Pamphlet: 50 Proofs For The Bible: Old Testament

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Qumran area near the Dead Sea about

seven miles south of Jericho. manuscripts scholars previously had we can be confident that our current translations
available for study and translation. are faithful to the original.
Archaeological Find Description of the Find Importance of the Find
1. The Sumerian King List, One of Surviving copies of the Sumerian king list date to The king list says, “After the flood had swept over
History’s First Mentions of a Great Flood c. 2100 BC. What is striking about the list of the earth and when kingship was lowered again from
Genesis The Sumerians established the first Sumerian kings is that the kings are divided into heaven . . .” Mention of a flood, hardly necessary in
civilization in the biblical world. Several two groups—those who ruled before a great flood a list of kings, is an argument for the biblical flood
clay tablets and prisms containing the and those who ruled after it. Equally striking is that described in Genesis 7-8.
list of their kings have been found in the the lengths of reigns (and life spans) of these kings
ruins of Mesopotamia. drastically decreased after the flood, as did life
spans of people recorded in the Bible.

2. An Ancient Flood Story Copies of the Epic and other

Arvel Witte, Zev Radovan

Genesis Tablet 11 (right) of the
Accounts of a massive flood are found Gilgamesh Epic tells of flood stories have been found
in many cultures around the world. The a great flood brought in the Near East. The popularity
Gilgamesh Epic (the saga of an ancient on earth by the wrath of the flood theme argues for
Babylonian king, Gilgamesh) includes of gods and includes a its historicity and supports the
an expanded flood story on Tablet 11, hero who is told to build flood of Noah’s time.
similar to the flood story in Genesis 6-9. a ship, to take every kind
The best known copy of the Epic was of animal along, and to Left: Fragment (6 inches high) of
Above: Copied piece from
use birds to check if the a copy of the Babylonian epic of
found at Nineveh on a series of baked Gilgamesh dating from the 7th
the 15th century BC, found in
clay tablets. water had receded. century BC, found at Nineveh.
Megiddo, shows the writing.

3. Ur, Hometown of Abraham

Carol Witte
Genesis The famous Royal Tombs Finds show that Abraham’s ancestral home
Nehem. at Ur (c. 2500 BC) reveal
Ur is mentioned four times in the Bible gold and silver objects of
had been a powerful city-state before it fell. If
as the hometown of Abraham. It was great beauty. Ur’s decline and fall came during Abraham’s
occupied from the 4th millennium BC. Left and right: Part of time, perhaps archaeology has provided
Excavations of Ur (in Iraq today) have the “Standard of Ur,” another clue as to why Abraham’s father
from those tombs, made
continued off and on since the 1800s. before Abraham, show relocated his family to Haran. Genesis 11:31;
Sumerian people. 15:7; Nehemiah 9:7; Acts 7:2-4.
4. Beni Hasan Tomb Painting Dating to around 1900 BC, this tomb painting, with

Zev Radovan
This ancient Egyptian tomb painting, words and pictures on it, shows how Old Testament
dating close to the time of Abraham, people from the time of Abraham and Sarah looked,
shows a caravan of people from Palestine how they dressed, their hair styles, and even a musical
carrying merchandise for trade in Egypt. instrument of the day (lyre). The weapons they used
They carried eye paint to sell and armed (spear, bow and arrow, ax, sword) depict some of the
themselves with bows and spears. armaments available to Abraham (Genesis 14).
Left: Part of the Beni Hasan tomb painting
showing Semitic people from Canaan.

Zev Radovan
Exodus 5. The Law Code of Hammurapi On top of the Code of Some of the laws, and the way they are written, are
Leviticus Hammurapi (right), the king remarkably similar to those found in Exodus, Leviticus,
Deut. This black diorite stele (a carved upright
stone slab) was commissioned around is shown in front of a seated and Deuteronomy, indicating that a “common law”
1750 BC by Hammurapi (Hammurabi), deity, Marduk. The king’s existed in the ancient Near East.
king of Babylon. It contains about 300 laws are written on the
For example, lex talionis (“an eye for an eye”) is
laws. The stele was found, partially remainder of the stele for
found in both the law code of Hammurapi and in
defaced, at Susa (in Iran today) where it public display. The stele is
Exodus 21:24. Unlike Hammurapi’s law, the biblical
was taken as loot in the 12th century BC. over seven feet tall.
law is between God and His people.

6. Boghazkoy, Hittite artifacts Although Hittites are mentioned often in the Old
Arvel Witte

shown at
Hittite Capitol the Museum
Testament, almost nothing was known about them until
The ancient Hittites’ large of Anatolian modern times. One hundred years ago, critics thought
capitol city has been
Civilizations at the Hittites were an imaginary people made up by the
Ankara, Turkey.
discovered about 90 miles Excavations biblical authors. Finding the Hittite’s empire forced
east of Ankara, Turkey. The uncovered that claim to be withdrawn and supported the biblical
fortified gateways, record. The find also helps explain the language,
Hittite’s rule extended to temples, and a
Syria and Lebanon. large archive. The history and literature of people who appear in the Old
city fell around Testament and ruled in the 2nd millennium BC.
Right: Warrior god from King’s Gate. 1200 BC.

Genesis 7. Nuzi Tablets Dating between 1500-1401 BC, many of these Because culture changed very slowly in the ancient
Excavations at the ancient city of Nuzi tablets, with cuneiform writing on them, reveal Near East, the tablets help explain some of the
east of the Tigris River turned up over customs and stories very similar to those found in common practices and background which are found
20,000 baked clay tablets. Genesis 15-31, such as marriage, adopting an heir, in earlier biblical events of the patriarchal period
surrogate mothers, and inheritance. (2000-1500 BC).
Genesis 8. Haran, Home of the Patriarchs Also found near Haran are villages that still bear The cities of Ur and Haran both had the moon god
A village of Harran (Haran) exists in the names of Abraham’s great-grandfather and as their main deity. Terah, father of Abraham,
Turkey today, and has been found to grandfather, Serug and Nahor, as mentioned in worshiped “other gods” (Joshua 24:2) and moved
stand atop the ancient one from the Old Genesis 11:22-26. Haran was the father of Lot his family from Ur, in southern Mesopotamia (Iraq
Testament period. (Genesis 11:27). today), to Haran in the north (Genesis 11:27-31).

Genesis 9. Shechem The most important find is a fortress-temple of Shechem is important in many biblical stories. It
Joshua was a city of refuge for anyone who unintentionally
Shechem was strategically placed in the Baal from the story of Abimelech (Judges 9:46).
1 Kings central hill country. It controlled all the People could find refuge in the temple from caused death (Joshua 20), In the 10th century BC,
roads in the area, but its location made enemies. Before Abimelech, Abraham and Jacob King Jeroboam I fortified the city and made it the
the city vulnerable to attack. Excavations built altars to God in the area of Shechem (Genesis capitol of the kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 12:25).
in the city of Shechem reveal a city with 12, 33) and after the Exodus, the Israelites renewed Shechem's vulnerability to attack may be one reason
walls made of large megalithic stones and their covenant with God at Shechem (Joshua 24). the capitol was moved shortly after Jeroboam I died.
the city gate system.
Exodus 10. Pithom and Raamses, Store Cities
of the Pharaoh
Ongoing excavations at Tell el-Dab’a (Raamses) According to Exodus 1, the Hebrews were slaves
have revealed a prosperous ancient city with many in the Egyptian cities of Pithom and Raamses
© 2018 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy
The location of Raamses is now monuments, temples, and buildings.
Permission Tell el-Retaba
granted beforepurchaser
to the original the Exodus. Theout.
to print Egyptians
It is illegalforced
to sell,the
email, replicate,
associated with Qantir (Tell el-Dab’a). is thought to be the most probable location
duplicate, or post of
any part ofHebrews toInternet.
this on the make bricks, both with and without
More than 70 Bible
Pithom, but sufficient excavation has not been reference charts and PowerPoints®
straw (Exodus 1:14a ; 5:7-19).available. Download catalog and sign up
Pithom was within the Wadi Tumilat, a for Rose Bible e-Charts at www.
natural corridor in and out of Egypt, but done at the site. Title: 50 Proofs for the Old Testament Product Code: 622X ISBN-13: 9781596361584
its exact location is not yet settled.
Turkey today, and has been found to worshiped “other gods” (Joshua 24:2) and moved
stand atop the ancient one from the Old Genesis 11:22-26. Haran was the father of Lot his family from Ur, in southern Mesopotamia (Iraq
Testament period. (Genesis 11:27). today), to Haran in the north (Genesis 11:27-31).

