper blades
For additional cleaning of plastic and damage seat upholstery. Make sure Velcro Wax, such as that used in car washes, can
rubber parts use Cleaner. Do not use any fasteners are closed. cause streaks to form on the windscreen
other agent, and in particular do not use Seat belts when the wiper is used.
solvents or petrol. Always keep seat belts clean and dry. Smearing wiper blades can be cleaned with
Do not use high-pressure jet cleaners. Clean only with lukewarm water or Cleaner. a soft cloth and Vauxhall Windscreen
Wheels and tyres Wash Solvent, and replaced if necessary,
Windows see page 303.
Do not use high-pressure jet cleaners. When cleaning the heated rear window,
Interior and upholstery make sure that the heating element on the Locks
Clean the vehicle interior, including the inside of the window is not damaged. The locks are factory-lubricated with a high
instrument panel fascia, using interior quality lock cylinder grease. This prevents
Use a soft lint-free cloth or chamois leather the locks from freezing. Only use de-icer in
cleaner. in conjunction with Window Cleaner and urgent cases as this destroys the grease
The instrument panel should only be Insect Remover. and damages the function of the locks.
cleaned using a soft damp cloth. Windscreen Wash Solvent is suitable for de- After using de-icer, have a workshop
Clean fabric upholstery with a vacuum icing windows. regrease the locks.
cleaner and brush. To remove stains, use For mechanical removal of ice, use a
cleaner that is suitable for both fabrics and commercially available sharp-edged ice
vinyl. scraper. Press the scraper firmly against
Do not use cleaning agents such as the glass so that no dirt can get under it
acetone, tetrachloride, paint thinner, paint and scratch the glass.
remover, nail varnish remover, washing
powder or bleach. Petrol is also unsuitable.
292 Self-help, vehicle care
Royal Automobile Club (R.A.C.), General Motors Belgium N.V. General Motors Hellas S.A.
R.A.C. Motoring Services Ltd.. Noordelaan 401 - Haven 500 56 Kifisias Avenue & Delfon str.
89-91 Pall Mall, 2030 Antwerp Belgium Amarousion
LONDON, SW1Y 5HS Tel. 00 32-34 50 63 29 151 25 Athens Greece
The Customer Relations Department, General Motors Southeast Europe Tel. 00 30-1-6 80 65 01
Society of Motor Manufacturers and org. sloka General Motors Southeast Europe Ltd.
Traders Ltd. (S.M.M.T.), Olbrachtova 9 Szabadsag utca 117
Forbes House, Halkin Street, 140 00 Prague Czech Republic 2040 Budars Hungary
LONDON, SW1X 7DS Tel. 00 420-2 39 004 321 Tel. 00 36-23 446 100
Customer Complaints Service, General Motors Danmark General Motors India
Scottish Motor Trade Association, Jaegersborg Alle 4 Sixth Floor, Tower A
(S.M.T.A.), 2920 Charlottenlund Denmark Global Business Park
3 Palmerston Place, Tel. 00 45-39 97 85 00 Mehrauli Gurgaon Road
EDINBURGH, EH12 5AQ Vauxhall Motors Ltd. Gurgaon 122 022, Haryana India
The National Conciliation Service, Customer Care Tel. 00 91-124 280 3333
Retail Motor Industry Federation, Griffin House, Osborne Road General Motors Ireland Ltd.
9 North Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3YT England Opel House, Unit 60, Heather Road
RUBGY, CV21 2AB Tel. 00 44-845 090 2044 Sandyford, Dublin 18 Ireland
If you have a problem whilst abroad: General Motors Finland Oy Tel. 00 353 1-216 10 00
The Service Departments of ADAM OPEL Pajuniityntie 5 General Motors Italia Srl
GmbH and General Motors branches 00320 Helsinki Finland Piazzale dellIndustria 40
everywhere will provide information and Tel. 00 358-9 817 101 47 00144 Rome Italy
assistance: General Motors France Tel. 00 39-06-5 46 51
In Luxembourg please contact the 1 9, avenue du Marais General Motors Nederland B.V.
General Motors Service Department in Angle Quai de Bezons Lage Mosten 49 63
Antwerp Belgium 95101 Argenteuil Cedex France 4822 NK Breda Netherlands
Telephone: 00 32-34 50 63 29 Tel. 00 33-1-34 26 30 51 Tel. 00 31-76-5 44 83 00
General Motors Austria GmbH ADAM OPEL GmbH General Motors Norge AS
Gro-Enzersdorfer Str. 59 Bahnhofsplatz 1 Kjeller-Vest 6
1220 Vienna Austria 65423 Rsselsheim Germany 2027 Kjeller Norway
Tel. 00 43-1-2 88 77 444 or Tel. 00 49-61 42-77 50 00 or Tel. 00 47-23 50 01 04
00 43-1-2 88 77 0 00 49-61 42-7 70 General Motors Poland Sp. z o. o.