Genesis 9. Shechem The most important find is a fortress-temple of Shechem is important in many biblical stories. It
Joshua was a city of refuge for anyone who unintentionally
Shechem was strategically placed in the Baal from the story of Abimelech (Judges 9:46).
1 Kings central hill country. It controlled all the People could find refuge in the temple from caused death (Joshua 20), In the 10th century BC,
roads in the area, but its location made enemies. Before Abimelech, Abraham and Jacob King Jeroboam I fortified the city and made it the
the city vulnerable to attack. Excavations built altars to God in the area of Shechem (Genesis capitol of the kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 12:25).
in the city of Shechem reveal a city with 12, 33) and after the Exodus, the Israelites renewed Shechem's vulnerability to attack may be one reason
Archaeological Find
walls made of large megalithic stones and Description of the Find
their covenant with God at Shechem (Joshua 24). Importance of the Find
the capitol was moved shortly after Jeroboam I died.
the city gate system.
1. The
10. Sumerian
Pithom King List, Store
and Raamses, One ofCities Ongoing
copies of theatSumerian king(Raamses)
Tell el-Dab’a list date to The king list
According tosays,
Exodus“After theHebrews
1, the flood hadwereswept over
of First Mentions of a Great Flood have
the Pharaoh c. 2100 BC. What
revealed is striking about
a prosperous thecity
ancient listwith
of many thethe
in earth and when
Egyptian citieskingship
of Pithomwas lowered
and Raamsesagain from
Genesis The location of Raamses is now monuments,
Sumerian kingstemples,
is thatand
the buildings. Tell el-Retaba
kings are divided into before
heaventhe . . .”Exodus.
MentionTheof Egyptians forced
a flood, hardly the
necessary in
Sumerians established the first is
associated with
civilization in theQantir
biblical(Tell el-Dab’a).
world. Several two groups—those who ruled before a greatofflood
thought to be the most probable location Hebrews to make
a list of kings, is anbricks, bothfor
argument with
theand without
biblical flood
Pithom, but sufficient excavation has not been straw (Exodus 1:14a ; 5:7-19).
Pithom was within the Wadi Tumilat, a
clay tablets and prisms containing the and those who ruled after it. Equally striking is that described in Genesis 7-8.
natural corridor in and out of Egypt, but done at the site.
list of their kings have been found in the the lengths of reigns (and life spans) of these kings
its exact location is not yet settled. drastically decreased after the flood, as did life
ruins of Mesopotamia.
11. Horned spans ofaltars
Horned people recorded
made in the
of stone haveBible.
been found

Zev RadovanArvel Witte, Zev Radovan

Exodus The Old Testament speaks of horned incense altars
1 Kings Altars at places like Dan and Beersheba. This at least 20 times. This find shows how horned altars
Excavations reconstructed horned altar (left) dates from the 10th were shaped. The Bible tells how they were used.
Genesis 2. An Ancient Flood Story Tablet 11BC(right) of the Copies of the Epic and other
have turned century and was found at the city of Beersheba. One was in the Tabernacle. The LORD told Moses
Accounts Gilgamesh
was mostEpic
likelytells of altar. It was obviously flood stories have been found
up some of a massive flood are found It a pagan to make an acacia-wood horned altar five cubits
in many cultures around the world. The
excellent a greatofflood
made brought
dressed (cut) stone, a practice prohibited in thefive
long, Nearcubits
The popularity
and three cubits high with
examples ofEpic (the saga of an ancient on the
by earth by the
LORD wrath 20:25.
in Exodus of the
the flood
horns of theme argues
it at the for
four corners and overlaid with
horned altars.
Babylonian king, Gilgamesh) includes of gods and includes a its historicity
brass (Exodusand supports
27:2; 1 Kingsthe
an expanded flood story on Tablet 11, hero who is told to build flood of Noah’s time.
12. Merneptah (Merenptah)
similar to the flood Stele (also
story in Genesis 6-9. aThe
ship, to take every
Merneptah Stelekind
contains Although this battle between Egypt and Israel is

Zev Radovan
called The Israelcopy
Stele) theanimal
of earliestalong,
and to not
Left: mentioned in the
Fragment (6 inches Old
high) of Testament, the stele does
The best known of the Epic was Above: Copied piece from
use birdsoftothe name
check “Israel”
if the show
a copy ofthat the Israelites
the Babylonian epic ofwere in fact living in the
found at Nineveh on a series of baked in
The hieroglyphic text of the stele made
thus far known. The Egyptian Gilgamesh dating from the 7th
the 15th century BC, found in
describes the victories of Pharaoh water had receded. Promised Land at that time, andMegiddo, that their entrance
shows the writing.
clay pharaoh brags of a victory century BC, found at Nineveh.
into the land had already taken place by 1230 BC.
Merneptah around 1230 BC over the
over Israel around 1230 BC.
Genesis Libyans and people
3. Ur, Hometown ofofAbraham
Palestine. The

Carol Witte
Right: Twice the god Amon-Re and
The famous Royal Tombs Finds show that Abraham’s ancestral home
Nehem. stele stands more than seven feet high. Merneptah are depicted in the center, with at Ur (c. 2500 BC) reveal
had been a powerful city-state before it fell. If
Ur is mentioned four times in the Bible goddess Mut at left and god Khonsu at right. gold and silver objects of
as the hometown of Abraham. It was great beauty. Ur’s decline and fall came during Abraham’s
13. The Oldest Picture of Israelites

Lawrence E. Stager
Carved time,
200 years after the time
archaeology has of Moses and
occupied from the 4th millennium BC. Left and right: Part of
Joshua, this battle scene is by far the earliest picture
In Egypt, on a long wall of the great the “Standard of Ur,” another clue as to why Abraham’s father
Excavations of Ur (in Iraq today) have from those tombs, made of Israelites ever discovered. This same event is also
Karnak Temple, is a recently relocated his family to Haran. Genesis 11:31;
identified off andofon
thesince the 1800s.
aftermath of before Abraham, show told of on the Merneptah Stele (above). It shows that
a battle between the Egyptians and
Sumerian people. 15:7;had
the Exodus Nehemiah 9:7; Acts
taken place 7:2-4.
and the Israelites were
4. Beni Hasan
Genesis Israelites datingTomb Painting
to about 1209 BC. living in the Promised Land by 1200 BC.
Dating to around 1900 BC, this tomb painting, with

Zev Radovan Gretchen Goldsmith

The drawing (above) of the carved scene shows possibly the
Israelites vanquished by the armies of Pharaoh Merneptah. Scene 4
This ancient Egyptian tomb painting, of the Karnak Temple relief, Thebes (Luxor). words and pictures on it, shows how Old Testament
dating close to the timeinto
of Abraham, people from the time of Abraham and Sarah looked,
Joshua 14. Jericho, Gateway the There is debate over The biblical importance of Jericho is underscored
shows a caravan
Promised Land of people from Palestine
how they dressed, their hair styles, and even a musical
by the fact that it is referred to more than 50 times
whether Joshua’s
carrying merchandise for trade in to
Egypt. wall of Jericho has
instrument of the day (lyre).
in the Old Testament. PerhapsThethe
weapons they used
most significant
The earliest ruins at Jericho date the
They carried eye paint Atotower
sell and armed been found. Massive (spear, boware
references andthose
in ax, sword)
Joshua depict tell
6, which some of the
of the
Stone Age (Neolithic). (right)
found in thewith bows
Jericho anddates
ruins spears.back erosion has removed armaments available
Israelite conquest of to
city, their(Genesis 14). in the
first victory
before Abraham’s time. The tower much of the remains Promised Land. Archaeology has shown where the
of that period, and Left:
city Part
onceof the Beni Hasan
stood, and tomb
that painting
it guarded the key spot for
is made from stones obtained when showing Semitic
the surrounding moat was cut. It was mud bricks could entering into people from Canaan.
the Promised Land from the east.
easily erode away

Zev Radovan Arvel Witte; Oriental Institute, University of Chicago

Exodus connected
5. The LawtoCode
a mudbrick wall.
of Hammurapi On top of the Code of Some of the laws, and the way they are written, are
Leviticus over the centuries.
This black diorite stele (a carved upright Hammurapi (right), the king remarkably similar to those found in Exodus, Leviticus,
Judges 15. The
stone Philistines
slab) and
was commissioned around is shown
At in front
the Temple of a seated
of Rameses III, the Philistines are and Deuteronomy,
Philistines indicating
are mentioned overthat
200a times
in thelaw”
1 Samuel the Temple of Rameses III both
king’sas being one of several Testament.
existed This
in the temple
ancient record
Near shows when the
1750 BC by Hammurapi (Hammurabi),
The groups of “Sea Peoples”
laws are written on the invading the coastal main wave of Philistines tried to invade Egypt. From
kingearliest known
of Babylon. record about 300
It contains For example, lex talionis (“an eye for an eye”) is the
of the The
Philistines wasfound, partially plains from Egypt to Palestine. Samson (Judges 14-16) to David (I Samuel 17),
laws. stele was remainder of the stele for
carved on the wall of an found in both
Israelites theconstantly
battled law code of Hammurapi
against and in for
the Philistines
defaced, at Susa (in Iran today) where it public display. The stele is
Egyptian temple at Thebes Exodus
control of21:24.
of theHammurapi’s
Promised Land. law,This
the biblical
was taken as loot inBCthe over seven feet tall.
around 1175-1150 . 12th century BC. depicts
law the dress
is between and
God armor
and the Philistines might
His people.
have worn as they interacted with the Israelites.
Right: Temple of Rameses III at
6. Boghazkoy, Hittite artifacts Although
The SeaHittites
(right side of often
picture)in the Old
Arvel Witte Zev Radovan