Wooska 5
06-675 Warsaw Poland
Telephone 00 48-22-606 17 00
296 Service, maintenance
Never carry out any repairs or adjustment Engine oil In vehicles with engine oil level monitoring 3
and maintenance work on the vehicle Information on engine oils is found in the the engine oil level is monitored
yourself. This especially applies to the Service Booklet. automatically1), see page 116. It is
engine, chassis and safety parts. You may advisable to check the engine oil level
unwittingly infringe the provisions of the Engine oil level and consumption before setting off on long journeys.
law and, by not performing the work Every engine consumes engine oil for
properly, endanger yourself and other technical reasons. The engine oil
road users. consumption cannot be assessed until a
fairly long distance has been driven, and
Checking and topping up fluids may be above the specified value when the
vehicle is first being driven (run-in period).
The caps that are used when topping up
Frequent driving at high revs increases
engine oil, coolant and wash fluid as well
engine oil consumption.
as the oil dipstick may be coloured yellow
to aid identification.
9 Warning
Do not allow the engine oil level to drop
below the minimum level!
Not on Z 14 XEP or Z 20 LEH engine.
Sales designation see pages 310, 311.
Service, maintenance 299
Checking the engine oil level, topping up To check the engine oil level, wipe the oil Top up with the same brand of engine oil
engine oil from dipstick and insert dipstick into that was used during the previous oil
The pictures show the inspection of a petrol handle as far as it will go. Top engine oil up change, following the instructions in the
and two diesel engines. if the level has dropped into the range of service booklet.
The oil level must be checked with the the top-up mark MIN. To close, position the cap and screw it into
vehicle on a level surface and with the The engine oil level must not exceed the place.
engine (which must be at operating upper mark MAX on the dipstick. Excess Capacities, see pages 346, 347.
temperature) switched off. Wait at least engine oil must be drained off or extracted.
5 minutes before checking the level to If the engine oil level is above the MAX
allow the normal engine oil accumulation mark there is a risk of damage to the
in the engine to drain into the oil pan. engine or the catalytic converter.
Capacity between MIN and MAX marks,
9 Warning see pages 346, 347.
It is the owners responsibility to maintain
the correct level of an appropriate quality
oil in the engine.
300 Service, maintenance
9 Warning
Empty engine oil cans do not belong in
the domestic rubbish. Please comply with
the legal, environmental and health
regulations as regards the disposal of
used oil and engine oil filters.
Service, maintenance 301
Brake fluid
Brake fluid level
9 Warning
Brake fluid is toxic and caustic. Keep
away from eyes, skin, textiles and
painted surfaces. Direct contact can
cause injuries and damage.
To ensure proper operation of the rain Service setting for front windscreen wiper Wiper blades on the windscreen
sensor 3 the sensor area must be free from (e.g. for changing or cleaning the front Activate service setting see previous
dust, dirt and ice, which is why the wiper blades). column. Raise wiper arm, tilt wiper blade
windscreen wash system must be operated Within 4 seconds from turning off the at 90 to the wiper arm and remove to the
at regular intervals and the sensor area ignition, with the key still in the lock 3 or for side.
de-iced. Vehicles with rain sensor 3 can be the Open&Start System 3 after switching
identified by the sensor area near the top off the ignition and before opening the
of the windscreen. drivers door, move the wiper stalk down.
Release wiper stalk as soon as the wiper is
Service, maintenance 305
Parking the vehicle for more than 4 weeks Protecting electronic components
can lead to battery discharging. This may In order to prevent faults in electronic
reduce the service life of the battery. components in the electrical system, never
Disconnect battery from on-board power connect or disconnect battery with engine
supply by disconnecting the negative running or ignition switched on. Never start
terminal. engine with battery disconnected, e.g.
The Vauxhall alarm system 3 siren must be when starting using jump leads.
deactivated as follows: switch the ignition To avoid damaging the vehicle, do not
on then off, disconnect the vehicles make any modifications to the electrical
battery within 15 seconds. system, e.g. connecting additional
Ensure that ignition is switched off before consumers or tampering with electronic
connecting battery. Then perform the control units (chip tuning).
following actions:
z Setting date and time in the information
9 Warning
Battery display, see pages 124, 127, 132.
The battery is maintenance-free. Electronic ignition systems generate very
z If necessary activate the window and high voltages. Do not touch the ignition
9 Warning sunroof electronics 3, see pages 51, 54. system; high voltage can be fatal.
In order to prevent the battery from
Have the battery change performed by a discharging, some consumers such as the
workshop. Please comply with the legal, courtesy light automatically switch off
environmental and health regulations as after approx. 20 minutes.
regards the disposal of old batteries.
Disconnecting/connecting the battery
Fitting of electrical or electronic accessories from/to the electrical system
at a later date can discharge or add extra Before charging, isolate the battery from
load to the battery. Take advice on the the on-board network. First remove the
technical possibilities, e.g. use of a more negative and then the positive terminal.
powerful battery. Do not reverse the polarity of the battery,
i.e. the terminals for the positive and
negative leads. When connecting, start
with the positive lead and then connect the
negative lead.
Service, maintenance 307
Technical data
Vehicle documents,
identification plate............................ 308 Vehicle documents, Information on identification plate:
Vehicle identification data.................. 309 identification plate 1 Manufacturer
Coolant, brake fluid, oils ..................... 309 The technical data is determined in 2 Type approval number
Engine data.......................................... 310 accordance with European Community 3 Vehicle identification number
Performance......................................... 312 standards. We reserve the right to make 4 Gross vehicle weight rating
Fuel consumption, CO2 emissions ...... modifications. Specifications in the vehicle
316 5 Permissible gross train weight
documents always have priority over those
Weights, payload and roof load ........ 325 given in this manual. 6 Maximum permissible front axle load
Tyres ..................................................... 337 7 Maximum permissible rear axle load
Electrical system .................................. 345 The identification plate is affixed to the 8 Vehicle-specific or country-specific
front right door frame. data
Capacities ............................................ 346
Dimensions ........................................... 347
Installation dimensions of
trailer towing equipment.................. 348
Technical data 309
Engine data
Sales designation 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.8 VXR
Engine identifier code Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER Z 20 LEH
Number of cylinders 4 4 4 4 4
Piston displacement (cm ) 1364 1598 1598 1796 1998
Brake horse power (kW) 66 85 132 103 177
at rpm 5600 6000 5500 6300 5600
Torque (Nm) 125 155 230 1751) 320
at rpm 4000 4000 1980 to 5500 3800 4000 to 5000
Type of fuel Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol Petrol
Octane requirement (RON)
unleaded 95 (S)3) 4) 95 (S)3) 95 (S)3) 95 (S)3) 95 (S)3)7)
or unleaded 98 (SP)3) 98 (SP)3) 98 (SP)3) 98 (SP)3) 98 (SP)3)
or unleaded 91 (N)3) 91 (N)3)4) 5) 91 (N)3)6) 91 (N)3)6)
Max. permissible engine speed,
continuous operation (rpm)
approx. 6200 6500 6500 6800 6400
Oil consumption (l/1000 km) 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
For versions with automatic transmission 170 Nm.
Standard high-quality fuels, e.g. unleaded DIN EN 228; value printed in bold: recommended fuel.
Knock control system automatically adjusts ignition timing according to type of fuel used (octane number).
Use of 91 RON fuel reduces power and torque.
The use of fuel with an octane number of 91 RON is not permitted.
If no unleaded Premiun fuel is available, 91 RON can be used to avoid high engine load or full load as well as for driving in mountainous terrain with
a caravan/ trailer load or high payload.
Use of 95 RON fuel reduces power and torque. Slight increase in fuel consumption.
Technical data 311
Engine data
Sales designation 1.7 CDTI 1.9 CDTI 1.9 CDTI
Engine identifier code Z 17 DTH Z 19 DT Z 19 DTH
Number of cylinders 4 4 4
Piston displacement (cm ) 1686 1910 1910
Brake horse power (kW) 74 88 110
at rpm 4400 3500 4000
Torque (Nm) 240 280 320
at rpm 2300 2000 to 2750 2000 to 2750
Type of fuel Diesel Diesel Diesel
1) 2) 2)
Cetane requirement (CN) 49 (D) 49 (D) 49 (D)2)
Max. permissible engine speed,
continuous operation (rpm)
approx. 5100 to 5200 5020 to 5180 5020 to 5180
Oil consumption (l/1000 km) 0.6 0.6 0.6
Standard high-quality fuels, e.g. Diesel DIN EN 590; value printed in bold: recommended fuel.
A lower value is possible with winter fuels.
312 Technical data
(approx. mph / km/h), 5-door Hatchback
1) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER
Maximum speed
Manual transmission 111/178 191 137/221 129/208
Easytronic 110/176 192
Automatic transmission 117/188
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
The maximum speed indicated is achievable at kerbweight (without driver) plus 200 kg payload. Optional equipment could reduce the specified
maximum speed of the vehicle.
The maximum speed is limited electronically.