Genesis Thebes (Luxor). Left:

shown at
Hittite Capitol the Museum
being defeatedalmost nothing was known about them
by the Egyptians. until
Numb. The ancient Hittites’
16. Canaanite Godslarge
and Goddesses The Old Testamentof Anatolian
repeatedly refers to gods and
modern times. One hundred years ago, critics thought
These finds reveal many details
1 Kings Civilizations at
goddesses, like Baal the Hittites
about were an imaginary
the Canaanite religion. people made up by the
Jeremiah capitol
Between city has been excavators found
1929-1939 Ankara,and Ashtaroth (Asherah or
Hosea discovered
hundreds ofabout 90about
stories milesCanaanite Astarte), which were worshiped by the Canaanites
Excavations biblicalhelp
They authors. Finding
us better the Hittite’s empire forced
east and goddesses
Ankara, Turkey.written
The on clay living among theuncovered
Israelites in the Promised Land. that claim
how to beidol
prevalent withdrawn
worshipandwassupported the biblical
fortified strongly
The prophets of Israel gateways, warned God’s in Israelite
record. Thecities andhelps
find also showexplain
the the language,
tablets among
Hittite’s the ruinstoof the ancient
rule extended temples,these
people not to worship and a false gods in challenge for the children of Israel
city of Ugarit, in modern Syria.
Syria and Lebanon. large archive. The history and literature of people who appear in the Old
Numbers 25, 1 Kings
city fell11, Jeremiah 23, and to worship the one true God.
around Testament and ruled in the 2nd millennium BC.
Right: Warrior god from King’s Gate. Hosea 13. 1200 BC.
Right: Above: Asherah
Genesis 7. Nuzi Tablets Dating between 1500-1401 BC, many of these Because culture
Below: Astartechanged very slowly in the ancient
Plaque c. 13th-10th
century Canaanite period
Excavations at the ancient city of Nuzi tablets, with cuneiform writing on them, reveal Near East, the tablets help explain some of the
Zev Radovan

Judges 17. Dan (Laish), Israel’s customs and stories very similarThetocity
those foundwas
of Dan in common practices
According to Judges and background
20:1, which are
Israel’s northern found
east of the Tigris River turned up over
1 Kings Northernmost City Genesis 15-31, such as marriage,originally a Canaanite
adopting an heir, in earlier
was biblical
the city of
Theofbookthe patriarchal period
of Judges tells us that
20,000 baked clay tablets. stronghold that was
Excavations show that the large and surrogate mothers, and inheritance. the children BC
(2000-1500 of).Dan destroyed a Canaanite city by
well-fortified Canaanite city was conquered by the sword and fire and built their own city. They named
Genesis 8. Haran, Home
destroyed aroundof1150
the BC
, after which tribethat
Also found near Haran are villages of Dan
still (Judges
bear Thecity
the cities
Danof and
Ur and
set Haran bothimages.
up graven had theThe
moon god
the city was rebuilt,(Haran)
with Israelite 18). Dan has and
the names of Abraham’s great-grandfather more Place
as theirwhere
mainJeroboam I erected
deity. Terah, a gold
father of calf has been
A village of Harran exists artifacts
found thereafter. artifacts of biblical found in Dan (1 Kings 12:28-31).
Turkey today, and has been found to grandfather, Serug and Nahor, as mentioned in worshiped “other gods” (Joshua 24:2) and moved
significance than
stand Right:
ancient one from the Old Genesis 11:22-26. Haran was the father of Lot
almost any other city his family from Ur, in southern Mesopotamia (Iraq
mud-brick Gate of Dan
Testament period.
from the Middle Bronze Age shows gate (Genesis 11:27). found so far. today), to Haran in the north (Genesis 11:27-31).
system construction in the patriarchal period.
9. Shechem
1 Kings 18. Megiddo (Armageddon), The mostisimportant find isa awide
fortress-temple of Shechem is important in amany biblical stories. It BC
Zev Radovan

Genesis Megiddo on a hill beside plain, a strategic Solomon made Megiddo fortress city in the 900s
Kings City of War Baal from
location forthe story
many of Abimelech
battles. (Judgesdefeated
Although Joshua 9:46). was a city
(1 Kings of refuge
4:12; for anyone
9:15). Later, in 609whoBC, unintentionally
King Josiah of
2 Judges
Shechem was strategically placed in the
Rev. central
1 Kings hill country.
Finds reveal ruins of It controlled all the the armies
People of Megiddo’s
could find refugeCanaanite king (Joshua
in the temple from Judah
causedwasdeathkilled in a battle
(Joshua 20), Inagainst
the 10ththe century
Egyptians BC,on
stronginprosperous 12:21),
enemies. theBefore
Israelites failed to conquer
Abimelech, Abraham theand
then. the
Kingplain beside IMegiddo
Jeroboam (2 Kings
fortified the 23:29,
city and made2 Chronicles
it the
the area, but its location made
Canaanite city under to attack. Excavations Not until the time of David or Solomon, did it come 35:22). Revelation 16:16 refers to Megiddo (called
the city vulnerable built altars to God in the area of Shechem (Genesis capitol of the kingdom of Israel (1 Kings 12:25).
ruins of a heavily under Israelite control. The gate found at Megiddo was Armageddon) as the place where the army of Christ
in the city of Shechem reveal a city with 12, those
like 33) and after thewith
associated Exodus, the Israelites
Solomon’s reign. renewed Shechem's vulnerability to attack may be one reason
battles the forces of Satan in the end times.
fortified Israelite city
walls their covenant with God at Shechem (Joshua 24). the capitol was moved shortly after Jeroboam I died.
with a made
strong of
gate.megalithic stones and Left: The Canaanite bamah (high place) at Megiddo.
the city gate system.
10. Ashkelon,
Pithom andPhilistine Seaport
Zev Radovan

Joshua Raamses, Store Cities There

Ongoing is evidence
excavations thatat Tell el-Dab’a (Raamses) The Israelites
According did not conquer
to Exodus Ashkelon
1, the Hebrews were slaves
1 Samuel Ongoing excavations (right) since
of the Pharaoh
1985 have discovered the large (about
have revealed was a a major
seaport that traded with
prosperous ancient city with many (Judges 1:18-19).
in the Egyptian Nebuchadnezzar
cities of Pithom anddestroyed
in 604 BC as predicted by Jeremiah. The prophets
Raamses it
The location of heavily
Raamses is nowcity of monuments, temples, and buildings. © 2018 RoseTell el-Retaba before
Publishing, LLC. theReference
Bible Exodus. The Egyptians
Made forced the
Easyand Zechariah
Amos 150 acres) and fortified other Mediterranean Amos, Jeremiah, Zephaniah,
is thought to be the most probable Permission granted
location of to the original
Hebrews purchaser
to make to print out.both
bricks, It is illegal to sell,
with and email, replicate,
Zeph. associatedAwith
Ashkelon. Qantir
small (Tell el-Dab’a).
bull figurine was found, nations. duplicate, or post any part all
of pronounced
this on the condemnation
Internet. upon the city of
Pithom waspaganwithinworship.
the Wadi Tumilat, a Pithom, but sufficient
Right: Ashkelon was one excavation
of five
charts (Amos
1:6-8,; 5:7-19).
PowerPoints® Jeremiah
available. 25:15-20
Download and
catalog and sign up
illustrating major cities of the Philistines
natural corridor in and out of Egypt, but done at the site.
(Joshua 13:3 and 1 Samuel 6:17). for Rose Bible e-Charts at www. 47:5-7, Zephaniah 2:4-7, Zechariah 9:5).
Title: 50 Proofs for the Old Testament Product Code: 622X ISBN-13: 9781596361584
its exact location is not yet settled.
20. Gezer, Gift to King Solomon
Joshua Gezer did not become an Israelite city during The wedding gift shows that Egypt was pulling out of
Judges Palestine and considered Solomon stronger. Solomon
the conquest and settlement of the Promised
18. Megiddo (Armageddon),

Zev Radovan
1 Kings Megiddo is on a hill beside a wide plain, a strategic Solomon made Megiddo a fortress city in the 900s BC
2 Kings City of War location for many battles. Although Joshua defeated (1 Kings 4:12; 9:15). Later, in 609 BC, King Josiah of
2 Chron.
Rev. Finds reveal ruins of the armies of Megiddo’s Canaanite king (Joshua Judah was killed in a battle against the Egyptians on
a strong prosperous 12:21), the Israelites failed to conquer the city then. the plain beside Megiddo (2 Kings 23:29, 2 Chronicles
Canaanite city under Not until the time of David or Solomon, did it come 35:22). Revelation 16:16 refers to Megiddo (called
ruins of a heavily under Israelite control. The gate found at Megiddo was Armageddon) as the place where the army of Christ
fortified Israelite city like those associated with Solomon’s reign. battles the forces of Satan in the end times.
with a strong city gate. Find Description of the Find
Left: The Canaanite bamah (high place) at Megiddo.
Importance of the Find
1. The
19. Sumerian
Ashkelon, King List,
Philistine One of
Seaport Surviving copies ofthat the Sumerian king list date to The Israelites
king list says, “After the flood had swept over