Technical data 313
(approx. mph / km/h), 3-door Hatchback
1) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER
Maximum speed
Manual transmission 112/180 120/193 139/223 130/210
Easytronic 111/178 121/194
Automatic transmission 118/190
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
The maximum speed indicated is achievable at kerbweight (without driver) plus 200 kg payload. Optional equipment could reduce the specified
maximum speed of the vehicle.
The maximum speed is limited electronically.
314 Technical data
(approx. mph / km/h), Estate
1) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER
Maximum speed
Manual transmission 111/178 119/191 137/221 129/207
Easytronic 119/192
Automatic transmission 117/188
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
The maximum speed indicated is achievable at kerbweight (without driver) plus 200 kg payload. Optional equipment could reduce the specified
maximum speed of the vehicle.
The maximum speed is limited electronically.
Technical data 315
(approx. mph / km/h), Van
Engine Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 17 DTH Z 19 DT Z 19 DTH
Maximum speed
Manual transmission 111/178 119/191 112/180 120/193 129/207
Easytronic 119/192
Automatic transmission 116/187
(approx. mph / km/h), TwinTop
Engine1) Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER Z 19 DTH
Maximum speed
Manual transmission 119/192 142/228 129/209 132/213
Easytronic 120/193
Automatic transmission 117/189
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
The maximum speed indicated is achievable at kerbweight (without driver) plus 200 kg payload. Optional equipment could reduce the specified
maximum speed of the vehicle.
316 Technical data
Fuel consumption, CO2 emissions The directive is oriented to actual driving The figures given must not be taken as a
Directive 80/1268/EEC (last modified practices: Urban driving is rated at guarantee for the actual fuel consumption
by 2004/3/EC) has applied for the approx. 1/3 and off-road driving with of a particular vehicle.
measurement of fuel consumption approx. 2/3 (urban and extra-urban All values are based on the EU base model
since 1996. consumption). Cold starts and acceleration with standard equipment.
phases are also taken into consideration.
The calculation of fuel consumption as
The specification of CO2 emission is also a specified by directive 2004/3/EC takes
constituent of the directive. account of the vehicles kerbweight,
ascertained in accordance with these
regulations. Optional extras may result in
slightly higher fuel consumption and CO2
emission levels than those quoted.
To convert l/100 km into mpg, divide 282
by number of litres/100 km.
Saving fuel, protecting the environment,
see page 200.
Technical data 317
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Hatch 5-door (up to tyre width of 205 mm1))
Engine2) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 18 XER Z 17 DTH
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 8.0/ 7.7/ 8.7/ 8.5/ 9.9//10.5 6.4//
extra-urban 5.0/ 4.9/ 5.2/ 5.0/ 5.8// 6.2 4.2//
total 6.1/ 5.9/ 6.5/ 6.3/ 7.3// 7.8 5.0//
CO2 146/ 142/ 156/ 151/ 175// 187 135//
On engine Z 17 DTH with Easytronic up to tyre width 195 mm.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
318 Technical data
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Hatch 5-door (up to tyre width of 225 mm1))
Engine2) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 8.2/ 7.9/ 8.9/ 8.7/ 10.3// 10.1//10.7
extra-urban 5.2/ 5.1/ 5.4/ 5.2/ 6.2// 6.0// 6.4
total 6.3/ 6.1/ 6.7/ 6.5/ 7.7// 7.5// 8.0
CO2 151/ 146/ 161/ 156/ 185// 180// 192
For Z 17 DTH engine - tyre width up to 195 mm.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 319
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Hatch 3-door (up to tyre width of 205 mm1))
Engine2) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 18 XER Z 17 DTH
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 8.0/ 7.7/ 8.7/ 8.5/ 9.9//10.4 6.4//
extra-urban 5.0/ 4.9/ 5.2/ 5.0/ 5.8// 6.1 4.2//
total 6.1/ 5.9/ 6.5/ 6.3/ 7.3// 7.7 5.0//
CO2 146/ 142/ 156/ 151/ 175// 185 135//
For Z 17 DTH engine - tyre width up to 195 mm.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
320 Technical data
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Hatch 3-door (up to tyre width of 225 mm1))
Engine2) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 8.2/ 7.9/ 8.9/ 8.7/ 10.3// 10.1//10.6
extra-urban 5.2/ 5.1/ 5.4/ 5.2/ 6.2// 6.0// 6.3
total 6.3/ 6.1/ 6.7/ 6.5/ 7.7// 7.5// 7.9
CO2 151/ 146/ 161/ 156/ 185// 180// 190
For Z 20 LEH engine - tyre width up to 235 mm.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 321
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Estate (up to tyre width of 205 mm1))
Engine2) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 18 XER Z 17 DTH