Zev Radovan
Joshua There is evidence The did not conquer Ashkelon
Judges History’s First Mentions of a Great Flood c. 2100 BCwas
Ashkelon . What is striking about the list of
a major the earth1:18-19).
(Judges and when kingship was lowered
Nebuchadnezzar again
destroyed it from
Ongoing excavations (right) since
1 Samuel
Genesis The Sumerians established the first Sumerian
seaport kings
that is that
traded withthe kings are divided into heaven
in 604 BC. .as
.” predicted
Mention ofbya Jeremiah.
flood, hardly
prophets in
Jeremiah 1985 have discovered the large (about
Amos civilization in theheavily
biblical world. city
Several two groups—those
other Mediterraneanwho ruled before a great flood a list ofJeremiah,
Amos, kings, is an argumentand
Zephaniah, for the biblical flood
150 acres) and fortified of
Zeph. clay tabletsA and and those who ruled after it. Equally striking is that
nations. described
all pronouncedin Genesis 7-8.
condemnation upon the city of
Ashkelon. smallprisms containing
bull figurine was thefound,
list of their pagan
kings have been found in the theRight:
lengths of reigns
Ashkelon was one(and
of fivelife spans) of these kings Ashkelon (Amos 1:6-8, Jeremiah 25:15-20 and
illustrating worship. drastically decreased
major cities after the flood, as did life
of the Philistines
ruins of Mesopotamia. (Joshua 13:3 and 1 Samuel 6:17). 47:5-7, Zephaniah 2:4-7, Zechariah 9:5).
spans of people recorded in the Bible.
Joshua 20. Gezer, Gift to King Solomon Gezer did not become an Israelite city during The wedding gift shows that Egypt was pulling out of
2. An Ancient Flood Story Copies of and the Epic and other

Arvel Witte, Zev Radovan

Genesis Archaeologists have excavated the Tablet 11 (right)
the conquest of settlement
and the of the Promised Palestine considered Solomon stronger. Solomon
1 Kings
ancient city of of
a massive
Gezer and flood areclear
found found Gilgamesh
Land (Joshua Epic16:10;
tells of
Judges 1:29). The Egyptian floodrebuilt
later storiesGezerhave as been an found
Israelite stronghold.
in aPharaoh
great flood broughtthe city and its Canaanite
destroyed in thesimilarity
The Near East. The popularity
of Gezer’s gateway to those found at
evidence of Egyptian destruction, asThe
many cultures around the world. well
Gilgamesh Epic (the saga of an ancient on earth by the
inhabitants, thenwrath
gave it as a wedding gift when of the flood
Megiddo andtheme Hazorarguesindicates for they were all built by
as a bit of Solomon’s defensive walls and
Babylonian of gods and includes a its historicity and supports the
the city gate.king, Gilgamesh) includes Solomon married his daughter (1 Kings 9:15-17).
an expanded flood story on Tablet 11, hero who is told to build flood of Noah’s time.
21. Shiloh, First Home of the Ark of aAccording to the
ship, to take Old kind
every Testament, Shiloh was an 1 Samuel 4 tells of Israel moving the ark from Shiloh
Joshua similar to the flood story in Genesis 6-9.
1 Samuel the Covenant
The best known copy of the Epic was important
of early sanctuary
animal along, and to in the Promised Land. to
Left:a Fragment
battlefield, hoping
(6 inches high) of it would protect them from the
2 Samuel Above: Copied piece from
found at Shiloh
at Nineveh on a has found
series an
of baked The birds
use Tent oftoMeeting
check if (part
the of the Tabernacle) and Philistines. The Philistines
a copy of the Babylonian epic of captured the ark in battle.
the 15th century BC, found in
Gilgamesh dating from the 7th
clay city from Joshua’s time and
tablets. the Arkhad
water of the Covenant resided at Shiloh after
receded. Archaeological evidence
century BC, found at Nineveh. indicates that sometime
Megiddo, later
shows the writing.

evidence of subsequent destruction Joshua’s conquest (Joshua 18 and 1 Samuel 1-4). the Philistines destroyed Shiloh.
by Ur,
fire.Hometown of Abraham

Carol Witte
Genesis The famous Royal Tombs Finds show that Abraham’s ancestral home
Nehem. at Ur (c. 2500 BC) reveal
Ur is mentioned four Dagon
times inFellthe Bible gold and silver objects of
had been a powerful city-state before it fell. If
22. Ashdod, Where In 1 Samuel 5 the Philistines brought the Abraham’s
Ark of the

Arvel Witte
Joshua as the hometown of Abraham. It was Archaeologists have found
great beauty. Ur’s decline and fall came during
1 Samuel Ashdod was one of the five major that the Philistine culture had Covenant time,to Ashdod
perhapsafter they captured
archaeology it in battle.
has provided
2 Samuel occupied from the 4th millennium BC. Left and right: Part of
Philistine cities mentioned in Joshua begun to fade away in the After placing theclue
Ark as in the temple of Dagon (the
Amos Excavations of Ur (in Iraq today) have13:3 the “Standard of Ur,” another to why Abraham’s father
and 1 Samuel
continued 6:17.onArchaeological
off and since the 1800s. work city duringfrom thethose
700s tombs, made
BC as
before Abraham, show
chief Philistine
relocated god),
his thefamily statue of Dagon
to Haran. Genesisfell and11:31;
between 1962-1969 has yielded much Amos prophesied.
Sumerian people. broke into 15:7; pieces
Nehemiahand the 9:7;people of the city became
Acts 7:2-4.
new information aboutPainting
Ashdod. No infested with tumors. They eventually sent the Ark
4. Beni Hasan Tomb Dating
back totoIsrael.
around 1900three BC, this tomb painting, with

Zev Radovan
temple of Dagon has been found, but an Some centuries later the prophet
This ancient Egyptian tomb painting, Left: “Deity in a Fish-Robe” was often words and pictures
Amos received this onword it, shows
from the how LORDOld, “ITestament
will cut off
open area where there had once been a identified as the Philistine god Dagon, people from the time of Abraham and Sarah looked,
temple close to the time of Abraham,
has surfaced. 9th century BC, found in Assyria in the the inhabitants from Ashdod . . . and the remnant of
shows a caravan of people from Palestine 1800s. The true appearance of Dagon how
the Philistines shall perish . . .” (Amos 1:8). a musical
they dressed, their hair styles, and even
carrying merchandise for trade in Egypt. is uncertain. instrument of the day (lyre). The weapons they used
They carried eye paint to sell and armed (spear, bow and arrow, ax, sword) depict some of the
23. Shishak’s Invasion Record According toavailable the Old to Testament
Abraham(1(Genesis Kings 1414). and

Karnak Temple, CarolZev

1 Kings
themselves with bows and spears. armaments
2 Chron.
A record of Pharaoh Shishak’s raid of 140 2 Chronicles 12), Pharaoh Shishak of Egypt invaded
Ezekiel places, including the kingdom of Judah Judah
Left: Partduring
of the Beni theHasan
of King Rehoboam’s
showing Semitic people from Canaan.
has been found in Egypt carved on a wall reign. “...Shishak, king of Egypt, came up against
5. the
Law Code of of
Hammurapi Jerusalem, of thebecause they thehad waytransgressed against

Exodus in Temple Amun, god of On top of the Code of Some laws, and they are written, are

Leviticus Thebes
This black (Luxor today).
diorite steleThe Shishakupright
(a carved Relief Hammurapi (right), the king the LORD, with
remarkably twelve
similar hundred
to those foundchariots, and Leviticus,
in Exodus,
stone slab)I)was commemorates
commissioned his around
victory is shown
Egyptian in front
goddess of a seated
Mut holds threescore thousand horsemen;
and Deuteronomy, indicating that a “common law” and the people were
1750Rehoboam when Solomon’s
BC by Hammurapi (Hammurabi), temple adeity,
club and bow, andThe
Marduk. leadsking’s without
existed in number
the ancientthat came Near with East.him out of Egypt...”
five rows of captives.
king robbed of itsItriches
of Babylon. contains(probably
about 925300BC). laws are written on the (2 Chronicles 12:2-3). Other verses that refer to
For example, lex talionis (“an eye for an eye”) is
howswas thatfound,
Egypt raided
partiallyIsrael, remainder of the
Right: Shishak stele
grasps for of
a group Thebes (the city of No) in Egypt are Jeremiah 46:25
captives by theThe
hair and strikes found in both the law code of Hammurapi and in
not just Judah.
defaced, at Susa (in Iran today) where it public display. stele is and Ezekiel 30:14-16.
them with his club. Exodus 21:24. Unlike Hammurapi’s law, the biblical
was taken as loot in the 12th century BC. over seven feet tall.
law is between God and His people.
24. Beth Shemesh According to 1 Samuel 6:12-15, the Philistines
Zev Radovan
1 Samuel
Chron. 6. Boghazkoy, Hittite artifacts Although the
returned Hittites are mentioned
captured Ark of theoften in the Old
Covenant to the
Arvel Witte