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 8.0// 8.8/ 8.6/ 10.0//10.5 6.4//
extra-urban 5.0// 5.3/ 5.1/ 5.9// 6.2 4.2//
total 6.1// 6.6/ 6.4/ 7.4// 7.8 5.0//
CO2 146// 158/ 154/ 178// 187 135//
For Z 17 DTH engine - tyre width up to 195 mm.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
322 Technical data
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Estate (up to tyre width of 225 mm)
Engine1) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 8.2// 9.0/ 8.8/ 10.3// 10.2//10.7
extra-urban 5.2// 5.5/ 5.3/ 6.2// 6.1// 6.4
total 6.3// 6.8/ 6.6/ 7.7// 7.6// 8.0
CO2 151// 163/ 158/ 185// 182// 192
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 323
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Van (up to tyre width of 205 mm1))
Engine2) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 17 DTH
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
transmission 8.0// 8.8/ 8.6/ 6.4//
urban 5.0// 5.3/ 5.1/ 4.2//
extra-urban 6.1// 6.6/ 6.4/ 5.0//
total 146// 158/ 154/ 135//
For Z 17 DTH engine - tyre width up to 195 mm.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
324 Technical data
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), Van (up to tyre width of 225 mm)
Engine1) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 17 DTH Z 19 DT Z 19 DTH
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 8.2// 9.0/ 8.8/ 6.5// 7.4// 9.7 7.4//
extra-urban 5.2// 5.5/ 5.3/ 4.3// 4.9// 5.4 4.9//
total 6.3// 6.8/ 6.6/ 5.1// 5.8// 7.0 5.8//
CO2 151// 163/ 158/ 138// 157// 189 157//
Fuel consumption (approx. l/100 km), CO2 emissions (approx. g/km), TwinTop (up to tyre width of 225 mm)
Engine1) Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER Z 19 DTH
Manual transmission/Easytronic/Automatic
urban 9.1// 10.5// 10.3//10.8 7.6//
extra-urban 5.6// 6.4// 6.2// 6.5 5.1//
total 6.9// 7.9// 7.7// 8.1 6.0//
CO2 166// 190// 185// 194 160//
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 325
Weights, payload and roof load The combined total of front and rear axle Roof load
The payload is the difference between loads must not exceed the permissible The permissible roof load is 75 kg and
the permitted gross vehicle weight gross vehicle weight. For example, if the 100 kg for caravan with roof railing. The
(see identification plate, page 308) and the front axle is bearing its maximum roof load is the combined weight of the
EC kerbweight. permissible load, the rear axle can only roof rack and the load.
bear a load that is equal to the gross No roof load is permitted with the Astra
To calculate the kerbweight, enter the data vehicle weight minus the front axle load.
for your vehicle below: TwinTop or vehicles with a panoramic
z kerbweight from table 1, With a connected trailer and full load on window.
page 327 + .............. kg the towing vehicle including all passengers, Driving hints, see page 198. Roof racks,
in the Hatch the maximum permitted rear caravan and trailer towing, see page 232.
z Additional weight for axle load (see rating plate or vehicle
equipment versions documents) may be exceeded by 65 kg
from table 2, page 334 + .............. kg (5-door) or 70 kg (3-door), and the
z Weight of heavy maximum gross vehicle weight by 45 kg.
accessories from In the Estate, the maximum permitted rear
table 3, page 337 + .............. kg axle load may be exceeded by 60 kg and
Total = .............. kg the maximum gross vehicle weight by
is the EC kerbweight. 30 kg. If the maximum permitted rear axle
load is exceeded, a top speed of 60 mph
Optional equipment and accessories (100 km/h) applies. If lower top speeds are
increase the kerbweight, which means that stipulated nationally when towing a trailer
the payload will also change slightly. these must be observed.
Note the weights given in the vehicle See the identification plate or vehicle
documents. documents for permissible axle loads.
326 Technical data
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 327
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
328 Technical data
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 329
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
330 Technical data
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 331
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
332 Technical data
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 333
According to EC Directive, including assumed weights for driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (tank 90% full).
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
334 Technical data
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Values not available at time of printing.
Technical data 335
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Values not available at time of printing.
336 Technical data
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Values not available at time of printing.