Excavations now underway at the shown at

fortified city of Beth Shemesh the Museum
Israelites nothing wasLater,
Beth Shemesh. known about
about 940 themBC, until
The have already
large both of Anatolian modern times.
Pharaoh Shishak Oneofhundred
Egypt invaded years ago, andcritics thought
capitol cityandhasIsraelite
been artifacts, as
Civilizations at the Hittites
several citieswere an imaginary
in the foothills region people(2made Chron. up 12:2-4).
by the
Ankara, Turkey.
well as evidence
discovered aboutof90itsmiles
destruction as Excavations biblicaldiscoveries
Also, authors. Finding of massive the Hittite’s empire forced
fortifications and a water
east in 2 Chronicles
of Ankara, Turkey. The12. uncovered that claim
supply show to be withdrawnbuilding
Solomon’s and supported
activity thein the biblical
fortified gateways, record. The find also helps explain the language,
Hittite’s rule extended to temples, and a
2 Samuel 25. Pool
Syria andatLebanon.
Gibeon The Pool of Gibeon largegoes
The some 80 feet. The 2history
Samuel and2:13literature of people 41:12
and Jeremiah who appear
speak inofthe Old
a great
Jeremiah original diggers removedcity fell around3000 tons of limestone. A water Testament pool and ruled in The
at Gibeon. the 2nd find millennium .
verifies theBClocation
This remarkable
Right: Warrior god from pool,
Gate. to before 1200 BC.
1000 BC, was found largely intact in tunnel for the pool runs under the city to an outside of the Pool at Gibeon as mentioned in the Bible and
Genesis 7. Nuzi Tablets
Gibeon, six miles north of Jerusalem in Dating between
spring. This internal1500-1401
water supplyBC, manywasofimportant
these in showsBecause theculture changed
great effort taken very to slowly
have ainsecure
the ancientsource
excavations around at the ancient
in of Nuzi tablets, with cuneiform writing on them, reveal
case of siege. Near
of East, the tablets help explain some of the
east of the Tigris River turned up over customs and stories very similar to those found in common practices and background which are found
Judges 26. Gibeah,
20,000 bakedKing claySaul’s
tablets. Capitol Excavations
Genesis havesuch
15-31, shown that the site
as marriage, of Gibeah
adopting Gibeah
an heir, in earlierwas the principal
biblical events of town theofpatriarchal
the tribe ofperiod
1 Samuel was inhabited aboutand 1100 (Judges 19:11-14).
BC, the time of King Saul. (2000-1500 It was also Saul’s home. He
Archaeologists have identified Gibeah surrogate mothers, inheritance. BC).
with the ancient ruins on a hill known Saul’s fortress-palace was found here. It was small eventually made it his capitol (1 Samuel 10:26; 11:4; and
Genesis 8. Haran, Home of the Patriarchs Also found near Haran are villages that still bear The cities of UrGibeah
and Haran bothtohad the moon god
today as Tel el-Ful, about three miles and modest compared with the later palaces of 15:34). Finding so close Jebusite Jerusalem
A village
north of Harran (Haran) exists in
of Jerusalem. the names of Abraham’s great-grandfather and as their main deity.never
Terah, father of Abraham,
David and Solomon. indicates that Saul fully controlled the land.
Turkey today, and has been found to grandfather, Serug and Nahor, as mentioned in worshiped “other gods” (Joshua 24:2) and moved
Gretchen Goldsmith, Arvel Witte

Joshua 27.
standBethatop Shean
the ancient one from the Old Genesis 11:22-26. Haran was the father LaterofKing
Lot Thefamily
his Philistines
fromhung Ur, inthe bodies Mesopotamia
southern of (Iraq
Judges Archaeology
Testament shows that Canaanites,
period. (Genesis 11:27). Saul and his King Saul
today), to and
Haran hisinsons
the fromnorththe (Genesis 11:27-31).
1 Samuel armies fought walls of Beth Shean (1 Sam. 31:10).
and possibly Philistines, occupied Beth
Genesis 9. Shechem
Shean from the time of the Judges until The most important find is a fortress-temple the Philistines
of Shechem
See the large is important
tell (hill) atinleft. many Somebiblical stories. It
Joshua after Saul.was
Shechem Bethstrategically
Shean was placed
a city within
in the Baal from the story of Abimelech (Judges on Mt.9:46).
Gilboa. was
believe a city
for anyone who unintentionally
1 Kings the tribal
central hillallotment
country. of Manassehall
It controlled (Joshua
the People could find refuge in the temple KingfromSaul and caused
shows that deaththe(Joshua
Philistines 20),occupied
In the 10th century BC,
roads the area,the butIsraelites didmade
its location not enemies. Before Abimelech, Abrahamhisand sons (all
Jacob King
the cityJeroboam
at or before I fortified
the time theofcity and made it the
the Beth Shean
city vulnerable to (Judges 1:27), and
attack. Excavations built altars to God in the area of Shechem but one) died capitol
(Genesis Left: Beth of theis kingdom
Shean the large tell inoftheIsrael (1 Kings 12:25).
in Philistines eventually
city of Shechem took with
reveal 12, 33) and after the Exodus, the Israelites in the battle.
renewed Shechem's
Right: Philistine vulnerability
coffin lid from nearby to attack
cemetery.may be one reason
walls made of large megalithic stones and their covenant with God at Shechem (Joshua 24). the capitol was moved shortly after Jeroboam I died.
the city gate system.
Exodus 10. Pithom and Raamses, Store Cities Ongoing excavations at Tell el-Dab’a (Raamses) According to Exodus 1, the Hebrews were slaves
of the Pharaoh
have revealed a prosperous ancient city with many in the Egyptian cities of Pithom and Raamses
The location of Raamses is now monuments, temples, and buildings.
© 2018 RoseTell el-Retaba before
Publishing, LLC. BibletheReference
The Egyptians
Easy forced the
is thought to be the most probable granted
location of to the original
Hebrews purchaser to print
to make out.both
bricks, It is illegal to sell,
with and email, replicate,
associated with Qantir (Tell el-Dab’a). duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet.
Pithom was within the Wadi Tumilat, a Pithom, but sufficient excavation has not
More than beenreferencestraw
70 Bible charts(Exodus 1:14a ; 5:7-19).
and PowerPoints® available. Download catalog and sign up
natural corridor in and out of Egypt, but done at the site. for Rose Bible e-Charts at www.
Title: 50 Proofs for the Old Testament Product Code: 622X ISBN-13: 9781596361584
its exact location is not yet settled.

nd the Bible: Old

ovan, Arvel Witte,

earch, Inc.
don; Museum of

hlet in whole or
r Larry McKinney,
eology, Wheaton

ament wall chart

; Oriental Institute

503 USA

ois), Dr. John

ible to the most

ament pamphlet
rence E. Stager,
Bible: New


, Karnak Temple

y arranged from
ment wall chart

lp in the study of
Alfred J. Hoerth
lvd., #259
sistant Professor

copy, transmit
story, Dead Sea

Dan) inscription,
Bible: Old
Archaeological Find Description of the Find Importance of the Find
2 Samuel 28. King David’s Jerusalem Archaeologists have uncovered remains of that According to the Old Testament books of 2 Samuel
2 Chron.
The City of David Archaeological Project city, including evidence of David’s conquest and and 1 Chronicles, King David conquered Jerusalem
uncovered much of the buried remains a palace that may have belonged to King David and made it the capitol of Israel. Virtually nothing
of David’s city of Jerusalem between himself. The most important find has been that the apart from the Bible was known about the city of that
1978-1985. Siloam spring was guarded by towers. time until excavations were done between 1978-85.

29. The House of David Inscription

Zev Radovan
2 Kings This stone inscribed in Aramaic with the expression This Tel Dan inscription
(Dan Inscription) “the house of David” (lower left), refers to King is a very important find
In 1993 and 1994 an archaeologist working David’s descendants. Originally part of a victory because it is the first
at the Old Testament site of the city of Dan pillar of a neighboring king of Damascus (possibly reference to King David
found three pieces of an inscribed stone Hazael), the stone has been dated to two or three found outside of
referring to David. centuries after David’s time. It mentions a “king of the Bible.
Israel,” possibly Joram son of Ahab, and a king of
the “House of David,” possibly Ahaziah of Judah. Right: House of David inscription
on black basalt stone
(detail shown at left).

30. Beersheba, Southern Boundary of Beersheba was found

Zev Radovan
Judges Beersheba eventually became Israel’s key
1 Kings the Promised Land to have a large well, fortress city in the south during the period of
Excavations between 1969-1976 long storehouses, and King Solomon (1 Kings 4:25). Finding the strong
uncovered the Israelite city of Beersheba private residences walls and gate supports the Bible account of
with its strong defensive walls and a which date to the 1st Beersheba after the time of David.
massive city gate, built after David’s time. millennium BC.

31. Samaria, Capitol of the Northern Although much of the ruins of the Old Testament

Arvel Witte
1 Kings For most of the history of the
2 Kings Kingdom of Israel kingdom of Israel—after the period were destroyed when King Herod built over
2 Chron.
Few cities are mentioned more times kingdom was split in two following and through earlier levels, enough has been found to
Amos in the Old Testament than Samaria. Solomon’s rule—Samaria was show that Samaria was extravagant and strong, as
Excavations have uncovered much of the third, and last, capitol of the described in the Old Testament. See 1 Kings 16:24,
the city and have found it to have been Northern Kingdom. The Bible 2 Kings 6-22, 2 Chronicles 18, and the prophets
extravagant, prosperous, and strong. speaks of this well-fortified city built Hosea, Amos, and Micah. Amos refers to houses
by King Omri and King Ahab. and beds of ivory (Amos 3:15; 6:4).
Right: Samarian ivory furniture inlay, 8th cent. BC

Joshua 32. Hazor, Key to Israelite Victory The rebuilding and fortification by Solomon Finding that Hazor occupied about 200 acres, far larger
1 Kings
Archaeology has found evidence of fiery parallels what he did at Megiddo and Hazor. The than a normal city in that day, provides reason for the
destruction of Hazor, the major city of the distinctive gates were found to be nearly identical Bible calling it “the head.” The city’s king, Jabin, rallied
north during the Conquest, possibly by the to gates of these cities. the kingdoms in the north against the Israelites. Yet the
forces of Joshua (Joshua 11). forces of Joshua prevailed (Joshua 11).