Technical data 337
Tyres Winter tyres are permitted on the Astra On vehicles with alloy wheels 3 the spare
Not all tyres available on the market VXR only on special Vauxhall-approved wheel may have a steel rim.
currently meet the structural requirements. alloy wheels. The spare wheel may be fitted with a
We recommend that you consult a Further information, see page 231. smaller tyre1) and smaller wheel than the
Vauxhall Authorised repairer concerning wheels fitted to the vehicle.
suitable tyre makes. Tyre chains 3
Tyre chains may be used on the front Tyre pressure in bar / psi2)
These tyres have undergone special tests wheels only. The specified tyre pressures are valid for
to establish their reliability, safety and cold tyres. The increased tyre pressure
specific suitability for Vauxhall vehicles. We recommend the use of fine-link snow
chains which amount to max 10 mm on the resulting from extensive driving must not
Despite continuous market monitoring, we be reduced. The tyre pressures specified on
are unable to assess these attributes for tread and tyre inner wall with chain lock.
the following pages apply to both summer
other tyres, even if they have been granted Tyre chains are not permitted on the and winter tyres.
approval by the relevant authorities or in emergency wheel 115/70 R 16 and on
some other form. tyres of size 225/45 R 17, 225/40 R 18, Always inflate the spare wheel 3 to the tyre
225/40 ZR 18 and 235/35 ZR 19. pressure for full load see tables on
Further information, see page 225. following pages.
Winter tyres 3 Tyre chains are permitted on tyres
size 215/45 R 17 only if the vehicle is Temporary spare wheel 3 tyre pressure
Tyres of size 215/45 R 17, 225/45 R 17, see tables on following pages.
factory-fitted with 18" wheels.
225/40 R 18, 225/40 ZR 18 and
Further information, see page 232. In vehicles with tyre pressure monitoring
235/35 ZR 19 are not to be used as
system 3 there is an adapter in the valve
winter tyres.
Wheels cap key. Screw adapter to valve before
Tyre sizes 215/45 R 17 are permitted as Wheel bolt tightening torque: 110 Nm. attaching tyre pressure gauge, see
winter tyres only if the vehicle is factory- page 227.
fitted with 18" wheels. Spare wheel 3
Further information, see pages 225 to 232.
If you use winter tyres 3, the spare wheel Depending on the version, the spare wheel
may still be fitted with a summer tyre. If you may take the form of a temporary spare
use the spare wheel the vehicles handling wheel 3: vehicle driveability may be
may be altered. Obtain a replacement for altered by use of the spare wheel. Obtain a
the faulty tyre as soon as possible, and replacement for the faulty tyre as soon as
have the wheel balanced and fitted to the possible, and have the wheel balanced
vehicle. and fitted to the vehicle.
Country-specific version: The spare wheel is
only to be used as a temporary spare wheel.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi.
338 Technical data
(ctd.) Hatch Tyre pressure Tyre pressure ECO1) Tyre pressure for
Tyre pressure in bar / psi1) for load of up to loaded with up to full load
3 persons 3 people
Engine2) Tyres Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear
Z 14 XEP 185/65 R 15, 2.3/33 2.1/30 2.5/36 2.9/42
195/60 R 15
195/65 R 15, 2.0/29 2.0/29 2.5/36 2.5/36 2.1/30 2.5/36
205/55 R 16
Z 16 XER 185/65 R 15, 2.3/33 2.1/30 2.5/36 2.9/42
195/60 R 15,
215/45 R 17,
225/40 R 18
195/65 R 15, 2.0/29 2.0/29 2.5/36 2.5/36 2.1/30 2.5/36
205/55 R 16,
225/45 R 17
Z 16 LET 205/55 R 16, 2.3/33 2.1/30 2.7/39 2.5/36 2.5/36 2.9/42
225/45 R 17
215/45 R 17, 2.7/39 2.5/36 2.8/41 3.1/45
225/40 R 18
all T 115/70 R 16 4.2/61 4.2/61 4.2/61 4.2/61
(temporary spare)3)
To achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible. Not for use with run-flat tyres.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
1) For notes on the temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi.
Technical data 339
To achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible. Not for use with run-flat tyres.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Only permitted as winter tyres.
To guarantee a correct speed display, the electronic speedometer must be reprogrammed.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi. For notes on the temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
340 Technical data
To achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible. Not for use with run-flat tyres.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi. For notes on the temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
Technical data 341
To achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible. Not for use with run-flat tyres.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
1) For notes on the temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi.
342 Technical data
To achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible. Not for use with run-flat tyres.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
1) For notes on the temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi.
Technical data 343
To achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible. Not for use with run-flat tyres.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi. For notes on the temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
344 Technical data
To achieve the smallest amount of fuel consumption possible. Not for use with run-flat tyres.
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
1 bar corresponds to 100 kPa / 14.5 psi. For notes on the temporary spare wheel, see page 250.
Technical data 345
Electrical system
Battery Voltage 12 Volt
Amp hours 36 Ah / 44 Ah 3 / 55 Ah 3 / 60 Ah 3 /
66 Ah 3 / 70 Ah 3 / 72 Ah 3
Battery for remote control of central locking
system and electronic key of Open&Start system CR 20 32
346 Technical data
(approx. litres)
Engine1) Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 18 XER
Fuel tank (nominal content) 52 52 52 52
Engine oil with filter change 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
between MIN and MAX on oil dipstick 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Container for windscreen wash system 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
with headlight wash system 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Sales designation, see pages 310 and 311.