Zev Radovan
1 Kings 33. Ivory Ornaments and Objects At left is an ivory pomegranate, found According to 1 Kings 10:18 and 2 Chronicles 9:17,
2 Chron.
Decorative ivory has been found in in a dealer’s shop, possibly an King Solomon had a throne made of ivory covered
several sites in Palestine, including ornament (thought to have been atop with gold. “The king made a great throne of ivory,
Megiddo and Samaria. a scepter) from Solomon’s temple. and overlaid it with the best gold” (1 Kings 10:18).
The inscription says: “Belonging to . . . The authenticity of the inscription is disputed.
Holy to the Priest.”

Genesis 34. The Gezer Calendar The text gives insight into when certain tasks were
Found at Gezer, one of King Solomon’s fortress
Numb. This small palm-sized limestone tablet cities, this tablet contains a school memorization done during the agricultural year. It shows literacy in
bears one of the first known examples of drill—a short poem about the agricultural seasons the 10th century BC.
1 Kings
2 Kings Hebrew writing (971-913 BC). in biblical Palestine.

35. House of Yahweh Ostracon

Shlomo Moussaieff
1 Kings This ostracon (writing on a piece of pottery) is 4 This extremely important find is
2 Chron.
This find appears to be a receipt for a inches wide and 31/2 inches tall. It is not known the oldest mention of Solomon’s
donation of three shekels of silver to the where it was found. Some scholars date it between Temple that has been found outside
House of Yahweh (Solomon’s Temple). 835 and 796 BC, some 130 years after the Temple the Bible.
was built. Left: House of YHWH ostracon

36. Seals from the Royal Courts of

Zev Radovan

1 Kings Dating from about 900 BC to about 600 BC, these Seals were found for
2 Kings Israel and Judah stones were used to press images into pieces of Uzziah (around 760 BC),
2 Chron. clay that sealed up kings’ important documents. Hoshea (around 730 BC), and
Excavations at several sites in modern
Israel and antiquity shops have turned up One of the most famous seals, found at Megiddo, Hezekiah (around 700 BC).
carved semi-precious stones belonging depicts a lion with the words, “belonging to Shema, The seal at the right says
to members of the royal courts of kings in servant of Jeroboam.” Seals with the names of other “SHLOMO” (Solomon) in
the Old Testament. kings were found also (See 1 and 2 Kings). Hebrew.

37. The Moabite Stone

Zev Radovan

Genesis The ancient Moabites were relatives The Moabite stone is one of the earliest finds that
2 Kings of the Israelites according to mention biblical people. The stone says that King
In 1868, a German missionary found a
stone slab over three feet tall near Dibon, Genesis 19:37. On this stone King Omri and his son Ahab “humbled” Moab for many
east of the Dead Sea. Inscribed on the Mesha brags of having driven the years. After Ahab’s death, King Mesha said he had
stone were the accomplishments of Israelites out of his land. 2 Kings 3 “triumphed” over Ahab’s family and that Israel had
Mesha, king of Moab around 850 BC. tells that the king of Moab rebelled “perished forever.” Some scholars say that the stone
This stone is sometimes called the against the king of Israel after the also contains a reference to the “house of David.”
Mesha Stele. death of King Ahab of Israel.
Arvel Witte

38. The Black Obelisk of The Black Obelisk was discovered in the palace at
2 Kings Shalmaneser Nimrud in 1846 and shows the biblical Jehu, king
This 6 /2 foot tall black
1 of Israel, kneeling down and bringing tribute to the
Assyrian king, Shalmaneser. Dating from 841 BC,
basalt obelisk (four-sided
this important find is the only picture we have so
pillar) reports in pictures
far of an Israelite king. This is the first mention of
and words the conquests
tribute paid to Assyria by Israel. King Jehu’s reign
of Assyrian King
is mentioned in 2 Kings 9-10, even though the
Shalmaneser III, enemy tribute is not.
of the Israelites. Right: Part of the inscription (top) reads:
“Tribute of Jehu the Israelite.”

2 Chron. 39. King Uzziah’s Burial Plaque King Uzziah ruled Judah 792-740 BC, at the time According to 2 Chronicles 26, Uzziah sinned against
A stone plaque, found on the grounds of that Amos, Hosea and Isaiah were prophesying. the LORD and was stricken with a leprous disease
the Russian church on the Mt. of Olives, He was 16 years old when he became king and toward the end of his life, and upon his death was
reads: “Here, the bones of Uzziah, King of he reigned in Jerusalem for 52 years. As long as buried in a “field of burial that belonged to the kings.”
Judah, were brought. Do not open.” he sought the LORD, God gave him success.

40. The Siloam Tunnel Inscription

Zev Radovan

The inscription comes from the days of King The inscription

2 Kings
2 Chron
Two boys discovered this ancient Hezekiah (701 BC) who ordered the tunnel to be celebrates the
Hebrew inscription carved in stone © 2018 Rose
made so the water from Jerusalem’s Gihon Spring LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy completion of this
along the wall of a tunnel as they were Permission
could be brought into the city granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal
to a man-made to sell, email,
remarkable replicate,
wading through the southern end of the reservoir, the Pool of Siloam.duplicate, or post
This tunnel any part of this on the Internet.
provided as mentioned in
More than 70 Bible
water to Jerusalem during the anticipated siege of reference charts and PowerPoints® available.
2 Download
Kings catalog
20:20 and and sign up
tunnel’s waters in 1880. for Rose Bible e-Charts at www.
King Sennacherib of Assyria. 2 Chronicles 32:30.
Title: 50 Proofs for the Old Above:
Testament Product
Siloam Tunnel Code:found
Inscription 622X ISBN-13:
in Hezekiah’s 9781596361584
Arvel Witte

2 Kings 41. The Lachish Reliefs These Nineveh palace carvings of the Lachish defeat
2 Chron.
Among the ruins of the Nineveh palace amplify the biblical record concerning the siege of
Shalmaneser III, enemy


nd the Bible: Old

tribute is not.

ovan, Arvel Witte,

earch, Inc.
don; Museum of

hlet in whole or
r Larry McKinney,
eology, Wheaton

ament wall chart

; Oriental Institute

503 USA

ois), Dr. John

ible to the most

ament pamphlet
rence E. Stager,
Bible: New


, Karnak Temple

y arranged from
ment wall chart

lp in the study of
Alfred J. Hoerth
lvd., #259
sistant Professor

copy, transmit
story, Dead Sea

Dan) inscription,
Bible: Old
of the Israelites. Right: Part of the inscription (top) reads:
“Tribute of Jehu the Israelite.”

2 Chron. 39. King Uzziah’s Burial Plaque King Uzziah ruled Judah 792-740 BC, at the time According to 2 Chronicles 26, Uzziah sinned against
A stone plaque, found on the grounds of that Amos, Hosea and Isaiah were prophesying. the LORD and was stricken with a leprous disease
the Russian church on the Mt. of Olives, He was 16 years old when he became king and toward the end of his life, and upon his death was
reads: “Here, the bones of Uzziah, he reigned in Jerusalem for 52 years. As long as buried in a “field of burial that belonged to the kings.”
Archaeological FindKing of
Judah, were brought. Do not open.”
Description of the Find
he sought the LORD, God gave him success.
Importance of the Find
40. King
28. David’sTunnel
The Siloam Inscription
Jerusalem Archaeologists have uncovered remains of that According to the Old Testament Thebooks of 2 Samuel

Zev Radovan
2 2Samuel
Kings The inscription comes from the days of King inscription
22 Chron.
Two City
The boysofdiscovered this ancientProject
David Archaeological city, including
Hezekiah (701 evidence of David’s
BC) who ordered theconquest
tunnel to and
be and 1 Chronicles, King David conquered celebratesJerusalem
uncovered much ofcarved
Hebrew inscription the buried remains
in stone a palace
made so that may have
the water frombelonged
Jerusalem’sto King
Spring and made it the capitol of Israel.completion Virtually nothing
of this
of David’s
along city of aJerusalem
the wall tunnel as between
they were himself.
could beThe mostinto
brought important
the cityfind
to ahas been that the
man-made apart from the Bible was known about remarkable tunnel
the city of that
wading through the southern end of the Siloam spring
reservoir, was of
the Pool guarded
tunnel provided time until excavations were doneas mentioned
between in
water to Jerusalem during the anticipated siege of 2 Kings 20:20 and
tunnel’s waters in 1880.
29. The House of David Inscription 2 Chronicles 32:30.

Zev Radovan
2 Kings This stone inscribed in
King Sennacherib of Assyria.Aramaic with the expression This Tel Dan inscription
(Dan Inscription) “the house of David” (lower left), refers to King Above: Siloam Tunnel Inscription found in Hezekiah’s Tunnel.
is a very important find
The and 1994Reliefs
an archaeologist working David’s descendants. Originally part of a victory because it is thepalace
first carvings of the Lachish defeat

Arvel Witte
2 Kings Lachish These Nineveh
2 Chron. at the Old Testament site of the city of Dan pillar of a neighboring king of Damascus (possibly reference
amplify thetobiblical
King David record concerning the siege of
Among the ruins of the Nineveh palace
found three pieces of an inscribed stone Hazael), the stone has been dated to two or three found outside of
the kingdom of Judah in the days of King Hezekiah.
of Assyrian King Sennacherib were found
referring to David. centuries after David’s time. It mentions a “king of the2 Bible.
In Kings 18:13 it says, “Now in the fourteenth year
62-foot-long reliefs that picture the fall of
Israel,” possibly Joram son of Ahab, and a king of of King Hezekiah did Sennacherib, king of Assyria,
the Judean fortress of Lachish in 701 BC,
the “House of David,” possibly Ahaziah of Judah. Right: House of David inscription
come up against all the fenced cities of Judah, and
over 100 years before the attack on and on black basalt stone
fall of Judah. took them.” However,
(detail shown at before
left). the Assyrians could
capture Jerusalem, they were destroyed by “God’s
30. Beersheba, Southern Boundary of Beersheba was found

Zev Radovan
Judges Right: Assyrian troops are shown advancing Beersheba
angel” and eventually
Sennacherib became
withdrew Israel’s key 20:35;
(2 Kings
1 Kings the Promisedwith stoneLand
slingers and archers. Siege towers to have a large well,
were wheeled up ramps to batter the city wall.
2 city in32).
Chronicles the south during the period of
Excavations between 1969-1976 long storehouses, and King Solomon (1 Kings 4:25). Finding the strong
2 Kings 42. Sennacherib
uncovered Prismcity of Beersheba
the Israelite private residencesof Assyria is mentioned in
King Sennacherib wallsBible
The and gate
says supports
that God the spared Bible account of
2 Chron. with its strong defensive walls and a which
2 Kingsdate to the
18-19. 1st prophesied that God would
Isaiah Beersheba
The after the with
prism, together time the of David.
Lachish reliefs and
A 15-inch tall, six-sided baked clay prism
time. millennium BC.
from ancient city gate,
Assyria built after David’s
contains the story protect Jerusalem against attack by Sennacherib excavations, adds detail to the biblical account. King
of (Isaiah 36-37, 2 Chron. 32). While the prism Hezekiah prayed to the LORD. Isaiah brought him
31.the invasionCapitol
Samaria, of the kingdom
of the Northernof Judah Although much ofThat the night
ruins the of the Oldsmote

Arvel Witte
1 Kings
by Sennacherib For most
in 701 BC. The prism was does say that the Assyrians trapped Hezekiah in of the history of the God’s message. LORD 185,000
2 Kings Kingdom of Israel kingdom of Israel—after the period wereand
Assyrians, destroyed
Sennacherib whenwent King back
Herodtobuilt over
2 Chron. found at Nineveh. Jerusalem “like a bird in a cage,” like the biblical
kingdom and through earlier levels, enough has been found to
Hosea Few cities are mentioned more times record, it says nothing of was
themsplit in two following
conquering the city. and later was killed by his sons (Isaiah 37:35-38).
Amos in the Old Testament than Samaria. Solomon’s rule—Samaria was show that Samaria was extravagant and strong, as
43. The Tomb
Excavations of the
have Priestly much
uncovered Hezir of Family The names of three the third, and last, capitol of the
generations described
A list of theinLevitical
the Old priests
Testament. duringSee 1 Kings
King David’s16:24,
the of priestly HezirNorthern Kingdom. The Bible
family members 2 Kingsin6-22,
found 2 Chronicles
1 Chronicles 18, andthe
24 includes thename
of Hezir.
1 Chron. In ancity and have
elaborate tombfound it to have
complex cut been
into Hosea,inAmos, and Micah. Amospriestrefersnamed
to houses
Nehem. extravagant, prosperous,
the wall of Jerusalem’s and strong.
Kidron Valley is a also appear in the speaks of this well-fortified city built Later,
inscription, Nehemiah 10, another Hezir
by Kingof Omrithis and King Ahab. and beds of ivory (Amos 3:15; 6:4).
(possibly a descendant of the former Hezir) is listed
HebrewRight: inscription identifying
Samarian ivory 8th cent. BC verifying the existence
the burial
furniture inlay,
cave as belonging to the descendants priestly family mentioned in as one of the priests who signed a covenant to keep
Joshua 32. Hazor, Key to Israelite Victory The rebuilding24:15
1 Chronicles and fortification
and by Solomon Finding
God’s Law that inHazor occupiedTemple
the restored about 200 aroundacres,
450 farBClarger
of Hezir.
1 Kings
Archaeology has found evidence of fiery parallels
Nehemiah what he did at Megiddo and Hazor. The
10:20. than a normal city in that day, provides reason for the
destruction of Hazor, the major city of the distinctive gates were found to be nearly identical Bible calling it “the head.” The city’s king, Jabin, rallied
44. Carchemish, Where History Carchemish was important in biblical history for In 586 BC, theinBabylonians stormed the Jerusalem and
north during the Conquest, possibly by the to gates of these cities. the kingdoms the north against Israelites. Yet the
2 Chron. Changed Course one key battle. In 605 BC, the Babylonians destroyed
forces the Temple.
of Joshua prevailed Jeremiah
(Joshua46 and 2 Chronicles
forces of Joshua (Joshua 11).
This city is mentioned only three times in defeated the Assyrian and Egyptian armies there. 35-36 speak of the prophecies and circumstances

Zev Radovan
1 Kings 33.
the Ivory
Bible, Ornaments
but archaeology and Objects
reveals that it This destroyed At lefttheisAssyrians and paved thefound
an ivory pomegranate, According
leading up to to 1the
KingsBattle10:18 and 2 Chronicles
of Carchemish, and the 9:17,
2 Chron.
Decorative ivory has
was in a strategic been found
location, desiredin by the way for the in Babylonians
a dealer’s shop,to conquer much
possibly an of the King Solomon
devastating hadofa events
chain throne made of ivory covered
that followed.
Hittites, sites in Palestine,
Assyrians, including
and Babylonians. biblical world, including
ornament the
(thought kingdom
to have of Judah.
been atop with gold. “The king made a great throne of ivory,
Megiddo and Samaria. a scepter) from Solomon’s temple. and overlaid it with the best gold” (1 Kings 10:18).
45. The Lachish Letters to . . . The letters
authenticity of the was inscription
trying tois obtain

Arvel Witte
2 Kings The
inscriptionmessages were desperate
says: “Belonging show Judah help from
In 1935 an archaeologist unearthed Holy to
pleas bythe
Judean defenders Egypt, relying on man rather than God. One ostracon
several letters, written about 588 BC, of the city for military assistance. mentions that no fire signals from another defensive
on 21 pottery pieces (ostraca) from Apparently the city was conquered city, Azekah, could be seen. Jeremiah 34:2-7
Genesis 34.
amongThethe Gezer
ruins of the ancient by Nebuchadnezzar
Found at Gezer, one of King Solomon’sbefore the letters
fortress prophesied
The text gives the insight
conquest into of when
tasks ofwere
Exodus Jerusalem,
Numb. city of
This Lachish
small of Judah.
palm-sized limestone tablet
could contains
cities, this tablet be sent. a school memorization done duringand theexile to Babylon.
agricultural year.See 2 Kingsliteracy
It shows 24-25. in
bears one Amulets
46. Silver of the first known examples of drill—a short poem about the agricultural seasons the 10th century BC.
When unrolled, each of the scrolls was found Dating to about 600 BC, these amulets contain the

Zev Radovan
Hebrew writing (971-913 BC). in biblical Palestine.
Kings In 1979, while excavating 6th century BC to have the prayer from Numbers 6:24-26 oldest examples of a Scripture passage yet found.
Isaiah tombs in Jerusalem, excavators found scratched on it: “The LORD bless thee and keep
two small amulets (under two inches long) thee; The L ORD make his face shine upon thee,
lookedof Yahweh Ostracon

Shlomo Moussaieff
1 Kings
like necklaces made of silver This
and beostracon
gracious (writing on a piece
unto thee: The Lof ORD pottery)
lift up hisis 4 This extremely important find is
2 Chron.
sheets find appears
rolled up liketo be a receipt
miniature for a
scrolls. inches wide and
countenance upon 31/thee,
2 inches
giveIt thee
is notpeace.”
known the oldest mention of Solomon’s
donation where it was found. Some scholars
This is the first time God’s divine name has been date it between Temple that has been found outside
They dateoftothree about shekels
Jehoakim’s of silver to the
reign in
House of Chronicles
Yahweh (Solomon’s Temple). 835
foundandon796 BC, some 130 years after the Temple
an artifact from Jerusalem. the Bible.
Judah (2 36).
was built. Left: House of YHWH ostracon

47. Seals from the Royal Courts of

Babylon Dating from about 900 BC to about 600 BC , these Seals were found
of Kingfor

1 Kings
Genesis Babylon’s ruins include one of The palace Nebuchadnezzar, who destroyed

2 Isaiah
Kings Israel and Judah stones were used to press
many images
ziggurats into pieces
(stepped towers)of Uzziah (around
Jerusalem in 586760BCBC ), sent the Jews into exile,
2 Chron. The ruins of ancient Babylon, capitol
Excavations at several sites in modern clay that sealed from
up kings’ important documents.
the area. Later finds include Hoshea (around
was the site 730 BC), feast in Daniel 5.
of Belshazzar’s and
Daniel of the Babylonian Kingdom, cover
Israel and antiquity One of the mostruins
famous seals,
of the found
palace of at Megiddo,
King Hezekiah (around
Jeremiah wrote 700
that BCL).ORD would make Babylon
2000-3000 acres in shops
Iraq, 56have
milesturned up
carved depicts a lion with the words, “belonging to Shema, The seal at the right says
desolate forever (Jeremiah 25:12; 51). The present
south ofsemi-precious
Baghdad. stones belonging Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:29).
to members of the royal Right:
courts of of
kings in servant of Jeroboam.” Seals with the names of other “SHLOMO”
ruins also echo(Solomon) in
the prophecy of Isaiah 13:19-20.
Ruins Babylon
the Old Testament. kings were found also (See 1 and 2 Kings). Hebrew.