Technical data 347
(approx. mm)
Hatch 5-door Hatch 3-door Estate Van TwinTop
Overall length 4249 4290 4515 4515 4476
Width 1753 1753 1753 1753 1759
Width with two exterior mirrors 2032 2032 2032 2032 2021
Overall height 1460 1435 1500 1500 1411
Length of luggage compartment floor 819 819 1085 1825 805
Luggage compartment width 944 944 1088 1103 734
Height of luggage compartment opening 614 555 766 775
Wheelbase 2614 2614 2703 2703 2614
Turning circle diameter 11.20 11.20 11.50 11.50 11.20
kerbweight with driver.
In metres.
348 Technical data
Installation dimensions of
trailer towing equipment
with detachable coupling ball
bar, Hatch1)
All dimensions refer to factory-fitted
towing equipment.
Dimension mm
A 342.9
B 83
C 513.4
D 488.6
E 211.4
F 94.3
G 160
9 Warning
Only use towing equipment approved for
your vehicle. We recommend entrusting
fitting of towing equipment at a later
date to a workshop.
Do not mount towing equipment to vehicles
with Z 20 LEH engine. Sales designation,
see page 310.
Technical data 349
Installation dimensions of
trailer towing equipment
with detachable coupling ball
bar, Estate, Van
All dimensions refer to factory-fitted
towing equipment.
Dimension mm
A 84.0
B 570.0
C 515.0
D 93.5
E 173.0
F 307.6
G 158.0
H 292.6
9 Warning
Only use towing equipment approved for
your vehicle. We recommend entrusting
fitting of towing equipment at a later
date to a workshop.
350 Technical data
Installation dimensions of
towing equipment
with detachable coupling ball
bar, Astra TwinTop
All measurements refer to Vauxhall-
approved towing equipment.
Dimension mm
A 68.8
B 570.0
C 515.0
D 485.0
E 93.5
F 288.0
G 245.0
9 Warning
Only use towing equipment approved for
your vehicle. We recommend entrusting
fitting of towing equipment at a later
date to a workshop.
Technical data 351
352 Index
Exhaust control indicator ...................... 206 Fuel system, diesel................................. 241 Headlights .................................................. 7
Exhaust gases ........................................ 207 Fuse extractor........................................ 261 Daytime running lights...................... 143
Exhaust system ...................................... 207 Fuses....................................................... 259 Driving abroad .................................. 150
Exterior lights ................................. 116, 143 Fog lights ........................................... 145
Exterior mirrors............................. 6, 49, 157
G Reverse lights..................................... 145
Gears ........................................................ 14 Warning device.................................. 140
F Generator, see Alternator..................... 115 Heated exterior mirrors .................. 13, 157
Fan.................................................. 158, 297 Genuine Vauxhall Parts Heated front seats ................................ 157
Filling station and Accessories ................................... 297 Heated rear window ....................... 13, 157
Capacities........................................... 346 Glasses compartment ........................... 111 Heating .......................................... 154, 159
Engine oil level ................................... 298 Glove compartment .............................. 110 Seats ................................................... 157
Fuel .................................... 202, 310, 311 Cooled ................................................ 156 With climate control system ............. 170
Opening the bonnet .......................... 241 Glove compartment lighting ................ 149 with the air conditioning
Tyre pressure.............................. 201, 337 Bulb replacement .............................. 288 system ........................................ 163, 167
Vehicle data ....................................... 309 Graphical information Height adjustment
Windscreen wash system .................. 305 display .................................. 122, 130, 134 Seat belts ............................................. 88
First-aid kit (cushion)............................. 247 Gross vehicle weight.............................. 325 Steering wheel ........................................ 7
Flat tyre .................................................. 256 Gross vehicle weight rating .................. 325 High-pressure cleaners ......... 236, 291, 293
FlexOrganizer .......................................... 80 Hill Start Assist....................................... 223
Fog lights................................................ 145
H Horn.......................................................... 12
Bulb replacement............................... 276 Halogen headlight system ................... 269
Fog tail light ........................................... 145 Bulb replacement .............................. 269 I
Bulb replacement....................... 277, 283 Driving abroad................................... 150 Identification plate................................ 308
Folding roof, see TwinTop ...................... 56 Handbrake....................................... 18, 224 IDS+ (Interactive Driving System). 209, 211
Folding the backrest ............................... 66 Hazard warning lights .................... 11, 146 Ignition logic .................................. 127, 134
Footbrake............................................... 223 Head restraints .................................. 21, 69 Ignition system .............................. 297, 306
Front airbags ........................................... 93 Head rests................................................ 21 Ignition, see Starter switch ................... 6, 7
Front passenger airbag .......................... 93 Headlight flash ...................................... 144 Immobiliser .............................................. 31
Fuel ........................................ 202, 310, 311 Headlight range adjustment........ 146, 269 Information display............................... 122
Fuel consumption . 200, 202, 316, 321, 324 Headlight switch........................ 7, 143, 144 Infotainment system ............................. 151
Fuel filler cap.......................................... 203 Headlight wash system........... 13, 142, 305 Inspection system.................................. 296