2 Chron. 48. The Cyrus Cylinder King Cyrus of Persia (Iran area today) also made a Cyrus sent the Jews back to their homeland after
37. The Moabite Stone

The ancient Moabites

that thewere relatives The
years ofstone
exile isinone of theasearliest
Isaiah finds that

Ezra similar decree Jews, carried away captive Babylon prophesied
A 9-inch long clay cylinder found at

2 Isaiah
Kings of
In 1868,Babylon,
ancient a German missionary
dating to 539found
BC, tells
a to the Israelites
Babylon, could according
return to mention
(2 Chron.biblical
36:23; people.
Ezra 1; Is.The44:28).
stone This
that King
stone Genesis 19:37. On this stone King Omri and his son Ahab “humbled” Moab for many
of Kingslab overofthree
Cyrus feetconquest
Persia’s tall near Dibon,
of to Jerusalem. home” decree was one of many issued by Cyrus.
east of the Dead Sea. Inscribed on the Mesha brags of having driven the years.
not Ahab’s death,
mentioning King itMesha
Judah, saidthat
confirms he had
Babylon and of his decree to let captives
stone were the accomplishments of and Israelites out of his land. 2 Kings 3 “triumphed” overpolicy
this was Cyrus’s Ahab’sand family
givesand that Israel
credibility to had
held by Babylon return to their lands Right: Cyrus Cylinder
Mesha, of Moab around 850 BC.
king temples. tells that the king of Moab rebelled “perished forever.” Some scholars say that the stone
biblical record.
restore their
This stone is sometimes called the against the king of Israel after the also contains a reference to the “house of David.”
49. Susa, Royal City of Queen Esther
Arvel Witte Arvel Witte

Mesha Stele. death of King SusaAhab of Hebrew) was

(“Shushan” Queen Esther (c. 478 BC)
Esther Located in modern Iran, Susa’s ruins one of three royal cities during the reign was married to King
Daniel have
38. Thebeen excavated
Black Obeliskbyofseveral teams The BlackofObeliskKing Cyrus of Persia. Xerxes
was discovered in the and
palace at Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) and
2 Kings during the last century. The most
Shalmaneser Nimrud inArtaxerxes
1846 and shows carriedthe on biblical
the building
Jehu,ofking saved the Jews. Artaxerxes
impressive find has been the remains the palace complex.
of Israel, kneeling down and bringing tribute A large numbertoofthe sent Ezra and Nehemiah to
This 6 1/2 foot tall black beautiful artifacts and elaborate stone rebuild Jerusalem (Ezra 7:14-
of the elegant royal palace built mainly Assyrian king, Shalmaneser. Dating from 841 BC,
basalt obelisk (four-sided columns were found at Susa. Daniel saw 21; Nehemiah 13:5-8).
by Darius (522-486 BC). The book of this important find is the only picture we have so
pillar) reports in pictures a vision in Susa (Daniel 8:2, c. 551 BC).
Esther is set in Susa later. far of an Israelite king. This is the first mention of Right: Inscribed silver bowl of
and words the conquests
tribute paid Left:to Assyria
Frieze by Israel.
of life-size Kingguard
Persian royal Jehu’s
from reign
the Artaxerxes I (c.464-424 BC),
of Assyrian King palaceinof2Darius the9-10,
Great (father son of King Xerxes.
is mentioned Kings evenofthough
Xerxes I) the
at Susa.
Shalmaneser III, enemy
Arvel Witte

50. The Dead Sea Scrolls tribute

Some of is the
not.scrolls were found in This is one of the most important finds in history
of the Israelites.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are actually jars (right). About one-third Right: of
of the inscription (top) reads: because it shows that the Old Testament was
“Tribute of Jehu the Israelite.”
hundreds of scrolls and scraps that date scrolls contain copies of portions of copied very accurately over the centuries. When the
2 Chron. 39. King 300
between Uzziah’s Burial
BC and Plaque
AD 70. The first of Old
Uzziah ruled booksJudah (every book BC, at the time
792-740 scrolls weretocompared
According 2 Chronicleswith26,
them was found found
in 1947 but
thatEsther). These copies are over text,
the Lon
ORDwhich most modern translations
a leprousare based,
A stone plaque, oninthe
caves in theof
grounds Amos, Hosea and Isaiah were prophesying. and was stricken with disease
Qumran area near the Dead
the Russian church on the Mt. Sea
of about
Olives, 1000
He years
was 16 older
years thanold whenmost he of the
became king and only insignificant
toward the end ofdifferences
his life, andwere
uponfound. Therefore
his death was
seven miles
reads: “Here,south of Jericho.
the bones of Uzziah, King of manuscripts
he reigned inscholars
Jerusalem previously had As long as
for 52 years. we caninbea confident
buried that our
“field of burial thatcurrent translations
belonged to the kings.”
Judah, were brought. Do not open.” available for study and translation.
he sought the LORD, God gave him success. are faithful to the original.

40. The Siloam Tunnel Inscription

Zev Radovan

The inscription comes from the days of King The inscription
2 Kings
2 Chron
Two boys discovered this ancient Hezekiah (701 BC) who ordered the tunnel to be celebrates the
Hebrew inscription carved in stone © 2018 Rose
made so the water from Jerusalem’s Publishing,
Gihon Spring LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy completion of this
along the wall of a tunnel as they were Permission
could be brought into the city granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal
to a man-made to sell, email,
remarkable replicate,
wading through the southern end of the reservoir, the Pool of Siloam.duplicate, or post
This tunnel any part of this on the Internet.
provided as mentioned in
More than 70 Bible
water to Jerusalem during the anticipated siege of reference charts and PowerPoints® available.
2 Download
Kings catalog
20:20 and and sign up
tunnel’s waters in 1880.
King Sennacherib of Assyria.for Rose Bible e-Charts at www. 2 Chronicles 32:30.
Title: 50 Proofs for the Old Above: Siloam Tunnel
Testament Inscription
Product Code:found
622Xin Hezekiah’s
Arvel Witte

2 Kings 41. The Lachish Reliefs These Nineveh palace carvings of the Lachish defeat
2 Chron.
Among the ruins of the Nineveh palace amplify the biblical record concerning the siege of
50 Proofs for the Bible:
Old Testament

apart from the Bible was known about the city of that
time until excavations were done between 1978-85.
and 1 Chronicles, King David conquered Jerusalem
According to the Old Testament books of 2 Samuel
Arrangement of Events

and made it the capitol of Israel. Virtually nothing

The contents of this chart are generally arranged from
the earliest events mentioned in the Bible to the most
recent events.

Importance of the Find

Dates of Events (examples)
1st century BC = 100 BC to 1 BC
2nd century BC = 200 BC TO 101 BC
10th century BC = 1000 BC TO 901 BC
13th century BC = 1300 BC TO 1201 BC
1st millennium BC = 1000 BC to 1 BC
2nd millennium BC = 2000 BC to 1001 BC

Reference Materials
Archaeology & the Old Testament, Dr. Alfred J. Hoerth
Rose Publishing resources that will help in the study of
this topic are:
420 Bible Time Line pamphlet
425 Kings & Prophets wall chart
306 Then and Now Bible Maps book
561 Bible Overview wall chart
562X Bible Overview pamphlet
422 Archaeology & the Bible: Old Testament wall chart
434 Archaeology & the Bible: New Testament wall chart
624X 50 Proofs for the Bible: New Testament pamphlet
621X 100 Proofs for the Bible PowerPoint®

himself. The most important find has been that the

city, including evidence of David’s conquest and
© 2007 RW Research, Inc.

a palace that may have belonged to King David

Archaeologists have uncovered remains of that
Rose Publishing, Inc.
4733 Torrance Blvd., #259
Description of the Find

Torrance, CA 90503 USA

Siloam spring was guarded by towers.

All rights reserved. It is illegal to photocopy, transmit
electronically, or reproduce this pamphlet in whole or
in part in any form.
Acknowledgments: Text by Professor Larry McKinney,
Central Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas);
Additional research by Dan Master, Assistant Professor
of Archaeology, Wheaton College (Illinois), Dr. John
Monson, Assistant Professor of Archaeology, Wheaton
College (Illinois).
Photos/art: The British Museum, London; Museum of
Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey; Oriental Institute
of the University of Chicago, Zev Radovan, Arvel Witte,
Carol Witte, Gretchen Goldsmith, Lawrence E. Stager,
Shlomo Moussaieff
Cover Art: Beni Hasan Tomb Painting, Karnak Temple
Relief of Captives, House of David (Tel Dan) inscription,
Ivory Pomegranate, Fragment of flood story, Dead Sea
Jar, Royal Seals.
Printed in the United States of America.
Formerly published as Archaeology and the Bible: Old
chaeological Project
the buried remains
usalem between

Also available: 50 Proofs for the Bible: New

ogical Find

Testament pamphlet. Stock #624X
© 2008 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy
Permission granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal to sell, email, replicate,
duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet.

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Title: 50 Proofs for the Old Testament Product Code: 622X ISBN-13: 9781596361584
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