Fuel filter................................................. 300 Instrument display ................................ 119
Fuel gauge ............................................. 119
Fuel level................................................. 119
Index 355
Instrument illumination ......................... 148 Locking doors .......................................... 40 Misted windows ............................. 160, 171
Bulb replacement............................... 288 Locking from the inside .......................... 42 Mobile telephone .................................. 152
Instrument panel ....................................... 7 Locks....................................................... 291 Motorway lighting ........................... 26, 147
Instruments ............................................ 112 Lubricants ...................................... 298, 309
Interactive Driving System (IDS+) . 209, 211 Luggage compartment
Interior mirror ....................................... 5, 51 Blind...................................................... 82 Neutral, transmission .............................. 14
Interruption of power supply ........ 136, 139 Bulb replacement .............................. 288 Number plate lighting .......................... 286
Easytronic ........................................... 183 FlexOrganizer ...................................... 80 Number plate lights
Selector lever lock ...................... 189, 197 Grille...................................................... 79 Bulb replacement .............................. 286
ISOFIX ....................................................... 91 Lighting .............................................. 149 Number plates....................................... 307
Loading ................................ 84, 237, 325
J Locking ................................................. 44
Jack......................................................... 251 Safety net ....................................... 78, 79 Octane numbers............................ 202, 310
Jump leads ............................................. 243 Luggage compartment cover ................ 76 Odometer, see Trip odometer.............. 120
Lumbar support....................................... 66 Oil change ............................................. 300
K Oil consumption .................................... 298
Kerbweight................................... 327 - 333 M Oil filter change..................................... 300
Keys .......................................................... 30 Main beam....................................... 11, 144 Oil level................................................... 298
Extending ............................................. 30 Bulb replacement ...................... 271, 273 Oil pressure ............................................ 113
Ignition lock ........................................ 6, 7 Control indicator................................ 117 Oils.................................................. 298, 309
Locking doors....................................... 40 Maintenance Open&Start system ............. 17, 24, 34, 112
Remove................................................. 18 Air conditioning system..................... 175 Operating temperature ........................ 199
Replacement ........................................ 30 Antifreeze protection ........................ 301 Outside temperature gauge ................ 123
Starting the engine ...................... 6, 7, 17 Brake fluid .......................................... 302 Overrun .......................................... 199, 201
Brakes ................................................. 222
L Catalytic converter ............................ 209
Language selection ....................... 127, 132 Engine oil.................................... 298, 300 Paintwork damage................................ 290
Lashing eyes ............................................ 80 Fuel consumption .............................. 201 Panoramic windscreen...................... 26, 53
Leather trim ........................................... 291 Tyre pressure...................................... 227 Parking ............................................. 18, 215
Level control system.............................. 217 Tyres ........................................... 228, 229 Parking distance sensor........................ 215
Light switch ................................................ 7 Windscreen wiper .............................. 303 Parking lights..................................... 7, 143
Lighting ...................................... 7, 116, 143 Manual transmission, see Transmission 14 Bulb replacement ...................... 272, 275
Driving abroad................................... 150 Mechanical anti-theft locking ................ 41 Parking the vehicle.................................. 18
Loading ......................... 237, 321, 322, 324 Mirrors ............................................ 5, 49, 51 Pedals..................................................... 199
356 Index
Winter mode
Starting-off aid .................................. 180
Winter operation
Battery ................................................ 199
Coolant, antifreeze ............................ 301
Fuel consumption .............................. 201
Fuel for diesel engines....................... 202
Heating.............................. 154, 163, 167
Locks ................................................... 291
Tyre chains ................................. 232, 337
Window demisting and
defrosting ........................................... 160
Windscreen wash system,
antifreeze protection ......................... 305
Winter programme ............... 180, 186, 193
Winter tyres .................................... 231, 337
Xenon headlight system ......... 26, 146, 273
Bulb replacement............................... 273
Driving abroad................................... 150
Owners Manual
Operation, Safety and Maintenance
Reproduction or translation, in whole or in parts, is not
permitted without prior written consent from Vauxhall Motors
All rights as understood under the copyright laws are explicitly
reserved by Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this
manual are based on the latest production information
available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes at any time without
Edition: July 2007.
TS 1612-A-08